Listening to Nolan and a caller says the killers were not Muslim….silence from Nolan, silence, silence, then he tells us…
‘That’s the most poignant thing you can say…that they are not Muslim’
Trouble is that isn’t true is it Stephen Nolan? That’s a lie. A lie that is intended to prevent a particular course of action….such as that suggested by Hollande’s declaration that this attack was an act of war.
Nolan’s conclusion is that the clever response would be not to respond…not to over react…by over react he means military strikes against Islamic State.
The Spectator’s thoughts on that?
‘There will be many sage, chin-stroking, warnings against an ‘over-reaction’ to this atrocity. Of course. And yet it is not possible to avoid reacting to this act of war. Obliterating Islamic State, wherever it is to be found, is not liable to be a sufficient response but it is a necessary part of any response. Because if we did not know before now – and if we did not, it was because we were wilfully denying a grimly observable reality – we know now. There is no compromise that can be struck with the mindset behind these murders.
They may hate us for what we do but, more significantly, they despise us – all the western world – for who we are and how we live. This is so obvious by now that it risks seeming banal but it demands restating because, even now, even after all this, there remain too many people who deny the truth.’
And of course the real victims of the attacks are Muslims…the ‘backlash’ you understand.
The real victims? These are the real victims…..
Typical from Nolan.
There needs to be a site that makes known the addresses of traitorous idiots like Stephen Nolan. He and the Albeeb are acting in much in the same way as Lord Haw Haw during the war when he told lies in trying to brainwash the British people. The people were less naive then.
I think it is important that the British people are made aware of their home addresses so that we as a people can confront dangerous idiots like Nolan face to face. I am more than happy to knock on his door and confront him face to face should he live in my area. He should be made to be accountable.
I have tried to get through to him on his show but I cannot get past his ‘screener’ /production assistant because I assume what I have to say to Nolan doesn’t fit in with his narrative. I have not been rude or aggressive in my tone to the screener. The screener tried to even rephrase my question and when i declined his offer he cut me off!
Is it possible to get their home addresses?
While we are at it could I also have the addresses of the following people
The Dimbleby’s and members of the Question Time, Ian Katz and other members of the Newsnight team, James Purnell, Director General Hall, Yentob,Nicky Campbell, the production team and presenters of the Today radio programme , I would especially like to have a word with James Naughtie or Justin Webb- I could do them both in one morning.The list goes on.
Stephen Nolan
Psychopathic ward
Queens Hospital
Richard Pinder:
“Mr Stephen Nolan
5* B****w*** P***
B** 7**”
Is that really a path you want to go down Richard? Perhaps you could publish your own address while you’re at it…
For once, I’m forced to agree with Jason.
The best way to get on his show is to give your name as Mohammed from Bradford.
Do you think Gerry Adams is a Christian, Alan? David?
Jason, why are you so protective of the Religion of Peace ?
I’m just asking a simple question. Do you think Gerry Adams is a Christian, taffman?
Whether he is or isn’t a Christian is not really relevant because it’s clear that Mr Adams and his ira killers didn’t carry out their atrocities in the name of Jesus Christ. The muslims, on the other hand revel in killing because their cult religion orders them to do so; they are muslims and that is what muslims do.
Jason knows that, of course. He’s just trying to deflect.
Roland, the lack of accountability exercised to these presenters on the AlBeeb who push their own personal narrative down our throats and into our own home is astonishing.
Given there is no accountability, as a ‘free citizen’, I have every right to challenge the diatribe they espouse into my home. With no accountability people have the right to seek other means to tackle what they say.
By doing nothing with current means at your disposal you are agreeing with the current state of play, in effect giving the Albeeb the complete power to say what they want without being challenged. I want idiots like Nolan challenged.
How about a protest outside Nolan’s house, the unions do this all the time even when they have the support of the Albeeb via Purnell and his Labour friends. Many like me, have no voice on the Albeeb. The National broadcaster, their bias needs to be more effectively challenged. There is no other by which to challenge these people unless you accept the current norm.
