Here’s what a Charlie Hebdo cartoonist drew after the second Paris terror attack in a year…
‘The people who died tonight were out living, drinking, singing. They didn’t know they had declared war.’
‘Terrorism is not the enemy. Terrorism is a mode of operation. Repeating ‘we are at war’ without finding the courage to name our enemies leads nowhere. Our enemies are those that love death. In various guises, they have always existed. History forgets quickly.’
Music, kisses, life, champagne and joy – things that Islam will never understand. Bravo Charlie.
Hmm, éléphant dans le salon, anyone?
The BBC just cannot stop themselves from slipping in some damage limitation for Muslims. The title of this report, on the main webpage, is ‘Muslim who saved two women’. Further down the report descends into a ‘We poor Muslims are victims, too, you know’ exercise. Give it a rest BBC, for just once, give a sodding rest!
Yes, the usual Muslim “get out of jail free” card slipped in wherever possible by the BBC. An interesting comment by the young Muslim who was interviewed saying this has nothing to do with religion /these are not Muslims, blah, blah, blah… I wonder if he would like to discuss this with Erdogan of Turkey who is on record as saying, “There is no militant Islam. There is only Islam”.
If there really was such a thing as “moderate” Islam, a million Muslims led by their Mullahs would be marching through Paris today declaring, “Not in my name!”
But there is only one Islam.
My son lives in the Rue de Charonne where 19 were gunned down as they enjoyed some music and dance. Fortunately, he was not there at the time and has received messages from his friends that they are safe. He and his friends have no political affiliations. In response to the attacks I offer something that the savages cannot comprehend. A taste of Parisian street culture. But I hope that soon, the savages will be driven out of the world of culture.
Make the most of such music while you can because if (when?) Islam is in the majority, such pleasures will no longer be permitted by the coming of the new dark ages.
(And though I write “when?”, it really does only seem a matter of time because of such things as birth rates.)
HenryWood, Birthrates. Yes, they are claiming that victory will come because they will outnumber the inhabitants of the host countries.
So start thinking friends. I hope to pursue this idea. Sterilization. If we are compelled to accept Muslim immigrants, they are admitted only if sterilised. Otherwise go somewhere else. Those already here – no benefits unless sterilised. Guilty criminals – sterilised. And so on. Too drastic to contemplate? Hope they will grow in numbers and vote either Tory or Labour? We have to get real. Their preachers are gloating about a demographic victory.
G.W.F wrote, “So start thinking friends. I hope to pursue this idea. Sterilization.”
I have no friends who pursue such ideas and I never will have.
HenryWood, We differ. But I have long condemned sterilization as a method employed by fascists and totalitarians, which was wrongly employed in the US during the 1930s. Unspeakable. But I am now thinking of something worse – civil war, ethnic cleansing throughout Europe. So what I am asking for are ideas on the table.
On reflection I should not have used the term ‘friends’. It was rather tacky and presupposed a level of agreement which my post was unlikely to achieve. But I do insist that all options need to be discussed rather than immediately dismissed.
Yes GWF this is the real battle that receives no attention in Britain. Thilo Sarrazin in his best selling book “Deutschland schafft sich ab” has analysed in detail, using German government statistics, what the effects of a Muslim birth rate of 4 or 5 and an indigenous population that cannot replace itself is. The crunch will come not tomorrow nor the day after but very soon. All the talk of city mayors and local democracy in Britain only accelerates the balkanization of Britain by ensuring that Muslim majorities in cities like London and Birminghan will be able to introduce sharia law, no doubt initially sharia-lite, but more extreme as time goes by and white-flight increases. Sarrazin was of course subject to a torrent of abuse in the German media and his wife was forced out of her job as a consequence. Nevertheless, only in a 1984 society does 2+2=5, and it will become apparent sooner or later who was right. Unfortunately this will be a Phyrric victory. Maybe this is why the BBC are so in love with Islam, it’s not a Marxsist “historical inevitability” that drives them but a simple numerical calculation.
‘Imagine’ is one bloody awful piece of maudlin anti-capitalist, open borders, hippie propaganda. Only a matter of time before the UN adopt it as their official Agenda 21 anthem.
johnnythefish, I completely agree with you over your description of Imagine. But when I saw this vid of the guy with his piano, dignified, playing without making a stupid empty celebrity mouthed speech, as one would expect from Russell Brand, I saw what is both civilised and victorious in what is a normal Parisian street scene. I forgot Lennon’s crappy lyrics. And something else. In the UK today, even the slightest criticism of Islam carries a risk from the Twitter Stasi, and from authorities. Watch a Kipper or Tory Councillor get hammered if he mocks the Koran. This weekend anti sharia demonstrators in Bradford, in Scotland, and elsewhere, were driven off the streets, outnumbered by leftist thugs. So this mawkish music, the Facebook tricolours, the hashtags, candles, insignificant I know, are something to show that we are not intimidated by the quislings and fifth columnists who have had it all their own way. I will light my candle, but refuse to deceive people by participating in an interfaith betrayal, and I will keep my powder dry for the oncoming battle.
