Every season of Strictly around the middle of the series, there is a surprise couple in the dance off. The couple concerned are far too good for them to be the ones sent home. They are always against the couple who should have gone home weeks ago but whose popularity with the people at home have kept them in the competition. This year the couple going home were Carole and Pasha, who had no chance of out dancing the other couple, but previous years the same device has been used. The emphasis has been/will be for Kevin and Kelly, ‘that no one is safe’ and that if people don’t vote for those in the middle of the leader board, then they too might be going home. In early series we were told the number of votes, but no longer. We have nothing but Auntie’s word that the numbers exist. I wouldn’t trust the Beeb over this. From the judges over marking some eg Jamelia and Jeremy Vine (they dare not lose any more men, to the fact that the judges highlighted how synchronised Peter Andre and his partner were when I – player showed they were not. Trust the BBC? I wouldn’t trust them to make me a cup of tea.
I know Strictly marking is an irrelevance in the greater scheme of things. My point is if you cannot trust the BBC over marking Strictly, you cannot trust them on more important issues.
Five Live are in full migrant propaganda mode today, sending Dotun Adebayo to a small town outside Gothenburg. Some of his numbers seemed a little confused, as in the course of a two minute report anti-migrant sentiment was first twenty percent, then forty percent, but “isn’t sixty percent” as it was a generation ago. That’s clear as mud, then. The Romans lost the Ninth. Dotun has lost a fifth.
Strangely more positive figures were very precisely given.
The BBC might be in a bit of a quandry over the current Strictly judging- from the start there were rather too many BBC employees/ names involved as a percentage of the total.
The more externals get voted off, the more it becomes an internal BBC competition.
Also, it has long been the case that some names have a bigger fanbase than others, creating an immediate voting imbalance. Someone well known from EastEnders, say, is always going to have an advantage over someone less well known.
This is indeed a tragic story but on this occassion it’s two BLACK police officers/marshals who stand accused of murder and needless to say the BBC have buried it.
It was down on the lower half of the main page yesterday then gone completely this morning.
Even Col Michael Edmonson of Louisiana state police told a news conference.
“He [Jeremy Mardis] didn’t deserve to die like that and that’s what’s important,” Col Edmonson said.
Referring to the body-camera footage of the incident, Col Edmondson added: “I can tell you, it is the most disturbing thing I’ve seen, and I’ll leave it like that.”
I watched the 10 ‘o’ Clock News last night and patiently waited for them to reveal who the two police men were but ultimately had to wait until the final third of the article before they(you could tell begrudgingly) showed them.
Had it been two white police officers the BBC would have been in meltdown and it would still be front page news.
Police officers white, victim black = racism
Police officers black, victim white =police brutality.
Police officers and victim the same colour = police brutality.
No thought required by BBC “journalist”.
Mind you, in this case I’m not sure who Obama is going to invite to the White House; but whoever it is the BBC will be supportive of the empathy.
One question which never seems to have been asked even on these pages is just how much Yentobs BBC and Children in Need gave to the Batmans Kids Company.
It seems difficult to find out exactly, but figures are rumoured to be on the generous side of substantial.
This is a scandal waiting to break if the figures can only be obtained.
At the age of 25 she was employed as a part-time psychotherapist in a project in Camberwell, south London, funded by Children in Need. She has claimed to have been practising psychotherapy for more than twenty years, although she has apparently no formal qualifications on or membership in professional self-regulatory organisations with regards to psychotherapy.
Really looking forward to the FOI data on how much this Batmanwoman has received, particularly since Yentob has such close and senior ties in both organisations!
“…she has apparently no formal qualifications on or membership in professional self-regulatory organisations with regards to psychotherapy…”
Why does this not surprise me? Another teat-sucking bottom-feeder that rose to prominence under the uncritical largesse of New Labour’s public spending spree. Another self-appointed child salvationist bully who barged and cajoled her way into a position of power and influence on the back of her reputation for…well, for what, exactly?
It’s a scandal. No surprise, also, to see the BBC knee-deep in this sh*t.
It’s Migrant Tuesday on 5Live tomorrow. Heavily promoted over the past few days, we learn that throughout the day reporters will be positioned at various transit points on the trail to Western Europe.
“Tension is rising between residents and new arrivals*”, so the promo goes. The residents are the Swedes, the new arrivals are the Migrants, and Dotun Adebayo will be telling us all about it on Afternoon Edition live from Gothenburg. Sweden and the BBC? It’s a match made in PC heaven.
The programme should be ignored. It will be a fantasy and irrelevant. What is relevant is the inescapable demographic reality that by the end of 2016 in the key age group 20 to 35 young men of German and Swedish ethnic origin will be in a minority in their countries.
This is not some kind of little hiccup. it presages the destruction of the Swedish and German nations as we know them.
Just why those that govern are allowing this is beyond my comprehension. It has never repeat never happened in a European nation and is so far removed from sanity as to veer towards lunacy and a nightmare in the making.
I am also certain that in order to keep the indigenous populations docile the regimes will resort to outright lies ( they already are ) but soon to suppression and force. Be warned.
Dotun Adebayo, a real village idiot, is one of the worst ”presenters” on the radio, he does the grave yard shift between 1am to 5am. A couple of years ago he said ” I worked in Sweden in the 1980s, it was the most waaycist nation.” Hmm, so ”racist” in fact the Swedes allowed him into the country, gave him a job and a house etc etc.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dotun_Adebayohttps://twitter.com/dotunadebayo
What the BBC should really be asking in Sweden is the question a reporter used in the Belgian Congo back in 1960: “Anyone here been raped and speaks English?”. In Sweden he would find a large number of girls who could answer yes to both questions.
I see the BBC is at it again with the ‘Global Warming’ hocus pocus. ‘Warming set to breach 1C threshold” screams the headline.
The role of the current ‘El Nino’ is shunted down the page, well beneath the usual hype and bluster from the politically corrupted Met Office and, naturally, heavily downplayed.
There is no mention of the growth of Antarctic ice. There is no mention that the factual satellite temperature records make a liar of the Met Office’s ‘adjusted’ figures.
As articles go, the author (Matt McGrath, the BBC’s ‘Environment correspondent’) could be up for an award – if the British Fantasy Society hands out gongs for journalism.
Spot on MR Cooper.
Some 8am news headline today managed both to tell us that we`re all in mortal peril-so says some piece of Green Crap Studies from something UEAish.
But then-there`ll be some Green pagan conflab in Paris later in the month featuring all the worlds good people…Obama, Monbiot etc.
By linking the so-called “catastrophe to come”-with the “chance to change things” as offered up by the agenda setting Green Gilberts at the Beeb…they hope to get some traction for their purposes…and this passes for “news headlines”?
They must really think we`re dumb and can`t see what they`re up to.
Let`s make those bonfires bigger then!….would hate to think that the BBC put me down as compliant with their fetid, thick and anti-science claptrappery!
They must really think we`re dumb and can`t see what they`re up to.
Unfortunately Chris most people can’t as they are fed this diet of eco-socialist crap by just about every news outlet in the country, 70% of it being the bloated, all-encroaching, insidious, agenda-setting BBC.
On BBC News channel, the announcement that global temperatures have increased by about 1 degree and that the upper limit is 2, was hiding the actual findings which were “lower than expected” – as reported on the ticker-tape rolling text along the bottom of the TV I was watching. A contradiction of the umpteenth degree!!!
66.somethingF in the living room as I write. It had 20 minutes of central heating over the 6a.m. hour point but nothing since. The other morning it was 68.4F at 7a.m., once again after 20 minutes of heat over the 6a.m. hour. It lost 1.3 degrees that day in the next hour but there was a chilly wind & rain on the way.
It’s Global Warming, folks, but without the Global bit … more, sort of … ummh, er … I guess, Local Warming or as we used to call it in the good old days, British Weather.
Not that the Beeb will realise that. Neither will some of the Met Office people rush to disabuse them of any false notions of drastic climate change or that weather, Global Warming & Climate Change are, as I understand it, three completely separate things. Why is my central heating coming on at 6a.m.? Because it was jolly cold here in early October and the temperature in the living room was slipping towards 50F. In October! Indoors!!
Unusually mild weather = ‘global warming.’
Unusually cold weather = ‘byproduct of global warning, causing localised colder weather because of icebergs melting in the Gulf Stream.’
Unusual phenomenon that doesn’t fit the above facts, such as increased arctic ice = cut to report of this year’s Great British Bake Off…
I wonder when, in history, the term ‘unseasonably [insert weather phenomenon here: wet, dry, hot, cold, windy…] was first coined, and if it pre-dated Russell Brand’s purchase of his urban transport of choice?
A weather report from my area had a comment about how warm it has been lately. The presenter said that last year the warmest temperature recorded for November was 15.4c somewhere on the Isle of Wight. This month so far he said the highest temperature had been 14.4 at Heathrow airport. What? Ludicrous! Is this like for like? What was the temperature at the Isle of Wight location?
Not immediately to hand, taffman, but a bit of advice:
Sea level rise is automatically assumed by some, so it pays to question definitions as well as specific locations around the globe. The Institute of Civil Engineers will have at least one paper, probably several more, on sinking. A search of their Library on-line may well reveal them.
Is there any connection between rising sea levels (if true) and land reclamation? There seems to be a lot of this going on in recent years, eg Gibraltar has added about a square mile to its land mass I think – but I’ve never heard it mentioned as a possible cause. Surely if you take away a square mile of sea, that water has to go somewhere?
Cranmer, island building for the rich is all the rage, all around the globe. Also, moving the poor away from waterside ie. rivers, estuaries and sea coasts is also all the rage, all around the globe. Wealthy people and high earners want riverside or sea views for their houses and apartments. Looking out on a wall of concrete dotted with small windows, only twenty metres from their concrete walled living space is not for them.
The only exception, I understand, appears to be in Venice where the big old waterside houses are sinking into the mud so fast and decaying so quickly that they cost more than a whole Admirals Cup fleet to keep afloat.
It is true that compared to the scale of the oceans it is tiny.
The other big question about Global Warming (not Climate Change) melting sea ice, the Polar cap and on-land glaciers, is does that actually contribute to sea level fall rather than sea-level rise? When a completely frozen bucket of water thaws, the water level is below the former ice level. (Ignoring evaporation of both water & ice.) Then, salt water is becoming ever so slightly diluted, that must reduce volume, along with the increased evaporation also due to warming.
The other factor the alarmists appear to overlook is movements in the earth’s crust, as on the TOADY programme this a.m..
NASA has just surveyed the Artic ice cap and have discovered it is getting bigger, yes ice melts at the edges ( it has to melt somewhere or this would be an ice planet ) as the BBC regularly shows, but it is getting thicker in the middle. I would strongly suggest that NASA is no ‘denier’ outfit, so we can safely conclude earth will be habitable for a while yet.
The British Antarctic Survey says Antarctic ice cover is the largest in 70 years.
Meanwhile meteorological scientists say there has been no increase in global temperature in the last 18 years as the current sun spot cycle has plateaued.
Global temperatures are expected to rapidly drop soon and they warn of a mini ice age. This is a natural occurrence and has been happening since time immemorial and no amount of taxing the worlds population to the hilt to pay for Green Slime propaganda is going to change it.
Green Slime propaganda has now cost the people of the world over $1 trillion – more than the banking bailout – and has done absolutely nothing except line the pockets of a lot of greenies on the gravy train.
‘My money’, (actually none left, all of it HAS gone in green taxes, etc.) is still on a cold winter here but the El Nino naughties could do all sorts of things to us and the rest of the globe over the coming months. Which is what it does, I gather. Disrupt. If it didn’t, we might really be in the soup, metaphorically, that is, not ocean-wise.
As for a (mini) Ice Age, then, I have wondered for a long time whether the planet – as part of its inherently successful life supporting role – may naturally pop some cooling upon us at some time, irrespective of (or, more correctly in addition to) the ocean cooling created by ice break-ups of the recent past. That cooling, ironically, will cause even greater emissions as people try to stay warm to survive. The increase in the Antarctic ice cap is taking humidity from past warming and putting it back where it used to be. Shame the Ethiopians missed out on their rains. Some more warming, also ironically, might actually help them and the rest of Africa, too
The 1950-ish edition of Chamber’s Encyclopaedia, compiled some time before our new AGW religion, told me that the angle of rotation of the earth was due to change around the year 2000 – apparently it’s a cyclical thing, surprisingly like climate – which means that the north pole is now somewhat closer to the sun and the south pole further away.
I don’t have the books anymore, but I do remember the science. Strange, isn’t it, that as a fully accredited prole without a significant scientific qualification to my name, I seem to be the only one to remember this inconvenient detail.
I think its called the Chandler Wobble which had a phase reversal in 2005. Could be related to the barycentre wobble of the Sun. See below as how this relates to Climate Change.
When funding was being sought for the Argo Project, a system of temperature buoys placed around the world’s oceans (with a coverage of one per 3000 sq miles) the justification from (I think it was) Gavin Schmidt of NASA, was to build a more accurate record of temperature data ‘So that we can begin to understand the effect the oceans have on the world’s climate’.
The project was completed in 2004 and prior to that point historical ocean temperature records were pretty well useless as they were carried out randomly according to where a thermometer-equipped ship was going on any particular voyage. In other words, comprehensive they were not and, in the case of the southern hemisphere, deemed pretty well non-existent. Nonetheless, even without accurate historical data against which to make comparisons, they tell us 18 years lack of warming is because the heat has been absorbed by the oceans (AND it took them a few years to come up with that one!)
The alarmist ‘scientists’ who keep feeding us their guff do not have a clue what effect the oceans or the sun have on climate, and only in recent years have ‘begun to understand’ the impacts of El Ninos and La Ninas.
And then they tell us ‘The science is settled’. Bunch of effing comedians.
In his autobiography Eric Voegelin (in 1973) noticed that
“the fact that Cambodia has been invaded by a Communist army from North Vietnam, and that a military expedition against an invasion is not in its turn an invasion, did not deter intellectuals from falsifying the facts into an atrocious American aggression…..The examples just enumerated indicate to the historian a serious problem in the intellectual sector of American society i.e. willful divorce from reality and violent aggressiveness in the pursuit of utopian dreams. Since this intellectual disease is not confined to journalists and television reporters but has penetrated deeply into the academic world, and through the academic world into the education of the younger generation, one must recognize in these trends a danger to democratic government”
Fast forward to the UK, and the replace the utopian dream of Communism with the New Left dream of multiculturalism.
television reporters “willful divorce from reality” – sound familiar?
I think that the universities and the BBC are discrediting themselves by the day, but (like students) we should have a choice if we want to pay for their services.
The young woman who loses her temper in that ‘Modern Educayshun’ film reminds me of the American student who lost the plot in that campus video posted here.
This is the prequel to Educashun. The popularity of these vids – one million hits in a day for Educashun – is evidence that the days of BBC multiculty propaganda are over.
“It is precisely because it is so easy to point out the weaknesses of diversity that any attempt to do so must be countered, not by specifying diversity’s strengths -which no-one can do- but with accusations of racism.” Jared Taylor
Strangely enough R4 had a piece on the French Revolution and Robespierre. It probably did not occur to the makers that the desire to remake mankind into some fantasy dreamt up by the intellectuals of the time is still going on today.
It is the guiding motif of modern liberalism and in particular the propaganda pumped out by the BBC/liberal media. It ended badly in the 1790s and will end badly now.
I hate to wish suffering on the nation but a small, no doubt wicked, part of me is looking forward to the power cuts which seem extremely likely this winter. Once they start, even the BBC will be forced to report the ensuing debate and the opinions of those engineers who have been warning this was on the way for over a decade, due to Green activism and lies.
If they are serious enough, we might finally see that lazy. slumbering giant. ‘British Public Opinion’, shaking itself from its Strictly Come Dancing-induced coma and starting to ask sceptical, searching questions of the politicians and journalists who have been lying to us for so long.
And now for some sport. Those not interested – look away now!
I’m not sure if you heard it, but the sports bulletin on the Today programme this morning seemed rather odd.
The BBC’s apprentice sports reporter (who seems not to know a lot about sport), previewed tonight’s FA Cup first round tie between non league FC United of Manchester and Chesterfield…a preview complete with an interview with one of FCUM’s leading lights.
Now these cup ties are the thing that make the cup what it is, but after a perfunctory few ‘David v Goliath-ish’ second, the interview took a strange turn, the FCUM bod was invited to have a prolonged moan about the tie being moved to a Monday evening for TV and the unhappiness with the fans who think that 3:00pm on a Saturday should be sacrosanct. And then, said interviewer, moved on to mention that FCUM were the first club to pay the ‘living wage’. WTF? Clearly there’s another bit of BBC campaigning on the way.