The very threat of what I am suggesting might make Albeeb consider stating their personal political bias and truths.
John, well said. Adams is a murderer who has escaped justice because of weak, evil politicians. His crimes had nothing to do with religion.
Absolutely right Grant.Spot on.
“His crimes had nothing to do with religion”
I see. So the fact that Gerry Adams, Martin McGuinness and the members of the IRA were all followers of the exact same religious cult, wanted to be part of a neighbouring country dominated by that cult, and murdered the members of an opposing religious cult, is purely coincidental. Nothing to do with religion?
So Catholicism is a ‘religious cult’ like Islamism.
The moral equivalence of a twisted mind.
An additional piece of information: my brother tells me that a friend of his was in a pak takeaway yesterday when the two paks started cheering when they heard the news about the Paris muslim killings. My brother’s friend remonstrated with them about their behaviour and they called the police. When the police arrived, it was my brother’s friend who was ejected from said pak establishment with the threat of arrest if he said anything more to the paks about the Paris murders. This was in Stretford, so at least we know the side the Manchester police have chosen.
john in cheshire,
“Whether he is or isn’t a Christian is not really relevant…”
How about you just tell me your opinion; do you think Gerry Adams is a Christian, John?
If you want to know so badly why don’t you write to him and ask him?
‘That’s the most poignant thing you can say…that they are not Muslim’
I will now be ‘poignant’ and say … that Gerry Adams is not a christian.
Rather than mentioning Adams’s religion, I think saying these Islamic terrorists are not real muslims is like saying “Gerry Adams is not a true Irish Nationalist”.
After all his Irish Nationalism is what drove his, and his zombies, barbaric acts, and Islam is what drives these murderers.
To be honest, Adams probably never ignited a bomb or maybe never even shot someone so he equates to the evil Imams directing their zombies to commit the unspeakable acts like the other day.
What is it about Islam that you are so desperate to protect, Jason? Is it:
Gender segregation?
Honour killings?
The burka?
Industrial scale rape of white children?
Sharia law?
All of which are happening to a greater or lesser degree in Britain – now, as we speak, because the multiculti/PC agenda foisted on us by the Left has allowed it to happen and they (you) seem determined for it to continue. And funny, don’t seem to recall Catholicism spawning an alternative culture that is anywhere near as repressive.
And which would be your Islamic country of choice to move to? Would it be:
Saudi Arabia?
Abu Dhabi?
United Arab Emirates?
Yes, there are lots of nice Muslim people in the world, but don’t you find it a bit odd that such ‘niceness’ is never in evidence in the governance of Muslim countries?
Just looking at all the civilised world cities lit up in French colours and wondering where were the landmarks in Dubai, Istanbul, Cairo, Teheran, Riyadh similarly lit up. More likely to be dancing in the streets a la 9/11
I don’t know , the best person to ask would be Gerry .
My question to you again -why are you so protective of the Religion of Peace ?
And while you are working out the answer with your colleagues , why are you posting on this site ?
“I don’t know…”
Fair enough.
“…why are you so protective of the Religion of Peace?”
All I did was ask a question about Gerry Adams. One that Alan & David don’t want to answer for some strange reason.
So Jason , now for the third time, please have the decency to answer my questions………….
“My question to you again -why are you so protective of the Religion of Peace ?
And while you are working out the answer with your colleagues , why are you posting on this site ?”
I am not being protective of any religion taffman, neither can you give any examples of were I have been. So the basic premise of you question is false.
“And while you are working out the answer with your colleagues , why are you posting on this site?”
Blimey, paranoia personified. I post here because I get a bit mouthy when I see people voicing (what I consider to be) complete garbage, and this site provides a never ending supply.
Thanks for reply.
