In these oppressive days, when we can’t believe a word the media tells us, we get more & more accustomed to reading between the lines to get to the truth. Such is the case with Sharm El Sheikh.
The government knows something which it isn’t telling. There has to be a direct threat to UK flagged aircraft, and it has to be a very credible and imminent one.
There is no way that spineless Dave would suspend flights with the Egyptian PM visiting the UK, nor pay any money out to send a cargo plane (or more than one) to return passengers holiday luggage which they aren’t going to be allowed to take on board. Apparently this will be returned to them by courier at a later date, within 7 days of their return in the UK. UK security agents will be inspecting passengers at Sharm who will only be allowed to take hand luggage on board.
No other country has done this so my money is on specific intelligence received resulting in little other option.
Agreed – but none of those Brits should be there anyway, especially in the light of what happened on that beach in Tunisia. Why are any Westerners going near any Middle Eastern or North African country? They must be mad to travel there for a holiday; it’s just far too dangerous for us there now, in my view.
Are you like me, sick to the back teeth, of the BBC (all the MSM actually)
of this orchestrated, sudden “concern” and knee jerk reaction over flights from Egypt?.
Passengers, left high and dry?
After 7/7 Londoners led by the media, and political elites were to be all stiff upper lip,
going to show that terrorism won t win, business as usual, etc etc.
What happened eh! … now its all promote panic, distress,
… the usual No10 erm “fear factor”
… hmm perhaps the Tory traitors have penned in a No10 sponsored joyride to Syria ?
and this is all softening up process?
One thing is patently clear, as usual with these b-stards, there is a lot of lying going on, a lot of obfuscation.
Word on the street … is the perps of the downed flight, are non too pleased
that the west has been deliberately lying its ass off over it, for over a week
… and so are now seriously threatening another.
Totally agree Geoff. Whenever the media interview an English lobster, its generally the least articulate who moan at the Government for spoiling their holiday or moan at the Government for not getting them out quick enough !! I cringe whenever a fellow Brit is speaking on camera, be it on holiday or the dreaded High Street. (y’know wot I mean like)
World War 3 is underway. visiting a war zone is foolish in the extreme. Not that our dumbed down population realises this. Bit of sun is what they want. Only essential travel is now justified to most of the world outside Europe and the Anglophone countries. Some Far East ones are still OK but for how long?
But if you were on holiday there ,you would want to get home safely , the British Government are doing what we pay our taxes for , looking after its citizens , bringing them home alive, & not in a body bag . We have MI5 , MI6, & GCHQ, to keep tabs on these potential terrorists .
“We have MI5 , MI6, & GCHQ, to keep tabs on these potential terrorists .”
I’m more concerned that they keep tabs on all the potential terrorists we’ve imported into the UK – and the untold numbers that Merkel has imported into the rest of the EU.
”We have MI5 , MI6, & GCHQ, to keep tabs on these potential terrorists . ” Problem is Essexboy the potential terrorists you speak of the Cuckservatives think its UKIP, Christians, white people.
Dave, you re spot on … anyone analytical enough to compile data already in the public domain knew the score here … those people in truth should have been home a week ago, it was a political decision
to last it out (denial of reality), and a political decision to trump up panic/distress now, for political ends.
The anti-British, extremist, communist BBC will love this pathetic far-Left propaganda from that sh*t-roll of a ‘news’paper the Independent (of reality) –
On the R4 news at 6pm tonight – a group of men on trial at the Old Bailey for posing, over the phone, as police officers investigating fraud and then conning elderly British people out of hundreds of thousands of pounds.
They all had Islamic names and they were all pleading not guilty – I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a criminal case against a Muslim in Britain, where they’ve pled guilty.
Is there not any form of criminal activity, in which Muslims aren’t involved? I suppose that is why the proportion of the U.K. prison population which is Muslim, is incommensurable with the proportion of the total U.K. population that is Muslim.
You’re forgetting the Golden Rule: If any ethnic minority is overrepresented in any set of statistics that casts the minority in a “bad light” then “institutional racism”or “cultural bias” is skewing the data unfairly.
Unfortunately what they’re saying is right, and it’s been known for some time that if you increase the population then you increase the GDP, by around the figures they have quoted. The lie yet again comes in the omission of the other side of the coin.
The uplift is very short lived and soon turns to a pronounced downswing as the burden of benefits payments and demands on welfare begins to make itself felt.
I wonder if the EU issue the report with the caveat.
Starting from about 100 years ago the per capita GDP in the UK has steadily increased, i.e. on average life has got better for the individual. This improvement carried on through WW1 and WW2. However for the last 10 years per capita GDP has essentially flat-lined as ‘growth’ for the UK as a whole has been achieved by adding lots of low-paid aliens to the population.
The EU could import the whole of Africa and each handful of grain that they manage to scratch from the ground would boost the total GDP, no doubt ‘earning’ big bonuses for the EUelite but leaving the rest of us no better off and, more likely, worse off.
I read the article. It is impossible to take it seriously for one minute. It does show that as chaos looms and societal breakdown approaches the elite acts like defeated generals throughout history. Inventing armies that exist only on paper. Now who did that in 1945 I wonder?
Tourists HACKED WITH KNIVES in gory attack at popular British holiday destination
EUROPEAN tourists have been horrifically attacked in broad daylight on a holiday in Morocco by men wielding knives
Morocco! … BBC????
Turkey terror alert: Four ISIS jihadists enter country ‘in bid to attack Westerners’
and of course Egypt!
Interesting video of a police car being set on fire at today’s million spoilt brats demonstration. Where were the cops when their vehicle was being trashed? From various reports it does not look good for the police. Perhaps their orders were to behave in a restrained manner. Perhaps this is Teresa’s way of teaching the Met a lesson.
It looks like the North of G.B., that being Scotland, will see frosts next weekend. That means it will be 11 months out of 12 that G.B. has seen frosts every month of this year of 2015. What chances for somewhere in December? Now, where did I put my non Met Office weather data record books…you know..the ones with real data? When was the last time we had a frost day every month? Hmm…could it be one record that we will not hear of from the BBC or even the Met Office? 97% of Climate Change sceptics think so.
I notice that the dire predictions of impending storms, tempest, wind and flooding have quietly withered away…
…I expect the breezes and showers, collectively, will still be given names, though. It sounds like a scene from “Paint Your Wagon”.
You are mistaken. The temperature reading taken up a jet’s tailpipe at Heathrow showed this was the warmest year ever since the Big Bang, and 97% of all scientists who ever lived agree with that.
Anyone who has to work nights and listens to Al Beeb Wales will notice that after about one o’clock in the early hours of the morning, local radio ends, then Al Beeb’s ‘World Service’ takes over. It is so full of dare I say it, ‘crap propaganda ‘ that I search another radio service. They wonder why listeners numbers are falling.
Is it the same in the rest of GB?
It is indeed dire. Any information-lite politician who praises it must be under the impression it still operates as it did thirty years ago, with adults running it, and voices like Patricia Hughes’. The level of ignorance displayed by the child-like presenters, and programme content at their intellectual level, is quite unbelievable. Furthermore, in their wisdom, the BBC decided it would be a good idea to show their commitment to multiculturalism by employing presenters whose accents are so extreme as to make what they say difficult to understand (one supposes they are speaking English). The World Service is Britain’s voice to the world and, as such, should be a very fine product of which we can be proud. Instead, we have an embarrassment.
