Is it just me. Has anyone noticed that when the BBC mention current Republican front-runner Dr. Ben Carson, they never refer to his skin colour? Is it because now we have the first black president and it is old news or because they can’t admit to themselves that at least some of African ancestry (How’s that for a euphemism?) support the Republican Party?
Ben Carson is just a no-good brain surgeon. Now if he had been a dope using community organiser the left wing media might take him seriously. I am joking of course. He is a Republican, and therefore will always be treated with scorn.
BBC loving this push for the Cornish language – well, it’s not English, so what’s not to like?
Remember Licence Payers – there’s no point in doing anything particularly to express Englishness, you’re only English by default [Tony Livesey BBC Radio 5 c2013]
“Our data-crunchers have worked around the clock to analyse your responses. Here are the results: RT readers back the BBC as a bastion of quality broadcasting.”
One bets they did. Shocked, I tell you… Shocked!
Methinks the BBC PR bunnies are rather over-gilding this lily.. Or perhaps over-polishing the national treasure.
I didn’t know the Radio Times was still out there, surveying readers of the company magazine is hardly credible either, on a par with asking readers of Angling Times if they think fishing is a good thing.
Classic example of ‘selective democracy’. Public support for BBC – wonderful, justifies the licence fee and expansion of the BBC empire etc etc. Public support for UKIP or a firmer stance on immigration? Nah, that doesn’t count. You can’t trust populism, as EU politicians like to point out.
The article allows one Ms Chowdhury to vent her anger concerning Sikh jokes doing the rounds in India, sounds much like Irish Jokes in England of times past. In the last few lines there is a quote,
“These jokes are racist. Everybody seems to be having fun at the expense of our community. This is unacceptable, this has to go.”
Sikhs are a race then? It’s only a small point but I think the BBC could have added a little caveat to the quote and given this particular hate crime it’s correct classification, whatever that might be. It’s not a quote by the BBC but the fact it goes unchallanged in a BBC article is a little sloppy.
I see the BBC list of “Sikh jokes” included … I hope tomorrow they include
a long list of Jokes about islam, in particular about intelligence level, the inferiority
of the social structure, obsessive penchant for deceit, 1st cousin marriages etc …
Ah … many a true word spoke in jest eh!
BBc Breakfast not advertising of the day Anastasia which I assume is the ultimate collection.
Followed by a dead language Cornish. Do they make it up as they go along I wonder?Like to a degree a certain other language where my father in law is a fluent speaker but is not amused by some of the the speakers who apparently make some of it up.
Day in, day out, the BBC reminds me how unfortunate I was to have lost out in life’s great lottery – I was born English
No colour, no diversity, my history was all bad. Thank goodness wave after wave of migrants came to this island – imagine how appalling it would have been here otherwise. I have guilt but no greivance – except possibly against the rich nobs.
Perhaps I should paint myself blue, change my name to Baldrick and grub around drunkenly cursing my racist epithets in a toxic turnip heap just beyond Slough? Trouble is, start thinking that way and I might bump into Will Self.
I’ve no culture worth expressing or protecting – whatever there might be is all wrong and probably the local council will now refuse it a health and safety licence. So that should come to an end soon.
Now that Robin Williams, in his day he was a bright funny chap – does his wife say he died of depression or demetia? – I must keep watching BBC tv to find out.
Yes Naomi we’re very proud to have you, that fact that you have four convictions for assaulting your own staff, are rude and self-obsessed and aren’t choosy about the origin of the blood diamonds you get paid for sexual favours from African despots just makes you all the more lovable!
The conspiracy theorists are going to be all over that one eyed picture in your link Germanicus. I do detest the term conspiracy theorist being used in the same way as racist, i.e. to shut people up, so it’s not my intention to ridicule any conspiracy theorists. Even if you are nuts.
It’s the eye of horus/illuminati/masonic, you name it somebody with access to a youtube channel has a thoery Germanicus, if you search “one eye conspiracy” on youtube my guess is you wont be short of theories.
I had to check and the link has already been made a couple of years ago, about 30 seconds in
“Illuminati Architecture & Monuments 1/20” on youtube, I didn’t post a link as it would just have brought up a garish off topic image but it’s easy enough to find.
Looks like her people got in touch with the BBC’s slow news people, and the diversity branch saw it and propelled it upward. If this hits Facebook or twitter, the comments may be… ‘interesting’.
If the BBC opens an HYS, I’d give it an hour, tops.
I’ve just heard something on the BBC that I thought was astonishingly telling. Radio 4’s Midweek, as usual with nice comfy Libby Purves in the chair. Coming soon to a channel near you will be a play about the plight of Asian immigrants when they settled in Blighty in the 60’s and ,70’s. “Paki bashing” was mentioned, also the resentment felt towards the newcomers by the locals. “But,” cooed a breathless Libby, “these people” referring to the immigrants, “were educated, they had family values, they were so much better, they were of a higher quality….”
So, there you have it! That’s exactly what the snooty, snotty, never done an honest day’s work in their life, upper middle class left wing racists, think of the indigenous white working classes.
It’s fine for us to clean their streets, tend their gardens, fix their plumbing and pay for these parasites to inflict their bigoted bile upon us, but if you complain about changes in your communities, your chances of finding a house, your son’s job prospects, your daughters being gang raped…
Don’t expect to get any air time on the BBC.
That’s appalling. Imagine if Nigel Farage defended white people in this way.
