Well then, it turns out that Charlie Hebdo was simply a warm up act for the vile acts of Jihad Paris endured last evening. The BBC reports that at least 128 people were murdered. The question is – who carried out the attack and true to form, earlier this morning on BBC Radio4 Today, the words “Islamic terrorism” were noticeably absent.
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I do worry about Europe, how can we stop these dreadful atrocities. I read that ISIS is losing ground thanks to Russia & the Kurds (& a little bit of help from America). So if things are going badly for these Jihadis in Syria & Iraq it seems that they could easily blend into the thousands of migrants entering Europe to carry on their anti West murdering. Talk about a Trojan Horse! And do the BBC ever consider this as a possibility? No need to answer! Judeo-Christian Europe is being attacked, It’s time we woke up & realised our ancestors eight centuries ago had far more sense than we stupid liberals have now.
This is truly the most vile and cowardly attack. My prayers are with those poor souls in Paris. When these horrific Islamic terrorist attacks take place the Left always seem to be more concerned about an ‘islamophobic backlash’. It’s disgusting!
FFS, after every Jihadist terror attack that’s taken place since 9/11, what do our useless leaders do? Increase immigration from Islamic countries. It’s utter lunacy. If Europe is still here in years to come our descendants will be horrified at the stupidity and treason of the political class.
And I see call me dave is chairing a Cobra meeting… that’ll be more tea and biscuits then! Pathetic! How the hell are we meant to tell who’s the enemy and who’s not anymore? For all we know any immigrant from an Islamic country could be Isis. It’s bloody terrifying. Thanks to the treachery of the Left, we are all sitting ducks.
The extent of the ‘Islamophobic backlash’ in the UK seems to largely consist of a few rashers of bacon thrown against the wall of a mosque by ‘far right extremists’. I feel this ‘backlash’ could now escalate somewhat.
I predict that the main item on call me Dave’s Cobra agenda will be how to prevent a backlash and what can be done to prevent radicalisation. More money for the mosques, more research grants for studies of hate crimes, and pandering to the ever growing number of moslem scholars in our universities who pretend that Islam has a place in western culture.
Today, what remains of the EDL are holding a demonstration in Bradford. Bus loads of trade union financed Corbynites are planning to protect the multiculty vibrant town of Bradford from Islamophobic fascists. And Dave’s pals in the UAF are heading there.
I am sure that Teresa’s cops will ensure that no moslems are offended in any way.
“How the hell are we meant to tell who’s the enemy and who’s not any more”? Well, they could start with the Panel & attendees of the “Quiz a Muslim” meeting at the Corn Exchange in Bedford last night. No messages of peace or integration there.
And the twitter apologists are already out in full force with their vile hashtag #TerrorisnHasNoReligion. Yeah right.
Only last night, before news of the attacks emerged I was watching this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1EV-oIPgoc
Cameron, and all western leaders should me made to watch this and discuss openly with the people.
Very noticeable that neither PM Cameron or President Hollande in their broadcasts, this time and for the first time, never called Islam the Religion of Peace. Perhaps, at last, they realise that NOBODY believes this any longer – except. of course the BBC and its print versions, Guardian and Independent
But but, “this has nothing to do with Islam”. Imams Cameron and Blair have said so.
Is that Allahu Akbar being shouted in this video of the concert attack? It is Oscar being shouted later on but seems like Allahu Akbar earlier on:
Take a look at this all you Interfaith bastards in the Christian churches. This is the murder of innocents. I hope you choke on the tea and biscuits supplied in our multifaith centres.
You fear that last nights atrocities were just the prelude to next Summers European championships in France, where-by Islamist scum can really go to town…
Whoops sorry, how dare I call them Islamist scum…..Wash my mouth out with soap, I’m an enemy of the BBCs leftist junta…
You’re a very naughty boy Dazed.
The attacks were not carried out by terrorists but by militants.
So most likely they were some kind of Trades Unions officials or left wing councillors.
If the BBC calls them militants then they must be militants and you’ll upset them if you associate the unspeakable ‘T’ word with them.
