Noticed this in comments, don’t know how accurate ,haven’t tried yet
OldTrout > Pumpwater • 24 minutes ago
The direct line to radio 4 today is 020 3614 1222.
A twat twatted it out on twatter.
The eventual CECUTT response to this will be interesting, if ever made public. Nice to see that DNA-embedded impartiality and editorial integrity at usual levels as the BBC extends its influence globally.
David Cameron said “We need to do much more to smash the criminal gangs that are fuelling this terrible trade in people and also to break the link between getting on a boat and the chance to settle in Europe.”
The ‘criminal gangs’ will be the likes of Jean-Claude Juncker, Angela Merkel, François Hollande… and David Cameron and the boats will be the likes of HMS Bulwark. The ‘fuelling’ being aided and abetted by the BBC and ‘award winning’ Emma Jane Kirby no doubt.
I just watched a bit of Green Party leader Natalie Bennett being interviewed on RT by Larry King. Now granted, Bennett is a deeply stupid woman, I think we can all agree on that, but even so, this time she surpassed herself. After giving it large about diversity and all the usual bullshit, Larry King just asked her what percentage of the UK population was Muslim. She didn’t have a clue (something of a theme with this brainless bint I accept), but was supremely confident that the UK would never be a Muslim state. What a useless airheaded bimbo. Help a fuckwit, vote Green.
“The Islamic Human Rights Commission is a sinister Islamic supremacist group that had the towering gall and any lack of simple decency to name the murdered Charlie Hebdo staff the “International Islamophobe of the Year.”
Does anyone take this group seriously?
In the shattered, staggering, appeasement-obsessed U.K. … absolutely yes.”
Under the guise of combating “anti-Muslim hatred.” The cowering dhimmi government of David Cameron will no doubt oblige with alacrity. ”
R Spencer
GW it is literally astounding isn t it … mind you, just look how they are over thoroughly discredited fabricators like Tell MAMA!. Both laughable and wilful incompetence in equal measure
Actually I use the liberal lefty way of working. My dog bit me so I gave it a biscuit. He bit me again so I gave it another. I’ll soon get that dog trained (unless I run out of biscuits)
Jaw dropping bias on the breakfast time sofa, an illegal who arrived here 5 years ago clinging to a lorry and a worker from action aid.
The action aid bloke claims pictures of boat loads of fit young men are misleading, as all the women and kids are in the middle of the dinghys and cannot be seen, he also mentioned drowned toddler (no mention of Turkey, is it safe or not ? )
The illegal immigrant was well briefed, his English wasn’t good but he mentioned “dehumanising langauge” and got the word “swarm” in.
Sofa jockey’s nodded along in agreement, no differing point of view, we are just not doing enough, someone tell Cumberbatch.
It must be a real no news day today, otherwise why would the BBC put this non news story on the front page of its website?
“Apple apologises after racism outcry”
Didnt manage to find anything about the 10s of thousands who demonstrated in Poland about their concerns over the wave of illegal migrants entering the EU or much on the farce taking place in Malta.
I’m guessing from the scant information that the store may have over-reacted to a gang of teenagers acting boisterously. Like that never happens to gangs of white schoolchildren.
Perhaps the difference is that one of them is called Mohammed and reckoned that would get more grovelling behaviour than, say, a Bruce might have done?
I hope that you are all prepared for the arrival of the common-or-garden typical autumn Atlantic depression, christened Mega-Hurricane-you’ve-never-seen-anything-like-it-in-your-life, Abigail. It’ll be the most something-or other, since records began.
For crying out loud, it’s a bog standard November storm. Has this country become so pansy (oops, that just offended someone) that it needs to give them names to be aware of them and what to do about it?
Or could it be to give the subliminal impression that these things are unusual and happening more often, because they hadn’t previously heard of them? And therefore due to “climate change”?
That’s exactly it – both ways. The demand from 24 hours news channels for a constant stream of ‘exciting’ news content dovetails happily with the warmists’ need to keep us on the edge of our seats.
Muslims certainly pay Tony Blair’s pension, but unfortunately for the rest of us, it’s the likes of the King of Saudi Arabia and the Sultan of Brunei, and I don’t think they give a fig for the likes of us do they? Mind you, neither does Mister Tony.
The Sultan of Brunei owns a Sunni oil state, just not in the Middle East. But I’m sure Mister Tony’s accounts are perfectly transparent and will clear up any misunderstanding as to which Muslim despot is funding his multi-millionaire lifestyle.
Odd, but the BBC has used Westernised Arabs in the USA to make this video. One has to assume that they would be executed in Arabic countries for making fun of Islam, and as Ayatollah Khomenei said:
“Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”
Viewers of London News last night at 6-30pm would have seen the most uncanny piece of news footage from Woolwich.
The death of Fusilier Lee Rigby was commemorated along with the general Armistice ceremonies. At no point did anyone mention muslim terrorism or the cause of his death. However viewers then witnessed a slow transformation of the piece into a complete muslim fest. How sickening for his parents, as if having their son cut down in the street was not bad enough, to be subjected to a pro-muslim rant from the BBC telling us how nice muslims are etc etc.
Unfortunately the piece has been cut short on Iplayer (as I think the 10-30 London news is just a short version of the 6-30). I’m not surprised.
So, Sweden are now worried about the growth of Neo Nazi groups. Well, surprise, surprise.
Quite frankly if I lived in Sweden I would belong to one of the Neo Nazi groups.
How can a country be so incredibly and unbelievably stupid. How bloody predictable.
I would like to see some arrests and severe punishments imposed on their politicians for the destruction of a once civilised and happy country. They must not be let off. They must be made accountable.
Given I was Swedish and I loved my country. I would be deporting them to live in Somalia or Yemen where they belong. I would confiscate all of their wealth.
If I was a Swedish national I would be absolutely bloody raging.
By what definition does the BBC label them far-right? Because they can think ahead and see where this is leading? Does any opposition to this madness make you far-right now? It must make me far-right as well.
The meaning of the terms used by the BBC and other leftists have changed in recent years. At one point a ‘racist’ was someone who actively disliked other races and desired to physically harm them or otherwise have them harmed. Now it means anyone who makes any reference to real or perceived racial characteristics whatsoever, regardless of intent, provided the person making the reference is white (as minorities can never be racist of course). Likewise ‘Far Right’ does not mean someone who dresses up in Nazi uniform and longs for the Fourth Reich. Rather, it simply means anyone who questions any aspect of the globalist/immigration/feminist/climate change/diversity/gender project.
That’s exactly right Mr. Rushlow, the BBC also substitutes neo-nazi for patriot. It would do us all well to remember that nazism is also a very un-British pastime. Many British people gave everything so we could live as free people in a sovereign state and now our leaders are selling us out and all but spitting on the graves of our fallen. How Cameron had the nerve to lay a wreath while doing his damndest to put us under the German jackboot…
For ‘far-right’ read ‘obviously right’ (or ‘arguably right’) and it’ll then read correctly.
(I am talking about the BBC’s useage here – of course, there are some very nasty, boot-stomping/fascist/racist/totalitarian people around – just not generally where the BBC thinks they are).
BBc Breakfast give a platform to someone else on a personal crusade plus it helps revive the agenda run a few months ago on getting older drivers off the road. Sloths do point out younger drivers are actually a bigger risk. However it cuts little ice with Mr Axegrinder plus he has a blog that has had “millions” of hits. whoop de whoop.
Off to reporter on a beach in Formby. Apparently it gets lots of coastal erosion. This gives sloth the chance to mention Climate change and rising sea levels. I was under the impression from my Geography “O” level where erosion happens on one point it gets deposited elsewhere.
Interviewing “stars” of new Saxon drama. Sounds like another paint drying event. The female actor tells us if her character was real she would have been the first feminist. Wonder how historically correct this will be and if any BME will appear “Cornwell’s Saxon novels combine historical figures and events with fiction in an utterly compelling way,” said Gareth Neame.” Oh so it’s bollox.
Still we have the non event of children in need to look forward to or watching even less of BBc as I like to call it.
Surprised the BBC running with Mr. Axegrinder, as the way his campaign has been run on the BBC’s go-to measure of ‘newsiness’, twitter, it has been slaughtered, perhaps due to the Logan’s Run/Al Haigh ‘I’m in charge’ nature of who get’s the chop, on what basis, and who gets to decide. The latter of course being a BBC Eloi favourite topic, so much explained. Maybe Chris can work it into his ‘vision’ for TG?
As to DanegeldEnders, it’s OK, as were the books, even if one choppy-choppy runs into the other like an ISIS party political.
