David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Grimsby. Panellists are leader of UKIP Nigel Farage, Conservative MP for Stratford on Avon Nadhim Zahawim, Labour former home secretary Alan Johnson, writer and general ratbag Germaine Greer, Michelle Dewberry who apparently won ‘The Apprentice’ at some point in time. Who knew, so three actual politicians tonight, if you include Alan Johnson.
Kick off Thursday at 22.35.
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Seeing that UKIP did ok in Grimsby, where are the bBC gonna bus the bulk of the audience from?
Michelle Dewberry (looking at her Twitter account) is a Labour Party supporter. Germaine Greer is too vain to affiliate herself with any political Party but she describes herself as on the Left politically. Alan Johnson is a Labour Party MP. So again three out of the five are on the Left.
In all my years watching Question Time I can recall only ONE panel that had a majority of panelists from the Right. The BBC are institutionally incapable of being balanced. Leftists will always stack the deck because they know that debate will always be their biggest enemy. For the same reason Leftists always interrupt and talk over other points of view.
I don’t think Germaine Greer is capable of opening her mouth and not sneering. Lots of face pulling but no rational content.
Groan…Greer again?….the BBC really do scrape the barrel with panel choice, too much of the wretched Greer, Shirley Williams, Ken Clark, you know, the usual. As for Greer, as the saying goes, nothing of any note comes out of her mouth that has not already come out of her arse first….terrible woman, playing to the audience every time, most of whom are performing seals…..
There’s that other dreadful Greer, Bonnie. She turns up like something unpleasant on the pavement far too frequently.
Germaine Greer is the prototype for the highly educated fool – a cultural/political fashion victim with a boundless capacity to pontificate on subjects about which she knows very little.
An obvious choice for the Dimbleby Show.
As mentioned above, UKIP did well in Grimsby getting 25% of the vote. Here are the stats from the BBC themselves:
Given the GE stats, a reasonable person would expect a roughly balanced left/right audience. So if, surprise, we have a majority rabid left audience the BBC cannot claim ignorance.
Our Tory friend tells Farage that he doesn’t know what’s going on in Germany, FFS is it only convient to talk about his wife being German when discussing immigration?
Dimbleby allows Johnson a long say, however he interrupts Farage again.
Vote Labour in Grimsby,Redcar, Scunthorpe, support staying in EU- and lose your job.
Nadhim Zahawim is wrong, I heard on LBC that senior members of the armed forces and whispers of concern have been emitted over China’s involvement in our nuclear industry.
There is it seems an arrangement beteen Johnson and Nadhim Zahawim to attack Farage.
Probably not his fault but does anyone else feel that Nadhim Zahawim has permanent scowl on his face.
Probably not his fault but does anyone else notice that Nadhim Zahawim has permanent smirking scowl on his face when he is listening.
No whoop,whooping lefties tonight, just clapping, good.
Johnson is just a liar, Greer is monotonous, Dewberry anonymous.
Farage not on top form tonight, usually better.
Nigel had a pretty good showing in tonight’s QT, all told. Quite a consistent share of audience applause. A pretty decent QT. If only the BBC – and QT in particular – could keep to this standard of balance.
Johnson sneered that all Farage would talk about is europe and that every problem that the UK has can be placed at europes door. This is where the marxist agenda start, Be ready to hear this cry whenever somebody puts the facts for getting out of europe. The reason they do this is that if they keep repeating this mantra the population will start to repeat and believe it. The bbc used the same tactics with the words multiculturalism and diversity to the point it is accepted as part of our nation when it most definitely is not.
The most interesting thing about the entire programme was the demographics of the audience, 100% white British, a rare occurrence, the only fly in the ointment was the Cuckservative mp who looked like Dr Evil from Austin Powers.
There was an Asian couple in the audience.
David Brims you are obsessed with race. The Left promotes unlimited immigration because it wants to destroy Western culture, but everything that is worth defending about the West can integrate different races, so long as the number of immigrant is strictly controlled, and the superiority of the West (over other cultures) is vigorously asserted and defended.
The only people, for example, who should have been allowed into this Country to settle over the last 50 years are those who believe in the virtues of Western (and indeed British) culture. Even then the numbers should have been limited to those with a higher than average IQ. That would have excluded a lot of Muslim immigration – on both counts.
It is culture not race which is most important.
“It is culture not race which is most important. ”
I’ve made the same point a couple of times recently. I agree with your post completely.
Wrong, DB is not obsessed.
In the BBBC “start the week open thread” 2015:10:19 numerous contributions were extolling the virtues of Japan and the Japanese. One of the virtues being that the Japanese are far too cultured and wise to have their country contaminated by foreigners, especially the most undesirable foreigners – black Africans.
In the very same thread numerous contributions were made, including mine, which did not extol the afore-mentioned Africans. Contributions which were a seriatim delineation of the actual vices, inadequacies and defects of these most accursed organisms.
None of these truthful comments were racist, not that I care if they were.
Blood is indeed thicker than water. History is why we should be defending our shores, history is why we should be killing both invaders and internal traitors. Our History does not matter to either of these non Western organisms.
Culture is important, but I can tell, at a glance, whether an individual has the equipment to have had ancestors who might have contributed to Western civilisation. Race enables me to do this. These enemies are easily identified.
The white traitors present a more difficult identification problem
”Blood is indeed thicker than water. ”
I’ve made the same point a couple of times recently. I agree with your post completely.
The BBC is currently playing the white man, to coin a perfectly legitimate phrase, because it is under the decadal microscope of charter renewal. Do not be fooled (none on this site will be), they are very cunning and devious and will not put their gravy train at risk. Their cushy lifestyle on licence fee benefits trumps all else; such is the way of the champagne socialist.
Zahawi claimed for 2012/13 a total of £170,234 in expenses, ranking him the 130th highest out of 650 MPs He explained in his local newspaper Stratford Herald that the “vast bulk” of his expenses was on staffing costs.
In November 2013 Zahawi “apologised unreservedly” after The Sunday Mirror reported that he had claimed £5,822 expenses for electricity for his horse riding school stables and a yard manager’s mobile home. Zahawi said the mistake arose because he received a single bill covering both a meter in the stables and one in his house. He would repay the money though the actual overcharge was £4,000. An article in The Independent also drew attention to the number of legitimate but “trivial” items on Zahawi’s expense. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadhim_Zahawi
Wild, you seem to believe the government is interested in your welfare, if that’s the case, why is the country in such a mess ?
Amazed Nigel did not UKIP
score about locally relevant demolition of Grimsby’s fishing industry as direct result of EU.
Second programme running where a fairly balanced audience were present, with no predominance of left wing loonies.
It must be the charter renewal (as per Steve Jones) or something. Enjoy it while it lasts!