“Whites have been persuaded to support diversity – even if it restricts opportunities for them and reduces their numbers and influence – because they have been taught that not to support it would be racist.”
“Diversity, if it were a strength, people would not require ‘diversity management’ or anti-discrimination laws. Nor would it require constant reminders of how wonderful it is. It takes no exhortations for us to appreciate things that are desirable.”
“It is precisely because it is so easy to point out the weaknesses of diversity, that any attempt to do so must be countered, not by specifying diversity’s strengths – which no one can do – but with accusations of racism.”
Jared Taylor – ‘White Identity’, publisher – New Century Books.
Here’s Kevin Connolly on the World Service ‘News’ at 09:00 GMT pretending to understand murderous Arab motivation in the Arab-Israeli conflict:
A big part of this is a deep, bubbling suspicion in Palestinian society…
[Yes, a real cauldron; when BBC hacks try to get creative their ‘reporting’ is even more putrid than usual.]
… that Israel, which has the holy places of Jerusalem…
[Oh, those grasping Je…er Israelis. In fact, the Arabs have the Al-Aksa mosque, as anyone who has seen Arab rioters hurling missiles at Israeli police from within the mosque can testify. Besides, a small child could Google ‘waqf al aqsa’ to ascertain who in fact has that mosque.]
… is secretly planning some kind of change in the access arrangement which would erode the Islamic identity of that holy place.
[Which holy place is he talking about? He probably doesn’t know himself. Connolly doesn’t mention that the Israelis only restrict access to the Al-Aqsa mosque when Palestinians riot and commit acts of terror against them.]
Now Israel absolutely denies that…
[Five words for the Israeli side and nothing that would back up the denial.]
…but the denial, frankly, is not believed in the Arab world.
[“Frankly??” How that one word solidifies BBC support for the for the Arabs as their leaders lie and incite against the Jews, with the fake claims of Jewish designs on the mosque directly causing the current spate of murderous attacks.]
Connolly wouldn’t know how to report frankly on the Israeli-Arab conflict. To do that he would have to remove his anti-Israel BBC specs and look around at what is actually going on between the Jordan River and the sea.
Try visiting the Al-Aqsa mosque if you go to Jerusalem. You’re not allowed anywhere near it. But it’s not the Israelis stopping you – the Arabs won’t permit anyone who is not a Muslin to approach it. Contrast with the Western (‘Weeping’) Wall or the church of the Holy Sepulchre – anyone is free to visit Jewish and Christian religious sites, no questions asked.
Exactly right. I spent a whole hour in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre – there were several choirs singing ij different parts of the basilica – and a long long time near the Western Wall. Whereas atop the Temple Mount I knew – and it was made obvious, that any thought of entering the mosques was out of order.
There is one, just one crystal clear example, as to why that fascist ideology is such a danger to the world … must be those “filthy” Infidel/Jewish feet eh!, to quote their leader,(can you believe it!).
Its not only them of course, I tried to get on LBC yesterday, as a lady was absolutely ragged by Tory slob Ferrari, whose oafish ignorance was only matched by his arrogance, about B Netanyahu.
This lady quoted quite correctly facts about fascist Al Husseini and Hitler, was lucid and factual she did not deserve treatment like that, especially as Ferrari was actually lying,(probably through pig ignorance) … I was of course wasting my time.
The BBC are beneath contempt, on Israel … but they are not alone
When Connolly started to speak I knew there was no way he would mention the well-known fact that the current wave of Arab terror (by both Palestinians and Israeli Arabs) is a result of the lie that the Jews have designs on the Al-Aqsa mosque.
Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, spread the same lie in the 1920s, which incited Arab mobs to slaughter entire Jewish families in Hebron, Jerusalem and elsewhere. Back then racist, hate-filled Arabs couldn’t use Israel as an excuse for their ‘religious’ hatred.
North West tonight bitchn’ there aren’t enough BME in the Cheshire Police however the Cheshire Police force is rated as one of the best performing. Go figure.
Just before I had the misfortune to watch North West tonight I turned on BBc 1 news when they went to “The migrant crisis” I turned over to BBc2 and saw the Russell Howard “Good news” show to see the end of a sketch where the statement “Torycare saving money not lives” flashed up on screen. Yea right.
I feel very uncomfortable as a Brit when an immigrant MP lectures us whilst at the same time talking about the business secretary who also happens to be a muslim, Tory or not.
Oh, they’re all at it ! everyone who comes as an immigrant like Yasmin Ali Brown, to Zadik Khan (who’s father came here and became a bus conductor etc etc) want to lecture us on how we should run this country, and how THEY have worked hard to get where they are, er, like the rest of us haven’t ?
Why is it that all the immigrant stories from Billy Butlin to the present lot, came to Britain with only a fiver in their pocket ?? its the same consistent story. My first pay packet in 1965 was £4.10.0d (£4.50p), and worked solid for the next 41 years, but no-one wants to hear that. But then, my name isn’t Patel, Khan, or Vaz either.
I have a friend who came to this country in the early 1970s when their family was forced out of Uganda by Idi Amin. She said that they, like many others, arrived here with just the clothes they were wearing and the one suitcase. But, that one suitcase was full of money. They received little notice of their forced departure, but had expected it and prepared accordingly. Paying a bribe to a customs official at Entebbe enabled them to avoid inspection of the suitcase. It wasn’t a universal experience she states, but it was very common. Less a case of £5 in the pocket but £5,000 in the suitcase (at a time when that was a lot of money. They bought a house with it when they arrived).
As mentioned the other day, the minimal age for marriage in Syria is 15. There is no such thing as a legally recognised marriage involving 12, 13 or 14 year old girls in that country. Something is not right with this story. Part of a campaign to legalise paedophilia in Europe for certain communities?
“But defiant Lord Hall hit back: “I believe that in the conduct of our public affairs activity, we maintain very high standards, and as I outlined in my previous letter, I believe the BBC’s involvement was perfectly proper.”
He also believes that, this time, when he falls in love, it will be forever.
Allegedly. According to sources close to the BBC. Who have learned.
Thing is, Tone, your ”belief’ actually counts for diddly squat in the real world.
BBC rescues Britain’s seaside towns from economic decline. Hold the front page ! Ever since Green tripped over a stick of Brighton Rock, and punters dumped Margate for Marbella, el Beeb informs us life has come to a Full Stop on the seaside. Worse still “The surge in support for UKIP has been driven by seaside towns such as Grimsby in Lincolnshire and Clacton in Essex.” But fear not, one of the Beeb’s intrepid reporters has taken a trip to Folkstone, (all seats for planes to Brazil 2016 having been taken) and popped into Googies Art Cafe, ” a trendy burger and craft beer joint in Folkestone’s art district”- (where else would any self-respecting Beeboid scribbler go ?). From this Bohemian paradise he/she brings back the following pearl of wisdom from a waiter (apparently) “Folkestone has completely changed. For one thing, it has become a lot more multicultural. It used to be white, white, white. Eventually the town will be as trendy as Brighton.”
So there you have it folks in Folkestone. It was your fault you were all in the crapper, you were just too white, but with a healthy dose of BBC multiculturalism you too can become trendy again. Brilliant !
Margate is still mostly white, white, white – albeit with a bit of a tan, BUT they still don’t speak English – they’re Eastern European letting the local population know that the gang culture is still alive and thriving !