Maybe the Ugandan Asians were better educated than average, but they were hardly typical and relatively small in number. The Pakistanis who flooded Bradford from the 1950s were certainly nothing special and never had any intention of integrating.
‘were educated, they had family values, they were so much better’
Actually, fifty years age we British had ‘family values’ and a good education system. The liberal-left appear to have been trying to destroy them ever since. The cultural and sexual revolution of the late sixties probably began the work, and our educational ‘reforms’ arrived around the same time. People like Libby would have been the very first to condemn conservative ‘family’ values as a load of repressive, archaic rubbish. They also probably viewed high academic standards as elitist, and good manners as snobby middle class trivia.
Seeing as the BBC, abhors racism and racist attacks expect to see this front page, top corner
Its got everything terrorism, racism, and an unprovoked attack.
Muslim man screaming ‘Allah akbar’ and ‘I will slaughter the Jew … tries to murder an Israeli on an international flight,7340,L-4720487,00.html
““He came up behind my seat and started to choke me with a lot of force,” he continued, “and at first I couldn’t get my voice out and call for help. He hit me over the head with a metal tray and shouted ‘Allah akbar’ and ‘I will slaughter the Jew.’ Only after a few seconds, just before I was about to lose consciousness, did I manage to call out and a flight attendant who saw what was happening summoned her colleagues,” Arik added.
No doubt that sooner or later there will be a large attack by multiple jihadists with automatic weapons, like Charlie Hebdo, Mumbai etc.
And following it all the leftoid islamapologists will be out telling us how it’s just a few bad apples… they’re so deluded and blinkered that they will fiddle while Albion burns.
Closely followed in turn by government hand-wringing and media wailing about possible islamaphobic posts online, which clearly trump islamanutjob mayhem each week.
I’ve thought about this from time to time, believing that sooner or later “civil disobedience” will kick off on a large scale. At the moment I’m of the opinion that it will start elsewhere, possibly Denmark or Austria, or even Germany for obvious reasons, and spread to other countries like dominoes.
An attack on a school could do it, Beslan – something like that. I don’t think the drip drip drip of individual attacks could provide the trigger in the UK. Members of the public have short memories and, as people here are well aware, the MSM discourage any suggestion that there might be a sinister trend, suppressing details and even entire events when it suits.
It’s astonishing what people will sleep walk into. Now we have the Investigatory Powers Bill to protect us from people who shouldn’t be in the country in the first place. We are assured that ordinary people will not be affected. Maybe that intention is genuine but, only a short while ago, police requested the names and addresses of people ordering the special edition of Charlie Hebdo. A few years ago I would never have believed that possible in the UK.
I never believed that Jeremy Corbyn could become leader of the Labour Party. Imagine him as PM with extended powers.
I completely agree and the news that the moronic Theresa May is allowing local councils to have access to people’s browsing history reveals just how evil our government has become. There is no justification whatsoever for this and the thought of council jobsworths poking around in people’s personal reading and communications in pursuit of some footling cause is spine chilling.
May and Cameron must both go. They take can take nine tenths of this useless parliament with them.
GCooper, Totally agree. I am visiting UK from my home in Gambia, a real dictatorship. However, Jammeh interferes a lot less in the lives of ordinary people there than the authorities in the elective dictatorship of the UK do in the lives of British people. I would even go so far as to say that, in many ways Gambians are freer than the British. I cannot believe what is happening in the UK. Also agree that May is a moron. How a person of such low intelligence could be Home Secretary is beyond belief.
That’s a very interesting reflection on Gambia (about which I confess I know very little). I do, however, recall hearing people say much the same about Franco’s Spain. For all the Left try to portray it as a brutal, repressive regime, people who lived there, in the 1960s at any rate, often used to say how comparatively free it was. By comparison with today’s spied upon, authoritarian Britain, immeasurably so, I would imagine.
“How a person of such low intelligence could be Home Secretary is beyond belief. ”
Pure tokenism. She’s female, presentable, not a complete moron (don’t agree with you there, Prescott was a complete moron), toes the line, and a fluent speaker. A moron would be less dangerous. She’s “fluent” rather than articulate however, and ambitious for all the wrong reasons. Typical, in fact.
For now we here are insulated from the vast numbers flooding into Europe. Reading between the lines (necessary now with the controlled MSM) there are huge numbers on the way at this moment.
So watch Hungary and the Balkan states in particular and then Austria.
The East of Germany is where I expect real trouble and it may force Merkel and the EU to use force against the citizens. At that critical moment anything is possible. All readings of history tell us that once this happens then events spin out of control almost immediately. So rather than terrorist attacks being a trigger I would expect the usual stupidity of a ruling elite to cause this.
Once again there are no instances ever of a native people voluntarliy ceding their land to another. I suppose we can assume Sweden ( a people lost to sense and reality will defy this) so that sad land can be ignored for the purposes of this argument.
Our govenment is illiberal by nature and inclination. It is not conservative and has no understanding of the past and what freedom really means. It as much as the Merkel regime will fail to grasp what is going on in Europe and will resort to some kind of force , either open or hidden, to preserve it’s fantasy world view. In this our useless MSM will be a key player.
Fortunately the internet is our ally now and it is going to be very hard for the illiberal regimes of Europe to suppress the truth and to silence all of us.
The Government won’t take any emergency measures if ordinary people are caught up in a massacre, but they’ll suppress the ‘backlash’ pretty sharpish. If on the other hand ministers (or the royals) are targeted then you might see them wake up and take notice.