The last episode I saw was sought of compelling, in a Glenda ‘so long as it’s essential for the story, handled with sensitivity, the producers say we’re competing with GoT on ratings’ Jackson T&A way.
One is sure the actress in question felt duly empowered as she was shagged against a church wall for comedic counterpoint effect. Way. To. Go. Sister. I have forward the iPlayer link to the teens, who hope to study history. Uh-huh.
It is raining now. It wasn’t earlier. This clearly is indicative of something. The weather seemed a lot nicer in Alf’s day too. Maybe it was in the stars’ riders (the contract bits, not the ‘love’ scenes)?
Several posters have mentioned the curious lack of news from Calais in recent days, with the suggestion that the MSM (and the BBC in particular) are suppressing the story.
Spot on GCooper. I only found out about the increased violence in Calais while watching Russia Today. What a ridiculous state of affairs when our own national broadcaster ignores events just across the channel. I gather that the agent provocateurs are the goons from No Borders who have set up home there. Thank God for RT and Al Jazeera. And I never thought I’d say that!
“As for the BBC, which produces around half of all the news consumed by people in this country, it has utterly failed to grasp the seriousness with which most of its viewers and listeners regard uncontrolled immigration.”
“Another example of BBC bias could be seen in its report on Tuesday evening about Mr Cameron’s list of proposals to the EU. BBC television news turned to two ‘experts’ — Christian Dustmann of University College, London, and Jonathan Portes, of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research. Both men have spoken of the benefits of immigration, though viewers were not told this.
Nor were they informed that in 2003, Professor Dustmann was the lead author of a report for the Home Office which predicted that, after ten East European countries joined the EU in 2004, the level of immigration to this country would rise by between 5,000 and 13,000 a year.
Within five years, more than a million East Europeans had arrived, an annual average of 200,000 — many times the original estimate. Nevertheless, German-born Professor Dustmann is still wheeled out by the BBC as an ‘expert’ who will say the right thing.
It is in large measure due to the dominance of the BBC that there has not been a measured debate in this country about immigration. Even now, although a majority of British people are uncomfortable about high levels of immigration, anyone who expresses misgivings is liable to be smeared as a racist.
When, if ever, will the fears of ordinary people be heeded? I haven’t even mentioned the hundreds of thousands of migrants from Syria and elsewhere in the region, some of whom, the BBC strongly implies, we should be welcoming to our shores to add to the 330,000 annual net migrants already arriving here.
In what is supposed to be a democracy, the entirely legitimate anxieties of the quiet majority have been consistently disregarded. But I suspect that at long last the worm may be about to turn.”
I have recently discovered that many who normally take no interest in current affairs have started to become worried. In particular those with children and grandchildren.
Despite the BBC’s best efforts many are learning of what is happening in Germany and Sweden and it scares them. Now scared people are unpredictable and this should worry our governing/media liberal class.
Maybe it does maybe not. If the past is any guide this class will try to ignore us and our fears until it is too late.
The BBC will bear much of the blame if the worst happens and Europe becomes a realm of chaos. At least as far as GB is concerned.
As for state orchestrated repression of dissent this looks more and more likely despite the cowardice of the ruling elites. They are good at one thing and that is protecting themselves and to hell with the nation and it’s people.
I read a study somewhere – sorry I don’t have the link – which said that in cases involving ethnic slaughter, which might include the holocaust and the wars in Bosnia, people who had no record of extremist views or affiliation with extremist political organizations, enthusiastically participated in the killings. If there is a grain of truth in this argument then the assumption that Europeans, including the British, will be easily controlled during the forthcoming turbulence, is questionable.
Agreed Dave S. I have never wished to emigrate from England. I love this country and its culture, its people, its landscape, its coastline, its history. My parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts all served during two world wars. And yet….two months ago when it became mightily apparent that Europe was being invaded with the apparent complicity of the EU, the UN and seemingly all MSM I realised it was time to think again. It’s too late for me, and even now I want to stay here and see it through, but I have told my children to leave and take my grandchildren with them. But where to go? Australia and Canada are also consumed with the liberal death-wish now. Maybe New Zealand? Maybe Hungary (behind the razor wire)? Sadly, my children think I’m “catastrophising”. I replied “that’s because this is a catastrophe”.
I recall a recent post of yours in which you referred to the backs to the wall courage of the Israeli Defence Force during the Yom Kippur war and the 6 day war, and how their families were in their homes a few miles from the front-line. These men and women had reason to fight to the death. Perhaps so will we.
Seems the sort of thing the BBC could possibly revive for an afternoon slot. Of course all the defendants would still be hideously white, but the barristers and judges would be of a darker hue methinks.
If it was it would be a little boring, that is if reflective of modern Britain, full of cases of cashpoint theft, pickpocketing, benefit cheats, rape, terror and sham marriages….
The series ran on until the 80’s, was it really only that recent that we were that innocent?
The errant deployment of charcuterie being a scourge it is entirely legitimate to redirect scarce police resources to stamp out.
Maybe Camila Batty could be enobled by Dave and made Minister Without Dress Sense to spout off about this weekly in the House, to give the BBC more welcome copy?
Former head may be one of Wales’ ‘most prolific paedophiles’. OTOH he may have been innocent. He strongly denied all allegations. We’ll never know, as he committed suicide but the BBC has no problem with destroying his reputation. He will never have a right of reply.
Would the BBC have dared to make such a prejudicial report had the accused been alive?
As with ‘news’, or not (h/t A. Newsroom Tealady), reporting of crime in the BBC’s hands can be variable, depending on where in the narrative various protagonists slot (children, teenagers, religious affiliation, intoxication (see religious affiliation), etc).
‘..may be one of the most prolific paedophiles in recent Welsh history, solicitors representing his alleged victims have claimed’
The notion of ‘reporting’ rushed to air based on a ‘may be’ along with a Hislopian ‘alleged’ is truly special, professionally, when it comes to editorial integrity. There may even be an Editorial Guideline that they can ignore. Again.
bBBC in full pro-NHS sanctification mode today, with THREE Have your Say streams running concurrently.
The ‘correct’ post is along the lines of “NHS doctors and nurses are all angels. No to privatisation. Oppose Tory cuts”
Problem is , such tub-thumping does nothing to advance understanding or rational debate.
For example, how often is it mentioned that the annual spend on the NHS ignores the unfunded pension liabilities from the salary based pension schemes? If added in (and they should be) then the UK spend as a % of GDP goes soaring up the global league tables, where our otherwise lowly position is usually used to justify even more billions spent.
Now you are quite free to oppose my concerns about the NHS but the point is all we get from the bBBC is a one-way street of uncritical propaganda.
It’s safe to say that the great unwashed public have made the connection between NHS problems and allowing too many people into the country to make use of it. Even if this obvious cause has somehow escaped the notice of the BBC.
In these depressing times it’s a small ray of light that so many now see through the propaganda of the BBC and call them out on it.
Nick Triggle in full polemical mode today:, throwing everything he can at Government management of the NHS. This illiterate man (“England is in a worst position”) does not give details of any of his sources (save one graph), thus not enabling us to check out the significance of the allegedly missed targets, nor any analysis of the additional external pressures being placed on the NHS from massive immigration. Still less do we get any discussion on the BBC of alternative models to the NHS: they maintain the myth that it is the best system in the world, and all would be rosy but for Tory cheeseparing.
These ladies would have the BBC in a tailspin. Their attitudes would be totally incomprehensible to the Beeboid population as they expect all black people to play the race and victim card at the slightest provocation. Watch some of their other videos and you will be refreshed. The BBC wouldn’t dare give them air-time..
Anyone else want to boot in the TV every time they see Wogan doing some vomit inducing Star Wars skit for Z list celebrity in need of a place in get me out of here?
Will we get a report from the BBC? … Neo-Nazi vid? … the old fave “hate” speech vid?
To even mention it would bring awkward questions?
Head in the sand time BBC?
Breitbart – WATCH: The Anti-Migrant Video Now Going Viral Across Europe
With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations’, a slick, hard-hitting film about the European migrant crisis is going viral in Europe, already watched at least half a million times.
Breitbart London has reported at length on the rising tide of anti-Semitism in Europe which has arrived with mass migration. From Jews being specifically targeted for degrading house-invasion rape-thefts to Jews being excluded from Holocaust commemorations because of Muslim attendees hijacking events, migrant-Europe is now hostile towards Jews at a level not seen in decades.
Not sure how it is on the BBC* as I don’t listen, but Classic FM just booted off the sound system as Global News fields a ‘reporter’ who ‘senses’ a ‘mood’ in the crowd he’s embedded himself in for the Modi state visit.
