The whole media establishment seems very reluctant to suggest what everyone else is thinking – Islamic extremism downed the jet at Sinai. The evidence is slowly unravelling to support this conclusion though the Islam apologists are, of course, in full damage control mode.
A few days after the explosion, Bill Turdbilll on BBC Breakfast was talking to a expert on the matter, who put it down to a probable bomb on the plane.
The experts final comment was rhetorical, when he said ‘Who would do a thing like that?’
Bill looked to the ground and murmured ‘bad people’ quietly, half to himself. He appeared to know it was a rhetorical question. Is there a person in there? I won’t hold my breath.
What was Bill thinking while BBC Bill was talking?
BBC headline: Muslims killed as plane approaches Israel
Muslim deaths in terror attack approaching Israel. Better but too many words.
Was there a Palestinian aboard the plane?
Palestinian killed in terror attack approaching Israel.
Well it was heading in that direction, sort of. And there was definitely muslims on the plane. Is’s not as easy as it looks this bias thing.
“Hadiza Bawa-Garba was found guilty of manslaughter by gross negligence. Sister Theresa Taylor was cleared of the same charge. Agency nurse Isabel Amaro, 47, was found guilty of the same charge on Monday.”
But the BBC never does any investigation into these events which are so common in their beloved NHS, the reason for this is Al Beeb would be forced to state that nearly every time a mistake occurs, it’s a bloody ethnic responsible.
I have had actual, personal, experience of this incompetence myself. Fortunately, not harmful experience.
After having several hours of tests and investigation by Asian doctors following chest pains I was told by the senior Asian “You have had a heart attack and we are transferring you to the Coronary Ward for further tests.”
I arrived in the Coronary Ward accompanied by the test results. The Ward Sister examined the results for
a couple of minutes and told me “These results do not show that you have had a heart attack, I will discuss your case with the consultant, unless he has a different insight you will be discharged in the morning.”
I was discharged in the morning, with a letter to my GP which did not mention the incorrect diagnosis (I opened it).
I did see them on the News going to court dressed up, like it was Fridays prayers
… obviously … the most important thing – makes you literally despair.
Minimum, if you have to go into hospital for anything serious insist on being treated by a proper indigenous doctor. They’ll ask you why but you are not obliged to give a reason.
Some years back when my wife was in hospital, a Pakistani heritage female doctor came into the room to talk to her; her accent was so strong we could hardly understand a word she said.
When she’d gone I turned to a white nurse, who was also present, and said “It’s quite difficult to understand what she says, isn’t it?” this elicited no response other than a wry smile.
Had similar experiences with this, and the whole appointment was full of me saying “pardon”, “sorry” to the Asian doctor because the accent was so heavy.
A few years later I was employed in the NHS and worked with a locum Jamaican psychiatrist. Most of my colleagues continually wondered if he really was a doctor, as he barely knew his craft, and the other doctors were having to cover for him. As a psychiatric secretary of many years I found myself giving him pointers in what to do, and his spoken articulate English was seriously lacking – the Jamaican patois more fit for the islands ! it was a ludicrous situation, notwithstanding that as a locum he was earning hundreds of pounds per day, – however he could hardly be blamed, as those that saw fit to clear his credentials and employ him were the idiots responsible to let this muppet loose with the health of an unsuspecting public. Sadly this practice is still continuing today.
a. Its very expensive. Much cheaper to let e.g. India do the training and then allow immigration ‘of key workers to prop up the NHS’.
b. UK people do become doctors but can then slope off to the US, Australia etc. In fact, a more upmarket version of a. And to be fair, wouldn’t you?
The solution IMO is to have a binding contract that links medical training directly to a minimum term of work in the NHS and to repay in full the training costs if this term is not served.
I thought that the ‘binding contract’ you mention was already in operation?
This country wastes far too much money ‘educating’ students in worthless mickey mouse degrees such as media studies sports science ete etc .
Headline “Leicester doctor guilty of manslaughter of Jack Adcock, 6”
Is “Dr” Hadiza Bawa-Garba really from Leicester?
What struck me most though was that the piece had lots of photos; Jack, Jack’s mum, the artists court picture, but none of Dr Bawa-Garba. I wonder why that was?
A Czech (refugee?) immigrant with a heavy, at times difficult to understand accent – white
A South African Jew who spoke immaculate English with nary a trace of accent – black
A Sri Lankan, Christian, with a fairly strong accent at times and a surname his practice staff abbreviated because even they found it hard to pronounce [they were obviously non-cricketers đ ] – very brown at times … he was a keen golfer.
I find the, what appears to be, ‘racism’ that creeps out at times on this site a bit hard to take.
Up2snuff, I think it’s more that people suspect (rightly, in my opinion) that professional standards are allowed sometimes to slip because of ‘diversity’. For example, there’s nothing ‘racist’ about saying a doctor should be able to clearly communicate in English.
Its IMPERATIVE that any clinician dealing with the health of people living in an English speaking country is able to communicate in that language. Its sub standard care if it doesn’t happen. END OF STORY.
I see the BBC missed the behaviour of the usual badly behaved, puerile, spoiled brat lefty scum in London today. Isn’t it ironic that many of these so-called ‘poor students’ (aka ‘Occupy’, ‘Anti-Austerity’ and Stop the War Coalition’ etc) often appear to be upper class over-privileged brats who probably haven’t attended a lecture in months or years. One thing is for sure, though: there won’t be many engineering, mathematics or physics students amongst their foul ranks; such students actually end up contributing to society after years of hard study. Unlike these stinky crusty filth who will no doubt be studying useless degrees such as interpretive dance, contemporary sculpture and pottery and pop music degrees. In short, I cannot stand these far-leftie scum! What they need is water canon and a good hard lesson with a truncheon. How dare they demand anything. What about all those youngsters who go out and earn a trade? They don’t get anything like these obnoxious little turds and yet we don’t see them moaning and being aggressive on the streets.
In the event of water cannon ever being used in this country -and Boris gets his way.
Could I request that we mix the water with a lot of washing up liquid, as so many lefty students seem to need a decent wash.
Very sympathetic BBC reporter allows the illegal immigrants to say what they want without challenge. The usual one sided interview. The reporter doesn’t even challenge their ‘grievances’ after the interviews.
They don’t want to stay in Cyprus, they want to go to the UK or Belgium or Germany. Their treatment is apparently inhuman. (Note how children are thrust to the front). They say they are not permitted to talk to the media. (??)
And three free meals a day. Free medical treatment. And staying on a Mediterranean holiday island for free. I’d pay for that! Can it get much worse for them?
If they want to hang themselves, cut themselves or set fire to themselves, they should be allowed to get on with it and make the rest of them clean up the resultant mess.
A BBC story the other day was claiming one of the ‘refugees’ only had flip-flops to wear and it was incredibly cold. I’m guessing he had clothes on too? And if he’s got cold tootsies while in Cyprus I doubt it’s going to be any warmer in the UK.
Most of them speak English so common sense will tell you where they will head. It is now time we all called for a new government. Maggie would call this lot in power, a load of ‘Tory Wets’. Cameron is looking for a job in Europe when he stands down.
Let’s hope Mr Cameron and the armed forces hold firm on this. I can imagine some in the BBC will be very keen for a ‘bridgehead’ to be established in Cyprus to enable fast-track migration to the UK.
Bob Marley and the introduction of Jamaican reggae ”music” into Britain, it’s a landmark in history, up there with the Moon Landing. Dominic Sandbrook is in gush mode.
So will it feature Punk and of course heavy metal (the last bastion of white male heterosexuals) still packing them in in the venues not that you would know from BBc music.
All interesting comments. Went to a John Wilson & Orchestra performance at Sheffield City Hall last night. (fabulous for anyone whose interested – not classical, more Hollywood musical music). The venue was 90% full, AND didn’t see one ethnic or black face in the audience, most of which were of a more mature age group. Lenny Henry should have seen it, – and would love to hear his answer on why his fellow blacks are only interested in certain genres of music and clearly don’t want to ‘integrate’ with other forms of music.
I remember not so long ago when the hill and fell walking ramblers in our national parks were given an edict to be more diversified and to ‘cater’ for our ethnic friends. There was a huge outcry, as it was discovered that blacks and ethnics never went rambling or hill and fell walking. The laughter could be heard atop the Ben Nevis for miles around !
For those that understandably can’t listen to the entirety of the song, here’s a selection of the fine lyrics on offer:
I woke up all last night
I know this hoes aint right
But you was blowin’ up her phone last night
But she aint have a ringer nor her ring on last night ooh
Nigga, thats that nerve
Why give a bitch your heart? when she rather have a purse
Why give a bitch your inch? when she rather have nine
You know how the game go she be mine, ’bout half time, Im the shit, ooh
Nigga, thats that nerve
You all about her, and she all about hers
Birdman Junior in this bitch no flamingos
And I’ve done everything but trust these hoes, C.B. fuck wit’ me!
When I rich nigga want you
And your nigga can do nothing for ya
Oh these hoes aint loyal
Whoa these hoes aint loyal
Yeah, yeah, let me see
Just got rich
Took a broke nigga bitch
I can make a broke bitch rich
But I dont fuck with broke bitches
Got a white girl with some fake titties
I took her to the Bay with me
Eyes closed, smoking marijuana
Rolling up the bar, molly Im a rockstar
She wanna do drugs, smoke weed, get drunk
She wanna see a nigga trapped
She wanna fuck all the rappers
That’s really bad news. John Wilson will clearly have to be reported to the EHRC for racist concert music and made to develop a programme of music in order to ensure the audience is representative of society as a whole. Perhaps a discount could be offered on tickets “to welcome sections of society who are significantly under-represented”.
Just because he is damn good at what he does is clearly no excuse.
I accompanied a neighbour to a concert by the John Wilson Orchestra when her husband was ill, and I have to say the standard of musicianship was excellent. And yes, the audience seemed to consist of white British people, so I can only hope the diversity police don’t get him.
Brissles, I remember that. The PC brigade tried to make out that somehow, the countryside itself was ‘racist’ and was in some mystical way stopping blacks and asians from going walking in it. What anyone who has lived in India could tell them is that it’s just not part of their culture, just as it wasn’t in the UK until the 19th century. Walking in the hills is work, for shepherds, goatherders etc, it’s not a hobby for middle class professionals.
As usual these commentators are talking through their a*** just as the talking heads that were not actually there do on the 60s/70s nostalgia programmes.
1. The obsession with Punk is pathetic. Most people were into prog rock or Abba or would you believe it, David Soul, in 1977. Punk was a sideshow. But the facts don’t make for good bBBC TV.
2. My boy lollipop was a great pop song. I liked it a lot. That’s it. The public did not buy it to show solidarity with West Indian immigrants. Ska was transient, coming back in white form, 15 years later with Madness et al.
3. Bob Marley (whose music I also like btw) was dwarfed in significance by Motown from about 10 years previously. ‘Black’ music had been around for at least a decade before, imported from the US. In fact the term ‘Black music’ was attached to a 1975 compilation album featuring Timmy Thomas, The Intruders, Isley Bros, Hues Corporation etc. And has Sandbrook heard of Northern Soul or is he just esconced in London?
That is all.
Punk was not a sideshow, but your thrust is correct. I had punk and Abba albums. It’s only recently that the BBC has discovered ‘Northern Soul’, and forget any hope of interest in ‘easy listening’.
The BBC uses culture in the anthropological sense, so everyone “has” “culture”.
The culture of Western Civilisation is culture in the intellectual sense.
The BBC hopes no-one will notice the difference.
Sorry BBC we do notice.
And the choice of Bob Marley was a beauty, a feast of anthropological culture.
Just not Western, and about as intellectual as a voodoo doll.
R4 13:45 Monday to Friday, for ten days, Lenny Henry talking about black theatre.
The BBC are keeping Henry that busy he will not have time to go to a hotel.
Any possibility of White People being discussed on the BBC Tony?
We provide most of the revenue the BBC so richly does not deserve.
Dominic is normally good-but the BBC have this ability to drain people of life in order to create their message.
Hope Sandbrook writes his own words, and looked in at the editing process.
That is one of the worst things i’ve ever seen, ever!
“If you ask me if I want to be killed by shrapnel, or rocket, or drone, of course i would choose this”
what, run away and leave the women in his family to deal with it, and when he gets settled, send for them?
Seriously, how can a man be given asylum running away from a war while his wife and baby remain in the danger zone. White feather is all he deserves, and a bullet for cowardice.
Seriously this needs consideration. He leaves his wife and a new born baby in a war zone, and smuggles himself to safety. What the f*ck. Am i missing something. Are these the actions of a moral man. And his cowardice is rewarded. What if the UK got sucked into a war, what would he do. Run again?
Religion of peace at the first sign of danger, otherwise its beheadings and executions all round.
But this IS one of the tactics.
Get one over here. Get asylum. Get citizenship. Then get a Yuman Rights lawyer from Liberty or the Refugee Council to bang on about the Yuman Rights Act article 8, right to family life, and hey presto, wife, kids, mum, dad, aunties, uncles, Uncle Tom Cobbley and all get automatic rights of residence. Result!
Don’t blame the guy for trying. Blame al-Beeb for incessant supportive advertising of the possibility, and the government and EU for their left-wing moralising and utter ineptitude.
One of the things with this which has struck me about this man is the book he has about the Kurds. Why would he want to read a book about Kurds when he admit he cannot speak Kurdish?
Possibly because Kurds are an oppressed people in various countries including Turkey. We don’t actually know where he is really from, it’s just a claim he makes which is never actually questioned by the BBC.
I rather suspect his claim for asylum has been refused, and he’s now waiting his appeal hearing, otherwise he would be a refugee and claiming Job Seekers (they hate this because the benefit is much much lower). The BBC never ever tells the reasons for refusal, even when they admit bogus asylum seekers have been refused.
Despite all his weepy eyes, I don’t believe his story one iota! He’s probably Turkish, reading books to prop up a false claim. He’s left his wife and kids behind because corroborating a story is extremely difficult when you are not telling the truth. Plus he doesn’t intend to bring them here, it’s easier for him to work and send the money back to them.
Of course the BBC would be able to check on whether he & his family were actually living in Syria, but they’re not going to do that when they have an agenda in direct opposition to telling the truth !
He’s just one of those hundreds of thousands of young men we’ve seen on the box making their way here, and all having the same story. No sympathy from me, he’d be put straight on a plane to Sharm el Sheik, its warm there and he’d be much nearer his family who could visit.
He is a wretched muslim male…..he considers himself as superior to us infidels, and women…..even his own….and would happily kill them if they ‘dis-honoured’ him…..he is filth, a savage, and needs to be sent back ASAP….Cameron, you moron,….are you listening?
“”Leicester MP Keith Vaz urges Coca-Cola Christmas truck tour to avoid city””(Leicester)
“”The truck is due to visit Leicester on 17 December – the final of 46 stops on Coca-Cola Great Britain’s Christmas truck tour.””
Why is Vaz doing this? Perhaps because Leicester has a very high Pakistani population and therefore a high incidence of Diabetes?
But why not mention this fact BBC? No other of the 46 stops by the Coca-Cola truck has requested this.
Islam according to the BBC must always be seen in a 100% positive light. I have no problems with diabetics. Diabetes cuts across religious and social divides. But diabetic Islam according to the BBC must not be aired.
Don’t get me wrong – I despise the publicity seeking Vaz as much as anyone, dislike the Coca Cola company and am wary of the anti-sugar zealots. But it’s worth pointing out that he is a diabetic himself and has a track record opposing Coca Cola, which is mentioned in the BBC report. They also mention that someone has pointed out the potential hypocrisy of him not speaking out against Diwali, where Indians hand out sweets (and which are mostly sugar). So the BBC would not seem to be unduly biased in this report. For the record, most South Asians in Leicester are of Indian origin and Hindu, outnumbering Pakistanis by 10:1.
