New blog post from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– It’s a Dog’s Life Being a Scottish TV Licensing Goon
Readers may have spotted the irony that TV Licensing “objects” to its employees being filmed and named, but has published their names and photographs in various national newspapers over the last day or so! The number of people threatened/assaulted by aggressive TV Licensing employees somehow doesn’t get a mention in any of their press releases (but it’s a BIG number).
– Reader Letter: Allowing TV Licensing Goons Access to Your Home
On BBC this morning, Johnathan Dimbleby, the presenter of Radio 4 Any Questions, was on promoting his book. I had to check he still worked for the BBC, because how the f*ck can a BBC employee flog his wares on BBC. I was actually pretty shocked, which is why I checked he was at the BBC still, and he is. I’ve looked through the BBC guidelines regarding presenters (which he is), and the BBC is clever here. Seemingly, a BBC presenter can go on another BBC program and flog his shit. At tax payers expense.
The guidelines are incredible. BBC Presenters cannot promote goods for themselves or a third party, but seemingly BBC presenters can go on other BBC programs and flog their shit. Again, public money for private gain is totally illegal. Free advertising at the tax payers expense.
The BBC only ever wheel out those who agree with their anti-British, far-Left views, apart from the token Ukipper thrown in as a pathetic attempt to appear impartial. They never give voice to the majority who are sick to death with unfettered immigration and the whole diversity swindle. They really are disgusting. Progressive = middle, class, sanctimonious anti-British tw*t.
Speaking of impartiality, I’m looking at the guidelines for impartiality, and they again are strangely worded.
Paragraph 2
“The Agreement accompanying the BBC Charter requires us to [do all we can to] ensure controversial subjects are treated with due impartiality in our news and other output dealing with matters of public policy or political or industrial controversy. But we go further than that, applying due impartiality to all subjects. [However, its requirements will vary].”
I added the brackets. It’s them words that should not be there.
It should simply read the BBC Charter requires us to ensure controversial subjects are treated with due impartiality. Why the disclaimer? In case the reporter is impartial?
And due impartiality will vary? Another unneeded disclaimer, allowing for bias.
Paragraph 3.
“The term ‘due’ means that the impartiality must be adequate and appropriate to the output, taking account of the subject and nature of the content, the likely audience expectation and any signposting that may influence that expectation.”
Jesus! Likely audience expectation! The truth please. Signposting? Saying a terrorist is a muslim might may you think the terrorist is a muslim.
Paragraph 4
“Due impartiality is often more than a simple matter of ‘balance’ between opposing viewpoints. Equally, it does not require absolute neutrality on every issue or detachment from fundamental democratic principles.”
Again with the disclaimer/limiter. Nobody is asking for absolute neutrality. They are asking for the facts. Such as the ‘charities’ that Shakar Aamer worked for. Or a million other examples constantly spewing from the BBC.
Paragraph 5/6
“The BBC Agreement forbids our output from expressing the opinion of the BBC on current affairs or matters of public policy, other than broadcasting or the provision of online services.The external activities of staff, presenters and others who contribute to our output can also affect the BBC’s reputation for impartiality. ”
Now they’re just taking the p*ss!
Maybe he could be prevailed upon to explain why the BBC holds itself below standards other media are not, or indeed routinely breaks even its own backside-covering rules with impunity on a 24/7 basis with the blessing of too many of those in Parliament (who are, at least, elected).
Well done, Mr f, it is never pleasant trawling through muck.
Whenever I see the term ‘signposting’, I think of those ‘interpretation’ boards placed at landscape viewpoints by the great, the good and the moral, to tell us what to see when we are admiring the landscape. The nervous insistence on placing themselves between us and a view always strikes me as a worrying sign that we might see something else, something they don’t want us to..
Monday night is quiz night on BBC. Only Connect, always leaves me struggling, welcome return of The Quizeum, wonderful knowledgeable contestants, I learnt a lot and it was enjoyable, used to enjoy it on radio 4 and 4 Ex. and University Challenge.
The team from Imperial were worthy winners, but did anyone count the number of starter questions and bonuses, that involved questions on physics and related subjects? Five out of the first seven starters? This seemed rather fortunate for a team of four all reading …physics!
The same thing happened the last time they appeared. The question setters aren’t from Imperial are they?
Only Connect is a quiz show that seems to have had a charisma by-pass. Still, the lovely Victoria can always depend on an invitation to appear on her husband’s quiz show. Perhaps they should rename it ‘Ask the Family’.
Invicta. I haven’t seen this episode yet but what you say rings true to me, though this sounds like a welcome alternative to the usual plethora of ancient greek and modern literature questions when Oxbridge Arts students are on.
I am quite clear in my own mind that the questions are set according to the makeup of the teams.
I’m old enough to remember UC with the original question master.
A family has just had a new gas meter installed in their house. ”As a gesture of goodwill’ says the engineer, ”I am authorised to present you with this very large 10p coin. it’s your starter for 10 with a Bumper Gascoin’
The BBC is treating this unprecedented demographic upheaval, this invasion, and the real social consequences as if it is not happening. The European political management has left the building.
Time to wake up. Join UKIP, vote UKIP. Act, before you regret not doing so!
It is not happening. That is because the liberal elites in charge in Europe cannot handle it. The equivalent of a child hiding benhind the sofa when something unpleasant appears on the TV.
It is impossible now to predict what will happen in Europe and the ME more than a few days ahead. Literally anything is now possible.Perhaps many of us, if we had been around in 1913 and 1938 ,would have had the same sense of foreboding. Only this time Europe as a whole is being invaded. Without violence for now.
What is certain is that there is a real disconnection between the governing/media/ intellectual class in Europe and the majority of the indigenous population. That cannot go on indefinitely. So something will happen but what is uncertain. The governing class is close to forfeiting legitimacy in many ways.
So no prediction makes sense now.
Also we must remember that the majority of people always just get on with their lives and take little part in events until those very events overwhelm them. This is a constant in our world.
What we on the sceptical right have is the knowledge that the certainties, albeit absurd, of late 20th and early 21st century liberalism are about to come to an end and reality is coming.
It is essential that we start to prepare ourselves and our families for this uncertainty and for hard hard days.
DaveS, Well said ! The ignorant liberal elite are totally out of their depth. Nothing in their narrow-minded little lives has prepared them for this reality.
Dave S – I always enjoy reading your carefully considered analyses on the rapidly developing chain of events. I agree that prophecy is futile at this time. All bets are off regarding the outcome.
Over one year ago I was speaking to my 90 year old Auntie (the sole surviving sibling of six children born in the 1920s all of whom served in some capacity during WWII); she said to me without any prompting on my part “I think we’re heading towards another world war”. I was quite surprised at her comment at the time. She was there in 1938, she knows where we are heading now.
For my part I have been suggesting to friends and family that WWIII started on September 11th 2001, and though it has never been declared or even acknowledged by our political or military leaders we are most certainly caught up in a global conflict.
Having agreed with you that predictions are pointless now, I will say that I believe this winter will hasten EU collapse and strife as we are bombarded by pictures of freezing children and families re-enacting a tableau of medieval ghastliness. Already migrants are succumbing to influenza and illness. The flu epidemic of 1918 wiped out millions in Europe post WW1 and across the globe. The conditions are set for an epidemiological disaster in 21st century Europa.
Written of Enoch Powell – “Powell was not in favour of mobility internationally. This was because Powell put the coherence of nations above the free market.”
Yet Powell was an ardent capitalist and believer in the free market, on whom Margaret Thatcher based much of her economic thinking.
The economic arguments put forward for immigration by Essexboy’s party today, he would have dismissed outright.
Enoch Powell was a person who loved his country – a true patriot.
Al Beeb hated him and Great Britain. The broadcaster is rife with ‘internationalists’.
I have stated previously on this site that I will not vote UKIP and I am pleased to say that I do not get the same treatment as Essexman otherwise I would stop coming here. This is a site about BBC bias, let us all be united in that.
If its to put up the rates? Eh,its Council Tax now , it will be to cover councils costs on migrant`s . Anyhow you can slag me off all you like ,but in the end, you are going to Need us Conservatives to vote “NO” in the EU referendum. There will be never a single party kipper government , only a Conservative or Labour one , in coalition ,(with the Kippers, or SNP,) or with a a simple majority . You can rant about the Conservatives all you like , but if the next government was Comrade Corbyn , you would want the us Conservatives back soonest.
Didn’t you say exactly the same thing about the Milliband/Cameron choice and for exactly the same reasons -shillings- the joke is you money grubbers created Comrade Corbyn. If Vidcun Cameron had been forced to form a coalition with UKIP Milliband would have survived to lose another day
‘… rioters who pelted police with missiles during an illegal Halloween party as a BBC journalist described watching a “war zone” erupt on his doorstep’
‘Panorama reporter John Sweeney, 57, told how he was was woken at 2.30am yesterday to shouting in the street and a saw one partygoer sitting on the roof of his car’
‘He said many of the people were wearing Halloween and Day of the Dead costumes and he told the Standard: “There were ghouls and zombies throwing bricks’
[ghouls and zombies? That’s hardly BBC-speak, Militants, surely?]
“They were fighting over a fire which had been started using a neighbour’s fence.” [Oh the humanity!]
“I have been to many riots and wars but this was the first one outside my own home.” [I’ll bet you had a tad less sympathy for the rioters this time, eh John?]
‘More than 1,000 “recreational rioters” clashed with officers battling to shut down an illegal Halloween warehouse party in Whitgift Street.’
‘Mr Sweeney, who has just returned from visiting Syrian refugees, criticised the ravers for “wanting to kill the police.”’ [That’ll be the Halloween rioters he means – please don’t think he meant the ‘refugees’ versus the Hungarian police]
‘He added: “Just because police are in uniform it does not mean they are not worthy of respect as human beings.’ [Steady on John, next thing you know you’ll be accused on Twitter of being a Tory]
‘Organisers of Scumoween: A Nightmare on Scum Street – organised on Facebook – today branded the troublemakers “thugs”’ [I shouldn’t take offence at that Scum Street thing John, how could they know a right-on BBC bod lived there?]
And what also makes me smile is the fact that just recently the BBC gave an approving platform to Rev Sally Hitchener who made the case for 5th November – “A very controversial festival” – to be “suplanted” by Halloween. “We should twist it a bit” And the Beeboids lapped it up.
”Hungarian Prime Minister accuses billionaire investor George Soros of trying to undermine Europe by supporting refugees travelling from the Middle East
Viktor Orban says investor George Soros has been undermining Europe
Adds that him and others were supporting refugees fleeing the Middle East
The Hungarian Prime Minister has accused billionaire investor George Soros of betraying Europe by supporting refugees travelling for the Middle East.
Viktor Orban said a conspiracy of left wingers, influential money movers and unelected leaders were undermining the EU as they try to deal with the migrant crisis.
Orban cited Hungarian born Mr Soros as an example, saying the plans of ‘well organised money movers, those thinking beyond nation-states and leader who have never been elected’ could come to reality.
He said: ‘Europe has been betrayed, if we don’t stand up for it, the continent will no longer be for those citizens living here.’Who in Europe voted to allow people to arrive illegally in their millions and then be distributed?”
‘What is happening today has no democratic basis,” he said, adding that the EU was moving from organisation and legality to ‘anarchy.’
The Hungarians are going to play a key role now. If they can stand firm against Merkel and her friends then Europe has a chance. However I doubt that Russia will stay silent if the EU tries to destabalize Hungary.
This country has no future in the EU and any argument to the contrary is absurd. The argument is about to tip over from an economic to an existential one and at that moment the EU will not survive unless it can use force against those nations that attempt to save their culture and people.
“Viktor Orban said a conspiracy of left wingers, influential money movers and unelected leaders”
Yes Brims, and you anyone else paying attention knows that what he’s really talking about is “The Jews”; which is why you keep on posting this nonsense.
George Soros happens to be of Jewish background – maybe it influences his outlook and ambitions, maybe it does not. Most globalist politicians, financiers and businessmen clearly are not Jewish – it is their actions which threaten the World, not their origins, nationality, ethnic background or religion. The attempt to smear anyone who examines or questions matters as an explicit or implicit anti-semite is an old, failed and time-expired trick along the lines of ‘anyone who discussed immigration is a racist’.
It’s only fair that the sinister billionaire Soros is seeking to undermine Europe, as his left wing activism has been undermining the USA for a long time now. He is of course untouchable.
Orban is right. I urge anyone who has not read about Soros to do so. He is arguably one of the most dangerous men alive and his hand moves many of the pieces on the board.
Leaving aside the (frankly tiresome) Jewish issue, Soros is a very evil man, quite regardless of his racial background.
It’s absolutely crazy. What will happen when Germany and Sweden run out of money paying the welfare for all these ‘doctors’ and ‘engineers’ – probably Cameron will offer to take in a million or two as a humanitarian gesture.
If I were a couple of decades younger I’d emigrate, but where’s the best place we can go to escape the lunacy? Those old dictatorships in South America don’t seem so bad now.
To those readers of this site who are old enough to have taken part in the original EU referendum (I voted against joining the EU!) There was no mention of ‘Ever Closer Union’.
The only salvation for the survival of our great nation is to vote UKIP. Time to fight back against Al Beeb’s Europhiles.
Taff old bean, you never had a vote on joining the EEC ( as it was deceptively named back then), we were already in. Heath had signed us in….
You had a vote on whether to stay in or to leave.
I voted to leave too, none of their bullshit fooled me.
Yr ydych yn gywir.
You are correct!
Although my memory did not serve me well , I am sure that I voted to get out of Europe along with many of my compatriots at that time. We were astounded that we remained in and surrender our trading friends of the Commonwealth for a Europe that was always hostile to Great Britain.
We still have time to get out, but this will be the last time we will ever have the choice .
There was, there always has been. It was wall-papered as ‘pooled sovereignty’ but nothing to worry about as we had a veto. Then the veto got in the way and became ‘qualified majority voting’ and the ‘voters’ were expanded with more ‘wants’ to out-vote the ‘haves’.
In the same way there always was ‘free-movement’ but it wasn’t going to happen because ‘no-one’ moved from France to Germany to Holland etc. because they were all ‘haves’. Add in eastern Europe and, Allah save us, Turkey and its open door to the rest of Asia and Africa and the deluge was inevitable.
Its the way these weasel politicians work. I expect everyone here was old enough to remember how ‘civil partnership’ was the ‘equality’ goal; there was no intention to have marriage re-defined but hardly was the ink dry and the ‘progressives’ wanted more. Ditto abortion, an escape route for the raped and abused, now a major form of contraception and population control at 750,000 per year. The physicists call it entropy, the inevitable descent into chaos that can only be countered by intelligent organisation – not a property of politicians I’m afraid.
I wasn’t old enough, my old man was convinced it was fixed. An ex WW2 sailor he hated everything about Europe and couldn’t get his head around how we could enter into such a union. We didn’t always see eye to eye, but he was right on this, Christ knows what he would make of things today, he died pre Blair.
Incredible to think you’d have to be at least 58 to have had that opportunity.
I voted – and voted to stay in: a decision I bitterly regret. However, I voted to stay in the EEC ie the “Common Market”, not to join the EU. Of course, I was lazy in not bothering to go behind the lies and scare stories perpetrated by the then political class (just like today’s). Also the anti-EEC line was led by Benn and Powell. To me – and a lot of other people – anything Benn espoused was anathema and that went in spades for Powell who was demonised then (as now) for speaking the truth on race and immigration.