I wondered why the BBC were indulging the whinge about the tie being moved, given that they had rights to show the FA Cup…until I switched on tonight to find that it was actually being shown on BT Sport. All became clear! Another competitor for the BBC to use it’s huge resources to have a pop at – it was ITV, twice last week.
So what does this tell us? That even when it comes to sport, the BBC’s newest are right on message – they never miss an opportunity – the hive mentality shines through. And, like all socialists, the BBC are hypocrites, they themselves had a televised match moved to last Friday evening.
If the BBC made football clubs, they would be like FC United of Manchester.
Let me tell you, Seb Coe is a nasty self-centered bastard. Back in 1996 he had accepted the post of President of the National Pistol Association, which represented an Olympic sport. After the Dunblane massacre, when his voice as a respected Olympian defending an Olympic sport could have been so important, he dropped the NPA like a stone, because the Conservative government decided to “Ban handguns”. He is a man of no principle except one: the advancement of Lord Sebastian Coe. I have had no time for him ever since, this could not happen to a nicer man.
Lying by misdirection, Essexman. You’re not a BBC mole, are you? That’s their favourite tactic.
The hateful 1997 legislation only tightened the existing draconian UK control introduced by your party in response to the Cullen report. The result saw the banning of all guns greater than .22 calibre. All ZaNuLabour did was polish off the rest. The Tories had done the donkey work.
As you say, Essexman is talking through his hat. The Blair regime banned the 0.22 handguns which the previous Tory government had not banned. However, the terms on which those pistols could have remained were so difficult to comply with that de facto it was a total ban. Imagine that, Blair was more honest than Major!
The Cullen Report had in fact not recommended an outright handgun ban, but the Conservative Secretary of State for Scotland personally insisted on it, on the grounds that otherwise the Conservatives would be wiped out in Scotland in the 1997 general election. Which they were anyway. Good riddance to the whole lying lot of them.
Finally, I notice that Essexman cannot argue with the fact that Seb Coe chickened out of defending an Olympic sport because it was politically expedient for him to do so. That is because it is a fact. Political expedience is what rules Seb Coe’s life, because nothing can come in the way of the political and financial advancement of Seb Coe. Why people give him the time of day baffles me, but clearly he’s a better bullshit artist even than Tony Blair.
”Love Rat SEBASTIAN Coe’s job as boss of Britains Olympic Games bid was safe last night, despite revelations that he paid for a mistress to have an ABORTION.
Think you will find the shotgun & rifles, together with some limitations on pistols, was done after Hungerford, but Blair made it tighter & banned pistols too.Kippers defending Blair too, of course it was evil Tories fault, which most of you voted for in the 80’s & 90’s. Have you had a whip round for the party funds yet. I will give you a couple of Euro ‘s, I bought back a few weeks ago.
Semi automatic rifles (except in .22lr) were banned after Hungerford. After Dunblane Michael Howard’s proposal was to ban all pistols other than those in .22lr, and add complicated restrictions on those owning .22lr pistols. On taking office Jack Straw decided to extend the Howard ban to include .22lr pistols – so that all pistols were banned. The Tories couldn’t object because Straw merely extended Howard’s policy of a ban.
Has the BBC ever investigated why the Dunblane papers were sealed for 100 years – with the time limit later extended? I would have thought that any journalist worth his salt would have been interested in what scandal was being hidden from the public. But then again, it is Scotland, so it’s probably a Labour Party scandal and the BBC won’t be interested – but the Tories should be.
I seem to recall that there was some ‘funny business’ involving the police and it was suggested that this was what lay behind the outrageous sealing of the records. Another tactic favoured by ZaNuLabour – Britain’s worst government ever (and I include the one that lost the North American colonies!).
The Conservatives banned all pistols except 0.22s in a doomed attempt to curry favour with Scottish voters. The Blair regime then banned the 0.22s as well. In reality the conditions which the Conservative government placed on keeping 0.22s were so onerous that it was in effect a ban, they just didn’t have the integrity to say so.
Just because you want to believe something is true, doesn’t make it so.
Wild, Why don’t HMG just send a few ships, Royal Navy could do it. Why is Cameron licking Arabs assholes ? God Almighty ! Where is Nelson when we need him ? What the hell was the point of him and his men risking their lives at the Battle of the Nile ? Waste of time !
There is global warming because it does not snow in winter in the UK any more – more facts from the BBC Paper Review. What would we do without the BBC to educate us?
” When an army of illegal immigrants marches through your streets, with the support of your OWN government, what needs to be said? It’s so in your face that it’s jaw dropping.
These anti-Whites are guilty of White genocide and they know it. We’ve got mountains of evidence publicly available, and all they can do is deny that what they’re doing fits the definition of genocide.
But if they’re only targeting White people and White places with mass immigration and “diversity”, it’s obviously an engineered demographics change which they hope will get rid of us – also known as genocide. ”
”Secret EU plot exposed: they are holding an EU-Africa summit to get more immigrants. The EUSSR illegal immigration crisis just took an unexpected twist – a special EU-Africa Summit is being held in Malta, where EU leaders will be asking African nations for legal Africans immigrants – and will pay for them.
The plan is to send failed asylum seekers home (ones who have no lawful reason to stay), and replace them with “skilled” immigration from African countries. In return the EU rulers will “offer new financial resources” to the African countries.
The EU rulers had tried to keep this a secret, but during an interview, Angela Merkel slipped up and revealed the objective of the summit.
“And of course, we will also ask the question: How can we take, for example, young Africans legally into Germany, when it comes to professions which we have occupational shortages in. It’s enlightening that we have not yet done enough.”
“We will also offer the Africans new financial resources” she said.
There is another reason why they wanted to keep this plan a secret – it will also cost the European taxpayer, a predicted 1.4 billion Euros
According to The Express, this money will be used to teach Africans a European language, pay for their passports and documents, and some may be given a grant in order to lure them into Europe.
That 1.4 billion Euros could be used to train Europeans, but oh no, the EU leaders have different ideas.
Frankly, they don’t really care about the average European families. You see they have an agenda to “diversify” Europe and get rid of all those bad White countries…
No one ever notices that all this talk about getting rid of borders, or taking immigrants only ever applies to places where there are White people. If you listen to these anti-Whites, they’ll act as if White folk are the only ones who have an obligation to open our borders and destroy our own identity.
No chance taffman – I’ve noticed Essexboy is very selective as to what he posts on and how he replies to posts directed at him, a bit like his poster boy’s way of conducting himself in government really.
So, the EU will suck out the best Africans , return the trash and corrupt African rulers will pocket the money. It is the new colonialism. How long do we have to put up with this evil idiot Merkel ? Can’t the German people get rid of her ?
I don`t have the time to be constantly on here , like some others . If Millipeed or Farage were in power , nothing would of changed , to what you are demanding . I don`t want the bastard`s here either.
“GW, you are constantly posting on here; me only when the need arises”
As someone once famously penned: “If you say so”.
I do confess to posting regularly, but in my defence they are mostly matters pertaining to the BBC, with the odd detour when seeking to tease those trying to distract from the site topic for various odd reasons.
Your clearly sparse contributions all day may meet a unique, and even vital… ‘need’ to you and your colleagues, but seldom appear to address the BBC and its reporting.
As Eric Morecambe once, and taffman has recently pointed out, there seems a lot of it about.
But then again, as Owen Jones would interject, Mark Steyn is a far right extremist, white patriarchal, neo-con, islamaphobe, misanthrope, borderline Nazi – Just like me!……… defending the right : of Jews to exist…… of women not to be mutilated or maltreated ….. of people not to be murdered……. of people to freely exchange ideas without threat to their welfare…… of Gayers to do their gay thing…….of people to have the right to say ‘Gayer’ without some Verbage Stasi Officer providing an unwelcome interjection…..to name but a few.
I note from media reports that there is some doubt as to the age of these ‘girls’ – ’14’ or ’17 to 18′
Would it be too much to ask for their schools to be named and shamed?
Seems whenever there is some event evoking sympathy for a school-aged child BBC reporters head to the headteacher with some alacrity asking how fellow students and staff are being counselled so as to deal with the news.
Why not a quick word from an NUT-member here reflecting on the products of their care and instruction?
Meanwhile in foreign news, in London ( I consider that city abroad, it’s not connected to this country ) two teens, the corporate media’s euphemism for blacks, punch an 87 year old lady on a bus. When I heard about the story yesterday I immediately knew it would be Sir Lenny Henry’s kinsmen, in this case girls. What is interesting to note is they have a lack of empathy towards the victim, giggling and laughing.
If this was the reverse, two white kids punch an elderly black gentleman it would be splashed all over the papers, the race hustlers would be having a field day. White on black crime is so rare that’s why it does make the news while black on white crime is so common, it’s practically an every day occurrence, that’s why it doesn’t make the news.
Nothing will be done of course, they won’t be arrested, or go to prison, or fined, probably cautioned and told to keep the peace. In another time they would have been birched, their family would be deported, correction, they wouldn’t have been allowed into the country in the first place.
Morality and Abstract Thinking: How Africans may differ from Westerners by Gedaliah Braun
Gruesome cruelty, Lack of Empathy
”Another aspect of African behavior that liberals do their best to ignore but that nevertheless requires an explanation is gratuitous cruelty
There is something so unspeakably vile about this, something so beyond depravity, that the human brain recoils. This is not merely the absence of human empathy, but the positive enjoyment of human suffering, all the more so when it is “slow and agonizing.” Can you imagine jeering at and mocking someone in such horrible agony?
During the apartheid era, black activists used to kill traitors and enemies by “necklacing” them. An old tire was put around the victim’s neck, filled with gasoline, and—but it is best to let an eye-witness describe what happened next:
“The petrol-filled tyre is jammed on your shoulders and a lighter is placed within reach . … Your fingers are broken, needles are pushed up your nose and you are tortured until you put the lighter to the petrol yourself.”
In 1993, Amy Biehl, a 26-year-old American, was living in South Africa, where she spent most of her time in black townships helping blacks. One day when she was driving three African friends home, young blacks stopped the car, dragged her out, and killed her because she was white. Supporters of the three men accused of murdering her … burst out laughing in the public gallery of the Supreme Court today when a witness told how the battered woman groaned in pain.” why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.co.uk/2010/07/morality-and-abstract-thinking-how.html
This prompted me to read up on Amy Biehl. She sounded like one of the well meaning people who want to help others, but don’t realise the world can be an evil place. Several people like her have ended up being beheaded by Isis. Her murderers did a few years, and were then released because their crimes were “political”. Fair enough, you would murder a defenceless young woman as a political act, that makes perfect sense. Her father then greeted her killers and shook their hands as a gesture of reconciliation. It’s not the reaction I would have had, but with a father like that, I can see why she would have had a rather naive view of the world.
The good thing about Amy Biehl was that she only put herself in danger. Unlike Angela Merkel, she did not control the fate of a major European nation.
A chap I used to work with, a German-South African, told me that when he did his national service they would sometimes be on checkpoints outside black townships.
He said that occasionally they would get earnest, religious, young white-American men and women, trying to enter and whom they would prevent from doing so and then send them away.
The response to this was to be told that “we” (the Americans) aren’t like “you” the white South Africans and they wanted to go in and help the blacks.
The response to that would be that it didn’t matter if they weren’t like them – the blacks would still rape and /or kill them.
“all nationalities mixed together, it’s a good thing,”
There are concerns expressed too, but overall the underlying message is clear, it’s a good thing so stop asking questions. That’s the message I took from the article whether it was written in by design or not I can’t say, but I do feel as if I have only read half a story, again.
It’s likely that Merkel’s compassion for ‘refugees’ is driven in part by her shame at Germany’s hideous past – during, and even after the Holocaust. Nazi scum even went to Egypt to help it develop weaponry to be deployed against Israel and as late as the eighties German industrialists were arming Saddam Hussein, one of Israel’s most vicious enemies.
But she is probably too thick and too PC to comprehend the long-term consequences of welcoming a massive invasion which will include countless members of the Religion of Peace, whose blind hatred of Jews could lead to an exodus of Jews from Germany, or worse.
Neo-Nazis will no doubt be watching these developments with interest.
The tragedy for Merkel, Germany and maybe the rest of Europe is that how the Nazis got their hands on power. Oldspeaker noticed this: “There are concerns expressed too, but overall the underlying message is clear, it’s a good thing so stop asking questions.”
Germans have told me that is what happened in the 1930s and early 1940s “it’s a good thing so stop asking questions” and not only that but extending from it – “IT’S A GOOD THING TO STOP ASKING QUESTIONS.”. Create a climate of fear, too, and that helps to make people shut up and go with the flow.
Interesting . . .
. . . especially when linked with the debating skills and manner of an American student below.
Worth noting how the left have embraced the argument that the Muslims today are being victimised as were the Jews under the Nazis. Hence parallels are drawn between Pegida’s protests against Islamisation and the Nazi attacks on Jews. See post comparing Pegida to the Nazis of Kristallnacht.
“It’s likely that Merkel’s compassion for ‘refugees’ is driven in part by her shame at Germany’s hideous past – during, and even after the Holocaust”
You don’t think it is possible that the ‘new Germans’ are part of ‘the final solution’ Mk. II? Rather than seeing Muslims as the ‘new Jews’ she might see them as a tool to get rid of the ‘old Jews’.
No, I don’t think Merkel herself has that agenda. It seems likely, though, that opportunistic neo-Nazis will try to form an unholy alliance with many Muslim Jew haters who will no doubt be part of the invasion welcomed into Germany by Merkel’s PC stupidity.
Now if only he were on the News Quiz instead of that Jeremy Hardy prick I might start listening to it again. It’d even be worth putting up with Susan ‘my wife’ Calman for a few minutes.
Before you watch this link please understand that this is a debate taking place at Yale University between a Professor who has argued for freedom of dissent and debate and a student who, ought to be, the intellectual cream of the intellectual cream of the United States.
And over here we have such as UCL hosting segregated meetings, bowing to the demands of vocal minorities.
I wonder if the majority, always too silent, will eventually be moved to act, if only in self interest?
If I was a student, or their parents, paying tens of thousands to be associated with such a seat of learning, would I really want this to be the thing that pops into the mind of a potential employer?
Well, unless it was the BBC on a milk run looking to boost the staffing with the right kind of drone on the line, as apparently they are safe no matter what come Charter Review.
Some good, reasoned, coherent & respectful argument there. Not. Looks like she had ‘a home’ there but not a ‘school’ with a lot of tuition or attention or work in class.
It’s a tried and tested lefty tactic whereby those who shout the most hysterically think that wins them the argument. At least I’m assuming she’s lefty, because she’d worked herself up so much I couldn’t make out what she was shrieking about.
Remember Mao Tse Tung? This is EXACTLY how Mao took over China, The students were the vanguard. And we were warned the very first year Obama took office;
The emotional young lady in the video said ‘It is not about creating an intellectual space! It is not! Do you understand that? It’s about creating a home here!’ If a university isn’t an ‘intellectual space’ then what is, I wonder?
Apparently the bust-up started over an email sent round by the wife of the gentleman in the video, in which she said people shouldn’t get too het up over what people choose to wear for Halloween parties. The email is available online and this bit caught my eye:’ no one around campus seems overly concerned about the offense taken by religiously conservative folks to skin-revealing costumes’.
Oh dear. That’s enough rope to hang her in the PC world.
This is the modern way of debating – the Jeremy Kyle/Jerry Springer art of screaming your opposition down and thinking that intimidation wins you the argument. She should have been booted out for speaking like that to a Professor. It might give slight cause for hope that a large part of the crowd moved off as though they’d heard enough. And there wasn’t any support/applause for this almighty gob on legs.
Sofa-prop Louise Minchin links to weather-mumsy Carol Kirkwood this morning as house eunuch Bill mincing simpers quietly in the background
What the beeboids are doing here is so transparent it would be amusing – if it weren’t so lame, indeed trajic, and likely soon to cost us all even more in new Green Taxes
Our friend Doton, born in Nigeria s co-founder of Colourtelly, Britain’s first general-interest black internet television station, also Adebayo founded the publishing company X Press, producing black fiction such as Baby Father; Yardie, and was music editor of The Voice Britains main black newspaper, so its pretty obvious where his sympathies lie, so no bias here…
1. The ‘black’ doll is the ‘white’ doll but using ‘black’ rubber so it doesn’t look right.
2. ‘Black’ boys prefer dumb ‘white’ blonde girls because they are ‘easy’; ‘black’ girls remind them of their mothers and fear and discipline.
