I listened to the BBC Today programme this morning run this item.
“The British government believes there is a significant possibility it was a bomb that brought down the Russian plane flying out of Egypt on Saturday and many thousands of British people – perhaps 20,000 – are stranded in Sharm el-Sheikh. Lyse Doucet is our chief international correspondent in Cairo; we also hear from ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, spokesperson for the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, and the Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond.”
Just a few points. Hammond was given a real grilling over the decision to temporarily suspend flights in and out of Sharm el Sheikh. I found this strange as it is obvious the UK government is rightly putting the lives of BRITISH tourists ahead of Egyptian tourism. This seemed to unsettle the comrades. Why? I have plenty of beefs with the UK government in respect of how it deals with the terrorist threat but I really fail to understand BBC angst over this one.
Secondly, as if the people of this area haven’t suffered enough, Lyse Douchet descends upon the area like the angle of death to heap misery on misery.
What price Douchbag hinting it was Mossad wot done it?
I gather than Russia is now the BBC’s new friend and their opinion is key – the old “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” meme.
Listening to the PM on PM it was interesting to hear that he felt he had a duty to protect us. If only he could take the next step and realise that the greatest threat is linked to the ‘I’ word and if he directed his efforts there he wouldn’t need to monitor the activities of the 50 million plus who thought this was their home.
No Muslim should be allowed anywhere near an aircraft, flying is, after all, haram, (unless carried out on a winged donkey!).
In this I am conceding the PM may just be acting on Intel that has meant he had to act to avoid a PR disaster of greater magnitude. However…
I do not forget, or forgive, his and the national disgrace’s default breast-beating when their brown eyed boys do what they do.
The lone wolf meme is as risible as the BBC was pathetic asking why terrorists would risk public opprobrium by downing an aircraft representative of a country standing up to them.
It’s in their DNA.
‘No Muslim should be allowed anywhere near an aircraft’. I agree. Now write to the authorities at Heathrow. I do not feel safe there.
No Muslim should be allowed anywhere near – oxygen.
This is the way to travel
Brilliant! Where can I buy shares?
Minor criticism – the angle of death? She projects death, but not at an angle. She’s quite direct, perpendicular in fact, lol.
But, how did she travel from her safe haven in Israel to Egypt? I wonder, if she and her family ( if she has one) would react, having holidayed in Sharm only to be told that a plane might have been blown out of the sky but don’t worry, get on your plane, trust us, we’re looking after you, we’re Egyptian and we’re competent. I know what I’d be thinking and doing but I’m not a brainless communist bbc employee.
I’m sure the IDF would convoy them out so that they could fly back from Tel Aviv. Or is that not allowed in case it shows Israel in a good light.
She’s not acute, maybe obtuse though?
The irony is that while Humphries and Doucet were casting aspersions on the government, the BBC website was quite c;ear that there was a bomb on the plane.
It was obvious from the off that it was likely a bomb. Due to totally lax security at Sharm airport.
So why haven’t the UK airlines and tourist companies not seen this risk ? Their staff are using Sharm airport every day. That could have been 200 or more Brits blown out of the sky. What has MI^ been doing – don’t they have a watching brief for UK citizens abroad ? And why haven’t the Russian air operators not seen the risks – they have been flying 3 million people a year to Egypt.
I feel for the poor Egyptians – they will now suffer even more, most of their tourist trade had been badly damaged in recent years, the Nile boats are all moored up. The Egyptians are – according to social surveys – a lot less extreme than the nihilist Palestinians. (And the Jordanians even less extreme, apart from the many Palestinians still pretending to be refugees from 1948. Security at Amman airport seemed to be very strict 4 years ago. )
I for one am amazed that whatever risks we take when we travel abroad we somehow expect both our foreign service and our security service to protect us at all times against all eventualities. I do not know when our citizens will wake up to the simple fact that there is a world-wide war going on with multiple groups of islamic terrorists who are constantly seeking soft targets in unexpected locations- it can be Bali or Brussels, Ottawa or Oslo, on a plane, a train or a bloody bicycle
Oh and of course Al beeb, and Sky News and ITV and Channel 4 and the Guardian and the rest of the media rat pack which are all SO concerned about infringements of our civil liberties (not including death by explosives) will rage and curse the government to the rafters when one these attacks gets lucky.
