Ex-transport minister, Labour MP Tom Harris, threatens to quit party as Corbynistas say they will consult the BBC on which policies to adopt on Syria….
Harris says …
In a Facebook post, Mr Harris said: “Shadow Minister Catherine West says she’ll consult the BBC in the event of a vote on military action in Syria. Jesus. Where to start?
“So anyway, after 60 per cent votes for sure fire election losers, IRA-supporting Shadow Chancellors and Scottish Labour unnecessarily splitting the party on issues over which it has no responsibility, we have a Shadow Minister telling the BBC– a madcap coalition of trots, Islamists and anti-west fury chimps – that Labour will consult them on how it will vote on Syria.”
I could believe it.
I am in no doubt that the Syrian migration exodus is playing into the hands of the Left. One such Capitalist- Lefty (paradox) is George Soros.I am sure he will soon be getting a phone call from Jeremy for advice, the Albeeb are complying with George’s wishes.
Is Soros one of the rich and powerful world architects who our politicians and institutions (bBBC) obey?
Hungarian born Soros – a traitor to his own people.
I would say most definititely and categorically -yes.
See link below from Breitbart
Many apologies, I have just seen that the topic of Soros has recently been discussed with some excellent comments on the midweek open thread.
The answer is, from all that I’ve read of him, yes. I think what is reprehensible about him is that despite being Jewish, he was a capo ( I think the title is) in a concentration camp in WW2, effectively ushering fellow Jews to their eventual death and as I recall he said they were among the most enjoyable years of his life. I think he’s a Bildetburg attendee and has links to other elite secret groups. He funded NGOs in the Ukraine who were instrumental in toppling the democratically elected government and is working to remove all national borders. This is one dangerous billionaire. He is also the man who made a billion pounds on Black Wednesday when we, as a sovereign nation, exited the ERM in the nineties.
Soros actually worked for the Nazis , his blue eyes and blonde hair being very helpful. He identified Jews to his paymasters, who then shipped them off to the extermination camps. Soros’ father then sold off the property of the unfortunate Jews and the money he made became the nucleus of the fortune the evil old bastard now uses to destabilise nations.
Soros, like thousands more of his inclination, needs to stop a bullet…..where are the shadowy, killer figures out there to do the deeds? We need them now, no need for identification, just lone wolves with a love of freedom and justice, and a thrill in putting the fear of God in scum like Soros.
Granted the line is thin, but what is the relationship between the BBC and ‘Stop the War’ coalition, as this seems to be who he was referring to?
The BBC’s ‘analysis’ on such a novel notion of statespersonship will anyway be interesting.
Or maybe they will simply ignore it, as ex-Ministers threatening to quit in despair at policy insanity is ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) the public needs not be bothered with.
Tom Harris was talking about the Stop the War coalition, its got nothing to do with the BBC. Alan just inserted ‘BBC’ in instead. That constitutes a point apparently.
Pass on the tealady.
Blimey, going back in the archives a bit to ‘tidy up’. That’ll make it just you and me then as most will have moved on.
Speaking of points…
‘Tom Harris was talking about the Stop the War coalition..’
Really? Who would have known?
Well worth the repeat.
I thought that the Ministry of Truth was affiliated to Stop the War….?
Ah, plot twist.
Nothing obvious.
There again, neither there was about where Jasmine Lawrence’s affections lay.
‘shadow foreign minister Catherine West said Labour would consult the Stop the War Coalition ahead of any vote, BBC political correspondent Ross Hawkins reported’
I recall a certain labour MP being really thrilled at that recently. Not obviously mentioned.
Comments of course closed, but still interesting.
What fo the words on the bbc logo say?
It should say this…………………………..
Whether it is the Parliamentary Labour Party (or the Stop the War Coalition) consulting the BBC on what views to take, or whether it is the BBC consulting them, the obvious problem is the very, very, close relationship between the Corporation and the Left in all its guises.
Many commenters on this site have remarked recently on the emergence of the odd items of ‘balanced’ output which have been appearing since the Charter Review process commenced. I have noticed this myself; the timing is hardly coincidental, and I have serious doubts (in fact, no doubts at all) about its significance. It is difficult to see it as any sign of a return to an abandoned commitment to unbiased reporting, and a weeding out of Left-moralising from its wholesale embedding in drama, comedy, educational and scientific output. Given all that we know about the BBC, the idea is laughable.
