The BBC is at the centre of a new row over bias in its coverage of Europe after it emerged that the broadcaster’s charitable arm has received more than £9 million directly from Brussels.
The charity, BBC Media Action, was paid the money to deliver key parts of the EU’s political strategy in countries on the fringes of Europe.
British Muslim Youth announced the boycott on behalf of RMCFA, saying Islamaphobia was at “unprecedented levels in Rotherham” and Muslims felt “unprotected” by police.
The group said all Rotherham’s Muslim organisations, religious or secular, were asked to cut lines of engagement and communication with South Yorkshire Police, and any which did not adhere would also be boycotted.
Are they threatning Sharia law?
Oh and there is no such organisation as the British Muslim Youth. They are just a family from a Pakistani village trying to get into British politics. They are a sham and the BBC and the police will know this. But what the hell! Polular front of Judea.
Notice the segragation. Thats the British Muslim Youth organsation family photograph.
I can’t even be bothered making arguments against the Muslim sect anymore. It is what it is. They have declared lawfare on the UK and are winning hands down.
– Muhbeen Hussain (founder of British Muslim Youth) comments, “This is the first of many victories in fighting the battle against anti-Muslim hatred and I am pleased the Prime Minister, David Cameron has taken these steps towards tackling the ever increasing hate towards British Muslims.
Asking for special protection when you are 100% against Human Rights.
100% behind killing homosexuals
100% behind violence to women.
100% behind segregation
100% behind bigotry
100% against democracy
100% against non muslims
100% behind terrorism
5% of the population is muslim. That’s 5% (2.6m) getting special protection now. In line with the anti jewish law. BUT only 0.5% of the population is jewish (260,000). They are a tiny fraction of the population, as is worldwide. Will the law be the same when 10% of the population is muslim. Can Catholics ask for special protection, or Hindus, or any other of the huge religions/movements/cults. Not a chance in hell!
The first thing the police should “be seeking”, as in in depth investigation as to why any Islamic community absolutely rife with gangs of child gang rapists, their families who covered for them … and the larger network of friends/acquaintances who both joined in the abuse, and covered up for it … and its still going on
… Suddenly don t want to cooperate with the law?, and use faux offence to attempt to gain protection, and then seek to segregate themselves further?
Sorry folks! … There s a red flag, deja vu? … that warrants more no nonsense investigation, and an increased and heavy police presence.
The BBC should be ashamed, they along with the enemedia giving this shit publicity, these are “offence industry” chancers … whose intention is to hide criminality.
Hmmm … See how Islamo Groveler in Chief Camoron, and Terppeaser May deal with it
The BBC should be ashamed about giving credence to an organisation that is no more than a family giving itself a name. British Muslim Youth is no more an organisation than the Peoples Front of Judea. It would be sad and pathetic if there wasn’t inherent danger in taking it seriously. And unfortunately, the BBC and the police both take it seriously.
They are the Hussain family from Palak, a small village in Kashmir, no more no less. They have been on ITV, BBC probably sky. How many more ‘organisations’ are there like this in the UK. The police should just tell them to f**k off and do as they are told.
Heres Vakas Hussein, a son or brother, or cousin, or who gives a f*ck on ITV. Why? He has no more officialdom then the next muslim. They are taking the f*cker seriously, and he looks like he can’t believe it!
I think whenever a new Muslim organisation surfaces from nowhere, it should be exposed for the sham it is. An ambitious dangerous muslim clan trying to get some political clout.
If I were a Muslim anywhere near Rotherham I would keep my head down and shut up. Islamophobia is a perfectly rational response by ordinary Brits to what is going on in our country. The longer the Muslims and their foolish liberal friends try to prevent the rest of us from discussing what we feel about Islam the worse the explosion will be when it comes.
!If I were a Muslim anywhere near Rotherham I would keep my head down and shut up.”
That’s because you have the mindset of a decent person from the West. You do not have the mindset of someone born into a religion which tells them that they are the conquerors, and non-muslims are their inferiors, fit only to be their slaves, including their sex slaves. I bet they cannot believe their luck to have found such a craven set of dhimmis. At least Constantinople went down with a fight, modern Britain will die with a whimper.
Waycist! Waycist! … cometh the bleat 😀
Calls out more Tory lies from Camoron and co too.
Non BBC … but just as bad
… the first thing I would have said on “need immigrants for aging population” is don t immigrants get old?
on that premise, you d need ever increasing level for ever … that’s certifiable lunacy.
I seem to remember that Kassam actuallly held up a graph from the ONS report showing the age structure of immigrants. Although it wasn’t an “inverted pyramid”, there was clearly an over representation of the old.
Replicating the age structure of the general population is not goingv to cause any “rejuvenation”. Yet on Daily Politics BBC everyone was blindly claiming the opposite no matter what rational analysis backed up by statistics might demonstrate.
Doing a ‘Mr Humphries’ is now considered to be ‘discrimination’.
BBC Legal correspondent Clive Coleman tells us:
I went to a gay bar in central London to ask people how big an issue homophobic gesturing is for the gay community.
“I think it’s a big thing. I think it still happens. I think people see it as comical in a way, and I don’t think that many people know how to deal with it,” one man told me.
What is a ‘gay bar’? Sounds a lot like a business that discriminates on the grounds of sexuality to me! Apparently mimicry is ‘phobic’ now; yet another nail in the comedy coffin.
It will be interesting to see if Are You Being Served? now goes on the ‘banned’ list or if it is OK because John Inman was homosexual, the same way that It Ain’t Half Hot Mum wasn’t banned (not) because Michael Bates was Indian-born. They could start by banning the stereotypical, (and rubbish), Citizen Khan though!
The only things its OK to take the piss out of and laugh at today are….
1) Nigel Farage
2) Any other member of UKIP or the Tory party
3) Anything culturally British
The fun-less politically correct faceless fascists have taken away nearly every bit of enjoyment in life and turned the population into a scared joyless flock of sheep.
Well, you start by being nice to me for a change. I know my people, they are 90 % Conservative.Anymore abuse & we are declaring UDI in Essex. All BBC reporters will be banned & their broadcast’s jammed. We will become like Monte Carlo. Tax free too.
I was in Essex yesterday! I spoke and heard English all day! Such a refreshing change and reminded me of how London used to be. All they need is a BRITISH Broadcasting Service and I’ll be moving there.
I’ve used this recently but the opportunity has presented itself once more, in the following BBC poppy article a Jez Hunt? is quoted – “No one is offended by poppies… It’s a lie put about by the far right, to make you think Muslims will get upset. Muslims fought, in huge numbers in both world wars.”
Yes they did, but this part was missing.
By the way jez if you happen upon this site I’m not too sure about the “no one is offended part…” either.
I wish to hell we could really get a proper perspective on all of this EU nonsense.
On the Today programme this morning, we heard from Nick Clegg, that ever-so-reliable politician, that Norway can’t escape the long arm of the EU – and has to wait with bated breath next to a fax machine (as if !)to be told what to do by the EU. Eurocrap !
Norway, like any other country, has to comply with EU product standards if it wants to sell anything into an EU market. Well, hello….. if Norway wants to sell into the US market, it has to comply with US standards, Japan wants products sold in its markets to meet Japanese standards, and so on and so on, all round the world. Everyone has to comply with the rules of the target markets they want to to sell into.
That is NOT the same as having a significant chunk of your budget decided by the EU, your border controls decided by the EU, your Human Rights legislation decided by the EU, your employment law decided by the EU, and so on, ad infinitum. The Norwegian government is NOT, as the traitorous Mr Clegg would have us believe, standing by a fax machine waiting to jump to attention and salute it the moment some EU bod decides to change EU law, and someone at the BBC ought to have disabused the audience of that fact immediately it was spouted by the total failure that is the ex-leader of the Lib-Dems.
And if the EU tries too hard to enforce non-product standards onto other countries sales into the EU – e.g. maximum working hours per week – guess what – you get a trade war – and in the case of the EU and the UK, the EU depends more on sales into the UK than the UK does into Europe – so the EU does NOT want to start a trade war with the UK.
When is the Bloody Biased Catastrophe that is the BBC going to get itself into shape and provide untainted information to the public that is paying £4.5 billion p.a. into its coffers ? I, and millions of others in the UK, want real, objective, information to help us decide the future of this country. Both sides of the EU Referendum will provide us with information to suit their agenda- the BBC must NOT be allowed to take sides on this (or really, on any other) subject. It is supposed to be there to inform, not shape, the British population’s perception of the situation.
Clegg’s lies are even worse than that. Norway is a member of the UN Economic Commission for Europe in its own right. Britain is merely represented by the EU. The UNECE is the forum in which most of the harmonisation rules start, they are then implemented in Norway and the EU having been agreed at UNECE level. The EU is merely the conduit for agreements made at a higher level. If anyone is waiting by the mythical fax machine waiting to be told what to do, it is the British government, not the Norwegian government. They already had their say at the UNECE, which, by the way, proceeds on the basis of intergovernmental agreement; there is no nonsense about qualified majority voting there. If a proposal was against Norwegian interests, they would veto it, because you cannot make a sovereign state do something against its own interests (unless it is in the EU of course, in which case it happens all the time).
‘The problem for ITV supremo Adam Crozier is that his team are not really delivering appealing alternatives.’
Thing is, they are doing it with money that is not uniquely sourced from the public. Seems the BBC market rate talents are working their magic there too, with all that expensive ‘experience’.
And on matters of BBC reality vs. the actual situation, one from the ‘tell it often enough’ file:
‘Controller Ben Cooper said “I’m delighted to see Nick firmly established as the number one youth presenter in the country”. Radio consultant and practitioner Matt Deegan points out that Nick returned the lowest ever 15-24 reach for a Radio 1 breakfast host’
Must be why Ben gets the big bucks. Maybe ITV will snap him up?
‘The BBC’s Creative Director will be pleased that “Yentob” doesn’t not come up on a word search of their latest report, on the Government’s funding of his charity, Kids Company.’
And, hence, the BBC. Nice one NAO. Not like an interest-conflicted Trustee Chair is of relevance to sinking £40,000,000+ down a multicoloured void.
I’m sure that most of us are aghast at the eye watering amount of OUR money Kids Company have managed to sponge off us. It beggars belief. I have never particularly rated either Dave’s intellect or his moral compass; In my opinion he’s a spiv who would sell his granny’s false teeth if he thought it might offer up a few votes. But for the life of me I can’t see how anyone could possibly be taken in by that fat, waddling parasite, Fatty Batty. It’s incomprehensible. He even invited this lumpen lard arse into the cabinet room at number 10 for a nice cosy photo shoot. I guess the truth is our pm is a man devoid of integrity or common sense. He was only too keen to soak up any residual affection this grotesque con artist might offer him. She ticks several boxes that would impress someone like Dave. She’s an ethnic minority, female (so I believe) fawned on by lefty media types and beloved by over paid, “heart on their sleeves” pop stars. I guess she’s just the sort of shallow celebrity that Dave would be in awe of.
And don’t forget this is the bloke who is renegotiating our relationship with Europe.
As Private Fraser used to say.
“We’re all doomed.”
“And don’t forget this is the bloke who is renegotiating our relationship with Europe.”
Jeff, I don’t think that there’s any renegotiating going on. The the Germans are planning further integration for the Euro Zone that will require a new treaty. We’re not in the Zone so they’ll offer us some form of provincial status on whatever terms suit them. Dave will present this as a looser (do I need one O or two there?) relationship that he’s had to fight hard to achieve. He’ll say he’s won us freedom from “control” by the EU so we can vote to stay in.
