Dunno about you guys, but I’m finding the refusal of various Governments to spell out t-e-r-r-o-r-i-s-m as the most likely cause of the recent air crash over the Sinai beyond parody and infuriating)…
The Russian airline Kogalymavia has blamed “external activity” for Saturday’s Sinai plane crash which killed 224 people.
One airline official said: “The only reasonable explanation is that it was [due to] external activity.”
An investigation by aviation experts using data from the aircraft’s “black boxes” has yet to give its conclusions.
A Kremlin spokesman has told the BBC terrorism could not be ruled out as a possible cause of the crash.
At a news conference in Moscow, the deputy director of the airline, which was renamed as Metrojet, ruled out a technical fault and pilot error.
“The only [explanation] for the plane to have been destroyed in mid-air can be specific impact, purely mechanical, physical influence on the aircraft,” Alexander Smirnov said.
“There is no such combination of failures of systems which could have led to the plane disintegrating in the air,” he added. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-34697416
This is a concerted attempt by cowards and fools to avoid stating what everyone knows: this plane was the subject of a terrorist attack. All the evidence points to it. What an insult to those who were murdered.
Ye Gods!
“External Activity”?
Is THAT the original Russian for what they actually say?…or the BBCs preferred translations in effect.
If the Russians are as full of doublespeak as we are for PC reasons…we are stuffed.
I know that Russians used to have these bland euphemisms for what they did in the gulags…and we in the West rather liked them in our liberal causes and courses at university and the BMa…but if Putins goons choose the same Orwellian crap as we do (collateral damage, workplace incidents, weather events etc)…then that chills me.
I`d have thought if it WAS terrorism-then Putin would be back in Grozny/Dagestan etc within days…whereas if he`s craven in the face of Islam etc…then we`ve lost a bulwark we might have been hoping for out there.
Better to wait until the investigators report – remember the Glasgow Bin Lorry accident?
That said, ‘external activity’ doesn’t rule out terrorism or a military attack. I find it equally puzzling why it is assumed that groups fighting in Iraq & Syria are never ever going to capture weapons from forces they defeat in local and area skirmishes. Who knows what ISIL (or any other group) have been able to get their hands on that way? Then there are the arms dealers . . . . .
This was always going to be an interesting test case
Initial BBC reaction – a female correspondent, didn’t catch her name – was to consider the possible involvement of ‘militants’.
Well if your definition of militant is the sort of group who bring down 200 innocent civilians in a civil airliner I guess it’s going to be pretty hard to find a terrorist anywhere anytime soon?
The ‘T’ word has been just about expunged from the BBC dictionary
Now then! Which version would Putin prefer, I wonder?…to point the finger at ‘terrorists’ and increase his stature as the father and guardian of Mother Russia…or to admit that poor maintenance brought the aircraft down.
As is widely reported, the aircraft had a very serious accident some years back and there is much expert commentary (from people within aviation, with no political axe to grind) that the repair possibly failed and bought the plane down – as has happened previously.
Even if it was a bomb, who says it was an Islamic one? Don’t forget, Russia ran a false flag terrorist operation, during Putin’s accession years.
Whatever. I only hope that someone other than Russia and their buddies in Egypt are carrying out this investigation.
To be fair to the Beeb (the bit I listen to – R4) after hours and hours of speculation with scarcely the ‘T’-word they did at least run through the Investigation Rights under international law. Apparently the UK along with the French get a look-see as makers of the aircraft. Lex situs of the airline & passengers also requires representation and Egyptians, obviously, as it involved a departure from and ‘incident’ over their territory. I may have missed someone, if so please correct me.
You’re right, I forgot the US. Think the Beeb may have mentioned them.
The Beeb are mostly showing the nose or tail in pics on the w/s but I think I saw another where there was a clean cross section of fuselage, with bulkhead, everything looking strangely intact. Possibly the bit immediately before the tail section. It looked as though all the bolts had failed to my inexpert eye, if the photo was of the actual crashed plane. A clean and instant shear.
