I have grown to dislike Mr Yentob more and more. How he can think it right to take two salaries from the BBC is beyond me. I watched all his appearance before the select committee with Batman…… and as a Trustee myself I have learned a lot – but on the basis of what not to do. His arrogance is breathtaking. Whilst his heart may have started in the right place with Kids Club he was not up to the job.
But last night I watched the Imagine programme with Yentob and Harold Jacobson about Sherlock. On the one hand I really enjoyed watching two old Jews discussing Shylock, Shakespeare and anti-Semitism. On the other hand it totally self-indulgent on Yentob’s part. I wonder how many holidays (sorry working trips) to Venice did it need to make the programme? I wonder where they stayed (the Cipriani isn’t cheap or did they stay in a little 2* that Yentob knows?) Who paid for all the water taxis they travelled on – when I visited, we travelled by water bus which is much much cheaper. Shakespeare is not known to have visited Italy so perhaps the discussion about how the wealthy in society treated Jews should have examined further how Shakespeare could have known how Jews were treated there or whether it was based on how the few Jews in England at the time (there were a few) – perhaps remaining in the UK for the whole programme – but then they wouldn’t have had their trips which I presume were paid for by the license payer. And it was a fantastic advert for Jacobson’s new work.
Agree with you wholeheartedly Debs, but I don’t begrudge the ex’s in this case. Jacobson and Maureen Lipman certainly are not afraid to put their thoughts and conscience before career unlike many others I won’t mention.
Next time they could go to York and visit Clifford’s Tower, where all the debts owed to Jewish business were settled one bloody night.
… the centre right, supporting the EU, narrowly won the election. But their victory was so small that the parties of the left, who are against the EU’s austerity measures, now have a majority in their parliament. It is a contradiction but in terms of pure fact the Left coalition ought to be allowed to see if they can form a government.
The headline on this story takes on a whole new meaning. Of course the PM was confident. Even by losing the vote, he still won the “election”… well it was not really an election, more of a selection… of a puppet leader…. by the profoundly anti-democratic EU.
How many more instances of anti-democratic activity will the EU have to perform before the blindly Europhallic fools wake up? We have had:
– EU referenda overturned in Ireland on numerous occasions
– The French rejection of the laws proposed in the the Constitutional treaty overturned
– The Dutch rejection of the laws proposed in the the Constitutional treaty overturned
– The Irish rejection of the laws proposed in the the Constitutional treaty overturned
– The Italian leader replaced by an EU technocrat
– The Greek leader replaced by an EU technocrat
– The Portugese election result overturned to please the EU.
We MUST vote leave over and over and over again and keep voting to leave until we are free of the overt oligarchic dictatorship which is the EU.
Our forefathers did not sacrifice so much in two world wars, to have the very Sovereign democracy, which they were valiantly defending, thrown away so crassly. How can anyone at the BBC keep a straight face when covering remembrance Sunday, whilst they are also relentlessly pushing EU propaganda and lies which amounts to pissing on our servicemen’s graves?
Our service men defended that golden birthright, with bullets and bombs and paid by ending up being buried under a cross in a foreign field. I shall remember them by placing another cross, on a ballot paper. I give thanks that both of those crosses represent OUR collective sovereignty over OUR elected parliament and our Law Makers.
We cannot unelect any member of the EU Commission, the EU Council or any of the 3,500 secret “working groups” who actually create the EU laws and directives which are imposed upon us without any democratic mandate whatsoever.
The freedom to hire and fire those who make our laws ENDS with the EU. That freedom is OUR Birthright and we MUST continue to defend it with ALL we have got, as our forefathers defended it on battlefields across Europe over the past 100 years. Thanks to their sacrifice, we only have to place a cross on a peice of paper to defend it. We MUST honour their sacrifice with that cross next to the LEAVE box. Voting to stay is voting to piss on their graves, piss on their brave sacrifice and piss away OURcollective sovereign freedom. Voting leave could result in EU wide civil war, causing many more of us to be laid to rest under Crosses as we fight to regain our Birthright. I pray it does not come to that. I pray that the sacrifice our forefathers made will be remembered and we defend the Birthright that they so valiantly defended, to hand on to all of us intact, is successfully defended with a cross on a peice of paper.
…You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave…
No, really. The point you make is solid: The EU operates more like a totalitarian dictatorship than a democratic bureaucracy. Nobody is allowed to do anything that the EU doesn’t approve of – so democratic voting, to the EU, is no more than a redundant gesture.
I doubt the UK has the common sense to vote ‘Leave’ – face it: the best efforts of the BBC (and CH4 and Sky News, etc) will all be ranged against any serious possibility of sensible debate (because, as we all know now illiberals never, ever, want to ‘debate’ anything – which is why they always say they do, and somehow never manage to do it).
And even if the unthinkable were to actually happen and – impossibly – the vote was a majority for ‘Leave’ does anyone here think for one moment that the EU would seriously allow such a result to stand?
We know how they operate – you just gave us a list of their past form. Democracy is a mere inconvenience to these autocrats. Something to be ‘dealt with’ as a game of Whack-A-Mole by the EU apparatchiks. Wherever it pops up it must be annihilated.
We cannot unelect any member of the EU Commission, the EU Council or any of the 3,500 secret “working groups” who actually create the EU laws and directives which are imposed upon us without any democratic mandate whatsoever.
That is the main reason I will vote for Brexit, though there are others e.g. freedom of movement. I was in the pub last week with a bunch of pals and when the referendum came up for discussion I explained I will vote to leave mainly because the EU is undemocratic, quoting exactly what you have said there. None of them had any idea what I was talking about and for that I blame the BBC who have avoided it like the plague, instead focusing on entirely economic arguments. They have wilfully misled a large slice of the British public, and with 70% coverage of news and current affairs, that’s a pretty hefty slice. Sly bastards.
Yep, funny that.
When Hollande gets voted in, it`s the only game in town-France goes Red, let`s go Ed Miliband!
When Tsipras gets in-vive Le Revolution, but let`s stay in the EU eh lads?
Cue an election in Upper Volta-and the BBC will be there if whitey, Jesus freaks get a licking-and Black Islam is seen as an inevitable response to racist Pith Helmets from 1870.
Yet Portugal throws the BBC a spanner…and off they go to Venezuela, Cuba…ANYWHERE…but to give us the Lisbon vote-and why Europe is sick to death of the EU and its project.
Ditto Poland-had they voted for MORE immigration, MORE Schengen, MORE Europe…we`d still be asking Stanislaw the Plumber about how the vote cements us into Junckers concrete slippers.
Marvellous, the BBC has put all the climate change BS in one handy article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24021772
It is a bit light in the ‘what don’t we know department’. From a genuinely scientific standpoint we know hardly anything. Next month is the centenary of the publication of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. Since publication, it has undergone the most rigorous testing by the finest minds imaginable. It has come through with flying colours but is still only a theory. Anthropogenic CO2 induced global warming has failed every test and has not been verified by any supporting real world data. Yet the world’s climate science community believes the science is settled and they merely need to dot the ‘i’s and cross the ‘t’s. How we have progressed in the last 100 years. The climate science community should hang its head in shame.
The climate “scientists” approach to the CAGW hypothesis has totally ignored the scientific method, perverted the peer review process and risks utterly destroying the entire reputation of science itself, plunging us back into a “dark ages” scenario of witchcraft and superstition.
I weep for what those fraudulent charlatans have done to science.
“…Anthropogenic CO2 induced global warming has failed every test and has not been verified by any supporting real world data. Yet the world’s climate science community believes the science is settled and they merely need to dot the ‘i’s and cross the ‘t’s.”
Yep. One might just as reasonably declare that 97% of all scientists agree that fairies and unicorns are real and happening, for all the scientific ‘proof’ the IPCC and its bottom-feeders have actually managed to produce over the past thirty years. CAGW is still not even a theory (it doesn’t even pass that threshold of evidence), it’s just an hypothesis in search of a theory.
And yet here comes the November Paris Climate Jamboree – watch in mute horror as taxpayers worldwide are forced by a bullying, shrill belief in fairies and unicorns to hand over vast sums of money to pay for their discovery.
What a funny world we live in. Like we just crossed out the last 300 years of scientific learning and standards and decided to put our faith instead in wishful thinking and fairy tales.
Daniel Shaw, from Manchester, received £16,800 in state handouts which he says meant he had no incentive to find work
“As it stands I am earning more now than someone on minimum wage in a shop”, he told Channel 5 documentary Benefits, which aired on Monday night.
“I want a job but it makes me think ‘why?’ when I am on more money from benefits. It’s the government’s fault, they are basically making me pick the easy way because they are giving me so much money, it’s ridiculous.
Daniel also blamed the government for allowing him to gamble away his money.
He added: “I got a same day benefits payment and I blew it all in the casino, I lost £410 which was to last me a fortnight.
“The government gave me all my money on the same day and I have gambled it away so it is them to blame.”
After frittering away his benefits Daniel turned to foodbanks for survival. He was given bags of tinned food, chocolate, cereal and tea bags which he estimated to be worth around £40.
He said: “Food banks are there to help people like me on benefits get out of the sticky situation you find yourself in… I got £100 loan from my cousin and I could have used that to buy food but this service is here to help me. I am entitled to it so why aren’t I going to take it?”
Daniel admitted he has been in trouble with the law 20 times. His convictions include drinking in public, assault, criminal damage and breach of the peace.
At the end for the show it was revealed Daniel now has a job in Manchester.
It says he was given £16800 but not over what timescale, it’s difficult to accept that he was just in receipt of job seekers which wouldn’t amount to a quarter of what he was receiving ! (this is around £325 per week if it’s true !)
Then there’s the issue of him blaming everyone else and being unable to accept responsibility for his actions, I wonder if there aren’t some mental health issues going on.
The whole story seems ‘too good to be true’ from the Tory point of view, and I have to say I smell a rat, I just wonder what the BBC is going to make of it.
I am so glad I did not see this programme as we would now be one less TV in our house, my foot having broken through the glass. I think I feel so utterly powerless against the ‘caring’ crap that passes for economics these days that I would rather bury my head, ostrich-like, in the sand rather than add more points to my blood pressure. I believe the more you give people, the less they do for themselves. Even if food banks are justifiable, it means one less incentive for people to better their own lot. Isn’t there some saying like ‘Give a man a fish and he’ll eat well for lunch; give him a fishing rod and he’ll eat well for life.’ Chucking money at hard luck cases is NOT the kind thing to do. I used to think the story of the three little pigs was about how you should work hard to save yourself from hardship (the wolf) and that’s how teachers sold it to kids of my generation. Now, I think we have misinterpreted it. I think the original writer was being satirical: the pig who had done all the work saves the two lazier pigs, so the message is clearly: bum around and be a dosser, because when the wolf comes to your door, the idiot who’s worked hard will come and save your neck.
Regarding food banks, there are those who defend them and say that you can’t just turn up and collect food: you have to have written authorisation from doctors or social workers or CBA or whatever. Er…are these the same doctors I have read about (no specific sources, sorry, but have read letters online and in, er yes, the daily Mail) who, wishing to get rid of a troublesome patient from the surgery, will prescribe antiobiotics for them? The same antibiotics that aparently people are getting so used to that when they fall genuinely ill, their bodies are so used to the a/bs they have no effect? And do any CBA or social workers go round to these people’s houses and say, ‘Let’s look at your finances and see how you spend what income you have’? Remember Alvin Hall who used to do that? With no exception that I remember, he concluded that the person in debt was a wally with money – though of course he put it nicer than that. The trouble these days is no one – especially the big, mistrusted Authority Figures – is allowed to be judgemental any more. So idiots waste money, burden the NHS with their colds and flus, and expect the country to come and help out at a moment’s shout. I was never on a great wage, neither was my mum, but we are both not happily living off our savings because we never spent to keep up with the Joneses, and we don’t expect the country to bail us out of a fix.
Agreed. Those ever so caring lefties, who mollycoddle the idle, simply do not ‘get it’. The changes to sickness benefits meant that those who were not sick had to get of their idle arses and provide for themselves, exactly as it should be. Yes their were serious mistakes by ATOS, but the evidence shows clearly that overall, the policy worked, and now there are hundreds of thousands fewer lazy people getting sickness benefits, who work and are self-sufficient instead.
Stealing from the tax-payer to keep people just comfortable enough to not work, does no good to society, the tax-payer or the recipient on benefits. The benefits recipient has a potentially successful and contributary future stolen from them and this is the real cruelty. Trapping people on benefits only benefits the labour party, as they exploit the poverty they create to con votes out of the mass of those people that labour are abusing by keeping them poor.
Increasing benefits is NOT a kindness. It is abuse.
To be honest, I quite enjoy the fact that the stupid Left put on these amoral scammers shows.
Witness some Shoplifting tealeaf with tattoes and an Amy Winehose bees nest of a barnet on Channel 5 the other night-Saints and Sinners shows on the BBC, Benefits St.
yes, I know that the decent law abiding will hate every minute of them-but it tells me that the media have chosen the side of Occupy, Class War and Soviet Solidarity with Evil…and despise the beige civilians, the plebs and drones who work and pay their taxes.
Could not be clearer-it`s war…and about time people sloughed off the BBC and its compassionate attachment to Big Dee…Huhne and Pryce…and all other evildoers that get rewarded to be stools in the jacuzzi.
“Some people won`t be told, you know-they have to learn the hard way”
(Tokyo Storm Warning”-Elvis Costello 1989)
My childhood recollection is that there were two versions of the three little pigs, one where the lazy ones were saved and another where they were eaten. I always asumed the first was a sanitised version of the original for the squeamish. Or those who didn’t eat pig.
“Whether it’s true or not, the man represents a large section of society who have chosen to live a life on hand-outs.”
You did read the last bit of it that he has actually found a job?
I find the story a little “too good to be true” no one receives £325 per week on benefit unless they have disability issues so I do wonder if there are some mental health problems going on.
To be handed a fortnights benefits and then lose them at the casino is not normal behaviour for a sane individual. The £410 does not work with the £325 pw the program has quoted, and it is three times the amount given for normal Job seekers. Something does not add up in the story.
I believe it has been designed to cause outrage, and in that it’s as biased as the BBC are, but the other way.
“Human rights + self-entitlement = typical leftie. ” Nah ! this actually equals typical claimant !
Public school + Uni + Middle class comfort + detachment from reality + Public sector Job = Typical Leftie !
He added: “I got a same day benefits payment and I blew it all in the casino, I lost £410 which was to last me a fortnight.
“The government gave me all my money on the same day and I have gambled it away so it is them to blame.”
Whether it’s the casino or some other form of gambling or addiction, this is what we hear time and again. It’s never their fault and they are encouraged to think that way by the benefits spendthrifts of the Left who tell us it’s not for us ‘to make moral judgements’. Well yes, as a taxpayer it bleeding well is – everybody has a duty to society to take responsibility for their own actions.
A couple of years back there was an item on R4 about payday loans and one example was a single mum who couldn’t pay back a loan of £1000 which she’d taken out to ‘give her kids a brilliant Christmas’ and also so she could go out on Christmas dos. When challenged about the wisdom of the woman’s actions the ‘charity’ woman in the studio replied with – you guessed it – ‘It is not for me to sit in moral judgement of what she did’.
Over a year ago the bBC broadcast a programme called ‘Hungry’ in which celebs met and lived with people living in what passes for poverty these days. The idea was to challenge prejudices about certain elements of society being responsible for their own fate, etc etc you know the score. In fact all it did for me was confirm what a load of idiots we pander to. There was only one exception, a man I felt sorry for. His wife had left him and their children, and he was struggling to cope. Even there I might make an argument that people should think ahead and wonder, ‘What happens if my partner leaves me or dies – what ways can I find of protecting my income?’ But I might be being a bit harsh there. He came across as the most sympathetic of a bad bunch. Of the others, one woman and her partner, each with a mobile phone, were in trouble with the law. She had her phone out, waiting for a call to see if or when her trial was coming to court. Another woman pleaded hardship, but later in interview said something along the lines of ‘I must admit for a while I played keeping up with the Joneses,’ and how she had borrowed and spent beyond her means. Instead of celebs (not normally known for their right wing views), this ‘lesson in how to be caring and non-judgmental’ should have had the likes of Alvin Hall or Martin Lewis etc., telling it like it is.
Similarly, Ann Widdecombe did a one off show in which she challenged some of those claiming benefits. I regret to say that some of the worst examples were found in my closest city, Liverpool, though I’m not actually native to that city – but my honest, hardworking, late Dad was. Ann and these two specimens of all that’s wrong with the benefits system sat in a pub (of course) and the pair of girls (I refuse to call them young women – sorry, Honor Blackman) whinged that they weren’t prepared to go and do menial jobs such as stack shelves. With little education from having bunked off school, probably no quals (it was a while ago so I can’t recall all details), they expected employers to be knocking on their doors. The girls must have gone to school – who else would give them this sense of self-entitlement and the modern idiocy of ‘You can be whatever you want to be in life’? Then again, I don’t remember whether we saw their parents at all. As it happens, with a bit of effort clearly lacking on their part, Ann got them onto a decorating course. No idea whether they kept to it. I think another lad got some sort of job as a carer’s assistant, and went in to see a woman bedridden with MS. She got very upset with him when he stopped turning up, saying, ‘I have MS and would give anything to be able to move around and make something of myself like you could.’ At least he had the decency to look ashamed at that point.
Sorry about such a long post.
Oh, PS, according to Wiki, the original 3 Little Pigs was indeed less pleasant than our modern sanitised version. It looks like Disney made it more pallatable. Still, no accident that it’s this version that the progressives chose to teach us in schools. Me? I’d have preferred to learn the gory version. 🙂
“what ways can I find of protecting my income?’ But I might be being a bit harsh there.”
Not harsh at all, but very sensible. I would have thought it common sense, but then, common sense is an incredibly rare commodity these days. In this “If you do not like reality, invent another one out of thin air and demand everyone else accept it” mentality of today’s leftie liberal progressives, common sense is like kryptonite to them.
I have taken out income protection insurance, so that if my income were to unexpectedly diminish, I would still be able to cope. I would not blame everyone else and demand that they support me.
I agree with you that some people can fall on hard times, through no fault of their own. Such people should be helped to get back on their feet. Pandering and mollycoddling those who will not work, or are too short sighted in their planning to take care of themselves, does nobody any favours.
Agreed. About ten years ago, I took out two lots of insurance to protect my mortgage payments so that the insurers would continue to pay my mortgage in case I should lose my job.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-34654581 More anti-church bias.
The catholic church should be applauded for sticking to its principals and doctrines. They are not saying you can’t be gay they are just saying it’s incompatible with the religion.
