The BBC continues its support for the Islamist cause giving a platform to a group that the BBC knows is an Islamist front….
Initially dubbed “Jihadi John” by the media, he was subsequently named as Emwazi, from west London, in February.
Advocacy group Cage, which previously suggested MI5 harassment may have contributed to Emwazi’s radicalisation, said he “should have been tried as a war criminal”.
Mohammed Emwazi
- 1988: Born in Kuwait, moves to UK in 1994 aged six
- Educated at the Quintin Kynaston Community Academy in St John’s Wood, north London
- Fluent in Arabic and English and a British citizen
- 2009: Completes computing degree at University of Westminster, travels to Tanzania, Amsterdam and Kuwait
- 2013: Tries to travel to Kuwait but is stopped. Disappears. Parents report him missing. Police tell family four months later he has entered Syria
Source: Cage, London-based campaign group
Why is the BBC giving credibility and authority to Cage? How long before Shaker Aamer becomes a Cage ‘spokesman’ and a constant feature, as with Moazzam Begg, on the BBC? The truth about Aamer is revealed here….all information that’s well known but brushed under the carpet by the likes of the BBC.
‘Aamer, who was born in Saudi Arabia, was captured in Afghanistan in November 2001; he was sent to Guantánamo Bay in February 2002. The US government believes him to be a weapons-trained al-Qaeda fighter; Aamer’s supporters claim that he was in Afghanistan to carry out voluntary work for an Islamic charity.’
Note the BBC makes no mention of Cage’s previous beautification of the mass murderer Emwazi…
Jihadi John: Activist who praised Mohammed Emwazi as “beautiful” caught on video backing jihad
The human rights campaigner who described Mohammed Emwazi as ‘a beautiful young man’ previously supported waging jihad against British soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Asim Qureshi, research director at Cage, called on Muslims to back jihadists at an anti-US rally held in London in 2006.
In an emotive speech caught on video, Mr Qureshi told a crowd gathered at rally organised by Hizb-ut Tahrir, an Islamist group: “When we see the example of our brothers and sisters fighting in Chechnya, Iraq, Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan, then we know where the example lies. When we see Hezbollah defeating the armies of Israel, we know where the solution is and where the victory lies.
“We know that it is incumbent upon all of us, to support the jihad of our brothers and sisters in these countries when they are facing the oppression of the West.”
Note the BBC faithfully and without challenge reporting Cage’s assertion that Emwazi was radicalised by MI5 and that he should have been tried and not ‘droned’….Jeremy Corbyn’s line.
This plays into the BBC’s own preferred narrative…one that it was promulgating not 2 days ago when the Islamist IHRC, on Armistice Day, announced this….
Government policy ‘negatively affects’ Muslims
Government policies, including those linked to security and extremism, are having a “negative impact” on British Muslims, a campaign body’s report says.
‘A campaign body‘ eh? That’ll be yet another Islamist front group that the BBC presents as credible and honest.
Anyway, to be clear, it is all the fault either of UK foreign policy or the nefarious activities of the security services driving Muslims into the arms of the Jihadis…no other reason..there’s no rhyme, reason or religion behind their radicalisation.
To cap this off the BBC’s Frank Gardner, ever more useless and unreliable as a witness, came onto 5Live (around 18:07) to give us his analysis but first we heard (18:06:30) from the presenter, Anna Foster, who told us what Cameron said about Emwazi and then said ‘Moving away from the politicians let’s hear what the really important people say, the relatives of Emwazi’s victims…’. However I imagine it won’t be long before the BBC is reporting with relish all the criticisms of Cameron’s position on Emwazi’s killing….his ‘assassination’ and ‘execution’. In fact the BBC has kicked off that criticism already……
Gardner then came on and gushed about Emwazi’s death….
‘Militarily I think it will have very little effect at all…psychologically it is important because prime ministers going way back many many years in this country love to be able to say ‘We will bring these people to justice and they will be held accountable’ .’
Ahhh yes…you thought Gardner was going to say this was psychologically important because a high profile propagandist for the Islamic State was taken out of the equation….but you were wrong…the BBC are only intent on slagging off Cameron and Blair.
Gardner goes on to make a very personal statement…
‘What this guy [Emwazi] should have had is the day in court and be made to atone for his sins…instead of which he’s probably had a quick and painless death which is what he denied his own victims.’
Kind of a remarkable statement, not just because it is one of opinion, but also one that is hugely hypocritical given the BBC’s relentless opposition to the prison in Guantanamo Bay….how long before the BBC would have started the campaign to get Emwazi released?
Too early to say for sure who is responsible for the attacks in Paris tonight but should it be the BBC’s Islamist friends shouldn’t we start asking serious questions about the BBC’s enthusiasm for the Islamist narrative and the consequences that ensue from the massive amount of propaganda the BBC pumps out on their behalf?
Dozens dead in series of terror attacks in France as Kalashnikov-wielding gunman opens fire in restaurant, 100 hostages are taken at theatre and two blasts are heard near the Stade de France
[Emwazi] should have had is the day in court and be made to atone for his sins
Leaving aside the impossibility of doing that what is important is the idea that he is (was) an ordinary criminal. He may have been a war criminal but primarily he was a soldier. Soldiers, even ‘innocent’ ones in a war don’t get arrested. They get shot.
Fifty or 60 killed in Paris. ” Allahu Ackbar” heard from the gunmen.
This sort of thing will get more common, like Beirut, as the Muslim population in the West increases. We are looking at the poison fruits of multiculturalism.
One possible solution is an exchange of populations – Christians in the ME with Muslim invaders in the West. Else we are looking at a civil war that will make Bosnia look like a garden party.
Too early to say for sure who is responsible for the attacks in Paris tonight but should it be the BBC’s Islamist friends shouldn’t we start asking serious questions about the BBC’s enthusiasm for the Islamist narrative
The Guardian is reporting this:
“Another witness, who was at the Batalclan with his mother, is currently in tears live on the radio station. He says he heard the assailants were screaming “Allahu Akbar” while shooting inside the crowd.
The Daily Mail is reporting this:
The terrorists shouted ‘Allah Akbar’ and ‘this is for Syria’ as they burst in and opened fire, witnesses have said
The telegraph reports this:
According to BFMTV, one of the gunmen shouted: “It’s for Syria” at Bataclan and Allahu Akbar.
The bBC reports
There are reports of up to six gunmen involved.
Yup the billion pound news agency which can report about the US/UK or Israel harming a single hair of a poor gun totting allah ackba uttering asylum seeker wannabe in darkest Afghanistan within minutes, can’t report the news 30 miles across the water in France.
The bBC the traitors within our midst
Great post pounce.
Maybe its because Paris is so close that the BBC cant differentiate the trees from the woods. The BBC are still trying to figure out who the gunmen are, and what poissible motive they could have.
These six figure salaried BBC professionals are no fools.
NCBBC,they still did not have a clue who had done this on the 5.30 news this morning no mention of the elephant in the room at at all,and the terrorists were not shouting alluh akbar but allez allez i could not believe my ears.