I’ve always thought that if there is civil strife in this country, the first lot to deal with would be our 5th column of leftists of various stripes. They are the ones constantly calling for insane Frankfurt School inspired policies. They are cowards so you wouldn’t need to do much other than frighten them to shut them up. But a goodly few of them in Islington and Hampstead would probably end up hanging from a rope anyway!
Something is stirring in East Europe. This video from Poland shows the unfurling of a giant flag on which appears to be a picture of a Christian Crusader repelling three boats of what appear to be invaders. I am sure ‘Show Waycism the Wed Card’ will have been alerted to it.
OK not the BBC but …. Watching my preferred news channel last night (ITV) one of the headline items was how the old and very young are suffering more from climate change in India. Curious, I stayed tuned to see what this was about. It was a report by someone who I have found to be Alok Jha (sounded like lockjaw). After watching his report I thought he must have been a student of the BBC’s Horrible Harrabin. He managed to conflate the appalling air pollution in India (real pollution that is) with CO2… Paraphrasing ‘this air pollution is not just a problem for India for for all of us around the world because that air also contains molecules of greenhouse gases which cause climate change’.
I tried briefly to check this man’s scientific credentials without success but he moved to ITV from the Guardian and he was one of their intrepid reporters trapped in the Antarctic when they discovered ice. From the ITV website : “I’m looking forward to the challenge of bringing science and scientific thinking into people’s homes, at a time when we need it more than ever. Everything from creating policy on climate change or working out the best way to treat a disease requires a proper understanding of science”. Also lots of BBC connections: “Alok has presented and reported for a number of BBC TV and radio programmes, including Dara O’Briain’s Science Club on BBC2, BBC Radio 4, BBC World Service and BBC Radio 5 Live. He has also written two books; The Doomsday Handbook – 50 Ways to the End of the World and How to Live Forever and 34 Really Interesting Uses of Science.”. Oh dear.
Another croc of shit story from the BBC, I must say I did like Robin Williams but he was not one of my heroes.
The interview shows a tearful wife Susan who is beside herself with grief and even has the interviewer close to tears at one point. However, as the Guardian, of all sources points out, this grief was short-lived as……”Last month, Susan reached a settlement with Williams’ three children from previous relationships, ending a bitter dispute over his estate and the dividing up of his personal belongings.”
It’s very easy to write a gooey news story, it’s another thing entirely to write the truth.
Goodbye Sweden, soon Goodbye Germany
Swedes’ homes may be confiscated to accommodate asylum seekers…
Naive Swedish woman raped for hours by migrant “children”…
Migrant raped a 3 year-old child. Swedish Migration Board tried to conceal the incident…
Yep! ISIS did say they would flood Europe with Muslim, and however many terrorists.
Will our No10 Tory traitors, after Rotherham business as usual yesterday-yep still going on , today Trojan Horse schools latest, yep still going on … prostrate themselves fast enough, appease quick enough … faster Camoron faster!
… to erm “save” our children
The BBC still too busy reporting trumped up “police boycott” and Islamofauxbia to report the real news from Rotherham.
It’s that man again. This morning on the Today Programme, Naughtie interviewed a notably calm and polite Jeremy Hunt, immediately prior to interviewing a spokesman from the ‘extremist’ Trade Union, the BMA, who was in the studio listening to what Jeremy Hunt had to say. Naughtie’s first words to the BMA man were, in a slightly sneering tone ” Well, what do you make of that?”. This is tantamount to saying “Well, that was rubbish, wasn’t it?” Despite the sorry history of bias on the BBC, this sort of tactic still comes as quite a shock. A balanced interviewer should simply seek to discover the interviewee’s views. To invite immediate criticism of a previous interviewee in this way is absolutely beyond the pale.
‘To invite immediate criticism of a previous interviewee in this way is absolutely beyond the pale’
It’s about as cowardly as it gets, and so typically BBC.
I’ve lost count how many times folk here and elsewhere have noted the BBC or its pet sock puppets getting pwned live, and then skulking under their desks until their nemesis has left the building with no right or opportunity of reply to get their revenge, all neatly edited for later in the edit suite.
Has the BBC reported yet on the concerns of British Veterinary Association?
David Bowles, assistant director of the RSPCA, said: “Defra has bowed to external pressure from the halal industry and small slaughterhouses and animal welfare has been sacrificed as a result. Millions of chickens are being slaughtered in a way which may cause needless suffering. ”
I am often very critical of the RSPCA on many topics, but on ritual slaughter they are falling in line with over whelming scientific evidence which calls into question ritual slaughter on animal welfare grounds. I am not here advancing an animal rights ideology, but merely pointing out that most countries have humane attitudes towards slaughter which sit uneasy with compromises made by governments with religious authorities. I cannot get a link to it, but the current issue of the journal ALAW has an article by John J Cranley which is highly critical of religious based moves to avoid pre slaughter stunning. Other links from the
The Farm Animal Welfare Council has produced several reports from a welfare standpoint. They represent a cross section of the food and farming industry.
Take it from me, the BBC and Guardian, and frequently the Telegraph take a pro religious freedom line.
On a rather disappointing note, response to campaigns I have supported in favour of labelling meat as being either stunned or not, or ritually slaughtered or not, are indicating that it might even increase demand for ritually slaughtered products. Such has been the campaigns presented as opposition to racist objections to halal and kosher meat.
