Last week the World Service in its wisdom had a report from an environmentally-friendly girl who interviewed a needy but enterprising black South African. Penniless, he decided to extract paper, glass and plastic from the dustbins of the wealthy suburbs of Johannesburg and take his findings to the recycling centres for cash.
She asked him whether he was happy that he was doing his bit for the environment but received an incomprehensible reply. Odds are that he hadn’t thought about that at all but was just trying to feed and clothe himself. Yet there she was trying to turn him into a green campaigner.
I remember returning bottles to the shop for the tuppence return, the rag and bone man on Saturdays who would give balloons to the kids in exchange for rags, the scrap man who purchased scrap iron for six shillings per hundred weight, and the uses for cinders and ash from the fires, and collecting waste paper to equip the school football team with boots . Funny how we never thought we were combatting climate change or saving the planet.
Indeed – when every act of enlightened self-interest is turned instead into an act of moral compliance, that is when the State has purloined your liberty, and sold you down the river for a slave.
Ah, but we we’re the selfish Baby Boomers who’ve had it all (well, they’ve got to find someone to blame for their own rabid consumerism and fiscal incontinence…….)
Yes we all did that but no lefty MPs decided it ought to be brought it up in Parliament the disgraceful situation in the country that youngsters were forced to stoop to these measures to subsidize sporting activities or get the cash to go to the Pictures.
Times and perceived entitlement were SO different,
And let us not forget what a visionary Mrs Thatcher was. Who would have thought that when she closed down the remainder of the loss making pits and thus reducing the nations dependency on coal, she was in fact at the forefront of battle against “Global Warming” and henceforth “Climate Change”. And how the lefties now criticise her for doing just that but bang on about how we must reduce our fossil fuel consumption to mitigate against “Global Warming” and “Climate Change”. What a visionary she was. You would think the BBC would show her the respect she so deserves what with their stance on “Global Warming” aka “Climate Change”.
Four great posts above, cheered me no end after listening to bits of the TOADY programme (R4 22 Oct) which might have depressed me badly but for my general joyful nature! Did find myself switching off twice just because the blethering became too much to take.
As for the permafrost … , well what can one say? Scientist says ‘COULD happen by 2070’ and BBC journalist man – think it was the Horror Van – ignores that careful qualification and takes it as a given. Get on board the Climate Change negotiations, folks! On your bicycles, that is. You listeners have to walk or cycle. Only Horror Van is allowed to take the taxi or private BBC car.
The BBC are increasingly reporting these wild predictions as fact, so temperatures ‘will’ rise by ‘x’ if CO2 emissions aren’t cut by ‘y’, despite the fact they are still based on climate models that are wildly out of kilter with real world observations.
In contrast to the hysteria being spouted by the media and by the BBC in particular, there is still a lot of caution expressed in the detailed chapters of every IPCC report (though less and less so over the years) – it is heavily laced with ‘coulds’ and ‘mights’. If Harrabin and his chums could be bothered to read it instead of taking the ludicrous ‘Summary for Policymakers’ (co-written by activists and politicians) at face value, he might tone down his alarmist rhetoric.
Sorry, forget that last statement, a herd of pigs just shat down the window (again) – coincidentally forming a graph-like pattern in the shape of a hockey stick.
Neither Harrabin nor his fellow environmentalist shills who cover Science/Environment at the BBC have the relevant qualifications required to comprehend even the simplest of scientific publications. That is why they take the easy route, just regurgitate every press release from WWF, FoE, Greenpeace etc.
MacDonalds had Ronald, the BBC has Harrabin and co.
May I nominate Nicholae Ceausescu as the greenest leader ,obviously born out of his time .
He impoverished the Roumanians , had hardly anything to buy in the shops , limited private travel to 20 litres a month for a car , only allowed hot water to be pumped for two hours at specified times into their homes , did not have the street lights on in the towns and cities , decreed that the temperature never went below 2 degrees Celsius in winter so there was no need for heating gas ( the temp could easily be -14 Celsius ) and forbid foreign travel – no cheap flights .
He said it was for the People’s Socialist Republic of Romania . If only he had said it was Polar Bears and global warming
Someone in the last “Start the Week” thread asked if I had any evidence that the Northern hemisphere was getting colder as opposed to having flat lining temperatures. Well, I don’t want to do all the work, but have a look at just one of the many reports from countries all over the N.H. who are having or have had a cold year, with “cold” records being broken. Unfortunately, the BBC are very unwilling to promote such newsworthy items and so as a result, the people of Great Britain remain ignorant of the reality.
The BBC did helpfully inform us about that suspiciously hot day earlier in the year. A record breaker apparently. It turned out the temperature spike occurred at Heathrow close to where jet efflux would affect readings. None of our £4Bn a year journalists managed to spot that but they certainly pushed the record breaking temperature line.
In celebration of Lord Nelson’s Trafalgar Victory, I bring you a clip from the ‘ Master and Commander’ film.
Today is Trafalgar Day.
Set in the Pacific at the time of Nelson’s triumph, it gives us a taste of battle against an imposing yet morally inferior French opposition. But then again…I’m biased and proud of it.
No BBC celebration today. ‘Back To The Future’ rehash was far more important
Al Beeb would never show that film today of all days, as is smacks of ‘anti EU’ . We all know that Al Beeb are funded by the pseudo-state known as the European Union . They made no effort for the ‘200 Waterloo’ celebrations. We all know they hate our British Heritage.
‘Time to make a quick exit’!
And Wales !
Don’t forget, the ‘Last invasion of Britain’ in 1797, when 1400 French troops landed near my home of Fishguard.
It caused quite a stir. I bet that would not be taught in schools these days.
Nor would they teach how shipwrecked Spanish sailors from a previous invasion attempt stayed in Britain and integrated so well with local communities that to find them today you would mostly need to hunt very intensively & intrusively with DNA testing kits.
Back to the Future movies are all excellent romps , good versus evil . The goodies win in the end. D.V. should love them, the Delorean was made on his “Manor” in N.I.
Right lads, now, I know there’s not a faint heart among you, and I know you’re as anxious as I am to get into close action. But we must bring them right up beside us before we spring this trap. That will test our nerve, and discipline will count just as much as courage. The Acheron is a tough nut to crack … more than twice our guns, more than twice our numbers, and they will sell their lives dearly. Topmen, your handling of the sheets to be lubberly and un-navy like. Until the signal calls, you’re to spill the wind from our sails, this will bring us almost to a complete stop. Gun crews, you must run out and tie down in double quick time. With the rear wheels removed, you’ve gained elevation, but without recoil, there’ll be no chance for re-load, so gun captains, that gives you one shot from the larboard battery … one shot only. You’ll fire for her mainmast. Much will depend on your accuracy … however … even crippled, she will still be dangerous, like a wounded beast. Captain Howard and the marines will sweep their weather deck with swivel gun and musket fire from the tops. They’ll try and even the odds for us before we board. They mean to take us as a prize. And we are worth more to them undamaged. Their greed … will be their downfall. England is under threat of invasion, and though we be on the far side of the world, this ship is our home. This ship is England. So it’s every hand to his rope or gun, quick’s the word and sharp’s the action. After all, Surprise is on our side.
Wow…missed this film..cracking, gruesome action there…i’ll watch it soon. Wonder how many youngsters were aware of the day’s significance, even know about the battle?…Not as many as in my day i bet, [ I’m 58 ], thanks to cultural marxists probably, who infest education, the Law and most else.
‘Master and Commander’ is one of the best films I have ever seen and it is the antithesis of the BBC revisionist school of historical film making. There is no over the top violence or sex, and no attempts to shoehorn modern PC ideas into the past. It’s also very intelligent, touching on questions such as duty versus self-interest and whether war is justified. I recommend it to all Biased BBC viewers!
I was a regular BBC Breakfast watcher and then 24 News, until they buggered up the scheduling and put on Victoria Derbyshire, which was permanently and depressingly biased to non-white people that I wanted to slit my wrists on a regular basis. I then switched to Sky News – just about bearable, BUT now I want to end it all during the adverts ! I am bombarded with photos/film of black babies crying or covered in flies, to tinkly sombre music while I’m being asked for money ! Every charity in creation to do with saving children or providing water is now filling the time while the Sky presenters go for a pee ! Not great while I’m having my toast. There’s never any mention of providing free condoms to prevent the amount of kids that are ‘wanting’, which would be far more of use.
Funny how there is NEVER an advert to help and assist the ELDERLY in this country – to give better care in Care Homes, or to help with more paid care in the home.
Heart wringing music.
Slo mo black baby crying, add flies if necessary.
Voice over, slow, emotive, demanding:
please give what you can. There are chief executives barely managing to live on their six figure salaries. Indeed, many have to take jobs on other charity boards just to survive. Please give generously. Just £5 per week can keep a charity executive in the life style to which he is accustomed. Think of Justin Forsyth. He suffered while he was the labour strategist and is now part of Save the Children on a mere £160,000 per year. Or poor Jasmine Whitbread, also at Save the Children, struggling to get by on a paltry £234,000 per year. And it is not just their salaries you should think about. These struggling wretches require expenses, personal accounts, phones, cars and Ipads. So please give whatever you can. Remember, you cannot be too poor to subsidise the idle rich.
Music reaches a crescendo as the gullible take out their credit cards and reach for the phone.
That has given me an idea. From now on, when I receive one of those charity begging letters that includes a return envelope, I will send them a list of their executives’ salaries and encourage them to shove their begging letters up their @rses.
What’s not to like, I get a great deal of satisfaction and hard working postmen (postpersons?) keep their jobs.
Dutch MP Geert Wilders has arrived here in Australia to launch the anti-Islam Australian Liberty Alliance political party. He’s at a secret location in Perth.
Here’s how the Aussie media are dealing with it. I switched on the commercial channel 7 for breakfast TV this morning. In the studio was a person in a pale mauve hijab, bizarrely topped off with large, glitter-framed spectacles of a style I haven’t seen since Dame Edna Everidge retired.
“Does it worry you that Mr Wilders is getting 12 per cent of the vote in the Netherlands?’ asks our trusty presenter, in shock-horror tones.
The guest then got several minutes so spout her opinion on Mr Wilders. No questions were put to her, and no other guests were offered to give balancing view. Wilders was opposed to Aussie values, she thought.
The funniest bit came at the end. (And here I should point out that a popular feature of Aussie culture is the selling of freshly cooked sausages for charity fund-raising purposes.)
‘Well, I’m off to run a sausage-sizzle!’ announced our hijabed bonza Aussie sheila.
Surely all she’s got to do is inform Mr Wilders she’s preparing some bangers? He’ll be off on the first Qantas flight out of here.
Funny how the BBC can abbreviate the ‘European Union’ to ‘Europe’, purely for brevity you understand. Yet ‘Islamic State’ gets expanded to ‘so called Islamic State’.
Same way that Lee Rigby’s murderers were referred to by their former Christian names, rather than their preferred Muslim names. Yet the trannie traitor Ms Bradley Manning was immediately given herhis preferred lady name.
That Poll demonstrates how critical it is for the EU to keep Cameron ‘sweet’.
Yet the Beeb regularly report, and I imagine that they could actually be right on this, that Dave’s reform negotiations will hit a Juncker><Merkel brick wall. I could just see those two being stupid enough in tandem to put Cameron's back up so much that he finally comes home and blurts "I would like to recommend that we stay in but I cannot as the UK has met with unyielding resistance to reform."
At that point, things could really start to crumble . . . . .
Mind you, they did produce a teen type Henry V for TV recently….they had a BLACK Duke of York…BLACK!….Bet Shakey Bill was turning in his grave….i got into a right old barney with lefty morons who objected to my pointing this out on the BBC website…ha ha.. the excuses they produced were laughable…one was that the Dukes mother was Spanish, correct, Isabel of Castille, they didn’t know her name, i did, so he would have been ‘not white’……pathetic..the few portraits i’ve seen show a fierce, bearded white man, bit like Brian Blessed, but certainly not afro-caribbean as portrayed by the Bullshit Bastards Club.
BBC headline ‘Bank of England says EU makes UK economy more dynamic’
What Carney said ‘First, to the extent it increases economic and financial openness, EU membership reinforces the dynamism of the UK economy.’….’For the majority of the period since the UK joined the EU, the first factor – greater openness and deeper integration afforded by EU membership – very likely increased the UK’s dynamism.’
He also gave equal prominence to two other points;
‘As a result of closer integration within the EU and, more recently, with the euro-area crisis, this may have increased the challenges to UK economic and financial stability’
‘Third, EU regulations, directives and rules define many of the Bank of England’s policy instruments particularly in relation to financial stability.’
Pity the poor migrants. They’d probably heard BBC broadcasts advising that Global Warming meant that Northern Europe was now as warm as their homelands in sub-Saharan Africa.
It would be difficult to cram any more misinformation and blatant green lies into this article:
Still, it was written by the wholly scientifically unqualified environmental NGO shill Roger Harrabin so no surprises there.
Renewables really are the wonder of our age. Even though you have to match any renewable capacity built with reliable capacity, for when the wind and sun aren’t co-operating, it is still competitive. Must be some special logic at work here. What if you don’t bother with wind and solar and just build reliable?
No wonder only the finest minds end up in the climate change/renewable energy sector.
We have reached the stage when Britain, the country which built the world’s first civil nuclear power station, has to go cap in hand to the Chinese to fund a French reactor. But apparently we have lots of wind power, so that’s all right then. I hope Dave the Green Tosser is proud of himself.
You couldn’t make a bigger mess of UK energy policy if you set out to do it deliberately. Which makes me think the situation we now find ourselves in is deliberate.
The riots in the town centres a few years back will be as nothing to what will happen soon once renewables crash the grid.
The lawyer’s name escapes me – he was instrumental in standing up to Government at times between 1997-2010 – but he liked Conspiracy Theories but would only claim that about 5% were ever likely to be slightly true. The other 95% he reckoned were pure cock-ups.
This was reinforced by a book by a Beeb regular who is a Political Scientist – again name escapes me – who researched and if I recall correctly, found that, broadly speaking, UK governance in the 20th century was the most incompetent, ever and most of it was crammed into the period post-1950.
You only need to create a false dogma, founded on a large measure of ignorance, ie. ‘Nuclear = Bad’ & ‘Gas = Good’ or ‘Nuclear = Great Waste Problems’ & ‘Windmills Turn Forever Without Harm’ which were/are(?) the Labour Party & Liberal Party beliefs and policies and inevitably you will run into trouble at some point.
I think the principle in action here is the infamous ‘dissonance reduction’, widely touted as a scientific theory. Scarcely so, but nonetheless compelling as a description of how, having swallowed one lie, the rest of reality becomes systematically twisted to accommodate that lie – the enormous cost of this folly being silently offset against the alternative, and purely personal, disaster of losing face and admitting that a Very Big Mistake Was Made, a long time ago..
EU membership comes under this rubric too, I guess.
I have sometimes thought that part of the entrance requirements for civil servants (discounting politicians as epiphenomenal here) should be a test for the ability to change your mind, admit a mistake, take the hit and recover honestly from it. There must be some kind of psychological Game (there are many to choose from, team building, leadership, etc, etc ad nauseam) which could be employed to discriminate between inveterate narcissists and the rest of us.
Our civil service has past its sell by date . It’s on a par with the public servants of Byzantium and the Soviet Union . Reform of our bureaucrats is even more important than defeating Scargill in the eighties .
Would you trust them to analyse, advise and negotiate in EU reforms or Brexit?
I would trust them in all cases to look after their own interests above all else. This is entirely understandable. The frustration at having to serve successive political masters who may hold diametrically opposed views to each other has an inevitable consequence in moral depravity and deconstruction. ‘What is Truth?’ says Pilate, the archetypal administrator. The wholesale substitution of ‘process’ values and metrics, accompanied by obstruction of any move that might threaten ‘The Greater Stability’, results ineluctably in the establishment of a Mandarin class.