Smoke and mirrors. but he thinks he’s slick enough to sell it to us – with all the propaganda expertise of the BBC to back him up.
The Green Tosser might present associate membership of the EU as a looser arrangement, but in reality it will be a loser arrangement. The only way to regain national self government and control our own country and its borders is to leave the EU.
TBF, Batmandingdong also ‘beguiled’ Blair, Brown, Clegg and Botney. Camoron only followed in their footsteps and possibly didn’t want to be seen as the nasty man who removed the empresses coat of many colours, until reality could be established audit-wise…………or he’s just a spineless dick like the rest of them.
Now, I’m no rocket scientist but the last time I was served in London by someone with a UK accent was last millennium. Could it possibly be that uncontrolled European economic migration in addition to immigrant families having far more children than the norm has led to this?
I wonder if we taxed money sending bureaux if these people who have driven down wages and pushed rents up would still stay? Every other shop on my road will tell you the exchange rate for Nigeria or Poland. I propose a 100% tax. You want to send £500 to Poland then it will cost you £1000. £500 to Poland, £500 to be spent locally.
And with 11 BILLION pounds being sent abroad that should be a welcome boost to our housing crisis.
I love the irony. We are being told that we shall have an increase in population the size of Ireland in under 20 years due to immigration and breeding by immigrants, – and in the next breath we apparently have the highest level ever of security in over 30 years. Of course I shouldn’t wish it, but it needs a catastrophic disaster in this country linked directly to Islam, and only then shall we see something happen to curb this current love-fest of Muslims.
Cameron and his other No10 traitors, are so far up the petrodollar arse their coughing diesel fumes, that dangerously inept prick would spout “nothing to do with islam” if we had another 5 Lee Rigby s.
He s already getting Islam special treatment, for “alleged” and nonsense “offence” in law …. and blabbering about Islamofauxbia
… It won t be long folks
BBC 1 News 18.40 … Dozens of towns and cities in England WILL HAVE to look just like Leicester, or Tower Hamlets in the next few years after new immigration report – WTF!
This government has been in now second term, immigration is still going up, Tories are still lying about it, Cameron
lying about the EU and it, and doing nothing about the Calais chancers, they would give our nation away, and sell YOUR granny to line their own pockets.
Just like hammering the poorest most vulnerable … it suits their needs, its ideological
We may slag off the two main parties …………….. the Tories lie about immigration, and the word isn’t even in Labour’s vocabulary, so realistically who exactly DO we vote for in the next GE ? UKIP ? there has to be some radical changes and a shift in thinking for them to be a positive force in the future. Yes, I voted for them last time to little effect. The problem is, there is no ‘headmaster’ figure above all the parties, to bring them to book, tell them to get their f……g finger out and get this migration mess sorted ! It needs someone of the calibre of the Hungarian PM to have some balls and make decisions, because at the moment this country is rudderless. The leaders in Europe are going around in circles, and soon it will be too late, as they’ll find there are more Muslims within the confines of the European borders than there are outside !!!
This evening on Radio 4 they have a tribute to Barry Cryer, that veteran of BBC radio comedy who I grew up listening to, and the BBC have assembled a gang of ‘comedians’ who claim to have been influenced by him. And who do they choose to present all this? The Hideous Jo Brand, who is as far from his humour as chalk is from cheese. They wheel out just about every far left comedian (aren’t the all far left?) they can find, to turn what should have been a pleasant half hour into a disgraceful leftie love in. I can’t imagine any of them being influenced by Cryers generations whom the appear to despise.
Barry Cryer is old school BBC comedy ie funny. As a white, heterosexual, apolitical, male he is no longer deemed appropriate. Jo Brand was chosen as the presenter because this was actually a two-fingered salute disguised as a tribute. Poor Barry, you spend a lifetime entertaining people to have that humourless witch waddle in and spoil your show.
Whatever respect I had for Jo Brand went when she told a ‘joke’ that was set in a dream that she claimed to have had, (a likely story). There was a knock on the door and she opened it to find Virginia Bottomley standing there.
What clever word play, pun or even satire could this jewel in the BBC’s crown come up with?
“Eff off, you tory bitch!” And that was it, crude personal abuse, totally devoid of any humour.
But of course this delicate flower is the nation’s conscience, so can do no wrong:
As the wine flowed Baroness Thatcher’s daughter, who won the television reality show I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here in Australia, referred to the black tennis player Jo-Wilfried Tsonga as a golliwog.
The comedienne Jo Brand, who is not noted for her sympathies to the Conservative Party, demanded a retraction but Thatcher refused. Brand is the subject of a separate complaint to police from the British National Party after she joked on another BBC programme about sending excrement to people on a leaked list of members of the far-right group. [Daily Telegraph]
“..and the BBC have assembled a gang of ‘comedians’ who claim to have been influenced by him. And who do they choose to present all this? The Hideous Jo Brand..”
The BBC didn’t “assemble” anyone. All they did was record it and present the highlights. The event took place at The Palace Theatre a few weeks ago and was organised by his son, who presumably knows his father a little better than you do.
I felt ashamed for Barry Cryer whose warm, genuinely funny humour has given many of us great pleasure over the decades. Jo Brand can be amusing but she died a death, along with many of the other performers.
An interesting take from Brand during the program (words to the affect) Cryer even came across to welcome the new left wing comedians such as her. Were they all left wing Jo? Why was that?
Cryer is a true comedian, he will find humour where humour lies, not coming from any political direction.
It was a shameful tribute that had me cringing for 15 minutes before I turned it off.
The response to Mark Wallace’s article “Cameron’s revenge on purdah rebels” on ConservativeHome is quite revealing. Most are railing against Cameron for his stupidity in sacking prominent MPs who rebelled against restricting the purdah period in the EU referendum. ConservativeHome has spent the past few years relentlessly trying to ban all those who do not fit in with their blinkered pro-Cameron stance, so as to transform the blog from one where a healthy exchange of views took place to one where there is no dissent. But with so many now voicing their criticism, what is ConservativeHome to do now? Further purges, probably. It’s quite amusing really.
You have got to remember that Cameron is like a lame duck President. Everyone knows he will not be PM after 2020, so his power is slipping away day by day. Even his sycophants know their is no point dying in a ditch for a man who simply won’t be there in a few years’ time.
Good God ! Channel 5 is certainly finding some right idiots !
Mohammed Salim does not believe in contraception, and says he is following God’s first command to ‘go forth and multiply’
A father of eleven who claims up to £27,000 a year in benefits says he does not believe in contraception – and admits the government pay for the upkeep of his children.
Mohammed Salim and his wife Noreen claim up to £27,000 per year in handouts. He has not worked for 10 years.
“Having 11 children I don’t think is irresponsible, we don’t believe in contraception, we are following God’s first command, he said ‘go forth and multiply’,” he told Channel 5’s On Benefits: 26 Kids And Claiming, a documentary about large families on benefits.
Mohammed said it isn’t his fault that he has spent 10 years on the dole and the system is failing him, adding: “I have got qualifications and real work experience. I’ve been forced on to the dole because I’m unemployed.”
There’s plenty more of the thoroughly depressing stuff, but I suggest you take a tranquiliser before reading it
” Mohammed Salim is standing as the Islam Zinda Baad Platform candidate for the Rochdale constituency…
…’I will be standing in the forthcoming general election on the Islam Zinda Baad Platform to serve Rochdale and its people as their next MP.'”
He is not looking for work. Like so many, he is trying to launch a political career, and advance Islam in the UK.
This is the thing! Every Muslim is political. The ones sat at home on the dole with 10 kids. The ones running the local shop. The ones hanging round the mosques all day. The students. They all want to be politicans and leaders. It is demanded by Islam. This is why the UK will end up Islamic. The political left and the illiberals are giving Islam complete support to this end, without really understanding what they are supporting.
Somebody posted a comment on here they found in the MEN a while ago, written by Dr Mohammed Salim (this guy). Salim said he had returned from a trip to Europe and stated there was no hoards of immigrants at Calais and didn’t know what the fuss was about. He is a wannabee Islamic political leader, like them all. W*nkers!
I am of the opinion that if we don’t vote to leave the EU in the upcoming (?) referendum: then our nation is finished, as the one we were born and grew up in.
To stay within the Euro-cage, will be the doom of the U.K. within the next 30 – 40 years. I can see no other outcome if we remain within it – the nation state of Great Britain and its indigenous English, Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish folk, will cease to exist as anything more than a husk of what it and we were.
If our ancestors could see what has happened to their homeland, they must surely be crying with impotent rage and disbelief.
I rarely ever meet anyone who is pro EU and voting to stay in. The polls apparently say that the result will be close.- Strange (unless the poll in Islington)
Do I trust Cameron?-NO.
Do I trust the big corporates not to make unfounded threats to stay in? -NO
Do I trust USA not to get involved in some surruptitious way? -NO
Do I trust the EU not to make make veiled threats to us via future trading arrangements? -NO
The common or garden British person should vote to come out of the EU, there is no real compelling argument to stay in.
I agree there will be skullduggery taking place from liberal,cowardly,Flashman Dave and his woolly anti British mates.
Cameron will get his way, ( I’d like to know his real reason for staing in, it will be personal financial gain, probably from some corporate upon departure from PM role)
Should we be forced to stay in the failing EU club.The losers will undoubtedly be us, the British people.
Maybe we are being prepared for a stay in victory at the polls. The opinion polls seem remarkably in favour of staying, but it is hard to find many people who will agree that we should stay in. I know this is anecdotal, but it feels very strange.
If we do not leave the EU by referendum, the EU will still implode as the failed political project that it is. Our nation probably won’t be finished – we will simply be forced to make our own way in the world, whether we like it or not. The choice is between getting off the Titanic right now, in good order while it is still afloat (just), or leaping from it as it actually goes down, fighting for lifeboats, listening to the oompah band, and contemplating sharing the cold, dark waters with all the others fleeing the disaster.
I do believe the end is nearer than everyone imagines – ‘it’s later than we think’. I am uncertain whether the migrant crisis is important in itself. What is important is that there are more and more ‘Europeans’ who are longing to have their proper nationalities returned to them, and the central cheerleaders of the EU are almost entirely isolated from even the younger populations of their constituent estates. The best indicator of this is the frantic attempts to cover it up, by any means, and at all times. It is very similar to the crisis in the international Warmist agenda, where desparate measures are being contemplated to preserve a bankrupt and ineffectual message.
Euro down to 72p, as I write.. currency pricing, ‘the Euro in your pocket will still be worth the same’ and all that.
Not seen on the voice of truth only fears of the muslim boating club (med branch) for the winter Sweden struggles against fiery attacks on migrant camps
(10-28 18:07)
Sweden’s immigration agency says it will no longer publicize the location of facilities intended to house refugees after more than 20 fires, many considered arsons, have either destroyed or made the buildings temporarily unusable.
Migrationsverket spokeswoman Johanna Uhr says future sites “will somehow be kept concealed.”
Uhr says it hasn’t yet decided how to do that.
In recent weeks, there has been a spate of arson attacks on asylum centers or buildings to be used as such as an influx of refugees has surged. Immigration officials estimate some 190,000 asylum-seekers will arrive this year, putting Sweden second only to Germany among EU members.
Last week, Migrationsverket called an idea by a Swedish municipality to keep a facility secret unrealistic. The agency’s new position came after two more blazes early today.
Tonight’s bBBC ‘News’ at Ten starts with a long item on the Chinese relaxing their ‘one child’ policy, with weepy interviews with women who wanted more children (but nothing about the benefits of managing the country’s population). Then another weepy item on the Aberdeen schoolchild murdered by a classmate; another weepy interview with a mother of a serviceman killed in Iraq, upset at Chilcot’s delay in publishing the Iraq report; then the waste of our money on Kids Company, etc.