I don’t know whether this has been mentioned but I watched News At Ten before and Fergal Keane was bleating about Bangladeshi infiltrators i.e. Rohingya muslims. Of course, it was all about how oppressed they were although why some Bangla illegal should have equal or more rights (which the BBC want) over the indigenous is beyond me. What am I saying, they advocate it here too. Anyways, there are plenty of countries in the world where the muslims do the religious oppressing yet the BBC can’t seem to find any of them. I’ll provide them a list if they want and they can send one of their intrepid ‘journalists’ there to report on the burned out churches and the massacred families.
Doyle, how can you been so mean? Poor old so called British Broadcasting Corporation has actually found a place where the muslims are genuinely oppressed and, what is more, it isn’t other muslims that are doing it! Oh Joy! They are not going to let this one go in a hurry!
I winced too when I heard the tedious Keane rattling on.
But if you do send your list and it does start to make them realize how pathetic and transparent their reporting actually is, they will probably scuttle away to their ‘safe space’ before it sinks in.
Fergal Keane – serial awards-chaser and shameless ham, always mugging to camera while he lays on that emotional bullsh*ttery in his soft Irish tones. I don’t honestly think one could get further away from the definition of ‘honest reporting’ than when considering the regrettable, self-indulgent Mr Keane.
I concluded exactly the same thing. BBC desperate to find somewhere where Muslims are an oppressed minority.
The BBC’s attitude towards radical Islam reminds me of the schoolmaster in the film ‘If’ who confronts the armed pupils and shouts ‘Boys, boys, I UNDERSTAND YOU!’ – before being gunned down.
The BBC don’t seem to be reporting on these scum in any great detail; perhaps because they are all lefties.
It’s time to get very tough with these lefty filth. The police are too bloody soft. A serious kicking and a few months in a cell with bread and water would make these spoiled little brats perhaps think twice. But then maybe not.
Breakfast weatherman Matt Taylor continues the on-going BBC campaign to repeal the Law of Averages
What do I mean? Well, given a couple of ‘afternoon temperatures’ apparently around 13 to 14 degrees our Matt repeatedly tells us what temperatures “SHOULD” be at this time of year – 9 degrees, apparently.
This is bad form for someone presenting a science-based subject to confuse the concept of averages with some sort of imperative. The use of the word should has happened before and it seems to be a habit for the BBC
Is it that our Matt is very anxious to impress on us his feeling that it’s a bit warm this week, this year, this decade? Could it have anything to do with Michael Portillo’s criticism of the BBC last night for effectively hushing up global cooling?
Good point. Throw two dice 1000 times. What is the average score? Around 7.
But throw them only once. The score could be between 2 and 12.
A score of 7 is only a 1 in 6 chance, so it ‘should not’ be 7.
And you are also right about Portillo on This Week. He banged them to rights good and proper. Whether or not you believe in man-made climate change, the NASA results showing a thickening of the Antarctic ice sheet is pretty hard to argue against. The reason for it may be open to debate but the decision of the bBBC not to publicise it is not. So much for ‘impartial’ reporting.
Ben Thompson BBC business reporter dispalys a bad case of Ploughman’s Lunch (commercially motivated made-up fake tradition) this morning when he kids on to us that multi-million pound supermarket Xmas adverts are a traditional part of our Christmas. Our Ben’s advertising industry interviewee points out these cringe-making block-busters have only been with us for 5 or 6 years.
Quite why the supposedly non-advertising BBC is so interest on our behalf escapes me for a moment. Could it be that the office culture at the BBC rather admires these celebrity-laden, ecumenical, one-world, non-Christian, gender-bending, miscegenatory, misandrist feel-good mini sermons to big corporatism?
Turn the the big red Coke lorry into Harman’s pink minibus and the BBC would be in clover
Seems November 5th as the date has opened the floodgates on Christmas tat.
It is odd the BBC seems so in thrall of corporate marketing, but bear in mind the power of the PR agencies who wine and dine producers to get various books, movies and plays wall to wall across the BBC editorial integrity billboards.
Like April 1, what was once a cute opportunity to push the boat out has become a festival arms race, and producing a blockbuster for several million is only going to pay back if ‘talked about’ via the BBC. John Lewis, being a partnership, understands this well.
Luckily there are many boxes yet to be ticked to assure future coverage. Grayson Perry atop a fir tree cannot be far away. Or Laurie Penney, Sir Lenny & Sandi Toksvig under the mistletoe.
The fuckwit Al Beeb mass immigration shill Justin Webb at this moment trying to put words in the mouth of the Swedish employment minister that Sweden should continue its acceptance of mass immigration. The Swedish lady clearly states that they need more labour in the future but currently have a shortage of housing so want the EU to step in and stop immigration.
Compare with the U.K where we have an even greater housing shortage and Blair’s open doors mean that immigrants are rapidly reducing our earlier future demographic shortage.
She didn’t need much encouragement, just another left wing cretin uttering platitudes about diversity and multi-culturalism whilst her country slowly sinks into the warm embrace of Islam.
Sweden needs more immigrants. The wretched place should take Webb and the rest of the BBC top brass and commentatators. We get rid of them and they can live in a virtuous state.
Everybody wins.
And Humpty now talking to the headmistress of a Scottish school where every child runs around the playground for a mile each day. She must be racist because she commented on how they all looked bright-eyed and rosy cheeked like children did in the ’50s. I wonder what has changed, in much of England anyway?
Did anyone see the coverage on Al-bBBC News last night of the forthcoming Burma election?
Guess which priority topic was chosen?
Aung San Suu Kyi? Chance of winning? Chance of being allowed to govern? The fact there is an election at all? Likely response of the military?
Nope. It was the 5% minority Muslim population over there !!!!!!
Al-Beeb on top form.
You just cannot make it up.
‘The BBC has today launched BBC Weather Watchers, a brand new, online crowd-sourced weather club for people who want to join in the nation’s favourite conversation and help tell the story of the UK’s weather.’
Where to start?
‘the STORY of the UK’s weather’???!!!
And you just know the BBC would like to Twitterise the weather – ie make it a into another leftie flash mob.
There is already some proof of this as a BBC bod turned up on the One Show this week and said “There was a record temperature in Wales recently, but this was just at one weather station – perhaps the temperature was even higher nearby” Why alight on that supposed factoid of all things?
Evidence if evidence were needed as to what kind of use the BBC is going to put the amateur thumb-clicks of a few hundred BBC-loving mobile phone motivated app waving lefties
Did you notice? Naga is on the sofa in the science museum. There are a group of kids about 10 of them. Did you notice neither of the two white kids were invited to ask a question as opposed to the others.
Sweden’s Migration Minister Morgan Johansson, has urged refugees in northern Germany to erm “stay put” 😀 after declaring that the Nordic nation is now unable to guarantee beds for all asylum seekers … oooeer Missus!
and … I thought Merkel was clanging the chime of doom, and warning of war unless Europe keeps the borderless floodgates open?
… run European headless chicken run eh!
The 14 year old girl pro open borders Zoe Gardner, typical Eloi, head full of mush, floating on a pink fluffy cloud. She’s the type that’s destroying Europe, the enemy within.