*This is how the state broadcaster of the UK has run with the story on Facebook: BBC News
19 mins · Modi Mania or madness?
The cam respectful scenes that accompany a Barry or a Nelson event in stark contrast, and that’s just down the whispering corridors of W1A. Speaking of which…
‘a total of £700k through a “recognition scheme for exceptional contributions” in the year up to August 2015. These, apparently, are not deemed to be bonuses’
It’s all in the semantics. I wonder if any of these ‘exceptional contributions’ came close to the purposes of journalism, art and literature? Or were more nebulous… and FoI excluded, ironically.
The safe play appears to be… don’t get on the wrong side of the BBC, its staff or its political ambitions. Anywhere.
Or Godwin gets unleashed, but in a way that the twitterati can approve of.
It’s got the lot. Anonymous BBC ‘analysis’ (is there any other?)… plus much picking of cherries:
‘the BBC employs a tactic it rarely uses when it comes to anti-migration stories: citing public opinion
Clearly time, space and resource was found, especially on Newsnight, home of (c) An. Editor of Integrity, one Ian Katz, of Operation Clarke County fame.
Seems he’s trying to swing elections in the USA again, only with the support of bigger guns.
Those Editorial Guidelines really do bite at the trusted UK National Disgrace, don’t they just?
BBC – Reaching a deal on David Cameron’s EU renegotiation goals will be “very, very tough”, European Council President Donald Tusk has said. In his first comment since the UK prime minister wrote to him setting out his objectives
errr … yeah right!
Cameron – Tory lies and devious tactics over EU vote … Tory lies devious tactics eh? … just for a change 😀
called that incompetent moron out yesterday, on here … speaking of which.
and the No10 Tory traitors going to give the complicit instigators of people trafficking 275 million quid yep!
… Turkey! they of actively aiding flow through of people, corrupt beyond belief,
aiding the Islamic Hijrah. and a massive Tory windfall to boot … they forgot about erm “austerity”
Who pays your benefits then Noggin , well Quelle Surprise , its us readers .You have one vote, just like everyone else , so vote to leave then , & stop ranting , your mate Jezza Corbyn will bump up your benefits in due course , no doubt.
“vote to leave and stop ranting” …. meee oow! truth hurt a bit 😀
Suppose I could be like you and just talk bollox … but this is much more fun 😀
Don t worry the Tory traitors, as their smoke and mirrors over the EU is being more widely reported … state they are
fairly certain a man fitting the description of Mohammed Emwazi has been killed …
for all we genuinely know could have been weeks/months ago? that stop ISIS then?
he wants to go to Allah anyway … No10 searching for an “Osama” moment? as a deflection
At least the Tory press, and the BBC can filibuster about it all day
Sounds , like a rant to me , sure your not Comrade Corbyn`s PA ? You have SWP written all over you , Kipper , that`s just a diversion. You don`t want any benefits cut , so you must be on them , it ain`t rocket science .
At the risk of receiving a permanent ban this is not a bad piece,
Could do with a little more, actually a lot more focus on Yentob though. Unfortunately I don’t think we will ever be made privy to the full extent of his involvement and influence in this “charity”. At the very very least he has shown a startling lack of judgement and a naivety not suited to a person in his position.
For my sins I am watching a BBC 1 tribute to Tom Jones tonight (Thursday). They had primary school children looking at him in his old tv programmes. All bar two of the children (and there were a few) were of ethnic origin. Even my grandmother who was watching with me commented on this. The BBC is now pursuing its aims without the need for any tact now.
Would YOU let your kids up on stage with the BBC, given its well-known succour and sponsoring of Jimmy Savile…and assorted Uncles and It`s a Knock Out types?
How very DARE they try to drum up money for kids that they were happy to see abused by their employees…even using their premises?
As preposterous as Jeremy Bamber seeking money and free funding, on account that he was now an orphan.
At least the Muslim sex gangs of Yorkshire DO offer their white rapees a kebab, swig of vodka and maybe even a taxi home, as long as they sit on a copy of the Urdu Bugle…
Knew that “In Our Time” would try and suck up to the Muslim hordes that lost the Battle of Lepanto.
It can be a good programme, and a cut above most other BBC crap…but when I hear our Oxbridgy lady tell us that the Ottoman Empire was “cosmopolitan”-and so not beige and homogenous, hideously western like the Holy League.
Why-corsairs and viziers were led by,or were formerly FROM the Western nations!
Glory be-from places like Croatia and Albania no less.
And these former western dullards seemed to somehow get conveyed to Istanbul,,,before “converting to Islam”.
Wow…why so Oxbrigdy lady?
Wassat?…did I hear the words “taken in slavery” there?…err, no…but boy did she imply this!
How brave BBC…ta for nada Braggy Boy
Was there no mention of the Janissaries? How they were “recruited” via devshirme – the enforced collection from the parents of dhimmi Christian children throughout the Balkans and other parts of the Ottoman Empire and their enslavement.
BBc on full vomit inducing crap fest about the migrants for almost 10 minutes. They still don’t get it the majority here don’t want them. Reporter asking who would send them back? I would without hesitation. Why are we giving even more money to African states. Here’s an idea how about stopping hand outs unless they sort things out, I doubt we will see anyone suggesting that on the BBc.
Dave666 is absolutely right.
The BBC has no shame.
Not only was their the focus on those sweet and adorable children, did you see the picture backdrop used in the intros.
two pics of a woman with child.
I also noted a fit young muscular lad from Afghanistan saying many Afghan youth have left their country.
Did this comment slip through?
Yet the BBC tugs the heart strings with pretty kids.
Where were the violins?
What has to be obscured and spun away out of sight is this Malta nonsense. It is a measure of the desperate state of the EU elite that it has been held. It will achieve nothing. A bit of Danegeld paid and then the migrants will still come and the third world failed states will connive in this and pocket and demand even more tribute.
All the MSM is in tune and it looks as if this is an orchestrated move to fool us Europeans as our lands are taken from us.
In the real world where men and women live, not the effete liberal touchy feely fools of the media, this is looking more and more like an existential crisis for the West .
I can see only darkness now and our Europe falling into chaos. What hope there is in the Eastern part and as before in our history we will have to look to Poland, Hungary and the Slav peoples to save our civilisation.
I see they are still going on about the referendum. The EU will not last till then.
Former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt says “Once again EU leaders have let us down…….I fear that there is now nothing that can be done to prevent a growing humanitarian catastrophe over the winter months”.
African leaders say give us more money or we will invade you. Cameron and the EU are behaving like chickens without heads . Its unbelievable that a Conservative Government should appear so weak and so impotent .
Essexman, have a word with your Tory mates.
I will old son , but if you would like , total closure of the borders , that means , no one leaves or arrives . No foreign hols , no one arriving from abroad , then , if they do arrest & deportation , unless you are a British passport holder returning . That`s the only solution .
The BBC and many other media outlets are leading with an openly racist headline this morning. The BBC website variant is ‘Jihadi John’: US air strike targets Islamic State militant in Syria (see It is racist because it is implicitly ascribing certain characteristics on the basis of nationality and race, thus besmirching an entire people, namely that ‘Britons are terrorists’.
The militant in question is a man of Kuwaiti origin, who is nevertheless described as ‘British’. His name is not ‘John’, he is identified in the article as Mohammed Emwazi. The name John is used to hide his true background and possible motivations and imply that, with a common British name, he is British. Some parts of the media are fond of using catchy titles and alliteration, but in which case why not call him, say, ‘Murdering Mo’? Other parts of the media claim that they were not originally aware of his real name and simply chose John as a common British name. But why this name? As the BBC regularly points out, the most common boy’s name in Britain is Mohammed, so what could be more fitting than to use that name as a generic, catch-all name for Britons (sic)?
Some people may disagree with the above interpretation. But imagine if the details were reversed: let’s suppose a White extremist from Britain called Anthony was on the loose in Kuwait, murdering the small number of Christians living in that country. Would the BBC be referring to him as, say, Abdullah the Attacker from Kuwait? I rather think not.
So it’s farwell to Mohamed Emwazi, aka Jihadi John.
Al beeb in mourning as the sofa sloths put on serious faces.
Naga, bless her, dressed head to toe in black as mark of respect perhaps…?
A film that is tanking in the US and been pulled from two thousand cinemas should hardly merit a full page in the BBC’s Entertainment and Arts section, but look who the director is, one Danny Boyle.
