Like so many, it refers to muslims feeling “alienated” and I got moderated off merely for pointing out that others felt alienated by muslims complaining of alienation when others tried to sort out their problems. I must be an extremist.
Made worse by a media estate that clearly has lost touch with the public.
Again failed to hit the off switch on the Classic FM Global Tripe at the top of the hour, and this was the lead.
That Cameron and May are floating another daft initiative with zero chance of working is a given, and worth highlighting.
But then they wheeled out some estranged yoof activist (doubtless funded by the taxpayer) who was upset that his faith was in the spotlight and whatever needs doing, they should not be targeted.
How that went down with the blue rinses awaiting their Pastoral Suite fix lord only knows.
One pulled already, nicely before the majority of the working public clock off.
The other, I suspect, may not be far behind….
524. Posted by beammeup
1 minute ago TO THE MODERATORS …put back my comment at 490 you flaming idiots. AND put back the other comments too…we don’t need the ‘like of you’ telling us what to think. Who the hell are you anyway….
Last weekend I watched Countryfile to see the weather for the week (used to be called the weather for farmers and growers but they dropped that pretence years ago). We were promised a dry, settled week, getting colder from mid week as the winds changed from the east to the north. Well it rained Monday……Tuesday, Wednesday etc etc until I think yesterday (Sunday) was the first dry day. As far as temperature, the cold winds we have had nearly all year, have at long last dropped and I scarcely needed a pullover all week. Do I now believe last night’s forecast?
If they used a dead chicken and a stick, the BBC/Met Office couldn’t be more unreliable with their weather forecasts. For a variety of reasons I keep a very close eye on the weather and I can say with absolute certainty that in my area the forecasts are not even reliable on an overnight basis. Offering a week’s forecast is absurd – they haven’t a clue what will happen!
Well.. except for ‘global warming’ of course. They are quite certain of that.
They are very good at telling you what weather you are already experiencing, they are just very bad at predicting the weather you are going to have in the future. A bit like economic forecasts and palm reading in this respect.
Suitable Semantics #4
I’m fairly certain it’s No.4 in the series but I cannot remember whether ‘influx’ has featured before in connection with the migrant crisis.* If David Cameron is struggling for words to replace ‘swarm’ then ‘influx’ was given the BBC stamp of approval on the R4 TODAY programme this morning.
As was
Suitable Semantics #5
‘Flow’. Flow was in the next sentence or two following influx.
[* Not sure if it’s possible to look back at one’s past posts to this Forum.]
Sorry to go off topic and mention SKY but today Eamon Holmes was barking at Teresa May and he kept banging on about Benedict Cumberbatch, asking for a meeting with her regarding the Syrian situation and asking her if she would indeed meet up with him.
She tried to counter by saying we do more for genuine displaced Syrians in Syria than most other countries, but really I wished she would have said. “What the hell has Benedict Cumberbatch got to do with it ? He’s is a middling actor, and a self important virtue signaller, who should stick to playing Sherlock Holmes, and keep his nose out of international affairs”
Of course she just wittered on that she had actually met him once before, presumably before he tried to make himself relevant and caring just in time for awards season.
It’s hard to know which is the worse in a situation like that – Holmes for his moronic questioning or May for being incapable of handling him professionally.
Sky is every bit as bad as the BBC. I tried using the Sky app in the hope its news stream would be less like Radio Pyongyang but no – it was faster and less riddled with glitches than the latest BBC app but the content was just as hopelessly biased.
Theresa May was on the bBBC R4 Today programme today about the government’s latest ideas to tackle Muslim terrorists. She started by saying what benefits multiculturalism had brought this country. I wish the interviewer had asked her to name one.
Multiple voting on an industrial scale.
Voting Labour on an industrial scale.
Being ugly on an industrial scale.
Crime, other than rape, on an industrial scale.
Producing SFA on a non-industrial scale.
Claiming benefits on an industrial scale.
Contaminating Western Europe on an industrial scale.
Needing translators and government messages translating
Needing to use our NHS
Needing 800 extra houses a day every day 365 days of the year to accommodate them
Needing to build new roads or widen the ones we’ve got to get around
Needing to upgrade or build new infrastructure like sewage works to cope
Needing extra police and prisons / staff
Needing welfare
Needing to find business and jobs for the swarm
Needing extra bureaucrats to process the influx
Needing new dictionaries to know what words have changed their meanings , what words are verboten in PC minds , Needing to tread on eggshells over certain subjects , needing to avoid a subject in the media , needing hard work to gloss over happenings , needing to self censor .
Needing new government legislation to curtail everyone’s freedoms , needing Theresa Mays attention .
Mrs May was on LBC this morning and she didn’t come across well at all. I don’t think she’s up to the job and maybe someone like David Davis would make a better fist of it.
‘Theresa the appeaser’ cant get to grips with this ………………………………………….
despite £7 million wasted on its fence.
Better value to put the best border guards in the world there – The Gurkhas .
“The fact that two British men have come to fight with the rebels, believing they too are fighting fascism, is tantamount to some success for Russia’s propaganda machine.”
That Russia’s state media has a pro Russian slant is obvious to all, that these men were influenced by said media is not made clear, we don’t know that, nor does the reporter, or if they do its not included in any detail in the article. As far as we know the link is entirely in the reporters head. It’s only a small point I know but BBC journalists should know the difference btween a fact and an opinion, if a piece is not an editorial then it should contain fact only and those facts should be verifiable.
” What’s it like to be black in Japan? ” Groan. ”That’s one quote that sums up a viral video of black people talking about their life in the country. The 80-minute documentary Black in Japan,
The video features eight black people, mostly African-Americans living in Japan, several of the people featured in the film cited personal safety as a key consideration. Crime rates in Japan are very low compared to industrialised Western countries,( Gosh, I wonder why that is ? )
Only about 1.5 percent of Japan’s population is foreign born, and like in many Western countries, issues of immigration and race are controversial. Earlier this year, Ariana Miyamoto became the first mixed race woman to win the title of Miss Japan. ”
Africa must be empty, the natives must really hate the place because they do everything they can to get out of the place, Mo Farar lives in Oregon for Gawds sake, you can’t get further away
I holidayed in Japan last year, and it would be a brilliant place to live !! – no graffiti , no pavements covered in gum, spotless public toilets, lorry drivers wear WHITE gloves, taxi drivers wear SUITS ! everyone is polite beyond measure, shops assistants nod the head when giving you change (my local Co-op could learn a few lessons) – I only saw one black face in 2 weeks, and very few Westerners; AND forget Poundland, over there they have 100 YEN shops (about 70p), even more brilliant. Food was a bit iffy though, lots of Tofu !
And wonderfully monocultural. When most of the people around you are basically similar, with similar values and standards, people feel more relaxed and assured. It even benefits the small number of foreigners – when those who are ‘different’ are small in number they feel compelled to fit in with the dominant culture and are not perceived as a threat.
“…when those who are ‘different’ are small in number they feel compelled to fit in with the dominant culture and are not perceived as a threat”
As alreday noted that is an excellent point by Ian which I believe our leaders are well aware of, hence the deliberate, and frankly criminal lack of control exercised at our borders. What kind of fractured nightmare society we are now heading for I dread to imagine, and regardless of it being born of design, misguided politicians, or the result of ineptness it won’t matter to the people who have to live in it.
Most places are pretty monocultural, as you see the more you travel.
I’ve spent most of my adult life working in dozens of different countries, on every continent on the globe. If you go to Africa, virtually everybody you see is black. If you go to India, 99.9% of the folks you see are Indian. Same in China. Nearly everybody is Chinese. In Manila, pretty much every face you see on the street is Filipino and throughout the Middle East, the overwhelming majority of faces you see are Arab.
In fact, the only places in the World obsessed with the delights of multiculturalism and die-versity are white countries, or those who thought of themselves as pretty much “white” up until a couple of decades ago.
It’s as though the white race have been infected with some kind of death-wish. Odd when you think that “white” culture has been responsible for exporting to the World virtually everything that makes life bearable and worthwhile………..democracy, the rule of law, freedom of speech, tolerance and consideration for others……….pretty much all exclusively Western values.
And even odder when you think that those peddling the multiculti lie the hardest and pushing as hard as they can for the downfall of western civilisation, with the Beeboids as prime examples, are the very people who couldn’t survive for five minutes without it.
Stayed in Tokyo a couple of years back, you’re spot on, its a truly wonderful country, everyone should experience the country once in their lives.
Politeness abounds. We took the Shinkansen (Bullet Train) back from Fuji to Tokyo on a Friday night, commuter time, it was the height of comfort and orderliness, stress free, imagine that on a Friday night in London.
The one thing that struck me was that on every street corner there were vending machines, you name it, in Tokyo you can get almost anything from these machines. How long would a vending machine last almost anywhere in the UK?
Vending machines in Tokyo… yes, that’s true, a delightful, bewildering and in some instances slightly disturbing range of products. Now, it might be my memory playing tricks with me but I have a vague recollection of bottles of paraffin being available from vending machines in this country at one time. The bottles were 2/6d and contained a pint of pink paraffin; there was one in Streatham or Mitcham about 1970 latest. Imagine how useful that would be for today’s Youf fighting back against Tory Kutz! Can anyone confirm that? (BBC staff – how about a magazine article on this for the website?).
Can’ remember that, I do recall an Esso Blue machine outside a local ‘four candles’ hardware store.
Unbelievable to kids today, I recon into the early 80s there were still cigarette vending machines outside of newsagents, 10p for a packet of 5 Embassy No6!
You used to be able to take a gallon (remember them?) can and fill it with paraffin from a vending machine at most petrol stations. I’ve never seen bottled paraffin but I have trudged through the ice and snow to fill a can for my paraffin stove.
Back even further, what about 1d chocolate bars or those aluminium name strips that you used to be able to make from machines on station platforms?
Being seduced by a weather pocked, white and pale blue vending machine on Oban sea front, which plopped out wax cartons of sticky, lukewarm milk is one of the main reasons why I’m still in therapy.
Clearly a memory still raw, and your pain felt by all.
Still, all is not lost. This trauma sounds an ideal topic to invite a full Newsbeat crew to empathise, maybe assisted if you could add a twist by describing it through the medium of mime. It will be a corker on radio.
Then a charity could be created for victims of vending machine seduction, with a vastly paid CEO, bevvy of celeb donors and an assistant head of PR to grace the BBC Breakfast sofa for weeks on end.
Maybe David Cameron could become a founding signatory? And it’s possible Alan Yentob will be free to chair the trustees soon enough.
Vending Victims In Need will soon knock Pudsey from his perch!
another british invention given away,prof Braithwaite would be turning in his grave.
Remembered his xmas lecture showing us how it worked.sad day.
Maglev at the NEC great memories.
A few years ago, I traveled on the Chinese Maglev between Shanghai City and its Airport . 14 minute trip, speed indicator in each carriage – 7 minutes to get up to 430 Kph, 7 minutes to decelerate to airport station. Incredible.
One thing you can see from the video put up by David below, in the film of the 600kph Japanese Maglev, is the almost straight lines on which the high-speed trains travel in Japan. So many of the Shinkanzen, or Bullet Train, routes are dead straight for miles and miles. Essentially, the Shinkanzen routes and stations are in addition to the older, normal train routes, either built alongside or, where there is no room – say entering a city – above (on stilts), the older rail lines. A lot of the Japanese countryside is quite mountainous, and the rail engineers just cut through every obstacle in their path, so in many cases it is completely pointless using the Shinkanzen if you want to see the countryside. The trains just go through so many mountain tunnels, emerging onto bridges across populated valleys where the line is enclosed in sound-deadening enclosures, before heading straight back into the a tunnel on the other side of the valley.
But having said that, the normal rail system in Japan is fascinating. For instance, on many routes, when you board the train, the seating arrangement you meet is essentially like in a plane – all the seats facing one way – in the direction of travel. You can individually change the direction of the seats by stepping on a pedal and the whole seat can be swivelled round so you can be face-to-face with other people if you so desire. At the terminus of the route, the guard will check with the cleaners that everyone is off the train, press a button, and every seat aligns again facing forward in the next, possibly opposite, direction of travel. And any rail employee walking through the train, for whatever reason, whilst it is traveling, will walk through each carriage, then turn and bow to the whole carriage of passengers, before moving on. This isn’t limited to Japan, however, loner-haul or express bus drivers do the same in South Korea.
At the other end of the spectrum, I have been on a train in China (because it was the only semi-sensible way of getting between two places I needed to visit,) which took 6 hours to travel around 100 kilometres – in what was basically a sleeper train with top and bottom bunks, travelling through daylight hours !
China, South Korea and Japan are fascinating places in which to travel.
And now the reality, rapper James ” King Tight ” Blackstone on a Japanese train, I’m lost for words. This fellow later went on to murder one of his fans. As the old saying goes, you can take the African out of the jungle but you can’t take the jungle out of the African.
Not only that that, its also about the removal of gender identity, how dare little boys play with train sets, Mecanno, model cars and and aircraft, they might grow up to be engineers, scientists, car mechanics, plumbers etc, instead of X-Factor wannabes, hairdressers, cake makers, midwives, window dressers or fashion designers….
Feminism has more than a part to play in this.
I dug my old early 70’s Mamod steam engine out the other day, fired it up, still works a treat!
Another thing thats collapsed is the British comic industry, war comics like Victor, Alf Tupper etc etc, all out of business, the only one that’s left is Commando comics.
Anyone following the papers over the weekend may have seen a very sinister story along these lines. Schools are to be made to police playground language to ‘eliminate sexism’. Already, apparently, some schools have formed patrols of girls (note that in particular) whose job it is to report on children using terms deemed ‘sexist’.
This, just in case Essexman isn’t in the golf club bar yet, is happening under Cameron’s government. not ZaNuLabour. In other words, we turf out one bunch of social engineering obsessed cultural Marxists – only to find they have been replaced with an identical one.
There’s an article in the DT today along similar lines, these phrases are to be banned in schools…
“Man up” to people who are acting “a bit wet”
Calling boys “sissies”
Calling children or each other “cupcake”
Boys telling girls to “make them a sandwich”
Teachers saying to boys “don’t be a girl”.
Calling girls who study ‘male’ subjects “lesbians”
Jeez what a soulless and boring world the cultural Marxists and Socialists are creating, Orwell’s writings edge nearer to reality almost daily.
I’m off to eat the sandwiches that I asked Mrs G to make for me today, should I expect a knock on the door from plod?
I agree that boys telling girls to “make them a sandwich” is not good.
They (the boys) should be encouraged to ask girls to “make them a sandwich”. Politeness costs nothing and manners maketh man.
Shame the modern day girl hasn’t learned the skill of making a sandwich, else we could encourage them (the girls) to respond “of course I can! Would you like it on white or brown, and what would you like in it?”
