When the Americans kill “innocent civilians” in Syria and other places, there is outrage on the BBC. There are reports that the Russians have killed over 600 innocent civilians in Syria. Not a word from the BBC. I wonder why. I have also seen reports on non UK news channels that a hospital in Syria has been hit. It was not hit by the Americans, so it does not matter to the BBC.
Don’t forget the funerals – “innocent civilians” that don’t get killed at weddings usually get killed at funerals. I understand the Americans and Israelis aim for a ratio of 4:1, hence the phrase “Four weddings and a funeral”.
Given the latest news, what Russians get up to with anyone in the Middle East if it was anything bar an accident may well force the BBC to confront a fair few things all at once.
Jo Coburn in the Daily Politics today was on the front line in Europe, observing the migrant situation for herself and commenting on it.
She described Merkel’s announcement to accept 800k migrants into Europe as “bold”. It was a “bold” decision, she said.
Well, that’s different. I would have described it at the very minimum as “controversial”, but no, in these pro-EU pre-referendum days Merkel is “bold”.
Reminds me of those scenes in ‘Yes [Prime] Minister’ when Jim makes a decision to do something and Sir Humphrey says, ‘How very brave of you, Minister’ and Jim loses confidence and stutters, ‘Wh – why brave?’
I agree with the Yes Minister quotes re Merkel , for bold read idiotic and reckless. I assume she made the decision with no consultation with her European partners but she now wants them to share the consequences of her stupidity. Well I’m afraid that the Germans will have to live with her decision and I hope that no other country helps them out. As the awful consequences of Merkel’s decision become ever more apparent to the German people they will get rid of her and that will be a stark warning to all the other daft politicians who want to open their borders to all and sundry and, if we are lucky, it may prove the final nail in the coffin of a super EU state.
What I did notice was that Ms Coburn was filmed in front of lots of women and children when we know that there are proportionately few women and children compared with the number of young men. As has been pointed out many times on this site this is the standard BBC approach to trying to persuade Brits to let more immigrants in, and of course Ms Coburn has been pressing hard on her BBC platform for the UK to take many more in.
I also noticed that Mr Nuttal from UKIP was continually cut off by Andrew Neil whenever he brought up inconvenient facts about the immigrant crisis , such as the number of young men cf women and children, the number who don’t come from Syria , the number of forged passports , the complete lack of skills of these people, the threat of ISIS terrorists amongst them.If he had been allowed to complete his answers he may also of mentioned the amount of disease that they bring with them them, the threat posed to European culture and identity , the threats that they are already making to those who try to help them , the inability of Islam to integrate and accept western values , the list is endless.
I have always thought that Andrew Neil allowed a very un-BBC balance on his programmes, but on this issue he seems to follow the corporate line, and was anxious to stop Nuttal saying the truth. Mr Neil has let me and millions of other Brits down but I suppose he has to show some sort of liberal credentials eg support for mass immigration and dislike of UKIP, in order to keep his well paid job at the BBC.
Five Live’s George Riley this morning (from 01:29);
“If you’re just gonna read one story, just one piece on the Sam Burgess situation today, I would direct you towards…………(wait for it, wait for it)………..The Guardian” – “a nice balanced piece” – would never have guessed George….or Georgie as Panto Campbell affectionately calls him.
The sports bulletin that followed is surely evidence, if any were needed, of the BBC’s excruciating desire to report anything (regardless of how irrelevant) that might be deemed diverse and/or inclusive;
* New Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic boss at the FA decrying the amount of black coaches (how long has that record been playing for now?)
* Man City and Scotland defender Jennifer Beattie on the move (……erm……who Georgie?)
* Former Chelsea doctor Eva Caniero suing Chelsea (ah yes, female doctor, I geddit)
* Maria Lyle’s silver medal in the T35 100m under threat from Italian complaint (…..eh…..what?…..where?…..who….?)
* And finally and by all means least – Ruby Howells and Amy Tinkler finish 22nd and 23rd in the Women’s all round gymnastics – well get the fuckin flags out.
New Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic boss at the FA decrying the amount of black coaches…
Strange, there’s an Asian story that’s actually newsworthy but I can’t find it on the BBC:
The Asian Shooting Championship lost its Olympics qualifying status on Thursday after tournament hosts Kuwait banned an Israeli official from taking part.
Kuwait had denied a visa to Israeli Yair Davidovich who was due to supervise the event.
“Upon request of the International Sports Shooting Federation (ISSF), the IOC Executive Board today revoked the Olympic qualification status of the Asian Shooting Championship taking place in Kuwait City between 1 and 12 November,” it said in a statement.
“The decision comes after the designated technical delegate from the ISSF, Yair Davidovich (Israel), who was due to supervise the event on behalf of the ISSF, was denied a visa by the Kuwaiti Immigration Department,” the statement continued.
“The denial of a visa is against the non-discrimination principle of the Olympic Charter,” said the IOC.
One would have thought the BBC would be all over this story of gross discrimination against a person on the basis of race and/or religion and/or nationality.
Apparently not. As far as the BBC is concerned, the Arabs can treat the Jews like the KKK treated black Americans in the fifties, and that’s just fine.
My team, (Manchester United) abolished it’s “wimmins” team years ago (some might say they abolished the men’s team too, but that’s another story)…but United doing that says all i need to know about the women’s game.
More & more about Saudi terrorist Shaker Ahmed, and although the BBC did broadcast a small piece from an anti terrorism expert who confirmed he genuinely was a terrorist it accounted for only about 10% of that piece and I haven’t heard from him since.
If Britain has tortured someone then it is a disgrace. We gave up torture in the time of Elizabeth I for various reasons, including the fact it doesn’t work, but why is it that the BBC has failed to name the people in Britain responsible, and a call to have them arrested? Of course the people responsible are Tony BLiar and those Labour party members who knew and supported the policy known as ‘extraordinary rendition’.
They have given lots of airtime to people stating that he HAS been tortured and no airtime at all to those responsible to answer those claims. No doubt the establishment will close ranks again and protect Camerons favourite predecessor, after all he wouldn’t want to spoil any chance of getting his hands on all that lovely oil money when he leaves office would he now?
Indeed just thinking I might go and get myself a fake Belgian Passport as I feel the need to so some ‘charity work’ in Syria. Apparently it the done thing to use a fake passport just like our non-British charity worker Shaker did.
Odd really I would have thought a Saudi Passport would have got him further in Afghanistan. Maybe he was trying to hide something? No silly me of course he wasn’t a host of left-winger nutters have said as much
When we went to war with Afghanistan he went there claiming it was for ‘humanitarian reasons’ and then tried to move on to Pakistan for no apparent reason. If someone had gone to Germany for ‘humanitarian reasons’ in 1914 or 1939 would they have returned years later after rightfully being detained as a suspected traitor, to huge plaudits and fawning from the left wing media and the prospect of a multi million pound payout from the pockets of the British tax payer ?
The BBC are going to be all over him for the foreseeable future. I am afraid Steven Lawrence will have to take a back seat for a little while.
Of course, we only have Shaker’s word for it that he was tortured. But I guess he’d have no reason to lie. His compensation claim might be substantially smaller though.
The BBC will be more and more sidelined as other broadcasters outbid them to gain rights to sport coverage. The only sport left on the BBC will be the stuff no one else wants to pay for. So the BBC can bang its big PC drum and promote womens’ football and it costs them very little.
There is an argument that public broadcasters should confine themselves to minority sports. There are many legitimate sports that receive little or no coverage by commercial TV and radio, not only just those played by women. Mostly the BBC seems to feel that once every four years is enough.
Would that mean a commercial loss to the BBC? Given that the BBC doesn’t accept revenue generating advertising, how so?
Our local news spent several minutes the other night (and several minutes of my life wasted) reporting on a new rugby league team in the area….’the first women’s team’. Now I consider that patronising because had it been a men’s team it would not have been reported. Equality on the BBC? Only if the participants are black, female, muslim etc etc when positive discrimination is permitted.
I also seem to recall him declining the offer of a match against Navratilova because, as he stated quite correctly, he would have embarrassed her. During a debate about why the purse for men’s competitions was so much higher than those for women he described women’s tennis as, “…an hour of pat-a-cake…”.
Harsh but fair.
I see from the BBC how selfless, charity worker Shaker Aamer is returning to our country and they are demanding that we get out the bunting and fireworks to celebrate. Probably the greatest day for this country since we entered the EU.
Odd isn’t it how many Islamists went to live in Taliban controlled Afghanistan to build schools, dig wells and save little children. Makes me wonder who was actually fighting the war and repressing the peoples of Afghanistan.
I see a lot of charity workers still make their way over from Pakistan to build more hospitals in the Helmund Province. What selfless people.
The real people who built hospitals, schools and protected the peoples of Afghanistan are of course the UK and US soldiers, along with the brave volunteers from the Afghan people. Mysteriously that doesn’t get a mention by the BBC.
Let us hope that after a sufficient period of recuperation at the tax payers expense, plus a healthy bag of compensation he pushes off to Syria for further altruistic humanitarian work like many others from Guantanamo Bay. (Mozaam Begg, Jamal al-Harith, et al. along with 116 ex Guantanamo Bay suspects who have reengaged with Islamist war fare)
Not in the wrong place when your hope is for immense compensation for all the “torture” at the hands of the British security services. Apparently, Mitchell and Davies have actually been supporting the tiresome “Free Skaker” campaign. Why Tories vote for tossers like these is beyond me. As might be expected, Shami has been on C4 news gurning earnestly about the outrage of an “innocent” man unjustly imprisoned.
So he was a British resident but a Saudi citizen working for an Islamic charity in Afghanistan (and the band played ‘Believe Me If You Like’) and we the British taxpayers are set to pay him £1,000,000 compensation? How t f does that work?
And how did he support his family when he was in Tora Bora?
Yes they have a unique way to ‘dig wells’. They strap high explosives around the torso of a brainwashed 14 year old and send him out into the street. When he arrives at the place where they want to ‘dig a well’ they just press a button.
The release of this man is the talk of my small town. It is on everyone’s lips. Supermarkets, pubs, market place all hum with the buzz of conversation.
Of course it is not. Nobody is interested at all. it is just another luvvie liberal feast and irrelevant to this country.
I wonder, were he to return to his own country (K.S.A.) what manner of reception he would receive from the authorities there? Not something which we’re ever likely to discover though (unfortunately), but I would suggest it would be very different to the one he has had here.
Interesting that ‘Feedback’ on Radio 4 could be so biased to include the Fascist views of people intent on thought control as worthy of inclusion.
They were objecting to some cartoonist being interviewed using the term ‘coloured’ to describe ethnics and that this should have been ‘challenged’.
I would have turned round and told them to F*** off in no uncertain term, it isn’t up to them to control the language another person wishes to use, nor to set down ever changing rules of right & wrong which no one actually knows.
Is it disingenuous to describe a Saudi National as a ‘British Resident’, simply because he has married a ‘British woman’ and had 4 kids with her, but not been given British citizenship ?
Why is it necessary to say every time that someone once held in Guantanamo Bay was held ‘without charge’ seeing as the whole reason for establishing the place was because of the difficulties in securing convictions with secret intelligence, and offences committed overseas not within US jurisdiction.
Why when it is highly relevant that the Labour government of the time & the Prime Minister Tony BLiar had such a prominent role has never been mentioned once ?
I hope he was waterboarded. I agree with Palin that waterboarding is the appropriate baptism for terrorists. It should not be confined to the extraction of information, just given to them as a right. I adhere strongly to retributivism within our laws. If you are a terrorist then drink. None of this weasel stuff about only waterboarding to get information to save lives.
Incidentally, he said he thanks Allah first, then his wife . Hopefully, Allah can cover costs for any of the hospitality he is getting from the UK taxpayers/
Whatever treatment was meted out to him it will have been nothing to that which those b@st@ards did to British, American and other Allied troops, who had the terrible misfortune to fall into their hands as prisoners.
They could have waterboarded him all day and every day he was there, and I wouldn’t be concerned.
No mention of the carbon price support mechanism or why the promised partial compensation is taking so long to be paid, where has that money been sitting,” resting” in Father Teds account? The fact green taxes get a mention in a BBC item is better than nothing but the imapct they have had merits more than a couple of lines at the dog end of the report.
I have just made a batch of Soul Cakes for Hallowmas and All Saints day, from a 1433 recipe, getting in touch with my heritage and a past now forgotten, but which is remembered in the trick or treating today.
Odd how old traditions went over the sea with British Émigrés who continued to practice them, and are then forgotten here and re-learned again changed in some way.
Mentioned in Shakespeares Two Gentlemen of Verona, it really was once one of England & Scotlands great yearly occasions.
Never mentioned on the BBC but here’s the Souling song they used to sing.
There was a substantial Iraqi Jewish community going back to biblical times. When the handful of remaining Jews in Baghdad has gone, the Arabs will have made yet another Arab country Jew free. Sackur and his ilk, to their shame, will never look at facts like those.
@ 3.31 “Listen, if there was a Muslim madman running the streets of London, trying to stab a British Policeman, somebody from the MET Police, on the throat, cut his throat with a knife and the Policeman shoot and kill him would you say, well…. you have to understand the difficult kind of living immigrants have is this country or would you say no, he’s a madman?”.
and Sackur twisted the context from the get-go, starting the piece with “The latest paroxysm of violence between Israelis and Palestinians” – when the clear fact that it is a paroxysm of Palestinian violence against Jews.