Then eventually, after 20 minutes, a brief two-sentence report that millions more immigrants are going to invade, pushing the UK’s population to unsustainable levels in the next decade. But no analysis, no vox pop interviews, no comment from the bBBC’s ‘editors’. Nothing about the impact on our country. Move along now, nothing to see here, …
Much like climate change there is no requirement for debate in BBC land as the case is proven, climate change is man made and migrants are good for Britain, now, stop asking questions.
Yes Sir Arthur, and if I remember correctly, that item about the 10 million UK population growth was immediately followed with great juxtaposition by one about the rate of new house-building.
Strangely the bBBC news ‘reporters’ failed to notice any possible link between the stories.
Why pay for another level of politician wages/pensions and the corresponding increase in civil service support wages/pensions. Why not just use the MPs of English constituencies to represent their voters?
Main news earlier on Radio 4 ; China is to relax its one child per couple policy
Analysis by the Beeb is that it was wrong and China now has an ageing population– a problem the BBC thinks .
Experts brought in to say an expanding population and a young one is just what the doctor ordered for any country to be healthy wealthy and wise .
As though if you take measures to control your population you have a permanently aged population forever . Surely even the BBC knows that old people die . And do they think that young people stay young , Peter Pan like for ever ?
Yes there will be problems for the NHS , but that’s because it was designed in the forties, when people retired at 65 and died at seventy , and it wasn’t a freebie for the whole world . If people live longer it’s because they’re healthier and can work longer ; no need to pension them off at 65 then bring in migrants.
But my suspicions of the BBC is their Gramscian mindset which is trying to tell us ” hey look at China with demographic problem ~~ it proves we need immigration from around the world ” .
“Wayne Allison: New FA BAME boss wants black coaches boost.”
“The former striker, 47, will lead a £1.4m plan which aims to unite clubs and authorities to combat the problem. ”
What problem Wayne? Your problem by any chance?
It’s another statistical problem and with these sort of problems you have to consider all possiblities which you clearly have not.
Maybe it’s an issue of ‘ability’
Maybe it’s an issue of ‘desire’
This is a carbon copy of the police issue over black and ethnics. Has anyone actually stopped for a minute and considered the possibility that they aren’t good enough for the job or don’t actually want the job.
It’s just another box-ticking excercise with no discussion of alternative, albeit unpalatable, causes of the ‘problem’ other than the obvious discrimination that is implicit in this story.
Like a lot of professions and trades , the police force was staffed by many people whose families had been part of the police force , sons following in where their fathers and grandfathers had been in . Give it time and this will happen with black and other ethnic groups . That’s the point , give it time , not tokenism now .
I see BBC Breakfast have found an angle with which to maintain interest in the all-Antipodean Rugby World Cup – the referee is, apparently, “openly gay”
And, I guess, in the perverse value system of the BBC that is ten times better than being privately gay.
Nigel Owens is a good referee.
Nigel Owens is gay.
The two are not connected. To all normal people it’s a non-story. But it is a story in the cosy little biased BBC biosphere.
If he were a rampant hetrosexual fathering 20 kids from 5 different women and a diffferent woman every night, would that be newsworthy to our sofa sitters?
Never mind being gay. Nigel is white! Surely a worse ‘sin’ than being gay. I’m just amazed the bBBC are not interviewing some BAME spokesperson and giving air time to complaints that members of their ‘communities’ are ‘under-represented’ among the RWC final officials.
One of the reasons that Nigel Owens is a good referee is that he manages to establish a good rapport with the players. Apparently in one of the early games in this tournament a line-out throw was blatantly crooked so he penalised the thrower with the comment “I’m straighter than that was!”.
Thank fuck the RWC is exclusive to ITV, I had no idea the ref was gay either . ITV would not have mentioned it,but now the BBC think he should be outed.Except when Mandleson was outed on Newsnight, they grovelled an apology from Paxo.
Nice bias straight off the top this morning.
The NHS is moving certain people with severe learning difficulties from hospital settings to a more community setting, in response to the Winterbourne abuse of a few years ago, which the bBBC revealed, it likes to remind us. OK, good work. This was discussed fairly even-handedly on the Toady programme this morning. The basic idea seems to be broadly welcomed.
So naturally on the bBBC website, the headline is “Learning disability care beds cut”
How I wish for the headline “BBC news room labour-luvvies cut”
Important breaking news announced breathlessly on this morning’s Today programme: Shaker Aamer, the last British person there, has been released from Guantanamo Bay. (British my arse.) This was evidently of huge importance to the BBC, and there was no doubt from the tone of the report whose side the BBC are on and how a saint had been treated abominably. My intense dislike of the BBC just ratcheted up another notch.
I’m betting most of the listeners didn’t give a stuff about him.
Yep, it is the main BBC news item. Champagne celebrations in the BBC.
What a day. The missing boy was found by the BBC. Something tells me that the BBC are such liars, that he is probably in Salford, a child of one of the local BBC ‘activists’ who broadcast from within bombed hospitals in Gaza, Syria, Iraq, or whatever.
Yup – straight in at No 1 on the following “news” charts at 8:30. As you write, nobody in the real world gives a stuff. BTW when the “news” broke at about 8:20 on Today there was (and is?) no certainty that the imprisoned Saudi citizen and charity worker in Afghanistan (oh yes!!) was on the “private” jet speeding to the UK. This “news” was so important it even – for a brief moment – pushed aside the latest info concerning the impoverishment of the West to be proposed in Paris in the noble cause of warmism.
Nicky Campbell returned to the Five Live Breakfast show this morning, and it didn’t take long for normal service to be resumed.
The news of the release of the terrorist from Gitmo was the topic of Your Call, replacing the previously advertised feminist identity politics nonsense, and Campbell’s true opinions shone through. A caller circa 9.20 used the word “indigenous” to describe white Britons and was cut off with the accusation that such a word was “pejorative.”
Princess Nikki was on fine form this morning. When one caller doubted whether this Saudi chancer really was doing “charity work” in Afghanistan when he was captured, Nikki archly pointed out that the murdered Briton Alan Henning was doing charity work in Syria. To compare the two men in any way shows the depths of leftist cynicism to which this simpering little bitch Campbell is prepared to go to demean British people and defend her new best friends in the muslim world. Here’s a tip to Nikki though: they will still cut your head off if they get the chance, you stupid little girl.
BBC leads the “who gives a sh-t!” news this morning
all over ……. Shakar Aamer.
After their BBC specials and consistent publicity for the “offence industry” chancer family
from Rotherham, 3 different reports, radio airtime, and TV appearance s …
Nobody cares about these attempts to manoeuvre victimhood around to Islam
… we ALL care about the children
… The MSM is at an all time low
The BBC and the MSM is desperate for a diversion from the rapidly deteriorating situation in Eastern Europe, Syria, Iraq and Israel.
They cannot even begin to grasp what is going on and will happen so they clutch at these non stories.
All those resources and so little wisdom and real knowledge. Even Al Jazeera and RT are better at news.
Sometimes I wonder if the media in the late 30s was as blinkered and stupid. Yes it was and we are rerunning the past yet again. Different actors but the same stupidity.
Islam? Isn’t that the religion based on a god no one has ever laid eyes on, no one can prove exists, promises paradise when you die with a few virgins thrown in for good measure?
Absolutely no evidence to confirm the existence of allah whatsoever. Carbon dating of the Birmingham Koran recently suggested a major flaw in Mohammed’s timeline, even went as far as to say
“This gives more ground to what have been peripheral views of the Koran’s genesis, like that Muhammad and his early followers used a text that was already in existence and shaped it to fit their own political and theological agenda, rather than Muhammad receiving a revelation from heaven”
(Shaping things to fit their own political aganda? Sound remarkably like the BBC !)
A psychiatrist would diagnose a muslim as delusional, psychotic. Our flagship public broadcaster actively promotes and champions them even though they but they are prepared to murder, behead, bomb and torture for the sake of this bloke no one has ever seen.
Madness !
When the BBC can shut up about Shaker Aamer, it turns to a report from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (who are no doubt high up the speed dial list) that “Prospects for young people in the UK have worsened over the past five years”.
Many commenters there have pointed out that there may just be a correlation with immigration, something the BBC continues to avoid.
Because I care very little for Shakar Aaamer (thought he was a cousin of Chuka Umana !) I took no notice of him or his story. HOWEVER, I heard a brief report of his situation. He actually took his family from Britain to go and live in Afghanistan because he preferred to live under the Taliban and its law. And not long after he was arrested etc etc. He is a citizen of Saudi, but because he holds a British passport he is being returned here ! Jesus you couldn’t make it up. What with that and the promise of immigration creating a population explosion to unprecedented levels in the next 25 years, this Country is finished.
The US allege that he was leading a Taliban fighting unit – and that he had met Osama bin Laden.
That is why they kept him at Gitmo for so long.
He claims to have been tortured abroad – and to have had years of bad treatment at Gitmo.
Just look at the man. Does he look as though he has endured many years of ill-treatment – or does he look well-fed ? Or does he look like a jihadist following the war-book of lying through his teeth ?
Who do you believe? – the BBC and creeps like Moazzim Begg, or your own “lying eyes”.
It disgusts me that the BBC always takes the pro-jihadist side.
If the US get around to electing a President who is not soft on Islam and their terrorists, you might find many more ‘British’ ‘Charity Workers’ (snigger) in American prisons.
I note the BBC describes this creep as a charity worker. But then Al Bin Bowen has consistently described the Muslim Brotherhood as a ‘benign charity’
Fine website that Conservative Woman isn`t it?
If I tell you that I also use Breibart, Gates of Vienna, Political Islam, the Commentator, Salisbury Review,David Wood/Answering Muslims/Acts 17….Spiked and Standpoint-that`ll give you all much about the wells that I myself draw from.
Let me know yours too-for each and every day now we see the BBC pissing in ever decreasing circles into its own vortex of hell…a downward spiral that “peaked” if that`s the word with Brand and Ross in 2008-and reached its pits with Jimmy Savile RIP on October 29th 2011.
Happy Savile Day…Week, Month and Year everybody-four years ago to the day yesterday when Sir James of Wood Lane/Roundhay popped his cup, his sweating trainers into a string vest and left it all suppurating under the BBC for the rest of us to note the ponk…hence all those Bake Offs and cookery shows ever since to cover the stenches.
But it doesn`t-Happy Savile day Guys n Galz…let not the f***in BBC deny your festival for the fucked over Family that the BBC represents.
Transgay footie on mixed pitches with matching boots and bags is coming-all we need are a few gay players-and their agents are working on THAT, I can assure you,
Let`s enjoy the calamities and hypocrisies to come-Lewis Hamilton and Mo Farah bring out ALL the “because you`re wurfit” slaverings in the case of Rob Bonnet and Gazza Ricardo-Richardson-but no read across to tax dodging exiles that DON`T like Quorn, CAN string a sentence together and DON`T ride disability scooters at speed on carbon-guzzling mopeds round Bahrain and Shanghai.
And DON`T reside in Monaco/Monte Carlo either. Blody bankers and tax dodgers at Starbucks-but bless Shakur and Lewis, MO and Muhammads eh Allybaby?
These Benneton tanned fakes are our media and sporting future…what`s halfway between a dick and a vagina?…for THEY`LL becoming the hermaphrodite brides of Mohammad before too long afterwards.