The PC language police never seem to learn that you can’t change ideas by changing language. If you make a particular word verboten (I use the German for a reason) because it is considered ‘offensive’, its replacement, or another word, will eventually be used as an offensive term.
Cranmer, that works when people can think for themselves. Unfortunately, the old saying “if you control what they say, you control what they think” holds sway in large measures – hence the bonkers rhetoric we see from many lefties.
Another American colloquialism that needs outlawing is the constant referral to “you guys “. “Professional” presenters on such programmes as Escape to the Country, A Place in the Sun, and other ‘right on’ shows, forever use the term to those taking part, and yes, its ok when there ARE ‘guys’ being spoken to, but when there is generally a lady of mature years being called a ‘guy’, then I think its a bit insulting to her.
I went for dinner with a lady friend, and the maitre ‘d at the hotel, said “the table is now ready for ‘you guys’ ” – I doubt if he will use the term again after I corrected him that we were ladies when we left home, and to the best of knowledge hadn’t changed sex on the way to the hotel !!!
And – again to be fair, there is a gap in the market for a proper plural form of ‘You’ since we merged ‘thou’ and ‘ye’.
That’s probably why there are relics still used in America – ‘Y’all’ (you all), or ‘Youse guys’ or even a weird one ‘Yinz’ which is used in Pennsylvania I believe.
Senior teachers are going to oversee these “projects”.
You can bet that they will also be female.
These are the same teachers who have presided over the worst grade inflation in history.
These are the same teachers who complain that they do not spend enough time in classrooms.
These are the same teachers who complain about all the paperwork involved in the job.
These are the same teachers who complain about cuts and lack of resources.
These are the same lefty teachers who belong to the NUT and behave in a more infantile
way than their pupils, throw their toys out of the pram and go on strike at the drop of a mortar board.
Strange how they always find time for some Marxist propaganda.
They will have to be female – less than 15% of teachers in state primary schools are male. I have been in a school where there wasn’t a single male member of staff – “Over my dead body” said the headmistress.
Some of these ‘ill-disciplined pupils’ are smarter than we think. In one ‘education centre’ for ‘young people with issues’, the students were being made to read books about ‘their rights’, specifically how to claim benefits and such. One young lady, aged about 16, said “Why have all the people in these books got foreign names?”. I took a look and it was true: “Mohammed and Mumtaz have 6 children and are entitled to a new house”, “Ahmed registers with his local doctor”, “Akachi makes an appointment with the optician to receive a free eye test” etc. Not just tokenism or inclusion – this was blatant exclusionism.
No, they close when the BBC weather forecast states there is a risk of snow, somewhere, sometime in the future.
Weather forecast as discussed above.
Since the BBC position, also discussed above and ad nauseam on this site, is that Global Warming will make earth hotter than Venus in by 2025 there is no excuse for these impersonations of teachers to get their lazy left wing arse’s out of bed and get hard at work indoctrinating UK children on the enrichment and glorious history of Marxism.
FAO Mr Cooper,I don`t play golf . I am not old enough, I only go to pubs that serve real ale , been a Camra member for 25 years. East Anglia has the biggest Real Ale Fests ,other than the main British Beer Festival. Peterborough,Norwich & Chappel are some of the biggest .
Evan Davies of BBC Newsnight tells Metro newspaper today “I felt a slight sense of identity with Jeremy Corbyn. There are one or two moments where he looks out of his depth, but he looks like I felt sometimes when I started Newsnight”
But I’m sure I can recall some of those balanced unbiased BBC current affairs presenters telling fellow journos about how they identified with struggling Tory leaders like Michael Howard, William Hague and Ian Duncan Smith….?
Evan wouldn’t be putting a subtle ‘shout out’ to the kids, would he…?
You know, the sort of casual newsbite the left like to call a ‘dog whistle’
That goes like this : Evan is like Corbyn…. he was dodgy in the job at first but like Jagger said – ‘It’s alright now, in fact it’s a gas’
Like BBC 5 Live, Newsnight has now self-selected a lefty audience for itself.
I see that Wentworth GC – the venue of the “elite” showbiz luvvies – well, Bruce Forsyth and Michael Parkinson anyway, which apparently is the ‘social hub’ for the area, has been bought by the Chinese. I did laugh when it was reported that a ‘clear out’ of members is promised, raising the subs from £15,000 joining, to around £80,000, and buying a debenture share in order to become a member. The Chinese apparently want to raise the bar to even more “eliteness” by only having oligarchs and the super wealthy being members. Mr Forsyth was not available for comment, and Michael Parkinson was ‘considering his future at the club’. Oh, the humiliation of it all – being slung out of your local golf club.
Bahar Mustafa, the student union’s welfare and diversity officer, received a backlash after she posted a Facebook message about an event which requested that men and white people did not attend a BME Women and non-binary event.
“There have been charges made against me that I am racist and sexist to white men…” Mustafa said in the video.
“I, an ethnic minority woman, cannot be racist or sexist towards white men because racism and sexism describe structures of privilege based on race and gender and therefore women of colour and minority genders cannot be racist or sexist, since we do not stand to benefit from such a system.”
“We will not be silenced; we are militant. The world is not ready for minorities to challenge the status quo, but resistance to our resistance is futile,” she added.
The BBC carried a short article about this insane woman
After she was arrested and charged for tweeting “kill all white men” which she apparently saw nothing wrong with !
Of course the BBC leaps to her defence at the end of the article by according her victim status of the shadowy ‘right wing groups’ “Ms Mustafa reportedly received racist and sexist abuse and death threats after the controversy was reported by the media.”
The poor love!
Amazing that they failed to tell us whether this crazy woman was found guilty nor any other details of her madness in one of London’s universities.
BBC News highlights, that Clueless cretin Cameron, and Terppeaser May are digging the Tory hole as fast as they can.
As we have the hoary old vagary erm … “extremism of all kinds”, “‘all those who spread hate”
As usual chasing after the coat tails of the secondary issue. Be factual, quote mandated rulings
highlight the actual horror of Islamic actions, your an extremist, and of course Camoron was trumpeting
his new protectionism for islam only last week.
Home Secretary Theresa May said non-violent extremism could not go “uncontested”.
As it led to the erosion of women’s rights, the spread of intolerance and bigotry and the separation of some communities “from the mainstream”. She said that applied to neo-Nazi extremism just as much as Islamist doctrine.
More incompetent, dangerous “fag packet” policy, that concentrates more on being politically correct, than the glaring elephant in the room.
Blowhard against the secondary issue … utterly clueless.
Not usually in Scotland but funnily enough taking a trip there tomorrow! Probably back before the snow but (and don’t tell the greenies), Mr D has a four wheel drive so we should be OK. But have you noticed on programmes like Countryfile how presenters seen driving are often in a Landrover or the like? It is a bit like the frequency of news reporters getting up in a helicopter to show us the extent of melting ice, or whatever. Very much the Beeb’s do as we say not as we do.
It was only recently that I realised they had their own helicopter. According to one’s aviation fanatic husband they gobble up fuel at an alarming rate.
Well back on here after trying to log on for a month…..notice In the Fail I mean Mail , that a turkish man was thrown off a bus in Tottenham by a n angry passenger shouting that he should go back to Turkey or words to that effect ….wonder if it was one of Duggan’s mates who did it?????
The BBC inadvertently lets the cat out of the bag regarding renewables in this item:
Here is the salient point,
‘One potential international investor, Paddy Padmanathan, CEO of Saudi-based ACWA Power, told the BBC: “It’s been very badly managed because yesterday we had subsidies – today, I’m sorry, nothing.’
The CEO of a foreign company bemoaning the loss of subsidies. Paddy, be a good chap, f*ck off and bleed someone else’s economy dry with your scam.
Continuing with the climate change alarmism:
The article was going so well until it mentioned the poor old Arctic ice melting. The BBC has a short corporate memory, it told us years ago that the ice would be gone by now. Wouldn’t a follow up to that story make for interesting reading? Unfortunately, it would appear that £4Bn in free handouts seems to stifle journalistic curiosity.
Its was discussed here yesterday about Chris Evans being sacked by the BBC in 1997, yet despite being sacked is today the corporations blue eyed boy, somehow presenting both its flagship radio and TV shows.
Today I switch on Radio 2 at 2.15 to find Jonathan Ross covering for Steve Wright, another who although not sacked was suspended and subsequently left the BBC.
The BBC now rehires this puerile foul mouthed individual, using the licence payers £££’s again just to chase ratings, when they have 40 local stations (and 6Music) all with presenters that will be both cheaper and as entertaining to stand in. Ross won’t come cheap.
A chimp on Radio 2 in the afternoon will get listeners…
After a week of not listening to any news (I was away), I tuned into the World Service’s Outside Source today and got a barrage of pro migrant propaganda.
First we had the Berlin correspondent talking about the upcoming Pegida rally, who told us it attracts many neo nazis and hard right followers – any evidence to back this up? Certainly there will be some, but it seems they are a minority rather than the bulk who seem concerned citizens, the report would have you believe exactly the opposite.
Then we had a report from Budapest; the reporter was asked what Hungarians feel about Hungary closing its Croatian border. The reporter begrudgingly admitted that most Hungarians agree with the policy, but then added that there opinion was probably influenced by an anti-immigration and migrant campaign conducted by the government. Yes that must be the reason!
The BBC cannot really handle what is going on in Eastern Europe. It cannot discuss it and cannot allow discussion. So it and the liberal media resort to fantasy. Pegida is composed of neo Nazis, Huingarians are all brainwashed, Putin is just very bad, Merkel is a saint, Germans love immigrants really . And so on and so on.
Liberalism meets reality. Now that would be a good title for a documentary.
Maybe sometime in the future but not now and not while the current media elite is dominant.
Merkel is reported to have urged Germans not to attend a Pegida rally in Dresden. If a head of state has to resort to that, it shows they are very scared about something.
We were told today by the Council of British Muslims ( sic ) that Cameron’s plan to allow confiscation of minors passports by their parents was discriminatory as ‘all religions’ have their own terrorists.
Having given it thought I made them right. The Islamic religion of Pakistan has terrorists, the Islamic religion of Saudi has terrorists, the Islamic religion of Somalia has terrorists, the Islamic religion of France has terrorists, the Islamic religion of Britain has terrorists and so the list goes on clearly proof that many religions of Islam have terrorists within their ranks.
I couldn’t find any Christian Jewish or Hindu religions with the same affliction though.. funny that!
Remember the BBC pushing the ‘double dip recession’ narrative, the ‘bedroom tax’, the ‘cost of living crisis’, the ‘zero hours’ contract problem? All pushed on behalf of Labour, all to no great effect. The ‘migrant/refusee crisis’ seems to have faltered. Will the latest push on ‘tax credits’ be any more effective?
Here’s a question. Most people agree welfare spending is excessive. Is it possible to make meaningful cuts without someone, somewhere, sometime being somewhat worse off afterwards?
Most welfare to unmarried mothers could be cut to zero, and a return to the system where babies were given to couples who wanted to adopt them. The message that motherhood was not a lifestyle choice as a shortcut to a house & benefits would soon get through.
Reminds me of the QT questioner getting so much sympathetic coverage. Mother of 4, works ‘bloody hard’ etc. Where is her partner/husband? Did she plan to have 4 kids?
Gets £400 a week in benefits and an undisclosed an amount from her ‘business’ which she claims doesn’t make a profit, and oddly no one has bothered to ask her exactly how much she bleeds her ex husband for every month, because even if he isn’t working she’ll still get something off him!
I recently came across a new acronym I hadn’t heard before & thought it nicely sums up the people at the BBC.
SJW Social Justice Warrior.
Social Justice Warrior. A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. A social justice warrior, or SJW, does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the groups they are fighting on behalf of. They typically repeat points from whoever is the most popular blogger or commenter of the moment, hoping that they will “get SJ points” and become popular in return. They are very sure to adopt stances that are “correct” in their social circle.
The SJW’s favourite activity of all is to dogpile. Their favourite websites to frequent are Livejournal and Tumblr. They do not have relevant favourite real-world places, because SJWs are primarily civil rights activists only online.
I think this definition should not just apply to the internet, as I’m sure that most of the BBC hacks are only interested in fighting battles in the studio, and don’t care about the groups they are fighting on behalf of.
TWATO today interviewing a Syrian migrant hoping to get from Croatia into Slovenia en route to Germany and complaining of her treatment – wet, cold and hungry I expect.
She said she had left Syria then travelled to Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia. This begs an obvious question which the Beeber ignored about why fleeing a war it is necessary to pass all those peaceful countries, with Slovenia and Austria still to come on the way to the Fatherland.
Call me old fashioned but does the BBC headline ‘Serial killer suspect Stephen Port ‘drugged victims” prejudice a fair trial? The rest of the media is just as bad I expect.
What I am disturbed by is the fact that Port is a queer.
These “minorities” seem to be well to the fore when serious crime is involved.
Edit I exclude Muslims from the above. Muslims are all lovely people who are whiter than the driven snow.
I know this because it says so in the Katalogue Of Rubbish And Nonsense, Allah does not lie.
“From the young Muslim YouTubers teaching fashion and beauty to women who must remain modest, to the art of mindful computer gaming and the Jewish students using Google Translate to learn Hebrew – lots of young people are looking online for ways to embrace both their religion and their interests.”
Later on Baha’i gets a mention but the C word remains absent. Does anyone think a foreign state broadcaster doing a similar feature on the UK would lead with Islam and omit Christianity?
Yes it is rather strange the the leadership of many Christian churches in the U.K. do not seem to reflect the views of many (most?) of their flock. I suspect that the Guardian is not the paper of choice for the masses but is for the leadership.
“Yes it is rather strange the the leadership of many Christian churches in the U.K. do not seem to reflect the views of many (most?) of their flock.”
Forgive me, but I thought the Christian church was supposed to reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ. Which are, in a nutshell, to overcome your basic instincts and be a less judgemental, more forgiving human being.
If you just want to stay exactly as you are, but still demand a pat on the back every Sunday morning; then what exactly is the point of calling yourself a “Christian”?
What other paper do you think the bishops have delivered?
A lay preacher a few Sundays ago referred to an item in the Daily Telegraph. When I asked if she had seen an excellent comment by the Jordanian ambassador earlier in the week she was horrified to think that I thought she was a DT reader. Apparently it was bought a couple of times a week for the crossword or something similar!
IIRC Christians are entreated to make sure your family is o.k. first and then your neighbour.
Neighbour to me implies a possibly closer affinity than the bishops would seem to be implying at present.
Has anyone seen a comment by any bishop as to how many they believe we should take annually, and how they would decide which ones to take and what to do after February when their annual quota had been taken up.
As ever reality is far more important than platitudes, and that is why I suspect the membership are on a different hymn sheet to that of the bishops.
