The BBC is to the fore in the feminazi war on men. Consider this item ran on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme…
Bonuses of City executives should be linked to targets for the number of senior women appointed at a firm, a review of women in finance, commissioned by the government, will say today. Jayne-Anne Gadhia is chief executive officer of Virgin Money
A more blatant form of discrimination one could hardly conceive. Any sane commercial business would ensure that bonuses are linked exclusively to performance and specifically delivery of key financial/operational performance. Introducing gender wars and the feminisation of financial reward may appeal to Ms Gadhia and the BBC R4 producers but it sure as hell does not appeal to a sensible business.
Well, surely everyone realises by now that promoting women to the top position is always a sure-fire success. Look at Talk Talk’s Dido Harding!
Just look at Sara Thornton at the ‘National Police Chiefs’ Council’, successor to the discredited ACPO and destined to become just as self-serving and self congratulatory.
WE can all detect the Gramscian agenda in any-indeed all of this perpetual grievance mongering and hustling for segmented identity advocacy.
It`s 24/ 7 these days-and anybody who thought that banning smoking in a pub would EVER satisfy these agitprop miseries and massagers is kidding themselves.
The BBC is just one long whine and grind for those who like the Guardian in aural form-and so don`t need to pay for the endless Lefty , forever Islam pincer movement.
If you hate Jews, the USA, all popes but this new one….and crave Corbyns cycle clips around your testes…then you`re at one with the BBC.
If however you do a job that is NOT a public sector virtue signalling, business hustling crock of entitlement and unaccountability-like Mid Staffs, Savile and Batmanghedghli(Fat Fagins of the World Unite)-then you`re a Jewish UKIP loser-so you`ll be hated.
“massagers” ?
Bonuses of City executives should be linked to targets for the number of senior women appointed at a firm, a review of women in finance, commissioned by the government, will say today.
Substitute ‘Muslims’ for ‘women’ and you have an agenda coming soon to a broadcasting corporation near you….
Shouldn’t you take this up with Lord Mervyn Davies or the government for commissioning the report?
While you’re at it, you might also take it up with those other instruments of the feminazi war on men, the Financial Times, the International Business Times, the Telegraph and The Evening Standard?
When you say that no sane business would employ such a scheme, do you realise that countries across Europe have gender quotas in law in order to increase the number of women in business including in Germany?
Davies actually advised against the legal mandatory quotas used in many European countries like Germany, France, Spain, etc as FTSE 100 companies have met a voluntary target of 25% women board members. I presume the bonus for executives would be exclusively for performance, as they would be responsible for meeting diversity targets.
Or you could just jerk your knee upon hearing the radio as Mr Vance does.
‘A madcap coalition of trots, Islamists and anti-west fury chimps’
I do wonder how it would be measured if a female CEO or MD surrounds herself with women executives with perhaps a token male… would extra bonus would be awarded?
Dare I ask how long before Equality and Diversity are introduced into EU demands