Lapid suffered from the notion that the BBC would NOT approve of Muslim fanatics stabbing British citizens/policemen in cold blood.
After Lee Rigby-we all know that the BBC would rather like that.
It would certainly allow them to blag expenses, money shots and claim various awards-usually from Saudi sources, I`d expect.
Nah Lapid-you labour under a misapprehension that the B is BBC stands for British…they are Communislamists these days-and Sackurs premises and presumptions in your interview proved that yet again.
As not reported by al Beeba
“Funnily enough Shaker Aamer is an old friend of Moazzam Begg. Which is interesting not least because at Gitmo, Begg himself identified Aamer as a ‘recruiter for al-Qaeda’. He said that Aamer had fought in Bosnia and had been a member of the jihadist group run by Abu Zubair al-Haili (a senior al-Qaeda operative from Saudi Arabia) and had among other things spent ’30 days training on the AK-47 and rocket propelled grenades’. Seven separate sources at Guantanamo also described Aamer’s connections to al-Qaeda.” http://blogs.new.spectator.co.uk/2015/10/shaker-aamer-guantanamo-and-the-questions-that-wont-be-asked/
Incidentally on a more general topic I work with a range of nationalities, and it seems people are not buying the ‘Religion of Peace’ or ‘pro migrant/refugee’ propaganda.
Shaker’s lawyer has got an answer to that: all this information was obtained under “torture”, and so is inadmissible. The reason the Americans built the camp in Guantanamo was to avoid these pencil dicked bastards using American Constututional rights to defend unlawful combatants taken on the field of battle. As always in America, though, the lawyers got there in the end. But the fact remains: these people are not American, they are not lawful combatants, and the only “right” they desrve is a bullet to the head.
I’ve been confused all day. I thought that Shaker was Chukka and I couldn’t understand how he was on the BBC repeatedly over the last year or two but an inmate of Gitmo. Why can’t these people have British names !
Nauseating is truly the only way to describe the BBC reporting of the “wonderful” news about the release of a British “RESIDENT” from Guantanamo…
Why can’t the BBC realise that the vast majority of us don’t give a toss about him!
What about OUR six ex-servicemen currently imprisoned by the Indian Government on arms charges? Last BBC report MARCH 2014!!
Just had my posting on the bbc PoV message board removed.
It was about the cop show Cuffs.
What do you think? Is anything I’ve put incorrect?
Here it is:
There have been some good spoof shows such as The Office and W12.
I think that Cuffs is a very funny spoof police show.
The bbc is good at subtly showing the silliness of political correctness in this program, let’s have a look at how they do it.
The solid, no nonsense good cop. Black.
The competent looking police inspector. Black.
The victim of a stabbing. Asian.
The bullies on the beach at the beginning, 6 whites.
The racists who attacked the Asian. 4 whites.
The child snatcher. White.
The pathetic druggie. White.
The shoplifter running away from the police. White.
The girl who spit at the policeman. White.
The fork lift robber gang. White.
The policeman who went to the brothel. White.
The useless new policeman. White.
At the training, the two whites gave up training leaving the black and oriental (?) wpc still going strong.
Can you see any pattern.
Then, we have the inclusion of the gay policeman. The Asian head covered wpc.
As someone mentioned earlier, the only box unticked was the absence of someone disabled.
So, well done bbc. One of the funniest cop shows and nicely done.
I wonder if anyone actually thought this was meant to be a serious program, I bet some out there were fooled and didn’t realise it was a subtle spoof.
Your post on Cuffs looks reasonable to me Emmanuel, be interesting to know if it actually breached any posting rules of if it’s removal was the type of censorship in action that pervades the BBC right to it’s rotten stinking core. Your synopsis deserves an audience so please try to repost.
I have just watched the freak show that is the BBC news at 6. It’s quite poignant that this ‘British’ person should land at Biggin Hill. The last time I drove past there a Spitfire and a Hurricane stood parked by the road, a symbol of the defense of all that is (was) sacred about our great country and how it was defended against the invaders.
Those pilots will turn in their graves when they see us capitulating to the modern invaders in the form of muslims who we have welcomed with open arms only for them to desecrate our beautiful land.
The lilly-livered, spineless BBC are sponsoring the whole show. There will be a price to pay for this.
Lots on the BBC news about Shaker, but surprising nothing from this detailed report, (lots of facts even though suspect about some info possibly obtained under torture inadmissible):
Make your own minds up what to believe about Shaker’s false passports, travel in war zones, Saudi citizen who does not want to go home when offered in 2007, (rather come to his ‘adopted’ UK), etc etc.
BBC News report does not give any of these facts for some reason?
I have read elsewhere that the BBC’s pension fund has invested heavily in renewables. This might go some way to explaining why the BBC is so fanatical about global warming. Therefore, they will not be pleased with this:
The question is, will the BBC stick to its principles and leave its investments where they are or jump ship in order to preserve their nice juicy pensions. Tricky one that.
BBC News- Shaka Aamaa, Chief f-ckwit … Andrew Mitchell is wheeled out, to prove what a traitor he is, as the Henry Jackson Society rep had rained on the No10/BBC parade over this poor disenfranchised chap by giving a rational view. He of course poured scorn on the HJS, and said they should be careful what they say …
Old Shaker … Who incidentally, should be in Saudi, left for Afghanistan … preferring the Taliban, than here 😀
with all his family if I recall correctly.
Oh yes, “charidee” work you see, wanted to build a school, as he knew how the Taliban loved them … etc etc
Shaker Aamer: I pleased to announce I can help the hard pressed BBC news teams!
So far none of the BBC reporters have found time to discover which charities the selfless Shaker Aamer devoted every minute of his working life to helping. They think it might have been to build a school for girls, aw, hospitals, *mops tear* or even dig wells, (what an all round good guy he is!)*.
It is a shame that the BBC hasn’t the time to check these charities, as they are Shaker’s only defence against the allegations of him being a bestie of Mozaam Begg before he went to Afghanistan, a trained killer (according to Begg), that he fought in Bosnia, etc, etc.
So let me save the BBC time. One of the charities is The Revival of Islamic Heritage Society. The laudable charity the UN placed on its Al Qaida Sanctions list. This is because it was allied to the Afghan Support Group funding Al Qaida and that loveable old rogue Bin Laden. According to the adorable Shaker he also worked for the charity al-Ahya al-Turath, ah, except that is only an alias for the proscribed Revival of Islamic Heritage Society.
Ah well, he seemed such a smiling, pleasant cove on the BBC news. Who could have thought?
No doubt the BBC news will immediately alert its viewers as to what we are flying into our country.
You can find someone who has actually done some leg work here …
Wasn`t there a band called Cooler Shaker, & a few years back during the Blair Junta, Fatty Prescott ,was on a freebee at the Brit Awards, & one of the band members threw a bucket of wet fish or water over Pressa . That was good job, done on Fatty.
Boy, my head is full of crap innit?
The band was called Kula Shaker I think-New Age Indian ethnic poseurs albeitn with good tunes…Hayley Mills son, Crispian was the main man in them.
The band that threw an ice bucket over Prescott at the 97 Brit Awards( I think) were Chumbawumba…one hit wonders with Tubthumping.
One of their gals was called Alice Nutter-who was on Any Questions the other week, calling herself a “poet and playwright”.
Far from it-at least the Human Leagues girls had no pretensions to being Lefty luvvies who pimp off the Miners Wives stories of 1984/5
Poet and playwright? Chumbawamba were a bunch of anarchists.
“Singer Alice Nutter, said after the band hit the charts: “We’re still anarchists. We still carry the idea we had 12 years ago that no one should have to go to work 40 hours-a-week and do a crap job.”
That was the gaping hole in the story. i could not find one description of his charidee work anywhere. That would have proved him innocent immediately. The Saudis were fighting for his release, so it would have been simple for them to confirm his charity worker status.
Except he is a goddam terrorist in a terrorist group, which the BBC has in its infinite wisdom failed to tell us. BBC are a goddam terrorist group as far as I’m concerned. Waiting for their masters to rule Europe where they can cling by the skin of their teeth to their cushy jobs, idolize their monster, betray their countrymen, and collect their 30 pieces of silver. Oh wait, that’s already happening.
After cheerleading by the BBC this week – 3 days 3 reports, TV and Radio appearances.
The supine response by the government is being noted abroad.
“Rotherham is where police stood by and allowed Muslim rape gangs to abduct and destroy the lives of 1,400 non-Muslim girls, and did nothing for fear of being branded “racist.”
Now that that scandal has broken, however, Muslim groups are scrambling to recover protected victimhood status:
“British Muslim Youth (BMY) warned its members would not be ‘held responsible for acts of personal self-defence’
and said it could no longer trust South Yorkshire Police because of the on going ‘marginalisation and dehumanisation’ of Muslims.”
Aside from the not-so-veiled threat, which is an indication of how aggressive Muslims are in today shattered, staggering, Dhimmi UK, the rest of the British Muslim Youth’s statement is quite familiar.
We have seen again and again and again, in the U.S. and elsewhere, Muslims claiming that counter-terror efforts are resulting in their “marginalization and dehumanization.”
Here the same risible claim is being applied to investigation of the Muslim rape gangs and their cove rup.
One would think that one day Western authorities would realize that this claim is always and in every case made about any and all attempts to curb jihad violence and Islamic supremacism, and stop taking it seriously.
One would think wrong.”
R Spencer. http://www.britishmuslimyouth.org.uk/south-yorkshire-police-boycotted-by-the-muslim-community-of-rotherham/ http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/10/uk-muslim-group-boycotts-threatens-police-over-investigation-of-muslim-rape-gangs-that-destroyed-lives-of-1400-girls
This Shaka character is being given Nelson Mandela status ! its headlining on every news channel, so I’ve switched to a shopping channel for some respite !!! no doubt he will be following headscarf Annie from Bake Off and be on the One Show next week – unless he’s been given a compensayshun cheque and buggered off back to the Taliban !
Getting back to the news at 6 and the one show, I see that the welsh bint and the great british berk-off are both wearing poppies. Do they know exactly what the symbolism of the poppy is? It’s to remember those who gave up their lives in the defence of Britain, yes Britain. Not so we should become a satellite state for Islam. If the BBC had their way we would demolish all the churches and replace them with mosques. Every hard-done-by down-and-out would be elevated to a position of power, the lefties will take over for long enough to see the UK sink into the Artlantic Ocean. The rich would be cast out, Christians burned at the stake, women enslaved. It woud be called allahgeddon. Good luck with that. I will have left the UK long before that happens.
For some reason which must come from the recesses of their tortured souls these liberals are keen on virture signalling regarding the red poppy. Most of our useless politicians sport them as well. I find it insulting.
My direct ancestors would turn in their graves to see these people sporting the poppy. My father’s brother returned a quiet and silent man from the battle of Kohima. My father never talked much about his or his brother’s war.
The first war claimed the usual toll on my family. This is true of most of us British by ancestry. No doubt many of us have ancestors that fought for England down the centuries. We are being betrayed and the BBC is in the forefront of the betrayers. It speaks their language and gives them power. It is beneath contempt.
Please compare and contrast last night’s QT audience in Edinburgh with those anywhere else south of the border. Dare I say there appeared to be a shocking under-representation of BME community members. Dare I say the audience appeared to be “hideously white”. Surely, as an example of Biased BBC this takes some beating. Mind you, I did notice the same bias today at the Scottish Labour conference where the distinctly pale audience looked distinctly unimpressed as Comrade Corbyn blathered on.
Yep-the tartan army up there are very on message re “multiculti virtues”.
Yet-given their serial anti-English agendas-does anybody REALLY think that a Muslim would be welcomed in, say Alloa?
If you look at the Scottish rugby team, did anybody see anything other that white faces?
Of course I don`t know-but the bit I saw on a telly implied that-I`m not checking, the BBC will no doubt put it down to private schools like Blairs, Prince Charles and Falconers.
And of course Sturgeon-like Yvette Cooper Balls-has yet to make good on that promise of theirs to house a refugee.
This is what a feminist looks like…as if we didn`t already know.
Not exactly BBC related, but he’s a BBC star so I’ll carry on. Mr Benedictus Cumberpatch has been mouthing off – again – about how we should, nay, must, welcome countless millions of migrants into our country, in an impassioned sweary rant after a recent performance of Hamlet. What is it with these lefty luvvies? He is entitled to his views, but why is he entitled to shove them down the throats of paying audiences at the theatre? Can you imagine if somebody made an ANTI immigration rant in the same way? If that happened while I was in the theatre I would simply walk out, as noisily as possible.
I recall in the old days when the National Anthem was played at the end of films, there was a mad dash to get out before it started (which was why the custom eventually stopped I think). Will the likes of us now have to have a mad dash out of the theatre before the ‘sermon’ from the principal actor starts?
In his latest rant he is reported to have uttered “and f..k to the politicians”, had I been present I would have taken immense delight in standing up and on my way out shouted back at him … “and f…k you Mr Cumberbatch” – I’m surprised nobody did to be honest.
Throughout the country local schools and community centres are showing the Barbican’s Hamlet directly to the large screens. I went and saw his pathetic rant and poetry, and no one coughed up a cent. But this additional ‘fu*ck the politicians’ is not going to go down nicely with parents and teachers who are introducing their children to Shakespeare.
He might think that the language of Class War and UAF thugs is OK for multiculty Londoners but we are a long way from that in most of the country.