The liberal mindset is inacapable of taking Christianity seriously. The Cof E is more their sort of thing. Bishops as social workers and an Archbishop who is like a chief social worker.
They seem to see all other beliefs as exotic. So the patronising goes on and on and on.
The trouble is they think they themselves are divine – in their own eyes at least. Whatever the heart desires and so on.
I think that we need to add Sky News to the Biased BBC site.
Sky’s social affairs correspondent Afua Hirsch has just been on my tele in full emotional outrage about the unfairness of the government picking on the ‘Trojan Horse schools’. According to this ex Guardian Journalist and Human Rights Development Worker, there was no concrete evidence from any government report that anything undue took place in these schools.
I wonder why, following their publication, the government put 5 of the schools into special measures if there were no problems?
The education committee report was critical of Offsted not seeing what was taking place in these schools – but according to Afua nothing took place!
You don’t have to read the entire thing, here are just a few paragraphs from one page of Peter Clark’s report.
Peter Clarke’s report said: “A number of people, associated with each other and in positions of influence in schools and governing bodies, who espouse, endorse or fail to challenge extremist views”.
It also features many examples, eg: The Saltley Story
3.1 The following is a summary of Balwant Bains’ account of his time as headteacher of Saltley School and Specialist Science College. It encapsulates many of the features identified in other schools examined in this report, including: take-over of the governing body by like-minded individuals; nepotism in appointments to staff and governing body;
division along racial lines;
bullying and intimidation;
modifications to the curriculum;
the reinforcement of Muslim identity to the exclusion of others; and
a strategy of harassment to oust a headteacher.
I could go on and on, (and I frequently do) but how come Afua Hirsch is not only unaware of the reports she is summarising in such an emotional manner but why is her sole concern based upon the sensitivities of the ‘local community.’ Well Afua, what about the concerns of the rest of us? Also I can recall The Times publishing worries of parents of children at these schools, so not everyone in the ‘community’ feels the same way as Alfua.
There is an argument for not demonising those who distance themselves from what took place but not for pretending nothing took place.
We need a fresh TV news service in this country that has not been infiltrated by the Guardian
“One of the oldest tactics by wrongdoers and their allies is to ignore the actual allegations made against them and instead misrepresent the charges as ones they can truthfully deny. With grinding obviousness, that’s precisely what the “Trojan Horse” schools in Birmingham are doing now.
In a letter published in (where else) the Guardian, a group of the schools’ supporters announce the launch of the “Putting Birmingham Schoolkids First” campaign to “challenge the false and divisive allegation that [Trojan Horse] is a problem of systematic radicalisation, extremism or terrorism.”
The latter is a particularly brazen straw man. I think we can all agree that none of the schools ever taught their pupils how to make bombs and that no one in Birmingham became a terrorist as a result of a segregated biology lesson. But these were, of course, things which no one ever alleged for a second.”
Pretty much sounds like an allegation that ‘trojan horse’ was linked to terrorism, no? Or from this site:
“…islamic extremists who are taken over the secular non faith schools and turning them into grooming madrassas for a future generation of extremists and muslim terrorists”
her politics are BBC/Guardian left including advice on how to get rid of Michael Gove.
Afua Hirsch 22 July ·
How 2 get rid of Michael Gove- friendly advice fr @NUTonline. He called us “blob”, we made him toxic brand, gvt had 2 sack him #SaveLegalAid
I post this link here largely for the purpose of once again highlighting – if that were really needed – the ease of career elision between what the BBC still term ‘journalism’ and full-time supranational issue-based campaigning
I don’t have a lot of time for conspiracy theories – my first reaction would be to see a sad and confused woman, alone and a long way from home. But then I’m not a liberal.
Sad to see but like the ‘aid workers’ all these do-gooders can’t accept the reality that these muslims are 7th century barbarians. They don’t want help.
The Japanese have the same kind of genes as the Germans, Austrians and the Swiss, they love order, efficiency, cleanliness, time keeping, organisation. Saw a programme on the Travel channel about Swiss Railways, watched it for the breathtaking scenery. The locomotive pulled into an engine shed for repairs, I was expecting it be dirty and messy, it was spotless, it was like a hospital operating theatre, you could eat your dinner off the floor.
Fine, so long as they stick to making stuff. When the Germans, for instance, start dabbling in philosophy and applying their big ideas to European politics, the bodies soon start piling up. I’m no fan of Cameron, far from it, but he’s closer to reality over the present crisis. His big mistake was in submitting to pressure following a dubious child’s photograph which nobody will remember this time next year.
Merkel’s totally feckless handing of the immigration issue is typical. It will end in tears. She should have stuck with quantum mechanics.
Here we go again The One Show, ‘air pollution is responsible’ for 50000 deaths a year and ‘its estimated’ that diesel emissions ‘could’ be adding a ‘million tonnes’ of, well they didn’t say.
No solid evidence given only some guy trying to flog his ‘Airsensas’ Cut to a couple of feminist Nazis in blue high viz tops with the authority to fell drivers to switch their engines off when idling, the power to fine if they refuse, you couldn’t make it up.
Unforunately they didn’t ask the question, why are vehicles stationary, could it be endless unnecessary traffic lights, bus lanes, cycle lanes, 20mph limits or maybe even the BBC unmentionable, more people? Immigration maybe?
Fascism in action, coming to a town near you soon.
It used to be 30,000 deaths p.a. from breathing related disorders usually mis-attributed solely to road vehicles. A sharp journalist or medic on Radio 4 some years ago, circa 2008-2010 (may not have been BBC staffer but a contributor to a discussion around the issue) challenged the glib use of the 30,000 and teased out that yes, some of those would have a heart & lung disease, smoking, industrial or other cause of death and not all would be due solely to traffic fumes. There was a fall in the respiratory deaths reported by the NHS or ONS, IIRC in 2013, to 25,000. Then since the start of 2015 the 30,000 is back to being more or less regularly repeated. Now you say it is up to 50,000 in only a few months. Phew!
The cynic in me asks “They wouldn’t be calling for an Extra Diesel Tax on the back of this death inflation?”
My next questions are: “How much do these people earn?” and “Would they be in the above £150k p.a. income bracket and likely to benefit personally from an increase in indirect taxation albeit at the expense of jobs in business & industry, such the steel industry?”
Truss said tackling air pollution was a priority. “We want local authorities and members of the public to come forward and share ideas on action to be taken at national and local level to make our nation cleaner,” she said.
How about cutting immigration?
Fewer people produce less pollution – tick!
Friends of the Earth said: “Defra claims plans would mean legal limits are met five or more years earlier than currently forecast, but even then London’s children would still suffer with illegally filthy air for 10 more years.
How about cutting immigration?
Most of London’s children belong to immigrants, fewer children, fewer children suffering – tick!
Heathrow expansion story by Laura Kuenssberg:
Laura, do keep up sweetheart. International airport capacity is vital if tens of thousands of climate change activists, supported by colleagues of yours such as Harrabin (science qualifications=0), are to jet off to exotic locations around the world to…ahem…tackle climate change.
The Japanese had a tsunami, an earthquake, and a nuclear meltdown, no riots, complete law and order. Meanwhile in London, a sports store sale for Nike trainers and there’s a full scale riot. To us it’s just a sports shoe but to the effnik it’s a religious relic, bit like the Holy Grail.
Wait till we get Black Friday in November – the effniks will be truly out in force at the front of all the queues, pushing, shoving and falling through the doors to lay their hands on the 50 quid teles and £100 sofas. Cant remember the last time I saw a white face at the head of any Sale queue.
Cant blame the Japanese for keeping clear of immigration; who apart from this country, would want a culture that refers to women as bitches, enjoys non-music in the guise of rap, and has halal meat infiltrating the food chain !
The BBC are not the only ones pushing the CO2 armagedon scam. In the run up to the Paris IPCC meeting 2015, we have a multi agency assault on the veracity of climate science, that dirty religion.
The Royal Society is opening up its journal contents. Many previously pay walled articles are now going to be available. The purpose? It’s the new religion of global warming / climate change and the UN/EU/IPCC one world government plans innit?
Get in there while you can! To those who care about science, check this out:
28 November 2015; volume 373, issue 2055 edition of The RSA Proceedings.
The’ academics’ are panicking that their AGW alarmism won’t play out as they had hoped and they will need to change their tack. Is this a deluge of pseudo-science to control the narrative of ‘the science’ which was ‘in’, but is not anymore? Apparently the 97% consensus was neither 97% nor a consensus. The new tack? To propagandise more effectively! Hmmm. Sometimes academics can be really thick (lacking in common sense). The reputation of The Royal Society may be in for more degradation once these articles have been pulled apart and their motivation (Funding? Grants?) and timing of this release of related papers, questioned.
I especially like the abstract to this Marxist postmodernist intervention in ‘science’ (no doubt funded by the taxpayer), from one Naomi Oreskes in her paper entitled “The fact of uncertainty, the uncertainty of facts and the cultural resonance of doubt.”
…Sixty years after industry executives first decided to fight the facts of tobacco, the exploitation of doubt and uncertainty as a defensive tactic has spread to a diverse set of industries and issues with an interest in challenging scientific evidence. However, one can find examples of doubt-mongering before tobacco. One involves the early history of electricity generation in the USA. In the 1920s, the American National Electric Light Association ran a major propaganda campaign against public sector electricity generation, focused on the insistence that privately generated electricity was cheaper and that public power generation was socialistic and therefore un-American. This campaign included advertisements, editorials (generally ghost-written), the rewriting of textbooks and the development of high school and college curricula designed to cast doubt on the cost-effectiveness of public electricity generation and extol the virtues of laissez-faire capitalism. It worked in large part by finding, cultivating and paying experts to endorse the industry’s claims in the mass media and the public debate, and to legitimatize the alterations to textbooks and curricula. The similarities between the electric industry strategy and the defence of tobacco, lead paint and fossil fuels suggests that these strategies work for reasons that are not specific to the particular technical claims under consideration. This paper argues that a reason for the cultural persistence of doubt is what we may label the ‘fact of uncertainty’. Uncertainty is intrinsic to science, and this creates vulnerabilities that interested parties may, and commonly do, exploit, both by attempting to challenge the specific conclusions of technical experts and by implying that those conclusions threaten other social values.
Talk about setting a narrative! If I have time (which I probably won’t – nobody pays me to) I will scrutinise this paper ‘Sokal’ style. I hope real scientists (who have the time and income stream) take a look at these articles, the titles of which give the appearance of political steering, obfuscation and religiosity. One thing which gets my doubt resonating is whether Naomi has ever doubted how limited her understanding of economics may be, or how her mind may have been propagandised by socialistic un-American ‘thinking’ during her schooling.
I would not waste my time with the Royal Society, especially after the Professor Peter Cox incident sent the Royal Society to the dogs of history. I got an idea of why the rebellion of the fellows got the Royal Society to remove this quote by Cox
“carbon dioxide from human sources is almost certainly responsible for most of the warming over the last 50 years. There is much evidence that backs up this explanation and none that conflicts with it”
This paper (Carbon cycle modelling and the residence time of natural and anthropogenic atmospheric CO2, Segalstad) proves that “none” is a lie, which forced the Royal Society to remove the quote because of fear that the fellows may give Segalstad mainstream media publicity.
This joke about BBC bias is in my file: The Royal Society says “uncertainty”, the IPCC says “likely” but the BBC which claims to be impartial says “Fact”.
I have found with experience that correlations with observations reduce uncertainty and highly complex scientific papers can have lots of “Black is White” bullshit hidden in the formulas.
But some important scientific papers can be found on Google Scholar.
I recommend:
(1) (Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009). and
(2) (Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011)
And for covering all aspects of the true cause of Climate Change: I would recommend any scientific paper by these scientists: Eigil Friis-Christensen, Ed Fix, Carlo Tosti, Nicola Scafetta, Paul Vaughan, Ian Wilson, David Archibald, Enric Palle, Jasper Kirkby, Henrik Svensmark and keep an eye on Piers Corbyn’s Weatheraction website.
“A new report has warned that within the UK’s first majority Muslim prison, non-Muslim inmates are being pressured to convert to an “Islamic protection racket” which now forms the largest “power block” in the jail.
The number of Muslims in Whitemoor prison in Cambridgeshire is thought to be double what it was in 2008, and the highest proportion in any UK prison.
Even then, prison staff were warning about radicalisation. It now appears the situation is deteriorating at a rapid pace”
“A top-security prison where almost half the inmates are Muslims is a breeding ground for Islamic extremists, experts warned last night. The Sunday People reveals that category A Whitemoor jail, where terror fanatics are serving life sentences for plotting mass murder in the UK, is literally a recruiting centre for al Qaeda, according to alarmed staff, prison inspectors”
hmmm … Lets just put that under erm ,,, “extremism of all kinds” eh! Theresa Appeaser
Another prison being run short staffed … I mean, come on Toryboys, what could go wrong!
And why are people who are anti EUSSR called Euro sceptics and not Euro realists or patriots while people who are pro EUSSR are not called Euro fanatics or better still, traitors ?
I refer to them Quislings. A surprising number of people don’t know what the term means (despite the BBC’s obsession with programmes about Nazis). They ask for an explanation and I can often turn the request into a conversation where I can get some points across.
Jibril Rajoub, a member of the Fatah leadership, has praised the Palestinian terrorist attacks against Israel, calling them “acts of courage,” and said Palestinian schools should show last will and testament videos recorded by terrorists as part of their curriculum.
In an interview with the Palestinian Authority’s television station, he said that Palestinians are capable of bombing Israeli buses but have chosen not do so since it would benefit Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, as global public opinion would be against the bombing of buses in Tel Aviv. However, he claimed, the killing of Israeli soldiers and of settlers in the West Bank would be understood.
Obviously that would include ‘settler’ women, children and babies Judging from Palestinian terror attacks like the slaughter of the Fogel family, which the BBC, to its shame, would not report.
The BBC has made a powerful contribution to the thinking of scum like Jibril with its sympathy for Palestinian terrorists and relentless bias against the Israelis. He’s politically aware enough to have realised that BBC attitudes are widespread in the West and attacks on soldiers and ‘settlers’ have no effect on Western sympathy for the Palestinians.
Sky paper review is ”interesting” to observe to see what people abroad are saying about Britain, I say abroad because I consider London is now abroad, it has no relationship to this country, quite the reverse it has a negative impact on the nation.
I watched a little of Panorama tonight, it was about China’s leader. There was a clip of him, supposedly, just turning up, buying and eating lunch in a cafe somewhere in the People’s Republic. The Beeboid presenter said it was unheard of for someone in his position to do that; unlike in the West where leaders might do that all the time.
I did hope she wasn’t including POTUS within that description, if he is seen on TV amongst “ordinary” people in a diner somewhere – all those people will have been vetted and scanned by the Secret Service, before they would be allowed anywhere near.