Just because gays fall into one of the BBC’s protected species categories along with ethnic minorities, muslims etc. the BBC feel the need to take up their cause. However I don’t see the BBC doing much in support of the gay muslims who are thrown of the tops of tower blocks in Syria by those terrorist scum, oh sorry I should say jihadies.
Double standards again?
Whatever you think of the Catholic church, they also forbid Hetrosexual Priests from marrying as well. The clue is in the word celibacy.
I was raised a Catholic and think the celibacy thing is ridiculous, but presumably they all know this when they decided to become Priests, which begs the question, why sign up for something you know you can’t abide ?
“…I was raised a Catholic and think the celibacy thing is ridiculous, but presumably they all know this when they decided to become Priests, which begs the question, why sign up for something you know you can’t abide ?”
Hmmm. Perhaps because Catholic priests don’t consider raping young boys is a breach of their vow of celibacy, in much the same way young muslim men don’t consider raping underage white girls a sin before Allah.
That’s the thing about religions: there’s always an exception – and a state broadcaster on hand to provide ‘explainers’.
“…That’s a very stupid comment, if you don’t mind me saying so.”
I don’t mind at all. It was a stupid comment, but it was also sarcastic. I was trying, admittedly clumsily, to draw a parallel between Catholic priests who appear to think sexually abusing kids is somehow a lesser sin than having sexual intercourse with a woman, and muslim men who consider underage white girls fair game under the rules of Islam.
Apologies if I caused offence (but no apologies to child abusing Catholic priests or muslim men). I’ll try to think a bit more clearly before commenting on such issues again in the future.
Both are unacceptable. One difference between the two is that the Catholic church recognises the wickedness of the priests and tries to do something about it. You can argue – justifiably – that the Catholic church has not done enough or acted quickly enough, but it certainly does not condone such things or claim a religious justification. In contrast, many Muslims believe they are following the example of their prophet Mohammed, who is recorded as having married a 5-year old girl and consummated the marriage when she was 9 years old. It is for this reason that child marriage is permitted in Saudi Arabia and Iran (although not in the majority of Muslim countries). In conjunction with this is the issue of some Muslims residing in this country who believe that young females in general and young white females in particular are akin to sub-human and there to be exploited.
The vast majority of priests uphold their vows seriously. In any large organisation, beit the church, Islam, social services, Parliament or even the BBC, there you will find predatory paedophiles. Funny how the BBC holds the Catholic church to a totally different set of values and responsibilities than it does Islam or themselves.
Did anyone hear that excuse of a programme on Radio 4 yesterday morning – the ‘Media Show Debate’ where the a panel gathered in front of a live audience to consider the Charter renewal and future of the BBC. The problem, though, was that the ‘panel’ comprised almost entirely of the great and the good of the BBC.
While there were some cautionary voices expressing concern about the size and reach of the Corporation, it ended with their Strategy Director, James Purnell (£295,000 pa at 2013 salary levels), seemingly looking forward to the BBC reaching towards an ever growing empire and a digital future. He just doesn’t get it.
But what angered me most and exemplified what is rotten about this sneering elitist organisation, wasn’t simply their bogus consultation, their lack of integrity, or the fact that they simply don’t give a damn, it was that in a recorded interview they played with the Minister responsible, John Whittingdale (at around 30 minutes), above the recording you can actually hear the audience in the BBC Theatre laughing at Whittingdale’s answers. Not only was the panel rigged, the audience was full of Beeboids too, it seems (BTW, perhaps it’s a complete coincidence, but one of the questions asked by ‘a member of our audience’ – the only question in fact – was asked by Angela Walker. Call me cynical…but that wouldn’t be the BBC’s Angela Walker, a senior broadcast journalist with them, would it? Purely a coincidence, I’m sure, the BBC would never smuggle a ‘ringer’ onto any of their programmes!)
This programme says it all about the size of the task facing the Government and the arrogance of the out of control organisation and its sneering people. It was insulting, not only to Whittingdale but to the TV Tax payers as well.
‘the ‘panel’ comprised almost entirely of the great and the good of the BBC’
Lucky you had that ‘almost’ in there, as A. Semantic Concerned BBC Visitor may have been moved to interject again with a diatribe all about posters here and almost zero (see what I did there?) about their avowed concern and the point of this site.
As to JW, he reaps what he sows. You do not go into a poker game with the hand you are holding uppermost, or a media fight without securing your own twitter mob base.
I’d say Jesse Norman is a better bet, as his committee seems to be getting dissed at every turn by a more and more arrogant BBC officer class, and most MPs are at least elected and not known to take insult on top of injury lying down. Well, almost ‘most’.
That was in 2013…the BBC haven’t updated their website since.
Anyway, it strikes me that Purnell did well for himself moving over to the BBC and dipping his hand in the tax payers pocket there…it was never going to work for him in Parliament, the PMs salary was never going to be able to match what he’s getting now.
Another example of the BBC doing what the hell it likes because successive governments have pussy-footed around for far too long and allowed it to become a law unto itself.
And thus we see yet again the BBC is poacher and gamekeeper (audience + panel).
This morning’s Today programme. Cameron is to visit Iceland and warn about the dangers of being outside the EU but still having to kow tow to many of its rules.
BBC chief political correspondent Kussenberg (what a good English name that is) tells us about this and adds that an Icelandic trawler is unloading 1, 000 tons of cod in the dock behind her!
Gosh! does that mean that if we were outside the EU we could have all the fish in our own waters, as before, and create thousands of jobs that were lost when we allowed all and sundry to plunder our fish? We could stop the Germans hovering up sand eels, the main food of our North Sea cod, and turning them into fertilizer?!
Well, I shall have to Mullet over for a while, but I am floundering a little, is it my Plaice to mention this?
Has the sodding bbc reported on the British fishing vessels that are being hounded out fishing waters by the French? It seems just about everyone in the communist EU abuses the fishing rules but when our fishermen try to exercise their rights, there’s no o one to protect and defend them.
Tony Abbott the ex-PM of Australia made a blistering speech last night in London, warning Europe (and the Tory Mini8sters present) of the folly of letting huge numbers of people simply invade Europe – and saying that what is needed is a tough and painful policy of strong naval action to prevent boats reaching Europe. Plus settlement camps outside Europe for any who get through. As he said – a policy that has WORKED for Australia.
Strange I have heard nothing about this speech on the BBC, which isnormally so full of “migrant” stories.
It’s on Facebook and twitter, so the BBC is letting their one degree of separation shock troops set thing up for them to ‘cover’.
Unfortunately, these two social media’s interactivity is a lot harder to control and censor, so once the overnight Oz leftie brigades mobilised by JonDon had scored high early, the tide is turning as normal human wake up.
Bet the BBC is trying to wangle a ‘closed for comments’ deal with FB to match their blocking obsession with any who do not agree with them on twitter.
Couldn`t we slip Tony Abbott into the country under the pretext of being the new Aston Villa manager?
Then-when we`ve paid the Aussies a token transfer fee-say £100,000-we could get him to take over the crappy Tory party, and deal with The Guardislamists and send the BBC to Hades one-way?
Best £100,000 we`ll ever spend-and a worthy child of Mrs Thatcher.
I read somewhere that the MoD is sending another of the Royal Navy’s very few warships to the Med to help more illegals to get over to Europe.
It is legitimate to ask why they are not using it to help defend our fishermen against French aggression. But then our leaders are not fit for purpose.
“Mein Fuhrer” of the European union detests her own flag…Is this now a prerequisite of our so called “ruling elite”…Or is it just her “Once a Communist always a Communist” mentality that’s coming to the fore?….Damn, no wonder the BBC love her and the E.U…
Bet Jeremy Corbyn would like to match those sweet moves.
Watching an Amazon show called ‘Man in the High Castle’.
Bit daft, but describes what happens when a free-speaking democracy is ruled by folk who hanker after a past where the state really did rule, plus those wonderful people who brought us Pearl Harbor.
She seems like she’d see it as inspirational.
‘Although the end of the novel is never depicted in the text, one character claims the book ends with the British Empire eventually defeating the US, becoming the world’s only superpower’
Maybe not.
‘In October 2010, the BBC announced it would co-produce a four-part TV adaptation’
Merkel like the rest of them don’t see themselves as leaders of national parliaments, they’ve outgrown them, they see themselves as EUSSR leaders or at the U.N, Gordon Brown is at the U.N while Tony Blair has made £60 million whoring himself around the world.
Extraordinary, she literally cannot bear to have her country’s flag in her hand. She clearly has some sort of pathological hatred of her own German nationality, which is the only way I can explain her decision to replace Germans with Muslims. Shame she’s taking the rest of Europe down with her, but she’s not the first mad German leader to do that. What is it with these Krauts?
Remember she was an East German who-mysteriously-did very well under Erich Honnecker.
Like Obama, roots are dyed and negotiable.
Tony Blair and Hillary Clinton, Rachel Dolezal and Caitlyn Jenner?
Just make it up, phone it in and get the stiff`kit.
“You`re free as you want to be”(Ultra Nate1996)
“No matter what they tell you-what you believe is true”(Boyzone 1999)
THESE are the New Scriptures for the New World Order…note that Jesus never gets a mention, even in a debate about whether God is male or not.
No Jesus?-no comment, and fuck off!
Saw another bit of national self-loathing on telly last night.
Terry Wogan gets to travel around Ireland, and fusses so about Bloody Sunday in 1972.
Murals, enquiries, survivors etc.
He didn`t see fit to mention the COST of the appalling Savile Enquiry-what`s in a name eh?
Nor did he mention the countless mitigating factors behind the errors, the wrongs done-and the forty years or so that intervened to absolve the Derry marchers of any provocations.
Hillsborough template-and, seeing its TheMan in the dock- might as well put Duggans Darlingistas up for humanitarian awards, compo and lots of grovel from what used to be a London Met Police Force.
PS I say all this as a former IRA sympathiser and classic lefty student plastic paddy…no wonder my dad hated Wogan and his smarmings.
Nowadays Kens creature comfort women and LGBTQIFireballXL5…w`evvaz!
My point-well Wogan had just been through Co Sligo-and seemed not to rake up the old coals like Mountbatten at Mullaghmore, Warrenpoint or the Starlight Showband who don`t seem to get the murals, the enquiries or any notice from Uncle TomTelly.
And the BRITISH Broadcasting Arm of the Political Demos of this country just expect nothing more?
At least Hitler funded Lord HawHaw-the BBC are probably still sending postal orders to his estate, given their brazen treachery at all times.
I say all this as a former IRA supporter-typical plastic paddy beloved of the lefty eejits back in the 70s.
No wonder my dad hated Wogan and his smarmings then?
Hasn’t Sir Terence done well enough out of Britain? I don’t think he’d have made a fraction of his money if he’d stayed at RTE. Still, why not bash the Brits, every other fucker does.
Terry Wigon, a very rich man indeed, a shame he hasn’t found a decent wig maker yet, maybe he should ask compatriot Eddie Jordan the name of his supplier? Does he think we don’t notice?
The man speaks excellent English and it’s easy to believe he’s British however he is Dutch and a real leftie, having been a member of the Dutch Labour party.
His honeyed words belie a very dangerous man, completely out of touch with the people, as per many on the left, and in a position of absolute power with his boss Jean Claude Junker.
I urge you to listen to the 12 minute interview and share your thoughts on it here.
I heard it. A classic “What do you want to say to us, Prime Minister” type of interview. In fact Justin Webb on several occassions rephrased the answer to emphasise the pro-EU point Mr Timmermans was making, in case the plebs hadn’t grasped it the first time.
A masterclass in Esperanto Aspirationalle!
This polyglot Goebbels was oh-so convincing to spongiforms like Webb when he said that “well yes, It might appear that ever-closer union could be seen as an EU goal-but it never was, never is and hey, that`s groovy”.
And there was me thinking that it was a central tenet of all the fuppin EU stood for, had treaties about and aimed for since Monnet in 1950.
But no-a mere detail, a trifle, a tidying up exercise( c/o Peter Hain 2009).
The EuroLeft march in their slippers into The Westgate Shopping Mall, and have cloned our cards-we`ll pay for these transnational trannies…
18th century historian Alexander Tytler, Tytler’s theory set forth a cycle that every democracy goes through, which goes like this. Tytler said the cycle starts out with a society in bondage. Then it goes in this sequence:
Spiritual Faith
Then starting over with Bondage
I’m not the only one who’s noticed.
“751. Paul
So BBC why has my comment 691 asking you to justify the removal of so many top rated posts itself been removed?”
“760. adraxis
This comment was removed because it criticised the BBC.“
Well there’s a thing; just back and popped over to chip in and guess what?
Anyway, No. 5 came back in it seems….
5. Posted by Rippingyarns
7 hours ago Typical disgusting BBC bias.
The Leave campaigns have never said they want to emulate the Norway model.
We want out of a unelected, bureaucratic political union and then will be able to strike our own free trade deals, have control of our borders and restore sovereignty and democracy to these isles.
and btw Norway only has to implement about 10% of EU diktats which barely affects them.
Guess they didn’t need my support, but it would have been nice to have had the option (now, what else about the BBC denies one that?)
On Monday, the Lords voted against the tax credit amendments passed by the Commons. Amidst all the rejoicing at W1A since the defeat of the Conservatives in the Lords the public has been misled – by the BBC (and most of the MSM) – to understand that this was an unprecedented (since 1911) slap in the face by the (unelected) Lords to the (elected) Commons. AFAIAA it was only this morning during the discussion between Lord Howard, Tory peer and former leader of the Conservatives and Baroness Hayman, Labour peer that on the viewing/listening bit of the BBC (it may be online but, frankly, that’s not where most people receive their dose of BBC propaganda news) that the constitutional position was clarified (not by the BBC rep holding the ring natch, but as an outcome of the discussion.).
I know this might come as bad news to all those yelling “constitutional outrage!!” but the rejection by the Lords was nothing of the sort. The legislation setting up tax credit rules and rates allowed their amendment by statutory instrument requiring positive approval by both the Commons and the Lords. The genius Osborne decided to amend the tax credit rules by this rather lazy and arguably undemocratic short-cut process rather than as part of completely fresh finance legislation or amendment to the annual Finance Bill (neither of which would have been debated or voted on in the Lords but, rather, allowed through on the nod). Osborne knew that the Conservatives didn’t have a majority in the Lords and that – in the matter of tax credits – Labour and the LibDems were (and were always going to be) spoiling for a fight. Well, the Lords perfectly properly debated and perfectly properly voted down the statutory instrument allowed for in the original legislation.
I for one think the Lords were misguided, even mischevous, but constitutionally they had a perfect right to turn down the proposals. I’m amazed that Kuennsberg – or any BBC “journalist” I heard – didn’t make the constitutional facts crystal clear on Monday. I suspect she was far too busy enjoying Osborne’s and Conservative discomfiture than to report the events (and the slightly arcane reasons why the Lords were justified in what they did) in a straightforward unsensational manner. This is a prime example of the BBC – by its triumphalism and partisanship in the Labour cause – knowingly throwing grit into the machinery of democracy. Again, I don’t agree with the Lords but they had a perfect right to do as they did. It’s a pity the BBC cannot bring itself to tell the little people the whys and wherefores of what happened rather than indulge the usual “cry me a river” and “caring Labour” faux-journalism in order to make the Conservatives look wicked rather than just, in this case, incompetent.
Sorry, I was wrong. The day before yesterday I was aware that they were negotiating the last flight, but the details were not available on their website. Then Yesterday, with almost no notice whatsoever, they did a very short half hour flight just to get some video footage.
Fans of the Vulcan have been left very dissapointed to miss the last flight.
There used to be a saying to the effect that “what America does today, the rest of the world does tomorrow”. Looking at this video, the modern version must be “what Sweden does today, the rest of Europe will do tomorrow”. A witty video with a depressing message – people need to watch it.
I heard Farage on the Jezza Vine show this lunchtime, the other guest being Eggwina Currie who was allowed to speak at (seemingly) interminable length by stand in host Fatty Feltz; yet when Farage began to say his piece – after about 20 seconds – she (Currie) began squawking that she wasn’t being allowed to have her say! Unbelievable; to which piffle Fatty is acquiescent of course and cuts Farage response short, to allow more airtime for E.C.’s Europhile BS.
Farage still came across very well, as he usually does to those still possessing the ability to discern things for themselves, and put Currie’s overused Euro-lies to the sword.
Another fatal school stabbing, this time in Scotland. If the story slips away into the ether, quickly buried by the BBC and MSM we’ll have a good idea of the type of perpetrator, if the reverse is true, we won’t hear the end of it.
To think a school was such an innocent place, now they resemble a borstal, my local infants school is erecting a six foot rigid wire fence around it, what’s happened to this country?
This is what a Social Justice Warrior looks like !
The activist leader was kicked out because like so many other lefties he didn’t like the people he was protesting on behalf of. This is classic SJW behaviour, using the vulnerable as a tool to browbeat other people over whilst caring nothing at all about them!
This is exactly the type of person the BBC likes to interview – someone with no connection to the cause they claim to be fighting for, and who deep down probably doesn’t even believe what they’re fighting for either !
Thanks for this Thoughtful.
Can`t imagine the Channel 4 do-gooding fakes and the BBC/ITV shills for Squatters Rights will be “following up on their feelgood story last week.
Aren`t footy stars grand?…all those poor homeless victims of Tory oppression?
Snow and Stewart, Raworth and the like seemed awful pleased that Manchesters homeless had allies out in Hale Barns.
This story is dead I bet now to them-wrong ending!
Personally I think that Old Traffords pitch could open as a camping site for migrants and the travelling community.
If only football could sacrifice itself for a few weeks-and save us some carbon on wasting floodlights.
How about it Gary?…Save the Planet AND save the migrants?
And maybe all those idle FI racing cars could speedily convey them to the pitches-sport needs to become a servant of the liberal left, until the Muslims can begin to play something without hanging women and gays from the crossbars!
Daniel Hannan destroys Emily Maitlis and AlBeeb over Camerons EU example of Norway in the Commons today. (So much for being impartial).
70% of Norwegians do not want to be in the EU, only 17% do, rest undecided. The Beeb then manage to find one of the few pro EU Norwegian ministers to interview saying why we should stay in.
Hannan explained this and expressed his surprise at the BBC. Norwegian laws are impacted by EU law by only 9%. Therefore 91% of Norwegian laws originate from Norway.
Norway and Switzerland are the most prosperous and successful per capita countries in Europe.
Please please when you post something like this, include a link because if anyone else reading this wants to use your post elsewhere then they need the link to be able to prove the source. Without it it’s just words, and people so often type things they think they heard but got a bit wrong, or sometimes alas simply don’t tell the truth.
