Bizarre BBC reporting on Chinese leader’s visit to London….
TV star Kirstie Allsopp today accused the BBC’s royal correspondent of ‘loathing’ the royal family after he compared the Queen with the Chinese President.
The Location, Location, Location presenter, 44, turned on Peter Hunt after he described how ‘one party state’ leader Xi Jinping was staying in ‘the palace home of an unelected monarch’ while in London.
Describing the significance of the Chinese President’s visit to the UK Mr Hunt had said on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: ‘The President of a single party state which shed its imperial past more than a century has now taken up temporary residence in the palace home of an unelected monarch’.
The introduction left Ms Allsopp furious and she tweeted: ‘Get him off, please get him off @BBCr4today’.
She added: ‘Peter Hunt has paid his dues, please put him out of his misery & give the Royals to someone else, he clearly loathes them.
‘He was so down on “shooting” Prince William re ivory speech, but comparing “unelected” HM Queen & China Premier is too much’.
Of course that’ll be the unelected BBC presenter Peter Hunt who, along with his colleagues, thinks he runs the country or should do.
If he really thinks China’s abandoned its imperial ambitions, then he’s an idiot.
Don’t suppose this Ping chap is at all impressed with anything much he has or is seeing in this country he would consider imperialist-only what he and his cohorts can claw out of it-China is still very undemocratic as one of its citizens pronounced on BBC4 today and wonders why we should want to trust doing business with them. China is no so much investing in Britain as investing in the whole of the West for one purpose only & we know what that is.
Xi should stay well away from the European Commission then.
In the absence of a popular vote, the German President’s democratic credentials are a bit dodgy as well. Hope he gave the Bellevue Palace a wide berth.
Say, if the BBC’s getting hot under the collar about the whole ‘democratic mandates’ thing, I don’t remember electing this guy:
Or this guy:
Or this one:
Oops! Guess they’re all the same guy and they just published three articles in 24 hour because they were worried someone might miss the very deep thoughts of an arrogant elitist snob who’s never been elected dog catcher even in his home town.
Ditto, Universal Shami…
Ditto, St Doreen of Lawrence…
[Repeat Until Infinity]
I’m still waiting for Lee Rigby’s mother to receive the same honour.
I have a feeling that i’ll be waiting a lifetime for that to happen though….
I’m still waiting for Pc Keith Blakelock’s wife to receive the same honour as St Doreen of Lawrence.
He was murdered by a gang of black youths on the Broadwater Farm Estate, Tottenham who have yet to be arrested. They tried to cut his head off and put it on a pole.
Imagine the consequences if a gang of white youths had done the same to a black Police Officer?
Then there was PC Patrick Dunne 44, 20 October 1993.
He was attending a domestic at 28 Cato Road, Clapham, when he heard the sound of gunfire. As he went outside to investigate he was shot once in the chest. Three “young men” left the scene laughing and firing shots into the air in triumph. He was pronounced dead on arrival at St. Thomas’s Hospital.
Staggering naivety about China; staggering ignorance about our constitutional monarchy, vital for our democracy.
Staggering short-sightedness in refusing to apologise.
Absolutely agree Stuart Baker, staggering naivety & ignorance if Britain’s politicians believe that Ping & his cohorts are in the UK to achieve anything else but a strangle hold on its future & that of Europe. Do not let us use the word Trust, let it be caution-as they say ‘Buyer beware’.
The beeboids in the newsroom have been in “full contempt” mode for some time now on President Xi’s visit. They even seem to have brought back their China Editor, Carrie Gracie, to join in the collective kicking of both Xi and the UK government. Gracie produces a pretty continuous stream of negative reporting on China. Contemptuous of George Osborn’s efforts to strengthen trade ties, she points gleefully to the White House, arguing that the yanks will be very pissed off, and will get nasty with Downing Street. Never mind the US strategic “pivot to Asia” which of course has China at the top of their own agenda both in terms of trade and political containment. And of course we get the usual Beeb China drumbeat on human rights, pollution, falling growth rates (shockingly low at 6.9% pa), sweatshops, environmental degradation, cyber warfare, etc etc. So here’s the thing, yes China is nothing like Shangri La, and yes the Chinese government behaves like all communist governments do when faced with political opposition, but despite this there is an economic and social revolution taking place there. The Chinese are now travelling as tourists in their millions around Asia and the West. and their government has massive economic resources which it needs to invest. There has already been a capitalist transformation in the last thirty years (which is why China is no longer fashionable for all those lefty “liberals” at the Beeb and beyond), and there is every reason to think that far greater social change is still to come- albeit within a very Chinese social context.
What the BBC does not like is the idea of Britain acting as an independent entity on the world stage. In the BBC worldview, all diplomacy and trade negotiations should be left to the EU – who are of course utterly dedicated to helping Britain.
And that is a generalisation from the particular. The BBC worldview is unremittingly collectivist. This means it disapproves of almost any action which is individualistic, on either a personal or national level. It’s a thoroughly communist mindset.