3. It is probably impossible now to produce a proper ‘black’ doll because that would be seen as ‘offensive’ or ‘racist’. As a child my sister had a proper ‘black’ doll but unfortunately its head got broken, (oh no, white on black violence!), and the best the doll’s hospital could do was to spray a ‘white’ doll’s head ‘black’.
I still own a “Jolly Nigger Bank” piggy bank (those are the words written on it) which I remember as a child and must have inherited from an earlier generation. I never had a Golliwog but always wanted the badge from – who was it – Robertson’s marmalade?
Weird thing is, these childhood experiences gave me a completely positive harmonious opinion of what we now call ‘ethnic minorities’. I never associated the N word with anything other than a happy looking person. Only years later was I ‘instructed’ these names were anathema. I don’t object to not using the N or G words in front of black or asian friends who may find them offensive , it’s common courtesy. What I resent is being told by Al-Beeb and the Equalities Industry what and how to think. It is they who have caused in me a resentment I never had in the first place.
Sluff, I had a copy of the book ‘Little Black Sambo’ as a child. I just thought it was a funny little story about an African boy. I got pulled up short at school for calling a newly arrived Rhodesian boy ‘Sambo’, but that was only because he reminded me of the boy in the book. I had no idea what ‘racism’ was. Ironically his actual name was Tcsoki which was pronounced ‘Choc-Eye’, of course we all called him ‘choc-ice’ which would probably be banned for racism today. He turned out to be a smashing chap and was one of my best friends so I don’t think I was a junior version of Dr Goebbels. (Oh sorry I forgot, in lib-world if you say ‘some of my best friends are black’ it usually means you’re racist!)
It must be about forty years ago that I saw (with amusement) a West Indian transport official in London sporting a Robertson’s golly badge on his uniform lapel. This, of course, was an era where race issues and humour could go together.
Imagine what would happen if the poor bloke tried such a thing today! He’d be abused both by white liberals and some of his own people. He’d probably be disciplined by his bosses for wearing potentially offensive symbols, too.
By the way, am I allowed to say West Indian? I can’t keep up with PC language rules.
Listening to TODAY (BBC R4) this a.m. from 7.35a.m. left me wondering whether the programme Editors are just completely oblivious beyond the segment they are working on at a given moment in time and then afterward their brains slip into neutral for a while.
They ran a trail for the series of three ‘Climate Change’ programmes to be aired from next Monday on R4 at 8pm. They then ran an item that they had scheduled about the very real & tragic possibility of a serious famine in Ethiopia because of the failure of this year’s rains. No Climate Change in Ethiopia, then, but there will be Climate Change every night for three weeks at the BBC.
Is the picture I have of a News Editor knowing pretty much everything about the items his paper or programme covers, perhaps even pretty much everything about ALL that is going on in the world, and being able to connect most – if not all – of ‘the dots’, a false one?
Just tuned in to the “ministry of truth” to listen to PM Camoron, tell us that as the Tories here have doubled our national debt, borrowed more in 5 their years than in the previous 13, and spitefully lowered the standard of living for the vast majority in our nation whilst lining their own pockets, and still continually lie about it
… and because of that Europe should listen to him talk down to them.
That they should listen to Tory Political spin, the continual lies that would enshrine and increase that differential, and not mention, how they are rabidly giving away what s left of our infastructure whilst desperately courting any entity that they can syphon financial gain for themselves.
They must patiently listen as he looks down on, as he patronises anyone with an ounce of intellect, and conviently forgets that Tories both Heath and Thatcher, the instigators signed us away,
and that above all else …
he just wants to appear to be “the winner” in any side, in any referendum, and increase his own profile.
Thank you and good night (keep the car running).
Apologies, for any late reply I ve only just got back
and … 😀 looks like old Essexboys replies are getting more desperate
one could imagine someone with his arrogance, could come up with something constructive ……. never mind
Essexboy … I ve posted another one below maybe your grasp of history is a little better ……. then again 😀
1/10 … must try harder
At 9 am this morning the PM set out in an important speech at Chatham House lasting forty minutes the key lines of his EU negotiation strategy . Whether or not you agree that these proposals for EU reform are significant, the In-Out referendum most certainly is. So while Sky News covered the speech in full and followed up with an interview with Nigel Farage, what did we get from Al Beeb ? Well, actually they didn’t bother showing it all and just countinued with their scheduled morning tat as per usual. So didn’t they get the memo ? Was this just their usual bias by not giving Cameroon the spotlight ? Or what genius thought a “police reality” show on Beeb 1 was more important than the question of the UK’s economic and political relationship with the EU. Anyway Norman Smith is now wittering away on VD doing his best to rubbish the whole thing-obviously much better than letting people listen to what Cameroon had to say and then make their own minds up. Well done !
This reminds me of the election declaration bBBC coverage at Morley and Outwood where Ed Balls was beaten by the Conservative candidate and the BBC talking heads, Dimbleby etc managed to talk through the whole of her winning address, and then went over to Ball’s losing address, which of course was heard without interruption.
The BBC is revving-up for a major push on its pro-CAGW propaganda ahead of the Paris Climate Jamboree at the end of this month. The Met Office is dutifully doing its bit (as a signed-up IPCC bottom-feeder) by never missing an opportunity to big-up any sign of a winter storm as yet more evidence of climate-change induced ‘extreme weather’.
The Paris Jamboree’s main purpose is, of course, to part the world’s taxpayers from their money to serve a political agenda. Paris has nothing at all to do with science (let alone climate science) and absolutely everything to do with liberal progressive/socialist agrarian/anti-fossil fuel/pro-immigration/pro-EU/pro-UN political engineering.
The BBC will be there, every step of the way, to megaphone the dominant narratives, the preferred agenda and to reinforce the doctrine of CAGW. There will be no ‘debate’ (there never is, because eco-zealots (and specifically the BBC itself) don’t ever want a debate), no airing of skeptical views, no discussion which might ever call into question the scientific validity of the CAGW catechism. The BBC sees its job as being an ‘enforcer’ of the pro-CAGW agenda, for obvious reasons, once one appreciates the underlying political and financial aims of the entire CAGW scam.
This is how the BBC has turned itself from being a public service broadcaster into a naked political activist organisation. And it’s done all this (and continues to do it) on the public purse, by resorting to the use of criminal sanctions against anyone who refuses to pay for its politicking. In short, if you refuse on principal to pay for the BBC but still wish to watch other live TV channels (including other subscription channels you might readily pay for), the BBC will take you to court, criminalise you and might even attempt to imprison you.
The BBC considers it your legal responsibility to pay for its existence, in other words. Try to remember that when your intelligence and common sense are being assaulted by the coming wave of hysterical, sensationalist, inaccurate, politically doctrinaire pro-CAGW propaganda due on a TV and/or radio soon from the Paris Climate Jamboree. There will be much talk of ‘tipping-points’, of ‘last chances’ and all the usual tired worn-out memes these charlatans have employed for decades now.
I suggest you turn off the TV and go for a nice walk. Until the BBC is dismantled or turned into the pay-to-view digital subscription channel it should be I’m afraid I don’t have any better advice to offer. You think the pro-CAGW propaganda on the BBC is already bad enough? You ain’t heard nothin’ yet!
Harrabin has a trailer for his series on R4 in which he remarks that he has been at this ‘global warming’ racket for 25 years. I’d like to ask him how many of the absurd predictions he and his mentors have made in that period have actually come true. Children never seeing snow springs to mind, just for one.
In any case, once this series has aired I would hope regulars here will duly launch complaints to Ofcom, as was done about the single Quentin Letts programme a couple of months ago, mildly questioning the Met Office.
The eco warriors need to be on the receiving end of the same treatment as they like to dish out.
Well folks … just remember the enormous amount of money and lies, the hedgefunds that financed their election win.
Then think the campaign now
Actually (if you are old enough), recall Heaths Tory Gov, lying to our nation, (he had full knowledge of the plan), the same situation in the EEC referendum in 75, Heath (that knowingly signed us into it originally) and Thatcher Europhile to the hilt
enormous financial backing, the political machine … compare that to the no/out campaign.
In 75 the Conservatives campaigned furiously to stay in the Common Market.
Margaret Thatcher, Tory leader the “Yes” vote would never have happened without the (then) opposition’s support for it”.
Heath said: “I’ve worked for this for 25 years, I was the prime minister who led Britain into the community and I’m naturally delighted that the referendum is working out as it has.”
Noggin , you would of voted to stay in in 75 too , maybe you did anyhow , if you were old enough. Who pays your benefits then ? The rich , of course ,who you despise , like the Socialist Corbynista that you are. Farage would cut benefits even more , so your only option is Labour & Corbyn , who would endorse most of your posts. Those posts are straight out of the SWP handbook .
“Vote Labour or go to hell”……Oh life would be so much easier for the BBC if they could manipulate the general (non Islamic) public into believing in this garbage like Muslims can..
And of course, there is no possible connection between Muslims’ support for Labour and the Bliar junta’s unbridled enthusiasm for immigration, is there?
That, incidentally, is why I keep insisting that the charge should be treason. Labour gerrymandered on a national scale to subvert our country’s political system for its own benefit.
“Labour gerrymandered on a national scale to subvert our country’s political system for its own benefit.”
GC, I used to think that until I realised that Cameron was importing them in even greater numbers, as was almost every government in Europe. It’s a lot wider than just Blair sticking it to the Tories.
How about less of what Kelvin Mackenzie termed ‘foreign-bang-bang’ news? Less coverage of demos, campaigning activists and disputes. Less political sniping.
‘Five editors from round the world including Ben de Pear, editor of Channel 4 News, Kate O’Brian, president of Al Jazeera America and Fran Unsworth, deputy director of News and Current Affairs at the BBC will be discussing the issues in front of an audience of multi-media journalists, bloggers, activitists, academics and social media editors’
Oh dear, what’s the betting the BBC will inevitably conclude that what we need is more and more one world PC multiculti feminism in our news?
There’s an outer Mongolian woman out there just waiting for the BBC to come fly in and tell us her story – as we men and women alike switch off.
I’m getting sick to death of the injustice meted out to our soldiers in Northern Ireland.
The IRA have been let off via Blairs disgusting Good Friday Agreement from murdering our soldiers yet the same is not the case for our armed forces.
This country has acted in an appeasing cowardly way to the IRA.
In this report there was no mention of the reasons behind our soldiers being there. No mention of the murderous violence perpetrated by the IRA.- Just Cameron pathetically slapping our soldiers in the face in his condemning Bloody Sunday. Weak.Weak.Weak.
“What happens if trust goes out of sport?”
Well it’s a good question but hardly one which need concern the BBC.
Question – what does the BBC do in terms of sports coverage?
Answer – very little unless you count second-hand soccer on MOTD or snooker, half the 6-nations now (should that be 3-nations?) tons of ‘live sport’ except that it is all radio or that enthralling website text, and the list goes on.
If you have spent all our licence fee money on your biased, liberal, pro-minority, distorted science programs etc and can’t afford any proper sport then I’m sorry but you can’t be an authority. So shut it.
Sir Lenworth Henry just now on Radio 4 telling us how awfully racist the Black and White Minstrel Show was.
Most BBC programmes of this type suffer dreadfully from ‘presentism’ – the judging of the past by the standards of the present. The conclusion is just that Britain was a horrible racist place, with no attempt made to understand why things like the B&W minstrel show were popular. As far as I recall nobody at the time thought it was really making fun of all black people – any more than the Mikado is making fun of all Japanese people or pantomime dames are making fun of all women. It was just silly caricature, understandable in an era when few white people had contact with black people. It wasn’t part of some great plot to keep black people down.
The Black and White Minstrel Show was not the greatest musical show, but it was never intended as a form of racism. Rather, it was an attempt to follow the tradition of great artists, like Al Jolson, who blacked up without any intention of offending people of colour. Many of his songs were sung by the B and W Minstrels to people who had a yearning for Jolson’s entertainment.
But try defending Jolson to the Trots in the BBC.
Here is a comment I copied from the You Tube vid linked here.
‘Al Jolson fought against black discrimination in the early twentieth century. He did the “blackface” act to mock the idea of “white supremacy” by showing the value of African American musical/cultural idioms. Consider that black people could not perform in these venues during this time, so he painted his face black to give a sense of presence in these venues. He was one of the most popular singers in his time period and he did it by singing African American influenced music, which helped bring the attention of African American music to white audiences. He was also an activist for the black community, and is noted as being one of the earliest individuals in popular culture to bridge a cultural gap between blacks and whites in the early twentieth century. I’d hardly call any of that racist.’
I suppose, the Black Lenny Henry would only be too happy if it was the Black and Black Minstrel Show. I guess he will soon be out there saying that he found the confectionary ‘Minstrels’ “racist” too as they depict “Blacks”.
Shouldn’t it be the white supremacists who don’t like the Black & White Minstrel Show. A programme devoted to showing black men and white women singing and dancing together. What an example for the children.
You know, I’m fast coming to the conclusion that ALL “Leftards” are as thick as pigs sh*t. I’ve just heard what the President of the USA has said about “Climate Change”. wax your skis in Scotland, you are going to need them shortly.
Now, whilst we are all getting our ears mugged concerning the foreplay before the Paris “Climate Change” orgasm, consider this: Yes, it might well have been a little bit milder than usual (based on average temperatures for November) but if we now have a prolonged period of BELOW average temperatures, the average temperature for November this year will be below the long term average. We still have 20 days of this month to go BBC (Met Office) so, will you tell us if the month average falls below the long term averages? No, I bet you won’t.
This morning on Radio Five they interviewed a doctor, a London GP, who has given up two weeks of his annual leave to go to help refugees.
There is no doubt this man is being very generous with his time and skills but the interviewer’s approach was very telling.
He mentioned that the doctor was an NHS doctor about three times in a short period, obviously keen to associate the wonderful NHS with charitable work.
Of course, in all probability the doctor is not an NHS employee at all, but a private contractor to it like most GPs, and when he is on his annual leave he has no connection to the NHS whatsoever.
On the subject of Saturdays and doctors, I’ve been made aware of a ‘noble’ clinical director who sanctions four operations per day in the week (when on the NHS contract) but manages to squeeze in seven on a Saturday (when it’s pay-per-operation).
The four-a-day inefficiency of course enables the doctors to swan off to do their private practice.
Not something I expect bBBC to be mentioning in the near future. Goes well against the ‘saintly’ NHS narrative.
The BBC never look at how the public sector operates too closely because it risks drawing attention to how the BBC operate. More money for the public sector will be the BBC mantra each and every hour until they are scrapped. That is why they call it public service broadcasting. Broadcasting propaganda on behalf of the public sector.
A really great article in the Times on Saturday by Matthew Parris, taking on the argument about ‘saintly’ public sector versus ‘evil’ private sector. Which is of course by inference the narrative mentioned in Phil’s post and one implicit in lots and lots (all?) of bBBC output.
Parris’s best line was to explore the oft-quoted populist claim about the need for essential services to be in the public sector. You know the thing. Trains, electricity, NHS, broadcasting, etc. Parris asks – what about essentials such as food? Drink? Clothes? Cars? Fuel? Is a doctor actually more important than a farm worker or a clothes shop worker? What is more essential than eating? As we are of course constantly told by the food bank ‘community’. And should we all walk around naked while we wait for the creation of the “National Clothes Corporation”?
I’m not expecting our public sector broadcaster to take on this logic.
I can quite easily see food banks developing into some sort of basic state-run food provision service in the next few years. Clothing less so, because most people would want expensive labels that the government wouldn’t be able to provide.
Cranmner – how clever you are. Think you may have hit on a Corbyn policy for 2020!
How times have changed since the last (ruinously inefficient and expensive) state-run food subsidy programme in 1975 , run by ……….none other than ……………..Shirley Williams!
bBBC would no doubt be delighted to provide the propaganda, err I mean advertising, errr I mean public information, for such a service
The entire argument is bogus, in any case. I have yet to meet anyone in the NHS, from a cleaner to a consultant who doesn’t work for money. The entire system is based on money as, of course, are all such organisations.
Precisely. But public sector unions prefer a system where the interests of the producer override the interests of the consumer, and it is all funded by the tax payer.
My usual response to those taking the line that the private sector is the root of all evil is to ask if they do all their shopping at the Co-Op.