The Film Programme yesterday afternoon gave it a long puff piece without managing to find time to report on the abysmal box office figures. It also avoided any mention of the political controversy caused by Rogan that has alienated so many potential customers. Thank God for alternative sources of news.
Fuckwit Justin Webb live now denigrating the sale of the NorthernCRock assets for £13 billion if I heard correctly and at a profit. Suggests a better profit might be made if the government waited, and that the receipt wouldn’t affect overall debt which is ‘in the trillions’, according to him.
Wtf does this idiot know about the likelihood of greater profit by waiting than the fool Brown knew about the price of gold likely to move when he sold our reserves, let alone Webb’s overstating the national debt?
Amusingly, the interview was truncated for Internet listeners and replaced with the repeated mantra: ‘due to rights restrictions this part of the programme cannot be broadcast’ or some such.
Just as well. It was embarrassing listening to Webb pushing Labour’s line so exhaustively.
And the edit function has not appeared, because Dysgwr has had his brain scrambled ..apologies for posting stupidity when red rage confused me.
Apologies to original posters peter and old….
Time to give up strong drink?
All is well now, Mrs Dysgwr has summoned the men in white coats….walking up the drive as we speak…..what’s that canvas jacket with long leather straps hanging on each arm? Eh?
Oh is it?……..
A penny dropping moment.
Ref the al-Beeb migrant disclaimer
“A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants”
What a shame so little of their coverage bears so little resemblance to both of these possibilities, despite overwhelming evidence of the predominance of the latter.
Please don’t give to Children in Need tonight.
This is just a sanctimonious, self-righteous BBC jolly to prove what consciences they have, and rather sadly provides an easy groupthink way for lazy members of the public to feel virtuous.
The money you donate gets distributed according to decisions made by committees, sometimes set against project submissions. Wonder if KidsCo ever benefitted?
If you feel tempted to give to CIM, then please pause and decide instead on a charity you would like to support and give it directly and gift aid it as well. More work for you of course, but time well spent.
And thus cut out the self-serving bBBC middle’person’ in the process.
Last year, the BBC criminalised around 200 000 poor families, and extracted fines of around £50 million from them plus the TV tax owed. They then turn to us, the public to give the BBC money which they can then give (in part) to these impoverished families, to help assuage their guilty consciences.
Why should anyone support this discredited ever open hand request?
BBC Radio 4 Desert Island Discs:
Kirsty Young’s castaway is the broadcaster and religious leader, Lord Indarjit Singh.
Creator of The Sikh Messenger newspaper and co-founder of the Inter Faith Network he also has the distinction of being the first member of the House of Lords to wear a turban. He was appointed as a crossbench life peer in 2011.
He has contributed to Radio 4’s Thought for the Day from a Sikh perspective for more than thirty years and arrived in Britain in 1933. He began his career as a mining engineer and in later life has been involved in inter-faith community work.
In the New Year Honours 2009 he was awarded the CBE for services to inter-faith and community relations.
Although Lord Singh is a Sikh, Young still manages to get a dig in about Waycism, Islamophobia, rising levels of violence against Muslims, and the inevitable shadowy ‘right wing groups’.
Here’s an idea – how about battalions of bored brats, with nothing else and nowhere to go, start to scour the streets and countryside rounding up our discarded plastic shopping bags? Plastic bags are a massive problem, you know. I can see it now – the youth shinning up trees to harvest the crop – drop the shivs kids, join a new clean up all postcodes gang – it’s a polythene amnesty! And here’s the pay-off – the ferral adolescents take their placky swag to a corner ouside a suburban supermarket where they can peddle their gear to desperate punters for 4p a pop! No need to wait for Friday for those little brown enveople care of Camila Yentob Cameron and Coldpay? Think of the children. The babymothers will thank us.
Instead of charging 5p for carrier bags, what they should have done was like with glass bottle for lemonade – take a bag back to the company stamped on it and they give you 5p. That way you have people hunting down bags to return them. But I guess that’s not a tax.
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
BBC extending its world class reputation
Noticed this in comments, don’t know how accurate ,haven’t tried yet
OldTrout > Pumpwater • 24 minutes ago
The direct line to radio 4 today is 020 3614 1222.
A twat twatted it out on twatter.
The eventual CECUTT response to this will be interesting, if ever made public. Nice to see that DNA-embedded impartiality and editorial integrity at usual levels as the BBC extends its influence globally.
David Cameron said “We need to do much more to smash the criminal gangs that are fuelling this terrible trade in people and also to break the link between getting on a boat and the chance to settle in Europe.”
The ‘criminal gangs’ will be the likes of Jean-Claude Juncker, Angela Merkel, François Hollande… and David Cameron and the boats will be the likes of HMS Bulwark. The ‘fuelling’ being aided and abetted by the BBC and ‘award winning’ Emma Jane Kirby no doubt.
I just watched a bit of Green Party leader Natalie Bennett being interviewed on RT by Larry King. Now granted, Bennett is a deeply stupid woman, I think we can all agree on that, but even so, this time she surpassed herself. After giving it large about diversity and all the usual bullshit, Larry King just asked her what percentage of the UK population was Muslim. She didn’t have a clue (something of a theme with this brainless bint I accept), but was supremely confident that the UK would never be a Muslim state. What a useless airheaded bimbo. Help a fuckwit, vote Green.
“The Islamic Human Rights Commission is a sinister Islamic supremacist group that had the towering gall and any lack of simple decency to name the murdered Charlie Hebdo staff the “International Islamophobe of the Year.”
Does anyone take this group seriously?
In the shattered, staggering, appeasement-obsessed U.K. … absolutely yes.”
Under the guise of combating “anti-Muslim hatred.” The cowering dhimmi government of David Cameron will no doubt oblige with alacrity. ”
R Spencer
Don t forget the prime enablers, along with the No10 Tory traitors, the protectors of anything detrimental, purveyors of appalling Islamophile propaganda, just like this … the BBC
on this very issue.
It would not surprise me, but is Dave ‘Nothing to do with’ by chance a founding signatory of IHRC too?
Maybe that is why the BBC takes such a group seriously, and rushes its every press release unchallenged to our screens?
GW it is literally astounding isn t it … mind you, just look how they are over thoroughly discredited fabricators like Tell MAMA!. Both laughable and wilful incompetence in equal measure
They sit there lapping it up,
Actually I use the liberal lefty way of working. My dog bit me so I gave it a biscuit. He bit me again so I gave it another. I’ll soon get that dog trained (unless I run out of biscuits)
Jaw dropping bias on the breakfast time sofa, an illegal who arrived here 5 years ago clinging to a lorry and a worker from action aid.
The action aid bloke claims pictures of boat loads of fit young men are misleading, as all the women and kids are in the middle of the dinghys and cannot be seen, he also mentioned drowned toddler (no mention of Turkey, is it safe or not ? )
The illegal immigrant was well briefed, his English wasn’t good but he mentioned “dehumanising langauge” and got the word “swarm” in.
Sofa jockey’s nodded along in agreement, no differing point of view, we are just not doing enough, someone tell Cumberbatch.
Speaking of dark looks around various BBC sofas, Kevin Maguire best steer clear for a goodly period…
Despite traditional professional loyalties, the Mirror also seem to know their market mood.
Perhaps they are speaking for the nation?
It must be a real no news day today, otherwise why would the BBC put this non news story on the front page of its website?
“Apple apologises after racism outcry”
Didnt manage to find anything about the 10s of thousands who demonstrated in Poland about their concerns over the wave of illegal migrants entering the EU or much on the farce taking place in Malta.
Get Jason or Edward on not finding stuff on the BBC; they’re good at that.
But they might have gone to bed by now.
I’m guessing from the scant information that the store may have over-reacted to a gang of teenagers acting boisterously. Like that never happens to gangs of white schoolchildren.
Perhaps the difference is that one of them is called Mohammed and reckoned that would get more grovelling behaviour than, say, a Bruce might have done?
Phew, that’s a relief
BBC London weather girl Elizabeth Rizzini tells us temperatures are heading back down to where they SHOULD be
“Should” is of course the prefered BBC word for when temperatures vary from the average
I hope that you are all prepared for the arrival of the common-or-garden typical autumn Atlantic depression, christened Mega-Hurricane-you’ve-never-seen-anything-like-it-in-your-life, Abigail. It’ll be the most something-or other, since records began.
Met Office : ‘It is hoped that naming storms will help raise awareness of severe weather’
With a bit of luck someone in Arbroath will be saved from the danger of his umbrella being blown inside out
For crying out loud, it’s a bog standard November storm. Has this country become so pansy (oops, that just offended someone) that it needs to give them names to be aware of them and what to do about it?