I can’t remember the BBC “line”. I suspect it was to stay in but either the then BBC was rather more discreet than today or its line echoed my predeliction anyway so I wasn’t that bothered. Anyway, now we have both a more knowing electorate (concerning the lies of our rulers) together with a substantial minority who are ill-educated and pig-ignorant. I think the voters of the mid-70s were rather better educated and informed generally but more naive in their lingering trust for politicians and the “great and good”. That trust has been largely dissipated. Unfortunately that credulousness has transferred in part to the lefty celebs (Cumberbatch, Brand etc) given a species of authority way beyond their desserts through endless uncritical exposure by the BBC and the MSM.
I voted ‘no’ last time and I shall vote ‘no’ this time. The government lied to me last time. The government will lie to me this time. The BBC will assist them.
I voted to stay in – I was 18- I was voting for cheap Belgium beer and holidays in Rimini not an EUSSR super state-that’s why 16 and 17 year olds should not be allowed to vote
I was not old enough , to vote ,in 1975 , but I think my parents voted to stay in .I would of voted to stay in then , even if it was votes at 16 , I would of just missed that too . Today I would, probably vote to leave . At the moment its about 70% to leave 30% in , but I think ,what the hell , lets leave , but someday`s ,I think its better to stay in .
I was just too young but I would have voted to stay in as the UK was a basket-case as successive lefty governments (including Heath’s) had lost the willpower to govern against the ruling NUM class determined to destroy us. Germany looked very good in comparison and was in the EEC so I thought we may improve if we joined. Even Maggie Thatcher campaigned for “In”.
However, we were told our national sovereignty was not under threat and the EEC was just a trading block with sensible trade tariffs. Boy, did those Euronuts lie to us!! And guess what they’ve lied to us about every new, further integrational treaty ever since. And further guess what they are still lying. My mother was against us joining as she was pro-commonwealth which we ditched in 1973, but reluctantly voted to stay in 1975 as we had burnt our commonwealth bridges and she thought out would mean isolation.
I find it funny that a BBC-approved church minister regards November 5 as such a ‘controversial’ festival that it should be replaced by Halloween. I mean, as I recall it’s only a few years since church representatives were complaining Halloween was too satanic.
I suppose that the reasoning behind this change of mind is that the Gunpowder Plot was a conspiracy by some Catholics, so parallels are seen with fear of Islam. To the left-liberal mind, if people are permitted to burn a dressed-up old bolster as an effigy of Guy Fawkes, it’s an encouragement to torch their local mosque!
The church of England should lose its special protected status, and be regarded as a far left extremist political party – that’s what its prelates want so why not give it to them?
I like to think of November 5th as the triumph of democracy over anarchism rather than a Catholic – Protestant thing. Obviously that doesn’t fit in with al-Beeb’s agenda as they are a bunch of Shi-ites.
The wet leftist C of E clergy are probably afraid that the Gunpowder Plot might remind us that fanatical religiously inspired terrorists can plan to destroy the very foundations of our state, and engineer a violent takeover of government. Until a few years ago, it was a harmless piece of history, because we did not have organised, fanatical religiously motivated terrorist groups organising in our country. Now we do, and the inevitable instinct of the C of E wets is to change our customs in case we offend the terrorists. Cowards is the word that springs to mind, but their cowardice will not save them from crucifixion or beheading if the worst ever happens.
Quite a fever over Halloween was whipped up about two decades ago, especially among the ‘evangelical’ community, with only knowledgeable Anglicans explaining that it was originally a Christian ‘anti-devil & spirits’ festival that reinforced some spiritual sanity & faith as days shortened and the darkness of winter increased.
That is precisely what they say. I have actually had this conversation with a vicar. Apparently being beastly to Catholics isn’t good form. If she had had even a passing knowledge of history and had known how many Protestants had been burned alive by Mary Tudor, she might have had a greater understanding of why people remember foreign inspired plots to subvert this country’s sovereignty. And that’s a memory we all need now, just as we did in the late 1930s.
GCooper, that’s kind of along my line of thinking. However I think I’m closer to the mark with the democracy versus anarchy line. England was in great turmoil at the time with a succession of fundamentalist Catholics and Protestants on the throne within a relatively short time frame and the populous of each faith hoping for a better outcome with each change. Atrocities were committed by both sides. In a more modern context we can see a parallel with the relatively recent events in Northern Ireland. I think most of us appreciate that whilst “denomination” was used as the pretext to the troubles, in reality we recognise that it was also state versus anarchists. Indeed many of the former activists continue to run illegal opposition to the state as a drugs cartel.
As a former CoE ordinand, my understanding of Halloween is that it is All Hallows Eve. The vigil of All Saints day where we commemorate all the good works of the saints and in particular those who do not have their own festival. A far cry from Day of the Dead or the more gruesome aspects of American Trick or Treating.
There is evidence that the pagan festival of Samhain was “Baptised” into the vigil of All Saints to remove the pagan elements from the “darker half” of the year festival. I don’t think in any case a true Christian could ever defend the practices of the modern “give me treats or I trick you” Halloween against the right of the people to be democratically represented which to me is the meaning of November 5th.
R4: 7.40am: Humphfreys introducting Labour’s Liam Byrne, said this is the man that left the note ‘there’s no money left’. Then went on to insist that it was only a joke. So therefore Labour did not cause the deficit or greatly increase the national debt. Or the previous is true, therfore there is no money left and the note was not a joke.
I heard this too, FB. And it was the way Humphrys said it, like one of those situations where a joke backfires and someone takes offence and you have to smooth things over by saying ‘It was only a JOKE!’
And that was precisely what Humphrys did, smoothing things over in his introduction of Byrne so he could have a clear run with his party political broadcast on the re-distribution of wealth – sorry, ‘tackling inequality’.
Anyway, Mr Humphrys, I was one of those who took offence at Byrne’s ‘There’s no money left’ ‘joke’ because as a UK resident and taxpayer I thought it was outrageous that a senior outgoing member of HM’s Government could be allowed to take the piss out of us over the dire state in which he and his brothers had left the country. I found it even more outrageous that the nation’s impartial, unbiased broadcaster could not be bothered to hold Byrne or his brother to account over it at the time or since, nor even be bothered to make it the subject of one of their ‘satirical comedy shows’.
One can easily imagine the BBC’s reaction had it been said by a Tory in similar circumstances. Just like we never hear the end of ‘The Nasty Party’, we have never heard the start of ‘There’s no money left’, ‘The end of boom and bust’, ‘Rubbing the Right’s nose in diversity’ or ‘A good day to bury bad news’.
Unbiased and impartial? That’s taking the piss on a Byrnesian scale, that is.
Their Moscow correspondent, frankly, has nothing to add to the airliner crash story (well worth his airmiles?) and so to fill the spot he’s keen to show us the front pages of the Russian newspapers. Look mum, it’s me in Moscow. Nice one Cyrillic – as we used to say.
The BBC man starts his impromptu paper review with a broadsheet he roundly disparages as “the State newspaper”
We just get a quick flash but the typeface and layout of the paper in question looks remarkably similar to the Guardian
The BBC in common with all western press agencies are in the dark as to which direction this Sinai disaster story will take.
One thing I would say is that the chances of getting the truth (a rare commodity in the media I admit) from Egyptians or Russians is very low.
It is quite remarkable that the British media (including the BBC) blindly quote the enhanced security at Sharm El Sheik airport. If only these yes-men reporters had actually travelled further than their office coffee machines they would know that ‘enhanced security’ at an Egyptian airport is worth about as much as one of Lord Melbury’s cheques.
The year before Arab Spring rendered hotel balconies the sole preserve of male BBC anchors as their female colleagues were sent into the alleyways to soak up the atmosphere, our family enjoyed a Nile Cruise vacation.
We did note that security at host airports was… ‘lax’. Indeed the X-Ray machines appeared optional, or at least easily avoided by the passing of a few notes to the operators.
We treasure a photo of a guard outside resting on his AK, barrel down, in the sand.
BBC ‘reporting’ of what they are told is a joke, I have learned.
My parents saw mush the same thing on holiday in Egypt in the 90s: a guard asleep in his entry box with his rifle on the ground next to him. They don’t call it Egyptian PT for nothing. Does anyone think security at Sharm el Sheik airport is any better?
This reminds me of being at Hurghada airport in Egypt many years ago. As passengers we went through a metal detector security gate. Meanwhile we were instructed to leave our luggage on the floor nearby and it was taken manually AROUND the said security gate (no X ray machines) and put straight onto a trolley and taken to the aircraft !
It may have changed since then, but this really is what happened in the past.
Really nice throwaway bias this morning.
Ex newsreader Peter Donaldson has died. In tribute they featured some of his key announcements.
In order they were
1. Maggie Thatcher is to stand down
2. Labour wins by a landslide.
3. Something else but non-political.
So as usual just keeping the ‘Labour success, Tory failure’ propaganda going nicely.
I heard it too, but I am sure it was pure chance that they picked those headlines out of the thousands that Peter Donaldson must have read in his long and distinguished career. Mind you, I also believe in unicorns. But it is very sad to lose someone from the time the BBC employed newsreaders who spoke clear, precise English. He will be missed.
AsISeeIt, what a brilliant idea. A televised noughts and crosses competition. Absolutely ideal for Saturday evening prime time. You don’t even need to speak English to understand the rules. But I’m not sure how they’d be able to create the competitive element requiring a vote. Without it they won’t be able to fix the winner.
ITV beat the Beeb to the noughts and crosses game in the late 1950s or early 1960s. It was called “Criss Cross Quiz” and I’m sure it was hosted by Bob Holness.
Oh dear. I was busy doing something so ended up half watching the great pottery throw up. Once again cheap tv at it’s cheapest. An outstandingly pants ptogram. What stood out for me was that on day 4 Sara Cox (why?) was still wearing the same clothes as day 1. Of course our diverse society was represented by the make up of the competitors. Complete tosh. Avoid!
Why Cox? Even though she’s a loudmouthed chavette and her talent overrated, shes a woman and a lefty, just the type the BBC think appeals to the younger end of the Radio 2 spectrum.
Thats not to forget that despite her only being born in 1974 the BBC also see her as an expert on the 1980s by awarding her ‘Sounds Of The 80s’ which gives her plenty of opportunity to refer to ‘Thatcher’ when chatting to 80’s hasbeens.
Just as a heads up and a reminder to readers not to believe the hysterical crap some newspapers indulge in.
Royal Mail alternates its Xmas stamps between religious & secular, this year it’s religious, and next year it will be secular again. They have done this for many years.
I remember a few years ago hysterical claims from the press that Royal Mail had taken the religious element from the stamps because of Political Correctness. Do not be fooled by this because it isn’t true.
The haters of the Social Justice Warriors will inevitably press for Xmas to have any religious element removed from it, especially for their brown eyed boys, but they obviously neither care nor know that the Islamic version of the Nativity is very close to our own and should not offend them one iota. Not that that will stop them as they are only using Islam as a lever to attack everyone who disagrees with them.
There is going to be documentary televised very soon from the Beeb revealing that 50% of the one billion pounds spent in aid to Syria is spent on bureaucracy, staff costs,red tape instead of providing food, shelter, medicine.
7 million pounds has gone on a press office for one of the refugee agencies-UNHCR
Reports are coming through from officials of the UN that the UN relief organisation is at best mediocre.
This is Britains biggest ever response to a refugee crisis
600 million pounds has been sent to three UN bodies, UNICEF, World Food Programme,UNHCR.
DYFED sent no one over to SYRIA to see how the money was sent
The Cameron theory is that if we keep sending this money abroad they won’t want to come here.
He must think we are fools.
In this country there are several thousand people who are genuinely homeless, many are ex-services. Each winter, tens of thousands of pensioners die of hypothermia because they do not have enough money to ‘eat and heat’. Every day, nearly half a million children go to school hungry, not having been given breakfast. Over a million people are waiting longer than they should for urgent medical treatment, or being denied medicines because they are ‘too expensive’. Several million people are living in sub-standard accommodation: damp, crowded, infested. Until these domestic social problems are sorted, not one penny – not a single penny – should be spent on so-called overseas aid. Overseas aid by the government is, simply put, theft of money from the people of this country and should be viewed as a crime.
Wronged: this was the subject of File on Four on Sunday and for once it was quite a hard hitting piece of investigative journalism considering it was one of the BBC’s most favoured institutions – the UN – on the receiving end. The casual waste of British taxpayers’ money on ‘overheads’ i.e. staff salaries and other charity/quango-sustaining expenditure, was colossal but most especially by the World Food Programme. However, the most disturbing thing was the UN’s total lack of transparency and accountability, it acts like a law unto itself which I thought was a tad ironic given this was being broadcast on the BBC.
I wonder of the BBC will now take this a step further and investigate how the £4 billion p.a. of our foreign aid we hand over to the EU to manage is actually spent?
Agree with Rob – Peter Donaldson had the best broadcasting voice in years. Can you think of anyone presently on radio who is as crisp and clear and speaks correct English?
The Welsh puppy, Humphries, should be put out to grass. He is so full of his own importance with his little asides. They gabbled through the papers this morning at the speed of light but when Jimmy Scot is on, well…things….just…..all……..slow………up…..a……..bit……..because……he’s ……lost ……….his………order…….paper! He too needs to be sent to a darkened room to lie down!
The West Indian continuity chap – name has gone out of my head. Took him a while to settle in but now he’s relaxed a bit, the words flow really well and the voice is great.
I beg to differ. He was given the job to ‘rub their noses in diversity’ and was absolutely atrocious at it, struggling with pronunciation and delivery. In fact he was so bad I wondered if English was his first language. He may have improved (hardly surprising!) but he still struggles.
Apart from the fact that he is a West Indian, is there any other reason why he is there and the (no doubt ‘hideously white’) Charlotte Green was sacked?
It’s not a surprise to me that they are top heavy. Anything prefixed with UN or EU is going to be a moneyfest for the organisation. The people they claim to suppert or represent will be way down the pecking order.
I spent a lot of time in Angola in the 80s and 90s. The UN, as far as I could see, spent most of the time shagging the local hookers.
Just how much money does the UK give to the UN? A comment from Wronged further up the thread says we have given £1Bn to three UN agencies (i.e. the UN) in support of the situation in and around Syria, but we already give to the UN on an annual basis. Does anyone know how much we give and where we can collect our refund?
If, as Wronged stated, the UNHCR used £7M just to set up a press office, what would they normally do? The UN income from ‘subscriptions’ must be in the billions yet they need to use money from aid to set up their propaganda suite?
It’s the sort of accounting method which put Col Oliver North in court in the 1980s, but we are talking about astronomically larger funds.
Perhaps we should have a vote to leave the UN after we have left the EU.
Strong parallels here with Kids Company. Government spends lots of taxpayers money to ‘look good and caring’ but forgets to check how effectively it is being spent.
Whether the bBBCs lacklustre investigation of KidsCo (trustee chair – A Yentob) will be matched by a similar complacency about the UN remains to be seen. My money would be on self righteous indignation that UN money is badly spent so why not instead let in a few hundred thousand young male African, Balkan, and Middle Eastern chancers, errr I mean vulnerable Syrian refugees.
I think I wrote 600 million to three bodies, however I agree with your sentiment, there needs to be a public debate on how our governments waste money.