”Lesbian Swedish Bishop Wants Christian Crosses Removed From Church to Please Muslims
With hundreds of thousands more migrants set to pour into Sweden, a Bishop in Stockholm has proposed removing crosses from a Christian church and replacing them with Islamic symbols in order to cater for Muslims.
Bishop Eva Brunne wants to remove Christian symbols from the Sea men’s Church to make the building “more inviting” for Muslims, reports Sweden’s national public TV broadcaster.
“Leasing a room to people of other faiths, does not mean that we are not defenders of our own faith. Priests are called to proclaim Christ. We do that every day and in every meeting with people. But that does not mean that we are hostile toward people of other faiths,” wrote Brunne, attempting to justify the plan.
Brunne, who is the first openly lesbian bishop of a mainstream church in the world, wants the church to be treated more like a public airport, where prayer rooms are made available to Muslims, by removing Christian symbols and “marking the direction of Mecca.”
“This is what a society and culture in the midst of suicide looks like,” writes Robert Spencer.
If you think this story sounds too bizarre to be true, then you haven’t acquainted yourself with the progressive “utopia” that is Sweden”
The most troubling thing I’ve heard about Sweden came from the irrepressible Pat Condell. In one of his excellent video clips on what’s left of that country he said that Iraqi Muslim invaders are ensuring that Iraqi Christian refugees will not be granted sanctuary in Sweden – and the dhimmi Swedes are going along with this ‘religious’ hatred rather than insisting on their long-held humanitarian principles.
If this is the case (and I don’t doubt Condell’s research) it’s only a matter of time till Sweden becomes Europe’s first Islamic state under the tender mercies of Sharia ‘law.’
News you’ll never hear from Pakistan or Syria or Libya or…..(the list is lengthy).
–In response to Sweden’s decision to remove Crosses from their Churches, Pakistani and Syrian Mosques will display the Christian Cross and remove their Islamic Symbols.
And Prayer Rooms for Christians will be set aside in these Mosques. In the interest of community cohesion–
Well finally a bit of Britain I grew up in. How quaint the names of the storms sound now. Like the weather forecasts, the Met Office is behind the times when it comes to British names for the storms.
Might I suggest a tornado called Tibor, a hurricane named Hussein, a maelstrom named Mohammed?
Seems the clincher may have been the poet bit. Or maybe some other factor that can arouse a BBC reporter.
Not nice for the wee lass, but I am pretty sure most folk have a had a dubious encounter with a drunk on the last train in our time. And the rest of the carriage decided the screen of their iPad was suddenly fascinating.
I must also revisit a Dave Attenborough boxed set to see what ‘jungle noises’ might be.
Desperate stuff BBC. I wonder if an attempt to ‘balance’ another in transit video that must surely have caused dilemmas that saw the midnight oil burning in Frankie Howerd.
And as usual her account is accepted without question. Did it really happen exactly as described? And why the prominence that she’s a poet? Is she going to appear shortly on the BBC?
Also, at the foot of the article and not really relevant to the incident, nice little plug.
“Siana, a performance poet and writer, is currently travelling around the UK as part of a tour marking Black History Month.”
I can’t wait for the White History Month which must be coming soon. Can you imagine the outcry and gnashing of teeth should anyone suggest such a thing.
Black history is relatively short as hundreds of years ago nothing was written about black people except by white people. Must have been due to colonialism !
Black achievement day, that will be the shortest day of the year.
Black intellectual creativity hour, that will be the same hour that the clocks go back.
I think alBeeb are a bit worried about Chinese steel and the closer relations between UK and China. They must be quaking in their boots at the thought of a state broadcaster that has to toe the line!
Relax. It’s not a criticism of the failings of globalism as those Indian and Thai owned steel factories operating in Britain shut up shop. More likely to be a precursor to an announcement of them being saved by a new deal being signed with China to ‘save British jobs’. Watch this space.
The BBC are still encouraging debate of the ‘What should the government be doing’ variety when it was made clear very early doors that EU competition laws would not allow intervention if it could be seen as a subsidy.
The inability of the interviewers to make this point after well over a week of going over the same old ground is yet another example of the BBC being economical with the facts and thus giving its support to a chosen agenda.
Speaking of the BBC and what they consider ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady), the answers, if provided (they may pull an exemption out of the hat) and published will be interesting:
I have written to both the BBC Trust and Ofcom. This referendum is not about leaving "Europe" – it is about our EU membership.
More wannabe Americanism from the Met Office, if they start referring to our somtimes inclement and blustery weather as “Nigel” or “Steve” it will be truly riseable.
“The rain will be a good thing, it will fill the reservoirs”
I have to say I wasn’t aware there was any great threat of drought this winter – but I expect Bill Turnbull has been out and about with his little dipstick
Or could it be the viewer is being subjected to one of those ‘Mindfulness’ sessions, about which the BBC are so keen?
Feel the weight of your body sink to your feet, using a finger of one hand draw a line around the fingers of the opposite hand…. now meditate – in an ecumenical multicultural manner – open your mind…. this summer has been exceptionally hot and dry….
Another day, another pack of lies from the BBC. R4’s 9 am news reveals the soon to be announced job losses by Tata steel which, they satt, is due to cheap Chinese imported steel.
The lengths to which the Corporation is going to conceal A/ its part in the promotion of high energy prices due to its scaremongering over the AGW scam and B/ Labour’s direct culpability for having imposed those charges, is as astonishing as it is shameless.
Labour and its Green allies have the smoking gun and the BBC is trying to conceal that fact.
Radio 4 Jim al Khalili interviews Professor Robert Plomin on the science of genetics and the link with intelligence.
“In this study and in his other work, he’s shown consistently that genetic influences on intelligence are highly significant, much more so than what school you go to, your teachers or home environment. If only the genetic differences between children were fully acknowledged, he believes education could be transformed and parents might stop giving themselves such a hard time. ”
Khalili is NOT pleased! This flies in the face of accepted settle left wing ‘science’ everyone is equal? It’s all down to education? In the end Khalili gets so frustrated he suggests that research of this kind should not even be undertaken if it disproves or challenges left wing views of the world !
He believes education could be transformed, but it’s never going to be, because the lefties will never accept that people aren’t actually created equal !
And James Watson of DNA fame was ostracised for saying this. I hope that the BBC luvvies who promote the silencing of truth will find them at the sharp end of the new anti-extremism measures.
I’ll show my ignorance here, world famous or not I’d never heard of James Watson before following your link. If his findings have any truth behind them then it would be safe to assume those in authority will know all about it and draw heavily on it when making policy.
When the lid is lifted just a little more on the implications of DNA and inheritance, the Left in general, and the BBC in particular, are going to go into meltdown. It has implications that don’t just undermine, they actively destroy, almost all the cornerstones of contemporary liberal beliefs.
I stopped watching or listening to any Beeb Science years ago since they started dumbing down and made programs that could be shoehorned into a left-wing narrative (eg Climate Change nonsense). All their presenters appear to be token stooges like Al-Khalili, (and that annoying Brian Cox!) for whom the ‘science’ is actually dogma.
The corruption of the scientific method started with human IQ studies, before moving to Atmospheric Physics.
But with Creationism, there is a moronic loony paradox on the left of politics.
We have on the one hand “All Men are created equal” as the “Creationist First Commandment” of left-wing dogma, while on the other hand the lefties mock Creationist right-wing Baptists in America as proof that all right-wing people are morons.
And all because the Creationist Baptist minister who said “All Men are created equal”, is Americas biggest “Black skinned” left-wing hero.
Al Khalili also bases his judgment about Climate Change on “ Emotional wishful thinking”
I find that the paradox is also manifest in the selfish left-wing thought process.
(1) A lefty likes people less intelligent than themselves, so they verbally say that they are intelligent.
(2) A lefty does not like people more intelligent than themselves, such as a typical UKIP, so they verbally say that they are thick.
This is an avenue of thought that no Western Government let alone the lefties want to go down.
Science can still be amongst the Beebs better output. I liked the recent series on Quantum Mechanics and the World Service has a good series (probably the best thing on the WS) about the elements in the periodic table. But unfortunately these are few and far between. Just think how many fantastic science programs could be made if Strictly and Bake Off were axed.
The BBC can, naturally, modify the laws of Physics any time it wishes.
But Quantum Mechanics does not lend itself to propaganda and manipulation.
Those pesky sub-atomic particles are difficult to interview.
Worse, next to none of the ethnics and others beloved by Al Beeb can generate a sentence about Eastender’s let alone talk intelligently about QM AND coevally slip in some anti UKIP bias.
Whereas the programmes for the cannon fodder are easy to distort.
BBC News, BBC Radio reports
Camoron and co are now in talks, finalising deals with China, as the premier visits.
Translation … cap in hand, organising what to sell off/give away next, whilst lining their own pockets
at the same time … the spiteful, and self serving economic imbeciles UK give away continues.
BBC – “UK ‘acting like a panting puppy’ to China” As usual the Biased BBC lambasts the government, this time via James McGregor on The Today Program, for its approach to China, the yellow peril once again, just as it was in the cold war. Do the BBC really care or do they just want to fill webpage inches and tv minutes?
I have worked on all continents of our small planet and have seen a few things and learned a few things over the years. Are the BBC really expecting us to be shocked that we are trading with China and looking for additional enterprise? Well, BBC, here’s a news flash just for you – Welcome to the real world !
Here’s a clue – where do you think the oil comes from that is refined into the petrol you put in your silly little liberal apologist-mobiles? When you are standing at Sainsbury’s forecourt filling up, are you thinking of the plight of millions of Angolans starving and living in shanty towns in Luanda – while the oil revenues flow in then out again? Are you thinking of the hundreds of thousands of Asians – Indians, Pakistanis, Filipinos etc that work almost as slaves to the Emirs and Kings of the Middle East and the Gulf States and their families? Or are you just thinking how many Nectar points you will get for filling up? Yes, I thought so.
As I said earlier, welcome to the real world. It might not be that great but acting like nancy-boys, writing all that supercilious, sanctimonious crap on your website, having your tame liberal yes-men on your public affairs programs might make you sleep easy in bed at night BUT IT AIN’T GONNA CHANGE ANYTHING.
You need to get out more.
Woof Woof.
Perhaps if the BBC wasn’t funded by poll tax but instead had to go out into the big, wide world and sell its wares to survive, it might suddenly take the view China isn’t such a bad place after all.
And as for its distaste for an authoritarian state – BBC ‘climate change’ policy anybody?
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
Fedup2Mar 11, 16:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not BBC – they’d never approve – warren buffet saw the Trump downturn and has been selling shares . He…
Today we are allowed to discuss:
Can David Cameron’s extremism plan work?
Feel free to contribute, everyone. Before the far-right backlash starts.
Bizarrely, there’s another one going on at the same time:
Counter-extremism: May targets ‘all those who spread hate’
Like so many, it refers to muslims feeling “alienated” and I got moderated off merely for pointing out that others felt alienated by muslims complaining of alienation when others tried to sort out their problems. I must be an extremist.
Made worse by a media estate that clearly has lost touch with the public.
Again failed to hit the off switch on the Classic FM Global Tripe at the top of the hour, and this was the lead.
That Cameron and May are floating another daft initiative with zero chance of working is a given, and worth highlighting.
But then they wheeled out some estranged yoof activist (doubtless funded by the taxpayer) who was upset that his faith was in the spotlight and whatever needs doing, they should not be targeted.
How that went down with the blue rinses awaiting their Pastoral Suite fix lord only knows.
One pulled already, nicely before the majority of the working public clock off.
The other, I suspect, may not be far behind….
524. Posted by beammeup
1 minute ago
TO THE MODERATORS …put back my comment at 490 you flaming idiots. AND put back the other comments too…we don’t need the ‘like of you’ telling us what to think. Who the hell are you anyway….
Last weekend I watched Countryfile to see the weather for the week (used to be called the weather for farmers and growers but they dropped that pretence years ago). We were promised a dry, settled week, getting colder from mid week as the winds changed from the east to the north. Well it rained Monday……Tuesday, Wednesday etc etc until I think yesterday (Sunday) was the first dry day. As far as temperature, the cold winds we have had nearly all year, have at long last dropped and I scarcely needed a pullover all week. Do I now believe last night’s forecast?
Deborah: ‘(used to be called the weather for farmers and growers but they dropped that pretence years ago)’
That unreliable, was it?
If they used a dead chicken and a stick, the BBC/Met Office couldn’t be more unreliable with their weather forecasts. For a variety of reasons I keep a very close eye on the weather and I can say with absolute certainty that in my area the forecasts are not even reliable on an overnight basis. Offering a week’s forecast is absurd – they haven’t a clue what will happen!
Well.. except for ‘global warming’ of course. They are quite certain of that.
They are very good at telling you what weather you are already experiencing, they are just very bad at predicting the weather you are going to have in the future. A bit like economic forecasts and palm reading in this respect.
It was daylight were I live today, bet the BBC couldn’t even get that right.
Suitable Semantics #4
I’m fairly certain it’s No.4 in the series but I cannot remember whether ‘influx’ has featured before in connection with the migrant crisis.* If David Cameron is struggling for words to replace ‘swarm’ then ‘influx’ was given the BBC stamp of approval on the R4 TODAY programme this morning.
As was
Suitable Semantics #5
‘Flow’. Flow was in the next sentence or two following influx.
[* Not sure if it’s possible to look back at one’s past posts to this Forum.]
Sorry to go off topic and mention SKY but today Eamon Holmes was barking at Teresa May and he kept banging on about Benedict Cumberbatch, asking for a meeting with her regarding the Syrian situation and asking her if she would indeed meet up with him.
She tried to counter by saying we do more for genuine displaced Syrians in Syria than most other countries, but really I wished she would have said. “What the hell has Benedict Cumberbatch got to do with it ? He’s is a middling actor, and a self important virtue signaller, who should stick to playing Sherlock Holmes, and keep his nose out of international affairs”
Of course she just wittered on that she had actually met him once before, presumably before he tried to make himself relevant and caring just in time for awards season.
It’s hard to know which is the worse in a situation like that – Holmes for his moronic questioning or May for being incapable of handling him professionally.
Sky is every bit as bad as the BBC. I tried using the Sky app in the hope its news stream would be less like Radio Pyongyang but no – it was faster and less riddled with glitches than the latest BBC app but the content was just as hopelessly biased.
It’s rather frightening that she gets touted as a future leader every so often. She’s utterly useless but meets the ovary quota.
Look who she is up against.
Politics of the least bad just sank to a truly horrible dilemma level.
Theresa May was on the bBBC R4 Today programme today about the government’s latest ideas to tackle Muslim terrorists. She started by saying what benefits multiculturalism had brought this country. I wish the interviewer had asked her to name one.
