If you have ever watched the American spook series ‘Homeland’ you may be surprised by the following narratives about the series.
What these narratives illustrate is how the Islamists and their allies hijack ‘innocent’ events and twist them to create anti-Western propaganda that is all too readily picked up by the intended audience and then acted upon. The first example shows how ready the BBC is to accept that twisted narrative, in this case of American, white, racism and Muslim victimisation….there is no challenge to that narrative…
Artists hired by the makers of the US show Homeland to write graffiti on one of its sets in Berlin say they wrote messages criticising the show’s alleged stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims.
The artists wrote graffiti reading “Homeland is racist” and “Homeland is rubbish”, among others.
The artists said in a statement that they were initially reluctant about the commission “until we considered what a moment of intervention could relay about our own and many others’ political discontent with the series”.
“It was our moment to make our point by subverting the message using the show itself,” they said.
Anyone who has watched the show must know that its whole premise rests upon a warcrime by the US vice-president in launching a drone attack against a school, the result being the turning of a US Marine from hero to terrorist. The whole series is very nuanced and just as prepared to portray Americans as ‘bad guys’ as anyone else…racist it ain’t. Shame the BBC couldn’t find the time to mention the reality of the show.
Which brings us to this even more outrageous piece of comment on ‘Homeland’…or rather someone using ‘Homeland’ to vent his own extremist anti-White, anti-Semitic racism…..scarily this guy is teaching at a US university……
About the Author
Joseph Massad
Joseph Massad is Associate Professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University.
Massad is a Palestinian Christian with what seems to be an abiding hatred of ‘Israel’…and apparently anti-Semitism is purely a European curse…not in Islamic teachings then at all?
Here’s a taste of his toxic, poisonous rhetoric (How long before the BBC snaps him up?)….
Just as Israeli racist representations of Arabs are a reflection of an overall Israeli Jewish structural racism that pervades every aspect of Israeli Jewish society, American media racism is also just a branch of a larger American racism and racialism on which much of American culture, history, and national identity is based. Still, this need not sway the casual observer from analyzing the dynamism of white American nationalist fantasies about their internal and external racial others as represented in the news media or in televised fiction.
The racialist structure of the show is reflective of American and Israeli fantasies of anti-Muslim American multiculturalism. The African American Estes is divorced and his former wife married an American Jew. She and their children converted to Judaism. He has also had a dalliance with his colleague Carrie that went awry. The Jewish Berenson is married to an Indian Hindu “brown” woman (perhaps cementing the Indian Hindu-Israeli Jewish rightwing alliance against Arabs and Muslims in the minds of the scriptwriters). On the first season of the show, cross racial romance seems to have also infected the character of a white rich American woman who fell in love with a “brown” mild-mannered Saudi professor at a US university and conscripted him in the service of Al-Qaida, which leads to his ultimate death and her imprisonment, though not before the Jewish Berenson tells her how much he identifies with her as two white people who fell in love with brown people.
Just like American whiteness, which is always completely pure that only one drop of black blood makes an American black, American heterosexuality is equally pure, so much so that a once-a-week homosexual experience renders a man married to three women (and presumably has heterosexual sex with them for the rest of the week) “gay”! Clearly Arab society is so horrific that it forces gay men not only to marry one woman, but three!
That American shows are now equal-opportunity offenders in their racism against internal and external others is hardly news, but that the first black American president is a fan of them should be.
Massad thinks too much, way too much, and seems to forget what he has written before…for instance on Gays….now he says its a black and white issue…you’re gay or not…before this wasn’t the case…guess he has a narrative for every occasion as it suits…
‘Massad argues that “Western male white-dominated” gay activists, under the umbrella of what he terms the “Gay International,” have engaged in a “missionary” effort to impose the binary categories of heterosexual/homosexual into cultures where no such subjectivities exist, and that these activists in fact ultimately replicate in these cultures the very structures they challenge in their own home countries. Massad writes that “The categories gay and lesbian are not universal at all and can only be universalized by the epistemic, ethical, and political violence unleashed on the rest of the world by the very international human rights advocates whose aim is to defend the very people their intervention is creating.”‘
Other dubious judgements of his…
Massad is especially critical of “rabidly pro-Israeli American President Obama.”