In the case of the UK (and all other nations that have acceded to the EU), a further gloss on this is that the Mandarins are now just about entirely answerable, not to UK HMG, but to the EU itself. It is the Civil Service which now tells the municipalised UK Government what it is permitted to do, ‘channeling’ the central administration of Brussels. Not because the CS has a particular political stance, but simply and ironically because they are part of a bureaucracy which abhors effective politics as being destabilising to the interests of that establishment.
The only way I can see of disrupting this unseen army of fright-merchants, state nannies and camp guards, is by infiltration and entryism. Of course, as a weapon of choice, this is almost entirely confined to the Left, so we get the inevitable state-Leftism habitually cancelling out any attempt at Rightist disruption of the status quo. The Centre will always be Left in society. It is where the collectivists and schemers, well, collect..
The natural places for Rightist success are at the lawless peripheries of civilisation – hence, the eternal Frontier, drawing people of adventure outwards. The current Globalism is a unique and unprecedented closing of all external borders, a relativistic space-time ‘bottling’ of all those of us who long for the opportunity to escape the Death Star. There must be an answer to all of this, but at the moment I cannot quite see it..
I thought the Conservatives (sic) favoured privatisation of utilities? Yet here we are with a new nationalised power station – just happens it is owned by the French and Chinese governments.
The huge irony may be that as the population of the northern part of Europe increases substantially and demands energy for its iPhones & iPads, we may see ‘Back to the Future’ arriving in the power generation industry with a return to coal.
Not sure if I will be able to stop laughing if that happens in Germany first of all before spreading north and west.
Correct Taffman…i asked this of a local superintendent at a local ‘meet the Police chat’ …he replied, classic, ‘ There is no such organisation’… I replied…’exactly’,,,cue laughter from audience and clapping, very shifty officer from then on…Any way, i said to him that surely that shows that the multi-culti dream is just that, fiction. If we all lived in harmony with each other, we wouldn’t need a Black, Asian, Gay, Lesbian, Disabled, Mentally challenged….Police Assc..would we?…more clapping…officer changed the subject. May still does not get it, does she?
I’ll stick with the obvious, instead of lapping up everything the National Black Police Association says how about the BBC asking why such a divisive institution should exist at all. Positive discrimination is still discrimination.
If black and brown ethnic minorities refuse to join the police, you can’t force them to.
There are recruitment preference in all forces over white male recruits. This has been admitted by the Met’s head of Human Resources and has been in existence for years. Once selected, they will almost never fail a promotion assessment.
It’s a cultural thing, and Theresa May won’t change it with her bullying rhetoric.
Diversity May pleases the BBC with her speech to the Black police association. Is Dave about to propose a few of his Moslem friends as potential Police Chiefs?
I think there was a brown police chief once, a few years ago, but he spent most of his time on garden leave while he hauled his bosses through the courts for racism and bullying by his colleagues. Didn’t quite work out.
I have a good idea – Why doesnt the the Home Office give honoury “Special Status” to the Muslim Patrol who could extend their area of operations out from Central London to all of the Home Counties and eventually all of England – I am sure Dave and Theresa would be delighted at being able to publically demonstrate “UK diversity in Action”
How diverse is your local police force? To what extent should the police reflect the communities they serve? Email your comments to
More to the point, how diverse is the National Black Police Association?
Considering the largest immigrant population is and always has been Asian why is it always Black Police Officers Association, Black Britain decides London Mayor, Black this Black that and never Asian Britain.
I think May was merely attempting to re-establish her multi-culti credentials, after her speech about immigration at the party conference; she’s just another @rsehole politico hedging their bets and trying to be all things to everyone.
Q. How can you tell when a politician is lying?
A. They’re talking.
Oh dear, the poor NGOs, all they want to do is ensure transparency. I am sure they aren’t trying to influence things for their own ends:
Anybody else find this a bit sinister:
“Our presence signals an atmosphere of openness and willingness to stand up to public scrutiny. Blocking us shows the opposite.” said Gita Parihar, Head of Legal at Friends of the Earth International. “We are disappointed. There is a historical reminder that the United Nations was created on the basis that transparency is needed to achieve a democratic world.”
I see one professor is worried about the permafrost today.
He’s entitled to his opinion and to publish the results of any research.
But of course for the bBBC it’s absolutely headline news, featuring not just in the bulletin but in the highly selected 8am Radio 4 news headlines; and prominently on the website.
How many other professors around the world have published results today? Do we know about them?
Bias is so often about choices not about stances. Though in this case as we know, it is both.
Good news from the Gatwick oil fields:
However, this being the BBC, an unaccountable NGO must have the last word:
Brenda Pollack, from Friends of the Earth, warned of the dangers of fracking.
She said: “We really question whether the government and oil and gas industry should continue pursuing this reckless path.”
Come on then Brenda, what are those dangers and give us examples? Given the amount of fracking conducted around the world you must have data coming out of your ears.
Needless to say, the BBC didn’t think to challenge Brenda’s often parroted and groundless assertion.
One very obvious danger is that Britain could become self-sufficient in its energy needs and not be subject to the machinations of American and Middle Eastern foreign policy. Not a good thing if you believe in the spider web of interdependencies required for a global government. Still, poor Brenda won’t be aware of who controls and pulls the strings of organisations such as hers.
“…One very obvious danger is that Britain could become self-sufficient in its energy needs and not be subject to the machinations of American and Middle Eastern foreign policy. Not a good thing if you believe in the spider web of interdependencies required for a global government.”
Quite – well said. I’m still struggling to understand the sheer depths of hypocrisy required of ‘watermelons’ in order for them to defend wind turbines.
Here’s what we know about wind turbines, so far:
1. They are hugely expensive to build.
2. Manufacture requires the use of rare earth metals.
3. They are unreliable, inefficient – and their use still requires a traditional coal-fired backup power station to be on standby should the wind not be blowing or be blowing too fiercely (I’m not making this up, I promise).
4. The only people who actually benefit from the use of wind turbines are the already-rich landowners who can afford to have them sited in their acreages, then subsidised (heavily) by the taxpayer (you and me). It’s free money in hand-outs from the Government to the already-wealthy.
5. Wind turbines are an eyesore and, according to many reports both noisy and a threat to local wildlife (especially birds and bats).
I’m sure you all have many more reasons why wind turbines are a complete f*cking joke. The fact that eco-zealots actually defend their use leave me confused and outraged at their blatant hypocrisy. I wonder how many white, middle-class eco-warriors realise that by supporting the use of wind turbines they are actually serving not the causes of the environment (however misguided and ill-informed) but of the landed rich in this country..?
It should be a joke. It is a funny irony.
Incidentally, has anyone yet demonstrated (as in hard data) how much the use of wind turbines has actually affected the nation’s CO2 output? (or not)
How come Jim Naughtie is able to tell us that “no African Exhibition would be complete without the sounds and rhythms of drums”?
He`s just said it in some puff piece that pushes exotica and diversity from West Africa-yes, of course Boko Haram make our literary black token “despair”-but then along comes something positive to cheer him up.
In this case-a chance to stand beside Jim and his pith helmet for “Twat Of the Day”…
Patronising, colonial stereotyping becomes-well, so well-meant-when it comes to Naughtie in his dotage.
I found it offensive.
Well, I cant quite see an African exhibition having music by Gerry & the Pacemakers or Taylor Swift being played in the background, unless Naughtie was referring to the drum playing by Gene Kruper ….. (Google him if you’re a youngster), which I doubt.
We’ve been spoofing them since the un-PC 70s. From Dick Emery’s “ooo, you are awful, but I like you” right through to right-on knob-gag exponent Stephen Fry’s “Christ, I’ve left the iron on”
We know they are dodgy and yet they remain a staple of BBC current affairs. An editor’s dream, a discerning viewer’s nightmare – we don’t hear the question asked, we don’t see the selection, we don’t see the out takes.
Last night – apropos of nothing – The One Show celebrates (Labour supporting) Dawn French’s latest book launch with a non sequitur vox pop on the UK steel industry. Our’s is not to reason why, our is but to pay the licence fee.
I have noticed twice recently a trend in BBC reporting worth watching in terms of bias. The reporter will go to a named town and a particular local institution – Sixth Form College or Bingo Club, whatever – the habitués will be quizzed on whatever bee the Beeb presently has in its bonnet – the future of the monarchy, welfare spending, perhaps.
Now when it happens that the in-door vox pop fails to elicit the leftist view – sixth formers are not sufficiently republican or old folks want to curb spending – suddenly we find ourselves out of doors eliciting ‘balancing’ leftist views on the street from goodness knows what passers by.
Non-sequiteur alert no 2!
In some puff piece extolling cheaper Chinese visas-and the exciting new prospects for the Chinese to tweak our broadband provision perhaps?…our BBC “BUSINESS Correspondent( did he so much as sell a jammy dodger at Etons tuck shop I wonder?) manages to resurrect the notion of Britain finally joining Schengen?
We seemed to have missed out last time-and with all those potential tourists on their customised “pilgrimages to Canterbury”-which to the unenlightened looks like hosts of migrants swamping our continent-now , of all times is JUST the right time to bring back that campaign to have no borders(such as they are).
Yes-only the BBC would want to bring Schengen back into the discussion at THIS time.
Our Travel gal who sees another Japanese Boom(not Fukishima then?) blanches-and says that there “are challenges” in seeking Schengen at the mo…but it`ll be an aspiration no doubt.
I was there when the Japanese were coming-anybody able to tell our poppet and the BBC oaf how THAT all turned out?
When the past becomes another country-the future seems to becoming a Right Old State-so called, self styled, alleged, self-referring….etc…certainly seems more of a state does IS-than anything that Cameron and Hall would recognise.
S`pose there`s no time on the BBC to give us some science-figures, data, you know?…behind our Permafrost Prof who says that Alaska will be farting like no-ones business unless we check our climate change meters worldwide.
The BBC just threw it into the newsmix at 8am-go figure!
Sounded Russian to me-and I do wonder if the Russians and Chinese etc are happily squauking along to Greenpeace etc -just so that Islam sends us back to the Stoning Age, whilst THEY both have firm borders as well as some ability to do science, to read unaided by the BBC/Guardian Windmills of their Minds.
Does the BBC STILL do science-or is it all confined to historical stuff with Lord Melvyn Bragg of Wigsville?
More proof that ‘equality’ is just a euphemism for the illegal & racist practice of positive discrimination this morning.
Interviewed on the Today program, following Theresa the Appeasers attack on white officers, the black Police association were saying that there are plenty of officers at the lower ranks but none at senior level.
Ability and merit no longer count in Britain, only the colour of your skin and you ethnic background. Neither does experience or management ability, the only thing is being BME, and of course the will to scream ‘racism’ at every available opportunity !
Hopefully one day these politicos will need the services of one of these officers and they will be badly let down – just as they’ve done to the people.
I thought that the senior “policeman” with the Glaswegian accent at the Tom Watson show in Parliament this week would qualify for membership of the racist BPA.
Or perhaps I need to check the colour balance on my computer.
What nonsense to say that only the colour of your skin and ethnic background count in Britain! What about gender (wimmin only), sexual orientation (no heterosexuals, please) and faith (but Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists not welcome)? Remember: All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others (and you’re not one of them).
One of the reasons for plenty of black police officers at the lower ranks and not at higher levels is age and experience.
I attended a ‘lecture’ some years back when the same points was made about my Dept. Customs and Excise. An Afro Caribbean was allowed to go on and on until I asked him for the ages, academic qualification and levels of experience of those at the lower levels he was going on about.
He couldn’t tell me, so I told him. They were in the clerical grades, two-five GCSEs aged under 23 and with between one -five years experience. Those of us at the higher levels, entered the Dept. with at least two A Levels or a degree, had spent up to 30+ years working and running different disciplines. I had worked in breweries, distilleries, oil refineries, betting, Customs, Investigation and finally VAT fraud.
The staff he was referring to, in one part of London had worked all their time in one office. He claimed 25% of staff at lower levels were EMB and this should be reflected at the higher grades. So, I asked him should 75% of the white under 23s with little experience and 2-5 GCSEs also be instantly promoted?
What I found really annoying was the very senior staff at the same lecture were so compliant and didn’t dare question this man’s shallow analysis. Nothing changes except now, the percentages.
ALBeeb reporting ‘Theresa the appeaser’ is not happy with ‘police diversity’ in England and Wales and that some police forces do not have a single black officer.
Well Theresa, maybe, just maybe, black people just don’t want to be policemen?
On this weeks anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar will we see her bring back ‘press gangs’, will we see teams of constables all armed with truncheons out on a mass recruiting drive?
The Home Secretary is taking a very narrow view when what is required is an altogether more holistic view of law and order, not just the police. Whilst the number of ethnic police officers may be low, this is more than compensated for by over representation amongst the criminal community and prison population.
Well the ‘press gangs’ are out. AlBeeb Wales are now telling us that Dyfed Powys Police are now taking heed of ‘Theresa the appeaser’ and could consider employing the Nepalese people living here ? We will have the Gurkhas out on patrol – look out you criminals !
You could not make it up.
Its all black and ethnic police day on the BBC today its “disgraceful” there are not more black police
(institutional waycism hint hint) … lots of airtime for the Black Police Assoc, two stints on BBC Breakfast
Radio 5Live etc, (no escape LBC the same).
The black police rep, trumpets when positive discrimination is instilled it will go “part of the way” to redressing this issue?
It HAS to reflect the community, on and on … did you know there are some police forces with no black police, this has to change etc, etc, on to the Muslim Police Assoc, (what if there not an ethnic community there?)
What a state eh!, mind you the ever incompetent Tories and T May, wants a “volunteer force” anyway, with the usual imbecilic level of non-organisation … typical
Have I got to blame the Germans, for ever and ever because my granddad got shrapnel in his leg, and never bloody
Um, lots of views on here about the Black Police Assoc, but there IS a Black Nurses Association too ! I didn’t realise this until I worked in the NHS, and was asked to type a memo about a meeting being held for all the black nurses. I raised my eyebrows and made a comment like ‘what about the white nurses ?’ – shoulders were shrugged, and I was given a look that said “do you want to make something of it ?”.
Racism is alive and well on the other side of the coin in the NHS.
I’m not aware that in those beautiful rural areas of God’s own counties there are masses of afro-caribbeans. Places like Reeth or Richmond (Yorks) are still quite mono-cultural. The afro-Caribbean sheep farming community in Wensleydale is quite small (LOL). And in my many years in Durham not sure I saw a single afro-Caribbean coal miner. The collieries have shut but the traditions continue, you can check the afro-Caribbean element here
So really this is a non-story but of course it does appeal to the perpetual students in the bBBC news department who want to douse us in their multiculti propaganda.
My thoughts exactly Sluff. North Yorkshire for God’s sake!
However, photographs of traditional and cultural events are not a convincing way of supporting the claim that a region is overwhelmingly white because certain minorities show virtually no interest in such events, as the photograph of this annual Trafalgar Square concert shows. The only exception, which might not be clear, is that quite a few SE Asians always manage to overcome the racism of the orchestra and its audience and turn up. This is not confined to classical concerts either. (Had to change the image as my first choice didn’t work, but you get the drift.)
There is almost certainly a black person in the top right corner level with the conductor’s left hand. If the BBC was there interviewing concert goers what would be the chances they would pick…you know what I mean.
Ah, you mean ‘Prime Minister’s School Visit’ syndrome. The PM of the day (doesn’t matter who it is) visits a school in an obscure Northern town. The town is traditionally white working class and there are only 2 black kids in the entire school. When the TV cameras film the PM making his speech at the school assembly, where do you think the 2 black kids are? Is it:
(A) Impossible to say – they could be absolutely anywhere in the crowd.
(B) Strategically placed one either side of the PM so they are always in shot.
I have noticed this ‘parity of representation’ in Antiques Road Show. The same few minority faces seem at times to be ‘shopped around’ every single stand, in order to be in shot. I have at times felt very sorry for them, but then that is progressiveness in a nutshell.