I would say ” f*** all the actors “. These luvvies make me sick. Why do these arrogant assholes think that their political opinions are any more important than anyone else’s ? At least Glenda Jackson stood for Parliament and was elected.
Phew, and I thought that Teresa was going to stamp out extremism and protect British values. Can’t even find a way of protecting her own party from the mob who have forced them to re-locates the Scotch Tory Conference. I wonder if the BBC will attend the new secret venue, and if so will they reveals its whereabouts to the mob?
Never mind, Tell Mama will be giving her a dossier on offences suffered by Moslems which will generate a flurry of protective action.
It really is time to send Scotland on it’s merry way. It is usless now to preserve the union. We have little in common and this latest attack on free speech shows the true nature of the Scottish nationalism.
I would impose independence upon the lot . You want it now you have it .
Don’t forget a majority of Scots voted to preserve the Union; the arrogant national socialists are not the majority, just the noisiest and most obnoxious.
I can understand when I hear English people who want to cut Scotland free, but please bear in mind my mother’s father was at Loos in 1915 with the Black Watch 4th Battalion and lost his right arm. My father’s father was Royal Artillery 1914-1918 at most major engagements. My father was Radio Officer in the Merchant Navy 1939-1945 North Atlantic Convoys and was torpedoed three times. All fought under the Union Flag, all were born in Scotland and like the overwhelming majority of Scots love and are prepared to fight for Great Britain. The shit you see representing Scotland and the SNP on television with their leftist drivel and primitive growling is the way the BBC and the MSM want you to view us. Galloway, Sheridan, Salmond and Sturgeon are NOT representative.
You should know by now the media class primary hate is Great Britain and everything that binds us.
Thatcherrevolutionary, Quite agree. The way the SNP pretend that they represent all us is obnoxious . They are playing a dangerous game which is based purely on racist hatred of the english, however much they deny it.
This is a nice post but I’m not sure it’s totally accurate. The hard fact is 45% of Scotland voted to leave. The population who want to leave the union and preserve the union are not far from equal. The SNP stormed to victory in virtually every Scottish seat. While it’s not the majority, it’s certainly an extremely large minority.
The harder fact is 55% voted to remain as part of the UK. Do you believe that, if the numbers had been reversed, the SNP would consider the vote ‘not far from equal’?
I certainly do not.
They should bang up Yentob and that thing in the same cell. I am sure the BBC will not restrict its coverage of events at Kids Company to the Cameron years…or will it?
Didn`t THAT die when Biddy Baxter left?
The phone-ins, the resurrection of Petra etc?
To be fair to her-and indeed to Sophies mum-they`d at least have kept Russell Brand and Camilla Savile types out of the studios for the protection of other peoples kids.
Camilla is just a Fat Fagin…are the obesity police onto her yet?
I have just lasted less than 10 minutes watching Have I Got News For You. It has got nastier and nastier. It is only a few months ago that the Country voted in a Conservative Government. You couldn’t have guessed it from either the panel or the audience.
If evidence was ever needed that Have I got News For You has become nothing more than a leftie luvvie, Labour loving Tory/UKIP bashing wankfest, then tonight’s episode was it.
I haven’t watched since the election when it was continual anti-UKIP bile but flicked on tonight “just to see”.
I wish I’d never bothered – managed to fight through the tory bashing tax credit cuts bit – ably led by Hislop (when did he become such a wringing wet wanker?) and to much whooping and hollering from the audience.
But I was forced to seek cover when the token American chick “comedienne” started on about the “tampon tax”.
Your good self and Deborah beat me to it. I lasted about 12 minutes, and my wife – bless her – is in the next room still watching.
HIGNFY started in 1990, and I can definitely remember it being unmissably funny. Is there a point in time that can be identified for when it changed in to its current waste of electrons?
I hadn’t watched it for some years until a couple of weeks ago. Never again. It used to be excellent. As to Hislop, he seems to have gone native at the BBC. Or he has been got at ? I guess they get about £5000 each per show and everyone has their price.
“I guess they get about £5000 each per show and everyone has their price. ”
When Angus Deayton was sacked, he was on £11,000 an episode, Hislop and Merton were on £7,000. That was why they slaughtered him, it was nothing to do with the coke and whores. You can bet they saw the chance to grab their share of his fee, the guest presenters will be on less. Given that that was years back, I would be surprised if they are not on £15,000 an episode. Hislop will not bite the hand that feeds him that sort of cash.
Yes LL, when Angus Deaton got the boot. For all his well publicised foibles – shared by many at Aunties – his quick witted chairmanship both controlled and out-performed Hislop and Merton, and whose primadonna status has flourished ever since – almost as if they’d planned it.
What this country needs right now is another proper editor at Private Eye, not that toadying little tw@t Hislop. I remember the glory years of PE when its staff were not afraid of writs.
“Hislop (when did he become such a wringing wet wanker?)”
Probably when he started getting the big pay cheques from the BBC. If HIGNFY were ever cancelled, it would make a bit dent in his income. Who needs principles when you can have oodles of cash?
Seems to be a trend here now.
When was YOUR bail-out moment for HIGHFY?
Mine was when Danny Baker sneered at Louise Mensch for pointing out that the Occupy creeps were all too happy to plug into Starbucks while bemoaning the waste and trivia of capitalism.
The whole audience and Baker-and of course the likes of Hislop-did not like that at all.
I also remember Hislop mocking Paula Yates re her boobs or cosmetic surgery-she called him “The Spawn Of the Devil”…not so long before she died in 1999.
Like Citizen Khan-who decides that such cliche`d tired shite gets series after series as HIGNFY does?
There are series that are untouchable on the BBC – for example, the ridculous Jools Holland show. A competent pianist, but nothing more, Holland couldn’t open an envelope let alone a TV programme. His ‘interviews’ are simply flesh-crawlingly sycophantic and the weekly line-up seems to vary from clapped-out has beens to the latest ‘never will bes’ who have been hyped onto the programme by record companies. One wonders how.
The reason he’s there? He ticks all sorts of boxes for the BBC – not least saving them from having to work out how to provide proper coverage of contemporary music.
If you’ve wondered why there seems to be a poor choice of artists, it’s because one or two record companies have a total stranglehold on the show and has done since the 90s. The genuine ‘A’ listers rarely appear.
Ooooh I thought I was the only one who didn’t “get” the music, and have felt dreadfully inadequate over the years because I never understood it, so never watched in case I was quizzed on it at work one day at the cooler. All a bit too way out for me.
I used to watch “Later” quite a bit, but frankly the sort of rubbish he has on these days means I don’t bother. Mind you, I think it’s filmed out in Kent now that TV Centre has closed, perhaps the decent talent can’t be bothered to leave London?
Spot on there sir…Holland is a disaster-and a long running one.
All those years since The Tube-and the cretin can`t ask a question to save his life.
He managed to ask Dave Gahan the same question twice in three minutes last night on “Later”.
Sense he must have tickled a few big ivory tusks and keys way back-for there is no other reason why his Godawful cohort of wannebes(an old drummer of his, Ruby Turner and Sam Brown is it?) get Hootenannies, series and tours based on his pointless doodlings and Jellyroll Merton shite.
He knows Prince Charles-has a pink big car-so that`ll serve him well.
Competent piano player, a vacuous tosser and unable to read a cue card in all other ways…very BBC.
It’s such a long time ago that I stopped watching HIGNFY, that I can’t actually remember when it was or the actual incident that finally prompted me to switch it off for the last time. For some unfathomable reason I soldiered on a bit longer with the News Quiz on radio 4, but once again I can’t remember the final offending item – almost certainly something from either that miserable little wimp Hardy, or the supremely unfunny Toksvig.
My own personal theory is that Toksvig, Calman, Perkins and the other ranks of BBC lesbians actually fancy Palin but her republicanism means they can’t admit as much. Hence their rabid, vampires sprinkled with holy water, reaction to any mention of her. Sad, humourless, frustrated, bitches the lot of them.
Once again words fail me.
The BBC spoke through Roger Scruton when he commented in the report.
“We all know that we can feel these crowd emotions at one moment and retire to our private quarters and recognise that we were wrong.”
There you go. We were wrong. The BBC is right. Do not argue.
Like everybody else who voted against immigration, i did not ‘feel these crowd emotions one moment’ . Also I recognised that I was right to vote against it.
Guess what Roger! It was the pro immigration vote that shot up almost immediately to 400,000 due to the photo of the drowned Syrian. So in that case, yes Roger you are correct. All those who voted for more immigration felt your ‘crowd emotions at one moment’ and now recognise they were wrong for voting. Dickhead
There’s an expression, ‘to jump the shark’ which refers to the moment when a good TV series begins a downhill slide. For me it was when Angus Deayton left and they started having different presenters. Ian Hislop always struck me as a small c-conservative, intellectual Anglican in the tradition of Dean Swift (I believe he made some documentaries about Swift and also about the CofE). I would imagine that such views are so far from the BBC mindset that he has no choice but to hold his tongue in order to remain on the air.
Even more significantly, when Deayton was sacked for taking cocaine while consorting with prostitutes, Merton (jealous of what he was getting paid) told the world how much he hated him (I saw an interview recently where Merton denied this but I remember watching him do it) revealing himself to be far from the cheeky chappie he likes to portray himself as (indeed he came over as a nasty piece of work) and my impression is that Hislop has become corrupted by the amount of money the BBC are paying him. Have you ever met a Leftie who can take criticism?
“A transgender woman sent to a men’s prison has been transferred to a female jail after a campaign to get her moved.”
“Hudson has had reconstructive surgery but is still legally a man”
“the make-up artist ”
However according to Tara Hudson’s Twitter, Hung Angels, Birch Place, and Adult Work profiles, he is a shemale prostitute with a seven-inch long penis, which is fully functioning and with which he anally penetrates men (£120 for half an hour), and the only thing he has done is take hormones, which he purchased off the internet without medical supervision, and get breast implants.
BBC Points West has been all over this story all week, interviews with his mother and transgenger friends.
Are we saying that someone who is not adverse to laying the nut on another bloke is not able to to defend himself in a geezers prison?
This week alone we’ve had this story, the story about more kids questioning their gender, a ladyman in the Question Time audience and that freak Grayson Perry on HIGNFY tonight.
And not a a word of sympathy for the barman who got nutted, thereby causing him serious damage.
And-like Rebecco Rootie Toot, these pre-op gals certainly turn to the headbutt or the fist at the drop of a lavender hankie don`t they?
Not really women are they?…thought turning to your fists was a hideously bloke thing, devoid of emotional intelligence-wasn`t it?..once?
Credit to the lesbians who go blokish-as yet THEY don`t feel the need to threaten a Greer, to headbutt a barman.
Give it time though eh?…first one that does will no doubt get a contract at the Guardian, and a Press Review c/o the BBC.
Crime pays to the liberal liars.
Let me see now-gender dysphoria, anti-gay/trans disorders, lack of tax credits and not enough time in the Big Brother House…any of THAT should hit the Lottery G Spot.
Bernie-the Bolt!
All a come on to Islam isn`t it?
But there`s more of us than there is of them-and we KNOW that the Soviets and the Nazis did the same demoralisation and flag-waving before the Jews, the Christians and the dissidents were “enriched”.
Those of us who spent time looking at our histories will be ready…the phoney war is now, the Internet is still open and the BBC have been left to rot in their cesspit.
But we-and our kids-need not go there…Jesus walks…still.
Shed no tears for Sweden. The people have bought this on themselves. I have noticed that in more robust nations many are raising the ancient question again.
‘if a governor acts against the very idea of a nation as a compact between past present and future generations in such a way as to bring it’s very existence into peril at which point is it legitmate and necessary to overthrow that governor. In fact at what point is it incumbent upon citizens to do so. ‘
This is what is going to face many of Europe’s native peoples over the next few years.
Nothing would surprise me now.
That will upset Al Beeb and the ‘Libs’ – watch and listen to the ‘fallout’ in the next few days, but remember all the citizens of this country that now live neglected in care homes, who contributed into the system.
Ah, another government ‘Crackdown’. As soon as I see the word ‘crackdown’, I know it’s doomed.
How is the NHS going to collect payment from foreigners who are unwilling to pay? They will get emergency treatment anyway.
The NHS is not a debt collector and have no enforcement powers. Another pointless department will have to be created to recover these costs whilst costing a fortune itself.
The crackdown term is used to make plebs like us think that something will be done.
BBC NewsChannel is running a ‘ClimateChange’ story ( or rather a non-story). We will no doubt have to suffer much more of this in the run-up to the Paris Conference in December. It’s all about IF the world temperature rises more than 2% – shots of pacific islands at risk of being submerged and a talking head saying this. Mention of figures between 2% and 4% and pictures of the fires in Indonesia which are throwing out more CO2 than the whole of Germany. Shots of chimneys. Same old doom-mongering and scare stories.
But not a single mention of course that temperatures have not risen for 18 years and that thus there is considerable doubt about the link between CO2 and temperature. That’s because they refuse to accept any qualification or criticism of their ideology. Blatant BBC propaganda, distorting minds.
Just when is something going to be done to stop the BBC’s subversion of freedom of expression?
Re Cull the Badgers post (w/s software has bumped it down a slot)
There was one of those curious BBC disconnects last week or earlier this week when BBC Radio 4 gave broadcast time to a plea from a politician from The Marshall Islands. He was pointing out how frequently parts of their group of islands are overrun by high tides and/or storms. No suggestion from the BBC that the Marshall Islanders should migrate to higher land or even join other migrants to Europe. No mention of Tristan da Cunha, much covered by the BBC in 1961 and 1963, either.