Not been on the BBC yet but they’ll love this. Tristram Hunt calling for a London Oxbridge PPE elite to run Liebour – not that they aren’t already! It’s just a different group of London Oxbridge ex public school elite !
Doesn’t this man realise that he’s already got what he’s calling for? & not just in the Labour party, it’s in the Tories too !
I know it’s my fault entirely, but having grown up in the era when Harold Wilson was hiding his cigars and smoking a pipe in public while Jim Callaghan was “a man of the people”, I do have a problem with the idea of a Labour politician called Tristram.
But we shouldn’t hold a chap’s origins against him. It’s not his fault that his father is Baron Hunt of Chesterton (one of Tony Blair’s life peers), Professor of Climate Modelling at University College London.
The bBBC finally wakes up to the market. Theatres have to raise their ticket prices as funding from taxpayers is cut.
Newcastle Theatre Royal used to take more than half a million pounds a year from local council taxpayers. Now its chief executive said: “We have had to increase our ticket prices, largely through bringing in a booking fee, in order to make up the loss of funding. At the same time we have made the programme broadly more popular. But making the programme popular has increased attendances, so we have both put up prices and we have more people coming through the doors, and the two things together mean we have covered – and more – the loss of funding.”
In other words, stop forcing taxpayers to fund things they don’t want, give them things they’re prepared to pay for. Will the bBBC learn the lesson?
Is BBC Radio 5 Live by chance going to ‘balance’ this with coverage of blanket threatening spam, harassment and bullying tactics (or related activities – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tees-14768033) by many of those they employ to secure their salaries and pensions?
Or would that fall under ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady)?
While the BBC and all the luvvie-liberal press scratch their heads and will have to ultimately concede that those naughty muslim terrorists (jihadis, sorry for the typo) are up to their old tricks, the Daily Mirror serves up a large helping of no-nonsense journalism.
I find their choice of pictured headlines very interesting. All the top ones are what you might describe as “Left leaning” and all the “Right leaning” ones are tagged on the bottom, and the biggest selling one of the lot (The Sun) is missing altogether.
Honestly, who the hell buys the “i” for God’s sake? I certainly don’t know anybody who does.
Breakfast this morning record temperature in Wales. Certainly average temp here. Pointless speculation on crashed airliner with no evidence. BBc breakfast not advertising, Guy Garvey from Elbow apparently has a solo album out.
Guy Garvey was on “Later” the other day.
Manc , well-heeled these days with Gervais like scrubby beard and weight issues.
Hits lucky with “One Day Like This”-where Hey Jude meets Angels as far as I can see.
Likes birds, lives in Central Manchester, owns a student bar with his band-and very much the Guardians wish-list fantasy for a “grounded rock star”…now that Coldplay cost them too much to talk to.
AND has a show on BBC6-so any droning wallpaper music of his will get the full suckups and BBC machinery to flog it all.
THAT SAID-his “breakthrough LP” was “The Seldom Seen Kid”.
If only Owen Jones and Laurie Penny would join, then take a plane trip with the Big Bopper…might sell a few more New Statesmen if they did this.
‘For some, it’s formal recognition of their community and a changed relationship within the US. Others want to leave the US entirely – or more accurately, want the US to leave Hawaii.’
Well, of course, every nation should be sovereign…. urm… except perhaps… the English?
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StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Dunno about you guys, but I’m finding the refusal of various Governments to spell out t-e-r-r-o-r-i-s-m as the most likely cause of the recent air crash over the Sinai beyond parody and infuriating)…
Sinai plane crash: ‘External activity’ caused crash
The Russian airline Kogalymavia has blamed “external activity” for Saturday’s Sinai plane crash which killed 224 people.
One airline official said: “The only reasonable explanation is that it was [due to] external activity.”
An investigation by aviation experts using data from the aircraft’s “black boxes” has yet to give its conclusions.