Radio 4 news at 10am – “There have been 10 Israelis and 47 Palestinians killed in stabbings and assaults in the past month”
That’s the BBC at its context-free, equivalency best. So who is doing virtually all the stabbings and the vehicle assaults ? Is it not relevant that these are Palestinians doing the attacking? And if stabbings and vehilcel attacks result in hatred-filled Palestinians being shot to prevent them continuing – of course there are more Palestinians killed.
And very seldom have the BBC given any indication that the Palestinian blood-lust is being whipped up by false claims by Palestinian leaders and imams that Israel wants to change the rules for access to the Temple Mount ?
John, right on. Not just ‘That’s the BBC at its context-free, equivalency best.’ but it is the BBC being totally and abjectly morality-free.
Correct me if I’m wrong, I have a notion that that IS AN ACTUAL REQUIREMENT of the BBC to be moral. Do I recall correctly that it was a BBC ‘founding principle’?
It should be recognised here is a precedent for incitement focusing on rumours about the temple Mount. al-Husseini used the “Temple Mount libel” to drive the 1929 Arab massacre of Jews in Hebron.
Jews in pre-state Israel served as a model for the current terror against Jews in Israel. The spiritual leader of Palestine’s Muslims, the mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, incited Arabs in Palestine against their Jewish neighbors by arguing that Islam itself was under threat. (al-Husseini would later become one of Hitler’s most important Muslim allies.) Jews in British-occupied Palestine responded to Muslim invective by demanding more access to the Wall, sometimes holding demonstrations at the holy site. By the next year, violence directed against Jews by their neighbors had become more common: Arab rioters took the lives of 133 Jews that summer; British forces killed 116 Arabs in their attempt to subdue the riots. In Hebron, a devastating pogrom was launched against the city’s ancient Jewish community after Muslim officials distributed fabricated photographs of a damaged Dome of the Rock, and spread the rumor that Jews had attacked the shrine.
The current violence of the Palestinian Arabs stabbing , shooting, firebombing , and deliberately running down pedestrians Jews —is prompted in good part by the same set of manipulated emotions that sparked the anti-Jewish riots of the 1920s: a deeply felt desire on the part of Palestinians to “protect” the Temple Mount from Jews.
Abbas praised al-Husseini as one of the heroes of the Palestinian Arab people.
By the way – Here is a great response by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a BBC journalist who recently asked him a stupid question at a news conference.
BBC pin-up girl Hillary Clinton will face questioning in Congress today. In focus will be her role in failing to provide security for the Benghazi consulate, her involvement in the ludicrous claims by Obama et al that the attack on the consulate was just a street demo that got out of hand, and her claims that it was all caused by a video – was not a pre-planned terrorist attack
Steve Hayes reviews some of these issues – and includes a clear summary of all the lies Clinton has made about hewr email servers :
“Clinton at first claimed she turned over all work-related emails to the State Department. False. (The committee later found emails between Clinton and both Sidney Blumenthal and David Petraeus that were not included by Clinton in her initial production.) She claimed that she turned over her emails in response to a routine request the State Department made of former secretaries. False. (A State Department spokesman acknowledged the request for Clinton’s emails was triggered by the revelation that she had a private server.) She claimed she never received a subpoena for the emails. False. (Gowdy produced one publicly to demonstrate that Clinton’s claim was untrue.) She claimed she used only one email device as secretary of state. False. (Clinton herself has acknowledged using multiple devices, and FOIA requests make clear that she used at least an iPad and a BlackBerry.) She claimed that she withheld her “personal” emails because of her private communications with her husband, among others. False. (A spokesman for Bill Clinton said the former president has sent just two emails in his life, both when he was president.) She claimed she never sent classified information on her email. False. (Reviews by the inspector general for the intelligence community found dozens of Clinton’s email exchanges included classified information.) She claimed that everything she did with respect to her email was allowed. False. (Clinton’s email setup indisputably violated the record retention requirements of the Obama administration, and the chief transparency officer at the State Department said the arrangement was “not acceptable.”) She claimed Blumenthal’s emails to her were “unsolicited.” False. (Clinton repeatedly solicited more information from Blumenthal in their email exchanges.)”
Clinton is a lying toerag. The question is – will Trey Gowdy be able to show this conclusively to the American public. And even if he does – will the BBC report it fairly ?
Mr Anderson,
I think I can answer both of your closing questions.
1) Possibly. However, it will be a painful and tortuous process.
2) Not a chance either way.
The BBC, such a tediously predictable propaganda machine.
Not BBC, but Sky; they reported the mother of one of those murdered in Benhazi accusing Hilary Clinton of lying, then jumped immediately to Clinton’s defence with the inference that it’s a Republican plot to sabotage her. Our MSM is a disgrace.
It really is. Sky News has become a laughing stock. Where once it was a welcome alternative to the endless progressive signalling from the BBC and CH4, now sadly it is just another leftie propagandist – its recent coverage of the so-called ‘migrant crisis’ revealed this to be the case in stark and depressing detail.
It really bothers me that nowhere on the major channels is there any chance of counter-narrative, or real, genuine debate about contentious issues of the day. The wholly politically compromised BBC has long since abandoned any pretence at providing rational, fair-minded debate but I used to hope, somewhat pointlessly as it turned out, that Sky at least could take a stand against the ceaseless tide of leftie b*llocks broadcast 24/7 by both the BBC and CH4.
Hopefully, as with Gaunty’s online radio and Ezra’s Rebel media, we can see someone open up an alternative for the UK, even if the server has to be in the US, the home of free speech, but as with pirate radio which was banned by the bbc/government, I dunno if we can hold out much hope for an alternative to the spoon fed crap we get force-fed from the MSM EVERY day
And never let it be forgotten (or lied about as it was in that awful film about pirate radio, The Boat That Rocked) that it was a Labour government and in particular Tony Benn (that darling of clueless yoof) who shut down the pirate stations because they couldn’t control them.
Have highlighted this before, but Jon Gaunt is now live, yes he’s gobby and opinionated, but a refreshing change from 5Live and O’Brien on LBC, he claims not to be regulated by Ofcom.
Current topics Cyprus and the EU vote, Sir Andrew Green has just been on live.
The BBC is beside itself with despair. Theresa May has said there aren’t enough ethnic police officers in some police forces.
For those of you unfortunate enough not to be able to receive BBC Radio Wales, the excellent Jason Mohammad is furrowing his brow at Powys which has only hideously white police. What should be done? Well, perhaps visit Powys and see how many blacks or Asians you can find living there.? Don’t know. Just putting that out there.
Though the BBC would love us to engage in the glorious experiment that is Rotherham where the employment of Muslim coppers has led to 42 Rotherham police officers being investigated for child abuse. Odd, the BBC hasn’t had time to report that yet.
I didn’t know that 42 policemen were being investigated as part of the Rotherham scandal. Mind you you wouldn’t even know that the rapists were non white if you listened to the BBC in the last 12 months. What has happened to those council officials who looked the other way and allowed this disgusting state of affairs to go on for years after they first knew about it because they were so PC? Why aren’t they being hounded out of office by the BBC and the police? Why aren’t the newspapers pursuing them. We all know the answers to these questions.
What those in authority and the police should remember is that the British policing system requires the consent of the overwhelming percentage of the people . They are trying desperately to persuade ethnic minorities to give them their consent and are making concession after concession to these groups to try and buy their support. What they forget is that the white majority is watching with bafflement, which is rapidly turning into anger, as the law is bent and applied unequally to accommodate these minority groups. Those in charge take our consent for granted, but they are rapidly losing it. Once upon a time I would have given unquestioning support to the police but over the last 20 years I have slowly changed my view. After all why should I support a system which no longer represents and upholds the values that I grew up with.
The good people of Rotherham still voted Labour in the last election though – but I’m not sure what ratio of Asians there are to Whites.
Rotherham is the home of my ancestors – coal miners and women ‘in service’, and the place I spent many happy school holidays with gran and granddad. The only black faces seen during those times in the 50’s and 60’s, were the men coming home from the mines. Its was three decades before I returned, and I didn’t recognise the place – mosques on every street corner, and the place over run with ethnics – where in hells name did they come from ???? My happy childhood memories now tainted with child abuse on a grand scale. Bastards every last one of ’em !
Gosh, where’s the women, children, disabled, puppies, kittens, teddy bears and other assorted cuddly toys ? That’s an invading army and Hungary is the only country holding out.
The Great British Bake off, the Great British Sewer, how to sew a button on a shirt and now this, the Great British Potter, it appears that Alan Yentob and the gang have a lack of original thought. What’s next ? The Great British cup of tea or the Great British Origami contest.
Interesting article here about the democratically elected mayor of Beziers:
As he is ‘far-right’ the BBC obviously assumes it has a duty to undermine him. Remember BBC, he was democratically elected. You might not like it but the citizens of Beziers do.
Part of the BBC/Guardian concerted effort to discredit the French right. Have they got around to reporting the trial of Marine le Pen yet? I will be when they do they will drag in all sorts or irrelevancies concerning her dad’s history, but never examine her political programme.
Sorry, again I will distress the many of you that cannot tune in to the wondrous gift that is BBC Radio Wales.
Dr Ama Eyo, a Nigerian senior lecturer in law at Bangor University was asked if she thought there was still racism in the UK. She answered with an emotional, emphatic ‘Yes!’
Sadly, the presenter didn’t have time to ask: ‘so racist, darling, that the University employs a black woman from Nigeria over any equally qualified indigenous or white people?’
Meanwhile, breaking news is that a nutter has ran amock with a sword at a school in Sweden. Wonder who this is down to……………..answers on a postcard to Jihadi competition.
Don’t expect an identity from the BBC any time soon.
Though we do not know the back ground of the attacker with the sword in Sweden please take a look at this report from CNN, particularly at the picture. If you were asked ten years ago where this photo was taken, would not Sweden have been the last answer anyone would have given?
One has to be careful of jumping to conclusions, but when we’re told no more than “he’s a masked man in his twenties”, suspicion arises that we’re not being told everything.
Shortly to be followed by a black week, a black month, a black year and a black lifetime for Sweden…
Note the carefully chosen photos in the BBC website report and contrast them with that which was on CNN – spot the difference anyone? Also the helpful line “School attacks are rare in Sweden – this is the first since a shooting at a school in Kungalv near Gothenburg in 1961”. I see. Any attacks involving, say, sharp items and people shopping in IKEA, perhaps within the past few months?
Jeremy Vine tells us all that Jamie Olivers restaurants will now add a 10p surcharge by way of a sugar tax on soft drinks.
Jeremy approves.
Given the carrier bag surcharge, tax, charge, contribution-call it what you will until Strasbourg decides for us all-is what Oliver is doing actually LEGAL?…subject to account and scrutiny…or a virtuous grab bag for the liberal salve?
No thoughts on that from Jezza-it`s all good after all!
Now then, now then-wonder if we can retrospectively clobber the BBC for their “Bake Off Bollox”-if sugar consumption did not go up during this sweet tooth fairy orgy, then I`ll be the Son of a Mongoose…to quote Alexandr the Great!
And, of course, Mr Oliver will pass on any income generated to HMRC, thus reducing the burden of tax on the rest of us……..
Yeah, right, just like so many of his ‘sleb’ friends (Charlotte Church and Owen Jones being the most recent of them, perhaps) who would willingly and voluntarily pay more tax if there was only some way to do it….but hold on, within seconds, it seemed, of this offer to pay more tax, Charlotte Church was told precisely how she could do it…… as was Owen Jones…… but sadly they both shrank away till the BBC and it’s ilk stopped pressing them to put their money where their mouths were…, a week or so later, they were back on air banging on about something else that we all should be forced to do.
Bluddy hypocrites, just like the rest of these headline-seekers, such as Nicola Sturgeon and ‘Sir Bob’ Geldof, offering, for instance, to put up a Syrian family or two in their home for the foreseeable future, and then suddenly having to explain why their headline-grabbing offer wasn’t quite what they meant as soon as they left the stage. Not held to their word, or toasted for their hypocrisy by the BBC, of course.
There are some very curious and anomalous data starting to emerge about obesity which could well make young master Oliver’s shouting and screaming look the wrong-headed pile of posturing tripe that it almost certainly is. And even if he and his health Nazi friends did turn out too be right, it is no one but the individual concerned’s business what he or she eats. Socialised medicine provides a perfect opportunity for authoritarians and virtue signallers to strut around.
I normally tip quite generously when I eat out. If I saw an extra 10p appearing on my bill my tip would be withdrawn and I’d save myself a lot of money.
Good old BBC eh?
Not enough black police people to hand out crime numbers and give us a leaflet to staunch the wounds
Working Tax Credit evils where White Dee disna`e get get her champagne in a suitable bespoke fluted frosted glass.
Evils of Big Sugar at the gym drinks machine-and only Jamie Oliver gives a hoot .
Does IS KNOW how shit it is here?…do the BBC ever TELL the migrants of Calais and Bratislava that Britain`s really NOT the place you`d want to visit-best stay In Germany or France, where green taxes ARE paid, where Schengen DOES work and where Foreign Aid Targets-as well as Carbon emulsion ones-are taken with due seriousness and appropriate regard.
Or do the BBC only piss on British chips ceaselessly whilst hitching a trannys stocking top towards those bearded Bush babies of Islamic State and Muslim Mashup…come on boys, Savile needs your slottings!
Fup off BBC-either the countrys shit…or it`s a Mecca for your Muzzie Bears.
Can`t be both …can it?
The bbc is showing its true colours once again, today they have been crying non stop about shaker aamer, victoria derbyshire was grilling andrew mitchell demanding shaker to be released, i say let him rot in guantanamo, throughout the day al beeb have been repeating the same story about the “terrible injustice” faced by muslim terrorists, makes my blood boil
Those would be those poor unfortunate detainees, in the wrong place at the wrong time, ordinary people going about their ordinary day, swept up by those horrid Americans who went round war zones picking up innocent people willy nilly.
(The BBC, though, won’t tell you about the numbers of these ‘innocents’, released from Guantanamo, who have now gone on to fight for ISIS…many thankfully being on the receiving end of a different type of justice).
The reaction of Sweden’s Left wing government to this terrorist attack will be to yield more concessions to Islam.
The Left feel that this terrorism is all the fault of western (particularly US) policy and the failure of the west to allow integration.
And the slippery slope becomes even more slippery.
We’re now told “He was 21 and resident in Trollhattan, police said“. They’ve searched his home so they know a fair bit about him, but are still being coy about anything else. I can’t help feeling that if he was from a similar backgound to Anders Breivik, we’d know all about it by now, but time will tell.
I seem to recall reading that the Swedish police have a strict hush-hush policy when it comes to the identity of suspects. I’m not sure if this is a new thing (brought in for obvious reasons) or whether it’s a longstanding practice.
BBC – ‘Islamic assemblies’ held at a ‘Trojan Horse’ school ‘without consultation’
“Islamic assemblies were held without consultation at a Birmingham school involved in the “Trojan Horse” affair
… a misconduct panel has heard. Razwan Faraz, former deputy head teacher at Nansen Primary, also, on one occasion, had girls sitting at the back and boys at the front, it is claimed. Mr Faraz and four other senior staff unacceptable professional. conduct.
Deny, deny, lie ya da ya da, ya da … and these bastards are supposedly teachers?.
I thought this is a little tame softly BBC patter, there s has to be a bit more going on somewhere.
Checked out the Bham Mail sheesh! a deluge of wrong doing, deceit, definite plots etc
Lindsey Clark, Hardeep Saini, Arshad Hussain, Razwan Faraz, and Monzoor ‘Moz’ Hussain are all accused of professional misconduct for allegedly playing a part in an alleged plot by hardline Muslims to take control over governing bodies.
hmmm … think we’re past the “alleged” part by now eh!.