Look closely at the next Asian old lady you see. She will be carrying a lot of weight under her sari. Those beautiful young Indian/Pakistani girls often seen, do not stay that way for long. At a certain age suddenly they turn into plump lady with grey hair in a bun wearing an acrylic cardigan over their sari !
American politics gets the BBC treatment today, with, this afternoon on 5Live, that bint who sounds like Toyah Wilcox, and is equally irritating, interviews Patricia Cornwell, and gets the right answers when she asks about her Republican past, how she couldn’t vote for them now, and is absolutely behind Hillary….
Sara Brett (the Toyah soundalike) sneers “So, not a fan of Trump?” (sound of sniggers)
Then, on the Six news on R4, we have Obama’s favourite proctologist/correspondent Jon Sopel, gleefully reporting on Jeb Bush apologising for his supposed smear of the French in the recent Republican debate. Not content with disparaging Bush 3, he uses the piece to mock George W. by quoting an APOCRYPHAL story of him stating the French do not have word for entrepreneur. Yes, even false quotes are fair game for Sopel, who now does the impossible, in making Fatty Mardell seem positively impartial by comparison, so far up the Democrats derriere is he now.
There was a character in a Raymond Chandler (or perhaps Dashiell Hammett) story whose greatest wish was to be confronted by a mob when we was alone – except for his heavy machine gun.
And Who does Noggin The Nog want in No 10 then? Hmm let me think , Jezza Corbyn ? Herr Junker ? Angela Merkel ? Frank Carson the Republican USA front runner?Or Mr Bean perhaps ?
It makes sense to attribute these mobs in part to No 10. There will be few arrests, and those arrested will very likely be released, and if ever taken to court, they will be found not guilty. These mobs are valued by Cameron and May. They are the thugs who will smash up peaceful demonstrations against immigration, Islam etc. They will be at UKIP meetings attempting to disrupt, and we will see them trying to disrupt or prevent meetings supporting Brexit. Yes. Cameron and May will have a soft spot for them.
Tick tock tick tock tick tock….It’s all about to unravel – Just like Winter we can now smell it in the air….No not the personal hygiene of Steptoes pals of the UAF/SWP, but the decaying stench of a child like ideology being laughed out of Westminster, by my good friends the British public…
The students can riot all they want. They are irrelevant. This sort of thing was bound to happen with Corbyn as leader. His election will add legitimacy to the left’s love of violence.
The other thing is that it is in London a place now increasingly seperate from the rest of the country and a place where I for one no longer go .
The destiny of all of us is being played out in the eastern part of Europe and Germany. Kiddies running wild in London will not affect this.
I notice real desperation now from our lying MSM. The invaders, the bomb in the plane. All of it is rapidly slipping out of their control.
Students rioting on a Wednesday afternoon then?
If that`s the case-then that`d be typical of the druggie lardarses who smell like Russell Brand and have mums like Toynbee, dads like David Gilmour.
Privileged thickies who`ll get a free ticket to Twickers-then go on the BBC to bemoan the lack of “sporting facilities”-“lack of Olympic legacy”…and do ANYTHING but go for a jog round the exemplary sports track at their extravagant university facilities.
Much easier to do drugs, booze and put a brick through a UKIP constituency office window.
No doubt the BBCs drugs mules and Caffe Nero gofering interns weren`t TOO inconvenienced by Regents St…or else it would have been headline news at the BBC.
Wonder how many Saviles constitute a Batmanghedghli…that Fat Fagin is a walking test card of privileges isn`t she?
Have the media discounted the ISIS claim early in the weekend that they took down the aircraft?
The video that was was posted in the Daily Mail, certainly looked like an A321 and if ‘fake’ where did the footage come from? It looks real enough and the explosion does seem to eminate from the center of the aircraft and the wings fall to the ground intact (as they did) I’m still of the opinion that it is the aircraft and the explosion was detonated from the ground, its easy to ID aircraft using a readily available phone app.
I can’t believe its taken 4 days to reach this conclusion and take security measures.
I wonder what Putin is doing? Mass arrests in Russia? I will bet he won’t be dismissing this as a lone wolf matter, or pandering to the Islamics taking steps to prevent a backlash.
Once you find the correct video (you linked the wrong one) it’s an obvious fake! This plane was over 30 000 ft it would have been a tiny dot in the sky and what would someone be doing filming a jet in the middle of a sparsely populated area of desert full of Islamic Terrorists anyway?
30 000 ft is 5.7 miles high ! A long way to fall, but you aren’t going to be able to see much from the ground.
I live on the east west flight path on a clear day, I can clearly see planes passing over at that height, even a pretty cheap camera with digital zoom could pick them out in the detail seen, its not great quality.
“what would someone be doing filming a jet in the middle of a sparsely populated area of desert full of Islamic Terrorists anyway?”
Simply to film what we see, especially if they knew where to look (Flight Radar 24 app) and what to expect….
Dunno if anyone else spotted this . Not bias per se but very indicative of the B-BBC hive mindset.
The other day I happened to catch an episode of Celebrity Pointless, with Alexander Armstrong. The BBC had a team from their breakfast show, they were called Charlie and Naga. At one point, Naga was asked by the host who the most interesting person she has interviewed was.
The answer – drumroll……. Hilary bloody Clinton. What a surprise. Right – Onnnnnn
To be fair to Naga, I bet she gave Hillary a right grilling over Whitewater, cattle futures, the death of Vince Foster, the missing Rose law firm records found in her White House quarters with her fingerprints on them, the dismissal of the White House travel staff, the use of the IRS on her political opponents, her catastrophic attempt to socialize American healthcare, her illegal use of a private email server while Secretary of State, and why she did nothing to help the US Ambassador to Libya and his bodyguards when they were under attack for five hours before being slaughtered. I mean, she asked these questions didn’t she? It’s not like she gave a her a soft ride because she is a fellow leftist? Surely not.
The BBC report – sensibly perhaps, given her tendency of running off at the mouth – only quotes Ms Mustafa’s lawyer. ( By the way her lawyer has a poke at the CPS for bringing the charges in the first instance and then quickly climbing down – a compo claim in the air, maybe)
The tactical response team would already be through the door just as your cursor was hovering the post comment button and your feet wouldn’t touch the ground would be my guess Mr. Sentry.
OS – correct.
Let us hope that the bitch dies of something unpleasant very soon.
Racism is alive, well, growing and popular in the UK.
White people are on the receiving end, one law for the whites, no law for the ethnics.
We have rely on ourselves, our institutions have gone over to the enemy.
Time for some new institutions.
Have to admire the BBC News Press Team’s optimism that this disclaimer will be believed.
Were these not the same clowns who decided to shaft the newly appointed John Whittingdale, and then claim a deleted tweet was all a mistake/joke/usual NaughtieMarr BS?
After the latest Islamist terrorist atrocity I wonder if Mr Putin will come out with that famous mantra so favoured by the Beeb and our gutless, hand wringing politicians, “Islam is a religion of peace.”
Somehow I doubt it…
‘She decided that the best way to meet (Islam) was to flirt with him,’ said Ceri Davis, prosecuting’
‘The woman rang Islam and a date was arranged at Maryland station’
‘Islam turned up for a night of romance, only to find his victim was not there – but her boyfriend and brother were’
Confused? Don’t be, Islam is a popular surname in the UK
‘Atiqul Islam, 28…. of Stratford… searched the web for tenants interested in renting… (he) was handed a suspended six month prison sentence and ordered to undertake 150 hours of unpaid work’
This, as any fule kno, was widely predicted to be the consequence of Labour’s disastrous energy policy, as continued by Cameron and Co. It was a policy championed and advocated by Harrabin and the rest of the BBC’s Greens – which means, in effect, the entire rest of the BBC.
It is 4th of November and mild for the time of year. God help us all in February!
Some months ago, I saw a document by a “wind Farm” energy supplier and within it, it stated that over the last 25 years Great Britain had become LESS WINDY. Not good for the turbines me thinks. Also, one thing you will not hear about on the BBC, is that many of the “Green Blob” company shares are now ‘tanking’ (not worth the paper they are printed on) as government subsidies and private money is being pulled from so called “green energy companies”. Pity really as much of the BBC’s own pension fund is heavily invested in the “green energy companies” portfolios. Oh dear, what a shame, never mind.
Earlier today the BBC News website had two adjacent stories relating to weather. One was about fog and the other posed the question as to why it was windier in the autumn.
Of course if it was windy now there would be no fog, (I appreciate that the question relates to average conditions not those in a specific year, but it was a good clash of circumstances!).
If one accepts that the climate is changing, (the cause isn’t important here), then putting one’s energy eggs into the baskets of solar and wind isn’t a good idea. How do we know that ‘climate change’ won’t produce more cloud, mist and fog, along with lower, (or too high), wind speeds?
You are right to ask the question Jim. In this country (GB), our coldest weather comes in from the East. Yes we get those cold easterlies which mean windy conditions, but that normally happens when there are active weather fronts and so the windy events are short lived. Our really cold weather arrives with High pressure from the Urals and there is normally no or very light wind with High Pressure and these high pressure systems can sit over us for weeks. Think 2010. A problem. If the coldest weather arrives without wind and we all switch on our electric blankets at night, where is the energy coming from when those turbine blades stay still? Also, if, as we get on many occasions from the east (see last week for reference) anti-cyclonic gloom, those solar panels ain’t going to be much help either when freezing fog sits over us all for a week! I guess we can all rely on Mr Harrabin of the BBC, to come round and issue us all with a candle so we can sit around it and keep warm.
I regularly drive past a wind farm and can confirm how often it is completely motionless. In really cold weather, the type we frequently suffer in winter in the UK where the wind is more or less absent, they are useless.
The figures spouted by the Greens,, their friends at the BBC and the liars who run these things, are utterly bogus.
Anyone with only half a brain needs to be making provision for power cuts this winter.
The public trials of the culprits can begin later.
They claimed today that “up to 10%” was generated by green sources, although didn’t clarify if this included nuclear.
I somehow deeply doubt this is ever the case when 100% generating output is required.
The problem was compounded by low wind speeds meaning most of Britainâs 6,500 onshore and offshore wind turbines were barely generating any power just as demand hit its highest.
UK wind farms have a theoretical maximum capacity of more than 13,000 megawatts, but produced less than 400 megawatts of power for much of the peak demand period â meeting less than one per cent of the UKâs electricity needs, published data suggests.
So were the BBC claiming 10% for the time of that incident?
Whether they were or not, they’re always happy for lying environmentalists to quote maximum capacity figures without ever challenging them with the most obvious bleeding question of all: ‘What do we do for energy when the wind isn’t blowing?’
How do we know that âclimate changeâ wonât produce more cloud.
A 6.5 percent decrease in cloud cover found by Enric Palle provides evidence for 0.66 Kelvin of the warming at the end of the last century. Only Svensmark has produced a mechanism for this warming, proved by the CERN CLOUD experiment, the 2006 Danish experiment and the work of Nir Shaviv. This relates to the changes in albedo of low clouds due to changes in high energy cosmic ray levels. This is caused by the Suns magnetic polarity changing every two solar cycles allowing an increase and decrease of cosmic rays as the Earths magnetic poles line up with the Galactic magnetic field. A positive north pole of the Sun leads to an open heliosphere where cosmic rays reach the Earth more easily. This 22 year oscillation is called the Hale Magnetic Cycle which causes the Earths climate to alternate between a cooling phase and a warming phase every two Solar cycles. But there is more to climate and weather than changes to the Earths cloud albedo every 22 year period. So in long range forecasting less than 22 years, that means looking to the forecasts of Piers Corbynâs Weatheraction, as there is far more to meteorology than understanding cloud levels, in which Corbyn seems to have an independent method of prediction. So actually it is the clouds that change the climate because only changes in cloud albedo have the ability to reduce and increase the huge amount of radiation input into the Oceans that is necessary, due to a thermodynamic lag of the Oceans which have a mass 270 times that of the Atmosphere. The evidence from the predicted speed of plasma in the Sun (using the orbits and masses of the Planets) indicates a Global Cooling from 2018 of less than 22 years, or a shortened Hale Magnetic Cycle.
Sorry, that should be a lengthened Hale Magnetic Cycle (more than 22 years).
The average Hale Magnetic Cycle is 21.3 years long, So
(1) The âGlobal Warmingâ Hale Cycle was 20 years long and ended in 1996
(2) The â Pause/Hiatusâ Hale Cycle was 21.7 years long and ended in 2008
(3) The âGlobal Coolingâ Hale Cycle will be 24.5 years long and end in 2021
That prediction is as good as predicting the Orbits of the Planets.
To understand how, read this contribution from Tim Channon
It was all Blair /Browns ,& Energy Secretary Millipeeds fault, that no new Nuke Power plants were started, but now we will have at least 3 new ones . The EDF one at Bradwell ,is only about 10 miles across the Blackwater Estuary ,from me , can`t wait to it starts getting built .
I know the link I’m posting doesn’t show direct BBC bias, but if you read the text, you will see BBC bias by omission. The article is an up to date Skiing blog and the writer just reports on what is happening around the ski slopes across the globe. You will see that the reports pretty much say the same thing, in that winter is early and significant snow falls have already happened. Pity the BBC hasn’t mentioned much of the detail but that would go against the narrative wouldn’t it?
Oh and it now looks like the record temperatures in both Wales and Scotland a couple of days ago, wasn’t. The Met Office once again looking like they were being very economical with the truth, all happily promoted by the BBC.
I can just see those glaciers building again if this carries on can’t you Mr Harrabin?
Oh silly me to have missed it, but NASA have just told everyone, the Glaciers are rebuilding Mr Harrabin. They should have waited until after Paris, eh Mr Harrabin?
Global warming weather watchers, here is the rub, the reason that the ice mass in the Arctic is growing is because of action that has already been taken by the countries of the world in reducing carbon emissions etc…………
Or thatâs the excuse they will use next to account for the global cooling or ‘the pause’.
So far the alarmists have not denied that CO2 levels are still rising – thus their frantic demands to ban fossil fuels before we all burn in hell – but once the cooling kicks in we all know how quickly they will whip out those data adjusting spanners to prove how levels had been decreasing all along, thanks to their heroic efforts at showing us the error of our capitalist ways.
Until the next warming phase at which point…..(you get the drift).
On which note, a trip down memory lane (for the ‘seen it all before’ oldies amongst us):
During the 1970s the media promoted global cooling alarmism with dire threats of a new ice age. Extreme weather events were hyped as signs of the coming apocalypse and man-made pollution was blamed as the cause. Environmental extremists called for everything from outlawing the internal combustion engine to communist style population controls
Fair play to Al Beeb, they have allowed the ‘lefty Tory’, Michael ‘Portobillo’ to mention the growth of polar ice and the failure of the m s media to report it on tonight’s ‘This Week’.
Is Al Beeb gradually slipping out of the ‘Global Warming’ meme having realised that they could be backing the wrong horse ?
“The probability of any precipitation falling as snow rather than rain is going to decrease, and any snow lying on the ground is going to melt more quickly,” she said.
Global Warming Means More Snow
“If the climate continues to warm, we should expect an increase in heavy snow events for a few decades.”
In view of the oil price still collapsing, I wonder why the BBC haven’t informed their legion of viewers and listeners, what the situation would be like in Scotland now, if in fact, the vote had gone the other way? I wonder what wee little Krankie would be doing now as Scotland would now be going bankrupt? You would think someone at the BBC would be asking the question wouldn’t you as all the fluster and bluster north of the border was done on the premise of rising oil prices? Quite obviously the first minister attended the Gordon Brown School of Economics.
A new game, during the coverage of this latest Muslim terror attack, post all BBC headlines that mention the words Islam or muslim. Winner gets 2 week holiday to Syria, stopping at Sharm el sheikh on the way. My money’s safe i think
Don’t know what them other countries are, the BBC failed to label them, but the last radar contact is definitely in ISRAEL. Signposting is something the BBC likes to avoid!