Only then might there be a general realisation as to why they spend money in certain areas and why!
The reasons behind self serving decisions and corruption might then become more generally known.
Couldn’t help but notice the number of times the phrase ‘this government’ was used on Breakfast TV, as opposed to the more acceptable ‘the government’ – the implication of a transient ‘this’ neatly juxtaposed with ‘the’ Corbyn version waiting in the wings, no doubt.
Germany only spend 3.8% on Overseas Aid, which is nearly half of what we spend .
If Germany is a wealthier country than ourselves why do we spend double what they do?
The 5 billion pounds we could save if we adopted Germany’s expenditure on Overseas Aid would have paid for cuts to the Police force, working tax credits,NHS,etc.
Cameron is really beginning to irritate me in a big way.
I notice the German MSM is downplaying all this. Under orders from Merkel no doubt. Nothing of note on our media either.
On a related matter I note the lack of insight or news on the Russian airliner crash. Nothing about that would surprise me but for sure if it is a terrorist attack then Putin will not behave like our craven Western leaders.
What looks possible is a Western sudden withdrawal from the ME if Russia really decides enough is enough. No room for Sukhois and Western planes in the same skies. For once we will have to leave Saudi Arabia on it’s own and I do not fancy their chances.
I’m not sure it is as a result of direct orders from Merkel. My impression is that almost all the Western European media are under the same direct control of the Left as ours in the UK.
Weasel words though, because if you look what Cameron has spent the overseas aid budget on, it might not actually normally be classed as overseas aid !
On a point of accuracy I think the decimal point is in the wrong place. Should be 0.38% for Germany and 0.7% for the UK. Not disagreeing in principle but we should aspire to higher standards than we get from the Broadcasting House newsroom (not difficult)
If you have a few minutes to spare and want to hear why we are going down the tubes, give this a listen to, (the first few minutes should be enough!).
Radio 4’s Analysis looks at the morality of killing cows and brings on “leading philosophers like Peter Singer and Jeff MacMahan” to tell us why it is wrong.
Peter Singer argues that if we substitute ‘race’ for ‘species’ the ‘correct’ moral position becomes clear. I found the ‘normality’ of his argument fascinating but just a minute, suppose someone had said to him:
“Peter Singer, the reason you are able to sit at the end of a telephone and talk to me from your comfortable office,rather digging for grubs in the heat and dirt is that you are a member of the most successful race on earth. You are just a runt and a parasite, the Aboriginals would have left you to feed a dingo. It is only because of our ability to over-provide that we can afford wasters like you! As to slavery, are you stupid? Of course we have slavery, we call them the low paid and the Chinese!”
I expect it is inevitable that once a society moves from the ‘survival of the fittest’ to the protection and promotion of the weakest we will face an inevitable runt-lead decline.
Radio 4’s Analysis looks at the morality of killing cows and brings on “leading philosophers like Peter Singer and Jeff MacMahan” to tell us why it is wrong.
That’s just the BBC fulfilling one of its Agenda 21 obligations i.e. meat production fuels global warming and must be banned.
We learnt today on Jeremy Vine that Margaret Thatcher caused Global Warming.
Economics/Climate expert Vivienne Westwood, a producer of ephemera, (another runt activity enabled by western advancement), Mrs. Thatcher encouraged increased economic activity, (at the same time as ‘shutting down’ Britain?).
There was an interview this morning on Radio Scotland with the leader of a council (Stirling, I think it was) which is getting ready to take in some Syrian refugees. There was absolutely no doubt from the whole tone of the interview where the interviewer stood on whether taking in refugees from there is A Good Thing. No-one was given the opportunity to suggest otherwise, and the nearest we got to it was asking the council leader if this would put any strain on local resources. No, was the answer, because they’d be lobbying the Government for extra cash from the Great Money Tree if necessary, and that was good enough for the BBC interviewer, who didn’t want to know what would happen if the tree had been picked bare already. The council, we were assured, had taken steps to ensure that this didn’t affect anyone on the housing list.
Now, I don’t know about anyone else, but I felt there was a screamingly obvious question waiting to be asked there. Namely, if this housing is available for the refugees, why was it not already being used for those on the housing list? Since it wasn’t affecting those people it can’t have been suitable, so how is it suitable for the refugees? Perhaps there’s a genuine answer to that, but I can’t readily think of one and I’m sure I can’t have been the only listener who would have liked to know. Sadly, the question wasn’t asked, presumably because the interviewer didn’t actually care beyond their own preconceptions. Or was too thick. Or both.
Glasgow Council used to put asylum seekers in the infamous Red Road flats. It was so awful that a lot of them jumped rather than live there. Yes, it seems death was preferable to life in a Glasgow tower block. However, this option is no longer open, as the blocks have been demolished. Bizarrely, the plan was to incorporate the demolition into the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games, but that was eventually dropped as being just too weird. They certainly do things differently in Scotland.
Heads full of mush, was it ? London councils have given over 800,000 houses to invading gimmiegrants, they use to boast about it, how pious they were, now they keep it quiet because people have wised up to the fact it’s ethnic cleansing and white genocide.
Unfortunately, we can no longer describe it as white genocide since there are as many white gimmegrants ethnically cleansing my neighbourhood as there are other colours. At least I can read the labels on the products the other colour shops sell whereas I need google translate to buy cream after 8pm in the “white” shops.
I posted before about a rather secretive new build of flats on my road with no indication of the developer nor the owner. I saw a Romanian registered Transit van moving 3 people in to a new flat there! By the standards of my road, a one bedroom flat houses 6 people so I guess the others are still on the way.
At the grand old age of 50, I have now had to bite the bullet and share when I move rather than live alone. When I moved here 2 years ago the rent was £600 per month for a one bed flat. Now it’s £1,000. The local authority housing allowance for a one bed flat is £788 so it’s no surprise that the majority of people on my road are Eastern Europeans and Illegal Immigrants neither of whom are subject to restrictions on national over-crowding recommendations.
My borough was the first in London to introduce a compulsory landlord license but it would appear that a faulty fire alarm system, infestations by cockroaches and mice, no fire escape, inadequate natural daylight, lack of basic fire-fighting equipment can be ignored with the right connections.
The council, we were assured, had taken steps to ensure that this didn’t affect anyone on the housing list.
Sounds like Stirling is the only town in the UK with a housing surplus.
Funny the BBC didn’t make more of that as all we hear from them on housing these days is what a terrible shortage there is and it’s all the fault of the nastytoryz.
Anyone catch this weeks Dr Who – particularly unsubtle story about mass alien immigration – mostly good eggs who want to mix in with us but a few turn rogue and start terrorist activities including execution videos to taunt the humans. Should we fight them whilst we can? – no of course not that will radicalise them further.
It was indeed an odd story. Apparently the UK could absorb 20 million Zygons and no-one noticed. Is that a lesson that we should do our bit for the “migrants”?
Roland, I go back to Patrick Troughton and I also gave up earlier this series. The Tennant Dr Who stories were ok but it has gone downhill at an ever increasing speed since. If I compare it now to rubbish then rubbish is better because rubbish was once, mainly, useful. The current story lines are neither useful nor decent.
The trouble with Dr Who is that it is made by the BBC. If James Bond had been made by the BBC he would be a transgender CND activist fighting a conspiracy by the Daily Mail to flood the market with genetically modified food, while the Cambridge Five would be Sufi’s who baked cakes to fund the Woodcraft Folk but were framed by a paedophile Tory Home Secretary because they believe in subsidized opera at Convent Garden.
Reading that, Wild, my laughter quickly turned to despair as I remembered the Spooks episode where the terrorist bomber was found to be a Christian fundamentalist.
Looking at it from their perspective, though, I’m sure they’ll be grateful for your excellent ideas.
The BBC do not promote diversity (another of those words used by the Left to disguise a project that is its opposite) it imposes a tax which heaps up geld which they redistribute (firstly) to themselves, and then to writers and performers who would commit career suicide if they did anything other than follow the (Leftist) Party line.
They actively campaign against any alternative sources of information – for example a free press (although of course not against the Leftist press) – and flood the media with approved narratives which bear no relation to reality.
They are a propaganda operation as deluded as they are sanctimonious, and as dangerous as they are intolerant. They are a tax funded cancer in our national life, leeching off a Country and a culture they despise.
Wild, I’m just curious how long you have felt this way about the BBC.
I’m a fairly new convert to BiasedBBC and although I was aware of discontent about the left leanings of our national broadcaster it was the coverage of the Syrian Gimmegrant Crisis which proved to be the tipping point.
I grew up in a family that was very pro-BBC (which supported the Huw Wheldon conception of the BBC as a source of innovation and excellence) but precisely because I was very familiar with the BBC I could hardly fail to notice that it broadcast lots of Leftist crap.
Because I believe in a free society this was not a problem for me; some people are left wing.
What was a problem was that the amount was becoming disproportionate, for example I noticed that BBC news was less and less about telling me what is going on in the world, and more and more about telling me what to think. I knew what the BBC thought I ought to believe, because they spent so much time “educating” me to have the “correct” thoughts.
Even through the Thatcher years (the Leftist bias of the drama department and the Leftist slant of BBC current affairs) though I found the BBC annoying, I did not want it scrapped.
The trouble is I have a good memory, and when I situated what I recall the BBC telling me with what I now know (both in the sense of hindsight and my increased knowledge) I not only came to realise how grotesquely ignorant and partisan and self-serving most of the BBC output is, but also how much they poison debate by seeking to demonise alternative views.
To illustrate what I mean I cite the example of various radio and television arts programmes celebrating the 25 year anniversary (or something like that) of “Civilization” by Kenneth Clark. Every single programme on the BBC which I listened to attacked it as elitist, sexist, Eurocentric, racist, trash. Now those sort of people were around when it was made, because at the time they made another series by a Marxist giving an alternative take on the history of art called (I think) “Ways of Seeing”. But now the BBC attacked the very notion of making any programmes that did not adhere to the ideological views of the Left.
I suppose the turning point for me is when the BBC in a wholly partisan and self-interested way used its power to campaign against the non-BBC approved press. It was truly disgusting, and when I am told that 70% or something of all current affairs information comes from the BBC in the UK, truly pernicious.
I suppose what I am saying is that the BBC got taken over by the BBC, who destroyed it, and now they want to use the power of BBC to destroy us, by which I mean our free society, indeed our whole way of life.
I suppose what I am saying is that the BBC got taken over by the Left, ho destroyed it, and now they want to use its power to destroy us, by which I mean our free society, indeed our whole way of life.
I think the scales fell gradually from the eyes of many of us over a very long period, just as you have said.
I, too, was once a staunch supporter of the BBC but as the cultural Marxists infiltrated and eventually took over, it became clear that the Corporation had become nothing more than a vehicle for the preaching of Left wing ideas.
Though I had grown to despise that which I once greatly admired, the final straw for me was the invasion of Iraq, where the sinister, far Left ‘Stop The War Coalition’ more or less took control of BBC policy.
I suppose the moment for me was the reaction to the fact that the BBC’s “best scientific experts” were just a bunch of environmental activists without any causational climate scientists amongst the experts. And especially after the revelations from a complaint to the BBC in an article in the space special interest group newsletter of Mensa, called “BBC Censorship”. Whittingdale who studied Astronomy at university and is also a Mensa member is thought to have read the article. And to me it looks like the failure of the BBC to uphold this complaint has turned out to be fatal for Fraser Steel and 500 other BBC complaints staff. Probably the BBC is resigned to cutting of a rotten leg, to save the rest of the body of the BBC. But the BBC will remain stuffed full of Climate Change morons and charlatans.
BBC? come on forget it “bias by omission”, you can check on BBC London but I won t hold my breath
this on the day the No 10 traitors show they are also cowards
… is that a change from liars?
More Islamo nausea from No10s Tory traitors … D Camerimam will be thrilled
“The British government is set to award an Islamic education trust that forces students to wear the hijab as part of its school uniform a grant of up to £5 million to teach other schools to achieve the same tests results it currently does. The trust’s schools have also been slammed for “fixing” inspection results, hosting a hate preacher, and taking a hard-line approach to “un-Islamic” imagery and behaviour.”
”They’re here! First of 750 migrants arrive in tiny German village with a population of just 102 bracing itself for 700 PER CENT population hike
Sumte, in the east of Germany, is inhabited mainly by wealthy pensioners
First of 500 refugees including men, women and children, arrived tonight
Councillor said Germans face ‘destruction of genetic heritage’
The first of 500 refugees arrived in a tiny German village tonight amid fears it will become overwhelmed by migrants.
Some 100 men, women and children stepped off two buses in the rural village of Sumte, close to the river Elbe in eastern Germany, tonight.
If you accept that there can be times when violence is justifiable, one has to wonder whether a line has been crossed there. Although the ire should be directed against the politicians who allowed this to happen, human nature suggests this will not end well for residents or incomers.
Having said that, the story does beg some questions. In particular, how does a “sleepy village” of 102 persons land up with a debt-collection office in it big enough to hold 500 people, and other offices to take a further 500?
My thoughts exactly, I think most of us would feel pretty angry (putting it mildly) if similar were to happen on our doorsteps, pretty sure emotions would run very high. Watch out anyone with empty or recently closed government buildings nearby…
Having said that, I feel extremely ‘enriched’ as is, most days when I walk out of my front door…
If you put the village name “Sumte” in Google maps and look at the photos rather than the map, you’ll see a small village of scattered houses with a newly built office complex on the edge. The “incomers” will have nothing to do and nowhere to go. A disaster waiting to happen.
The reason they are there is precisely because the population is 102. 102 people have no voice they cannot do anything if they do they will be attacked by a far larger and more violent Muslim population… the new culture is now Muslim, that is one less German village and one more Muslim village.
This will be the pattern throughout Europe, destroy the villages and when the numbers are so large destroy the towns then the cities, until Europe is no more.
I hope I live long enough to see Merkel end up on public display just like Mussolini.
Labour appeasers are still in charge of the council and whilst they will not act for fear of being labelled racist, UKIP and Tories cannot speak out without being accused of using the town’s tragedy for personal political gain. And we all know what the authorities and the Home Secretary think of protests from the EDL and Britain First.
A tough Government would step in and put the army in control. If 1400 Syrian Muslims were being raped and the problem continuing the UN would want to get in on the act.
Come on Teresa, or whoever is to replace you, this council, with many others to follow, have to be removed.
Just had the ballot papers for the labour executive committee for Wales, along with the regional list candidates.
On both ballot papers 2/3rds of the nominees are women.
On the first I am told to vote for at least one woman on a paper where there is one man and two women candidates.
On the second ballot paper I can vote for upto 4 people and the results will be ‘zipped by gender with the highest polling woman at the top, followed by the highest man then the next highest woman.’ There are only two men out of six candidates.
If those putting themselves forwards for nominations were 2/3 female to begin with then fine but if the ratio was any less, then clearly I cannot be confident that the quality of the candidates is the highest for the people of Wales.
Secondly it is possible that none of the women candidates might be right, unlikely, but possible. What happens then, mediocrity gets voted in.
I am beginning to see how the Labour party as a powerful force in the UK is slipping away into a distant memory.
Just as an aside none of the candidates appear to have done a job outside of politics, at least one thinks Fracking is evil and another believes everyone should be able to access any medicine at any time. Only one mentions small businesses.
I think men should not be allowed to vote Labour, and not just in areas that bar Men from standing for the Labour party.