Thanks for your list – mine includes bBBC, Breitbart, WUWT, Spiked, John Moloney, Anna Raccoon, Anonymous Conservative (not sure about that one..), Climate Resistance, Numberwatch (newly re-visible!), Bishop Hill, John Redwood, Louise Mensch, Robin Eubanks, Wm Briggs, Chaos Manor, the SWP site, &c, &c.
International Rescue, make of that lot what you will! (I also regularly visit the Sainsbury’s website, despite Q’atar’s malign influence, ..).
Oh, and a quick plug for not my outfit, but a wonderful language.
Chilcot Iraq report: Families ‘anxious’ for publication.
What about Dame Janet Smith’s report about Jimmy Saville and Stewart Hall abuse while at the BBC ??? haven’t heard much about that one lately. They have probably found so many new skeletons in the closet they have had to call in a bone specialist.
I can’t wait to see the holier than though BBC squirm.
Meanwhile Al Beeb is ecstatic about one of their own coming “home”.
The final dregs of the Islamic terrorist scum correctly detained in Cuba, has been released.
Is there a correlation between individual ugliness and propensity for murderous acts?
I ask because all the inhabitants of this US penal colony seem to have been blessed with the attractiveness of a very ugly, used, potato sack filled with the contents of your local sewerage works.
The BBC are treating this like a State visit!
About the only bloke who won`t be trashed for daring to leave Cuban soil without a hymn of praise to the Castrol boys.
Isn`t he a Saudi national-would n`t any true Muslim have gone to Mecca to ensure that those cranes are back up and those entrances to Satans sugarcube are correctly signposted to prevent next years inevitable carnage?
Some Muslim eh?…it`s Friday-should have stayed in Gitmo to pray…in the direction of Mecca, not f***in Heathrow?
Shami, Jizzboy, Gareth, Michael, Clive and Bowens Boys should all be forming their guard of honour-last thing we need is a hi-viz fake charity worker after the toppling of Camilla..but there you go.
Send him and his family back to Saudi for debriefing-only Snow and Wark give a stuff about his story-don`t we all know it, and can we not all write it in advance?
Looks funnier that Omid Djalili though!
I wonder if Yasmin Alibaba Brown, Shami Chakrabati and the rest of the boys in the band of Yuman Rights will be on the tarmac to greet him ! I wouldn’t mind betting they’ve been booked to appear on Sunday Morning Live and every other debating prog this coming week to give their “unbiased” (?) views on what a terrible country we are. Yep we are so awful that you continue to stay here, and funny how no bugger of colour ever leaves eh ?
I have heard no mention by the BBC that he was in Afghanistan on a forged Belgian passport, and nthat he could have left Gitmo years ago if he was willing to go to his home country of Saudi Arabia.
But of course these facts are hardly relevant, are they !
Rest assured that the usual bucket brigade of lefty right-on opinion are being scheduled for a weekend of virtue-signalling, posture springing and cliched claptrap.
Clearly compo will be due-and, of course, the UK will stump up-for reasons we won`t need to go into at the moment.
The order of the outriders for the apocalypse?…should take bets, but Begg seemed first out of the traps, closely followed by Clive and Shami.
If we don`t see Polly, McDonnell, Corbyn, Yasmin, Medhi…i`ll be surprised.
AND-if there`s not a Guardian contract on Chuckeys prayer mat of magic carpet stylee come Monday morning; I`ll be even more so.
Snowden, Manning, Huhne, Pryce, Proudfoot?…who says crime and lawfare don`t pay at the Guardian these days.
But no place for e Blackwood or a Rigby eh?…never is.
Police seized the laptop of a BBC journalist using powers under the Terrorism Act, it emerged last night.
Officers obtained an order from a judge that was served on the corporation and Secunder Kermani, a Newsnight journalist who has produced several reports on western-born fighters who have joined Islamic State.
The order was sought to obtain communications between the journalist and a man in Syria who had publicly identified himself as a member of Islamic State and who had featured in reports.
I haven’t heard about this on the bBBC. (£)
I do enjoy these BBC “Packets of Three” that they give us on their news huddlines at 8 am every morning on Today.
You need not listen to the rest-the three (even four) blocs of caring concerns that we need to take around the office for the rest of the day are ALWAYS good for a laugh.
Yesterdays?…for in the daily churn of crap from the BBC, they`d rather you NOT go back and check what they`re up to
1. KIdsCo-like Iraq-we used to support it all, but now its the Tories fault…time now for Coldplay to leave the building and shout “Not In MY Name” once again.
Camilla not to blame-blame Cameron for wasting tax money on the woman that the BBC had long thought eggy…oh, hell…Yentobs yet to go…err, fuppin Letwin eh?
2. Iceland and Estonia seem confused by Camerons message on the EU Referendum and negotiating stances-Laura Kuennsberg gets a tax funded jolly to “accompany” the PM-and talk to fellow Common Purpose types wherever she ends up.
The BBC set these agendas you see-Eurovision is more than just for Wogan and Norton you know.
3. Prisoners committing suicide-no mention of which ones are doing it?…TV License refuseniks?..David Copeland? Peter Sutcliffe?…but no, they just do-and only the BBC and Frances Crook give a damn-you heartless unthinking taxpaying Tories you!
But wait-the BBCs profile, awards and digital presence is greater than ever before-and here are the awards and stiff`kits to prove How Great They Art.
Oh, if only the good news of the BBC could be matched by the crap Tories-who build no houses, put in no HS2, hound doctors and can`t even get tax credits through…the BBC seem however to be Really Saying Something.
But we`re not listening still…
And today?
We`re crap on climate change targets and the UN are all sad about us.
Bedblocking`s a problem-but when the Tories try to stick the old into care homes, that`s a dereliction of the NHS who do all this so well.
Oh if only we had more Shipmans, more Saviles-more euthanasias and assisting dyings.
But cheer up People!
Adeles new single might be straight in at No 1, we ask Keith Richards about rock and roll rebellions-and Shakurs coming home…
The BBC really is a deadzone…vampire leechings off the good, the young and the moral…they have simply GOT to go.
They are 50% Marxist and 50% Islam…and they reckon THAT is balanced!
Today the BBC is suggesting that everything looks set for a ‘good result’ at the upcoming Paris Climate Jamboree. Of course, by ‘good result’ the BBC actually means that millions of ordinary taxpayers around the world will almost certainly be forced – yes actually forced – by unelected climate zealots and self-interested NGOs to hand over ever-greater sums of money to the UN/EU in their ongoing search for fairies and unicorns.
Considering that the whole fairytale has been invented by green zealots, and unquestionably supported by governments and “scientists” alike, when it’s pretty clear to all and sundry that they’ve all lied their arses off, and left a trail, which even at this late stage, is being questioned in the States.
I bet Obama is shitting himself, and hoping desperately that nothing serious breaks between now and the Paris beanfeast to derail it.
Why are we so gullible? How stupid are we to have been led up the garden path to such a degree, at our own expense?
The warmists must be laughing themselves silly. I could do violence, I really could. What galls me even more is a). the pope involving himself, and b). the future King actually taking part in this nonsense.
Oi! I am a warmist – that is a true warmist, one who looks at the thermometer and compares readings, etc., and also a coolist, Old Goat. Warmism & coolism is scientific. Making tests, noting the readings, observing the results and making comparisons, pursuing theories, drawing & testing conclusions.
I would suggest the people you are complaining about are enviro-mentalists [stress on the ‘mentalists’ syllables, please], the ones, like Blair & Prescott & Meacher who introduced ‘Climate Change’ to us all (a sloppy label, again, that no true scientist could go along with) and have gone mental over ‘something’ they claim to have found and have persuaded Governments to tax drivers & fliers while completely overlooking various other increasers of carbon emissions that they seem strangely unconcerned about.
I am not surprised that Popes & Archbishops go along with it all as it has been turned into a new religion of its own. Cathedrals of wind turbines are erected, with precious land & seascapes being the new sacrifices to the god of this religion. HRH is to be, I gather, when King “a defender of faith” (rather than Defender of The Faith) so perhaps his involvement is not so surprising after all.
Yes, top story on Radio 2 3pm news, it was told as if England had just won the World Cup, not hear since that ‘British’ long distance runner won gold in 2012….
More & more about Saudi terrorist Shaker Ahmed, and although the BBC did broadcast a small piece from an anti terrorism expert who confirmed he genuinely was a terrorist it accounted for only about 10% of that piece and I haven’t heard from him since.
If Britain has tortured someone then it is a disgrace. We gave up torture in the time of Elizabeth I for various reasons, including the fact it doesn’t work, but why is it that the BBC has failed to name the people in Britain responsible, and a call to have them arrested? Of course the people responsible are Tony BLiar and those Labour party members who knew and supported the policy known as ‘extraordinary rendition’.
They have given lots of airtime to people stating that he HAS been tortured and no airtime at all to those responsible to answer those claims. No doubt the establishment will close ranks again and protect Camerons favourite predecessor, after all he wouldn’t want to spoil any chance of getting his hands on all that lovely oil money when he leaves office would he now?
vladJan 22, 23:59 Midweek 22nd January 2025 However useless the Tories were, at least they would be at the front of the Trump queue instead of at…
pugnaziousJan 22, 23:25 Midweek 22nd January 2025 ‘The great lie of British politics is that there is no alternative, that all parties should be the same, that…
pugnaziousJan 22, 23:19 Midweek 22nd January 2025 It is remarkable that as Wrecker Reeves & Co tear up planning laws to enable builders to concrete over Britain…
Lucy PevenseyJan 22, 23:17 Midweek 22nd January 2025 It’s quite shocking looking at the actual figures. It’s even worse than I thought.
pugnaziousJan 22, 23:10 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Nicky Campbell was in fine form yesterday as he tried to manufacture and cement in a narrative that ‘mental health’…
Lucy PevenseyJan 22, 23:00 Midweek 22nd January 2025
vladJan 22, 22:23 Midweek 22nd January 2025 After Trump has got rid of Starmer and Khunt, perhaps he could do the same to the BBC. A good…
vladJan 22, 22:15 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Now that some heroic Western scholars are investigating Islam properly, it’s being revealed to be a pack of lies, fabrications,…
Up2snuffJan 22, 22:09 Midweek 22nd January 2025 davy, I have just written to my MP about the Climate & Nature Bill’s second reading on Friday: You…
The BBC? Biased in favour of the EU? Surely not.
The BBC is at the centre of a new row over bias in its coverage of Europe after it emerged that the broadcaster’s charitable arm has received more than £9 million directly from Brussels.
The charity, BBC Media Action, was paid the money to deliver key parts of the EU’s political strategy in countries on the fringes of Europe.
“Police seek talks following Rotherham Muslim boycott”
British Muslim Youth announced the boycott on behalf of RMCFA, saying Islamaphobia was at “unprecedented levels in Rotherham” and Muslims felt “unprotected” by police.
The group said all Rotherham’s Muslim organisations, religious or secular, were asked to cut lines of engagement and communication with South Yorkshire Police, and any which did not adhere would also be boycotted.
Are they threatning Sharia law?
Oh and there is no such organisation as the British Muslim Youth. They are just a family from a Pakistani village trying to get into British politics. They are a sham and the BBC and the police will know this. But what the hell! Polular front of Judea.
Notice the segragation. Thats the British Muslim Youth organsation family photograph.
I can’t even be bothered making arguments against the Muslim sect anymore. It is what it is. They have declared lawfare on the UK and are winning hands down.
– Muhbeen Hussain (founder of British Muslim Youth) comments, “This is the first of many victories in fighting the battle against anti-Muslim hatred and I am pleased the Prime Minister, David Cameron has taken these steps towards tackling the ever increasing hate towards British Muslims.