On the other hand, if Sluff is tempted by the option of one of those 7 operating slots on a Saturday he needs to made sure that he’s in the first part of the list. If anything goes wrong he’ll need one of the limited number the hospital’s intensive care beds. If he’s number 7 on the list and it goes wrong he’ll end up dead. The same point applies if you’re tempted to have any major surgery in a private hospital – ask about their ICU bed state. Many private hospitals rely on shipping patients in crisis to the local NHS ICU, which gives you a good chance of dying in the back of the ambulance.
There is a lot wrong with the NHS, but the solutions are complicated even before you add in the politics – not that you’d know that from the BBC. They’re still stuck at “the envy of the world” stage, circa 1955..
Hi RJ. Lots of good points there.
We should remember that the formation of the NHS required the consultants to play ball. They drove a hard bargain then and still do. Minimum hours contracts and NHS inefficiencies to provide private work opportunities abound. As for your ‘dead in the ambulance’ comment. You are right in principle but you may be forgetting so many private hospitals and consulting rooms are in spitting distance of the local NHS hospital (makes it easier for the consultants to bunk off). That’s when they are not actually IN the NHS hospital, the Lindo wing of St Mary’s Paddington to take but one example.
“private hospitals and consulting rooms are in spitting distance of the local NHS hospital ”
There was a classic case of that in Norwich. The new DGH was going to be built in the grounds of an existing NHS hospital, so there wouldn’t be any land costs. The consultants threw their toys around and land was purchased so that it could be built across the road from the BUPA hospital. Then costs were inflated further when the Labour run Department of Health insisted that it be built as one of the first of Brown’s wonderous PFI deals. The contractors and money men ran rings round the DoH , saddling the NHS in Norfolk with high costs that broke the rest of the system.
As a PS, thank you for the tone of your reply. When I reread what I had written on 10th, just after posting but too late to edit it, I realised that you could have taken it as a criticism of what you had said rather than as a comment on it. One thing I like about this forum is that apart from the trolls we can have a civilised exchange of views.
That’s a shock. Nurses get paid? I thought from the bBBC coverage they all worked for free, given their uncritical saintly charity coverage at all times.
(Which is not a reflection of nurses, who are no worse but equally no better than the rest of us IMO)
Anyone remember that sketch on Spitting Image (1987 election) (on youtube) where Kinnochio is campaigning and he shouts “Nurses. Pensioners. Old people. Nurses. Nice people. Nurses. People that people like” ” I get it” says Hattersley”. “Tory Party. Tory Party”.
Is it just my simple mind, or does anyone else see that the opportunity to tarnish the rapidly growing reputation of Vlad Putin and his country, is rather fortuitous? Vis a vis the IAAF corruption announcements?
I smell a big furry rodent.
Putin is a fascist so I can see the attraction he has for you. Russia is corrupt. Journalists who report on that corruption are killed. You are contemptible.
Now now, temper temper, bit of a hysterical drama queen, aren’t you ? just because I criticised your chum, the love rat Seb Coe, you have a tantrum. Oh well, Ho Hum.
But you are a Putin supporter, Russia is corrupt, and (if you posts on here are anything to go by) you are a fascist. Are you honestly saying that you have not voted for the National Front or the BNP or whatever they call themselves these days, and if so why not?
In my post about Mr Coe I was objecting to the BBC Paper Review implying that he enhanced his athletics perormances by taking drugs, and that he is financially corrupt. About his marital affairs I neither know nor care.
I know we had several posts higher up the page about the banning of pistols, but why have we brought Birmingham Nitro Proof into this part of the thread?
[“We had been warned against using the word ‘black’ in the party. Instead of using that ‘darkie’ came to mind. It’s a good old English word, I’m a good old English boy.”]
“I also prefer the old fashioned words like ” coloured or darkie.”
David Brims
“The BNP brand has been so demonized by the BBC and the press, the brand is toxic. The media goes into epileptic fits of Tourettes frenzy when the mere name is mentioned.”
David Brims
“When you look at European countries today, Britain, France, Germany, they’re vassal states of islam, African immigrants and Cultural Marxism. One must conclude that the wrong side won the war.”
David Brims
“A one hour programme from 1966, it’s very interesting to see because we now know how it all turned out, Dutch Boer genocide. There is a South African jewish gentleman, a lawyer, Albert Sachs who is against apartheid in it, what a surprise.”
David Brims
“Saw this interesting article on V Dare by Stephen Steinlight titled ”jews are disproportionately involved in every kind of insanity, immigration” http://www.vdare.com/articles/…
David Brims
“Scotland is blessed or should that be cursed with North Sea oil, gas and other natural resources which London craves, plus it’s a great place to dump nuclear weapons. Do you honestly believe that the London power elites, bankers, corporations, globalists would seriously permit Scotland to leave ? Too many vested interests.”
David Brims
David (the definitely not hysterical, melodramatic, hyperbolic) Brims, as far as I am concerned (and it is only my opinion) the sooner you and your Scottish chums exit the UK the better. Have you considered moving to Eastern Europe if the vote does not go your way?
Have you ever been outside Scotland? Try Hungary or Russia. Maybe they are not racially pure enough for you? Too many Jews?
Just saying it doens’t make it true. Please provide evidence as you are sounding very much like the western leaders who say something with absolutely no evidence provided….and therefore it must be true.
I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Putin is no angel. I have read stories that journalists have been murdered in Russia. I persume the stories are true.
But he has been voted into office on 4 occasions. And I’ve no doubt you’ll come back with ‘the elections were rigged’ or ‘people are afraid to vote for anyone lese’. All I’d say is ‘evidence please’. Just because you say it doesn’t make it true.
Now, a question for you. Ever heard of the following: –
Michael Hastings
Andrew Breitbart
Jacky Sutton
to name but three off the top of my head. All died in very suspect circumstances and very suddenly. All journalists in the west. Ever heard of them? Thought not. Because the fabrication of news isn’t just twisting the truth….it’s omitting news as well.
Putin’s a fascist? Really. I think you’ve been watching too much telly.
If Putin is a fascist, what does that make Bush…Blair….Obama….Cameron…who have, in the last 12 years, killed millions of complete innocents in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now Syria. For what? Seriously, kill millions of innocent men, women and children because of their moral ‘superiority’ and ‘spreading democtacy’?
If that’s ‘democracy’, I’ll have fascism every time.
Story on BBC news about 10 teachers resigning en mass from a troubled junior school in Leicester. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-34766314
There were no pictures of children or mentions of ethnicity. That got me wondering. Leicester? Mmmmm.
Let’s take a look at some OFSTED reports. Quotes from 2014 and 2015.
“Almost all pupils come from a wide range of minority ethnic groups. Those of Indian background are by far the largest group. A very large majority of pupils speak English as an additional language, a proportion that is well above the national average.”
Actions needed :
“Improve pupils’ achievement in English and mathematics by:
– encouraging pupils to develop their ideas, and helping them to speak fluently
– focusing on improving pupils’ skills in reading with fluency and understanding”
Now I’m not saying there are not many problems here (the teaching has been rated poor for quite a few years, a Head who resigned after a vote of no confidence was quite well regarded in the OFSTED report, and you can find some Socialist Party sourced photos on line at http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=uplands+junior+school+leicester&FORM=HDRSC2) but for al-Beeb to not even mention ethnicity is beyond the pale but so typical of their bias of selective omission.
“He intends to be part of the shake-up discussions and no one at the top of the BBC thinks he should leave.”
Quite right too. he must be worth thousands of licence fee cancellations a month.
Keep him on!
A few other posts around the site well worth a gander as a hits reward… plus a lovely poster called Mr. Neutron who seems to have the BBC’s card well and truly marked.
Something the BBC missed on its detailed coverage of the anti capitalist Anonymous Million Mask March. According to Guido the masks are made in China for 22 pence and re-sold by capitalists for as much as £4.20. Cheaper on Amazon which is a capitalist outfit they protested about.
BBC – Blackburn “student” convicted of terrorism offences … Buddhist?, Quaker? hysterical Hindu? pushy Presbyterian?
Nah! only joking … Another Blackburn Muslim convicted etc.
The 19-year-old, from Blackburn in Lancashire, fled his home after stating his desire to “fight abroad for Allah”.
“You may never understand, or you may understand why I have left, I have gone to seek the Pleasure of Allah and no one else. I do not care what anyone will think of me.”
At university … oh ignorance, poverty disenfranchisement causes terrorism then? or if not it looks like university Studying … Arabic? … aah! so he must understand the old Koran, a whole lot better now then? …… no wait!
Don t know what s going on up there eh!
Girl, 16, set for court on terror charges – Blackburn Citizen
Blackburn pair preparing for acts of terrorism – The Independent
Blackburn teenager appears in court on terror charges – BBC
Boy, 14, from Blackburn held over Australia ‘terror plot
A SECOND East Lancashire teenager has been arrested on terrorism offences – Lancs Telegraph
We know of al-Beeb’s reticence to mention Islam or Muslims (and increasingly other ethnic non-white British groups) in any way that may reflect negatively, by constantly and deliberately with-holding factual information.
But if they can find a “muslims being victimised” story angle , then no such problem.
This from the al-Beeb website front page on Armistice Day morning.
In this case Rebecca Kandare death: Parents jailed for malnourished baby killing the bBBC report is all about the weird sect – the Apostolic Church of God in Wolverhampton – that drove the pair to neglect their child.
But elsewhere, almost every day the Muslim-loving bBBC is telling us that there is no connection between primitive beliefs and barbaric murders committed by religious fundamentalists.
This week’s QT could be quite amusing, with two eloquent right-of-centre politicians (Conservative and UKIP), the Sun’s Managing Editor Stig Abell (who doesn’t mince his words), the car-crash-interview Labour MP Lucy Powell and a ‘transgender rights activist’!
BBC game shows really are a con. The contestants vie for a whopping prize of £1000 per game show on Eggheads (and also I believe on Pointless?).
Meanwhile, on ITV’s The Chase, the contestants get £1000 PER QUESTION. Then they can gamble and take offers reaching over £60-70000 if they are very good. Look at the money Who Wants to be a Millionaire doled out, too. Considering were all forced to pay to finance the BBC, you’d think they’d have slightly better jackpots.
The Chase is a superior quiz with a good oldschool host where there isn’t 3 or four minutes between each question and we don’t get to hear the the contestants life story’s.
If you cut the crap Eggheads would be over in 15 minutes.
Please don’t criticise Eggheads. Without my daily dose of Vine’s unctuous sycophancy together with the team’s pseudo-elitist excess, I might lose sight of what a privilege it is to be entertained by the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Our time-honoured family joke is that the only real ‘jackpot’ on Pointless is the pay rates of Armstrong and Osman.
We detect a slight patronising wink and smirk when the ‘jackpot’ is won and the presenters realise the contestants may thus be getting nearly as much as them.
Is this the madness of “new” Canada? – the world turned upside down.
OK, it is non BBC, but how long before it is? … cause celebre terrorist?
remember that CAGE incident?
I heard part of the 6 o’clock news on R4, the piece concerned Cameron’s proposals to the E.U. There were then a number of people asked about what they thought about said proposals – Eastern Europeans living here in the U.K. Why? Who gives a f**k what they think? They are only here because the E.U. allows them the freedom to do so.
That still makes me shake my head in disbelief – foreigners are allowed to come here and live, work and/or claim benefits, because other foreigners have past laws which dictated that our elected government must permit it.
How far our nation has fallen: Churchill, Disraeli and Walpole must be spinning in their graves.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
Every season of Strictly around the middle of the series, there is a surprise couple in the dance off. The couple concerned are far too good for them to be the ones sent home. They are always against the couple who should have gone home weeks ago but whose popularity with the people at home have kept them in the competition. This year the couple going home were Carole and Pasha, who had no chance of out dancing the other couple, but previous years the same device has been used. The emphasis has been/will be for Kevin and Kelly, ‘that no one is safe’ and that if people don’t vote for those in the middle of the leader board, then they too might be going home. In early series we were told the number of votes, but no longer. We have nothing but Auntie’s word that the numbers exist. I wouldn’t trust the Beeb over this. From the judges over marking some eg Jamelia and Jeremy Vine (they dare not lose any more men, to the fact that the judges highlighted how synchronised Peter Andre and his partner were when I – player showed they were not. Trust the BBC? I wouldn’t trust them to make me a cup of tea.
I know Strictly marking is an irrelevance in the greater scheme of things. My point is if you cannot trust the BBC over marking Strictly, you cannot trust them on more important issues.
You couldn’t trust the BBC on Blue Peter, Swap Shop or match of the day, not to rig the prizes, eons ago, so what chance have you got now?
Talking of the BBC struggling with the facts…
Five Live are in full migrant propaganda mode today, sending Dotun Adebayo to a small town outside Gothenburg. Some of his numbers seemed a little confused, as in the course of a two minute report anti-migrant sentiment was first twenty percent, then forty percent, but “isn’t sixty percent” as it was a generation ago. That’s clear as mud, then. The Romans lost the Ninth. Dotun has lost a fifth.
Strangely more positive figures were very precisely given.
Strictly should be put out if its misery.
The BBC might be in a bit of a quandry over the current Strictly judging- from the start there were rather too many BBC employees/ names involved as a percentage of the total.
The more externals get voted off, the more it becomes an internal BBC competition.
Also, it has long been the case that some names have a bigger fanbase than others, creating an immediate voting imbalance. Someone well known from EastEnders, say, is always going to have an advantage over someone less well known.
To be fair to Dotun Adebayo, the man is an idiot and probably doesn’t understand numbers very well.
Why do I keep reading him as Downton Abbey?
Or the cooking programme the muslim headscarf won.
This is indeed a tragic story but on this occassion it’s two BLACK police officers/marshals who stand accused of murder and needless to say the BBC have buried it.
It was down on the lower half of the main page yesterday then gone completely this morning.
Even Col Michael Edmonson of Louisiana state police told a news conference.
“He [Jeremy Mardis] didn’t deserve to die like that and that’s what’s important,” Col Edmonson said.
Referring to the body-camera footage of the incident, Col Edmondson added: “I can tell you, it is the most disturbing thing I’ve seen, and I’ll leave it like that.”
I watched the 10 ‘o’ Clock News last night and patiently waited for them to reveal who the two police men were but ultimately had to wait until the final third of the article before they(you could tell begrudgingly) showed them.
Had it been two white police officers the BBC would have been in meltdown and it would still be front page news.
The BBC playbook has the answer:
Police officers white, victim black = racism
Police officers black, victim white =police brutality.
Police officers and victim the same colour = police brutality.
No thought required by BBC “journalist”.
Mind you, in this case I’m not sure who Obama is going to invite to the White House; but whoever it is the BBC will be supportive of the empathy.
One question which never seems to have been asked even on these pages is just how much Yentobs BBC and Children in Need gave to the Batmans Kids Company.
It seems difficult to find out exactly, but figures are rumoured to be on the generous side of substantial.
This is a scandal waiting to break if the figures can only be obtained.
From Wikipedia:
Camila Batmanghelidjh
At the age of 25 she was employed as a part-time psychotherapist in a project in Camberwell, south London, funded by Children in Need. She has claimed to have been practising psychotherapy for more than twenty years, although she has apparently no formal qualifications on or membership in professional self-regulatory organisations with regards to psychotherapy.
Her experience in psychotherapy has obviously led her to dress as a series of Rorschach tests.
Or, as Michael Deacon put it in the Telegraph ‘Like a pile of Aladdin’s laundry’.
Really looking forward to the FOI data on how much this Batmanwoman has received, particularly since Yentob has such close and senior ties in both organisations!
My bet too is it is going to be squillions!
‘looking forward to the FOI data’
If the BBC is in the frame, you may have a wee while to wait.
Maybe they’ll rush it for 2016, for the purposes of trust, transparency and charter obligations?
I am sure Botney will have had no influence on BBC Children in Need funding his pet charity. The very thought!
“…she has apparently no formal qualifications on or membership in professional self-regulatory organisations with regards to psychotherapy…”
Why does this not surprise me? Another teat-sucking bottom-feeder that rose to prominence under the uncritical largesse of New Labour’s public spending spree. Another self-appointed child salvationist bully who barged and cajoled her way into a position of power and influence on the back of her reputation for…well, for what, exactly?
It’s a scandal. No surprise, also, to see the BBC knee-deep in this sh*t.
‘…..who barged and cajoled her way into a position of power and influence on the back of her reputation for…well, for what, exactly?’
At a guess, OW, I’d say for looking like a beacon of multiculturalism.
Multiculturalism and feminism as a loud fat and very visible foreign woman.
I think the Government should appoint Sir John Chilcott to conduct an urgent Inquiry into Batmanghelidjh so we can have the full facts by 2023.