It would help UKIP if the heir to Blair, Cameron, extended this left-wing idea to cover voting for the Tory party.
Another example of ‘lazy’ BBC-approved writing: Radio 4 Extra gives us the 15 Minute drama Village SOS, set in ‘a sleepy Northumberland village’.
This is a village in decline, all the fault of ‘Thatcher and her bully boys’, were are told.
Fact: In the thirty years following nationalisation 60 pits were closed in Northumberland, about two per year. During Mrs. Thatcher’s ‘regime’, (as a result of winning three general elections with a share of the popular vote the envy of all politicians since), there were 8 closures, less than one and a half per year on average.
So, as per usual, our fictional village just happens to be one of the one in ten losing its pit during the Thatcher years. “But it’s only fiction!”. Yeah, drip, drip. Can’t see why the locals were bothered anyway, as being set in BBC-land, all of the miners would have been Muslim, trans-gendered, refugees, recently arrived to enrich the community.
Vine described Thatcher as ‘highly controversial’ and ‘hated by so many’.
How the Left – and especially the BBC – with their distortions, omissions and downright lies, have managed over the years to dominate the narrative of the Lady T’s time in office, a narrative that is used by younger generations to condemn her because they know no different.
‘Everything faded into mist. The past was erased. The erasure was forgotten. The lie became the truth.’ (Winston Smith’s diary, ‘1984’)
Whilst being far from the “left” at the time I disliked Thatcher at the time. However I hated Blair. I do find it strange however that people who blatantly were not even alive during the Thatcher years still continuing to blame “Thatch” for it would seem every issue under the sun. It might be refreshing for once when someone is claiming Thatcher for the journalist to ask why a government from quarter of a century go is still to blame for things today especially following the liebour rule of 13 years.
Thats easy, the BBC, schools and universities have been drumming anti Thatcher proganda into the kids over the last quarter of a century, see the teenager in last weeks Question Time audience, cue round of applause!
Of course Margaret Thatcher was before her time; before man-made global warming became BBC “settled science” she was prescient enough to close down those nasty CO2 producing coal mines but knowingly took the flak from lefties who thought it was for anti-Scargill reasons. Oh, the poor lefties, torn between two ideologies! Soon, I’m sure, pupils will be taught by trendy teachers how forward thinking she was – oh, wait, a porcine aviator just passed the window!
But dare I say it ….. the BBC also put down Tony Blair at every opportunity !!. They did not even broadcast his speeches when he was PM which had standing ovations in the USA, frightened that if the British public heard in full what he had to say, they may have been impressed by his foreign policy (which the BBC was totally against ). And the BBC would say on the 10 o clock News after his 2006 Las Angeles speech “This is what the Prime Minister meant to say” It was then that I stopped trusting the BBC !
It must be women’s day today. Whatever next?
At least we should be grateful that there are no pictures of mosques or the Koran or any arabic text (yet). They must be keeping that for the next one.
That passport certainly is sexist. Look at that foul sexist language on the first page: “Her Britannic Majesty’s Secretary of State…” and “…in the Name of Her Majesty”. Oh, hang on, that’s not what they are complaining about? They ought to do something about the fivers and tenners, too. Every single note for the past 60-odd years has had a picture of a woman on it – disgraceful.
I notice the BBC sees fit to quote Emily Thornberry: “Labour’s shadow employment secretary Emily Thornberry told the BBC it was “exasperating”. That’s the same one that thinks the flag and those who fly it are ‘absolutely gharstly, don’t you know’. See
Imagine a world without war. Thought the BBC would be in to that idea. But there’s a catch: Islam must go! This from interesting post.
“without Islam we would now be living in a world almost without war. The impossible dream of world peace would actually be within reach if it were not for the existence of Islam. Human progress has made the resort to war almost unthinkable to everybody but Muslims. That’s why just about every war today is either between Muslims or waged by Muslims on the rest of the world. Curious that we never hear about this from the one-world types at the BBC”
Given the blatant bias in BBC broadcasting on climate change I was rather surprised to find the.. interview available on the world service.
What is less surprising is the tone of the interviewer and the blatant spinning of climate hysteria.
..the chilling phrase I noted was when the interviewer summarised that his main problem was related to “this freedom of speech idea” (at 3:43) . That tells you everything you need to know about the BBC today on this topic.
My point too nogginator.
No Muslim could complain-not one laugh has been raised in all episodes of its for series-and counting.
The death of its very own Felix Dexter , with a eulogy read by Lenny Henry whilst sitting on a rubber ring due to haemarrhoids could not be any less funny.
And if they kept the plastic on the sofa , well the canned laughter need never cease.
Racist, agenda bending slurry that`s effectively a jizya tax on the British people.
But comedy is comedy………doesn’t need a political or cultural context. Unfunny and everyone including the muzzies think it is shit.
Citizen Khan is garbage.
I decided to give Citizen Khan a look as a few reviewers, including the DM’s, had given it good reviews. I won’t be watching again.
Contrast and compare the funny clip of Fawlty Towers where the Major refers to niggers and wogs. This clip was on one of those ‘It Was All Right in the 70s’ type programmes that C4 is currently showing. I watch these and and am astounded at the shocked, naive reactions of the progressives being shown some of the non-PC progs from that decade. Had they really never seen a white man blacked up as a minstrel before? Were they really that offended at the brilliant Spike Milligan’s jokes about blacks? He used to do it all the time on the Goon Show with Ray Ellington, who cheerfully and happily took active part in the joke. Odd thing is, I watch ‘8 Out of 10 Cats’, which can be funny, and they often say such un-PC stuff on there that I think, ‘If Bernard Manning had said the same thing, they would have been outraged.’ More left whinger hypocrisy (though I have occasionally wondered at Jimmy Carrs true political allegiance).
Mouths of babes. Or, maybe, there was no time? Or space? Or there was stuff they really didn’t want to confront so went for BBC #101 and hoped if they were paid a lot to do nothing, it would all go away. Feel the trust…
So what could I expect if I decided to illegally enter a military base? I doubt very much that I would be welcomed with shelter and three meals a day. These people are unbelievable and the BBC is even more incredulous for trying to portray these trespassers as victims. In fact they should be lucky not to have received a bellyful of lead for their illegal invasion contrary to all UN security council measures.
How many ISIS terrorists among that (‘desperate’) lot ? They should never have been allowed to land on the base, where was the security ? – there are some questions to be ask there.
Mrs S told me when that on Calendar (ITV Local news in Yorkshire) today, there was a report on a (formerly) Muslim family from Bradford who had converted to Christianity. The said family were coming under attack from their “neighbours” to such an extent, that the police had installed cctv. I believe there was footage of things being thrown at their house etc. There was no mention of the penalty for apostasy under the Sharia of course and the attacks were stubbornly described as being the work of those pesky “neighbours”.
It will be interesting to see whether Look North (Al Beebus’ local news up here) cover this story, as there have been many times when ITV have carried a story which Al Beebus have never gone anywhere near.
I should think the family will end up having to move out of the area, as it will prove too dangerous for them to remain.
TV critic Ally Ross in the Sun ” The villains in the BBC police show were Islamophobes, the clue was they were hanging the flag of Saint George out their window.” Looking at the cast photo, black, muslim, oriental, woman, no tranny though.
They say that Actors are people who want to pretend to be something that they are not in real life.
Even at its “whites only” peak before the 1960’s. All the goody-goody Hollywood film stars where described as unlikable by their children, while all the really nice actors preferred to play nasty parts.
So I presume it reflects the BBC opinion that all Black Actors must be thick, nasty and evil in real life.
One of the comments at Breitbart on Citizen Khan sums things up ?
It so obvious that Citizen Khan is a feeble attempt by the BBC to cast the Pakistani community in a favourable light. They are just like you and I, if you ignore all of the child grooming and rapes, heroin smuggling, crash for cash scams, 7/7 bombings, cousin marriage, low academic achievement, over-representation in the prison population and other assorted goings on.
Whenever there is an incident of the above mentioned crimes, the Pakistani Muslims magically transform into “Asians” in the media.”
followed by :
“It so obvious that Citizen Khan is a feeble attempt by the BBC to cast the Pakistani community in a favourable light.”
Spot on, and to prove it the BBC are pushing the agenda by placing it on BBC1, when in reality it should be on BBC3, although I’m not even sure its good enough to mix with the other dross on that channel….”
Maybe there could be a series about a lovable Jewish community leader in Stamford Hill, and his various amusing escapades as he juggles work, family and anti-Semitic attacks by “men”.
Britain’s biggest sexist on BBC3 apparently only white men are sexist Some white footballer making a stupid remark , which I am not defending, is examined at length. Pakistani Muslims raping little white girls sexist and racists not worth a mention.
They interviewed 5 female MPs one from the SNP four from Labour trying to give impression only socialist care about sexism.
I always remember when Camerloon spoke about the EDL in the House of Commons, he said there were: “none sicker than the EDL”.
What? Seriously Dave? The Muslims who drug addicted, raped and prostituted ten and eleven year old English girls aren’t sicker than the few Englishmen who decided to do something about it? Since the police and authorities turned a blind eye to what was going on; whilst hindering and preventing those few among them who did try to do something.
No Dave, you are sicker than the EDL and by a long way. He has never spoken about the Muslim rape gangs and in the unlikely event that he ever will, he would use very different language to that with which he decried the EDL. With apologies to Essexboy, Cameron is a total c**t.
Al, not only is Cameron a total Tristram , but he is a total coward. He knows that he can insult the EDL with impunity but,if he insults any muslims, there may be repercussions. He is a spinless, gutless, useless tosser.
What a stinking pile of inclusive diverse tosh Jools Holland’s Later was tonight. Biggest laugh a multi millionaire (22m dollars) popstar with diamonds embedded in his teeth claiming to represent ‘the working man’ by wearing a hi-viz jacket!
It comes to something when the ‘highlight’ of the show is two, past their sell by date septuagenarian rockers.
Just dire, still I bet Guardian readers enjoyed it.
I thought the BBC had gone quiet on this one.
BBC speak – “Mehdi Midani, 24, of no fixed address”
Translation – “a 24 year old muslim and failed asylum-seeker”
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
New blog post from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– It’s a Dog’s Life Being a Scottish TV Licensing Goon
Readers may have spotted the irony that TV Licensing “objects” to its employees being filmed and named, but has published their names and photographs in various national newspapers over the last day or so! The number of people threatened/assaulted by aggressive TV Licensing employees somehow doesn’t get a mention in any of their press releases (but it’s a BIG number).
– Reader Letter: Allowing TV Licensing Goons Access to Your Home
The BBC is quite big on what it can do to others, but whines like a puppy if the tables are turned. The word bully applies well.
This story of course had its complements on social media.
Not sure the BBC PR genius who issued it will be lauded by colleagues, given what came back nearly 100% in the comments.
Universal love per BBC mantra was noticeably absent.
On BBC this morning, Johnathan Dimbleby, the presenter of Radio 4 Any Questions, was on promoting his book. I had to check he still worked for the BBC, because how the f*ck can a BBC employee flog his wares on BBC. I was actually pretty shocked, which is why I checked he was at the BBC still, and he is. I’ve looked through the BBC guidelines regarding presenters (which he is), and the BBC is clever here. Seemingly, a BBC presenter can go on another BBC program and flog his shit. At tax payers expense.
The guidelines are incredible. BBC Presenters cannot promote goods for themselves or a third party, but seemingly BBC presenters can go on other BBC programs and flog their shit. Again, public money for private gain is totally illegal. Free advertising at the tax payers expense.
This has to be looked into and banned.
For the BBC there are no rules. They are a law unto themselves.
They do after all own the court and employ the judges.
Making the outcome unsurprising, if undoubtedly venal.
The BBC only ever wheel out those who agree with their anti-British, far-Left views, apart from the token Ukipper thrown in as a pathetic attempt to appear impartial. They never give voice to the majority who are sick to death with unfettered immigration and the whole diversity swindle. They really are disgusting. Progressive = middle, class, sanctimonious anti-British tw*t.
Speaking of impartiality, I’m looking at the guidelines for impartiality, and they again are strangely worded.
Paragraph 2
“The Agreement accompanying the BBC Charter requires us to [do all we can to] ensure controversial subjects are treated with due impartiality in our news and other output dealing with matters of public policy or political or industrial controversy. But we go further than that, applying due impartiality to all subjects. [However, its requirements will vary].”
I added the brackets. It’s them words that should not be there.
It should simply read the BBC Charter requires us to ensure controversial subjects are treated with due impartiality. Why the disclaimer? In case the reporter is impartial?
And due impartiality will vary? Another unneeded disclaimer, allowing for bias.
Paragraph 3.
“The term ‘due’ means that the impartiality must be adequate and appropriate to the output, taking account of the subject and nature of the content, the likely audience expectation and any signposting that may influence that expectation.”
Jesus! Likely audience expectation! The truth please. Signposting? Saying a terrorist is a muslim might may you think the terrorist is a muslim.
Paragraph 4
“Due impartiality is often more than a simple matter of ‘balance’ between opposing viewpoints. Equally, it does not require absolute neutrality on every issue or detachment from fundamental democratic principles.”
Again with the disclaimer/limiter. Nobody is asking for absolute neutrality. They are asking for the facts. Such as the ‘charities’ that Shakar Aamer worked for. Or a million other examples constantly spewing from the BBC.
Paragraph 5/6
“The BBC Agreement forbids our output from expressing the opinion of the BBC on current affairs or matters of public policy, other than broadcasting or the provision of online services.The external activities of staff, presenters and others who contribute to our output can also affect the BBC’s reputation for impartiality. ”
Now they’re just taking the p*ss!
And they break the guidelines every minute of every day. Totally unaccountable, a law unto themselves and out of control. It is a sick farce.
Jason appears to be on station currently.
Maybe he could be prevailed upon to explain why the BBC holds itself below standards other media are not, or indeed routinely breaks even its own backside-covering rules with impunity on a 24/7 basis with the blessing of too many of those in Parliament (who are, at least, elected).
Well done, Mr f, it is never pleasant trawling through muck.
Whenever I see the term ‘signposting’, I think of those ‘interpretation’ boards placed at landscape viewpoints by the great, the good and the moral, to tell us what to see when we are admiring the landscape. The nervous insistence on placing themselves between us and a view always strikes me as a worrying sign that we might see something else, something they don’t want us to..
Monday night is quiz night on BBC. Only Connect, always leaves me struggling, welcome return of The Quizeum, wonderful knowledgeable contestants, I learnt a lot and it was enjoyable, used to enjoy it on radio 4 and 4 Ex. and University Challenge.
The team from Imperial were worthy winners, but did anyone count the number of starter questions and bonuses, that involved questions on physics and related subjects? Five out of the first seven starters? This seemed rather fortunate for a team of four all reading …physics!
The same thing happened the last time they appeared. The question setters aren’t from Imperial are they?
Only Connect is a quiz show that seems to have had a charisma by-pass. Still, the lovely Victoria can always depend on an invitation to appear on her husband’s quiz show. Perhaps they should rename it ‘Ask the Family’.
Invicta. I haven’t seen this episode yet but what you say rings true to me, though this sounds like a welcome alternative to the usual plethora of ancient greek and modern literature questions when Oxbridge Arts students are on.
I am quite clear in my own mind that the questions are set according to the makeup of the teams.
I’m old enough to remember UC with the original question master.