“…The 14 year old girl pro open borders Zoe Gardner, typical Eloi, head full of mush, floating on a pink fluffy cloud. She’s the type that’s destroying Europe, the enemy within.”
Absolutely agree. Perhaps we should find a way to put her pro-immigrant enthusiam to the test? How about the UK Border Agency relocates a group of 12 young jobless African and Arab immigrant men to the house next door to her? We’ll then see how that particular exercise in ‘cultural enrichment’ goes…
This is the problem with middle-class morons like Ms Gardner. They know the problems that arise from unlimited immigration will never be theirs to deal with, so they feel entitled to pile the misery upon others. It’s always – always – those at the bottom end of society that end up having to confront and deal with these problems on a day-to-day basis, never the well-educated, comfortably surburban middle class f*ckwits who cause the trouble in the first instance.
”How about the UK Border Agency relocates a group of 12 young African and Arab immigrant men to the house next door to her? ” They’d probably gang rape her within 5 minutes.
”‘No Borders’ Activist Gang Raped By Migrants, Pressured Into Silence To Not ‘Damage Cause’A young, female ‘No Borders’ activist working in a migrant camp on the France-Italy border remained silent about her gang rape by Sudanese migrants for over a month because “the others asked me to keep quiet.”
Colleagues are alleged to have said that reporting the crime would set back their struggle for a borderless world.
Nice of the BBC to incorporate in their headline the claims of peace and love by ‘Anonymous’. I hate to think of the mayhem had it not been so peaceful.
Do they incorporate such claims for other, er, less-favoured groupings?
Did anyone else hear the article on Sweden on Radio 4 Today program this morning?
Apparently the country is failing because of left wing idiocy in allowing in far too many migrants, and the solution to this is not to stop it, but to allow it to continue unchecked and to export their insanity all over Europe!
Not once did Humphries suggest that they had allowed too many in, given them too much in benefits, or talk about the crime levels and how they had risen, he just allowed an anguished hand wringer to wring their hands even more.
Even when these people are hanging upside down from lamp posts they still will not be able to accept that they have done anything wrong – they are perfect, it’s just everyone else who needs to be forced into their way of thinking, and the shadowy right wing groups.
I love the way BBC hid ‘Migrant crisis will decide Merkel’s future’ was hidden away at the bottom of the News/World/Europe page on the website, yet still managed to attract over 1800 comments.
It makes no sense to have HYS on articles not on the front page, never mind having to navigate a further 2 web pages and see it at the bottom. In such an out of reach location, why have a HYS at all. And to put such a monumental story, considering the current situation, in such a non-conspicuous position, ?
Oh and the BBC got hammered due to its bias coverage on the HYS.
The BBC’s Daily Politics (Friday) invited one of the ‘demonstrators’ from the Masked March which took place on Thursday in London on to the show, after we had to endure a most appalling piece of reporting from the demonstration itself. A ‘love in’ would be more appropriate. The reporter was ambling along and passing observations which were clearly from a point of sympathy if not empathy. Those she chatted with, as she did not interview them in any meaningful sense, were incoherent at best. She was not impartial, made no criticism of the violence and making a comment at one point, referring to a shout from the crowd ‘kettle’s on’, meaning the police were using the tactic of isolating the worst offenders, ‘Ah! kettle’s on, but not in a good way’. Hilarious, I expect she thought, but not what we should expect from a reporter. We know the BBC in the past has been critical of the police’s use of such. They are meant to be impartial and dispassionate – some hope with the BBC.
Meanwhile back to the studio, the Class Warrior, for that is what he was, wearing a T-shirt of the ‘Class War party’ was thuggish. His response to one question was a threatening- ‘And what do you know about the poor’. It got worse but Julia Hartley-Brewer put him smartly back in his box at one point when he attempted to justify his group’s violence by comparing it with that of the Suffragettes. He was reminded that they did not have the vote but he did. She then mentioned that she had been subjected to insults off-air by with words could not be repeated on-air. I can imagine what the word might be, ie derogatory to women.
What I would like to know is why the BBC still allowed the odious thug on-air, and why did they require Julia Hartley-Brewer to take part in a discussion with him afterwards. I dare say she is too polite a person to have refused to go on.
When will the BBC be disbanded? It has dishonoured itself often enough – we should not have to put up with it any longer.
Neil does seem to have a liking for these half wits from Class War. I think the BBC are promoting them, not because they share their views, as they have nothing coherent to say. But rather to present an image of Britain in some kind of desperate state under Tory fascism. Class War are a bunch of losers with few, if any, having a working class background, except for Dr Lisa MacKenzie, pictured here, who is a sociologist at the LSE. Violence to the police is their main objective, as in their former broadsheet, Hospitalised Copper ,which published photographs of police officers injured in the line of duty Their language is particularly noticeable, as mentioned on the Daily Politics programme, with a fondness for the C word,which they understand to be one of the few words of working class political discourse.
This pair of hags were protesting with fellow students last night, when they should be tucked in bed with their knitting and a copy of Mills and Boon.
I’m actually delighted to see people like this on the television. It just shows how incapable they are of forming any kind of political argument or indeed any kind of coherent independent thought whatsoever.
‘The BBC’s Daily Politics (Friday) invited one of the ‘demonstrators’ from the Masked March’
Probably top of the call logs on Paul Mason’s iPhone, which one is sure he handed in rather than doing what most staff do and ‘lose’ it before leaving.
Cull the Badgers, with reference to your ambling reporter, I read somewhere that empathy and subjective analysis are almost entirely incompatible, yet all we seem to get from the BBC news department is empathy for their own pet agenda.
Isn’t it odd that the BBC focusses a lot on Israel, has a team of some dozens over there – but somehow misses gems like this that really explain the context :
The vile type of racism you see in this disturbing video is ignored by left-wing scum because it doesn’t fit the narrative. Black on white racism is happening in every town and city in America and Britain but because the ethnicity of the attackers is black, the left and media ignore it.
But blacks cannot be racist (the woman who got Carol Thatcher sacked [because she said a black tennis player had hair like a gollywog] told us this so it must be true. Besides all violence is male isn’t it – and white (except when it is justified).
Radio Four World at One today: a breathless report by a young woman reporter included surprisingly aggressive (for the BBC) questioning of a migrant who said he didn’t care about anyone except himself and his family. She asked if that wasn’t hypocritical considering that European taxpayers would have to support him. It seemed to me more that she was shocked that he didn’t show the sort of universal brotherhood love-in that she was expecting – it seemed to come as a real shock to her that anyone should show such naked self-interest. Lesson number one in philanthropy – those to whom you show pity will end up despising you for it. She should read Orwell’s ‘Down and Out in Paris and London’ or George Gissings ‘The Nether World’.
‘If I was 20 and looking for excitement I could fly to Kos and hire a boat and help save drowning refugee children. If I was looking for fun, I could go to the pub and get smashed. But throwing bricks, rooting up wooden fences in one of central London’s poorest neighbourhoods? Why is that fun? Why is that exciting?’
Roger Bolton on Feedback presented a disgracefully biased program for the second week running. The topic were:
A Gay man who won a discrimination case against a shop whose worker made abusive gestures at him. Apparantly the questioning by Vanessa Feltz was a bit ‘aggressive’.
