A few days ago, the Northern Ireland Assembly voted down “Gay Marriage” legislation for the FOURTH TIME. Clearly this does not meet with the approval of the BBC and guess what…
Almost two thirds of people in Northern Ireland would feel comfortable if a family member had a same-sex marriage, a new survey suggests. About 2,000 people in both NI and the Republic of Ireland were interviewed about issues from national identity to abortion and same-sex marriage. The survey was jointly commissioned by BBC Northern Ireland and Irish state broadcaster, RTÉ.
The BBC is steadfast in its continued advocacy of “gay marriage and it works with the usual combination of leftists and the likes of Shamnesty International to impose this on Northern Ireland. It can sod off, if you’ll pardon the expression!
Why they still think polls have any value at all, given the recent YouGov/CBI and pre-election fiascos, is a wonder.
As for the subject of this one, the liberal ‘elite’ knows best, after all.
And isn`t Ireland going to be the next EU place to legalise cannabis.
Boy, my parents and their predecessors will be spinning in their graves.
The Celtic fringe of Ireland, Scotalnd and Wales seem to want to roll over until they`re sick-merely to spite England, to pleaeer the EU and show how trendy causes will find a guinea pig of a nation to try out the madness of the left.
The sooner we get out of the EU the better-and let`s hope we remember Northern Ireland deserves ever-closer union with us, if we to have a decent country again…last Christian redoubt in the UK as far as I can see.
Good for the Northern Ireland Assembly. You would think that the advocates of same sex ‘marriage’ would get the message by now. Perhaps like with EU treaties they will keep repeating the vote until they get the result that they want.
Agree Martin-in the eyes of Christianity surely there can be so such thing as a Marriage between people of the same sex. Perhaps a legal document could be drawn up to cement a partnership, but marriage NO-Marriage was and still is primarily for the procreation of children. One may ask-What if a gay couple want to adopt a child? Rather depends on the couples ableness perhaps & full appreciation of knowing that the child they adopt will one day become aware of its adopters are of both the same sex-this may not worry or trouble the child in todays open society. Still I would not subscribe to their being a marriage in its true & accepted sense in any event.
Almost two thirds of people in Northern Ireland would feel comfortable if a family member had a same-sex marriage.
Is that the same as approving of same-sex marriage? I think there’s a subtle difference. The question in this case was framed in such a way that family loyalties would influence the answer, therefore involving a much stronger element of subjectivity.
So…’Do you advocate the death penalty for murder?’
As compared to ‘Would you feel comfortable with a family member being hanged for murder?’
Sly bastards.
If a member of your family was murdered would you want the killer to be hanged?
As you say, it’s all in how you ask the question.
Most of you folks from the mainland won’t get this, but for any students of Percy French the joke going around Ireland at present is that he has had to rewrite the title one of his classic songs to be;
‘Come back, Paddy Reiily, to marry James Duff.’
Haha, good one,
“A few days ago, the Northern Ireland Assembly voted down “Gay Marriage” legislation for the FOURTH TIME.”
I fear Mr Vance is being wilfully selective with the truth.
The Assembly initially voted in favour of bringing NI into line with the rest of the UK by 53 votes to 52. Then the DUP deployed a “petition of concern”, which means that a simple majority is not enough, and effectively vetoed the assembly’s decision. See http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/northern-ireland-assembly-proposal-same-sex-marriage-wins-majority-motion-blocked-by-dup-1526868
And as for an opinion poll, it’s a perfectly valid form of journalistic enquiry to see whether our legislative bodies are reflecting public opinion. I suspect Mr Vance is complaining because he doesn’t like to see that the people who agree with his own stance are in an ever decreasing minority, and he would not be so disdainful if the poll had shown that more people agreed with his viewpoint.
As for the poll being paid for out of the licence fee – well, the cost was shared with RTÉ, so that will have reduced the cost to us. I wonder, though, if it would have cost as much as, say, Mr Vance being flown to London, being put up in a hotel over the weekend and then being given an appearance fee for appearing on Sunday Morning Live?