Asking for special protection when you are 100% against Human Rights.
100% behind killing homosexuals
100% behind violence to women.
100% behind segregation
100% behind bigotry
100% against democracy
100% against non muslims
100% behind terrorism
5% of the population is muslim. That’s 5% (2.6m) getting special protection now. In line with the anti jewish law. BUT only 0.5% of the population is jewish (260,000). They are a tiny fraction of the population, as is worldwide. Will the law be the same when 10% of the population is muslim. Can Catholics ask for special protection, or Hindus, or any other of the huge religions/movements/cults. Not a chance in hell!
The first thing the police should “be seeking”, as in in depth investigation as to why any Islamic community absolutely rife with gangs of child gang rapists, their families who covered for them … and the larger network of friends/acquaintances who both joined in the abuse, and covered up for it … and its still going on
… Suddenly don t want to cooperate with the law?, and use faux offence to attempt to gain protection, and then seek to segregate themselves further?
Sorry folks! … There s a red flag, deja vu? … that warrants more no nonsense investigation, and an increased and heavy police presence.
The BBC should be ashamed, they along with the enemedia giving this shit publicity, these are “offence industry” chancers … whose intention is to hide criminality.
Hmmm … See how Islamo Groveler in Chief Camoron, and Terppeaser May deal with it
Warning – Don t hold anything fragile … a dose of VD
Muslim police “boycott” … Victoria Drearybyshire
The BBC should be ashamed about giving credence to an organisation that is no more than a family giving itself a name. British Muslim Youth is no more an organisation than the Peoples Front of Judea. It would be sad and pathetic if there wasn’t inherent danger in taking it seriously. And unfortunately, the BBC and the police both take it seriously.
They are the Hussain family from Palak, a small village in Kashmir, no more no less. They have been on ITV, BBC probably sky. How many more ‘organisations’ are there like this in the UK. The police should just tell them to f**k off and do as they are told.
Heres Vakas Hussein, a son or brother, or cousin, or who gives a f*ck on ITV. Why? He has no more officialdom then the next muslim. They are taking the f*cker seriously, and he looks like he can’t believe it!
I think whenever a new Muslim organisation surfaces from nowhere, it should be exposed for the sham it is. An ambitious dangerous muslim clan trying to get some political clout.
British muslim youth my arse!
If I were a Muslim anywhere near Rotherham I would keep my head down and shut up. Islamophobia is a perfectly rational response by ordinary Brits to what is going on in our country. The longer the Muslims and their foolish liberal friends try to prevent the rest of us from discussing what we feel about Islam the worse the explosion will be when it comes.
!If I were a Muslim anywhere near Rotherham I would keep my head down and shut up.”
That’s because you have the mindset of a decent person from the West. You do not have the mindset of someone born into a religion which tells them that they are the conquerors, and non-muslims are their inferiors, fit only to be their slaves, including their sex slaves. I bet they cannot believe their luck to have found such a craven set of dhimmis. At least Constantinople went down with a fight, modern Britain will die with a whimper.
Waycist! Waycist! … cometh the bleat 😀
Calls out more Tory lies from Camoron and co too.
Non BBC … but just as bad
… the first thing I would have said on “need immigrants for aging population” is don t immigrants get old?
on that premise, you d need ever increasing level for ever … that’s certifiable lunacy.
That smug twat Jabeer Butt don’t speak for me as a Brit, who is this ‘we’ he talks of ?
The irony has to be that Raheem Kassam is also the product of immigration, but at least he talks and sounds like a Brit, not some snivelling victim.
Even though he speaks sense, I dislike it when we have to rely on an effnik invader to defend our values, customs, land etc etc.
Jabeer Butt = A die-versity consultant means less British people.
I seem to remember that Kassam actuallly held up a graph from the ONS report showing the age structure of immigrants. Although it wasn’t an “inverted pyramid”, there was clearly an over representation of the old.
Replicating the age structure of the general population is not goingv to cause any “rejuvenation”. Yet on Daily Politics BBC everyone was blindly claiming the opposite no matter what rational analysis backed up by statistics might demonstrate.
Doing a ‘Mr Humphries’ is now considered to be ‘discrimination’.
BBC Legal correspondent Clive Coleman tells us:
I went to a gay bar in central London to ask people how big an issue homophobic gesturing is for the gay community.
“I think it’s a big thing. I think it still happens. I think people see it as comical in a way, and I don’t think that many people know how to deal with it,” one man told me.
What is a ‘gay bar’? Sounds a lot like a business that discriminates on the grounds of sexuality to me! Apparently mimicry is ‘phobic’ now; yet another nail in the comedy coffin.
It will be interesting to see if Are You Being Served? now goes on the ‘banned’ list or if it is OK because John Inman was homosexual, the same way that It Ain’t Half Hot Mum wasn’t banned (not) because Michael Bates was Indian-born. They could start by banning the stereotypical, (and rubbish), Citizen Khan though!
The only things its OK to take the piss out of and laugh at today are….
1) Nigel Farage
2) Any other member of UKIP or the Tory party
3) Anything culturally British
The fun-less politically correct faceless fascists have taken away nearly every bit of enjoyment in life and turned the population into a scared joyless flock of sheep.
Well, you start by being nice to me for a change. I know my people, they are 90 % Conservative.Anymore abuse & we are declaring UDI in Essex. All BBC reporters will be banned & their broadcast’s jammed. We will become like Monte Carlo. Tax free too.
Hey, i’m always nice to you!
The enemy of my enemy is my friend!
Vote UKIP!
I was in Essex yesterday! I spoke and heard English all day! Such a refreshing change and reminded me of how London used to be. All they need is a BRITISH Broadcasting Service and I’ll be moving there.
Thanks, Abbo old son, you are dead right.
I’ve used this recently but the opportunity has presented itself once more, in the following BBC poppy article a Jez Hunt? is quoted – “No one is offended by poppies… It’s a lie put about by the far right, to make you think Muslims will get upset. Muslims fought, in huge numbers in both world wars.”
Yes they did, but this part was missing.
By the way jez if you happen upon this site I’m not too sure about the “no one is offended part…” either.
I wish to hell we could really get a proper perspective on all of this EU nonsense.
On the Today programme this morning, we heard from Nick Clegg, that ever-so-reliable politician, that Norway can’t escape the long arm of the EU – and has to wait with bated breath next to a fax machine (as if !)to be told what to do by the EU. Eurocrap !
Norway, like any other country, has to comply with EU product standards if it wants to sell anything into an EU market. Well, hello….. if Norway wants to sell into the US market, it has to comply with US standards, Japan wants products sold in its markets to meet Japanese standards, and so on and so on, all round the world. Everyone has to comply with the rules of the target markets they want to to sell into.
That is NOT the same as having a significant chunk of your budget decided by the EU, your border controls decided by the EU, your Human Rights legislation decided by the EU, your employment law decided by the EU, and so on, ad infinitum. The Norwegian government is NOT, as the traitorous Mr Clegg would have us believe, standing by a fax machine waiting to jump to attention and salute it the moment some EU bod decides to change EU law, and someone at the BBC ought to have disabused the audience of that fact immediately it was spouted by the total failure that is the ex-leader of the Lib-Dems.
And if the EU tries too hard to enforce non-product standards onto other countries sales into the EU – e.g. maximum working hours per week – guess what – you get a trade war – and in the case of the EU and the UK, the EU depends more on sales into the UK than the UK does into Europe – so the EU does NOT want to start a trade war with the UK.
When is the Bloody Biased Catastrophe that is the BBC going to get itself into shape and provide untainted information to the public that is paying £4.5 billion p.a. into its coffers ? I, and millions of others in the UK, want real, objective, information to help us decide the future of this country. Both sides of the EU Referendum will provide us with information to suit their agenda- the BBC must NOT be allowed to take sides on this (or really, on any other) subject. It is supposed to be there to inform, not shape, the British population’s perception of the situation.
Clegg’s lies are even worse than that. Norway is a member of the UN Economic Commission for Europe in its own right. Britain is merely represented by the EU. The UNECE is the forum in which most of the harmonisation rules start, they are then implemented in Norway and the EU having been agreed at UNECE level. The EU is merely the conduit for agreements made at a higher level. If anyone is waiting by the mythical fax machine waiting to be told what to do, it is the British government, not the Norwegian government. They already had their say at the UNECE, which, by the way, proceeds on the basis of intergovernmental agreement; there is no nonsense about qualified majority voting there. If a proposal was against Norwegian interests, they would veto it, because you cannot make a sovereign state do something against its own interests (unless it is in the EU of course, in which case it happens all the time).
And in other news…
‘The problem for ITV supremo Adam Crozier is that his team are not really delivering appealing alternatives.’
Thing is, they are doing it with money that is not uniquely sourced from the public. Seems the BBC market rate talents are working their magic there too, with all that expensive ‘experience’.
And on matters of BBC reality vs. the actual situation, one from the ‘tell it often enough’ file:
‘Controller Ben Cooper said “I’m delighted to see Nick firmly established as the number one youth presenter in the country”. Radio consultant and practitioner Matt Deegan points out that Nick returned the lowest ever 15-24 reach for a Radio 1 breakfast host’
Must be why Ben gets the big bucks. Maybe ITV will snap him up?
‘The BBC’s Creative Director will be pleased that “Yentob” doesn’t not come up on a word search of their latest report, on the Government’s funding of his charity, Kids Company.’
And, hence, the BBC. Nice one NAO. Not like an interest-conflicted Trustee Chair is of relevance to sinking £40,000,000+ down a multicoloured void.
I’m sure that most of us are aghast at the eye watering amount of OUR money Kids Company have managed to sponge off us. It beggars belief. I have never particularly rated either Dave’s intellect or his moral compass; In my opinion he’s a spiv who would sell his granny’s false teeth if he thought it might offer up a few votes. But for the life of me I can’t see how anyone could possibly be taken in by that fat, waddling parasite, Fatty Batty. It’s incomprehensible. He even invited this lumpen lard arse into the cabinet room at number 10 for a nice cosy photo shoot. I guess the truth is our pm is a man devoid of integrity or common sense. He was only too keen to soak up any residual affection this grotesque con artist might offer him. She ticks several boxes that would impress someone like Dave. She’s an ethnic minority, female (so I believe) fawned on by lefty media types and beloved by over paid, “heart on their sleeves” pop stars. I guess she’s just the sort of shallow celebrity that Dave would be in awe of.
And don’t forget this is the bloke who is renegotiating our relationship with Europe.
As Private Fraser used to say.
“We’re all doomed.”
“And don’t forget this is the bloke who is renegotiating our relationship with Europe.”
Jeff, I don’t think that there’s any renegotiating going on. The the Germans are planning further integration for the Euro Zone that will require a new treaty. We’re not in the Zone so they’ll offer us some form of provincial status on whatever terms suit them. Dave will present this as a looser (do I need one O or two there?) relationship that he’s had to fight hard to achieve. He’ll say he’s won us freedom from “control” by the EU so we can vote to stay in.
Smoke and mirrors. but he thinks he’s slick enough to sell it to us – with all the propaganda expertise of the BBC to back him up.
The Green Tosser might present associate membership of the EU as a looser arrangement, but in reality it will be a loser arrangement. The only way to regain national self government and control our own country and its borders is to leave the EU.
TBF, Batmandingdong also ‘beguiled’ Blair, Brown, Clegg and Botney. Camoron only followed in their footsteps and possibly didn’t want to be seen as the nasty man who removed the empresses coat of many colours, until reality could be established audit-wise…………or he’s just a spineless dick like the rest of them.