A Kremlin spokesman has told the BBC terrorism could not be ruled out as a possible cause of the crash.
At a news conference in Moscow, the deputy director of the airline, which was renamed as Metrojet, ruled out a technical fault and pilot error.
“The only [explanation] for the plane to have been destroyed in mid-air can be specific impact, purely mechanical, physical influence on the aircraft,” Alexander Smirnov said.
“There is no such combination of failures of systems which could have led to the plane disintegrating in the air,” he added.
This is a concerted attempt by cowards and fools to avoid stating what everyone knows: this plane was the subject of a terrorist attack. All the evidence points to it. What an insult to those who were murdered.
Ye Gods!
“External Activity”?
Is THAT the original Russian for what they actually say?…or the BBCs preferred translations in effect.
If the Russians are as full of doublespeak as we are for PC reasons…we are stuffed.
I know that Russians used to have these bland euphemisms for what they did in the gulags…and we in the West rather liked them in our liberal causes and courses at university and the BMa…but if Putins goons choose the same Orwellian crap as we do (collateral damage, workplace incidents, weather events etc)…then that chills me.
I`d have thought if it WAS terrorism-then Putin would be back in Grozny/Dagestan etc within days…whereas if he`s craven in the face of Islam etc…then we`ve lost a bulwark we might have been hoping for out there.
I’m absolutely no expert, but that damage (holes) on the wing looks a lot like the damage we saw on MH17.
Better to wait until the investigators report – remember the Glasgow Bin Lorry accident?
That said, ‘external activity’ doesn’t rule out terrorism or a military attack. I find it equally puzzling why it is assumed that groups fighting in Iraq & Syria are never ever going to capture weapons from forces they defeat in local and area skirmishes. Who knows what ISIL (or any other group) have been able to get their hands on that way? Then there are the arms dealers . . . . .
Do like the “BBC terrorism” phrase above-could catch on!
This was always going to be an interesting test case
Initial BBC reaction – a female correspondent, didn’t catch her name – was to consider the possible involvement of ‘militants’.
Well if your definition of militant is the sort of group who bring down 200 innocent civilians in a civil airliner I guess it’s going to be pretty hard to find a terrorist anywhere anytime soon?
The ‘T’ word has been just about expunged from the BBC dictionary
Good old BBC
Now then! Which version would Putin prefer, I wonder?…to point the finger at ‘terrorists’ and increase his stature as the father and guardian of Mother Russia…or to admit that poor maintenance brought the aircraft down.
As is widely reported, the aircraft had a very serious accident some years back and there is much expert commentary (from people within aviation, with no political axe to grind) that the repair possibly failed and bought the plane down – as has happened previously.
Even if it was a bomb, who says it was an Islamic one? Don’t forget, Russia ran a false flag terrorist operation, during Putin’s accession years.
Whatever. I only hope that someone other than Russia and their buddies in Egypt are carrying out this investigation.
To be fair to the Beeb (the bit I listen to – R4) after hours and hours of speculation with scarcely the ‘T’-word they did at least run through the Investigation Rights under international law. Apparently the UK along with the French get a look-see as makers of the aircraft. Lex situs of the airline & passengers also requires representation and Egyptians, obviously, as it involved a departure from and ‘incident’ over their territory. I may have missed someone, if so please correct me.
I’ve been taking a look at this. The US gets a look in too. A US company, GE, were part of the consortium which manufactured the aircraft’s engines.
More and more people are speculating on a possible failure of the ‘plane’s rear pressure bulkhead causing an explosive decompression.
Putin won’t like that if it’s true.
You’re right, I forgot the US. Think the Beeb may have mentioned them.
The Beeb are mostly showing the nose or tail in pics on the w/s but I think I saw another where there was a clean cross section of fuselage, with bulkhead, everything looking strangely intact. Possibly the bit immediately before the tail section. It looked as though all the bolts had failed to my inexpert eye, if the photo was of the actual crashed plane. A clean and instant shear.
Awful, for those on board, whatever the cause.