A family has just had a new gas meter installed in their house. ”As a gesture of goodwill’ says the engineer, ”I am authorised to present you with this very large 10p coin. it’s your starter for 10 with a Bumper Gascoin’
I promise no more jokes!
O/T Migration Information.
A very useful visualisation of the migration flows with statistics is available to view here:
The BBC is treating this unprecedented demographic upheaval, this invasion, and the real social consequences as if it is not happening. The European political management has left the building.
Time to wake up. Join UKIP, vote UKIP. Act, before you regret not doing so!
It is not happening. That is because the liberal elites in charge in Europe cannot handle it. The equivalent of a child hiding benhind the sofa when something unpleasant appears on the TV.
It is impossible now to predict what will happen in Europe and the ME more than a few days ahead. Literally anything is now possible.Perhaps many of us, if we had been around in 1913 and 1938 ,would have had the same sense of foreboding. Only this time Europe as a whole is being invaded. Without violence for now.
What is certain is that there is a real disconnection between the governing/media/ intellectual class in Europe and the majority of the indigenous population. That cannot go on indefinitely. So something will happen but what is uncertain. The governing class is close to forfeiting legitimacy in many ways.
So no prediction makes sense now.
Also we must remember that the majority of people always just get on with their lives and take little part in events until those very events overwhelm them. This is a constant in our world.
What we on the sceptical right have is the knowledge that the certainties, albeit absurd, of late 20th and early 21st century liberalism are about to come to an end and reality is coming.
It is essential that we start to prepare ourselves and our families for this uncertainty and for hard hard days.
DaveS, Well said ! The ignorant liberal elite are totally out of their depth. Nothing in their narrow-minded little lives has prepared them for this reality.
Dave S – I always enjoy reading your carefully considered analyses on the rapidly developing chain of events. I agree that prophecy is futile at this time. All bets are off regarding the outcome.
Over one year ago I was speaking to my 90 year old Auntie (the sole surviving sibling of six children born in the 1920s all of whom served in some capacity during WWII); she said to me without any prompting on my part “I think we’re heading towards another world war”. I was quite surprised at her comment at the time. She was there in 1938, she knows where we are heading now.
For my part I have been suggesting to friends and family that WWIII started on September 11th 2001, and though it has never been declared or even acknowledged by our political or military leaders we are most certainly caught up in a global conflict.
Having agreed with you that predictions are pointless now, I will say that I believe this winter will hasten EU collapse and strife as we are bombarded by pictures of freezing children and families re-enacting a tableau of medieval ghastliness. Already migrants are succumbing to influenza and illness. The flu epidemic of 1918 wiped out millions in Europe post WW1 and across the globe. The conditions are set for an epidemiological disaster in 21st century Europa.
Good post – take note Essexman!
All Essexman, a typical Cuckservative, is interested in is if his local council puts up the rates, the country can be thrown under a bus.
Written of Enoch Powell – “Powell was not in favour of mobility internationally. This was because Powell put the coherence of nations above the free market.”
Yet Powell was an ardent capitalist and believer in the free market, on whom Margaret Thatcher based much of her economic thinking.
The economic arguments put forward for immigration by Essexboy’s party today, he would have dismissed outright.
Enoch Powell was a person who loved his country – a true patriot.
Al Beeb hated him and Great Britain. The broadcaster is rife with ‘internationalists’.
Do we have to keep up this tirade against Essexman, merely for having the temerity not to vote UKIP?
Be fair – he gives as good as he gets and thus invites it. He is hardly restrained in his contempt for UKIP.
I have stated previously on this site that I will not vote UKIP and I am pleased to say that I do not get the same treatment as Essexman otherwise I would stop coming here. This is a site about BBC bias, let us all be united in that.
He’s too busy counting his shillings
If its to put up the rates? Eh,its Council Tax now , it will be to cover councils costs on migrant`s . Anyhow you can slag me off all you like ,but in the end, you are going to Need us Conservatives to vote “NO” in the EU referendum. There will be never a single party kipper government , only a Conservative or Labour one , in coalition ,(with the Kippers, or SNP,) or with a a simple majority . You can rant about the Conservatives all you like , but if the next government was Comrade Corbyn , you would want the us Conservatives back soonest.
Didn’t you say exactly the same thing about the Milliband/Cameron choice and for exactly the same reasons -shillings- the joke is you money grubbers created Comrade Corbyn. If Vidcun Cameron had been forced to form a coalition with UKIP Milliband would have survived to lose another day
“A very controversial festival”
Couldn’t help but smile at this report in which one of those oh so intrepid BBC foreign correspondents features
‘… rioters who pelted police with missiles during an illegal Halloween party as a BBC journalist described watching a “war zone” erupt on his doorstep’
‘Panorama reporter John Sweeney, 57, told how he was was woken at 2.30am yesterday to shouting in the street and a saw one partygoer sitting on the roof of his car’
‘He said many of the people were wearing Halloween and Day of the Dead costumes and he told the Standard: “There were ghouls and zombies throwing bricks’
[ghouls and zombies? That’s hardly BBC-speak, Militants, surely?]
“They were fighting over a fire which had been started using a neighbour’s fence.” [Oh the humanity!]
“I have been to many riots and wars but this was the first one outside my own home.” [I’ll bet you had a tad less sympathy for the rioters this time, eh John?]
‘More than 1,000 “recreational rioters” clashed with officers battling to shut down an illegal Halloween warehouse party in Whitgift Street.’
‘Mr Sweeney, who has just returned from visiting Syrian refugees, criticised the ravers for “wanting to kill the police.”’ [That’ll be the Halloween rioters he means – please don’t think he meant the ‘refugees’ versus the Hungarian police]
‘He added: “Just because police are in uniform it does not mean they are not worthy of respect as human beings.’ [Steady on John, next thing you know you’ll be accused on Twitter of being a Tory]
‘Organisers of Scumoween: A Nightmare on Scum Street – organised on Facebook – today branded the troublemakers “thugs”’ [I shouldn’t take offence at that Scum Street thing John, how could they know a right-on BBC bod lived there?]
And what also makes me smile is the fact that just recently the BBC gave an approving platform to Rev Sally Hitchener who made the case for 5th November – “A very controversial festival” – to be “suplanted” by Halloween. “We should twist it a bit” And the Beeboids lapped it up.
Don’t have nightmares…
”Hungarian Prime Minister accuses billionaire investor George Soros of trying to undermine Europe by supporting refugees travelling from the Middle East
Viktor Orban says investor George Soros has been undermining Europe
Adds that him and others were supporting refugees fleeing the Middle East
The Hungarian Prime Minister has accused billionaire investor George Soros of betraying Europe by supporting refugees travelling for the Middle East.
Viktor Orban said a conspiracy of left wingers, influential money movers and unelected leaders were undermining the EU as they try to deal with the migrant crisis.
Orban cited Hungarian born Mr Soros as an example, saying the plans of ‘well organised money movers, those thinking beyond nation-states and leader who have never been elected’ could come to reality.
He said: ‘Europe has been betrayed, if we don’t stand up for it, the continent will no longer be for those citizens living here.’Who in Europe voted to allow people to arrive illegally in their millions and then be distributed?”
‘What is happening today has no democratic basis,” he said, adding that the EU was moving from organisation and legality to ‘anarchy.’
‘The people of Europe are beginning to wake up, they have realised that our identity is at stake,’ he said.”
The Hungarians are going to play a key role now. If they can stand firm against Merkel and her friends then Europe has a chance. However I doubt that Russia will stay silent if the EU tries to destabalize Hungary.
This country has no future in the EU and any argument to the contrary is absurd. The argument is about to tip over from an economic to an existential one and at that moment the EU will not survive unless it can use force against those nations that attempt to save their culture and people.
“Viktor Orban said a conspiracy of left wingers, influential money movers and unelected leaders”
Yes Brims, and you anyone else paying attention knows that what he’s really talking about is “The Jews”; which is why you keep on posting this nonsense.
George Soros happens to be of Jewish background – maybe it influences his outlook and ambitions, maybe it does not. Most globalist politicians, financiers and businessmen clearly are not Jewish – it is their actions which threaten the World, not their origins, nationality, ethnic background or religion. The attempt to smear anyone who examines or questions matters as an explicit or implicit anti-semite is an old, failed and time-expired trick along the lines of ‘anyone who discussed immigration is a racist’.
Jason you are the first to link Orban’s statement with Jews in general. It tells us all we need to know about you. And that’s not very pleasant.
It’s only fair that the sinister billionaire Soros is seeking to undermine Europe, as his left wing activism has been undermining the USA for a long time now. He is of course untouchable.
As well as being a citizen of both Europe (Hungary) and the USA. Nothing like a bit of loyalty when you are a multi-billionaire . . .
Orban is right. I urge anyone who has not read about Soros to do so. He is arguably one of the most dangerous men alive and his hand moves many of the pieces on the board.
Leaving aside the (frankly tiresome) Jewish issue, Soros is a very evil man, quite regardless of his racial background.
SKY news reports 220,000 parasites invaded Europe in one month alone, October.
It’s absolutely crazy. What will happen when Germany and Sweden run out of money paying the welfare for all these ‘doctors’ and ‘engineers’ – probably Cameron will offer to take in a million or two as a humanitarian gesture.
If I were a couple of decades younger I’d emigrate, but where’s the best place we can go to escape the lunacy? Those old dictatorships in South America don’t seem so bad now.
Have a feeling that quite a few people cannot wait for Mugabe & his gang to pass.
To those readers of this site who are old enough to have taken part in the original EU referendum (I voted against joining the EU!) There was no mention of ‘Ever Closer Union’.
The only salvation for the survival of our great nation is to vote UKIP. Time to fight back against Al Beeb’s Europhiles.
Taff old bean, you never had a vote on joining the EEC ( as it was deceptively named back then), we were already in. Heath had signed us in….
You had a vote on whether to stay in or to leave.
I voted to leave too, none of their bullshit fooled me.
Yr ydych yn gywir.
You are correct!
Although my memory did not serve me well , I am sure that I voted to get out of Europe along with many of my compatriots at that time. We were astounded that we remained in and surrender our trading friends of the Commonwealth for a Europe that was always hostile to Great Britain.
We still have time to get out, but this will be the last time we will ever have the choice .
“There was no mention of ever closer union”.
There was, there always has been. It was wall-papered as ‘pooled sovereignty’ but nothing to worry about as we had a veto. Then the veto got in the way and became ‘qualified majority voting’ and the ‘voters’ were expanded with more ‘wants’ to out-vote the ‘haves’.
In the same way there always was ‘free-movement’ but it wasn’t going to happen because ‘no-one’ moved from France to Germany to Holland etc. because they were all ‘haves’. Add in eastern Europe and, Allah save us, Turkey and its open door to the rest of Asia and Africa and the deluge was inevitable.
Its the way these weasel politicians work. I expect everyone here was old enough to remember how ‘civil partnership’ was the ‘equality’ goal; there was no intention to have marriage re-defined but hardly was the ink dry and the ‘progressives’ wanted more. Ditto abortion, an escape route for the raped and abused, now a major form of contraception and population control at 750,000 per year. The physicists call it entropy, the inevitable descent into chaos that can only be countered by intelligent organisation – not a property of politicians I’m afraid.
Weasel no. Skunks.
I wasn’t old enough, my old man was convinced it was fixed. An ex WW2 sailor he hated everything about Europe and couldn’t get his head around how we could enter into such a union. We didn’t always see eye to eye, but he was right on this, Christ knows what he would make of things today, he died pre Blair.
Incredible to think you’d have to be at least 58 to have had that opportunity.
Same here – I have not met a person who did vote for the EU – I think it really was fixed .
You wont get that on Al Beeb .
My father voted for it. Something he’s bitterly regretted for the past 30 years.
I’m old enough to have voted but also young enough now to be worried that I cannot for the life of me remember with certainty which way I voted.
I voted – and voted to stay in: a decision I bitterly regret. However, I voted to stay in the EEC ie the “Common Market”, not to join the EU. Of course, I was lazy in not bothering to go behind the lies and scare stories perpetrated by the then political class (just like today’s). Also the anti-EEC line was led by Benn and Powell. To me – and a lot of other people – anything Benn espoused was anathema and that went in spades for Powell who was demonised then (as now) for speaking the truth on race and immigration.
I can’t remember the BBC “line”. I suspect it was to stay in but either the then BBC was rather more discreet than today or its line echoed my predeliction anyway so I wasn’t that bothered. Anyway, now we have both a more knowing electorate (concerning the lies of our rulers) together with a substantial minority who are ill-educated and pig-ignorant. I think the voters of the mid-70s were rather better educated and informed generally but more naive in their lingering trust for politicians and the “great and good”. That trust has been largely dissipated. Unfortunately that credulousness has transferred in part to the lefty celebs (Cumberbatch, Brand etc) given a species of authority way beyond their desserts through endless uncritical exposure by the BBC and the MSM.
I voted ‘no’ last time and I shall vote ‘no’ this time. The government lied to me last time. The government will lie to me this time. The BBC will assist them.
That was my Dads reasoning, he knew no one who admitted voting to stay in.
I voted to stay in – I was 18- I was voting for cheap Belgium beer and holidays in Rimini not an EUSSR super state-that’s why 16 and 17 year olds should not be allowed to vote
I was not old enough , to vote ,in 1975 , but I think my parents voted to stay in .I would of voted to stay in then , even if it was votes at 16 , I would of just missed that too . Today I would, probably vote to leave . At the moment its about 70% to leave 30% in , but I think ,what the hell , lets leave , but someday`s ,I think its better to stay in .
Geoff, I was old enough to vote , 19, and voted to get out , as did my late father. He saw through all this crap right from the start.
I was just too young but I would have voted to stay in as the UK was a basket-case as successive lefty governments (including Heath’s) had lost the willpower to govern against the ruling NUM class determined to destroy us. Germany looked very good in comparison and was in the EEC so I thought we may improve if we joined. Even Maggie Thatcher campaigned for “In”.
However, we were told our national sovereignty was not under threat and the EEC was just a trading block with sensible trade tariffs. Boy, did those Euronuts lie to us!! And guess what they’ve lied to us about every new, further integrational treaty ever since. And further guess what they are still lying. My mother was against us joining as she was pro-commonwealth which we ditched in 1973, but reluctantly voted to stay in 1975 as we had burnt our commonwealth bridges and she thought out would mean isolation.
I find it funny that a BBC-approved church minister regards November 5 as such a ‘controversial’ festival that it should be replaced by Halloween. I mean, as I recall it’s only a few years since church representatives were complaining Halloween was too satanic.
I suppose that the reasoning behind this change of mind is that the Gunpowder Plot was a conspiracy by some Catholics, so parallels are seen with fear of Islam. To the left-liberal mind, if people are permitted to burn a dressed-up old bolster as an effigy of Guy Fawkes, it’s an encouragement to torch their local mosque!
The church ‘has lost its way’ – simples.
The church of England should lose its special protected status, and be regarded as a far left extremist political party – that’s what its prelates want so why not give it to them?
I like to think of November 5th as the triumph of democracy over anarchism rather than a Catholic – Protestant thing. Obviously that doesn’t fit in with al-Beeb’s agenda as they are a bunch of Shi-ites.