Your first response to Alan’s topic of the ‘Religion of Peace. & Stephen Nolan, was
“November 15, 2015 at 12:14 am
Do you think Gerry Adams is a Christian, Alan? David? ”
This was your diversion from the main topic.
However, my other question ‘why are you posting on this site?’ awaits you answer .
Yes I am afraid I agree with your statement you are a ‘bit mouthy’
Considering you think that this site is ‘a never ending supply of garbage’ why on earth do you waste your time posting on this site ?
Maybe the modding policy here is more to taste for a certain kind of ‘mouthy’ contributor?
Others, likely less so.
There are maybe certain metaphors these days for those who move from places they can’t operate their unique form of activity to where they can, and try and impose their old ways in the new location.
I am all for protecting a Religion of Peace.
However that is NOT Islam.
I noticed he does that quite a lot when I use to listen to him occasionally. When a caller says what Nolan wants to hear, there is a moment of silent thought, and we the listeners must reflect on our sinfulness. I stopped listening when he let Richard Coles verbally assault anyone who did not agree that ALL migrants/refugees/asylum seekers should be allowed into the UK no questions asked. That was when he disappeared of the radio for a while.
Nolan, Coles and the like are far, far more dangerous then the most extreme right wing group could ever dream of being. They support and promote a cause that has just killed around 150 people in France. And will go on doing so, until somebody points a gun at Nolans head and says to him ‘I am a muslim, prepare to die you fat, arrogant, self-righteous, treacherous b*stard’
I think the killers and other followers of islam are more qualified to say whether the killers were muslim or not. The killers will have followed islam all their lives under the guidance of elders or mullahs or whatever the hell they’re called. They will have prayed 5 or 6 times a day to their prophet, and spent most of their wretched lives in mosques discussing how to kill the infidel. They will know the koran back to front. That is what muslims do.
Guess what Stephen, they are muslims. You are not thick, just in denial. What will it take to admit you are wrong.
I don’t understand this post. Surely Nolan was incredulous and taken aback by the suggestion that the attackers were ‘not Muslim’ – as any sane individual would be. Of course they were Muslims. I don’t know about his ‘clever response’ but his pause seems entirely understandable in face the of a breathtaking lie. Maybe I’m missing something from the summary here – is there an audio clip?
There would have been plenty of people trying to get on air to voice exactly that opinion. If nobody argued that point, then they were being censored. Again, Nolan should be in trouble for incitement. There might be a podcast, but with comments like that going unchallenged, i doubt it.
Thanks Ray. Still don’t really understand it. There is no context without the audio clip. You’d have to have been listening to the show I guess.
If you’d been listening to 5Live all afternoon, as I (half) was, it would be lucid. But I don’t recommend it.
Credit where credit’s due: on Friday night and into the small hours, 5Live (including Fatty Nolan, for whom I generally have no time whatsoever), I thought covered what was still a breaking story pretty decently.
“plenty of people trying to get on air”
And yet, and yet, who gets through the BBC filter again intrigues (if FOI-exempt). Maybe a work experience researcher cousin of one of the cubicle gardeners was seconded and decided her first duty was to the faith over her employer’s tanking professional reputation?
Speaking of which, Ange seems to have taken a leaf out of Uncle Joseph’s book and concocted a nifty mash up between ‘tell it often enough’ and boots still being tied elsewhere. All a bit ”Oh dear, how sad, never mind’, but the project is still on and working so no counter voices please… or else she’ll tweak the VW engine management software and plug the exhaust into your homes.
At this rate we’ll have Hollande storming back over the Maginot Line in a Viteguerre, unless he assesses his country folk my forgive and forget. Bon chance with that, Frank.
And closer to home in the wonderful world of UK media, Global News has again seen Classic FM’s advertisers are denied my ears for the day.
The massive story is one of the perps is French. Yes, one Jean Pierre le Peu, Fois Gras stuffer of Cognac… Oh, sorry, not quite, actually an ‘homme’ who is a ‘citizen’, first name Omar. Not sure too many convinced he sported a beret, stripey T-shirt and garlic clusters.