Elizabeth Rizzini brings us ostensibly good news about our weather prospects here in London today, but inadvertantly the winsome Liz has let slip that degree of regret she can’t promise even a bit of that funny weather weirding we often hear about.
One wonders wether this hankering after heatwaves, droughts and tornadoes derrives from an innocent keeness to employ some of the more advanced aspects of her Met Office meteorological training or maybe it is just a desire to promote BBC viewing figures. I hope it is nothing to do with a political and ideological attachment to the theory of Man-Made Global Warming – Liz seems such an uncomplicated trustworthy sort.
Looks like my initial suspicions as to the lack of information were wrong, since the motive is said to be racism and only whites can be racist.
Still, I’m sure he only felt compelled to do it because he was alienated, it’s Nothing To Do With The Far Right and anyway, he’s a lone wolf. That’s the standard explanation, right? Along with worries about a backlash against the Far Right.
To the BBC it’s a package deal: opposition to immigration, global warming, EU membership, same sex/tranny/animal/whatever marriage, Islam, Palestinian ’cause’, BBC TV poll tax, plus support for UKIP are all the same thing and equate to interest in Hitler and Nazi Germany and must be destroyed!
You’ve put your finger on it precisely. It’s a mindset which comes with an entire baggage train of associated beliefs.
At the core (which is well understood by the Left’s puppet masters) is not a belief in any one of those things per se – in fact in candid moments they will occasionally admit they regard some of them as untrue) – but a desire to use any and all of those associated memes as a tool to break traditional society, so that it can be refashioned, post-collapse, into the ‘perfect socialist society’.
Islamics are not a race. Anyone from any colour or religion can be or convert to Islam. It’s a religion. The conflict in Northern Ireland was not ‘racist’.
The killings were not therefore ‘racist’ as described by the BBC. However, the Left would call this attack ‘racist’.
It’s not just the BBC, sadly, The Mail (ever willing to face both ways at once) has joined in the chorus.
I have no problem with the accused being described as a neo-Nazi, if that is really what he was, but I most certainly do have a problem with the story being used to promote the ceaseless liberal campaign about the ‘delights’ of immigration and the ‘evil’ of anything or anyone to the Right of Corbyn.
My expectation is that the liberal media will now use this as part of its demonisation of conservative beliefs, while ignoring and excusing the behaviour of Islamists, immigrants and their political exploiters on the Left.
‘Islamics are not a race’. I am tired of pointing this out, but in the media, BBC, Mail etc. reports of offence against Moslems is reported as racist. Judges, magistrates, reporters all treat Islam as a race, a religion, a political and ethical doctrine, a charity, whatever they want it to be. That is what multiculturalism is about.
The left, see their social media sites, are jubilant – the backlash theory is justified.
Watch out – May and Cameron will be acting on it when they get going on extremism.
So says Jean-Claude Juncker. He admits that it’s influence is waning as %80 of growth is outside of the EU.
Need I say more?
Expect to hear it in full on the BBC as it’s main story at six!
From The Telegraph:
With an ageing population, Europe’s share of the world’s population has fallen from 20 per cent a century ago to seven per cent now, and could be just four per cent by the end of this century when the world reaches ten billion people. “We are demographically weakened, and will remain so,” added Mr Juncker, the former Prime Minister of Luxembourg.
I’d like the BBC to report that, it could explain why the EU wants open borders, just so that Junker and his kind can look ‘big’ at the international table. I would guess that most Europeans would rather be well-off and safe, not rubbing shoulders with 2 billion of the world’s poor, backward and violent.
As ducking and diving goes, the BBC is excelling itself not to be transparent here. But it looks like the chap has their measure and is not letting go.
BBC 1 20th October 10.40pm KKK The Fight for White Supremacy, apparently according to the programme everyone in America is a member. Followed by at 11.40pm Is Britain RACIST ? What a loaded question. 21 October Reggie Yates Race Riots in America. Reggie Yates examines the position of African-Americans in US society. Groan. Meanwhile over on Chanel 4 My Transgender Summer Camp, Channel 4 is running a whole season of tranny propaganda, Absolutely no agenda. http://www.channel4.com/programmes/my-transgender-summer-camp
What on earth happened to Question Time last night? Usually I have to view this from behind the sofa, fingers twitching over the “off” button. The audience were respectful, there was no whooping or foot stomping and even Nigel received several rounds of applause. Now when did that last happen on the Big Brother Corporation? Of course Dimbleby was his usual smug self; interrupting Farage and allowing Alan Johnson limitless time to waffle about the delights of the EU. But the audience seemed to be made up of regular, “normal” folk and often Johnson’s well honed cliches and snide remarks were met with stony silence.
Poor old Germaine Greer looked as though she been found dossing on a bench on Streatham Common. The poor old girl should probably be pensioned off, however she did make some sense, rebuking the anti nuclear fanatics and windmill huggers for delaying our pathetic governments implementing nuclear energy facilities.
It can’t last…
What was most apparent was how utterly out of his depth Zahawi was, clueless, inept Tory short termism.
Mind you Osborne s dadaaa should do well out of his economic lunacy, and Tory shitheads like Esther McVey who get luxury backhanders after Russo get major contract with the DWP, and on and on it goes. IDS must be punching the air as he looks through a Dickens novel for his next policy.
I liked the bit when the Blofeld look a like said to Farage ” You know nuffing about Germany.” Nigel missed an opportunity by not mentioning his German wife.
Two stories the BBC news web site hasn’t yet found space to report, though they are both in the lefty Guardian and Independent newspapers.
Angela Merkel is so enamoured with the migrants she invited from all over the world to her country that she is sending them home in air force transporter planes.
Women ‘don’t understand’ fracking due to lack of education, industry chief claims – actually she is not an industry chief , naught Indie! She is prof Averil MacDonald, an engineer. The Indie cannot let the report pass without further distortion by adding the word ‘controversial’ to every mention of fracking.
Worth an online read to see the hilarious, ignorant women (and men, Prof Averil!) rail against anyone who doesn’t understand that Fracking will release poisons into the water, call up the devil and give you cancer – I only made up one of those claims by the way.
At the same time they seem oblivious to the most glaring and appalling racism – only 6 of the 20 managers in the English Premier League are actually English. This figure is in no way reflective of the ethnic breakdown of the English population as a whole.
I am going to write to Trevor Phillips and the Commission For Racial Equality and advise them of this disgraceful racial discrimination at the very top of English football.
Escaping from the BBC and TV I went to a performance of Hamlet which was shown in a local theatre direct from the Barbican. Good performance, spoiled when Benedict Cumberbutch got up and made his refugees welcome speech. Apparently every performance of Hamlet ends with it. He is now a hero of the UAF and other associated creeps. The picture appears on the UAF Facebook page and is being used to promote the forthcoming Refugees Welcome Rally.
The message from the anti fascists (left fascists) is clear,anyone who objects to unlimited migration must be a fascist.
Has the young Master Ben stated how many strapping young Syrian lads he’s going to take in? I see Yvette Pixie-Balls still hasn’t moved in the families she promised, nor has Sir Bob.
Typical lefties, full of platitudes that they eject as soon as the harsh reality hits them.
Benedict Notonmypatch can go and do one. He does not speak for the poeple of this country. It is very easy for the lefty liberal celebs to take this stance when they won’t be personally affected. Is Benedict worried about what effect mass imigration will have on the already-stretched NHS, school system? Private healthcare Benedicts? Will you send your son to public school when he’s older?