How many polls could be paid for with the money the BBC spends on Mr Vance, do you think? The BBC wouldn’t divulge how much he pockets, due to the FOI exemptions of which the BBC’s journalism takes frequent advantage. Maybe he would care to stand up for freedom of information and reveal how much such a trip earned him?
Interesting what can conjure you up here, and what else troubles you, only less…
“the FOI exemptions of which the BBC’s journalism takes frequent advantage”
Have you had occasion to raise this with the BBC I wonder? If so, with what result? If not, why not?
“…the cost was shared with RTE, so that will have reduced the cost to us..”
“Have you had occasion to raise this with the BBC I wonder?”
It’s frequently come up on Biased BBC, hasn’t it? Maybe you were too busy desperately trying to pretend that you were superior to everyone else to notice.
I’ll take that as a ‘can’t, so won’t answer the actual question and will resort to snarks’. Again. Sound technique. Once.
“I’ll take that as a ‘can’t, so won’t answer the actual question and will resort to snarks’. Again. Sound technique. Once.”
What actual question? I made a comment that’s in line with this site’s prevailing opinion about the BBC and FOI, and you chose to focus on that instead of why I was making it – that if Vance is claiming that the BBC is wasting money on polls, a comparison of how much they spend on his jollies to London would be worthwhile.
‘What actual question?’
Well, the one with the question mark at the end, mainly. The one you so humbly quoted, in fact. Plus another. Also ignored. Seems you are more the one to not notice things.
I simply asked if you had taken the BBC to task on their FoI dissembling, to see if beyond engaging in straw man two wrongism, you hold a £4Bpa nationally force-funded media monopoly to the same levels of scrutiny and accountability as a free forum. And what the results were.
So far… no answer. Apt metaphor.
If you’re asking whether I’ve ever submitted an FOI request about the amount of money spent on David Vance, then no I haven’t. Because I know it would be futile.
I mean, look at this query by somebody who was concerned about the frequency of his appearances on radio.
Submitting a similar question would be useless.
So submitting a question to the publicly funded and in theory accountable BBC would be useless, so you devote your efforts elsewhere on a free, niche independent site concerned with the BBC’s failures in this regard, lack of accuracy, integrity and objectivity, with a sideline in pursuing a petty obsession with its owner?
Got it.
And no, your attempted latest detour was not just what I was asking either, but kudos for a nifty semantic duck and dive attempt.
Game, set and match to Guest Who 6-1, 6-1, 6-0.
“So submitting a question to the publicly funded and in theory accountable BBC would be useless”
Because their FOI exemption makes it useless. This is really straightforward, and someone who is really as intelligent as you like to pretend to be would have no difficulty understanding it.
It’s also not the principal point I was making, which you know full well – because you were using your usual obsession with your own imaginary superiority to attempt to derail the conversation. As you do over and over again.
Mornin’ TR!
Lucky the thread doesn’t step down like it used to, or we’d be on single characters by now.
“Because their FOI exemption makes it useless. This is really straightforward”
No argument! So we agree. Rather shows the claims of trust and transparency made by everyone from Tony to Rona a pile of lies, though. You seem OK with this, oddly.
“and someone who is really as intelligent as you like to pretend to be would have no difficulty understanding it”
If you say so. Which you do, a lot. Guess it makes you happy, so whatever floats your boat.
“It’s also not the principal point I was making, which you know full well – because you were using your usual obsession with your own imaginary superiority to attempt to derail the conversation. As you do over and over again.”
Lucky then you are not a stuck record on me as a person rather than the topic being discussed: the BBC and what it says vs. what it does.
Happy to keep trying to bring it back to this point which is the one thing you can know I know full well; there’s a principle at stake.
See you were up ln the wee small hours. Catch you later no doubt in your efforts not to derail the conversation, if not the forum. Over and over.