The Swedish murders are now beginning to appear as the work of a white man who may have an hostile attitude to immigrants. This, if true, will be music to the BBC, the rabid pro Islamic left, and Teresa the Appeaser who will seize on it as an excuse to blast the so called ‘far right’ and opponents of open door immigration. Danger ahead.
‘Swedish broadcaster TV4 has suggested that officers are investigating a possible political motive for the attack and claimed that the suspect was known to be against rising immigration in the area.
Haraldsson confirmed during the press conference that reports the suspect had far-right beliefs were part of the investigation, but said he did not want to comment further’
It makes liitle difference. Sweden is not viable long term. it will fail and right or left. Christian ( nominally ) or Muslim makes no differnce.
The blame lies directly with a liberal elite that prefers fantasy to reality. We should feel sorrow for all invoved in the demise of Sweden but be warned.
You seriously think the government controlled Swedish media would allow reporting of this if it was a Muslim? The only reason the Ikea murders gained publicity was because of social media.
My point still holds. Sweden has no future. At least not as Sweden. Somewhere else probably . Already rape capital of Europe. What other horrors await.
A nation has what is called social capital. Sweden has spent hers. Not that we should really care except as a warning to us. Germany is spending hers but do many of us really care?
So the constant warnings of anti-Islamic backlash have finally come true for the mainstream media. It’s probably like a birthday, Christmas, and dying and going to heaven all in one for them.
Instead of learning the lesson of ‘ we told you so’ they’ll just spin this nutter’s action for all it’s worth, without seeing the bigger picture.
Remember how the left and Cameron’s pals in the UAF responded to the Brevic murders. How they hammered home the Islamophobic message, equating the EDL and Tommy Robinson with Brevic. They never missed an opportunity. UAF supporters included Diane Abbott, Ken Livingstone, and David Cameron. The BBC will take up the message and Cameron and May will see the far right backlash as the extremist problem. (In parenthesis – a sensible US friend, has suggested false flag operation….who can tell?)
Violence is heading our way. Europe is being destabalised and this is the result. I don’t blame anyone other than the killer and the fantasists of academia and the liberal media and politics who ignoring history and the sad reality of human nature have attempted to socially engineer a new type of Europe.
Forgetting that human nature changes slowly if at all and that it is not really the smartest idea to forcibly attempt to mix huge numbers of people from all the world who by necessity have very different views on just about everything.
I repeat and refute if any of you can. There has never been an example in history of a people who have voluntarily ceded their land and culture to another .
All I ever get is the usual racist accusation and the usual liberal whine. Whine whine and whine. For God’s sake face reality before it is too late.
Given the nature of the propaganda war the BBC has fought so far in various fronts, one half expects the entire Labour ShadCab to mount a ‘sources allege’ assault behind it being a multi-agency Mossad conspiracy, which Jezza Bowen, Orla, JonDon, Lyse, Ted and Alice can then ‘mention’ with all necessary caveats on page 67 around the souks, before sitting back and warming their Pulitzers on the latest carnage they have provoked.
The cynic inside me says if it is proved to be a white extremist then the champagne bottles might be strewn around Broadcasting House. I hope I’m wrong but the Beeboids have so lost their moral compasses nothing would surprise me.
Jason’s been hovering for a while but has hit overdrive tonight. It’s probably because he feels vindicated that all his claims (or those of his fellow ants from the nest) that the right are as violent as they are may have been proved true by this nutjob in Sweden.
Although it is not true actually, as he is the only one other than Breivik to claim to be a white supremacist who has murdered innocent people. The left and their muslim allies are the main culprits in violence and murder of course.
I wonder if the BBC headline will be “Swedish police murder civilian and two others also killed”.
The BBC predictably have been having a field day with May’s haranguing of top coppers over their forces’ lack of diversity, with special mention of Cheshire Constabulary who don’t have a single black copper in their ranks.
So on North West News Cheshire’s top cop was harangued by the studio presenter person. Have to say the guy was impressive. Without ever sounding defensive he explained in detail how the force bends over backwards to encourage recruitment from the black population of Cheshire which, as he pointed out to the BBC Pea-Brain, is a very, very small minority anyway.
Poor old Pea Brain just had to keep on reading from the script ‘Isn’t there more you could be doing’ despite the pile of information she’d just been given that short of positive discrimination (illegal) there is nothing more the force could do.
On this occasion the BBC chose not to include a vox pop from anyone in the ‘black community’. Pity, as the questions unasked regarding the keenness or otherwise of Cheshire’s black yoof to join the police, including some stats comparing how many have actually ever applied – relative to the size of the ‘community’ – could have shed a very different light on things.
“Relocating a series of our programming activity including BBC Sport, Children’s, Radio 5Live, BBC Learning and BBC Manchester to a new state of the art broadcasting facility in Salford has given us a unique opportunity to diversify the workforce based at that site.”
Now read this (Manchester Evening News):
“3,172 Salford people applied for BBC MediaCity jobs – and only 24 were hired.
….And – of the 24 Salfordians who did get a job – eight were on six-month ‘ambassador’ contracts for 16-19 year olds, paying between £3.64 an hour and £4.92 an hour. The ambassadors’ role is to meet, greet and look after guests.”
“An objective in our Diversity Strategy is to: “advance equal opportunities to diversify and develop our workforce and our senior leaders so that they better reflect our audiences.””
Taken from the link.
So the BBC believe the best way to reflect their audiences is to employ more BMEs, disabled etc.
Don’t you think taking on a lot more people who do not read the Guardian, maybe even Daily Mail readers, would enable them to better reflect their audiences.
Ditto those with half a dozen GCSEs at D or lower.
AlBeeb news this evening tells us that ‘Britain is not building enough houses’ !
Well can anyone tell me in one word why we really do ‘need more houses’ ?
Mr David Cameron , please pay attention to the answers .
There are two answers, of course. The less obvious one is ‘to make money for the building/land industries who pay so handsomely to get the favour of UK political parties’
I suspect GC Cooper has no dealings with actually getting houses built.
It is, of course, absolutely easy to run up a 100 houses here and there and make shed loads of cash at it, or so those ignorant of all the fences to cross and hoops to jump through will believe.
The other answer is that of all those houses the developers build they have to give away 30 – 40% to housing associations as “affordable” housing, and pay cash to council funds to provide other infrastructure.
So effectively everyone buying a new house is paying a substantial social housing tax, which also goes to keep the price of “second hand” housing up, possibly making those who do not understand the realities of housebuilding bask in the glow of how well they have done in purchasing their property which is now “worth” £x00,000 more than they paid for it, while probably having benefitted from a huge bung from the government via tax relief to pay for a large part of it. Something the present generation do not get, of course.
If you mean am I a property developer or a builder then the answer is no.
On the other hand I live in a part of the country which is being buried under concrete and shoddily built bug-hutches with almost no regard for the landscape or the towns and villages that are being vandalised – usually in cahoots with local councils.
As for drumming up sympathy for property developers, I may not be one but I meet enough of them to have developed a greater respect for cockroaches.
The only homes being built are small developments of one to five units, which avoid this and then the developers of larger estates have found ways around the low cost housing burden, but it does involve them having to mothball a partly built estate and then claim financial difficulties which the council are forced to recognise.
The BBC have run several shock horror ‘mockumentaries’ (a mockery of reality) that the evil private sector is not implementing party diktat.
In our town a greedy developer had managed to ‘persuade’ the council to let him build 200 homes on green belt land unsuitable for housing due to the water table. All this despite several brownfield sites which have lain undeveloped for years blighting the inner town. His 1 in 4 profit was slashed to 1 in 12 as the impact of bank lending etc reduced sales, however his company then sourced out of town labour, out of town national suppliers and cut he cost of the properties but built them from the cheapest materials he could source. As a consequence the properties are now built to a price, not a standard. The houses are small, tight together and all look the same. He had a commitment to affordable properties within that development, however as he could not sell these quick enough to continue to finance the project, he went crying to the Council who immediately offered to buy up the surplus properties. Now we have the situation on this development where poor quality homes are passed off as ‘luxury villas’ and have been sold at £285k for a four bedroom detached (expensive here) yet these proud new owners who have only been in their properties for a matter of months, are having Council detritus deposited short term in their new Pleasantville along with the multiple children, multiple cars and associated issues with local authority problem tenants.
Diversity, inclusion and integration.
Hmmmmmm, just seen an ad by Freeview. It uses cartoon characters (like plasticine) to portray a family — mum, dad and 2 kids. You’ve guessed it ………… mum is white, dad is black with a beard, a mixed race child and a ‘white’ one. Is that the set up of normality now in Britain today ? a family of mixed races ? We appear to be drip fed this ‘ideal’ by the advertising agencies who are mainly based in London, and where an all white family is rarer than a hen’s tooth. It seems to have escaped the notice of these companies and Lenny Henry that white is still the dominant colour outside of the M25 ! (for now anyway)
A few years ago I heard a comment by the head of one of the advertising industry’s ‘professional’ bodies in which the baggage-in-chief proudly defended her industry for doing exactly that – shaping the public’s attitude by deliberately over representing efniks and mixed race couples. Certainly, advertising, corporate publicity etc are among the worst offenders in this attempted brainwashing.
Mind you, as others have suggested, by keep doing this, they may also be stepping on their own toes by drawing people’s attention to a problem they might not otherwise worry about. Advertising people tend not to be very bright.
Had a discussion about this topic with my family, I like you thought it was the Ad agencies promoting mixed race families, but my brother persuaded me Those who pay the piper call the tune, All these banks and multi national corporations are internationalists, open borders and Bilderbergers are heavily into one world government under the U,N. Richard Kalergi leader of the pan Europe movement wrote ”The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”
I think the truth is that the same type of parasites who enjoy the rich pickings of ‘executive’ roles at multinational companies also work in the media and advertising/PR.
It’s pretty easy not to bother your pretty head about immigration etc when you live in Weybridge or Hoxton – not so easy in Rotherham or Luton.
Hoxton: 51% White British.
Rotherham: 92% White British.
Perhaps a more straightforward explanation would be that advertisers want to target as large a demographic as possible. And yes, sometimes that includes Black people as well. How dreadful!
Jason my innocent naive child, the country is 90% white, miscegenated people about 1%, so why are they targeting and heavily promoting that particular narrow demographic ?
Oh, we know that. I mean the advertising industry has told us what it is doing and why. Jason just doesn’t want to believe them. Liberals are dim like that. They make stuff up and believe it because it makes them feel warm inside.
Yes I read the same statistics on line too for Rotherham! but it also said that between 2001 and 2011 the BME had doubled from 10,000 to 21,0000, and stats show that between 2005 and 2030 the BME (Black & Minority Ethnic) will increase by 61% !!! Take that figure across the country – excepting Weybridge (!), and ‘being swamped’ doesn’t even begin to describe what lays in store.
That genocidal maniac is the EU in person. At least with him there is a real face to the enemy.
“Otto von Habsburg champions even the view, without Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972) there are no European Union.” – (German translation). November 17th is his birthday, and you can bet there will be big celebrations and millions spent, but we will have no idea about it.
His book ‘Pan Europe’ sets out his whole diabolical plan. This was 1923 though, he saw the British Empire as something eternal. It would not be part of Pan Europe. He worried about Communism taking over the world, not Islam. But Merkel has been putting his plans into action, even at the cost of the destruction of her own people. What a bitch!
I don’t doubt for a second that there is an ‘agenda’ with the advertising industry. The over use of ethnics has direct parallels with propaganda in the Third Reich, in which the Ideal German was always portrayed: tall, blonde, steely eyed, heroic etc. Most Germans did not look like that, including the dark haired corporal from Austria who presided over it all. But it is not restricted to race. Consider how men are portrayed – they are invariably foolish, incompetent wimps. If they are portrayed positively – usually restricted to car advertisements – they are invariably aged about 30 and have a weeks worth of stubble. You’ll see the same stereotype if you look at any men portrayed in clothing stores – wander round M&S, or Next, or Sainsburys or anywhere. Very few men – around 5% – have beards and in surveys women consistently say they dislike them. So why the obsession – do they have some special appeal to the large number of homosexuals employed in the advertising industry or something? It’s also the case that many who work in that profession are lazy, dull, unimaginative and of a ‘me too’ mentality. Someone has an idea and it is copied endlessly without further thought: women boxers were a craze at one stage; black men advertising subscription TV services; talking Sat Navs; perfume advertisements using black & white photography; the group of four mates of whom one and only one is black (and not too black at that), etc.
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
Fedup2Mar 11, 16:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not BBC – they’d never approve – warren buffet saw the Trump downturn and has been selling shares . He…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 11, 15:52 Start the Week 10th March 2025 What does his dog think? Or his great great grandmother? I’d like to know.
Fedup2Mar 11, 15:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Michael Deacon’s short piece on the funding of the Far Left anti British BBC STARTS Everyone knows that the BBC…
Fedup2Mar 11, 15:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Sir John Knott dies (92) …. I wonder if they ll put ‘here today – gone tomorrow ‘ on his…
Last week the World Service in its wisdom had a report from an environmentally-friendly girl who interviewed a needy but enterprising black South African. Penniless, he decided to extract paper, glass and plastic from the dustbins of the wealthy suburbs of Johannesburg and take his findings to the recycling centres for cash.
She asked him whether he was happy that he was doing his bit for the environment but received an incomprehensible reply. Odds are that he hadn’t thought about that at all but was just trying to feed and clothe himself. Yet there she was trying to turn him into a green campaigner.
Not bias really, just silliness.
I remember returning bottles to the shop for the tuppence return, the rag and bone man on Saturdays who would give balloons to the kids in exchange for rags, the scrap man who purchased scrap iron for six shillings per hundred weight, and the uses for cinders and ash from the fires, and collecting waste paper to equip the school football team with boots . Funny how we never thought we were combatting climate change or saving the planet.
Indeed – when every act of enlightened self-interest is turned instead into an act of moral compliance, that is when the State has purloined your liberty, and sold you down the river for a slave.
Ah, but we we’re the selfish Baby Boomers who’ve had it all (well, they’ve got to find someone to blame for their own rabid consumerism and fiscal incontinence…….)
Yes we all did that but no lefty MPs decided it ought to be brought it up in Parliament the disgraceful situation in the country that youngsters were forced to stoop to these measures to subsidize sporting activities or get the cash to go to the Pictures.
Times and perceived entitlement were SO different,
And let us not forget what a visionary Mrs Thatcher was. Who would have thought that when she closed down the remainder of the loss making pits and thus reducing the nations dependency on coal, she was in fact at the forefront of battle against “Global Warming” and henceforth “Climate Change”. And how the lefties now criticise her for doing just that but bang on about how we must reduce our fossil fuel consumption to mitigate against “Global Warming” and “Climate Change”. What a visionary she was. You would think the BBC would show her the respect she so deserves what with their stance on “Global Warming” aka “Climate Change”.
Four great posts above, cheered me no end after listening to bits of the TOADY programme (R4 22 Oct) which might have depressed me badly but for my general joyful nature! Did find myself switching off twice just because the blethering became too much to take.
As for the permafrost … , well what can one say? Scientist says ‘COULD happen by 2070’ and BBC journalist man – think it was the Horror Van – ignores that careful qualification and takes it as a given. Get on board the Climate Change negotiations, folks! On your bicycles, that is. You listeners have to walk or cycle. Only Horror Van is allowed to take the taxi or private BBC car.
The BBC are increasingly reporting these wild predictions as fact, so temperatures ‘will’ rise by ‘x’ if CO2 emissions aren’t cut by ‘y’, despite the fact they are still based on climate models that are wildly out of kilter with real world observations.
In contrast to the hysteria being spouted by the media and by the BBC in particular, there is still a lot of caution expressed in the detailed chapters of every IPCC report (though less and less so over the years) – it is heavily laced with ‘coulds’ and ‘mights’. If Harrabin and his chums could be bothered to read it instead of taking the ludicrous ‘Summary for Policymakers’ (co-written by activists and politicians) at face value, he might tone down his alarmist rhetoric.
