This will rub some people up the wrong way, but if you can handle the cheesy music and ads it really is worth listening. It’s a Christian take on Hijrah, or Jihad by Emigration.
Is it me or is nearly every single ad on the BBC, Cbeebies or TV Licence etc have Ethnics on it mostly Black people ? Maybe Black is the new White in their eyes.
Why are the authorities now raking up Bloody Sunday again? Snow on C4 and BBC 6 o’clock news almost orgasmic that a British soldier has been arrested. So the IRA members have letters of comfort and immunity from prosecution yet our soldiers thrown under the bus. Our media again sectarian hustling and denigrating the army. Like Hillsborough and Steven Lawrence it’s one of the axis of left wing eternal grievance.
I guess that the liberal media-and British hating marxists that dwell in the undergrowth of Saviles laundry basket. of Strasbourgs drug-snorting cubicles-just see this “story” as “a gift that gives forever”-a stick to beat “The Man” with.
I mean-why bother your arse to find a real story-Kids Co, how Mandelson gets his money, how Coe is able to do a double pike after shafting the Sunday Times…and not resigning.
Far easier to warm up this mouldy old stew, and insist that we all get the chance to ignore it again as it goes on endless loop on the sushi bar.
As for what Gerry Adams did? Martin McGuinness?…do we REALLY need to dig this up?
Apparently not-so Jean McConville , Mr McCartney stay unlamented or an embarrassment.
Warrenpoint?…Brighton bomb?
Typical BBC monocular mutineering as ever.
I find it disturbing that the bBBC can refer to Rape as child sex offences and of course you have to look under regions (Yorkshire (Leeds and West Yorkshire)) 13 men and one teenager raping a young girl over many years. Not front page news then .
With an extended run of snow due to hit the higher slopes in Scotland and the warm air over south and central England about to give way to colder polar air, just think of our friends in New Zealand. Why New Zealand?
I think I must have missed the BBC’s coverage of this record breaking event.
My moneys still on a mild winter for the UK this year, unless a Midoki develops which isn’t looking likely now. We could still end up with a back loaded winter but I feel it’s less of a possibility.
Snow cover in Siberia which was extensive in October, and very early has now receeded.
I’m not seeing a forecast for significantly colder weather in fact, I’m not even seeing a ground frost forecast in November.
We have already had a ground frost in November Thoughtful, and try talking to some of our friends in Scotland and the North of England in eleven days time about significantly colder weather!
I’m with Thoughtful seems to following the pattern of the last couple of winters, no frost in my part of Somerset yet, no heating on yet, the latest certainly since 2006 and the temp hit 16.5 deg today, 14 deg right now.
Colder on Friday, but then turning mild again Sunday.
Of course I could well be proved wrong, does anybody really know?
I think that’s pretty much the point. No one knows but one group of people are pretending that they do and have forced a raft of eco-socialist policies on us as a consequence.
As yesterday, I’m still bidding for a cold winter. I have to say though, that the current warm spell over southern half of the UK does fill me with a certain mischievous delight (as well as doubt that my prediction will be correct) that energy company executives colossal annual bonuses are shrinking by the day.
Back to the weavva. *
Or Global Warming. Two points: in both of the links provided by The Old Bloke it stated the extremes were 1. extremes(!), and 2. localised. The Global Warming distorters (Beeb included) might, of course, claim this WEATHER is evidence of serious Climate Change. Quite how they will cope when, perhaps in exactly the same places, there is possibly a warm winter in Australasia next year, who knows? Tear down the windmills? Give us our taxes back? Probably not. It does demonstrate the dangers of conflating weather with Global Warming (man made and otherwise) and so-called Climate Change and creating confusion and lack of clarity of thought.
Now what was that mission? Inform … educate …
… entertain …. * oh well, time for some Crowded House!
Gore’s claim of snow being “consistent” with global warming is also at odds with is Oscar Winning 2006 film “An Inconvenient Truth.” Gore never once warned of record cold and increasing snowfalls as a consequence of man-made global warming in that film. But Gore has hyped the lack of snow as “evidence” for man-made global warming.
But then…
“As it turns out, the scientific community has been addressing this particular question for some time now and they say that increased heavy snowfalls are completely consistent with what they have been predicting as a consequence of man-made global warming.” -Al Gore
Fine material, you would think, for ‘The News Quiz’ or ‘The Now Show’ or whatever passes for satire on the BBC these days.
Whoops! Pile of pig shit just landed on the roof again.
Normal human reaction to news that evidence is clearly showing climate Armageddon might not be visited upon us after all would be enormous relief and ‘Let’s call things to a halt and have a serious look at that evidence, maybe we’re going to have re-visit this whole damn thing. Hey guys, maybe we’re not going to fry in hell after all – whooppee!’
You’d even think the more inquisitive dwellers amongst the journalistic community would follow up such sensational revelations and do a bit of – you know, investigative journalism.
But the fact is they don’t want to hear it. What they want is disaster for humanity and to scare humanity shitless until they completely surrender to what is, effectively, a religion.
And religion is nothing to do with science but the way you live your life. And that’s exactly what they want, but it has to be in the eco-socialist way they decree.
Why is it that the BBC is difficult with Cameron? Makes little sense as he is one of the hive over nearly everything. This EU renegotiation nonsense is a gift to the liberal left. Meaningless and a pretty obvious attempt to fool the British voter.
The issue is never about the piddling rubbish Cameron is on about but the major matter of sovereignity.
In England in particular it is about who is sovereign. Parliament as expressing the will of the people or an outside power. It has always been a simple thing to grasp.
I suppose the BBC is out to confuse the electorate and playing a devious game. Cameron and the BBC – a relationship made in self interest and out of greed.
Sometimes I really loathe the Conservative party.
And did you know that in the Southern Hemisphere, countries such as Peru and Chile have just experienced the heaviest snow fall (their winter) for decades with some areas recording record falls. So how can we be told, by the BBC, that this is probably the warmest year on record?
Because I have a hunch, TOB, that scientists (those wonderful scientists whose every word we must believe) have been sticking their thermometers in different places every year. Or not even bothering with thermometers and relying instead on computers & software (!!!) and satellite imagery to tell them what the temperature is.
This could be one of the next scandals to erupt worldwide: some of the scientists are being non-scientific.
Just another scandal to go with drugs in sport, Volkswagen & dodgy engine management, people trafficking, bribery & corruption in soccer … and that’s just this year, there’s also the political corruption, taxation and banking and sub-prime scandal stuff as well.
21st century is not turning out too well, so far . . . . .
40% of the temperatures recorded for the surface temperature record are from weather monitoring stations which no longer exist. That’s right. They have ceased to be, and so the figures for those areas are “infilled” which means that they are completely made up. They are invented. They are not real.
The remaining 60% of the data is routinely post hoc adjusted to force the historical data to agree with what the CAGW hypothesis predicts.
They are claiming that the temperatures in the past, are NOT what was actually measured, but instead are what computerised climate models claim they were.
People who have spent decades of their lives volunteering to venture out in all weathers, several times a day, to their local weather measuring station, to faithfully record what the temperature, air-pressure, precipitation are, are being told that they were measuring wrong and have had their lives work destroyed by people decades later forcing the data fit a failed theory, for entirely political considerations.
And so, 5Live’s Migrant Tuesday comes to an end. Though I didn’t catch it all, I caught enough. It was a subdued affair compared to the similar Migrantathon held by 5Live in early September which was a full-on propaganda fest.
11.40 – 12.00
Reporter Ed Thomas is on Lesbos, and (as other contributors here have mentioned) is talking to a pleasant sounding Dr.Siddiqui who says he is “proud to be a British NHS doctor…..and wants to give something back.” Next, Ed is in a fishing boat following migrant boats making the crossing in broad daylight. To Ed’s incredulity the Turkish coastguard was motoring up and down minding its own business. Ed is told by an aid worker – “It’s business as usual on Lesbos”…….60 boats per day, 10000 “new arrivals” per week. What has changed in the last two months is the whole process is streamlined. Daily they leave for Athens on ferries, and from there head north….
Reporter James Shaw is waiting on the Slovenia / Croatia border where it appears the East Europeans are not taking any nonsense from the transiting “arrivals”. Shaw describes the police as aggressive and the migrants as concerned and frightened they may not reach Austria. A police officer says that as long as other countries do not close their borders then everything runs smoothly. The same officer seemed also to say (I may have misheard) that you can’t shoot thousands of people as it would destroy Europe.
At the end of the trail in Sweden awaits Dotun Adebayo. He interviews a Sweden Democrat who wants to close the border, and a Christian Democrat who believes in the principles of human life and dignity, says it’s “in our DNA”, and anyway we “need people to support the elderly”. This goon also said he “wants David Cameron to stand up and be like Winston Churchill”. Dotun twice says “you have a big country, twice the size of the UK and only 9 million people”!!!!
Anyway this sort of thing went on in the same tone all day. During the Afternoon Edition we heard from a Swedish film maker who is following the “new arrivals”. She believes that the problem in Sweden is not the “new arrivals”, the problem is racism. Dotun finished up on Drive talking to a local municipal officer about the spate of arson targeting buildings being made ready for “new arrivals” which means they have to be housed in a stadium, and as we heard from Dotun earlier IKEA has run out of flat-packs.
All is not well in Sweden, but as Dotun says “You have a big country…….and only 9 million people”.
I may have missed it (I didn’t hear every broadcast) but I don’t believe the other R word was mentioned. I doubt it was. The elephant and his friends are still very much in the Swedish room.
“Multiculturalism is simply the refusal of the elite, the refusal of the opinion shapers in our society, to face up to the consequences of importing millions of people committed to a world view which is fundamentally incompatible with Western liberal values.”
Why? The meaning is crystal clear and it really does not matter who said it . It is nothing other than the same truth said by many of us in many lands.
Pedantry is the enemy of reality.
Why? Because some of us post elsewhere and if it is a quote by someone authoritative then it’s good to use that. The fact that it is true make it more usable!
How is it pedantry ? It’s actually courtesy to credit someones work, not pedantry !
Thoughtful – usually I try to do so; I think it may have been from an article posted at GoV (Fjordman possibly or Paul Weston), but I’m not certain.
I just believe it to be a very good description of multiculturalism.
“They have been largely welcomed into Oberhausen and the city has not seen any of the right-wing protests staged in Dresden and elsewhere, particularly in the east”.
“People need patience,” says Joerg Fischer of the German Red Cross.”
“The biggest group of asylum seekers have come from Syria but other arrivals are from Afghanistan, Albania and the Balkans”.
The Red Cross chap is obviously a BBC /Left type who believes that patience will solve everything. If not, a Corbyn debate will suffice.
The BBC report is totally biased as expected. Any protests are ‘right wing’ in the eyes of the BBC and therefore dismissed.
Interesting that arrivals (illegal immigrants) are from Albania and the Balkans who don’t qualify as refugees.
Another pro-invasion left wing propaganda piece by our national broadcaster. Paid for by the populace without choice. And imprisonment if payment lapses. Goebbels would have been proud.
And what, precisely, is the justification (other than economic opportunism) for illegal entry from Albania and sundry Balkan states?
You might expect this sort of sloppy thinking from someone who works for the Red Cross but it should be innate for a journalist to pull him up and question it.
But of course, the BBC doesn’t employ real journalists any more, does it?
A lazy and superficial article indeed. To characterize all opposition as right wing is simply not true and mirrors the German MSM whose approach is quite simply disgracefully one sided.
The trouble with propaganda is that it denies reality and always fails in the end. This situation in Germany is going to get out of control and the MSM is going to lie and dissemble in a hopeless attempt to influence reality.
The demographics need repeating again
and again till we all get it.
In the male key age group 20 to 35 the ethnic Germans will be outnumbered by immigrants as soon as end 2016. This is effectively the end of Germany as a German nation in the relatively medium term. . That is the thing about demographics. They cannot be spun or faked. (well they can and in this case you can bet the German state will do so if it can)
One further point. The German state is distributing the migrants throughout Germany but less so in the old east. I wonder why.
Thanks to all of you for your replies on sea levels.
Surely, surely, somewhere there should be a very simple graph showing the sea levels taken from one place in Great Britain over the last hundred years or more that would give us a simple answer.
Or is that too simple?
Having just watched our PM’s speech on the four demands from the EU. Is David Cameron betraying Great Britain and all those that the Red Poppy represent ?
Over to you Essexman, ask your Tory mates.
You & everyone has one vote, you vote in the referendum for staying in or leaving regardless of which way the government recommends. In fact they won’t recommended anything, as a pre referendum one month purdah, will come in before the due date.
But our PM has said ‘he will campaign for Britain to remain in the EU if he gets the reforms he wants’. So bang goes that theory .
I am sure that many readers of this site have noticed that there has been an infiltration of Al Beeb ‘trolls’ and ‘moles’. They are trying divert and disrupt the criticism of Al Beeb and its broadcasts by their posts. Some have been here before and will be recognised although they use other pseudo names. From the quality of their posts they are obviously the junior and immature employees of Al Beeb who have to work as ‘duty officers’ on night shift.
Taffman, I rather welcome Beeboid trolls here. At least it proves we are getting noticed ! I am still laughing at “Edward’s ” comparison of murder and homosexuality. Too much wacky baccy, methinks !
I heard the BBC’s headline news this morning on the Today programme. Once again Ethiopia is under threat from a drought. Now, it’s not as if droughts in that part of the world are unpredictable, but apparently little has been done by the Ethiopian government to save for that ‘rainy day’ (if you’ll forgive the pun).
