Jeremy Corbyn doesn’t know when to stop digging….why would he possibly think a man like Shameless Milne, the Guardian troll, could bring the slightest bit of respect and credibility to his regime?
Jeremy Corbyn’s hapless PR has been noted. I don’t think it’s the real problem – the man is the nightmare, not his messaging.
But PR can make things even worse and today Corbyn has delivered a master stroke.
Here is Mr Milne “communicating” on behalf of the murderers of British troops.
There’s plenty more in this blog’s archives and perhaps readers would like to add their own Milne “greatest hits”.
Like terrorists? Back Labour.
Of course Corbyn isn’t the only Labour grandee to back terrorist organisations…David Miliband would be happy to look the other way in the right circumstances…..
Asked by presenter Matthew Parris whether there were any circumstances in which terrorism was justified, Mr Miliband said: ‘Yes, there are circumstances in which it is justifiable, and yes, there are circumstances in which it is effective.’
Does Corbyn realise what a destructive force he is to the Labour Party? Does he care?
Or perhaps he considers his friends and appointees to be the TRUE party of Labour?
No matter what the electorate think.
The concern that I have isn’t that Corbyn is a destructive force to the Labour Party, but that he and his supporters are a destructive force to the country in general. Many on the right believed that the argument for the free market verses socialism had been won in the 80’s and by the time the dust had settled on the Soviet Union in 1991 the far left, apart from a few eccentrics was finished. Unfortunately, that has proved not to be the case.
Seumas Milne ranting and sloganising, seems to me to be, quite frankly, deranged but worryingly the far left is gaining support. If the Labour Party under Corbyn has the same fate as it did under Michael Foot I for one won’t be disappointed, but this is no time to be complacent.
Yes, I agree and I think the Right has been absurdly complacent in assuming that the British public aren’t stupid enough to vote for Corbyn. They voted for that charlatan and sociopath Blair, the French voted for Hollande, the Canucks have just kicked out Abbot in favour of that socialist male model they just elected, the Aussies had that appalling moron Gillard at the helm for a long while…
People can be extremely stupid and someone promising them the earth, even if they know in their hearts that all he is really offering are moonbeams, can sometimes prevail – especially if his opponents are buffoons (see Cameron, Dave)
And to add to your list, New Zealand had that appalling leftie woman at the helm for years. The Canadians have just given the wonderful Harper the boot (not Abbot) in favour of a dim-witted liberal.
Corbyn could well become the next PM. If he does, the country is stuffed.
I agree with your last sentence. It appears a growing number of dumbed down voters have completely lost the plot. Stupidity reigns.
Yes, decades of lefty ‘education,’ which is really indoctrination, has produced results.
Indoctrination is most definitely the key, but one has to ask why such an agenda and why does the indoctrination not work on all?
Is it about about intelligence, probably not as even seemingly intelligent people fall for it, is it mind control, NLP, Common Purpose and to what ends and by whom?
One thing is for sure it bloody depressing to see what many apparently can’t.
I think it’s also a matter of growing up and realising that no government can be a benevolent father figure looking after people their whole lives while not insisting that they get off their butts and help themselves.
Corbyn never grew up. And so he’ll flare up like an adolescent denied his father’s car keys when challenged on issues such as his love of Hamas and Hezbollah.
The Canadians have just voted for Justin Trudeau, the son of Pierre, who set the course of mass immigration, particularly those from Algeria, as they spoke French.
Just look at what the Canadians elected yesterday. He makes Ed Milliband look like an economically-savvy, self-made entrepreneur.
I hope TPO isn’t gnashing his teeth today.
Here’s Corbyn losing it when asked about considering Hamas and company as his friends, before grudgingly trotting out the old crap about using the word ‘friends,’ “in a collective sense.” then he grudgingly claimed not to agree with what Hamas and Hezbollah do.
From 8 minutes in:
Why does Tom Watson always sit right behind Corbyn in parliament: is he working strings.
Maybe the vile Watson has something to hide ? Wouldn’t that be funny !
Either that or a very short range radio-controller
I am puzzled. Is Milne a Stalinist ?. Is Corbyn a Trot. ? WE need to know as I remember just how much these two sides hated each opther in the old days. Even the 1960s and 70s.
What is certain is that neither have any sense or appeal to the shire electorate. They are the representatives of old union left and new teacher/social worker/ BBc/ charity etc entitlement classes. All they can do is disrupt the country.
Never mind whether Corbyn is destructive to the Labour party, you should be asking the question as to whether leftie dave is destructive to the Tory party!
It is my belief that spineless Daves leftie social beliefs have forced supporters away from the Tories in droves, his only reason for being a Tory is his families personal inherited wealth and that they are yet to inherit. This is no longer the party of the entrepreneurs, and the upwardly mobile, it is the party of wealth & privilege dead set on preserving that and hauling up the drawbridge as fast as it can to stop the oiks joining them.
It doesn’t matter if hundreds of thousands of immigrants come into the UK it only forces up property values and makes the already wealthy even more so. On the other hand it makes it much more difficult for the middle classes who were the Tories natural supporters, to see their children enjoying the same standard of living they did, thus they will seek a party which will give them a better chance of that.