Sorry, forget that last statement, a herd of pigs just shat down the window (again) – coincidentally forming a graph-like pattern in the shape of a hockey stick.
Neither Harrabin nor his fellow environmentalist shills who cover Science/Environment at the BBC have the relevant qualifications required to comprehend even the simplest of scientific publications. That is why they take the easy route, just regurgitate every press release from WWF, FoE, Greenpeace etc.
MacDonalds had Ronald, the BBC has Harrabin and co.
May I nominate Nicholae Ceausescu as the greenest leader ,obviously born out of his time .
He impoverished the Roumanians , had hardly anything to buy in the shops , limited private travel to 20 litres a month for a car , only allowed hot water to be pumped for two hours at specified times into their homes , did not have the street lights on in the towns and cities , decreed that the temperature never went below 2 degrees Celsius in winter so there was no need for heating gas ( the temp could easily be -14 Celsius ) and forbid foreign travel – no cheap flights .
He said it was for the People’s Socialist Republic of Romania . If only he had said it was Polar Bears and global warming
Some people say he was the true architect of UN Agenda 21….
Someone in the last “Start the Week” thread asked if I had any evidence that the Northern hemisphere was getting colder as opposed to having flat lining temperatures. Well, I don’t want to do all the work, but have a look at just one of the many reports from countries all over the N.H. who are having or have had a cold year, with “cold” records being broken. Unfortunately, the BBC are very unwilling to promote such newsworthy items and so as a result, the people of Great Britain remain ignorant of the reality.
Or as the Met Office through the BBC would tells us: “A bit Chilly”.
The BBC did helpfully inform us about that suspiciously hot day earlier in the year. A record breaker apparently. It turned out the temperature spike occurred at Heathrow close to where jet efflux would affect readings. None of our £4Bn a year journalists managed to spot that but they certainly pushed the record breaking temperature line.
In celebration of Lord Nelson’s Trafalgar Victory, I bring you a clip from the ‘ Master and Commander’ film.
Today is Trafalgar Day.
Set in the Pacific at the time of Nelson’s triumph, it gives us a taste of battle against an imposing yet morally inferior French opposition. But then again…I’m biased and proud of it.
No BBC celebration today. ‘Back To The Future’ rehash was far more important
Today will go into my ‘Calendar of Days Forgot’. Next year I will fly an ensign if I can.
Done. My ‘phone now says – ‘Repeats yearly, ends never’
Al Beeb would never show that film today of all days, as is smacks of ‘anti EU’ . We all know that Al Beeb are funded by the pseudo-state known as the European Union . They made no effort for the ‘200 Waterloo’ celebrations. We all know they hate our British Heritage.
‘Time to make a quick exit’!
A quote from the film Master and Commander:
“England is under threat of invasion, and though we be on the far side of the world, this ship is our home. This ship IS England!”
So resonant today.
And Wales !
Don’t forget, the ‘Last invasion of Britain’ in 1797, when 1400 French troops landed near my home of Fishguard.
It caused quite a stir. I bet that would not be taught in schools these days.
Nor would they teach how shipwrecked Spanish sailors from a previous invasion attempt stayed in Britain and integrated so well with local communities that to find them today you would mostly need to hunt very intensively & intrusively with DNA testing kits.
Will you be in town for the Folk Festival in 2016 taff?
On Gower ?- maybe , its a bit ahead my for calender ?
Back to the Future movies are all excellent romps , good versus evil . The goodies win in the end. D.V. should love them, the Delorean was made on his “Manor” in N.I.
Al Beeb’s duty officer on shift again?
It was on ITV 2 , & I want the BBC`s wings clipped ,& put on a subscription basis too .
Am advised that Sunday is the 600th anniversary of Agincourt- Old men forget -and so will the BBC
I prefer this version
Right lads, now, I know there’s not a faint heart among you, and I know you’re as anxious as I am to get into close action. But we must bring them right up beside us before we spring this trap. That will test our nerve, and discipline will count just as much as courage. The Acheron is a tough nut to crack … more than twice our guns, more than twice our numbers, and they will sell their lives dearly. Topmen, your handling of the sheets to be lubberly and un-navy like. Until the signal calls, you’re to spill the wind from our sails, this will bring us almost to a complete stop. Gun crews, you must run out and tie down in double quick time. With the rear wheels removed, you’ve gained elevation, but without recoil, there’ll be no chance for re-load, so gun captains, that gives you one shot from the larboard battery … one shot only. You’ll fire for her mainmast. Much will depend on your accuracy … however … even crippled, she will still be dangerous, like a wounded beast. Captain Howard and the marines will sweep their weather deck with swivel gun and musket fire from the tops. They’ll try and even the odds for us before we board. They mean to take us as a prize. And we are worth more to them undamaged. Their greed … will be their downfall. England is under threat of invasion, and though we be on the far side of the world, this ship is our home. This ship is England. So it’s every hand to his rope or gun, quick’s the word and sharp’s the action. After all, Surprise is on our side.
Wow…missed this film..cracking, gruesome action there…i’ll watch it soon. Wonder how many youngsters were aware of the day’s significance, even know about the battle?…Not as many as in my day i bet, [ I’m 58 ], thanks to cultural marxists probably, who infest education, the Law and most else.
‘Master and Commander’ is one of the best films I have ever seen and it is the antithesis of the BBC revisionist school of historical film making. There is no over the top violence or sex, and no attempts to shoehorn modern PC ideas into the past. It’s also very intelligent, touching on questions such as duty versus self-interest and whether war is justified. I recommend it to all Biased BBC viewers!
The last battle on English soil.
I was a regular BBC Breakfast watcher and then 24 News, until they buggered up the scheduling and put on Victoria Derbyshire, which was permanently and depressingly biased to non-white people that I wanted to slit my wrists on a regular basis. I then switched to Sky News – just about bearable, BUT now I want to end it all during the adverts ! I am bombarded with photos/film of black babies crying or covered in flies, to tinkly sombre music while I’m being asked for money ! Every charity in creation to do with saving children or providing water is now filling the time while the Sky presenters go for a pee ! Not great while I’m having my toast. There’s never any mention of providing free condoms to prevent the amount of kids that are ‘wanting’, which would be far more of use.
Funny how there is NEVER an advert to help and assist the ELDERLY in this country – to give better care in Care Homes, or to help with more paid care in the home.
Heart wringing music.
Slo mo black baby crying, add flies if necessary.
Voice over, slow, emotive, demanding:
please give what you can. There are chief executives barely managing to live on their six figure salaries. Indeed, many have to take jobs on other charity boards just to survive. Please give generously. Just £5 per week can keep a charity executive in the life style to which he is accustomed. Think of Justin Forsyth. He suffered while he was the labour strategist and is now part of Save the Children on a mere £160,000 per year. Or poor Jasmine Whitbread, also at Save the Children, struggling to get by on a paltry £234,000 per year. And it is not just their salaries you should think about. These struggling wretches require expenses, personal accounts, phones, cars and Ipads. So please give whatever you can. Remember, you cannot be too poor to subsidise the idle rich.
Music reaches a crescendo as the gullible take out their credit cards and reach for the phone.
That has given me an idea. From now on, when I receive one of those charity begging letters that includes a return envelope, I will send them a list of their executives’ salaries and encourage them to shove their begging letters up their @rses.
What’s not to like, I get a great deal of satisfaction and hard working postmen (postpersons?) keep their jobs.
I am concerned, deeply concerned.
When the Beeboids read this you will receive a generous job offer.
Dutch MP Geert Wilders has arrived here in Australia to launch the anti-Islam Australian Liberty Alliance political party. He’s at a secret location in Perth.
Here’s how the Aussie media are dealing with it. I switched on the commercial channel 7 for breakfast TV this morning. In the studio was a person in a pale mauve hijab, bizarrely topped off with large, glitter-framed spectacles of a style I haven’t seen since Dame Edna Everidge retired.
“Does it worry you that Mr Wilders is getting 12 per cent of the vote in the Netherlands?’ asks our trusty presenter, in shock-horror tones.
The guest then got several minutes so spout her opinion on Mr Wilders. No questions were put to her, and no other guests were offered to give balancing view. Wilders was opposed to Aussie values, she thought.
The funniest bit came at the end. (And here I should point out that a popular feature of Aussie culture is the selling of freshly cooked sausages for charity fund-raising purposes.)
‘Well, I’m off to run a sausage-sizzle!’ announced our hijabed bonza Aussie sheila.
Surely all she’s got to do is inform Mr Wilders she’s preparing some bangers? He’ll be off on the first Qantas flight out of here.
Funny how the BBC can abbreviate the ‘European Union’ to ‘Europe’, purely for brevity you understand. Yet ‘Islamic State’ gets expanded to ‘so called Islamic State’.
Same way that Lee Rigby’s murderers were referred to by their former Christian names, rather than their preferred Muslim names. Yet the trannie traitor Ms Bradley Manning was immediately given herhis preferred lady name.
Funny that.
Maybe it’s all a matter of.. ‘timing’?
From editorial to HYS modding, that famous BBC integrity shines through, doesn’t it?
That Poll demonstrates how critical it is for the EU to keep Cameron ‘sweet’.
Yet the Beeb regularly report, and I imagine that they could actually be right on this, that Dave’s reform negotiations will hit a Juncker><Merkel brick wall. I could just see those two being stupid enough in tandem to put Cameron's back up so much that he finally comes home and blurts "I would like to recommend that we stay in but I cannot as the UK has met with unyielding resistance to reform."
At that point, things could really start to crumble . . . . .
Yesterday was Trafalgar Day.
The BBC obviously chose to forget. Bias by omission.
Looking forward already to their wall to wall coverage of the 600th Anniversary of Agincourt on Sunday.
Yesterday was Trafalgar Day.
The BBC obviously chose to forget. Bias by omission.
Looking forward already to their wall to wall coverage of the 600th Anniversary of Agincourt on Sunday.
“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers…”
Mind you, they did produce a teen type Henry V for TV recently….they had a BLACK Duke of York…BLACK!….Bet Shakey Bill was turning in his grave….i got into a right old barney with lefty morons who objected to my pointing this out on the BBC website…ha ha.. the excuses they produced were laughable…one was that the Dukes mother was Spanish, correct, Isabel of Castille, they didn’t know her name, i did, so he would have been ‘not white’……pathetic..the few portraits i’ve seen show a fierce, bearded white man, bit like Brian Blessed, but certainly not afro-caribbean as portrayed by the Bullshit Bastards Club.
BBC headline ‘Bank of England says EU makes UK economy more dynamic’
What Carney said ‘First, to the extent it increases economic and financial openness, EU membership reinforces the dynamism of the UK economy.’….’For the majority of the period since the UK joined the EU, the first factor – greater openness and deeper integration afforded by EU membership – very likely increased the UK’s dynamism.’
He also gave equal prominence to two other points;
‘As a result of closer integration within the EU and, more recently, with the euro-area crisis, this may have increased the challenges to UK economic and financial stability’
‘Third, EU regulations, directives and rules define many of the Bank of England’s policy instruments particularly in relation to financial stability.’
Misleading headline? Er, yes!
“”Calais migrants to be given heated tents, as police numbers rise””
Cold comfort for our elderly who can’t afford to heat their homes.
Pity the poor migrants. They’d probably heard BBC broadcasts advising that Global Warming meant that Northern Europe was now as warm as their homelands in sub-Saharan Africa.
That’s strange, I thought the tents were nice and cosy ……
Newsnight: according to guido this poll which is NOT pro EU was pulled at the last moment. bBC NOT wanting to tell you the truth, unfortunately not that uncommon!
Seems A. Newsroom Tealady was on duty in the Newsnight production suite last night.
They did have time for some Back to the Future jollity, though.
Lucky FoI exemptions exist to protect how such decisions are arrived at.
It would be difficult to cram any more misinformation and blatant green lies into this article:
Still, it was written by the wholly scientifically unqualified environmental NGO shill Roger Harrabin so no surprises there.
Renewables really are the wonder of our age. Even though you have to match any renewable capacity built with reliable capacity, for when the wind and sun aren’t co-operating, it is still competitive. Must be some special logic at work here. What if you don’t bother with wind and solar and just build reliable?
No wonder only the finest minds end up in the climate change/renewable energy sector.
We have reached the stage when Britain, the country which built the world’s first civil nuclear power station, has to go cap in hand to the Chinese to fund a French reactor. But apparently we have lots of wind power, so that’s all right then. I hope Dave the Green Tosser is proud of himself.
You couldn’t make a bigger mess of UK energy policy if you set out to do it deliberately. Which makes me think the situation we now find ourselves in is deliberate.
The riots in the town centres a few years back will be as nothing to what will happen soon once renewables crash the grid.
The lawyer’s name escapes me – he was instrumental in standing up to Government at times between 1997-2010 – but he liked Conspiracy Theories but would only claim that about 5% were ever likely to be slightly true. The other 95% he reckoned were pure cock-ups.
This was reinforced by a book by a Beeb regular who is a Political Scientist – again name escapes me – who researched and if I recall correctly, found that, broadly speaking, UK governance in the 20th century was the most incompetent, ever and most of it was crammed into the period post-1950.
You only need to create a false dogma, founded on a large measure of ignorance, ie. ‘Nuclear = Bad’ & ‘Gas = Good’ or ‘Nuclear = Great Waste Problems’ & ‘Windmills Turn Forever Without Harm’ which were/are(?) the Labour Party & Liberal Party beliefs and policies and inevitably you will run into trouble at some point.
I think the principle in action here is the infamous ‘dissonance reduction’, widely touted as a scientific theory. Scarcely so, but nonetheless compelling as a description of how, having swallowed one lie, the rest of reality becomes systematically twisted to accommodate that lie – the enormous cost of this folly being silently offset against the alternative, and purely personal, disaster of losing face and admitting that a Very Big Mistake Was Made, a long time ago..
EU membership comes under this rubric too, I guess.
I have sometimes thought that part of the entrance requirements for civil servants (discounting politicians as epiphenomenal here) should be a test for the ability to change your mind, admit a mistake, take the hit and recover honestly from it. There must be some kind of psychological Game (there are many to choose from, team building, leadership, etc, etc ad nauseam) which could be employed to discriminate between inveterate narcissists and the rest of us.
Stuart ,
Our civil service has past its sell by date . It’s on a par with the public servants of Byzantium and the Soviet Union . Reform of our bureaucrats is even more important than defeating Scargill in the eighties .
Would you trust them to analyse, advise and negotiate in EU reforms or Brexit?
I would trust them in all cases to look after their own interests above all else. This is entirely understandable. The frustration at having to serve successive political masters who may hold diametrically opposed views to each other has an inevitable consequence in moral depravity and deconstruction. ‘What is Truth?’ says Pilate, the archetypal administrator. The wholesale substitution of ‘process’ values and metrics, accompanied by obstruction of any move that might threaten ‘The Greater Stability’, results ineluctably in the establishment of a Mandarin class.
In the case of the UK (and all other nations that have acceded to the EU), a further gloss on this is that the Mandarins are now just about entirely answerable, not to UK HMG, but to the EU itself. It is the Civil Service which now tells the municipalised UK Government what it is permitted to do, ‘channeling’ the central administration of Brussels. Not because the CS has a particular political stance, but simply and ironically because they are part of a bureaucracy which abhors effective politics as being destabilising to the interests of that establishment.
The only way I can see of disrupting this unseen army of fright-merchants, state nannies and camp guards, is by infiltration and entryism. Of course, as a weapon of choice, this is almost entirely confined to the Left, so we get the inevitable state-Leftism habitually cancelling out any attempt at Rightist disruption of the status quo. The Centre will always be Left in society. It is where the collectivists and schemers, well, collect..
The natural places for Rightist success are at the lawless peripheries of civilisation – hence, the eternal Frontier, drawing people of adventure outwards. The current Globalism is a unique and unprecedented closing of all external borders, a relativistic space-time ‘bottling’ of all those of us who long for the opportunity to escape the Death Star. There must be an answer to all of this, but at the moment I cannot quite see it..