Mark Steyn:
Steyn nails it again.
I wonder if his pieces will still be around for historians of the future to mull over. Unless it’s Mullah all over, in which case, not.
Already the BBC are saying such nonsense as It Will Poison Politics In Europe, and , it will pit communities against each other , and , that’s what the terrorists want ( not they want to Islamise the whole world ) .
No BBC, if even the liberal/left have to face up to reality never mind the ordinary Joe then expect more honest politics .
The shite has started already: Peter Neumann, Professor of Security Studies, King’s College London on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme this morning:
“This is the attack everybody has been dreading for at least a couple of years. This is really important because it is the essence of terrorism, it is not only about people being killed it is about creating a political effect. What worries me the most is that we will see in France and other European countries a polarisation, with different extremists egging each other on. People on the far right trying to take advantage. It’s about dividing societies. This was a big attack but even relatively small attacks are dangerous because of the political situation, because of the chain reaction they can cause.”
My emphasis. next it’ll be nothing to do with Islam.
Yes, the blood isn’t dry on the Paris streets yet, and already the Guardian are indulging in the age old left wing mantra in that, @ “Muslims will increasingly fear being associated with terror; far-right groups may well fuel more hatred”….Which of course the BBC will tacitly repeat with sickening fervour…Pitiful..
Don’t worry Professor Neumann of appeasement studies. Call me Dave and our worthless Home Secretary and cops will ensure that the Islamic community in the UK will not be taken advantage of by the far right. Twitter messages will be monitored and Tell Mama will feature in BBC broadcasts at every opportunity.
So then, what will happen in Britain as a result of Paris.
Well for one, the Communications Bill on surveillance ( snooper charter if you are Albeeb or left wing) will go through without much opposition. Although Liberty’s Shameful Chakribarti (the terrorist friend) might shout otherwise. GCHQ can be more effective.
We will have a debate about our military involvement in Syria.
Our police will be armed more, especially first responders.
Shengan will die, the situation at Calais may change.
Stronger laws on bringing ammunition and arms into the country.
The EU referendum will be put back as Cowardly Cameron wants open unchecked borders allowing people from the EU to come into Britain. Cameron thinks money before this country’s culture and people.He is a cultural philistine.
It is for this reason that the sponsors of terrorism like Saudi, Qatar,etc will not be tackled. There will only be empty rhetoric but no action.
The answer to everything as usual is ‘more muslims’
I fear the only real answer is ‘no more muslims’. Round them up, inter them, then ship them out of Europe as fast as possible to whatever chaotic, primitive shitholes their great-grandparents came from and let them make the best of it (by turning on each other probably). I give not a fig if they were born here and hold an EU passport. They are not Europeans and they never will be. Their only unwavering loyalty is to a barbaric, backward, proselyting death-cult which they insist everyone else must submit to.
Correct Bobble…all of them out…..right out. We have been at war with Islam…..for a thousand years…since they sacked and pillaged Jerusalem, precipitating the Crusades. Not that the BBC would know that.
……and Cameron wants to make Police cuts.Cuts to armed forces. 8,000 ex-servicemen living on the streets, never mind at least the billions going to overseas aid- sorry despotic rulers aid will continue. What a fool.
Who the hell voted for him!!!
By the way Labour and Liberals are much worse.
Do you really feel safe with this idiot in charge???
Given there were 80,000 people in the football stadium nearby-with the French President in attendance- why didn’t the terrorists bomb this where the impact would have been greater. I don’t get it!
It’s probably obvious but I just don’t see it!
Well perhaps they are not quite as clever and well organised as the media would have us believe. I suspect they rely a lot on luck, blind fanaticism and having sod all to lose.
Would buying a ticket reveal their identity? Long shot but doubtful.Clutching at straws.
They keep banging on about how well planned these attacks are. I don’t see how it takes much planning to hand out a suicide vest, gun, ammo and wristwatch.
“Right Mohammeds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, we’re going to split up, find busy targets and attack at 7pm. We’ll be sexually abusing toddlers, in heaven, before we know it.”