The wet leftist C of E clergy are probably afraid that the Gunpowder Plot might remind us that fanatical religiously inspired terrorists can plan to destroy the very foundations of our state, and engineer a violent takeover of government. Until a few years ago, it was a harmless piece of history, because we did not have organised, fanatical religiously motivated terrorist groups organising in our country. Now we do, and the inevitable instinct of the C of E wets is to change our customs in case we offend the terrorists. Cowards is the word that springs to mind, but their cowardice will not save them from crucifixion or beheading if the worst ever happens.
Quite a fever over Halloween was whipped up about two decades ago, especially among the ‘evangelical’ community, with only knowledgeable Anglicans explaining that it was originally a Christian ‘anti-devil & spirits’ festival that reinforced some spiritual sanity & faith as days shortened and the darkness of winter increased.
That is precisely what they say. I have actually had this conversation with a vicar. Apparently being beastly to Catholics isn’t good form. If she had had even a passing knowledge of history and had known how many Protestants had been burned alive by Mary Tudor, she might have had a greater understanding of why people remember foreign inspired plots to subvert this country’s sovereignty. And that’s a memory we all need now, just as we did in the late 1930s.
GCooper, that’s kind of along my line of thinking. However I think I’m closer to the mark with the democracy versus anarchy line. England was in great turmoil at the time with a succession of fundamentalist Catholics and Protestants on the throne within a relatively short time frame and the populous of each faith hoping for a better outcome with each change. Atrocities were committed by both sides. In a more modern context we can see a parallel with the relatively recent events in Northern Ireland. I think most of us appreciate that whilst “denomination” was used as the pretext to the troubles, in reality we recognise that it was also state versus anarchists. Indeed many of the former activists continue to run illegal opposition to the state as a drugs cartel.
As a former CoE ordinand, my understanding of Halloween is that it is All Hallows Eve. The vigil of All Saints day where we commemorate all the good works of the saints and in particular those who do not have their own festival. A far cry from Day of the Dead or the more gruesome aspects of American Trick or Treating.
There is evidence that the pagan festival of Samhain was “Baptised” into the vigil of All Saints to remove the pagan elements from the “darker half” of the year festival. I don’t think in any case a true Christian could ever defend the practices of the modern “give me treats or I trick you” Halloween against the right of the people to be democratically represented which to me is the meaning of November 5th.
Is there some skulduggery going on with Al Beeb here ?
R4: 7.40am: Humphfreys introducting Labour’s Liam Byrne, said this is the man that left the note ‘there’s no money left’. Then went on to insist that it was only a joke. So therefore Labour did not cause the deficit or greatly increase the national debt. Or the previous is true, therfore there is no money left and the note was not a joke.
Gross labour bias by the bBC as usual.
Only a joke, eh? That went well then.
Surprised they didn’t try the equally effective ’embellishment’ route.
Whichever way, it was clearly another time, no matter how recent, which in Beebworld excuses so much.
Unless it’s an ideological foe, in which case they would go back to the Big Bang to get outraged.
Did I then hear Byrne claim in the interview that he was a successful businessman who had made money before coming into politics?
As they say: you couldn’t make it up.
I heard this too, FB. And it was the way Humphrys said it, like one of those situations where a joke backfires and someone takes offence and you have to smooth things over by saying ‘It was only a JOKE!’
And that was precisely what Humphrys did, smoothing things over in his introduction of Byrne so he could have a clear run with his party political broadcast on the re-distribution of wealth – sorry, ‘tackling inequality’.
Anyway, Mr Humphrys, I was one of those who took offence at Byrne’s ‘There’s no money left’ ‘joke’ because as a UK resident and taxpayer I thought it was outrageous that a senior outgoing member of HM’s Government could be allowed to take the piss out of us over the dire state in which he and his brothers had left the country. I found it even more outrageous that the nation’s impartial, unbiased broadcaster could not be bothered to hold Byrne or his brother to account over it at the time or since, nor even be bothered to make it the subject of one of their ‘satirical comedy shows’.
One can easily imagine the BBC’s reaction had it been said by a Tory in similar circumstances. Just like we never hear the end of ‘The Nasty Party’, we have never heard the start of ‘There’s no money left’, ‘The end of boom and bust’, ‘Rubbing the Right’s nose in diversity’ or ‘A good day to bury bad news’.
Unbiased and impartial? That’s taking the piss on a Byrnesian scale, that is.
Footballers teeth are currently top of BBCs most read list,
We probably deserve everything coming to us if this is where the public interest lies.
Oldspeaker ^ ^ ^
My ‘Chuckle of the Day Award’
I blame Joe Jordan.
Another wry smile care of the BBC this morning.
Their Moscow correspondent, frankly, has nothing to add to the airliner crash story (well worth his airmiles?) and so to fill the spot he’s keen to show us the front pages of the Russian newspapers. Look mum, it’s me in Moscow. Nice one Cyrillic – as we used to say.
The BBC man starts his impromptu paper review with a broadsheet he roundly disparages as “the State newspaper”
We just get a quick flash but the typeface and layout of the paper in question looks remarkably similar to the Guardian
AISI ^ ^ ^
A close runner up, although if I had read it before Oldspeaker’s post . . .
The BBC in common with all western press agencies are in the dark as to which direction this Sinai disaster story will take.
One thing I would say is that the chances of getting the truth (a rare commodity in the media I admit) from Egyptians or Russians is very low.
It is quite remarkable that the British media (including the BBC) blindly quote the enhanced security at Sharm El Sheik airport. If only these yes-men reporters had actually travelled further than their office coffee machines they would know that ‘enhanced security’ at an Egyptian airport is worth about as much as one of Lord Melbury’s cheques.
The year before Arab Spring rendered hotel balconies the sole preserve of male BBC anchors as their female colleagues were sent into the alleyways to soak up the atmosphere, our family enjoyed a Nile Cruise vacation.
We did note that security at host airports was… ‘lax’. Indeed the X-Ray machines appeared optional, or at least easily avoided by the passing of a few notes to the operators.
We treasure a photo of a guard outside resting on his AK, barrel down, in the sand.
BBC ‘reporting’ of what they are told is a joke, I have learned.
My parents saw mush the same thing on holiday in Egypt in the 90s: a guard asleep in his entry box with his rifle on the ground next to him. They don’t call it Egyptian PT for nothing. Does anyone think security at Sharm el Sheik airport is any better?
This reminds me of being at Hurghada airport in Egypt many years ago. As passengers we went through a metal detector security gate. Meanwhile we were instructed to leave our luggage on the floor nearby and it was taken manually AROUND the said security gate (no X ray machines) and put straight onto a trolley and taken to the aircraft !
It may have changed since then, but this really is what happened in the past.
Really nice throwaway bias this morning.
Ex newsreader Peter Donaldson has died. In tribute they featured some of his key announcements.
In order they were
1. Maggie Thatcher is to stand down
2. Labour wins by a landslide.
3. Something else but non-political.
So as usual just keeping the ‘Labour success, Tory failure’ propaganda going nicely.
I heard it too, but I am sure it was pure chance that they picked those headlines out of the thousands that Peter Donaldson must have read in his long and distinguished career. Mind you, I also believe in unicorns. But it is very sad to lose someone from the time the BBC employed newsreaders who spoke clear, precise English. He will be missed.
I twigged that, and wondered if anyone else would…
Me too, OG and others. For the regulars on this site it was as plain as a pike staff.
Let’s give Roy Walker look-a-like Lord Tony Hall some credit
I’m beginning to consider the unintentional comedy value provided by the BBC on a daily basis now to almost be worth the Licence Fee
It used to be only to fill in for a lack programmes due to technical difficulties that they put up the Potter’s Wheel
What next… the great British Girl with a Black Board and an Inflatable Clown?
Whoops, where’s the diversity in that…? That’ll be the Great British Black Girl and the weight-challenged recovering Coulrophobic
AsISeeIt, what a brilliant idea. A televised noughts and crosses competition. Absolutely ideal for Saturday evening prime time. You don’t even need to speak English to understand the rules. But I’m not sure how they’d be able to create the competitive element requiring a vote. Without it they won’t be able to fix the winner.
Perhaps they should ask the inflatable clown.
Celebrity Squares?
I’m REALLY owning up to being an old fart now !
Criss Cross Quiz?
“Hello Bobby”
“Hello Patti”
No. Just no. Some memories were better repressed.
ITV beat the Beeb to the noughts and crosses game in the late 1950s or early 1960s. It was called “Criss Cross Quiz” and I’m sure it was hosted by Bob Holness.
Oh dear. I was busy doing something so ended up half watching the great pottery throw up. Once again cheap tv at it’s cheapest. An outstandingly pants ptogram. What stood out for me was that on day 4 Sara Cox (why?) was still wearing the same clothes as day 1. Of course our diverse society was represented by the make up of the competitors. Complete tosh. Avoid!
Why Cox? Even though she’s a loudmouthed chavette and her talent overrated, shes a woman and a lefty, just the type the BBC think appeals to the younger end of the Radio 2 spectrum.
Thats not to forget that despite her only being born in 1974 the BBC also see her as an expert on the 1980s by awarding her ‘Sounds Of The 80s’ which gives her plenty of opportunity to refer to ‘Thatcher’ when chatting to 80’s hasbeens.
Just as a heads up and a reminder to readers not to believe the hysterical crap some newspapers indulge in.
Royal Mail alternates its Xmas stamps between religious & secular, this year it’s religious, and next year it will be secular again. They have done this for many years.
I remember a few years ago hysterical claims from the press that Royal Mail had taken the religious element from the stamps because of Political Correctness. Do not be fooled by this because it isn’t true.
The haters of the Social Justice Warriors will inevitably press for Xmas to have any religious element removed from it, especially for their brown eyed boys, but they obviously neither care nor know that the Islamic version of the Nativity is very close to our own and should not offend them one iota. Not that that will stop them as they are only using Islam as a lever to attack everyone who disagrees with them.
There is going to be documentary televised very soon from the Beeb revealing that 50% of the one billion pounds spent in aid to Syria is spent on bureaucracy, staff costs,red tape instead of providing food, shelter, medicine.
7 million pounds has gone on a press office for one of the refugee agencies-UNHCR
Reports are coming through from officials of the UN that the UN relief organisation is at best mediocre.
This is Britains biggest ever response to a refugee crisis
600 million pounds has been sent to three UN bodies, UNICEF, World Food Programme,UNHCR.
DYFED sent no one over to SYRIA to see how the money was sent
The Cameron theory is that if we keep sending this money abroad they won’t want to come here.
He must think we are fools.
“Reports are coming through from officials of the UN that the UN relief organisation is at best mediocre.”
Is that on top of the reports that the UN itself is at best mediocre, corrupt to the core, and staffed by left wing extremists ?
Yesterday, wronged, the BBC reported (via a contributor or a journo?) that the UN has CUT THE AID to Jordan for the Syrian refugees living there.
The UN. That’s another multi-state organisation that is seriously in need of substantial reform.
Apparently we elected him, so maybe he is right?
In this country there are several thousand people who are genuinely homeless, many are ex-services. Each winter, tens of thousands of pensioners die of hypothermia because they do not have enough money to ‘eat and heat’. Every day, nearly half a million children go to school hungry, not having been given breakfast. Over a million people are waiting longer than they should for urgent medical treatment, or being denied medicines because they are ‘too expensive’. Several million people are living in sub-standard accommodation: damp, crowded, infested. Until these domestic social problems are sorted, not one penny – not a single penny – should be spent on so-called overseas aid. Overseas aid by the government is, simply put, theft of money from the people of this country and should be viewed as a crime.
Wronged: this was the subject of File on Four on Sunday and for once it was quite a hard hitting piece of investigative journalism considering it was one of the BBC’s most favoured institutions – the UN – on the receiving end. The casual waste of British taxpayers’ money on ‘overheads’ i.e. staff salaries and other charity/quango-sustaining expenditure, was colossal but most especially by the World Food Programme. However, the most disturbing thing was the UN’s total lack of transparency and accountability, it acts like a law unto itself which I thought was a tad ironic given this was being broadcast on the BBC.
I wonder of the BBC will now take this a step further and investigate how the £4 billion p.a. of our foreign aid we hand over to the EU to manage is actually spent?
Somehow, I don’t think so….
Agree with Rob – Peter Donaldson had the best broadcasting voice in years. Can you think of anyone presently on radio who is as crisp and clear and speaks correct English?
The Welsh puppy, Humphries, should be put out to grass. He is so full of his own importance with his little asides. They gabbled through the papers this morning at the speed of light but when Jimmy Scot is on, well…things….just…..all……..slow………up…..a……..bit……..because……he’s ……lost ……….his………order…….paper! He too needs to be sent to a darkened room to lie down!
The West Indian continuity chap – name has gone out of my head. Took him a while to settle in but now he’s relaxed a bit, the words flow really well and the voice is great.
In the nick of time I’ve remembered – Neil Nunes.
I beg to differ. He was given the job to ‘rub their noses in diversity’ and was absolutely atrocious at it, struggling with pronunciation and delivery. In fact he was so bad I wondered if English was his first language. He may have improved (hardly surprising!) but he still struggles.
Apart from the fact that he is a West Indian, is there any other reason why he is there and the (no doubt ‘hideously white’) Charlotte Green was sacked?
GC, this is radio. If he didn’t have a pronounced accent you wouldn’t know that he wasn’t “White British”.
I haven’t heard him for a while so can’t comment on any improved clarity.
BBC elocution test:
“Now say after me, ‘How now brown cow’.”
“Hoy noy broyn coy”.
“You’ve got the job”.
Sorry, one line was meant to read
DYFID sent no one over to SYRIA to see how the money was spent
It’s not a surprise to me that they are top heavy. Anything prefixed with UN or EU is going to be a moneyfest for the organisation. The people they claim to suppert or represent will be way down the pecking order.
I spent a lot of time in Angola in the 80s and 90s. The UN, as far as I could see, spent most of the time shagging the local hookers.
Just how much money does the UK give to the UN? A comment from Wronged further up the thread says we have given £1Bn to three UN agencies (i.e. the UN) in support of the situation in and around Syria, but we already give to the UN on an annual basis. Does anyone know how much we give and where we can collect our refund?
If, as Wronged stated, the UNHCR used £7M just to set up a press office, what would they normally do? The UN income from ‘subscriptions’ must be in the billions yet they need to use money from aid to set up their propaganda suite?
It’s the sort of accounting method which put Col Oliver North in court in the 1980s, but we are talking about astronomically larger funds.
Perhaps we should have a vote to leave the UN after we have left the EU.
Strong parallels here with Kids Company. Government spends lots of taxpayers money to ‘look good and caring’ but forgets to check how effectively it is being spent.
Whether the bBBCs lacklustre investigation of KidsCo (trustee chair – A Yentob) will be matched by a similar complacency about the UN remains to be seen. My money would be on self righteous indignation that UN money is badly spent so why not instead let in a few hundred thousand young male African, Balkan, and Middle Eastern chancers, errr I mean vulnerable Syrian refugees.
‘£1Bn to three UN agencies’
I think I wrote 600 million to three bodies, however I agree with your sentiment, there needs to be a public debate on how our governments waste money.
Only then might there be a general realisation as to why they spend money in certain areas and why!
The reasons behind self serving decisions and corruption might then become more generally known.
I sit corrected, you did write that it was only £600M.
Couldn’t help but notice the number of times the phrase ‘this government’ was used on Breakfast TV, as opposed to the more acceptable ‘the government’ – the implication of a transient ‘this’ neatly juxtaposed with ‘the’ Corbyn version waiting in the wings, no doubt.