Also not sure this desperation to make 5th columnists of hue ‘locals’ is not backfiring. Yes, it may seem to make those wonderful people who brought you Palmyra a world away, but surely also makes the point that they are now here working their magic in the EU. Hence not really helping the case for letting in more of the same.
Unless you are German Chancellor who seems to have hit full Downfall in delusion.
BBC on Facebook not convincing folk either…
“One attacker identified as Frenchman Omar Ismail Mostefai”
Beautiful French name.
Seriously. Truly a son of France. I bet his great great great great grandfather marched with Napoleon.
Tell it often enough, BBC, tell it often enough…
If these so-called ‘non-muslims’ are what the so-called ‘real muslims’ think they are, then it shouldn’t be all that hard to find an imam or two to issue a fatwah against any such ‘non-muslims’ because of their apostasy in departing the true faith, and call down the wrath of all ‘good muslims’ inn order to execute them, as seems to be demanded by Islam… n’est-ce pas ?
And to re-affirm what others on this blog have been saying all day – I’m out of the country, and relied on picking up the main news this morning from BBC Radio i-Player’s copy of the ‘Today’ programme. As this thread is titled – ‘Despair’ – that was one of the primary feelings I had regarding the BBC’s coverage of the Paris atrocities – along with disgust at the clear desire of the BBC to eradicate any possible allusion to Islam or Muslim involvement in the affair, and then to bend the news to try to declare certain well-known faith ‘communities’ to be the likely victims in all of this. Jeez – 120 -plus people died here, chaos ensued and so many people had no idea if friends or relatives were victims or not. But let’s all be more concerned that the ‘backlash’ would affect those innocent ‘communities’ who, of course singularly fail to outright condemn these massacres for what they are. Of course, our experience of these atrocities and the backlashes so far make these communities the most likely to suffer….right ?
The BBC – Blighted By Crap.
Some good points Richard,
I especially liked the point about how the ‘religion of peace’ muslim Imam’s can issue a Fatwa to Salman Rushdie for writing a book revealing some home truths and yet fail to issue Fatwa’s against murderous muslims who not only kill innocent westerners (kaffirs by name -a people lower than cattle, I think that is me by the way)-but many other muslims also.
As for Rushdie has anyone read the antisemitic diatribe that emanates from Saudi Arabia. But if the reverse occurs and anyone from the West depicts for example, Mohammed in cartoons, or Rushdie’s book (which by today’s standards seem quite tame), then the death threats come thick and fast. Muslim faith is so openly immoral and filled with blatant double standards.
This uncivilised primitive religion should be banned from every Western society.
Can we expect the 4 million Muslims of Great Britain to march to Trafalgar Square and Downing Street shouting ‘not in our name, not in our name’ ?
To which the reply is – What’s your name?
Hopefully M15, M16, SRR, and GCHQ look for the answer.
Methinks we are at war without a formal declaration.
We’ve been at war with islam, or rather islam has been at war with us, for 1400 years. islam declared war on us but unfortunately, our leaders can’t seem to grasp the truth. If they did, they’d have to start doing things to protect us, such as either deporting or incarcerating all potential combatants. My preferred option would be deportation of all muslims; mainly because it would be the cheapest option. But since there are also many communist sympathisers in our country, they also would have to be dealt with, including those working for the bbc.
Err.. no.
Very good points, both.
Seems fatwas, like BBC ‘news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) can err on the selective and unidirectional, and even pointing that out is likely illogic phobic and needs to be crushed and banned. Dave, Theresa, Mishal, Anita… you’re up.
Its like a mentally ill protestant saying Guy Fawkes was not a Catholic or the IRA murderers are not Catholics.
But I think that they remain Catholics/Muslim until they are excommunicated by the Pope/Grand Mufti.