Food poisoning
Lack of a common language
Slum living conditions
That’s 3 I can think of.
Inbreeding on an industrial scale.
Rape of young white girls on an industrial scale.
Non declaring of earnings on an industrial scale.
They sure are an industrious lot.
Multiple voting on an industrial scale.
Voting Labour on an industrial scale.
Being ugly on an industrial scale.
Crime, other than rape, on an industrial scale.
Producing SFA on a non-industrial scale.
Claiming benefits on an industrial scale.
Contaminating Western Europe on an industrial scale.
Needing translators and government messages translating
Needing to use our NHS
Needing 800 extra houses a day every day 365 days of the year to accommodate them
Needing to build new roads or widen the ones we’ve got to get around
Needing to upgrade or build new infrastructure like sewage works to cope
Needing extra police and prisons / staff
Needing welfare
Needing to find business and jobs for the swarm
Needing extra bureaucrats to process the influx
Needing new dictionaries to know what words have changed their meanings , what words are verboten in PC minds , Needing to tread on eggshells over certain subjects , needing to avoid a subject in the media , needing hard work to gloss over happenings , needing to self censor .
Needing new government legislation to curtail everyone’s freedoms , needing Theresa Mays attention .
How about the benefits for us men then.
We can have four wives, one for cleaning, one for cooking, one for upstairs and one spare.
The traffic will flow much quicker with half the population forbidden to drive.
Unemployment will disappear as women will not be allowed to work freeing up many millions of jobs.
Crime will decrease significantly and there will be thousands of ex thieves with less than the usual four limbs.
Five extra fag breaks a day.
This and much more coming by 2055 due to mass immigration and large families.
Maybe not so good if you are female, gay, transgender, any religion other than them (you all know who)
Strangely, it’s all that last lot who seem to be the ones keen to have them all come over here.
Importing tuberculosis on an industrial scale.
What has multiculturalism brought to this country?
And Sir Lenny Henry.
So, the benefits of industrialisation then?
Mrs May was on LBC this morning and she didn’t come across well at all. I don’t think she’s up to the job and maybe someone like David Davis would make a better fist of it.
Davis was responsible for scuppering the introduction of ID cards, one of the very few Labour policies I agreed with. He has a lot to answer for.
Agreed, I used to quite rate Davis, but I now realize he’s no good; I think Liam Fox would be better.
‘Theresa the appeaser’ cant get to grips with this ………………………………………….
despite £7 million wasted on its fence.
Better value to put the best border guards in the world there – The Gurkhas .
With drawn Kukuris…..and menacing looks to rival the Haka….
The Ghurkhas had many years’ experience of guarding the borders of Hong Kong.
A couple of lines in this article sets the wrong tone I think,
“The fact that two British men have come to fight with the rebels, believing they too are fighting fascism, is tantamount to some success for Russia’s propaganda machine.”
That Russia’s state media has a pro Russian slant is obvious to all, that these men were influenced by said media is not made clear, we don’t know that, nor does the reporter, or if they do its not included in any detail in the article. As far as we know the link is entirely in the reporters head. It’s only a small point I know but BBC journalists should know the difference btween a fact and an opinion, if a piece is not an editorial then it should contain fact only and those facts should be verifiable.
” What’s it like to be black in Japan? ” Groan. ”That’s one quote that sums up a viral video of black people talking about their life in the country. The 80-minute documentary Black in Japan,
The video features eight black people, mostly African-Americans living in Japan, several of the people featured in the film cited personal safety as a key consideration. Crime rates in Japan are very low compared to industrialised Western countries,( Gosh, I wonder why that is ? )
Only about 1.5 percent of Japan’s population is foreign born, and like in many Western countries, issues of immigration and race are controversial. Earlier this year, Ariana Miyamoto became the first mixed race woman to win the title of Miss Japan. ”
” What’s it like to be black in Japan? ”
Lonely, I hope.
Africa must be empty, the natives must really hate the place because they do everything they can to get out of the place, Mo Farar lives in Oregon for Gawds sake, you can’t get further away
What they hate about Africa is that it reminds them every day how ‘ing useless they are.
I holidayed in Japan last year, and it would be a brilliant place to live !! – no graffiti , no pavements covered in gum, spotless public toilets, lorry drivers wear WHITE gloves, taxi drivers wear SUITS ! everyone is polite beyond measure, shops assistants nod the head when giving you change (my local Co-op could learn a few lessons) – I only saw one black face in 2 weeks, and very few Westerners; AND forget Poundland, over there they have 100 YEN shops (about 70p), even more brilliant. Food was a bit iffy though, lots of Tofu !
And wonderfully monocultural. When most of the people around you are basically similar, with similar values and standards, people feel more relaxed and assured. It even benefits the small number of foreigners – when those who are ‘different’ are small in number they feel compelled to fit in with the dominant culture and are not perceived as a threat.
“…when those who are ‘different’ are small in number they feel compelled to fit in with the dominant culture and are not perceived as a threat. ”
Very good point Ian.
“…when those who are ‘different’ are small in number they feel compelled to fit in with the dominant culture and are not perceived as a threat”
As alreday noted that is an excellent point by Ian which I believe our leaders are well aware of, hence the deliberate, and frankly criminal lack of control exercised at our borders. What kind of fractured nightmare society we are now heading for I dread to imagine, and regardless of it being born of design, misguided politicians, or the result of ineptness it won’t matter to the people who have to live in it.
Most places are pretty monocultural, as you see the more you travel.
I’ve spent most of my adult life working in dozens of different countries, on every continent on the globe. If you go to Africa, virtually everybody you see is black. If you go to India, 99.9% of the folks you see are Indian. Same in China. Nearly everybody is Chinese. In Manila, pretty much every face you see on the street is Filipino and throughout the Middle East, the overwhelming majority of faces you see are Arab.
In fact, the only places in the World obsessed with the delights of multiculturalism and die-versity are white countries, or those who thought of themselves as pretty much “white” up until a couple of decades ago.
It’s as though the white race have been infected with some kind of death-wish. Odd when you think that “white” culture has been responsible for exporting to the World virtually everything that makes life bearable and worthwhile………..democracy, the rule of law, freedom of speech, tolerance and consideration for others……….pretty much all exclusively Western values.
And even odder when you think that those peddling the multiculti lie the hardest and pushing as hard as they can for the downfall of western civilisation, with the Beeboids as prime examples, are the very people who couldn’t survive for five minutes without it.
Good post.
Stayed in Tokyo a couple of years back, you’re spot on, its a truly wonderful country, everyone should experience the country once in their lives.
Politeness abounds. We took the Shinkansen (Bullet Train) back from Fuji to Tokyo on a Friday night, commuter time, it was the height of comfort and orderliness, stress free, imagine that on a Friday night in London.
The one thing that struck me was that on every street corner there were vending machines, you name it, in Tokyo you can get almost anything from these machines. How long would a vending machine last almost anywhere in the UK?
Vending machines in Tokyo… yes, that’s true, a delightful, bewildering and in some instances slightly disturbing range of products. Now, it might be my memory playing tricks with me but I have a vague recollection of bottles of paraffin being available from vending machines in this country at one time. The bottles were 2/6d and contained a pint of pink paraffin; there was one in Streatham or Mitcham about 1970 latest. Imagine how useful that would be for today’s Youf fighting back against Tory Kutz! Can anyone confirm that? (BBC staff – how about a magazine article on this for the website?).
Can’ remember that, I do recall an Esso Blue machine outside a local ‘four candles’ hardware store.
Unbelievable to kids today, I recon into the early 80s there were still cigarette vending machines outside of newsagents, 10p for a packet of 5 Embassy No6!
And in the 80s we didn’t copy American English and insert a superfluous ‘of’ after a preposition.
In Wiltshire we did (and still do).
In that case would it not be “In of Wiltshire”
Downs in Wilt-shyer we says ‘out of’ quites a bit.
I’m out of fags
He’s out of school
The trolleys are outside of the supermarket.
You used to be able to take a gallon (remember them?) can and fill it with paraffin from a vending machine at most petrol stations. I’ve never seen bottled paraffin but I have trudged through the ice and snow to fill a can for my paraffin stove.
Back even further, what about 1d chocolate bars or those aluminium name strips that you used to be able to make from machines on station platforms?
Being seduced by a weather pocked, white and pale blue vending machine on Oban sea front, which plopped out wax cartons of sticky, lukewarm milk is one of the main reasons why I’m still in therapy.
Clearly a memory still raw, and your pain felt by all.
Still, all is not lost. This trauma sounds an ideal topic to invite a full Newsbeat crew to empathise, maybe assisted if you could add a twist by describing it through the medium of mime. It will be a corker on radio.
Then a charity could be created for victims of vending machine seduction, with a vastly paid CEO, bevvy of celeb donors and an assistant head of PR to grace the BBC Breakfast sofa for weeks on end.
Maybe David Cameron could become a founding signatory? And it’s possible Alan Yentob will be free to chair the trustees soon enough.
Vending Victims In Need will soon knock Pudsey from his perch!
Small waxy container with milk tasting like cats piss, that’s my memories of school milk!
The Bullet train is old hat the Japanese have the Maglev Train which goes at 600 km per hour
another british invention given away,prof Braithwaite would be turning in his grave.
Remembered his xmas lecture showing us how it worked.sad day.
Maglev at the NEC great memories.
A few years ago, I traveled on the Chinese Maglev between Shanghai City and its Airport . 14 minute trip, speed indicator in each carriage – 7 minutes to get up to 430 Kph, 7 minutes to decelerate to airport station. Incredible.
One thing you can see from the video put up by David below, in the film of the 600kph Japanese Maglev, is the almost straight lines on which the high-speed trains travel in Japan. So many of the Shinkanzen, or Bullet Train, routes are dead straight for miles and miles. Essentially, the Shinkanzen routes and stations are in addition to the older, normal train routes, either built alongside or, where there is no room – say entering a city – above (on stilts), the older rail lines. A lot of the Japanese countryside is quite mountainous, and the rail engineers just cut through every obstacle in their path, so in many cases it is completely pointless using the Shinkanzen if you want to see the countryside. The trains just go through so many mountain tunnels, emerging onto bridges across populated valleys where the line is enclosed in sound-deadening enclosures, before heading straight back into the a tunnel on the other side of the valley.
But having said that, the normal rail system in Japan is fascinating. For instance, on many routes, when you board the train, the seating arrangement you meet is essentially like in a plane – all the seats facing one way – in the direction of travel. You can individually change the direction of the seats by stepping on a pedal and the whole seat can be swivelled round so you can be face-to-face with other people if you so desire. At the terminus of the route, the guard will check with the cleaners that everyone is off the train, press a button, and every seat aligns again facing forward in the next, possibly opposite, direction of travel. And any rail employee walking through the train, for whatever reason, whilst it is traveling, will walk through each carriage, then turn and bow to the whole carriage of passengers, before moving on. This isn’t limited to Japan, however, loner-haul or express bus drivers do the same in South Korea.
At the other end of the spectrum, I have been on a train in China (because it was the only semi-sensible way of getting between two places I needed to visit,) which took 6 hours to travel around 100 kilometres – in what was basically a sleeper train with top and bottom bunks, travelling through daylight hours !
China, South Korea and Japan are fascinating places in which to travel.
And now the reality, rapper James ” King Tight ” Blackstone on a Japanese train, I’m lost for words. This fellow later went on to murder one of his fans. As the old saying goes, you can take the African out of the jungle but you can’t take the jungle out of the African.
There was a programme on BBC4 the other night about model train sets, it was more a social cultural history of Britain, a country that doesn’t exist anymore, like meccano sets and ladybird books the effnik invaders aren’t into it.
Not only that that, its also about the removal of gender identity, how dare little boys play with train sets, Mecanno, model cars and and aircraft, they might grow up to be engineers, scientists, car mechanics, plumbers etc, instead of X-Factor wannabes, hairdressers, cake makers, midwives, window dressers or fashion designers….
Feminism has more than a part to play in this.
I dug my old early 70’s Mamod steam engine out the other day, fired it up, still works a treat!
James May on Airfix model kits
Another thing thats collapsed is the British comic industry, war comics like Victor, Alf Tupper etc etc, all out of business, the only one that’s left is Commando comics.
Anyone following the papers over the weekend may have seen a very sinister story along these lines. Schools are to be made to police playground language to ‘eliminate sexism’. Already, apparently, some schools have formed patrols of girls (note that in particular) whose job it is to report on children using terms deemed ‘sexist’.
This, just in case Essexman isn’t in the golf club bar yet, is happening under Cameron’s government. not ZaNuLabour. In other words, we turf out one bunch of social engineering obsessed cultural Marxists – only to find they have been replaced with an identical one.
There’s an article in the DT today along similar lines, these phrases are to be banned in schools…
“Man up” to people who are acting “a bit wet”
Calling boys “sissies”
Calling children or each other “cupcake”
Boys telling girls to “make them a sandwich”
Teachers saying to boys “don’t be a girl”.
Calling girls who study ‘male’ subjects “lesbians”
Jeez what a soulless and boring world the cultural Marxists and Socialists are creating, Orwell’s writings edge nearer to reality almost daily.
I’m off to eat the sandwiches that I asked Mrs G to make for me today, should I expect a knock on the door from plod?
Dare I call you a ‘big girls’ blouse’ for not making your own sandwich ????
Fine by me cupcake!
I agree that boys telling girls to “make them a sandwich” is not good.
They (the boys) should be encouraged to ask girls to “make them a sandwich”. Politeness costs nothing and manners maketh man.
Shame the modern day girl hasn’t learned the skill of making a sandwich, else we could encourage them (the girls) to respond “of course I can! Would you like it on white or brown, and what would you like in it?”
Anything to do with ‘cupcakes’ should be a hanging offence – a revolting American concoction, along with ‘Cook’ books!
I still call them fairy cakes! So un-PC!
The PC language police never seem to learn that you can’t change ideas by changing language. If you make a particular word verboten (I use the German for a reason) because it is considered ‘offensive’, its replacement, or another word, will eventually be used as an offensive term.
Cranmer, that works when people can think for themselves. Unfortunately, the old saying “if you control what they say, you control what they think” holds sway in large measures – hence the bonkers rhetoric we see from many lefties.
Another American colloquialism that needs outlawing is the constant referral to “you guys “. “Professional” presenters on such programmes as Escape to the Country, A Place in the Sun, and other ‘right on’ shows, forever use the term to those taking part, and yes, its ok when there ARE ‘guys’ being spoken to, but when there is generally a lady of mature years being called a ‘guy’, then I think its a bit insulting to her.
I went for dinner with a lady friend, and the maitre ‘d at the hotel, said “the table is now ready for ‘you guys’ ” – I doubt if he will use the term again after I corrected him that we were ladies when we left home, and to the best of knowledge hadn’t changed sex on the way to the hotel !!!