It’s Migrant Tuesday on 5Live tomorrow. Heavily promoted over the past few days, we learn that throughout the day reporters will be positioned at various transit points on the trail to Western Europe.
“Tension is rising between residents and new arrivals*”, so the promo goes. The residents are the Swedes, the new arrivals are the Migrants, and Dotun Adebayo will be telling us all about it on Afternoon Edition live from Gothenburg. Sweden and the BBC? It’s a match made in PC heaven.
*New Arrivals – Is this the latest BBC Newspeak for refugees / migrants / asylum seekers?
The programme should be ignored. It will be a fantasy and irrelevant. What is relevant is the inescapable demographic reality that by the end of 2016 in the key age group 20 to 35 young men of German and Swedish ethnic origin will be in a minority in their countries.
This is not some kind of little hiccup. it presages the destruction of the Swedish and German nations as we know them.
Just why those that govern are allowing this is beyond my comprehension. It has never repeat never happened in a European nation and is so far removed from sanity as to veer towards lunacy and a nightmare in the making.
I am also certain that in order to keep the indigenous populations docile the regimes will resort to outright lies ( they already are ) but soon to suppression and force. Be warned.
Dotun Adebayo, a real village idiot, is one of the worst ”presenters” on the radio, he does the grave yard shift between 1am to 5am. A couple of years ago he said ” I worked in Sweden in the 1980s, it was the most waaycist nation.” Hmm, so ”racist” in fact the Swedes allowed him into the country, gave him a job and a house etc etc.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dotun_Adebayo https://twitter.com/dotunadebayo
What the BBC should really be asking in Sweden is the question a reporter used in the Belgian Congo back in 1960: “Anyone here been raped and speaks English?”. In Sweden he would find a large number of girls who could answer yes to both questions.
I see the BBC is at it again with the ‘Global Warming’ hocus pocus. ‘Warming set to breach 1C threshold” screams the headline.
The role of the current ‘El Nino’ is shunted down the page, well beneath the usual hype and bluster from the politically corrupted Met Office and, naturally, heavily downplayed.
There is no mention of the growth of Antarctic ice. There is no mention that the factual satellite temperature records make a liar of the Met Office’s ‘adjusted’ figures.
As articles go, the author (Matt McGrath, the BBC’s ‘Environment correspondent’) could be up for an award – if the British Fantasy Society hands out gongs for journalism.
Spot on MR Cooper.
Some 8am news headline today managed both to tell us that we`re all in mortal peril-so says some piece of Green Crap Studies from something UEAish.
But then-there`ll be some Green pagan conflab in Paris later in the month featuring all the worlds good people…Obama, Monbiot etc.
By linking the so-called “catastrophe to come”-with the “chance to change things” as offered up by the agenda setting Green Gilberts at the Beeb…they hope to get some traction for their purposes…and this passes for “news headlines”?
They must really think we`re dumb and can`t see what they`re up to.
Let`s make those bonfires bigger then!….would hate to think that the BBC put me down as compliant with their fetid, thick and anti-science claptrappery!
They must really think we`re dumb and can`t see what they`re up to.
Unfortunately Chris most people can’t as they are fed this diet of eco-socialist crap by just about every news outlet in the country, 70% of it being the bloated, all-encroaching, insidious, agenda-setting BBC.
The exciting new figures apparently come from co-operative research between the Met Office and the ‘University’ of East Anglia – would you believe!
Yes, indeed, the ‘University’ which has such a successful record in training writers of fiction. Some of them even from the English department…
On BBC News channel, the announcement that global temperatures have increased by about 1 degree and that the upper limit is 2, was hiding the actual findings which were “lower than expected” – as reported on the ticker-tape rolling text along the bottom of the TV I was watching. A contradiction of the umpteenth degree!!!
Has anyone on this site got info on sea levels over the last 50 years ?
Al Beeb weather man telling us (now) that ‘some parts’ of Uk are 17 C ? My therm. says 13 C.
As usual, talking up the weather propaganda .
Yes, our heating came on in spite of what the BBC weather man said this evening.
Didn’t we pass the point of no return on this some years ago?
“Al Beeb weather man telling us (now) that ‘some parts’ of Uk are 17 C ?”
That will be the part of the UK next to a jet engine at Heathrow Airport.
66.somethingF in the living room as I write. It had 20 minutes of central heating over the 6a.m. hour point but nothing since. The other morning it was 68.4F at 7a.m., once again after 20 minutes of heat over the 6a.m. hour. It lost 1.3 degrees that day in the next hour but there was a chilly wind & rain on the way.
It’s Global Warming, folks, but without the Global bit … more, sort of … ummh, er … I guess, Local Warming or as we used to call it in the good old days, British Weather.
Not that the Beeb will realise that. Neither will some of the Met Office people rush to disabuse them of any false notions of drastic climate change or that weather, Global Warming & Climate Change are, as I understand it, three completely separate things. Why is my central heating coming on at 6a.m.? Because it was jolly cold here in early October and the temperature in the living room was slipping towards 50F. In October! Indoors!!
Unusually mild weather = ‘global warming.’
Unusually cold weather = ‘byproduct of global warning, causing localised colder weather because of icebergs melting in the Gulf Stream.’
Unusual phenomenon that doesn’t fit the above facts, such as increased arctic ice = cut to report of this year’s Great British Bake Off…
I wonder when, in history, the term ‘unseasonably [insert weather phenomenon here: wet, dry, hot, cold, windy…] was first coined, and if it pre-dated Russell Brand’s purchase of his urban transport of choice?
‘The earliest reference he found dated from 1778, but from the context it was clearly already in widespread use’
Guessing Grimacing Spice hadn’t worked her magic on the V8 engine management system then.
A weather report from my area had a comment about how warm it has been lately. The presenter said that last year the warmest temperature recorded for November was 15.4c somewhere on the Isle of Wight. This month so far he said the highest temperature had been 14.4 at Heathrow airport. What? Ludicrous! Is this like for like? What was the temperature at the Isle of Wight location?
BBC, Dumb and Dumber.
Try here.
Not immediately to hand, taffman, but a bit of advice:
Sea level rise is automatically assumed by some, so it pays to question definitions as well as specific locations around the globe. The Institute of Civil Engineers will have at least one paper, probably several more, on sinking. A search of their Library on-line may well reveal them.
Is there any connection between rising sea levels (if true) and land reclamation? There seems to be a lot of this going on in recent years, eg Gibraltar has added about a square mile to its land mass I think – but I’ve never heard it mentioned as a possible cause. Surely if you take away a square mile of sea, that water has to go somewhere?
Human land reclamation is tiny in comparison with the size of the oceans.
Cranmer, island building for the rich is all the rage, all around the globe. Also, moving the poor away from waterside ie. rivers, estuaries and sea coasts is also all the rage, all around the globe. Wealthy people and high earners want riverside or sea views for their houses and apartments. Looking out on a wall of concrete dotted with small windows, only twenty metres from their concrete walled living space is not for them.
The only exception, I understand, appears to be in Venice where the big old waterside houses are sinking into the mud so fast and decaying so quickly that they cost more than a whole Admirals Cup fleet to keep afloat.
It is true that compared to the scale of the oceans it is tiny.
The other big question about Global Warming (not Climate Change) melting sea ice, the Polar cap and on-land glaciers, is does that actually contribute to sea level fall rather than sea-level rise? When a completely frozen bucket of water thaws, the water level is below the former ice level. (Ignoring evaporation of both water & ice.) Then, salt water is becoming ever so slightly diluted, that must reduce volume, along with the increased evaporation also due to warming.
The other factor the alarmists appear to overlook is movements in the earth’s crust, as on the TOADY programme this a.m..
The old BBC programme “Genius” suggested a cure for rising sea levels: ban children from throwing stones into the sea, and an increase in whaling.
Yes – no change.
NASA has just surveyed the Artic ice cap and have discovered it is getting bigger, yes ice melts at the edges ( it has to melt somewhere or this would be an ice planet ) as the BBC regularly shows, but it is getting thicker in the middle. I would strongly suggest that NASA is no ‘denier’ outfit, so we can safely conclude earth will be habitable for a while yet.
The British Antarctic Survey says Antarctic ice cover is the largest in 70 years.
Meanwhile meteorological scientists say there has been no increase in global temperature in the last 18 years as the current sun spot cycle has plateaued.
Global temperatures are expected to rapidly drop soon and they warn of a mini ice age. This is a natural occurrence and has been happening since time immemorial and no amount of taxing the worlds population to the hilt to pay for Green Slime propaganda is going to change it.
Green Slime propaganda has now cost the people of the world over $1 trillion – more than the banking bailout – and has done absolutely nothing except line the pockets of a lot of greenies on the gravy train.
So true, THR, so true.
‘My money’, (actually none left, all of it HAS gone in green taxes, etc.) is still on a cold winter here but the El Nino naughties could do all sorts of things to us and the rest of the globe over the coming months. Which is what it does, I gather. Disrupt. If it didn’t, we might really be in the soup, metaphorically, that is, not ocean-wise.
As for a (mini) Ice Age, then, I have wondered for a long time whether the planet – as part of its inherently successful life supporting role – may naturally pop some cooling upon us at some time, irrespective of (or, more correctly in addition to) the ocean cooling created by ice break-ups of the recent past. That cooling, ironically, will cause even greater emissions as people try to stay warm to survive. The increase in the Antarctic ice cap is taking humidity from past warming and putting it back where it used to be. Shame the Ethiopians missed out on their rains. Some more warming, also ironically, might actually help them and the rest of Africa, too
The 1950-ish edition of Chamber’s Encyclopaedia, compiled some time before our new AGW religion, told me that the angle of rotation of the earth was due to change around the year 2000 – apparently it’s a cyclical thing, surprisingly like climate – which means that the north pole is now somewhat closer to the sun and the south pole further away.
I don’t have the books anymore, but I do remember the science. Strange, isn’t it, that as a fully accredited prole without a significant scientific qualification to my name, I seem to be the only one to remember this inconvenient detail.
I think its called the Chandler Wobble which had a phase reversal in 2005. Could be related to the barycentre wobble of the Sun. See below as how this relates to Climate Change.
When funding was being sought for the Argo Project, a system of temperature buoys placed around the world’s oceans (with a coverage of one per 3000 sq miles) the justification from (I think it was) Gavin Schmidt of NASA, was to build a more accurate record of temperature data ‘So that we can begin to understand the effect the oceans have on the world’s climate’.
The project was completed in 2004 and prior to that point historical ocean temperature records were pretty well useless as they were carried out randomly according to where a thermometer-equipped ship was going on any particular voyage. In other words, comprehensive they were not and, in the case of the southern hemisphere, deemed pretty well non-existent. Nonetheless, even without accurate historical data against which to make comparisons, they tell us 18 years lack of warming is because the heat has been absorbed by the oceans (AND it took them a few years to come up with that one!)
The alarmist ‘scientists’ who keep feeding us their guff do not have a clue what effect the oceans or the sun have on climate, and only in recent years have ‘begun to understand’ the impacts of El Ninos and La Ninas.
And then they tell us ‘The science is settled’. Bunch of effing comedians.
Don’t forget evaporation, Jerry. Ice evaporates just like water.
In his autobiography Eric Voegelin (in 1973) noticed that
“the fact that Cambodia has been invaded by a Communist army from North Vietnam, and that a military expedition against an invasion is not in its turn an invasion, did not deter intellectuals from falsifying the facts into an atrocious American aggression…..The examples just enumerated indicate to the historian a serious problem in the intellectual sector of American society i.e. willful divorce from reality and violent aggressiveness in the pursuit of utopian dreams. Since this intellectual disease is not confined to journalists and television reporters but has penetrated deeply into the academic world, and through the academic world into the education of the younger generation, one must recognize in these trends a danger to democratic government”
Fast forward to the UK, and the replace the utopian dream of Communism with the New Left dream of multiculturalism.
television reporters “willful divorce from reality” – sound familiar?
Well said – and that generation of pseudo-academics is now running our universities, which are in sore need of purging.
I think that the universities and the BBC are discrediting themselves by the day, but (like students) we should have a choice if we want to pay for their services.
Good Post Wild. But there is hope in the youth! Check this out:
You don’t get this quality from the BBC. An excellent short film – a must watch.
Another brick in the wall.
Vote UKIP. Common sense not Common Purpose.
Bit like Johnny Racist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9RL2-8aFX8
Was that a ‘fly on the wall’ documentary from an Islington school in north London?
Now there’s a teacher I wouldn’t mind staying behind after class for.
The young woman who loses her temper in that ‘Modern Educayshun’ film reminds me of the American student who lost the plot in that campus video posted here.
The similarity is not accidental.
This is the prequel to Educashun. The popularity of these vids – one million hits in a day for Educashun – is evidence that the days of BBC multiculty propaganda are over.
“It is precisely because it is so easy to point out the weaknesses of diversity that any attempt to do so must be countered, not by specifying diversity’s strengths -which no-one can do- but with accusations of racism.” Jared Taylor
Strangely enough R4 had a piece on the French Revolution and Robespierre. It probably did not occur to the makers that the desire to remake mankind into some fantasy dreamt up by the intellectuals of the time is still going on today.
It is the guiding motif of modern liberalism and in particular the propaganda pumped out by the BBC/liberal media. It ended badly in the 1790s and will end badly now.
Burke predicted the Terror.
Numerous people said exactly what would happen under Communism.
Lots of people have pointed out the consequences of multiculturalism.
I think if it does not lead to blood and destruction the Left will be disappointed.
I hate to wish suffering on the nation but a small, no doubt wicked, part of me is looking forward to the power cuts which seem extremely likely this winter. Once they start, even the BBC will be forced to report the ensuing debate and the opinions of those engineers who have been warning this was on the way for over a decade, due to Green activism and lies.
If they are serious enough, we might finally see that lazy. slumbering giant. ‘British Public Opinion’, shaking itself from its Strictly Come Dancing-induced coma and starting to ask sceptical, searching questions of the politicians and journalists who have been lying to us for so long.
Me too, somewhat prepped. Was chatting to a colleague the other day, he wasn’t too worried as he’s got gas central heating, I didn’t try to explain!
Oh dear… and, I don’t doubt, an electric pump that circulates the hot water…
The people of this country are due such a rude awakening.
Timer, boiler, ignition, control and pump, you name it.
He might be wiser than you think.
My electricity bill is £25/year. I have half a dozen illegal immigrants shackled to one of these:
You have to factor in a little for food, of course. I go to food banks mostly.
I’ve got the same Anne with a picture of a goat on the wall – doesn’t half get that treadle moving.
Excellent tip. Thanks.
And now for some sport. Those not interested – look away now!
I’m not sure if you heard it, but the sports bulletin on the Today programme this morning seemed rather odd.
The BBC’s apprentice sports reporter (who seems not to know a lot about sport), previewed tonight’s FA Cup first round tie between non league FC United of Manchester and Chesterfield…a preview complete with an interview with one of FCUM’s leading lights.
Now these cup ties are the thing that make the cup what it is, but after a perfunctory few ‘David v Goliath-ish’ second, the interview took a strange turn, the FCUM bod was invited to have a prolonged moan about the tie being moved to a Monday evening for TV and the unhappiness with the fans who think that 3:00pm on a Saturday should be sacrosanct. And then, said interviewer, moved on to mention that FCUM were the first club to pay the ‘living wage’. WTF? Clearly there’s another bit of BBC campaigning on the way.
I wondered why the BBC were indulging the whinge about the tie being moved, given that they had rights to show the FA Cup…until I switched on tonight to find that it was actually being shown on BT Sport. All became clear! Another competitor for the BBC to use it’s huge resources to have a pop at – it was ITV, twice last week.
So what does this tell us? That even when it comes to sport, the BBC’s newest are right on message – they never miss an opportunity – the hive mentality shines through. And, like all socialists, the BBC are hypocrites, they themselves had a televised match moved to last Friday evening.
If the BBC made football clubs, they would be like FC United of Manchester.
“to keep the lawyers happy”
Journalist (unchallenged) effectively accuses Seb Coe of corruption and drug taking on the Paper Review
The BBC are slime.
Let me tell you, Seb Coe is a nasty self-centered bastard. Back in 1996 he had accepted the post of President of the National Pistol Association, which represented an Olympic sport. After the Dunblane massacre, when his voice as a respected Olympian defending an Olympic sport could have been so important, he dropped the NPA like a stone, because the Conservative government decided to “Ban handguns”. He is a man of no principle except one: the advancement of Lord Sebastian Coe. I have had no time for him ever since, this could not happen to a nicer man.