I thought the Conservatives (sic) favoured privatisation of utilities? Yet here we are with a new nationalised power station – just happens it is owned by the French and Chinese governments.
The huge irony may be that as the population of the northern part of Europe increases substantially and demands energy for its iPhones & iPads, we may see ‘Back to the Future’ arriving in the power generation industry with a return to coal.
Not sure if I will be able to stop laughing if that happens in Germany first of all before spreading north and west.
And just what has the White Police Association got to say about all this ?
Correct Taffman…i asked this of a local superintendent at a local ‘meet the Police chat’ …he replied, classic, ‘ There is no such organisation’… I replied…’exactly’,,,cue laughter from audience and clapping, very shifty officer from then on…Any way, i said to him that surely that shows that the multi-culti dream is just that, fiction. If we all lived in harmony with each other, we wouldn’t need a Black, Asian, Gay, Lesbian, Disabled, Mentally challenged….Police Assc..would we?…more clapping…officer changed the subject. May still does not get it, does she?
U2S – it’s already happening:
There’s so much wrong with this article that it’s beyond me to get to grips with it
I’ll stick with the obvious, instead of lapping up everything the National Black Police Association says how about the BBC asking why such a divisive institution should exist at all. Positive discrimination is still discrimination.
Small consolation, but she is being slaughtered on this across the BBC’s sole source of feedback, trending, magazine ‘news’, etc.
Why does one suspect this will be another time the BBC gets a bit selective of what is played up vs. consigned to the ‘not enough time’ hole?
If black and brown ethnic minorities refuse to join the police, you can’t force them to.
There are recruitment preference in all forces over white male recruits. This has been admitted by the Met’s head of Human Resources and has been in existence for years. Once selected, they will almost never fail a promotion assessment.
It’s a cultural thing, and Theresa May won’t change it with her bullying rhetoric.
Diversity May pleases the BBC with her speech to the Black police association. Is Dave about to propose a few of his Moslem friends as potential Police Chiefs?
I think there was a brown police chief once, a few years ago, but he spent most of his time on garden leave while he hauled his bosses through the courts for racism and bullying by his colleagues. Didn’t quite work out.
Teresa May addressing the Black Police Officers conference. ”Why are black and ethnic minorities over represented in our prison population?
That is a truly stunningly stupid question. I can’t think why the BBC disparages Mrs May – she seems to be just their sort of ‘right on’ imbecile.
I 1006
Because the hated whitey frames them in kangaroo courts.
Everyone knows this.
I have an idea which would reduce this proportion to zero.
I have a good idea – Why doesnt the the Home Office give honoury “Special Status” to the Muslim Patrol who could extend their area of operations out from Central London to all of the Home Counties and eventually all of England – I am sure Dave and Theresa would be delighted at being able to publically demonstrate “UK diversity in Action”
And, at the bottom:
How diverse is your local police force? To what extent should the police reflect the communities they serve? Email your comments to
More to the point, how diverse is the National Black Police Association?
Considering the largest immigrant population is and always has been Asian why is it always Black Police Officers Association, Black Britain decides London Mayor, Black this Black that and never Asian Britain.
Is it that the squeaky wheel gets the oil?
I think May was merely attempting to re-establish her multi-culti credentials, after her speech about immigration at the party conference; she’s just another @rsehole politico hedging their bets and trying to be all things to everyone.
Q. How can you tell when a politician is lying?
A. They’re talking.
Oh dear, the poor NGOs, all they want to do is ensure transparency. I am sure they aren’t trying to influence things for their own ends:
Anybody else find this a bit sinister:
“Our presence signals an atmosphere of openness and willingness to stand up to public scrutiny. Blocking us shows the opposite.” said Gita Parihar, Head of Legal at Friends of the Earth International. “We are disappointed. There is a historical reminder that the United Nations was created on the basis that transparency is needed to achieve a democratic world.”
I see one professor is worried about the permafrost today.
He’s entitled to his opinion and to publish the results of any research.
But of course for the bBBC it’s absolutely headline news, featuring not just in the bulletin but in the highly selected 8am Radio 4 news headlines; and prominently on the website.
How many other professors around the world have published results today? Do we know about them?
Bias is so often about choices not about stances. Though in this case as we know, it is both.
Good news from the Gatwick oil fields:
However, this being the BBC, an unaccountable NGO must have the last word:
Brenda Pollack, from Friends of the Earth, warned of the dangers of fracking.
She said: “We really question whether the government and oil and gas industry should continue pursuing this reckless path.”
Come on then Brenda, what are those dangers and give us examples? Given the amount of fracking conducted around the world you must have data coming out of your ears.
Needless to say, the BBC didn’t think to challenge Brenda’s often parroted and groundless assertion.
One very obvious danger is that Britain could become self-sufficient in its energy needs and not be subject to the machinations of American and Middle Eastern foreign policy. Not a good thing if you believe in the spider web of interdependencies required for a global government. Still, poor Brenda won’t be aware of who controls and pulls the strings of organisations such as hers.
“…One very obvious danger is that Britain could become self-sufficient in its energy needs and not be subject to the machinations of American and Middle Eastern foreign policy. Not a good thing if you believe in the spider web of interdependencies required for a global government.”
Quite – well said. I’m still struggling to understand the sheer depths of hypocrisy required of ‘watermelons’ in order for them to defend wind turbines.
Here’s what we know about wind turbines, so far:
1. They are hugely expensive to build.
2. Manufacture requires the use of rare earth metals.
3. They are unreliable, inefficient – and their use still requires a traditional coal-fired backup power station to be on standby should the wind not be blowing or be blowing too fiercely (I’m not making this up, I promise).
4. The only people who actually benefit from the use of wind turbines are the already-rich landowners who can afford to have them sited in their acreages, then subsidised (heavily) by the taxpayer (you and me). It’s free money in hand-outs from the Government to the already-wealthy.
5. Wind turbines are an eyesore and, according to many reports both noisy and a threat to local wildlife (especially birds and bats).
I’m sure you all have many more reasons why wind turbines are a complete f*cking joke. The fact that eco-zealots actually defend their use leave me confused and outraged at their blatant hypocrisy. I wonder how many white, middle-class eco-warriors realise that by supporting the use of wind turbines they are actually serving not the causes of the environment (however misguided and ill-informed) but of the landed rich in this country..?
It should be a joke. It is a funny irony.
Incidentally, has anyone yet demonstrated (as in hard data) how much the use of wind turbines has actually affected the nation’s CO2 output? (or not)
All the arguments you list against windfarms are precisely the arguments that Roger Harrabin and the rest of the BBC suppresses.
The RSPB, the charity that claims to protect birds, allows these bird killers on its land. Still, it is all for the greater good.
How come Jim Naughtie is able to tell us that “no African Exhibition would be complete without the sounds and rhythms of drums”?
He`s just said it in some puff piece that pushes exotica and diversity from West Africa-yes, of course Boko Haram make our literary black token “despair”-but then along comes something positive to cheer him up.
In this case-a chance to stand beside Jim and his pith helmet for “Twat Of the Day”…
Patronising, colonial stereotyping becomes-well, so well-meant-when it comes to Naughtie in his dotage.
I found it offensive.
Well, I cant quite see an African exhibition having music by Gerry & the Pacemakers or Taylor Swift being played in the background, unless Naughtie was referring to the drum playing by Gene Kruper ….. (Google him if you’re a youngster), which I doubt.
Vox Pops mean diddly-squat
We’ve been spoofing them since the un-PC 70s. From Dick Emery’s “ooo, you are awful, but I like you” right through to right-on knob-gag exponent Stephen Fry’s “Christ, I’ve left the iron on”
We know they are dodgy and yet they remain a staple of BBC current affairs. An editor’s dream, a discerning viewer’s nightmare – we don’t hear the question asked, we don’t see the selection, we don’t see the out takes.
Last night – apropos of nothing – The One Show celebrates (Labour supporting) Dawn French’s latest book launch with a non sequitur vox pop on the UK steel industry. Our’s is not to reason why, our is but to pay the licence fee.
I have noticed twice recently a trend in BBC reporting worth watching in terms of bias. The reporter will go to a named town and a particular local institution – Sixth Form College or Bingo Club, whatever – the habitués will be quizzed on whatever bee the Beeb presently has in its bonnet – the future of the monarchy, welfare spending, perhaps.
Now when it happens that the in-door vox pop fails to elicit the leftist view – sixth formers are not sufficiently republican or old folks want to curb spending – suddenly we find ourselves out of doors eliciting ‘balancing’ leftist views on the street from goodness knows what passers by.
Non-sequiteur alert no 2!
In some puff piece extolling cheaper Chinese visas-and the exciting new prospects for the Chinese to tweak our broadband provision perhaps?…our BBC “BUSINESS Correspondent( did he so much as sell a jammy dodger at Etons tuck shop I wonder?) manages to resurrect the notion of Britain finally joining Schengen?
We seemed to have missed out last time-and with all those potential tourists on their customised “pilgrimages to Canterbury”-which to the unenlightened looks like hosts of migrants swamping our continent-now , of all times is JUST the right time to bring back that campaign to have no borders(such as they are).
Yes-only the BBC would want to bring Schengen back into the discussion at THIS time.
Our Travel gal who sees another Japanese Boom(not Fukishima then?) blanches-and says that there “are challenges” in seeking Schengen at the mo…but it`ll be an aspiration no doubt.
I was there when the Japanese were coming-anybody able to tell our poppet and the BBC oaf how THAT all turned out?
When the past becomes another country-the future seems to becoming a Right Old State-so called, self styled, alleged, self-referring….etc…certainly seems more of a state does IS-than anything that Cameron and Hall would recognise.
S`pose there`s no time on the BBC to give us some science-figures, data, you know?…behind our Permafrost Prof who says that Alaska will be farting like no-ones business unless we check our climate change meters worldwide.
The BBC just threw it into the newsmix at 8am-go figure!
Sounded Russian to me-and I do wonder if the Russians and Chinese etc are happily squauking along to Greenpeace etc -just so that Islam sends us back to the Stoning Age, whilst THEY both have firm borders as well as some ability to do science, to read unaided by the BBC/Guardian Windmills of their Minds.
Does the BBC STILL do science-or is it all confined to historical stuff with Lord Melvyn Bragg of Wigsville?
More proof that ‘equality’ is just a euphemism for the illegal & racist practice of positive discrimination this morning.
Interviewed on the Today program, following Theresa the Appeasers attack on white officers, the black Police association were saying that there are plenty of officers at the lower ranks but none at senior level.
Ability and merit no longer count in Britain, only the colour of your skin and you ethnic background. Neither does experience or management ability, the only thing is being BME, and of course the will to scream ‘racism’ at every available opportunity !
Hopefully one day these politicos will need the services of one of these officers and they will be badly let down – just as they’ve done to the people.
I thought that the senior “policeman” with the Glaswegian accent at the Tom Watson show in Parliament this week would qualify for membership of the racist BPA.
Or perhaps I need to check the colour balance on my computer.
What nonsense to say that only the colour of your skin and ethnic background count in Britain! What about gender (wimmin only), sexual orientation (no heterosexuals, please) and faith (but Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists not welcome)? Remember: All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others (and you’re not one of them).
One of the reasons for plenty of black police officers at the lower ranks and not at higher levels is age and experience.
I attended a ‘lecture’ some years back when the same points was made about my Dept. Customs and Excise. An Afro Caribbean was allowed to go on and on until I asked him for the ages, academic qualification and levels of experience of those at the lower levels he was going on about.
He couldn’t tell me, so I told him. They were in the clerical grades, two-five GCSEs aged under 23 and with between one -five years experience. Those of us at the higher levels, entered the Dept. with at least two A Levels or a degree, had spent up to 30+ years working and running different disciplines. I had worked in breweries, distilleries, oil refineries, betting, Customs, Investigation and finally VAT fraud.
The staff he was referring to, in one part of London had worked all their time in one office. He claimed 25% of staff at lower levels were EMB and this should be reflected at the higher grades. So, I asked him should 75% of the white under 23s with little experience and 2-5 GCSEs also be instantly promoted?
What I found really annoying was the very senior staff at the same lecture were so compliant and didn’t dare question this man’s shallow analysis. Nothing changes except now, the percentages.
ALBeeb reporting ‘Theresa the appeaser’ is not happy with ‘police diversity’ in England and Wales and that some police forces do not have a single black officer.
Well Theresa, maybe, just maybe, black people just don’t want to be policemen?
On this weeks anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar will we see her bring back ‘press gangs’, will we see teams of constables all armed with truncheons out on a mass recruiting drive?
The Home Secretary is taking a very narrow view when what is required is an altogether more holistic view of law and order, not just the police. Whilst the number of ethnic police officers may be low, this is more than compensated for by over representation amongst the criminal community and prison population.
Well the ‘press gangs’ are out. AlBeeb Wales are now telling us that Dyfed Powys Police are now taking heed of ‘Theresa the appeaser’ and could consider employing the Nepalese people living here ? We will have the Gurkhas out on patrol – look out you criminals !
You could not make it up.
Its all black and ethnic police day on the BBC today its “disgraceful” there are not more black police
(institutional waycism hint hint) … lots of airtime for the Black Police Assoc, two stints on BBC Breakfast
Radio 5Live etc, (no escape LBC the same).
The black police rep, trumpets when positive discrimination is instilled it will go “part of the way” to redressing this issue?
It HAS to reflect the community, on and on … did you know there are some police forces with no black police, this has to change etc, etc, on to the Muslim Police Assoc, (what if there not an ethnic community there?)
What a state eh!, mind you the ever incompetent Tories and T May, wants a “volunteer force” anyway, with the usual imbecilic level of non-organisation … typical
Have I got to blame the Germans, for ever and ever because my granddad got shrapnel in his leg, and never bloody
Folks … It won t be long
Um, lots of views on here about the Black Police Assoc, but there IS a Black Nurses Association too ! I didn’t realise this until I worked in the NHS, and was asked to type a memo about a meeting being held for all the black nurses. I raised my eyebrows and made a comment like ‘what about the white nurses ?’ – shoulders were shrugged, and I was given a look that said “do you want to make something of it ?”.
Racism is alive and well on the other side of the coin in the NHS.
Don’t forget the Black Lawyers Assc too…any others to put the lie on ‘racial harmony’ ?
I’m not aware that in those beautiful rural areas of God’s own counties there are masses of afro-caribbeans. Places like Reeth or Richmond (Yorks) are still quite mono-cultural. The afro-Caribbean sheep farming community in Wensleydale is quite small (LOL). And in my many years in Durham not sure I saw a single afro-Caribbean coal miner. The collieries have shut but the traditions continue, you can check the afro-Caribbean element here
So really this is a non-story but of course it does appeal to the perpetual students in the bBBC news department who want to douse us in their multiculti propaganda.
My thoughts exactly Sluff. North Yorkshire for God’s sake!
However, photographs of traditional and cultural events are not a convincing way of supporting the claim that a region is overwhelmingly white because certain minorities show virtually no interest in such events, as the photograph of this annual Trafalgar Square concert shows. The only exception, which might not be clear, is that quite a few SE Asians always manage to overcome the racism of the orchestra and its audience and turn up. This is not confined to classical concerts either. (Had to change the image as my first choice didn’t work, but you get the drift.)

Should have added that the concert is free, anyone can turn up.
There is almost certainly a black person in the top right corner level with the conductor’s left hand. If the BBC was there interviewing concert goers what would be the chances they would pick…you know what I mean.
It’s Lenny Henry with a clipboard and a calculator, looking for evidence of racism.
Meanwhile, the Return of Zorro:
Five Injured After Sword Attack At Swedish School
Ah, you mean ‘Prime Minister’s School Visit’ syndrome. The PM of the day (doesn’t matter who it is) visits a school in an obscure Northern town. The town is traditionally white working class and there are only 2 black kids in the entire school. When the TV cameras film the PM making his speech at the school assembly, where do you think the 2 black kids are? Is it:
(A) Impossible to say – they could be absolutely anywhere in the crowd.