Or could it be to give the subliminal impression that these things are unusual and happening more often, because they hadn’t previously heard of them? And therefore due to “climate change”?
That’s exactly it – both ways. The demand from 24 hours news channels for a constant stream of ‘exciting’ news content dovetails happily with the warmists’ need to keep us on the edge of our seats.
If you name them, people will think they’re hurricanes. And frightened people can be worked on to make bad choices.
I am waiting for ‘Bruce’ which can be ‘reported’ with Steve Tyler in full Armageddon mode as background… for a a bit of a blow in December.
“Oh…. the humanity!!!! Head for Botney’s private bunker!!! Bring champagne!!!”
I think you will find his bunker is amply stocked with supplies, unless Batmangelidjh gets there first, of course.
‘The study warned that demographic changes within Muslim communities were likely to increase the demand for hospice and end-of-life care.’
Hey! Tony Blair…. this lot were supposed to have been let in here to pay my pension!
Muslims certainly pay Tony Blair’s pension, but unfortunately for the rest of us, it’s the likes of the King of Saudi Arabia and the Sultan of Brunei, and I don’t think they give a fig for the likes of us do they? Mind you, neither does Mister Tony.
Sultan of Brunei? How much has he given BLiar and what for?
So far as I was aware the countries br oops ‘funding’ the BLiar machine were all Middle Eastern Sunni Muslim oil rich states.
The Sultan of Brunei owns a Sunni oil state, just not in the Middle East. But I’m sure Mister Tony’s accounts are perfectly transparent and will clear up any misunderstanding as to which Muslim despot is funding his multi-millionaire lifestyle.
Sultan of Brunei then and now certainly an ‘interesting’ transition.
He used to spend his billions on cars, booze and broads….
Sorry, no, that is Top Gear presenters.
Now SoB is a sharia nut job with a guilt complex and access to limitless resources globally. So all good.
“Although still younger on average than the wider UK population, the number of Muslims aged 65 and over was increasing steadily, the report added”.
Oh no! Immigrants get old too. Why did the BBC never tell us this before!
‘A memorial garden in honour of Muslims who fought for Britain is being formally opened by the Earl of Wessex. ‘
Not that the BBC, our government and the rest of us are bending over backwards to please this group at all
‘How Arabs make each other laugh in six seconds’
Could it be that the BBC have an agenda? Or are they simply obsessed?
Odd, but the BBC has used Westernised Arabs in the USA to make this video. One has to assume that they would be executed in Arabic countries for making fun of Islam, and as Ayatollah Khomenei said:
“Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”
He also said:
“There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious. Islam does not allow swimming in the sea and is opposed to radio and television serials. “
No Citizen Khan! I’m beginning to warm to Islam!
All told via the medium of danc… oh, no… scratch that.
Strictly taboo too. ironically.
The judges will be simply devastated dears.
Didn’t you know? Ayatollah Khomenei wasn’t a real Muslim. He didn’t even make cakes.
Most of the chaps holding mobiles in grainy videos surrounding street performances of a macabre sort seem to be laughing their heads off.
Not sure it translates as well in the West,,, to which they are swarming..,, by invitation.
“Heard the one about Ached’s moped?”
“Is this an ‘I Spy” joke?”
“Yes!!! Vroom, Vroom!”
This could only pass for comedy when put against BBC comedy, which might even be less funny.
Viewers of London News last night at 6-30pm would have seen the most uncanny piece of news footage from Woolwich.
The death of Fusilier Lee Rigby was commemorated along with the general Armistice ceremonies. At no point did anyone mention muslim terrorism or the cause of his death. However viewers then witnessed a slow transformation of the piece into a complete muslim fest. How sickening for his parents, as if having their son cut down in the street was not bad enough, to be subjected to a pro-muslim rant from the BBC telling us how nice muslims are etc etc.
Unfortunately the piece has been cut short on Iplayer (as I think the 10-30 London news is just a short version of the 6-30). I’m not surprised.
Found it !
the piece starts at about the 7 minute mark.
It is hijacked by muslims about 9:50.
Why oh why?
So, Sweden are now worried about the growth of Neo Nazi groups. Well, surprise, surprise.
Quite frankly if I lived in Sweden I would belong to one of the Neo Nazi groups.
How can a country be so incredibly and unbelievably stupid. How bloody predictable.
I would like to see some arrests and severe punishments imposed on their politicians for the destruction of a once civilised and happy country. They must not be let off. They must be made accountable.
Given I was Swedish and I loved my country. I would be deporting them to live in Somalia or Yemen where they belong. I would confiscate all of their wealth.
If I was a Swedish national I would be absolutely bloody raging.
By what definition does the BBC label them far-right? Because they can think ahead and see where this is leading? Does any opposition to this madness make you far-right now? It must make me far-right as well.
The meaning of the terms used by the BBC and other leftists have changed in recent years. At one point a ‘racist’ was someone who actively disliked other races and desired to physically harm them or otherwise have them harmed. Now it means anyone who makes any reference to real or perceived racial characteristics whatsoever, regardless of intent, provided the person making the reference is white (as minorities can never be racist of course). Likewise ‘Far Right’ does not mean someone who dresses up in Nazi uniform and longs for the Fourth Reich. Rather, it simply means anyone who questions any aspect of the globalist/immigration/feminist/climate change/diversity/gender project.
That’s exactly right Mr. Rushlow, the BBC also substitutes neo-nazi for patriot. It would do us all well to remember that nazism is also a very un-British pastime. Many British people gave everything so we could live as free people in a sovereign state and now our leaders are selling us out and all but spitting on the graves of our fallen. How Cameron had the nerve to lay a wreath while doing his damndest to put us under the German jackboot…
For ‘far-right’ read ‘obviously right’ (or ‘arguably right’) and it’ll then read correctly.
(I am talking about the BBC’s useage here – of course, there are some very nasty, boot-stomping/fascist/racist/totalitarian people around – just not generally where the BBC thinks they are).
Sounds like a description of a failing state. RIP Sweden.
If I was Swedish I would leave now before it is too late.
BBc Breakfast give a platform to someone else on a personal crusade plus it helps revive the agenda run a few months ago on getting older drivers off the road. Sloths do point out younger drivers are actually a bigger risk. However it cuts little ice with Mr Axegrinder plus he has a blog that has had “millions” of hits. whoop de whoop.
Off to reporter on a beach in Formby. Apparently it gets lots of coastal erosion. This gives sloth the chance to mention Climate change and rising sea levels. I was under the impression from my Geography “O” level where erosion happens on one point it gets deposited elsewhere.
Interviewing “stars” of new Saxon drama. Sounds like another paint drying event. The female actor tells us if her character was real she would have been the first feminist. Wonder how historically correct this will be and if any BME will appear “Cornwell’s Saxon novels combine historical figures and events with fiction in an utterly compelling way,” said Gareth Neame.” Oh so it’s bollox.
Still we have the non event of children in need to look forward to or watching even less of BBc as I like to call it.
Surprised the BBC running with Mr. Axegrinder, as the way his campaign has been run on the BBC’s go-to measure of ‘newsiness’, twitter, it has been slaughtered, perhaps due to the Logan’s Run/Al Haigh ‘I’m in charge’ nature of who get’s the chop, on what basis, and who gets to decide. The latter of course being a BBC Eloi favourite topic, so much explained. Maybe Chris can work it into his ‘vision’ for TG?
As to DanegeldEnders, it’s OK, as were the books, even if one choppy-choppy runs into the other like an ISIS party political.
The last episode I saw was sought of compelling, in a Glenda ‘so long as it’s essential for the story, handled with sensitivity, the producers say we’re competing with GoT on ratings’ Jackson T&A way.
One is sure the actress in question felt duly empowered as she was shagged against a church wall for comedic counterpoint effect. Way. To. Go. Sister. I have forward the iPlayer link to the teens, who hope to study history. Uh-huh.
It is raining now. It wasn’t earlier. This clearly is indicative of something. The weather seemed a lot nicer in Alf’s day too. Maybe it was in the stars’ riders (the contract bits, not the ‘love’ scenes)?
Several posters have mentioned the curious lack of news from Calais in recent days, with the suggestion that the MSM (and the BBC in particular) are suppressing the story.
Here is one possible reason why!
Spot on GCooper. I only found out about the increased violence in Calais while watching Russia Today. What a ridiculous state of affairs when our own national broadcaster ignores events just across the channel. I gather that the agent provocateurs are the goons from No Borders who have set up home there. Thank God for RT and Al Jazeera. And I never thought I’d say that!
