Fascinating story from Andrew Gilligan in the Telegraph that puts a spoke, should one be really needed, in the BBC’s desperate narrative that the 7/7 bombs had nothing to do with Islam….despite the bombers stating clearly this was all about that…
7/7 bombings ‘were aimed at Olympic bid’
A Scotland Yard detective at the heart of the 7/7 bombings inquiry says he believes the attacks were originally planned to stop London winning the right to host the Olympics.
David Videcette, a former officer with the Anti-Terrorist Squad who worked on the bombings investigation for five years, said derailing the Olympic bid would also have helped protect a fundamentalist sect’s project to build Europe’s biggest mosque….the investigation did find clear links between the bombers and other TJ figures who appear to have had a clear interest in the large mosque being completed.
“These were leaders who exercise enormous control over the large and ghettoised Tablighi Jamaat community in Yorkshire. I believed they wanted to create a similar community and extend a similar arrangement to London. They didn’t want the Olympics because it would have made it more difficult to realise those plans.”
Khan and Tanweer did record videos, aired after the bombings, praising al-Qaeda and edited to include footage of Osama bin Laden’s then deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
They are also believed to have had some contact with al-Qaeda figures when they travelled to Pakistan in 2004-5.
I haven’t seen or heard the BBC making any noise about this analysis and conclusion about 7/7….why not? Why does the BBC look to be ignoring a story that makes very uncomfortable reading for those who wish to claim that extremism, radicalisation and terrorism have no connection to religion and who want to bury awkward news that illustrates just how unintegrated, and how unwilling they are to be integrated, certain communities are into British, Western, democratic, secular and liberal society?
Then again the BBC hid evidence that linked the biggest and most representative muslim organisation in the UK, the MCB, to the ‘Trojan Horse’ plot to hijack British schools…in fact not only did the BBC hide that possibility but they denied there was such a plot and instead blamed it on the ‘racism, islamophobia and paranoia’ of those who wanted the plot investigated.
Rapes, bombings, armed robberies, terrorism, and general criminality that Muslims engage in, to terrorise the Infidel state to adopt sharia in one form or other.
All this because we were atupid enough to allow millions of Muslims to settle in the UK, and live, for the most part, on Benefits.
So to make sure that this cannot be reversed, the EU is going to grant visa free entry to Turkey. This means that all of a sudden, all Muslims will claim “Je suis Turk”.
“we were stupid enough”
I doubt if anyone on a freedom site like BBBC was this stupid.
We do however, know who the perpetraitors (sic) were and are.
Their cards are marked.
Does this explain why the Olympics were presented as a triumph for multi-culti leftie-dominated London?
What percentage of the Muslim population in the UK supported or was sympathetic to the views of those that killed all those people. Has the BBC done a survey?
What about support or sympathy or support for IS? Female genital mutilation? Killing gays? Expelling the Jews? Arranged marriages? What about attitudes to the sexual abuse? How about the issue of freedom to discuss different religious beliefs without persecution?
What percentage of the Muslim population support marriage outside their race or religion? Any Newsnight specials on that? What percentage of the Muslim population in the UK is living off social security? Is there a Muslim population boom? What percentage of immigrants are Muslims, and what is the long term impact on our population? Do Muslims have more children? How about social integration – are there Muslim enclaves which are hostile to outsiders in British cities. Was there a Panorama programme about this?
Do Muslims view themselves as Western, or British, are they familiar with British history, do they admire anything about this Country, if so what? Was there a “Thinking Aloud” programme about this? Was there a Timewatch programme about the slavery raids and battles took place over hundreds of years attempting to destroy Christian Europe?
I am just wondering if all those journalists employed by the BBC had done any research. I mean the BBC does employ thousands of journalists doesn’t it, so has it commissioned any surveys, is it at all interested in what the Muslims in the UK believe?
” the BBC does employ thousands of journalists doesn’t it”
Well, actually, no, the BBC does not employ a single journalist.
The so-called BBC does, however, employ many so-called journalists, who because they have oodles of so-called talent
and so-called expertise, receive high levels of pay and perquisites. P&P at our expense.
There is no connexion between real journalism and the propaganda produced by these sub-hack standard scribblers.
“I haven’t seen or heard the BBC making any noise about this analysis and conclusion about 7/7….why not?
Well, possibly because the suggestion that the 7/7 bombs were supposed to derail the Olympic bid in order to build a ‘Mega-Mosque’ on the site instead, is pure fantasy. The proposed site was half a mile outside the Olympic Park. Indeed, part of the planning application was that it would provide visitor facilities for Muslims attending the Olympics.
David Videcette has a book out. It’s subtitled; “What If London’s 7/7 Bombings Were the Greatest Criminal Deception of Our Time?” Or in other words; “I’ve got no proof, just conspiracy theory type stuff that’s REALLY WEIRD”. I’m sure the David Ike crowd will lap it up.
Alternatively, to save time, you could just visit David Videcette’s website; “I can’t tell you the truth, but I can tell you story…”
Of course Alan, I’m sure you know all of this already; because you wouldn’t write a blog post without even a cursory attempt to research what you’re talking about.
Indeed, part of the planning application was that it would provide visitor facilities for Muslims attending the Olympics.
Oh, of course! Like they attend all the other sporting events in this country. Go have a look at the crowd when Leicester City next play at home and let us know how much ‘diversity’ you observe.
Jason….I think the well versed Andrew Gilligan knows far more than you about Islamist activities and intentions…for instance you claim this as proof this idea is baseless….
‘The proposed site was half a mile outside the Olympic Park. Indeed, part of the planning application was that it would provide visitor facilities for Muslims attending the Olympics.’
Curious, in your research, you miss this in the article……
‘The Games required the compulsory purchase of part of the land earmarked for the mosque, reducing the maximum size of the project. ‘
Also curious, or not, how you totally ignore the links to TJ activists and the fact that this information is not dreamt up by David Icke but was detailed in the inquiry….
‘The evidence was publicly aired at the inquest into the bombings in 2010, but little reported at the time. ‘
Not sure if i’m missing the point but the Olympic bid was won the day before the bombings.
Our bank in the Cayman Islands sent an encrypted email to confirm that they had received the expected large, brown, filled-to-the-brim, envelopes.
You are missing the point – which is that there are signs that the attack was originally planned for the morning of 6/7 – just before the votes on the bids.