Is there a form of forced amnesia for all BBC employees which means they are incapable of remembering anything relevant to a current broadcast?
The BBC website is reporting that “a future Labour government at Holyrood would restore tax credits for Scottish families” (yes, I know there is more chance of a Labour government at Hollywood than Holyrood but that’s not the point). Note the smiling picture of Kezia Dugdale to emphasise the wonderful news – see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-34683943. Now, how often are Conservative politicians given such flattering photographs in articles? What sort of message would be conveyed if the BBC had used, say, this photo from The National Scot: http://www.thenational.scot/processed/article_images/0/3856/large/ian87797yq3n9jgb4r2oc9cqq23p95.jpeg
Great, though oddly the BBC item doesn’t explain how Kezia Dugdale will fund the tax credits she is promising which have ballooned from about one billion to 30 billion.
No doubt she will lay out her plans today … just in case anyone thinks she has the financial probity of Jeremy Corbyn and John MacDonnell.
Simple, It will be done just as my wife does. Spend all the money until the bank is empty. Say what she bought that we don’t need. Then scream with horror at the empty bank account and look for someone to blame.
Socialists are only concerned with spending money, they have no interest in how it is made. Just “tax the rich” and everything will be all right. They can never get away from the idea of top hatted mill owners grinding the faces of their shawl clad employees in the cobbles.
If socialists wanted to reduce poverty they would would support whatever system increases the living standards of the poor. Do they poor of North Korea have a living standard that is higher than the poor of South Korea? Do Socialist politicians – such as Castro – have the same living standard as everybody else?
Department of …. and Climate change oh my gawd is that next to the Department of fluffy clouds and blue sky . Worlds gone mad. Pensioners can’t heat their homes because of people like you BBC no other reason so stop talking crap
Lovely gushing piece on dear old Shakar Ahmed. Lovely fella he was in the wrong place at the wrong time wandering along with his goat in Afghanistan chatting to his neighbour Osama about blowing up and butchering the infidel and the bloody Yanks have the temerity to lock him up in Guantanimo. Completely innocent normal English bloke, still Dave has managed to bring him home on a private Gulfstream and I think they are going to get him a nice big house and a home movie centre for Christmas. We should have all his benefits sorted out next week and then Dave and Co will probably give him a couple of million for the inconvenience
BBC still banging on about the Gitmo Git. Sometimes but not often they mention why the US were so apprehensive about releasing him. But for the most part he is presented as a poor innocent abroad, tortured by the Yanks with British complicity – and often the word “alleged” is omitted. I have not once heard from the BBC that he was in Afghanistan on a false passport, nor that he spent more years in the US than in the UK, nor that he is a Saudi citizen. Nor that he was constantly misbehaving at Gitmo and was seen by other jihadists there as very senior – the “Emir of Gitmo”.
Why is this man still the top news on the BBC ? My hope is that this is another example of the BBC damaging itself by forcing nasty stuff on the UK public who mostly disbelieve the sob stories and regard this man as evil.
In passing – any chance the Russian airliner was brought down by jihadist action in the Sinai mountains ?
If he was a prisoner of the Americans shouldn’t they be paying the proposed compensaton bill of 1,000,000 pounds. Further how are the lawyers bill to be paid and by whom.
Finally I would like an answer as to why he felt the need to uproot, leave his family and go to a dangerous war zone area like Afghanistan?
I would certainly not do this unless the reason was exceptional.
I accept that detention for 14 years without charge is excessive and ridiculous.
In my view his compensation award should be largely dependent upon his replies.I remain suspicious.
You want some answers about the Gitmo Git’s behaviour ? You can of course rely on the BBC to chase hard after those answers, to give his lawyers short shrift and to give us the full picture. Look how hard they are trying already !
We know from previous cases that these jihadists get enormous sums in “compensation” because the Government cannot reveal in open court all the intelligence info. But why can’t the Government say this is the reason, not just bend the knee to jihadism. These creeps get far more than any of our servicemen ever received for active combat duties, the world turned upside down.
The internet and even the Daily Telegraph are all publishing the evidence that he was a terrorist and Jihadist. So , if they are libelling him, he can sue them. Of course, that would be a civil case not criminal. Meanwhile, the evil BBC continue to give him the Mother Theresa treatment.
wronged – to understand why the US kept this man in custody for so long you need to check out the details others have listed above – which paint this man as extremely dangerous, with lots of extremist contacts in the US as well as in the UK and overseas. The Americans saw him as a direct threat to America. I believe they have asked the British authorities to keep a close watch on him – again, something not mentioned by the BBC.
As to the “14 years” – he was offered release in 2007 to Saudi, his home country, but refused. So he has remained in Gitmo for a further 8 years at his own behest – because the US saw him as a real and continuing threat if set free.
I simply do not believe he suffered any abuse after he arrived at Gitmo – quite the reverse, he was described as an abusive and aggressive detainee. The “compensation” will be based on his allegations about British complicity in alleged torture after his capture while with the Taliban in Afghanistan on a false Belgian passport.
I think its far more likely not to go to trial because we the public would see the real hatred and venom these people have for us as well as the lengths they will go to to murder us. That’s the reason for no trial and no questions about what they are doing in Afghanistan etc. Just pay the money and keep quiet all in the name of multiculturalism and social cohesion
The devil is in the detail, what charity, who is associated with it, chief fundraisers, aims of charity, how long had al Gitmo been with the charity, background checks on his associates,his friends, his lifestyle, religion,etc,etc. It begins to uncover a picture.
I rarely agree with anything Al Gitmo supporter Andrew Mitchell says, especially on International Aid. I am also interested in any Saudi involvement. I gather Al Gitmo was a Saudi.
So was Savile, so is Camilla!
Sense this “cheridee” smokescreen for living off immoral gains-pimping and soliciting-is going the way of shares in KidsCo…and then the BBC, and its venal cover for evil that is Comic Red Nose Relight my Reefers Nights…which only schools and the NHS continue to force upon their kids, mental cases and patients.
The staff do it freely-which is TRULY mad.
I believed he took his family with him to Afghanistan. I wonder if Mozzam Begg will be meeting him any time soon considering it was Begg who grassed Shaker up to the Americans (see below)
‘Funnily enough Shaker Aamer is an old friend of Moazzam Begg. Which is interesting not least because at Gitmo, Begg himself identified Aamer as a ‘recruiter for al-Qaeda’. He said that Aamer had fought in Bosnia and had been a member of the jihadist group run by Abu Zubair al-Haili (a senior al-Qaeda operative from Saudi Arabia) and had among other things spent ’30 days training on the AK-47 and rocket propelled grenades’. Seven separate sources at Guantanamo also described Aamer’s connections to al-Qaeda.’
If you want to read more about good old shaker check out this link
There is no question this guy should be monitored from now on, but why does the BBC assume this will be announced one way or the other. We don’t need to know he will be watched carefully, neither does he. The whole monitoring surely has to be secret otherwise it’s a waste of time.
I have just caught up with various topics on this site and anyone new reading about our world would think it has gone mad! Common sense has gone out the window…and that reminded me of something a friend sent me once. It seems to hit the nail on the head right now.
Obituary Notice of an Old Friend
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn’t always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer painkillers to a student; but, could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realise that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by three stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, I’m A Whinger and I’m A Victim.
Not many attended his funeral because so few realised he was gone.
Thankfully common sense is not just based on perceptions but has many inputs. So, for example, we have books and the internet to give us reams of information on climate science which the BBC would rather we didn’t know about.
And a couple of thousand years ago it would have been the likes of Eratosthenes disproving the flat earth ‘consensus’.
And when the BBC feeds us its revised history of say, the miner’s strike, the input of experience into my accumulation of common sense tells me they are talking unadulterated student union Marxist bollocks.
No it doesn’t. The fact that there is a horizon (that you can actually see curve at the seaside for example) is a pretty good indicator the earth isn’t flat.
BBC’s favourite movie critic Mark Kermode tells us that Ken Russell’s ‘The Devils’ is a very political film. Lefty Kermode riffs on a Church and State theme.
I tend to agree the film is political but Kermode has it wrong. My favourite of Oliver Reed’s many good speeches is this:
“The significance of our walls is that we are self-governing, Richelieu hates this”
For Cardinal Richelieu read the would-be architects of the EU Super State. For the walls of the city of Loudun read european national borders. It is also apt that the term éminence grise used to describe a secretive yet powerful behind the scenes (unelected, of course) decision-maker derrives from the period of Richelieu. Think EU commissioners and supranational figures such as Peter Mandelson – éminence grise to Tony Blair.
A dispassionate review of The Devils with a modern perspective will show it has surprisingly little to say about Catholicism but much to tell us about the pulling down of local borders and the crushing of local independence in the name of the furtherance of new state building.
One could go on to cite the elite using the tactic of insincere persuit of ludicrous witch trials in order to eliminate potential political dissent and to cower the populace in awe of the state religion – then it was Catholicism, now it is multiculturalism, cultural marxism, feminisim and global warming.
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When the Americans kill “innocent civilians” in Syria and other places, there is outrage on the BBC. There are reports that the Russians have killed over 600 innocent civilians in Syria. Not a word from the BBC. I wonder why. I have also seen reports on non UK news channels that a hospital in Syria has been hit. It was not hit by the Americans, so it does not matter to the BBC.
I hate to think how many wedding parties must have been hit by now.
Is that those wedding parties that consist of only bearded men, with kalashnikovs, in the back of old toyota pickup trucks?
There sure is a lot of love in the ME.
Don’t forget the funerals – “innocent civilians” that don’t get killed at weddings usually get killed at funerals. I understand the Americans and Israelis aim for a ratio of 4:1, hence the phrase “Four weddings and a funeral”.
Given the latest news, what Russians get up to with anyone in the Middle East if it was anything bar an accident may well force the BBC to confront a fair few things all at once.
Jo Coburn in the Daily Politics today was on the front line in Europe, observing the migrant situation for herself and commenting on it.
She described Merkel’s announcement to accept 800k migrants into Europe as “bold”. It was a “bold” decision, she said.
Well, that’s different. I would have described it at the very minimum as “controversial”, but no, in these pro-EU pre-referendum days Merkel is “bold”.
I would have described it as “idiotic” myself.
Another word is Treacherous, a word that you never hear, but is practiced daily.
Reminds me of those scenes in ‘Yes [Prime] Minister’ when Jim makes a decision to do something and Sir Humphrey says, ‘How very brave of you, Minister’ and Jim loses confidence and stutters, ‘Wh – why brave?’
Surely “courageous” not merely “brave”!
“Suicidal” is perhaps a little more apt than “bold”.
I agree with the Yes Minister quotes re Merkel , for bold read idiotic and reckless. I assume she made the decision with no consultation with her European partners but she now wants them to share the consequences of her stupidity. Well I’m afraid that the Germans will have to live with her decision and I hope that no other country helps them out. As the awful consequences of Merkel’s decision become ever more apparent to the German people they will get rid of her and that will be a stark warning to all the other daft politicians who want to open their borders to all and sundry and, if we are lucky, it may prove the final nail in the coffin of a super EU state.
What I did notice was that Ms Coburn was filmed in front of lots of women and children when we know that there are proportionately few women and children compared with the number of young men. As has been pointed out many times on this site this is the standard BBC approach to trying to persuade Brits to let more immigrants in, and of course Ms Coburn has been pressing hard on her BBC platform for the UK to take many more in.
I also noticed that Mr Nuttal from UKIP was continually cut off by Andrew Neil whenever he brought up inconvenient facts about the immigrant crisis , such as the number of young men cf women and children, the number who don’t come from Syria , the number of forged passports , the complete lack of skills of these people, the threat of ISIS terrorists amongst them.If he had been allowed to complete his answers he may also of mentioned the amount of disease that they bring with them them, the threat posed to European culture and identity , the threats that they are already making to those who try to help them , the inability of Islam to integrate and accept western values , the list is endless.
I have always thought that Andrew Neil allowed a very un-BBC balance on his programmes, but on this issue he seems to follow the corporate line, and was anxious to stop Nuttal saying the truth. Mr Neil has let me and millions of other Brits down but I suppose he has to show some sort of liberal credentials eg support for mass immigration and dislike of UKIP, in order to keep his well paid job at the BBC.
The difference between ‘bold’ and ‘idiotic’ is largely in the manner of the result.
As Merkel’s countrymen would have said at one time: “But I was just obeying orders!”
It certainly was ‘bold’ and after the next German Election she is going to ‘Boldly Go !!’
She may boldly go, but the migrants are there to stay!
Five Live’s George Riley this morning (from 01:29);
“If you’re just gonna read one story, just one piece on the Sam Burgess situation today, I would direct you towards…………(wait for it, wait for it)………..The Guardian” – “a nice balanced piece” – would never have guessed George….or Georgie as Panto Campbell affectionately calls him.
The sports bulletin that followed is surely evidence, if any were needed, of the BBC’s excruciating desire to report anything (regardless of how irrelevant) that might be deemed diverse and/or inclusive;
* New Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic boss at the FA decrying the amount of black coaches (how long has that record been playing for now?)
* Man City and Scotland defender Jennifer Beattie on the move (……erm……who Georgie?)
* Former Chelsea doctor Eva Caniero suing Chelsea (ah yes, female doctor, I geddit)
* Maria Lyle’s silver medal in the T35 100m under threat from Italian complaint (…..eh…..what?…..where?…..who….?)