Well done, Sir Bob Geldof and pals. Your efforts of some 30 years ago have borne fruit. You screamed and swore at the British public to just get their money out for ‘the boys’, and never mind what it cost. So, the African habit of having as many kids as possible to provide a pension fund for the older generation, (because child mortality was at a rate that kept the population in line with the resources available to support it) was allowed to continue, and within a few short years the population exceeded the ability of the country to ever again be able to support it from its own resources – hence the ‘Band-Aid’ became full-blown, and permanent, trauma support. And hence we’re back at square one again. The population of Ethiopia has risen from just over 40 million in 1985 (the year after Sir Bob’s bash) to just under 100 million today – and rising ! A guaranteed catastrophe just waiting to happen. But did the Today report mention any of this – or was the demand for more cash just slotted in as it usually is by the BBC in these situations…… no hard questions asked as to how we got here ? Guess.
muslims as victims BBC tripe here,
The picture heading the article adds a nice little touch to this seditious piece, just exactly who is victimising the lady in the image? Maybe the BBC will follow up with a counter article on just who is really victimising who on a worldwide scale, but I won’t hold my breath.
“having a “negative impact” on British Muslims, a campaign body’s report says”
Some here have pointed out that the BBC seems to have given up even the pretence of reporting.
This is no more than cut and pasting press releases from activist groups, who no doubt share iPhone favourites with Divya Talwar and Athar Ahmad… and the Victoria Derbyshire programme?
As propaganda goes, not very subtle, or credible. Quite why the majority of the U.K. Public is still forced to pay for this escapes me.
They had someone on 5Live from the oxymoronic IHRC (make your own mind up on their legitimacy: along with a recent (female) convert to Islam. Basically it boils down to them saying Help! Help! I’m being repressed!’.
Funny, I thought, didn’t see it on the BBC news website, but eventually found it under Education and Family
“White pupils ‘least likely to go to university”
Now the Beeb rightly tell us “White British pupils on average are the least likely ethnic group to go to university, says an analysis from the Institute for Fiscal Studies” but they omit from there report a rather interesting statement that the Indy included.
Professor Alan Smithers “in addition argues, universities were under pressure from ministers to increase the participation of ethnic minority pupils. A Green Paper published last week called for a 20 per cent increase in ethnic minority participation by 2020.”
Meaning obviously that White entrants were discriminated against.
So basically this is a living breathing example of white racism that is still being actively pursued despite their being no reason to do so. No doubt all these graduates will be employed by the BBC.
BBC discovers ‘hidden’ parallel Republican debate in USA…
There was a major TV debate amongst the Republican candidates for the US presidency last night. The main theme of the debate was to attack the Democrat’s front runner, Hillary Clinton, with the candidates suggesting that a Clinton presidency would be a disaster and giving good reasons as to why this would be the case. When the TV anchor stated that Clinton was experienced and with an impressive resume, she was booed by the audience. Here’s a report of the debate:
However, the BBC has discovered a totally separate Republican debate that took place in a parallel universe. In this one, the main focus was Donald Trump, who was ‘booed’ for having the gall to want to address immigration. Lavishly illustrated with unflattering and cliched photographs of Mr Trump, he was ‘savaged’ and ‘found himself under fire’. The article, masquerading as news, mentions that Mr Trump is a billionaire. As he is, but the problem for the BBC is that he is the wrong sort of billionaire – he is an outsider, as opposed to say, a left-wing globalist ‘good’ billionaire like George Soros. Plus of course the BBC does not want to throw the dirt on Hillary Clinton, who is a woman and therefore automatically the, er, best man for the job.
It is interesting to speculate why the BBC feels the need to do this. One could understand such a partisan report from a US news outlet that openly supports the Democrats, or a rabid left-wing website supported financially by somone like Soros. But whose hearts and minds are the BBC trying to win here? Aside from the Republicans-and-Men-Bad-Democrats-and-Women good mantra, it looks like the BBC is once again indulging in the prejudices of the Junior Common Room and Student’s Union committee, producing articles for its own staff. At your expense.
‘It is interesting to speculate why the BBC feels the need to do this. One could understand such a partisan report from a US news outlet that openly supports the Democrats’
I’ve said it before and will say it again – the BBC use US politics as a cipher for their domestic political outlook about which they have to be a little more careful. Although so-called BBC comedians can say what they like about conservatives here and regularly use the nationalised airwaves to ridicule half the UK population in any way they see fit, the actual news and current affairs BBC bods are still somewhat hamstrung by broadcasting rules. Whereas in their presentation of US politics it seems there is less constraint and so the gloves come off.
‘…the BBC is once again indulging in the prejudices of the Junior Common Room and Student’s Union committee, producing articles for its own staff. At your expense’
‘ the BBC use US politics as a cipher for their domestic political outlook ‘. That is a very good observation and one that has not occurred to me before. I will listen to BBC reporting on America more closely from now on.
I read that article and wondered why Mr Trump would be booed for mentioning immigration. It seemed unlikely, given the setting, but perhaps seasoned US-watchers might explain. I’ll confess that deporting 11 million people seems ambitious at the very least.
The other thing that jumped out was the sequence of Trump silly faces, which just seemed gratuitous.
Is there any point in the media doing ‘silly faces’ anymore? Surely now that everyone has digital cameras, digital video etc they realise that unless a person is absolutely still and quiet he can be made to look silly by careful editing?
It’s a variant of the ‘news’ vs. ‘not news’ ((c) A Newsroom Tealady) dilemma facing all BBC editors of vital, and unique integrity.
In this case, it is how A. Picture Editor does, orcan lose their job.
On the one hand there is scoring one frame of 24 from an HD reel to get Nigel in full cackle and use everywhere, vs. explaining to Lord Hall Hall why not one shot of Ed gurning or Jezza scowling to camera could be found, but was lost briefly on HIGNFY, which no one watches any more.
In the case of the BBC – ‘it depends’. Showing a White Republican male making funny faces is a way to denigrate him and all vaguely like him. Showing a Bangladeshi woman making strange grimaces – let’s say she’s won something like The Great British (sic) Bake Off – is intended to endear us to her and all vaguely like her, establish her as Britain’s sweetheart and let us bathe in the warm light of our wonderful multi-cultural society.
Silly faces or not – I sincerely hope he is the next POTUS, that would be a real game changer for the West.
All the BS and handwringing from the MSM, the EU and (most) politicians about what can and can’t be done with all the gimmegrants now pouring into Europe.
If Trump does what he says he will, re the southern border and all the (predominantly Hispanic) illegals in the U.S., what a message that would send to us over here and the traitorous, conniving c***s we’re led by.
The BBC can present a good feature at times. Here’s one about the origins of the Last Post bugle call.
I expected an agenda such as ‘Is it time to move on?’ or ‘Is the symbolism lost on Muslims who feel ostracised and victimised?’
The BBC can deliver good reporting at times, but generally they’re lost in political Left wing total bias.
Watched “The London Spy” last night, which is the latest drama off the BBC block to have failed (I thought at least) the plausibility test.
In a series of 6, the first episode highlighted an in-the-closet gay spy who met a guy from civi-street, had some kind of a romp before the in-the-closet gay spy inexplicably disappeared ultimately to be found dead, locked inside a trunk (is this an original story line, some might ask).
In reality, wouldn’t MI5/ 6 have sniffed out the risk of taking such a character into their employ in such a role? and the close proximity of the drama to a real life story (without actually saying so) is a little testing too.
I’m just surprised that an actor of Jim Broadbent’s capability should have been drawn into such tripe.
Yes, but the person MI5/ 6 DID employ was not in the closet, was he (I could be wrong)? I thought he was already in the open (so to speak) and therein lies the difference.
The point I am trying to make though is that as ever with the BBC, this drama seeks to address a number of agendas.
I recorded it and watched last night, after whizzing through the (IMO unnecessary) gay romp, I came to a different conclusion it wasn’t the guy we were led to believe was the spy who actually was, but the other guy.
He was the one keen to check his PC and constantly checking neighbours windows, we wasn’t too keen to get out of the house after his grizzly discovery, I would have ran like hell! He also knew how to conceal evidence and we don’t know for sure who is in the trunk.
Al Beeb’s Toady programme this morning, about 8.30 on, had the hoary (sic) old Leftoid hag Vanessa Redgrave discussing a previously little-known Shelley poem in which he postulates that right-wingers aren’t the only patriots. He was writing at Oxford at the time of Napoleon, who he admired (sic, sic), after a newspaper had been closed down because it denigrated Britain’s efforts/affect in the war. Early press censorship by the Right, huffed Humpty iirc (sic, sic, sic).
The irony of this today when the Left want and have almost achieved press censorship and the Leftoid ‘leader’ fuckwit comrade Corbyn and his Corbynutter comrades want to remove our nuclear deterrent and allow everyone to come here to foment terrorism and suck off the dried-up dugs of the U.K., well England because Jockland sucks as well, is lost on them all (sic, sic, sic, sick)!
Napolean is, inevitably, a hero of the Left. But even that , rather third rate historian Andrew Roberts, eulogised him recently, on the BBC, of course !
It is not right to glorify the gratuitous and inhuman pursuit of war and warfare as a deliberate and callous instrument of power.
It is right to glorify those people who strove together to defend their nation when they had no other recourse but to fight, and fight to the death if necessary.
It is assuredly right, not merely to commemorate their suffering, but to glorify their selflessness, their courage and their determination. They made the crucial decision not to become abject victims of foreign aggression and political cowardice, but to become active agents of their own, and our, salvation.
That they were just people like us is the strongest possible reason to covet them as role models, with all their imperfections and flaws. The superhuman may be beyond most of us, but the good deeds of the all-too human is something we can all aspire to.
We betray their memory in misrepresenting them as passive victims, just as surely as if we forgot them entirely. We can do better than that.
BBC Breakfast takes a rather detached look at the future of product placement in commercial television.
An item bookended (if you’ll excuse the pun) by Ian Rankin talking about his Rebus novels with, no doubt his publishers cheering him on, an eye to Xmas book sales and then an interview with Dame Maggie Smith talking about her recent film of the Alan Bennett movie Lady in a Van.
You see when the BBC says ‘we don’t do advertising’ they of course don’t at all mean the gratis promotion of the careers of approved luvvies and political fellow travellers.
‘Lady In A Van’ perhaps a certain former Labour deputy leader attended the stage play and it planted the germ of an idea for an electioneering gimmick?
Did Alan Bennett also write a story about a man who went around with a massive headstone with daft platitudes written on it?
The lady in the Van, Miss Shepherd, was white, Christian and apparently quite right wing. No wonder Sir Alan only let her park in his drive. If she’d been a Syrian refugee she might have got the master bedroom! Just joking. I do like Alan Bennet (despite his orthodox left-luvvie credentials) and he did a lot more than most people would for someone he had no obligation to help.
I too heard the Today piece on Shelley’s poem with the drippy Vanessa. Whenever I see or hear her, I wonder what she puts in her tea??
The more I read this forum, the more noticeable are the attitudes and leanings of the BbC. Can nothing stop them? It’s unsettling but more and more, it is becoming quite dangerous.
Last night, the wonderful Neil Nunes on Radio 4 said…”now before we hear an analysis of today’s news, here is the weather forecast.” So there you have it: we don’t just get the news per se, we get it analysed for us too! Suitably dumbed down, of course!
As I was saying, the BBC don’t really do advertising, they just promote the careers of luvvies and fellow travellers…. and some pretty deluded and spiteful lefties too…
‘Sadly, the presenters of the radio show (BBC Radio London’s Harriet Scott and Tim Arthur on at 10:58 am on Sunday) fell down on this duty. The hardest question they put to him was ‘which theatre is showing your play?’ The follow up question was something like, “that’s a really nice theatre, isn’t it?”
After rubbishing Britain yesterday after raking over Bloody Sunday, BBC policy team now turning their attention to Poppies. Vine show almost 10 minutes solid of lefty peaceniks without dissenting voice. Off switch.
Vine’s classic comment ‘should have perhaps taken my red poppy off as we had three guests with different coloured poppies in……..and I didn’t want to express an opinion’
(1) The Purple Poppy is to commemorate serving Animals only.
(2) The Blue Poppy is to commemorate all Animals only.
(3) The Black Poppy is to commemorate Black people only.
(4) The White Poppy is for those who celebrate the blood soaked flag of the socialist revolution.
and finally
(5) The Red Poppy is to commemorate “ALL” who died in the War.
John Gaunt … not a bad show. His freedom of speech stint started to unravel, when he tried to shut down justified callers, e mails and tweets with perfectly valid points the other day
… the topic to which, the Talk2me speech wasn t so erm … free? anymore … any guesses?
Starts with Is and ends with am, he appears to think just so long as you re not ISIS then you re moderate
Bank Robber, Bruce Kent and Is Islam ok in UK? Nov 9th
Stop Diesel VAT rise and Gaunty gets kicking off callers Nov 9th
Laughably he resorted to the old back up, “waycist” and “bigot”
Yes, I gave up listening when he morphed into Stephen Nolan on Monday. I note the moderate Muslim he keeps giving airtime to (without resorting to the rudeness he gives those with the opposing view) is going to be working on the station.
Might just as well listen to LBC or 5Live, noting different here as far as the unmentionables go. Free speech? pah!
Tends to when advertisers get in the frame or revenue that certain no-win lawyers who are engaged by the BBC’s black ops dept. (Editorial independence being their sole preserve. Apparently) appears for them to secure.
If Jon Gaunt is going to describe his radio ‘station’ as the ‘home of free speech’ then he’ll have to do better than this. He certainly talked the talk earlier in the year but, after recommending his podcast to only a few weeks ago, I’m beginning to look a bit flushed in the face. Perhaps he’ll be up to salvaging some semblance of ‘free speech’ in future broadcasts but, listening to recent output, I’m not sure he’s up to the task. I hope I’m wrong.
There are a lot of ‘disappointed’ and ‘down listeners’ saying their bit on Twitter today, he has been blocking them both on his and on Talk2meRadio timelines. Not the best way to garner new listeners and somewhat doomed to failure if you can’t offer your much touted USP.
Like you I stupidly bought into the idea that we were going to get a free speech station. Hypocritically both he and producer Nick Margerrison spent an hour on a podcast berating Nolan for his treatment of callers daring to question the MSM coverage of the washed up child, yet we find Gaunt doing exactly same to his callers on the subject of, well you know what. Ironically I’m sure one of those callers was the same guy who Nolan had previously shouted down.