(B) Strategically placed one either side of the PM so they are always in shot.
I have noticed this ‘parity of representation’ in Antiques Road Show. The same few minority faces seem at times to be ‘shopped around’ every single stand, in order to be in shot. I have at times felt very sorry for them, but then that is progressiveness in a nutshell.
Looks like Quasimodo in a hoody to my eye!!
Well at least those North Yorkshire sheep can sleep well in the knowledge that any sex will consensual.
Radio 4 news at 10am – “There have been 10 Israelis and 47 Palestinians killed in stabbings and assaults in the past month”
That’s the BBC at its context-free, equivalency best. So who is doing virtually all the stabbings and the vehicle assaults ? Is it not relevant that these are Palestinians doing the attacking? And if stabbings and vehilcel attacks result in hatred-filled Palestinians being shot to prevent them continuing – of course there are more Palestinians killed.
And very seldom have the BBC given any indication that the Palestinian blood-lust is being whipped up by false claims by Palestinian leaders and imams that Israel wants to change the rules for access to the Temple Mount ?
John, right on. Not just ‘That’s the BBC at its context-free, equivalency best.’ but it is the BBC being totally and abjectly morality-free.
Correct me if I’m wrong, I have a notion that that IS AN ACTUAL REQUIREMENT of the BBC to be moral. Do I recall correctly that it was a BBC ‘founding principle’?
It should be recognised here is a precedent for incitement focusing on rumours about the temple Mount. al-Husseini used the “Temple Mount libel” to drive the 1929 Arab massacre of Jews in Hebron.
Jews in pre-state Israel served as a model for the current terror against Jews in Israel. The spiritual leader of Palestine’s Muslims, the mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, incited Arabs in Palestine against their Jewish neighbors by arguing that Islam itself was under threat. (al-Husseini would later become one of Hitler’s most important Muslim allies.) Jews in British-occupied Palestine responded to Muslim invective by demanding more access to the Wall, sometimes holding demonstrations at the holy site. By the next year, violence directed against Jews by their neighbors had become more common: Arab rioters took the lives of 133 Jews that summer; British forces killed 116 Arabs in their attempt to subdue the riots. In Hebron, a devastating pogrom was launched against the city’s ancient Jewish community after Muslim officials distributed fabricated photographs of a damaged Dome of the Rock, and spread the rumor that Jews had attacked the shrine.
The current violence of the Palestinian Arabs stabbing , shooting, firebombing , and deliberately running down pedestrians Jews —is prompted in good part by the same set of manipulated emotions that sparked the anti-Jewish riots of the 1920s: a deeply felt desire on the part of Palestinians to “protect” the Temple Mount from Jews.
Abbas praised al-Husseini as one of the heroes of the Palestinian Arab people.
By the way – Here is a great response by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a BBC journalist who recently asked him a stupid question at a news conference.
The BBC “journalist” was of course the fragrant Lyse Doucet.
BBC pin-up girl Hillary Clinton will face questioning in Congress today. In focus will be her role in failing to provide security for the Benghazi consulate, her involvement in the ludicrous claims by Obama et al that the attack on the consulate was just a street demo that got out of hand, and her claims that it was all caused by a video – was not a pre-planned terrorist attack
Steve Hayes reviews some of these issues – and includes a clear summary of all the lies Clinton has made about hewr email servers :
“Clinton at first claimed she turned over all work-related emails to the State Department. False. (The committee later found emails between Clinton and both Sidney Blumenthal and David Petraeus that were not included by Clinton in her initial production.) She claimed that she turned over her emails in response to a routine request the State Department made of former secretaries. False. (A State Department spokesman acknowledged the request for Clinton’s emails was triggered by the revelation that she had a private server.) She claimed she never received a subpoena for the emails. False. (Gowdy produced one publicly to demonstrate that Clinton’s claim was untrue.) She claimed she used only one email device as secretary of state. False. (Clinton herself has acknowledged using multiple devices, and FOIA requests make clear that she used at least an iPad and a BlackBerry.) She claimed that she withheld her “personal” emails because of her private communications with her husband, among others. False. (A spokesman for Bill Clinton said the former president has sent just two emails in his life, both when he was president.) She claimed she never sent classified information on her email. False. (Reviews by the inspector general for the intelligence community found dozens of Clinton’s email exchanges included classified information.) She claimed that everything she did with respect to her email was allowed. False. (Clinton’s email setup indisputably violated the record retention requirements of the Obama administration, and the chief transparency officer at the State Department said the arrangement was “not acceptable.”) She claimed Blumenthal’s emails to her were “unsolicited.” False. (Clinton repeatedly solicited more information from Blumenthal in their email exchanges.)”
Clinton is a lying toerag. The question is – will Trey Gowdy be able to show this conclusively to the American public. And even if he does – will the BBC report it fairly ?
Mr Anderson,
I think I can answer both of your closing questions.
1) Possibly. However, it will be a painful and tortuous process.
2) Not a chance either way.
The BBC, such a tediously predictable propaganda machine.
Not BBC, but Sky; they reported the mother of one of those murdered in Benhazi accusing Hilary Clinton of lying, then jumped immediately to Clinton’s defence with the inference that it’s a Republican plot to sabotage her. Our MSM is a disgrace.
“…Our MSM is a disgrace.”
It really is. Sky News has become a laughing stock. Where once it was a welcome alternative to the endless progressive signalling from the BBC and CH4, now sadly it is just another leftie propagandist – its recent coverage of the so-called ‘migrant crisis’ revealed this to be the case in stark and depressing detail.
It really bothers me that nowhere on the major channels is there any chance of counter-narrative, or real, genuine debate about contentious issues of the day. The wholly politically compromised BBC has long since abandoned any pretence at providing rational, fair-minded debate but I used to hope, somewhat pointlessly as it turned out, that Sky at least could take a stand against the ceaseless tide of leftie b*llocks broadcast 24/7 by both the BBC and CH4.
totally agree
Hopefully, as with Gaunty’s online radio and Ezra’s Rebel media, we can see someone open up an alternative for the UK, even if the server has to be in the US, the home of free speech, but as with pirate radio which was banned by the bbc/government, I dunno if we can hold out much hope for an alternative to the spoon fed crap we get force-fed from the MSM EVERY day
And never let it be forgotten (or lied about as it was in that awful film about pirate radio, The Boat That Rocked) that it was a Labour government and in particular Tony Benn (that darling of clueless yoof) who shut down the pirate stations because they couldn’t control them.
Al Beeb reporting some ‘man’ again running amok in Sweden with a sword ?
Have highlighted this before, but Jon Gaunt is now live, yes he’s gobby and opinionated, but a refreshing change from 5Live and O’Brien on LBC, he claims not to be regulated by Ofcom.
Current topics Cyprus and the EU vote, Sir Andrew Green has just been on live.
Listen live here
The BBC is beside itself with despair. Theresa May has said there aren’t enough ethnic police officers in some police forces.
For those of you unfortunate enough not to be able to receive BBC Radio Wales, the excellent Jason Mohammad is furrowing his brow at Powys which has only hideously white police. What should be done? Well, perhaps visit Powys and see how many blacks or Asians you can find living there.? Don’t know. Just putting that out there.
Though the BBC would love us to engage in the glorious experiment that is Rotherham where the employment of Muslim coppers has led to 42 Rotherham police officers being investigated for child abuse. Odd, the BBC hasn’t had time to report that yet.
I didn’t know that 42 policemen were being investigated as part of the Rotherham scandal. Mind you you wouldn’t even know that the rapists were non white if you listened to the BBC in the last 12 months. What has happened to those council officials who looked the other way and allowed this disgusting state of affairs to go on for years after they first knew about it because they were so PC? Why aren’t they being hounded out of office by the BBC and the police? Why aren’t the newspapers pursuing them. We all know the answers to these questions.
What those in authority and the police should remember is that the British policing system requires the consent of the overwhelming percentage of the people . They are trying desperately to persuade ethnic minorities to give them their consent and are making concession after concession to these groups to try and buy their support. What they forget is that the white majority is watching with bafflement, which is rapidly turning into anger, as the law is bent and applied unequally to accommodate these minority groups. Those in charge take our consent for granted, but they are rapidly losing it. Once upon a time I would have given unquestioning support to the police but over the last 20 years I have slowly changed my view. After all why should I support a system which no longer represents and upholds the values that I grew up with.
As far as I am concerned, they are not “losing” my trust, that ship sailed a long time ago.
The good people of Rotherham still voted Labour in the last election though – but I’m not sure what ratio of Asians there are to Whites.
Rotherham is the home of my ancestors – coal miners and women ‘in service’, and the place I spent many happy school holidays with gran and granddad. The only black faces seen during those times in the 50’s and 60’s, were the men coming home from the mines. Its was three decades before I returned, and I didn’t recognise the place – mosques on every street corner, and the place over run with ethnics – where in hells name did they come from ???? My happy childhood memories now tainted with child abuse on a grand scale. Bastards every last one of ’em !
Gosh, where’s the women, children, disabled, puppies, kittens, teddy bears and other assorted cuddly toys ? That’s an invading army and Hungary is the only country holding out.
Oh, deep f***ing joy! It appears we have this to look forward to shortly.
The contestants look suitably diverse as usual.
The Great British Bake off, the Great British Sewer, how to sew a button on a shirt and now this, the Great British Potter, it appears that Alan Yentob and the gang have a lack of original thought. What’s next ? The Great British cup of tea or the Great British Origami contest.
Another Cohen commission?
….And the BBC claimed no one knew, all these comedy sketches made Savile’s death, some BBC productions the truth seems to be hiding in clear sight…
Interesting article here about the democratically elected mayor of Beziers:
As he is ‘far-right’ the BBC obviously assumes it has a duty to undermine him. Remember BBC, he was democratically elected. You might not like it but the citizens of Beziers do.
Part of the BBC/Guardian concerted effort to discredit the French right. Have they got around to reporting the trial of Marine le Pen yet? I will be when they do they will drag in all sorts or irrelevancies concerning her dad’s history, but never examine her political programme.
Sorry, again I will distress the many of you that cannot tune in to the wondrous gift that is BBC Radio Wales.
Dr Ama Eyo, a Nigerian senior lecturer in law at Bangor University was asked if she thought there was still racism in the UK. She answered with an emotional, emphatic ‘Yes!’
Sadly, the presenter didn’t have time to ask: ‘so racist, darling, that the University employs a black woman from Nigeria over any equally qualified indigenous or white people?’
Actually, I would like to have heard the answer.
Meanwhile, breaking news is that a nutter has ran amock with a sword at a school in Sweden. Wonder who this is down to……………..answers on a postcard to Jihadi competition.
Don’t expect an identity from the BBC any time soon.
Though we do not know the back ground of the attacker with the sword in Sweden please take a look at this report from CNN, particularly at the picture. If you were asked ten years ago where this photo was taken, would not Sweden have been the last answer anyone would have given?
I am sure it was not a sword, but the hand of a home made clock that the man had taken to school to impress his teacher.
Sweden has had ten years of enrichment since then.
One has to be careful of jumping to conclusions, but when we’re told no more than “he’s a masked man in his twenties”, suspicion arises that we’re not being told everything.
I think any one of the people in that crowd could have been a member of ABBA.
Or perhaps not …….
Sweden’s prime minister, Stephen Löfven, will travel to Trollhattan this afternoon. He said it was a “black day for Sweden”.
Shortly to be followed by a black week, a black month, a black year and a black lifetime for Sweden…
Note the carefully chosen photos in the BBC website report and contrast them with that which was on CNN – spot the difference anyone? Also the helpful line “School attacks are rare in Sweden – this is the first since a shooting at a school in Kungalv near Gothenburg in 1961”. I see. Any attacks involving, say, sharp items and people shopping in IKEA, perhaps within the past few months?
Jeremy Vine tells us all that Jamie Olivers restaurants will now add a 10p surcharge by way of a sugar tax on soft drinks.
Jeremy approves.
Given the carrier bag surcharge, tax, charge, contribution-call it what you will until Strasbourg decides for us all-is what Oliver is doing actually LEGAL?…subject to account and scrutiny…or a virtuous grab bag for the liberal salve?
No thoughts on that from Jezza-it`s all good after all!
Now then, now then-wonder if we can retrospectively clobber the BBC for their “Bake Off Bollox”-if sugar consumption did not go up during this sweet tooth fairy orgy, then I`ll be the Son of a Mongoose…to quote Alexandr the Great!
How about I tax the fat tongued buffoon 100% by not giving him any of my custom for being such a doo-gooding arse?
And, of course, Mr Oliver will pass on any income generated to HMRC, thus reducing the burden of tax on the rest of us……..
Yeah, right, just like so many of his ‘sleb’ friends (Charlotte Church and Owen Jones being the most recent of them, perhaps) who would willingly and voluntarily pay more tax if there was only some way to do it….but hold on, within seconds, it seemed, of this offer to pay more tax, Charlotte Church was told precisely how she could do it…… as was Owen Jones…… but sadly they both shrank away till the BBC and it’s ilk stopped pressing them to put their money where their mouths were…, a week or so later, they were back on air banging on about something else that we all should be forced to do.
Bluddy hypocrites, just like the rest of these headline-seekers, such as Nicola Sturgeon and ‘Sir Bob’ Geldof, offering, for instance, to put up a Syrian family or two in their home for the foreseeable future, and then suddenly having to explain why their headline-grabbing offer wasn’t quite what they meant as soon as they left the stage. Not held to their word, or toasted for their hypocrisy by the BBC, of course.
The swedish attack is by a Muslim…probably woke up and thought he was in Israel….
There are some very curious and anomalous data starting to emerge about obesity which could well make young master Oliver’s shouting and screaming look the wrong-headed pile of posturing tripe that it almost certainly is. And even if he and his health Nazi friends did turn out too be right, it is no one but the individual concerned’s business what he or she eats. Socialised medicine provides a perfect opportunity for authoritarians and virtue signallers to strut around.
I normally tip quite generously when I eat out. If I saw an extra 10p appearing on my bill my tip would be withdrawn and I’d save myself a lot of money.
Good old BBC eh?
Not enough black police people to hand out crime numbers and give us a leaflet to staunch the wounds
Working Tax Credit evils where White Dee disna`e get get her champagne in a suitable bespoke fluted frosted glass.
Evils of Big Sugar at the gym drinks machine-and only Jamie Oliver gives a hoot .
Does IS KNOW how shit it is here?…do the BBC ever TELL the migrants of Calais and Bratislava that Britain`s really NOT the place you`d want to visit-best stay In Germany or France, where green taxes ARE paid, where Schengen DOES work and where Foreign Aid Targets-as well as Carbon emulsion ones-are taken with due seriousness and appropriate regard.
Or do the BBC only piss on British chips ceaselessly whilst hitching a trannys stocking top towards those bearded Bush babies of Islamic State and Muslim Mashup…come on boys, Savile needs your slottings!
Fup off BBC-either the countrys shit…or it`s a Mecca for your Muzzie Bears.
Can`t be both …can it?
The bbc is showing its true colours once again, today they have been crying non stop about shaker aamer, victoria derbyshire was grilling andrew mitchell demanding shaker to be released, i say let him rot in guantanamo, throughout the day al beeb have been repeating the same story about the “terrible injustice” faced by muslim terrorists, makes my blood boil
Those would be those poor unfortunate detainees, in the wrong place at the wrong time, ordinary people going about their ordinary day, swept up by those horrid Americans who went round war zones picking up innocent people willy nilly.
(The BBC, though, won’t tell you about the numbers of these ‘innocents’, released from Guantanamo, who have now gone on to fight for ISIS…many thankfully being on the receiving end of a different type of justice).
A British citizen, originally from Saudi, who was found in the Tora Bora region of Afghanistan.