Roger Scrutons ‘Point of View’ was viciously attacked for not taking the offense caused simply by being black or gay. It was ludicrous.
Then a piece on how dare the BBC suggest that Shaker Ahmed might not be a white as the driven snow, and why didn’t they do a character assassination on the think tank they got the (truth) quote from ? They did actually say it was right of centre which is more than they do when it’s a left wing one !
It’s almost as if a concerted and organised left wing complaint has been made, however I think it much more likely that the production crew chose these topics from a list they might have used.
I very much doubt that sanctimonious Leftie Roger Bolton could be balanced about anything even if he tried, at least that if how I remember him from Channel Four. What a tiny pool of “talent” the BBC fish from for their programmes.
Roger Scruton, I would imagine, is an important hate figure for many on the left – he’s a conservative intellectual who goes fox-hunting. Such a man is dangerous in their eyes, because he can’t be caricatured as an ignorant blimp.
I find that Lefties are incredibly status obsessed (which by the way is why they hate people who are richer than they are with such a passion) so it is very important to them to have esoteric knowledge which marks them out as superior.
The Bloomsbury Group for example consisted largely of talentless snobs (which is presumably why the BBC make so many programmes about them) who care a lot about inequality e.g. Mrs Dalloway going down the hill with a basket with gifts for poor people.
A system in which people who work for a living get richer, and so they can tell the likes of Mrs Dalloway to take a hike is their nightmare. Who can forget the ghastly Lady Warnock sneering at Maggie Thatcher for her “Marks and Spencer” clothes.
News just in from Preston Sharia court … the BBC appears to be a little slow on the uptake
“Three Asian men who carried out an ‘honour attack’ on the boyfriend of one of their sisters have all avoided prison terms.
Kasim Ali, 25, and his cousins Adeel Ali, 20, and Razi Khalid, 18, targeted Aquib Baig because their family did not approve of him seeing their sister, a court was told.
They rammed his car before chasing him into a corner store in Blackburn, Lancashire, where they kicked and beat him in front of horrified shoppers”
‘There is no place for any religious or honour based violence. ‘It’s abhorrent, it’s against your religion, it’s unlawful. I have had to see the violence perpetrated. Mercifully, perhaps more by luck than judgement, the victim didn’t sustain more serious injuries. He was attacked by all three of you together at the same time despite attempts by member of the public to break it up and despite the perception that he offered no violence towards you at all.’
Sooo having your car rammed, getting accosted, chased, attacked, beaten, kicked, and stamped on by three attackers, in front of witnesses … that’s alright then?? … shariamour
A shameless EU sock puppet invited on the BBC. Shocked I tell you… shocked!
Bet the BBC had researched this throughly, and if he didn’t fess up the well-briefed top market rate interviewer nabbed him with a zinger. Sadly that bit cut off.
Or… maybe their own EU fealty saw professional courtesies apply?
‘With 31 managers in News paid more than £100k a year, and an overall Senior Management paybill of £10.4m p.a., James can probably afford an hour or two on Fridays to research and pre-record.’
Not sure James has to ‘afford’ any of it. Someone else foots that tidy bill.
‘I don’t blame the system itself for any of the specific things that have gone wrong. But by the time something has gone wrong, it’s not always been clear who should be stepping in to sort it out. And if that hasn’t been clear inside the BBC, the sense of confusion has been amplified when those outside have tried to evaluate, after the fact, where the mistakes were made and who should be held accountable.
In a word. Bollux.
A bunch of overpaid responsibility dodgers like the late lamented Kids’ Company Chair who take their wedge not to know anything and then use that as an excuse to avoid being held to account.
Desperate times in Paris, but one has to ask, where the hell next?
A change in subject, and back to weather/climate interest. As we all know, the BBC and the Met Office were all too eager to tell us that we had temperatures above average this month in the U.K. (er well, maybe), that being above average in the South of the U.K. North of B’ham was marginally above average for the time of year and only for a few days. North of Sheffield, much more like normal. Since then temperatures have been falling away and snow has already fallen in Scotland, temperatures for many are now BELOW long term average. Isn’t it strange how quiet the Met Office, the MSM and the BBC are to tell us this, when the temperatures are MORE below average than they were above? I stated over a week ago that the trumpeting of the “above” average was going to be short lived as the cold air was about to arrive and not just for Scotland. It now looks like the Jetstream has lost its struggle with the cold polar air and as a result, most of the U.K. (if things carry on as they are) will see snow next weekend, and this includes a good dump on Dartmoor, which is indicating a very early dump of snow for the South West. This year, according to my records for Dartmoor (and spot checks for other counties around the U.K.) every month has seen mean temperatures BELOW their long term average (1981 – 2010). Be prepared, maybe it now looks like the long winter that has been predicted by REAL climate scientists is about to arrive in the U.K. In other parts of the World, it already has. Don’t expect the BBC to tell us. keep an eye and ear out for what forecasts you can get hold of and ones you can trust.
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
so brave they won’t show thier faces.
rent-a-crowd shares must be up these days
In these oppressive days, when we can’t believe a word the media tells us, we get more & more accustomed to reading between the lines to get to the truth. Such is the case with Sharm El Sheikh.
The government knows something which it isn’t telling. There has to be a direct threat to UK flagged aircraft, and it has to be a very credible and imminent one.
There is no way that spineless Dave would suspend flights with the Egyptian PM visiting the UK, nor pay any money out to send a cargo plane (or more than one) to return passengers holiday luggage which they aren’t going to be allowed to take on board. Apparently this will be returned to them by courier at a later date, within 7 days of their return in the UK. UK security agents will be inspecting passengers at Sharm who will only be allowed to take hand luggage on board.
No other country has done this so my money is on specific intelligence received resulting in little other option.
Agreed – but none of those Brits should be there anyway, especially in the light of what happened on that beach in Tunisia. Why are any Westerners going near any Middle Eastern or North African country? They must be mad to travel there for a holiday; it’s just far too dangerous for us there now, in my view.
Very true, Al. It is one of Tony Blair’s holiday spots. Shame he wasn’t there. Only joking !
Are you like me, sick to the back teeth, of the BBC (all the MSM actually)
of this orchestrated, sudden “concern” and knee jerk reaction over flights from Egypt?.
Passengers, left high and dry?
After 7/7 Londoners led by the media, and political elites were to be all stiff upper lip,
going to show that terrorism won t win, business as usual, etc etc.
What happened eh! … now its all promote panic, distress,
… the usual No10 erm “fear factor”
… hmm perhaps the Tory traitors have penned in a No10 sponsored joyride to Syria ?
and this is all softening up process?
One thing is patently clear, as usual with these b-stards, there is a lot of lying going on, a lot of obfuscation.
Word on the street … is the perps of the downed flight, are non too pleased
that the west has been deliberately lying its ass off over it, for over a week
… and so are now seriously threatening another.
In reality most of them probably don’t even know where Egypt is or what religion they follow….
Totally agree Geoff. Whenever the media interview an English lobster, its generally the least articulate who moan at the Government for spoiling their holiday or moan at the Government for not getting them out quick enough !! I cringe whenever a fellow Brit is speaking on camera, be it on holiday or the dreaded High Street. (y’know wot I mean like)
World War 3 is underway. visiting a war zone is foolish in the extreme. Not that our dumbed down population realises this. Bit of sun is what they want. Only essential travel is now justified to most of the world outside Europe and the Anglophone countries. Some Far East ones are still OK but for how long?