Surely the answer is to introduce legislation to ensure meat slaughtered this way is clearly marked “Halal”? Who on earth could object – except maybe certain a religious group who would complain that it reduces the market for their products. Oh, and apologists for those groups including the BBC. And politicians who haven’t the balls to go against the minority who couldn’t give a stuff about animal cruelty. And supermarkets who don’t want the bother. And schools who must be seen to be diverse. And hypocritical Guardian readers. And Islington diners.
Well stuff them all. I want this legislation so that I can choose what I eat – and it will not be halal.
I must confess that after finding out about Halal slaughter I have had no problem in boycotting all “Indian” restaurants, which are in reality mostly Bangladeshi or Pakistani. I have no wish to support this shameful practice in any way. Of course, supermarkets do not have the common decency to label meat slaughtered in this barbaric third world way, so it is probably best to stick to a proper butcher. The meat will be better too.
I have to confess to something rather wrong. I often shop in French supermarkets where some of the food is marked Halal. Very often my hands become rather shaky and it has been known for pork products to slip out of my hand into the Halal containers.
There is no halal marking simply because the animal -loving and right-minded genuine British will not buy it. Anything touched by muslim hands (figuratively or physically) is a massive no-no.
I just spent a pleasant five minutes trolling Nando’s, I asked if they served Halal at their many “restaurants”. I was asked if I had a specific one in mind, and when I chose two branches at random and was told “We don’t serve Halal at those restaurants I’m afraid”
I replied “Don’t be afraid, I don’t eat Halal”
They replied “Oh in that case you need to check with the restaurant staff as sometimes we do serve Halal if we can’t get non Halal”
I then replied that I would not be eating at Nando’s in future as Sikh’s are prohibited from eating ritually slaughtered meat. I’m not a Sikh and I’m not even sure if they are prohibited from eating Halal, I was just trying to be awkward.
I don’t buy meat from supermarkets. It’s generally tasteless anyway. I buy online from traditional butchers (I know, it sounds like a contradiction), usually located in rural areas and less likely to be tainted.
Costs more and you have to place a large order or pay for delivery so it’s not the answer for everybody.
Not BBC related, but has anyone seen the story that a petition has been started on to the United Nations to prevent Phil Collins making a comeback…
Now why would this be? Was Collins such a crap musician, was his work with Genesis and solo that bad, worse than Billy Bragg? isn’t his drum solo from In The Air Tonight one of the most sampled?
Nah, Collins is ridiculed because in 1997 he said he’d leave the country if Labour got in, and unlike the hollow promise of O’Grady he did just that. An admittedly Tory popstar is a rare thing and a Labour hating one dam-right evil…
I think that Phil Collins, like the Bee Gees before him, was so successful that disliking him (them) became short-hand for having some sort of musical taste. Admittedly, I am not a fan of either of them but do have respect for the fact that they were very good at what they did.
I have a dog in this fight. As a long time Genesis fan (Knebworth 78, NEC 82 and front and centre for Wembley 87), I was not fully convinced about the Collinsisation of some of Genesis music, but he, and they, were brilliant showmen who enthralled audiences worldwide off the back of multi-selling albums.
Collins has written soundtracks for many movies, been well sampled over the years and has proved an inspiration to a generation of drummers. Unlike most of us, he can remove himself from the boredom of retirement and continue to do what he did best. Sadly without being able to drum, but I wish I had his talent for playing the instruments he can still enjoy.
I wonder if Adele will ever be subject to the same sort of derision as she makes a push for her latest saturation of the single and album charts.
“Build them up to knock them down” as someone nearly said.
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
Is it just me. Has anyone noticed that when the BBC mention current Republican front-runner Dr. Ben Carson, they never refer to his skin colour? Is it because now we have the first black president and it is old news or because they can’t admit to themselves that at least some of African ancestry (How’s that for a euphemism?) support the Republican Party?
Compare the BBC Is Ben Carson a real front-runner? with Ben Carson Is ‘Safe Negro’ Who Can Criticize Obama, MSNBC Republican And Democratic Strategists Claim

Ben Carson is just a no-good brain surgeon. Now if he had been a dope using community organiser the left wing media might take him seriously. I am joking of course. He is a Republican, and therefore will always be treated with scorn.
Just another Uncle Tom
BBC loving this push for the Cornish language – well, it’s not English, so what’s not to like?
Remember Licence Payers – there’s no point in doing anything particularly to express Englishness, you’re only English by default [Tony Livesey BBC Radio 5 c2013]
“Our data-crunchers have worked around the clock to analyse your responses. Here are the results: RT readers back the BBC as a bastion of quality broadcasting.”
One bets they did. Shocked, I tell you… Shocked!
Methinks the BBC PR bunnies are rather over-gilding this lily.. Or perhaps over-polishing the national treasure.
I didn’t know the Radio Times was still out there, surveying readers of the company magazine is hardly credible either, on a par with asking readers of Angling Times if they think fishing is a good thing.
Classic example of ‘selective democracy’. Public support for BBC – wonderful, justifies the licence fee and expansion of the BBC empire etc etc. Public support for UKIP or a firmer stance on immigration? Nah, that doesn’t count. You can’t trust populism, as EU politicians like to point out.
Guest Who: “Or perhaps over-polishing the national treasure.” What a great expression!
The article allows one Ms Chowdhury to vent her anger concerning Sikh jokes doing the rounds in India, sounds much like Irish Jokes in England of times past. In the last few lines there is a quote,
“These jokes are racist. Everybody seems to be having fun at the expense of our community. This is unacceptable, this has to go.”