* And finally and by all means least – Ruby Howells and Amy Tinkler finish 22nd and 23rd in the Women’s all round gymnastics – well get the fuckin flags out.
New Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic boss at the FA decrying the amount of black coaches…
Strange, there’s an Asian story that’s actually newsworthy but I can’t find it on the BBC:
The Asian Shooting Championship lost its Olympics qualifying status on Thursday after tournament hosts Kuwait banned an Israeli official from taking part.
Kuwait had denied a visa to Israeli Yair Davidovich who was due to supervise the event.
“Upon request of the International Sports Shooting Federation (ISSF), the IOC Executive Board today revoked the Olympic qualification status of the Asian Shooting Championship taking place in Kuwait City between 1 and 12 November,” it said in a statement.
“The decision comes after the designated technical delegate from the ISSF, Yair Davidovich (Israel), who was due to supervise the event on behalf of the ISSF, was denied a visa by the Kuwaiti Immigration Department,” the statement continued.
“The denial of a visa is against the non-discrimination principle of the Olympic Charter,” said the IOC.
One would have thought the BBC would be all over this story of gross discrimination against a person on the basis of race and/or religion and/or nationality.
Apparently not. As far as the BBC is concerned, the Arabs can treat the Jews like the KKK treated black Americans in the fifties, and that’s just fine.
Amen to that
My team, (Manchester United) abolished it’s “wimmins” team years ago (some might say they abolished the men’s team too, but that’s another story)…but United doing that says all i need to know about the women’s game.
More & more about Saudi terrorist Shaker Ahmed, and although the BBC did broadcast a small piece from an anti terrorism expert who confirmed he genuinely was a terrorist it accounted for only about 10% of that piece and I haven’t heard from him since.
If Britain has tortured someone then it is a disgrace. We gave up torture in the time of Elizabeth I for various reasons, including the fact it doesn’t work, but why is it that the BBC has failed to name the people in Britain responsible, and a call to have them arrested? Of course the people responsible are Tony BLiar and those Labour party members who knew and supported the policy known as ‘extraordinary rendition’.
They have given lots of airtime to people stating that he HAS been tortured and no airtime at all to those responsible to answer those claims. No doubt the establishment will close ranks again and protect Camerons favourite predecessor, after all he wouldn’t want to spoil any chance of getting his hands on all that lovely oil money when he leaves office would he now?
“…We gave up torture in the time of Elizabeth I ”
Not true, as Guy Fawkes and one or two others would have been only too happy to tell you.
Er, wasn’t there ‘some torture’ going on in Ireland, during the ‘troubles’ ????
Indeed just thinking I might go and get myself a fake Belgian Passport as I feel the need to so some ‘charity work’ in Syria. Apparently it the done thing to use a fake passport just like our non-British charity worker Shaker did.
Odd really I would have thought a Saudi Passport would have got him further in Afghanistan. Maybe he was trying to hide something? No silly me of course he wasn’t a host of left-winger nutters have said as much
When we went to war with Afghanistan he went there claiming it was for ‘humanitarian reasons’ and then tried to move on to Pakistan for no apparent reason. If someone had gone to Germany for ‘humanitarian reasons’ in 1914 or 1939 would they have returned years later after rightfully being detained as a suspected traitor, to huge plaudits and fawning from the left wing media and the prospect of a multi million pound payout from the pockets of the British tax payer ?
The BBC are going to be all over him for the foreseeable future. I am afraid Steven Lawrence will have to take a back seat for a little while.
Of course, we only have Shaker’s word for it that he was tortured. But I guess he’d have no reason to lie. His compensation claim might be substantially smaller though.
Excellent piece in The Conservative Woman about the BBC’s embarrassing policy to be politically correct (and some great comments afterwards);
The BBC will be more and more sidelined as other broadcasters outbid them to gain rights to sport coverage. The only sport left on the BBC will be the stuff no one else wants to pay for. So the BBC can bang its big PC drum and promote womens’ football and it costs them very little.
There is an argument that public broadcasters should confine themselves to minority sports. There are many legitimate sports that receive little or no coverage by commercial TV and radio, not only just those played by women. Mostly the BBC seems to feel that once every four years is enough.
Would that mean a commercial loss to the BBC? Given that the BBC doesn’t accept revenue generating advertising, how so?
Our local news spent several minutes the other night (and several minutes of my life wasted) reporting on a new rugby league team in the area….’the first women’s team’. Now I consider that patronising because had it been a men’s team it would not have been reported. Equality on the BBC? Only if the participants are black, female, muslim etc etc when positive discrimination is permitted.
I would love to see a muslim women’s rugby team !
Pat Cash had the right idea:
I also seem to recall him declining the offer of a match against Navratilova because, as he stated quite correctly, he would have embarrassed her. During a debate about why the purse for men’s competitions was so much higher than those for women he described women’s tennis as, “…an hour of pat-a-cake…”.
Harsh but fair.
I see from the BBC how selfless, charity worker Shaker Aamer is returning to our country and they are demanding that we get out the bunting and fireworks to celebrate. Probably the greatest day for this country since we entered the EU.
Odd isn’t it how many Islamists went to live in Taliban controlled Afghanistan to build schools, dig wells and save little children. Makes me wonder who was actually fighting the war and repressing the peoples of Afghanistan.
I see a lot of charity workers still make their way over from Pakistan to build more hospitals in the Helmund Province. What selfless people.
The real people who built hospitals, schools and protected the peoples of Afghanistan are of course the UK and US soldiers, along with the brave volunteers from the Afghan people. Mysteriously that doesn’t get a mention by the BBC.
Let us hope that after a sufficient period of recuperation at the tax payers expense, plus a healthy bag of compensation he pushes off to Syria for further altruistic humanitarian work like many others from Guantanamo Bay. (Mozaam Begg, Jamal al-Harith, et al. along with 116 ex Guantanamo Bay suspects who have reengaged with Islamist war fare)
Labour looney shadow chancellor John McDonnell said: “Shaker was simply a man in the wrong place at the wrong time”. Yes, in Britain!
Not in the wrong place when your hope is for immense compensation for all the “torture” at the hands of the British security services. Apparently, Mitchell and Davies have actually been supporting the tiresome “Free Skaker” campaign. Why Tories vote for tossers like these is beyond me. As might be expected, Shami has been on C4 news gurning earnestly about the outrage of an “innocent” man unjustly imprisoned.
…and obviously we believe that every word he says is true. I’m sure the BBC does.
So he was a British resident but a Saudi citizen working for an Islamic charity in Afghanistan (and the band played ‘Believe Me If You Like’) and we the British taxpayers are set to pay him £1,000,000 compensation? How t f does that work?
And how did he support his family when he was in Tora Bora?
Yes they have a unique way to ‘dig wells’. They strap high explosives around the torso of a brainwashed 14 year old and send him out into the street. When he arrives at the place where they want to ‘dig a well’ they just press a button.
The release of this man is the talk of my small town. It is on everyone’s lips. Supermarkets, pubs, market place all hum with the buzz of conversation.
Of course it is not. Nobody is interested at all. it is just another luvvie liberal feast and irrelevant to this country.
I wonder, were he to return to his own country (K.S.A.) what manner of reception he would receive from the authorities there? Not something which we’re ever likely to discover though (unfortunately), but I would suggest it would be very different to the one he has had here.
Interesting that ‘Feedback’ on Radio 4 could be so biased to include the Fascist views of people intent on thought control as worthy of inclusion.
They were objecting to some cartoonist being interviewed using the term ‘coloured’ to describe ethnics and that this should have been ‘challenged’.
I would have turned round and told them to F*** off in no uncertain term, it isn’t up to them to control the language another person wishes to use, nor to set down ever changing rules of right & wrong which no one actually knows.
Oh I almost forgot BBc breakfast not advertising of the day Seal & his new album inspired by love apparently.
Is it disingenuous to describe a Saudi National as a ‘British Resident’, simply because he has married a ‘British woman’ and had 4 kids with her, but not been given British citizenship ?
Why is it necessary to say every time that someone once held in Guantanamo Bay was held ‘without charge’ seeing as the whole reason for establishing the place was because of the difficulties in securing convictions with secret intelligence, and offences committed overseas not within US jurisdiction.
Why when it is highly relevant that the Labour government of the time & the Prime Minister Tony BLiar had such a prominent role has never been mentioned once ?
His wife isn’t British either , she is a Muslim and therefore can’t be British even if she is second, third, fourth or fifth generation.
I hope he was waterboarded. I agree with Palin that waterboarding is the appropriate baptism for terrorists. It should not be confined to the extraction of information, just given to them as a right. I adhere strongly to retributivism within our laws. If you are a terrorist then drink. None of this weasel stuff about only waterboarding to get information to save lives.
Incidentally, he said he thanks Allah first, then his wife . Hopefully, Allah can cover costs for any of the hospitality he is getting from the UK taxpayers/
Whatever treatment was meted out to him it will have been nothing to that which those b@st@ards did to British, American and other Allied troops, who had the terrible misfortune to fall into their hands as prisoners.
They could have waterboarded him all day and every day he was there, and I wouldn’t be concerned.
BBC steel manufacturing article
No mention of the carbon price support mechanism or why the promised partial compensation is taking so long to be paid, where has that money been sitting,” resting” in Father Teds account? The fact green taxes get a mention in a BBC item is better than nothing but the imapct they have had merits more than a couple of lines at the dog end of the report.
I have just made a batch of Soul Cakes for Hallowmas and All Saints day, from a 1433 recipe, getting in touch with my heritage and a past now forgotten, but which is remembered in the trick or treating today.
Odd how old traditions went over the sea with British Émigrés who continued to practice them, and are then forgotten here and re-learned again changed in some way.
Mentioned in Shakespeares Two Gentlemen of Verona, it really was once one of England & Scotlands great yearly occasions.
Never mentioned on the BBC but here’s the Souling song they used to sing.
Sting did a good version on his Winter Album.
Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid got the better of Israel-hater Steven Sackur on ‘Hardtalk’ and kept his cool while so doing:
Steven Sackur is married to an Iraqi – perhaps it explains his distates for Israel ?
I imagine she’s not an Iraqi Christian.
There was a substantial Iraqi Jewish community going back to biblical times. When the handful of remaining Jews in Baghdad has gone, the Arabs will have made yet another Arab country Jew free. Sackur and his ilk, to their shame, will never look at facts like those.
@ 3.31 “Listen, if there was a Muslim madman running the streets of London, trying to stab a British Policeman, somebody from the MET Police, on the throat, cut his throat with a knife and the Policeman shoot and kill him would you say, well…. you have to understand the difficult kind of living immigrants have is this country or would you say no, he’s a madman?”.
I think we know the answer to that one……..
Sackur ducked that question every time it was put to him
and Sackur twisted the context from the get-go, starting the piece with “The latest paroxysm of violence between Israelis and Palestinians” – when the clear fact that it is a paroxysm of Palestinian violence against Jews.
Lapid did a great job of demolishing Sackur’s smug, superior preconceptions about the Israeli-Arab conflict.
Lapid suffered from the notion that the BBC would NOT approve of Muslim fanatics stabbing British citizens/policemen in cold blood.
After Lee Rigby-we all know that the BBC would rather like that.
It would certainly allow them to blag expenses, money shots and claim various awards-usually from Saudi sources, I`d expect.
Nah Lapid-you labour under a misapprehension that the B is BBC stands for British…they are Communislamists these days-and Sackurs premises and presumptions in your interview proved that yet again.
I imagine that even if Islamic butchers attacked the BBC itself, Sackur and company would still find a way to excuse them.
But of course they would never target their own PR company.
Why do they even come here and allow themselves to be interviewed by c***s like this?
As not reported by al Beeba
“Funnily enough Shaker Aamer is an old friend of Moazzam Begg. Which is interesting not least because at Gitmo, Begg himself identified Aamer as a ‘recruiter for al-Qaeda’. He said that Aamer had fought in Bosnia and had been a member of the jihadist group run by Abu Zubair al-Haili (a senior al-Qaeda operative from Saudi Arabia) and had among other things spent ’30 days training on the AK-47 and rocket propelled grenades’. Seven separate sources at Guantanamo also described Aamer’s connections to al-Qaeda.”
Incidentally on a more general topic I work with a range of nationalities, and it seems people are not buying the ‘Religion of Peace’ or ‘pro migrant/refugee’ propaganda.
Shaker’s lawyer has got an answer to that: all this information was obtained under “torture”, and so is inadmissible. The reason the Americans built the camp in Guantanamo was to avoid these pencil dicked bastards using American Constututional rights to defend unlawful combatants taken on the field of battle. As always in America, though, the lawyers got there in the end. But the fact remains: these people are not American, they are not lawful combatants, and the only “right” they desrve is a bullet to the head.
But, but the BBC informs me that he was working for an Afghan charity. The BBC will never knowingly mislead, as honesty and fairness is in its DNA.
BBC News at 6 overdosing on Shaker. Vomit-making. I haven’t watched BBC TV for about a week. And don’t think I can stand any more !
I’ve been confused all day. I thought that Shaker was Chukka and I couldn’t understand how he was on the BBC repeatedly over the last year or two but an inmate of Gitmo. Why can’t these people have British names !
Doublethinker, you are not confusing him with Sackur ?
Yeah agreed Grant, he is a British as Turkmenistan.
Nauseating is truly the only way to describe the BBC reporting of the “wonderful” news about the release of a British “RESIDENT” from Guantanamo…
Why can’t the BBC realise that the vast majority of us don’t give a toss about him!