It’s reminiscent of the liberal apologist Clooney who voices support and solidarity to the refugees while he flies in his learjet between his mansions in Holliwod and Southern France to check on his wine cellar.
I had to wiki him because I had no idea who he was, he’s just one of many confused and deluded actors who enjoy a little success in their chosen profession and think this then qualifies them to put the world to rights. A little success in acting or music is not really a suitable foundation for implementing sound social policy.
At least Glenda Jackson took the trouble to get elected, don’t really have much time for her, but I respected her elected office. The rest of the unelected celeb mouthpieces should really wind their necks in.
…And likewise Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Sigourney Weaver, Jim Cameron, Sean Penn, Mark Ruffalo… aw, hell, the list is practically endless of hypocritical Hollywood multimillionaires prepared to travel the world (Executive Luxury Class of course) to lecture and harangue the proles on their ‘responsibility to the planet’ and how something they vaguely call ‘climate change’ is gonna exterminate us all if we don’t…well, if we don’t do, you know, something.
The film and television industry seems to be comprised entirely, both sides of the Atlantic, of fully paid-up superannuated CAGW True Believers, all prepared to exercise their doubtlessly extensive knowledge of climate science in an effort to scare us into toiling in the fields beneath their wind turbines.
Actors get a lot of money for practically doing nothing, George Clooney gets £20 Million a film, so they have a guilty conscious, you see them rushing off to the Third World to do some poverty porn. People with real jobs like bin men, you don’t see them rushing off to Africa.
I paid a fortune for tickets for his Hamlet at the Barbican, for which the first part alone is worth every penny. Stunning.
Then, as you say, he delivers his speech at the end of the performance when the audience are on a heightened plane of emotion and vulnerable to digging in their pockets. As I am deeply suspicious of charities and their over paid executives I felt pissed off that an emotional argument, lacking in any cohesive intelligent observation should be forced up on us.
For those of us who watched his Hamlet via the big screen we were treated to a few interviews with the production team, with Melvyn Barg, and a trip to a diverse school in London where children met Beneduct and performed a few lines from Hamlet. I am not sure whether the only white person there was a teacher or a pupil. There was a time when theatre was a place to watch plays, musicals or whatever, without MultiKulturailsm rammed down our throats.
No. I have a feeling the doors were still closed while he gave his lecture. It would be incredibly brave to get up and walk out when someone is using language as he did. ie if you do not agree then you are Tory Scum, or worse.
I walked past the girls with the buckets besides the doors but not sure if anyone else did.
Perhaps Master Ben should take heed of this:
“You shouldn’t speak until you know what you’re talking about. That’s why I get uncomfortable with interviews. Reporters ask me what I feel China should do about Tibet. Who cares what I think China should do? I’m a fucking actor! They hand me a script. I act. I’m here for entertainment. Basically, when you whittle everything away, I’m a grown man who puts on makeup.”
― Brad Pitt
Never tire of reading that one when some luvvy pops up to lecture everybody.
Yes, refreshingly honest and with a humility lacking in most of his egocentric colleagues. I probably won’t be able to resist giving that quote a further outing in the near future.
Shame that Brad Pitt and the cast carried on working through Remembrance Sunday Nov 2013 ,on a War film so there were loads of lovely explosions to go with the Last Post . The producer of Fury did apologise afterward, but I vowed never to watch it in any form and saved myself some money. However I agree with him in this case.
I listened to that too, not one mention of the word Islam or Muslim in the entire programme. We were told by one woman that it happens all over the country as if it were a ‘British’ cultural thing. There was an awkward silence when in all fairness another woman said ‘that immigrants have moved all over the country’.
Next week it will be about the mysterious floating suitcases with dismembered bodies inside floating down the Thames, is this a British throw back to Jack the Ripper!
Any examples of enrichment?
However, I expect immigrants to assimilate and become part of British society. I’m not interested in their ‘enrichment’.
The term ‘enrichment’ is used as there is no assimilation.
Just seen Robert Mugabe has won the chinese peace prize…..Expect The BBC to produce a two hour special on this great humanitarian…….. or they will criticise that kim Jong un wasn’t on the shortlist…
Middlesborough is the top town for taking in the gimmigrants.
See vid of this poor guy who left his wife and baby behind because the journey was too dangerous. Hope he finds a woman in Middlesborough that will do the job. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34613163
Place like that, awash with money, what could possibly go wrong?
Problem is, if something does go wrong (not that it will, of course, definitely not), we won’t get to hear about it anyway. Could inflame ‘tension’ you see, and cause a ‘backlash’ of rude graffiti, and Cameron has made it clear that he will not tolerate that sort of thing.
“…How the hell can anyone from Kosovo or Albania have any valid claim to asylum?”
Do you think if I roll up to US Immigration and demand to be allowed to go and live in Malibu, you know, just ‘cos, they’ll let me through, no problem..?
The politicians and BBC never mention the muslim backlash that has occurred in the UK and still continues.
7/7 anyone? 50 killed. Failed multiple tube bombing to repeat 7/7 a few days later. Lee Rigby. Car bomb detonation at Glasgow airport. Attempted car bombing of a night club in central London.
Many, many foiled attempts. And no doubt more to come.
I heard a report of a white Brit who whispered to a friend that he thought “some Muslims are not very nice”. If that isn’t a backlash then I don’t know what.
The Indianization of the BBC…At http://tinyurl.com/p5dau3j
If you watch the BBC World Service you may have noticed the large number of presenters with such names as: Matthew Amroliwalla, Yalda Hakim, Zeinab Badawi, Geeta Gurumurthy, George Alagiah, Mishal Hussein, Babita Sharma, Adnan Nawaz, Rajesh Merchandani, James Coomarasamy, Reeta Chakrabati and others. Actually some of these people are derived not from the Indian sub-continent and many of them are of Muslim origin, such as Badawi from Sudan or Hakim from Afghanistan, but the large number of such names indicates a pervasive influence of Indian and third world opinion in BBC News content. Certainly many of these presenters are very professional and indeed glib in their presentations, and their English accents are impeccable, but that does not change the fact that there is a disproportionate cadre of third world presenters at the BBC.
Why is there this prevalence of Indians and third worlders at the BBC? Certainly it is because of the presence in the UK of a large number of people of Indian origin (including Pakistani and Bangladeshi), whose families emigrated to the UK during the period of English control of India and other former Empire countries since then. But, it must also indicate a degree of bringing in members of the same culture once inroads are made (Jews were always criticized for this tendency). Could this cadre of Indians be part of the reason for the very anti-Israel slant of the BBC in its reporting of the Middle East? Certainly, since they do exercise editorial control over the content that is included in BBC News broadcasts. Is this the main problem, probably not, since the presence of these many people of Indian origin is a symptom rather than a cause of the problem.
When you have left-leaning reporters such as Lyse Doucet (who is from Quebec) and Orla Guerin (Irish) in leading roles in the BBC hierarchy, both of whom have shown clear anti-Israel bias when reporting from the Middle East, it is not surprising that a predominantly third-world viewpoint is presented that accords with the majority of Islamic and Indian viewers around Asia. However, there are very few African and Chinese or other Asian presenters, so this Indian presence does represent a bias in appointments at the BBC. Also, there are none or very few identifiable Jewish names on the BBC list.
Here is a story about polar bears: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-34490185
Without even following the link you probably have an idea where the story is ultimately heading. At one point the question asked is:
‘What is driving this change in the polar bears’ behaviour?’