He used to be quite good on TalkSport and I saw his ‘one man show’ a few years ago, also good. But he clearly lost the plot. On one show on TalkSport he was bemoaning how people argue about their religious differences (there had been multiple callers critical of Islam. The usual thing, complaining about the odd bomb or two and child rapist gang) and if we all just “went down to the pub together” we could sort it out. Well, most Sikhs I know are quite keen on a tot of whisky, most Hindus take a glass of beer and a bottle of wine goes down well with the Friday night seder amongst my Jewish friends. But – hello Mr Gaunt – most Muslims wouldn’t be seen dead down the pub. Does that tell you anything about the sort of cultural differences we are dealing with and that matters might be a bit more complicated than a round of drinks in the local?
Nadiya is turning on the Christmas lights this year in Luton. Ok she doesn’t actually celebrate Christmas but it’s an opportunity to celebrate diversity and the money is good. I suppose I should be grateful we’ve got Christmas lights at all this year. Often the Council just doesn’t have the funds despite being able to fund every PC vanity project going.
Now then, now then … Nadiya … would be contributing, helping our fallen then
… better to get a hijab from a good Islamic source eh? … is it halal?
Bet the BBC is lapping it up
“that’s very nice of them, I’m sure, and the ladies look very charming in them.
But, if they wished to reject “extremist groups” and support the armed forces,
… why couldn’t they just wear the same poppies that everybody else wears?
Why does a communal ritual observed by the Queen’s subjects in every corner of the earth – Canadian, Bermudian, Tuvaluan, black, white, Protestant, Hindu – have to be
… Islamified … to accommodate them?”
BBC – Government policy ‘negatively affects’ Muslims
Divya Talwar and Athar Ahmad, BBC News, the BBC Asian Network and … Victoria Derbyshire programme
More garbage from the Al BBC that the political infiltrating, Jew hating, female oppressing, child raping, minority spiting, “genuine” rights abusing, child mind poisoning, animal cruelty endorsing, false discrimination producing, gay hating, other community oppressing, dangerous, supremacist totalitarian ideology is really ……. a victim!
BBC – ‘Silencing Muslims’ … where s the flying pigs? … Where? and When? … I can assure you never on the BBC
The IHRC has been carrying out research into discrimination against Muslims for nearly two decades.
Islamic and Human rights! … Islamic and Human Rights in the same sentence? I had to rub my eyes and pinch myself. then I realised I hadn’t been seeing things, its the BBC.
The IHRC is as much as a human rights outfit, as the BBC is a reputable news organisation … hmmm explains why both support Islamic terrorists?
More tiresome victimhood. An Islamic human rights commission is about as likely as a Catholic birth control clinic.
Actually, it’s Islamic doctrine, not government policy, that negatively affects Muslims (and everyone else).
Pat Condell
Meanwhile away from the BBCs and David Cameron s protect victim Islam land
Yet another Islamic child gang rape case
A vulnerable 13 year old girl, girl known to police and social services was repeatedly raped by 14 different men and boys over a 13-month period, in a trial heard at Bradford crown court
Thirteen men and a 17-year-old youth went on trial on Tuesday charged with a total of 28 sexual offences.
Some of the men laughed in the dock as the prosecution outlined the case against them,
The Express also gave a long report on this. It is quite frankly sickening and staggering what has (is still?) happened. The argument that the wider community knew (knows) nothing about this is unbelievable given the numbers and age range of the “men” involved.
Further to the debate about capital punishment on an earlier thread, I can’t help but think the judicious use of a couple of bricks would kill two birds with one stone here – one of which would be wiping the smiles off their faces.
Watched the business news BBC TV earlier, it may have been about 1pm, the presenter was the tall bloke whose name I can’t recall. He reported that an energy provider had increased its profits, mostly from higher income from Scottish windfarms, and suggested that ‘many people will be angry about that’. Whether he is critical of the high income derived from windfarms, or profit in general I don’t know. Nor do I know what his knowledge of business although I fear it is merely superficial, but his BBC training clearly allows for such throw away remarks, which he ought to know are partial. He, and thus the BBC see themselves as addressing only one group of people, those who are resentful of profit.
I wonder if, in passing, the BBC sought to clarify just how much in taxpayer subsidies (wind farm construction, maintenance, additional grid construction, price paid over and above normal rates for electricity, standby generating capacity, etc.) was spent supporting that level of profit ?
Didn’t see the item in question, but my guess is that, given the BBC’s predilections in this area, it made no attempt to look at that aspect. Had it been some other industry however…..
‘Then, the Palestinian Prime Minister’s office banned British journalists from attending his meeting with the London Mayor. Palestinian journalists will be allowed to ask questions.’
Whattttt???! Only the BBC can ask ze questions!!!!! Surely? They will be all over this.
Oh, hang on…
“What next? Boris blasted those who want to boycott Israel as “corduroy-jacketed lefties”
Come on, surely they must at least be suspect! All my old teachers were marxists in corduroy, Uni lecturers – an awful lot of corduroy, people on my walking group – corduroy loving communists!
OK ok I know it’s a generalisation, but if it walks like a duck..
Not too sure that quite conveys just how long certain minority agendas have been set at the BBC for long enough, from the cubicle gardens up to Botney’s personal sense-deprivation chamber or Lord Hall Hall’ ‘La-la-La’ soundproof room.
As Don Warrington in the part of Philip in Rising Damp once reminded Leonard Rossiter who had just noticed his ‘love wood’ had heen planed : “Everything’s commercialised these days, Rigsby”
Abigail hits UK. Oh well, at least it wasn’t Ahmed or Abdullah. Mind you that was only ‘A’, there’s B-Z to go yet. I wouldn’t put it past them.
BBC caught out again 😀
Why is the BBC letting the Islamic Human Rights Commission set the agenda?
“The farcically named ‘Islamic Human Rights Commission’ has featured here many times before. The last time was earlier this year when this Khomeinist group decided to award their ‘Islamophobe of the Year’ award to the murdered staff of Charlie Hebdo. At their ‘awards ceremony’ for this the IHRC even joked about what a shame it was that none of the staff of Charlie Hebdo were around to collect the award.
Today the IHRC has thrown a smoke grenade into the public debate by issuing ‘findings’ claiming that the UK government’s counter-extremism and counter-terrorism policies are having a ‘negative impact’ on British Muslims. The ‘work’ is the usual confection of non-research and pre-ordained ‘findings’ that you would expect from such an ideologically driven group. For instance the report is based on ‘respondents’ to IHRC questions.
Not quite the same thing as a poll is it?”
D Murray
“Bjørn “Skeptical Environmentalist” Lomborg has been doing the math on global warming – and it’s worse than we thought.
Even if every nation in the world adheres to its climate change commitments by 2030 the only difference it will make to “global warming” by the end of this century will be to reduce the world’s temperatures by 0.048°C (0.086°F).
That’s 1/20th of a degree C.
Let’s put this into perspective. Earlier this year, Climate Change Business Journal calculated that the annual cost of the global warming industry is $1.5 trillion. If you want to know what that looks like in numerals it is: $1,500,000,000,000
To put it another way, even if you’d spent $1 million a day every day since the birth of Jesus, you’d still be less than half the way to reaching $1.5 trillion.”
Is David Cameron the Laziest Prime Minister we have ever had?
Not BBC bias, but what policies does Cameron actually have, and how is working towards them?
We had the EU demands which he failed to even think of, and then he could only manage 4 lightweight ones.
Cuts & Austerity is being run by Osborne.
Other government ministers are seemingly running their departments to their own agendas.
There are failures left right and centre yet Cameron seems blissfully ignorant.
His hero, Tony BLiar worked like a Trojan to destroy Britain Cameron has done nothing to reverse the hateful oppression of the Fascist Left.
In fact over the past few years he’s been PM can anyone tell me what he, personally and not a minister has achieved?
Well , I am sure you are looking forward to Comrade Corbyn`s Coronation , in May 2020 , because believe you me, it may happen . Anyone had a whip round yet, for the Kippers . Think Nigel will have retired by then.
Three big stories in the Mail today.
1. Public sector fat cats in the NHS and the police screwing us all over, much as union barons, council wallahs have long been doing. The Mail has put a lot of work into it all, over a period of time-and has resonances re the MPs scandals in 2009.
Been running it in detail now for two days now-yet no comment or interest from the BBC-why so?
Need I ask-for the fattest piggies in the public sector swill bucket will be BBC types like Yentob and Camila.
2. Trojan Horse follow up into Bordesley and Oldknow schools in Birmingham are horrific…really nasty dangerous stuff and scaring OFSTED/LEA female inspectors and non-Muslim staff…yet again, no BBC comment
3. Another white girl “in care” getting raped and abused by gangs of Muslim men-yet again-in Bradford, even involving mattresses thrown down in the car park of former police stations for Allasake!…same old , same old-but the ringleader isn`t on trail for some reason-just the sixteen blokes (aged 62 down to teenagers)…and the girl had to tell the judge that some of them were laughing at her and at him….welcome to the Law 2015 eh?
Again-zippo from the BBC.
And from yesterday?
4. Some Public sector filming of two actors simulating “female harrassment” for an “awareness campaign” turned out to enrage a few male passengers enough to threaten the male actor “simulating his hostility to the vulnerable woman on the Tube”…but, again, this laughable sinister mockery done for Dom Joly like purposes gets no publicity re a country gone nuts.
Still though eh…will Seb Coe leave Nike?…Tory splitters on Europe?…thankfully, as the country turns to a Cairo sewer-the BBC know what REALLY concerns us…wankragz!
chrisH – Al Beebus did cover the rape story on Look North here in Yorkshire yesterday evening; but they kept saying “allegedly” about every fourth word through the intro and during the actual report, something I can’t recall them doing to such an extent before. There was no footage of the cancers walking into court either.
There is a HUGE Muslim rape gang trial coming up next year, centred around Halifax; yet another delightful former mill town now overrun by adherents to the RoP, in which West Yorkshire does such a great line.
I don’t know how Al Beeb will spin that, as apparently it will be bigger than the Islamic atrocity perpetrated in Rotherham.
Boris may come across as a buffoon but he is right on the money on this one.
“corduroy-jacketed lefty academics” – I like it, keep em coming Boris. The last line reminds me of Life of Brian.
“Are you the Scottish Palestine Solidarity front?”
“Fuck off Jimmy”
Another ‘award winning’ report by Emma Jane Kirby on PM bemoaning Italy’s attempts at regulating ‘migration’.
Apparently the Italian’s are unhappy because they are no longer able to befriend the invaders because they are now in ‘hot spot’ camps. Horror of horrors, there is even a suggestion that once processed some of the migrants might be sent back home.
Eddie Mair tells us that ‘some’ of us were concerned about this issue following Emma Jane’s previous report. Some? One, two, three? Maybe ‘some’ hold the opposite viewpoint. We will never know.
Just looking at Al Beeb news today it appears that Cameron, having made ‘austerity’ cuts to his own people and nation, now looks as if he will be throwing ‘loads o money’ (like there was no tomorrow), along with the totally bust, corrupt and inept EU into the bottomless pit of Africa, to prevent the migrant invaders attacking the soft underbelly of Europe.
Essexman, tell your mates that they need to sort out a new PM.
Or UKIP will step up and do the job for them.
Don`t think the kippers will do anything ,its all hot air . Have you had a whip round yet, before they go bankrupt ?Most of the people I know don`t mind Cam , but in general don`t like ,many politicians .
One, you are mixing with the wrong mates .
Two, Cameron has been adopting all of Farage’s policies.
Three, You have been reading too many Guardian newspapers.
Four, if you were a true patriot you would see that the PM is not putting Great Britain first.
Five, He’s an Europhile by his own admission.
Six, You are always bring up Farage in your posts. You are beginning to sound like ‘Bunny’.
If Cam is adopting Farages policies you should be pleased . Never read the Guardian , maybe , The Times & Daily Mail , now & again .Only bring up Ukip`s financial crisis , has the whip round started yet ? No, didn`t think so .
Nearly every winter the islands of Great Britain are buffeted by winds and storms. The people of the nation accept them for what they are, and always have been, winds, gales and storms.
Now The Met Office, along with the great excitement of Al Beeb, are going to name these natural, normal and weather features.
Is this a great plan to match our normal phenomenon with the hurricanes of the US and other remote places.
‘Global Warming’ propaganda anyone?
BTW there is a light breeze blowing outside, I think I’ll call it ‘AliBaba’ after Al Beeb and its hot air.
What was that superb description of Major by Paul Johnson? Something along the lines of “…a man from nowhere going nowhere, heading for obscurity as fast as his mediocre talents will carry him.” I remember it skewered the waste of space perfectly.
Yawn… more pathetic, nauseating and blatant pro-Muslim propaganda. Funny how the BBC always manage to find ‘campaign’ groups in support of Muslims but seem to struggle to find those in support of Christians.
There is a parallel universe and it is often on R4. Late this afternoon there was a segment on Wales and it’s media deprivation. Ok I did not know Wales is deprived but it is. The BBC told me so. It really was a wailing for more taxpayers money one way or another.
There was some woman professor of the nations( ?) arguing that more must be done for the deprived Welsh viewer and listener. It is a crisis no less.
Are they all mad? It is not a crisis It is nothing at all. And this professor of the nations lark. I worked out that it must mean those people of these islands who are not English and therefore discrimated against. Total bollocks and we pay for this woman and no doubt others like her to sit in useless universities and research into drivel. What next a professor of mud?
Mr Golightly. I believe that several universities are running stuff on hate research. Well, I hate loud music, rain, dog shit, driving in fog, cold mushy peas, haggis, people who fart in lifts, and what is offered as BBC comedy. Can i have a research grant?
Coming next, I note on the student campus protest in Missouri that some idiot is calling for hurt crimes, like when your feelings are hurt, as it is already a crime to physically hurt people..
Hard to believe it’s the same station that produced gems like Alistair Cookes Letter From America, whether you agreed with him or not was irrelevant the broadcast had a charm and quality sadly lacking in anything the station now churns out. Parallel universe indeed.