What about OUR six ex-servicemen currently imprisoned by the Indian Government on arms charges? Last BBC report MARCH 2014!!
Just had my posting on the bbc PoV message board removed.
It was about the cop show Cuffs.
What do you think? Is anything I’ve put incorrect?
Here it is:
There have been some good spoof shows such as The Office and W12.
I think that Cuffs is a very funny spoof police show.
The bbc is good at subtly showing the silliness of political correctness in this program, let’s have a look at how they do it.
The solid, no nonsense good cop. Black.
The competent looking police inspector. Black.
The victim of a stabbing. Asian.
The bullies on the beach at the beginning, 6 whites.
The racists who attacked the Asian. 4 whites.
The child snatcher. White.
The pathetic druggie. White.
The shoplifter running away from the police. White.
The girl who spit at the policeman. White.
The fork lift robber gang. White.
The policeman who went to the brothel. White.
The useless new policeman. White.
At the training, the two whites gave up training leaving the black and oriental (?) wpc still going strong.
Can you see any pattern.
Then, we have the inclusion of the gay policeman. The Asian head covered wpc.
As someone mentioned earlier, the only box unticked was the absence of someone disabled.
So, well done bbc. One of the funniest cop shows and nicely done.
I wonder if anyone actually thought this was meant to be a serious program, I bet some out there were fooled and didn’t realise it was a subtle spoof.
Probably have an Eskimo Police recruit next episode..The show really is AWFUL.
The BBC would never have Eskimo people, they’d go for Inuit.
Your post on Cuffs looks reasonable to me Emmanuel, be interesting to know if it actually breached any posting rules of if it’s removal was the type of censorship in action that pervades the BBC right to it’s rotten stinking core. Your synopsis deserves an audience so please try to repost.
I’d have said the comment drew attention to a clear cut case of extreme racism. Isn’t the BBC supposed to be a champion in the ‘fight against racism’?
I have just watched the freak show that is the BBC news at 6. It’s quite poignant that this ‘British’ person should land at Biggin Hill. The last time I drove past there a Spitfire and a Hurricane stood parked by the road, a symbol of the defense of all that is (was) sacred about our great country and how it was defended against the invaders.
Those pilots will turn in their graves when they see us capitulating to the modern invaders in the form of muslims who we have welcomed with open arms only for them to desecrate our beautiful land.
The lilly-livered, spineless BBC are sponsoring the whole show. There will be a price to pay for this.
Lots on the BBC news about Shaker, but surprising nothing from this detailed report, (lots of facts even though suspect about some info possibly obtained under torture inadmissible):
Click to access us9sa-000239dp.pdf
Make your own minds up what to believe about Shaker’s false passports, travel in war zones, Saudi citizen who does not want to go home when offered in 2007, (rather come to his ‘adopted’ UK), etc etc.
BBC News report does not give any of these facts for some reason?
I felt exactly the same about Biggin Hill – I learned to fly there back in ’59, it was a place of memories.
This is a disgrace and I can hardly credit it. A deliberate attempt to belittle us.
I have read elsewhere that the BBC’s pension fund has invested heavily in renewables. This might go some way to explaining why the BBC is so fanatical about global warming. Therefore, they will not be pleased with this:
The question is, will the BBC stick to its principles and leave its investments where they are or jump ship in order to preserve their nice juicy pensions. Tricky one that.
Oh dear, I do hope Jim Naughtie is not reduced to eating cat food in his old age. Is there an appeal fund we can contribute to?
BBC 6.
Muslim terrorist given the hero treatment.
Climate change bollocks.
White police officer in US gets approval from Obama for Ali G impersonation.
Liberal bullshit bingo.
BBC News- Shaka Aamaa, Chief f-ckwit … Andrew Mitchell is wheeled out, to prove what a traitor he is, as the Henry Jackson Society rep had rained on the No10/BBC parade over this poor disenfranchised chap by giving a rational view. He of course poured scorn on the HJS, and said they should be careful what they say …
Old Shaker … Who incidentally, should be in Saudi, left for Afghanistan … preferring the Taliban, than here 😀
with all his family if I recall correctly.
Oh yes, “charidee” work you see, wanted to build a school, as he knew how the Taliban loved them … etc etc
I love report I just heard on Sky that upon landing Shaker insisted he meet with his Lawyer before meeting with his family. You couldn’t make it up!
Shaker Aamer: I pleased to announce I can help the hard pressed BBC news teams!
So far none of the BBC reporters have found time to discover which charities the selfless Shaker Aamer devoted every minute of his working life to helping. They think it might have been to build a school for girls, aw, hospitals, *mops tear* or even dig wells, (what an all round good guy he is!)*.
It is a shame that the BBC hasn’t the time to check these charities, as they are Shaker’s only defence against the allegations of him being a bestie of Mozaam Begg before he went to Afghanistan, a trained killer (according to Begg), that he fought in Bosnia, etc, etc.
So let me save the BBC time. One of the charities is The Revival of Islamic Heritage Society. The laudable charity the UN placed on its Al Qaida Sanctions list. This is because it was allied to the Afghan Support Group funding Al Qaida and that loveable old rogue Bin Laden. According to the adorable Shaker he also worked for the charity al-Ahya al-Turath, ah, except that is only an alias for the proscribed Revival of Islamic Heritage Society.
Ah well, he seemed such a smiling, pleasant cove on the BBC news. Who could have thought?
No doubt the BBC news will immediately alert its viewers as to what we are flying into our country.
You can find someone who has actually done some leg work here …
Click to access Britains-Last-Guantanamo-Detainee.pdf
Well, you can bet these charities aren’t the ones people stand outside Tesco’s collecting for on a rainy Sunday morning.
Wasn`t there a band called Cooler Shaker, & a few years back during the Blair Junta, Fatty Prescott ,was on a freebee at the Brit Awards, & one of the band members threw a bucket of wet fish or water over Pressa . That was good job, done on Fatty.
Boy, my head is full of crap innit?
The band was called Kula Shaker I think-New Age Indian ethnic poseurs albeitn with good tunes…Hayley Mills son, Crispian was the main man in them.
The band that threw an ice bucket over Prescott at the 97 Brit Awards( I think) were Chumbawumba…one hit wonders with Tubthumping.
One of their gals was called Alice Nutter-who was on Any Questions the other week, calling herself a “poet and playwright”.
Far from it-at least the Human Leagues girls had no pretensions to being Lefty luvvies who pimp off the Miners Wives stories of 1984/5
Poet and playwright? Chumbawamba were a bunch of anarchists.
“Singer Alice Nutter, said after the band hit the charts: “We’re still anarchists. We still carry the idea we had 12 years ago that no one should have to go to work 40 hours-a-week and do a crap job.”
That was the gaping hole in the story. i could not find one description of his charidee work anywhere. That would have proved him innocent immediately. The Saudis were fighting for his release, so it would have been simple for them to confirm his charity worker status.
Except he is a goddam terrorist in a terrorist group, which the BBC has in its infinite wisdom failed to tell us. BBC are a goddam terrorist group as far as I’m concerned. Waiting for their masters to rule Europe where they can cling by the skin of their teeth to their cushy jobs, idolize their monster, betray their countrymen, and collect their 30 pieces of silver. Oh wait, that’s already happening.
After cheerleading by the BBC this week – 3 days 3 reports, TV and Radio appearances.
The supine response by the government is being noted abroad.
“Rotherham is where police stood by and allowed Muslim rape gangs to abduct and destroy the lives of 1,400 non-Muslim girls, and did nothing for fear of being branded “racist.”
Now that that scandal has broken, however, Muslim groups are scrambling to recover protected victimhood status:
“British Muslim Youth (BMY) warned its members would not be ‘held responsible for acts of personal self-defence’
and said it could no longer trust South Yorkshire Police because of the on going ‘marginalisation and dehumanisation’ of Muslims.”
Aside from the not-so-veiled threat, which is an indication of how aggressive Muslims are in today shattered, staggering, Dhimmi UK, the rest of the British Muslim Youth’s statement is quite familiar.
We have seen again and again and again, in the U.S. and elsewhere, Muslims claiming that counter-terror efforts are resulting in their “marginalization and dehumanization.”
Here the same risible claim is being applied to investigation of the Muslim rape gangs and their cove rup.
One would think that one day Western authorities would realize that this claim is always and in every case made about any and all attempts to curb jihad violence and Islamic supremacism, and stop taking it seriously.
One would think wrong.”
R Spencer.
Some internet radio , an alternative to the BBC.
Click on the links below or search using your podcast player
RED ICE RADIO – http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/nonsubscriber.php
TRUNEWS – http://www.trunews.com/listen/
ALEX JONES – http://www.infowars.com/watch-alex-jones-show/
This Shaka character is being given Nelson Mandela status ! its headlining on every news channel, so I’ve switched to a shopping channel for some respite !!! no doubt he will be following headscarf Annie from Bake Off and be on the One Show next week – unless he’s been given a compensayshun cheque and buggered off back to the Taliban !
Wounded soldiers returning from Afghanistan had no media coverage. They fought for this country.
Those who didn’t fight for this country, hate this country and live here have full sympathetic media coverage.
Shaka and Mandela – both terrorists, so their status is similar on some level.
The status is dissimilar.
For it to be the same the Raghead needs to be given a dose of deadness.
Getting back to the news at 6 and the one show, I see that the welsh bint and the great british berk-off are both wearing poppies. Do they know exactly what the symbolism of the poppy is? It’s to remember those who gave up their lives in the defence of Britain, yes Britain. Not so we should become a satellite state for Islam. If the BBC had their way we would demolish all the churches and replace them with mosques. Every hard-done-by down-and-out would be elevated to a position of power, the lefties will take over for long enough to see the UK sink into the Artlantic Ocean. The rich would be cast out, Christians burned at the stake, women enslaved. It woud be called allahgeddon. Good luck with that. I will have left the UK long before that happens.
Over the next couple of weeks, as you all go about your normal business, just make a note of who you see wearing a poppy. There will be no surprises.
We know who won’t be wearing poppies. But we do know how grows most of them. And who processes them.
See http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-spoils-of-war-afghanistan-s-multibillion-dollar-heroin-trade/91
For some reason which must come from the recesses of their tortured souls these liberals are keen on virture signalling regarding the red poppy. Most of our useless politicians sport them as well. I find it insulting.
My direct ancestors would turn in their graves to see these people sporting the poppy. My father’s brother returned a quiet and silent man from the battle of Kohima. My father never talked much about his or his brother’s war.
The first war claimed the usual toll on my family. This is true of most of us British by ancestry. No doubt many of us have ancestors that fought for England down the centuries. We are being betrayed and the BBC is in the forefront of the betrayers. It speaks their language and gives them power. It is beneath contempt.
Please compare and contrast last night’s QT audience in Edinburgh with those anywhere else south of the border. Dare I say there appeared to be a shocking under-representation of BME community members. Dare I say the audience appeared to be “hideously white”. Surely, as an example of Biased BBC this takes some beating. Mind you, I did notice the same bias today at the Scottish Labour conference where the distinctly pale audience looked distinctly unimpressed as Comrade Corbyn blathered on.
Sort it out please BBC.
Yep-the tartan army up there are very on message re “multiculti virtues”.
Yet-given their serial anti-English agendas-does anybody REALLY think that a Muslim would be welcomed in, say Alloa?
If you look at the Scottish rugby team, did anybody see anything other that white faces?
Of course I don`t know-but the bit I saw on a telly implied that-I`m not checking, the BBC will no doubt put it down to private schools like Blairs, Prince Charles and Falconers.
And of course Sturgeon-like Yvette Cooper Balls-has yet to make good on that promise of theirs to house a refugee.
This is what a feminist looks like…as if we didn`t already know.
I’m struggling to find any mention of this on the BBC news website for Birmingham and the Black Country.
How very odd.
“20 years” – I wonder what that really means -3 perpetrators x 3 crimes each , sentences to run concurrently no doubt
Not exactly BBC related, but he’s a BBC star so I’ll carry on. Mr Benedictus Cumberpatch has been mouthing off – again – about how we should, nay, must, welcome countless millions of migrants into our country, in an impassioned sweary rant after a recent performance of Hamlet. What is it with these lefty luvvies? He is entitled to his views, but why is he entitled to shove them down the throats of paying audiences at the theatre? Can you imagine if somebody made an ANTI immigration rant in the same way? If that happened while I was in the theatre I would simply walk out, as noisily as possible.
I would have wanted my money back too.
If you had walked out you can be sure he’d have insulted you from the stage.
I recall in the old days when the National Anthem was played at the end of films, there was a mad dash to get out before it started (which was why the custom eventually stopped I think). Will the likes of us now have to have a mad dash out of the theatre before the ‘sermon’ from the principal actor starts?
In his latest rant he is reported to have uttered “and f..k to the politicians”, had I been present I would have taken immense delight in standing up and on my way out shouted back at him … “and f…k you Mr Cumberbatch” – I’m surprised nobody did to be honest.
Sadly the majority of people who would go to watch him in action are probably in agreement. Virtue signallers all.
Throughout the country local schools and community centres are showing the Barbican’s Hamlet directly to the large screens. I went and saw his pathetic rant and poetry, and no one coughed up a cent. But this additional ‘fu*ck the politicians’ is not going to go down nicely with parents and teachers who are introducing their children to Shakespeare.
He might think that the language of Class War and UAF thugs is OK for multiculty Londoners but we are a long way from that in most of the country.