Batmanjelly looks and sounds like Claire Rayner (RIP) caught in an explosion in a curtain factory.
Al Beeb telling us yet again, that there is a housing shortage.
A reminder to us all, including Essexman, of Prime Minister ‘Maceroon’s pre-election pledge’ ……………………………………….
There is a massive housing service and let’s not forget that al-Beeb informs us that it was service industries responsible for any economic growth.
Now, I’m no rocket scientist but the last time I was served in London by someone with a UK accent was last millennium. Could it possibly be that uncontrolled European economic migration in addition to immigrant families having far more children than the norm has led to this?
I wonder if we taxed money sending bureaux if these people who have driven down wages and pushed rents up would still stay? Every other shop on my road will tell you the exchange rate for Nigeria or Poland. I propose a 100% tax. You want to send £500 to Poland then it will cost you £1000. £500 to Poland, £500 to be spent locally.
And with 11 BILLION pounds being sent abroad that should be a welcome boost to our housing crisis.
You are supposed to be nice to me, I am sure DC is doing as much as possible to keep them out.
I love the irony. We are being told that we shall have an increase in population the size of Ireland in under 20 years due to immigration and breeding by immigrants, – and in the next breath we apparently have the highest level ever of security in over 30 years. Of course I shouldn’t wish it, but it needs a catastrophic disaster in this country linked directly to Islam, and only then shall we see something happen to curb this current love-fest of Muslims.
Cameron and his other No10 traitors, are so far up the petrodollar arse their coughing diesel fumes, that dangerously inept prick would spout “nothing to do with islam” if we had another 5 Lee Rigby s.
He s already getting Islam special treatment, for “alleged” and nonsense “offence” in law …. and blabbering about Islamofauxbia
… It won t be long folks
BBC 1 News 18.40 … Dozens of towns and cities in England WILL HAVE to look just like Leicester, or Tower Hamlets in the next few years after new immigration report – WTF!
This government has been in now second term, immigration is still going up, Tories are still lying about it, Cameron
lying about the EU and it, and doing nothing about the Calais chancers, they would give our nation away, and sell YOUR granny to line their own pockets.
Just like hammering the poorest most vulnerable … it suits their needs, its ideological
We may slag off the two main parties …………….. the Tories lie about immigration, and the word isn’t even in Labour’s vocabulary, so realistically who exactly DO we vote for in the next GE ? UKIP ? there has to be some radical changes and a shift in thinking for them to be a positive force in the future. Yes, I voted for them last time to little effect. The problem is, there is no ‘headmaster’ figure above all the parties, to bring them to book, tell them to get their f……g finger out and get this migration mess sorted ! It needs someone of the calibre of the Hungarian PM to have some balls and make decisions, because at the moment this country is rudderless. The leaders in Europe are going around in circles, and soon it will be too late, as they’ll find there are more Muslims within the confines of the European borders than there are outside !!!
This evening on Radio 4 they have a tribute to Barry Cryer, that veteran of BBC radio comedy who I grew up listening to, and the BBC have assembled a gang of ‘comedians’ who claim to have been influenced by him. And who do they choose to present all this? The Hideous Jo Brand, who is as far from his humour as chalk is from cheese. They wheel out just about every far left comedian (aren’t the all far left?) they can find, to turn what should have been a pleasant half hour into a disgraceful leftie love in. I can’t imagine any of them being influenced by Cryers generations whom the appear to despise.
Barry Cryer is old school BBC comedy ie funny. As a white, heterosexual, apolitical, male he is no longer deemed appropriate. Jo Brand was chosen as the presenter because this was actually a two-fingered salute disguised as a tribute. Poor Barry, you spend a lifetime entertaining people to have that humourless witch waddle in and spoil your show.
Barry Cryer always came across as a nice man.
Whatever respect I had for Jo Brand went when she told a ‘joke’ that was set in a dream that she claimed to have had, (a likely story). There was a knock on the door and she opened it to find Virginia Bottomley standing there.
What clever word play, pun or even satire could this jewel in the BBC’s crown come up with?
“Eff off, you tory bitch!” And that was it, crude personal abuse, totally devoid of any humour.
But of course this delicate flower is the nation’s conscience, so can do no wrong:
As the wine flowed Baroness Thatcher’s daughter, who won the television reality show I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here in Australia, referred to the black tennis player Jo-Wilfried Tsonga as a golliwog.
The comedienne Jo Brand, who is not noted for her sympathies to the Conservative Party, demanded a retraction but Thatcher refused. Brand is the subject of a separate complaint to police from the British National Party after she joked on another BBC programme about sending excrement to people on a leaked list of members of the far-right group. [Daily Telegraph]
“..and the BBC have assembled a gang of ‘comedians’ who claim to have been influenced by him. And who do they choose to present all this? The Hideous Jo Brand..”
The BBC didn’t “assemble” anyone. All they did was record it and present the highlights. The event took place at The Palace Theatre a few weeks ago and was organised by his son, who presumably knows his father a little better than you do.
At the Radio Times Festival in September, Mr Cryer made a plea for the preservation of the BBC:
I think he might be reasonably well at home with Ms Brand, et al.
I felt ashamed for Barry Cryer whose warm, genuinely funny humour has given many of us great pleasure over the decades. Jo Brand can be amusing but she died a death, along with many of the other performers.
An interesting take from Brand during the program (words to the affect) Cryer even came across to welcome the new left wing comedians such as her. Were they all left wing Jo? Why was that?
Cryer is a true comedian, he will find humour where humour lies, not coming from any political direction.
It was a shameful tribute that had me cringing for 15 minutes before I turned it off.
Channel 5 Tonight 9pm Chris Tarrant exploring the Japanese railway system
Its been a good series, far better than a patronising BBC effort. Having been to Japan and taken the Bullet Train I’m looking forward to it.
The response to Mark Wallace’s article “Cameron’s revenge on purdah rebels” on ConservativeHome is quite revealing. Most are railing against Cameron for his stupidity in sacking prominent MPs who rebelled against restricting the purdah period in the EU referendum. ConservativeHome has spent the past few years relentlessly trying to ban all those who do not fit in with their blinkered pro-Cameron stance, so as to transform the blog from one where a healthy exchange of views took place to one where there is no dissent. But with so many now voicing their criticism, what is ConservativeHome to do now? Further purges, probably. It’s quite amusing really.
You have got to remember that Cameron is like a lame duck President. Everyone knows he will not be PM after 2020, so his power is slipping away day by day. Even his sycophants know their is no point dying in a ditch for a man who simply won’t be there in a few years’ time.
Good God ! Channel 5 is certainly finding some right idiots !
Mohammed Salim does not believe in contraception, and says he is following God’s first command to ‘go forth and multiply’
A father of eleven who claims up to £27,000 a year in benefits says he does not believe in contraception – and admits the government pay for the upkeep of his children.
Mohammed Salim and his wife Noreen claim up to £27,000 per year in handouts. He has not worked for 10 years.
“Having 11 children I don’t think is irresponsible, we don’t believe in contraception, we are following God’s first command, he said ‘go forth and multiply’,” he told Channel 5’s On Benefits: 26 Kids And Claiming, a documentary about large families on benefits.
Mohammed said it isn’t his fault that he has spent 10 years on the dole and the system is failing him, adding: “I have got qualifications and real work experience. I’ve been forced on to the dole because I’m unemployed.”
There’s plenty more of the thoroughly depressing stuff, but I suggest you take a tranquiliser before reading it
” Mohammed Salim is standing as the Islam Zinda Baad Platform candidate for the Rochdale constituency…
…’I will be standing in the forthcoming general election on the Islam Zinda Baad Platform to serve Rochdale and its people as their next MP.'”
He is not looking for work. Like so many, he is trying to launch a political career, and advance Islam in the UK.
This is the thing! Every Muslim is political. The ones sat at home on the dole with 10 kids. The ones running the local shop. The ones hanging round the mosques all day. The students. They all want to be politicans and leaders. It is demanded by Islam. This is why the UK will end up Islamic. The political left and the illiberals are giving Islam complete support to this end, without really understanding what they are supporting.
Somebody posted a comment on here they found in the MEN a while ago, written by Dr Mohammed Salim (this guy). Salim said he had returned from a trip to Europe and stated there was no hoards of immigrants at Calais and didn’t know what the fuss was about. He is a wannabee Islamic political leader, like them all. W*nkers!
Mohammed Salim is not the idiot.
I am of the opinion that if we don’t vote to leave the EU in the upcoming (?) referendum: then our nation is finished, as the one we were born and grew up in.
To stay within the Euro-cage, will be the doom of the U.K. within the next 30 – 40 years. I can see no other outcome if we remain within it – the nation state of Great Britain and its indigenous English, Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish folk, will cease to exist as anything more than a husk of what it and we were.
If our ancestors could see what has happened to their homeland, they must surely be crying with impotent rage and disbelief.
The vote will be rigged,
If not rigged – which is my prediction too – it will be retaken is the vote is for exit
I rarely ever meet anyone who is pro EU and voting to stay in. The polls apparently say that the result will be close.- Strange (unless the poll in Islington)
Do I trust Cameron?-NO.
Do I trust the big corporates not to make unfounded threats to stay in? -NO
Do I trust USA not to get involved in some surruptitious way? -NO
Do I trust the EU not to make make veiled threats to us via future trading arrangements? -NO
The common or garden British person should vote to come out of the EU, there is no real compelling argument to stay in.
I agree there will be skullduggery taking place from liberal,cowardly,Flashman Dave and his woolly anti British mates.
Cameron will get his way, ( I’d like to know his real reason for staing in, it will be personal financial gain, probably from some corporate upon departure from PM role)
Should we be forced to stay in the failing EU club.The losers will undoubtedly be us, the British people.
Stalin ” Its not who votes but who counts the votes that’s matters.”
That’s providing that the votes don’t go missing en route to the Town Hall and the 120% postal turn out in ‘certain’ areas!
Can you imagine if Essexman was involved in counting the votes ?
Maybe we are being prepared for a stay in victory at the polls. The opinion polls seem remarkably in favour of staying, but it is hard to find many people who will agree that we should stay in. I know this is anecdotal, but it feels very strange.
Oi , Mr Brims , I would count them fairly , I am a democrat , & English , no cheating, & I would probably vote to leave anyhow .
You should have votes UKIP last time.
If we do not leave the EU by referendum, the EU will still implode as the failed political project that it is. Our nation probably won’t be finished – we will simply be forced to make our own way in the world, whether we like it or not. The choice is between getting off the Titanic right now, in good order while it is still afloat (just), or leaping from it as it actually goes down, fighting for lifeboats, listening to the oompah band, and contemplating sharing the cold, dark waters with all the others fleeing the disaster.
I do believe the end is nearer than everyone imagines – ‘it’s later than we think’. I am uncertain whether the migrant crisis is important in itself. What is important is that there are more and more ‘Europeans’ who are longing to have their proper nationalities returned to them, and the central cheerleaders of the EU are almost entirely isolated from even the younger populations of their constituent estates. The best indicator of this is the frantic attempts to cover it up, by any means, and at all times. It is very similar to the crisis in the international Warmist agenda, where desparate measures are being contemplated to preserve a bankrupt and ineffectual message.
Euro down to 72p, as I write.. currency pricing, ‘the Euro in your pocket will still be worth the same’ and all that.
Not seen on the voice of truth only fears of the muslim boating club (med branch) for the winter Sweden struggles against fiery attacks on migrant camps
(10-28 18:07)
Sweden’s immigration agency says it will no longer publicize the location of facilities intended to house refugees after more than 20 fires, many considered arsons, have either destroyed or made the buildings temporarily unusable.