Massad refers to the Palestinian Authority as the “Palestinian Collaborationist Authority,” calls Mahmoud Abbas the “chief Palestinian collaborator,” and accuses the PA of collaborating with Israel and the United States to crush Palestinian resistance.
Love this review of Massad’s work by the LA Review of Books….it’s a whole different world out there…..here’s a taste of some uptheirownbackside intellectualism….
‘…..he is in fact revealing how this very notion of agency — regardless of individual intentions — remains complicit with Western epistemological particularism disguised as universalism’.
What exactly is Intellectual History?
But Massad will be enjoying his six figure dollar salary, his six bedroom house his six series BMW and no doubt inside swimming pool and six holidays a year ( all taken in the civilised west ). All paid for by the tax paying Americans. Better than working and living in some Islamic sh1thole that hasn’t developed in hundreds of years and never will do.
He may be Palestinian this Madass bloke-but he`s no Christian.
Unless you mean in a Giles Fraser kind of way.
Even a cursory trot through the New Testament shows us that Jesus Himself was Jewish, steeped deeply in the whole Judaic milieu. Paul followed up with his “Salvation Comes solely/only through the Jews”(Romans 9-11).
Romans is the very peak of the Christians theology-it`s not abrogated, cant` be cut and pasted away-unless you`re a Muslim in disguise as this Madass is.
That the likes of Fraser and Mossad reckon that you can cut the Jew out of the Bible and the dispensation brought about by a saving faith in Jesus Christ, by backing Arafat and IS-lite types is the fault of unthinking, lefty reflex theologies as taught by Rowan or Papa Frankie…it is NOT Christian.
If I was one of his students I would ask Columbia University to refund my my tuition fees. The man is an idiot.
“The first example shows how ready the BBC is to accept that twisted narrative, in this case of American, white, racism and Muslim victimisation….”
I see; so describing a TV Show as racist is exactly the same as as describing Americans and Whites as racist. Because if you don’t like “Homeland” you obviously don’t like “Americans” or “White People”.
This is your argument? Seriously?
Interesting article in an interesting place.
The author may have trouble securing a slot on the Breakfast sofa with this one, along with any NS staffer for a while.
Might be a bit awkward given the plethora of peans to this special fashion choice across the BBC, especially if a certain Bake Off star is doing the rounds.
This season’s ‘Homeland’ got off to a good start this year when ‘Quinn’ gets debriefed after a long session in Syria…
The hardened yet haunted CIA black-ops specialist is summoned before a conference table full of Intelligence brass to explain what he’s been up to in Syria the past two years. Quinn describes al-Raqqa province and U.S. airstrikes targeting Assad, ultimately aiming for al-Nusra and Islamic State…
…things get worse as the questioning of Quinn unfolds:
‘You said a program should be renewed. I’m asking, is our strategy working?’
‘What strategy?’ counters Quinn. The questioner is taken aback.
‘Tell me what the strategy is, I’ll tell you if it’s working,’ Quinn fires at the group. Everyone exchanges glances during a long, embarrassing silence.
‘See, that right there is the problem, because they — they have a strategy,’ says Quinn. (And you can take that back to the President.)
Quinn proceeds to describe the gathering of tens of thousands of jihadis to prepare for the “End Times.” Cleaning their weapons. Performing beheadings and crucifixions, reviving slavery. “Do you think they make this shit up?” Quinn asks the group.
It’s all in the book. Their f***ing book. They read it all the time, they never stop. They’re there for one reason and one reason only: to die for the caliphate and usher in a world without infidels. That’s their strategy, and it’s been that way since the 7th century.
Quinn’s reply when asked, “Well, then. What would you do?”
Quinn answers that he’d send 200,000 American ground troops and a contingent of doctors and elementary school teachers to the region. When informed that would never happen (would it, Mr. President?), the CIA warrior delivers his coup de grâce: “I’d hit reset… Pound Raqqa into a parking lot.”
Joseph Massad received his PhD from Columbia University in 1998.
Is that the Frankfurt school? The same school that Pres Obama allegedly went to.