Where DO these people get their training ????
Well, to be fair, if you had you’d have been incredibly fashionable and almost certainly entitled to your own BBC series.
And – again to be fair, there is a gap in the market for a proper plural form of ‘You’ since we merged ‘thou’ and ‘ye’.
That’s probably why there are relics still used in America – ‘Y’all’ (you all), or ‘Youse guys’ or even a weird one ‘Yinz’ which is used in Pennsylvania I believe.
Senior teachers are going to oversee these “projects”.
You can bet that they will also be female.
These are the same teachers who have presided over the worst grade inflation in history.
These are the same teachers who complain that they do not spend enough time in classrooms.
These are the same teachers who complain about all the paperwork involved in the job.
These are the same teachers who complain about cuts and lack of resources.
These are the same lefty teachers who belong to the NUT and behave in a more infantile
way than their pupils, throw their toys out of the pram and go on strike at the drop of a mortar board.
Strange how they always find time for some Marxist propaganda.
They won’t have time to patrol the school playgrounds; they are too busy waving their union banners calling for socialist revolution
Now there’s a picture that tells you everything you need to know about what has gone wrong with education in this country.
Amazing how the jobs they do can still carry on without them, even if just for a day
They will have to be female – less than 15% of teachers in state primary schools are male. I have been in a school where there wasn’t a single male member of staff – “Over my dead body” said the headmistress.
“That can be arranged” replied the ill-disciplined pupil (sorry – STUDENT)
Some of these ‘ill-disciplined pupils’ are smarter than we think. In one ‘education centre’ for ‘young people with issues’, the students were being made to read books about ‘their rights’, specifically how to claim benefits and such. One young lady, aged about 16, said “Why have all the people in these books got foreign names?”. I took a look and it was true: “Mohammed and Mumtaz have 6 children and are entitled to a new house”, “Ahmed registers with his local doctor”, “Akachi makes an appointment with the optician to receive a free eye test” etc. Not just tokenism or inclusion – this was blatant exclusionism.
That’s probably why the schools close when there is a quarter of an inch of snow on the ground.
No, they close when the BBC weather forecast states there is a risk of snow, somewhere, sometime in the future.
Weather forecast as discussed above.
Since the BBC position, also discussed above and ad nauseam on this site, is that Global Warming will make earth hotter than Venus in by 2025 there is no excuse for these impersonations of teachers to get their lazy left wing arse’s out of bed and get hard at work indoctrinating UK children on the enrichment and glorious history of Marxism.
And no feminist ever gets her big pants in a twist to try and change that’s always for quotas favouring wimmin.
FAO Mr Cooper,I don`t play golf . I am not old enough, I only go to pubs that serve real ale , been a Camra member for 25 years. East Anglia has the biggest Real Ale Fests ,other than the main British Beer Festival. Peterborough,Norwich & Chappel are some of the biggest .
25 + 18 = 43, Is old enough to play golf.
And your point ?
”I dug my old early 70’s Mamod steam engine out the other day,” I had the steam roller
”I dug my old early 70’s Mamod steam engine out the other day.” I had the steam roller
Evan Davies of BBC Newsnight tells Metro newspaper today “I felt a slight sense of identity with Jeremy Corbyn. There are one or two moments where he looks out of his depth, but he looks like I felt sometimes when I started Newsnight”
But I’m sure I can recall some of those balanced unbiased BBC current affairs presenters telling fellow journos about how they identified with struggling Tory leaders like Michael Howard, William Hague and Ian Duncan Smith….?
Evan wouldn’t be putting a subtle ‘shout out’ to the kids, would he…?
You know, the sort of casual newsbite the left like to call a ‘dog whistle’
That goes like this : Evan is like Corbyn…. he was dodgy in the job at first but like Jagger said – ‘It’s alright now, in fact it’s a gas’
Like BBC 5 Live, Newsnight has now self-selected a lefty audience for itself.
“I felt a slight sense of identity with Jeremy Corbyn. ”
I’m not altogether surprised, seeing that they are both total wankers.
I see that Wentworth GC – the venue of the “elite” showbiz luvvies – well, Bruce Forsyth and Michael Parkinson anyway, which apparently is the ‘social hub’ for the area, has been bought by the Chinese. I did laugh when it was reported that a ‘clear out’ of members is promised, raising the subs from £15,000 joining, to around £80,000, and buying a debenture share in order to become a member. The Chinese apparently want to raise the bar to even more “eliteness” by only having oligarchs and the super wealthy being members. Mr Forsyth was not available for comment, and Michael Parkinson was ‘considering his future at the club’. Oh, the humiliation of it all – being slung out of your local golf club.
Wonder how many come back and register under different names (multiple cheques a month)
Pay Day in Paris
Photo taken in front of Social Family Benefits in Rosny-sous-Bois, in Seine Saint Denis Department 93, near Paris.
How about this as an example of the insane leftie ‘thought’ process?
Bahar Mustafa, the student union’s welfare and diversity officer, received a backlash after she posted a Facebook message about an event which requested that men and white people did not attend a BME Women and non-binary event.
“There have been charges made against me that I am racist and sexist to white men…” Mustafa said in the video.
“I, an ethnic minority woman, cannot be racist or sexist towards white men because racism and sexism describe structures of privilege based on race and gender and therefore women of colour and minority genders cannot be racist or sexist, since we do not stand to benefit from such a system.”
“We will not be silenced; we are militant. The world is not ready for minorities to challenge the status quo, but resistance to our resistance is futile,” she added.
The BBC carried a short article about this insane woman
After she was arrested and charged for tweeting “kill all white men” which she apparently saw nothing wrong with !
Of course the BBC leaps to her defence at the end of the article by according her victim status of the shadowy ‘right wing groups’ “Ms Mustafa reportedly received racist and sexist abuse and death threats after the controversy was reported by the media.”
The poor love!
Amazing that they failed to tell us whether this crazy woman was found guilty nor any other details of her madness in one of London’s universities.
BBC News highlights, that Clueless cretin Cameron, and Terppeaser May are digging the Tory hole as fast as they can.
As we have the hoary old vagary erm … “extremism of all kinds”, “‘all those who spread hate”
As usual chasing after the coat tails of the secondary issue. Be factual, quote mandated rulings
highlight the actual horror of Islamic actions, your an extremist, and of course Camoron was trumpeting
his new protectionism for islam only last week.
Home Secretary Theresa May said non-violent extremism could not go “uncontested”.
As it led to the erosion of women’s rights, the spread of intolerance and bigotry and the separation of some communities “from the mainstream”. She said that applied to neo-Nazi extremism just as much as Islamist doctrine.
More incompetent, dangerous “fag packet” policy, that concentrates more on being politically correct, than the glaring elephant in the room.
Blowhard against the secondary issue … utterly clueless.
If it really did apply to neo Nazi extremism, the BBC would be off the air !
I don’t know where you are Deborah, but how do you fancy some snow in Scotland this coming sunday? Like I said last week, snow chains at the ready.
Not usually in Scotland but funnily enough taking a trip there tomorrow! Probably back before the snow but (and don’t tell the greenies), Mr D has a four wheel drive so we should be OK. But have you noticed on programmes like Countryfile how presenters seen driving are often in a Landrover or the like? It is a bit like the frequency of news reporters getting up in a helicopter to show us the extent of melting ice, or whatever. Very much the Beeb’s do as we say not as we do.
It was only recently that I realised they had their own helicopter. According to one’s aviation fanatic husband they gobble up fuel at an alarming rate.
Well back on here after trying to log on for a month…..notice In the Fail I mean Mail , that a turkish man was thrown off a bus in Tottenham by a n angry passenger shouting that he should go back to Turkey or words to that effect ….wonder if it was one of Duggan’s mates who did it?????
Poor bugger was just a member of the Tommy Cooper fan club.
The BBC inadvertently lets the cat out of the bag regarding renewables in this item:
Here is the salient point,
‘One potential international investor, Paddy Padmanathan, CEO of Saudi-based ACWA Power, told the BBC: “It’s been very badly managed because yesterday we had subsidies – today, I’m sorry, nothing.’
The CEO of a foreign company bemoaning the loss of subsidies. Paddy, be a good chap, f*ck off and bleed someone else’s economy dry with your scam.
Continuing with the climate change alarmism:
The article was going so well until it mentioned the poor old Arctic ice melting. The BBC has a short corporate memory, it told us years ago that the ice would be gone by now. Wouldn’t a follow up to that story make for interesting reading? Unfortunately, it would appear that £4Bn in free handouts seems to stifle journalistic curiosity.
Its was discussed here yesterday about Chris Evans being sacked by the BBC in 1997, yet despite being sacked is today the corporations blue eyed boy, somehow presenting both its flagship radio and TV shows.
Today I switch on Radio 2 at 2.15 to find Jonathan Ross covering for Steve Wright, another who although not sacked was suspended and subsequently left the BBC.
The BBC now rehires this puerile foul mouthed individual, using the licence payers £££’s again just to chase ratings, when they have 40 local stations (and 6Music) all with presenters that will be both cheaper and as entertaining to stand in. Ross won’t come cheap.
A chimp on Radio 2 in the afternoon will get listeners…
After a week of not listening to any news (I was away), I tuned into the World Service’s Outside Source today and got a barrage of pro migrant propaganda.
First we had the Berlin correspondent talking about the upcoming Pegida rally, who told us it attracts many neo nazis and hard right followers – any evidence to back this up? Certainly there will be some, but it seems they are a minority rather than the bulk who seem concerned citizens, the report would have you believe exactly the opposite.
Then we had a report from Budapest; the reporter was asked what Hungarians feel about Hungary closing its Croatian border. The reporter begrudgingly admitted that most Hungarians agree with the policy, but then added that there opinion was probably influenced by an anti-immigration and migrant campaign conducted by the government. Yes that must be the reason!
The BBC cannot really handle what is going on in Eastern Europe. It cannot discuss it and cannot allow discussion. So it and the liberal media resort to fantasy. Pegida is composed of neo Nazis, Huingarians are all brainwashed, Putin is just very bad, Merkel is a saint, Germans love immigrants really . And so on and so on.
Liberalism meets reality. Now that would be a good title for a documentary.
Maybe sometime in the future but not now and not while the current media elite is dominant.
Merkel is reported to have urged Germans not to attend a Pegida rally in Dresden. If a head of state has to resort to that, it shows they are very scared about something.
They are very scared and so are the German people. Merkel has made a monumental error and has set the stage for….. answers on a postcard please.
We were told today by the Council of British Muslims ( sic ) that Cameron’s plan to allow confiscation of minors passports by their parents was discriminatory as ‘all religions’ have their own terrorists.
Having given it thought I made them right. The Islamic religion of Pakistan has terrorists, the Islamic religion of Saudi has terrorists, the Islamic religion of Somalia has terrorists, the Islamic religion of France has terrorists, the Islamic religion of Britain has terrorists and so the list goes on clearly proof that many religions of Islam have terrorists within their ranks.
I couldn’t find any Christian Jewish or Hindu religions with the same affliction though.. funny that!
Remember the BBC pushing the ‘double dip recession’ narrative, the ‘bedroom tax’, the ‘cost of living crisis’, the ‘zero hours’ contract problem? All pushed on behalf of Labour, all to no great effect. The ‘migrant/refusee crisis’ seems to have faltered. Will the latest push on ‘tax credits’ be any more effective?
Here’s a question. Most people agree welfare spending is excessive. Is it possible to make meaningful cuts without someone, somewhere, sometime being somewhat worse off afterwards?
Yes, but not necessarily immediately.
Most welfare to unmarried mothers could be cut to zero, and a return to the system where babies were given to couples who wanted to adopt them. The message that motherhood was not a lifestyle choice as a shortcut to a house & benefits would soon get through.
Reminds me of the QT questioner getting so much sympathetic coverage. Mother of 4, works ‘bloody hard’ etc. Where is her partner/husband? Did she plan to have 4 kids?
Gets £400 a week in benefits and an undisclosed an amount from her ‘business’ which she claims doesn’t make a profit, and oddly no one has bothered to ask her exactly how much she bleeds her ex husband for every month, because even if he isn’t working she’ll still get something off him!
I recently came across a new acronym I hadn’t heard before & thought it nicely sums up the people at the BBC.
SJW Social Justice Warrior.
Social Justice Warrior. A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. A social justice warrior, or SJW, does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the groups they are fighting on behalf of. They typically repeat points from whoever is the most popular blogger or commenter of the moment, hoping that they will “get SJ points” and become popular in return. They are very sure to adopt stances that are “correct” in their social circle.
The SJW’s favourite activity of all is to dogpile. Their favourite websites to frequent are Livejournal and Tumblr. They do not have relevant favourite real-world places, because SJWs are primarily civil rights activists only online.
I think this definition should not just apply to the internet, as I’m sure that most of the BBC hacks are only interested in fighting battles in the studio, and don’t care about the groups they are fighting on behalf of.
TWATO today interviewing a Syrian migrant hoping to get from Croatia into Slovenia en route to Germany and complaining of her treatment – wet, cold and hungry I expect.
She said she had left Syria then travelled to Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia. This begs an obvious question which the Beeber ignored about why fleeing a war it is necessary to pass all those peaceful countries, with Slovenia and Austria still to come on the way to the Fatherland.
Call me old fashioned but does the BBC headline ‘Serial killer suspect Stephen Port ‘drugged victims” prejudice a fair trial? The rest of the media is just as bad I expect.
What I am disturbed by is the fact that Port is a queer.
These “minorities” seem to be well to the fore when serious crime is involved.
Edit I exclude Muslims from the above. Muslims are all lovely people who are whiter than the driven snow.
I know this because it says so in the Katalogue Of Rubbish And Nonsense, Allah does not lie.
Does the BBC have a problem with Christianity?
“Faith, hope and Call of Duty: 21st century spirituality”
“From the young Muslim YouTubers teaching fashion and beauty to women who must remain modest, to the art of mindful computer gaming and the Jewish students using Google Translate to learn Hebrew – lots of young people are looking online for ways to embrace both their religion and their interests.”
Later on Baha’i gets a mention but the C word remains absent. Does anyone think a foreign state broadcaster doing a similar feature on the UK would lead with Islam and omit Christianity?
Because as a Christian, the Church of Socialism expects you to be a Socialist already !
Yes it is rather strange the the leadership of many Christian churches in the U.K. do not seem to reflect the views of many (most?) of their flock. I suspect that the Guardian is not the paper of choice for the masses but is for the leadership.
“Yes it is rather strange the the leadership of many Christian churches in the U.K. do not seem to reflect the views of many (most?) of their flock.”
Forgive me, but I thought the Christian church was supposed to reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ. Which are, in a nutshell, to overcome your basic instincts and be a less judgemental, more forgiving human being.