A Professor of Mud would be a step up, at least we could learn about soils and clay minerals!
But DS you’re right there is so much pointless and/or harmful crap taught in third rate universities nowadays, by academics still stuck in the 1970s.
The numbers of people that are watching and listening to S4C are diminishing. The Welsh Nats are driving people away from learning the language of Wales by their fascism and politics .
Welsh will survive in the home as it has done for thousands of years , if it is to survive at all, by mothers and fathers teaching and speaking the language to their children.
Don’t forget its a language of Britain, part of all Britannia’s heritage.
Speaking as a proud Welsh and British person.
I’m sure this must have been linked to before, but if you haven’t seen this its both honest and shocking, maybe Jon Gaunt or his moderate friend have something to say about it.
In less than 20 years Europe is going to be unrecognisable, think of how different the Britain of 1995 was and compair to today, multiply that change 100 fold, that’s how different the country will be in 2035, I kid you not, just look at what the invaders have to say in this video….
Yes Essexman we can blame Labour, but what has DC done since May when the invasion started? I note the first Syrians have arrived today. The MSM are very quiet on the Calais front…
Geoff – that is one of the most powerful films I have seen on the crisis facing Europe and the U.K.
I would usually say thanks for posting it, but I’m not sure that’s appropriate for something so depressing.
I would urge all on here to watch it. The only end I can see is the emergence of parties, or the strengthening of existing parties, which are prepared to confront what our current leaders won’t.
And, as I’ve said before, it won’t be very nice when it happens. The stupidity of those evil people who indoctrinated German and Swedish children to sing songs in praise of their own cultural annihilation is that they are doing more to guarantee the rise of some future Nazi-like party than anyone else.
If even some of what is portrayed is the actuality then voting on whether to stay in the EU is pointless. There will no longer be an EU in 2017.
Sweden has no future and Germany looks to be on the same path This is the problem for the liberal media. Start telling the truth and there will be panic and .complete chaos.
So the media will lie and in concert with the political class suppress and smear opponents and even truth itself.
It will not work . It never has worked as reality is pitiless and cares nothing for us however well intentioned we think we are.
It would be less dangerous for us all if there were some sign of doubt in the current media reports and in the words of the dominant political class. This silence and refusal to face the future realities is doubly dangerous.
First it will not succeed and secondly it will only make the reaction that much more violent.
Liberalism has held sway for too long and has succeeded in marginalising what I call the natural conservative view. This will leave the way open for new men and women and if I was to bet on what sort of person will emerge then it will be a real demagogue and unstoppable.
The future is very bleak for us all.
Great post DS – I agree 100% and I also think that our leaders are well aware of the dangers facing us; but they are arrogant enough to think they will be able to maintain control for long enough until they are out of office, and it becomes someone else’s problem to sort out. The lacuna in such a policy is that someone, someday will actually have to deal with it, they could very well emerge and be such as you suggest at the end of your post.
I believe that it is entirely possible that Western Europe, due to the number, nature and beliefs of these immigrants, will see turmoil on a scale unseen since WW2.
The future position for us, our children and grandchildren is precarious in the extreme.
That WWII comparison keeps being made, and with some justification, I feel. The only people apparently unaware of the gravity of the situation are the media imbeciles, whose only concern seems to be to encourage more economic migrants.
Those who support demagogues frequently end their days suspended from lampposts. Often deservedly so.
In some cases, of course, they end up as Chancellor of Germany (having supported the murderous Communist regime of East Germany) but who yet knows what Merkel’s ultimate fate will be?
Why will the future with a demagogue be bleak for us? Those who were on the same side as the demagogue usually do very well from it, and it will be the lefties who suffer.
Unless of course the Saudis get what they’ve paid for !
Because demagogues by their very nature have caused havoc in the world. Name one who has not. A demogue is the antithesis of the type of man or woman the conservative would wish to be prominent in a nation.
Dave S, interesting TODAY segment with Peter Altmaier today (R4 12 Nov. – 8.10a.m.) where he was ‘head in the sand’ stating “this (immigration) will make Europe stronger, it will make Germany stronger”. Herr Peter Altmaier is obviously also ignorant of Germany’s recent economic history and the economic downturns when guestworkers had to be asked to return to their countries of origin and the tensions that arose over that.
You can huff & puff all you like Geoff , but Farage would of done nothing , even if we voted to leave tomorrow , there would be 2 years of negotiations at least. He was still committed to take in refugees , plus migrates from non EU countries . When not in power , he is not even an MP , you can say do this, & that, but in reality , it would take longer , that what he says .
I didn’t mention Farage, fact is that DC has done diddly squat in the last five and a half years, I draw your attention to 7:53 in the above video as to where your leaders loyalty really lies. That statement says more about him than the false promises on Europe, which he is only having to make because of Farage.
And, in doing nothing, Cameron has allowed the situation to get completely out of hand. In that respect he is as culpable as his role model – Bliar. Cameron is a Europhile. What else needs to be said? He clearly detests the country he is supposed to be leading and wishes it were something else.
I’d read Katya Adler’s piece earlier today and was genuinely shocked to see her casual accusation that the Sweden Democrat party is ‘neo-Nazi’. Used as one is to the BBC’s far-Left bias and partiality, this was potentially actionable and I am really surprised that Adler’s editor didn’t throw the article back at her with a stern rebuke.
‘They’ are lying to us again. All day I have heard that the minimum temperature across G.B tonight will be 8 degrees. “Bullshit” I thought having seen aviation temperature gradients for transatlantic flights today. Guess what? In Scotland, temperatures at 20.00 are already showing 5 degrees and we can expect lower through the night. So a minimum of 8 degrees is it? Someone is telling porkies and if this continues as it has done all year, I really will start writing letters! (and still come on here to inform the forum members of the reality).
Ahh…just been flagged up, a 4 degrees just North of Inverness and with a dew point of 4 degrees, there is your “ground frost” Thoughtful.
Ground frost
A ground frost occurs when ice forms on the ground, objects or trees, where the surfaces have a temperature of freezing or below, causing water to freeze.
Weather stations measure the ground temperature with a thermometer that’s 5cm from the ground. When the temperature at this point hits 0C, then a ground frost has been recorded.
Dew Point:
It is the temperature to which air must be cooled to reach saturation
The dew point, is the temperature at which dew will form should the air temperature fall sufficiently.
That 4 deg is not therefore indicative of a frost.
Thoughtful, ever wondered why a fridge temperature is held at 4 degrees? Your Wikipedia moment does not describe what happens to water density at 4 degrees or lower. The density of the “atmosphere” can change very quickly at any given moment and this will affect the density of H2O. The density of atmosphere is also dependant on altitude. Given that temperature can be an inverted temperature ‘colder at the top than at the bottom’ frosts can form with an outside air temperature of even 6 degrees, either air or ‘above ground’ frost. How many times have you seen no frost on the ground, but you are scraping the ice off your car windscreen? I agree that 4 degrees is not indicative of either a ground frost or air frost, but experience tells me, to put my money on it happening.
TOB, “How many times have you seen no frost on the ground, but you are scraping the ice off your car windscreen? I agree that 4 degrees is not indicative of either a ground frost or air frost, but experience tells me, to put my money on it happening.”
Ahem! Bit of dodgy scientific thinking going on there, old son! The ground is warm. The interior of the car loses heat very quickly, even with living bodies inside but without the engine running and the heater on. Empty car, even more so. The inside of the windscreen is cold, therefore frost on the screen but not on the ground.
I have seen frost on the side windows on one side and not on t’other. One side of car had more shelter or was being hit by icy blast.
All sorts of different frosts out there to be enjoyed(!) – AGW notwithstanding – and don’t forget topography, wind direction and speed plus air moisture content are also factors. In addition, the prevailing weather conditions for some time previously may also be a factor. A prolonged period of snow may keep heat within soil but a prolonged period of frost may chill it to a depth.
Similarly, a car recently used may even have frost inside as well as outside but a long period of non-usage combined with dry, very cold weather might produce a build up of frost that starts to look like snow on a car.
OB ,have you thought of joining the BBC`s weather watch , or what ever they call their new app .You can stir them up , with your facts ,which they won`t like , but will wind them up for sure .
I have and I do and have been blocked. 😎 I even got myself thrown off the most trusted and read aviation web site Pprune, when I waded into a thread about the Met Office not being fit for purpose. Oh well, I now have a B.A. Captain proxy’ing for me on that web site. You have to laugh. I will say though, that staff from the Met Office (and for that matter journalists from the MSM) do read these forum entries and quite a bit of the subject matter gets published. So keep up the good work!
My best recent run in with the Met Office, is when they put out that a “weather bomb” took place in North Scotland. No it didn’t, they didn’t read their own charts correctly and didn’t know what constituted a “weather bomb”. They had the temerity to blame the media when it was they who put the info out there!
Actually thats a good point, even as a 70’s school kid without realising it I’ve succumbed! Hopefully only to Mr Celcius!
On a serious note, it sort of proves that the damage has already been done to those kids in the video above, they will carry that indoctrination into their adult lives….
At the time metrication was being introduced, a lot of conservatives (with a small ‘c’) warned that it was the thin end of the wedge and was being done to soften us up for integration with Continental Europe. I believed that at the time and I think it has been borne out by events.
The people who pushed the ‘inevitability’ of the metric system were the same people who promoted and still promote the ‘one nation’ view of the EU – it was the usual cast of suspects, including the BBC and the brain dead legions of school teachers, minor academics, Guardian leader writers and the rest.
They actually tried a similar thing in the USA but were hugely rebuffed. Happily for the Europhiles, this had the useful effect of creating a cultural difference between the two driving forces of the Anglosphere, which had never previously existed.
All good points and absolutely no offence taken. I was an ‘afterthought’ and 12 years younger than my closest sibling, yet there is a difference in our schooling, notably maths, she being taught in the various different bases of the imperial system is adept at mental arthimatic, I’m c®ap.
I work on the basis that 16C is about the same as 61F and adjust up or down in the ration of 1C = 2F. It gets me close enough to know whether or not I need to wear a jumper.
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
Fedup2Mar 11, 16:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not BBC – they’d never approve – warren buffet saw the Trump downturn and has been selling shares . He…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 11, 15:52 Start the Week 10th March 2025 What does his dog think? Or his great great grandmother? I’d like to know.
Fedup2Mar 11, 15:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Michael Deacon’s short piece on the funding of the Far Left anti British BBC STARTS Everyone knows that the BBC…
Fedup2Mar 11, 15:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Sir John Knott dies (92) …. I wonder if they ll put ‘here today – gone tomorrow ‘ on his…
This will rub some people up the wrong way, but if you can handle the cheesy music and ads it really is worth listening. It’s a Christian take on Hijrah, or Jihad by Emigration.
Is it me or is nearly every single ad on the BBC, Cbeebies or TV Licence etc have Ethnics on it mostly Black people ? Maybe Black is the new White in their eyes.
Why are the authorities now raking up Bloody Sunday again? Snow on C4 and BBC 6 o’clock news almost orgasmic that a British soldier has been arrested. So the IRA members have letters of comfort and immunity from prosecution yet our soldiers thrown under the bus. Our media again sectarian hustling and denigrating the army. Like Hillsborough and Steven Lawrence it’s one of the axis of left wing eternal grievance.
I guess that the liberal media-and British hating marxists that dwell in the undergrowth of Saviles laundry basket. of Strasbourgs drug-snorting cubicles-just see this “story” as “a gift that gives forever”-a stick to beat “The Man” with.
I mean-why bother your arse to find a real story-Kids Co, how Mandelson gets his money, how Coe is able to do a double pike after shafting the Sunday Times…and not resigning.
Far easier to warm up this mouldy old stew, and insist that we all get the chance to ignore it again as it goes on endless loop on the sushi bar.
As for what Gerry Adams did? Martin McGuinness?…do we REALLY need to dig this up?
Apparently not-so Jean McConville , Mr McCartney stay unlamented or an embarrassment.
Warrenpoint?…Brighton bomb?
Typical BBC monocular mutineering as ever.
I find it disturbing that the bBBC can refer to Rape as child sex offences and of course you have to look under regions (Yorkshire (Leeds and West Yorkshire)) 13 men and one teenager raping a young girl over many years. Not front page news then .
With an extended run of snow due to hit the higher slopes in Scotland and the warm air over south and central England about to give way to colder polar air, just think of our friends in New Zealand. Why New Zealand?
I think I must have missed the BBC’s coverage of this record breaking event.
But the strangest thing is, with the Australian Met Office adjusting temperature sets, you would think the BBC would have had the decency to inform us of another record breaking cold event:
But then I do not subscribe to the BBC.
Calling Mr Harrabin, calling Mr Harrabin. Hello? Anyone home?
My moneys still on a mild winter for the UK this year, unless a Midoki develops which isn’t looking likely now. We could still end up with a back loaded winter but I feel it’s less of a possibility.
Snow cover in Siberia which was extensive in October, and very early has now receeded.
I’m not seeing a forecast for significantly colder weather in fact, I’m not even seeing a ground frost forecast in November.
We have already had a ground frost in November Thoughtful, and try talking to some of our friends in Scotland and the North of England in eleven days time about significantly colder weather!
I’m with Thoughtful seems to following the pattern of the last couple of winters, no frost in my part of Somerset yet, no heating on yet, the latest certainly since 2006 and the temp hit 16.5 deg today, 14 deg right now.
Colder on Friday, but then turning mild again Sunday.
Of course I could well be proved wrong, does anybody really know?
I think that’s pretty much the point. No one knows but one group of people are pretending that they do and have forced a raft of eco-socialist policies on us as a consequence.
With Al-beeb banging on about how mild it is for November, you would almost think the jetstream was north of the UK at the moment.
As yesterday, I’m still bidding for a cold winter. I have to say though, that the current warm spell over southern half of the UK does fill me with a certain mischievous delight (as well as doubt that my prediction will be correct) that energy company executives colossal annual bonuses are shrinking by the day.