Clear case of BBC ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsnight Editor of Integrity). maybe they didn’t have time… space… inclination?
Steven Glover in the Mail –
“As for the BBC, which produces around half of all the news consumed by people in this country, it has utterly failed to grasp the seriousness with which most of its viewers and listeners regard uncontrolled immigration.”
“Another example of BBC bias could be seen in its report on Tuesday evening about Mr Cameron’s list of proposals to the EU. BBC television news turned to two ‘experts’ — Christian Dustmann of University College, London, and Jonathan Portes, of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research. Both men have spoken of the benefits of immigration, though viewers were not told this.
Nor were they informed that in 2003, Professor Dustmann was the lead author of a report for the Home Office which predicted that, after ten East European countries joined the EU in 2004, the level of immigration to this country would rise by between 5,000 and 13,000 a year.
Within five years, more than a million East Europeans had arrived, an annual average of 200,000 — many times the original estimate. Nevertheless, German-born Professor Dustmann is still wheeled out by the BBC as an ‘expert’ who will say the right thing.
It is in large measure due to the dominance of the BBC that there has not been a measured debate in this country about immigration. Even now, although a majority of British people are uncomfortable about high levels of immigration, anyone who expresses misgivings is liable to be smeared as a racist.
When, if ever, will the fears of ordinary people be heeded? I haven’t even mentioned the hundreds of thousands of migrants from Syria and elsewhere in the region, some of whom, the BBC strongly implies, we should be welcoming to our shores to add to the 330,000 annual net migrants already arriving here.
In what is supposed to be a democracy, the entirely legitimate anxieties of the quiet majority have been consistently disregarded. But I suspect that at long last the worm may be about to turn.”
I have recently discovered that many who normally take no interest in current affairs have started to become worried. In particular those with children and grandchildren.
Despite the BBC’s best efforts many are learning of what is happening in Germany and Sweden and it scares them. Now scared people are unpredictable and this should worry our governing/media liberal class.
Maybe it does maybe not. If the past is any guide this class will try to ignore us and our fears until it is too late.
The BBC will bear much of the blame if the worst happens and Europe becomes a realm of chaos. At least as far as GB is concerned.
As for state orchestrated repression of dissent this looks more and more likely despite the cowardice of the ruling elites. They are good at one thing and that is protecting themselves and to hell with the nation and it’s people.
I read a study somewhere – sorry I don’t have the link – which said that in cases involving ethnic slaughter, which might include the holocaust and the wars in Bosnia, people who had no record of extremist views or affiliation with extremist political organizations, enthusiastically participated in the killings. If there is a grain of truth in this argument then the assumption that Europeans, including the British, will be easily controlled during the forthcoming turbulence, is questionable.
Reminds me; must catch up with the unfurling ‘Man in the High Tower’ on Amazon Prime.
There’s surely a bit on state media.
Agreed Dave S. I have never wished to emigrate from England. I love this country and its culture, its people, its landscape, its coastline, its history. My parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts all served during two world wars. And yet….two months ago when it became mightily apparent that Europe was being invaded with the apparent complicity of the EU, the UN and seemingly all MSM I realised it was time to think again. It’s too late for me, and even now I want to stay here and see it through, but I have told my children to leave and take my grandchildren with them. But where to go? Australia and Canada are also consumed with the liberal death-wish now. Maybe New Zealand? Maybe Hungary (behind the razor wire)? Sadly, my children think I’m “catastrophising”. I replied “that’s because this is a catastrophe”.
I recall a recent post of yours in which you referred to the backs to the wall courage of the Israeli Defence Force during the Yom Kippur war and the 6 day war, and how their families were in their homes a few miles from the front-line. These men and women had reason to fight to the death. Perhaps so will we.
About the old 1970s ITV Crown Court series – check out the dodgy hairstyles!
Seems the sort of thing the BBC could possibly revive for an afternoon slot. Of course all the defendants would still be hideously white, but the barristers and judges would be of a darker hue methinks.
If it was it would be a little boring, that is if reflective of modern Britain, full of cases of cashpoint theft, pickpocketing, benefit cheats, rape, terror and sham marriages….
The series ran on until the 80’s, was it really only that recent that we were that innocent?
Don’t forget the cases of offensive Tweets and assaults with deadly bacon.
The errant deployment of charcuterie being a scourge it is entirely legitimate to redirect scarce police resources to stamp out.
Maybe Camila Batty could be enobled by Dave and made Minister Without Dress Sense to spout off about this weekly in the House, to give the BBC more welcome copy?
Former head may be one of Wales’ ‘most prolific paedophiles’. OTOH he may have been innocent. He strongly denied all allegations. We’ll never know, as he committed suicide but the BBC has no problem with destroying his reputation. He will never have a right of reply.
Would the BBC have dared to make such a prejudicial report had the accused been alive?
As with ‘news’, or not (h/t A. Newsroom Tealady), reporting of crime in the BBC’s hands can be variable, depending on where in the narrative various protagonists slot (children, teenagers, religious affiliation, intoxication (see religious affiliation), etc).
‘..may be one of the most prolific paedophiles in recent Welsh history, solicitors representing his alleged victims have claimed’
The notion of ‘reporting’ rushed to air based on a ‘may be’ along with a Hislopian ‘alleged’ is truly special, professionally, when it comes to editorial integrity. There may even be an Editorial Guideline that they can ignore. Again.
Australian Apple shop didn’t fancy the black yoot ‘customers’?
So we are not alone it seems.
Presumably all BBC staff are handing theirs in in protest?
Well, those who have not ‘lost them’ just before Christmas.
And Mr. Coyle nee Cellan Jones will be stumped for copy for a while.
bBBC in full pro-NHS sanctification mode today, with THREE Have your Say streams running concurrently.
The ‘correct’ post is along the lines of “NHS doctors and nurses are all angels. No to privatisation. Oppose Tory cuts”
Problem is , such tub-thumping does nothing to advance understanding or rational debate.
For example, how often is it mentioned that the annual spend on the NHS ignores the unfunded pension liabilities from the salary based pension schemes? If added in (and they should be) then the UK spend as a % of GDP goes soaring up the global league tables, where our otherwise lowly position is usually used to justify even more billions spent.
Now you are quite free to oppose my concerns about the NHS but the point is all we get from the bBBC is a one-way street of uncritical propaganda.
‘BBC in full pro-NHS sanctification mode today’
Guess this one has fallen down a ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) crack on the editorial integrity/balanced coverage front?:
It’s safe to say that the great unwashed public have made the connection between NHS problems and allowing too many people into the country to make use of it. Even if this obvious cause has somehow escaped the notice of the BBC.
In these depressing times it’s a small ray of light that so many now see through the propaganda of the BBC and call them out on it.
One to follow methinks, until… what… 4.45pm, before the BBC feels no more folk need chip in?
5. Posted by Osiris
Fixed you headline for you
“BBC Scaremongering, Tory bashing stories about a tough winter killing the NHS bite early”
Why don’t you ever address the issue that is really killing the NHS, over population!
At least the mods have left it. For now.
Nick Triggle in full polemical mode today:, throwing everything he can at Government management of the NHS. This illiterate man (“England is in a worst position”) does not give details of any of his sources (save one graph), thus not enabling us to check out the significance of the allegedly missed targets, nor any analysis of the additional external pressures being placed on the NHS from massive immigration. Still less do we get any discussion on the BBC of alternative models to the NHS: they maintain the myth that it is the best system in the world, and all would be rosy but for Tory cheeseparing.
Pat Condell is so relevant when combating BBC bias, and their attack on Boris for being undiplomatic for condemning the Jew hating academics
Don’t expect unbiased coverage of Donald Trump from the BBC.
Perhaps the BBC might interview these sassy ladies, Diamond and Lace, on the immigration policy, who are covering the US election. Enjoy.
These ladies would have the BBC in a tailspin. Their attitudes would be totally incomprehensible to the Beeboid population as they expect all black people to play the race and victim card at the slightest provocation. Watch some of their other videos and you will be refreshed. The BBC wouldn’t dare give them air-time..
Anyone else want to boot in the TV every time they see Wogan doing some vomit inducing Star Wars skit for Z list celebrity in need of a place in get me out of here?
Will we get a report from the BBC? … Neo-Nazi vid? … the old fave “hate” speech vid?
To even mention it would bring awkward questions?
Head in the sand time BBC?
Breitbart – WATCH: The Anti-Migrant Video Now Going Viral Across Europe
With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations’, a slick, hard-hitting film about the European migrant crisis is going viral in Europe, already watched at least half a million times.