The BBC has me stumped there, I wonder if they are able to provide an answer?
Don’t bother reading it, you know the answer.
“What I’d like to know, is how does the MetO get a debate with a petition of less than 300 signatures, when other urgent causes with tens of thousands of names on e-petitions are ignored?”
Not a big fan of these e-petitions, but they seem a feature of life now, so I do pay heed even if the way they are conducted seldom suggests reality.
Hence I too am now interested in what worked its magic here but not elsewhere.
Some new variation of ‘unique’ or ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) no doubt.
And what’s the betting there is some nifty exemption to anyone answering such a good and reasonable question?
Noted that TWATO earlier on was promising me some crap about Labours “Big Mo”, what with Corbyn being so brill an` all.
There was me thinking that people were resigning, MPs of long standing are scared of losing their seats/deselection…that they had no policies or went 180 degrees on them at the first whiff of Osbornes aftershave.
Clearly not-Clintons Big Mo was going to be discussed later on in the show.
Not that I bothered to listen on-utter crap.
THEN I see that the New Statesman has an article in today, featuring Labours Big Mo…embalmed, dug up but there she blows!
So basically the BBC does New Statesman audio books-booky wookies for the Occupy cabbages…and saves them buying that worthless rag of lefty lunacy.
Bias-wha of it-the BBC just does at it likes.
Imagine how dangerous they`d be if anybody actually listened to the BBCs “comment and analysis”, let alone believed in it?
BBC Daily Politics, BBC plant – Sharia is not discriminatory?
Baroness Cox – “Suffragettes would turn in their graves if they could see this happening”
1/. NO Sharia Law
2/. NO polygamous marriages
3/. NO Madrassas
That s a start … Anyone got backbone in No10? …
after all, they can motivate themselves to hammer the poorest most vulnerable with immediate effect.
NO child rape
NO objectifying women by dressing them in bags
NO violent intolerance of criticism of your belief system
NO non violent intolerance of criticism of your belief system.
NO ghettoisation of your ‘communities’.
NO reluctance to learn and converse in English.
NO more playing the victim when you are the aggressor.
Any problems with any of these points, and NO passport issued to you and your wider family.
This disgraceful greenie pap is not journalism in any recognisable sense. They just don’t care any more do they.
They are abdicating the right to be called journalists by simply reproducing activist bulletins; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-34616494
On the enemedia, the apologists, and useful idiots including the BBC
“It is absurd. I had no intention to absolve Hitler of responsibility for his diabolical destruction of European Jewry. Hitler was responsible for the Final Solution to exterminate six million Jews.
He made the decision. It is equally absurd to ignore the role played by the Mufti, Haj Amin al -Husseini, a war criminal, for encouraging and urging Hitler, Ribbentropp, Himmler and others, to exterminate European Jewry. There is much evidence about this, including the testimony of Eichmann’s deputy at the Nuremberg trials, not now, but after World War II. He said:
‘The Mufti was instrumental in the decision to exterminate the Jews of Europe. The importance of his role must not be ignored. The Mufti repeatedly proposed to the authorities, primarily Hitler, Ribbentropp and Himmler, to exterminate the Jews of Europe. He considered it a suitable solution for the Palestinian question’.
Eichmann’s deputy, added:
‘The Mufti was one of the instigators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and was a partner and adviser to Eichmann and Hitler for carrying out this plan’.
The attempt by certain scholars and people to be apologists … for the key and important role of Haj Amin al-Husseini, is clear.
Many other researchers cite this testimony and others regarding the role of Haj Amin al Husseini.
My intention was not to absolve Hitler of his responsibility, but rather to show that the forefathers of the Palestinian nation, without a country and without the so-called ‘occupation’, without land and without settlements, even then aspired to systematic incitement to exterminate the Jews.
Unfortunately, Haj Amin al-Husseini is still a revered figure in Palestinian society, he appears in textbooks and it is taught that he is one of the founding fathers of the nation, and this incitement that started then with him, inciting the murder of Jews – continues.
Not in the same format, but in a different one and this is the root of the problem.
To stop the murders, it is necessary to stop the incitement.
What IS important is to recognize the historical facts and NOT ignore them … not then … and not today”.
Benjamin Netanyahu
More bollocks about climate change which is going to wipe out the snow leopards in Mongolia. I am sure there are numerous factors which are decimating their populations, but they are breeding quite well in captivity, in zoos which provide a better environment than Mongolia.
One of my many jobs involves facilities for wild animals in captivity. Here are a couple of my snow leopard chums, managing quite well in Southern England.
Wonderful creatures – thank you for the video. I hope they enjoyed their lunch.
And, of course, as anyone interested in big cats knows, the greatest threat they face is human beings, either by the spread of population and habitat destruction, or poaching.
Still, I’m sure someone got a box ticked for adding ‘global’ warming’ to his grant application for that blatant lie.
With the Climate Summit in France fast approaching, we must expect that everything, and I mean everything, that is happening in the World and on the World is going to be caused or is being caused by “Climate Change” and we must expect the Far Left BBC to tell us that, after all, we have that well know English Language student, Roger Harrabin to keep us and the BBC well informed.
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
Any company that uses advertising tactics like that goes straight on my, er, blacklist. Seriously though, don’t give them any of your cash.
“Whites have been persuaded to support diversity – even if it restricts opportunities for them and reduces their numbers and influence – because they have been taught that not to support it would be racist.”
“Diversity, if it were a strength, people would not require ‘diversity management’ or anti-discrimination laws. Nor would it require constant reminders of how wonderful it is. It takes no exhortations for us to appreciate things that are desirable.”
“It is precisely because it is so easy to point out the weaknesses of diversity, that any attempt to do so must be countered, not by specifying diversity’s strengths – which no one can do – but with accusations of racism.”
Jared Taylor – ‘White Identity’, publisher – New Century Books.
DB – until 1965 America was almost 90% white; by the middle of this century – it is predicted whites will be in the minority in the U.S.
Where did your comment go DB?
Watching the” Lost Kingdom” on BBC 2 ,to see if central casting ,in downtown Lagos , has slipped in some non Hideously White , Saxons & Vikings.
Here’s Kevin Connolly on the World Service ‘News’ at 09:00 GMT pretending to understand murderous Arab motivation in the Arab-Israeli conflict:
A big part of this is a deep, bubbling suspicion in Palestinian society…
[Yes, a real cauldron; when BBC hacks try to get creative their ‘reporting’ is even more putrid than usual.]
… that Israel, which has the holy places of Jerusalem…
[Oh, those grasping Je…er Israelis. In fact, the Arabs have the Al-Aksa mosque, as anyone who has seen Arab rioters hurling missiles at Israeli police from within the mosque can testify. Besides, a small child could Google ‘waqf al aqsa’ to ascertain who in fact has that mosque.]
… is secretly planning some kind of change in the access arrangement which would erode the Islamic identity of that holy place.
[Which holy place is he talking about? He probably doesn’t know himself. Connolly doesn’t mention that the Israelis only restrict access to the Al-Aqsa mosque when Palestinians riot and commit acts of terror against them.]
Now Israel absolutely denies that…
[Five words for the Israeli side and nothing that would back up the denial.]
…but the denial, frankly, is not believed in the Arab world.
[“Frankly??” How that one word solidifies BBC support for the for the Arabs as their leaders lie and incite against the Jews, with the fake claims of Jewish designs on the mosque directly causing the current spate of murderous attacks.]