It was , the Evil Blair Junta , that banned handguns , one of their first acts , once they had seized power in 1997 , the year Zero.
Lying by misdirection, Essexman. You’re not a BBC mole, are you? That’s their favourite tactic.
The hateful 1997 legislation only tightened the existing draconian UK control introduced by your party in response to the Cullen report. The result saw the banning of all guns greater than .22 calibre. All ZaNuLabour did was polish off the rest. The Tories had done the donkey work.
As you say, Essexman is talking through his hat. The Blair regime banned the 0.22 handguns which the previous Tory government had not banned. However, the terms on which those pistols could have remained were so difficult to comply with that de facto it was a total ban. Imagine that, Blair was more honest than Major!
The Cullen Report had in fact not recommended an outright handgun ban, but the Conservative Secretary of State for Scotland personally insisted on it, on the grounds that otherwise the Conservatives would be wiped out in Scotland in the 1997 general election. Which they were anyway. Good riddance to the whole lying lot of them.
Finally, I notice that Essexman cannot argue with the fact that Seb Coe chickened out of defending an Olympic sport because it was politically expedient for him to do so. That is because it is a fact. Political expedience is what rules Seb Coe’s life, because nothing can come in the way of the political and financial advancement of Seb Coe. Why people give him the time of day baffles me, but clearly he’s a better bullshit artist even than Tony Blair.
Well said Rob, but not only that Mr Goody Two Shoes Seb Coe cheated on his wife for 10 years, a real scumbag. http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/06/03/1086203563118.html
”Love Rat SEBASTIAN Coe’s job as boss of Britains Olympic Games bid was safe last night, despite revelations that he paid for a mistress to have an ABORTION.
Athletics hero Lord Coe had a secret affair with clothes designer Vanessa Lander. And he faces being named as the other man in a divorce case.”
Think you will find the shotgun & rifles, together with some limitations on pistols, was done after Hungerford, but Blair made it tighter & banned pistols too.Kippers defending Blair too, of course it was evil Tories fault, which most of you voted for in the 80’s & 90’s. Have you had a whip round for the party funds yet. I will give you a couple of Euro ‘s, I bought back a few weeks ago.
Semi automatic rifles (except in .22lr) were banned after Hungerford. After Dunblane Michael Howard’s proposal was to ban all pistols other than those in .22lr, and add complicated restrictions on those owning .22lr pistols. On taking office Jack Straw decided to extend the Howard ban to include .22lr pistols – so that all pistols were banned. The Tories couldn’t object because Straw merely extended Howard’s policy of a ban.
Has the BBC ever investigated why the Dunblane papers were sealed for 100 years – with the time limit later extended? I would have thought that any journalist worth his salt would have been interested in what scandal was being hidden from the public. But then again, it is Scotland, so it’s probably a Labour Party scandal and the BBC won’t be interested – but the Tories should be.
I seem to recall that there was some ‘funny business’ involving the police and it was suggested that this was what lay behind the outrageous sealing of the records. Another tactic favoured by ZaNuLabour – Britain’s worst government ever (and I include the one that lost the North American colonies!).
The Conservatives banned all pistols except 0.22s in a doomed attempt to curry favour with Scottish voters. The Blair regime then banned the 0.22s as well. In reality the conditions which the Conservative government placed on keeping 0.22s were so onerous that it was in effect a ban, they just didn’t have the integrity to say so.
Just because you want to believe something is true, doesn’t make it so.
Well, it may do in his case. After all, he appears to believe that Cameron is a competent PM. Indeed, that Cameron is a Conservative at all!
“he dropped the NPA like a stone, because the Conservative government decided to “Ban handguns””
It was the fastest he ever ran.
I always preferred Steve Ovett anyway.
Coe always speaks like he has an unpleasant smell right under his nose….have a look when you watch him.
”It was the fastest he ever ran. ” Like the Bullet Train.
It is Patrick McLaughlin fault British tourists are not back from Egypt.
More BBC slime on the Paper Review.
Wild, Why don’t HMG just send a few ships, Royal Navy could do it. Why is Cameron licking Arabs assholes ? God Almighty ! Where is Nelson when we need him ? What the hell was the point of him and his men risking their lives at the Battle of the Nile ? Waste of time !
“Wild, Why don’t HMG just send a few ships,”
We don’t have the ships available. They’re all in the Med helping the people smugglers.
There is global warming because it does not snow in winter in the UK any more – more facts from the BBC Paper Review. What would we do without the BBC to educate us?
As a kid being born post 1963, I don’t recall any memorable snowfall in the South West until the winter of 78/79, global warming?
Should this man be in politics or should he be selling PVC windows?
Didn’t Cameron promise an EU referendum before and then backtrack?
He should be selling used cars.
This is what an invading Army looks like.
Good Lord – it looks like a scene from “The Walking Dead”.
Tricky one when the doorbell rings… ‘trick’ or ‘treat’?
” When an army of illegal immigrants marches through your streets, with the support of your OWN government, what needs to be said? It’s so in your face that it’s jaw dropping.
These anti-Whites are guilty of White genocide and they know it. We’ve got mountains of evidence publicly available, and all they can do is deny that what they’re doing fits the definition of genocide.
But if they’re only targeting White people and White places with mass immigration and “diversity”, it’s obviously an engineered demographics change which they hope will get rid of us – also known as genocide. ”
”Secret EU plot exposed: they are holding an EU-Africa summit to get more immigrants. The EUSSR illegal immigration crisis just took an unexpected twist – a special EU-Africa Summit is being held in Malta, where EU leaders will be asking African nations for legal Africans immigrants – and will pay for them.
The plan is to send failed asylum seekers home (ones who have no lawful reason to stay), and replace them with “skilled” immigration from African countries. In return the EU rulers will “offer new financial resources” to the African countries.
The EU rulers had tried to keep this a secret, but during an interview, Angela Merkel slipped up and revealed the objective of the summit.
“And of course, we will also ask the question: How can we take, for example, young Africans legally into Germany, when it comes to professions which we have occupational shortages in. It’s enlightening that we have not yet done enough.”
“We will also offer the Africans new financial resources” she said.
There is another reason why they wanted to keep this plan a secret – it will also cost the European taxpayer, a predicted 1.4 billion Euros
According to The Express, this money will be used to teach Africans a European language, pay for their passports and documents, and some may be given a grant in order to lure them into Europe.
That 1.4 billion Euros could be used to train Europeans, but oh no, the EU leaders have different ideas.
Frankly, they don’t really care about the average European families. You see they have an agenda to “diversify” Europe and get rid of all those bad White countries…
No one ever notices that all this talk about getting rid of borders, or taking immigrants only ever applies to places where there are White people. If you listen to these anti-Whites, they’ll act as if White folk are the only ones who have an obligation to open our borders and destroy our own identity.
This agenda is nothing more than White Genocide – and it’s pure evil.” whitegenocideproject.com/secret-eu-plot-exposed-they-are-holding-an-eu-africa-summit-to-get-more-immigrants/ http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/617959/EU-migrant-crisis-secret-plot-African-nations-Cameron-reforms
One for Essexman to reply to ……………………………….
Over to you Essexman?
No chance taffman – I’ve noticed Essexboy is very selective as to what he posts on and how he replies to posts directed at him, a bit like his poster boy’s way of conducting himself in government really.
So, the EU will suck out the best Africans , return the trash and corrupt African rulers will pocket the money. It is the new colonialism. How long do we have to put up with this evil idiot Merkel ? Can’t the German people get rid of her ?
I don`t have the time to be constantly on here , like some others . If Millipeed or Farage were in power , nothing would of changed , to what you are demanding . I don`t want the bastard`s here either.
‘I don`t have the time to be constantly on here’
As is made clearer, hour upon hour.
GW, you are constantly , posting on here, me only when the need arises .
“GW, you are constantly posting on here; me only when the need arises”
As someone once famously penned: “If you say so”.
I do confess to posting regularly, but in my defence they are mostly matters pertaining to the BBC, with the odd detour when seeking to tease those trying to distract from the site topic for various odd reasons.
Your clearly sparse contributions all day may meet a unique, and even vital… ‘need’ to you and your colleagues, but seldom appear to address the BBC and its reporting.
As Eric Morecambe once, and taffman has recently pointed out, there seems a lot of it about.
Joining the dots. Not something the BBC is either willing or able to do.
Some dot joining, N T D W I of course:
We need more Steyns (that’s Steyns, not Staines).
But then again, as Owen Jones would interject, Mark Steyn is a far right extremist, white patriarchal, neo-con, islamaphobe, misanthrope, borderline Nazi – Just like me!……… defending the right : of Jews to exist…… of women not to be mutilated or maltreated ….. of people not to be murdered……. of people to freely exchange ideas without threat to their welfare…… of Gayers to do their gay thing…….of people to have the right to say ‘Gayer’ without some Verbage Stasi Officer providing an unwelcome interjection…..to name but a few.
I note from media reports that there is some doubt as to the age of these ‘girls’ – ’14’ or ’17 to 18′
Would it be too much to ask for their schools to be named and shamed?
Seems whenever there is some event evoking sympathy for a school-aged child BBC reporters head to the headteacher with some alacrity asking how fellow students and staff are being counselled so as to deal with the news.
Why not a quick word from an NUT-member here reflecting on the products of their care and instruction?
None of the reports I’d heard have made any reference to the race of the attackers, You can imagine my amazement at finding they are not white.
Meanwhile in foreign news, in London ( I consider that city abroad, it’s not connected to this country ) two teens, the corporate media’s euphemism for blacks, punch an 87 year old lady on a bus. When I heard about the story yesterday I immediately knew it would be Sir Lenny Henry’s kinsmen, in this case girls. What is interesting to note is they have a lack of empathy towards the victim, giggling and laughing.
If this was the reverse, two white kids punch an elderly black gentleman it would be splashed all over the papers, the race hustlers would be having a field day. White on black crime is so rare that’s why it does make the news while black on white crime is so common, it’s practically an every day occurrence, that’s why it doesn’t make the news.
Nothing will be done of course, they won’t be arrested, or go to prison, or fined, probably cautioned and told to keep the peace. In another time they would have been birched, their family would be deported, correction, they wouldn’t have been allowed into the country in the first place.
I could not find anywhere on the BBC website that the girls were black ! Surprise, surprise !
The DT went colour blind on this one as well.
And it used to be such a good news paper.
Morality and Abstract Thinking: How Africans may differ from Westerners by Gedaliah Braun
Gruesome cruelty, Lack of Empathy
”Another aspect of African behavior that liberals do their best to ignore but that nevertheless requires an explanation is gratuitous cruelty
There is something so unspeakably vile about this, something so beyond depravity, that the human brain recoils. This is not merely the absence of human empathy, but the positive enjoyment of human suffering, all the more so when it is “slow and agonizing.” Can you imagine jeering at and mocking someone in such horrible agony?
During the apartheid era, black activists used to kill traitors and enemies by “necklacing” them. An old tire was put around the victim’s neck, filled with gasoline, and—but it is best to let an eye-witness describe what happened next:
“The petrol-filled tyre is jammed on your shoulders and a lighter is placed within reach . … Your fingers are broken, needles are pushed up your nose and you are tortured until you put the lighter to the petrol yourself.”
In 1993, Amy Biehl, a 26-year-old American, was living in South Africa, where she spent most of her time in black townships helping blacks. One day when she was driving three African friends home, young blacks stopped the car, dragged her out, and killed her because she was white. Supporters of the three men accused of murdering her … burst out laughing in the public gallery of the Supreme Court today when a witness told how the battered woman groaned in pain.” why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.co.uk/2010/07/morality-and-abstract-thinking-how.html
This prompted me to read up on Amy Biehl. She sounded like one of the well meaning people who want to help others, but don’t realise the world can be an evil place. Several people like her have ended up being beheaded by Isis. Her murderers did a few years, and were then released because their crimes were “political”. Fair enough, you would murder a defenceless young woman as a political act, that makes perfect sense. Her father then greeted her killers and shook their hands as a gesture of reconciliation. It’s not the reaction I would have had, but with a father like that, I can see why she would have had a rather naive view of the world.
The good thing about Amy Biehl was that she only put herself in danger. Unlike Angela Merkel, she did not control the fate of a major European nation.
A chap I used to work with, a German-South African, told me that when he did his national service they would sometimes be on checkpoints outside black townships.
He said that occasionally they would get earnest, religious, young white-American men and women, trying to enter and whom they would prevent from doing so and then send them away.
The response to this was to be told that “we” (the Americans) aren’t like “you” the white South Africans and they wanted to go in and help the blacks.
The response to that would be that it didn’t matter if they weren’t like them – the blacks would still rape and /or kill them.
This reminded me of the “everyday I wash my brain in media lies” image posted by another user previously.
A couple of quotes from the article
“People need patience,”
“all nationalities mixed together, it’s a good thing,”
There are concerns expressed too, but overall the underlying message is clear, it’s a good thing so stop asking questions. That’s the message I took from the article whether it was written in by design or not I can’t say, but I do feel as if I have only read half a story, again.
It’s likely that Merkel’s compassion for ‘refugees’ is driven in part by her shame at Germany’s hideous past – during, and even after the Holocaust. Nazi scum even went to Egypt to help it develop weaponry to be deployed against Israel and as late as the eighties German industrialists were arming Saddam Hussein, one of Israel’s most vicious enemies.
But she is probably too thick and too PC to comprehend the long-term consequences of welcoming a massive invasion which will include countless members of the Religion of Peace, whose blind hatred of Jews could lead to an exodus of Jews from Germany, or worse.
Neo-Nazis will no doubt be watching these developments with interest.
The tragedy for Merkel, Germany and maybe the rest of Europe is that how the Nazis got their hands on power. Oldspeaker noticed this: “There are concerns expressed too, but overall the underlying message is clear, it’s a good thing so stop asking questions.”
Germans have told me that is what happened in the 1930s and early 1940s “it’s a good thing so stop asking questions” and not only that but extending from it – “IT’S A GOOD THING TO STOP ASKING QUESTIONS.”. Create a climate of fear, too, and that helps to make people shut up and go with the flow.
Interesting . . .
. . . especially when linked with the debating skills and manner of an American student below.
The BBC, in the form of DGs, Trust Chairs, CECUTT responders and DPA officers have well embraced this concept for a long time.
And if people persist in asking questions of the BBC, they ban them.
The next steps in this progression do not seem encouraging.
Worth noting how the left have embraced the argument that the Muslims today are being victimised as were the Jews under the Nazis. Hence parallels are drawn between Pegida’s protests against Islamisation and the Nazi attacks on Jews. See post comparing Pegida to the Nazis of Kristallnacht.
“It’s likely that Merkel’s compassion for ‘refugees’ is driven in part by her shame at Germany’s hideous past – during, and even after the Holocaust”
You don’t think it is possible that the ‘new Germans’ are part of ‘the final solution’ Mk. II? Rather than seeing Muslims as the ‘new Jews’ she might see them as a tool to get rid of the ‘old Jews’.
No, I don’t think Merkel herself has that agenda. It seems likely, though, that opportunistic neo-Nazis will try to form an unholy alliance with many Muslim Jew haters who will no doubt be part of the invasion welcomed into Germany by Merkel’s PC stupidity.
Here’s the indefatigable Pat Condell with an incisive attack on the PC idiocy of the left:
The guardian and the BBC are both pillars of a kind of metropolitan, multiculti, middle-class, left-wing prickocracy whose days are numbered.
It’s an old video, but still as relevant as it ever was:
Now if only he were on the News Quiz instead of that Jeremy Hardy prick I might start listening to it again. It’d even be worth putting up with Susan ‘my wife’ Calman for a few minutes.
Before you watch this link please understand that this is a debate taking place at Yale University between a Professor who has argued for freedom of dissent and debate and a student who, ought to be, the intellectual cream of the intellectual cream of the United States.
Bizarre, isn’t it?
And over here we have such as UCL hosting segregated meetings, bowing to the demands of vocal minorities.
I wonder if the majority, always too silent, will eventually be moved to act, if only in self interest?
If I was a student, or their parents, paying tens of thousands to be associated with such a seat of learning, would I really want this to be the thing that pops into the mind of a potential employer?
Well, unless it was the BBC on a milk run looking to boost the staffing with the right kind of drone on the line, as apparently they are safe no matter what come Charter Review.
Was this the Law faculty? Was she a Law student?
Some good, reasoned, coherent & respectful argument there. Not. Looks like she had ‘a home’ there but not a ‘school’ with a lot of tuition or attention or work in class.