Back to the weavva. *
Or Global Warming. Two points: in both of the links provided by The Old Bloke it stated the extremes were 1. extremes(!), and 2. localised. The Global Warming distorters (Beeb included) might, of course, claim this WEATHER is evidence of serious Climate Change. Quite how they will cope when, perhaps in exactly the same places, there is possibly a warm winter in Australasia next year, who knows? Tear down the windmills? Give us our taxes back? Probably not. It does demonstrate the dangers of conflating weather with Global Warming (man made and otherwise) and so-called Climate Change and creating confusion and lack of clarity of thought.
Now what was that mission? Inform … educate …
… entertain …. * oh well, time for some Crowded House!
‘No more snow!’
‘Lots more snow!’
Yes folks, it’s that settled science again!!!!
Gore’s claim of snow being “consistent” with global warming is also at odds with is Oscar Winning 2006 film “An Inconvenient Truth.” Gore never once warned of record cold and increasing snowfalls as a consequence of man-made global warming in that film. But Gore has hyped the lack of snow as “evidence” for man-made global warming.
But then…
“As it turns out, the scientific community has been addressing this particular question for some time now and they say that increased heavy snowfalls are completely consistent with what they have been predicting as a consequence of man-made global warming.” -Al Gore
Fine material, you would think, for ‘The News Quiz’ or ‘The Now Show’ or whatever passes for satire on the BBC these days.
Whoops! Pile of pig shit just landed on the roof again.
This from 2008, sound familiar?
(So cold it is getting hotter) LOL
Normal human reaction to news that evidence is clearly showing climate Armageddon might not be visited upon us after all would be enormous relief and ‘Let’s call things to a halt and have a serious look at that evidence, maybe we’re going to have re-visit this whole damn thing. Hey guys, maybe we’re not going to fry in hell after all – whooppee!’
You’d even think the more inquisitive dwellers amongst the journalistic community would follow up such sensational revelations and do a bit of – you know, investigative journalism.
But the fact is they don’t want to hear it. What they want is disaster for humanity and to scare humanity shitless until they completely surrender to what is, effectively, a religion.
And religion is nothing to do with science but the way you live your life. And that’s exactly what they want, but it has to be in the eco-socialist way they decree.
Why is it that the BBC is difficult with Cameron? Makes little sense as he is one of the hive over nearly everything. This EU renegotiation nonsense is a gift to the liberal left. Meaningless and a pretty obvious attempt to fool the British voter.
The issue is never about the piddling rubbish Cameron is on about but the major matter of sovereignity.
In England in particular it is about who is sovereign. Parliament as expressing the will of the people or an outside power. It has always been a simple thing to grasp.
I suppose the BBC is out to confuse the electorate and playing a devious game. Cameron and the BBC – a relationship made in self interest and out of greed.
Sometimes I really loathe the Conservative party.
Solid post D.S.
And did you know that in the Southern Hemisphere, countries such as Peru and Chile have just experienced the heaviest snow fall (their winter) for decades with some areas recording record falls. So how can we be told, by the BBC, that this is probably the warmest year on record?
but it’s an El Nino year and things tend to go a bit funny with weather, it’s a kind of anomaly which you can’t really draw any conclusions from.
Hi , OB ,how long ago , was the snowfall in Southern South America ? Its Spring down there now , so should be warming up ,(relatively).
Because I have a hunch, TOB, that scientists (those wonderful scientists whose every word we must believe) have been sticking their thermometers in different places every year. Or not even bothering with thermometers and relying instead on computers & software (!!!) and satellite imagery to tell them what the temperature is.
This could be one of the next scandals to erupt worldwide: some of the scientists are being non-scientific.
Just another scandal to go with drugs in sport, Volkswagen & dodgy engine management, people trafficking, bribery & corruption in soccer … and that’s just this year, there’s also the political corruption, taxation and banking and sub-prime scandal stuff as well.
21st century is not turning out too well, so far . . . . .
Hey! Hey! Let’s be careful out there today.
40% of the temperatures recorded for the surface temperature record are from weather monitoring stations which no longer exist. That’s right. They have ceased to be, and so the figures for those areas are “infilled” which means that they are completely made up. They are invented. They are not real.
The remaining 60% of the data is routinely post hoc adjusted to force the historical data to agree with what the CAGW hypothesis predicts.
They are claiming that the temperatures in the past, are NOT what was actually measured, but instead are what computerised climate models claim they were.
People who have spent decades of their lives volunteering to venture out in all weathers, several times a day, to their local weather measuring station, to faithfully record what the temperature, air-pressure, precipitation are, are being told that they were measuring wrong and have had their lives work destroyed by people decades later forcing the data fit a failed theory, for entirely political considerations.
This is a massive fraud and a scandal.
Yet another vile case the left will do their best to ignore –
And so, 5Live’s Migrant Tuesday comes to an end. Though I didn’t catch it all, I caught enough. It was a subdued affair compared to the similar Migrantathon held by 5Live in early September which was a full-on propaganda fest.
11.40 – 12.00
Reporter Ed Thomas is on Lesbos, and (as other contributors here have mentioned) is talking to a pleasant sounding Dr.Siddiqui who says he is “proud to be a British NHS doctor…..and wants to give something back.” Next, Ed is in a fishing boat following migrant boats making the crossing in broad daylight. To Ed’s incredulity the Turkish coastguard was motoring up and down minding its own business. Ed is told by an aid worker – “It’s business as usual on Lesbos”…….60 boats per day, 10000 “new arrivals” per week. What has changed in the last two months is the whole process is streamlined. Daily they leave for Athens on ferries, and from there head north….
Reporter James Shaw is waiting on the Slovenia / Croatia border where it appears the East Europeans are not taking any nonsense from the transiting “arrivals”. Shaw describes the police as aggressive and the migrants as concerned and frightened they may not reach Austria. A police officer says that as long as other countries do not close their borders then everything runs smoothly. The same officer seemed also to say (I may have misheard) that you can’t shoot thousands of people as it would destroy Europe.
At the end of the trail in Sweden awaits Dotun Adebayo. He interviews a Sweden Democrat who wants to close the border, and a Christian Democrat who believes in the principles of human life and dignity, says it’s “in our DNA”, and anyway we “need people to support the elderly”. This goon also said he “wants David Cameron to stand up and be like Winston Churchill”. Dotun twice says “you have a big country, twice the size of the UK and only 9 million people”!!!!
Anyway this sort of thing went on in the same tone all day. During the Afternoon Edition we heard from a Swedish film maker who is following the “new arrivals”. She believes that the problem in Sweden is not the “new arrivals”, the problem is racism. Dotun finished up on Drive talking to a local municipal officer about the spate of arson targeting buildings being made ready for “new arrivals” which means they have to be housed in a stadium, and as we heard from Dotun earlier IKEA has run out of flat-packs.
All is not well in Sweden, but as Dotun says “You have a big country…….and only 9 million people”.
I may have missed it (I didn’t hear every broadcast) but I don’t believe the other R word was mentioned. I doubt it was. The elephant and his friends are still very much in the Swedish room.
Sweden hasn’t yet grasped this:
“Multiculturalism is simply the refusal of the elite, the refusal of the opinion shapers in our society, to face up to the consequences of importing millions of people committed to a world view which is fundamentally incompatible with Western liberal values.”
If you’re going to post what appears to be a quotation, then at least credit it to where it came from, and if possible give a URL link also.
Why? The meaning is crystal clear and it really does not matter who said it . It is nothing other than the same truth said by many of us in many lands.
Pedantry is the enemy of reality.
Why? Because some of us post elsewhere and if it is a quote by someone authoritative then it’s good to use that. The fact that it is true make it more usable!
How is it pedantry ? It’s actually courtesy to credit someones work, not pedantry !
Just copy and Google the quote to check its validity!
Thoughtful – usually I try to do so; I think it may have been from an article posted at GoV (Fjordman possibly or Paul Weston), but I’m not certain.
I just believe it to be a very good description of multiculturalism.
It was from here.
BBC Online News:
“Migrant crisis: How one city in Germany is coping”
“They have been largely welcomed into Oberhausen and the city has not seen any of the right-wing protests staged in Dresden and elsewhere, particularly in the east”.
“People need patience,” says Joerg Fischer of the German Red Cross.”
“The biggest group of asylum seekers have come from Syria but other arrivals are from Afghanistan, Albania and the Balkans”.
The Red Cross chap is obviously a BBC /Left type who believes that patience will solve everything. If not, a Corbyn debate will suffice.
The BBC report is totally biased as expected. Any protests are ‘right wing’ in the eyes of the BBC and therefore dismissed.
Interesting that arrivals (illegal immigrants) are from Albania and the Balkans who don’t qualify as refugees.
Another pro-invasion left wing propaganda piece by our national broadcaster. Paid for by the populace without choice. And imprisonment if payment lapses. Goebbels would have been proud.
And what, precisely, is the justification (other than economic opportunism) for illegal entry from Albania and sundry Balkan states?
You might expect this sort of sloppy thinking from someone who works for the Red Cross but it should be innate for a journalist to pull him up and question it.
But of course, the BBC doesn’t employ real journalists any more, does it?
A lazy and superficial article indeed. To characterize all opposition as right wing is simply not true and mirrors the German MSM whose approach is quite simply disgracefully one sided.
The trouble with propaganda is that it denies reality and always fails in the end. This situation in Germany is going to get out of control and the MSM is going to lie and dissemble in a hopeless attempt to influence reality.
The demographics need repeating again
and again till we all get it.
In the male key age group 20 to 35 the ethnic Germans will be outnumbered by immigrants as soon as end 2016. This is effectively the end of Germany as a German nation in the relatively medium term. . That is the thing about demographics. They cannot be spun or faked. (well they can and in this case you can bet the German state will do so if it can)
One further point. The German state is distributing the migrants throughout Germany but less so in the old east. I wonder why.
Thanks to all of you for your replies on sea levels.
Surely, surely, somewhere there should be a very simple graph showing the sea levels taken from one place in Great Britain over the last hundred years or more that would give us a simple answer.
Or is that too simple?
Having just watched our PM’s speech on the four demands from the EU. Is David Cameron betraying Great Britain and all those that the Red Poppy represent ?
Over to you Essexman, ask your Tory mates.
You & everyone has one vote, you vote in the referendum for staying in or leaving regardless of which way the government recommends. In fact they won’t recommended anything, as a pre referendum one month purdah, will come in before the due date.
But our PM has said ‘he will campaign for Britain to remain in the EU if he gets the reforms he wants’. So bang goes that theory .
Taffman, I just saw a summary of Cameron’s speech. He is truly bonkers ! But must be getting worried now at which way the wind is blowing !
I am sure that many readers of this site have noticed that there has been an infiltration of Al Beeb ‘trolls’ and ‘moles’. They are trying divert and disrupt the criticism of Al Beeb and its broadcasts by their posts. Some have been here before and will be recognised although they use other pseudo names. From the quality of their posts they are obviously the junior and immature employees of Al Beeb who have to work as ‘duty officers’ on night shift.
Taffman, I rather welcome Beeboid trolls here. At least it proves we are getting noticed ! I am still laughing at “Edward’s ” comparison of murder and homosexuality. Too much wacky baccy, methinks !
I miss Bunny
I wanted her to have my babies
Why we do we all think that Al Beeb comedy is not funny any more?
Well Al Beeb may have the answer ?
‘An increasingly warped sense of humour could be an early warning sign of impending dementia, say UK experts.’
Sums up the BBC perfectly, shame the joke is on us.
I heard the BBC’s headline news this morning on the Today programme. Once again Ethiopia is under threat from a drought. Now, it’s not as if droughts in that part of the world are unpredictable, but apparently little has been done by the Ethiopian government to save for that ‘rainy day’ (if you’ll forgive the pun).
Well done, Sir Bob Geldof and pals. Your efforts of some 30 years ago have borne fruit. You screamed and swore at the British public to just get their money out for ‘the boys’, and never mind what it cost. So, the African habit of having as many kids as possible to provide a pension fund for the older generation, (because child mortality was at a rate that kept the population in line with the resources available to support it) was allowed to continue, and within a few short years the population exceeded the ability of the country to ever again be able to support it from its own resources – hence the ‘Band-Aid’ became full-blown, and permanent, trauma support. And hence we’re back at square one again. The population of Ethiopia has risen from just over 40 million in 1985 (the year after Sir Bob’s bash) to just under 100 million today – and rising ! A guaranteed catastrophe just waiting to happen. But did the Today report mention any of this – or was the demand for more cash just slotted in as it usually is by the BBC in these situations…… no hard questions asked as to how we got here ? Guess.
It seems that the EU is now the pension provider of choice for Ethiopian/Eritrean/any sub-Saharan African family.
Is your pension safe now? In 20 years time when the Corbynutters might be in power and have bankrupted the UK?
Long past the time to leave the EU!
muslims as victims BBC tripe here,
The picture heading the article adds a nice little touch to this seditious piece, just exactly who is victimising the lady in the image? Maybe the BBC will follow up with a counter article on just who is really victimising who on a worldwide scale, but I won’t hold my breath.
“having a “negative impact” on British Muslims, a campaign body’s report says”
Some here have pointed out that the BBC seems to have given up even the pretence of reporting.
This is no more than cut and pasting press releases from activist groups, who no doubt share iPhone favourites with Divya Talwar and Athar Ahmad… and the Victoria Derbyshire programme?
As propaganda goes, not very subtle, or credible. Quite why the majority of the U.K. Public is still forced to pay for this escapes me.
They had someone on 5Live from the oxymoronic IHRC (make your own mind up on their legitimacy: along with a recent (female) convert to Islam. Basically it boils down to them saying Help! Help! I’m being repressed!’.
Came across this article in the Independent “White British pupils the least likely UK ethnic group to go to university, new research reveals”
Funny, I thought, didn’t see it on the BBC news website, but eventually found it under Education and Family
“White pupils ‘least likely to go to university”
Now the Beeb rightly tell us “White British pupils on average are the least likely ethnic group to go to university, says an analysis from the Institute for Fiscal Studies” but they omit from there report a rather interesting statement that the Indy included.