Migrationsverket spokeswoman Johanna Uhr says future sites “will somehow be kept concealed.”
Uhr says it hasn’t yet decided how to do that.
In recent weeks, there has been a spate of arson attacks on asylum centers or buildings to be used as such as an influx of refugees has surged. Immigration officials estimate some 190,000 asylum-seekers will arrive this year, putting Sweden second only to Germany among EU members.
Last week, Migrationsverket called an idea by a Swedish municipality to keep a facility secret unrealistic. The agency’s new position came after two more blazes early today.
Do you get the distinct feeling when reading this BBC report that they are supporting Camila Batmanghelidjh of ‘Kids Company’?
Oh the irony! Biased Reporting Claimed! Here’s a quote from the BBC feature:
“”She said former staff and mentors at Kids Company were now “too scared” to defend it because of a “media frenzy and biased reporting””.
Or maybe too scared to defend it because of no defence available??
Tonight’s bBBC ‘News’ at Ten starts with a long item on the Chinese relaxing their ‘one child’ policy, with weepy interviews with women who wanted more children (but nothing about the benefits of managing the country’s population). Then another weepy item on the Aberdeen schoolchild murdered by a classmate; another weepy interview with a mother of a serviceman killed in Iraq, upset at Chilcot’s delay in publishing the Iraq report; then the waste of our money on Kids Company, etc.
Then eventually, after 20 minutes, a brief two-sentence report that millions more immigrants are going to invade, pushing the UK’s population to unsustainable levels in the next decade. But no analysis, no vox pop interviews, no comment from the bBBC’s ‘editors’. Nothing about the impact on our country. Move along now, nothing to see here, …
Much like climate change there is no requirement for debate in BBC land as the case is proven, climate change is man made and migrants are good for Britain, now, stop asking questions.
Yes Sir Arthur, and if I remember correctly, that item about the 10 million UK population growth was immediately followed with great juxtaposition by one about the rate of new house-building.
Strangely the bBBC news ‘reporters’ failed to notice any possible link between the stories.
The BBC transgender theme continues into Question Time, was that a plant? Dimbleby was very precise in addressing him as a woman.
The tranny Spitfire pilot was on Channel 4 last week.
Back to normal on question time then. Cant even stand to look at bragg-off switch,night night!
Why pay for another level of politician wages/pensions and the corresponding increase in civil service support wages/pensions. Why not just use the MPs of English constituencies to represent their voters?
Is the refugee ‘penny finally beginning to drop’ with our totally out of touch and incompetent Government ?
Main news earlier on Radio 4 ; China is to relax its one child per couple policy
Analysis by the Beeb is that it was wrong and China now has an ageing population– a problem the BBC thinks .
Experts brought in to say an expanding population and a young one is just what the doctor ordered for any country to be healthy wealthy and wise .
As though if you take measures to control your population you have a permanently aged population forever . Surely even the BBC knows that old people die . And do they think that young people stay young , Peter Pan like for ever ?
Yes there will be problems for the NHS , but that’s because it was designed in the forties, when people retired at 65 and died at seventy , and it wasn’t a freebie for the whole world . If people live longer it’s because they’re healthier and can work longer ; no need to pension them off at 65 then bring in migrants.
But my suspicions of the BBC is their Gramscian mindset which is trying to tell us ” hey look at China with demographic problem ~~ it proves we need immigration from around the world ” .
Interesting front pages side by side on two papers today:
“God told us to go forth and multiply”
“Uk population set to rocket”
There may be a cause and effect hint there.
Sadly two of the more representative ABC high scorers unlikely to be delivered to the doors of MPs or BBC staff.
“Wayne Allison: New FA BAME boss wants black coaches boost.”
“The former striker, 47, will lead a £1.4m plan which aims to unite clubs and authorities to combat the problem. ”
What problem Wayne? Your problem by any chance?
It’s another statistical problem and with these sort of problems you have to consider all possiblities which you clearly have not.
Maybe it’s an issue of ‘ability’
Maybe it’s an issue of ‘desire’
This is a carbon copy of the police issue over black and ethnics. Has anyone actually stopped for a minute and considered the possibility that they aren’t good enough for the job or don’t actually want the job.
It’s just another box-ticking excercise with no discussion of alternative, albeit unpalatable, causes of the ‘problem’ other than the obvious discrimination that is implicit in this story.
And women bosses.
Tokenism doesn’t work, positive discrimination in action.
Like a lot of professions and trades , the police force was staffed by many people whose families had been part of the police force , sons following in where their fathers and grandfathers had been in . Give it time and this will happen with black and other ethnic groups . That’s the point , give it time , not tokenism now .
I see BBC Breakfast have found an angle with which to maintain interest in the all-Antipodean Rugby World Cup – the referee is, apparently, “openly gay”
And, I guess, in the perverse value system of the BBC that is ten times better than being privately gay.
Not sure how this will translate into the calibre of referreeing, but doubtless it will be simply fabulous.
Nigel Owens is a good referee.
Nigel Owens is gay.
The two are not connected. To all normal people it’s a non-story. But it is a story in the cosy little biased BBC biosphere.
If he were a rampant hetrosexual fathering 20 kids from 5 different women and a diffferent woman every night, would that be newsworthy to our sofa sitters?
Never mind being gay. Nigel is white! Surely a worse ‘sin’ than being gay. I’m just amazed the bBBC are not interviewing some BAME spokesperson and giving air time to complaints that members of their ‘communities’ are ‘under-represented’ among the RWC final officials.
The Daily Telegraph had an article praising the appointment of a gay referee for the final, as if that was the most important reason he was chosen.
He is a superb referee – that was why he was chosen.
After 35 years of reading The Daily Telegraph my subscription is ending……I struggle to find words to describe just how awful it now is.
Well I’ll be buggered. I never knew Nigel Owens was gay.
It’s irrelevant to me whether he is or not.
One of the reasons that Nigel Owens is a good referee is that he manages to establish a good rapport with the players. Apparently in one of the early games in this tournament a line-out throw was blatantly crooked so he penalised the thrower with the comment “I’m straighter than that was!”.
Thank fuck the RWC is exclusive to ITV, I had no idea the ref was gay either . ITV would not have mentioned it,but now the BBC think he should be outed.Except when Mandleson was outed on Newsnight, they grovelled an apology from Paxo.
Nice bias straight off the top this morning.
The NHS is moving certain people with severe learning difficulties from hospital settings to a more community setting, in response to the Winterbourne abuse of a few years ago, which the bBBC revealed, it likes to remind us. OK, good work. This was discussed fairly even-handedly on the Toady programme this morning. The basic idea seems to be broadly welcomed.
So naturally on the bBBC website, the headline is “Learning disability care beds cut”
How I wish for the headline “BBC news room labour-luvvies cut”
One for the bBC on balanced debate
<—– gettin decrepit
Sry abt double post 😀
Important breaking news announced breathlessly on this morning’s Today programme: Shaker Aamer, the last British person there, has been released from Guantanamo Bay. (British my arse.) This was evidently of huge importance to the BBC, and there was no doubt from the tone of the report whose side the BBC are on and how a saint had been treated abominably. My intense dislike of the BBC just ratcheted up another notch.
I’m betting most of the listeners didn’t give a stuff about him.
Yep, it is the main BBC news item. Champagne celebrations in the BBC.
What a day. The missing boy was found by the BBC. Something tells me that the BBC are such liars, that he is probably in Salford, a child of one of the local BBC ‘activists’ who broadcast from within bombed hospitals in Gaza, Syria, Iraq, or whatever.
Yup – straight in at No 1 on the following “news” charts at 8:30. As you write, nobody in the real world gives a stuff. BTW when the “news” broke at about 8:20 on Today there was (and is?) no certainty that the imprisoned Saudi citizen and charity worker in Afghanistan (oh yes!!) was on the “private” jet speeding to the UK. This “news” was so important it even – for a brief moment – pushed aside the latest info concerning the impoverishment of the West to be proposed in Paris in the noble cause of warmism.
Nicky Campbell returned to the Five Live Breakfast show this morning, and it didn’t take long for normal service to be resumed.
The news of the release of the terrorist from Gitmo was the topic of Your Call, replacing the previously advertised feminist identity politics nonsense, and Campbell’s true opinions shone through. A caller circa 9.20 used the word “indigenous” to describe white Britons and was cut off with the accusation that such a word was “pejorative.”
Princess Nikki was on fine form this morning. When one caller doubted whether this Saudi chancer really was doing “charity work” in Afghanistan when he was captured, Nikki archly pointed out that the murdered Briton Alan Henning was doing charity work in Syria. To compare the two men in any way shows the depths of leftist cynicism to which this simpering little bitch Campbell is prepared to go to demean British people and defend her new best friends in the muslim world. Here’s a tip to Nikki though: they will still cut your head off if they get the chance, you stupid little girl.
BBC leads the “who gives a sh-t!” news this morning
all over ……. Shakar Aamer.
After their BBC specials and consistent publicity for the “offence industry” chancer family
from Rotherham, 3 different reports, radio airtime, and TV appearance s …
Nobody cares about these attempts to manoeuvre victimhood around to Islam
… we ALL care about the children
… The MSM is at an all time low
The BBC and the MSM is desperate for a diversion from the rapidly deteriorating situation in Eastern Europe, Syria, Iraq and Israel.
They cannot even begin to grasp what is going on and will happen so they clutch at these non stories.
All those resources and so little wisdom and real knowledge. Even Al Jazeera and RT are better at news.
Sometimes I wonder if the media in the late 30s was as blinkered and stupid. Yes it was and we are rerunning the past yet again. Different actors but the same stupidity.
Islam? Isn’t that the religion based on a god no one has ever laid eyes on, no one can prove exists, promises paradise when you die with a few virgins thrown in for good measure?
Absolutely no evidence to confirm the existence of allah whatsoever. Carbon dating of the Birmingham Koran recently suggested a major flaw in Mohammed’s timeline, even went as far as to say
“This gives more ground to what have been peripheral views of the Koran’s genesis, like that Muhammad and his early followers used a text that was already in existence and shaped it to fit their own political and theological agenda, rather than Muhammad receiving a revelation from heaven”
(Shaping things to fit their own political aganda? Sound remarkably like the BBC !)
A psychiatrist would diagnose a muslim as delusional, psychotic. Our flagship public broadcaster actively promotes and champions them even though they but they are prepared to murder, behead, bomb and torture for the sake of this bloke no one has ever seen.
Madness !
When the BBC can shut up about Shaker Aamer, it turns to a report from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (who are no doubt high up the speed dial list) that “Prospects for young people in the UK have worsened over the past five years”.
Many commenters there have pointed out that there may just be a correlation with immigration, something the BBC continues to avoid.
Because I care very little for Shakar Aaamer (thought he was a cousin of Chuka Umana !) I took no notice of him or his story. HOWEVER, I heard a brief report of his situation. He actually took his family from Britain to go and live in Afghanistan because he preferred to live under the Taliban and its law. And not long after he was arrested etc etc. He is a citizen of Saudi, but because he holds a British passport he is being returned here ! Jesus you couldn’t make it up. What with that and the promise of immigration creating a population explosion to unprecedented levels in the next 25 years, this Country is finished.
The US allege that he was leading a Taliban fighting unit – and that he had met Osama bin Laden.
That is why they kept him at Gitmo for so long.
He claims to have been tortured abroad – and to have had years of bad treatment at Gitmo.
Just look at the man. Does he look as though he has endured many years of ill-treatment – or does he look well-fed ? Or does he look like a jihadist following the war-book of lying through his teeth ?