The BBC aren`t happy at the Tories stopping the flights from Sharm Al Sheikh are they?
Cue usual squauks from assorted hand held camera types from the departure desks.
Don`t remember them being so cheesed off with John Reid downing all transatlantic flights nine years ago-a statesmanlike response to a real threat no doubt…seeing as it was Labour doing it.
Yet again, the BBC care more for the Arabs tourism industry than it does for any threat to our citizens.
The BBC would rather like another atrocity-blame the Tories for that too, and some great pictures…so they can selfie a Belsen moment for themselves.
I tend to trust the intelligence services-and sure as hell can only imagine that the BBC despise out chavvy sunseekers-and reckon their blowing out of the sky would trash the Tories,and help Islam integrate nicer into UK life, that bit quicker.
It was weird this morning on Radio 4 on the news when a tourist interviewed in Egypt said the government is wrong to stop flights because it would be giving into terrorists !! BBC could only let this be said in connection with Arab tourism !!!
The military and intelligence services are being infected with the diversity and equality nonsense. But they are being maintained as effective forces – so they can be used on the general population when the shit hits the fan.
Ian, yes agree on the first point. You may well be right on the second. It seems the military’s capability is being reduced to the extent that it would only be effective against the UK population.
My theory?
We had riots in 1981,1991,2001,2011.
The Army will get paid until 2021, then be farmed out to the EU or Islamic State-whichever asks first-and certainly if Corbyn/Lucas/Sturgeon are still cutting the parachute cords.
Heard some Vatican critic on Today this morning say that the Papacy need to bring their accounting up to European standards.
UP?…the EU accountancy standards?
The oaf must know that Kinnocks accountancy team are reserved for the final bowels of hell-where even THEY can`t continue to cook their books.
And one more post for Mr Harrabin and any other MSM hacks who visit these pages and want to fill leaders with garbage, take your pick for your next leader…there are plenty to choose from! Hmm….which one did Charlotte Church pick?
I always wondered what the Tyndall Centre and Grantham Institute are for. Its called rat in a barrel science. To produce all that bullshit, they need ignorance, which is used to justify more funding.
So, the maximum 4 percent for man-made Atmospheric CO2 plus negative not positive feedback and knowledge of thermodynamics and clouds trapping heat when it comes to understanding the lags in the Arctic. All goes down the memory hole. As does the idea of obtaining proof of the hypothesis by looking six miles above the equator. Because all this now proves that the man-made warming hypothesis must be false.
Tonight the ITV national early evening news carried a story about Ben Parkinson, the paratrooper from Doncaster, who was one of the most badly injured soldiers to return home from Afghanistan. It concerned how he has new artificial legs, which mean (unlike his old ones) he stands at his original height of 6′. This will mean he can walk tall on Remembrance Sunday this year.
Look North here in Yorkshire, Ben Parkinson’s local BBC news channel, had no coverage whatsoever of this significant event in the life of this brave, but damaged, ex-serviceman; who suffered so much in the service of his country.
It did, however, manage to devote about a third of its evening programme to covering the MOBO (Music Of Black Origin) Awards which are being held in Leeds tonight. Truly – WTF?
I don’t know what financial support Ben and his parents receive from the government, but I would hazard a guess that it will be nowhere near the ÂŁ1,000,000 the last “British” (formerly Saudi) resident of Guantanamo Bay will be getting.
This country is sick and Al Beebus with its lies, disinformation and dubious selective reporting, are a significant factor within that sickness.
Al Beeb hates the military of Great Britain.
It was the British military personnel that gave it the name of ‘The Baghdad Broadcasting Corporation’ during the Iraq War
About halfway in a chap is identified as “John Williams, an expert in the sociology of football at the University of Leicester”
I would have liked the intrepid BBC trending department to have followed up the notion of “an expert in the sociology of football”. Is it even a real thing? Obviously money to throw away at Leicester university, and just how do you become an expert in the sociology of football ? By telling the BBC you are maybe? I’m aware that this is a nothing story but increasingly find myself more and more agitated with the BBC telling me people are “experts” in fields of academia that don’t really exist.
It is more likely that football sociology experts at UoL are left wondering what kind of non-job sinecure for the detritus of the education system is represented by ‘BBC Correspondent’, which takes some doing.
Oh he`s a scouser-some links with the anti-Thatcher “real fans” who glossed over Heysel, but majored on Hillsborough-didn`t want fans penned in, except maybe for Luton-Millwall games for the southern softies.
AS John Peel and Roger McGough learned-a cultivated Scouse accent can get you far, especially in the arts…Peel was a Shrewsbury School fake who discovered this accent when it got him into underage girls beds in Texas or such.
Imagine having to put that accent on when everybody knew it`s a fake…did his own family and friends ever hear his normal voice off-mic?
His perpetual phoney act is still the brass standard for all BBC wannabes…makes Jagger look sincere it does!
No idea, but practice can often make perfect. Though for some in later years the maternal instinct can wane and see career ambitions rest more on boosting the family name within the ‘community’. Plus a nice plaque.
I just love the notion of an expert in a task like parenting.
Most mental health experts I have come across (not as a patient T/R đ have seemed more in need of colleagues’ services than anyone, so on raising kids I’d err more on hearing from a person who has nurtured a set of bright, well-adjusted, secure sons and/or daughters over some self-appointed nanny meddler whose offspring are more likely still wandering around the Kids’ Company founder’s private health spa in hope of a hand out.
When is a principle not a principle? When it’s ok to view content through one outlet but not another I would say. Absolute hypocrisy from the BBC, possibly realising that the end is nigh for the licence fee and subsequently the gravy train too, the pc mindset is out of the window.
There is a business opportunity here. Some enterprising person should buy the entire stock of pre-1990 (ish) BBC comedy, along with the broadcast rights, and start a channel devoted entirely to it. I reckon it could be a winner. Just for even more laughs, they could have short clips of modern BBC comedy output every now and then (eg Miranda, Citizen Khan or anything with Marcus Brigstock) as a further reminder of the descent of BBC comedy.
I just watch all the old stuff on youtube. Loads of BBC comedies from the days when they were actually funny. Sometimes picture quality can be iffy but usually it’s ok. The other night I watched ‘Norbert Smith: A Life’ (1989) starring Harry Enfield, including a scene where he blacks up as Nelson Mandela.
More dross courtesy of Al Beeb on the Sinai crash.
“Experts have also questioned the logic of why Islamic State’s Sinai affiliate would risk inviting a massive international retaliation by such an action when its battle is primarily with the Egyptian state.”
By experts, I can only assume they mean halfwits or Islam supporters. Do these ‘experts’ really think that these muslim terrorists will pass up an oportunity to murder westerners (including Russians now that they are bombing muslims in Syria) just because they are a few hundred or a few thousand miles from the action? It does not take much of a brain to join the dots FFS.
Brits murdered by muslim terrorist in Tunisia, remember?
Munich Olympics?
For heaven’s sake, how naive (or biased) can you get?
Why would ISIS blow up a Russian plane when we are told by the BBC and media that the Russians are only bombing peace loving democratic forces who want to replace Assad?
It is obvious why terrorists would want to attack planes – just like they attack hotels. Kill off the tourist trade – a vital part of the economy – and drive the economy deeper into trouble, undermining the Government,
Sometimes you wonder whether the BBC read its own reports, although given their inaccuracy and bias that may not be a bad thing.
Its battle is primarily with the Egyptian state ????? They are aiming quite a bit wider than that.
What does IS want?
In June 2014, the group formally declared the establishment of a “caliphate” – a state governed in accordance with Islamic law, or Sharia, by God’s deputy on Earth, or caliph.
It has demanded that Muslims across the world swear allegiance to its leader – Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badri al-Samarrai, better known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – and migrate to territory under its control.
IS has also told other jihadist groups worldwide that they must accept its supreme authority. Many already have, among them several offshoots of the rival al-Qaeda network.
IS seeks to eradicate obstacles to restoring God’s rule on Earth and to defend the Muslim community, or umma, against infidels and apostates.
The group has welcomed the prospect of direct confrontation with the US-led coalition, viewing it as a harbinger of an end-of-times showdown between Muslims and their enemies described in Islamic apocalyptic prophecies.
Radio 4 Today program, had a piece on a school in Oldham where white and Pakistani children have been FORCED to go there.
I listened to this piece and even they admitted that the kids were still segregated along racial lines even though they were in the same place.
What was said next was a master class in self deception. This was positive and a success because at least the two communities had some contact which they didn’t have before.
Of course they didn’t mention the gangs of Pakistani bullys, mainly because they’re too cowardly to fight one on one.
After the report they dragged on another academic – “we need to make people more relaxed about diversity” ! In other words the usual left wing denial is in action – it hasn’t worked we are perfect, our idea is perfect therefore someone must deliberately by preventing it. This is of course the place where all left wing purges start, and the people perceived to be preventing them end up in the death camps.
A truly shocking piece by a broadcaster with no morals, and a stranger to the truth when it doesn’t suit their purpose.
That darling of the BBC, Billy Bragg was being interviewed (again) this morning.
Apparently he has a new book coming out featuring passages of his poetry from years gone by.
As someone who loves music and grew up through the punk era I saw all the bands of the time in concert – The Clash, The Jam, Siouxsie & The Banshees, The Buzzcocks, Public Image Ltd……….the list goes on.
I have never met anyone who is a Billy Bragg fan but know several people who think he’s rubbish. I carried out a survey among as many music loving friends and colleagues as possible and asked the questions “name Billy Bragg’s best song”, “name Billy Bragg’s best album”, “name ANY Billy Bragg song or album”……………….a couple of people knew “A new England” but that was it.
His whole career has been promoted and funded by the license fee payer.
What is it about the left-wing, tory hating, political activist that the BBC love so much? Has there ever been a man with so little talent given so much time and attention courtesy of our globally respected national broadcaster?
Replied to this but it seems to have varnished. thirdoption sounds like we have a similar musical upbringing. The first band I saw were the Adverts in 1977 later this month we are seeing another two bands. Neither of which I expect getting any airplay on BBc music. In the past 38 years I’ve dragged my carcass out on a regular basis to watch live music. However in the 4 thousand plus bits of vinyl & cds I have none are Billy Bragg. Off the top of my head the only song of his I could name is A new England and I associate that more with Kirsty MacColl. I don’t like him no one I know is a fan.
Yep, most of his wealth is probably amassed from that one cover by Kirsty MacColl, he did appear on the reverse of Wet Wet Wet’s Beatles charity number one cover ‘With A Little Help From My Friends’ as a double A side, although I don’t think I’ve ever heard his version of ‘She’s Leaving Home’
” I carried out a survey among as many music loving friends and colleagues… ” the “music loving” part may explain the lack of response thirdoption. Now if you had surveyed a bunch of right on middle class tw*ts then the results may have been different.
I’ve never understood how Billy Bragg became famous. He seems to have no discernible musical talent – he ‘sings’ off key and flat most of the time. I can only conclude that he’s liked because there aren’t actually that many very committed hardline doctrinaire marxists in pop music. There are lots who pay lip service to leftism, like nominal Anglicans used to pay lip service to Christianity, but not that many ‘true believers’. Wasn’t he even part of some sort of committee to reform the Lords? He must be VERY well connected to do that.
Absolutely pathetic interview on Toady R4 this morning between Humphries (at his dithering worst) and ‘Sir’ Peter Sutherland, UN migration head honcho/apologist.
The immediate assumption made was that all the migrants are Syrian. Went totally unchallenged, despite the swathes of evidence about the huge % of young male chancers from Africa and the Balkans.
And the solution? Let them all in, because it is the legal and moral thing to do. Also went totally unchallenged. All totally right-on, in the Al-Beeb student leftie newsroom.
Pass the sick bag, and make it a large one.
Humphrys wasn’t “dithering” because he wasn’t briefed or, worse, just incompetent. Since he was manifestly in agreement with Sutherland he was having difficulty composing questions which might have been seen as “awkward”. Even when Humphrys posed the question of a village in Germany being swamped by immigrants, he apologised beforehand for even thinking that the villagers had any legitimate concerns. He prefaced his question, IIRC, by saying “you know what I’m going to say now” as if Sutherland didn’t know what question would be asked, what fatuous reply he would give and that after his reply (“basically it’s OK – there are 500 million EU citizens and “only” half a million [or whatever figure he made up] immigrants”) Humphrys would steer the interview elsewhere.
This whole episode was an example of signature BBC bias. Where the biens pensants have agreed on a party line, nothing will be done or said to disturb the acceptable “truth”. Where, by the way, was the differing view which might have balanced Sutherland’s flow of hypocritical shite? There was a scheduled interview with Ioannis Kasoulides, the Cypriot Foreign Minister, which might have constituted a balancing item but it wasn’t broadcast immediately before or after Sutherland’s crapola (or at all?). Whatever, the party line on the ruin of Europe was duly delivered and Today could relax as Elton John’s PR wormed its mysterious way into the BBC schedules, the “news” and (to be fair) the pages of the MSM.
BBc breakfast, not advertising of the day. The new shopping centre in Bradford, wow I’ll be rushing to Bradford then, well shortly after Hell freezes over. And the “hairy bikers” autobiography, think I’d rather watch paint dry than read that.
“The danger to Merkel from the “refugee” crisis may not be the stuff of front-page headlines in Britain, but it is real enough.
Some in Germany are seething at the seemingly limitless commitment the chancellor has made to take in anyone fleeing Syrian’s civil war. ”
“It doesn’t explain why she took this gamble in the first place”.
“may not be the stuff of front-page headlines in Britain” đ … Now … why is that?
Deliberate Political intervention, and “Tub Thumpers” for the illegal economic immigrants in the media like
… THE BBC! that’s why.
There is a European wide media agreement , almost a conspiracy , to present the impact of mass migration on Germany in a positive light. I have friends living in Germany who tell me that they only get to see and hear what is actually going on in their country via the internet. The MSM and all newspapers are only allowing positive messages to go out. They are also attacking anyone who is trying to draw attention to the scale of the disaster of Merkel’s policy. I expect that they got their training in news management from the BBC. Or perhaps they found someone who worked as a youngster for Dr Goebbels and asked for advice.
Anyway as more and more migrants arrive it is becoming impossible to hide the unpleasantness that their arrival brings to ordinary Germans and the reaction against Merkel is growing a pace. My friends reckon that by the New Year the situation will become unmanageable with ordinary Germans, whose voices are being ignored, having decided that direct action via mass protests , much bigger than the Pegida demos, is the only way to save their country from disaster. To survive the German government will have to get rid of Merkel and reverse its migration policy and deal swiftly with any migrants who are not genuine asylum seekers. If this doesn’t happen then the country will become unstable and anything may happen.
Good points. I think we must stress that anything is now possible in Germany, Hungary and Poland.
The third world is moving towards Europe and at this moment thousands are on the march. It is looking like a deliberate attempt to overun and destroy Europe’s stability.
Who benefits is the question and who profits? Isis did threaten this back in the year but now it looks like other actors are in the drama.
Leaving this aside it is inevitable that we are heading for major civil unrest in Europe. It is now just a matter of time and what form it will take.
The blame for destroying the social capital and cohesion of the nation states of the EU lies directly with those in power . This appallingly inept and leftwing agenda driven bunch of fantasists. It does not lie with those seeking to invade and dominate Europe. They can be stopped and turned back.
Removing our elites is altogether a harder task.
I am reminded of the the old saying that when the very existence of a people is threatened then not to act is to fail in your duty to your family and people.
In the old east and eastern Germany in particular this is now the situation facing them.
There is no sign our useless MSM gets any of this at all.
If the MSM were merely useless it would not be so bad, but in fact the MSM is part of the nexus of treachery and deceit. Far from being useless, it is an active and willing participant in lies and propaganda.