Professor Alan Smithers “in addition argues, universities were under pressure from ministers to increase the participation of ethnic minority pupils. A Green Paper published last week called for a 20 per cent increase in ethnic minority participation by 2020.”
Meaning obviously that White entrants were discriminated against.
So basically this is a living breathing example of white racism that is still being actively pursued despite their being no reason to do so. No doubt all these graduates will be employed by the BBC.
Affirmative Action in action?
BBC discovers ‘hidden’ parallel Republican debate in USA…
There was a major TV debate amongst the Republican candidates for the US presidency last night. The main theme of the debate was to attack the Democrat’s front runner, Hillary Clinton, with the candidates suggesting that a Clinton presidency would be a disaster and giving good reasons as to why this would be the case. When the TV anchor stated that Clinton was experienced and with an impressive resume, she was booed by the audience. Here’s a report of the debate:
However, the BBC has discovered a totally separate Republican debate that took place in a parallel universe. In this one, the main focus was Donald Trump, who was ‘booed’ for having the gall to want to address immigration. Lavishly illustrated with unflattering and cliched photographs of Mr Trump, he was ‘savaged’ and ‘found himself under fire’. The article, masquerading as news, mentions that Mr Trump is a billionaire. As he is, but the problem for the BBC is that he is the wrong sort of billionaire – he is an outsider, as opposed to say, a left-wing globalist ‘good’ billionaire like George Soros. Plus of course the BBC does not want to throw the dirt on Hillary Clinton, who is a woman and therefore automatically the, er, best man for the job.
It is interesting to speculate why the BBC feels the need to do this. One could understand such a partisan report from a US news outlet that openly supports the Democrats, or a rabid left-wing website supported financially by somone like Soros. But whose hearts and minds are the BBC trying to win here? Aside from the Republicans-and-Men-Bad-Democrats-and-Women good mantra, it looks like the BBC is once again indulging in the prejudices of the Junior Common Room and Student’s Union committee, producing articles for its own staff. At your expense.
‘It is interesting to speculate why the BBC feels the need to do this. One could understand such a partisan report from a US news outlet that openly supports the Democrats’
I’ve said it before and will say it again – the BBC use US politics as a cipher for their domestic political outlook about which they have to be a little more careful. Although so-called BBC comedians can say what they like about conservatives here and regularly use the nationalised airwaves to ridicule half the UK population in any way they see fit, the actual news and current affairs BBC bods are still somewhat hamstrung by broadcasting rules. Whereas in their presentation of US politics it seems there is less constraint and so the gloves come off.
‘…the BBC is once again indulging in the prejudices of the Junior Common Room and Student’s Union committee, producing articles for its own staff. At your expense’
You have it spot on there.
‘ the BBC use US politics as a cipher for their domestic political outlook ‘. That is a very good observation and one that has not occurred to me before. I will listen to BBC reporting on America more closely from now on.
It’s a version of their ‘one degree of separation’ vox pops, guest experts and “quotes”.
They figure that the proxy of the US will port over here and no one will notice.
I read that article and wondered why Mr Trump would be booed for mentioning immigration. It seemed unlikely, given the setting, but perhaps seasoned US-watchers might explain. I’ll confess that deporting 11 million people seems ambitious at the very least.
The other thing that jumped out was the sequence of Trump silly faces, which just seemed gratuitous.
Is there any point in the media doing ‘silly faces’ anymore? Surely now that everyone has digital cameras, digital video etc they realise that unless a person is absolutely still and quiet he can be made to look silly by careful editing?
It’s a variant of the ‘news’ vs. ‘not news’ ((c) A Newsroom Tealady) dilemma facing all BBC editors of vital, and unique integrity.
In this case, it is how A. Picture Editor does, orcan lose their job.
On the one hand there is scoring one frame of 24 from an HD reel to get Nigel in full cackle and use everywhere, vs. explaining to Lord Hall Hall why not one shot of Ed gurning or Jezza scowling to camera could be found, but was lost briefly on HIGNFY, which no one watches any more.
In the case of the BBC – ‘it depends’. Showing a White Republican male making funny faces is a way to denigrate him and all vaguely like him. Showing a Bangladeshi woman making strange grimaces – let’s say she’s won something like The Great British (sic) Bake Off – is intended to endear us to her and all vaguely like her, establish her as Britain’s sweetheart and let us bathe in the warm light of our wonderful multi-cultural society.
Silly faces or not – I sincerely hope he is the next POTUS, that would be a real game changer for the West.
All the BS and handwringing from the MSM, the EU and (most) politicians about what can and can’t be done with all the gimmegrants now pouring into Europe.
If Trump does what he says he will, re the southern border and all the (predominantly Hispanic) illegals in the U.S., what a message that would send to us over here and the traitorous, conniving c***s we’re led by.
The BBC can present a good feature at times. Here’s one about the origins of the Last Post bugle call.
I expected an agenda such as ‘Is it time to move on?’ or ‘Is the symbolism lost on Muslims who feel ostracised and victimised?’
The BBC can deliver good reporting at times, but generally they’re lost in political Left wing total bias.
Watched “The London Spy” last night, which is the latest drama off the BBC block to have failed (I thought at least) the plausibility test.
In a series of 6, the first episode highlighted an in-the-closet gay spy who met a guy from civi-street, had some kind of a romp before the in-the-closet gay spy inexplicably disappeared ultimately to be found dead, locked inside a trunk (is this an original story line, some might ask).
In reality, wouldn’t MI5/ 6 have sniffed out the risk of taking such a character into their employ in such a role? and the close proximity of the drama to a real life story (without actually saying so) is a little testing too.
I’m just surprised that an actor of Jim Broadbent’s capability should have been drawn into such tripe.
But MI5/6 DID employ someone in such a role, cyber spying but spying none the less, as your reference to real life admits.
Yes, but the person MI5/ 6 DID employ was not in the closet, was he (I could be wrong)? I thought he was already in the open (so to speak) and therein lies the difference.
The point I am trying to make though is that as ever with the BBC, this drama seeks to address a number of agendas.
I recorded it and watched last night, after whizzing through the (IMO unnecessary) gay romp, I came to a different conclusion it wasn’t the guy we were led to believe was the spy who actually was, but the other guy.
He was the one keen to check his PC and constantly checking neighbours windows, we wasn’t too keen to get out of the house after his grizzly discovery, I would have ran like hell! He also knew how to conceal evidence and we don’t know for sure who is in the trunk.
Al Beeb’s Toady programme this morning, about 8.30 on, had the hoary (sic) old Leftoid hag Vanessa Redgrave discussing a previously little-known Shelley poem in which he postulates that right-wingers aren’t the only patriots. He was writing at Oxford at the time of Napoleon, who he admired (sic, sic), after a newspaper had been closed down because it denigrated Britain’s efforts/affect in the war. Early press censorship by the Right, huffed Humpty iirc (sic, sic, sic).
The irony of this today when the Left want and have almost achieved press censorship and the Leftoid ‘leader’ fuckwit comrade Corbyn and his Corbynutter comrades want to remove our nuclear deterrent and allow everyone to come here to foment terrorism and suck off the dried-up dugs of the U.K., well England because Jockland sucks as well, is lost on them all (sic, sic, sic, sick)!
Napolean is, inevitably, a hero of the Left. But even that , rather third rate historian Andrew Roberts, eulogised him recently, on the BBC, of course !
@Vanessa Redgrave
It is not right to glorify the gratuitous and inhuman pursuit of war and warfare as a deliberate and callous instrument of power.
It is right to glorify those people who strove together to defend their nation when they had no other recourse but to fight, and fight to the death if necessary.
It is assuredly right, not merely to commemorate their suffering, but to glorify their selflessness, their courage and their determination. They made the crucial decision not to become abject victims of foreign aggression and political cowardice, but to become active agents of their own, and our, salvation.
That they were just people like us is the strongest possible reason to covet them as role models, with all their imperfections and flaws. The superhuman may be beyond most of us, but the good deeds of the all-too human is something we can all aspire to.
We betray their memory in misrepresenting them as passive victims, just as surely as if we forgot them entirely. We can do better than that.
BBC Breakfast takes a rather detached look at the future of product placement in commercial television.
An item bookended (if you’ll excuse the pun) by Ian Rankin talking about his Rebus novels with, no doubt his publishers cheering him on, an eye to Xmas book sales and then an interview with Dame Maggie Smith talking about her recent film of the Alan Bennett movie Lady in a Van.
You see when the BBC says ‘we don’t do advertising’ they of course don’t at all mean the gratis promotion of the careers of approved luvvies and political fellow travellers.
‘Lady In A Van’ – Is this a prophetic vision of the future as our houses are confiscated by the Diversity SS and given to Eritreans and Somalis?
‘Lady In A Van’ perhaps a certain former Labour deputy leader attended the stage play and it planted the germ of an idea for an electioneering gimmick?
Did Alan Bennett also write a story about a man who went around with a massive headstone with daft platitudes written on it?
The lady in the Van, Miss Shepherd, was white, Christian and apparently quite right wing. No wonder Sir Alan only let her park in his drive. If she’d been a Syrian refugee she might have got the master bedroom! Just joking. I do like Alan Bennet (despite his orthodox left-luvvie credentials) and he did a lot more than most people would for someone he had no obligation to help.
I too heard the Today piece on Shelley’s poem with the drippy Vanessa. Whenever I see or hear her, I wonder what she puts in her tea??
The more I read this forum, the more noticeable are the attitudes and leanings of the BbC. Can nothing stop them? It’s unsettling but more and more, it is becoming quite dangerous.
Last night, the wonderful Neil Nunes on Radio 4 said…”now before we hear an analysis of today’s news, here is the weather forecast.” So there you have it: we don’t just get the news per se, we get it analysed for us too! Suitably dumbed down, of course!
‘A unique version of today’s news’ is what I have come to expect from the BBC.
As I was saying, the BBC don’t really do advertising, they just promote the careers of luvvies and fellow travellers…. and some pretty deluded and spiteful lefties too…
‘Sadly, the presenters of the radio show (BBC Radio London’s Harriet Scott and Tim Arthur on at 10:58 am on Sunday) fell down on this duty. The hardest question they put to him was ‘which theatre is showing your play?’ The follow up question was something like, “that’s a really nice theatre, isn’t it?”
‘Normally, you’d expect a BBC presenter to pick up on such clear examples of racism, sexism and snobbery’
Rather depends on how long their contract has left to run. Or they are Selina Scott.
BBc not adverting of the day Ian Rankin.
After rubbishing Britain yesterday after raking over Bloody Sunday, BBC policy team now turning their attention to Poppies. Vine show almost 10 minutes solid of lefty peaceniks without dissenting voice. Off switch.
Vine’s classic comment ‘should have perhaps taken my red poppy off as we had three guests with different coloured poppies in……..and I didn’t want to express an opinion’
From the BBC, I learned that
(1) The Purple Poppy is to commemorate serving Animals only.
(2) The Blue Poppy is to commemorate all Animals only.
(3) The Black Poppy is to commemorate Black people only.
(4) The White Poppy is for those who celebrate the blood soaked flag of the socialist revolution.
and finally
(5) The Red Poppy is to commemorate “ALL” who died in the War.
I’m sure Vine pointed out that the red poppy wins for its inclusivity.
This is actually quite amusing and has a whole ‘BBC’ section.
Not for the easily offended.
I am easily offended, and I love it!
Rejoice the BBC Great British Bake Of Winner wears a ‘poppy with pride on behalf of OUR country’
Looks more like a mugshot.
If Obama had a sous chef…
John Gaunt … not a bad show. His freedom of speech stint started to unravel, when he tried to shut down justified callers, e mails and tweets with perfectly valid points the other day
… the topic to which, the Talk2me speech wasn t so erm … free? anymore … any guesses?
Starts with Is and ends with am, he appears to think just so long as you re not ISIS then you re moderate
Bank Robber, Bruce Kent and Is Islam ok in UK? Nov 9th
Stop Diesel VAT rise and Gaunty gets kicking off callers Nov 9th
Laughably he resorted to the old back up, “waycist” and “bigot”
Yes, I gave up listening when he morphed into Stephen Nolan on Monday. I note the moderate Muslim he keeps giving airtime to (without resorting to the rudeness he gives those with the opposing view) is going to be working on the station.
Might just as well listen to LBC or 5Live, noting different here as far as the unmentionables go. Free speech? pah!
‘His freedom of speech stint started to unravel’
Tends to when advertisers get in the frame or revenue that certain no-win lawyers who are engaged by the BBC’s black ops dept. (Editorial independence being their sole preserve. Apparently) appears for them to secure.
If Jon Gaunt is going to describe his radio ‘station’ as the ‘home of free speech’ then he’ll have to do better than this. He certainly talked the talk earlier in the year but, after recommending his podcast to only a few weeks ago, I’m beginning to look a bit flushed in the face. Perhaps he’ll be up to salvaging some semblance of ‘free speech’ in future broadcasts but, listening to recent output, I’m not sure he’s up to the task. I hope I’m wrong.
There are a lot of ‘disappointed’ and ‘down listeners’ saying their bit on Twitter today, he has been blocking them both on his and on Talk2meRadio timelines. Not the best way to garner new listeners and somewhat doomed to failure if you can’t offer your much touted USP.
Like you I stupidly bought into the idea that we were going to get a free speech station. Hypocritically both he and producer Nick Margerrison spent an hour on a podcast berating Nolan for his treatment of callers daring to question the MSM coverage of the washed up child, yet we find Gaunt doing exactly same to his callers on the subject of, well you know what. Ironically I’m sure one of those callers was the same guy who Nolan had previously shouted down.