Breitbart London has reported at length on the rising tide of anti-Semitism in Europe which has arrived with mass migration. From Jews being specifically targeted for degrading house-invasion rape-thefts to Jews being excluded from Holocaust commemorations because of Muslim attendees hijacking events, migrant-Europe is now hostile towards Jews at a level not seen in decades.
This is test post to check image uploading
Not sure how it is on the BBC* as I don’t listen, but Classic FM just booted off the sound system as Global News fields a ‘reporter’ who ‘senses’ a ‘mood’ in the crowd he’s embedded himself in for the Modi state visit.
*This is how the state broadcaster of the UK has run with the story on Facebook:
BBC News
19 mins ·
Modi Mania or madness?
The cam respectful scenes that accompany a Barry or a Nelson event in stark contrast, and that’s just down the whispering corridors of W1A. Speaking of which…
Jane Garvey reporting?
Calais you may think? WRONG! Manchester city center and coming to your town centre soon and all under a Tory Government!
‘Is there anything that the BBC does that is fit for purpose?’
‘BBC blows £600,000 of your money defending the indefensible’
‘Transparency in the measurement of impartiality? That doesn’t matter a fig. Its only true purpose is the bloody-minded defence of its own interests’
‘Is there anything that the BBC does that is fit for purpose?’
Ah… but… no… yes… it depends on what, or whose purpose is being fitted for. Allegedly. Or something.
‘a total of £700k through a “recognition scheme for exceptional contributions” in the year up to August 2015. These, apparently, are not deemed to be bonuses’
It’s all in the semantics. I wonder if any of these ‘exceptional contributions’ came close to the purposes of journalism, art and literature? Or were more nebulous… and FoI excluded, ironically.
‘Though someone in Television got £4,000 in cash’
Maybe a bung from Botany farmed out via Kids’ Co?
Maybe all those editors of integrity may be inspired to… ‘make some noise’?
Or could it be another case of ‘not enough time’ (c) Ian Katz. Again.
And in other news…
“This vacancy is only open to BBC staff”
Which is nice indeed. Cosy to the point of unique, employment law-wise. The Graun will be miffed to miss on that ad.
At least the pool is limited internally.
Still there is always room for the mates…
Course, there is always room, and money, and time spare for your mates…
‘brought to you by two Executive Producers, Alan Yentob and Lesley Douglas’
Fresh from ‘helping’ empoverished kids round The Cenotaph, no doubt.
At least the PR accorded some vs. others is often explained:
“Star Maggie Smith has been on The Graham Norton Show and BBC News bulletins with Arts Editor Will Gompertz”
Of course she has.
‘I can’t remember the same sort of publicity then’
It was a different time. Apparently.
As people get fired… let go, whatever… on lots of lovely licence fee money, so new ones come in…
One is sure any discomfort is assuaged as BBC HR dole out the largesse like Camilla Batty.
All, no doubt, ‘vital’ to the nation.
Meanwhile, across the pond, for…er… ‘balance’, the editorial independence and integrity continues, albeit in a multi-pronged way…
The safe play appears to be… don’t get on the wrong side of the BBC, its staff or its political ambitions. Anywhere.
Or Godwin gets unleashed, but in a way that the twitterati can approve of.
It’s got the lot. Anonymous BBC ‘analysis’ (is there any other?)… plus much picking of cherries:
‘the BBC employs a tactic it rarely uses when it comes to anti-migration stories: citing public opinion
Clearly time, space and resource was found, especially on Newsnight, home of (c) An. Editor of Integrity, one Ian Katz, of Operation Clarke County fame.
Seems he’s trying to swing elections in the USA again, only with the support of bigger guns.
Those Editorial Guidelines really do bite at the trusted UK National Disgrace, don’t they just?
BBC – Reaching a deal on David Cameron’s EU renegotiation goals will be “very, very tough”, European Council President Donald Tusk has said. In his first comment since the UK prime minister wrote to him setting out his objectives
errr … yeah right!
Cameron – Tory lies and devious tactics over EU vote … Tory lies devious tactics eh? … just for a change 😀
called that incompetent moron out yesterday, on here … speaking of which.
Where s Essexboy eh! 😀
Cameron Lied In EU Speech: Claimed ‘Choice Cannot Be Undone’, Lisbon Treaty Contradicts
and the No10 Tory traitors going to give the complicit instigators of people trafficking 275 million quid yep!
… Turkey! they of actively aiding flow through of people, corrupt beyond belief,
aiding the Islamic Hijrah. and a massive Tory windfall to boot … they forgot about erm “austerity”
Who pays your benefits then Noggin , well Quelle Surprise , its us readers .You have one vote, just like everyone else , so vote to leave then , & stop ranting , your mate Jezza Corbyn will bump up your benefits in due course , no doubt.
So, what makes you think that Nogginator is on benefits ?
“vote to leave and stop ranting” …. meee oow! truth hurt a bit 😀
Suppose I could be like you and just talk bollox … but this is much more fun 😀
Don t worry the Tory traitors, as their smoke and mirrors over the EU is being more widely reported … state they are
fairly certain a man fitting the description of Mohammed Emwazi has been killed …
for all we genuinely know could have been weeks/months ago? that stop ISIS then?
he wants to go to Allah anyway … No10 searching for an “Osama” moment? as a deflection
At least the Tory press, and the BBC can filibuster about it all day
Sounds , like a rant to me , sure your not Comrade Corbyn`s PA ? You have SWP written all over you , Kipper , that`s just a diversion. You don`t want any benefits cut , so you must be on them , it ain`t rocket science .
The SWP? … ROFL 😀
and … there you go again … is the record stuck?
Hey, maybe its just good old Tory deflection … projectionism?
eh comrade 😀
At the risk of receiving a permanent ban this is not a bad piece,
Could do with a little more, actually a lot more focus on Yentob though. Unfortunately I don’t think we will ever be made privy to the full extent of his involvement and influence in this “charity”. At the very very least he has shown a startling lack of judgement and a naivety not suited to a person in his position.
That has to be a spoof website – surely not from the Beeb.
Sometimes you just need to smile
For my sins I am watching a BBC 1 tribute to Tom Jones tonight (Thursday). They had primary school children looking at him in his old tv programmes. All bar two of the children (and there were a few) were of ethnic origin. Even my grandmother who was watching with me commented on this. The BBC is now pursuing its aims without the need for any tact now.
Would YOU let your kids up on stage with the BBC, given its well-known succour and sponsoring of Jimmy Savile…and assorted Uncles and It`s a Knock Out types?
How very DARE they try to drum up money for kids that they were happy to see abused by their employees…even using their premises?
As preposterous as Jeremy Bamber seeking money and free funding, on account that he was now an orphan.
At least the Muslim sex gangs of Yorkshire DO offer their white rapees a kebab, swig of vodka and maybe even a taxi home, as long as they sit on a copy of the Urdu Bugle…
Is it ‘cos he is black?
It’s not unusual
Knew that “In Our Time” would try and suck up to the Muslim hordes that lost the Battle of Lepanto.
It can be a good programme, and a cut above most other BBC crap…but when I hear our Oxbridgy lady tell us that the Ottoman Empire was “cosmopolitan”-and so not beige and homogenous, hideously western like the Holy League.
Why-corsairs and viziers were led by,or were formerly FROM the Western nations!
Glory be-from places like Croatia and Albania no less.
And these former western dullards seemed to somehow get conveyed to Istanbul,,,before “converting to Islam”.
Wow…why so Oxbrigdy lady?
Wassat?…did I hear the words “taken in slavery” there?…err, no…but boy did she imply this!
How brave BBC…ta for nada Braggy Boy
Was there no mention of the Janissaries? How they were “recruited” via devshirme – the enforced collection from the parents of dhimmi Christian children throughout the Balkans and other parts of the Ottoman Empire and their enslavement.
No? What a surprise.
BBc on full vomit inducing crap fest about the migrants for almost 10 minutes. They still don’t get it the majority here don’t want them. Reporter asking who would send them back? I would without hesitation. Why are we giving even more money to African states. Here’s an idea how about stopping hand outs unless they sort things out, I doubt we will see anyone suggesting that on the BBc.
Bloody depressing nearly every sodding story was moose slim related…
Dave666 is absolutely right.
The BBC has no shame.
Not only was their the focus on those sweet and adorable children, did you see the picture backdrop used in the intros.
two pics of a woman with child.
I also noted a fit young muscular lad from Afghanistan saying many Afghan youth have left their country.
Did this comment slip through?
Yet the BBC tugs the heart strings with pretty kids.