Sikhs are a race then? It’s only a small point but I think the BBC could have added a little caveat to the quote and given this particular hate crime it’s correct classification, whatever that might be. It’s not a quote by the BBC but the fact it goes unchallanged in a BBC article is a little sloppy.
I see the BBC list of “Sikh jokes” included … I hope tomorrow they include
a long list of Jokes about islam, in particular about intelligence level, the inferiority
of the social structure, obsessive penchant for deceit, 1st cousin marriages etc …
Ah … many a true word spoke in jest eh!
What the chance eh! … hmmm are they Sikhaphobic?
Did you hear the one about the Sikh paramedic? He drives a turbulance!
Did you hear the one about the moderate Muslim?
Me neither.
BBc Breakfast not advertising of the day Anastasia which I assume is the ultimate collection.
Followed by a dead language Cornish. Do they make it up as they go along I wonder?Like to a degree a certain other language where my father in law is a fluent speaker but is not amused by some of the the speakers who apparently make some of it up.
Day in, day out, the BBC reminds me how unfortunate I was to have lost out in life’s great lottery – I was born English
No colour, no diversity, my history was all bad. Thank goodness wave after wave of migrants came to this island – imagine how appalling it would have been here otherwise. I have guilt but no greivance – except possibly against the rich nobs.
Perhaps I should paint myself blue, change my name to Baldrick and grub around drunkenly cursing my racist epithets in a toxic turnip heap just beyond Slough? Trouble is, start thinking that way and I might bump into Will Self.
I’ve no culture worth expressing or protecting – whatever there might be is all wrong and probably the local council will now refuse it a health and safety licence. So that should come to an end soon.
Now that Robin Williams, in his day he was a bright funny chap – does his wife say he died of depression or demetia? – I must keep watching BBC tv to find out.
Naomi Campbell asks is the UK proud to have me?
Yes Naomi we’re very proud to have you, that fact that you have four convictions for assaulting your own staff, are rude and self-obsessed and aren’t choosy about the origin of the blood diamonds you get paid for sexual favours from African despots just makes you all the more lovable!
You might find this hard to believe but it was some considerable time before I found out what she did. I thought she was a singer or something.
Soup, right?
Germanicus, I am not sure we can blame Naomi Campbell’s repulsiveness on her skin colour. As a fellow Scot, I have to defend her !
Never trust a Campbell!
LOL ! If my family name was Campbell, I would change it !
The conspiracy theorists are going to be all over that one eyed picture in your link Germanicus. I do detest the term conspiracy theorist being used in the same way as racist, i.e. to shut people up, so it’s not my intention to ridicule any conspiracy theorists. Even if you are nuts.
What’s the conspiracy about the one eyed thing Oldspeaker?
It’s the eye of horus/illuminati/masonic, you name it somebody with access to a youtube channel has a thoery Germanicus, if you search “one eye conspiracy” on youtube my guess is you wont be short of theories.
I had to check and the link has already been made a couple of years ago, about 30 seconds in
“Illuminati Architecture & Monuments 1/20” on youtube, I didn’t post a link as it would just have brought up a garish off topic image but it’s easy enough to find.
Looks like her people got in touch with the BBC’s slow news people, and the diversity branch saw it and propelled it upward. If this hits Facebook or twitter, the comments may be… ‘interesting’.
If the BBC opens an HYS, I’d give it an hour, tops.
I’ve just heard something on the BBC that I thought was astonishingly telling. Radio 4’s Midweek, as usual with nice comfy Libby Purves in the chair. Coming soon to a channel near you will be a play about the plight of Asian immigrants when they settled in Blighty in the 60’s and ,70’s. “Paki bashing” was mentioned, also the resentment felt towards the newcomers by the locals. “But,” cooed a breathless Libby, “these people” referring to the immigrants, “were educated, they had family values, they were so much better, they were of a higher quality….”
So, there you have it! That’s exactly what the snooty, snotty, never done an honest day’s work in their life, upper middle class left wing racists, think of the indigenous white working classes.
It’s fine for us to clean their streets, tend their gardens, fix their plumbing and pay for these parasites to inflict their bigoted bile upon us, but if you complain about changes in your communities, your chances of finding a house, your son’s job prospects, your daughters being gang raped…
Don’t expect to get any air time on the BBC.
“they were of a higher quality….”
That’s appalling. Imagine if Nigel Farage defended white people in this way.
Maybe the Ugandan Asians were better educated than average, but they were hardly typical and relatively small in number. The Pakistanis who flooded Bradford from the 1950s were certainly nothing special and never had any intention of integrating.
Presumably, la YAB represents ‘balance’?
‘were educated, they had family values, they were so much better’
Actually, fifty years age we British had ‘family values’ and a good education system. The liberal-left appear to have been trying to destroy them ever since. The cultural and sexual revolution of the late sixties probably began the work, and our educational ‘reforms’ arrived around the same time. People like Libby would have been the very first to condemn conservative ‘family’ values as a load of repressive, archaic rubbish. They also probably viewed high academic standards as elitist, and good manners as snobby middle class trivia.
Seeing as the BBC, abhors racism and racist attacks expect to see this front page, top corner
Its got everything terrorism, racism, and an unprovoked attack.