Germany only spend 3.8% on Overseas Aid, which is nearly half of what we spend .
If Germany is a wealthier country than ourselves why do we spend double what they do?
The 5 billion pounds we could save if we adopted Germany’s expenditure on Overseas Aid would have paid for cuts to the Police force, working tax credits,NHS,etc.
Cameron is really beginning to irritate me in a big way.
“Cameron is really beginning to irritate me in a big way.” … where have you been buddy
oh and on Germany …
The latest Pegida march takes over 20mins to walk past the camera … It won t be long
Greece too………………..
And in Poland

I notice the German MSM is downplaying all this. Under orders from Merkel no doubt. Nothing of note on our media either.
On a related matter I note the lack of insight or news on the Russian airliner crash. Nothing about that would surprise me but for sure if it is a terrorist attack then Putin will not behave like our craven Western leaders.
What looks possible is a Western sudden withdrawal from the ME if Russia really decides enough is enough. No room for Sukhois and Western planes in the same skies. For once we will have to leave Saudi Arabia on it’s own and I do not fancy their chances.
I’m not sure it is as a result of direct orders from Merkel. My impression is that almost all the Western European media are under the same direct control of the Left as ours in the UK.
Weasel words though, because if you look what Cameron has spent the overseas aid budget on, it might not actually normally be classed as overseas aid !
On a point of accuracy I think the decimal point is in the wrong place. Should be 0.38% for Germany and 0.7% for the UK. Not disagreeing in principle but we should aspire to higher standards than we get from the Broadcasting House newsroom (not difficult)
If you have a few minutes to spare and want to hear why we are going down the tubes, give this a listen to, (the first few minutes should be enough!).
Radio 4’s Analysis looks at the morality of killing cows and brings on “leading philosophers like Peter Singer and Jeff MacMahan” to tell us why it is wrong.
Peter Singer argues that if we substitute ‘race’ for ‘species’ the ‘correct’ moral position becomes clear. I found the ‘normality’ of his argument fascinating but just a minute, suppose someone had said to him:
“Peter Singer, the reason you are able to sit at the end of a telephone and talk to me from your comfortable office,rather digging for grubs in the heat and dirt is that you are a member of the most successful race on earth. You are just a runt and a parasite, the Aboriginals would have left you to feed a dingo. It is only because of our ability to over-provide that we can afford wasters like you! As to slavery, are you stupid? Of course we have slavery, we call them the low paid and the Chinese!”
I expect it is inevitable that once a society moves from the ‘survival of the fittest’ to the protection and promotion of the weakest we will face an inevitable runt-lead decline.
I don’t think I’d have called him a runt – something that sounds similar perhaps …….
A Tristram ?
Radio 4’s Analysis looks at the morality of killing cows and brings on “leading philosophers like Peter Singer and Jeff MacMahan” to tell us why it is wrong.
That’s just the BBC fulfilling one of its Agenda 21 obligations i.e. meat production fuels global warming and must be banned.
We learnt today on Jeremy Vine that Margaret Thatcher caused Global Warming.
Economics/Climate expert Vivienne Westwood, a producer of ephemera, (another runt activity enabled by western advancement), Mrs. Thatcher encouraged increased economic activity, (at the same time as ‘shutting down’ Britain?).
Who said comedy was dead?
There was an interview this morning on Radio Scotland with the leader of a council (Stirling, I think it was) which is getting ready to take in some Syrian refugees. There was absolutely no doubt from the whole tone of the interview where the interviewer stood on whether taking in refugees from there is A Good Thing. No-one was given the opportunity to suggest otherwise, and the nearest we got to it was asking the council leader if this would put any strain on local resources. No, was the answer, because they’d be lobbying the Government for extra cash from the Great Money Tree if necessary, and that was good enough for the BBC interviewer, who didn’t want to know what would happen if the tree had been picked bare already. The council, we were assured, had taken steps to ensure that this didn’t affect anyone on the housing list.
Now, I don’t know about anyone else, but I felt there was a screamingly obvious question waiting to be asked there. Namely, if this housing is available for the refugees, why was it not already being used for those on the housing list? Since it wasn’t affecting those people it can’t have been suitable, so how is it suitable for the refugees? Perhaps there’s a genuine answer to that, but I can’t readily think of one and I’m sure I can’t have been the only listener who would have liked to know. Sadly, the question wasn’t asked, presumably because the interviewer didn’t actually care beyond their own preconceptions. Or was too thick. Or both.
Glasgow Council used to put asylum seekers in the infamous Red Road flats. It was so awful that a lot of them jumped rather than live there. Yes, it seems death was preferable to life in a Glasgow tower block. However, this option is no longer open, as the blocks have been demolished. Bizarrely, the plan was to incorporate the demolition into the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games, but that was eventually dropped as being just too weird. They certainly do things differently in Scotland.
Heads full of mush, was it ? London councils have given over 800,000 houses to invading gimmiegrants, they use to boast about it, how pious they were, now they keep it quiet because people have wised up to the fact it’s ethnic cleansing and white genocide.
”Councils refuse to reveal number of homes they give to foreigners: Authorities stop giving figures amid worries over impact of immigration
MPs have called for an inquiry into the suppression of council house information
Last year the Government acknowledged that nearly 800,000 public-owned houses are occupied by foreigners”
A few private prosecutions are called for. That should concentrate their minds wonderfully.
A few private executions are required.
My definition of few. Few = Many.
Is this because it would disprove their stance that all are treated equally?
Unfortunately, we can no longer describe it as white genocide since there are as many white gimmegrants ethnically cleansing my neighbourhood as there are other colours. At least I can read the labels on the products the other colour shops sell whereas I need google translate to buy cream after 8pm in the “white” shops.
I posted before about a rather secretive new build of flats on my road with no indication of the developer nor the owner. I saw a Romanian registered Transit van moving 3 people in to a new flat there! By the standards of my road, a one bedroom flat houses 6 people so I guess the others are still on the way.
At the grand old age of 50, I have now had to bite the bullet and share when I move rather than live alone. When I moved here 2 years ago the rent was £600 per month for a one bed flat. Now it’s £1,000. The local authority housing allowance for a one bed flat is £788 so it’s no surprise that the majority of people on my road are Eastern Europeans and Illegal Immigrants neither of whom are subject to restrictions on national over-crowding recommendations.
My borough was the first in London to introduce a compulsory landlord license but it would appear that a faulty fire alarm system, infestations by cockroaches and mice, no fire escape, inadequate natural daylight, lack of basic fire-fighting equipment can be ignored with the right connections.
So when are you going to do White Flight ? Things aren’t going to get better, it’s just going to get worse.
Never! They will have to kill me first!
The council, we were assured, had taken steps to ensure that this didn’t affect anyone on the housing list.
Sounds like Stirling is the only town in the UK with a housing surplus.
Funny the BBC didn’t make more of that as all we hear from them on housing these days is what a terrible shortage there is and it’s all the fault of the nastytoryz.
Anyone catch this weeks Dr Who – particularly unsubtle story about mass alien immigration – mostly good eggs who want to mix in with us but a few turn rogue and start terrorist activities including execution videos to taunt the humans. Should we fight them whilst we can? – no of course not that will radicalise them further.
Any parallels out there? – nah can’t think of any
It was indeed an odd story. Apparently the UK could absorb 20 million Zygons and no-one noticed. Is that a lesson that we should do our bit for the “migrants”?
I’m sorry to have to say that, having been a fan since the time of Jon Pertwee, I’ve finally given up on Dr Who.
Roland, I go back to Patrick Troughton and I also gave up earlier this series. The Tennant Dr Who stories were ok but it has gone downhill at an ever increasing speed since. If I compare it now to rubbish then rubbish is better because rubbish was once, mainly, useful. The current story lines are neither useful nor decent.
The trouble with Dr Who is that it is made by the BBC. If James Bond had been made by the BBC he would be a transgender CND activist fighting a conspiracy by the Daily Mail to flood the market with genetically modified food, while the Cambridge Five would be Sufi’s who baked cakes to fund the Woodcraft Folk but were framed by a paedophile Tory Home Secretary because they believe in subsidized opera at Convent Garden.
Reading that, Wild, my laughter quickly turned to despair as I remembered the Spooks episode where the terrorist bomber was found to be a Christian fundamentalist.
Looking at it from their perspective, though, I’m sure they’ll be grateful for your excellent ideas.
The BBC do not promote diversity (another of those words used by the Left to disguise a project that is its opposite) it imposes a tax which heaps up geld which they redistribute (firstly) to themselves, and then to writers and performers who would commit career suicide if they did anything other than follow the (Leftist) Party line.
They actively campaign against any alternative sources of information – for example a free press (although of course not against the Leftist press) – and flood the media with approved narratives which bear no relation to reality.
They are a propaganda operation as deluded as they are sanctimonious, and as dangerous as they are intolerant. They are a tax funded cancer in our national life, leeching off a Country and a culture they despise.
Wild, I’m just curious how long you have felt this way about the BBC.
I’m a fairly new convert to BiasedBBC and although I was aware of discontent about the left leanings of our national broadcaster it was the coverage of the Syrian Gimmegrant Crisis which proved to be the tipping point.
I grew up in a family that was very pro-BBC (which supported the Huw Wheldon conception of the BBC as a source of innovation and excellence) but precisely because I was very familiar with the BBC I could hardly fail to notice that it broadcast lots of Leftist crap.
Because I believe in a free society this was not a problem for me; some people are left wing.
What was a problem was that the amount was becoming disproportionate, for example I noticed that BBC news was less and less about telling me what is going on in the world, and more and more about telling me what to think. I knew what the BBC thought I ought to believe, because they spent so much time “educating” me to have the “correct” thoughts.
Even through the Thatcher years (the Leftist bias of the drama department and the Leftist slant of BBC current affairs) though I found the BBC annoying, I did not want it scrapped.
The trouble is I have a good memory, and when I situated what I recall the BBC telling me with what I now know (both in the sense of hindsight and my increased knowledge) I not only came to realise how grotesquely ignorant and partisan and self-serving most of the BBC output is, but also how much they poison debate by seeking to demonise alternative views.
To illustrate what I mean I cite the example of various radio and television arts programmes celebrating the 25 year anniversary (or something like that) of “Civilization” by Kenneth Clark. Every single programme on the BBC which I listened to attacked it as elitist, sexist, Eurocentric, racist, trash. Now those sort of people were around when it was made, because at the time they made another series by a Marxist giving an alternative take on the history of art called (I think) “Ways of Seeing”. But now the BBC attacked the very notion of making any programmes that did not adhere to the ideological views of the Left.
I suppose the turning point for me is when the BBC in a wholly partisan and self-interested way used its power to campaign against the non-BBC approved press. It was truly disgusting, and when I am told that 70% or something of all current affairs information comes from the BBC in the UK, truly pernicious.
I suppose what I am saying is that the BBC got taken over by the BBC, who destroyed it, and now they want to use the power of BBC to destroy us, by which I mean our free society, indeed our whole way of life.
I suppose what I am saying is that the BBC got taken over by the Left, ho destroyed it, and now they want to use its power to destroy us, by which I mean our free society, indeed our whole way of life.
I think the scales fell gradually from the eyes of many of us over a very long period, just as you have said.
I, too, was once a staunch supporter of the BBC but as the cultural Marxists infiltrated and eventually took over, it became clear that the Corporation had become nothing more than a vehicle for the preaching of Left wing ideas.
Though I had grown to despise that which I once greatly admired, the final straw for me was the invasion of Iraq, where the sinister, far Left ‘Stop The War Coalition’ more or less took control of BBC policy.
I suppose the moment for me was the reaction to the fact that the BBC’s “best scientific experts” were just a bunch of environmental activists without any causational climate scientists amongst the experts. And especially after the revelations from a complaint to the BBC in an article in the space special interest group newsletter of Mensa, called “BBC Censorship”. Whittingdale who studied Astronomy at university and is also a Mensa member is thought to have read the article. And to me it looks like the failure of the BBC to uphold this complaint has turned out to be fatal for Fraser Steel and 500 other BBC complaints staff. Probably the BBC is resigned to cutting of a rotten leg, to save the rest of the body of the BBC. But the BBC will remain stuffed full of Climate Change morons and charlatans.
A USA article which mentions the BBC’s bias and anti-semetism on more than one occasion.
BBC? come on forget it “bias by omission”, you can check on BBC London but I won t hold my breath
this on the day the No 10 traitors show they are also cowards
… is that a change from liars?
More Islamo nausea from No10s Tory traitors … D Camerimam will be thrilled
“The British government is set to award an Islamic education trust that forces students to wear the hijab as part of its school uniform a grant of up to £5 million to teach other schools to achieve the same tests results it currently does. The trust’s schools have also been slammed for “fixing” inspection results, hosting a hate preacher, and taking a hard-line approach to “un-Islamic” imagery and behaviour.”
‘D Camerimam will be thrilled’
indeed. And as noted above it’s not like his record with vast sums sent to pet causes without accountability isn’t spotless.
Camilla and Botney brushing up their CVs for the new gig as we speak…
I bring m ‘learned friends attention to this
As always comments worth reading especially this lin
John Bickley @JohnBickleyUKIP
The BBC Is A Sinister Organisation: It Must Be Abolished, Not Reformed – Breitbart via @BreitbartNews
5:56 PM – 12 May 2015
”They’re here! First of 750 migrants arrive in tiny German village with a population of just 102 bracing itself for 700 PER CENT population hike
Sumte, in the east of Germany, is inhabited mainly by wealthy pensioners
First of 500 refugees including men, women and children, arrived tonight
Councillor said Germans face ‘destruction of genetic heritage’
The first of 500 refugees arrived in a tiny German village tonight amid fears it will become overwhelmed by migrants.
Some 100 men, women and children stepped off two buses in the rural village of Sumte, close to the river Elbe in eastern Germany, tonight.
The refugees were welcomed by welfare group Arbeiter- Samariter-Bund (ASB) who have transformed the former offices of a debt collection agency into a shelter for 500.”
What do you call it but ethnic cleansing and white genocide ?
If you accept that there can be times when violence is justifiable, one has to wonder whether a line has been crossed there. Although the ire should be directed against the politicians who allowed this to happen, human nature suggests this will not end well for residents or incomers.
Having said that, the story does beg some questions. In particular, how does a “sleepy village” of 102 persons land up with a debt-collection office in it big enough to hold 500 people, and other offices to take a further 500?
My thoughts exactly, I think most of us would feel pretty angry (putting it mildly) if similar were to happen on our doorsteps, pretty sure emotions would run very high. Watch out anyone with empty or recently closed government buildings nearby…
Having said that, I feel extremely ‘enriched’ as is, most days when I walk out of my front door…
It happened in Zimbabwe and South Africa, now it’s happening in Europe.
‘the story does beg some questions’
Questions again that seem to have not occurred to highly paid, professional journos
Maybe they were afraid of losing sleep at night.
One is sure the BBC crews en route will be the first to ask.
If you put the village name “Sumte” in Google maps and look at the photos rather than the map, you’ll see a small village of scattered houses with a newly built office complex on the edge. The “incomers” will have nothing to do and nowhere to go. A disaster waiting to happen.
The reason they are there is precisely because the population is 102. 102 people have no voice they cannot do anything if they do they will be attacked by a far larger and more violent Muslim population… the new culture is now Muslim, that is one less German village and one more Muslim village.