His claim to be doing ‘charity work’ there was happily accepted by the BBC with no questions asked.
The bBBC doesn’t seem to have found space to tell us that Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe, has been awarded the Confucius Peace Prize, a would-be Chinese rival to the Nobel.
Surely he ticks all the bBBC’s boxes: black, racist, anti-British, Marxist, economically illiterate …
The reaction of Sweden’s Left wing government to this terrorist attack will be to yield more concessions to Islam.
The Left feel that this terrorism is all the fault of western (particularly US) policy and the failure of the west to allow integration.
And the slippery slope becomes even more slippery.
(Assuming of course that this is Muslim related).
We’re now told “He was 21 and resident in Trollhattan, police said“. They’ve searched his home so they know a fair bit about him, but are still being coy about anything else. I can’t help feeling that if he was from a similar backgound to Anders Breivik, we’d know all about it by now, but time will tell.
I seem to recall reading that the Swedish police have a strict hush-hush policy when it comes to the identity of suspects. I’m not sure if this is a new thing (brought in for obvious reasons) or whether it’s a longstanding practice.
BBC – ‘Islamic assemblies’ held at a ‘Trojan Horse’ school ‘without consultation’
“Islamic assemblies were held without consultation at a Birmingham school involved in the “Trojan Horse” affair
… a misconduct panel has heard. Razwan Faraz, former deputy head teacher at Nansen Primary, also, on one occasion, had girls sitting at the back and boys at the front, it is claimed. Mr Faraz and four other senior staff unacceptable professional. conduct.
Deny, deny, lie ya da ya da, ya da … and these bastards are supposedly teachers?.
I thought this is a little tame softly BBC patter, there s has to be a bit more going on somewhere.
Checked out the Bham Mail sheesh! a deluge of wrong doing, deceit, definite plots etc
Lindsey Clark, Hardeep Saini, Arshad Hussain, Razwan Faraz, and Monzoor ‘Moz’ Hussain are all accused of professional misconduct for allegedly playing a part in an alleged plot by hardline Muslims to take control over governing bodies.
hmmm … think we’re past the “alleged” part by now eh!.
Islamic preacher who called on God to ‘prepare us for the Jihad’ spoke at Trojan Horse school
oh and errr … Trojan horse no hoax, no less
The Swedish murders are now beginning to appear as the work of a white man who may have an hostile attitude to immigrants. This, if true, will be music to the BBC, the rabid pro Islamic left, and Teresa the Appeaser who will seize on it as an excuse to blast the so called ‘far right’ and opponents of open door immigration. Danger ahead.
‘Swedish broadcaster TV4 has suggested that officers are investigating a possible political motive for the attack and claimed that the suspect was known to be against rising immigration in the area.
Haraldsson confirmed during the press conference that reports the suspect had far-right beliefs were part of the investigation, but said he did not want to comment further’
It makes liitle difference. Sweden is not viable long term. it will fail and right or left. Christian ( nominally ) or Muslim makes no differnce.
The blame lies directly with a liberal elite that prefers fantasy to reality. We should feel sorrow for all invoved in the demise of Sweden but be warned.
You seriously think the government controlled Swedish media would allow reporting of this if it was a Muslim? The only reason the Ikea murders gained publicity was because of social media.
“The only reason the Ikea murders gained publicity was because of social media.”
The Ikea murders where reported across the world on the day they happened, just the same as these murders have.
My point still holds. Sweden has no future. At least not as Sweden. Somewhere else probably . Already rape capital of Europe. What other horrors await.
A nation has what is called social capital. Sweden has spent hers. Not that we should really care except as a warning to us. Germany is spending hers but do many of us really care?
So the constant warnings of anti-Islamic backlash have finally come true for the mainstream media. It’s probably like a birthday, Christmas, and dying and going to heaven all in one for them.
Instead of learning the lesson of ‘ we told you so’ they’ll just spin this nutter’s action for all it’s worth, without seeing the bigger picture.
Expect more of it – that’s just being realistic.
Remember how the left and Cameron’s pals in the UAF responded to the Brevic murders. How they hammered home the Islamophobic message, equating the EDL and Tommy Robinson with Brevic. They never missed an opportunity. UAF supporters included Diane Abbott, Ken Livingstone, and David Cameron. The BBC will take up the message and Cameron and May will see the far right backlash as the extremist problem. (In parenthesis – a sensible US friend, has suggested false flag operation….who can tell?)
What a sad and ultimately, predictable commentary from this site.
First, blame the Muslims.
Second, when the perpetrator turns out not to be Muslim, blame the Muslims.
Third, claim it’s “false flag operation”… by the Muslims.
Odds on, if it transpires to be a white, right-wing, Nazi sympathiser; some bright spark will pop up claiming the Nazi’s were all secret Muslims.
There is no apostrophe in Nazis, you fool.
Wow, that’s the best you can do?
Violence is heading our way. Europe is being destabalised and this is the result. I don’t blame anyone other than the killer and the fantasists of academia and the liberal media and politics who ignoring history and the sad reality of human nature have attempted to socially engineer a new type of Europe.
Forgetting that human nature changes slowly if at all and that it is not really the smartest idea to forcibly attempt to mix huge numbers of people from all the world who by necessity have very different views on just about everything.
I repeat and refute if any of you can. There has never been an example in history of a people who have voluntarily ceded their land and culture to another .
All I ever get is the usual racist accusation and the usual liberal whine. Whine whine and whine. For God’s sake face reality before it is too late.
Given the nature of the propaganda war the BBC has fought so far in various fronts, one half expects the entire Labour ShadCab to mount a ‘sources allege’ assault behind it being a multi-agency Mossad conspiracy, which Jezza Bowen, Orla, JonDon, Lyse, Ted and Alice can then ‘mention’ with all necessary caveats on page 67 around the souks, before sitting back and warming their Pulitzers on the latest carnage they have provoked.
Meanwhile here’s a collection of lone white wolves, who have by chance got together.
Ms. May please note, as there appear to be no wolves of colour in there, which is an outrage.
The cynic inside me says if it is proved to be a white extremist then the champagne bottles might be strewn around Broadcasting House. I hope I’m wrong but the Beeboids have so lost their moral compasses nothing would surprise me.
See Jason’s gloating above.
Gloating? I suppose you were delighted when Lee Rigby got a knife in the throat?
Grow up.
Thanks for proving my point. Except I wish it wasn’t true.
Hello Jason and welcome to this site.
Are you familiar or friends of bunny la roche, Scott or Manonclaphamomnibus ?
Jason’s been hovering for a while but has hit overdrive tonight. It’s probably because he feels vindicated that all his claims (or those of his fellow ants from the nest) that the right are as violent as they are may have been proved true by this nutjob in Sweden.
Although it is not true actually, as he is the only one other than Breivik to claim to be a white supremacist who has murdered innocent people. The left and their muslim allies are the main culprits in violence and murder of course.
I wonder if the BBC headline will be “Swedish police murder civilian and two others also killed”.
The BBC predictably have been having a field day with May’s haranguing of top coppers over their forces’ lack of diversity, with special mention of Cheshire Constabulary who don’t have a single black copper in their ranks.
So on North West News Cheshire’s top cop was harangued by the studio presenter person. Have to say the guy was impressive. Without ever sounding defensive he explained in detail how the force bends over backwards to encourage recruitment from the black population of Cheshire which, as he pointed out to the BBC Pea-Brain, is a very, very small minority anyway.
Poor old Pea Brain just had to keep on reading from the script ‘Isn’t there more you could be doing’ despite the pile of information she’d just been given that short of positive discrimination (illegal) there is nothing more the force could do.
On this occasion the BBC chose not to include a vox pop from anyone in the ‘black community’. Pity, as the questions unasked regarding the keenness or otherwise of Cheshire’s black yoof to join the police, including some stats comparing how many have actually ever applied – relative to the size of the ‘community’ – could have shed a very different light on things.
In other words, job done.
Love to see stats of the BBC’s diversity in the north. So I did. It took two minutes.
Read this BBC statement: (
“Relocating a series of our programming activity including BBC Sport, Children’s, Radio 5Live, BBC Learning and BBC Manchester to a new state of the art broadcasting facility in Salford has given us a unique opportunity to diversify the workforce based at that site.”
Now read this (Manchester Evening News):
“3,172 Salford people applied for BBC MediaCity jobs – and only 24 were hired.
….And – of the 24 Salfordians who did get a job – eight were on six-month ‘ambassador’ contracts for 16-19 year olds, paying between £3.64 an hour and £4.92 an hour. The ambassadors’ role is to meet, greet and look after guests.”
“An objective in our Diversity Strategy is to: “advance equal opportunities to diversify and develop our workforce and our senior leaders so that they better reflect our audiences.””
Taken from the link.
So the BBC believe the best way to reflect their audiences is to employ more BMEs, disabled etc.
Don’t you think taking on a lot more people who do not read the Guardian, maybe even Daily Mail readers, would enable them to better reflect their audiences.
Ditto those with half a dozen GCSEs at D or lower.
AlBeeb news this evening tells us that ‘Britain is not building enough houses’ !
Well can anyone tell me in one word why we really do ‘need more houses’ ?
Mr David Cameron , please pay attention to the answers .
There are two answers, of course. The less obvious one is ‘to make money for the building/land industries who pay so handsomely to get the favour of UK political parties’
I suspect GC Cooper has no dealings with actually getting houses built.
It is, of course, absolutely easy to run up a 100 houses here and there and make shed loads of cash at it, or so those ignorant of all the fences to cross and hoops to jump through will believe.
The other answer is that of all those houses the developers build they have to give away 30 – 40% to housing associations as “affordable” housing, and pay cash to council funds to provide other infrastructure.
So effectively everyone buying a new house is paying a substantial social housing tax, which also goes to keep the price of “second hand” housing up, possibly making those who do not understand the realities of housebuilding bask in the glow of how well they have done in purchasing their property which is now “worth” £x00,000 more than they paid for it, while probably having benefitted from a huge bung from the government via tax relief to pay for a large part of it. Something the present generation do not get, of course.
If you mean am I a property developer or a builder then the answer is no.
On the other hand I live in a part of the country which is being buried under concrete and shoddily built bug-hutches with almost no regard for the landscape or the towns and villages that are being vandalised – usually in cahoots with local councils.
As for drumming up sympathy for property developers, I may not be one but I meet enough of them to have developed a greater respect for cockroaches.
The only homes being built are small developments of one to five units, which avoid this and then the developers of larger estates have found ways around the low cost housing burden, but it does involve them having to mothball a partly built estate and then claim financial difficulties which the council are forced to recognise.
The BBC have run several shock horror ‘mockumentaries’ (a mockery of reality) that the evil private sector is not implementing party diktat.
In our town a greedy developer had managed to ‘persuade’ the council to let him build 200 homes on green belt land unsuitable for housing due to the water table. All this despite several brownfield sites which have lain undeveloped for years blighting the inner town. His 1 in 4 profit was slashed to 1 in 12 as the impact of bank lending etc reduced sales, however his company then sourced out of town labour, out of town national suppliers and cut he cost of the properties but built them from the cheapest materials he could source. As a consequence the properties are now built to a price, not a standard. The houses are small, tight together and all look the same. He had a commitment to affordable properties within that development, however as he could not sell these quick enough to continue to finance the project, he went crying to the Council who immediately offered to buy up the surplus properties. Now we have the situation on this development where poor quality homes are passed off as ‘luxury villas’ and have been sold at £285k for a four bedroom detached (expensive here) yet these proud new owners who have only been in their properties for a matter of months, are having Council detritus deposited short term in their new Pleasantville along with the multiple children, multiple cars and associated issues with local authority problem tenants.
Diversity, inclusion and integration.
Hmmmmmm, just seen an ad by Freeview. It uses cartoon characters (like plasticine) to portray a family — mum, dad and 2 kids. You’ve guessed it ………… mum is white, dad is black with a beard, a mixed race child and a ‘white’ one. Is that the set up of normality now in Britain today ? a family of mixed races ? We appear to be drip fed this ‘ideal’ by the advertising agencies who are mainly based in London, and where an all white family is rarer than a hen’s tooth. It seems to have escaped the notice of these companies and Lenny Henry that white is still the dominant colour outside of the M25 ! (for now anyway)
A few years ago I heard a comment by the head of one of the advertising industry’s ‘professional’ bodies in which the baggage-in-chief proudly defended her industry for doing exactly that – shaping the public’s attitude by deliberately over representing efniks and mixed race couples. Certainly, advertising, corporate publicity etc are among the worst offenders in this attempted brainwashing.
Mind you, as others have suggested, by keep doing this, they may also be stepping on their own toes by drawing people’s attention to a problem they might not otherwise worry about. Advertising people tend not to be very bright.
Had a discussion about this topic with my family, I like you thought it was the Ad agencies promoting mixed race families, but my brother persuaded me Those who pay the piper call the tune, All these banks and multi national corporations are internationalists, open borders and Bilderbergers are heavily into one world government under the U,N. Richard Kalergi leader of the pan Europe movement wrote ”The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”
I think the truth is that the same type of parasites who enjoy the rich pickings of ‘executive’ roles at multinational companies also work in the media and advertising/PR.
It’s pretty easy not to bother your pretty head about immigration etc when you live in Weybridge or Hoxton – not so easy in Rotherham or Luton.
Your analysis seems somewhat confused.
Hoxton: 51% White British.
Rotherham: 92% White British.
Perhaps a more straightforward explanation would be that advertisers want to target as large a demographic as possible. And yes, sometimes that includes Black people as well. How dreadful!
You’ve not been to either Hoxton or Rotherham have you?
Jason my innocent naive child, the country is 90% white, miscegenated people about 1%, so why are they targeting and heavily promoting that particular narrow demographic ?
Oh, we know that. I mean the advertising industry has told us what it is doing and why. Jason just doesn’t want to believe them. Liberals are dim like that. They make stuff up and believe it because it makes them feel warm inside.
Yes I read the same statistics on line too for Rotherham! but it also said that between 2001 and 2011 the BME had doubled from 10,000 to 21,0000, and stats show that between 2005 and 2030 the BME (Black & Minority Ethnic) will increase by 61% !!! Take that figure across the country – excepting Weybridge (!), and ‘being swamped’ doesn’t even begin to describe what lays in store.
That genocidal maniac is the EU in person. At least with him there is a real face to the enemy.
“Otto von Habsburg champions even the view, without Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972) there are no European Union.” – (German translation). November 17th is his birthday, and you can bet there will be big celebrations and millions spent, but we will have no idea about it.
His book ‘Pan Europe’ sets out his whole diabolical plan. This was 1923 though, he saw the British Empire as something eternal. It would not be part of Pan Europe. He worried about Communism taking over the world, not Islam. But Merkel has been putting his plans into action, even at the cost of the destruction of her own people. What a bitch!
I don’t doubt for a second that there is an ‘agenda’ with the advertising industry. The over use of ethnics has direct parallels with propaganda in the Third Reich, in which the Ideal German was always portrayed: tall, blonde, steely eyed, heroic etc. Most Germans did not look like that, including the dark haired corporal from Austria who presided over it all. But it is not restricted to race. Consider how men are portrayed – they are invariably foolish, incompetent wimps. If they are portrayed positively – usually restricted to car advertisements – they are invariably aged about 30 and have a weeks worth of stubble. You’ll see the same stereotype if you look at any men portrayed in clothing stores – wander round M&S, or Next, or Sainsburys or anywhere. Very few men – around 5% – have beards and in surveys women consistently say they dislike them. So why the obsession – do they have some special appeal to the large number of homosexuals employed in the advertising industry or something? It’s also the case that many who work in that profession are lazy, dull, unimaginative and of a ‘me too’ mentality. Someone has an idea and it is copied endlessly without further thought: women boxers were a craze at one stage; black men advertising subscription TV services; talking Sat Navs; perfume advertisements using black & white photography; the group of four mates of whom one and only one is black (and not too black at that), etc.