Muslim man screaming ‘Allah akbar’ and ‘I will slaughter the Jew … tries to murder an Israeli on an international flight,7340,L-4720487,00.html
““He came up behind my seat and started to choke me with a lot of force,” he continued, “and at first I couldn’t get my voice out and call for help. He hit me over the head with a metal tray and shouted ‘Allah akbar’ and ‘I will slaughter the Jew.’ Only after a few seconds, just before I was about to lose consciousness, did I manage to call out and a flight attendant who saw what was happening summoned her colleagues,” Arik added.
In everyone’s opinion on here, what level of islamic atrocity do you think it would take for some action to be taken?
We’ve had the morning commuters systematically bombed, a serving soldier beheaded outside his barracks, and 1400 children raped.
What would it take to kick the moral compass into life?
One would think that was enough!
No doubt that sooner or later there will be a large attack by multiple jihadists with automatic weapons, like Charlie Hebdo, Mumbai etc.
And following it all the leftoid islamapologists will be out telling us how it’s just a few bad apples… they’re so deluded and blinkered that they will fiddle while Albion burns.
Closely followed in turn by government hand-wringing and media wailing about possible islamaphobic posts online, which clearly trump islamanutjob mayhem each week.
IMO if (and its a big if) a fight back started it will snowball pretty quickly once people start realising they are not isolated in their thinking.
Just what that catalyst will be I don’t know, maybe once far right groups appear less offensive?
I’ve thought about this from time to time, believing that sooner or later “civil disobedience” will kick off on a large scale. At the moment I’m of the opinion that it will start elsewhere, possibly Denmark or Austria, or even Germany for obvious reasons, and spread to other countries like dominoes.
An attack on a school could do it, Beslan – something like that. I don’t think the drip drip drip of individual attacks could provide the trigger in the UK. Members of the public have short memories and, as people here are well aware, the MSM discourage any suggestion that there might be a sinister trend, suppressing details and even entire events when it suits.
It’s astonishing what people will sleep walk into. Now we have the Investigatory Powers Bill to protect us from people who shouldn’t be in the country in the first place. We are assured that ordinary people will not be affected. Maybe that intention is genuine but, only a short while ago, police requested the names and addresses of people ordering the special edition of Charlie Hebdo. A few years ago I would never have believed that possible in the UK.
I never believed that Jeremy Corbyn could become leader of the Labour Party. Imagine him as PM with extended powers.
I completely agree and the news that the moronic Theresa May is allowing local councils to have access to people’s browsing history reveals just how evil our government has become. There is no justification whatsoever for this and the thought of council jobsworths poking around in people’s personal reading and communications in pursuit of some footling cause is spine chilling.
May and Cameron must both go. They take can take nine tenths of this useless parliament with them.
GCooper, Totally agree. I am visiting UK from my home in Gambia, a real dictatorship. However, Jammeh interferes a lot less in the lives of ordinary people there than the authorities in the elective dictatorship of the UK do in the lives of British people. I would even go so far as to say that, in many ways Gambians are freer than the British. I cannot believe what is happening in the UK. Also agree that May is a moron. How a person of such low intelligence could be Home Secretary is beyond belief.
That’s a very interesting reflection on Gambia (about which I confess I know very little). I do, however, recall hearing people say much the same about Franco’s Spain. For all the Left try to portray it as a brutal, repressive regime, people who lived there, in the 1960s at any rate, often used to say how comparatively free it was. By comparison with today’s spied upon, authoritarian Britain, immeasurably so, I would imagine.
“How a person of such low intelligence could be Home Secretary is beyond belief. ”
Pure tokenism. She’s female, presentable, not a complete moron (don’t agree with you there, Prescott was a complete moron), toes the line, and a fluent speaker. A moron would be less dangerous. She’s “fluent” rather than articulate however, and ambitious for all the wrong reasons. Typical, in fact.
Are we forgetting Jacqui Smith ?
I’m trying to, but she’s never off the BBC.
For now we here are insulated from the vast numbers flooding into Europe. Reading between the lines (necessary now with the controlled MSM) there are huge numbers on the way at this moment.
So watch Hungary and the Balkan states in particular and then Austria.
The East of Germany is where I expect real trouble and it may force Merkel and the EU to use force against the citizens. At that critical moment anything is possible. All readings of history tell us that once this happens then events spin out of control almost immediately. So rather than terrorist attacks being a trigger I would expect the usual stupidity of a ruling elite to cause this.
Once again there are no instances ever of a native people voluntarliy ceding their land to another. I suppose we can assume Sweden ( a people lost to sense and reality will defy this) so that sad land can be ignored for the purposes of this argument.
Our govenment is illiberal by nature and inclination. It is not conservative and has no understanding of the past and what freedom really means. It as much as the Merkel regime will fail to grasp what is going on in Europe and will resort to some kind of force , either open or hidden, to preserve it’s fantasy world view. In this our useless MSM will be a key player.
Fortunately the internet is our ally now and it is going to be very hard for the illiberal regimes of Europe to suppress the truth and to silence all of us.
Probably if Jeremy Corbyn was the victim.
If it was David Cameron the left would just say that ‘The vile Tory scum had it coming to him’.
The Government won’t take any emergency measures if ordinary people are caught up in a massacre, but they’ll suppress the ‘backlash’ pretty sharpish. If on the other hand ministers (or the royals) are targeted then you might see them wake up and take notice.
I’ve always thought that if there is civil strife in this country, the first lot to deal with would be our 5th column of leftists of various stripes. They are the ones constantly calling for insane Frankfurt School inspired policies. They are cowards so you wouldn’t need to do much other than frighten them to shut them up. But a goodly few of them in Islington and Hampstead would probably end up hanging from a rope anyway!