If you just want to stay exactly as you are, but still demand a pat on the back every Sunday morning; then what exactly is the point of calling yourself a “Christian”?
And what’s that got to do with reading the (very judgmental) Guardian?
What other paper do you think the bishops have delivered?
A lay preacher a few Sundays ago referred to an item in the Daily Telegraph. When I asked if she had seen an excellent comment by the Jordanian ambassador earlier in the week she was horrified to think that I thought she was a DT reader. Apparently it was bought a couple of times a week for the crossword or something similar!
IIRC Christians are entreated to make sure your family is o.k. first and then your neighbour.
Neighbour to me implies a possibly closer affinity than the bishops would seem to be implying at present.
Has anyone seen a comment by any bishop as to how many they believe we should take annually, and how they would decide which ones to take and what to do after February when their annual quota had been taken up.
As ever reality is far more important than platitudes, and that is why I suspect the membership are on a different hymn sheet to that of the bishops.
The liberal mindset is inacapable of taking Christianity seriously. The Cof E is more their sort of thing. Bishops as social workers and an Archbishop who is like a chief social worker.
They seem to see all other beliefs as exotic. So the patronising goes on and on and on.
The trouble is they think they themselves are divine – in their own eyes at least. Whatever the heart desires and so on.
I think that we need to add Sky News to the Biased BBC site.
Sky’s social affairs correspondent Afua Hirsch has just been on my tele in full emotional outrage about the unfairness of the government picking on the ‘Trojan Horse schools’. According to this ex Guardian Journalist and Human Rights Development Worker, there was no concrete evidence from any government report that anything undue took place in these schools.
I wonder why, following their publication, the government put 5 of the schools into special measures if there were no problems?
The education committee report was critical of Offsted not seeing what was taking place in these schools – but according to Afua nothing took place!
Click to access 473.pdf
You don’t have to read the entire thing, here are just a few paragraphs from one page of Peter Clark’s report.
Peter Clarke’s report said: “A number of people, associated with each other and in positions of influence in schools and governing bodies, who espouse, endorse or fail to challenge extremist views”.
It also features many examples, eg: The Saltley Story
3.1 The following is a summary of Balwant Bains’ account of his time as headteacher of Saltley School and Specialist Science College. It encapsulates many of the features identified in other schools examined in this report, including: take-over of the governing body by like-minded individuals; nepotism in appointments to staff and governing body;
division along racial lines;
bullying and intimidation;
modifications to the curriculum;
the reinforcement of Muslim identity to the exclusion of others; and
a strategy of harassment to oust a headteacher.
I could go on and on, (and I frequently do) but how come Afua Hirsch is not only unaware of the reports she is summarising in such an emotional manner but why is her sole concern based upon the sensitivities of the ‘local community.’ Well Afua, what about the concerns of the rest of us? Also I can recall The Times publishing worries of parents of children at these schools, so not everyone in the ‘community’ feels the same way as Alfua.
There is an argument for not demonising those who distance themselves from what took place but not for pretending nothing took place.
We need a fresh TV news service in this country that has not been infiltrated by the Guardian
“One of the oldest tactics by wrongdoers and their allies is to ignore the actual allegations made against them and instead misrepresent the charges as ones they can truthfully deny. With grinding obviousness, that’s precisely what the “Trojan Horse” schools in Birmingham are doing now.
In a letter published in (where else) the Guardian, a group of the schools’ supporters announce the launch of the “Putting Birmingham Schoolkids First” campaign to “challenge the false and divisive allegation that [Trojan Horse] is a problem of systematic radicalisation, extremism or terrorism.”
The latter is a particularly brazen straw man. I think we can all agree that none of the schools ever taught their pupils how to make bombs and that no one in Birmingham became a terrorist as a result of a segregated biology lesson. But these were, of course, things which no one ever alleged for a second.”
Consider the headline:
“Trojan Horse ‘links to terror’”
Pretty much sounds like an allegation that ‘trojan horse’ was linked to terrorism, no? Or from this site:
“…islamic extremists who are taken over the secular non faith schools and turning them into grooming madrassas for a future generation of extremists and muslim terrorists”
Pretty much sounds like an allegation that ‘trojan horse’ was linked to terrorism, no?
Well yes, of course, but note the key word ‘future’. So a reasonable deduction to make.
Exactly right Nogginator. Create the straw man fallacy and then brilliantly argue against it. Thank you for the links.
Shame about Sky’s direction though.
Ha. I have just been reading her facebook page:
her politics are BBC/Guardian left including advice on how to get rid of Michael Gove.
Afua Hirsch 22 July ·
How 2 get rid of Michael Gove- friendly advice fr @NUTonline. He called us “blob”, we made him toxic brand, gvt had 2 sack him #SaveLegalAid
the BBC should snatch her before it is too late.
Funny how we never see a right wing tweet from journalists.
Virtue Signallers all.
I post this link here largely for the purpose of once again highlighting – if that were really needed – the ease of career elision between what the BBC still term ‘journalism’ and full-time supranational issue-based campaigning
I don’t have a lot of time for conspiracy theories – my first reaction would be to see a sad and confused woman, alone and a long way from home. But then I’m not a liberal.
Sad to see but like the ‘aid workers’ all these do-gooders can’t accept the reality that these muslims are 7th century barbarians. They don’t want help.
The Japanese have the same kind of genes as the Germans, Austrians and the Swiss, they love order, efficiency, cleanliness, time keeping, organisation. Saw a programme on the Travel channel about Swiss Railways, watched it for the breathtaking scenery. The locomotive pulled into an engine shed for repairs, I was expecting it be dirty and messy, it was spotless, it was like a hospital operating theatre, you could eat your dinner off the floor.
Fine, so long as they stick to making stuff. When the Germans, for instance, start dabbling in philosophy and applying their big ideas to European politics, the bodies soon start piling up. I’m no fan of Cameron, far from it, but he’s closer to reality over the present crisis. His big mistake was in submitting to pressure following a dubious child’s photograph which nobody will remember this time next year.
Merkel’s totally feckless handing of the immigration issue is typical. It will end in tears. She should have stuck with quantum mechanics.
Here we go again The One Show, ‘air pollution is responsible’ for 50000 deaths a year and ‘its estimated’ that diesel emissions ‘could’ be adding a ‘million tonnes’ of, well they didn’t say.
No solid evidence given only some guy trying to flog his ‘Airsensas’ Cut to a couple of feminist Nazis in blue high viz tops with the authority to fell drivers to switch their engines off when idling, the power to fine if they refuse, you couldn’t make it up.
Unforunately they didn’t ask the question, why are vehicles stationary, could it be endless unnecessary traffic lights, bus lanes, cycle lanes, 20mph limits or maybe even the BBC unmentionable, more people? Immigration maybe?
Fascism in action, coming to a town near you soon.
Wow, some serious inflation there, Geoff!
It used to be 30,000 deaths p.a. from breathing related disorders usually mis-attributed solely to road vehicles. A sharp journalist or medic on Radio 4 some years ago, circa 2008-2010 (may not have been BBC staffer but a contributor to a discussion around the issue) challenged the glib use of the 30,000 and teased out that yes, some of those would have a heart & lung disease, smoking, industrial or other cause of death and not all would be due solely to traffic fumes. There was a fall in the respiratory deaths reported by the NHS or ONS, IIRC in 2013, to 25,000. Then since the start of 2015 the 30,000 is back to being more or less regularly repeated. Now you say it is up to 50,000 in only a few months. Phew!
The cynic in me asks “They wouldn’t be calling for an Extra Diesel Tax on the back of this death inflation?”
My next questions are: “How much do these people earn?” and “Would they be in the above £150k p.a. income bracket and likely to benefit personally from an increase in indirect taxation albeit at the expense of jobs in business & industry, such the steel industry?”
Truss said tackling air pollution was a priority. “We want local authorities and members of the public to come forward and share ideas on action to be taken at national and local level to make our nation cleaner,” she said.
How about cutting immigration?
Fewer people produce less pollution – tick!
Friends of the Earth said: “Defra claims plans would mean legal limits are met five or more years earlier than currently forecast, but even then London’s children would still suffer with illegally filthy air for 10 more years.
How about cutting immigration?
Most of London’s children belong to immigrants, fewer children, fewer children suffering – tick!
Heathrow expansion story by Laura Kuenssberg:
Laura, do keep up sweetheart. International airport capacity is vital if tens of thousands of climate change activists, supported by colleagues of yours such as Harrabin (science qualifications=0), are to jet off to exotic locations around the world to…ahem…tackle climate change.
The Japanese had a tsunami, an earthquake, and a nuclear meltdown, no riots, complete law and order. Meanwhile in London, a sports store sale for Nike trainers and there’s a full scale riot. To us it’s just a sports shoe but to the effnik it’s a religious relic, bit like the Holy Grail.
Wait till we get Black Friday in November – the effniks will be truly out in force at the front of all the queues, pushing, shoving and falling through the doors to lay their hands on the 50 quid teles and £100 sofas. Cant remember the last time I saw a white face at the head of any Sale queue.
Cant blame the Japanese for keeping clear of immigration; who apart from this country, would want a culture that refers to women as bitches, enjoys non-music in the guise of rap, and has halal meat infiltrating the food chain !
There’s a reason why it’s called ” Black” Friday.
Climate change bias
The BBC are not the only ones pushing the CO2 armagedon scam. In the run up to the Paris IPCC meeting 2015, we have a multi agency assault on the veracity of climate science, that dirty religion.
The Royal Society is opening up its journal contents. Many previously pay walled articles are now going to be available. The purpose? It’s the new religion of global warming / climate change and the UN/EU/IPCC one world government plans innit?
Get in there while you can! To those who care about science, check this out:
28 November 2015; volume 373, issue 2055 edition of The RSA Proceedings.
The’ academics’ are panicking that their AGW alarmism won’t play out as they had hoped and they will need to change their tack. Is this a deluge of pseudo-science to control the narrative of ‘the science’ which was ‘in’, but is not anymore? Apparently the 97% consensus was neither 97% nor a consensus. The new tack? To propagandise more effectively! Hmmm. Sometimes academics can be really thick (lacking in common sense). The reputation of The Royal Society may be in for more degradation once these articles have been pulled apart and their motivation (Funding? Grants?) and timing of this release of related papers, questioned.
I especially like the abstract to this Marxist postmodernist intervention in ‘science’ (no doubt funded by the taxpayer), from one Naomi Oreskes in her paper entitled “The fact of uncertainty, the uncertainty of facts and the cultural resonance of doubt.”
…Sixty years after industry executives first decided to fight the facts of tobacco, the exploitation of doubt and uncertainty as a defensive tactic has spread to a diverse set of industries and issues with an interest in challenging scientific evidence. However, one can find examples of doubt-mongering before tobacco. One involves the early history of electricity generation in the USA. In the 1920s, the American National Electric Light Association ran a major propaganda campaign against public sector electricity generation, focused on the insistence that privately generated electricity was cheaper and that public power generation was socialistic and therefore un-American. This campaign included advertisements, editorials (generally ghost-written), the rewriting of textbooks and the development of high school and college curricula designed to cast doubt on the cost-effectiveness of public electricity generation and extol the virtues of laissez-faire capitalism. It worked in large part by finding, cultivating and paying experts to endorse the industry’s claims in the mass media and the public debate, and to legitimatize the alterations to textbooks and curricula. The similarities between the electric industry strategy and the defence of tobacco, lead paint and fossil fuels suggests that these strategies work for reasons that are not specific to the particular technical claims under consideration. This paper argues that a reason for the cultural persistence of doubt is what we may label the ‘fact of uncertainty’. Uncertainty is intrinsic to science, and this creates vulnerabilities that interested parties may, and commonly do, exploit, both by attempting to challenge the specific conclusions of technical experts and by implying that those conclusions threaten other social values.
Talk about setting a narrative! If I have time (which I probably won’t – nobody pays me to) I will scrutinise this paper ‘Sokal’ style. I hope real scientists (who have the time and income stream) take a look at these articles, the titles of which give the appearance of political steering, obfuscation and religiosity. One thing which gets my doubt resonating is whether Naomi has ever doubted how limited her understanding of economics may be, or how her mind may have been propagandised by socialistic un-American ‘thinking’ during her schooling.
Nullius In Verba
I would not waste my time with the Royal Society, especially after the Professor Peter Cox incident sent the Royal Society to the dogs of history. I got an idea of why the rebellion of the fellows got the Royal Society to remove this quote by Cox
“carbon dioxide from human sources is almost certainly responsible for most of the warming over the last 50 years. There is much evidence that backs up this explanation and none that conflicts with it”
This paper (Carbon cycle modelling and the residence time of natural and anthropogenic atmospheric CO2, Segalstad) proves that “none” is a lie, which forced the Royal Society to remove the quote because of fear that the fellows may give Segalstad mainstream media publicity.
This joke about BBC bias is in my file: The Royal Society says “uncertainty”, the IPCC says “likely” but the BBC which claims to be impartial says “Fact”.
I have found with experience that correlations with observations reduce uncertainty and highly complex scientific papers can have lots of “Black is White” bullshit hidden in the formulas.
But some important scientific papers can be found on Google Scholar.
I recommend:
(1) (Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009). and
(2) (Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011)
And for covering all aspects of the true cause of Climate Change: I would recommend any scientific paper by these scientists: Eigil Friis-Christensen, Ed Fix, Carlo Tosti, Nicola Scafetta, Paul Vaughan, Ian Wilson, David Archibald, Enric Palle, Jasper Kirkby, Henrik Svensmark and keep an eye on Piers Corbyn’s Weatheraction website.
“A new report has warned that within the UK’s first majority Muslim prison, non-Muslim inmates are being pressured to convert to an “Islamic protection racket” which now forms the largest “power block” in the jail.
The number of Muslims in Whitemoor prison in Cambridgeshire is thought to be double what it was in 2008, and the highest proportion in any UK prison.
Even then, prison staff were warning about radicalisation. It now appears the situation is deteriorating at a rapid pace”
BBC News- 2010
“A top-security prison where almost half the inmates are Muslims is a breeding ground for Islamic extremists, experts warned last night. The Sunday People reveals that category A Whitemoor jail, where terror fanatics are serving life sentences for plotting mass murder in the UK, is literally a recruiting centre for al Qaeda, according to alarmed staff, prison inspectors”
hmmm … Lets just put that under erm ,,, “extremism of all kinds” eh! Theresa Appeaser
Another prison being run short staffed … I mean, come on Toryboys, what could go wrong!
Click to access Whitemoor-2014-15.pdf
Shariamour! … I hope Mr Cameron s right giving Islam such “special” protection ……. yeah, a bit like this
Petition from Leave.Eu asking broadcasters to stop referring to the EU as “Europe”. Please sign if you agree. They need 100000 signatures by tomorrow.