Connolly wouldn’t know how to report frankly on the Israeli-Arab conflict. To do that he would have to remove his anti-Israel BBC specs and look around at what is actually going on between the Jordan River and the sea.
Try visiting the Al-Aqsa mosque if you go to Jerusalem. You’re not allowed anywhere near it. But it’s not the Israelis stopping you – the Arabs won’t permit anyone who is not a Muslin to approach it. Contrast with the Western (‘Weeping’) Wall or the church of the Holy Sepulchre – anyone is free to visit Jewish and Christian religious sites, no questions asked.
Exactly right. I spent a whole hour in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre – there were several choirs singing ij different parts of the basilica – and a long long time near the Western Wall. Whereas atop the Temple Mount I knew – and it was made obvious, that any thought of entering the mosques was out of order.
There is one, just one crystal clear example, as to why that fascist ideology is such a danger to the world … must be those “filthy” Infidel/Jewish feet eh!, to quote their leader,(can you believe it!).
Its not only them of course, I tried to get on LBC yesterday, as a lady was absolutely ragged by Tory slob Ferrari, whose oafish ignorance was only matched by his arrogance, about B Netanyahu.
This lady quoted quite correctly facts about fascist Al Husseini and Hitler, was lucid and factual she did not deserve treatment like that, especially as Ferrari was actually lying,(probably through pig ignorance) … I was of course wasting my time.
The BBC are beneath contempt, on Israel … but they are not alone
When Connolly started to speak I knew there was no way he would mention the well-known fact that the current wave of Arab terror (by both Palestinians and Israeli Arabs) is a result of the lie that the Jews have designs on the Al-Aqsa mosque.
Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, spread the same lie in the 1920s, which incited Arab mobs to slaughter entire Jewish families in Hebron, Jerusalem and elsewhere. Back then racist, hate-filled Arabs couldn’t use Israel as an excuse for their ‘religious’ hatred.
Now, of course, they can.
North West tonight bitchn’ there aren’t enough BME in the Cheshire Police however the Cheshire Police force is rated as one of the best performing. Go figure.
Well, performance? Phft! What’s that to the BBC? They want diversity That’s far more important than nicking villains!
Just before I had the misfortune to watch North West tonight I turned on BBc 1 news when they went to “The migrant crisis” I turned over to BBc2 and saw the Russell Howard “Good news” show to see the end of a sketch where the statement “Torycare saving money not lives” flashed up on screen. Yea right.
Ive managed to last 5 mins of question time. Alan johnson uninterupted,nadhim zahawi,dimbleby cant let him finish a sentance.night night.
I feel very uncomfortable as a Brit when an immigrant MP lectures us whilst at the same time talking about the business secretary who also happens to be a muslim, Tory or not.
He’s not British, he’s an Iraqi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadhim_Zahawi
Oh, they’re all at it ! everyone who comes as an immigrant like Yasmin Ali Brown, to Zadik Khan (who’s father came here and became a bus conductor etc etc) want to lecture us on how we should run this country, and how THEY have worked hard to get where they are, er, like the rest of us haven’t ?
Why is it that all the immigrant stories from Billy Butlin to the present lot, came to Britain with only a fiver in their pocket ?? its the same consistent story. My first pay packet in 1965 was £4.10.0d (£4.50p), and worked solid for the next 41 years, but no-one wants to hear that. But then, my name isn’t Patel, Khan, or Vaz either.
I have a friend who came to this country in the early 1970s when their family was forced out of Uganda by Idi Amin. She said that they, like many others, arrived here with just the clothes they were wearing and the one suitcase. But, that one suitcase was full of money. They received little notice of their forced departure, but had expected it and prepared accordingly. Paying a bribe to a customs official at Entebbe enabled them to avoid inspection of the suitcase. It wasn’t a universal experience she states, but it was very common. Less a case of £5 in the pocket but £5,000 in the suitcase (at a time when that was a lot of money. They bought a house with it when they arrived).
Seems BBC editorial integrity has found its world class…
This seems incredible. And awful. I am heading over to the BBC now to see what the actual facts are and what analysis they can provide…
… that is, if timing allows.
As mentioned the other day, the minimal age for marriage in Syria is 15. There is no such thing as a legally recognised marriage involving 12, 13 or 14 year old girls in that country. Something is not right with this story. Part of a campaign to legalise paedophilia in Europe for certain communities?
BBC Online News re Immigration Crisis:
“”Cycling to Norway””
“”There’s something slightly comical about seeing men on bicycles that are way too small for them””.
A totally biased sympathetic piece of BBC journalism. There’s nothing comical about an invasion that flaunts the laws.
What could possibly go wrong?
Stuart Hughes will approve.
Quite a lot of ”belief’ that the BBC has again got it about right from the DG there.
Not sure this is quite enough any more.
“But defiant Lord Hall hit back: “I believe that in the conduct of our public affairs activity, we maintain very high standards, and as I outlined in my previous letter, I believe the BBC’s involvement was perfectly proper.”
He also believes that, this time, when he falls in love, it will be forever.
Allegedly. According to sources close to the BBC. Who have learned.
Thing is, Tone, your ”belief’ actually counts for diddly squat in the real world.
BBC rescues Britain’s seaside towns from economic decline. Hold the front page ! Ever since Green tripped over a stick of Brighton Rock, and punters dumped Margate for Marbella, el Beeb informs us life has come to a Full Stop on the seaside. Worse still “The surge in support for UKIP has been driven by seaside towns such as Grimsby in Lincolnshire and Clacton in Essex.” But fear not, one of the Beeb’s intrepid reporters has taken a trip to Folkstone, (all seats for planes to Brazil 2016 having been taken) and popped into Googies Art Cafe, ” a trendy burger and craft beer joint in Folkestone’s art district”- (where else would any self-respecting Beeboid scribbler go ?). From this Bohemian paradise he/she brings back the following pearl of wisdom from a waiter (apparently) “Folkestone has completely changed. For one thing, it has become a lot more multicultural. It used to be white, white, white. Eventually the town will be as trendy as Brighton.”
So there you have it folks in Folkestone. It was your fault you were all in the crapper, you were just too white, but with a healthy dose of BBC multiculturalism you too can become trendy again. Brilliant !
Holy mackerel, how bad does a town have to get that it aspires to be as trendy as Brighton?
I remember when Brighton was just seedy. It was more fun then.
Margate is still mostly white, white, white – albeit with a bit of a tan, BUT they still don’t speak English – they’re Eastern European letting the local population know that the gang culture is still alive and thriving !
“Not a very exciting day of weather, I’m afraid”
Elizabeth Rizzini brings us ostensibly good news about our weather prospects here in London today, but inadvertantly the winsome Liz has let slip that degree of regret she can’t promise even a bit of that funny weather weirding we often hear about.
One wonders wether this hankering after heatwaves, droughts and tornadoes derrives from an innocent keeness to employ some of the more advanced aspects of her Met Office meteorological training or maybe it is just a desire to promote BBC viewing figures. I hope it is nothing to do with a political and ideological attachment to the theory of Man-Made Global Warming – Liz seems such an uncomplicated trustworthy sort.
From the information available this looks like murder committed by a disturbed individual,
The following lines from the BBC regarding the attacker infer an uncomfortable link
” he had an interest in Hitler and Nazi Germany, as well as hostility to Islam and immigration.”
This may well be the case, but in the same sentance?