He used to be quite good on TalkSport and I saw his ‘one man show’ a few years ago, also good. But he clearly lost the plot. On one show on TalkSport he was bemoaning how people argue about their religious differences (there had been multiple callers critical of Islam. The usual thing, complaining about the odd bomb or two and child rapist gang) and if we all just “went down to the pub together” we could sort it out. Well, most Sikhs I know are quite keen on a tot of whisky, most Hindus take a glass of beer and a bottle of wine goes down well with the Friday night seder amongst my Jewish friends. But – hello Mr Gaunt – most Muslims wouldn’t be seen dead down the pub. Does that tell you anything about the sort of cultural differences we are dealing with and that matters might be a bit more complicated than a round of drinks in the local?
Strange shade of orange
Nadiya is turning on the Christmas lights this year in Luton. Ok she doesn’t actually celebrate Christmas but it’s an opportunity to celebrate diversity and the money is good. I suppose I should be grateful we’ve got Christmas lights at all this year. Often the Council just doesn’t have the funds despite being able to fund every PC vanity project going.
Are you absolutely sure about this? Perhaps they are just Winter Lights, like we’ve always had and to which no-one could object to.
Incidentally, ‘Nadiya’ is an Arabic name meaning ‘delicate, moist, tender’. Ideal for a cake. Is it a BBC a nom de plume?
Here you go Ian. Nadiya and Luton’s Christmas lights –
As Mark Steyn commented – why do Muslims have to “Islamify” everything – just wear a f*****g poppy like everyone else.
Now then, now then … Nadiya … would be contributing, helping our fallen then
… better to get a hijab from a good Islamic source eh? … is it halal?
Bet the BBC is lapping it up
“that’s very nice of them, I’m sure, and the ladies look very charming in them.
But, if they wished to reject “extremist groups” and support the armed forces,
… why couldn’t they just wear the same poppies that everybody else wears?
Why does a communal ritual observed by the Queen’s subjects in every corner of the earth – Canadian, Bermudian, Tuvaluan, black, white, Protestant, Hindu – have to be
… Islamified … to accommodate them?”
Yet if white English people wear one their warmongers
Gorgeous? Not the word I’d have used
BBC – Government policy ‘negatively affects’ Muslims
Divya Talwar and Athar Ahmad, BBC News, the BBC Asian Network and … Victoria Derbyshire programme
More garbage from the Al BBC that the political infiltrating, Jew hating, female oppressing, child raping, minority spiting, “genuine” rights abusing, child mind poisoning, animal cruelty endorsing, false discrimination producing, gay hating, other community oppressing, dangerous, supremacist totalitarian ideology is really ……. a victim!
BBC – ‘Silencing Muslims’ … where s the flying pigs? … Where? and When? … I can assure you never on the BBC
The IHRC has been carrying out research into discrimination against Muslims for nearly two decades.
Islamic and Human rights! … Islamic and Human Rights in the same sentence? I had to rub my eyes and pinch myself. then I realised I hadn’t been seeing things, its the BBC.
The IHRC is as much as a human rights outfit, as the BBC is a reputable news organisation … hmmm explains why both support Islamic terrorists?
Divya and Alhar clearly on the fast track ploughed by Tulip in the cubicle gardens.
More tiresome victimhood. An Islamic human rights commission is about as likely as a Catholic birth control clinic.
Actually, it’s Islamic doctrine, not government policy, that negatively affects Muslims (and everyone else).
Pat Condell
Meanwhile away from the BBCs and David Cameron s protect victim Islam land
Yet another Islamic child gang rape case
A vulnerable 13 year old girl, girl known to police and social services was repeatedly raped by 14 different men and boys over a 13-month period, in a trial heard at Bradford crown court
Thirteen men and a 17-year-old youth went on trial on Tuesday charged with a total of 28 sexual offences.
Some of the men laughed in the dock as the prosecution outlined the case against them,
The Express also gave a long report on this. It is quite frankly sickening and staggering what has (is still?) happened. The argument that the wider community knew (knows) nothing about this is unbelievable given the numbers and age range of the “men” involved.
Further to the debate about capital punishment on an earlier thread, I can’t help but think the judicious use of a couple of bricks would kill two birds with one stone here – one of which would be wiping the smiles off their faces.
BBC: Guilty as charged by David Collier.
Well worth a read.
Thank you for this link – his writing is excellent and I take his points entirely.
Watched the business news BBC TV earlier, it may have been about 1pm, the presenter was the tall bloke whose name I can’t recall. He reported that an energy provider had increased its profits, mostly from higher income from Scottish windfarms, and suggested that ‘many people will be angry about that’. Whether he is critical of the high income derived from windfarms, or profit in general I don’t know. Nor do I know what his knowledge of business although I fear it is merely superficial, but his BBC training clearly allows for such throw away remarks, which he ought to know are partial. He, and thus the BBC see themselves as addressing only one group of people, those who are resentful of profit.
The BBC is incapable of providing only facts.
I wonder if, in passing, the BBC sought to clarify just how much in taxpayer subsidies (wind farm construction, maintenance, additional grid construction, price paid over and above normal rates for electricity, standby generating capacity, etc.) was spent supporting that level of profit ?
Didn’t see the item in question, but my guess is that, given the BBC’s predilections in this area, it made no attempt to look at that aspect. Had it been some other industry however…..
Just waiting for the BBC to come up with this fab idea for when the wind don’t blow…
For ‘balance’…
There were comments I recall. These seem to be no longer there.
He might have explained that it increased its profits whilst still taking massive subsidies from the British taxpayer.
But then that’s not being economical with the truth is it nor would it, thinking of the BBC’s 28gate mates, be very environmentalist-friendly.
Sorry if already shared…
‘Then, the Palestinian Prime Minister’s office banned British journalists from attending his meeting with the London Mayor. Palestinian journalists will be allowed to ask questions.’
Whattttt???! Only the BBC can ask ze questions!!!!! Surely? They will be all over this.
Oh, hang on…
“What next? Boris blasted those who want to boycott Israel as “corduroy-jacketed lefties”
Carry on…
How dare he??
I am most certainly not a leftie, but I have a corduroy jacket!
He actually makes a save on that point later in the clip.
Come on, surely they must at least be suspect! All my old teachers were marxists in corduroy, Uni lecturers – an awful lot of corduroy, people on my walking group – corduroy loving communists!
OK ok I know it’s a generalisation, but if it walks like a duck..
Or this…
Not too sure that quite conveys just how long certain minority agendas have been set at the BBC for long enough, from the cubicle gardens up to Botney’s personal sense-deprivation chamber or Lord Hall Hall’ ‘La-la-La’ soundproof room.
Not many shopping days left to Christmas…
Wall to wall advertising on the BBC this week
For BBC London’s ‘news’ star-struck Brenda Emmanus interviews Kate Winslet on her new movie The Dressmaker
Just incase you want to book our Brenda here’s her very own advert
As Don Warrington in the part of Philip in Rising Damp once reminded Leonard Rossiter who had just noticed his ‘love wood’ had heen planed : “Everything’s commercialised these days, Rigsby”
Abigail hits UK. Oh well, at least it wasn’t Ahmed or Abdullah. Mind you that was only ‘A’, there’s B-Z to go yet. I wouldn’t put it past them.
BBC caught out again 😀
Why is the BBC letting the Islamic Human Rights Commission set the agenda?
“The farcically named ‘Islamic Human Rights Commission’ has featured here many times before. The last time was earlier this year when this Khomeinist group decided to award their ‘Islamophobe of the Year’ award to the murdered staff of Charlie Hebdo. At their ‘awards ceremony’ for this the IHRC even joked about what a shame it was that none of the staff of Charlie Hebdo were around to collect the award.
Today the IHRC has thrown a smoke grenade into the public debate by issuing ‘findings’ claiming that the UK government’s counter-extremism and counter-terrorism policies are having a ‘negative impact’ on British Muslims. The ‘work’ is the usual confection of non-research and pre-ordained ‘findings’ that you would expect from such an ideologically driven group. For instance the report is based on ‘respondents’ to IHRC questions.
Not quite the same thing as a poll is it?”
D Murray
Here s a report for the BBC News, now where s that “orrible” Harribin
The Worst Deal In History: $1.5 Trillion A Year To Reduce Global Warming By 0.048°
“Bjørn “Skeptical Environmentalist” Lomborg has been doing the math on global warming – and it’s worse than we thought.
Even if every nation in the world adheres to its climate change commitments by 2030 the only difference it will make to “global warming” by the end of this century will be to reduce the world’s temperatures by 0.048°C (0.086°F).
That’s 1/20th of a degree C.
Let’s put this into perspective. Earlier this year, Climate Change Business Journal calculated that the annual cost of the global warming industry is $1.5 trillion. If you want to know what that looks like in numerals it is: $1,500,000,000,000
To put it another way, even if you’d spent $1 million a day every day since the birth of Jesus, you’d still be less than half the way to reaching $1.5 trillion.”
Is David Cameron the Laziest Prime Minister we have ever had?
Not BBC bias, but what policies does Cameron actually have, and how is working towards them?
We had the EU demands which he failed to even think of, and then he could only manage 4 lightweight ones.
Cuts & Austerity is being run by Osborne.
Other government ministers are seemingly running their departments to their own agendas.
There are failures left right and centre yet Cameron seems blissfully ignorant.
His hero, Tony BLiar worked like a Trojan to destroy Britain Cameron has done nothing to reverse the hateful oppression of the Fascist Left.
In fact over the past few years he’s been PM can anyone tell me what he, personally and not a minister has achieved?
Trashed Libya with Sarkozy and Barry?
Gay marriage?
Inappropriate overseas aid budget (we’re supposed to be skint)?
Cameron is not only lazy. He is of very low intelligence. And has the experience of a teenager. He is total crap.
Well , I am sure you are looking forward to Comrade Corbyn`s Coronation , in May 2020 , because believe you me, it may happen . Anyone had a whip round yet, for the Kippers . Think Nigel will have retired by then.
And with any luck, the Tories will have realised the error of their ways and dumped Cameron and his feckless ZaNuLabour clones.
He is standing down in about 2019 anyhow , then you can vote for Zan Old Labour , with loads of socialism , many more migrants too.
You mean more migrants than your pal, Dave (and his EU allies), has allowed in?
That`s right , the City of Salford , will become , City of Syria , when Corbyn takes over .
Three big stories in the Mail today.
1. Public sector fat cats in the NHS and the police screwing us all over, much as union barons, council wallahs have long been doing. The Mail has put a lot of work into it all, over a period of time-and has resonances re the MPs scandals in 2009.
Been running it in detail now for two days now-yet no comment or interest from the BBC-why so?
Need I ask-for the fattest piggies in the public sector swill bucket will be BBC types like Yentob and Camila.
2. Trojan Horse follow up into Bordesley and Oldknow schools in Birmingham are horrific…really nasty dangerous stuff and scaring OFSTED/LEA female inspectors and non-Muslim staff…yet again, no BBC comment
3. Another white girl “in care” getting raped and abused by gangs of Muslim men-yet again-in Bradford, even involving mattresses thrown down in the car park of former police stations for Allasake!…same old , same old-but the ringleader isn`t on trail for some reason-just the sixteen blokes (aged 62 down to teenagers)…and the girl had to tell the judge that some of them were laughing at her and at him….welcome to the Law 2015 eh?
Again-zippo from the BBC.
And from yesterday?
4. Some Public sector filming of two actors simulating “female harrassment” for an “awareness campaign” turned out to enrage a few male passengers enough to threaten the male actor “simulating his hostility to the vulnerable woman on the Tube”…but, again, this laughable sinister mockery done for Dom Joly like purposes gets no publicity re a country gone nuts.
Still though eh…will Seb Coe leave Nike?…Tory splitters on Europe?…thankfully, as the country turns to a Cairo sewer-the BBC know what REALLY concerns us…wankragz!
chrisH – Al Beebus did cover the rape story on Look North here in Yorkshire yesterday evening; but they kept saying “allegedly” about every fourth word through the intro and during the actual report, something I can’t recall them doing to such an extent before. There was no footage of the cancers walking into court either.
There is a HUGE Muslim rape gang trial coming up next year, centred around Halifax; yet another delightful former mill town now overrun by adherents to the RoP, in which West Yorkshire does such a great line.
I don’t know how Al Beeb will spin that, as apparently it will be bigger than the Islamic atrocity perpetrated in Rotherham.
Boris may come across as a buffoon but he is right on the money on this one.
“corduroy-jacketed lefty academics” – I like it, keep em coming Boris. The last line reminds me of Life of Brian.
“Are you the Scottish Palestine Solidarity front?”
“Fuck off Jimmy”
Another ‘award winning’ report by Emma Jane Kirby on PM bemoaning Italy’s attempts at regulating ‘migration’.
Apparently the Italian’s are unhappy because they are no longer able to befriend the invaders because they are now in ‘hot spot’ camps. Horror of horrors, there is even a suggestion that once processed some of the migrants might be sent back home.
Eddie Mair tells us that ‘some’ of us were concerned about this issue following Emma Jane’s previous report. Some? One, two, three? Maybe ‘some’ hold the opposite viewpoint. We will never know.
Just looking at Al Beeb news today it appears that Cameron, having made ‘austerity’ cuts to his own people and nation, now looks as if he will be throwing ‘loads o money’ (like there was no tomorrow), along with the totally bust, corrupt and inept EU into the bottomless pit of Africa, to prevent the migrant invaders attacking the soft underbelly of Europe.
Essexman, tell your mates that they need to sort out a new PM.
Or UKIP will step up and do the job for them.
Don`t think the kippers will do anything ,its all hot air . Have you had a whip round yet, before they go bankrupt ?Most of the people I know don`t mind Cam , but in general don`t like ,many politicians .
One, you are mixing with the wrong mates .
Two, Cameron has been adopting all of Farage’s policies.
Three, You have been reading too many Guardian newspapers.
Four, if you were a true patriot you would see that the PM is not putting Great Britain first.
Five, He’s an Europhile by his own admission.
Six, You are always bring up Farage in your posts. You are beginning to sound like ‘Bunny’.
Maybe it is Bunny?
I wanted her to have my babies.
If Cam is adopting Farages policies you should be pleased . Never read the Guardian , maybe , The Times & Daily Mail , now & again .Only bring up Ukip`s financial crisis , has the whip round started yet ? No, didn`t think so .