On the other hand, seen as a tactical withdrawal, it has every sign of being a concerted attempt to hoodwink the Review participants, and perhaps also the public (although the BBC has such a studied disregard for the intelligence of its viewers and listeners that this seems unlikely). If this is true, what it demonstrates quite clearly is the primary importance of the BBC to the Left – it is an irreplaceable tool for propagating their views and dominating the narrative on any issue of national or international importance. It shows that considerable intelligence is being deployed in preserving it as a partisan organ of communication, masquerading as a trustworthy and nationally valuable broadcaster.
It also shows that the BBC, perhaps correctly, has little respect for the capabilities of those charged with deciding its future. So the manoeuvre may well work – if the BBC can provoke its real opponents into shambolic, incoherent rage, then it will appear to be the ‘safe choice’ to leave well alone, make minor modifications to the Charter which will leave the Corporation intact as a vehicle for bias, and move on to the next shadow-boxing match..
“the primary importance of the BBC to the Left”
Both as a source of employment for them (never underestimate the importance of this – a considerable proportion of Labour Party policy is devoted to nothing more than creating tax funded jobs for themselves) and as a source of propaganda (propaganda is important for the Left because all reality is against them) the BBC is the media arm of the Left.
They are well aware of the fact that only a tiny proportion of the population read The Guardian (they like it that way because they see themselves as the elect) so the BBC is the PRIMARY platform for distributing Leftist narratives. Look at the way they refused to discuss the massive increase in emigration that took place under New Labour.
The Left see everything in terms of power politics – which is why they are so obsessed with intimidation.
Because they are cowards they think that everybody can be intimidated into following the Party line.
Stalinism is the Left in action. The English are not such a pushover however – a 1000 years if liberty.
I do hope so.
“Shadow Minister Catherine West says she’ll consult the BBC in the event of a vote on military action in Syria”
She will also be consulting Deep Thought from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy….. At least that would give us about 7 million years before a decision is made!
Our involvement in Syria is irrelevant. We have no forces worth a light and are not wanted or needed. The fate of Syria is in the hands of Russia and it’s allies . i doubt whether even the USA is relevant now.
I will consult with the BBC wether to pay the licence fee – then do the opposite.
If I can’t make my mind up on a subject , or feel detached from a current affairs issue I look to see which side the BBC is sneering at and take the opposing side .
Warming to him, tbh…
Corbyn and his Marxist clique are steadily building for the Revolution. The BBC will happily take part in the planning – they have no problem with the Stop the War subversives and traitors. They know which way he is going and they will go with it because they are desperate to be perceived as ‘progressive’, and they cannot risk being seen now as reactionaries and counter-revolutionaries. They have spent decades attempting to undermine our established beliefs and ways of life and this is where it starts in earnest.
The BBC acts against the best interests of the majority of the people and its power must be ended. The BBC must be broken up. What cannot be sold of its entertainment and other ‘brands’ must be closed down. If the nation requires a public service broadcaster then it should be financed out of general taxation and restricted to the provision of news only, no commentary, no ‘narrative’, no ‘context’. It needs to be strict because the BBC from top to bottom cannot be trusted – it must no longer be allowed to be a law unto itself.
The break-up must be complete; if not, if cut just a little and the Licence Tax not abolished, the BBC like a worm will simply re-grow to its original size and shape.
“restricted to the provision of news only, no commentary, no ‘narrative’, no ‘context’. ”
That’s not enough. The BBC is the master of shaping the message by omission.
Stephen Lawrence was murdered – it was reported by the BBC
1,400 white children in Rotherham were raped – it was reported by the BBC.
Then the Lawrence murder was reported again and again, and commented on again and again, and his relatives were interviewed again and again, and their criticism of the police investigation was reported again and again, and when his mother was given a seat in the House of Lords it was reported again and again, and her every utterance is reported again and again. Meanwhile the Rotherham story has disappeared unless it can be spun into Moslems as victims.
Even when the report itself is accurate the selection of the details to be included or omitted and the level of repetition can create the propaganda.
Someone else pointed out a classic example in the BBC report on the death of Peter Donaldson. The BBC played three quotations from him – one politically neutral, one on an anti Tory story and one on a pro Labour story. He said all three (so 100% accurate to the BBC drones), but the selection of those particular three controls the message.
Alan, please in future check what you write for its accuracy as Tom Harris is NOT a Labour MP as you state, he lost his seat to the SNP in the last election. He is nothing more than a Labour PPC and party member.
It gets worse! Harris and the Telegraph article don’t mention the BBC at all, and the group is in fact ‘stop the war’
Mr Harris said: “Shadow Minister Catherine West says she’ll consult “Stop the War” in the event of a vote on military action in Syria. Jesus. Where to start?
All in all a completely made up post which doesn’t involve the BBC at all, why did you post such falsehood?