Something is stirring in East Europe. This video from Poland shows the unfurling of a giant flag on which appears to be a picture of a Christian Crusader repelling three boats of what appear to be invaders. I am sure ‘Show Waycism the Wed Card’ will have been alerted to it.
I don’t think that there is any doubt of the depiction, one boat says USS ISIS, one USS Hussein and the 3rd USS Bin Laden….
USS Barack Hussein?
OK not the BBC but …. Watching my preferred news channel last night (ITV) one of the headline items was how the old and very young are suffering more from climate change in India. Curious, I stayed tuned to see what this was about. It was a report by someone who I have found to be Alok Jha (sounded like lockjaw). After watching his report I thought he must have been a student of the BBC’s Horrible Harrabin. He managed to conflate the appalling air pollution in India (real pollution that is) with CO2… Paraphrasing ‘this air pollution is not just a problem for India for for all of us around the world because that air also contains molecules of greenhouse gases which cause climate change’.
I tried briefly to check this man’s scientific credentials without success but he moved to ITV from the Guardian and he was one of their intrepid reporters trapped in the Antarctic when they discovered ice. From the ITV website : “I’m looking forward to the challenge of bringing science and scientific thinking into people’s homes, at a time when we need it more than ever. Everything from creating policy on climate change or working out the best way to treat a disease requires a proper understanding of science”. Also lots of BBC connections: “Alok has presented and reported for a number of BBC TV and radio programmes, including Dara O’Briain’s Science Club on BBC2, BBC Radio 4, BBC World Service and BBC Radio 5 Live. He has also written two books; The Doomsday Handbook – 50 Ways to the End of the World and How to Live Forever and 34 Really Interesting Uses of Science.”. Oh dear.
Another croc of shit story from the BBC, I must say I did like Robin Williams but he was not one of my heroes.
The interview shows a tearful wife Susan who is beside herself with grief and even has the interviewer close to tears at one point. However, as the Guardian, of all sources points out, this grief was short-lived as……”Last month, Susan reached a settlement with Williams’ three children from previous relationships, ending a bitter dispute over his estate and the dividing up of his personal belongings.”
It’s very easy to write a gooey news story, it’s another thing entirely to write the truth.
Looks like the perfect name for another website to join this and a few others:
Maybe suggest it as a a worthy upgrade to The Media Show or Newswatch?
They could get on the poster who defends on the basis of what was ‘meant’ to be said. Clearly one for CECUTT to get on the growing staff roster asap.
Goodbye Sweden, soon Goodbye Germany
Swedes’ homes may be confiscated to accommodate asylum seekers…
Naive Swedish woman raped for hours by migrant “children”…
Migrant raped a 3 year-old child. Swedish Migration Board tried to conceal the incident…
Yep! ISIS did say they would flood Europe with Muslim, and however many terrorists.
Will our No10 Tory traitors, after Rotherham business as usual yesterday-yep still going on , today Trojan Horse schools latest, yep still going on … prostrate themselves fast enough, appease quick enough … faster Camoron faster!
… to erm “save” our children
The BBC still too busy reporting trumped up “police boycott” and Islamofauxbia to report the real news from Rotherham.
It’s that man again. This morning on the Today Programme, Naughtie interviewed a notably calm and polite Jeremy Hunt, immediately prior to interviewing a spokesman from the ‘extremist’ Trade Union, the BMA, who was in the studio listening to what Jeremy Hunt had to say. Naughtie’s first words to the BMA man were, in a slightly sneering tone ” Well, what do you make of that?”. This is tantamount to saying “Well, that was rubbish, wasn’t it?” Despite the sorry history of bias on the BBC, this sort of tactic still comes as quite a shock. A balanced interviewer should simply seek to discover the interviewee’s views. To invite immediate criticism of a previous interviewee in this way is absolutely beyond the pale.
‘To invite immediate criticism of a previous interviewee in this way is absolutely beyond the pale’
It’s about as cowardly as it gets, and so typically BBC.
I’ve lost count how many times folk here and elsewhere have noted the BBC or its pet sock puppets getting pwned live, and then skulking under their desks until their nemesis has left the building with no right or opportunity of reply to get their revenge, all neatly edited for later in the edit suite.
There’s also the growing BBC trend of insider vox popping…
Which, as we all know, is and always has been a no-no to guidelines and Charter requirements.
Like that has stopped them. Ever.
But the BBC ECU and Trust do seem to still be stacked with many very well paid people to ensure it never becomes an issue.
Maybe Mr. Whittingdale and Mr. Norman’s committee may like to pop that in their agendas to run past Tony, Rona, Ted & Alice?
Maybe when the weekend shift log on in a few days they may be moved to comment?
The Times (paywalled)
Has the BBC reported yet on the concerns of British Veterinary Association?
David Bowles, assistant director of the RSPCA, said: “Defra has bowed to external pressure from the halal industry and small slaughterhouses and animal welfare has been sacrificed as a result. Millions of chickens are being slaughtered in a way which may cause needless suffering. ”
The government and the BBC don’t give a toss about British people being slaughtered – why would they be concerned about chickens?