It was not long ago in June, we witnessed Al Beeb banging the gong that the Royal Navy was being despatched out to the Med to ‘Rescue Refugees’. Will Al Beeb and our government act with the same alacrity for our own people stuck in Egypt. Perhaps Al Beeb and COBRA will pick this up today and act?
There needs to be a word invented in the English language wherupon people can reply to people who falsely accuse others of racism. It needs to have venom and be equally very hurtful.
Saw this article too and was pleasantly surprised that the BBC also quoted Trevor Sinclair’s comments… He rightly said that a football manager’s job depends on results not race or colour.
As for a reply to being accused of racism… ‘grow up’ seems most appropriate.
Wronged, when confronted by an anti waaycist nutcase yelling and name calling ” waaycist” to all and sundry, you could use the phrase ” You’re just Anti White, racism is a code word for ant white ”
a respectful, subdued Sackur let Erekat whine on at length about Israel and duck the few relevant questions put to him, like the one about Palestinian TV instructing Arab terrorists on how to stab Israelis.
The nature of the questions and the attitude to the interviewees aside, it might be interesting to do the following exercise: see how much time Sackur spent questioning Erekat as apposed to Lapid.
If I get the time, I’ll do same and report back to my esteemed colleagues on this site.
True too – Be great to see what your detailed bias diagnosis is of the two opposing factions and see if and how balanced it might be and what margin if not.
When watching BBC News and current affairs I constantly keep wishing the interviewer will ask questions to bring out the truth instead of questions that suit the broadcasters agenda.
To give a prime example of wishing interviewers would ask the right questions:
This morning on BBC2, (Victoria, actually Joanna Gosling standing in), about Government Council/Housing Assn Tenants going to get 1% Rent Reductions: (approx 01:05:55 into programme).
The BBC agenda here clearly is that the 1% council rent reductions was not a good thing? Twisting the story of Government aim of benefit of 1% reduction in rent for some of the poorest in the country as not a good thing by perversely justifying this by saying it very bad for Councils! This is clearly bias and another excuse to find some excuse to bash the Conservatives?
The programme made the point that two thirds of Council tenants are on Housing Benefit and therefore will not receive anything. Fair enough pointing that out, as they do not pay rent, so how can they expect anything back from nothing – their rent reduction they do not pay!
So interviewer goes to one of the tenants flat. Liz is then asked whether this reduction in rent will more likely encourage her to look for work?
“No, not at the moment, but in the future I would like to get back into work and start paying my way, sort of thing”.
Then Liz is asked would she be happy to pay a bit more rent? “Yea, I am fine with what I pay and, yer know, wouldn’t mind paying a little bit more”. Too right she would be happy! If you paying nothing, nothing more is going to cost her nothing!
Asked then if she thinks the reduction is actually necessary and she says “No, not really no”.
The point here is the programme has a clear anti-Government agenda rather than the interviewer, Dan Johnson, drilling down with Liz and finding out if she was paying anything at all, (suspect not by her answers), and for how long had she been living free, (she says she has lived in flat for 20 years)?
Liz is the real scandal here not the Government and this is a prime example of how the BBC twists and turns a story to show that.
Governments prime objective in this politcy was a 1% rent reduction to help the 4 million tenants who actually pay rent without housing benefits, which was totally lost in the BBC twisting this to paint the Government as bashing tenants and councils.
“The programme made the point that two thirds of Council tenants are on Housing Benefit and therefore will not receive anything. Fair enough pointing that out, as they do not pay rent, so how can they expect anything back from nothing â their rent reduction they do not pay!”
Youâre missing the point. By enforcing rent cuts on council houses the treasury is saving (an estimated) ÂŁ1.7 billion in âhousing benefitâ. Thatâs ÂŁ1.7 billion that would otherwise have gone to councils and housing associations.
Or in other words, they are taking money away from the only providers of ârelatively cheapâ social housing we have left in this country.
If you think thatâs going to help those on the lowest incomes you are sadly deluded.
You say I am deluded because I stated some of the poorest in Society, i.e. those Council hardworking tenants who actually pay rent and I support, will get a 1% rent reduction, because you think that the result of this is bad as it mean Councils will lose ÂŁ1.7 bn income from taxpayer funded rent and the housing benefit subsidy?
You are wrong since:
1. Any reduction of rent for some of the lowest earners in our society is a manifestly good thing. Just like the other measures the Government has taken:
a. Like increasing the threshold before any tax is due to ÂŁ10,600
b. Like building an economy to provide millions more solid jobs.
c. Like Government providing conditions so pay is rising rapidly now after the disastrous Labour legacy left this country broke in 2010, (Labour only been in power twice in my lifetime and the 1979 legacy also left us as the sick man of Europe queuing up behind third world countries for an IMF bail out).
2. Some of the Council loss of this rental income will be made up, in some degree, from mainly those who pay Council Tax, (i.e. most on Housing Benefit for example are normally exempt paying Council Tax meaning again the disadvantaged are further helped).
3. The Government has just embarked upon the largest house building programme for a generation, reversing the devastating 19,000 per year average number of new houses built under Labour 1997-2010, whilst at the same time Blair/Brown opened our borders to uncontrolled immigration to over quarter of a million net per year, (up from the average 60,000 net p.a. prior to Labour coming into office).
There are many other reasons but I am a busy man with little time, but will finish with the number of ‘likes’ you get compared to mine might also tell you a story!
“Politicians must not turn a blind eye to wrongdoing⌠we must be brave⌠we must not be afraid of being called an Islamophobe, or a racist, or a xenophobe. The law is the law. And it doesnât matter what religion you practice, what culture youâre from. When in Rome, act like the Romans.”
So next time bBBC pleads for the licence fee , just remember this one, as a quick way to spend ÂŁ1/2 million to try and cover up HR incompetence (that’s on top of managerial incompetence)
Not strictly a bias issue but certainly showcases the frame of mind that leads to it, i.e. their attitude to the public’s money.
Despite the title of the forum, entirely legitimate.
Be interesting which market rate spunked away three thousand plus licence fees in a likely fit of sack of rats pique, and remains in place, if not promoted.
The Russians will be cross if it is definite that the plane was downed by a bomb. But the BBC will be squeamish if the Russians play hardball – as they are reputed to have done with Muslim extremists in the past :
I don’t think it’s possible for the Russians to play hard ball enough with Moslem terrorists – and I suspect the MSM hasn’t the faintest clue how many perfectly ordinary people in the West are quietly cheering Boris on, for doing what our own governments are too cowardly to do.
BBc mid day news report on migrant scum on Lesbos. The reporter informs us “last night it was bitterly cold” and the temperature continues to fall. Strange no mention of what the temperature actually was. Well according to the internet at the moment it’s 22C tonight it’s supposed to be 7C at 03:00. Not exactly what I’d call “bitterly” cold. In Kabul it’s 15 + 4 c Damascus 14 + 10c . So the BBc still don’t get the sob sob crap doesn’t wash and that we have access to the internet.
Dave666, Beeboids are so stupid that they do not know that most of the Middle East , away from the coast, gets colder in winter than Lesbos ever gets. They really are stupid tossers
John Anderson
a great piece on Russian no-nonsense ‘diplomacy’
can you imagine the BBC even attempting to cover that story in thier indomitable pro-muslim, lefty biased fashion. They would blow a fuse.
and Orla Guerin, Jeremy Bowen, Lyse Doucet will shudder at Ted Cruz’s plan to legislate a declaration that their mates the Muslim Brotherhood are a terrorist organisation :
Well hidden in the business section of its website, the BBC deals with last night’s power (near) failure under the non-informative headline “National Grid gets back-up power supply”. Although it quotes a GMB functionary criticising (quite rightly IMHO) the National Grid and the UK government for their complacency (not the Labour government of 1997-2010 natch who are just as complicit here), the BBC calls in the “experts” at the Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit to deny anything is wrong or that a near-catastrophe in power generation should merit any concern.
BTW the ECIU is another warmist conspiracy against the public all dressed up as a genuine department of state (cf High Pay Commission which has morphed into the High Pay Centre but remains the BBC go-to outfit as an “objective” reference point for the low pay/high pay meme in the Narrative). Interestingly the ECIU’s Director is one Richard Black of happy memory who lied his heart out as Environment Charlatan Correspondent for the BBC and was the man at the BBC who – together with Harrabin of course – could be relied on to prevent information concerning the unsavoury reality of climate “science” sullying the airwaves.
Are you like me, sick to the back teeth, of the BBC (all the MSM actually)
of this orchestrated, sudden “concern” and knee jerk reaction over flights from Egypt?.
After 7/7 Londoners led by the media, and political elites were to be all stiff upper lip,
going to show that terrorism won t win, business as usual, etc etc.
What happened eh! … now its all promote panic, distress
… hmm is there a No10 joyride to Syria in the offing?
Word on the street … is the perps of the downed flight, are non too pleased
that the west has been deliberately lying its ass off over it, for over a week
… and so are now seriously threatening another.
The 24/7 news rinse cycle on this has been worse than a dying celeb hospital death watch.
The BBC even had a live feed of what was still not known. Hence a squad filling planes inbound to interview Terry and Sharon on how their ‘olid’s bin runed’.
To your last I hope such chatter is not true, but clearly can only be credible.
One thing is sure, amongst so much not, whatever transpires, from Dave to Aunty, there will be a clear message on what it is all nothing to do with. Again.
Well there was the crashed Russian cargo plane in South Sudan a few days ago with 40 on board all killed (except for a baby) which the BBC were quick to label as being due to the plane’s air-unworthiness.
I’ve just come back in “The Edge” is on TV. Gabby Logan totters around on heels spouting inanity then they have an unseen voice over man spouting even more inanity. Complete utter bollocks.
In Sweden s Multi-Kulti Utopia
1000s of illegal immigrant children forced by parents to simulate illness
Refugee Children used as Human Shields against Decisions of Deportation
Ah, that DNA-embedded BBC editorial integrity at play again, eh?
Best part is, the most recent tongue-in cheek CECUTT blow-off warrior can be comfortable in their belief it was phrased entirely within guidelines as they sip the first breakfast latte of the day.
Or Ian Katz can be wheeled on to say there was no room to make anything clear… or accurate… or true.
UKIP have been so demonised by the BBC that somebody out there probably does believe that they are engaging in decapitations.
But seriously, the real effect is subliminal: always attach a negative connotation whenever UKIP is mentioned. Sadly, along with all the other tricks like ensuring all the âcoolâ comedians disparage them at every opportunity this kind of manipulation does work.
I have often drawn attention to the BBC photographs of Isis warriors, looking brave and threatening One might even think that the BBC are encouraging feeble minded young people to imitate them.
Picture of students demonstrating in London yesterday, following a rabble rousing speech from Labour leaders. Isn’t there a law restricting wearing military uniforms? Something that was applied to Mosley’s Blackshirts? Is Teresa the Appeaser going to comment or act on this?
Well said GWF – also those do appear to be rather substantial wooden poles the “students” are using for their flags, I certainly wouldn’t relish catching a blow from one across the face.
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
The whole media establishment seems very reluctant to suggest what everyone else is thinking – Islamic extremism downed the jet at Sinai. The evidence is slowly unravelling to support this conclusion though the Islam apologists are, of course, in full damage control mode.
A few days after the explosion, Bill Turdbilll on BBC Breakfast was talking to a expert on the matter, who put it down to a probable bomb on the plane.
The experts final comment was rhetorical, when he said ‘Who would do a thing like that?’
Bill looked to the ground and murmured ‘bad people’ quietly, half to himself. He appeared to know it was a rhetorical question. Is there a person in there? I won’t hold my breath.
What was Bill thinking while BBC Bill was talking?
It was the Jews innit.
BBC headline: Muslims killed as plane approaches Israel
Muslim deaths in terror attack approaching Israel. Better but too many words.
Was there a Palestinian aboard the plane?
Palestinian killed in terror attack approaching Israel.
Well it was heading in that direction, sort of. And there was definitely muslims on the plane. Is’s not as easy as it looks this bias thing.
Doctor convicted of manslaugter, reports BBC.
“Hadiza Bawa-Garba was found guilty of manslaughter by gross negligence. Sister Theresa Taylor was cleared of the same charge. Agency nurse Isabel Amaro, 47, was found guilty of the same charge on Monday.”
But the BBC never does any investigation into these events which are so common in their beloved NHS, the reason for this is Al Beeb would be forced to state that nearly every time a mistake occurs, it’s a bloody ethnic responsible.
Shut the BBC and privatise the NHS.
No doubt the “qualifications” of these so-called doctors were dependent not so much on exam results, but on how much cash changed hands.
I have had actual, personal, experience of this incompetence myself. Fortunately, not harmful experience.
After having several hours of tests and investigation by Asian doctors following chest pains I was told by the senior Asian “You have had a heart attack and we are transferring you to the Coronary Ward for further tests.”
I arrived in the Coronary Ward accompanied by the test results. The Ward Sister examined the results for
a couple of minutes and told me “These results do not show that you have had a heart attack, I will discuss your case with the consultant, unless he has a different insight you will be discharged in the morning.”
I was discharged in the morning, with a letter to my GP which did not mention the incorrect diagnosis (I opened it).
The sister was white.
I did see them on the News going to court dressed up, like it was Fridays prayers
… obviously … the most important thing – makes you literally despair.
Minimum, if you have to go into hospital for anything serious insist on being treated by a proper indigenous doctor. They’ll ask you why but you are not obliged to give a reason.
Some years back when my wife was in hospital, a Pakistani heritage female doctor came into the room to talk to her; her accent was so strong we could hardly understand a word she said.
When she’d gone I turned to a white nurse, who was also present, and said “It’s quite difficult to understand what she says, isn’t it?” this elicited no response other than a wry smile.
Had similar experiences with this, and the whole appointment was full of me saying “pardon”, “sorry” to the Asian doctor because the accent was so heavy.
A few years later I was employed in the NHS and worked with a locum Jamaican psychiatrist. Most of my colleagues continually wondered if he really was a doctor, as he barely knew his craft, and the other doctors were having to cover for him. As a psychiatric secretary of many years I found myself giving him pointers in what to do, and his spoken articulate English was seriously lacking – the Jamaican patois more fit for the islands ! it was a ludicrous situation, notwithstanding that as a locum he was earning hundreds of pounds per day, – however he could hardly be blamed, as those that saw fit to clear his credentials and employ him were the idiots responsible to let this muppet loose with the health of an unsuspecting public. Sadly this practice is still continuing today.
Why oh why aren’t we training British people to become doctors? What the hell is going on ?
a. Its very expensive. Much cheaper to let e.g. India do the training and then allow immigration ‘of key workers to prop up the NHS’.
b. UK people do become doctors but can then slope off to the US, Australia etc. In fact, a more upmarket version of a. And to be fair, wouldn’t you?
The solution IMO is to have a binding contract that links medical training directly to a minimum term of work in the NHS and to repay in full the training costs if this term is not served.
I thought that the ‘binding contract’ you mention was already in operation?
This country wastes far too much money ‘educating’ students in worthless mickey mouse degrees such as media studies sports science ete etc .
Foreign students pay higher fees, hence good British candidates rejected from medicine and dentistry courses by UK universities.
The report was a lead item on BBC news today, at least on my tablet, but had already gone as a main story on the PC website, but can be found here
Headline “Leicester doctor guilty of manslaughter of Jack Adcock, 6”
Is “Dr” Hadiza Bawa-Garba really from Leicester?
What struck me most though was that the piece had lots of photos; Jack, Jack’s mum, the artists court picture, but none of Dr Bawa-Garba. I wonder why that was?
Of my family’s much loved GP’s over 60+ years:
A Czech (refugee?) immigrant with a heavy, at times difficult to understand accent – white
A South African Jew who spoke immaculate English with nary a trace of accent – black
A Sri Lankan, Christian, with a fairly strong accent at times and a surname his practice staff abbreviated because even they found it hard to pronounce [they were obviously non-cricketers đ ] – very brown at times … he was a keen golfer.