It’s a tried and tested lefty tactic whereby those who shout the most hysterically think that wins them the argument. At least I’m assuming she’s lefty, because she’d worked herself up so much I couldn’t make out what she was shrieking about.
Remember Mao Tse Tung? This is EXACTLY how Mao took over China, The students were the vanguard. And we were warned the very first year Obama took office;
The emotional young lady in the video said ‘It is not about creating an intellectual space! It is not! Do you understand that? It’s about creating a home here!’ If a university isn’t an ‘intellectual space’ then what is, I wonder?
Apparently the bust-up started over an email sent round by the wife of the gentleman in the video, in which she said people shouldn’t get too het up over what people choose to wear for Halloween parties. The email is available online and this bit caught my eye:’ no one around campus seems overly concerned about the offense taken by religiously conservative folks to skin-revealing costumes’.
Oh dear. That’s enough rope to hang her in the PC world.
This is the modern way of debating – the Jeremy Kyle/Jerry Springer art of screaming your opposition down and thinking that intimidation wins you the argument. She should have been booted out for speaking like that to a Professor. It might give slight cause for hope that a large part of the crowd moved off as though they’d heard enough. And there wasn’t any support/applause for this almighty gob on legs.
“It’s been unseasonably warm, lately!”
“Well done, Lou, go to the top of the class!”
Sofa-prop Louise Minchin links to weather-mumsy Carol Kirkwood this morning as house eunuch Bill mincing simpers quietly in the background
What the beeboids are doing here is so transparent it would be amusing – if it weren’t so lame, indeed trajic, and likely soon to cost us all even more in new Green Taxes
Mr Adebayo, presenting an immigrant special…
Our friend Doton, born in Nigeria s co-founder of Colourtelly, Britain’s first general-interest black internet television station, also Adebayo founded the publishing company X Press, producing black fiction such as Baby Father; Yardie, and was music editor of The Voice Britains main black newspaper, so its pretty obvious where his sympathies lie, so no bias here…
What is all this endless stuff about Downton Abbey?
It’s not on the BBC, is it?
Looks like Mr Adebayo’s career as a TV mogul will be short lived. He has shot himself in the foot already with this home truth.
Tip 1: put the doll in a burka then it won’t matter, will it?
Tip 2: copy people from the Far East and stop whining.
Tip 3: go somewhere black.
I am horribly white, but my favourite dolls were a fluffy rabbit and my gollywog.
So bloody what!
1. The ‘black’ doll is the ‘white’ doll but using ‘black’ rubber so it doesn’t look right.
2. ‘Black’ boys prefer dumb ‘white’ blonde girls because they are ‘easy’; ‘black’ girls remind them of their mothers and fear and discipline.
3. It is probably impossible now to produce a proper ‘black’ doll because that would be seen as ‘offensive’ or ‘racist’. As a child my sister had a proper ‘black’ doll but unfortunately its head got broken, (oh no, white on black violence!), and the best the doll’s hospital could do was to spray a ‘white’ doll’s head ‘black’.
I still own a “Jolly Nigger Bank” piggy bank (those are the words written on it) which I remember as a child and must have inherited from an earlier generation. I never had a Golliwog but always wanted the badge from – who was it – Robertson’s marmalade?
Weird thing is, these childhood experiences gave me a completely positive harmonious opinion of what we now call ‘ethnic minorities’. I never associated the N word with anything other than a happy looking person. Only years later was I ‘instructed’ these names were anathema. I don’t object to not using the N or G words in front of black or asian friends who may find them offensive , it’s common courtesy. What I resent is being told by Al-Beeb and the Equalities Industry what and how to think. It is they who have caused in me a resentment I never had in the first place.
Sluff, I had a copy of the book ‘Little Black Sambo’ as a child. I just thought it was a funny little story about an African boy. I got pulled up short at school for calling a newly arrived Rhodesian boy ‘Sambo’, but that was only because he reminded me of the boy in the book. I had no idea what ‘racism’ was. Ironically his actual name was Tcsoki which was pronounced ‘Choc-Eye’, of course we all called him ‘choc-ice’ which would probably be banned for racism today. He turned out to be a smashing chap and was one of my best friends so I don’t think I was a junior version of Dr Goebbels. (Oh sorry I forgot, in lib-world if you say ‘some of my best friends are black’ it usually means you’re racist!)
Try it as an accusation, it’s even more amusing:
‘Some of your best friends are black. You’re a racist!’ Bang.
It must be about forty years ago that I saw (with amusement) a West Indian transport official in London sporting a Robertson’s golly badge on his uniform lapel. This, of course, was an era where race issues and humour could go together.
Imagine what would happen if the poor bloke tried such a thing today! He’d be abused both by white liberals and some of his own people. He’d probably be disciplined by his bosses for wearing potentially offensive symbols, too.
By the way, am I allowed to say West Indian? I can’t keep up with PC language rules.
Listening to TODAY (BBC R4) this a.m. from 7.35a.m. left me wondering whether the programme Editors are just completely oblivious beyond the segment they are working on at a given moment in time and then afterward their brains slip into neutral for a while.
They ran a trail for the series of three ‘Climate Change’ programmes to be aired from next Monday on R4 at 8pm. They then ran an item that they had scheduled about the very real & tragic possibility of a serious famine in Ethiopia because of the failure of this year’s rains. No Climate Change in Ethiopia, then, but there will be Climate Change every night for three weeks at the BBC.
Is the picture I have of a News Editor knowing pretty much everything about the items his paper or programme covers, perhaps even pretty much everything about ALL that is going on in the world, and being able to connect most – if not all – of ‘the dots’, a false one?
Just tuned in to the “ministry of truth” to listen to PM Camoron, tell us that as the Tories here have doubled our national debt, borrowed more in 5 their years than in the previous 13, and spitefully lowered the standard of living for the vast majority in our nation whilst lining their own pockets, and still continually lie about it
… and because of that Europe should listen to him talk down to them.
That they should listen to Tory Political spin, the continual lies that would enshrine and increase that differential, and not mention, how they are rabidly giving away what s left of our infastructure whilst desperately courting any entity that they can syphon financial gain for themselves.
They must patiently listen as he looks down on, as he patronises anyone with an ounce of intellect, and conviently forgets that Tories both Heath and Thatcher, the instigators signed us away,
and that above all else …
he just wants to appear to be “the winner” in any side, in any referendum, and increase his own profile.
Thank you and good night (keep the car running).
Who pays for your benefits then Noggin ?
Apologies, for any late reply I ve only just got back
and … 😀 looks like old Essexboys replies are getting more desperate
one could imagine someone with his arrogance, could come up with something constructive ……. never mind
Essexboy … I ve posted another one below maybe your grasp of history is a little better ……. then again 😀
1/10 … must try harder
At 9 am this morning the PM set out in an important speech at Chatham House lasting forty minutes the key lines of his EU negotiation strategy . Whether or not you agree that these proposals for EU reform are significant, the In-Out referendum most certainly is. So while Sky News covered the speech in full and followed up with an interview with Nigel Farage, what did we get from Al Beeb ? Well, actually they didn’t bother showing it all and just countinued with their scheduled morning tat as per usual. So didn’t they get the memo ? Was this just their usual bias by not giving Cameroon the spotlight ? Or what genius thought a “police reality” show on Beeb 1 was more important than the question of the UK’s economic and political relationship with the EU. Anyway Norman Smith is now wittering away on VD doing his best to rubbish the whole thing-obviously much better than letting people listen to what Cameroon had to say and then make their own minds up. Well done !
This reminds me of the election declaration bBBC coverage at Morley and Outwood where Ed Balls was beaten by the Conservative candidate and the BBC talking heads, Dimbleby etc managed to talk through the whole of her winning address, and then went over to Ball’s losing address, which of course was heard without interruption.
The BBC is revving-up for a major push on its pro-CAGW propaganda ahead of the Paris Climate Jamboree at the end of this month. The Met Office is dutifully doing its bit (as a signed-up IPCC bottom-feeder) by never missing an opportunity to big-up any sign of a winter storm as yet more evidence of climate-change induced ‘extreme weather’.
The Paris Jamboree’s main purpose is, of course, to part the world’s taxpayers from their money to serve a political agenda. Paris has nothing at all to do with science (let alone climate science) and absolutely everything to do with liberal progressive/socialist agrarian/anti-fossil fuel/pro-immigration/pro-EU/pro-UN political engineering.
The BBC will be there, every step of the way, to megaphone the dominant narratives, the preferred agenda and to reinforce the doctrine of CAGW. There will be no ‘debate’ (there never is, because eco-zealots (and specifically the BBC itself) don’t ever want a debate), no airing of skeptical views, no discussion which might ever call into question the scientific validity of the CAGW catechism. The BBC sees its job as being an ‘enforcer’ of the pro-CAGW agenda, for obvious reasons, once one appreciates the underlying political and financial aims of the entire CAGW scam.
This is how the BBC has turned itself from being a public service broadcaster into a naked political activist organisation. And it’s done all this (and continues to do it) on the public purse, by resorting to the use of criminal sanctions against anyone who refuses to pay for its politicking. In short, if you refuse on principal to pay for the BBC but still wish to watch other live TV channels (including other subscription channels you might readily pay for), the BBC will take you to court, criminalise you and might even attempt to imprison you.
The BBC considers it your legal responsibility to pay for its existence, in other words. Try to remember that when your intelligence and common sense are being assaulted by the coming wave of hysterical, sensationalist, inaccurate, politically doctrinaire pro-CAGW propaganda due on a TV and/or radio soon from the Paris Climate Jamboree. There will be much talk of ‘tipping-points’, of ‘last chances’ and all the usual tired worn-out memes these charlatans have employed for decades now.
I suggest you turn off the TV and go for a nice walk. Until the BBC is dismantled or turned into the pay-to-view digital subscription channel it should be I’m afraid I don’t have any better advice to offer. You think the pro-CAGW propaganda on the BBC is already bad enough? You ain’t heard nothin’ yet!
Harrabin has a trailer for his series on R4 in which he remarks that he has been at this ‘global warming’ racket for 25 years. I’d like to ask him how many of the absurd predictions he and his mentors have made in that period have actually come true. Children never seeing snow springs to mind, just for one.
In any case, once this series has aired I would hope regulars here will duly launch complaints to Ofcom, as was done about the single Quentin Letts programme a couple of months ago, mildly questioning the Met Office.
The eco warriors need to be on the receiving end of the same treatment as they like to dish out.
Well folks … just remember the enormous amount of money and lies, the hedgefunds that financed their election win.
Then think the campaign now
Actually (if you are old enough), recall Heaths Tory Gov, lying to our nation, (he had full knowledge of the plan), the same situation in the EEC referendum in 75, Heath (that knowingly signed us into it originally) and Thatcher Europhile to the hilt
enormous financial backing, the political machine … compare that to the no/out campaign.
In 75 the Conservatives campaigned furiously to stay in the Common Market.
Margaret Thatcher, Tory leader the “Yes” vote would never have happened without the (then) opposition’s support for it”.
Heath said: “I’ve worked for this for 25 years, I was the prime minister who led Britain into the community and I’m naturally delighted that the referendum is working out as it has.”
Remember who opposed it?
Noggin , you would of voted to stay in in 75 too , maybe you did anyhow , if you were old enough. Who pays your benefits then ? The rich , of course ,who you despise , like the Socialist Corbynista that you are. Farage would cut benefits even more , so your only option is Labour & Corbyn , who would endorse most of your posts. Those posts are straight out of the SWP handbook .
Essexman, how the heck do you know what Noggin voted in 75 ?
Essexboy … If you re going to reply to a post … at least read it first 😀
and what was I saying about you re erm, non grasp of history. ROFL!
“Vote Labour or go to hell”……Oh life would be so much easier for the BBC if they could manipulate the general (non Islamic) public into believing in this garbage like Muslims can..
‘“Vote Labour or go to hell””
Choices… choices.
Some may have trouble deciding.
More an ‘and’ thing for many, of course.
And of course, there is no possible connection between Muslims’ support for Labour and the Bliar junta’s unbridled enthusiasm for immigration, is there?
That, incidentally, is why I keep insisting that the charge should be treason. Labour gerrymandered on a national scale to subvert our country’s political system for its own benefit.
“Labour gerrymandered on a national scale to subvert our country’s political system for its own benefit.”
GC, I used to think that until I realised that Cameron was importing them in even greater numbers, as was almost every government in Europe. It’s a lot wider than just Blair sticking it to the Tories.
‘Is News Failing Women?’
How about less of what Kelvin Mackenzie termed ‘foreign-bang-bang’ news? Less coverage of demos, campaigning activists and disputes. Less political sniping.
‘Five editors from round the world including Ben de Pear, editor of Channel 4 News, Kate O’Brian, president of Al Jazeera America and Fran Unsworth, deputy director of News and Current Affairs at the BBC will be discussing the issues in front of an audience of multi-media journalists, bloggers, activitists, academics and social media editors’
Oh dear, what’s the betting the BBC will inevitably conclude that what we need is more and more one world PC multiculti feminism in our news?
There’s an outer Mongolian woman out there just waiting for the BBC to come fly in and tell us her story – as we men and women alike switch off.
Probably posted before, and not strictly BBC – or perhaps it is.
Either way, it’s VERY scary…
I’m getting sick to death of the injustice meted out to our soldiers in Northern Ireland.
The IRA have been let off via Blairs disgusting Good Friday Agreement from murdering our soldiers yet the same is not the case for our armed forces.
This country has acted in an appeasing cowardly way to the IRA.
In this report there was no mention of the reasons behind our soldiers being there. No mention of the murderous violence perpetrated by the IRA.- Just Cameron pathetically slapping our soldiers in the face in his condemning Bloody Sunday. Weak.Weak.Weak.
“What happens if trust goes out of sport?”
Well it’s a good question but hardly one which need concern the BBC.
Question – what does the BBC do in terms of sports coverage?
Answer – very little unless you count second-hand soccer on MOTD or snooker, half the 6-nations now (should that be 3-nations?) tons of ‘live sport’ except that it is all radio or that enthralling website text, and the list goes on.
If you have spent all our licence fee money on your biased, liberal, pro-minority, distorted science programs etc and can’t afford any proper sport then I’m sorry but you can’t be an authority. So shut it.
Sir Lenworth Henry just now on Radio 4 telling us how awfully racist the Black and White Minstrel Show was.
Most BBC programmes of this type suffer dreadfully from ‘presentism’ – the judging of the past by the standards of the present. The conclusion is just that Britain was a horrible racist place, with no attempt made to understand why things like the B&W minstrel show were popular. As far as I recall nobody at the time thought it was really making fun of all black people – any more than the Mikado is making fun of all Japanese people or pantomime dames are making fun of all women. It was just silly caricature, understandable in an era when few white people had contact with black people. It wasn’t part of some great plot to keep black people down.
The Black and White Minstrel Show was not the greatest musical show, but it was never intended as a form of racism. Rather, it was an attempt to follow the tradition of great artists, like Al Jolson, who blacked up without any intention of offending people of colour. Many of his songs were sung by the B and W Minstrels to people who had a yearning for Jolson’s entertainment.
But try defending Jolson to the Trots in the BBC.
Here is a comment I copied from the You Tube vid linked here.
‘Al Jolson fought against black discrimination in the early twentieth century. He did the “blackface” act to mock the idea of “white supremacy” by showing the value of African American musical/cultural idioms. Consider that black people could not perform in these venues during this time, so he painted his face black to give a sense of presence in these venues. He was one of the most popular singers in his time period and he did it by singing African American influenced music, which helped bring the attention of African American music to white audiences. He was also an activist for the black community, and is noted as being one of the earliest individuals in popular culture to bridge a cultural gap between blacks and whites in the early twentieth century. I’d hardly call any of that racist.’
More than you will achieve Sir Lenny. KATANGA.
The origins of the Black and White Minstrels.
Only one of these men is a Knight of the Realm and a multi-millionaire. What a wicked racist country we live in.
I suppose, the Black Lenny Henry would only be too happy if it was the Black and Black Minstrel Show. I guess he will soon be out there saying that he found the confectionary ‘Minstrels’ “racist” too as they depict “Blacks”.
Shouldn’t it be the white supremacists who don’t like the Black & White Minstrel Show. A programme devoted to showing black men and white women singing and dancing together. What an example for the children.
Meanwhile in the real world GWF has it right.
“Black and Black Minstrel Show”
Isn’t that Radio 1Xtra? Or the MOBO Awards?