I would say ” f*** all the actors “. These luvvies make me sick. Why do these arrogant assholes think that their political opinions are any more important than anyone else’s ? At least Glenda Jackson stood for Parliament and was elected.
Phew, and I thought that Teresa was going to stamp out extremism and protect British values. Can’t even find a way of protecting her own party from the mob who have forced them to re-locates the Scotch Tory Conference. I wonder if the BBC will attend the new secret venue, and if so will they reveals its whereabouts to the mob?
Never mind, Tell Mama will be giving her a dossier on offences suffered by Moslems which will generate a flurry of protective action.
It really is time to send Scotland on it’s merry way. It is usless now to preserve the union. We have little in common and this latest attack on free speech shows the true nature of the Scottish nationalism.
I would impose independence upon the lot . You want it now you have it .
Don’t forget a majority of Scots voted to preserve the Union; the arrogant national socialists are not the majority, just the noisiest and most obnoxious.
I can understand when I hear English people who want to cut Scotland free, but please bear in mind my mother’s father was at Loos in 1915 with the Black Watch 4th Battalion and lost his right arm. My father’s father was Royal Artillery 1914-1918 at most major engagements. My father was Radio Officer in the Merchant Navy 1939-1945 North Atlantic Convoys and was torpedoed three times. All fought under the Union Flag, all were born in Scotland and like the overwhelming majority of Scots love and are prepared to fight for Great Britain. The shit you see representing Scotland and the SNP on television with their leftist drivel and primitive growling is the way the BBC and the MSM want you to view us. Galloway, Sheridan, Salmond and Sturgeon are NOT representative.
You should know by now the media class primary hate is Great Britain and everything that binds us.
Thatcherrevolutionary, Quite agree. The way the SNP pretend that they represent all us is obnoxious . They are playing a dangerous game which is based purely on racist hatred of the english, however much they deny it.
This is a nice post but I’m not sure it’s totally accurate. The hard fact is 45% of Scotland voted to leave. The population who want to leave the union and preserve the union are not far from equal. The SNP stormed to victory in virtually every Scottish seat. While it’s not the majority, it’s certainly an extremely large minority.
The harder fact is 55% voted to remain as part of the UK. Do you believe that, if the numbers had been reversed, the SNP would consider the vote ‘not far from equal’?
I certainly do not.
According to links just posted over at order-order the Camila Batshitcrazy saga is about to go ballistic
I wonder how the BBC will report it -if at all
I depend on m’ learned friends to advise me as I don’t watch it anymore (but am still forced to pay)
They should bang up Yentob and that thing in the same cell. I am sure the BBC will not restrict its coverage of events at Kids Company to the Cameron years…or will it?
Apart from Savile and Batmanghedghli…what has the BBC ever done for children then?
Blue Peter !
Didn`t THAT die when Biddy Baxter left?
The phone-ins, the resurrection of Petra etc?
To be fair to her-and indeed to Sophies mum-they`d at least have kept Russell Brand and Camilla Savile types out of the studios for the protection of other peoples kids.
Camilla is just a Fat Fagin…are the obesity police onto her yet?
I have just lasted less than 10 minutes watching Have I Got News For You. It has got nastier and nastier. It is only a few months ago that the Country voted in a Conservative Government. You couldn’t have guessed it from either the panel or the audience.
If evidence was ever needed that Have I got News For You has become nothing more than a leftie luvvie, Labour loving Tory/UKIP bashing wankfest, then tonight’s episode was it.
I haven’t watched since the election when it was continual anti-UKIP bile but flicked on tonight “just to see”.
I wish I’d never bothered – managed to fight through the tory bashing tax credit cuts bit – ably led by Hislop (when did he become such a wringing wet wanker?) and to much whooping and hollering from the audience.
But I was forced to seek cover when the token American chick “comedienne” started on about the “tampon tax”.
May the Good Lord preserve me…..
Your good self and Deborah beat me to it. I lasted about 12 minutes, and my wife – bless her – is in the next room still watching.
HIGNFY started in 1990, and I can definitely remember it being unmissably funny. Is there a point in time that can be identified for when it changed in to its current waste of electrons?
Oh good, it’s finished. Back to the sofa for some non-BBC entertainment!
I hadn’t watched it for some years until a couple of weeks ago. Never again. It used to be excellent. As to Hislop, he seems to have gone native at the BBC. Or he has been got at ? I guess they get about £5000 each per show and everyone has their price.
“I guess they get about £5000 each per show and everyone has their price. ”
When Angus Deayton was sacked, he was on £11,000 an episode, Hislop and Merton were on £7,000. That was why they slaughtered him, it was nothing to do with the coke and whores. You can bet they saw the chance to grab their share of his fee, the guest presenters will be on less. Given that that was years back, I would be surprised if they are not on £15,000 an episode. Hislop will not bite the hand that feeds him that sort of cash.
Rob, and it is our money !
Yes LL, when Angus Deaton got the boot. For all his well publicised foibles – shared by many at Aunties – his quick witted chairmanship both controlled and out-performed Hislop and Merton, and whose primadonna status has flourished ever since – almost as if they’d planned it.
Hislop has been like that for years. The signs were there when he took control of Private Eye – and began to strangle its erratic genius.
What this country needs right now is another proper editor at Private Eye, not that toadying little tw@t Hislop. I remember the glory years of PE when its staff were not afraid of writs.
Quite right! Time to summon the shade of Peter Cook.
“Hislop (when did he become such a wringing wet wanker?)”
Probably when he started getting the big pay cheques from the BBC. If HIGNFY were ever cancelled, it would make a bit dent in his income. Who needs principles when you can have oodles of cash?
Seems to be a trend here now.
When was YOUR bail-out moment for HIGHFY?
Mine was when Danny Baker sneered at Louise Mensch for pointing out that the Occupy creeps were all too happy to plug into Starbucks while bemoaning the waste and trivia of capitalism.
The whole audience and Baker-and of course the likes of Hislop-did not like that at all.
I also remember Hislop mocking Paula Yates re her boobs or cosmetic surgery-she called him “The Spawn Of the Devil”…not so long before she died in 1999.
Like Citizen Khan-who decides that such cliche`d tired shite gets series after series as HIGNFY does?
There are series that are untouchable on the BBC – for example, the ridculous Jools Holland show. A competent pianist, but nothing more, Holland couldn’t open an envelope let alone a TV programme. His ‘interviews’ are simply flesh-crawlingly sycophantic and the weekly line-up seems to vary from clapped-out has beens to the latest ‘never will bes’ who have been hyped onto the programme by record companies. One wonders how.
The reason he’s there? He ticks all sorts of boxes for the BBC – not least saving them from having to work out how to provide proper coverage of contemporary music.
If you’ve wondered why there seems to be a poor choice of artists, it’s because one or two record companies have a total stranglehold on the show and has done since the 90s. The genuine ‘A’ listers rarely appear.
If you could provide chapter and verse on that, it would be incendiary – and of a lot of use to any newspaper willing to investigate.
Ooooh I thought I was the only one who didn’t “get” the music, and have felt dreadfully inadequate over the years because I never understood it, so never watched in case I was quizzed on it at work one day at the cooler. All a bit too way out for me.
I used to watch “Later” quite a bit, but frankly the sort of rubbish he has on these days means I don’t bother. Mind you, I think it’s filmed out in Kent now that TV Centre has closed, perhaps the decent talent can’t be bothered to leave London?
Spot on there sir…Holland is a disaster-and a long running one.
All those years since The Tube-and the cretin can`t ask a question to save his life.
He managed to ask Dave Gahan the same question twice in three minutes last night on “Later”.
Sense he must have tickled a few big ivory tusks and keys way back-for there is no other reason why his Godawful cohort of wannebes(an old drummer of his, Ruby Turner and Sam Brown is it?) get Hootenannies, series and tours based on his pointless doodlings and Jellyroll Merton shite.
He knows Prince Charles-has a pink big car-so that`ll serve him well.
Competent piano player, a vacuous tosser and unable to read a cue card in all other ways…very BBC.
It’s such a long time ago that I stopped watching HIGNFY, that I can’t actually remember when it was or the actual incident that finally prompted me to switch it off for the last time. For some unfathomable reason I soldiered on a bit longer with the News Quiz on radio 4, but once again I can’t remember the final offending item – almost certainly something from either that miserable little wimp Hardy, or the supremely unfunny Toksvig.
oldartist, with me and the News Quiz it was their endless obsession with Sarah Palin. So childish !
My own personal theory is that Toksvig, Calman, Perkins and the other ranks of BBC lesbians actually fancy Palin but her republicanism means they can’t admit as much. Hence their rabid, vampires sprinkled with holy water, reaction to any mention of her. Sad, humourless, frustrated, bitches the lot of them.
“Hence their rabid, vampires sprinkled with holy water, reaction to any mention of her”
Ah, that must explain the obsession of some here with black people, gay people, and Muslims. They secretly fancy them!
Or alternatively, your theory doesn’t hold any water at all, and the sad, humourless, frustrated one is projecting a bit…
They don’t like it up em – allegedly
BBC Questions E-Petitions Just Weeks After Massive Anti-Immigration Campaign
Once again words fail me.
The BBC spoke through Roger Scruton when he commented in the report.
“We all know that we can feel these crowd emotions at one moment and retire to our private quarters and recognise that we were wrong.”
There you go. We were wrong. The BBC is right. Do not argue.
Like everybody else who voted against immigration, i did not ‘feel these crowd emotions one moment’ . Also I recognised that I was right to vote against it.
Guess what Roger! It was the pro immigration vote that shot up almost immediately to 400,000 due to the photo of the drowned Syrian. So in that case, yes Roger you are correct. All those who voted for more immigration felt your ‘crowd emotions at one moment’ and now recognise they were wrong for voting. Dickhead
They wont like this one up em either ……………………
HIGNFY was a programme that proved to be very popular in its original format.
However, the BBC politicised it to match their Left wing ideals.
Hislop and Merton now accept the BBC cheque waved at them for compliance (ALLEGEDLY!!).
Hislop very occasionally breaks free of his financial sheckels (ALLEGEDLY!!) and utters brilliantly incisive comments.
Merton twice in every episode says something zany that could be humour, or just resorts to looking publicly puzzled.
Perhaps puzzled as to why he gets paid for basically doing sod all (ALLEGEDLY!!).
Good luck to both of them. I blame the corrupting BBC bias.
There’s an expression, ‘to jump the shark’ which refers to the moment when a good TV series begins a downhill slide. For me it was when Angus Deayton left and they started having different presenters. Ian Hislop always struck me as a small c-conservative, intellectual Anglican in the tradition of Dean Swift (I believe he made some documentaries about Swift and also about the CofE). I would imagine that such views are so far from the BBC mindset that he has no choice but to hold his tongue in order to remain on the air.
Even more significantly, when Deayton was sacked for taking cocaine while consorting with prostitutes, Merton (jealous of what he was getting paid) told the world how much he hated him (I saw an interview recently where Merton denied this but I remember watching him do it) revealing himself to be far from the cheeky chappie he likes to portray himself as (indeed he came over as a nasty piece of work) and my impression is that Hislop has become corrupted by the amount of money the BBC are paying him. Have you ever met a Leftie who can take criticism?
BBC lying and misrepresenting about a serial violent offender, male prostitute Tara Hudson.
According to them
“A transgender woman sent to a men’s prison has been transferred to a female jail after a campaign to get her moved.”
“Hudson has had reconstructive surgery but is still legally a man”
“the make-up artist ”
However according to Tara Hudson’s Twitter, Hung Angels, Birch Place, and Adult Work profiles, he is a shemale prostitute with a seven-inch long penis, which is fully functioning and with which he anally penetrates men (£120 for half an hour), and the only thing he has done is take hormones, which he purchased off the internet without medical supervision, and get breast implants.
more tea vicar?
more cock vicar?
Seven inches eh?
Has anybody yet thought of painting with such a prick?
This is not a slight on Rolf Harris….
last month:
“I’m actually a bloke”
BBC Points West has been all over this story all week, interviews with his mother and transgenger friends.
Are we saying that someone who is not adverse to laying the nut on another bloke is not able to to defend himself in a geezers prison?
This week alone we’ve had this story, the story about more kids questioning their gender, a ladyman in the Question Time audience and that freak Grayson Perry on HIGNFY tonight.
Agenda? What agenda?
I wonder if this campaign from his mother, who didn’t want to face up to the fact that her son is a gay prostitute.
his twittter is all about gay sex with all and sundry
https://twitter.com/tiaXstar/status/647506150695530496 , I bet he’d make a lot of cashin male prison
And not a a word of sympathy for the barman who got nutted, thereby causing him serious damage.
And-like Rebecco Rootie Toot, these pre-op gals certainly turn to the headbutt or the fist at the drop of a lavender hankie don`t they?
Not really women are they?…thought turning to your fists was a hideously bloke thing, devoid of emotional intelligence-wasn`t it?..once?
Credit to the lesbians who go blokish-as yet THEY don`t feel the need to threaten a Greer, to headbutt a barman.
Give it time though eh?…first one that does will no doubt get a contract at the Guardian, and a Press Review c/o the BBC.
Crime pays to the liberal liars.
Let me see now-gender dysphoria, anti-gay/trans disorders, lack of tax credits and not enough time in the Big Brother House…any of THAT should hit the Lottery G Spot.
Bernie-the Bolt!
All a come on to Islam isn`t it?