I find the, what appears to be, ‘racism’ that creeps out at times on this site a bit hard to take.
Up2snuff, I think it’s more that people suspect (rightly, in my opinion) that professional standards are allowed sometimes to slip because of ‘diversity’. For example, there’s nothing ‘racist’ about saying a doctor should be able to clearly communicate in English.
Its IMPERATIVE that any clinician dealing with the health of people living in an English speaking country is able to communicate in that language. Its sub standard care if it doesn’t happen. END OF STORY.
I take it that all these doctors were competent, and didn’t just have a medical certificate knocked up on a laser printer in Lagos?
I see the BBC missed the behaviour of the usual badly behaved, puerile, spoiled brat lefty scum in London today. Isn’t it ironic that many of these so-called ‘poor students’ (aka ‘Occupy’, ‘Anti-Austerity’ and Stop the War Coalition’ etc) often appear to be upper class over-privileged brats who probably haven’t attended a lecture in months or years. One thing is for sure, though: there won’t be many engineering, mathematics or physics students amongst their foul ranks; such students actually end up contributing to society after years of hard study. Unlike these stinky crusty filth who will no doubt be studying useless degrees such as interpretive dance, contemporary sculpture and pottery and pop music degrees. In short, I cannot stand these far-leftie scum! What they need is water canon and a good hard lesson with a truncheon. How dare they demand anything. What about all those youngsters who go out and earn a trade? They don’t get anything like these obnoxious little turds and yet we don’t see them moaning and being aggressive on the streets.
Water Cannon?
Napoleon Bonaparte used real cannons to stop riots.
It did stop the riots, tout suite.
In the event of water cannon ever being used in this country -and Boris gets his way.
Could I request that we mix the water with a lot of washing up liquid, as so many lefty students seem to need a decent wash.
I can’t see a downside to this.
My suggestion is superior, you only have to do it once.
BBC Online News
“Cyprus migrants: Dhekelia military base ‘is a prison'””
Very sympathetic BBC reporter allows the illegal immigrants to say what they want without challenge. The usual one sided interview. The reporter doesn’t even challenge their ‘grievances’ after the interviews.
They don’t want to stay in Cyprus, they want to go to the UK or Belgium or Germany. Their treatment is apparently inhuman. (Note how children are thrust to the front). They say they are not permitted to talk to the media. (??)
And three free meals a day. Free medical treatment. And staying on a Mediterranean holiday island for free. I’d pay for that! Can it get much worse for them?
They are ‘desperate’ holidaymakers , the bloody lot of them !
If they want to hang themselves, cut themselves or set fire to themselves, they should be allowed to get on with it and make the rest of them clean up the resultant mess.
A BBC story the other day was claiming one of the ‘refugees’ only had flip-flops to wear and it was incredibly cold. I’m guessing he had clothes on too? And if he’s got cold tootsies while in Cyprus I doubt it’s going to be any warmer in the UK.
Cold in Cyprus?? Where’s Global Warming when you want it eh, Beeb?
Belgium or Germany, my arse! More BBC lies to propagate the myth that Germany not Britain would be their number one choice.
They clealry targetted the army base in Cyrpus thinking they had found a sneaky back door route in! Well done Cameron for doing a deal with Cyprus !
Most of them speak English so common sense will tell you where they will head. It is now time we all called for a new government. Maggie would call this lot in power, a load of ‘Tory Wets’. Cameron is looking for a job in Europe when he stands down.
Let’s hope Mr Cameron and the armed forces hold firm on this. I can imagine some in the BBC will be very keen for a ‘bridgehead’ to be established in Cyprus to enable fast-track migration to the UK.
Uh oh, looks like trouble, BBC2 tonight 9pm ”The New British Empire Dominic Sandbrook: Let Us Entertain You.”
Discussing British post war culture. Guess what clip they use on their website ?
I haven’t looked but its either one of the following
1 – Boy George circa 1982
2 – Hot Chocolate
3 – The Spice Girls
4 – Dusty Springfield
5 – Jimmy Somerville
6 – Aswad
Bob Marley and the introduction of Jamaican reggae ”music” into Britain, it’s a landmark in history, up there with the Moon Landing. Dominic Sandbrook is in gush mode.
So will it feature Punk and of course heavy metal (the last bastion of white male heterosexuals) still packing them in in the venues not that you would know from BBc music.
And of course classical music, to the effnik it’s like a crucifix to Dracula.
All interesting comments. Went to a John Wilson & Orchestra performance at Sheffield City Hall last night. (fabulous for anyone whose interested – not classical, more Hollywood musical music). The venue was 90% full, AND didn’t see one ethnic or black face in the audience, most of which were of a more mature age group. Lenny Henry should have seen it, – and would love to hear his answer on why his fellow blacks are only interested in certain genres of music and clearly don’t want to ‘integrate’ with other forms of music.
I remember not so long ago when the hill and fell walking ramblers in our national parks were given an edict to be more diversified and to ‘cater’ for our ethnic friends. There was a huge outcry, as it was discovered that blacks and ethnics never went rambling or hill and fell walking. The laughter could be heard atop the Ben Nevis for miles around !
This kind of music ?
The BBC TELLS us that we must appreciate music of different cultures. Here’s a fine example:
For those that understandably can’t listen to the entirety of the song, here’s a selection of the fine lyrics on offer:
I woke up all last night
I know this hoes aint right
But you was blowin’ up her phone last night
But she aint have a ringer nor her ring on last night ooh
Nigga, thats that nerve
Why give a bitch your heart? when she rather have a purse
Why give a bitch your inch? when she rather have nine
You know how the game go she be mine, ’bout half time, Im the shit, ooh
Nigga, thats that nerve
You all about her, and she all about hers
Birdman Junior in this bitch no flamingos
And I’ve done everything but trust these hoes, C.B. fuck wit’ me!
When I rich nigga want you
And your nigga can do nothing for ya
Oh these hoes aint loyal
Whoa these hoes aint loyal
Yeah, yeah, let me see
Just got rich
Took a broke nigga bitch
I can make a broke bitch rich
But I dont fuck with broke bitches
Got a white girl with some fake titties
I took her to the Bay with me
Eyes closed, smoking marijuana
Rolling up the bar, molly Im a rockstar
She wanna do drugs, smoke weed, get drunk
She wanna see a nigga trapped
She wanna fuck all the rappers
My IQ went into a tailspin after enduring that err, um, black babbling cacophony. I lasted 10 seconds.
That’s really bad news. John Wilson will clearly have to be reported to the EHRC for racist concert music and made to develop a programme of music in order to ensure the audience is representative of society as a whole. Perhaps a discount could be offered on tickets “to welcome sections of society who are significantly under-represented”.
Just because he is damn good at what he does is clearly no excuse.
I accompanied a neighbour to a concert by the John Wilson Orchestra when her husband was ill, and I have to say the standard of musicianship was excellent. And yes, the audience seemed to consist of white British people, so I can only hope the diversity police don’t get him.
Brissles, I remember that. The PC brigade tried to make out that somehow, the countryside itself was ‘racist’ and was in some mystical way stopping blacks and asians from going walking in it. What anyone who has lived in India could tell them is that it’s just not part of their culture, just as it wasn’t in the UK until the 19th century. Walking in the hills is work, for shepherds, goatherders etc, it’s not a hobby for middle class professionals.
As usual these commentators are talking through their a*** just as the talking heads that were not actually there do on the 60s/70s nostalgia programmes.
1. The obsession with Punk is pathetic. Most people were into prog rock or Abba or would you believe it, David Soul, in 1977. Punk was a sideshow. But the facts don’t make for good bBBC TV.
2. My boy lollipop was a great pop song. I liked it a lot. That’s it. The public did not buy it to show solidarity with West Indian immigrants. Ska was transient, coming back in white form, 15 years later with Madness et al.
3. Bob Marley (whose music I also like btw) was dwarfed in significance by Motown from about 10 years previously. ‘Black’ music had been around for at least a decade before, imported from the US. In fact the term ‘Black music’ was attached to a 1975 compilation album featuring Timmy Thomas, The Intruders, Isley Bros, Hues Corporation etc. And has Sandbrook heard of Northern Soul or is he just esconced in London?
That is all.
Punk was not a sideshow, but your thrust is correct. I had punk and Abba albums. It’s only recently that the BBC has discovered ‘Northern Soul’, and forget any hope of interest in ‘easy listening’.
The BBC uses culture in the anthropological sense, so everyone “has” “culture”.
The culture of Western Civilisation is culture in the intellectual sense.
The BBC hopes no-one will notice the difference.
Sorry BBC we do notice.
And the choice of Bob Marley was a beauty, a feast of anthropological culture.
Just not Western, and about as intellectual as a voodoo doll.
R4 13:45 Monday to Friday, for ten days, Lenny Henry talking about black theatre.
The BBC are keeping Henry that busy he will not have time to go to a hotel.
Any possibility of White People being discussed on the BBC Tony?
We provide most of the revenue the BBC so richly does not deserve.
If the BBC ever put Sir Lenworth up in a hotel, you can be sure it won’t be in a bloody Travel Lodge.
Dominic is normally good-but the BBC have this ability to drain people of life in order to create their message.
Hope Sandbrook writes his own words, and looked in at the editing process.
Every time I think of the BBC and culture, I keep thinking of the stuff you find in a Petri dish.
L Beauty. +++++++++++++++++++++++
I have actually rather liked Dominic Sandbrook’s previous efforts.
Marley was a real talent and the son of an English army officer đ
Sorry David, hit report by mistake…blasted iPads!
Very disturbing and unsettling clip from the Victoria Derbyshire programme about immigration (ethnic cleansing and white genocide )
That is one of the worst things i’ve ever seen, ever!
“If you ask me if I want to be killed by shrapnel, or rocket, or drone, of course i would choose this”
what, run away and leave the women in his family to deal with it, and when he gets settled, send for them?
Seriously, how can a man be given asylum running away from a war while his wife and baby remain in the danger zone. White feather is all he deserves, and a bullet for cowardice.
Seriously this needs consideration. He leaves his wife and a new born baby in a war zone, and smuggles himself to safety. What the f*ck. Am i missing something. Are these the actions of a moral man. And his cowardice is rewarded. What if the UK got sucked into a war, what would he do. Run again?
Religion of peace at the first sign of danger, otherwise its beheadings and executions all round.
âIf you ask me if I want to live in Syria, Turkey, Greece, Italy, France or Middlesbrough, of course I would choose thisâ
But this IS one of the tactics.
Get one over here. Get asylum. Get citizenship. Then get a Yuman Rights lawyer from Liberty or the Refugee Council to bang on about the Yuman Rights Act article 8, right to family life, and hey presto, wife, kids, mum, dad, aunties, uncles, Uncle Tom Cobbley and all get automatic rights of residence. Result!
Don’t blame the guy for trying. Blame al-Beeb for incessant supportive advertising of the possibility, and the government and EU for their left-wing moralising and utter ineptitude.
One of the things with this which has struck me about this man is the book he has about the Kurds. Why would he want to read a book about Kurds when he admit he cannot speak Kurdish?
Possibly because Kurds are an oppressed people in various countries including Turkey. We don’t actually know where he is really from, it’s just a claim he makes which is never actually questioned by the BBC.
I rather suspect his claim for asylum has been refused, and he’s now waiting his appeal hearing, otherwise he would be a refugee and claiming Job Seekers (they hate this because the benefit is much much lower). The BBC never ever tells the reasons for refusal, even when they admit bogus asylum seekers have been refused.
Despite all his weepy eyes, I don’t believe his story one iota! He’s probably Turkish, reading books to prop up a false claim. He’s left his wife and kids behind because corroborating a story is extremely difficult when you are not telling the truth. Plus he doesn’t intend to bring them here, it’s easier for him to work and send the money back to them.
Of course the BBC would be able to check on whether he & his family were actually living in Syria, but they’re not going to do that when they have an agenda in direct opposition to telling the truth !
He’s just one of those hundreds of thousands of young men we’ve seen on the box making their way here, and all having the same story. No sympathy from me, he’d be put straight on a plane to Sharm el Sheik, its warm there and he’d be much nearer his family who could visit.
He is a wretched muslim male…..he considers himself as superior to us infidels, and women…..even his own….and would happily kill them if they ‘dis-honoured’ him…..he is filth, a savage, and needs to be sent back ASAP….Cameron, you moron,….are you listening?
BBC Online News
“”Leicester MP Keith Vaz urges Coca-Cola Christmas truck tour to avoid city””(Leicester)
“”The truck is due to visit Leicester on 17 December – the final of 46 stops on Coca-Cola Great Britain’s Christmas truck tour.””
Why is Vaz doing this? Perhaps because Leicester has a very high Pakistani population and therefore a high incidence of Diabetes?
But why not mention this fact BBC? No other of the 46 stops by the Coca-Cola truck has requested this.
Islam according to the BBC must always be seen in a 100% positive light. I have no problems with diabetics. Diabetes cuts across religious and social divides. But diabetic Islam according to the BBC must not be aired.
The reason so many have Diabetes is because it’s a hereditary trait passed on from their GRANDFATHER.
Don’t get me wrong – I despise the publicity seeking Vaz as much as anyone, dislike the Coca Cola company and am wary of the anti-sugar zealots. But it’s worth pointing out that he is a diabetic himself and has a track record opposing Coca Cola, which is mentioned in the BBC report. They also mention that someone has pointed out the potential hypocrisy of him not speaking out against Diwali, where Indians hand out sweets (and which are mostly sugar). So the BBC would not seem to be unduly biased in this report. For the record, most South Asians in Leicester are of Indian origin and Hindu, outnumbering Pakistanis by 10:1.
Look closely at the next Asian old lady you see. She will be carrying a lot of weight under her sari. Those beautiful young Indian/Pakistani girls often seen, do not stay that way for long. At a certain age suddenly they turn into plump lady with grey hair in a bun wearing an acrylic cardigan over their sari !
American politics gets the BBC treatment today, with, this afternoon on 5Live, that bint who sounds like Toyah Wilcox, and is equally irritating, interviews Patricia Cornwell, and gets the right answers when she asks about her Republican past, how she couldn’t vote for them now, and is absolutely behind Hillary….
Sara Brett (the Toyah soundalike) sneers “So, not a fan of Trump?” (sound of sniggers)
Then, on the Six news on R4, we have Obama’s favourite proctologist/correspondent Jon Sopel, gleefully reporting on Jeb Bush apologising for his supposed smear of the French in the recent Republican debate. Not content with disparaging Bush 3, he uses the piece to mock George W. by quoting an APOCRYPHAL story of him stating the French do not have word for entrepreneur. Yes, even false quotes are fair game for Sopel, who now does the impossible, in making Fatty Mardell seem positively impartial by comparison, so far up the Democrats derriere is he now.
Corbyn’s Isis wanabees clash with the cops after stirring speeches from Labour leaders.
It’s Polly put the police kettle on for the Labour students.
Why aren’t the police in riot gear – as they are when Britain First or the EDL march?
There was a character in a Raymond Chandler (or perhaps Dashiell Hammett) story whose greatest wish was to be confronted by a mob when we was alone – except for his heavy machine gun.
The violence in London started in mid-afternoon.
At 7.45pm the main Sky News page carries a report :
“Chaotic scenes as student demo turns violent”
On the main page of BBC News : ZILCH !
And tomorrow, Nov 5th is the anonymous million mask march, with a violent confrontation planned for London.
Londoners enjoy your third world state
We can expect more of this sort of thing with Corbyn and McDonnell in charge of Labour.
If you tell the truth, you can expect much more of that sort of thing, precisely due to who s in No10
and their behaviour
And Who does Noggin The Nog want in No 10 then? Hmm let me think , Jezza Corbyn ? Herr Junker ? Angela Merkel ? Frank Carson the Republican USA front runner?Or Mr Bean perhaps ?
