Can’t find any BBC mention of Gerald Kaufman’s latest anti-Semitic blood libel….
Curiously whilst the BBC was quick to air this video…..
…..It seems reluctant however to air another example of a black person being ‘islamophobic’…..
But then again the BBC didn’t actually ‘report’ the first video, they chose instead to look at other people’s reactions to the fact that the ‘islamophobe’ was black.
What’s missing from the videos is what the ‘victim’ did or said to provoke the ‘racist’ rants, if anything……perhaps it was some anti-black racism.
Go back to Jamaica……
While you’re busy posting these ancillary threads, how about a new ‘Start the week’ one ?
The last three videos are a good indication of the tension that has built up in society. It has become so huge, that even people of different ethnicities and religions, are beginning to feel that something is terribly wrong, and it is the OTHER that is to blame.
I’m surprised that no one has commented on the videos. They are very important. They presage a soon-to-come serious disorder in the UK.
The problem with these videos is they never show what proceeded them, the most famous example of that is the railroading of Emma West. At the time the BBC lead the parade of pitch forks and torches , but not in these case’s it seems. why is that I wonder? (answers on a post card to the holier-than-thou court of the liberal inquisition)
As the white population of London falls it will be harder to blame the tensions caused by forced multiculturalism on the boggy man of white racism – but the BBC will still try
Not BBC, but on a black American website, I saw a video of 4 black women fighting in the street in USA. Among the comments was one from black man saying, in effect, ” So long as black people behave like this , how can white people take us seriously ? “. Not a video that the BBC would ever show !
Very true. But note, that in each case, one of the debaters suggests that the other does not belong in Britain, and further, he/she take a hike to Islamic land, or other such place.
Now this is interesting, that the person with that view, regards herself as British, and the other a threat to Britain, no allegiance or identity to Britain, and really a threat to herself. In each case, the real angst is just underneath, and surfaces in an altercation.
I`m not going to look into Kaufmans roots-but surely to God, he MUST know what happens to Jewish graves nearby in Blackley and Cheetham Hill.
Jews of his age surely have direct links to the Holocaust/Shoah-nearly all lost direct relatives and must know what Islam intends ,yet again; for the Jewish people.
So why on earth is Kaufman saying and doing all this-does his hatred of Tories surpass his wish to see the Jews wiped out by the likes of his Corbyn, Abbas or whoever?
Astonishing…his views need wider distribution and the anti-Semitic slurs need an airing.
A truly sinister bloke whose legacy will be despised as much as Saviles as he goes on tirades like this one.
The late Laurence Auster, himself a Jew one time, had much to say of Jewish support for multicultureism
Some points
“Any large number of free-thinking Jews” is “undesirable” if one wants to maintain or develop a society in which a Christian tradition can flourish, said T.S. Eliot in 1934. He was right.
David A. Hollinger, Science, Jews and Secular Culture, 1996
When it comes to Jewish enthusiasm for the great egalitarian project I think we may be grateful that we are such a small people.
Ruth Wisse, If I Am Not For Myself
… the great take-over by Jewish-American writers dreaming aloud the dreams of the whole American people.
Leslie Fiedler, Partisan Review, 1967
[W]e have spent most of our history as a vulnerable minority … That is why Jews both value and insist upon multicultural societies where the rule of law prevails, where distinctive identities can flourish, and where tolerance and respect are values equally applicable to all citizens.
Abraham Foxman, Ha’aretz, February 13, 2006
Kaufman is a self loathing Jew who worships a higher calling – Socialism. George Soros is another self loathing Jew, who, in his youth, betrayed other Jews to the Nazis. After which his father traded in Jewish property after the owners had been sent to the extermination camps. Soros does far more damage throughout the world than the minnow Kaufman can.
Such an odd Jew this man. In the late 70s, whilst working in Poland, I was instructed to go and dig up Kaufman’s family history for him. in preparation for his coming visit to Warsaw as Minister for Trade, (to sign the ‘notorious build free ships for Poland deal to keep the British shipyards open at any price – not sure this deal info might still be under lock and key).
We dug up some terrible Nazi SS Jewish atrocities from the two towns, (Staszow and Palaniec), South of Warsaw affecting Kaufman’s relatives and find it incomprehensible why this Labour Jewish Charlatan so hates Israel.
How, as a socialist, can you not be an anti-Semite?
Adolf Hitler.
Kaufman always was a repulsive piece of work. As a Jew , he would be one of the first to be beheaded. Of course, I wouldn’t wish that on him… er.. Wasn’t he done for expenses or something similar ?
When love goes sour … hell has no fury.
My understanding is that Kaufman offered to solve the Arab-Israel dispute, à la Obama. When Israel showed no interest in his wisdom he became a bitter enemy.