Cannot link the conversation. Cannot find it at the moment on the Beeb news channel. Should you be able then please upload, it’s worth a watch, very informative.
Daniel Hannan was was also critical of the European Arrest Warrant using the the parents of a child who was chased like criminal in order to get medical treatment for cancer.
Maitlis had nowhere to turn.
Here’s a thought , why not appoint Hannan to lead the out campaign? Both clever and articulate
Maitlis tries to portray the persona of the butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth girl next door type. This mask slips when confronted with someone who doesn’t agree with the BBC line or tries to give her a hard time. Watch the nasty little woman in this confrontation with Dennis Skinner:
‘Whilst ignoring yet another missile attack from the Gaza Strip and several stabbing attacks, editors did find it essential to inform audiences that “Walmart’s Israeli army Halloween costume sparks controversy“.
That old ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) editorial integrity dilemma at play again.
Plus the professional guidelines clearly at top levels…
“BBC audiences are not, however, told who “expressed outrage” over the Halloween costume or why, or what exactly “heavily criticized” entails.”
Details, details.
Maybe, as Ian Katz has lamented, there was no room. Or time. Or will.
By sheer coincidence, the BBC follow up squads are now filling Facebook up with how amazing Adele’s single is doing on YouTube, thus driving more hits to be reported and then re-referenced.
Poor Waylon looks like Garth Crooks gone to seed.
Count the number of tropes and canards this bloke throws up-a chipped and pinned member of the coming New Order.
That he`s thick and a cartoon character won`t stop it-Russell Brand and the like are coming.
Is that seriously the standard of UK graduates? Seriously?
I loved, in particular, his comment on Hitler’s ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ line. Can I suggest that he simply look at the Fabian Society’s logo of…..a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Didn’t weyman get charged with conspiracy to commit violent disorder?. I was also under the impression that he and his fellow fascists had been stirring it up in Calais.
Weyman Bennett is the member of the SWP responsible for organising the UAF and its street thuggery. He is not bright and does not have to be because the internal structure of both organizations censor criticism of the leaders who never have to defend their policies.
Had he thought a little he could have responded to the question ‘ Who gives you the right to say who shall be allowed to speak at the Oxford Union etc?’
He might have said this: ‘My organization has the backing of members of the Privy Council, the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, the Shadow Secretary of State for International Development, the former Mayor of London, the National Union of Students, the TUC, several of the larger Trades Unions, Trades Councils throughout the UK, Jewish, Moslem and Christian organisations, and a fair number of media workers in the BBC’. And ‘this gives me the right to direct my thugs to blockade any street leading to a meeting where someone I oppose is speaking’. And ‘ if you ask me too many awkward questions, my thugs will be at your door, and Teresa f***ing May won’t dare to send the cops to your defence’. Katanga.
“Northern” societies must “educate” civilians to accept tsunamigration says pro-immigration lobby
William Lacy Swing, the head of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), wants it to be increased – a view shared by less than 1 in 10 Europeans.
Speaking about immigration in Egypt, Swing said “Northern” societies apparently need more workers, and that “we have a youthful, largely unemployed global south, with young people needing jobs.”
If you wanted to solve the low birth-rate it is easy-peasy – Denmark, Hungary, and Russia are successfully increasing their birth-rate with simple government policies.
But that’s just it, the anti-Whites don’t want to solve the low-birth rate because White people make White children. That’s not what our societies are about anymore, according to them anyway…
Swing said the world was destined to become MIXED, and “Leaders who are not preparing their people for this, through public education, public information, and awareness-raising campaigns, just may not be doing their job.”
The International Organization for Migration is a pro-immigration lobby based in Britain, though Swing himself is from America. It exists to persuade governments to a pro-immigration stance.
Okay, so we know that the top echelons of government and certain lobbies want Western countries to be flooded with immigrants, but why do they want this?
Well, simply because those countries are majority White, and the anti-Whites have been trying to change that for some time now. Why do you think America, Canada, Australia and Europe all opened their borders up around about the same time? Some coincidence don’t you think?
Do you know what’s also a coincidence? All those places put “diversity” laws in place which has essentially made it a crime for an area to be “too White”.
This agenda is White Genocide, genocide as defined by international law. Swing and his anti-White buddies, like Peter Sutherland, are all pushing White Genocide.
With things like this happening, everyone should realize by now that these anti-Whites don’t care about democracy or your opinions. They simply want to force their agenda on us. They are nothing more than “diversity” dictators.
But calling it “diversity” is not quite the whole truth. Have you ever noticed how their agenda is only about getting rid of the White majority in White countries?
What this agenda really is White Genocide. Yes, it’s quite a strong term to swallow at first, but if you get over the initial shock of the word, the word is highly accurate.” whiterabbitradio.net/northern-societies-must-educate-civilians-to-accept-tsunamigration-says-pro-immigration-lobby
If one didn’t know better one might think the overall objective is a dumbed-down, coffee-coloured, compliant, undemanding and controlled workforce with minimal rights and freedoms, earning just enough to buy unnecessary consumer goods after they have paid over the odds for ‘luxury’ items like food and energy.
The One Show, just like Strictly has an all female presentation team this week but with added diversity….
Guest’s on tonight’s show from the BBC’s new diverse multicult cop show Cuffs (starts at 8.00 – I’ll be washing my hair..) the Beeb’s very own Amanda ‘Fuck the Tories’ Abbingdon (aka Mrs Martin Freeman) and some other guy who plays a black policeman.
Before we get to the first question our male guest gets a chance to put the knife into the Tories, criticising police cut backs to which Mrs Lefty Abbington of course nods profusely, our air head presentation team of course just agree and don’t question the statement or reasons.
Maybe we should let actors form the next cabinet, they seem to have all the bloody answers….
Actors without scriptwriters are just empty vessels. Whilst they would be imagining parts in ‘West Wing’, we would would witness yet another bloopers show.
How come that actors get asked over anything, short of their roles and abilities to act and do impressions.
If ever there was a group that ought NOT to be listened to, it`d be actors-and indeed all others in the creative industries like music and film?
These people get PAID to pretend to be other people, to create a fake reality and dress up history to suit themselves for a story and for money.
They are ACTORS, impressionists and pretend to be other people for money…they read what is written down for them, and infuse it with “reality”-or a pretence of it-in order to get money…and lots of it.
Might as well ask your cat-who is NOT paid to fake sincerity, unlike the acting community.
Only a mad society would let its actors speak for them.
I believe we have proof of what happens when actors take over ruling a country.
Nero professed to being an actor and a musician. He even won all the competitions he entered when he was Emperor!
That worked out well, except for those who disagreed with him.
Well, unlike Benedict Cumberbatch, Ronnie took the trouble to be elected by the people, and served two terms as Governor of California and two terms as President of the United States. He did not rely on the fact that he could remember a few lines and play a role, he got out and sought political office and was duly elected. The likes of Cumberbatch, who seem to think that being an actor gives them the right to political influence over a postman or a bus driver make me want to puke.
BBC Points West goes OTT over the transgender woman from Bath who has been placed in a man’s prison for assault.
58,000 have signed an online petition to have her/him moved, her mother thinks the magistrate should have let her off, we meet two further trangenders, one a man>woman in the studio, we hear of the problems of transgeners in day to day life….
All well and good, but to broadcast this 6 minutes at teatime? We have already heard today that more kids are becoming transgender, just glad I haven’t got young kids that I would have had to explain this to, or they begin to question their gender.
Surely the moral here and was not pointed out, if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime, consequences and all that.
That’s all fine, but if you put someone in a position where you know they will come to harm you are as guilty as the perpetrators (joint enterprise).
What doesn’t seem to be being told to the public is that ‘she’ (and lets face it with her looks….) is still pre op as far as genital surgery goes, so putting her in a womens prison could be potentially catastrophic if not worse !
It’s not the first offence, but it’s difficult to find out what actually happened in the assaults, but if it was a case of name calling along her gender status then I’d say whoever got battered earned it !
Another renewables scam, this time wave energy, bites the dust: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-34659324
Only 5000 or so windmills to go. Oh, and that stupid Cardiff Bay barrage, the Drax wood burning mega-stove and those solar panels that have been allowed to industrialise the countryside.
Just watching an Al Beeb police soap drama. Its so full of multi culti agenda that you could not make it up – unbelievable!
Why are we forced to pay for this rubbish ? What is Essexman’s pals doing about this propaganda ?
‘Off’ button and ‘out for a sherbet’.
Yes, I’m afraid the BBC is now incapable of producing drama for its own sake. Everything has to be a morality play designed teach us what and how to think.
Thanks for this, it relates to my post above. Nowhere on Points West tonight was it stated that this individual was violent, or that she still has his manhood ☺ just a sob sob half story driven by agenda piece one has come to expect from the BBC.
To be fair – against my better judgement – I watched it all and having put on my “Multi-Culti ” filtering welding glasses, the plot wasn’t that bad?
The casting was straight out of W1A’s textbook:-
1. Stupid White management.
2. All “proper” coppers various shades of effnick. (including a WPC in a hibab!)
3. Include the duty poof (next week must include some sort of transgender) turning out to do well.
4. All thugs are white.
I seem to remember seeing report in the last week that the number of effnicks in the police are at an “unacceptably” low level. Brighton must be bucking the trend!
Mind you, I always thought it was full of poofs and greeny wierdos.
Just finished watching Resistance, a French drama set during WWII. It has been shown on Ch4 but that’s not where I got it from because I tend to ignore UK broadcast channels for some reason that I can’t quite put my finger on ….
Shades of Secret Army. Better than anything the wretched BBC could produce these days.
Don’t blame me ,I don’t make the fucking show,haven’t watched a BBC drama since about 1997,when the Blair junta seized power, I saw the way the wind was blowing then. I only watch documentaries now.Not BBC PC voiced overs, with effnicks or lefty wimmin, though.
I’m only 20 minutes into it and I’m switching over. If anyone was thinking of joining the Police then watching this would certainly put them off ! who in their right mind would want to work in an environment of bullying in the guise of ‘banter’, and having the piss taken out of them because they’re new to the job. If the senior officers (black and otherwise) portrayed are any resemblance to real life then gawd help us all. Clearly the Home Secretary didn’t see a tape of this show before her speech about not enough black ethnics serving in the forces, cos according to the scriptwriter, go to Brighton where the whites are in the minority !
Yes, how PC could the BBC’s latest PC show get?
There were black coppers, a pretty boy gay one too, who gave a mighty fine punch.
There was a muslim policewoman.
The criminals were all white and did you see the flag of St George on the house next to the one with the racist crims?
And we had ethnic victims.
The BBC really excelled itself.
I’m sure one of those police lassies will turn out lesbian. Was it the blonde or the one we saw in a vest near the end of the show?
And where was the character in the wheelchair?
Still, we have only had episode 1.
Trouble is all this PCness really does make plotlines so predictable.
They won’t do a thing. ‘Dave’, the lightweight PM with the goldfish brain, just shrugs it off.
Until and unless we have another Thatcherite revolution (and it’s looking unlikely) the Tories will let the BBC do more or less whatever it wants. They simply lack the guts to do anything to stop it.
Teresa May calls for more senior ethnic policemen, the next week the BBC shows a ‘drama’ showing what she wants. Cameron does not have any issues with the BBC – it’s the State broadcaster and they are two sides of the same coin.
Yeah right fancy you coming all over. PC, now Geoff, then surely Taff is racist too.Kinnoicco was referred as Boyo too. Anyhow honkies can’t be racist to other Whitey ‘s so they tell me on the BBC.
The BBC using the main evening news to witter on about a miscarriage of justice…….in America!!
It of course, involved an ‘knee grow’, as you’d expect from the Beeb.
Of all the things going on the World, of all the problems facing this country, how the hell does the BBC justify wasting air time on an American internal problem.
They have a duty to inform us about things that matter, rather than things that suit their warped narrative.
I heard this same story on R4 earlier and was poleaxed by the sheer, staggering, patronising, imperialistic arrogance of it!
Who the hell do these Left wing lawyers and their helpers in the BBC think they are, lecturing the USA on the way it conducts its legal system? Yes, they have problems in the USA – but so do we (witness the travesty of justice surrounding the imprisonment of Sgt Alexander Blackman to name just one).
We are in no position to preach to the USA – and certainly not when it is the selfsame Leftists who have done so much to corrupt and pervert our own legal system!
Absolutely agree with you. I was watching ITV News and thought I would tune in to see if the BBC had a white English male newsreader in their employ yet, and endured this for several minutes. BBC news now is so narrow, so limited, biased and uninformative as to what is happening in the real World that it is just a waste of space.
I agree. I keep referring to R4 news in my comments for a simple reason – I can no longer stand to watch BBC TV news. I endure R4 or R3 news as I catch them now and then in the car, or on one of the radios stationed around the house – but sit and watch that stream of biased nonsense? Not a chance!
In fact I am finding it hard to watch much BBC programming at all, save the odd documentary on BBC Four – and even then I have to filter out the propaganda as if eating a badly filleted fish.
I think it was on BBC Four last night that I saw bit of a programme about C17th witch trials. Children and adults made up malicious stories about people which (literally) destroyed the lives of their victims was the theme. The programme explained that there were modern parallels. So you expect them to mention accusations of pedophilia. No, this is the BBC, their example was Islamophobia. What? Accusing people of supporting terrorism is malicious? To do this is a sign of mental derangement? It is the BBC who are sick in the head.
Yes, it’s just this sort of monstrous nonsense that is making the BBC intolerable. Even BBC Four seems to be pitched at the borderline retarded with presenters chosen from some of the dumbest psuedo-academics on the circuit, most of whom have been picked to tick one Guardianista box or the other.
And that is supposed to be the best they can do! It’s all quite depressing.
Not so much a burka – but I lay money there will be a ‘headscarf’ within 12 months ! the drip drip drip brainwashing of getting the British public to be more accepting of other cultures as our own will be more prevalent, – due in part to the Bake Off winner. Even Homes Under the Hammer and Escape to the Country have gone down the ethnic route; and now that Tim Wonacott has been thrown off Bargain Hunt I doubt that we’ll see a white presenter take over the job. There are now more black footballers, and black and Asian newsreaders, many with unpronounceable names, than ever before; but I don’t hear anyone making mention of this, when comments about the lack of black actors, black policeman (firemen ? ambulance drivers ??) are being bandied about. Anyone seen a black/Asian farmer, or window cleaner yet ?
Found this at the bottom of yet another BBC article about the invasion of Europe:
‘A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.’
Are they being lazy or trying to hide the truth by omission? Either way, that is not what I pay my TV poll tax for.
I noted the BBC 10pm news had Lyce Doucet in Saudi Arabia reporting on Hammond securing the release of the guy who served time in jail for possessing wine. She described Saudi as a ‘conservative’ country rather than Islamic or Muslim. I wonder why?
The sad thing is before I even opened the link, I knew it would be a muslim reporter and he would be backed 100% by BBC management and to hell with the National Interest.
Secunder Kermani worked at the Islam Channel before the BBC. As you can imagine, the Islam Channel has been repremanded several times from OFCOM for, well supporting Islamic views. Oh, and giving that Lutfur Rahman creature “an unchallenged platform to promote himself” before being found “personally guilty” of “corrupt or illegal practices, or both” (electoral fraud) under the Representation of the People Act 1983. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/11557662/Tower-Hamlets-mayor-Lutfur-Rahman-guilty.html
The channel advocates rape and violence against women, and has advertised terrorist DVD’s. ????? And it is UK based. He works at the BBC now. Seems about right. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_Channel
Read A Republican party split in two by Nick Bryant, New York correspondent and pay particular attention to impartialiy and accuracy.
Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. BBC Guidelines on Impartiality
Start with the headline. Simply false. That two candidates have raced ahead of the field in the race to be Republican candidate for president doesn’t mean the party is split unless it can be shown that half the party will refuse to support the winner, whoever that might be.
Way down there is an alternative explanation, if you read that far. the schism between pragmatists and ideologues ever harder to breach and The GOP looks more and more like two antagonistic cabals – an establishment party represented by figures like Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Chris Christie, and an insurgent movement headed by the likes of Ted Cruz and Carson..
If that is what Bryant intended to say this is very sloppy writing. Are the pragmatists and the ideologues the same as the establishment and the insurgents? They are not necessarily similes. To which group does Trump fit in, if at all? Given that he is the current leading candidate we should be told.
Can anyone imagine a similar headline for the Democrats because, at the moment, Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are neck and neck? I can’t.
Here are some choice quotes from the article, all clearly showing partiality.
Donald Trump:A loud-mouthed billionaire encouraged by his poll numbers to believe he can insult his way to the White House Ben Carson:a tendency to speak like doctors commonly write, which is to say his words are often mumbling and almost unintelligible. Jeb Bush:The nerdy secretary of the high school stamp collecting club to Trump’s football captain, Bush is struggling to find his voice and even to explain his candidacy. It heightens the sense that he is running out of a sense of dynastic entitlement.
But common sense is in short supply in the modern Republican Party, where ideologues have displaced pragmatists.
There maybe much in the analysis that is correct and much that is at least debateable but the language designed to discredit the Republic Party and leading candidates is unforgivable in a media purporting not to have a horse in this race.
Is there any connection between the current death by stabbing and injuries from a ball bearing gun or similar from almost a decade previously, other than both took place at Cults Academy in Aberdeen?
Cults is quite a posh area of Aberdeen, however whenever I hear the media being particularly vague in these situations, I automatically assume that the incident doesn’t fit mainstream media narratives, and that there usually is a mohammed co-efficient. I checked the ISIS filth from Aberdeen that was sent to his 72 virgins a couple of months back in a drone strike to see if he had attended this school also, but it was St Machar academy.
I have a “yes, but on the other hand” comment on this one.
The BBC are having fun pointing out that ministers ignored the advice they were given and so wasted millions of pounds of public money because the charity has gone bust. How much more fun would they be having if ministers had refused funding and the charity had then gone bust. It would have been the evil Tories yet again throwing disadvantaged children into the gutter to save a pitiful amount of money – to the BBC sums in millions are rounding errors. Yentob would never have been off our screens. Think of the children!!!!!
The government is supposed to govern responsibly and so should have refused the funding and taken the hit from the BBC propaganda machine. On the other hand, I can understand why ministers decided to spare themselves the grief. Their view seemed to be that with an organisation as powerful and irresponsible as the BBC you don’t provoke it unless you have to.
Of course they should now use the Charter review to curb its power and irresponsibility, only they don’t have the balls to do so. But that is another story.