This will be the pattern throughout Europe, destroy the villages and when the numbers are so large destroy the towns then the cities, until Europe is no more.
I hope I live long enough to see Merkel end up on public display just like Mussolini.
I keep reporting in that its still going on
Rotherham … business as usual?
Yorkshire Post – Outcry as fresh report shows children still being placed at risk in Rotherham?
Outcry? … but not of course on the BBC … In Rotherham they re too busy trumpeting “Police Boycott” and Islamofauxbia
Labour appeasers are still in charge of the council and whilst they will not act for fear of being labelled racist, UKIP and Tories cannot speak out without being accused of using the town’s tragedy for personal political gain. And we all know what the authorities and the Home Secretary think of protests from the EDL and Britain First.
A tough Government would step in and put the army in control. If 1400 Syrian Muslims were being raped and the problem continuing the UN would want to get in on the act.
Come on Teresa, or whoever is to replace you, this council, with many others to follow, have to be removed.
Not 100% BBC but BBCish …
Just had the ballot papers for the labour executive committee for Wales, along with the regional list candidates.
On both ballot papers 2/3rds of the nominees are women.
On the first I am told to vote for at least one woman on a paper where there is one man and two women candidates.
On the second ballot paper I can vote for upto 4 people and the results will be ‘zipped by gender with the highest polling woman at the top, followed by the highest man then the next highest woman.’ There are only two men out of six candidates.
If those putting themselves forwards for nominations were 2/3 female to begin with then fine but if the ratio was any less, then clearly I cannot be confident that the quality of the candidates is the highest for the people of Wales.
Secondly it is possible that none of the women candidates might be right, unlikely, but possible. What happens then, mediocrity gets voted in.
I am beginning to see how the Labour party as a powerful force in the UK is slipping away into a distant memory.
Just as an aside none of the candidates appear to have done a job outside of politics, at least one thinks Fracking is evil and another believes everyone should be able to access any medicine at any time. Only one mentions small businesses.
Shall I just give up?
“Secondly it is possible that none of the women candidates might be right, unlikely, but possible.”
It’s pretty much a certainty in my family. 😀
No – just vote only for the men. If Labour receives lots of spoilt ballots then they might realise that quality comes before gender.
Then again – probably not.
I think men should not be allowed to vote Labour, and not just in areas that bar Men from standing for the Labour party.
It would help UKIP if the heir to Blair, Cameron, extended this left-wing idea to cover voting for the Tory party.
Good idea!
or …
… the Labour Party Committees should reduce the value of a male vote too, say 50% of that of a female.
Good 20 mins of”fatcher bashin” on jezza vine. Disgustingly blatant dross.
Another example of ‘lazy’ BBC-approved writing: Radio 4 Extra gives us the 15 Minute drama Village SOS, set in ‘a sleepy Northumberland village’.
This is a village in decline, all the fault of ‘Thatcher and her bully boys’, were are told.
Fact: In the thirty years following nationalisation 60 pits were closed in Northumberland, about two per year. During Mrs. Thatcher’s ‘regime’, (as a result of winning three general elections with a share of the popular vote the envy of all politicians since), there were 8 closures, less than one and a half per year on average.
So, as per usual, our fictional village just happens to be one of the one in ten losing its pit during the Thatcher years. “But it’s only fiction!”. Yeah, drip, drip. Can’t see why the locals were bothered anyway, as being set in BBC-land, all of the miners would have been Muslim, trans-gendered, refugees, recently arrived to enrich the community.
Indeed. And with sons who desperately wanted to become ballet dancers.
Vine described Thatcher as ‘highly controversial’ and ‘hated by so many’.
How the Left – and especially the BBC – with their distortions, omissions and downright lies, have managed over the years to dominate the narrative of the Lady T’s time in office, a narrative that is used by younger generations to condemn her because they know no different.
‘Everything faded into mist. The past was erased. The erasure was forgotten. The lie became the truth.’ (Winston Smith’s diary, ‘1984’)
I am glad Maggie can piss the left, & BBC , “From beyond the grave” , now that is” Real Power” . What a brilliant politician.
Whilst being far from the “left” at the time I disliked Thatcher at the time. However I hated Blair. I do find it strange however that people who blatantly were not even alive during the Thatcher years still continuing to blame “Thatch” for it would seem every issue under the sun. It might be refreshing for once when someone is claiming Thatcher for the journalist to ask why a government from quarter of a century go is still to blame for things today especially following the liebour rule of 13 years.
Thats easy, the BBC, schools and universities have been drumming anti Thatcher proganda into the kids over the last quarter of a century, see the teenager in last weeks Question Time audience, cue round of applause!
Vivienne Westwood’s first words on Vine – ‘Margaret Thatcher caused climate change’ – Off switch.
Of course Margaret Thatcher was before her time; before man-made global warming became BBC “settled science” she was prescient enough to close down those nasty CO2 producing coal mines but knowingly took the flak from lefties who thought it was for anti-Scargill reasons. Oh, the poor lefties, torn between two ideologies! Soon, I’m sure, pupils will be taught by trendy teachers how forward thinking she was – oh, wait, a porcine aviator just passed the window!
But dare I say it ….. the BBC also put down Tony Blair at every opportunity !!. They did not even broadcast his speeches when he was PM which had standing ovations in the USA, frightened that if the British public heard in full what he had to say, they may have been impressed by his foreign policy (which the BBC was totally against ). And the BBC would say on the 10 o clock News after his 2006 Las Angeles speech “This is what the Prime Minister meant to say” It was then that I stopped trusting the BBC !
It must be women’s day today. Whatever next?
At least we should be grateful that there are no pictures of mosques or the Koran or any arabic text (yet). They must be keeping that for the next one.
I hope soon we will have a proper UK passport and not some burgundy EU crap.
That passport certainly is sexist. Look at that foul sexist language on the first page: “Her Britannic Majesty’s Secretary of State…” and “…in the Name of Her Majesty”. Oh, hang on, that’s not what they are complaining about? They ought to do something about the fivers and tenners, too. Every single note for the past 60-odd years has had a picture of a woman on it – disgraceful.
I notice the BBC sees fit to quote Emily Thornberry: “Labour’s shadow employment secretary Emily Thornberry told the BBC it was “exasperating”. That’s the same one that thinks the flag and those who fly it are ‘absolutely gharstly, don’t you know’. See
Not many women in the first picture of this helpful BBC article:
Imagine a world without war. Thought the BBC would be in to that idea. But there’s a catch: Islam must go! This from interesting post.
“without Islam we would now be living in a world almost without war. The impossible dream of world peace would actually be within reach if it were not for the existence of Islam. Human progress has made the resort to war almost unthinkable to everybody but Muslims. That’s why just about every war today is either between Muslims or waged by Muslims on the rest of the world. Curious that we never hear about this from the one-world types at the BBC”
Rest of post at:
Colin Welland dies, £144 says that’ll set the BBC comrades off.
It will be interesting if they highlight his political leanings rather than his writing and acting achievements, which regardless are noteworthy.
A confirmed Labour party supporter seen here at a 1992 Labour party press conference.
Given the blatant bias in BBC broadcasting on climate change I was rather surprised to find the.. interview available on the world service.
What is less surprising is the tone of the interviewer and the blatant spinning of climate hysteria.
..the chilling phrase I noted was when the interviewer summarised that his main problem was related to “this freedom of speech idea” (at 3:43) . That tells you everything you need to know about the BBC today on this topic.
Indeed. If not vital.
Let’s get our priorities right and ensure that those racists in Lewes don’t choose the wrong type of effigy this year.
Pakistani woman dies after being set on fire by a former lover for rejecting a marriage proposal
Pakistanis don’t really get this “effigy” thing, do they?
Apols if already posted
Some might want to get over to brietbart and offer a considered opinion
“no laughing matter” … at all, in any way, in any of the clips I ve seen
only reason to pull this “comedy” … it doesn t contain any
If Muslims complain, why the surprise? … they do about everything else
My point too nogginator.
No Muslim could complain-not one laugh has been raised in all episodes of its for series-and counting.
The death of its very own Felix Dexter , with a eulogy read by Lenny Henry whilst sitting on a rubber ring due to haemarrhoids could not be any less funny.
And if they kept the plastic on the sofa , well the canned laughter need never cease.
Racist, agenda bending slurry that`s effectively a jizya tax on the British people.
Have to say, not having watched the show, the comments to the piece raised a guilty smile or two.
A bit like W1A, one wonders if in trying to break down barriers, sleeping weasels were not aroused…
‘a bearded, slightly old-fashioned, loudmouthed Muslim, a self-appointed community leader living in Birmingham’
At least he is not… ‘conservative’.
I wonder what kind of portrayal of Muslims would be acceptable. You just can’t please some people.
But comedy is comedy………doesn’t need a political or cultural context. Unfunny and everyone including the muzzies think it is shit.
Citizen Khan is garbage.
I decided to give Citizen Khan a look as a few reviewers, including the DM’s, had given it good reviews. I won’t be watching again.
Contrast and compare the funny clip of Fawlty Towers where the Major refers to niggers and wogs. This clip was on one of those ‘It Was All Right in the 70s’ type programmes that C4 is currently showing. I watch these and and am astounded at the shocked, naive reactions of the progressives being shown some of the non-PC progs from that decade. Had they really never seen a white man blacked up as a minstrel before? Were they really that offended at the brilliant Spike Milligan’s jokes about blacks? He used to do it all the time on the Goon Show with Ray Ellington, who cheerfully and happily took active part in the joke. Odd thing is, I watch ‘8 Out of 10 Cats’, which can be funny, and they often say such un-PC stuff on there that I think, ‘If Bernard Manning had said the same thing, they would have been outraged.’ More left whinger hypocrisy (though I have occasionally wondered at Jimmy Carrs true political allegiance).
And in other news…
Mouths of babes. Or, maybe, there was no time? Or space? Or there was stuff they really didn’t want to confront so went for BBC #101 and hoped if they were paid a lot to do nothing, it would all go away. Feel the trust…
It’s only money. Luckily for the market rate talents who are paid to make these calls, licence fee-payers’.
Yet he can never leave…
So what could I expect if I decided to illegally enter a military base? I doubt very much that I would be welcomed with shelter and three meals a day. These people are unbelievable and the BBC is even more incredulous for trying to portray these trespassers as victims. In fact they should be lucky not to have received a bellyful of lead for their illegal invasion contrary to all UN security council measures.
All a bit odd if predictable.
An unerring bit of navigation to rival Capt. Bligh brings them to the one bit of coast that is notionally ‘British’.
Duly rescued and accommodated and fed, they immediately start making demands and setting fire to things.
Yes, just the kind of folk to turn this country’s economy and community spirit around.
“The group, who landed at Akrotiri on Cyprus’s south coast, consisted of 67 men, 19 women and 28 children”
That’s not quite the ratio shown in most BBC pictures, now, is it?
Still, give the lads enough time and lasses little choice, and the number of sprogs will soon get to a level that will have Mishal beaming with pride.
How many ISIS terrorists among that (‘desperate’) lot ? They should never have been allowed to land on the base, where was the security ? – there are some questions to be ask there.
Mrs S told me when that on Calendar (ITV Local news in Yorkshire) today, there was a report on a (formerly) Muslim family from Bradford who had converted to Christianity. The said family were coming under attack from their “neighbours” to such an extent, that the police had installed cctv. I believe there was footage of things being thrown at their house etc. There was no mention of the penalty for apostasy under the Sharia of course and the attacks were stubbornly described as being the work of those pesky “neighbours”.
It will be interesting to see whether Look North (Al Beebus’ local news up here) cover this story, as there have been many times when ITV have carried a story which Al Beebus have never gone anywhere near.
I should think the family will end up having to move out of the area, as it will prove too dangerous for them to remain.
They didn’t cover the story, even though it was in several national newspapers today and the T&A (the daily Bradford evening paper).
Deport the bloody offenders . Simple
TV critic Ally Ross in the Sun ” The villains in the BBC police show were Islamophobes, the clue was they were hanging the flag of Saint George out their window.” Looking at the cast photo, black, muslim, oriental, woman, no tranny though.
They say that Actors are people who want to pretend to be something that they are not in real life.
Even at its “whites only” peak before the 1960’s. All the goody-goody Hollywood film stars where described as unlikable by their children, while all the really nice actors preferred to play nasty parts.
So I presume it reflects the BBC opinion that all Black Actors must be thick, nasty and evil in real life.
One of the comments at Breitbart on Citizen Khan sums things up ?
It so obvious that Citizen Khan is a feeble attempt by the BBC to cast the Pakistani community in a favourable light. They are just like you and I, if you ignore all of the child grooming and rapes, heroin smuggling, crash for cash scams, 7/7 bombings, cousin marriage, low academic achievement, over-representation in the prison population and other assorted goings on.
Whenever there is an incident of the above mentioned crimes, the Pakistani Muslims magically transform into “Asians” in the media.”
followed by :
“It so obvious that Citizen Khan is a feeble attempt by the BBC to cast the Pakistani community in a favourable light.”
Spot on, and to prove it the BBC are pushing the agenda by placing it on BBC1, when in reality it should be on BBC3, although I’m not even sure its good enough to mix with the other dross on that channel….”
The point is further proved by the fact that is keeps getting renewed, four series? Better series have not made it past one.
Maybe there could be a series about a lovable Jewish community leader in Stamford Hill, and his various amusing escapades as he juggles work, family and anti-Semitic attacks by “men”.
Britain’s biggest sexist on BBC3 apparently only white men are sexist Some white footballer making a stupid remark , which I am not defending, is examined at length. Pakistani Muslims raping little white girls sexist and racists not worth a mention.
They interviewed 5 female MPs one from the SNP four from Labour trying to give impression only socialist care about sexism.
I always remember when Camerloon spoke about the EDL in the House of Commons, he said there were: “none sicker than the EDL”.
What? Seriously Dave? The Muslims who drug addicted, raped and prostituted ten and eleven year old English girls aren’t sicker than the few Englishmen who decided to do something about it? Since the police and authorities turned a blind eye to what was going on; whilst hindering and preventing those few among them who did try to do something.
No Dave, you are sicker than the EDL and by a long way. He has never spoken about the Muslim rape gangs and in the unlikely event that he ever will, he would use very different language to that with which he decried the EDL. With apologies to Essexboy, Cameron is a total c**t.
Al, not only is Cameron a total Tristram , but he is a total coward. He knows that he can insult the EDL with impunity but,if he insults any muslims, there may be repercussions. He is a spinless, gutless, useless tosser.
What a stinking pile of inclusive diverse tosh Jools Holland’s Later was tonight. Biggest laugh a multi millionaire (22m dollars) popstar with diamonds embedded in his teeth claiming to represent ‘the working man’ by wearing a hi-viz jacket!
It comes to something when the ‘highlight’ of the show is two, past their sell by date septuagenarian rockers.
Just dire, still I bet Guardian readers enjoyed it.
I thought the BBC had gone quiet on this one.
BBC speak – “Mehdi Midani, 24, of no fixed address”
Translation – “a 24 year old muslim and failed asylum-seeker”
I see the BBC sofa sloths are celebrating adventurer Sarah Outen
Just back from her solo circumnavigation of the world by land and sea.
See a map of her route here:
Can’t help but note the lone female traveller gave Africa and the Middle East a wide berth – just saying, because the BBC sure won’t