But if you were on holiday there ,you would want to get home safely , the British Government are doing what we pay our taxes for , looking after its citizens , bringing them home alive, & not in a body bag . We have MI5 , MI6, & GCHQ, to keep tabs on these potential terrorists .
“We have MI5 , MI6, & GCHQ, to keep tabs on these potential terrorists .”
I’m more concerned that they keep tabs on all the potential terrorists we’ve imported into the UK – and the untold numbers that Merkel has imported into the rest of the EU.
”We have MI5 , MI6, & GCHQ, to keep tabs on these potential terrorists . ” Problem is Essexboy the potential terrorists you speak of the Cuckservatives think its UKIP, Christians, white people.
Dave, you re spot on … anyone analytical enough to compile data already in the public domain knew the score here … those people in truth should have been home a week ago, it was a political decision
to last it out (denial of reality), and a political decision to trump up panic/distress now, for political ends.
‘Wales’ largest heroin seizure’ .
More multi culti diversity in Wales ? Somehow, I don’t think they are your regular Welsh boys?
The anti-British, extremist, communist BBC will love this pathetic far-Left propaganda from that sh*t-roll of a ‘news’paper the Independent (of reality) –
What a load of leftie shite!
On the R4 news at 6pm tonight – a group of men on trial at the Old Bailey for posing, over the phone, as police officers investigating fraud and then conning elderly British people out of hundreds of thousands of pounds.
They all had Islamic names and they were all pleading not guilty – I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a criminal case against a Muslim in Britain, where they’ve pled guilty.
Is there not any form of criminal activity, in which Muslims aren’t involved? I suppose that is why the proportion of the U.K. prison population which is Muslim, is incommensurable with the proportion of the total U.K. population that is Muslim.
You’re forgetting the Golden Rule: If any ethnic minority is overrepresented in any set of statistics that casts the minority in a “bad light” then “institutional racism”or “cultural bias” is skewing the data unfairly.
Unfortunately what they’re saying is right, and it’s been known for some time that if you increase the population then you increase the GDP, by around the figures they have quoted. The lie yet again comes in the omission of the other side of the coin.
The uplift is very short lived and soon turns to a pronounced downswing as the burden of benefits payments and demands on welfare begins to make itself felt.
I wonder if the EU issue the report with the caveat.
Starting from about 100 years ago the per capita GDP in the UK has steadily increased, i.e. on average life has got better for the individual. This improvement carried on through WW1 and WW2. However for the last 10 years per capita GDP has essentially flat-lined as ‘growth’ for the UK as a whole has been achieved by adding lots of low-paid aliens to the population.
The EU could import the whole of Africa and each handful of grain that they manage to scratch from the ground would boost the total GDP, no doubt ‘earning’ big bonuses for the EUelite but leaving the rest of us no better off and, more likely, worse off.
“The EU could import the whole of Africa”
They appear to be trying, so we’ll see how it works out.
I read the article. It is impossible to take it seriously for one minute. It does show that as chaos looms and societal breakdown approaches the elite acts like defeated generals throughout history. Inventing armies that exist only on paper. Now who did that in 1945 I wonder?
The Guardian report on the big stories of the day –
Tourists HACKED WITH KNIVES in gory attack at popular British holiday destination
EUROPEAN tourists have been horrifically attacked in broad daylight on a holiday in Morocco by men wielding knives
Morocco! … BBC????
Turkey terror alert: Four ISIS jihadists enter country ‘in bid to attack Westerners’
and of course Egypt!
Sheesh! glad its nothing to do with Islam eh!
BBC Website ” Why do bonfires burn 400 years on ? “. Why is the BBC website crap ?
If they had troubled themselves to read Breitbart London they would have found out:
The BBC website is crap because the BBC is crap. Simples.
Are BBC journalists the laziest in the world?
Wild, yes.
Hence the term ‘churnalists’.
Are they even journalists by any sensible measure of the craft?
Interesting video of a police car being set on fire at today’s million spoilt brats demonstration. Where were the cops when their vehicle was being trashed? From various reports it does not look good for the police. Perhaps their orders were to behave in a restrained manner. Perhaps this is Teresa’s way of teaching the Met a lesson.
It looks like the North of G.B., that being Scotland, will see frosts next weekend. That means it will be 11 months out of 12 that G.B. has seen frosts every month of this year of 2015. What chances for somewhere in December? Now, where did I put my non Met Office weather data record books…you know..the ones with real data? When was the last time we had a frost day every month? Hmm…could it be one record that we will not hear of from the BBC or even the Met Office? 97% of Climate Change sceptics think so.
I notice that the dire predictions of impending storms, tempest, wind and flooding have quietly withered away…
…I expect the breezes and showers, collectively, will still be given names, though. It sounds like a scene from “Paint Your Wagon”.
Cats and dogs marrying are still on the table, sources close to the BBC have learned. Apparently.
You are mistaken. The temperature reading taken up a jet’s tailpipe at Heathrow showed this was the warmest year ever since the Big Bang, and 97% of all scientists who ever lived agree with that.
Anyone who has to work nights and listens to Al Beeb Wales will notice that after about one o’clock in the early hours of the morning, local radio ends, then Al Beeb’s ‘World Service’ takes over. It is so full of dare I say it, ‘crap propaganda ‘ that I search another radio service. They wonder why listeners numbers are falling.
Is it the same in the rest of GB?
Yes World Service radio is dire. It should be shut down.
John, the BBC’s ” World News” reporting generally is totally pathetic. They should give it up !
It is indeed dire. Any information-lite politician who praises it must be under the impression it still operates as it did thirty years ago, with adults running it, and voices like Patricia Hughes’. The level of ignorance displayed by the child-like presenters, and programme content at their intellectual level, is quite unbelievable. Furthermore, in their wisdom, the BBC decided it would be a good idea to show their commitment to multiculturalism by employing presenters whose accents are so extreme as to make what they say difficult to understand (one supposes they are speaking English). The World Service is Britain’s voice to the world and, as such, should be a very fine product of which we can be proud. Instead, we have an embarrassment.
One thing to bear in mind about the World Service is that the picture it paints is one of the things that attracts immigrants to this country.
Both as a source of news about the world and about the UK, the BBC’s World Service is a complete failure.
I don’t know whether this has been mentioned but I watched News At Ten before and Fergal Keane was bleating about Bangladeshi infiltrators i.e. Rohingya muslims. Of course, it was all about how oppressed they were although why some Bangla illegal should have equal or more rights (which the BBC want) over the indigenous is beyond me. What am I saying, they advocate it here too. Anyways, there are plenty of countries in the world where the muslims do the religious oppressing yet the BBC can’t seem to find any of them. I’ll provide them a list if they want and they can send one of their intrepid ‘journalists’ there to report on the burned out churches and the massacred families.
Doyle, how can you been so mean? Poor old so called British Broadcasting Corporation has actually found a place where the muslims are genuinely oppressed and, what is more, it isn’t other muslims that are doing it! Oh Joy! They are not going to let this one go in a hurry!
I winced too when I heard the tedious Keane rattling on.