‘The BBC are having fun pointing out that ministers ignored the advice they were given and so wasted millions of pounds of public money’
Government employee, Minister, BBC or otherwise, the supposed reason for market rate talent pay and pensions in the public sector is supposed to be to make tough calls and take responsibility for not doing so or fouling them up when they need not.
Hence it seems an awful lot of money could be reinjected back into the economy around this, starting with the PM’s £150k or whatever, up to and including mandarins on double and BBC jobsworths on triple this.
More BBC disinformation on R4, ‘You and Yours’ I think.
For TB, the UK leads W Europe, England leads the UK and London leads England, but even though TB was eradicated in the UK its reappearance is not for the reason you think.
We have a foreign sounding London doctor telling us we should move away from considering this a ‘migrant’ problem. Then another person to tell us that while there has been a steep decline in TB rates among migrants, there has been no decline in rates among natives (but strangely omitting to mention which group has the higher rate).
This is transparent propaganda.
It’s not just a London problem as a quick google shows, e.g.
“TB in Bradford
The incidence of TB in Bradford district peaked in 2005 at just over
40/100,000, and although it has declined slightly from the peak, it
remains over twice the national average at 33.5 per 100,000. Key
issues of concern in Bradford are:
• the high numbers of TB cases occurring in settled migrants who
have been resident in the UK for over 5 years
• the high proportion of TB cases who are UK-born descendants
of migrants from high-burden countries
• the very high proportion of TB cases in Bradford who are
children, the majority of whom are UK born
• an increasing number of TB patients with complex health needs
including substance misuse”
BBC Radio 4 Today interviewed a government minister (didn’t catch his name) about the collapse of Kids Company Charity in an extremely hostile manner. There were apparently 6 warnings from Civil Servants about the way the ‘charity’ was run, but only two appear to have been made under the Tory leadership. It was almost as if the BBC held the Tory party responsible for everything which went wrong with Kids Company. (impressing Mr Yentob perhaps?).
The Minister certainly stuck the knife into spineless Dave telling that he hadn’t just ignored and over ruled the civil service, but had ignored the advice of colleagues as well.
Quite a nasty hostile piece where the interviewer made her distaste clear.
(Tim Loughton, Conservative MP for East Worthing & Shoreham, and former Children’s Minister.)
Well said, thoughtful.
What struck me was the sheer hypocrisy. Can you imagine the Toady interview and BBC website headlines if the government had NOT given the money – “Heartless Tories deprive charity of funds to support vulnerable children”. “Minister, why are you putting children’s lives at risk by withholding funding?”
There’s no doubt Fatty Batty had them all in thrall and for the Tories especially it was an easy (and cheap) win to support Kid’s Company to gain the ‘compassionate’ badge, but the fact that most of the largesse happened under Labour was of course totally swept under the carpet.
The other hypocrisy of course is that almost every Toady programme includes several selected self-interest groups complaining about ‘under-funding’ and demanding more government spending. This morning it was the prisons sector. What a shame that demands for those expenditures do not get equal sceptical questioning but rather amount to little more than a free hit at the government.
Newsnight trying to ‘report’ on this with Yentob mentioned but only in passing as peripheral.
Cameron clearly at fault and abused his position, but the real thrall of concern is that the UK political estate is in with the BBC, whose power over policy is absolute.
They are a total corruption of democratic process. Ironically funded, uniquely, by compulsion, yet as unelected as they are unaccountable.
The only surprise left is how the BBC still clings to an albatross of Yentob’s magnitude no matter what. Long may he remain.
…….. the BBC’s Alan Yentob is at the centre of an intern-auctioning scandal. The charity “Kid’s Company” had a fundraising event on Wednesday 5 October attended by Clive Anderson and Rowan Atkinson plus the great and good of the liberal-luvvie media world. The auction was quite a hit with plenty of opportunity to “buy privilege”. Lot Number 9, “a week shadowing the BBC creative director” was particularly popular – going for a total of £4,100.
…..Mr Yentob seems quite oblivious to the higher absurdity of a broadcasting organisation funded by a poll tax (the non-payment of which is punishable by prison) which has enormous influence on popular attitudes but no accountability for its judgements either to the people who pay for it or to their elected government…….
…. Mr Yentob, there is only one legitimate way to get out from under the obligation to treat the complaints of government and citizenry with respect (however ludicrous you believe them to be): find your own funding out there in the marketplace, just like the rest of us.
You raise an interesting point Sluff. If Cameron had refused the money the Kids Company would have collapsed and the reaction from the Fascists would have been extreme to say the least, however I don’t believe that Cameron is that far thinking. I believe it is as it appears to be, a weak man caving in to the leftie blackmail of the Batman. I’d love to think there was a Machiavellian figure who allowed the left enough rope to hang themselves, but there would be a follow up to that and heads would have rolled – the fact they haven’t is the proof of my beliefs.
I heard something about Kids Club on Today, Radio 4 shortly after the 7am news. I remarked to Mr D the use of ‘one year this happened’ and ‘another year that……’ Without reference to the year in question. One can only presume that these were Labour years. Why hide them? It can only be deliberate rather than mind set.
Deborah, it was £45m over 15 years. You’ve nailed the BBC over possible bias there. I am not making a Party-political point here but just one highlighting the BBC sharpness of mind & accuracy: that leaves 9 (nine) years where Batmanghelidjh & Yentob were ‘blackmailing’ Blair & Brown.
And for the following 5 years it was the coalition Government which was heavily influenced by the Lib Dem politically correct ideology. (Not that Cameron is an anyway anti-PC)
Bit of a train wreck, EU-wise on the TOADY programme (29 Oct) this a.m.. Do I gather there were instant complaints after the 7.50pm Naughtie & Clegg interview that the 'other side' had not been able to put their view? If so, definite lack of balance there.
But it was what poor old Cleggie said that that, for anyone listening carefully & thinking about the EU issue, that was the real highlight. He directly said 1. The EU has lots of faults, and 2. it is totally undemocratic and centrally controlled. That latter point was wonderful, where he highlighted how the Eurocrats send out instructions to be translated and followed to the letter, even to an associate member like Norway, let alone the member nations.
For an EU-insider (he has worked at the EU Commission and has been an MEP) to effectively give the game away like that was amazing.
As a matter of interest, how long did Clegg get? Kate Hoey was brought on for the Leave side an hour later, but it seemed a very cursory interview, largely consisting of Ms Hoey telling Jim Naughtie to shut up and let her answer. I did get the feeling they were simply going through the motions, though I was glad to see someone from Labour being allowed on to speak up for leaving for once, rather than Nigel. (Nothing against Nigel, but one could believe from BBC coverage that Labour are 100% pro-EU at times.)
According to the running order Cleggie (+ Kuenssberg) came on at 07:50. We need craig’s stopwatch here but, IMHO, Cleggie got around 5-7 minutes. I can’t even remember whether or not Kuenssberg actually contributed: if she did I think it’s safe to assume that her comments were of her usual low uninformed quality. BTW that 5-7 minutes does include Naughtie’s murmurs of agreement and (unprecedentedly brief) pat-a-cake questions.
Hoey, it seemed to me, got about 2-3 minutes. It should be remarked that Hoey’s response was post 8:30: the notorious “dead zone” for the Today offering. However, I would also remark in passing that interviews in the dead zone count, quite spuriously, as providing the “balance” demanded in the Charter. Another aspect of spurious “balance” is the suspiciously frequent episodes where those opposed to the Narrative are on an unclear phone line or in a technically challenged radio car and who are prevented thereby from giving an instant and fluent rebuttal to the BBC’s Narrative-friendly chums in the studio. Hoey was, of course, not given the uninterrupted response time accorded to Cleggie: she had to demand to be given time to respond to Naughtie’s grumpy questions.
As a matter of interest, why does no-one on the BBC ever ask the In Crowd why we would have to follow Norway’s or Switzerland’s or Liechtenstein’s (IIRC Cleggie actually mentioned Leichtenstein as a possible model for our deal with the EU!) examples vis-a-vis our relationship with the EU? Blimey we’re big enough – and important enough to the EU – to negotiate an entirely new and more advantageous relationship than the present one.
International Union for Conservation of Nature feature on BBc breakfast. Never heard of them. However apparently the puffins are all going to die. Someone from RSPB convincingly informs us it’s because global warning moving the Puffins food out of their flying range plus global warning means more rain which floods the Puffin burrows. I believe….not.
One of the reporters is sailing around in the Med as their are “fears” over migrants safety with winter coming.
Finally an item on Asian programs. At the end we are reminded of the new series of citizen khan. Does anyone watch it?
No 3rd party sales this morning have they been reading this blog?
Puffins affected by AGW? Or a lack of fish, despite recovering cod & haddock stocks in the North Sea?
An effect of the EU Common Fisheries Policy Discard Rule, perhaps? Puffins having their preferred diet dumped back in the sea – dead – because it has been caught with the controlled amount of cod & haddock.
Puffin populations tend to have cyclical variations. This is because they have a narrow diet and their food has a cyclical population variation too. Every time their population dwindles. the BBC rolls out the same old debunked “The puffins are going to die from climate change” scare story. Then when the numbers recover, the BBC ignore the recovery, unless they can add one lines to a Countryfile episode claiming, “Climate change has temporarily boosted the food stocks, but this is not expected to last”
Last year the puffin collonies were booming. Some years are better than others. That is the normality and how it has been for millions of years.
Another bit of ‘news’ the BBC will likely not have the editorial integrity to have time for.
Seems the facts are not in question, so he’s scrabbled for the ‘it was a different time’/’just joshing’ excuse.
Anyway, if his memory is failing and it’s still ongoing, seems an enterprising miscreant could sashay past BBC security simply in guise of a drug mule, and maybe back out with a few ‘lost’ iPads as payment.
“I was foolishly embellishing upon rumours I was aware of dating from 20 or 30 years ago in relation to the commercial radio sector.”
Yet his quotes don’t sound very past tense to me – e.g. “AD: You say rife like it’s horrible and wrong. He only comes in because it stops him being intercepted by the police”. No way he’s talking about 20-30 years ago. Or even last year. Unless he’s been misquoted, but he hasn’t claimed that.
The BBC has been broadcasting a few comments on last night’s TV debate in the US between the Republican contestants. But it has not stressed that most all of the US reporting focusses on the fact that several of the candidates attacked the outright bias of the interviewers – none of whom would ever dream of voting Republican. To rounds of applause. All the post-debate articles in the US refer to this – and the Twitter world went crazy about it, normally something the BBC would listen to.
The biggest cheer went to Senator Ted Cruz who really slammed the interviewers – and the media generally, for the hostility to Republicans and docility towards Democrats. Why can’t our politicians speak out like this ?
Because they’ve got it all sewn up between themselves. Or so they think. If Labour’s stranglehold on Scotland can unravel so quickly, they should be concerned, but they’re too complacent.
Because Cameron is a very weak left wing leader, who isn’t really a Tory. His avarice and love of unearned family money is his only Tory feature.
Most of the left wing crap the BBC comes out with he probably agrees with.
Cruz. Son of a legal immigrant. Dad washed dishes in a hotel to pay for his education. Probably wealthy by now. But I have respect for him. I took Palin’s advice when she supported him for election, and he wrote a personal letter thanking those of us who supported him. When he took his oath in Congress on his dad’s Bible, he looked up to the public gallery and mouthed to his dad ‘We made it pal’.
I prefer Cruz to Trump. Very articulate – has fought cases before the US Supreme Court, star student at Princeton and then Harvard Law, I think. And a clear right-winger, tough-minded.
Indeed. Cruz is the real deal. 100% America would benefit massively by having him as President. I like what Trump says, but I don’t trust him to come through on any of it.
Five Live and Peter Allen explains he’s seen an “interesting” report that shows the population of Britain will rise by 9.9 million within the next 25 years.
“This might get you going” chuckles Peter, “Won’t affect me, but will probably affect most of you” he continues in his jovial, flippant manner.
This is how Al Beeb deal with a problem that has and will alter for the worse the fabric of this nation – in a lighthearted, could’t give a toss manner.
Good piece afterwards mind – something I don’t think they’ve covered before – a discussion about the migrant crisis including a pinko doctor and an aid worker.
BBC also trying its utmost to link up Chinas change in the ‘one child policy’ to its ‘problem’ of an ageing population.
Theyre desperately promoting the idea that changing the policy ‘wont work’ because people only want one child now – hidden message: only immigration can solve an ageing demogrpahy problem.
Nobody cares news
Rotherham – After their “Sharia Patrol” Community meeting photo, voting to boycott the police, ably assisted with BBC publicity, Al BBC is there again, with more Islamophilia, more publicity … Rotherham – Muslim boycott of police called off https://t.co/bzZSuX8HVq
There is real discrimination of course, REAL racism to report.
Netherlands: 70% of anti-Semitic attacks are by … immigrants. yet Jews are criticised for not wanting a “refugee” centre nearby.
“Chantal Suissa-Runne, a board member of the Reform Jewish Community in Amsterdam, said in a televised debate Oct. 18 that while she understands the concern about the refugee centre, it should be seen as
… “an opportunity to meet these people, show them the Dutch context of positive diversity.” https://t.co/u37mPeOunt
They ve known about it for years, I guess Jewish people these days … its just your own fault eh!
Dutch police use ‘decoy Jews’ to try and stop anti-Semitic attacks http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/netherlands/7846704/Dutch-police-use-decoy-Jews-to-stop-anti-Semitic-attacks.html
Turned the BBC off again this morning, Cameron and the Tories,(surprise surprise) lying again.
Today its not and economy and debt, though today its over … Euwope
Blabbering on about Norway, given up on all pretence of carrying out any proper negotiation.
Don t forget the Tory election win folks … “never underestimate the power of lies and money”.
Well? … remember that come the EU vote.
Norway have a seat on the World Trade Organisation, we don’t. We cannot negotiate preferential contracts specific for our country. We are represented as one of 28 countries by bureaucrats in EU.
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I have grown to dislike Mr Yentob more and more. How he can think it right to take two salaries from the BBC is beyond me. I watched all his appearance before the select committee with Batman…… and as a Trustee myself I have learned a lot – but on the basis of what not to do. His arrogance is breathtaking. Whilst his heart may have started in the right place with Kids Club he was not up to the job.
But last night I watched the Imagine programme with Yentob and Harold Jacobson about Sherlock. On the one hand I really enjoyed watching two old Jews discussing Shylock, Shakespeare and anti-Semitism. On the other hand it totally self-indulgent on Yentob’s part. I wonder how many holidays (sorry working trips) to Venice did it need to make the programme? I wonder where they stayed (the Cipriani isn’t cheap or did they stay in a little 2* that Yentob knows?) Who paid for all the water taxis they travelled on – when I visited, we travelled by water bus which is much much cheaper. Shakespeare is not known to have visited Italy so perhaps the discussion about how the wealthy in society treated Jews should have examined further how Shakespeare could have known how Jews were treated there or whether it was based on how the few Jews in England at the time (there were a few) – perhaps remaining in the UK for the whole programme – but then they wouldn’t have had their trips which I presume were paid for by the license payer. And it was a fantastic advert for Jacobson’s new work.
Agree with you wholeheartedly Debs, but I don’t begrudge the ex’s in this case. Jacobson and Maureen Lipman certainly are not afraid to put their thoughts and conscience before career unlike many others I won’t mention.
Next time they could go to York and visit Clifford’s Tower, where all the debts owed to Jewish business were settled one bloody night.
Haven’t seen much of the Portuguese election on the BBC news or its website – and I honestly may have missed it so open to enlightenment.
Portugal are facing a huge constitutional crisis following the last election.
As the BBC say here …
… the centre right, supporting the EU, narrowly won the election. But their victory was so small that the parties of the left, who are against the EU’s austerity measures, now have a majority in their parliament. It is a contradiction but in terms of pure fact the Left coalition ought to be allowed to see if they can form a government.
The constitutional president has blocked the left forming a government because they are anti EU.
Farage gave a tub thumping speech on this …
‘ … a country only has democratic rights if it is in favour of the project …’
But the BBC missed it.
When we see what happened to Berlusconi …
…. how can we avoid the conclusion that in all of these situations Democracy has been trumped by the E.U. .
Ought the BBC not mention this at some stage?
Democracy, once lost, is damned hard to find again.
To my mind this as serious as it gets for Europe.
The headline on this story takes on a whole new meaning. Of course the PM was confident. Even by losing the vote, he still won the “election”… well it was not really an election, more of a selection… of a puppet leader…. by the profoundly anti-democratic EU.
How many more instances of anti-democratic activity will the EU have to perform before the blindly Europhallic fools wake up? We have had:
– EU referenda overturned in Ireland on numerous occasions
– The French rejection of the laws proposed in the the Constitutional treaty overturned
– The Dutch rejection of the laws proposed in the the Constitutional treaty overturned
– The Irish rejection of the laws proposed in the the Constitutional treaty overturned
– The Italian leader replaced by an EU technocrat
– The Greek leader replaced by an EU technocrat
– The Portugese election result overturned to please the EU.
We MUST vote leave over and over and over again and keep voting to leave until we are free of the overt oligarchic dictatorship which is the EU.
Our forefathers did not sacrifice so much in two world wars, to have the very Sovereign democracy, which they were valiantly defending, thrown away so crassly. How can anyone at the BBC keep a straight face when covering remembrance Sunday, whilst they are also relentlessly pushing EU propaganda and lies which amounts to pissing on our servicemen’s graves?
Our service men defended that golden birthright, with bullets and bombs and paid by ending up being buried under a cross in a foreign field. I shall remember them by placing another cross, on a ballot paper. I give thanks that both of those crosses represent OUR collective sovereignty over OUR elected parliament and our Law Makers.
We cannot unelect any member of the EU Commission, the EU Council or any of the 3,500 secret “working groups” who actually create the EU laws and directives which are imposed upon us without any democratic mandate whatsoever.
The freedom to hire and fire those who make our laws ENDS with the EU. That freedom is OUR Birthright and we MUST continue to defend it with ALL we have got, as our forefathers defended it on battlefields across Europe over the past 100 years. Thanks to their sacrifice, we only have to place a cross on a peice of paper to defend it. We MUST honour their sacrifice with that cross next to the LEAVE box. Voting to stay is voting to piss on their graves, piss on their brave sacrifice and piss away OURcollective sovereign freedom. Voting leave could result in EU wide civil war, causing many more of us to be laid to rest under Crosses as we fight to regain our Birthright. I pray it does not come to that. I pray that the sacrifice our forefathers made will be remembered and we defend the Birthright that they so valiantly defended, to hand on to all of us intact, is successfully defended with a cross on a peice of paper.
I will remember them.
I will vote LEAVE.
“…I will vote LEAVE.”