But as these excommunications are never reported on the BBC, then I think that this is because the BBC is always lying about them not being Muslim.
Censorship of his existence indicates that the atheists at the BBC do not regard the Grand Mufti of Europe, Muhammad Abdul Wajid Qadri, as being a Muslim.
It is unfortunately the so called “moderate” Muslims who are not Muslims, “moderate Muslim” being a misnomer of epic proportion. There is nothing moderate about Islam, so called moderate Muslims are just westernised to some extent and do not wholly follow their declared faith. Regardless of your own religious leanings or lack of them, western society is largely built on a Judeo/ Christian foundation, and that is completely at odds to Islam. The foundation of Christianity has been chipped away at, marginalised and derided both from within the church and by the state for many years now, only to be replaced by a much weaker liberal secular society. And this is where we find ourselves, with suicide bombers on the streets of Paris.
The Church of England released a letter in October it had written to the Prime Minister asking him for further action on allowing in more refugees from Syria into the United Kingdom.
The letter has been released and picked up by the Guardian newspaper and urges the Prime Minister to take a, “meaningful and substantial response to the scale of human suffering we see daily”.
I find it astonishing that Church leaders can show such compasion for Muslim refugees and yet turn its back on truly suffering Christians worldwide…As an example
◾”We will not stop hunting Christians and burning churches. Christians are Allah’s enemies!” – Islamic leaders, Aceh region.
◾In other parts of Indonesia, where Islamic law, or Sharia, is not enforced, churches, even fully registered ones, are also under attack
◾On Dec. 25, 2012, with all required paperwork in place, when the congregation assembled on empty land to celebrate Christmas, hundreds of Muslims threw rocks, rotten eggs, and bags filled with excrement at the Christians. Police stood by and watched.
◾For Indonesia, the country once hailed as the face of “moderate Islam,” the “extremist” behavior one would expect of ISIS has apparently become the norm.
Possible reasons for the attacks in Paris is that the IS has established a firm foothold among the huge Muslim population in Paris. And now that they are on the defensive in Syria and Iraq, having just lost the town of Sinjar to Kurdish forces and also losing ground to Syrian forces, they need to demonstrate that they are taking the fight to the far enemy. They certainly managed to do that, and the French security forces, that are supposedly still on high alert after the Charlie Hebdo massacres, were obviously completely incapable to prevent such wide-spread and major attacks. Once again Muslim gunmen were able to roam the streets of Paris shooting people at random without any challenge. They were obviously part of a large, undetected, well armed and well trained network. Above all this is a failure of French intelligence (maybe they should seek advice from the Israeli Shin Bet).
It is an irony that while Islamic extremists are attacking western civilization in Paris and elsewhere, hundred of thousands of Muslims are seeking haven in Europe from the carnage that is going on in Syria, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere. They want to export their culture and their way of life to Europe. Certainly there will be many among the migrants who want no more than a peaceful life, but among them you can be sure is a minority (maybe 10%) that want to expand the realm of Islam to take over Europe, to enforce sharia law and join with their brethren in the Middle East to form the great Caliphate. When they find that there is little work for them as unqualified workers, not enough welfare and too much restrictions, they will turn to violence and the terrorist attacks will only escalate. Is this what the liberals of Europe want to import? Think again.
Even Channel 4!! may be coming round to this analysis and returning to reality Rugman in one of his reporsts yesterday said that the greater the pool of Muslims in a country, the grester the risk of Islamic terrorism.
This is a self-evident truth that anyone but a mental or moral cripple would understand.
The nauseous Marr programme is on at the moment and some clown is singing the Marseillaise with much pathos, as if it were a funeral dirge. The “extirpons nos ennemis” bit seems to have been omitted. Quelle surprise! The BBC and the political elite seems to be completely under the spell of Islam
Douglas Murray on Sunday Morning Live, we might hear a modicum of sense talked
Amusing Twitter exchange –
Piers Morgan
“These murderers aren’t refugees.