But if you do send your list and it does start to make them realize how pathetic and transparent their reporting actually is, they will probably scuttle away to their ‘safe space’ before it sinks in.
Fergal Keane – serial awards-chaser and shameless ham, always mugging to camera while he lays on that emotional bullsh*ttery in his soft Irish tones. I don’t honestly think one could get further away from the definition of ‘honest reporting’ than when considering the regrettable, self-indulgent Mr Keane.
I concluded exactly the same thing. BBC desperate to find somewhere where Muslims are an oppressed minority.
The BBC’s attitude towards radical Islam reminds me of the schoolmaster in the film ‘If’ who confronts the armed pupils and shouts ‘Boys, boys, I UNDERSTAND YOU!’ – before being gunned down.
The BBC don’t seem to be reporting on these scum in any great detail; perhaps because they are all lefties.
It’s time to get very tough with these lefty filth. The police are too bloody soft. A serious kicking and a few months in a cell with bread and water would make these spoiled little brats perhaps think twice. But then maybe not.
Breakfast weatherman Matt Taylor continues the on-going BBC campaign to repeal the Law of Averages
What do I mean? Well, given a couple of ‘afternoon temperatures’ apparently around 13 to 14 degrees our Matt repeatedly tells us what temperatures “SHOULD” be at this time of year – 9 degrees, apparently.
This is bad form for someone presenting a science-based subject to confuse the concept of averages with some sort of imperative. The use of the word should has happened before and it seems to be a habit for the BBC
Is it that our Matt is very anxious to impress on us his feeling that it’s a bit warm this week, this year, this decade? Could it have anything to do with Michael Portillo’s criticism of the BBC last night for effectively hushing up global cooling?
Good point. Throw two dice 1000 times. What is the average score? Around 7.
But throw them only once. The score could be between 2 and 12.
A score of 7 is only a 1 in 6 chance, so it ‘should not’ be 7.
And you are also right about Portillo on This Week. He banged them to rights good and proper. Whether or not you believe in man-made climate change, the NASA results showing a thickening of the Antarctic ice sheet is pretty hard to argue against. The reason for it may be open to debate but the decision of the bBBC not to publicise it is not. So much for ‘impartial’ reporting.
Interesting, I always believed Portillo to be a wet warmist.
That Goldfish Memory
Ben Thompson BBC business reporter dispalys a bad case of Ploughman’s Lunch (commercially motivated made-up fake tradition) this morning when he kids on to us that multi-million pound supermarket Xmas adverts are a traditional part of our Christmas. Our Ben’s advertising industry interviewee points out these cringe-making block-busters have only been with us for 5 or 6 years.
Quite why the supposedly non-advertising BBC is so interest on our behalf escapes me for a moment. Could it be that the office culture at the BBC rather admires these celebrity-laden, ecumenical, one-world, non-Christian, gender-bending, miscegenatory, misandrist feel-good mini sermons to big corporatism?
Turn the the big red Coke lorry into Harman’s pink minibus and the BBC would be in clover
Seems November 5th as the date has opened the floodgates on Christmas tat.
It is odd the BBC seems so in thrall of corporate marketing, but bear in mind the power of the PR agencies who wine and dine producers to get various books, movies and plays wall to wall across the BBC editorial integrity billboards.
Like April 1, what was once a cute opportunity to push the boat out has become a festival arms race, and producing a blockbuster for several million is only going to pay back if ‘talked about’ via the BBC. John Lewis, being a partnership, understands this well.
Luckily there are many boxes yet to be ticked to assure future coverage. Grayson Perry atop a fir tree cannot be far away. Or Laurie Penney, Sir Lenny & Sandi Toksvig under the mistletoe.
It’s Friday, it’s 3.15, and it’s a cracker, Jack…
Still think a Downfall of Botney is well overdue, too.
The fuckwit Al Beeb mass immigration shill Justin Webb at this moment trying to put words in the mouth of the Swedish employment minister that Sweden should continue its acceptance of mass immigration. The Swedish lady clearly states that they need more labour in the future but currently have a shortage of housing so want the EU to step in and stop immigration.
Compare with the U.K where we have an even greater housing shortage and Blair’s open doors mean that immigrants are rapidly reducing our earlier future demographic shortage.
She didn’t need much encouragement, just another left wing cretin uttering platitudes about diversity and multi-culturalism whilst her country slowly sinks into the warm embrace of Islam.
Sweden needs more immigrants. The wretched place should take Webb and the rest of the BBC top brass and commentatators. We get rid of them and they can live in a virtuous state.
Everybody wins.
And Humpty now talking to the headmistress of a Scottish school where every child runs around the playground for a mile each day. She must be racist because she commented on how they all looked bright-eyed and rosy cheeked like children did in the ’50s. I wonder what has changed, in much of England anyway?
Did anyone see the coverage on Al-bBBC News last night of the forthcoming Burma election?
Guess which priority topic was chosen?
Aung San Suu Kyi? Chance of winning? Chance of being allowed to govern? The fact there is an election at all? Likely response of the military?
Nope. It was the 5% minority Muslim population over there !!!!!!
Al-Beeb on top form.
You just cannot make it up.
They have postal voting over there?
If so that 5% could be 105% before you can say Tower Hamlets.
And the BBC would suddenly lose all interest.
This may have already been covered by other posters, but – have you heard the BBC is now keen to ‘crowd-source’ weather?
‘The BBC has today launched BBC Weather Watchers, a brand new, online crowd-sourced weather club for people who want to join in the nation’s favourite conversation and help tell the story of the UK’s weather.’
Where to start?
‘the STORY of the UK’s weather’???!!!
And you just know the BBC would like to Twitterise the weather – ie make it a into another leftie flash mob.
There is already some proof of this as a BBC bod turned up on the One Show this week and said “There was a record temperature in Wales recently, but this was just at one weather station – perhaps the temperature was even higher nearby” Why alight on that supposed factoid of all things?
Evidence if evidence were needed as to what kind of use the BBC is going to put the amateur thumb-clicks of a few hundred BBC-loving mobile phone motivated app waving lefties
What an opportunity for we sceptics to overload the system!
Did you notice? Naga is on the sofa in the science museum. There are a group of kids about 10 of them. Did you notice neither of the two white kids were invited to ask a question as opposed to the others.
They probably knew all the answers, anyway…
Sweden’s Migration Minister Morgan Johansson, has urged refugees in northern Germany to erm “stay put” 😀 after declaring that the Nordic nation is now unable to guarantee beds for all asylum seekers … oooeer Missus!
and … I thought Merkel was clanging the chime of doom, and warning of war unless Europe keeps the borderless floodgates open?
… run European headless chicken run eh!
Non BBC but to the point …
The 14 year old girl pro open borders Zoe Gardner, typical Eloi, head full of mush, floating on a pink fluffy cloud. She’s the type that’s destroying Europe, the enemy within.
The brat Zoe Gardner also looks like Veruca Salt
“…The 14 year old girl pro open borders Zoe Gardner, typical Eloi, head full of mush, floating on a pink fluffy cloud. She’s the type that’s destroying Europe, the enemy within.”