…You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave…
No, really. The point you make is solid: The EU operates more like a totalitarian dictatorship than a democratic bureaucracy. Nobody is allowed to do anything that the EU doesn’t approve of – so democratic voting, to the EU, is no more than a redundant gesture.
I doubt the UK has the common sense to vote ‘Leave’ – face it: the best efforts of the BBC (and CH4 and Sky News, etc) will all be ranged against any serious possibility of sensible debate (because, as we all know now illiberals never, ever, want to ‘debate’ anything – which is why they always say they do, and somehow never manage to do it).
And even if the unthinkable were to actually happen and – impossibly – the vote was a majority for ‘Leave’ does anyone here think for one moment that the EU would seriously allow such a result to stand?
We know how they operate – you just gave us a list of their past form. Democracy is a mere inconvenience to these autocrats. Something to be ‘dealt with’ as a game of Whack-A-Mole by the EU apparatchiks. Wherever it pops up it must be annihilated.
I sincerely hope that you are wrong. But if you are right, then the only alternative is EU wide civil war.
We cannot unelect any member of the EU Commission, the EU Council or any of the 3,500 secret “working groups” who actually create the EU laws and directives which are imposed upon us without any democratic mandate whatsoever.
That is the main reason I will vote for Brexit, though there are others e.g. freedom of movement. I was in the pub last week with a bunch of pals and when the referendum came up for discussion I explained I will vote to leave mainly because the EU is undemocratic, quoting exactly what you have said there. None of them had any idea what I was talking about and for that I blame the BBC who have avoided it like the plague, instead focusing on entirely economic arguments. They have wilfully misled a large slice of the British public, and with 70% coverage of news and current affairs, that’s a pretty hefty slice. Sly bastards.
It’s at least a week since I first flagged this hugely important story on Biased BBC and yet, as you say, the BBC has still to give it any attention.
That cannot be an accident. It is clear proof that the BBC is hoplessly corrupted by its pro-EU prejudice.
Yep, funny that.
When Hollande gets voted in, it`s the only game in town-France goes Red, let`s go Ed Miliband!
When Tsipras gets in-vive Le Revolution, but let`s stay in the EU eh lads?
Cue an election in Upper Volta-and the BBC will be there if whitey, Jesus freaks get a licking-and Black Islam is seen as an inevitable response to racist Pith Helmets from 1870.
Yet Portugal throws the BBC a spanner…and off they go to Venezuela, Cuba…ANYWHERE…but to give us the Lisbon vote-and why Europe is sick to death of the EU and its project.
Ditto Poland-had they voted for MORE immigration, MORE Schengen, MORE Europe…we`d still be asking Stanislaw the Plumber about how the vote cements us into Junckers concrete slippers.
Do you mean this Polish plumber?
Be warned, this blog is not for the easily offended but is very, very funny.
Strange I’ve seen articles on social media about Portugal but not on the BBc.
Marvellous, the BBC has put all the climate change BS in one handy article:
It is a bit light in the ‘what don’t we know department’. From a genuinely scientific standpoint we know hardly anything. Next month is the centenary of the publication of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. Since publication, it has undergone the most rigorous testing by the finest minds imaginable. It has come through with flying colours but is still only a theory. Anthropogenic CO2 induced global warming has failed every test and has not been verified by any supporting real world data. Yet the world’s climate science community believes the science is settled and they merely need to dot the ‘i’s and cross the ‘t’s. How we have progressed in the last 100 years. The climate science community should hang its head in shame.
The climate “scientists” approach to the CAGW hypothesis has totally ignored the scientific method, perverted the peer review process and risks utterly destroying the entire reputation of science itself, plunging us back into a “dark ages” scenario of witchcraft and superstition.
I weep for what those fraudulent charlatans have done to science.
“…Anthropogenic CO2 induced global warming has failed every test and has not been verified by any supporting real world data. Yet the world’s climate science community believes the science is settled and they merely need to dot the ‘i’s and cross the ‘t’s.”
Yep. One might just as reasonably declare that 97% of all scientists agree that fairies and unicorns are real and happening, for all the scientific ‘proof’ the IPCC and its bottom-feeders have actually managed to produce over the past thirty years. CAGW is still not even a theory (it doesn’t even pass that threshold of evidence), it’s just an hypothesis in search of a theory.
And yet here comes the November Paris Climate Jamboree – watch in mute horror as taxpayers worldwide are forced by a bullying, shrill belief in fairies and unicorns to hand over vast sums of money to pay for their discovery.
What a funny world we live in. Like we just crossed out the last 300 years of scientific learning and standards and decided to put our faith instead in wishful thinking and fairy tales.
I wonder how the BBC is going to deny this one.
Daniel Shaw, from Manchester, received £16,800 in state handouts which he says meant he had no incentive to find work
“As it stands I am earning more now than someone on minimum wage in a shop”, he told Channel 5 documentary Benefits, which aired on Monday night.
“I want a job but it makes me think ‘why?’ when I am on more money from benefits. It’s the government’s fault, they are basically making me pick the easy way because they are giving me so much money, it’s ridiculous.
Daniel also blamed the government for allowing him to gamble away his money.
He added: “I got a same day benefits payment and I blew it all in the casino, I lost £410 which was to last me a fortnight.
“The government gave me all my money on the same day and I have gambled it away so it is them to blame.”
After frittering away his benefits Daniel turned to foodbanks for survival. He was given bags of tinned food, chocolate, cereal and tea bags which he estimated to be worth around £40.
He said: “Food banks are there to help people like me on benefits get out of the sticky situation you find yourself in… I got £100 loan from my cousin and I could have used that to buy food but this service is here to help me. I am entitled to it so why aren’t I going to take it?”
Daniel admitted he has been in trouble with the law 20 times. His convictions include drinking in public, assault, criminal damage and breach of the peace.
At the end for the show it was revealed Daniel now has a job in Manchester.
It says he was given £16800 but not over what timescale, it’s difficult to accept that he was just in receipt of job seekers which wouldn’t amount to a quarter of what he was receiving ! (this is around £325 per week if it’s true !)
Then there’s the issue of him blaming everyone else and being unable to accept responsibility for his actions, I wonder if there aren’t some mental health issues going on.
The whole story seems ‘too good to be true’ from the Tory point of view, and I have to say I smell a rat, I just wonder what the BBC is going to make of it.
I am so glad I did not see this programme as we would now be one less TV in our house, my foot having broken through the glass. I think I feel so utterly powerless against the ‘caring’ crap that passes for economics these days that I would rather bury my head, ostrich-like, in the sand rather than add more points to my blood pressure. I believe the more you give people, the less they do for themselves. Even if food banks are justifiable, it means one less incentive for people to better their own lot. Isn’t there some saying like ‘Give a man a fish and he’ll eat well for lunch; give him a fishing rod and he’ll eat well for life.’ Chucking money at hard luck cases is NOT the kind thing to do. I used to think the story of the three little pigs was about how you should work hard to save yourself from hardship (the wolf) and that’s how teachers sold it to kids of my generation. Now, I think we have misinterpreted it. I think the original writer was being satirical: the pig who had done all the work saves the two lazier pigs, so the message is clearly: bum around and be a dosser, because when the wolf comes to your door, the idiot who’s worked hard will come and save your neck.
Regarding food banks, there are those who defend them and say that you can’t just turn up and collect food: you have to have written authorisation from doctors or social workers or CBA or whatever. Er…are these the same doctors I have read about (no specific sources, sorry, but have read letters online and in, er yes, the daily Mail) who, wishing to get rid of a troublesome patient from the surgery, will prescribe antiobiotics for them? The same antibiotics that aparently people are getting so used to that when they fall genuinely ill, their bodies are so used to the a/bs they have no effect? And do any CBA or social workers go round to these people’s houses and say, ‘Let’s look at your finances and see how you spend what income you have’? Remember Alvin Hall who used to do that? With no exception that I remember, he concluded that the person in debt was a wally with money – though of course he put it nicer than that. The trouble these days is no one – especially the big, mistrusted Authority Figures – is allowed to be judgemental any more. So idiots waste money, burden the NHS with their colds and flus, and expect the country to come and help out at a moment’s shout. I was never on a great wage, neither was my mum, but we are both not happily living off our savings because we never spent to keep up with the Joneses, and we don’t expect the country to bail us out of a fix.
Agreed. Those ever so caring lefties, who mollycoddle the idle, simply do not ‘get it’. The changes to sickness benefits meant that those who were not sick had to get of their idle arses and provide for themselves, exactly as it should be. Yes their were serious mistakes by ATOS, but the evidence shows clearly that overall, the policy worked, and now there are hundreds of thousands fewer lazy people getting sickness benefits, who work and are self-sufficient instead.
Stealing from the tax-payer to keep people just comfortable enough to not work, does no good to society, the tax-payer or the recipient on benefits. The benefits recipient has a potentially successful and contributary future stolen from them and this is the real cruelty. Trapping people on benefits only benefits the labour party, as they exploit the poverty they create to con votes out of the mass of those people that labour are abusing by keeping them poor.
Increasing benefits is NOT a kindness. It is abuse.
To be honest, I quite enjoy the fact that the stupid Left put on these amoral scammers shows.
Witness some Shoplifting tealeaf with tattoes and an Amy Winehose bees nest of a barnet on Channel 5 the other night-Saints and Sinners shows on the BBC, Benefits St.
yes, I know that the decent law abiding will hate every minute of them-but it tells me that the media have chosen the side of Occupy, Class War and Soviet Solidarity with Evil…and despise the beige civilians, the plebs and drones who work and pay their taxes.
Could not be clearer-it`s war…and about time people sloughed off the BBC and its compassionate attachment to Big Dee…Huhne and Pryce…and all other evildoers that get rewarded to be stools in the jacuzzi.
“Some people won`t be told, you know-they have to learn the hard way”
(Tokyo Storm Warning”-Elvis Costello 1989)
And we all know what the first casualty of war is…
My childhood recollection is that there were two versions of the three little pigs, one where the lazy ones were saved and another where they were eaten. I always asumed the first was a sanitised version of the original for the squeamish. Or those who didn’t eat pig.
I wonder if the story is even told to kiddies any more, or is it now haram?
No it’s not haram.
We’re the pigs, RoP is the wolf, and he can blow in the door with an IED.
Whether it’s true or not, the man represents a large section of society who have chosen to live a life on hand-outs.
Having been on the dole for eight months (worst period of my life) I found that some people are beyond help.
The welfare system was implemented to help those who are truly in need for a LIMITED duration.
Labour created a dependency culture during their 13 years in power, and the Tories, to their shame, have failed to stop it.
As we all know, mistakes happen, so I’m happy to provide for someone else’s child.
However, I utterly condemn the behaviour of these scruffy urchins who have five or six kids and expect the taxpayer to subsidise them.
Human rights + self-entitlement = typical leftie.
“Whether it’s true or not, the man represents a large section of society who have chosen to live a life on hand-outs.”
You did read the last bit of it that he has actually found a job?
I find the story a little “too good to be true” no one receives £325 per week on benefit unless they have disability issues so I do wonder if there are some mental health problems going on.
To be handed a fortnights benefits and then lose them at the casino is not normal behaviour for a sane individual. The £410 does not work with the £325 pw the program has quoted, and it is three times the amount given for normal Job seekers. Something does not add up in the story.
I believe it has been designed to cause outrage, and in that it’s as biased as the BBC are, but the other way.
“Human rights + self-entitlement = typical leftie. ” Nah ! this actually equals typical claimant !
Public school + Uni + Middle class comfort + detachment from reality + Public sector Job = Typical Leftie !
He added: “I got a same day benefits payment and I blew it all in the casino, I lost £410 which was to last me a fortnight.
“The government gave me all my money on the same day and I have gambled it away so it is them to blame.”
Whether it’s the casino or some other form of gambling or addiction, this is what we hear time and again. It’s never their fault and they are encouraged to think that way by the benefits spendthrifts of the Left who tell us it’s not for us ‘to make moral judgements’. Well yes, as a taxpayer it bleeding well is – everybody has a duty to society to take responsibility for their own actions.
A couple of years back there was an item on R4 about payday loans and one example was a single mum who couldn’t pay back a loan of £1000 which she’d taken out to ‘give her kids a brilliant Christmas’ and also so she could go out on Christmas dos. When challenged about the wisdom of the woman’s actions the ‘charity’ woman in the studio replied with – you guessed it – ‘It is not for me to sit in moral judgement of what she did’.
Over a year ago the bBC broadcast a programme called ‘Hungry’ in which celebs met and lived with people living in what passes for poverty these days. The idea was to challenge prejudices about certain elements of society being responsible for their own fate, etc etc you know the score. In fact all it did for me was confirm what a load of idiots we pander to. There was only one exception, a man I felt sorry for. His wife had left him and their children, and he was struggling to cope. Even there I might make an argument that people should think ahead and wonder, ‘What happens if my partner leaves me or dies – what ways can I find of protecting my income?’ But I might be being a bit harsh there. He came across as the most sympathetic of a bad bunch. Of the others, one woman and her partner, each with a mobile phone, were in trouble with the law. She had her phone out, waiting for a call to see if or when her trial was coming to court. Another woman pleaded hardship, but later in interview said something along the lines of ‘I must admit for a while I played keeping up with the Joneses,’ and how she had borrowed and spent beyond her means. Instead of celebs (not normally known for their right wing views), this ‘lesson in how to be caring and non-judgmental’ should have had the likes of Alvin Hall or Martin Lewis etc., telling it like it is.
Similarly, Ann Widdecombe did a one off show in which she challenged some of those claiming benefits. I regret to say that some of the worst examples were found in my closest city, Liverpool, though I’m not actually native to that city – but my honest, hardworking, late Dad was. Ann and these two specimens of all that’s wrong with the benefits system sat in a pub (of course) and the pair of girls (I refuse to call them young women – sorry, Honor Blackman) whinged that they weren’t prepared to go and do menial jobs such as stack shelves. With little education from having bunked off school, probably no quals (it was a while ago so I can’t recall all details), they expected employers to be knocking on their doors. The girls must have gone to school – who else would give them this sense of self-entitlement and the modern idiocy of ‘You can be whatever you want to be in life’? Then again, I don’t remember whether we saw their parents at all. As it happens, with a bit of effort clearly lacking on their part, Ann got them onto a decorating course. No idea whether they kept to it. I think another lad got some sort of job as a carer’s assistant, and went in to see a woman bedridden with MS. She got very upset with him when he stopped turning up, saying, ‘I have MS and would give anything to be able to move around and make something of myself like you could.’ At least he had the decency to look ashamed at that point.
Sorry about such a long post.
Oh, PS, according to Wiki, the original 3 Little Pigs was indeed less pleasant than our modern sanitised version. It looks like Disney made it more pallatable. Still, no accident that it’s this version that the progressives chose to teach us in schools. Me? I’d have preferred to learn the gory version. 🙂
“what ways can I find of protecting my income?’ But I might be being a bit harsh there.”
Not harsh at all, but very sensible. I would have thought it common sense, but then, common sense is an incredibly rare commodity these days. In this “If you do not like reality, invent another one out of thin air and demand everyone else accept it” mentality of today’s leftie liberal progressives, common sense is like kryptonite to them.
I have taken out income protection insurance, so that if my income were to unexpectedly diminish, I would still be able to cope. I would not blame everyone else and demand that they support me.
I agree with you that some people can fall on hard times, through no fault of their own. Such people should be helped to get back on their feet. Pandering and mollycoddling those who will not work, or are too short sighted in their planning to take care of themselves, does nobody any favours.
Agreed. About ten years ago, I took out two lots of insurance to protect my mortgage payments so that the insurers would continue to pay my mortgage in case I should lose my job.
Post insane-Merkel-Europe, the video should have its title changed to Europe 2019.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-34654581 More anti-church bias.
The catholic church should be applauded for sticking to its principals and doctrines. They are not saying you can’t be gay they are just saying it’s incompatible with the religion.
Just because gays fall into one of the BBC’s protected species categories along with ethnic minorities, muslims etc. the BBC feel the need to take up their cause. However I don’t see the BBC doing much in support of the gay muslims who are thrown of the tops of tower blocks in Syria by those terrorist scum, oh sorry I should say jihadies.
Double standards again?
As well all know seismicboy, gays come below Muslims in the BBC pecking order.
Whatever you think of the Catholic church, they also forbid Hetrosexual Priests from marrying as well. The clue is in the word celibacy.
I was raised a Catholic and think the celibacy thing is ridiculous, but presumably they all know this when they decided to become Priests, which begs the question, why sign up for something you know you can’t abide ?
“…I was raised a Catholic and think the celibacy thing is ridiculous, but presumably they all know this when they decided to become Priests, which begs the question, why sign up for something you know you can’t abide ?”
Hmmm. Perhaps because Catholic priests don’t consider raping young boys is a breach of their vow of celibacy, in much the same way young muslim men don’t consider raping underage white girls a sin before Allah.
That’s the thing about religions: there’s always an exception – and a state broadcaster on hand to provide ‘explainers’.
That’s a very stupid comment, if you don’t mind me saying so.
“…That’s a very stupid comment, if you don’t mind me saying so.”
I don’t mind at all. It was a stupid comment, but it was also sarcastic. I was trying, admittedly clumsily, to draw a parallel between Catholic priests who appear to think sexually abusing kids is somehow a lesser sin than having sexual intercourse with a woman, and muslim men who consider underage white girls fair game under the rules of Islam.
Apologies if I caused offence (but no apologies to child abusing Catholic priests or muslim men). I’ll try to think a bit more clearly before commenting on such issues again in the future.
Both are unacceptable. One difference between the two is that the Catholic church recognises the wickedness of the priests and tries to do something about it. You can argue – justifiably – that the Catholic church has not done enough or acted quickly enough, but it certainly does not condone such things or claim a religious justification. In contrast, many Muslims believe they are following the example of their prophet Mohammed, who is recorded as having married a 5-year old girl and consummated the marriage when she was 9 years old. It is for this reason that child marriage is permitted in Saudi Arabia and Iran (although not in the majority of Muslim countries). In conjunction with this is the issue of some Muslims residing in this country who believe that young females in general and young white females in particular are akin to sub-human and there to be exploited.
The vast majority of priests uphold their vows seriously. In any large organisation, beit the church, Islam, social services, Parliament or even the BBC, there you will find predatory paedophiles. Funny how the BBC holds the Catholic church to a totally different set of values and responsibilities than it does Islam or themselves.
Did anyone hear that excuse of a programme on Radio 4 yesterday morning – the ‘Media Show Debate’ where the a panel gathered in front of a live audience to consider the Charter renewal and future of the BBC. The problem, though, was that the ‘panel’ comprised almost entirely of the great and the good of the BBC.