Who do you believe? – the BBC and creeps like Moazzim Begg, or your own “lying eyes”.
It disgusts me that the BBC always takes the pro-jihadist side.
If the US get around to electing a President who is not soft on Islam and their terrorists, you might find many more ‘British’ ‘Charity Workers’ (snigger) in American prisons.
I note the BBC describes this creep as a charity worker. But then Al Bin Bowen has consistently described the Muslim Brotherhood as a ‘benign charity’
Yet another good article from Conservative Woman – attacking the BBC for its ridiculous over-promotion of wimmins’ sport :
Fine website that Conservative Woman isn`t it?
If I tell you that I also use Breibart, Gates of Vienna, Political Islam, the Commentator, Salisbury Review,David Wood/Answering Muslims/Acts 17….Spiked and Standpoint-that`ll give you all much about the wells that I myself draw from.
Let me know yours too-for each and every day now we see the BBC pissing in ever decreasing circles into its own vortex of hell…a downward spiral that “peaked” if that`s the word with Brand and Ross in 2008-and reached its pits with Jimmy Savile RIP on October 29th 2011.
Happy Savile Day…Week, Month and Year everybody-four years ago to the day yesterday when Sir James of Wood Lane/Roundhay popped his cup, his sweating trainers into a string vest and left it all suppurating under the BBC for the rest of us to note the ponk…hence all those Bake Offs and cookery shows ever since to cover the stenches.
But it doesn`t-Happy Savile day Guys n Galz…let not the f***in BBC deny your festival for the fucked over Family that the BBC represents.
Transgay footie on mixed pitches with matching boots and bags is coming-all we need are a few gay players-and their agents are working on THAT, I can assure you,
Let`s enjoy the calamities and hypocrisies to come-Lewis Hamilton and Mo Farah bring out ALL the “because you`re wurfit” slaverings in the case of Rob Bonnet and Gazza Ricardo-Richardson-but no read across to tax dodging exiles that DON`T like Quorn, CAN string a sentence together and DON`T ride disability scooters at speed on carbon-guzzling mopeds round Bahrain and Shanghai.
And DON`T reside in Monaco/Monte Carlo either. Blody bankers and tax dodgers at Starbucks-but bless Shakur and Lewis, MO and Muhammads eh Allybaby?
These Benneton tanned fakes are our media and sporting future…what`s halfway between a dick and a vagina?…for THEY`LL becoming the hermaphrodite brides of Mohammad before too long afterwards.
Thanks for your list – mine includes bBBC, Breitbart, WUWT, Spiked, John Moloney, Anna Raccoon, Anonymous Conservative (not sure about that one..), Climate Resistance, Numberwatch (newly re-visible!), Bishop Hill, John Redwood, Louise Mensch, Robin Eubanks, Wm Briggs, Chaos Manor, the SWP site, &c, &c.
International Rescue, make of that lot what you will! (I also regularly visit the Sainsbury’s website, despite Q’atar’s malign influence, ..).
Oh, and a quick plug for not my outfit, but a wonderful language.
Chilcot Iraq report: Families ‘anxious’ for publication.
What about Dame Janet Smith’s report about Jimmy Saville and Stewart Hall abuse while at the BBC ??? haven’t heard much about that one lately. They have probably found so many new skeletons in the closet they have had to call in a bone specialist.
I can’t wait to see the holier than though BBC squirm.
Meanwhile Al Beeb is ecstatic about one of their own coming “home”.
The final dregs of the Islamic terrorist scum correctly detained in Cuba, has been released.
Is there a correlation between individual ugliness and propensity for murderous acts?
I ask because all the inhabitants of this US penal colony seem to have been blessed with the attractiveness of a very ugly, used, potato sack filled with the contents of your local sewerage works.
The BBC are treating this like a State visit!
About the only bloke who won`t be trashed for daring to leave Cuban soil without a hymn of praise to the Castrol boys.
Isn`t he a Saudi national-would n`t any true Muslim have gone to Mecca to ensure that those cranes are back up and those entrances to Satans sugarcube are correctly signposted to prevent next years inevitable carnage?
Some Muslim eh?…it`s Friday-should have stayed in Gitmo to pray…in the direction of Mecca, not f***in Heathrow?
Shami, Jizzboy, Gareth, Michael, Clive and Bowens Boys should all be forming their guard of honour-last thing we need is a hi-viz fake charity worker after the toppling of Camilla..but there you go.
Send him and his family back to Saudi for debriefing-only Snow and Wark give a stuff about his story-don`t we all know it, and can we not all write it in advance?
Looks funnier that Omid Djalili though!
I wonder if Yasmin Alibaba Brown, Shami Chakrabati and the rest of the boys in the band of Yuman Rights will be on the tarmac to greet him ! I wouldn’t mind betting they’ve been booked to appear on Sunday Morning Live and every other debating prog this coming week to give their “unbiased” (?) views on what a terrible country we are. Yep we are so awful that you continue to stay here, and funny how no bugger of colour ever leaves eh ?
I have heard no mention by the BBC that he was in Afghanistan on a forged Belgian passport, and nthat he could have left Gitmo years ago if he was willing to go to his home country of Saudi Arabia.
But of course these facts are hardly relevant, are they !
Rest assured that the usual bucket brigade of lefty right-on opinion are being scheduled for a weekend of virtue-signalling, posture springing and cliched claptrap.
Clearly compo will be due-and, of course, the UK will stump up-for reasons we won`t need to go into at the moment.
The order of the outriders for the apocalypse?…should take bets, but Begg seemed first out of the traps, closely followed by Clive and Shami.
If we don`t see Polly, McDonnell, Corbyn, Yasmin, Medhi…i`ll be surprised.
AND-if there`s not a Guardian contract on Chuckeys prayer mat of magic carpet stylee come Monday morning; I`ll be even more so.
Snowden, Manning, Huhne, Pryce, Proudfoot?…who says crime and lawfare don`t pay at the Guardian these days.
But no place for e Blackwood or a Rigby eh?…never is.
Police seized the laptop of a BBC journalist using powers under the Terrorism Act, it emerged last night.
Officers obtained an order from a judge that was served on the corporation and Secunder Kermani, a Newsnight journalist who has produced several reports on western-born fighters who have joined Islamic State.
The order was sought to obtain communications between the journalist and a man in Syria who had publicly identified himself as a member of Islamic State and who had featured in reports.
I haven’t heard about this on the bBBC. (£)
I do enjoy these BBC “Packets of Three” that they give us on their news huddlines at 8 am every morning on Today.
You need not listen to the rest-the three (even four) blocs of caring concerns that we need to take around the office for the rest of the day are ALWAYS good for a laugh.
Yesterdays?…for in the daily churn of crap from the BBC, they`d rather you NOT go back and check what they`re up to
1. KIdsCo-like Iraq-we used to support it all, but now its the Tories fault…time now for Coldplay to leave the building and shout “Not In MY Name” once again.
Camilla not to blame-blame Cameron for wasting tax money on the woman that the BBC had long thought eggy…oh, hell…Yentobs yet to go…err, fuppin Letwin eh?
2. Iceland and Estonia seem confused by Camerons message on the EU Referendum and negotiating stances-Laura Kuennsberg gets a tax funded jolly to “accompany” the PM-and talk to fellow Common Purpose types wherever she ends up.
The BBC set these agendas you see-Eurovision is more than just for Wogan and Norton you know.
3. Prisoners committing suicide-no mention of which ones are doing it?…TV License refuseniks?..David Copeland? Peter Sutcliffe?…but no, they just do-and only the BBC and Frances Crook give a damn-you heartless unthinking taxpaying Tories you!
But wait-the BBCs profile, awards and digital presence is greater than ever before-and here are the awards and stiff`kits to prove How Great They Art.
Oh, if only the good news of the BBC could be matched by the crap Tories-who build no houses, put in no HS2, hound doctors and can`t even get tax credits through…the BBC seem however to be Really Saying Something.
But we`re not listening still…
And today?
We`re crap on climate change targets and the UN are all sad about us.
Bedblocking`s a problem-but when the Tories try to stick the old into care homes, that`s a dereliction of the NHS who do all this so well.
Oh if only we had more Shipmans, more Saviles-more euthanasias and assisting dyings.
But cheer up People!
Adeles new single might be straight in at No 1, we ask Keith Richards about rock and roll rebellions-and Shakurs coming home…
The BBC really is a deadzone…vampire leechings off the good, the young and the moral…they have simply GOT to go.
They are 50% Marxist and 50% Islam…and they reckon THAT is balanced!
Today the BBC is suggesting that everything looks set for a ‘good result’ at the upcoming Paris Climate Jamboree. Of course, by ‘good result’ the BBC actually means that millions of ordinary taxpayers around the world will almost certainly be forced – yes actually forced – by unelected climate zealots and self-interested NGOs to hand over ever-greater sums of money to the UN/EU in their ongoing search for fairies and unicorns.
I’m glad someone still believes so completely in fairytales. I just wish I wasn’t forced to pay for it.
Considering that the whole fairytale has been invented by green zealots, and unquestionably supported by governments and “scientists” alike, when it’s pretty clear to all and sundry that they’ve all lied their arses off, and left a trail, which even at this late stage, is being questioned in the States.
I bet Obama is shitting himself, and hoping desperately that nothing serious breaks between now and the Paris beanfeast to derail it.
Why are we so gullible? How stupid are we to have been led up the garden path to such a degree, at our own expense?
The warmists must be laughing themselves silly. I could do violence, I really could. What galls me even more is a). the pope involving himself, and b). the future King actually taking part in this nonsense.
Oi! I am a warmist – that is a true warmist, one who looks at the thermometer and compares readings, etc., and also a coolist, Old Goat. Warmism & coolism is scientific. Making tests, noting the readings, observing the results and making comparisons, pursuing theories, drawing & testing conclusions.
I would suggest the people you are complaining about are enviro-mentalists [stress on the ‘mentalists’ syllables, please], the ones, like Blair & Prescott & Meacher who introduced ‘Climate Change’ to us all (a sloppy label, again, that no true scientist could go along with) and have gone mental over ‘something’ they claim to have found and have persuaded Governments to tax drivers & fliers while completely overlooking various other increasers of carbon emissions that they seem strangely unconcerned about.
I am not surprised that Popes & Archbishops go along with it all as it has been turned into a new religion of its own. Cathedrals of wind turbines are erected, with precious land & seascapes being the new sacrifices to the god of this religion. HRH is to be, I gather, when King “a defender of faith” (rather than Defender of The Faith) so perhaps his involvement is not so surprising after all.
BBC bleating on about British bloke released from Guantanemo ….Yeah as British as Turkmenistan !
Yes, top story on Radio 2 3pm news, it was told as if England had just won the World Cup, not hear since that ‘British’ long distance runner won gold in 2012….
More & more about Saudi terrorist Shaker Ahmed, and although the BBC did broadcast a small piece from an anti terrorism expert who confirmed he genuinely was a terrorist it accounted for only about 10% of that piece and I haven’t heard from him since.
If Britain has tortured someone then it is a disgrace. We gave up torture in the time of Elizabeth I for various reasons, including the fact it doesn’t work, but why is it that the BBC has failed to name the people in Britain responsible, and a call to have them arrested? Of course the people responsible are Tony BLiar and those Labour party members who knew and supported the policy known as ‘extraordinary rendition’.
They have given lots of airtime to people stating that he HAS been tortured and no airtime at all to those responsible to answer those claims. No doubt the establishment will close ranks again and protect Camerons favourite predecessor, after all he wouldn’t want to spoil any chance of getting his hands on all that lovely oil money when he leaves office would he now?