Farage would be a good replacement .
It makes sense to attribute these mobs in part to No 10. There will be few arrests, and those arrested will very likely be released, and if ever taken to court, they will be found not guilty. These mobs are valued by Cameron and May. They are the thugs who will smash up peaceful demonstrations against immigration, Islam etc. They will be at UKIP meetings attempting to disrupt, and we will see them trying to disrupt or prevent meetings supporting Brexit. Yes. Cameron and May will have a soft spot for them.
Tick tock tick tock tick tock….It’s all about to unravel – Just like Winter we can now smell it in the air….No not the personal hygiene of Steptoes pals of the UAF/SWP, but the decaying stench of a child like ideology being laughed out of Westminster, by my good friends the British public…
This confirms what I’ve always suspected:
Wriggling tapeworm removed from student’s brain
The students can riot all they want. They are irrelevant. This sort of thing was bound to happen with Corbyn as leader. His election will add legitimacy to the left’s love of violence.
The other thing is that it is in London a place now increasingly seperate from the rest of the country and a place where I for one no longer go .
The destiny of all of us is being played out in the eastern part of Europe and Germany. Kiddies running wild in London will not affect this.
I notice real desperation now from our lying MSM. The invaders, the bomb in the plane. All of it is rapidly slipping out of their control.
Students rioting on a Wednesday afternoon then?
If that`s the case-then that`d be typical of the druggie lardarses who smell like Russell Brand and have mums like Toynbee, dads like David Gilmour.
Privileged thickies who`ll get a free ticket to Twickers-then go on the BBC to bemoan the lack of “sporting facilities”-“lack of Olympic legacy”…and do ANYTHING but go for a jog round the exemplary sports track at their extravagant university facilities.
Much easier to do drugs, booze and put a brick through a UKIP constituency office window.
No doubt the BBCs drugs mules and Caffe Nero gofering interns weren`t TOO inconvenienced by Regents St…or else it would have been headline news at the BBC.
Wonder how many Saviles constitute a Batmanghedghli…that Fat Fagin is a walking test card of privileges isn`t she?
I’d be very surprised indeed if the Twickers crowd had anything in common with the rabble protesting in the West End.
I don’t think they’d be seen dead at Twickenham.
Have the media discounted the ISIS claim early in the weekend that they took down the aircraft?
The video that was was posted in the Daily Mail, certainly looked like an A321 and if ‘fake’ where did the footage come from? It looks real enough and the explosion does seem to eminate from the center of the aircraft and the wings fall to the ground intact (as they did) I’m still of the opinion that it is the aircraft and the explosion was detonated from the ground, its easy to ID aircraft using a readily available phone app.
I can’t believe its taken 4 days to reach this conclusion and take security measures.
I wonder what Putin is doing? Mass arrests in Russia? I will bet he won’t be dismissing this as a lone wolf matter, or pandering to the Islamics taking steps to prevent a backlash.
Once you find the correct video (you linked the wrong one) it’s an obvious fake! This plane was over 30 000 ft it would have been a tiny dot in the sky and what would someone be doing filming a jet in the middle of a sparsely populated area of desert full of Islamic Terrorists anyway?
30 000 ft is 5.7 miles high ! A long way to fall, but you aren’t going to be able to see much from the ground.
I live on the east west flight path on a clear day, I can clearly see planes passing over at that height, even a pretty cheap camera with digital zoom could pick them out in the detail seen, its not great quality.
“what would someone be doing filming a jet in the middle of a sparsely populated area of desert full of Islamic Terrorists anyway?”
Simply to film what we see, especially if they knew where to look (Flight Radar 24 app) and what to expect….
There is a time delay in Flight Radar 24 , just incase it is used for terrorist reasons.
Not in my experience and if there is its minimal, one is still able to ID the aircraft whilst stll in view.
I’ve watched loads overfly my place with the app and if there’s a time delay it’s next to bugger all….nothing I could discern for sure.
Aircraft shown in yellow are “real time”. Aircraft shown in orange have a 5 minute delay.
Dunno if anyone else spotted this . Not bias per se but very indicative of the B-BBC hive mindset.
The other day I happened to catch an episode of Celebrity Pointless, with Alexander Armstrong. The BBC had a team from their breakfast show, they were called Charlie and Naga. At one point, Naga was asked by the host who the most interesting person she has interviewed was.
The answer – drumroll……. Hilary bloody Clinton. What a surprise. Right – Onnnnnn
To be fair to Naga, I bet she gave Hillary a right grilling over Whitewater, cattle futures, the death of Vince Foster, the missing Rose law firm records found in her White House quarters with her fingerprints on them, the dismissal of the White House travel staff, the use of the IRS on her political opponents, her catastrophic attempt to socialize American healthcare, her illegal use of a private email server while Secretary of State, and why she did nothing to help the US Ambassador to Libya and his bodyguards when they were under attack for five hours before being slaughtered. I mean, she asked these questions didn’t she? It’s not like she gave a her a soft ride because she is a fellow leftist? Surely not.
Rob, LOL !
“The #KillAllWhiteMen hashtag is something that a lot of people in the feminist community use to express frustration”
– university diversity officer Bahar Mustafa, 28, who had been charged with sending malicious communications on Twitter.
So that’s ok then.
‘A London student union officer accused of posting the phrase “kill all white men” on social media has had the charges against her dropped’
The BBC report – sensibly perhaps, given her tendency of running off at the mouth – only quotes Ms Mustafa’s lawyer. ( By the way her lawyer has a poke at the CPS for bringing the charges in the first instance and then quickly climbing down – a compo claim in the air, maybe)
It’ll be a valid defence therefore, if a white man posts a message “kill all black men”.
Or maybe it won’t?
I would go for the not option.
The tactical response team would already be through the door just as your cursor was hovering the post comment button and your feet wouldn’t touch the ground would be my guess Mr. Sentry.
OS – correct.
Let us hope that the bitch dies of something unpleasant very soon.
Racism is alive, well, growing and popular in the UK.
White people are on the receiving end, one law for the whites, no law for the ethnics.
We have rely on ourselves, our institutions have gone over to the enemy.
Time for some new institutions.
Hilarious….Although even with something like this, I’ve trouble believing the biased BBC….
Have to admire the BBC News Press Team’s optimism that this disclaimer will be believed.
Were these not the same clowns who decided to shaft the newly appointed John Whittingdale, and then claim a deleted tweet was all a mistake/joke/usual NaughtieMarr BS?
After the latest Islamist terrorist atrocity I wonder if Mr Putin will come out with that famous mantra so favoured by the Beeb and our gutless, hand wringing politicians, “Islam is a religion of peace.”
Somehow I doubt it…
Could people please stop giving Islam a bad name
‘She decided that the best way to meet (Islam) was to flirt with him,’ said Ceri Davis, prosecuting’
‘The woman rang Islam and a date was arranged at Maryland station’
‘Islam turned up for a night of romance, only to find his victim was not there – but her boyfriend and brother were’
Confused? Don’t be, Islam is a popular surname in the UK
‘Atiqul Islam, 28…. of Stratford… searched the web for tenants interested in renting… (he) was handed a suspended six month prison sentence and ordered to undertake 150 hours of unpaid work’
Police searched Islam’s flat and found he had claimed several other victims including Mohammed Chowdhury who was duped out of ÂŁ500.
Looking on the bright side, at least he was an equal opportunities fraudster.
Otila Baublyte, another ethnic.
I shall be glad when they have all died.
I wonder how long before we see the following story on the BBC?
From the Telegraph:
National Grid uses ‘last resort’ measures to keep UK lights on
Coal plant breakdowns and low wind power output force National Grid to pay dozens of businesses to reduce their energy usage
This, as any fule kno, was widely predicted to be the consequence of Labour’s disastrous energy policy, as continued by Cameron and Co. It was a policy championed and advocated by Harrabin and the rest of the BBC’s Greens – which means, in effect, the entire rest of the BBC.
It is 4th of November and mild for the time of year. God help us all in February!
Some months ago, I saw a document by a “wind Farm” energy supplier and within it, it stated that over the last 25 years Great Britain had become LESS WINDY. Not good for the turbines me thinks. Also, one thing you will not hear about on the BBC, is that many of the “Green Blob” company shares are now ‘tanking’ (not worth the paper they are printed on) as government subsidies and private money is being pulled from so called “green energy companies”. Pity really as much of the BBC’s own pension fund is heavily invested in the “green energy companies” portfolios. Oh dear, what a shame, never mind.
Earlier today the BBC News website had two adjacent stories relating to weather. One was about fog and the other posed the question as to why it was windier in the autumn.
Of course if it was windy now there would be no fog, (I appreciate that the question relates to average conditions not those in a specific year, but it was a good clash of circumstances!).
If one accepts that the climate is changing, (the cause isn’t important here), then putting one’s energy eggs into the baskets of solar and wind isn’t a good idea. How do we know that ‘climate change’ won’t produce more cloud, mist and fog, along with lower, (or too high), wind speeds?
You are right to ask the question Jim. In this country (GB), our coldest weather comes in from the East. Yes we get those cold easterlies which mean windy conditions, but that normally happens when there are active weather fronts and so the windy events are short lived. Our really cold weather arrives with High pressure from the Urals and there is normally no or very light wind with High Pressure and these high pressure systems can sit over us for weeks. Think 2010. A problem. If the coldest weather arrives without wind and we all switch on our electric blankets at night, where is the energy coming from when those turbine blades stay still? Also, if, as we get on many occasions from the east (see last week for reference) anti-cyclonic gloom, those solar panels ain’t going to be much help either when freezing fog sits over us all for a week! I guess we can all rely on Mr Harrabin of the BBC, to come round and issue us all with a candle so we can sit around it and keep warm.
I regularly drive past a wind farm and can confirm how often it is completely motionless. In really cold weather, the type we frequently suffer in winter in the UK where the wind is more or less absent, they are useless.
The figures spouted by the Greens,, their friends at the BBC and the liars who run these things, are utterly bogus.
Anyone with only half a brain needs to be making provision for power cuts this winter.
The public trials of the culprits can begin later.
They claimed today that “up to 10%” was generated by green sources, although didn’t clarify if this included nuclear.
I somehow deeply doubt this is ever the case when 100% generating output is required.
If you go to
You can see for yourself.. (answer: you are right to be suspicious of the 10% claim – look at the daily & weekly chart for wind [blue line]).
From the above Telegraph report:
The problem was compounded by low wind speeds meaning most of Britainâs 6,500 onshore and offshore wind turbines were barely generating any power just as demand hit its highest.
UK wind farms have a theoretical maximum capacity of more than 13,000 megawatts, but produced less than 400 megawatts of power for much of the peak demand period â meeting less than one per cent of the UKâs electricity needs, published data suggests.
So were the BBC claiming 10% for the time of that incident?
Whether they were or not, they’re always happy for lying environmentalists to quote maximum capacity figures without ever challenging them with the most obvious bleeding question of all: ‘What do we do for energy when the wind isn’t blowing?’
How do we know that âclimate changeâ wonât produce more cloud.
A 6.5 percent decrease in cloud cover found by Enric Palle provides evidence for 0.66 Kelvin of the warming at the end of the last century. Only Svensmark has produced a mechanism for this warming, proved by the CERN CLOUD experiment, the 2006 Danish experiment and the work of Nir Shaviv. This relates to the changes in albedo of low clouds due to changes in high energy cosmic ray levels. This is caused by the Suns magnetic polarity changing every two solar cycles allowing an increase and decrease of cosmic rays as the Earths magnetic poles line up with the Galactic magnetic field. A positive north pole of the Sun leads to an open heliosphere where cosmic rays reach the Earth more easily. This 22 year oscillation is called the Hale Magnetic Cycle which causes the Earths climate to alternate between a cooling phase and a warming phase every two Solar cycles. But there is more to climate and weather than changes to the Earths cloud albedo every 22 year period. So in long range forecasting less than 22 years, that means looking to the forecasts of Piers Corbynâs Weatheraction, as there is far more to meteorology than understanding cloud levels, in which Corbyn seems to have an independent method of prediction. So actually it is the clouds that change the climate because only changes in cloud albedo have the ability to reduce and increase the huge amount of radiation input into the Oceans that is necessary, due to a thermodynamic lag of the Oceans which have a mass 270 times that of the Atmosphere. The evidence from the predicted speed of plasma in the Sun (using the orbits and masses of the Planets) indicates a Global Cooling from 2018 of less than 22 years, or a shortened Hale Magnetic Cycle.
Sorry, that should be a lengthened Hale Magnetic Cycle (more than 22 years).
The average Hale Magnetic Cycle is 21.3 years long, So
(1) The âGlobal Warmingâ Hale Cycle was 20 years long and ended in 1996
(2) The â Pause/Hiatusâ Hale Cycle was 21.7 years long and ended in 2008
(3) The âGlobal Coolingâ Hale Cycle will be 24.5 years long and end in 2021
That prediction is as good as predicting the Orbits of the Planets.
To understand how, read this contribution from Tim Channon
It was all Blair /Browns ,& Energy Secretary Millipeeds fault, that no new Nuke Power plants were started, but now we will have at least 3 new ones . The EDF one at Bradwell ,is only about 10 miles across the Blackwater Estuary ,from me , can`t wait to it starts getting built .
I know the link I’m posting doesn’t show direct BBC bias, but if you read the text, you will see BBC bias by omission. The article is an up to date Skiing blog and the writer just reports on what is happening around the ski slopes across the globe. You will see that the reports pretty much say the same thing, in that winter is early and significant snow falls have already happened. Pity the BBC hasn’t mentioned much of the detail but that would go against the narrative wouldn’t it?
Oh and it now looks like the record temperatures in both Wales and Scotland a couple of days ago, wasn’t. The Met Office once again looking like they were being very economical with the truth, all happily promoted by the BBC.
I can just see those glaciers building again if this carries on can’t you Mr Harrabin?
Oh silly me to have missed it, but NASA have just told everyone, the Glaciers are rebuilding Mr Harrabin. They should have waited until after Paris, eh Mr Harrabin?
And that’s not to mention the growth in Antarctic ice mass!
Global warming weather watchers, here is the rub, the reason that the ice mass in the Arctic is growing is because of action that has already been taken by the countries of the world in reducing carbon emissions etc…………
Or thatâs the excuse they will use next to account for the global cooling or ‘the pause’.
Good point, Taffman.
So far the alarmists have not denied that CO2 levels are still rising – thus their frantic demands to ban fossil fuels before we all burn in hell – but once the cooling kicks in we all know how quickly they will whip out those data adjusting spanners to prove how levels had been decreasing all along, thanks to their heroic efforts at showing us the error of our capitalist ways.
Until the next warming phase at which point…..(you get the drift).
On which note, a trip down memory lane (for the ‘seen it all before’ oldies amongst us):
During the 1970s the media promoted global cooling alarmism with dire threats of a new ice age. Extreme weather events were hyped as signs of the coming apocalypse and man-made pollution was blamed as the cause. Environmental extremists called for everything from outlawing the internal combustion engine to communist style population controls
Let’s just call it ‘Agenda 21 – the Early Years’.
Fair play to Al Beeb, they have allowed the ‘lefty Tory’, Michael ‘Portobillo’ to mention the growth of polar ice and the failure of the m s media to report it on tonight’s ‘This Week’.
Is Al Beeb gradually slipping out of the ‘Global Warming’ meme having realised that they could be backing the wrong horse ?
‘Lessmore’ snow:
Global Warming Means Less Snow.
“The probability of any precipitation falling as snow rather than rain is going to decrease, and any snow lying on the ground is going to melt more quickly,” she said.
Global Warming Means More Snow
“If the climate continues to warm, we should expect an increase in heavy snow events for a few decades.”