While there were some cautionary voices expressing concern about the size and reach of the Corporation, it ended with their Strategy Director, James Purnell (£295,000 pa at 2013 salary levels), seemingly looking forward to the BBC reaching towards an ever growing empire and a digital future. He just doesn’t get it.
But what angered me most and exemplified what is rotten about this sneering elitist organisation, wasn’t simply their bogus consultation, their lack of integrity, or the fact that they simply don’t give a damn, it was that in a recorded interview they played with the Minister responsible, John Whittingdale (at around 30 minutes), above the recording you can actually hear the audience in the BBC Theatre laughing at Whittingdale’s answers. Not only was the panel rigged, the audience was full of Beeboids too, it seems (BTW, perhaps it’s a complete coincidence, but one of the questions asked by ‘a member of our audience’ – the only question in fact – was asked by Angela Walker. Call me cynical…but that wouldn’t be the BBC’s Angela Walker, a senior broadcast journalist with them, would it? Purely a coincidence, I’m sure, the BBC would never smuggle a ‘ringer’ onto any of their programmes!)
This programme says it all about the size of the task facing the Government and the arrogance of the out of control organisation and its sneering people. It was insulting, not only to Whittingdale but to the TV Tax payers as well.
‘the ‘panel’ comprised almost entirely of the great and the good of the BBC’
Lucky you had that ‘almost’ in there, as A. Semantic Concerned BBC Visitor may have been moved to interject again with a diatribe all about posters here and almost zero (see what I did there?) about their avowed concern and the point of this site.
As to JW, he reaps what he sows. You do not go into a poker game with the hand you are holding uppermost, or a media fight without securing your own twitter mob base.
I’d say Jesse Norman is a better bet, as his committee seems to be getting dissed at every turn by a more and more arrogant BBC officer class, and most MPs are at least elected and not known to take insult on top of injury lying down. Well, almost ‘most’.
Only £295K pa? Thank goodness his MPs pension keeps him away from his local foodbank.
That was in 2013…the BBC haven’t updated their website since.
Anyway, it strikes me that Purnell did well for himself moving over to the BBC and dipping his hand in the tax payers pocket there…it was never going to work for him in Parliament, the PMs salary was never going to be able to match what he’s getting now.
He’s getting twice the Prime Minister’s salary for poncing about in W1A. Clever little bastard isn’t he?
His cleaning bills alone would bankrupt a small business!
Another example of the BBC doing what the hell it likes because successive governments have pussy-footed around for far too long and allowed it to become a law unto itself.
And thus we see yet again the BBC is poacher and gamekeeper (audience + panel).
This morning’s Today programme. Cameron is to visit Iceland and warn about the dangers of being outside the EU but still having to kow tow to many of its rules.
BBC chief political correspondent Kussenberg (what a good English name that is) tells us about this and adds that an Icelandic trawler is unloading 1, 000 tons of cod in the dock behind her!
Gosh! does that mean that if we were outside the EU we could have all the fish in our own waters, as before, and create thousands of jobs that were lost when we allowed all and sundry to plunder our fish? We could stop the Germans hovering up sand eels, the main food of our North Sea cod, and turning them into fertilizer?!
Well, I shall have to Mullet over for a while, but I am floundering a little, is it my Plaice to mention this?
Has the sodding bbc reported on the British fishing vessels that are being hounded out fishing waters by the French? It seems just about everyone in the communist EU abuses the fishing rules but when our fishermen try to exercise their rights, there’s no o one to protect and defend them.
Tony Abbott the ex-PM of Australia made a blistering speech last night in London, warning Europe (and the Tory Mini8sters present) of the folly of letting huge numbers of people simply invade Europe – and saying that what is needed is a tough and painful policy of strong naval action to prevent boats reaching Europe. Plus settlement camps outside Europe for any who get through. As he said – a policy that has WORKED for Australia.
Strange I have heard nothing about this speech on the BBC, which isnormally so full of “migrant” stories.
It’s on Facebook and twitter, so the BBC is letting their one degree of separation shock troops set thing up for them to ‘cover’.
Unfortunately, these two social media’s interactivity is a lot harder to control and censor, so once the overnight Oz leftie brigades mobilised by JonDon had scored high early, the tide is turning as normal human wake up.
Bet the BBC is trying to wangle a ‘closed for comments’ deal with FB to match their blocking obsession with any who do not agree with them on twitter.
Couldn`t we slip Tony Abbott into the country under the pretext of being the new Aston Villa manager?
Then-when we`ve paid the Aussies a token transfer fee-say £100,000-we could get him to take over the crappy Tory party, and deal with The Guardislamists and send the BBC to Hades one-way?
Best £100,000 we`ll ever spend-and a worthy child of Mrs Thatcher.
I wish…
he’s the closest thing to Thatcherism I have witnessed in power since Thatcher.
…And that is exactly why he had to go, he speaks the truth.
From sausages and bacon to COP21 dark forces are controlling our governments.
Meanwhile here on BBC1 its time for more diversity with “The Great British Pottery Throw Down…”
“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
Benjamin Disraeli http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/quotes/index.htm
I read somewhere that the MoD is sending another of the Royal Navy’s very few warships to the Med to help more illegals to get over to Europe.
It is legitimate to ask why they are not using it to help defend our fishermen against French aggression. But then our leaders are not fit for purpose.
“Mein Fuhrer” of the European union detests her own flag…Is this now a prerequisite of our so called “ruling elite”…Or is it just her “Once a Communist always a Communist” mentality that’s coming to the fore?….Damn, no wonder the BBC love her and the E.U…
Golly. is that for real?
Bet Jeremy Corbyn would like to match those sweet moves.
Watching an Amazon show called ‘Man in the High Castle’.
Bit daft, but describes what happens when a free-speaking democracy is ruled by folk who hanker after a past where the state really did rule, plus those wonderful people who brought us Pearl Harbor.
She seems like she’d see it as inspirational.
‘Although the end of the novel is never depicted in the text, one character claims the book ends with the British Empire eventually defeating the US, becoming the world’s only superpower’
Maybe not.
‘In October 2010, the BBC announced it would co-produce a four-part TV adaptation’
Must have missed that.
A point of information Mr Chairman. The Man In The High Castle is an extremely interesting book written by the late Philip K. Dick.
I hate to think what Amazon might have made of it.
Merkel like the rest of them don’t see themselves as leaders of national parliaments, they’ve outgrown them, they see themselves as EUSSR leaders or at the U.N, Gordon Brown is at the U.N while Tony Blair has made £60 million whoring himself around the world.
Extraordinary, she literally cannot bear to have her country’s flag in her hand. She clearly has some sort of pathological hatred of her own German nationality, which is the only way I can explain her decision to replace Germans with Muslims. Shame she’s taking the rest of Europe down with her, but she’s not the first mad German leader to do that. What is it with these Krauts?
Remember she was an East German who-mysteriously-did very well under Erich Honnecker.
Like Obama, roots are dyed and negotiable.
Tony Blair and Hillary Clinton, Rachel Dolezal and Caitlyn Jenner?
Just make it up, phone it in and get the stiff`kit.
“You`re free as you want to be”(Ultra Nate1996)
“No matter what they tell you-what you believe is true”(Boyzone 1999)
THESE are the New Scriptures for the New World Order…note that Jesus never gets a mention, even in a debate about whether God is male or not.
No Jesus?-no comment, and fuck off!
Saw another bit of national self-loathing on telly last night.
Terry Wogan gets to travel around Ireland, and fusses so about Bloody Sunday in 1972.
Murals, enquiries, survivors etc.
He didn`t see fit to mention the COST of the appalling Savile Enquiry-what`s in a name eh?
Nor did he mention the countless mitigating factors behind the errors, the wrongs done-and the forty years or so that intervened to absolve the Derry marchers of any provocations.
Hillsborough template-and, seeing its TheMan in the dock- might as well put Duggans Darlingistas up for humanitarian awards, compo and lots of grovel from what used to be a London Met Police Force.
PS I say all this as a former IRA sympathiser and classic lefty student plastic paddy…no wonder my dad hated Wogan and his smarmings.
Nowadays Kens creature comfort women and LGBTQIFireballXL5…w`evvaz!
My point-well Wogan had just been through Co Sligo-and seemed not to rake up the old coals like Mountbatten at Mullaghmore, Warrenpoint or the Starlight Showband who don`t seem to get the murals, the enquiries or any notice from Uncle TomTelly.
And the BRITISH Broadcasting Arm of the Political Demos of this country just expect nothing more?
At least Hitler funded Lord HawHaw-the BBC are probably still sending postal orders to his estate, given their brazen treachery at all times.
I say all this as a former IRA supporter-typical plastic paddy beloved of the lefty eejits back in the 70s.
No wonder my dad hated Wogan and his smarmings then?
Hasn’t Sir Terence done well enough out of Britain? I don’t think he’d have made a fraction of his money if he’d stayed at RTE. Still, why not bash the Brits, every other fucker does.
Terry Wigon, a very rich man indeed, a shame he hasn’t found a decent wig maker yet, maybe he should ask compatriot Eddie Jordan the name of his supplier? Does he think we don’t notice?
This morning on Radio 4 ‘Today’ there was an interview with Frans Timmermans The First Vice-President of the European Commission.
The man speaks excellent English and it’s easy to believe he’s British however he is Dutch and a real leftie, having been a member of the Dutch Labour party.
His honeyed words belie a very dangerous man, completely out of touch with the people, as per many on the left, and in a position of absolute power with his boss Jean Claude Junker.
I urge you to listen to the 12 minute interview and share your thoughts on it here.
I heard it. A classic “What do you want to say to us, Prime Minister” type of interview. In fact Justin Webb on several occassions rephrased the answer to emphasise the pro-EU point Mr Timmermans was making, in case the plebs hadn’t grasped it the first time.
A masterclass in Esperanto Aspirationalle!
This polyglot Goebbels was oh-so convincing to spongiforms like Webb when he said that “well yes, It might appear that ever-closer union could be seen as an EU goal-but it never was, never is and hey, that`s groovy”.
And there was me thinking that it was a central tenet of all the fuppin EU stood for, had treaties about and aimed for since Monnet in 1950.
But no-a mere detail, a trifle, a tidying up exercise( c/o Peter Hain 2009).
The EuroLeft march in their slippers into The Westgate Shopping Mall, and have cloned our cards-we`ll pay for these transnational trannies…
18th century historian Alexander Tytler, Tytler’s theory set forth a cycle that every democracy goes through, which goes like this. Tytler said the cycle starts out with a society in bondage. Then it goes in this sequence:
Spiritual Faith
Then starting over with Bondage
Tytler organized these items in a circle: commonsensegovernment.com/the-tytler-cycle-revisited/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Fraser_Tytler
I’d say we are on level nine right now.
Russia is coming out of totalitarianism, we’re going into ours.
The article EU referendum: Cameron to attack Eurosceptic case at Iceland summit is open for comments.
Here are the top 5 highest-rated:
I got moderated off for pointing this out.
Presumably your ‘comment was removed because it broke the house rules’ !!!
I’m not the only one who’s noticed.
“751. Paul
So BBC why has my comment 691 asking you to justify the removal of so many top rated posts itself been removed?”
“760. adraxis
This comment was removed because it criticised the BBC.“
In other BBC news, Airstrip One is an ally of Oceania. Airstrip One has always been an ally of Oceania.
I also liked this comment:
’66. Posted by notAble anY
9 hours ago
I still think the BBC should declare its funding from the EU in every report it makes on the subject.’
and this one:
’10. Posted by BlackFire89
9 hours ago
Quick poll.
If you want the UK to stay in the EU, vote up.
If you want to UK to leave the EU, vote down.
Number of up votes: 98
Number of down votes: 324′
The picture at the start of the article shows Cameron putting on his,”I’m going to get tough face”. F*ck off Dave, there’s a good chap.
Well there’s a thing; just back and popped over to chip in and guess what?
Anyway, No. 5 came back in it seems….
5. Posted by Rippingyarns
7 hours ago
Typical disgusting BBC bias.
The Leave campaigns have never said they want to emulate the Norway model.
We want out of a unelected, bureaucratic political union and then will be able to strike our own free trade deals, have control of our borders and restore sovereignty and democracy to these isles.
and btw Norway only has to implement about 10% of EU diktats which barely affects them.
Guess they didn’t need my support, but it would have been nice to have had the option (now, what else about the BBC denies one that?)
Still on the BBC?
I was banned years ago.
Breaking News from the bBC………………….no, just the usual tumbleweed. tbf the line about the French being rational might have jumped the shark 😉
On Monday, the Lords voted against the tax credit amendments passed by the Commons. Amidst all the rejoicing at W1A since the defeat of the Conservatives in the Lords the public has been misled – by the BBC (and most of the MSM) – to understand that this was an unprecedented (since 1911) slap in the face by the (unelected) Lords to the (elected) Commons. AFAIAA it was only this morning during the discussion between Lord Howard, Tory peer and former leader of the Conservatives and Baroness Hayman, Labour peer that on the viewing/listening bit of the BBC (it may be online but, frankly, that’s not where most people receive their dose of BBC
propagandanews) that the constitutional position was clarified (not by the BBC rep holding the ring natch, but as an outcome of the discussion.).I know this might come as bad news to all those yelling “constitutional outrage!!” but the rejection by the Lords was nothing of the sort. The legislation setting up tax credit rules and rates allowed their amendment by statutory instrument requiring positive approval by both the Commons and the Lords. The genius Osborne decided to amend the tax credit rules by this rather lazy and arguably undemocratic short-cut process rather than as part of completely fresh finance legislation or amendment to the annual Finance Bill (neither of which would have been debated or voted on in the Lords but, rather, allowed through on the nod). Osborne knew that the Conservatives didn’t have a majority in the Lords and that – in the matter of tax credits – Labour and the LibDems were (and were always going to be) spoiling for a fight. Well, the Lords perfectly properly debated and perfectly properly voted down the statutory instrument allowed for in the original legislation.
I for one think the Lords were misguided, even mischevous, but constitutionally they had a perfect right to turn down the proposals. I’m amazed that Kuennsberg – or any BBC “journalist” I heard – didn’t make the constitutional facts crystal clear on Monday. I suspect she was far too busy enjoying Osborne’s and Conservative discomfiture than to report the events (and the slightly arcane reasons why the Lords were justified in what they did) in a straightforward unsensational manner. This is a prime example of the BBC – by its triumphalism and partisanship in the Labour cause – knowingly throwing grit into the machinery of democracy. Again, I don’t agree with the Lords but they had a perfect right to do as they did. It’s a pity the BBC cannot bring itself to tell the little people the whys and wherefores of what happened rather than indulge the usual “cry me a river” and “caring Labour” faux-journalism in order to make the Conservatives look wicked rather than just, in this case, incompetent.
Just spotted on Guido and reminded me:
Today last RAF Vulcan flight ever:
Give it a good old blast for the Falkland Islanders, plus those now free from the conscripts of the cod war and us Falkland veterens folks, thanks:
There is going to be one more flight. The details of which are still under negotiation.
Sorry, I was wrong. The day before yesterday I was aware that they were negotiating the last flight, but the details were not available on their website. Then Yesterday, with almost no notice whatsoever, they did a very short half hour flight just to get some video footage.
Fans of the Vulcan have been left very dissapointed to miss the last flight.
Total respect to the Glorious Royal Air Force…stirring tune Sir
Also spotted this on another blog today:
There used to be a saying to the effect that “what America does today, the rest of the world does tomorrow”. Looking at this video, the modern version must be “what Sweden does today, the rest of Europe will do tomorrow”. A witty video with a depressing message – people need to watch it.
I heard Farage on the Jezza Vine show this lunchtime, the other guest being Eggwina Currie who was allowed to speak at (seemingly) interminable length by stand in host Fatty Feltz; yet when Farage began to say his piece – after about 20 seconds – she (Currie) began squawking that she wasn’t being allowed to have her say! Unbelievable; to which piffle Fatty is acquiescent of course and cuts Farage response short, to allow more airtime for E.C.’s Europhile BS.
Farage still came across very well, as he usually does to those still possessing the ability to discern things for themselves, and put Currie’s overused Euro-lies to the sword.
It’s nothing new, silenced by the media, is there a lip reader in the house ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSvToACXcIo
Another fatal school stabbing, this time in Scotland. If the story slips away into the ether, quickly buried by the BBC and MSM we’ll have a good idea of the type of perpetrator, if the reverse is true, we won’t hear the end of it.
To think a school was such an innocent place, now they resemble a borstal, my local infants school is erecting a six foot rigid wire fence around it, what’s happened to this country?
This is what a Social Justice Warrior looks like !
The activist leader was kicked out because like so many other lefties he didn’t like the people he was protesting on behalf of. This is classic SJW behaviour, using the vulnerable as a tool to browbeat other people over whilst caring nothing at all about them!
This is exactly the type of person the BBC likes to interview – someone with no connection to the cause they claim to be fighting for, and who deep down probably doesn’t even believe what they’re fighting for either !
Thanks for this Thoughtful.
Can`t imagine the Channel 4 do-gooding fakes and the BBC/ITV shills for Squatters Rights will be “following up on their feelgood story last week.
Aren`t footy stars grand?…all those poor homeless victims of Tory oppression?
Snow and Stewart, Raworth and the like seemed awful pleased that Manchesters homeless had allies out in Hale Barns.
This story is dead I bet now to them-wrong ending!
Personally I think that Old Traffords pitch could open as a camping site for migrants and the travelling community.
If only football could sacrifice itself for a few weeks-and save us some carbon on wasting floodlights.
How about it Gary?…Save the Planet AND save the migrants?
And maybe all those idle FI racing cars could speedily convey them to the pitches-sport needs to become a servant of the liberal left, until the Muslims can begin to play something without hanging women and gays from the crossbars!
Daniel Hannan destroys Emily Maitlis and AlBeeb over Camerons EU example of Norway in the Commons today. (So much for being impartial).
70% of Norwegians do not want to be in the EU, only 17% do, rest undecided. The Beeb then manage to find one of the few pro EU Norwegian ministers to interview saying why we should stay in.
Hannan explained this and expressed his surprise at the BBC. Norwegian laws are impacted by EU law by only 9%. Therefore 91% of Norwegian laws originate from Norway.
Norway and Switzerland are the most prosperous and successful per capita countries in Europe.
Now, I wonder why?
Link? or programme please?
BBC 24 hour news about 5.00 – 5.30pm.
Sorry i can’t be more precise
Please please when you post something like this, include a link because if anyone else reading this wants to use your post elsewhere then they need the link to be able to prove the source. Without it it’s just words, and people so often type things they think they heard but got a bit wrong, or sometimes alas simply don’t tell the truth.