Absolutely agree. Perhaps we should find a way to put her pro-immigrant enthusiam to the test? How about the UK Border Agency relocates a group of 12 young jobless African and Arab immigrant men to the house next door to her? We’ll then see how that particular exercise in ‘cultural enrichment’ goes…
This is the problem with middle-class morons like Ms Gardner. They know the problems that arise from unlimited immigration will never be theirs to deal with, so they feel entitled to pile the misery upon others. It’s always – always – those at the bottom end of society that end up having to confront and deal with these problems on a day-to-day basis, never the well-educated, comfortably surburban middle class f*ckwits who cause the trouble in the first instance.
”How about the UK Border Agency relocates a group of 12 young African and Arab immigrant men to the house next door to her? ” They’d probably gang rape her within 5 minutes.
”‘No Borders’ Activist Gang Raped By Migrants, Pressured Into Silence To Not ‘Damage Cause’A young, female ‘No Borders’ activist working in a migrant camp on the France-Italy border remained silent about her gang rape by Sudanese migrants for over a month because “the others asked me to keep quiet.”
Colleagues are alleged to have said that reporting the crime would set back their struggle for a borderless world.
The ‘No Borders’ activist had dedicated a month of her life to helping migrants. Her group was stationed between Italy and France in Ponte San Ludovico in Ventimiglia when the atrocity occurred”
Followed your link and found this link David,
Quick search on the BBC, nil found.
Bit quick on the send button, there is this from ITV
And this from a BBC search
“Sorry, there are no results for osman suliman nottingham rape.”
How about her taking them into her house and covering the costs of everything that we would have to pay for them.
“Rape” is such a loaded term, it’s just their way of making new friends.
Darn, and I had just cleaned the monitor screen too..
How did the BBC ignore Palestine in The countries that don’t exist but you can visit?
Million Mask March: Three officers hurt but protest ‘mainly peaceful’
Nice of the BBC to incorporate in their headline the claims of peace and love by ‘Anonymous’. I hate to think of the mayhem had it not been so peaceful.
Do they incorporate such claims for other, er, less-favoured groupings?
‘Do they incorporate such claims for other, er, less-favoured groupings?’
Only if there is ‘no time’ ((c) Ian Katz and most BBC Editors) or ‘no space’ ((c) BBC Complaints, ECU and Trust… still, despite: )
Did anyone else hear the article on Sweden on Radio 4 Today program this morning?
Apparently the country is failing because of left wing idiocy in allowing in far too many migrants, and the solution to this is not to stop it, but to allow it to continue unchecked and to export their insanity all over Europe!
Not once did Humphries suggest that they had allowed too many in, given them too much in benefits, or talk about the crime levels and how they had risen, he just allowed an anguished hand wringer to wring their hands even more.
Even when these people are hanging upside down from lamp posts they still will not be able to accept that they have done anything wrong – they are perfect, it’s just everyone else who needs to be forced into their way of thinking, and the shadowy right wing groups.
I love the way BBC hid ‘Migrant crisis will decide Merkel’s future’ was hidden away at the bottom of the News/World/Europe page on the website, yet still managed to attract over 1800 comments.
It makes no sense to have HYS on articles not on the front page, never mind having to navigate a further 2 web pages and see it at the bottom. In such an out of reach location, why have a HYS at all. And to put such a monumental story, considering the current situation, in such a non-conspicuous position, ?
Oh and the BBC got hammered due to its bias coverage on the HYS.
The BBC’s Daily Politics (Friday) invited one of the ‘demonstrators’ from the Masked March which took place on Thursday in London on to the show, after we had to endure a most appalling piece of reporting from the demonstration itself. A ‘love in’ would be more appropriate. The reporter was ambling along and passing observations which were clearly from a point of sympathy if not empathy. Those she chatted with, as she did not interview them in any meaningful sense, were incoherent at best. She was not impartial, made no criticism of the violence and making a comment at one point, referring to a shout from the crowd ‘kettle’s on’, meaning the police were using the tactic of isolating the worst offenders, ‘Ah! kettle’s on, but not in a good way’. Hilarious, I expect she thought, but not what we should expect from a reporter. We know the BBC in the past has been critical of the police’s use of such. They are meant to be impartial and dispassionate – some hope with the BBC.
Meanwhile back to the studio, the Class Warrior, for that is what he was, wearing a T-shirt of the ‘Class War party’ was thuggish. His response to one question was a threatening- ‘And what do you know about the poor’. It got worse but Julia Hartley-Brewer put him smartly back in his box at one point when he attempted to justify his group’s violence by comparing it with that of the Suffragettes. He was reminded that they did not have the vote but he did. She then mentioned that she had been subjected to insults off-air by with words could not be repeated on-air. I can imagine what the word might be, ie derogatory to women.
What I would like to know is why the BBC still allowed the odious thug on-air, and why did they require Julia Hartley-Brewer to take part in a discussion with him afterwards. I dare say she is too polite a person to have refused to go on.
When will the BBC be disbanded? It has dishonoured itself often enough – we should not have to put up with it any longer.
Hers interview courtesy of order-order
And here’s a previous appearance
Oh and here’s his party political broadcast -parental discretion advised
He’s not interested in politics. He want’s to be a singer in a famous band then go on big brother.
“At our final rehearsal before Adam & The Queers head in to the recording studio next Sunday.”
If he can get a decent contract he can go on tour with Billy Brag! That’s when the money really starts rolling in. So long losers!
Poor love.
Neil does seem to have a liking for these half wits from Class War. I think the BBC are promoting them, not because they share their views, as they have nothing coherent to say. But rather to present an image of Britain in some kind of desperate state under Tory fascism. Class War are a bunch of losers with few, if any, having a working class background, except for Dr Lisa MacKenzie, pictured here, who is a sociologist at the LSE. Violence to the police is their main objective, as in their former broadsheet, Hospitalised Copper ,which published photographs of police officers injured in the line of duty Their language is particularly noticeable, as mentioned on the Daily Politics programme, with a fondness for the C word,which they understand to be one of the few words of working class political discourse.
This pair of hags were protesting with fellow students last night, when they should be tucked in bed with their knitting and a copy of Mills and Boon.
That has to be two blokes in drag.
That is something I could have done without seeing. Somehow I lasted two minutes!
I’m actually delighted to see people like this on the television. It just shows how incapable they are of forming any kind of political argument or indeed any kind of coherent independent thought whatsoever.
‘The BBC’s Daily Politics (Friday) invited one of the ‘demonstrators’ from the Masked March’
Probably top of the call logs on Paul Mason’s iPhone, which one is sure he handed in rather than doing what most staff do and ‘lose’ it before leaving.
Cull the Badgers, with reference to your ambling reporter, I read somewhere that empathy and subjective analysis are almost entirely incompatible, yet all we seem to get from the BBC news department is empathy for their own pet agenda.
Funny, but the BBC seem to have him on speed-dial.
Can’t think why.
Isn’t it odd that the BBC focusses a lot on Israel, has a team of some dozens over there – but somehow misses gems like this that really explain the context :
Apropos the BBC not really being into advertising as such….
I see John Lewis has their Christmas wish granted – for a big shout out at the Licence Payer expense
‘Who is the singer on the John Lewis advert?’
What next… who did Ronald McDonald’s make up?
The vile type of racism you see in this disturbing video is ignored by left-wing scum because it doesn’t fit the narrative. Black on white racism is happening in every town and city in America and Britain but because the ethnicity of the attackers is black, the left and media ignore it.