I am often very critical of the RSPCA on many topics, but on ritual slaughter they are falling in line with over whelming scientific evidence which calls into question ritual slaughter on animal welfare grounds. I am not here advancing an animal rights ideology, but merely pointing out that most countries have humane attitudes towards slaughter which sit uneasy with compromises made by governments with religious authorities. I cannot get a link to it, but the current issue of the journal ALAW has an article by John J Cranley which is highly critical of religious based moves to avoid pre slaughter stunning. Other links from the
The Farm Animal Welfare Council has produced several reports from a welfare standpoint. They represent a cross section of the food and farming industry.
Take it from me, the BBC and Guardian, and frequently the Telegraph take a pro religious freedom line.
On a rather disappointing note, response to campaigns I have supported in favour of labelling meat as being either stunned or not, or ritually slaughtered or not, are indicating that it might even increase demand for ritually slaughtered products. Such has been the campaigns presented as opposition to racist objections to halal and kosher meat.
Surely the answer is to introduce legislation to ensure meat slaughtered this way is clearly marked “Halal”? Who on earth could object – except maybe certain a religious group who would complain that it reduces the market for their products. Oh, and apologists for those groups including the BBC. And politicians who haven’t the balls to go against the minority who couldn’t give a stuff about animal cruelty. And supermarkets who don’t want the bother. And schools who must be seen to be diverse. And hypocritical Guardian readers. And Islington diners.
Well stuff them all. I want this legislation so that I can choose what I eat – and it will not be halal.
I must confess that after finding out about Halal slaughter I have had no problem in boycotting all “Indian” restaurants, which are in reality mostly Bangladeshi or Pakistani. I have no wish to support this shameful practice in any way. Of course, supermarkets do not have the common decency to label meat slaughtered in this barbaric third world way, so it is probably best to stick to a proper butcher. The meat will be better too.
I have to confess to something rather wrong. I often shop in French supermarkets where some of the food is marked Halal. Very often my hands become rather shaky and it has been known for pork products to slip out of my hand into the Halal containers.
When buying meat in supermarkets I stick to pork.
(c) Cameron. D.
There is no halal marking simply because the animal -loving and right-minded genuine British will not buy it. Anything touched by muslim hands (figuratively or physically) is a massive no-no.
I just spent a pleasant five minutes trolling Nando’s, I asked if they served Halal at their many “restaurants”. I was asked if I had a specific one in mind, and when I chose two branches at random and was told “We don’t serve Halal at those restaurants I’m afraid”
I replied “Don’t be afraid, I don’t eat Halal”
They replied “Oh in that case you need to check with the restaurant staff as sometimes we do serve Halal if we can’t get non Halal”
I then replied that I would not be eating at Nando’s in future as Sikh’s are prohibited from eating ritually slaughtered meat. I’m not a Sikh and I’m not even sure if they are prohibited from eating Halal, I was just trying to be awkward.
I don’t buy meat from supermarkets. It’s generally tasteless anyway. I buy online from traditional butchers (I know, it sounds like a contradiction), usually located in rural areas and less likely to be tainted.
Costs more and you have to place a large order or pay for delivery so it’s not the answer for everybody.
Today’s must-discuss subject: Cadbury upsets Fruit and Nut fans by adding sultanas
A large number of highest-rated posts have found themselves on the naughty step, for reasons we can guess, so kudos to this poster:
Genius. And free.
Unlike the comedy from the market rate paid talents the BBC deploys.
‘Off topic’ for the BBC is listed on its House Rule page, but does seem to encompass a fair bit else.
As some fun, maybe some would like to chip in a few suggestions.
As your starter for…
1. On topic, but no way would I be in this job tomorrow if it wasn’t sent ‘for consideration’ until the Rapture.
2. We waited so long for a report to come in so it could be pulled, we had to wake up TR to make one.
3. Fraser Steel says sorry. Unless you are a Daily Mail reader. In which case… ‘baby killer’!
4. Do that again and you are banned. Your spouse is banned. Your kids are banned. And the dog.
Not BBC related, but has anyone seen the story that a petition has been started on to the United Nations to prevent Phil Collins making a comeback…
Now why would this be? Was Collins such a crap musician, was his work with Genesis and solo that bad, worse than Billy Bragg? isn’t his drum solo from In The Air Tonight one of the most sampled?
Nah, Collins is ridiculed because in 1997 he said he’d leave the country if Labour got in, and unlike the hollow promise of O’Grady he did just that. An admittedly Tory popstar is a rare thing and a Labour hating one dam-right evil…
I think that Phil Collins, like the Bee Gees before him, was so successful that disliking him (them) became short-hand for having some sort of musical taste. Admittedly, I am not a fan of either of them but do have respect for the fact that they were very good at what they did.
I have a dog in this fight. As a long time Genesis fan (Knebworth 78, NEC 82 and front and centre for Wembley 87), I was not fully convinced about the Collinsisation of some of Genesis music, but he, and they, were brilliant showmen who enthralled audiences worldwide off the back of multi-selling albums.
Collins has written soundtracks for many movies, been well sampled over the years and has proved an inspiration to a generation of drummers. Unlike most of us, he can remove himself from the boredom of retirement and continue to do what he did best. Sadly without being able to drum, but I wish I had his talent for playing the instruments he can still enjoy.
I wonder if Adele will ever be subject to the same sort of derision as she makes a push for her latest saturation of the single and album charts.
“Build them up to knock them down” as someone nearly said.
*hangs anorak back in wardrobe*
Not that I claim any expertise in this area but hasn’t Collins been accused of being a bit of a Tory in the past?
Eating babies would be preferable to the British media.