Cannot link the conversation. Cannot find it at the moment on the Beeb news channel. Should you be able then please upload, it’s worth a watch, very informative.
Daniel Hannan was was also critical of the European Arrest Warrant using the the parents of a child who was chased like criminal in order to get medical treatment for cancer.
Maitlis had nowhere to turn.
Here’s a thought , why not appoint Hannan to lead the out campaign? Both clever and articulate
Take your point about links, agreed.
Maitlis tries to portray the persona of the butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth girl next door type. This mask slips when confronted with someone who doesn’t agree with the BBC line or tries to give her a hard time. Watch the nasty little woman in this confrontation with Dennis Skinner:
‘Whilst ignoring yet another missile attack from the Gaza Strip and several stabbing attacks, editors did find it essential to inform audiences that “Walmart’s Israeli army Halloween costume sparks controversy“.
That old ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) editorial integrity dilemma at play again.
Plus the professional guidelines clearly at top levels…
“BBC audiences are not, however, told who “expressed outrage” over the Halloween costume or why, or what exactly “heavily criticized” entails.”
Details, details.
Maybe, as Ian Katz has lamented, there was no room. Or time. Or will.
Maybe time for some ‘other news’?
‘Bringing the UK to the world and the world to the UK, eh ?’
Well it is all repeats, so very BBC.
You scratch my back… etc. Unique.
If only for:
Mister NeutronOctober 27, 2015 at 12:33 PM
By sheer coincidence, the BBC follow up squads are now filling Facebook up with how amazing Adele’s single is doing on YouTube, thus driving more hits to be reported and then re-referenced.
Drinks all round with the alumni.
Weyman Bennett of the UAF is a Fascist…Who knew?…(sic)
Funny listening to him being ripped apart though..
How about a health warning before producing images like that.
I will look under the bed tonight to ensure there are no similar horrors there.
Poor Waylon looks like Garth Crooks gone to seed.
Count the number of tropes and canards this bloke throws up-a chipped and pinned member of the coming New Order.
That he`s thick and a cartoon character won`t stop it-Russell Brand and the like are coming.
To be fair, Garth Crooks looks like Garth Crooks gone to seed these days. Someone should tell him that pies are not one of your five a day.
Good God! What an awful, awful b@stard!
Thanks for posting that interview D&C.
Is that seriously the standard of UK graduates? Seriously?
I loved, in particular, his comment on Hitler’s ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ line. Can I suggest that he simply look at the Fabian Society’s logo of…..a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Didn’t weyman get charged with conspiracy to commit violent disorder?. I was also under the impression that he and his fellow fascists had been stirring it up in Calais.
Weyman Bennett is the member of the SWP responsible for organising the UAF and its street thuggery. He is not bright and does not have to be because the internal structure of both organizations censor criticism of the leaders who never have to defend their policies.
Had he thought a little he could have responded to the question ‘ Who gives you the right to say who shall be allowed to speak at the Oxford Union etc?’
He might have said this: ‘My organization has the backing of members of the Privy Council, the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, the Shadow Secretary of State for International Development, the former Mayor of London, the National Union of Students, the TUC, several of the larger Trades Unions, Trades Councils throughout the UK, Jewish, Moslem and Christian organisations, and a fair number of media workers in the BBC’. And ‘this gives me the right to direct my thugs to blockade any street leading to a meeting where someone I oppose is speaking’. And ‘ if you ask me too many awkward questions, my thugs will be at your door, and Teresa f***ing May won’t dare to send the cops to your defence’. Katanga.
Nice one, GWF
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer
Not quite sure what you think this proves. Jon Gaunt sounds like a ten pint, bar room drunk about to fall off his stool.
“Northern” societies must “educate” civilians to accept tsunamigration says pro-immigration lobby
William Lacy Swing, the head of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), wants it to be increased – a view shared by less than 1 in 10 Europeans.
Speaking about immigration in Egypt, Swing said “Northern” societies apparently need more workers, and that “we have a youthful, largely unemployed global south, with young people needing jobs.”
If you wanted to solve the low birth-rate it is easy-peasy – Denmark, Hungary, and Russia are successfully increasing their birth-rate with simple government policies.
But that’s just it, the anti-Whites don’t want to solve the low-birth rate because White people make White children. That’s not what our societies are about anymore, according to them anyway…
Swing said the world was destined to become MIXED, and “Leaders who are not preparing their people for this, through public education, public information, and awareness-raising campaigns, just may not be doing their job.”
The International Organization for Migration is a pro-immigration lobby based in Britain, though Swing himself is from America. It exists to persuade governments to a pro-immigration stance.
Okay, so we know that the top echelons of government and certain lobbies want Western countries to be flooded with immigrants, but why do they want this?
Well, simply because those countries are majority White, and the anti-Whites have been trying to change that for some time now. Why do you think America, Canada, Australia and Europe all opened their borders up around about the same time? Some coincidence don’t you think?
Do you know what’s also a coincidence? All those places put “diversity” laws in place which has essentially made it a crime for an area to be “too White”.
This agenda is White Genocide, genocide as defined by international law. Swing and his anti-White buddies, like Peter Sutherland, are all pushing White Genocide.
With things like this happening, everyone should realize by now that these anti-Whites don’t care about democracy or your opinions. They simply want to force their agenda on us. They are nothing more than “diversity” dictators.
But calling it “diversity” is not quite the whole truth. Have you ever noticed how their agenda is only about getting rid of the White majority in White countries?
What this agenda really is White Genocide. Yes, it’s quite a strong term to swallow at first, but if you get over the initial shock of the word, the word is highly accurate.” whiterabbitradio.net/northern-societies-must-educate-civilians-to-accept-tsunamigration-says-pro-immigration-lobby
If one didn’t know better one might think the overall objective is a dumbed-down, coffee-coloured, compliant, undemanding and controlled workforce with minimal rights and freedoms, earning just enough to buy unnecessary consumer goods after they have paid over the odds for ‘luxury’ items like food and energy.
Oh, hang on a sec…
Useless Eaters I think the term is for us
The One Show, just like Strictly has an all female presentation team this week but with added diversity….
Guest’s on tonight’s show from the BBC’s new diverse multicult cop show Cuffs (starts at 8.00 – I’ll be washing my hair..) the Beeb’s very own Amanda ‘Fuck the Tories’ Abbingdon (aka Mrs Martin Freeman) and some other guy who plays a black policeman.
Before we get to the first question our male guest gets a chance to put the knife into the Tories, criticising police cut backs to which Mrs Lefty Abbington of course nods profusely, our air head presentation team of course just agree and don’t question the statement or reasons.
Maybe we should let actors form the next cabinet, they seem to have all the bloody answers….
Actors without scriptwriters are just empty vessels. Whilst they would be imagining parts in ‘West Wing’, we would would witness yet another bloopers show.
How come that actors get asked over anything, short of their roles and abilities to act and do impressions.
If ever there was a group that ought NOT to be listened to, it`d be actors-and indeed all others in the creative industries like music and film?
These people get PAID to pretend to be other people, to create a fake reality and dress up history to suit themselves for a story and for money.
They are ACTORS, impressionists and pretend to be other people for money…they read what is written down for them, and infuse it with “reality”-or a pretence of it-in order to get money…and lots of it.
Might as well ask your cat-who is NOT paid to fake sincerity, unlike the acting community.
Only a mad society would let its actors speak for them.
Only a mad society would listen to them.
I believe we have proof of what happens when actors take over ruling a country.
Nero professed to being an actor and a musician. He even won all the competitions he entered when he was Emperor!
That worked out well, except for those who disagreed with him.
In general, yes. But Ronald Reagan was one of America’s greatest presidents and a cut above anyone who has followed him.
Well, unlike Benedict Cumberbatch, Ronnie took the trouble to be elected by the people, and served two terms as Governor of California and two terms as President of the United States. He did not rely on the fact that he could remember a few lines and play a role, he got out and sought political office and was duly elected. The likes of Cumberbatch, who seem to think that being an actor gives them the right to political influence over a postman or a bus driver make me want to puke.
BBC Points West goes OTT over the transgender woman from Bath who has been placed in a man’s prison for assault.
58,000 have signed an online petition to have her/him moved, her mother thinks the magistrate should have let her off, we meet two further trangenders, one a man>woman in the studio, we hear of the problems of transgeners in day to day life….
All well and good, but to broadcast this 6 minutes at teatime? We have already heard today that more kids are becoming transgender, just glad I haven’t got young kids that I would have had to explain this to, or they begin to question their gender.
Surely the moral here and was not pointed out, if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime, consequences and all that.
That’s all fine, but if you put someone in a position where you know they will come to harm you are as guilty as the perpetrators (joint enterprise).
What doesn’t seem to be being told to the public is that ‘she’ (and lets face it with her looks….) is still pre op as far as genital surgery goes, so putting her in a womens prison could be potentially catastrophic if not worse !
It’s not the first offence, but it’s difficult to find out what actually happened in the assaults, but if it was a case of name calling along her gender status then I’d say whoever got battered earned it !
Actually he (as he still possessses a penis) is a violent male. It is obviously wrong to put a violent male into a female prison.
Another renewables scam, this time wave energy, bites the dust:
Only 5000 or so windmills to go. Oh, and that stupid Cardiff Bay barrage, the Drax wood burning mega-stove and those solar panels that have been allowed to industrialise the countryside.
Just watching an Al Beeb police soap drama. Its so full of multi culti agenda that you could not make it up – unbelievable!
Why are we forced to pay for this rubbish ? What is Essexman’s pals doing about this propaganda ?
‘Off’ button and ‘out for a sherbet’.
Yes, I’m afraid the BBC is now incapable of producing drama for its own sake. Everything has to be a morality play designed teach us what and how to think.
“What is Essexman’s pals doing about this propaganda” ?
What makes you think its not there agenda?
Here’s the latest from Essexmans ‘conservatives’
Still as long as it doesn’t put anything on the rates -why not?
Thanks for this, it relates to my post above. Nowhere on Points West tonight was it stated that this individual was violent, or that she still has his manhood ☺ just a sob sob half story driven by agenda piece one has come to expect from the BBC.
To be fair – against my better judgement – I watched it all and having put on my “Multi-Culti ” filtering welding glasses, the plot wasn’t that bad?
The casting was straight out of W1A’s textbook:-
1. Stupid White management.
2. All “proper” coppers various shades of effnick. (including a WPC in a hibab!)
3. Include the duty poof (next week must include some sort of transgender) turning out to do well.
4. All thugs are white.
I seem to remember seeing report in the last week that the number of effnicks in the police are at an “unacceptably” low level. Brighton must be bucking the trend!
Mind you, I always thought it was full of poofs and greeny wierdos.
Number 7
Moral of the police story line ?
Effnicks = Good
Brits = Bad
Al Beeb = Propaganda worthy of a communist state
New readers to this site are welcome to vote here…………………………………..
Rydych chi’n iawn.
Diolch !
What a load of pig shite…the Black coppers acting was poor.
No surprise there. You dont have to be able to act to get on TV if youre black.
Just finished watching Resistance, a French drama set during WWII. It has been shown on Ch4 but that’s not where I got it from because I tend to ignore UK broadcast channels for some reason that I can’t quite put my finger on ….
Shades of Secret Army. Better than anything the wretched BBC could produce these days.
Don’t blame me ,I don’t make the fucking show,haven’t watched a BBC drama since about 1997,when the Blair junta seized power, I saw the way the wind was blowing then. I only watch documentaries now.Not BBC PC voiced overs, with effnicks or lefty wimmin, though.
I’m only 20 minutes into it and I’m switching over. If anyone was thinking of joining the Police then watching this would certainly put them off ! who in their right mind would want to work in an environment of bullying in the guise of ‘banter’, and having the piss taken out of them because they’re new to the job. If the senior officers (black and otherwise) portrayed are any resemblance to real life then gawd help us all. Clearly the Home Secretary didn’t see a tape of this show before her speech about not enough black ethnics serving in the forces, cos according to the scriptwriter, go to Brighton where the whites are in the minority !
Yes, how PC could the BBC’s latest PC show get?
There were black coppers, a pretty boy gay one too, who gave a mighty fine punch.
There was a muslim policewoman.
The criminals were all white and did you see the flag of St George on the house next to the one with the racist crims?
And we had ethnic victims.
The BBC really excelled itself.
I’m sure one of those police lassies will turn out lesbian. Was it the blonde or the one we saw in a vest near the end of the show?
And where was the character in the wheelchair?
Still, we have only had episode 1.
Trouble is all this PCness really does make plotlines so predictable.
Where then is Essexman and his ‘pals’? About time they did something – what ?
They won’t do a thing. ‘Dave’, the lightweight PM with the goldfish brain, just shrugs it off.
Until and unless we have another Thatcherite revolution (and it’s looking unlikely) the Tories will let the BBC do more or less whatever it wants. They simply lack the guts to do anything to stop it.
Teresa May calls for more senior ethnic policemen, the next week the BBC shows a ‘drama’ showing what she wants. Cameron does not have any issues with the BBC – it’s the State broadcaster and they are two sides of the same coin.
Just don’t watch this shit or Citizen Khan or any of their brainwashing garbage. Simples !
You can always vote Labour, Boyo, that Welsh assembly is virtually a one party state now,on the other hand, you can always move over the border.
Boyo? Racist surely?
As I suspected a closet Tory racist 😉
Yeah right fancy you coming all over. PC, now Geoff, then surely Taff is racist too.Kinnoicco was referred as Boyo too. Anyhow honkies can’t be racist to other Whitey ‘s so they tell me on the BBC.
I could, also dare I say it, vote UKIP.
They are gaining popularity here in Wales and could win seats in the Assembly Elections next year .
According to the BBC its impossible for whites to suffer from racism!
Can’t wait, will keep an eye out for that result.
Sais mochyn, as we say in the Land of My Fathers
The BBC using the main evening news to witter on about a miscarriage of justice…….in America!!
It of course, involved an ‘knee grow’, as you’d expect from the Beeb.
Of all the things going on the World, of all the problems facing this country, how the hell does the BBC justify wasting air time on an American internal problem.
They have a duty to inform us about things that matter, rather than things that suit their warped narrative.
I heard this same story on R4 earlier and was poleaxed by the sheer, staggering, patronising, imperialistic arrogance of it!
Who the hell do these Left wing lawyers and their helpers in the BBC think they are, lecturing the USA on the way it conducts its legal system? Yes, they have problems in the USA – but so do we (witness the travesty of justice surrounding the imprisonment of Sgt Alexander Blackman to name just one).
We are in no position to preach to the USA – and certainly not when it is the selfsame Leftists who have done so much to corrupt and pervert our own legal system!
Absolutely agree with you. I was watching ITV News and thought I would tune in to see if the BBC had a white English male newsreader in their employ yet, and endured this for several minutes. BBC news now is so narrow, so limited, biased and uninformative as to what is happening in the real World that it is just a waste of space.
I agree. I keep referring to R4 news in my comments for a simple reason – I can no longer stand to watch BBC TV news. I endure R4 or R3 news as I catch them now and then in the car, or on one of the radios stationed around the house – but sit and watch that stream of biased nonsense? Not a chance!
In fact I am finding it hard to watch much BBC programming at all, save the odd documentary on BBC Four – and even then I have to filter out the propaganda as if eating a badly filleted fish.
I think it was on BBC Four last night that I saw bit of a programme about C17th witch trials. Children and adults made up malicious stories about people which (literally) destroyed the lives of their victims was the theme. The programme explained that there were modern parallels. So you expect them to mention accusations of pedophilia. No, this is the BBC, their example was Islamophobia. What? Accusing people of supporting terrorism is malicious? To do this is a sign of mental derangement? It is the BBC who are sick in the head.
Yes, it’s just this sort of monstrous nonsense that is making the BBC intolerable. Even BBC Four seems to be pitched at the borderline retarded with presenters chosen from some of the dumbest psuedo-academics on the circuit, most of whom have been picked to tick one Guardianista box or the other.
And that is supposed to be the best they can do! It’s all quite depressing.
It be won’t be long before we see an Al Beeb newsreader wearing a burka.
Not so much a burka – but I lay money there will be a ‘headscarf’ within 12 months ! the drip drip drip brainwashing of getting the British public to be more accepting of other cultures as our own will be more prevalent, – due in part to the Bake Off winner. Even Homes Under the Hammer and Escape to the Country have gone down the ethnic route; and now that Tim Wonacott has been thrown off Bargain Hunt I doubt that we’ll see a white presenter take over the job. There are now more black footballers, and black and Asian newsreaders, many with unpronounceable names, than ever before; but I don’t hear anyone making mention of this, when comments about the lack of black actors, black policeman (firemen ? ambulance drivers ??) are being bandied about. Anyone seen a black/Asian farmer, or window cleaner yet ?
Waitrose were promoting “Black Farmer” products a while back – as I remember he disappeared when he turned out to be a conservative supporter.
Nuff Said
The Black Farmer, also dissappeared from the BBC, when they found out he was a Conservative.
Disappeard? – correct. Wilfred Emanuel Jones, I think his name was. Gary Barlow’s gone the same way, for the same reason.
BTW. Black Farmer sausages are delicious and really worth looking out for.
Have tried, BF ‘s sausages, & they are rather
tasty. Us Conservatives have to stick together.
There was African fishermen on Coast.
Here is one of them with a headscarf. Little Miss ‘Not enough Israeli’s killed’, broadcaster of the year.
I cannot capture the link to the article which proclaims Mishail Hussein as Broadcaster of the year.
Found this at the bottom of yet another BBC article about the invasion of Europe:
‘A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.’
Are they being lazy or trying to hide the truth by omission? Either way, that is not what I pay my TV poll tax for.
I noted the BBC 10pm news had Lyce Doucet in Saudi Arabia reporting on Hammond securing the release of the guy who served time in jail for possessing wine. She described Saudi as a ‘conservative’ country rather than Islamic or Muslim. I wonder why?
Is Newsnight in trouble again ?
Isn’t it time to resurrect the laws on treason before there is another terrorist attack . Or do we have to wait for it to happen? Anything on Al Beeb about this yet ?
The sad thing is before I even opened the link, I knew it would be a muslim reporter and he would be backed 100% by BBC management and to hell with the National Interest.
Secunder Kermani worked at the Islam Channel before the BBC. As you can imagine, the Islam Channel has been repremanded several times from OFCOM for, well supporting Islamic views. Oh, and giving that Lutfur Rahman creature “an unchallenged platform to promote himself” before being found “personally guilty” of “corrupt or illegal practices, or both” (electoral fraud) under the Representation of the People Act 1983.