Looks like my initial suspicions as to the lack of information were wrong, since the motive is said to be racism and only whites can be racist.
Still, I’m sure he only felt compelled to do it because he was alienated, it’s Nothing To Do With The Far Right and anyway, he’s a lone wolf. That’s the standard explanation, right? Along with worries about a backlash against the Far Right.
To the BBC it’s a package deal: opposition to immigration, global warming, EU membership, same sex/tranny/animal/whatever marriage, Islam, Palestinian ’cause’, BBC TV poll tax, plus support for UKIP are all the same thing and equate to interest in Hitler and Nazi Germany and must be destroyed!
You’ve put your finger on it precisely. It’s a mindset which comes with an entire baggage train of associated beliefs.
At the core (which is well understood by the Left’s puppet masters) is not a belief in any one of those things per se – in fact in candid moments they will occasionally admit they regard some of them as untrue) – but a desire to use any and all of those associated memes as a tool to break traditional society, so that it can be refashioned, post-collapse, into the ‘perfect socialist society’.
To balance the BBC anti muslim=pro nazi inference.
BBC Online News:
“”Sweden school killings: Attacker ‘had racist motives'””
Islamics are not a race. Anyone from any colour or religion can be or convert to Islam. It’s a religion. The conflict in Northern Ireland was not ‘racist’.
The killings were not therefore ‘racist’ as described by the BBC. However, the Left would call this attack ‘racist’.
Biased to the Left BBC.
It’s not just the BBC, sadly, The Mail (ever willing to face both ways at once) has joined in the chorus.
I have no problem with the accused being described as a neo-Nazi, if that is really what he was, but I most certainly do have a problem with the story being used to promote the ceaseless liberal campaign about the ‘delights’ of immigration and the ‘evil’ of anything or anyone to the Right of Corbyn.
My expectation is that the liberal media will now use this as part of its demonisation of conservative beliefs, while ignoring and excusing the behaviour of Islamists, immigrants and their political exploiters on the Left.
‘Islamics are not a race’. I am tired of pointing this out, but in the media, BBC, Mail etc. reports of offence against Moslems is reported as racist. Judges, magistrates, reporters all treat Islam as a race, a religion, a political and ethical doctrine, a charity, whatever they want it to be. That is what multiculturalism is about.
The left, see their social media sites, are jubilant – the backlash theory is justified.
Watch out – May and Cameron will be acting on it when they get going on extremism.
So says Jean-Claude Juncker. He admits that it’s influence is waning as %80 of growth is outside of the EU.
Need I say more?
Expect to hear it in full on the BBC as it’s main story at six!
From The Telegraph:
With an ageing population, Europe’s share of the world’s population has fallen from 20 per cent a century ago to seven per cent now, and could be just four per cent by the end of this century when the world reaches ten billion people. “We are demographically weakened, and will remain so,” added Mr Juncker, the former Prime Minister of Luxembourg.
I’d like the BBC to report that, it could explain why the EU wants open borders, just so that Junker and his kind can look ‘big’ at the international table. I would guess that most Europeans would rather be well-off and safe, not rubbing shoulders with 2 billion of the world’s poor, backward and violent.
As ducking and diving goes, the BBC is excelling itself not to be transparent here. But it looks like the chap has their measure and is not letting go.
I await their next dodge attempt with weary anticipation.
BBC 1 20th October 10.40pm KKK The Fight for White Supremacy, apparently according to the programme everyone in America is a member. Followed by at 11.40pm Is Britain RACIST ? What a loaded question. 21 October Reggie Yates Race Riots in America. Reggie Yates examines the position of African-Americans in US society. Groan. Meanwhile over on Chanel 4 My Transgender Summer Camp, Channel 4 is running a whole season of tranny propaganda, Absolutely no agenda. http://www.channel4.com/programmes/my-transgender-summer-camp
What on earth happened to Question Time last night? Usually I have to view this from behind the sofa, fingers twitching over the “off” button. The audience were respectful, there was no whooping or foot stomping and even Nigel received several rounds of applause. Now when did that last happen on the Big Brother Corporation? Of course Dimbleby was his usual smug self; interrupting Farage and allowing Alan Johnson limitless time to waffle about the delights of the EU. But the audience seemed to be made up of regular, “normal” folk and often Johnson’s well honed cliches and snide remarks were met with stony silence.
Poor old Germaine Greer looked as though she been found dossing on a bench on Streatham Common. The poor old girl should probably be pensioned off, however she did make some sense, rebuking the anti nuclear fanatics and windmill huggers for delaying our pathetic governments implementing nuclear energy facilities.
It can’t last…
What was most apparent was how utterly out of his depth Zahawi was, clueless, inept Tory short termism.
Mind you Osborne s dadaaa should do well out of his economic lunacy, and Tory shitheads like Esther McVey who get luxury backhanders after Russo get major contract with the DWP, and on and on it goes. IDS must be punching the air as he looks through a Dickens novel for his next policy.
I liked the bit when the Blofeld look a like said to Farage ” You know nuffing about Germany.” Nigel missed an opportunity by not mentioning his German wife.
Two stories the BBC news web site hasn’t yet found space to report, though they are both in the lefty Guardian and Independent newspapers.
Angela Merkel is so enamoured with the migrants she invited from all over the world to her country that she is sending them home in air force transporter planes.
Women ‘don’t understand’ fracking due to lack of education, industry chief claims – actually she is not an industry chief , naught Indie! She is prof Averil MacDonald, an engineer. The Indie cannot let the report pass without further distortion by adding the word ‘controversial’ to every mention of fracking.
Worth an online read to see the hilarious, ignorant women (and men, Prof Averil!) rail against anyone who doesn’t understand that Fracking will release poisons into the water, call up the devil and give you cancer – I only made up one of those claims by the way.
The BBC have been banging on this week about the lack of BME (Black/Minority Ethnic) managers in English Football.
At the same time they seem oblivious to the most glaring and appalling racism – only 6 of the 20 managers in the English Premier League are actually English. This figure is in no way reflective of the ethnic breakdown of the English population as a whole.
I am going to write to Trevor Phillips and the Commission For Racial Equality and advise them of this disgraceful racial discrimination at the very top of English football.
Escaping from the BBC and TV I went to a performance of Hamlet which was shown in a local theatre direct from the Barbican. Good performance, spoiled when Benedict Cumberbutch got up and made his refugees welcome speech. Apparently every performance of Hamlet ends with it. He is now a hero of the UAF and other associated creeps. The picture appears on the UAF Facebook page and is being used to promote the forthcoming Refugees Welcome Rally.
The message from the anti fascists (left fascists) is clear,anyone who objects to unlimited migration must be a fascist.
Regarding Benedick Camperbutch, he’s a luvvie actor for FFS. I think we should take in 2 Billion into the country and be done with it.
Has the young Master Ben stated how many strapping young Syrian lads he’s going to take in? I see Yvette Pixie-Balls still hasn’t moved in the families she promised, nor has Sir Bob.
Typical lefties, full of platitudes that they eject as soon as the harsh reality hits them.
Benedict Notonmypatch can go and do one. He does not speak for the poeple of this country. It is very easy for the lefty liberal celebs to take this stance when they won’t be personally affected. Is Benedict worried about what effect mass imigration will have on the already-stretched NHS, school system? Private healthcare Benedicts? Will you send your son to public school when he’s older?
It’s reminiscent of the liberal apologist Clooney who voices support and solidarity to the refugees while he flies in his learjet between his mansions in Holliwod and Southern France to check on his wine cellar.