Imagine is one of the most appalling songs ever written. Its banal lyrics are symptomatic of a civilisation that has lost the ability to think rationally and indulges asinine sentimentality.
I listened with interest Hollande statement that France is at War with ISIS. Such a statement if true would lead to very specific actions: French bombing missions and troops on the ground in Syria, the internment of thousands of French citizens who the authorities highlight as a threat to the State, the halting of any more migrants into the EU, the repatriation of failed asylum seekers and no more free movement and proper security controls at the borders.
Is Hollande really going to act? I wont hold my breadth.
Sorry, I don’t buy into this shit at all. The left, and Hebdo are a big portion of the French satirical left, seem to think eradicating religion entirely is the answer, when the truth is that only Islam is the religion requiring complete expulsion from European lands, if we are to survive and advance as a culture and race. Editorials like Hebdo cannot speak coherently or honestly, so a need to lump all religions into the ‘religion is evil’ narrative is the only choice for their lazy brand of so-called jouranlism
Multiculturalism is a religion – a political religion whose nihilism encourages not discourages conflict.
Agreed. I saw a tweet earlier that stated ‘to summarise things, the war on western civilisation has begun, but one side is yet to realise it’.
Unfortunately, we are also in a civil war with those who choose to deny reality. Before we can deal with the external threat, we are going to have to deal with the ‘liberals’ – the enemy within
Not just the liberals but a lot of misguided people who have been brainwashed by the BBC’s censorship of the inconvenient truths about Islam.
I have to admit at being thoroughly pissed off by those wailing do gooders who complain that conflicts are created by religion, this seeing no distinction between Christianity that was tamed centuries ago and a blood thirsty murderous cult that is supported by communists and Trotskyists for no good reason. This crap appears on every BBC HYS which remotely covers conflicts and war.
I agree, we must deal with internal 5th columnists first. However I don’t think any rightist reaction (eg electing a UKIP Government) would last five minutes while the USA was still in thrall to the Cathedral. Both sides of the Atlantic need military coups before we can properly dismantle or ‘de-commiefy’ the progressive’s damage done over the last 50 years.
While that process is going on we can get our borders back under control without organisations like the BBC shrieking ‘racism’ – because the BBC will have been summarily abolished!
I don’t think a military coup is either desirable or likely, personally. What I think needs to happen is the generation of a mass movement that will seize the initiative and break the Left-liberal stranglehold.
Just this week, the suggestion has been made that all applicants to join the police force should have degrees. Already, the higher ranks have been corrupted by the fast-tracked appointment of indoctrinated Common Purpose liberal drones. This latest suggestion hasn’t been made to improve the standard of policing, it has been done to ensure that no one who hasn’t been programmed with liberal ideas is even allowed to enter the police force, let alone run it.
The effect of filtering every profession through a process whereby only those who conform to cultural Marxist ideas get employment (which is, in effect, how it works) is possibly the single biggest cause of the mess we are in. The law, journalism, education, politics, increasingly even business, have all been subverted. This wasn’t an accident, it was a deliberate plan.
Once the ‘elite’ had been formed, the majority could easily be ignored – which is how mass immigration, the benefits culture, EU membership and the rest have been imposed on us and why so many in this country feel (and are) completely without a voice.
But the thing is, all anglophone countries are weak and left-wing (even with ostensibly ‘conservative’ governments). The left control the media, they and their SJW vanguards keep winning every battle for every suicidal lunatic idea going. Much of the SJW nonsense comes from America unfortunately.
What’s the best we could hope for in the UK? A tory party run by actual right-wingers plus UKIP on board by 2025? It’s not enough – and will be too late. No, it will take a period of disorder and anarchy to prise away the Cathedral’s grip from power. We’ll need a coalition of allies (most likely from East Europe) too.
I’d much rather it was done via the ballot box but I’ve reluctantly come to the conclusion that saving Western Civilisation is ‘gonna need a bigger boat’.
Well, yes, ultimately it might but a military dictatorship or a fiercely authoritarian government is just what we are fighting against. A win for the Republicans under someone like Ted Cruz and the resurgence of proper Conservatism here (either under UKIP or a Tory Party which has come to its senses and ditched the Heathite Cameron) would go a long way to easing matters.
Even then, you could still be right. I’m just under no illusions that it would be pleasant to live under.
But, at the same time, various Anglican Archbishops will appear in the media over the next few day, and assure us that the problem is not Islam.
They are also a danger because they are the useful idiots for the one real problem
Also, France is a secular society, so they see things differently as far as religion goes. That is why they banned the niqab, and why Islam sees them as the biggest threat
Over at Breitbart commentators are asking what can be done. There’s lots of stuff about bombing missions, closing borders etc. I pointed out one of the simplest things that can be done – immediately – is for people to sell or give away their televisions, and return their TV licences with a letter stating why. I think people feel very powerless at the moment, and this is one action where they can at least in some small way regain some control.