I’d like to see the naming of wind and rain put on Theresa May’s list of un-British activities, it’s best left to the septics who expect a bit of hype, and they have the weather for it too.
Nearly every winter the islands of Great Britain are buffeted by winds and storms. The people of the nation accept them for what they are, and always have been, winds, gales and storms.
Now The Met Office, along with the great excitement of Al Beeb, are going to name these natural, normal and weather features.
Is this a great plan to match our normal phenomenon with the hurricanes of the US and other remote places.
‘Global Warming’ propaganda anyone?
BTW there is a light breeze blowing outside, I think I’ll call it ‘AliBaba’ after Al Beeb and its hot air.
It would appear that faux Tory John Major, has delivered a lecture on ‘inequality’
To be honest it’s a speech I might have expected a centrist Labour leader to have given, and the BBC has seized on it with glee.
What was that superb description of Major by Paul Johnson? Something along the lines of “…a man from nowhere going nowhere, heading for obscurity as fast as his mediocre talents will carry him.” I remember it skewered the waste of space perfectly.
Al, Major was probably the most stupid PM in British history. But, his latest speech shows signs of dementia, so we should show some sympathy.
Yawn… more pathetic, nauseating and blatant pro-Muslim propaganda. Funny how the BBC always manage to find ‘campaign’ groups in support of Muslims but seem to struggle to find those in support of Christians.
Seems Douglas Murray agrees –
The BBC are up to their disgusting, pro-Islamic extremist propaganda again.
There is a parallel universe and it is often on R4. Late this afternoon there was a segment on Wales and it’s media deprivation. Ok I did not know Wales is deprived but it is. The BBC told me so. It really was a wailing for more taxpayers money one way or another.
There was some woman professor of the nations( ?) arguing that more must be done for the deprived Welsh viewer and listener. It is a crisis no less.
Are they all mad? It is not a crisis It is nothing at all. And this professor of the nations lark. I worked out that it must mean those people of these islands who are not English and therefore discrimated against. Total bollocks and we pay for this woman and no doubt others like her to sit in useless universities and research into drivel. What next a professor of mud?
What next Dave S? A professor of hate perhaps.
Mr Golightly. I believe that several universities are running stuff on hate research. Well, I hate loud music, rain, dog shit, driving in fog, cold mushy peas, haggis, people who fart in lifts, and what is offered as BBC comedy. Can i have a research grant?
Coming next, I note on the student campus protest in Missouri that some idiot is calling for hurt crimes, like when your feelings are hurt, as it is already a crime to physically hurt people..
Hard to believe it’s the same station that produced gems like Alistair Cookes Letter From America, whether you agreed with him or not was irrelevant the broadcast had a charm and quality sadly lacking in anything the station now churns out. Parallel universe indeed.
A Professor of Mud would be a step up, at least we could learn about soils and clay minerals!
But DS you’re right there is so much pointless and/or harmful crap taught in third rate universities nowadays, by academics still stuck in the 1970s.
The numbers of people that are watching and listening to S4C are diminishing. The Welsh Nats are driving people away from learning the language of Wales by their fascism and politics .
Welsh will survive in the home as it has done for thousands of years , if it is to survive at all, by mothers and fathers teaching and speaking the language to their children.
Don’t forget its a language of Britain, part of all Britannia’s heritage.
Speaking as a proud Welsh and British person.
I’m sure this must have been linked to before, but if you haven’t seen this its both honest and shocking, maybe Jon Gaunt or his moderate friend have something to say about it.
In less than 20 years Europe is going to be unrecognisable, think of how different the Britain of 1995 was and compair to today, multiply that change 100 fold, that’s how different the country will be in 2035, I kid you not, just look at what the invaders have to say in this video….
Yes Essexman we can blame Labour, but what has DC done since May when the invasion started? I note the first Syrians have arrived today. The MSM are very quiet on the Calais front…
Geoff – that is one of the most powerful films I have seen on the crisis facing Europe and the U.K.
I would usually say thanks for posting it, but I’m not sure that’s appropriate for something so depressing.
I would urge all on here to watch it. The only end I can see is the emergence of parties, or the strengthening of existing parties, which are prepared to confront what our current leaders won’t.
And, as I’ve said before, it won’t be very nice when it happens. The stupidity of those evil people who indoctrinated German and Swedish children to sing songs in praise of their own cultural annihilation is that they are doing more to guarantee the rise of some future Nazi-like party than anyone else.
“whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad”
“whom the gods would destroy, they first make Swedish”
If even some of what is portrayed is the actuality then voting on whether to stay in the EU is pointless. There will no longer be an EU in 2017.
Sweden has no future and Germany looks to be on the same path This is the problem for the liberal media. Start telling the truth and there will be panic and .complete chaos.
So the media will lie and in concert with the political class suppress and smear opponents and even truth itself.
It will not work . It never has worked as reality is pitiless and cares nothing for us however well intentioned we think we are.
It would be less dangerous for us all if there were some sign of doubt in the current media reports and in the words of the dominant political class. This silence and refusal to face the future realities is doubly dangerous.
First it will not succeed and secondly it will only make the reaction that much more violent.
Liberalism has held sway for too long and has succeeded in marginalising what I call the natural conservative view. This will leave the way open for new men and women and if I was to bet on what sort of person will emerge then it will be a real demagogue and unstoppable.
The future is very bleak for us all.
Great post DS – I agree 100% and I also think that our leaders are well aware of the dangers facing us; but they are arrogant enough to think they will be able to maintain control for long enough until they are out of office, and it becomes someone else’s problem to sort out. The lacuna in such a policy is that someone, someday will actually have to deal with it, they could very well emerge and be such as you suggest at the end of your post.
I believe that it is entirely possible that Western Europe, due to the number, nature and beliefs of these immigrants, will see turmoil on a scale unseen since WW2.
The future position for us, our children and grandchildren is precarious in the extreme.
That WWII comparison keeps being made, and with some justification, I feel. The only people apparently unaware of the gravity of the situation are the media imbeciles, whose only concern seems to be to encourage more economic migrants.
Those who support demagogues frequently end their days suspended from lampposts. Often deservedly so.
In some cases, of course, they end up as Chancellor of Germany (having supported the murderous Communist regime of East Germany) but who yet knows what Merkel’s ultimate fate will be?
The above was posted as a response to Thoughtful.
Maybe she will get to dance the Spandau ballet?
Why will the future with a demagogue be bleak for us? Those who were on the same side as the demagogue usually do very well from it, and it will be the lefties who suffer.
Unless of course the Saudis get what they’ve paid for !
Because demagogues by their very nature have caused havoc in the world. Name one who has not. A demogue is the antithesis of the type of man or woman the conservative would wish to be prominent in a nation.
Dave S, interesting TODAY segment with Peter Altmaier today (R4 12 Nov. – 8.10a.m.) where he was ‘head in the sand’ stating “this (immigration) will make Europe stronger, it will make Germany stronger”. Herr Peter Altmaier is obviously also ignorant of Germany’s recent economic history and the economic downturns when guestworkers had to be asked to return to their countries of origin and the tensions that arose over that.
You can huff & puff all you like Geoff , but Farage would of done nothing , even if we voted to leave tomorrow , there would be 2 years of negotiations at least. He was still committed to take in refugees , plus migrates from non EU countries . When not in power , he is not even an MP , you can say do this, & that, but in reality , it would take longer , that what he says .
I didn’t mention Farage, fact is that DC has done diddly squat in the last five and a half years, I draw your attention to 7:53 in the above video as to where your leaders loyalty really lies. That statement says more about him than the false promises on Europe, which he is only having to make because of Farage.
And, in doing nothing, Cameron has allowed the situation to get completely out of hand. In that respect he is as culpable as his role model – Bliar. Cameron is a Europhile. What else needs to be said? He clearly detests the country he is supposed to be leading and wishes it were something else.
The following story from Breitbart highlights a very significant breach of the BBC’s duty as a supposedly impartial broadcaster:
EXCLUSIVE: Sweden Democrats Slam BBC Article Claiming Polling-Leading Party Are ‘Neo-Nazis’
I’d read Katya Adler’s piece earlier today and was genuinely shocked to see her casual accusation that the Sweden Democrat party is ‘neo-Nazi’. Used as one is to the BBC’s far-Left bias and partiality, this was potentially actionable and I am really surprised that Adler’s editor didn’t throw the article back at her with a stern rebuke.
‘They’ are lying to us again. All day I have heard that the minimum temperature across G.B tonight will be 8 degrees. “Bullshit” I thought having seen aviation temperature gradients for transatlantic flights today. Guess what? In Scotland, temperatures at 20.00 are already showing 5 degrees and we can expect lower through the night. So a minimum of 8 degrees is it? Someone is telling porkies and if this continues as it has done all year, I really will start writing letters! (and still come on here to inform the forum members of the reality).
Ahh…just been flagged up, a 4 degrees just North of Inverness and with a dew point of 4 degrees, there is your “ground frost” Thoughtful.
Ground frost
A ground frost occurs when ice forms on the ground, objects or trees, where the surfaces have a temperature of freezing or below, causing water to freeze.
Weather stations measure the ground temperature with a thermometer that’s 5cm from the ground. When the temperature at this point hits 0C, then a ground frost has been recorded.
Dew Point:
It is the temperature to which air must be cooled to reach saturation
The dew point, is the temperature at which dew will form should the air temperature fall sufficiently.
That 4 deg is not therefore indicative of a frost.
Thoughtful, ever wondered why a fridge temperature is held at 4 degrees? Your Wikipedia moment does not describe what happens to water density at 4 degrees or lower. The density of the “atmosphere” can change very quickly at any given moment and this will affect the density of H2O. The density of atmosphere is also dependant on altitude. Given that temperature can be an inverted temperature ‘colder at the top than at the bottom’ frosts can form with an outside air temperature of even 6 degrees, either air or ‘above ground’ frost. How many times have you seen no frost on the ground, but you are scraping the ice off your car windscreen? I agree that 4 degrees is not indicative of either a ground frost or air frost, but experience tells me, to put my money on it happening.
TOB, “How many times have you seen no frost on the ground, but you are scraping the ice off your car windscreen? I agree that 4 degrees is not indicative of either a ground frost or air frost, but experience tells me, to put my money on it happening.”
Ahem! Bit of dodgy scientific thinking going on there, old son! The ground is warm. The interior of the car loses heat very quickly, even with living bodies inside but without the engine running and the heater on. Empty car, even more so. The inside of the windscreen is cold, therefore frost on the screen but not on the ground.
I’ve heard it said that frost forms on windscreens, (as opposed to side windows), because they are ‘looking’ at the cold sky.
I have seen frost on the side windows on one side and not on t’other. One side of car had more shelter or was being hit by icy blast.
All sorts of different frosts out there to be enjoyed(!) – AGW notwithstanding – and don’t forget topography, wind direction and speed plus air moisture content are also factors. In addition, the prevailing weather conditions for some time previously may also be a factor. A prolonged period of snow may keep heat within soil but a prolonged period of frost may chill it to a depth.
Similarly, a car recently used may even have frost inside as well as outside but a long period of non-usage combined with dry, very cold weather might produce a build up of frost that starts to look like snow on a car.
OB ,have you thought of joining the BBC`s weather watch , or what ever they call their new app .You can stir them up , with your facts ,which they won`t like , but will wind them up for sure .
I have and I do and have been blocked. 😎 I even got myself thrown off the most trusted and read aviation web site Pprune, when I waded into a thread about the Met Office not being fit for purpose. Oh well, I now have a B.A. Captain proxy’ing for me on that web site. You have to laugh. I will say though, that staff from the Met Office (and for that matter journalists from the MSM) do read these forum entries and quite a bit of the subject matter gets published. So keep up the good work!
My best recent run in with the Met Office, is when they put out that a “weather bomb” took place in North Scotland. No it didn’t, they didn’t read their own charts correctly and didn’t know what constituted a “weather bomb”. They had the temerity to blame the media when it was they who put the info out there!
Well done OB , thought they might of blocked you , says it all really .
12.8 degrees in Somerset right now, very mild….
I have to confess I don’t even know what 12.8 degrees feels like.
Sad to see so many following the metrication path.
12.8% of the way to boiling from freezing! I have never heard the weather temperature given in anything else and I’m in my 40’s…..
Never? Really?
How do you get by in the USA?
Or, I should add, reading books or watching films made before the Great Softening-Up programme, began?
Take away 30 and half it (roughly) although the need has never arisen, F to C that is…
And thus the Europhiles’ work was begun…
Actually thats a good point, even as a 70’s school kid without realising it I’ve succumbed! Hopefully only to Mr Celcius!
On a serious note, it sort of proves that the damage has already been done to those kids in the video above, they will carry that indoctrination into their adult lives….
I really wasn’t trying to be offensive.
At the time metrication was being introduced, a lot of conservatives (with a small ‘c’) warned that it was the thin end of the wedge and was being done to soften us up for integration with Continental Europe. I believed that at the time and I think it has been borne out by events.
The people who pushed the ‘inevitability’ of the metric system were the same people who promoted and still promote the ‘one nation’ view of the EU – it was the usual cast of suspects, including the BBC and the brain dead legions of school teachers, minor academics, Guardian leader writers and the rest.
They actually tried a similar thing in the USA but were hugely rebuffed. Happily for the Europhiles, this had the useful effect of creating a cultural difference between the two driving forces of the Anglosphere, which had never previously existed.
Fortunately, it was only a minor one.
All good points and absolutely no offence taken. I was an ‘afterthought’ and 12 years younger than my closest sibling, yet there is a difference in our schooling, notably maths, she being taught in the various different bases of the imperial system is adept at mental arthimatic, I’m c®ap.
Again despite working in Imperial for almost everything temperature is another thing as I’ve always worked with degrees C.
Good British name that, Fahrenheit.
I work on the basis that 16C is about the same as 61F and adjust up or down in the ration of 1C = 2F. It gets me close enough to know whether or not I need to wear a jumper.