And as for an opinion poll, it’s a perfectly valid form of journalistic enquiry to see whether our legislative bodies are reflecting public opinion.
It’s the way they phrase the question. See above.
And as for an opinion poll, it’s a perfectly valid form of journalistic enquiry to see whether our legislative bodies are reflecting public opinion.
It’s the way you phrase the question. See above.
Nice to see you back. Has ‘Scotty’ been on to you ?
TR is spot on.
The Assembly didn’t vote it down, a majority of MLAs voted in favour. Mr Vance only has an issue with a poll if he doesn’t like the result. He can’t weigh evidence against self interest.
I don’t know why he’s highlighted the mention of RTE, are we supposed to infer something?
It’s insinuated this is the BBC showing its disapproval of the result of the vote. The survey was conducted last month, early to mid October.
Unfortunately in NI our politics have been infiltrated by some extremist religious types but we’re getting there.
An aptly chosen pseudo name – ‘The Patron Saint of Lost Causes’ .
‘TR is spot on’
If you say so.
And good of you to appear on this thread to be so supportive, so quickly.
“are we supposed to infer something?”
I infer something.
This is not a joint venture with Discovery Channel to make a natural history series that nearly all contributors to BBBC, of all political viewpoints, could enjoy.
If the BBC co-operates with RTE it will not be to save money, it will be to advance their Marxist cause, it will involve the conspiracy and plotting that is as ingrained in their DNA as deeply as is mass murder.
In this case the plot is a “United” Ireland, the very thought of which make the BBC queers cream their pants.
The BBC bias against Ulster is undeniable and long established.
Naturally “while we are having a poll let us take maximum advantage and promote queerdom etc”.
The BBC strategy is, as ever, if it suits the BBC promote the “news”, otherwise bury it.
This burying of facts which do not suit the BBC agenda is noted in so many comments made on BBBC about
“the world’s least trusted broadcaster” that it is becoming tedious.
Many regular BBBC contributors, will also infer something, they all know what rat smells like.
Many may also be interested who falls under yet another expansive ‘we’ deployment by the new tag team.
It can vary, from ‘Royal’ through speaking for nation to, in their pedestal-supported hands, just ‘you and me’.
Apparently. How remains their secret, protected by exemptions for the purposes of dissembling, delaying and distracting.
Common Purpose Trolls.
We should also note Elton John’s vastly generous, uncritical airtime on the R4 Toady prog. this morning.
“What a gay day” was dear old Larry Grayson’s catch phrase. The bBBC seem to be taking him literally and making sure it happens.
Sluff, still no sign of Elton going to Iran then ?
There is no point for a conservative in getting involved in this matter. Far better to let them have their way- those in favour of gay marriage.
Anyone who opposes it on any grounds whatsoever is vilified. It is not that important in the grand scheme of things and in the dangerous world coming to us in Europe will be way down our list of concerns.
My only stricture is that the supporters of gay marriage seem unable to accept that a person may really not be in favour. They expect and seem to demand approval and this expectation is fundamentally opposed to the traditional notion of free speech and freedom itself.
Apart from this I have no interest in the matter.
“seem unable to accept that a person may really not be in favour.”
Yes Dave, and we see an increasing number of instances of the totalitarian mind at work.
Their attitude is that there is one truth, they are the sole owners of that truth, that they are the sole judges
of what is true.
This being the case they are superior to people with different opinions, no that is not correct; those
organisms who do not acknowledge, welcome and embrace “their” truth are not people at all. Just unpeople.
Naturally there is no need for unpeople to have any rights. Best to simply do away with them.
Which is precisely what the Muslims (c400 million murdered in 1300 years) and the Marxists (c100 million
murdered in 70 years) do.
TR = Nicked Emus
He says the same things, in the same style, and eventually when his vileness disgusts even himself, he leaves; only to return under a new name.
Certainly the MO fits one of the regulat old friends.
It will be interesting what name tag next pops out of the Borg box.