Nor are they real Muslims.
They’re terrorists who’ve hijacked religion for nefarious gain”
David Burge
@piersmorgan ISIS leader Abu Bakhr Al Baghdadi has a PhD in Islamic theology
from Islamic University of Baghdad.
What are your credentials?
Just proves that it is the religion/cult which is at fault, not just a few of its loony adherents as so many claim.
David Burge is well known as “Iowahawk” – an acerbic and often very funny US commentator on leftie nonsense.
Piers’ credentials are reliably delivering on call what BBC producers want broadcast via the bandwidth they control.
Some may see this as a problem in a free-speaking democracy.
Tell it often enough, chaps.
Folk are not buying.
Mr Morgan, when he worked for that communist rag the Mirror Newspaper, faked pictures purporting to show our soldiers abusing Iraqis. That’s the type of person he is. And we’re supposed to take notice of what he thinks? He’s not fit to even be in our country.
He’s not fit to even be in our country
IIRC there were a series of those polls the BBC and fellow ideologues don’t like to mention that revealed just how many in the UK and US felt the exact same thing.
Indeed and he has been more or less thrown out of the USA because he was so loathed when he tried to set himself up to lecture Americans on their faults.
There are many reasons to disparage the Daily Mail but bringing Morgan back to lecture us once again is near the top of the list. The man is toxic.
Nolan is using standard BBC/PC logic – these attacks are nothing to do with the true spirit of Islam so therefore the terrorists are not Muslims.
The fact that the terrorists might have regarded themselves as Muslims is irrelevant. They have revoked their Muslim status by committing these killings.
That’s my impression of how it works.
This is true. If you misunderstand the core or spirit of anything, you will continually spiral out of control. The problem is that they ARE following the true core spirit of islam. And islam will back them up, no matter Nolan’s expert insight. I always right islam with a small i because it is disrespectful to God, apparently.
BBC doesn’t understand the core spirit of islam, and consequently it is seeming more delusionally insane by the day.
So all the wars and atrocities carried out by Muslims before ISIS came on the scene (take your pick from the antics of the Ottoman Empire, just as one example) – exactly what were they in the name of?
Usual BBC, any inconvenient history that doesn’t fit the agenda – down the Memory Hole it goes.
People need to educate themselves about the depravity of muslim rule. One example, in the Ottoman empire, these so called civilised muslims took the children if Christians and brought them up as, essentially, cannon fodder. They were called the Janissaries. You can imagine how humourous the muslims found using Christian children to fight against Christian armies. Modern communist man thinks he’s too intelligent to need God; I’ve had that said to me by socialist ex-friends; but what they refuse to acknowledge is that no matter how much they reject God, their best mates, the muslims, know all too well that He exists. Their problem is that just like the Pharisees and Sadducees, they’re not worshiping God, they’re worshiping the father of lies; Lord of the Flies.
I heard this part of the Nolan show last night. I thought to myself, if Nolan is realy the tosser I think he is, he will go back and pick up on that comment but if I’m being to hard on him he won’t.
So in my book he is a TOSSER!!!!!
People in the street should confront,challenge and question him on his opinions.We are too soft on these dangerous idiots.
No doubt this country which he clearly dislikes will give him a gong and put him in the House of Lords soon!
By constantly endorsing pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli policies, France has obviously been seeking to appease Islamic countries. France seems convinced that such policies will keep Muslim terrorists from targeting French nationals and interests. The French are now in grave danger of mistakenly believing that the November 13 attacks occurred because France did not appease the Muslim terrorists enough.
Earlier this year, France was one of eight countries that supported a Palestinian resolution at the United Nations Security Council, calling for a full Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 lines by the end of 2017.
This vote means that France supports the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, likely to be ruled by the same type of people who on Friday carried out the most grisly terror attacks in France since World War II.