In view of the oil price still collapsing, I wonder why the BBC haven’t informed their legion of viewers and listeners, what the situation would be like in Scotland now, if in fact, the vote had gone the other way? I wonder what wee little Krankie would be doing now as Scotland would now be going bankrupt? You would think someone at the BBC would be asking the question wouldn’t you as all the fluster and bluster north of the border was done on the premise of rising oil prices? Quite obviously the first minister attended the Gordon Brown School of Economics.
I wonder if the BBC will be commissioning a programme 100 days after home rule for Scotland, featuring the Scottish National Party?
It would have been Darien Mark II.
A new game, during the coverage of this latest Muslim terror attack, post all BBC headlines that mention the words Islam or muslim. Winner gets 2 week holiday to Syria, stopping at Sharm el sheikh on the way. My money’s safe i think
The true definition of the term”Poetic justice”….Here explained graphically…
Don’t know what them other countries are, the BBC failed to label them, but the last radar contact is definitely in ISRAEL. Signposting is something the BBC likes to avoid!
The BBC aren`t happy at the Tories stopping the flights from Sharm Al Sheikh are they?
Cue usual squauks from assorted hand held camera types from the departure desks.
Don`t remember them being so cheesed off with John Reid downing all transatlantic flights nine years ago-a statesmanlike response to a real threat no doubt…seeing as it was Labour doing it.
Yet again, the BBC care more for the Arabs tourism industry than it does for any threat to our citizens.
The BBC would rather like another atrocity-blame the Tories for that too, and some great pictures…so they can selfie a Belsen moment for themselves.
I tend to trust the intelligence services-and sure as hell can only imagine that the BBC despise out chavvy sunseekers-and reckon their blowing out of the sky would trash the Tories,and help Islam integrate nicer into UK life, that bit quicker.
It was weird this morning on Radio 4 on the news when a tourist interviewed in Egypt said the government is wrong to stop flights because it would be giving into terrorists !! BBC could only let this be said in connection with Arab tourism !!!
chrisH, well said . The only “arms of government” I have any confidence in any more are the military and the intelligence services.
The military and intelligence services are being infected with the diversity and equality nonsense. But they are being maintained as effective forces – so they can be used on the general population when the shit hits the fan.
Ian, yes agree on the first point. You may well be right on the second. It seems the military’s capability is being reduced to the extent that it would only be effective against the UK population.
My theory?
We had riots in 1981,1991,2001,2011.
The Army will get paid until 2021, then be farmed out to the EU or Islamic State-whichever asks first-and certainly if Corbyn/Lucas/Sturgeon are still cutting the parachute cords.
Heard some Vatican critic on Today this morning say that the Papacy need to bring their accounting up to European standards.
UP?…the EU accountancy standards?
The oaf must know that Kinnocks accountancy team are reserved for the final bowels of hell-where even THEY can`t continue to cook their books.
And one more post for Mr Harrabin and any other MSM hacks who visit these pages and want to fill leaders with garbage, take your pick for your next leader…there are plenty to choose from! Hmm….which one did Charlotte Church pick?
I always wondered what the Tyndall Centre and Grantham Institute are for. Its called rat in a barrel science. To produce all that bullshit, they need ignorance, which is used to justify more funding.
So, the maximum 4 percent for man-made Atmospheric CO2 plus negative not positive feedback and knowledge of thermodynamics and clouds trapping heat when it comes to understanding the lags in the Arctic. All goes down the memory hole. As does the idea of obtaining proof of the hypothesis by looking six miles above the equator. Because all this now proves that the man-made warming hypothesis must be false.
Tonight the ITV national early evening news carried a story about Ben Parkinson, the paratrooper from Doncaster, who was one of the most badly injured soldiers to return home from Afghanistan. It concerned how he has new artificial legs, which mean (unlike his old ones) he stands at his original height of 6′. This will mean he can walk tall on Remembrance Sunday this year.
Look North here in Yorkshire, Ben Parkinson’s local BBC news channel, had no coverage whatsoever of this significant event in the life of this brave, but damaged, ex-serviceman; who suffered so much in the service of his country.
It did, however, manage to devote about a third of its evening programme to covering the MOBO (Music Of Black Origin) Awards which are being held in Leeds tonight. Truly – WTF?
I don’t know what financial support Ben and his parents receive from the government, but I would hazard a guess that it will be nowhere near the ÂŁ1,000,000 the last “British” (formerly Saudi) resident of Guantanamo Bay will be getting.
This country is sick and Al Beebus with its lies, disinformation and dubious selective reporting, are a significant factor within that sickness.
Al Beeb hates the military of Great Britain.
It was the British military personnel that gave it the name of ‘The Baghdad Broadcasting Corporation’ during the Iraq War
And not exactly that resident when picked up in Afghanistan
The benefits of unfettered immigration and poor border checks……………………………………
At least they reported it, and his name is mentioned. Eventually.
Nonsense article
About halfway in a chap is identified as “John Williams, an expert in the sociology of football at the University of Leicester”
I would have liked the intrepid BBC trending department to have followed up the notion of “an expert in the sociology of football”. Is it even a real thing? Obviously money to throw away at Leicester university, and just how do you become an expert in the sociology of football ? By telling the BBC you are maybe? I’m aware that this is a nothing story but increasingly find myself more and more agitated with the BBC telling me people are “experts” in fields of academia that don’t really exist.
âan expert in the sociology of footballâ
Isn’t it just a long winded term for a criminologist?
It is more likely that football sociology experts at UoL are left wondering what kind of non-job sinecure for the detritus of the education system is represented by ‘BBC Correspondent’, which takes some doing.
Oh he`s a scouser-some links with the anti-Thatcher “real fans” who glossed over Heysel, but majored on Hillsborough-didn`t want fans penned in, except maybe for Luton-Millwall games for the southern softies.
AS John Peel and Roger McGough learned-a cultivated Scouse accent can get you far, especially in the arts…Peel was a Shrewsbury School fake who discovered this accent when it got him into underage girls beds in Texas or such.
Imagine having to put that accent on when everybody knew it`s a fake…did his own family and friends ever hear his normal voice off-mic?
His perpetual phoney act is still the brass standard for all BBC wannabes…makes Jagger look sincere it does!
Believe it or not, the BBC interviewed a ‘parenting expert’ not so long ago.
No prizes for guessing what ethnicity she was…
No idea, but practice can often make perfect. Though for some in later years the maternal instinct can wane and see career ambitions rest more on boosting the family name within the ‘community’. Plus a nice plaque.
I just love the notion of an expert in a task like parenting.
Most mental health experts I have come across (not as a patient T/R đ have seemed more in need of colleagues’ services than anyone, so on raising kids I’d err more on hearing from a person who has nurtured a set of bright, well-adjusted, secure sons and/or daughters over some self-appointed nanny meddler whose offspring are more likely still wandering around the Kids’ Company founder’s private health spa in hope of a hand out.
Sell? I thought we’d already paid for these:
BBC to sell downloads of un-PC classic comedies it banned from TV
When is a principle not a principle? When it’s ok to view content through one outlet but not another I would say. Absolute hypocrisy from the BBC, possibly realising that the end is nigh for the licence fee and subsequently the gravy train too, the pc mindset is out of the window.
There is a business opportunity here. Some enterprising person should buy the entire stock of pre-1990 (ish) BBC comedy, along with the broadcast rights, and start a channel devoted entirely to it. I reckon it could be a winner. Just for even more laughs, they could have short clips of modern BBC comedy output every now and then (eg Miranda, Citizen Khan or anything with Marcus Brigstock) as a further reminder of the descent of BBC comedy.
I spend about twenty times more time listening to “old” comedy on Radio 4 Extra than I do listening to new right-on trash on Radio 4.
Somehow, I think you aren’t the only one.
“start a channel devoted entirely to it.”
In a sense there already is, it’s called illegal torrent downloading.
Quite easy, or so I’m told, for those who don’t like paying twice.
I just watch all the old stuff on youtube. Loads of BBC comedies from the days when they were actually funny. Sometimes picture quality can be iffy but usually it’s ok. The other night I watched ‘Norbert Smith: A Life’ (1989) starring Harry Enfield, including a scene where he blacks up as Nelson Mandela.
More dross courtesy of Al Beeb on the Sinai crash.
“Experts have also questioned the logic of why Islamic State’s Sinai affiliate would risk inviting a massive international retaliation by such an action when its battle is primarily with the Egyptian state.”
By experts, I can only assume they mean halfwits or Islam supporters. Do these ‘experts’ really think that these muslim terrorists will pass up an oportunity to murder westerners (including Russians now that they are bombing muslims in Syria) just because they are a few hundred or a few thousand miles from the action? It does not take much of a brain to join the dots FFS.
Brits murdered by muslim terrorist in Tunisia, remember?
Munich Olympics?
For heaven’s sake, how naive (or biased) can you get?
Do you have a link for that?
As you say, the analytical abilities of the BBC and its experts are really quite special in face of actual history.
These cretins are death cult nihilists. Bringing it on is like catnip.
Why would ISIS blow up a Russian plane when we are told by the BBC and media that the Russians are only bombing peace loving democratic forces who want to replace Assad?
It is obvious why terrorists would want to attack planes – just like they attack hotels. Kill off the tourist trade – a vital part of the economy – and drive the economy deeper into trouble, undermining the Government,
Sometimes you wonder whether the BBC read its own reports, although given their inaccuracy and bias that may not be a bad thing.
Its battle is primarily with the Egyptian state ????? They are aiming quite a bit wider than that.
What does IS want?
In June 2014, the group formally declared the establishment of a “caliphate” – a state governed in accordance with Islamic law, or Sharia, by God’s deputy on Earth, or caliph.
It has demanded that Muslims across the world swear allegiance to its leader – Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badri al-Samarrai, better known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – and migrate to territory under its control.
IS has also told other jihadist groups worldwide that they must accept its supreme authority. Many already have, among them several offshoots of the rival al-Qaeda network.
IS seeks to eradicate obstacles to restoring God’s rule on Earth and to defend the Muslim community, or umma, against infidels and apostates.
The group has welcomed the prospect of direct confrontation with the US-led coalition, viewing it as a harbinger of an end-of-times showdown between Muslims and their enemies described in Islamic apocalyptic prophecies.
Radio 4 Today program, had a piece on a school in Oldham where white and Pakistani children have been FORCED to go there.
I listened to this piece and even they admitted that the kids were still segregated along racial lines even though they were in the same place.
What was said next was a master class in self deception. This was positive and a success because at least the two communities had some contact which they didn’t have before.
Of course they didn’t mention the gangs of Pakistani bullys, mainly because they’re too cowardly to fight one on one.
After the report they dragged on another academic – “we need to make people more relaxed about diversity” ! In other words the usual left wing denial is in action – it hasn’t worked we are perfect, our idea is perfect therefore someone must deliberately by preventing it. This is of course the place where all left wing purges start, and the people perceived to be preventing them end up in the death camps.
A truly shocking piece by a broadcaster with no morals, and a stranger to the truth when it doesn’t suit their purpose.
second to last paragraph.
And in perfect complement as the notion of BBC expertise is raised:
“BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner”
Or to give him his full title, the “please don’t shoot me, I’m a muslim, security correspondent.”
That darling of the BBC, Billy Bragg was being interviewed (again) this morning.
Apparently he has a new book coming out featuring passages of his poetry from years gone by.
As someone who loves music and grew up through the punk era I saw all the bands of the time in concert – The Clash, The Jam, Siouxsie & The Banshees, The Buzzcocks, Public Image Ltd……….the list goes on.
I have never met anyone who is a Billy Bragg fan but know several people who think he’s rubbish. I carried out a survey among as many music loving friends and colleagues as possible and asked the questions “name Billy Bragg’s best song”, “name Billy Bragg’s best album”, “name ANY Billy Bragg song or album”……………….a couple of people knew “A new England” but that was it.
His whole career has been promoted and funded by the license fee payer.
What is it about the left-wing, tory hating, political activist that the BBC love so much? Has there ever been a man with so little talent given so much time and attention courtesy of our globally respected national broadcaster?
I lived through the punk era as well. Admitting you were a Billy Bragg fan was on a par with being a Boomtown Rats fan.
Or Jilted John
Replied to this but it seems to have varnished. thirdoption sounds like we have a similar musical upbringing. The first band I saw were the Adverts in 1977 later this month we are seeing another two bands. Neither of which I expect getting any airplay on BBc music. In the past 38 years I’ve dragged my carcass out on a regular basis to watch live music. However in the 4 thousand plus bits of vinyl & cds I have none are Billy Bragg. Off the top of my head the only song of his I could name is A new England and I associate that more with Kirsty MacColl. I don’t like him no one I know is a fan.
Yep, most of his wealth is probably amassed from that one cover by Kirsty MacColl, he did appear on the reverse of Wet Wet Wet’s Beatles charity number one cover ‘With A Little Help From My Friends’ as a double A side, although I don’t think I’ve ever heard his version of ‘She’s Leaving Home’
TV Smith a few weeks back at our gaff
“Has there ever been a man with so little talent given so much time and attention courtesy of our globally respected national broadcaster? ”
Sir Lenworth Henry?
Tom Robinson
Rev Richard Coles
– Both, like Bragg, throwbacks to the ‘Anti Fatcher’ ‘Red Wedge’ brigade of professional time-wasters. The BBC loves ’em!
” I carried out a survey among as many music loving friends and colleagues… ” the “music loving” part may explain the lack of response thirdoption. Now if you had surveyed a bunch of right on middle class tw*ts then the results may have been different.
I’ve never understood how Billy Bragg became famous. He seems to have no discernible musical talent – he ‘sings’ off key and flat most of the time. I can only conclude that he’s liked because there aren’t actually that many very committed hardline doctrinaire marxists in pop music. There are lots who pay lip service to leftism, like nominal Anglicans used to pay lip service to Christianity, but not that many ‘true believers’. Wasn’t he even part of some sort of committee to reform the Lords? He must be VERY well connected to do that.
Absolutely pathetic interview on Toady R4 this morning between Humphries (at his dithering worst) and ‘Sir’ Peter Sutherland, UN migration head honcho/apologist.
The immediate assumption made was that all the migrants are Syrian. Went totally unchallenged, despite the swathes of evidence about the huge % of young male chancers from Africa and the Balkans.
And the solution? Let them all in, because it is the legal and moral thing to do. Also went totally unchallenged. All totally right-on, in the Al-Beeb student leftie newsroom.
Pass the sick bag, and make it a large one.
Humphrys wasn’t “dithering” because he wasn’t briefed or, worse, just incompetent. Since he was manifestly in agreement with Sutherland he was having difficulty composing questions which might have been seen as “awkward”. Even when Humphrys posed the question of a village in Germany being swamped by immigrants, he apologised beforehand for even thinking that the villagers had any legitimate concerns. He prefaced his question, IIRC, by saying “you know what I’m going to say now” as if Sutherland didn’t know what question would be asked, what fatuous reply he would give and that after his reply (“basically it’s OK – there are 500 million EU citizens and “only” half a million [or whatever figure he made up] immigrants”) Humphrys would steer the interview elsewhere.
This whole episode was an example of signature BBC bias. Where the biens pensants have agreed on a party line, nothing will be done or said to disturb the acceptable “truth”. Where, by the way, was the differing view which might have balanced Sutherland’s flow of hypocritical shite? There was a scheduled interview with Ioannis Kasoulides, the Cypriot Foreign Minister, which might have constituted a balancing item but it wasn’t broadcast immediately before or after Sutherland’s crapola (or at all?). Whatever, the party line on the ruin of Europe was duly delivered and Today could relax as Elton John’s PR wormed its mysterious way into the BBC schedules, the “news” and (to be fair) the pages of the MSM.
BBc breakfast, not advertising of the day. The new shopping centre in Bradford, wow I’ll be rushing to Bradford then, well shortly after Hell freezes over. And the “hairy bikers” autobiography, think I’d rather watch paint dry than read that.