I had to wiki him because I had no idea who he was, he’s just one of many confused and deluded actors who enjoy a little success in their chosen profession and think this then qualifies them to put the world to rights. A little success in acting or music is not really a suitable foundation for implementing sound social policy.
At least Glenda Jackson took the trouble to get elected, don’t really have much time for her, but I respected her elected office. The rest of the unelected celeb mouthpieces should really wind their necks in.
…And likewise Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Sigourney Weaver, Jim Cameron, Sean Penn, Mark Ruffalo… aw, hell, the list is practically endless of hypocritical Hollywood multimillionaires prepared to travel the world (Executive Luxury Class of course) to lecture and harangue the proles on their ‘responsibility to the planet’ and how something they vaguely call ‘climate change’ is gonna exterminate us all if we don’t…well, if we don’t do, you know, something.
The film and television industry seems to be comprised entirely, both sides of the Atlantic, of fully paid-up superannuated CAGW True Believers, all prepared to exercise their doubtlessly extensive knowledge of climate science in an effort to scare us into toiling in the fields beneath their wind turbines.
Actors get a lot of money for practically doing nothing, George Clooney gets £20 Million a film, so they have a guilty conscious, you see them rushing off to the Third World to do some poverty porn. People with real jobs like bin men, you don’t see them rushing off to Africa.
All of them prepared to travel around the world in their private jets warning us of the dangers.
Well, it’s a trendy cause – maximum brownie points from his adolescent fans. And he can feel so good about himself afterwards.
I paid a fortune for tickets for his Hamlet at the Barbican, for which the first part alone is worth every penny. Stunning.
Then, as you say, he delivers his speech at the end of the performance when the audience are on a heightened plane of emotion and vulnerable to digging in their pockets. As I am deeply suspicious of charities and their over paid executives I felt pissed off that an emotional argument, lacking in any cohesive intelligent observation should be forced up on us.
For a more intelligent and less emotional view please check
Did anyone walk out when he was sermonising?
For those of us who watched his Hamlet via the big screen we were treated to a few interviews with the production team, with Melvyn Barg, and a trip to a diverse school in London where children met Beneduct and performed a few lines from Hamlet. I am not sure whether the only white person there was a teacher or a pupil. There was a time when theatre was a place to watch plays, musicals or whatever, without MultiKulturailsm rammed down our throats.
No. I have a feeling the doors were still closed while he gave his lecture. It would be incredibly brave to get up and walk out when someone is using language as he did. ie if you do not agree then you are Tory Scum, or worse.
I walked past the girls with the buckets besides the doors but not sure if anyone else did.
Perhaps Master Ben should take heed of this:
“You shouldn’t speak until you know what you’re talking about. That’s why I get uncomfortable with interviews. Reporters ask me what I feel China should do about Tibet. Who cares what I think China should do? I’m a fucking actor! They hand me a script. I act. I’m here for entertainment. Basically, when you whittle everything away, I’m a grown man who puts on makeup.”
― Brad Pitt
Never tire of reading that one when some luvvy pops up to lecture everybody.
Steve, that’s a great comment from Brad Pitt. Never seen that before. Kudos to him, if he really did say that.
Yes, refreshingly honest and with a humility lacking in most of his egocentric colleagues. I probably won’t be able to resist giving that quote a further outing in the near future.
Shame that Brad Pitt and the cast carried on working through Remembrance Sunday Nov 2013 ,on a War film so there were loads of lovely explosions to go with the Last Post . The producer of Fury did apologise afterward, but I vowed never to watch it in any form and saved myself some money. However I agree with him in this case.
Piece on Five Live this morning about Female Genital Mutilation.
Apparently 60,000 girls in Britain at risk this year. Wonder how many of them are white, indigenous?
But hey, that’s cultural enrichment for you – something in which the BBC has been complicit since the start. Must be very proud.
And not one mention of the Religion of Peace in the item. Strange that, no?
Ah but they have a line ready to combat this accusation against the RoP.
They will state that most victims of FGM in Africa are from Christian families.
As if two wrongs make a right in relation to this abhorrent practice.
Did they mention how many have been prosecuted for FGM? Another example of our parallel law system.
I listened to that too, not one mention of the word Islam or Muslim in the entire programme. We were told by one woman that it happens all over the country as if it were a ‘British’ cultural thing. There was an awkward silence when in all fairness another woman said ‘that immigrants have moved all over the country’.
Next week it will be about the mysterious floating suitcases with dismembered bodies inside floating down the Thames, is this a British throw back to Jack the Ripper!
Any examples of enrichment?
However, I expect immigrants to assimilate and become part of British society. I’m not interested in their ‘enrichment’.
The term ‘enrichment’ is used as there is no assimilation.
Just seen Robert Mugabe has won the chinese peace prize…..Expect The BBC to produce a two hour special on this great humanitarian…….. or they will criticise that kim Jong un wasn’t on the shortlist…
Middlesborough is the top town for taking in the gimmigrants.
See vid of this poor guy who left his wife and baby behind because the journey was too dangerous. Hope he finds a woman in Middlesborough that will do the job.
Place like that, awash with money, what could possibly go wrong?
Problem is, if something does go wrong (not that it will, of course, definitely not), we won’t get to hear about it anyway. Could inflame ‘tension’ you see, and cause a ‘backlash’ of rude graffiti, and Cameron has made it clear that he will not tolerate that sort of thing.
In that clip we see a grinning charity woman saying that the “asylum seekers” include people from all over – such as Albania and Kosovo.
How the hell can anyone from Kosovo or Albania have any valid claim to asylum ? They should be shipped straight back to where came from.
“…How the hell can anyone from Kosovo or Albania have any valid claim to asylum?”
Do you think if I roll up to US Immigration and demand to be allowed to go and live in Malibu, you know, just ‘cos, they’ll let me through, no problem..?
No, didn’t think so, either.
The politicians and BBC never mention the muslim backlash that has occurred in the UK and still continues.
7/7 anyone? 50 killed. Failed multiple tube bombing to repeat 7/7 a few days later. Lee Rigby. Car bomb detonation at Glasgow airport. Attempted car bombing of a night club in central London.
Many, many foiled attempts. And no doubt more to come.
Here’s an MI5 Security Services list:
What has exactly comprised the white British backlash over this period that has been predicted?
I heard a report of a white Brit who whispered to a friend that he thought “some Muslims are not very nice”. If that isn’t a backlash then I don’t know what.
The waycist scum! I hope he was on the receiving end of a fatwa.
Let us hope he was not overheard by Tell Mama, or that he is not a UKIP candidate for the Parish Council. Maybe they will take his kids off him.
Thank goodness the “migrants” are so polite to their hosts :
The Indianization of the BBC…At http://tinyurl.com/p5dau3j
If you watch the BBC World Service you may have noticed the large number of presenters with such names as: Matthew Amroliwalla, Yalda Hakim, Zeinab Badawi, Geeta Gurumurthy, George Alagiah, Mishal Hussein, Babita Sharma, Adnan Nawaz, Rajesh Merchandani, James Coomarasamy, Reeta Chakrabati and others. Actually some of these people are derived not from the Indian sub-continent and many of them are of Muslim origin, such as Badawi from Sudan or Hakim from Afghanistan, but the large number of such names indicates a pervasive influence of Indian and third world opinion in BBC News content. Certainly many of these presenters are very professional and indeed glib in their presentations, and their English accents are impeccable, but that does not change the fact that there is a disproportionate cadre of third world presenters at the BBC.
