The Mail reports in a big headline….
Jihadis sneaked into France as fake Syrian refugees: Fresh security concerns over Europe’s borders as authorities reveal killers including a 15-year-old prowled streets in three coordinated teams
Stephen Nolan on 5Live on other hand tells us that we must treat such knowledge with restraint…in other words hide the truth in order not to put a dent in the BBC’s narrative about immigration….remember how quick the BBC were to produce a report that tried to deny a link betweeen a Syrian immigrant and the Jihadis.
The BBC isn’t reporting the link between immigration and the attack in Paris as a story in its own right but has slipped the news into its live feed.….
Syrian passport holder passed through Greece – minister
Posted at 16:38
A Greek government minister says the holder of a Syrian passport found at the scene crossed into the European Union through the Greek island of Leros in October.
Deputy public order minister Nikos Toskas, said in a statement:
On the case of the Syrian passport found at the scene of the terrorist attack, we announce that the passport holder passed from Leros on October 3 where he was identified based on EU rules … We do not know if the passport was checked by other countries through which the holder likely passed.
Attackers ‘self-contained cell back from Syria’
Posted at 15:46
The Paris attackers were members of a self-contained cell and had travelled to Syria, the BBC’s Frank Gardner reports, citing Whitehall sources.
‘Egyptian and Syrian passports found on attackers’
Posted at 14:36
An Egyptian passport and Syrian passport were found on two attackers at the Stade de France, according to the French newspaper La Liberation.
Looking very much like the ‘rumours’ of Islamists using the migrant flow as cover to enter Europe was true. A truth the BBC tried to deny and even now looks like wanting to play down. This is an important and dangerous fact that needs to be dealt with not brushed under the carpet. There is also an issue with the make up of the migrants as a whole…the vast majority being Muslim…just how many, not Jihadis now, will turn to that method of propagating their views? Not something that should be ignored as the consequences will be far more serious than what is happening already.
The best commentary on the atrocity can be found, as is often the case, on Mark Steyn’s site.
I particularly liked Steyn’s swipe at the virtual signalling half-wits with their illuminated buildings and, most of all, the vacant-eyed SJWs holding nightlights and meaningless slogans. They’ll be back in Starbucks tomorrow, tweeting on their iPhones about the delights of multiculturalism.
Sorry to be thick but what’s an SJW?
Social Justice Warrior.
You know that when ‘warrior’ is in the name that they hunt in packs. They’ll only confront people when they have an at least a ten to one advantage. They shout down and intimidate little old women but run away when someone stands up to challenge them.
Slack Jawed Wanker.
A rather interesting PR conundrum with this one.
Must somehow…somehow…be the fault of the islamophobic/racist/Nazi’s (who were not in any way islamophobic of course but no matter).
This is going to be an oddly weaved cloth as the attacks increase in intensity and inventive horror through next year (maybe the esteemed Mr Bragg could write an “effin cantin” song about it?)
A paradigm shift can occur very rapidly indeed when needs must. As they will.
Often uncontrollably.
I’ll have you know that Billy (Stephen) Bragg has penned many effin’ cuntatas. Several of which have been performed at the Albert Hall. The man is a pillar of the BBC (even though he is a small, smudged, historical footnote to everyone else in the music business) and I will not hear a word said against him (the dick).
Regarding Billy Bragg, I have never in the past criticised any musicians and I’m not going to change the habit of a lifetime now for that tuneless, talentless, hypocritical leftist bore.
DownBoy – you missed out rich and thick.
Refugees in the past had to do two things . They would drop some of the (baggage) ways of their old life , and they would adapt to new norms of their new life .
They didn’t have to do it all at once , but most made the effort as quickly as possible , even changing their names to a more Anglicised version .
But what have the economic and political refugees of late dropped from their past life , and what are they taking up with their new life .
Nothing it seems .
They want to keep their names . Fair enough . But not a hint of Anglicisation is even given to their offsprings appellation , not even a nickname to be used at school and then further on in their lives . They want to dress not just in the home , but in all public places in an attire originating from a different land , different because it is more appropiate to a different climate and refined by a different culture .
It’s almost as if someone escaping a Nazi or Soviet regime proudly wore the regalia and uniforms of the system they say they want to leave .
Muslims sporting what is the uniform of ISIS, the whole “burka and beard” thing, wonder why the indigenous population is somewhat offended and question their loyalty. The more accurate analogy would be people in London at the height of the Blitz walking around shouting “Heil Hitler” and claiming they were making a “fashion statement” and enjoying the “freedom of expression” afforded by a tolerant society. It’s an amusing ploy. Cynically claim you value the freedom to wear what you want, enjoy freedom of religion etc. in Britain, but wear the uniform of those who want to destroy these freedoms. The counter provocation is of course to print lots of cartoons of the Prophet everywhere in the media. How much Muslims really value Western freedom of expression is then exposed. The knivs would literally be out. That bastion of free speech, the BBC, was so cowed by Muslim threats of violence that it did not show the cartoon that lead to mass murder, leaving its viewers with no idea what the pretext for Muslim butchery actually was. The BBC was all too eager to provide voice-overs for IRA terrorists during the Thatcher era. Defending freedom of speech was a moral imperative for the BBC, the British public deserved to know what the views of the IRA were. As if the IRA was not getting its message across though a series of murders and bombings. Obviously, informing the public is fine as long as there is no personal risk.
This is a brilliant observation and well worth expanding as a comment piece for the site. We hear a great deal about the importance of integration and what the west should do to facilitate this process.’ Accommodation’ is also used to promote the concept that it is we who should modify our ways in order to accommodate the beliefs, views and practices of the immigrant community. This is well illustrated in the MCGB Guidance for Schools- Here, under 16 headings, are instructions to our schools to modify their way of doing things to accommodate Muslims. Yes everything from dress, food, prayer, PE music dance, art-it goes on. My point is this, most immigrants from non western countries come from backward, failed states with poor sanitation, healthcare, schooling, housing etc. They enter successful societies like the UK with all its advantages and material comforts. Surely it is logical that we should say to these new arrivals ‘look you know you are better off here than where you came from, this is an advanced society-yours is not so advanced. So look forward not back. leave your old practices behind. Obviously your old customs did not serve you well otherwise why would you leave? Your new country is a better place to be otherwise why would you come here? If this is all true it is you-the immigrant that has change to fit in with our ways. Forget the failed past, adopt a successful future.’ Your baggage analogy is spot on. It all could be summarised in a cartoon of an immigrant arriving at a border crossing along a dirt road on a donkey cart. On the other side of the barrier is a new stretch of motorway. The guard says I’m sorry if you want to come across you can’t bring the donkey and the cart. We do however have a new Range Rover and a driver to take you to town if you want. Just then a PC politician steps in and demands, in the spirit of multiculturism, that the man and his donkey cart be allowed across-next thing the town is fully of donkey carts-now that is accommodation.
The Today Team were quick off the mark mentioning Molenbeek this morning. A BBC reporter walks around Molenbeek and sees a quiet, run-down,neighbourhood. He must have been wearing the full BBC reporter kit , rose-tinted glasses, blinkers, blindfold and ear-plugs, obligatory when dealing with “sensitive” Muslim matters. Looking at tourist sites on line that describe the most dangerous destinations, you will find descriptions of men walking around with AK-47s and automatic pistols in broad daylight. The less tinted who stray into this area are in danger of being robbed or beaten up and the police openly admit to tourists that it is too dangerous for them to patrol there. Of course, Molenbeek is a mini-caliphate, Muslim no-go area par excellence. The local politics are Jihadist and Jihadist parties stand for election.