It is part of the Left Wing agenda to encourage and support terrorism, depending on the target of course. Look at the vermin Corbyn , for example. The BBC are an integral part of this agenda. They supported the IRA throughout and now support any terrorism directed at Western democracies, which includes Israel.
Interesting coverage of the Sharm el Sheikh story this morning on Breakfast. Charlie (what a right old) Stayt tells us the FO has advised against all but essential air travel to the resort.
The local correspondant Sally Nabil meanwhile in SeS interviews a young British couple and asks them if they are relieved the crisis is over.
Sally, you don’t blow 200 people out of the sky on a Saturday and say crisis over the following Friday. Ask complete Charlie, from what he is saying the crisis is far from over. I’m sure the Egyptian Govt and muslims in general would like it to be over but it’s not over for the families of those 200 odd Russians, is it?
A friend of mine went to Egypt and told me that on the bus from the airport, as he looked out the window a man was shitting in the street. Why anybody would want to holiday in places like this, especially with young kids is beyond me.
I’ve seen the same happen in an enriched area of London.
Surely not?
But I have seen full nappies being thrown on the streets from residents in enriched areas.
I understand the attitude. Muslims have no allegiance to Infidel nations – they will do everything in their power to destroy it. I believe this is also the reason why Afro-Carribeans regard Muslims as outsiders.
Personally, and I have travelled a lot in Arab countries on business, I do not consider Arabs to be part of the human race. And I am including kings and princes.
No such thing as the human race.
You intended to refer to the human species.
Of which the Caucasian race is a part, a part which has evolved from the basic model, evolution which has made us fitter in the Darwinian sense.
Well, at least we would be fitter if we could excise the BBC et al Caucasoids whose continued existence is dysgenic.
Douchbag is definitely an acute angle
Why are the media telling people the flight numbers and times the planes are arriving at the UK airports? Isn’t that informing the terrorists when the planes are on the tarmac in Sharm & taking off for the UK? These terrorists have friends in the UK that within minutes can inform them of these planes, these planes should land load up and leave without the media knowing until they land in the UK, for obvious reasons.
Well, this is an era of 24/7 news coverage, combining too many ‘reporters’ with too much space to fill and usually f-all to fill it with.
And a new breed of politician in their thrall.
Which is why we get Obama telling everyone how clever he was snagging Osama, and the UK establishment telling anyone in Libya with an RPG and a grudge realtime where the SAS would be next as they tried to rescue oil workers.
Frankly the ‘B’ Ark needs building pronto.
Sopel was positively drooling last night with the prospect that the UK government has called the situation incorrectly & the infallible Obama administration were right in holding back in shouting “bomb!”. Perhaps Russia adopting the same precautions as the UK will put egg on his smarmy face.
Alternative scenario.
Cameron does nothing. British charter flight is downed by a bomb. BBC learns there was prior intelligence the Russian airliner was also brought down by a bomb.
I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.
I only have one question for all those angry tourists – those that I saw on BBC news – stranded in Egyptian airports trying to get back home sharpish: what the f*ck are you doing there in the first place?
Of course, they have “C*NT” written on their foreheads.
I wouldn’t trust the BBC portrayal. More likely I think that most travellers accept the situation stoically – after all, who hasn’t experienced long airport delays? Some probably even enjoy an extension to their holiday.
Surely all the stranded Brits need to do is buy a rubber dinghy or two and head for Libya. Or Lesbos, depending on inclination. They’ll be picked up a dar.n site quicker.
Or. Sharm’s on the coast, isn’t it? Haven’t we got any navy in the area to pick them up? Oh, hang on, silly me…
The navy is tasked to enable the invasion of Europe.