Today, every Palestinian child knows that in the best case, a future Palestinian state will be run by Hamas or Islamic Jihad, and in the worst case by the Islamic State and its affiliates. Has it occurred to anyone in Europe that the Palestinian people might not want to live under the rule of any of the groups, any more than Europeans would?
Earlier this year, France was one of eight countries that supported a Palestinian resolution at the United Nations Security Council, calling for a full Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 lines by the end of 2017.
If you followed that proposal to the letter it would mean putting Egypt and Jordan back in charge of those ‘Palestinian’ territories.
So what is it that differentiates what ISIS are doing and the first Jihad under Mohammed? Anything?
There has never been an honest and impartial debate about this and you can understand why – it would totally destroy the ‘nothing to do with Islam’ agenda.
I despair too. Along with many others.
It seems the BBC has a new champion in the crass stakes to place alongside Mishal and Timbo on the ‘not enough dead Jews’ stakes.
Now, it is just about possible it was a joke, heat of the moment boo-boo (of so many) or one of the other raft of pathetic excuses a hapless spokesdroid will be trotted out to intone, but read it and weep:
“…most did not feel seriously under threat.They may have taken refuge in the notion that the targets then were rabble-rousing cartoonists and Jewish people.”
Lovely conflation, Hugh. Dogs, blacks and Top Gear producers on sick leave exempted?
I might also raise this bizarre, bonkers notion that the latest atrocity that stirs a Beeboid bunker dweller to epic prose may not be the only one lurking in the back of mind of your average Islamaphobe, which doubtless in Hugh’s world includes relatives of WTC tower workers, TFL commuters, Nairobi shoppers, etc from the not so distant past.
And I make no apology for being Western in focus, as this creep clearly is too.
On BBC Facebook and Twitter pages a new seam of daft equivalence is running continually, and that is white people get more excited about white people dying in the cities they share. Well, D’Uh.
Of course I note and feel for all innocents consumed by Islamic nutjoberry anywhere, but these are places I identify with less as I have likely not been there or have any desire to do so.
That the entire jin-gang there want to get away and over here with their oppressors in tow, and boost the incidences on my doorstep even further being one major reason I don’t want anyone here unless they can be shown to be free of threat or drain to me or mine.
That is simple, sensible human nature, which gated, bunkered ideologues in their ivory towers have failed to appreciate because they are either too thick, or isolated, or both to get it into their pretty skulls until introduced by an AK round in a club they frequent.
I haven’t followed enough of Mr Schofield’s output to know if this is typical of him. But is it possible he is trying to say something he dare not say out loud at the BBC – that some feel the Jews are fair game for such attacks and these people need to wake up now?
All things are possible, I guess.
And context could govern whether the intentions were crass or subtle.
But I have also rather wearied of BBC staff using degrees of separation to maybe try and say something.
Here is a piece about a previous outing when dealing with Israel in France.
Maybe he has now seen the light and needed code to fool his managing editors to get the message out to a public more adept at reading between the lines?
isn’t the fundamental problem Wahhabism? These lunatics reckon every other Muslim & particularly Shiites are infidels & must be murdered. So how do we spot Wahhabis amongst all the rag-heads in Europe? Impossible. But my question is why don’t other Muslims start to get to grips & challenge these murderers? Until the Muslims sort out their own chaos things will never change. Unfortunately because non Muslims are considered dogs & worthy of death by all of them, & because of their numbers in Europe, we are involved, & it ain’t going to be funny’
It was only a matter of time… blame the JEWS.
I wonder if he BBC will pick up on this one. Where is Jeremy Bowen when you need him!!
Israel/Jews are really to blame for the Paris attacks because it “breeds violence in the entire world.”
The Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Fatah movement of PA president Mahmoud Abbas responded to Friday’s terror attacks in Paris by drawing a comparison between Israel and ISIS, and publishing an article blaming the Jewish state for the mass slaughter.