We have seen super rich Tory supporters call the working class lazy and workshy, and now they are cutting the support of those who are trying by working in low wage jobs, unable to afford the cost of living which successive governments have increased through stealth taxes, and demand led inflation.
We have seen Cameron’s Islamophillia only explainable by the bribery of the oil rich Sunni Muslim countries, on the other hand Corbyn has at least criticised the Saudis human rights record. Of all the politicians who might betray their country to another Corbyn is least likely, whereas Cameron would sell his own grandmother if he’d got the inheritance !
The demise of the Tory party would be a good thing. The Cameron clique are not conservative so there is no reason to keep this party in being. it is a liberal left clique.
For myself I do not believe that any of us have a right to expect anything from the state. I have no problem with the rich , being quite poor myself, as this is the way of the world.
A real conservative may have little but that should be earned by his or hers own efforts. The best government is one which governs lightly and taxes least.
I really do not believe that Cameron is bribed by the Saudis. It is much more likely that he has his eyes on the arms trade. Cameron is many things I do not like but an honest man he looks and probably is.
I agree. I also agree that the suggestion Cameron has been bribed by the Saudis is preposterous. He has no need to be bribed, he is from that class of the wealthy, self-perpetuating ‘elite’ who consider themselves born to govern. And govern they have – usually very badly.
Yawnnnn , yes the Conservatives are sooo left wing, Farage will not be the next PM , so Kippers you may as well vote Corbyn . he is obviously the one that you want.. & its not Olivia Neutron Bomb .
It is foolish to underestimate Corbyn and expect that ridicule will reduce his appeal. It is even more foolish to pretend that he hasn’t a hope of getting his party back into government in one way or another. Far too many people are too young to have any feel for the danger he poses through his Socialist and Stalinist beliefs, many people haven’t the slightest idea who Stalin was anyway, other maybe than a leader of the Soviet Union many years ago – and what was that anyway – and make no mistake given the chance he will implement whatever he can; the Left is not without plans. He doesn’t have to get into government to do that. How many people in positions of influence will stand up to him? They are more likely to go in for appeasement, and a belief that he can be tempted into the Establishment. And this pathetic weak Tory leadership will try to head off his appeal by moving further to Left to meet him and attempt to ‘head him off’.
He won the Labour election by just a small margin by 0.07% over the 50% he needed to avoid a second count – how many Tories and other people voted for him on the basis that it would be such a great ‘wheeze’ to get him in on the basis that it would ruin the Labour party for decades. It may be in a mess at present but there is plenty of time smooth things over and people have short memories. They should be wondering if they have made one of the most foolish and arrogant mistakes of their lives, and ours.
He won the Labour election by just a small margin by 0.07% over the 50% he needed to avoid a second count
That might be factually correct, but it isn’t true ! You have two statements in that sentence one right the other not. He won the Labour leadership by a landslide.
Corbyn won with nearly 59.5% of first-preference votes. Andy Burnham, trailed on 19%, and Yvette Cooper who received 17%
He beat the closest others by nearly twice their votes combined !
I am shocked by how many of my friends support Corbyn, they are all intelligent people. But they buy his message of ‘being nice’, ‘doing good’, & ‘helping the poor’. Admirable notions that few would disagree with. But I find that they have a naive understanding of how practically one can address these things. Soaking the rich (which in reality is taxing the middle classes) will not help anyone. They fail to see that Corbyn’s seemingly philanthropic ideas will backfire by creating unemployment, wreck the economy, raise the cost of international borrowing, cause more home possessions as mortgages get unpaid. Goodness, Corbyn’s future plans are a dystopia not a kindly leg-up to those poorest & vulnerable in our society, but my friends are too uninformed & ‘nice’ to realise this.
“Never mind whether Corbyn is destructive to the Labour party, you should be asking the question as to whether leftie dave is destructive to the Tory party!”
Thoughtful, I’m an optimist. If Corbyn alienates many Labour supporters while Dave alienates many Conservative supporters, the natural home for all these abandoned electors is UKIP. Nigel has only 1 MP but the party came second in a lot of the seats, so there will be a good chance of many more UKIP MPs in 2020. The biggest risk is that the Cotbynites take to the streets and fear drives the ordinary voters back to the Conservatives.
Scratch a Liberal, and underneath you’ll find a fascist, as an old saying goes
This kind of anti-British hatred has been prevalent in certain areas of the Labour party for generations. You only need to look at the make-up of the Labour front bench in Scotland, and places like Glasgow, Monklands and Dundee councils to see this mentality is very much encouraged
These are the places where the likes of John Reid, Michael Martin, Jim Devine and, of course, Galloway made their names
Is the clever money on the next UK Government being UKIP.
If this referendum vote goes OUT including Scotland, Wales and N.I. the Conservatives will be split, Labour are a cult for the poor, the SNP are being sussed. It leaves the door wide open.
Interesting times!
Fantasy Politics , all although I agree there is a slim possibility of Coybyn being the next PM , but Kippers will have Zero seats , Carswell is Ukip Lite , he is not even supporting Farage in the referendum .
“…..could bring the slightest bit of respect and credibility to his regime?”
Well Alan he has got this far without a trace of credibility so things have not changed.