Why is there this prevalence of Indians and third worlders at the BBC? Certainly it is because of the presence in the UK of a large number of people of Indian origin (including Pakistani and Bangladeshi), whose families emigrated to the UK during the period of English control of India and other former Empire countries since then. But, it must also indicate a degree of bringing in members of the same culture once inroads are made (Jews were always criticized for this tendency). Could this cadre of Indians be part of the reason for the very anti-Israel slant of the BBC in its reporting of the Middle East? Certainly, since they do exercise editorial control over the content that is included in BBC News broadcasts. Is this the main problem, probably not, since the presence of these many people of Indian origin is a symptom rather than a cause of the problem.
When you have left-leaning reporters such as Lyse Doucet (who is from Quebec) and Orla Guerin (Irish) in leading roles in the BBC hierarchy, both of whom have shown clear anti-Israel bias when reporting from the Middle East, it is not surprising that a predominantly third-world viewpoint is presented that accords with the majority of Islamic and Indian viewers around Asia. However, there are very few African and Chinese or other Asian presenters, so this Indian presence does represent a bias in appointments at the BBC. Also, there are none or very few identifiable Jewish names on the BBC list.
Here is a story about polar bears:
Without even following the link you probably have an idea where the story is ultimately heading. At one point the question asked is:
‘What is driving this change in the polar bears’ behaviour?’
The BBC has me stumped there, I wonder if they are able to provide an answer?
Don’t bother reading it, you know the answer.
Well, I suppose it was either that or Tory cuts.
Dunno about the others, but I have listened to James Coomarasamy a number of times and I can’t detect any bias in the man.
“What I’d like to know, is how does the MetO get a debate with a petition of less than 300 signatures, when other urgent causes with tens of thousands of names on e-petitions are ignored?”
Not a big fan of these e-petitions, but they seem a feature of life now, so I do pay heed even if the way they are conducted seldom suggests reality.
Hence I too am now interested in what worked its magic here but not elsewhere.
Some new variation of ‘unique’ or ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) no doubt.
And what’s the betting there is some nifty exemption to anyone answering such a good and reasonable question?
Meanwhile, from the evident grey area between what the state says is and what actually is:
Full marks to Barry for matching Lord Hall Hall’s mastery of vague allusion.
‘Dark forces’? Wooooooo, very Sleepy Hollow with Halloween packing out the supermarket tat shelves.
Not sure the Whittster reassures much with his waffle in the last two paras.
Noted that TWATO earlier on was promising me some crap about Labours “Big Mo”, what with Corbyn being so brill an` all.
There was me thinking that people were resigning, MPs of long standing are scared of losing their seats/deselection…that they had no policies or went 180 degrees on them at the first whiff of Osbornes aftershave.
Clearly not-Clintons Big Mo was going to be discussed later on in the show.
Not that I bothered to listen on-utter crap.
THEN I see that the New Statesman has an article in today, featuring Labours Big Mo…embalmed, dug up but there she blows!
So basically the BBC does New Statesman audio books-booky wookies for the Occupy cabbages…and saves them buying that worthless rag of lefty lunacy.
Bias-wha of it-the BBC just does at it likes.
Imagine how dangerous they`d be if anybody actually listened to the BBCs “comment and analysis”, let alone believed in it?
“what with Corbyn being so brill an` all.”.
Chris, there is no end to his talents. The BBC had him on Last Word doing the puff piece for Michael Meacher.
Sharia Courts …. No 10 is going to look at it ?.
BBC Daily Politics, BBC plant – Sharia is not discriminatory?
Baroness Cox – “Suffragettes would turn in their graves if they could see this happening”
1/. NO Sharia Law
2/. NO polygamous marriages
3/. NO Madrassas
That s a start … Anyone got backbone in No10? …
after all, they can motivate themselves to hammer the poorest most vulnerable with immediate effect.
Excellent link, Nogginator. Thanks.
NO child rape
NO objectifying women by dressing them in bags
NO violent intolerance of criticism of your belief system
NO non violent intolerance of criticism of your belief system.
NO ghettoisation of your ‘communities’.
NO reluctance to learn and converse in English.
NO more playing the victim when you are the aggressor.
Any problems with any of these points, and NO passport issued to you and your wider family.
This disgraceful greenie pap is not journalism in any recognisable sense. They just don’t care any more do they.
They are abdicating the right to be called journalists by simply reproducing activist bulletins;
BBC – Comments … erm Disabled
The BBC caught obfuscating again
BBC anti Israel propaganda again
BBC anti truth again.
On the enemedia, the apologists, and useful idiots including the BBC
“It is absurd. I had no intention to absolve Hitler of responsibility for his diabolical destruction of European Jewry. Hitler was responsible for the Final Solution to exterminate six million Jews.
He made the decision. It is equally absurd to ignore the role played by the Mufti, Haj Amin al -Husseini, a war criminal, for encouraging and urging Hitler, Ribbentropp, Himmler and others, to exterminate European Jewry. There is much evidence about this, including the testimony of Eichmann’s deputy at the Nuremberg trials, not now, but after World War II. He said:
‘The Mufti was instrumental in the decision to exterminate the Jews of Europe. The importance of his role must not be ignored. The Mufti repeatedly proposed to the authorities, primarily Hitler, Ribbentropp and Himmler, to exterminate the Jews of Europe. He considered it a suitable solution for the Palestinian question’.
Eichmann’s deputy, added:
‘The Mufti was one of the instigators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and was a partner and adviser to Eichmann and Hitler for carrying out this plan’.
The attempt by certain scholars and people to be apologists … for the key and important role of Haj Amin al-Husseini, is clear.
Many other researchers cite this testimony and others regarding the role of Haj Amin al Husseini.
My intention was not to absolve Hitler of his responsibility, but rather to show that the forefathers of the Palestinian nation, without a country and without the so-called ‘occupation’, without land and without settlements, even then aspired to systematic incitement to exterminate the Jews.
Unfortunately, Haj Amin al-Husseini is still a revered figure in Palestinian society, he appears in textbooks and it is taught that he is one of the founding fathers of the nation, and this incitement that started then with him, inciting the murder of Jews – continues.
Not in the same format, but in a different one and this is the root of the problem.
To stop the murders, it is necessary to stop the incitement.
What IS important is to recognize the historical facts and NOT ignore them … not then … and not today”.
Benjamin Netanyahu
More bollocks about climate change which is going to wipe out the snow leopards in Mongolia. I am sure there are numerous factors which are decimating their populations, but they are breeding quite well in captivity, in zoos which provide a better environment than Mongolia.
One of my many jobs involves facilities for wild animals in captivity. Here are a couple of my snow leopard chums, managing quite well in Southern England.
Wonderful creatures – thank you for the video. I hope they enjoyed their lunch.
And, of course, as anyone interested in big cats knows, the greatest threat they face is human beings, either by the spread of population and habitat destruction, or poaching.
Still, I’m sure someone got a box ticked for adding ‘global’ warming’ to his grant application for that blatant lie.
More vibrancy & enrichment
With the Climate Summit in France fast approaching, we must expect that everything, and I mean everything, that is happening in the World and on the World is going to be caused or is being caused by “Climate Change” and we must expect the Far Left BBC to tell us that, after all, we have that well know English Language student, Roger Harrabin to keep us and the BBC well informed.