And why are people who are anti EUSSR called Euro sceptics and not Euro realists or patriots while people who are pro EUSSR are not called Euro fanatics or better still, traitors ?
I refer to them Quislings. A surprising number of people don’t know what the term means (despite the BBC’s obsession with programmes about Nazis). They ask for an explanation and I can often turn the request into a conversation where I can get some points across.
I hope the BBC will not avoid this investigation.
Oh, I’m sure they’ll find a way.
Here’s Mahmoud Abbas’ moderate, peace-loving Fatah:
Jibril Rajoub, a member of the Fatah leadership, has praised the Palestinian terrorist attacks against Israel, calling them “acts of courage,” and said Palestinian schools should show last will and testament videos recorded by terrorists as part of their curriculum.
In an interview with the Palestinian Authority’s television station, he said that Palestinians are capable of bombing Israeli buses but have chosen not do so since it would benefit Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, as global public opinion would be against the bombing of buses in Tel Aviv. However, he claimed, the killing of Israeli soldiers and of settlers in the West Bank would be understood.
Obviously that would include ‘settler’ women, children and babies Judging from Palestinian terror attacks like the slaughter of the Fogel family, which the BBC, to its shame, would not report.
The BBC has made a powerful contribution to the thinking of scum like Jibril with its sympathy for Palestinian terrorists and relentless bias against the Israelis. He’s politically aware enough to have realised that BBC attitudes are widespread in the West and attacks on soldiers and ‘settlers’ have no effect on Western sympathy for the Palestinians.
SKY paper review, Kevin McGuire and Kenneth Williams of the Daily Fail are doing it, unbearable. I think the expression is flamer.
Kenneth Williams? “Carry On Talking Bollocks” presumably.
Stop messing about.
Sky paper review is ”interesting” to observe to see what people abroad are saying about Britain, I say abroad because I consider London is now abroad, it has no relationship to this country, quite the reverse it has a negative impact on the nation.
I watched a little of Panorama tonight, it was about China’s leader. There was a clip of him, supposedly, just turning up, buying and eating lunch in a cafe somewhere in the People’s Republic. The Beeboid presenter said it was unheard of for someone in his position to do that; unlike in the West where leaders might do that all the time.
I did hope she wasn’t including POTUS within that description, if he is seen on TV amongst “ordinary” people in a diner somewhere – all those people will have been vetted and scanned by the Secret Service, before they would be allowed anywhere near.
”Lesbian Swedish Bishop Wants Christian Crosses Removed From Church to Please Muslims
With hundreds of thousands more migrants set to pour into Sweden, a Bishop in Stockholm has proposed removing crosses from a Christian church and replacing them with Islamic symbols in order to cater for Muslims.
Bishop Eva Brunne wants to remove Christian symbols from the Sea men’s Church to make the building “more inviting” for Muslims, reports Sweden’s national public TV broadcaster.
“Leasing a room to people of other faiths, does not mean that we are not defenders of our own faith. Priests are called to proclaim Christ. We do that every day and in every meeting with people. But that does not mean that we are hostile toward people of other faiths,” wrote Brunne, attempting to justify the plan.
Brunne, who is the first openly lesbian bishop of a mainstream church in the world, wants the church to be treated more like a public airport, where prayer rooms are made available to Muslims, by removing Christian symbols and “marking the direction of Mecca.”
“This is what a society and culture in the midst of suicide looks like,” writes Robert Spencer.
If you think this story sounds too bizarre to be true, then you haven’t acquainted yourself with the progressive “utopia” that is Sweden”
The most troubling thing I’ve heard about Sweden came from the irrepressible Pat Condell. In one of his excellent video clips on what’s left of that country he said that Iraqi Muslim invaders are ensuring that Iraqi Christian refugees will not be granted sanctuary in Sweden – and the dhimmi Swedes are going along with this ‘religious’ hatred rather than insisting on their long-held humanitarian principles.
If this is the case (and I don’t doubt Condell’s research) it’s only a matter of time till Sweden becomes Europe’s first Islamic state under the tender mercies of Sharia ‘law.’
News you’ll never hear from Pakistan or Syria or Libya or…..(the list is lengthy).
–In response to Sweden’s decision to remove Crosses from their Churches, Pakistani and Syrian Mosques will display the Christian Cross and remove their Islamic Symbols.
And Prayer Rooms for Christians will be set aside in these Mosques. In the interest of community cohesion–
Leasing a room to people of other faiths, does not mean that we are not defenders of our own faith.
Ha ha ha. Priceless.
Storm Steve could sweep across UK
Well finally a bit of Britain I grew up in. How quaint the names of the storms sound now. Like the weather forecasts, the Met Office is behind the times when it comes to British names for the storms.
Might I suggest a tornado called Tibor, a hurricane named Hussein, a maelstrom named Mohammed?
The more the BBC breeds new ‘programmes’, the more it breeds staff, the more they need to cast about for stories to justify their existence.
I struggle to see how this falls under ‘news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady):
Seems the clincher may have been the poet bit. Or maybe some other factor that can arouse a BBC reporter.
Not nice for the wee lass, but I am pretty sure most folk have a had a dubious encounter with a drunk on the last train in our time. And the rest of the carriage decided the screen of their iPad was suddenly fascinating.
I must also revisit a Dave Attenborough boxed set to see what ‘jungle noises’ might be.
Desperate stuff BBC. I wonder if an attempt to ‘balance’ another in transit video that must surely have caused dilemmas that saw the midnight oil burning in Frankie Howerd.
And as usual her account is accepted without question. Did it really happen exactly as described? And why the prominence that she’s a poet? Is she going to appear shortly on the BBC?
Well, who’d have guessed ..
“Siana has worked with Channel 4; BBC 1 and BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra; Sky TV; The Guardian; TES; Buzzfeed; and has written for The Metro; The Evening Standard; Huffington Post…”
No doubt a well connected young lady with a platform.
Her account may be true, but it may be exaggerated.
Also, at the foot of the article and not really relevant to the incident, nice little plug.
“Siana, a performance poet and writer, is currently travelling around the UK as part of a tour marking Black History Month.”
I can’t wait for the White History Month which must be coming soon. Can you imagine the outcry and gnashing of teeth should anyone suggest such a thing.
Black history is relatively short as hundreds of years ago nothing was written about black people except by white people. Must have been due to colonialism !
Isn’t black history month one of the shorter months?
You are confusing it with black achievement day.
Or is me confusing it with black intellectual creativity hour?
Black achievement day, that will be the shortest day of the year.
Black intellectual creativity hour, that will be the same hour that the clocks go back.
Other passengers told HER to calm down and stop ‘making a scene’. Mmmm, me thinks the video could be interesting.
It may be honest, it may be true
But you’re on the BBC
So I don’t trust you
Seems pomes and lady pome spouters are the new black…
Is it just me, or is the BBC giving a lot more coverage to the imminent loss of steel jobs than they did to last week’s record employment figures?
Surely the BBC wouldn’t want people to think that unemployment was rising?
I think alBeeb are a bit worried about Chinese steel and the closer relations between UK and China. They must be quaking in their boots at the thought of a state broadcaster that has to toe the line!
Relax. It’s not a criticism of the failings of globalism as those Indian and Thai owned steel factories operating in Britain shut up shop. More likely to be a precursor to an announcement of them being saved by a new deal being signed with China to ‘save British jobs’. Watch this space.
The BBC are still encouraging debate of the ‘What should the government be doing’ variety when it was made clear very early doors that EU competition laws would not allow intervention if it could be seen as a subsidy.
The inability of the interviewers to make this point after well over a week of going over the same old ground is yet another example of the BBC being economical with the facts and thus giving its support to a chosen agenda.
BBC trumpeting the liberals win in Canada. Conservative wins there greeted with silence. Blatant bias.
Speaking of the BBC and what they consider ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady), the answers, if provided (they may pull an exemption out of the hat) and published will be interesting:
Sexing the weather up,
More wannabe Americanism from the Met Office, if they start referring to our somtimes inclement and blustery weather as “Nigel” or “Steve” it will be truly riseable.
Presumably the BBC/AGW weather men ( the scarce few there are ) are called Dick!
Or, more subtly, Tommy Shafterknacker.
“The rain will be a good thing, it will fill the reservoirs”
I have to say I wasn’t aware there was any great threat of drought this winter – but I expect Bill Turnbull has been out and about with his little dipstick
Or could it be the viewer is being subjected to one of those ‘Mindfulness’ sessions, about which the BBC are so keen?
Feel the weight of your body sink to your feet, using a finger of one hand draw a line around the fingers of the opposite hand…. now meditate – in an ecumenical multicultural manner – open your mind…. this summer has been exceptionally hot and dry….
…or the country is overpopulated and our water supplies can no longer cope.
Another day, another pack of lies from the BBC. R4’s 9 am news reveals the soon to be announced job losses by Tata steel which, they satt, is due to cheap Chinese imported steel.
The lengths to which the Corporation is going to conceal A/ its part in the promotion of high energy prices due to its scaremongering over the AGW scam and B/ Labour’s direct culpability for having imposed those charges, is as astonishing as it is shameless.
Labour and its Green allies have the smoking gun and the BBC is trying to conceal that fact.
….also – even if we wanted to give transitional help to these steel plants to weather the current storm, EU rules specifically prevent this.
‘…saving you from the trouble of keeping up with the news…’
What’s this, are the BBC finally fessing up that they select, slant and create for us everything that they call ‘the news’ ?
No, a couple of payroll comics are clocking on for yet another shift at their jobs-for-life with the Beeb Radio Bore
Radio 4 Jim al Khalili interviews Professor Robert Plomin on the science of genetics and the link with intelligence.
“In this study and in his other work, he’s shown consistently that genetic influences on intelligence are highly significant, much more so than what school you go to, your teachers or home environment. If only the genetic differences between children were fully acknowledged, he believes education could be transformed and parents might stop giving themselves such a hard time. ”
Khalili is NOT pleased! This flies in the face of accepted settle left wing ‘science’ everyone is equal? It’s all down to education? In the end Khalili gets so frustrated he suggests that research of this kind should not even be undertaken if it disproves or challenges left wing views of the world !
He believes education could be transformed, but it’s never going to be, because the lefties will never accept that people aren’t actually created equal !
And James Watson of DNA fame was ostracised for saying this. I hope that the BBC luvvies who promote the silencing of truth will find them at the sharp end of the new anti-extremism measures.
I’ll show my ignorance here, world famous or not I’d never heard of James Watson before following your link. If his findings have any truth behind them then it would be safe to assume those in authority will know all about it and draw heavily on it when making policy.
Watson and Crick?
And Franklin, don’t forget.
How could we ever forget Franklin.
She gets top billing in all current reports.
And we all know why.
Had a read up on them and filled that gap thanks, still working on the other multitude of stuff I know absolutely nothing about though.
When the lid is lifted just a little more on the implications of DNA and inheritance, the Left in general, and the BBC in particular, are going to go into meltdown. It has implications that don’t just undermine, they actively destroy, almost all the cornerstones of contemporary liberal beliefs.
I stopped watching or listening to any Beeb Science years ago since they started dumbing down and made programs that could be shoehorned into a left-wing narrative (eg Climate Change nonsense). All their presenters appear to be token stooges like Al-Khalili, (and that annoying Brian Cox!) for whom the ‘science’ is actually dogma.
The corruption of the scientific method started with human IQ studies, before moving to Atmospheric Physics.
But with Creationism, there is a moronic loony paradox on the left of politics.
We have on the one hand “All Men are created equal” as the “Creationist First Commandment” of left-wing dogma, while on the other hand the lefties mock Creationist right-wing Baptists in America as proof that all right-wing people are morons.
And all because the Creationist Baptist minister who said “All Men are created equal”, is Americas biggest “Black skinned” left-wing hero.
Al Khalili also bases his judgment about Climate Change on “ Emotional wishful thinking”
I find that the paradox is also manifest in the selfish left-wing thought process.
(1) A lefty likes people less intelligent than themselves, so they verbally say that they are intelligent.
(2) A lefty does not like people more intelligent than themselves, such as a typical UKIP, so they verbally say that they are thick.
This is an avenue of thought that no Western Government let alone the lefties want to go down.
Science can still be amongst the Beebs better output. I liked the recent series on Quantum Mechanics and the World Service has a good series (probably the best thing on the WS) about the elements in the periodic table. But unfortunately these are few and far between. Just think how many fantastic science programs could be made if Strictly and Bake Off were axed.
The BBC can, naturally, modify the laws of Physics any time it wishes.
But Quantum Mechanics does not lend itself to propaganda and manipulation.
Those pesky sub-atomic particles are difficult to interview.
Worse, next to none of the ethnics and others beloved by Al Beeb can generate a sentence about Eastender’s let alone talk intelligently about QM AND coevally slip in some anti UKIP bias.
Whereas the programmes for the cannon fodder are easy to distort.
BBC News, BBC Radio reports
Camoron and co are now in talks, finalising deals with China, as the premier visits.
Translation … cap in hand, organising what to sell off/give away next, whilst lining their own pockets
at the same time … the spiteful, and self serving economic imbeciles UK give away continues.
BBC – “UK ‘acting like a panting puppy’ to China” As usual the Biased BBC lambasts the government, this time via James McGregor on The Today Program, for its approach to China, the yellow peril once again, just as it was in the cold war. Do the BBC really care or do they just want to fill webpage inches and tv minutes?
I have worked on all continents of our small planet and have seen a few things and learned a few things over the years. Are the BBC really expecting us to be shocked that we are trading with China and looking for additional enterprise? Well, BBC, here’s a news flash just for you – Welcome to the real world !
Here’s a clue – where do you think the oil comes from that is refined into the petrol you put in your silly little liberal apologist-mobiles? When you are standing at Sainsbury’s forecourt filling up, are you thinking of the plight of millions of Angolans starving and living in shanty towns in Luanda – while the oil revenues flow in then out again? Are you thinking of the hundreds of thousands of Asians – Indians, Pakistanis, Filipinos etc that work almost as slaves to the Emirs and Kings of the Middle East and the Gulf States and their families? Or are you just thinking how many Nectar points you will get for filling up? Yes, I thought so.
As I said earlier, welcome to the real world. It might not be that great but acting like nancy-boys, writing all that supercilious, sanctimonious crap on your website, having your tame liberal yes-men on your public affairs programs might make you sleep easy in bed at night BUT IT AIN’T GONNA CHANGE ANYTHING.
You need to get out more.
Woof Woof.
Perhaps if the BBC wasn’t funded by poll tax but instead had to go out into the big, wide world and sell its wares to survive, it might suddenly take the view China isn’t such a bad place after all.
And as for its distaste for an authoritarian state – BBC ‘climate change’ policy anybody?