BBCs slimy Lard Mardell – The Reporters
“The danger to Merkel from the “refugee” crisis may not be the stuff of front-page headlines in Britain, but it is real enough.
Some in Germany are seething at the seemingly limitless commitment the chancellor has made to take in anyone fleeing Syrian’s civil war. ”
“It doesn’t explain why she took this gamble in the first place”.
“may not be the stuff of front-page headlines in Britain” đ … Now … why is that?
Deliberate Political intervention, and “Tub Thumpers” for the illegal economic immigrants in the media like
… THE BBC! that’s why.
There is a European wide media agreement , almost a conspiracy , to present the impact of mass migration on Germany in a positive light. I have friends living in Germany who tell me that they only get to see and hear what is actually going on in their country via the internet. The MSM and all newspapers are only allowing positive messages to go out. They are also attacking anyone who is trying to draw attention to the scale of the disaster of Merkel’s policy. I expect that they got their training in news management from the BBC. Or perhaps they found someone who worked as a youngster for Dr Goebbels and asked for advice.
Anyway as more and more migrants arrive it is becoming impossible to hide the unpleasantness that their arrival brings to ordinary Germans and the reaction against Merkel is growing a pace. My friends reckon that by the New Year the situation will become unmanageable with ordinary Germans, whose voices are being ignored, having decided that direct action via mass protests , much bigger than the Pegida demos, is the only way to save their country from disaster. To survive the German government will have to get rid of Merkel and reverse its migration policy and deal swiftly with any migrants who are not genuine asylum seekers. If this doesn’t happen then the country will become unstable and anything may happen.
Good points. I think we must stress that anything is now possible in Germany, Hungary and Poland.
The third world is moving towards Europe and at this moment thousands are on the march. It is looking like a deliberate attempt to overun and destroy Europe’s stability.
Who benefits is the question and who profits? Isis did threaten this back in the year but now it looks like other actors are in the drama.
Leaving this aside it is inevitable that we are heading for major civil unrest in Europe. It is now just a matter of time and what form it will take.
The blame for destroying the social capital and cohesion of the nation states of the EU lies directly with those in power . This appallingly inept and leftwing agenda driven bunch of fantasists. It does not lie with those seeking to invade and dominate Europe. They can be stopped and turned back.
Removing our elites is altogether a harder task.
I am reminded of the the old saying that when the very existence of a people is threatened then not to act is to fail in your duty to your family and people.
In the old east and eastern Germany in particular this is now the situation facing them.
There is no sign our useless MSM gets any of this at all.
If the MSM were merely useless it would not be so bad, but in fact the MSM is part of the nexus of treachery and deceit. Far from being useless, it is an active and willing participant in lies and propaganda.
Not that I’m going to watch it, but this bodes well.
I haven’t wanted a programme to crash and burn so much in ages.
Maybe him on top of a gas tank, shouting ‘Top of the world, Aunty!’?
Yes, whilst burning his salary in five pound notes. It might take quite some time.
It was not long ago in June, we witnessed Al Beeb banging the gong that the Royal Navy was being despatched out to the Med to ‘Rescue Refugees’. Will Al Beeb and our government act with the same alacrity for our own people stuck in Egypt. Perhaps Al Beeb and COBRA will pick this up today and act?
Here we go again.
Trouble making ‘anti-racist’ RACIST at it again
There needs to be a word invented in the English language wherupon people can reply to people who falsely accuse others of racism. It needs to have venom and be equally very hurtful.
Any suggestions welcome.
Raceaphobia ?
Too nice Taffman, more venom wanted.
Saw this article too and was pleasantly surprised that the BBC also quoted Trevor Sinclair’s comments… He rightly said that a football manager’s job depends on results not race or colour.
As for a reply to being accused of racism… ‘grow up’ seems most appropriate.
Abbotomania? Sharptonia?
Beeb? How dare you beeb me!
Wronged, when confronted by an anti waaycist nutcase yelling and name calling ” waaycist” to all and sundry, you could use the phrase ” You’re just Anti White, racism is a code word for ant white ”
Here’s Steven Sackur of ‘Hardtalk’ pretending to interview Saeb Erekat, chief PA propagandist:
In marked contrast to the interview a few weeks ago with Israeli opposition MP Yair Lapid,
a respectful, subdued Sackur let Erekat whine on at length about Israel and duck the few relevant questions put to him, like the one about Palestinian TV instructing Arab terrorists on how to stab Israelis.
The nature of the questions and the attitude to the interviewees aside, it might be interesting to do the following exercise: see how much time Sackur spent questioning Erekat as apposed to Lapid.
If I get the time, I’ll do same and report back to my esteemed colleagues on this site.
True too – Be great to see what your detailed bias diagnosis is of the two opposing factions and see if and how balanced it might be and what margin if not.
When watching BBC News and current affairs I constantly keep wishing the interviewer will ask questions to bring out the truth instead of questions that suit the broadcasters agenda.
To give a prime example of wishing interviewers would ask the right questions:
This morning on BBC2, (Victoria, actually Joanna Gosling standing in), about Government Council/Housing Assn Tenants going to get 1% Rent Reductions: (approx 01:05:55 into programme).
The BBC agenda here clearly is that the 1% council rent reductions was not a good thing? Twisting the story of Government aim of benefit of 1% reduction in rent for some of the poorest in the country as not a good thing by perversely justifying this by saying it very bad for Councils! This is clearly bias and another excuse to find some excuse to bash the Conservatives?
The programme made the point that two thirds of Council tenants are on Housing Benefit and therefore will not receive anything. Fair enough pointing that out, as they do not pay rent, so how can they expect anything back from nothing – their rent reduction they do not pay!
So interviewer goes to one of the tenants flat. Liz is then asked whether this reduction in rent will more likely encourage her to look for work?
“No, not at the moment, but in the future I would like to get back into work and start paying my way, sort of thing”.
Then Liz is asked would she be happy to pay a bit more rent? “Yea, I am fine with what I pay and, yer know, wouldn’t mind paying a little bit more”. Too right she would be happy! If you paying nothing, nothing more is going to cost her nothing!
Asked then if she thinks the reduction is actually necessary and she says “No, not really no”.
The point here is the programme has a clear anti-Government agenda rather than the interviewer, Dan Johnson, drilling down with Liz and finding out if she was paying anything at all, (suspect not by her answers), and for how long had she been living free, (she says she has lived in flat for 20 years)?
Liz is the real scandal here not the Government and this is a prime example of how the BBC twists and turns a story to show that.
Governments prime objective in this politcy was a 1% rent reduction to help the 4 million tenants who actually pay rent without housing benefits, which was totally lost in the BBC twisting this to paint the Government as bashing tenants and councils.
“The programme made the point that two thirds of Council tenants are on Housing Benefit and therefore will not receive anything. Fair enough pointing that out, as they do not pay rent, so how can they expect anything back from nothing â their rent reduction they do not pay!”
Youâre missing the point. By enforcing rent cuts on council houses the treasury is saving (an estimated) ÂŁ1.7 billion in âhousing benefitâ. Thatâs ÂŁ1.7 billion that would otherwise have gone to councils and housing associations.
Or in other words, they are taking money away from the only providers of ârelatively cheapâ social housing we have left in this country.
If you think thatâs going to help those on the lowest incomes you are sadly deluded.
You say I am deluded because I stated some of the poorest in Society, i.e. those Council hardworking tenants who actually pay rent and I support, will get a 1% rent reduction, because you think that the result of this is bad as it mean Councils will lose ÂŁ1.7 bn income from taxpayer funded rent and the housing benefit subsidy?
You are wrong since:
1. Any reduction of rent for some of the lowest earners in our society is a manifestly good thing. Just like the other measures the Government has taken:
a. Like increasing the threshold before any tax is due to ÂŁ10,600
b. Like building an economy to provide millions more solid jobs.
c. Like Government providing conditions so pay is rising rapidly now after the disastrous Labour legacy left this country broke in 2010, (Labour only been in power twice in my lifetime and the 1979 legacy also left us as the sick man of Europe queuing up behind third world countries for an IMF bail out).
2. Some of the Council loss of this rental income will be made up, in some degree, from mainly those who pay Council Tax, (i.e. most on Housing Benefit for example are normally exempt paying Council Tax meaning again the disadvantaged are further helped).
3. The Government has just embarked upon the largest house building programme for a generation, reversing the devastating 19,000 per year average number of new houses built under Labour 1997-2010, whilst at the same time Blair/Brown opened our borders to uncontrolled immigration to over quarter of a million net per year, (up from the average 60,000 net p.a. prior to Labour coming into office).
There are many other reasons but I am a busy man with little time, but will finish with the number of ‘likes’ you get compared to mine might also tell you a story!
Thanks for that, Charlatans.
I’ll try to accomplish the aforementioned task by tomorrow evening. If there’s a new open thread up by then I’ll plonk it there.
I heard that interview on the World Service. It was a bloody disgrace, one long rant by the PLO guy
It most certainly was.
Here is one event in Israel that the BBC will definitely not report :
“Politicians must not turn a blind eye to wrongdoing⌠we must be brave⌠we must not be afraid of being called an Islamophobe, or a racist, or a xenophobe. The law is the law. And it doesnât matter what religion you practice, what culture youâre from. When in Rome, act like the Romans.”
Its not often that URLs from the BBC in-house newspaper, The Grauniad, support our cause but this one is a cracker.
So next time bBBC pleads for the licence fee , just remember this one, as a quick way to spend ÂŁ1/2 million to try and cover up HR incompetence (that’s on top of managerial incompetence)
Not strictly a bias issue but certainly showcases the frame of mind that leads to it, i.e. their attitude to the public’s money.
Despite the title of the forum, entirely legitimate.
Be interesting which market rate spunked away three thousand plus licence fees in a likely fit of sack of rats pique, and remains in place, if not promoted.
The Russians will be cross if it is definite that the plane was downed by a bomb. But the BBC will be squeamish if the Russians play hardball – as they are reputed to have done with Muslim extremists in the past :
I don’t think it’s possible for the Russians to play hard ball enough with Moslem terrorists – and I suspect the MSM hasn’t the faintest clue how many perfectly ordinary people in the West are quietly cheering Boris on, for doing what our own governments are too cowardly to do.
BBc mid day news report on migrant scum on Lesbos. The reporter informs us “last night it was bitterly cold” and the temperature continues to fall. Strange no mention of what the temperature actually was. Well according to the internet at the moment it’s 22C tonight it’s supposed to be 7C at 03:00. Not exactly what I’d call “bitterly” cold. In Kabul it’s 15 + 4 c Damascus 14 + 10c . So the BBc still don’t get the sob sob crap doesn’t wash and that we have access to the internet.
Dave666, Beeboids are so stupid that they do not know that most of the Middle East , away from the coast, gets colder in winter than Lesbos ever gets. They really are stupid tossers
John Anderson
a great piece on Russian no-nonsense ‘diplomacy’
can you imagine the BBC even attempting to cover that story in thier indomitable pro-muslim, lefty biased fashion. They would blow a fuse.
and Orla Guerin, Jeremy Bowen, Lyse Doucet will shudder at Ted Cruz’s plan to legislate a declaration that their mates the Muslim Brotherhood are a terrorist organisation :
Lucky Dave Towers got it’s solar panels up before the tariff drop and is pumping power into the grid when the sun shines.
Well hidden in the business section of its website, the BBC deals with last night’s power (near) failure under the non-informative headline “National Grid gets back-up power supply”. Although it quotes a GMB functionary criticising (quite rightly IMHO) the National Grid and the UK government for their complacency (not the Labour government of 1997-2010 natch who are just as complicit here), the BBC calls in the “experts” at the Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit to deny anything is wrong or that a near-catastrophe in power generation should merit any concern.
BTW the ECIU is another warmist conspiracy against the public all dressed up as a genuine department of state (cf High Pay Commission which has morphed into the High Pay Centre but remains the BBC go-to outfit as an “objective” reference point for the low pay/high pay meme in the Narrative). Interestingly the ECIU’s Director is one Richard Black of happy memory who lied his heart out as Environment
CharlatanCorrespondent for the BBC and was the man at the BBC who – together with Harrabin of course – could be relied on to prevent information concerning the unsavoury reality of climate “science” sullying the airwaves.Are you like me, sick to the back teeth, of the BBC (all the MSM actually)
of this orchestrated, sudden “concern” and knee jerk reaction over flights from Egypt?.
After 7/7 Londoners led by the media, and political elites were to be all stiff upper lip,
going to show that terrorism won t win, business as usual, etc etc.
What happened eh! … now its all promote panic, distress
… hmm is there a No10 joyride to Syria in the offing?
Word on the street … is the perps of the downed flight, are non too pleased
that the west has been deliberately lying its ass off over it, for over a week
… and so are now seriously threatening another.
The 24/7 news rinse cycle on this has been worse than a dying celeb hospital death watch.
The BBC even had a live feed of what was still not known. Hence a squad filling planes inbound to interview Terry and Sharon on how their ‘olid’s bin runed’.
To your last I hope such chatter is not true, but clearly can only be credible.
One thing is sure, amongst so much not, whatever transpires, from Dave to Aunty, there will be a clear message on what it is all nothing to do with. Again.
Guest Who – I think it’s more likely to be Tezza and Shazza (dressed head to toe in fake Nike gear).
Well there was the crashed Russian cargo plane in South Sudan a few days ago with 40 on board all killed (except for a baby) which the BBC were quick to label as being due to the plane’s air-unworthiness.
I’ve just come back in “The Edge” is on TV. Gabby Logan totters around on heels spouting inanity then they have an unseen voice over man spouting even more inanity. Complete utter bollocks.
More misrepresentation from the BBC, more sanitising of its beloved Sharia.
Beneath contempt
In Sweden s Multi-Kulti Utopia
1000s of illegal immigrant children forced by parents to simulate illness
Refugee Children used as Human Shields against Decisions of Deportation
Meanwhile the BBC continues with another ‘mis’ it does best, misleading:
Reconciling all this with Charter requirements on education and information is proving a struggle.
If you only looked at the headline on the main news page, who would you think was the bad person in court?
UKIP Beheading Threat Man Sentenced
Only if you click on it is more revealed:
Aftab Ahmed sentenced for threatening to behead UKIP candidate
Ah, that DNA-embedded BBC editorial integrity at play again, eh?
Best part is, the most recent tongue-in cheek CECUTT blow-off warrior can be comfortable in their belief it was phrased entirely within guidelines as they sip the first breakfast latte of the day.
Or Ian Katz can be wheeled on to say there was no room to make anything clear… or accurate… or true.
Roland, yes, this is a constant BBC trick. It happens so often, it must be deliberate.
This is a carbon-copy of the EDL bomb plot headline. Anything to avoid mentioning Muslim terrorists.
UKIP have been so demonised by the BBC that somebody out there probably does believe that they are engaging in decapitations.
But seriously, the real effect is subliminal: always attach a negative connotation whenever UKIP is mentioned. Sadly, along with all the other tricks like ensuring all the âcoolâ comedians disparage them at every opportunity this kind of manipulation does work.
I have often drawn attention to the BBC photographs of Isis warriors, looking brave and threatening One might even think that the BBC are encouraging feeble minded young people to imitate them.
Picture of students demonstrating in London yesterday, following a rabble rousing speech from Labour leaders. Isn’t there a law restricting wearing military uniforms? Something that was applied to Mosley’s Blackshirts? Is Teresa the Appeaser going to comment or act on this?
Well said GWF – also those do appear to be rather substantial wooden poles the “students” are using for their flags, I certainly wouldn’t relish catching a blow from one across the face.
Hmmmm, black ‘uniforms’, black (and red) flags and masks.
If that isn’t deliberate I’m a suicide bomber’s spare pair of underpants..
The new Fascists !