Fucking savages.
But blacks cannot be racist (the woman who got Carol Thatcher sacked [because she said a black tennis player had hair like a gollywog] told us this so it must be true. Besides all violence is male isn’t it – and white (except when it is justified).
The view of the BBC/Left is that black on white attacks are caused by institutional white racism.
You can’t win against that logic.
Radio Four World at One today: a breathless report by a young woman reporter included surprisingly aggressive (for the BBC) questioning of a migrant who said he didn’t care about anyone except himself and his family. She asked if that wasn’t hypocritical considering that European taxpayers would have to support him. It seemed to me more that she was shocked that he didn’t show the sort of universal brotherhood love-in that she was expecting – it seemed to come as a real shock to her that anyone should show such naked self-interest. Lesson number one in philanthropy – those to whom you show pity will end up despising you for it. She should read Orwell’s ‘Down and Out in Paris and London’ or George Gissings ‘The Nether World’.
How odd that ‘Million Mask March: Four officers hurt but protest ‘mainly peaceful”
And yet when it’s on a BBC man’s own doorstep – it’s a nightmare
‘If I was 20 and looking for excitement I could fly to Kos and hire a boat and help save drowning refugee children. If I was looking for fun, I could go to the pub and get smashed. But throwing bricks, rooting up wooden fences in one of central London’s poorest neighbourhoods? Why is that fun? Why is that exciting?’
You tell ’em, John, not in your back yard!
If I was 20 and looking for excitement I could fly to Kos and hire a boat and help save drowning refugee children.
Roger Bolton on Feedback presented a disgracefully biased program for the second week running. The topic were:
A Gay man who won a discrimination case against a shop whose worker made abusive gestures at him. Apparantly the questioning by Vanessa Feltz was a bit ‘aggressive’.
Roger Scrutons ‘Point of View’ was viciously attacked for not taking the offense caused simply by being black or gay. It was ludicrous.
Then a piece on how dare the BBC suggest that Shaker Ahmed might not be a white as the driven snow, and why didn’t they do a character assassination on the think tank they got the (truth) quote from ? They did actually say it was right of centre which is more than they do when it’s a left wing one !
It’s almost as if a concerted and organised left wing complaint has been made, however I think it much more likely that the production crew chose these topics from a list they might have used.
I never once heard anything from the BBC that didn’t suggest Shaker Ahmed was white as the driven snow.
In a metaphorical sense, you understand.
I very much doubt that sanctimonious Leftie Roger Bolton could be balanced about anything even if he tried, at least that if how I remember him from Channel Four. What a tiny pool of “talent” the BBC fish from for their programmes.
Roger Scruton, I would imagine, is an important hate figure for many on the left – he’s a conservative intellectual who goes fox-hunting. Such a man is dangerous in their eyes, because he can’t be caricatured as an ignorant blimp.
I find that Lefties are incredibly status obsessed (which by the way is why they hate people who are richer than they are with such a passion) so it is very important to them to have esoteric knowledge which marks them out as superior.
The Bloomsbury Group for example consisted largely of talentless snobs (which is presumably why the BBC make so many programmes about them) who care a lot about inequality e.g. Mrs Dalloway going down the hill with a basket with gifts for poor people.
A system in which people who work for a living get richer, and so they can tell the likes of Mrs Dalloway to take a hike is their nightmare. Who can forget the ghastly Lady Warnock sneering at Maggie Thatcher for her “Marks and Spencer” clothes.
News just in from Preston Sharia court … the BBC appears to be a little slow on the uptake
“Three Asian men who carried out an ‘honour attack’ on the boyfriend of one of their sisters have all avoided prison terms.
Kasim Ali, 25, and his cousins Adeel Ali, 20, and Razi Khalid, 18, targeted Aquib Baig because their family did not approve of him seeing their sister, a court was told.
They rammed his car before chasing him into a corner store in Blackburn, Lancashire, where they kicked and beat him in front of horrified shoppers”
‘There is no place for any religious or honour based violence. ‘It’s abhorrent, it’s against your religion, it’s unlawful. I have had to see the violence perpetrated. Mercifully, perhaps more by luck than judgement, the victim didn’t sustain more serious injuries. He was attacked by all three of you together at the same time despite attempts by member of the public to break it up and despite the perception that he offered no violence towards you at all.’
Sooo having your car rammed, getting accosted, chased, attacked, beaten, kicked, and stamped on by three attackers, in front of witnesses … that’s alright then?? … shariamour
A shameless EU sock puppet invited on the BBC. Shocked I tell you… shocked!
Bet the BBC had researched this throughly, and if he didn’t fess up the well-briefed top market rate interviewer nabbed him with a zinger. Sadly that bit cut off.
Or… maybe their own EU fealty saw professional courtesies apply?
If so, one might almost see that as a set-up.
In other news…
So many chiefs. Probably many Native Americans too.
And Producers… herds of them.
Speaking of which…
‘With 31 managers in News paid more than £100k a year, and an overall Senior Management paybill of £10.4m p.a., James can probably afford an hour or two on Fridays to research and pre-record.’
Not sure James has to ‘afford’ any of it. Someone else foots that tidy bill.
Was going to pass, but Mr. Neutron in the comments has a nice turn of phrase about what happens to money even when they leave.
Was going to pass on this too, but really..
‘I don’t blame the system itself for any of the specific things that have gone wrong. But by the time something has gone wrong, it’s not always been clear who should be stepping in to sort it out. And if that hasn’t been clear inside the BBC, the sense of confusion has been amplified when those outside have tried to evaluate, after the fact, where the mistakes were made and who should be held accountable.
In a word. Bollux.
A bunch of overpaid responsibility dodgers like the late lamented Kids’ Company Chair who take their wedge not to know anything and then use that as an excuse to avoid being held to account.
Girl talk. No action. Very BBC. Lucky Danny Cohen’s toast.
Desperate times in Paris, but one has to ask, where the hell next?
A change in subject, and back to weather/climate interest. As we all know, the BBC and the Met Office were all too eager to tell us that we had temperatures above average this month in the U.K. (er well, maybe), that being above average in the South of the U.K. North of B’ham was marginally above average for the time of year and only for a few days. North of Sheffield, much more like normal. Since then temperatures have been falling away and snow has already fallen in Scotland, temperatures for many are now BELOW long term average. Isn’t it strange how quiet the Met Office, the MSM and the BBC are to tell us this, when the temperatures are MORE below average than they were above? I stated over a week ago that the trumpeting of the “above” average was going to be short lived as the cold air was about to arrive and not just for Scotland. It now looks like the Jetstream has lost its struggle with the cold polar air and as a result, most of the U.K. (if things carry on as they are) will see snow next weekend, and this includes a good dump on Dartmoor, which is indicating a very early dump of snow for the South West. This year, according to my records for Dartmoor (and spot checks for other counties around the U.K.) every month has seen mean temperatures BELOW their long term average (1981 – 2010). Be prepared, maybe it now looks like the long winter that has been predicted by REAL climate scientists is about to arrive in the U.K. In other parts of the World, it already has. Don’t expect the BBC to tell us. keep an eye and ear out for what forecasts you can get hold of and ones you can trust.