Where were the violins?
What has to be obscured and spun away out of sight is this Malta nonsense. It is a measure of the desperate state of the EU elite that it has been held. It will achieve nothing. A bit of Danegeld paid and then the migrants will still come and the third world failed states will connive in this and pocket and demand even more tribute.
All the MSM is in tune and it looks as if this is an orchestrated move to fool us Europeans as our lands are taken from us.
In the real world where men and women live, not the effete liberal touchy feely fools of the media, this is looking more and more like an existential crisis for the West .
I can see only darkness now and our Europe falling into chaos. What hope there is in the Eastern part and as before in our history we will have to look to Poland, Hungary and the Slav peoples to save our civilisation.
I see they are still going on about the referendum. The EU will not last till then.
However Mercedes and Lear Jet sales are booming – Foreign “Aid” – Weapons Grade Rowlocks more like.
….and winter is coming.
Former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt says “Once again EU leaders have let us down…….I fear that there is now nothing that can be done to prevent a growing humanitarian catastrophe over the winter months”.
African leaders say give us more money or we will invade you. Cameron and the EU are behaving like chickens without heads . Its unbelievable that a Conservative Government should appear so weak and so impotent .
Essexman, have a word with your Tory mates.
I will old son , but if you would like , total closure of the borders , that means , no one leaves or arrives . No foreign hols , no one arriving from abroad , then , if they do arrest & deportation , unless you are a British passport holder returning . That`s the only solution .
I must be missing something. Where did taffman say he wanted total closure of the borders?
It’s the only way to get what you Kippers are demanding , close the border s , no foreign hols for everyone.
As a favour, could you just point out the bit about the BBC in this latest contribution thread of yours?
All threads, lead like “The Long & Winding Road ” back to the BBC , & that`s with a lot less than 6 degree`s of separation .
BBC lead with racist headline…
The BBC and many other media outlets are leading with an openly racist headline this morning. The BBC website variant is ‘Jihadi John’: US air strike targets Islamic State militant in Syria (see It is racist because it is implicitly ascribing certain characteristics on the basis of nationality and race, thus besmirching an entire people, namely that ‘Britons are terrorists’.
The militant in question is a man of Kuwaiti origin, who is nevertheless described as ‘British’. His name is not ‘John’, he is identified in the article as Mohammed Emwazi. The name John is used to hide his true background and possible motivations and imply that, with a common British name, he is British. Some parts of the media are fond of using catchy titles and alliteration, but in which case why not call him, say, ‘Murdering Mo’? Other parts of the media claim that they were not originally aware of his real name and simply chose John as a common British name. But why this name? As the BBC regularly points out, the most common boy’s name in Britain is Mohammed, so what could be more fitting than to use that name as a generic, catch-all name for Britons (sic)?
Some people may disagree with the above interpretation. But imagine if the details were reversed: let’s suppose a White extremist from Britain called Anthony was on the loose in Kuwait, murdering the small number of Christians living in that country. Would the BBC be referring to him as, say, Abdullah the Attacker from Kuwait? I rather think not.
So long as he’s splattered all over the road, I don’t care what he’s called (except, perhaps, “a good start”).
This is either a moment of unintentional BBC hilarity or the doings of a very mischievous business hack,
“German economy slows in third quarter” is the article,
Apparently growth has been held back by foreign trade “with imports rising more strongly than exports.” Really.
So it’s farwell to Mohamed Emwazi, aka Jihadi John.
Al beeb in mourning as the sofa sloths put on serious faces.
Naga, bless her, dressed head to toe in black as mark of respect perhaps…?
Oh yes she is isn’t she. Must be a coincidence.
A film that is tanking in the US and been pulled from two thousand cinemas should hardly merit a full page in the BBC’s Entertainment and Arts section, but look who the director is, one Danny Boyle.
In the interest of an even hand I hope other dismal box office failures are given the same tax payer funded BBC publicity boost.
The Film Programme yesterday afternoon gave it a long puff piece without managing to find time to report on the abysmal box office figures. It also avoided any mention of the political controversy caused by Rogan that has alienated so many potential customers. Thank God for alternative sources of news.
Fuckwit Justin Webb live now denigrating the sale of the NorthernCRock assets for £13 billion if I heard correctly and at a profit. Suggests a better profit might be made if the government waited, and that the receipt wouldn’t affect overall debt which is ‘in the trillions’, according to him.
Wtf does this idiot know about the likelihood of greater profit by waiting than the fool Brown knew about the price of gold likely to move when he sold our reserves, let alone Webb’s overstating the national debt?
Amusingly, the interview was truncated for Internet listeners and replaced with the repeated mantra: ‘due to rights restrictions this part of the programme cannot be broadcast’ or some such.
Just as well. It was embarrassing listening to Webb pushing Labour’s line so exhaustively.
Comments above sent from Dygwr_Cymraeg have appeared against Peter Grimes and Oldspeaker..WTF?
Yer bin hacked?
And the edit function has not appeared, because Dysgwr has had his brain scrambled ..apologies for posting stupidity when red rage confused me.
Apologies to original posters peter and old….
Time to give up strong drink?
No, take more of it as a remedy! Cheers!!
I’m missing the edit function too, which I often need to put right all the typos I’ve missed.
Hope al-Beeb are not hacking this wonderful website.
Weirdly the edit seems to be working now, hence this last sentence
I still get the edit function. Sometimes there’s a short delay until it appears.
All is well now, Mrs Dysgwr has summoned the men in white coats….walking up the drive as we speak…..what’s that canvas jacket with long leather straps hanging on each arm? Eh?
Oh is it?……..
A penny dropping moment.
Ref the al-Beeb migrant disclaimer
“A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants”
What a shame so little of their coverage bears so little resemblance to both of these possibilities, despite overwhelming evidence of the predominance of the latter.
Please don’t give to Children in Need tonight.
This is just a sanctimonious, self-righteous BBC jolly to prove what consciences they have, and rather sadly provides an easy groupthink way for lazy members of the public to feel virtuous.
The money you donate gets distributed according to decisions made by committees, sometimes set against project submissions. Wonder if KidsCo ever benefitted?
If you feel tempted to give to CIM, then please pause and decide instead on a charity you would like to support and give it directly and gift aid it as well. More work for you of course, but time well spent.
And thus cut out the self-serving bBBC middle’person’ in the process.
Last year, the BBC criminalised around 200 000 poor families, and extracted fines of around £50 million from them plus the TV tax owed. They then turn to us, the public to give the BBC money which they can then give (in part) to these impoverished families, to help assuage their guilty consciences.
Why should anyone support this discredited ever open hand request?
Too late anyway. My charity money has already gone to The British Legion.
Children In Need are holding £93,000,000 in investments and £7,000,000 in cash.
Time for a re-branding, I think.
I didn’t know Eric Cantona was a jihadi?
Great shout, seismic boy
BBC Radio 4 Desert Island Discs:
Kirsty Young’s castaway is the broadcaster and religious leader, Lord Indarjit Singh.
Creator of The Sikh Messenger newspaper and co-founder of the Inter Faith Network he also has the distinction of being the first member of the House of Lords to wear a turban. He was appointed as a crossbench life peer in 2011.
He has contributed to Radio 4’s Thought for the Day from a Sikh perspective for more than thirty years and arrived in Britain in 1933. He began his career as a mining engineer and in later life has been involved in inter-faith community work.
In the New Year Honours 2009 he was awarded the CBE for services to inter-faith and community relations.
Although Lord Singh is a Sikh, Young still manages to get a dig in about Waycism, Islamophobia, rising levels of violence against Muslims, and the inevitable shadowy ‘right wing groups’.
He should have enlightened her as to why Sikhism evolved in the first place then.
Children in Need meets Kidz Klub
Here’s an idea – how about battalions of bored brats, with nothing else and nowhere to go, start to scour the streets and countryside rounding up our discarded plastic shopping bags? Plastic bags are a massive problem, you know. I can see it now – the youth shinning up trees to harvest the crop – drop the shivs kids, join a new clean up all postcodes gang – it’s a polythene amnesty! And here’s the pay-off – the ferral adolescents take their placky swag to a corner ouside a suburban supermarket where they can peddle their gear to desperate punters for 4p a pop! No need to wait for Friday for those little brown enveople care of Camila Yentob Cameron and Coldpay? Think of the children. The babymothers will thank us.
Instead of charging 5p for carrier bags, what they should have done was like with glass bottle for lemonade – take a bag back to the company stamped on it and they give you 5p. That way you have people hunting down bags to return them. But I guess that’s not a tax.