The channel advocates rape and violence against women, and has advertised terrorist DVD’s. ????? And it is UK based. He works at the BBC now. Seems about right.
Read A Republican party split in two by Nick Bryant, New York correspondent and pay particular attention to impartialiy and accuracy.
Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences.
BBC Guidelines on Impartiality
Start with the headline. Simply false. That two candidates have raced ahead of the field in the race to be Republican candidate for president doesn’t mean the party is split unless it can be shown that half the party will refuse to support the winner, whoever that might be.
Way down there is an alternative explanation, if you read that far. the schism between pragmatists and ideologues ever harder to breach and The GOP looks more and more like two antagonistic cabals – an establishment party represented by figures like Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Chris Christie, and an insurgent movement headed by the likes of Ted Cruz and Carson..
If that is what Bryant intended to say this is very sloppy writing. Are the pragmatists and the ideologues the same as the establishment and the insurgents? They are not necessarily similes. To which group does Trump fit in, if at all? Given that he is the current leading candidate we should be told.
Can anyone imagine a similar headline for the Democrats because, at the moment, Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are neck and neck? I can’t.
Here are some choice quotes from the article, all clearly showing partiality.
Donald Trump: A loud-mouthed billionaire encouraged by his poll numbers to believe he can insult his way to the White House
Ben Carson: a tendency to speak like doctors commonly write, which is to say his words are often mumbling and almost unintelligible.
Jeb Bush: The nerdy secretary of the high school stamp collecting club to Trump’s football captain, Bush is struggling to find his voice and even to explain his candidacy. It heightens the sense that he is running out of a sense of dynastic entitlement.
But common sense is in short supply in the modern Republican Party, where ideologues have displaced pragmatists.
There maybe much in the analysis that is correct and much that is at least debateable but the language designed to discredit the Republic Party and leading candidates is unforgivable in a media purporting not to have a horse in this race.
Pupil dies after school stabbing at Cults Academy in Aberdeen 3 hours ago. Very few details which is to be expected. A suspect is not named which is reasonable given his age.
More on this story
Boy excluded over gun incidents 21 September 2006!
Is there any connection between the current death by stabbing and injuries from a ball bearing gun or similar from almost a decade previously, other than both took place at Cults Academy in Aberdeen?
Cults is quite a posh area of Aberdeen, however whenever I hear the media being particularly vague in these situations, I automatically assume that the incident doesn’t fit mainstream media narratives, and that there usually is a mohammed co-efficient. I checked the ISIS filth from Aberdeen that was sent to his 72 virgins a couple of months back in a drone strike to see if he had attended this school also, but it was St Machar academy.
How to waste millions of pounds .
How many doctors and nurses could have been employed by the NHS with this cash Mr Yentob , Batman and Mr Cameron?
I have a “yes, but on the other hand” comment on this one.
The BBC are having fun pointing out that ministers ignored the advice they were given and so wasted millions of pounds of public money because the charity has gone bust. How much more fun would they be having if ministers had refused funding and the charity had then gone bust. It would have been the evil Tories yet again throwing disadvantaged children into the gutter to save a pitiful amount of money – to the BBC sums in millions are rounding errors. Yentob would never have been off our screens. Think of the children!!!!!
The government is supposed to govern responsibly and so should have refused the funding and taken the hit from the BBC propaganda machine. On the other hand, I can understand why ministers decided to spare themselves the grief. Their view seemed to be that with an organisation as powerful and irresponsible as the BBC you don’t provoke it unless you have to.
Of course they should now use the Charter review to curb its power and irresponsibility, only they don’t have the balls to do so. But that is another story.
‘The BBC are having fun pointing out that ministers ignored the advice they were given and so wasted millions of pounds of public money’
Government employee, Minister, BBC or otherwise, the supposed reason for market rate talent pay and pensions in the public sector is supposed to be to make tough calls and take responsibility for not doing so or fouling them up when they need not.
Hence it seems an awful lot of money could be reinjected back into the economy around this, starting with the PM’s £150k or whatever, up to and including mandarins on double and BBC jobsworths on triple this.
More BBC disinformation on R4, ‘You and Yours’ I think.
For TB, the UK leads W Europe, England leads the UK and London leads England, but even though TB was eradicated in the UK its reappearance is not for the reason you think.
We have a foreign sounding London doctor telling us we should move away from considering this a ‘migrant’ problem. Then another person to tell us that while there has been a steep decline in TB rates among migrants, there has been no decline in rates among natives (but strangely omitting to mention which group has the higher rate).
This is transparent propaganda.
It’s not just a London problem as a quick google shows, e.g.
“TB in Bradford
The incidence of TB in Bradford district peaked in 2005 at just over
40/100,000, and although it has declined slightly from the peak, it
remains over twice the national average at 33.5 per 100,000. Key
issues of concern in Bradford are:
• the high numbers of TB cases occurring in settled migrants who
have been resident in the UK for over 5 years
• the high proportion of TB cases who are UK-born descendants
of migrants from high-burden countries
• the very high proportion of TB cases in Bradford who are
children, the majority of whom are UK born
• an increasing number of TB patients with complex health needs
including substance misuse”
Click to access Annual_TB_update_2015.pdf
The BBC, setting the agenda.
BBC Radio 4 Today interviewed a government minister (didn’t catch his name) about the collapse of Kids Company Charity in an extremely hostile manner. There were apparently 6 warnings from Civil Servants about the way the ‘charity’ was run, but only two appear to have been made under the Tory leadership. It was almost as if the BBC held the Tory party responsible for everything which went wrong with Kids Company. (impressing Mr Yentob perhaps?).
The Minister certainly stuck the knife into spineless Dave telling that he hadn’t just ignored and over ruled the civil service, but had ignored the advice of colleagues as well.
Quite a nasty hostile piece where the interviewer made her distaste clear.
(Tim Loughton, Conservative MP for East Worthing & Shoreham, and former Children’s Minister.)
Well said, thoughtful.
What struck me was the sheer hypocrisy. Can you imagine the Toady interview and BBC website headlines if the government had NOT given the money – “Heartless Tories deprive charity of funds to support vulnerable children”. “Minister, why are you putting children’s lives at risk by withholding funding?”
There’s no doubt Fatty Batty had them all in thrall and for the Tories especially it was an easy (and cheap) win to support Kid’s Company to gain the ‘compassionate’ badge, but the fact that most of the largesse happened under Labour was of course totally swept under the carpet.
The other hypocrisy of course is that almost every Toady programme includes several selected self-interest groups complaining about ‘under-funding’ and demanding more government spending. This morning it was the prisons sector. What a shame that demands for those expenditures do not get equal sceptical questioning but rather amount to little more than a free hit at the government.
They really are shameless.
Newsnight trying to ‘report’ on this with Yentob mentioned but only in passing as peripheral.
Cameron clearly at fault and abused his position, but the real thrall of concern is that the UK political estate is in with the BBC, whose power over policy is absolute.
They are a total corruption of democratic process. Ironically funded, uniquely, by compulsion, yet as unelected as they are unaccountable.
The only surprise left is how the BBC still clings to an albatross of Yentob’s magnitude no matter what. Long may he remain.
Am indebted to Guido Fawkes for this story referencing hypocrisy over internships for the privileged
…….. the BBC’s Alan Yentob is at the centre of an intern-auctioning scandal. The charity “Kid’s Company” had a fundraising event on Wednesday 5 October attended by Clive Anderson and Rowan Atkinson plus the great and good of the liberal-luvvie media world. The auction was quite a hit with plenty of opportunity to “buy privilege”. Lot Number 9, “a week shadowing the BBC creative director” was particularly popular – going for a total of £4,100.
And while I am on a roll, here is Janet Daley in the Telegraph in 2009. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/janetdaley/100005659/alan-yentob-hits-back-for-the-bbc-and-misses-the-point/
…..Mr Yentob seems quite oblivious to the higher absurdity of a broadcasting organisation funded by a poll tax (the non-payment of which is punishable by prison) which has enormous influence on popular attitudes but no accountability for its judgements either to the people who pay for it or to their elected government…….
…. Mr Yentob, there is only one legitimate way to get out from under the obligation to treat the complaints of government and citizenry with respect (however ludicrous you believe them to be): find your own funding out there in the marketplace, just like the rest of us.
Shouldn’t the Batman woman and Yentob both have been arrested by now?
You raise an interesting point Sluff. If Cameron had refused the money the Kids Company would have collapsed and the reaction from the Fascists would have been extreme to say the least, however I don’t believe that Cameron is that far thinking. I believe it is as it appears to be, a weak man caving in to the leftie blackmail of the Batman. I’d love to think there was a Machiavellian figure who allowed the left enough rope to hang themselves, but there would be a follow up to that and heads would have rolled – the fact they haven’t is the proof of my beliefs.
I heard something about Kids Club on Today, Radio 4 shortly after the 7am news. I remarked to Mr D the use of ‘one year this happened’ and ‘another year that……’ Without reference to the year in question. One can only presume that these were Labour years. Why hide them? It can only be deliberate rather than mind set.
Deborah, it was £45m over 15 years. You’ve nailed the BBC over possible bias there. I am not making a Party-political point here but just one highlighting the BBC sharpness of mind & accuracy: that leaves 9 (nine) years where Batmanghelidjh & Yentob were ‘blackmailing’ Blair & Brown.
And for the following 5 years it was the coalition Government which was heavily influenced by the Lib Dem politically correct ideology. (Not that Cameron is an anyway anti-PC)
‘Any answers’?
Bit of a train wreck, EU-wise on the TOADY programme (29 Oct) this a.m.. Do I gather there were instant complaints after the 7.50pm Naughtie & Clegg interview that the 'other side' had not been able to put their view? If so, definite lack of balance there.
But it was what poor old Cleggie said that that, for anyone listening carefully & thinking about the EU issue, that was the real highlight. He directly said 1. The EU has lots of faults, and 2. it is totally undemocratic and centrally controlled. That latter point was wonderful, where he highlighted how the Eurocrats send out instructions to be translated and followed to the letter, even to an associate member like Norway, let alone the member nations.
For an EU-insider (he has worked at the EU Commission and has been an MEP) to effectively give the game away like that was amazing.
Noted by this voter.
Here is another ‘EU insider’ with some wise words …………………………………………..
As a matter of interest, how long did Clegg get? Kate Hoey was brought on for the Leave side an hour later, but it seemed a very cursory interview, largely consisting of Ms Hoey telling Jim Naughtie to shut up and let her answer. I did get the feeling they were simply going through the motions, though I was glad to see someone from Labour being allowed on to speak up for leaving for once, rather than Nigel. (Nothing against Nigel, but one could believe from BBC coverage that Labour are 100% pro-EU at times.)
According to the running order Cleggie (+ Kuenssberg) came on at 07:50. We need craig’s stopwatch here but, IMHO, Cleggie got around 5-7 minutes. I can’t even remember whether or not Kuenssberg actually contributed: if she did I think it’s safe to assume that her comments were of her usual low uninformed quality. BTW that 5-7 minutes does include Naughtie’s murmurs of agreement and (unprecedentedly brief) pat-a-cake questions.
Hoey, it seemed to me, got about 2-3 minutes. It should be remarked that Hoey’s response was post 8:30: the notorious “dead zone” for the Today offering. However, I would also remark in passing that interviews in the dead zone count, quite spuriously, as providing the “balance” demanded in the Charter. Another aspect of spurious “balance” is the suspiciously frequent episodes where those opposed to the Narrative are on an unclear phone line or in a technically challenged radio car and who are prevented thereby from giving an instant and fluent rebuttal to the BBC’s Narrative-friendly chums in the studio. Hoey was, of course, not given the uninterrupted response time accorded to Cleggie: she had to demand to be given time to respond to Naughtie’s grumpy questions.
As a matter of interest, why does no-one on the BBC ever ask the In Crowd why we would have to follow Norway’s or Switzerland’s or Liechtenstein’s (IIRC Cleggie actually mentioned Leichtenstein as a possible model for our deal with the EU!) examples vis-a-vis our relationship with the EU? Blimey we’re big enough – and important enough to the EU – to negotiate an entirely new and more advantageous relationship than the present one.
The BBC want to create the narritive that all major parties are Pro EU.
International Union for Conservation of Nature feature on BBc breakfast. Never heard of them. However apparently the puffins are all going to die. Someone from RSPB convincingly informs us it’s because global warning moving the Puffins food out of their flying range plus global warning means more rain which floods the Puffin burrows. I believe….not.
One of the reporters is sailing around in the Med as their are “fears” over migrants safety with winter coming.
Finally an item on Asian programs. At the end we are reminded of the new series of citizen khan. Does anyone watch it?
No 3rd party sales this morning have they been reading this blog?
Puffins affected by AGW? Or a lack of fish, despite recovering cod & haddock stocks in the North Sea?
An effect of the EU Common Fisheries Policy Discard Rule, perhaps? Puffins having their preferred diet dumped back in the sea – dead – because it has been caught with the controlled amount of cod & haddock.
Not a good day for the EU on BBC TODAY today.
Puffin populations tend to have cyclical variations. This is because they have a narrow diet and their food has a cyclical population variation too. Every time their population dwindles. the BBC rolls out the same old debunked “The puffins are going to die from climate change” scare story. Then when the numbers recover, the BBC ignore the recovery, unless they can add one lines to a Countryfile episode claiming, “Climate change has temporarily boosted the food stocks, but this is not expected to last”
Last year the puffin collonies were booming. Some years are better than others. That is the normality and how it has been for millions of years.
Another bit of ‘news’ the BBC will likely not have the editorial integrity to have time for.
Seems the facts are not in question, so he’s scrabbled for the ‘it was a different time’/’just joshing’ excuse.
Anyway, if his memory is failing and it’s still ongoing, seems an enterprising miscreant could sashay past BBC security simply in guise of a drug mule, and maybe back out with a few ‘lost’ iPads as payment.
What gets left in the bunker e route, who knows.
How very… unique. Not to say… vital.
“I was foolishly embellishing upon rumours I was aware of dating from 20 or 30 years ago in relation to the commercial radio sector.”
Yet his quotes don’t sound very past tense to me – e.g. “AD: You say rife like it’s horrible and wrong. He only comes in because it stops him being intercepted by the police”. No way he’s talking about 20-30 years ago. Or even last year. Unless he’s been misquoted, but he hasn’t claimed that.
Speaking of quotes or, technically, not…
‘The corporation’s press office refused this morning to answer further questions’
As they do.
The BBC has been broadcasting a few comments on last night’s TV debate in the US between the Republican contestants. But it has not stressed that most all of the US reporting focusses on the fact that several of the candidates attacked the outright bias of the interviewers – none of whom would ever dream of voting Republican. To rounds of applause. All the post-debate articles in the US refer to this – and the Twitter world went crazy about it, normally something the BBC would listen to.
The biggest cheer went to Senator Ted Cruz who really slammed the interviewers – and the media generally, for the hostility to Republicans and docility towards Democrats. Why can’t our politicians speak out like this ?
“Why can’t our politicians speak out like this ?”
Because they’ve got it all sewn up between themselves. Or so they think. If Labour’s stranglehold on Scotland can unravel so quickly, they should be concerned, but they’re too complacent.
“Why can’t our politicians speak out like this ?”
Because Cameron is a very weak left wing leader, who isn’t really a Tory. His avarice and love of unearned family money is his only Tory feature.
Most of the left wing crap the BBC comes out with he probably agrees with.
I’m kinda warming to Sen. Cruz after this and his destruction of the GW lobby in the last video.
Cruz. Son of a legal immigrant. Dad washed dishes in a hotel to pay for his education. Probably wealthy by now. But I have respect for him. I took Palin’s advice when she supported him for election, and he wrote a personal letter thanking those of us who supported him. When he took his oath in Congress on his dad’s Bible, he looked up to the public gallery and mouthed to his dad ‘We made it pal’.
I prefer Cruz to Trump. Very articulate – has fought cases before the US Supreme Court, star student at Princeton and then Harvard Law, I think. And a clear right-winger, tough-minded.
Indeed. Cruz is the real deal. 100% America would benefit massively by having him as President. I like what Trump says, but I don’t trust him to come through on any of it.
Five Live and Peter Allen explains he’s seen an “interesting” report that shows the population of Britain will rise by 9.9 million within the next 25 years.
“This might get you going” chuckles Peter, “Won’t affect me, but will probably affect most of you” he continues in his jovial, flippant manner.
This is how Al Beeb deal with a problem that has and will alter for the worse the fabric of this nation – in a lighthearted, could’t give a toss manner.
Good piece afterwards mind – something I don’t think they’ve covered before – a discussion about the migrant crisis including a pinko doctor and an aid worker.
Fucking great.
Watch this …
are they here already?
I stopped counting after reaching 50
BBC also trying its utmost to link up Chinas change in the ‘one child policy’ to its ‘problem’ of an ageing population.
Theyre desperately promoting the idea that changing the policy ‘wont work’ because people only want one child now – hidden message: only immigration can solve an ageing demogrpahy problem.
Nobody cares news
Rotherham – After their “Sharia Patrol” Community meeting photo, voting to boycott the police, ably assisted with BBC publicity, Al BBC is there again, with more Islamophilia, more publicity … Rotherham – Muslim boycott of police called off
There is real discrimination of course, REAL racism to report.
Netherlands: 70% of anti-Semitic attacks are by … immigrants. yet Jews are criticised for not wanting a “refugee” centre nearby.
“Chantal Suissa-Runne, a board member of the Reform Jewish Community in Amsterdam, said in a televised debate Oct. 18 that while she understands the concern about the refugee centre, it should be seen as
… “an opportunity to meet these people, show them the Dutch context of positive diversity.”
They ve known about it for years, I guess Jewish people these days … its just your own fault eh!
Dutch police use ‘decoy Jews’ to try and stop anti-Semitic attacks
And, naturally, that 9.9m will comprise doctors, skilled engineers and ultimately the best brains and hardest grafters the world has to offer.
Either that or the total and utter scum of the earth, lazy, grabbing, agitating, raping bastards.
Will all end in tears, I can assure you
Turned the BBC off again this morning, Cameron and the Tories,(surprise surprise) lying again.
Today its not and economy and debt, though today its over … Euwope
Blabbering on about Norway, given up on all pretence of carrying out any proper negotiation.
Don t forget the Tory election win folks … “never underestimate the power of lies and money”.
Well? … remember that come the EU vote.
Norway have a seat on the World Trade Organisation, we don’t. We cannot negotiate preferential contracts specific for our country. We are represented as one of 28 countries by bureaucrats in EU.
We must be stark staring MAD!
Vote Labour then Noggin , then you can live like a Baron, in your EU Socialist Paradise.
Better still, vote UKIP.