You know, I’m fast coming to the conclusion that ALL “Leftards” are as thick as pigs sh*t. I’ve just heard what the President of the USA has said about “Climate Change”. wax your skis in Scotland, you are going to need them shortly.
Now, whilst we are all getting our ears mugged concerning the foreplay before the Paris “Climate Change” orgasm, consider this: Yes, it might well have been a little bit milder than usual (based on average temperatures for November) but if we now have a prolonged period of BELOW average temperatures, the average temperature for November this year will be below the long term average. We still have 20 days of this month to go BBC (Met Office) so, will you tell us if the month average falls below the long term averages? No, I bet you won’t.
This morning on Radio Five they interviewed a doctor, a London GP, who has given up two weeks of his annual leave to go to help refugees.
There is no doubt this man is being very generous with his time and skills but the interviewer’s approach was very telling.
He mentioned that the doctor was an NHS doctor about three times in a short period, obviously keen to associate the wonderful NHS with charitable work.
Of course, in all probability the doctor is not an NHS employee at all, but a private contractor to it like most GPs, and when he is on his annual leave he has no connection to the NHS whatsoever.
Yeah, how noble but will he be working Saturday and Sundays during his annual leave?
On the subject of Saturdays and doctors, I’ve been made aware of a ‘noble’ clinical director who sanctions four operations per day in the week (when on the NHS contract) but manages to squeeze in seven on a Saturday (when it’s pay-per-operation).
The four-a-day inefficiency of course enables the doctors to swan off to do their private practice.
Not something I expect bBBC to be mentioning in the near future. Goes well against the ‘saintly’ NHS narrative.
The BBC never look at how the public sector operates too closely because it risks drawing attention to how the BBC operate. More money for the public sector will be the BBC mantra each and every hour until they are scrapped. That is why they call it public service broadcasting. Broadcasting propaganda on behalf of the public sector.
A really great article in the Times on Saturday by Matthew Parris, taking on the argument about ‘saintly’ public sector versus ‘evil’ private sector. Which is of course by inference the narrative mentioned in Phil’s post and one implicit in lots and lots (all?) of bBBC output.
Parris’s best line was to explore the oft-quoted populist claim about the need for essential services to be in the public sector. You know the thing. Trains, electricity, NHS, broadcasting, etc. Parris asks – what about essentials such as food? Drink? Clothes? Cars? Fuel? Is a doctor actually more important than a farm worker or a clothes shop worker? What is more essential than eating? As we are of course constantly told by the food bank ‘community’. And should we all walk around naked while we wait for the creation of the “National Clothes Corporation”?
I’m not expecting our public sector broadcaster to take on this logic.
I can quite easily see food banks developing into some sort of basic state-run food provision service in the next few years. Clothing less so, because most people would want expensive labels that the government wouldn’t be able to provide.
Cranmner – how clever you are. Think you may have hit on a Corbyn policy for 2020!
How times have changed since the last (ruinously inefficient and expensive) state-run food subsidy programme in 1975 , run by ……….none other than ……………..Shirley Williams!
bBBC would no doubt be delighted to provide the propaganda, err I mean advertising, errr I mean public information, for such a service
The entire argument is bogus, in any case. I have yet to meet anyone in the NHS, from a cleaner to a consultant who doesn’t work for money. The entire system is based on money as, of course, are all such organisations.
Precisely. But public sector unions prefer a system where the interests of the producer override the interests of the consumer, and it is all funded by the tax payer.
My usual response to those taking the line that the private sector is the root of all evil is to ask if they do all their shopping at the Co-Op.
On the other hand, if Sluff is tempted by the option of one of those 7 operating slots on a Saturday he needs to made sure that he’s in the first part of the list. If anything goes wrong he’ll need one of the limited number the hospital’s intensive care beds. If he’s number 7 on the list and it goes wrong he’ll end up dead. The same point applies if you’re tempted to have any major surgery in a private hospital – ask about their ICU bed state. Many private hospitals rely on shipping patients in crisis to the local NHS ICU, which gives you a good chance of dying in the back of the ambulance.
There is a lot wrong with the NHS, but the solutions are complicated even before you add in the politics – not that you’d know that from the BBC. They’re still stuck at “the envy of the world” stage, circa 1955..
Hi RJ. Lots of good points there.
We should remember that the formation of the NHS required the consultants to play ball. They drove a hard bargain then and still do. Minimum hours contracts and NHS inefficiencies to provide private work opportunities abound. As for your ‘dead in the ambulance’ comment. You are right in principle but you may be forgetting so many private hospitals and consulting rooms are in spitting distance of the local NHS hospital (makes it easier for the consultants to bunk off). That’s when they are not actually IN the NHS hospital, the Lindo wing of St Mary’s Paddington to take but one example.
As Nye Bevan said, he stuffed their mouths with gold.
“private hospitals and consulting rooms are in spitting distance of the local NHS hospital ”
There was a classic case of that in Norwich. The new DGH was going to be built in the grounds of an existing NHS hospital, so there wouldn’t be any land costs. The consultants threw their toys around and land was purchased so that it could be built across the road from the BUPA hospital. Then costs were inflated further when the Labour run Department of Health insisted that it be built as one of the first of Brown’s wonderous PFI deals. The contractors and money men ran rings round the DoH , saddling the NHS in Norfolk with high costs that broke the rest of the system.
As a PS, thank you for the tone of your reply. When I reread what I had written on 10th, just after posting but too late to edit it, I realised that you could have taken it as a criticism of what you had said rather than as a comment on it. One thing I like about this forum is that apart from the trolls we can have a civilised exchange of views.
Civilised! Yes – mostly.
That’s a shock. Nurses get paid? I thought from the bBBC coverage they all worked for free, given their uncritical saintly charity coverage at all times.
(Which is not a reflection of nurses, who are no worse but equally no better than the rest of us IMO)
Anyone remember that sketch on Spitting Image (1987 election) (on youtube) where Kinnochio is campaigning and he shouts “Nurses. Pensioners. Old people. Nurses. Nice people. Nurses. People that people like” ” I get it” says Hattersley”. “Tory Party. Tory Party”.
I remember that sketch, It was hillarious.
Is it just my simple mind, or does anyone else see that the opportunity to tarnish the rapidly growing reputation of Vlad Putin and his country, is rather fortuitous? Vis a vis the IAAF corruption announcements?
I smell a big furry rodent.
Why you’d think the corporate media had an agenda !!
Putin is a fascist so I can see the attraction he has for you. Russia is corrupt. Journalists who report on that corruption are killed. You are contemptible.
Now now, temper temper, bit of a hysterical drama queen, aren’t you ? just because I criticised your chum, the love rat Seb Coe, you have a tantrum. Oh well, Ho Hum.
But you are a Putin supporter, Russia is corrupt, and (if you posts on here are anything to go by) you are a fascist. Are you honestly saying that you have not voted for the National Front or the BNP or whatever they call themselves these days, and if so why not?
In my post about Mr Coe I was objecting to the BBC Paper Review implying that he enhanced his athletics perormances by taking drugs, and that he is financially corrupt. About his marital affairs I neither know nor care.
“bit of a hysterical drama queen, aren’t you?”
As I say, you are contemptible.
Why is it of any concern to you or anyone else on here, who he has or hasn’t voted for?
I know we had several posts higher up the page about the banning of pistols, but why have we brought Birmingham Nitro Proof into this part of the thread?
” As I say, you are contemptible. ”
As I say, hysterical, melodramatic, camp, hyperbolic, old drama queen.
And mind numbingly tiresome.
and answer came there none…….
“There’s nothing worse than an uppity, you know what, getting above their station”
David Brims
[“We had been warned against using the word ‘black’ in the party. Instead of using that ‘darkie’ came to mind. It’s a good old English word, I’m a good old English boy.”]
“I also prefer the old fashioned words like ” coloured or darkie.”
David Brims
“The BNP brand has been so demonized by the BBC and the press, the brand is toxic. The media goes into epileptic fits of Tourettes frenzy when the mere name is mentioned.”
David Brims
Putin has my seal of approval.
Best not feed trolls.
“When you look at European countries today, Britain, France, Germany, they’re vassal states of islam, African immigrants and Cultural Marxism. One must conclude that the wrong side won the war.”
David Brims
“A one hour programme from 1966, it’s very interesting to see because we now know how it all turned out, Dutch Boer genocide. There is a South African jewish gentleman, a lawyer, Albert Sachs who is against apartheid in it, what a surprise.”
David Brims
“Saw this interesting article on V Dare by Stephen Steinlight titled ”jews are disproportionately involved in every kind of insanity, immigration”
David Brims
“What a pity Britain didn’t sue for peace with Germany in 1940, then we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in today.”
David Brims
“Scotland is blessed or should that be cursed with North Sea oil, gas and other natural resources which London craves, plus it’s a great place to dump nuclear weapons. Do you honestly believe that the London power elites, bankers, corporations, globalists would seriously permit Scotland to leave ? Too many vested interests.”
David Brims
David (the definitely not hysterical, melodramatic, hyperbolic) Brims, as far as I am concerned (and it is only my opinion) the sooner you and your Scottish chums exit the UK the better. Have you considered moving to Eastern Europe if the vote does not go your way?
Have you ever been outside Scotland? Try Hungary or Russia. Maybe they are not racially pure enough for you? Too many Jews?
Just saying it doens’t make it true. Please provide evidence as you are sounding very much like the western leaders who say something with absolutely no evidence provided….and therefore it must be true.
I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Putin is no angel. I have read stories that journalists have been murdered in Russia. I persume the stories are true.
But he has been voted into office on 4 occasions. And I’ve no doubt you’ll come back with ‘the elections were rigged’ or ‘people are afraid to vote for anyone lese’. All I’d say is ‘evidence please’. Just because you say it doesn’t make it true.
Now, a question for you. Ever heard of the following: –
Michael Hastings
Andrew Breitbart
Jacky Sutton
to name but three off the top of my head. All died in very suspect circumstances and very suddenly. All journalists in the west. Ever heard of them? Thought not. Because the fabrication of news isn’t just twisting the truth….it’s omitting news as well.
Putin’s a fascist? Really. I think you’ve been watching too much telly.
If Putin is a fascist, what does that make Bush…Blair….Obama….Cameron…who have, in the last 12 years, killed millions of complete innocents in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now Syria. For what? Seriously, kill millions of innocent men, women and children because of their moral ‘superiority’ and ‘spreading democtacy’?
If that’s ‘democracy’, I’ll have fascism every time.
Story on BBC news about 10 teachers resigning en mass from a troubled junior school in Leicester.
There were no pictures of children or mentions of ethnicity. That got me wondering. Leicester? Mmmmm.
Let’s take a look at some OFSTED reports. Quotes from 2014 and 2015.
“Almost all pupils come from a wide range of minority ethnic groups. Those of Indian background are by far the largest group. A very large majority of pupils speak English as an additional language, a proportion that is well above the national average.”
Actions needed :
“Improve pupils’ achievement in English and mathematics by:
– encouraging pupils to develop their ideas, and helping them to speak fluently
– focusing on improving pupils’ skills in reading with fluency and understanding”
Now I’m not saying there are not many problems here (the teaching has been rated poor for quite a few years, a Head who resigned after a vote of no confidence was quite well regarded in the OFSTED report, and you can find some Socialist Party sourced photos on line at http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=uplands+junior+school+leicester&FORM=HDRSC2) but for al-Beeb to not even mention ethnicity is beyond the pale but so typical of their bias of selective omission.
In other news…
‘They can expect a gentler ride from the Lords’
The House packed to the gunnels with Labour placemen and ex-BBC troughers?. So, yes, no doubt.
“He intends to be part of the shake-up discussions and no one at the top of the BBC thinks he should leave.”
Quite right too. he must be worth thousands of licence fee cancellations a month.
Keep him on!
A few other posts around the site well worth a gander as a hits reward… plus a lovely poster called Mr. Neutron who seems to have the BBC’s card well and truly marked.
Very interesting….The Internet for information that is – Not the BBCs warped viewpoint of the world..
Something the BBC missed on its detailed coverage of the anti capitalist Anonymous Million Mask March. According to Guido the masks are made in China for 22 pence and re-sold by capitalists for as much as £4.20. Cheaper on Amazon which is a capitalist outfit they protested about.
BBC – Blackburn “student” convicted of terrorism offences … Buddhist?, Quaker? hysterical Hindu? pushy Presbyterian?
Nah! only joking … Another Blackburn Muslim convicted etc.
The 19-year-old, from Blackburn in Lancashire, fled his home after stating his desire to “fight abroad for Allah”.
“You may never understand, or you may understand why I have left, I have gone to seek the Pleasure of Allah and no one else. I do not care what anyone will think of me.”
At university … oh ignorance, poverty disenfranchisement causes terrorism then? or if not it looks like university Studying … Arabic? … aah! so he must understand the old Koran, a whole lot better now then? …… no wait!
Don t know what s going on up there eh!
Girl, 16, set for court on terror charges – Blackburn Citizen
Blackburn pair preparing for acts of terrorism – The Independent
Blackburn teenager appears in court on terror charges – BBC
Boy, 14, from Blackburn held over Australia ‘terror plot
A SECOND East Lancashire teenager has been arrested on terrorism offences – Lancs Telegraph
We know of al-Beeb’s reticence to mention Islam or Muslims (and increasingly other ethnic non-white British groups) in any way that may reflect negatively, by constantly and deliberately with-holding factual information.
But if they can find a “muslims being victimised” story angle , then no such problem.
This from the al-Beeb website front page on Armistice Day morning.
I wonder what my dead relatives, buried at Ypres, Gallipoli, and Northern France, would have thought?
In this case Rebecca Kandare death: Parents jailed for malnourished baby killing the bBBC report is all about the weird sect – the Apostolic Church of God in Wolverhampton – that drove the pair to neglect their child.
But elsewhere, almost every day the Muslim-loving bBBC is telling us that there is no connection between primitive beliefs and barbaric murders committed by religious fundamentalists.
This week’s QT could be quite amusing, with two eloquent right-of-centre politicians (Conservative and UKIP), the Sun’s Managing Editor Stig Abell (who doesn’t mince his words), the car-crash-interview Labour MP Lucy Powell and a ‘transgender rights activist’!
Stig Abel? – James O’brien lite.
Transgender rights activist? Can someone furnish me with the rights that transgenders apparently don’t have?
Paris Lees looks suspiciously like Samantha Cameron…
Pointless friend Osman – “That’s four winners in a row, I don’t know where we are going to get the money from”
’nuff said.
BBC game shows really are a con. The contestants vie for a whopping prize of £1000 per game show on Eggheads (and also I believe on Pointless?).
Meanwhile, on ITV’s The Chase, the contestants get £1000 PER QUESTION. Then they can gamble and take offers reaching over £60-70000 if they are very good. Look at the money Who Wants to be a Millionaire doled out, too. Considering were all forced to pay to finance the BBC, you’d think they’d have slightly better jackpots.
The Chase is a superior quiz with a good oldschool host where there isn’t 3 or four minutes between each question and we don’t get to hear the the contestants life story’s.
If you cut the crap Eggheads would be over in 15 minutes.
Please don’t criticise Eggheads. Without my daily dose of Vine’s unctuous sycophancy together with the team’s pseudo-elitist excess, I might lose sight of what a privilege it is to be entertained by the British Broadcasting Corporation.
My friend went on Eggheads Southampton hospital radio team. He told me there was loads cut out from the head to head he was in.
Our time-honoured family joke is that the only real ‘jackpot’ on Pointless is the pay rates of Armstrong and Osman.
We detect a slight patronising wink and smirk when the ‘jackpot’ is won and the presenters realise the contestants may thus be getting nearly as much as them.
Is this the madness of “new” Canada? – the world turned upside down.
OK, it is non BBC, but how long before it is? … cause celebre terrorist?
remember that CAGE incident?
I heard part of the 6 o’clock news on R4, the piece concerned Cameron’s proposals to the E.U. There were then a number of people asked about what they thought about said proposals – Eastern Europeans living here in the U.K. Why? Who gives a f**k what they think? They are only here because the E.U. allows them the freedom to do so.
That still makes me shake my head in disbelief – foreigners are allowed to come here and live, work and/or claim benefits, because other foreigners have past laws which dictated that our elected government must permit it.
How far our nation has fallen: Churchill, Disraeli and Walpole must be spinning in their graves.
Al Shubtill
November 10, 2015 at 6:41 pm
I heard part of the 6 o’clock news…
… How far our nation has fallen: Churchill, Disraeli and Walpole must be spinning in their graves.
Forget them, they have not got to live with it.