But there`s more of us than there is of them-and we KNOW that the Soviets and the Nazis did the same demoralisation and flag-waving before the Jews, the Christians and the dissidents were “enriched”.
Those of us who spent time looking at our histories will be ready…the phoney war is now, the Internet is still open and the BBC have been left to rot in their cesspit.
But we-and our kids-need not go there…Jesus walks…still.
”Swedish Foreign Minister claims the country is ‘facing collapse’ because of the mass influx of refugees” ( No shit Sherlock ? )
”Margot Wallstrom says Sweden cannot cope with the influx of refugees
Says country is facing collapse as 190,000 asylum seekers arrive each year
Has called on other EU member states to share burden in taking in migrants” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3297317/Swedish-Foreign-Minister-claims-country-facing-collapse-mass-influx-refugees.html
In other words, Sweden is in the shit, and they want everyone else to join them. No thanks Stig.
As per Merkel.
The question I would put to Margot Wallstrom would be – who’s idea was it, and who is the leader of your country ?
Why should the rest of us pay for the stupidity of idiots like Merkel and Walstrom ?
Shed no tears for Sweden. The people have bought this on themselves. I have noticed that in more robust nations many are raising the ancient question again.
‘if a governor acts against the very idea of a nation as a compact between past present and future generations in such a way as to bring it’s very existence into peril at which point is it legitmate and necessary to overthrow that governor. In fact at what point is it incumbent upon citizens to do so. ‘
This is what is going to face many of Europe’s native peoples over the next few years.
Nothing would surprise me now.
Margot was a Vice President of the EU .
Nibor, that explains it. She is not even qualified to clean a toilet !
BBC 4 programme about paddle steamers, what could possibly go wrong ? ”The ship was berthed at Cardiff, Tiger bay, in the late 1950s it was a hotbed of a multiculturalism, 50 nationalities, it was wonderful, I never saw a black face before, it had a profound effect on me.” they gushed. It’s at 14.00 min http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b06jnzjx/timeshift-series-15-4-the-peoples-liners-britains-lost-pleasure-fleets
Al Beeb propaganda.
Is our ‘International’ Health Service coming to an end?
That will upset Al Beeb and the ‘Libs’ – watch and listen to the ‘fallout’ in the next few days, but remember all the citizens of this country that now live neglected in care homes, who contributed into the system.
Ah, another government ‘Crackdown’. As soon as I see the word ‘crackdown’, I know it’s doomed.
How is the NHS going to collect payment from foreigners who are unwilling to pay? They will get emergency treatment anyway.
The NHS is not a debt collector and have no enforcement powers. Another pointless department will have to be created to recover these costs whilst costing a fortune itself.
The crackdown term is used to make plebs like us think that something will be done.
And finally from Al Beebs puppet master…………..
This should be interesting ?
BBC NewsChannel is running a ‘ClimateChange’ story ( or rather a non-story). We will no doubt have to suffer much more of this in the run-up to the Paris Conference in December. It’s all about IF the world temperature rises more than 2% – shots of pacific islands at risk of being submerged and a talking head saying this. Mention of figures between 2% and 4% and pictures of the fires in Indonesia which are throwing out more CO2 than the whole of Germany. Shots of chimneys. Same old doom-mongering and scare stories.
But not a single mention of course that temperatures have not risen for 18 years and that thus there is considerable doubt about the link between CO2 and temperature. That’s because they refuse to accept any qualification or criticism of their ideology. Blatant BBC propaganda, distorting minds.
Just when is something going to be done to stop the BBC’s subversion of freedom of expression?
Most users have probably seen this but for any that haven’t it’s worth a look, “The Great Global Warming Swindle”
Unlikely to be seen anytime soon on the BBC.
CAGW is certainly bunkum, but the above video isn’t accurate in many areas. It gives a bad name to sceptics everywhere.
Re Cull the Badgers post (w/s software has bumped it down a slot)
There was one of those curious BBC disconnects last week or earlier this week when BBC Radio 4 gave broadcast time to a plea from a politician from The Marshall Islands. He was pointing out how frequently parts of their group of islands are overrun by high tides and/or storms. No suggestion from the BBC that the Marshall Islanders should migrate to higher land or even join other migrants to Europe. No mention of Tristan da Cunha, much covered by the BBC in 1961 and 1963, either.
Is there a form of forced amnesia for all BBC employees which means they are incapable of remembering anything relevant to a current broadcast?
A picture paints a thousand words?
The BBC website is reporting that “a future Labour government at Holyrood would restore tax credits for Scottish families” (yes, I know there is more chance of a Labour government at Hollywood than Holyrood but that’s not the point). Note the smiling picture of Kezia Dugdale to emphasise the wonderful news – see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-34683943. Now, how often are Conservative politicians given such flattering photographs in articles? What sort of message would be conveyed if the BBC had used, say, this photo from The National Scot:
Great, though oddly the BBC item doesn’t explain how Kezia Dugdale will fund the tax credits she is promising which have ballooned from about one billion to 30 billion.
No doubt she will lay out her plans today … just in case anyone thinks she has the financial probity of Jeremy Corbyn and John MacDonnell.
Simple, It will be done just as my wife does. Spend all the money until the bank is empty. Say what she bought that we don’t need. Then scream with horror at the empty bank account and look for someone to blame.
Socialists are only concerned with spending money, they have no interest in how it is made. Just “tax the rich” and everything will be all right. They can never get away from the idea of top hatted mill owners grinding the faces of their shawl clad employees in the cobbles.
If socialists wanted to reduce poverty they would would support whatever system increases the living standards of the poor. Do they poor of North Korea have a living standard that is higher than the poor of South Korea? Do Socialist politicians – such as Castro – have the same living standard as everybody else?
Department of …. and Climate change oh my gawd is that next to the Department of fluffy clouds and blue sky . Worlds gone mad. Pensioners can’t heat their homes because of people like you BBC no other reason so stop talking crap
Lovely gushing piece on dear old Shakar Ahmed. Lovely fella he was in the wrong place at the wrong time wandering along with his goat in Afghanistan chatting to his neighbour Osama about blowing up and butchering the infidel and the bloody Yanks have the temerity to lock him up in Guantanimo. Completely innocent normal English bloke, still Dave has managed to bring him home on a private Gulfstream and I think they are going to get him a nice big house and a home movie centre for Christmas. We should have all his benefits sorted out next week and then Dave and Co will probably give him a couple of million for the inconvenience
BBC still banging on about the Gitmo Git. Sometimes but not often they mention why the US were so apprehensive about releasing him. But for the most part he is presented as a poor innocent abroad, tortured by the Yanks with British complicity – and often the word “alleged” is omitted. I have not once heard from the BBC that he was in Afghanistan on a false passport, nor that he spent more years in the US than in the UK, nor that he is a Saudi citizen. Nor that he was constantly misbehaving at Gitmo and was seen by other jihadists there as very senior – the “Emir of Gitmo”.
Why is this man still the top news on the BBC ? My hope is that this is another example of the BBC damaging itself by forcing nasty stuff on the UK public who mostly disbelieve the sob stories and regard this man as evil.
In passing – any chance the Russian airliner was brought down by jihadist action in the Sinai mountains ?
If he was a prisoner of the Americans shouldn’t they be paying the proposed compensaton bill of 1,000,000 pounds. Further how are the lawyers bill to be paid and by whom.
Finally I would like an answer as to why he felt the need to uproot, leave his family and go to a dangerous war zone area like Afghanistan?
I would certainly not do this unless the reason was exceptional.
I accept that detention for 14 years without charge is excessive and ridiculous.
In my view his compensation award should be largely dependent upon his replies.I remain suspicious.
You want some answers about the Gitmo Git’s behaviour ? You can of course rely on the BBC to chase hard after those answers, to give his lawyers short shrift and to give us the full picture. Look how hard they are trying already !
We know from previous cases that these jihadists get enormous sums in “compensation” because the Government cannot reveal in open court all the intelligence info. But why can’t the Government say this is the reason, not just bend the knee to jihadism. These creeps get far more than any of our servicemen ever received for active combat duties, the world turned upside down.
The internet and even the Daily Telegraph are all publishing the evidence that he was a terrorist and Jihadist. So , if they are libelling him, he can sue them. Of course, that would be a civil case not criminal. Meanwhile, the evil BBC continue to give him the Mother Theresa treatment.
wronged – to understand why the US kept this man in custody for so long you need to check out the details others have listed above – which paint this man as extremely dangerous, with lots of extremist contacts in the US as well as in the UK and overseas. The Americans saw him as a direct threat to America. I believe they have asked the British authorities to keep a close watch on him – again, something not mentioned by the BBC.
As to the “14 years” – he was offered release in 2007 to Saudi, his home country, but refused. So he has remained in Gitmo for a further 8 years at his own behest – because the US saw him as a real and continuing threat if set free.
I simply do not believe he suffered any abuse after he arrived at Gitmo – quite the reverse, he was described as an abusive and aggressive detainee. The “compensation” will be based on his allegations about British complicity in alleged torture after his capture while with the Taliban in Afghanistan on a false Belgian passport.
Thank you John, you raise some good points.
I think its far more likely not to go to trial because we the public would see the real hatred and venom these people have for us as well as the lengths they will go to to murder us. That’s the reason for no trial and no questions about what they are doing in Afghanistan etc. Just pay the money and keep quiet all in the name of multiculturalism and social cohesion
Wronged, he was doing charity work. LOL !
The devil is in the detail, what charity, who is associated with it, chief fundraisers, aims of charity, how long had al Gitmo been with the charity, background checks on his associates,his friends, his lifestyle, religion,etc,etc. It begins to uncover a picture.
I rarely agree with anything Al Gitmo supporter Andrew Mitchell says, especially on International Aid. I am also interested in any Saudi involvement. I gather Al Gitmo was a Saudi.
So was Savile, so is Camilla!
Sense this “cheridee” smokescreen for living off immoral gains-pimping and soliciting-is going the way of shares in KidsCo…and then the BBC, and its venal cover for evil that is Comic Red Nose Relight my Reefers Nights…which only schools and the NHS continue to force upon their kids, mental cases and patients.
The staff do it freely-which is TRULY mad.
I believed he took his family with him to Afghanistan. I wonder if Mozzam Begg will be meeting him any time soon considering it was Begg who grassed Shaker up to the Americans (see below)
‘Funnily enough Shaker Aamer is an old friend of Moazzam Begg. Which is interesting not least because at Gitmo, Begg himself identified Aamer as a ‘recruiter for al-Qaeda’. He said that Aamer had fought in Bosnia and had been a member of the jihadist group run by Abu Zubair al-Haili (a senior al-Qaeda operative from Saudi Arabia) and had among other things spent ’30 days training on the AK-47 and rocket propelled grenades’. Seven separate sources at Guantanamo also described Aamer’s connections to al-Qaeda.’
If you want to read more about good old shaker check out this link
Click to access Britains-Last-Guantanamo-Detainee.pdf
There is no question this guy should be monitored from now on, but why does the BBC assume this will be announced one way or the other. We don’t need to know he will be watched carefully, neither does he. The whole monitoring surely has to be secret otherwise it’s a waste of time.
I have just caught up with various topics on this site and anyone new reading about our world would think it has gone mad! Common sense has gone out the window…and that reminded me of something a friend sent me once. It seems to hit the nail on the head right now.
Obituary Notice of an Old Friend
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn’t always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer painkillers to a student; but, could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realise that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by three stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, I’m A Whinger and I’m A Victim.
Not many attended his funeral because so few realised he was gone.
Common sense tells us that the Earth is flat ! It isn’t always a good guide !
Thankfully common sense is not just based on perceptions but has many inputs. So, for example, we have books and the internet to give us reams of information on climate science which the BBC would rather we didn’t know about.
And a couple of thousand years ago it would have been the likes of Eratosthenes disproving the flat earth ‘consensus’.
And when the BBC feeds us its revised history of say, the miner’s strike, the input of experience into my accumulation of common sense tells me they are talking unadulterated student union Marxist bollocks.
No it doesn’t. The fact that there is a horizon (that you can actually see curve at the seaside for example) is a pretty good indicator the earth isn’t flat.
BBC’s favourite movie critic Mark Kermode tells us that Ken Russell’s ‘The Devils’ is a very political film. Lefty Kermode riffs on a Church and State theme.
I tend to agree the film is political but Kermode has it wrong. My favourite of Oliver Reed’s many good speeches is this:
“The significance of our walls is that we are self-governing, Richelieu hates this”
For Cardinal Richelieu read the would-be architects of the EU Super State. For the walls of the city of Loudun read european national borders. It is also apt that the term éminence grise used to describe a secretive yet powerful behind the scenes (unelected, of course) decision-maker derrives from the period of Richelieu. Think EU commissioners and supranational figures such as Peter Mandelson – éminence grise to Tony Blair.
A dispassionate review of The Devils with a modern perspective will show it has surprisingly little to say about Catholicism but much to tell us about the pulling down of local borders and the crushing of local independence in the name of the furtherance of new state building.
One could go on to cite the elite using the tactic of insincere persuit of ludicrous witch trials in order to eliminate potential political dissent and to cower the populace in awe of the state religion – then it was Catholicism, now it is multiculturalism, cultural marxism, feminisim and global warming.
Never trust a man who is named after a piece of lavatorial furniture. Also never trust a nonce who changes his appearance less than Noddy.
Wouldn’t listen to any BBC film critic in any case but an interesting analysis AsISeeIt