You’re not kidding Cranmer, totally agree. I feel completely powerless. We need greater accountability from our unelected BBC brainwashing (sadly of the many) masters.There needs to be a rethink and start exposing these presenters to a far greater level of scrutiny than we currently do. Expose exctlywhat the presenters are told what to say and importantly who is telling them.
Head of Albeeb strategy is ex Labour failed MP Purnell. Sack him now, petitions anyone??
Wronged, I think we have to quote Kennedy and say ‘ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country’. I no longer have any faith in our elected leaders, and certainly not our unelected EU masters, to deal with this situation effectively. The only way we can gain any kind of control is by taking immediate action ourselves. Not in a dramatic way, as that will be stamped on – but in small ways that will, if carried out by sufficiently large numbers of people, cause some change. My list is as follows:
1. Start actively campaigning for Britain to leave the EU. A simple way would be to make a donation to a pro-Brexit party or group.
2. Politely and reasonably rebuff all leftist nonsense on social media etc with simple factual posts. Don’t be drawn into abusive exchanges. They can shout ‘racist’ all they like but they are never much good at reasoned debate.
3. Sell your television (watch online instead) and return your TV licence; refuse to fund the BBC’s propaganda. I have no faith in any ‘reforms’ of the BBC, it can only be forced to change by withholding of public funds, which can be done immediately, easily and lawfully by every citizen.
4. Sign government petitions opposing mass immigration and open borders. The government will probably take no notice of them, but they are a good indicator of public opinion.
5. Show support for Visegrad Treaty countries such as Poland, Hungary etc; write to their embassies with messages of support; take a city break or holiday etc and spend money. I’ve signed up to a website where I help Hungarians learn English via emails and skype. I know some people don’t like immigration from Eastern Europe but personally I would prefer this to immigration from outside the EU, and the Hungarians are by and large lovely people.
Totally agree. I live in Bradford, and though it isn’t much, I refrain completely from offering Muslims my money. I don’t buy curries or taxis. I support my local church, and of course I am frustrated knowing I have little power to change things, but we must reengage with who we are, in our own personal way. We have to start living as a separate entity – countering the multicultural lie, rammed down our throats daily.
I also wanted to add the fallacy of the ‘killing the innocent’ lie.
It’s like the idea of innocence in the myopic world of Islamic jurisprudence is essentially flawed.
We have endured over the past few days a plethora of people and media personalities – reminding us that it is strictly forbidden to kill the innocent, according to Qur’anic scripture. Imams, community leaders, and muslims alike have taken to the radio and news channels, quick to identify a particular passage contained within the Qur’an that states ‘the killing of one innocent is like killing the world’.
Apparently we’re all supposed to feel relieved at this heart warming, and utterly reassuring passage – that should put the average goy’s mind at rest.
However, what the media are failing to do is explain to the viewer that the concept of ‘innocence’ according to Islamic jurisprudence is both complex, and historically open to redefinition, and realignment, depending on who is considered to be the ‘enemy’ of the muslims at the time.
The definition and focus on who is considered to be an enemy to the Islamic world centres around many complex, interpersonal situations, scenarios and beliefs. Much of which are fuelled by an irrational, selfish sense of entitlement, as well as a desire to avoid all introspection and blame. Consequently, and as history demonstrates – muslims amass many differing forms of non-believers, and sometimes even fellow believers, who they at any given moment, and for a variety of reasons – may wish to define and identify as ‘enemies’. In the Islamic world one can be considered as innocent on a Monday, and guilty on a Tuesday. Thus, the concept of ‘innocence in Islam’ is one which is relentlessly open to interpretation.
Thank you for putting your head above the parapet. I wish the BBC would feel free, or inclined, to enlighten us by exploring such issues of belief with honesty.
In addition to the notes about innocents above:
This is often mis-quoted from the Koran, in order to alter the meaning.
The actual quote from the Koran was an instruction from Allah to the Jews and not directed at Muslims. The Koran goes on later in the verse to instruct Muslims that non-believers may be executed or otherwise punished by Muslims if they do not submit to Allah.
Isn’t it funny how – read in its proper context – the meaning of this quotation is the exact opposite of what Muslim apologists claim?
See for a discussion of this.
May I inject a flippant note? I’ve read the second piece of French above, and I think the English translation has missed out the last few words. One is ‘merde’, which I believe is a distinctly vulgar piece of slang. ‘Oh, shit!’ indeed – I think that’s the way we all feel about the current situation!
From the first image; “…but we don’t need more religion!”
The war against terrorism was already lost after the Charlie Hebdo massacre. Shame on the entire media community worldwide for cowardly refusing to republish Hebdo cartoons! That was the point at which Islamic ideology became immune to criticism or ridicule. That was the point that Islamic fundamentalism gained credibility amongst Muslims the world over.
It’s important to note that the MAJORITY of Muslims are in favour of laws against blasphemy – chiefly, laws against insulting Mohammed.
Guns and bombs may kill us, but religion will kill our children.