Not been on the BBC yet but they’ll love this. Tristram Hunt calling for a London Oxbridge PPE elite to run Liebour – not that they aren’t already! It’s just a different group of London Oxbridge ex public school elite !
Doesn’t this man realise that he’s already got what he’s calling for? & not just in the Labour party, it’s in the Tories too !
I know it’s my fault entirely, but having grown up in the era when Harold Wilson was hiding his cigars and smoking a pipe in public while Jim Callaghan was “a man of the people”, I do have a problem with the idea of a Labour politician called Tristram.
But we shouldn’t hold a chap’s origins against him. It’s not his fault that his father is Baron Hunt of Chesterton (one of Tony Blair’s life peers), Professor of Climate Modelling at University College London.
I wonder what he calls his whippet?
The bBBC finally wakes up to the market. Theatres have to raise their ticket prices as funding from taxpayers is cut.
Newcastle Theatre Royal used to take more than half a million pounds a year from local council taxpayers. Now its chief executive said: “We have had to increase our ticket prices, largely through bringing in a booking fee, in order to make up the loss of funding. At the same time we have made the programme broadly more popular. But making the programme popular has increased attendances, so we have both put up prices and we have more people coming through the doors, and the two things together mean we have covered – and more – the loss of funding.”
In other words, stop forcing taxpayers to fund things they don’t want, give them things they’re prepared to pay for. Will the bBBC learn the lesson?
This is what happens when you demand that people pay for something they don’t want.
Is BBC Radio 5 Live by chance going to ‘balance’ this with coverage of blanket threatening spam, harassment and bullying tactics (or related activities – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tees-14768033) by many of those they employ to secure their salaries and pensions?
Or would that fall under ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady)?
The comments on Twatter could have gone better.
While the BBC and all the luvvie-liberal press scratch their heads and will have to ultimately concede that those naughty muslim terrorists (jihadis, sorry for the typo) are up to their old tricks, the Daily Mirror serves up a large helping of no-nonsense journalism.
I find their choice of pictured headlines very interesting. All the top ones are what you might describe as “Left leaning” and all the “Right leaning” ones are tagged on the bottom, and the biggest selling one of the lot (The Sun) is missing altogether.
Honestly, who the hell buys the “i” for God’s sake? I certainly don’t know anybody who does.
Breakfast this morning record temperature in Wales. Certainly average temp here. Pointless speculation on crashed airliner with no evidence. BBc breakfast not advertising, Guy Garvey from Elbow apparently has a solo album out.
Guy Garvey was on “Later” the other day.
Manc , well-heeled these days with Gervais like scrubby beard and weight issues.
Hits lucky with “One Day Like This”-where Hey Jude meets Angels as far as I can see.
Likes birds, lives in Central Manchester, owns a student bar with his band-and very much the Guardians wish-list fantasy for a “grounded rock star”…now that Coldplay cost them too much to talk to.
AND has a show on BBC6-so any droning wallpaper music of his will get the full suckups and BBC machinery to flog it all.
THAT SAID-his “breakthrough LP” was “The Seldom Seen Kid”.
If only Owen Jones and Laurie Penny would join, then take a plane trip with the Big Bopper…might sell a few more New Statesmen if they did this.
‘…owns a student bar with his band-and very much the Guardians wish’
And, presumably, absolutely no relation at all to Jane Garvey of the BBC and of empty champaign bottles fame?
Looks like the BBC were right all along on climate change…
(just joking !)
Book ’em Danno, Bias One!
‘Aloha to the US: Is Hawaii an occupied nation?’
‘For some, it’s formal recognition of their community and a changed relationship within the US. Others want to leave the US entirely – or more accurately, want the US to leave Hawaii.’
Well, of course, every nation should be sovereign…. urm… except perhaps… the English?
Oh joy the PM programme gives us a trailer for ‘squeaky wheel’, racist Lenny Henry’s new series.
It’s a pity he has no competition within the BBC.