It could be that because Hollande and Steinmeier were there that the security was that much better and the terrorists thought they could cause more damage elsewhere. The great and the good are always saying that Islamic terrorism is no greater threat to the general public that the risk of being killed in an RTA. Strange how Hollande was quick to leave in a cavalcade of armoured cars surrounded by amed security and snipers when the risk was so low.
So you agree we have the least worst alternative then!
‘Who the hell voted for him’ ?
Ask Essexman .
This tragedy might at least cause the elite to begin to wake up to the horrors they have inflicted on us . In another age it would have been treason. E.g.
Mass immigration since the 1970s allowing in millions who don’t accept our cultural norms
Refusal to accept the obvious, once militant Islam reared its ugly head in the 1990s
Failure to protect our borders by creating Londonistan in the 1990s and the collapse of proper uk border controls ever since . The promotion of one of the idiots who ran Uk Borders to head HMRC btw how well is that doing?
Failure of the police to protect white working class girls in Rotherham Rotchdale Derby Oxford etc etc Reluctance of politicians to discuss this
The P M watering down EU renegotiation objectives so we can’t control our borders by staying in
I could go on !!
The ‘elite’ (the political, mega-corporate and media classes) know full well the horrors they have inflicted upon us. But you must realise, it doesn’t really affect them. They have no morals or conscience as we ordinary folk would understand the concepts. No thought whatsoever for their fellow man. The real players in this game have many millions, if not billions, of blood/oil money stashed away and multiple bolt holes waiting for them when the shit really does hit the fan. Look at Blair if you want an prima-facie example of this sort of individual. Satan’s children (I’m not religious, but the description seems entirely apposite).
If they attacked The Ivy, you might see some action. When it is normal families being gunned down in the local, family run, pizzeria they don’t give a shit.
Kay Burley on Sky News just let it slip that 2 of the murdering muslims had Syrian passports.
Maybe muslim Merkel might find that a bit disconcerting as she tries to integrate 800k of them into her country.
Don’t forget that if we stay on the EU we can do nothing to stop these holders of shiny new passports from Germany from slipping into the UK.
I find it alarming that people still put this catastrophe down to misguided idealism, ‘leftism’, or simple incompetence. Merkel is very far from being a stupid person. She could foresee the inevitable outcome as well, if not better, than most of us. The only question that remains is WHY?
“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” It’s simply elementary, my dear reader.
Follow the money. Europe simply does not want to deal with corruption, just look at the FIFA mess if you need proof. A corrupt political class will prevent any police involvement if there is a danger that they might also be exposed.
FIFA were bribed to give Qatar the world cup, and if a country is prepared to do that to get a football match played in their country, how much more are they prepared to do to spread their evil religion? Even the Muslims I know are aware it’s going on, and because they’re a slightly different type of Muslim they don’t like it one bit, but they can’t get the state to listen to them for obvious reasons.
Slightly different type of Muslim? I think they’re called apostates.
So Merkel (et al) are doing this for money? Maybe so – but I can’t imagine the sheer bankruptcy of the soul that would allow someone to do this. To utterly betray her people in her position of ultimate trust, just for a ton of fucking money. I think there has to be more to it than that, but what that is, I cannot possibly imagine.
Cameron, Merkel, Hollande – none of them will ever want for anything material once they are out of office. In Cameron’s case, he was already extremely wealthy before he entered Parliament. Attributing the psychopathology of Western liberalism to bribery is just ridiculous. It is an entire mindset that affects everything from aesthetics to politics. It is a form of self-loathing – as Janet Daley once put it, an auto immune disease where the organism destroys itself.
Whenever you read a comment on such as the Guardian web site along the lines of we invited the moslem terrorism by interfering in the Middle East, please reply asking how that squares with Mumbai and Nairobi, and doubtlessly other “incidents” that posters on here can remind me of.
9/11 ?
Well if Hollande has declared it an “act of war” he may have had a bit of a shake. Have to wait and see actions to back up his strong words though.
Most of us on this site have been warning about this for years. It’s not time for “I told you so”, but it is time to start listening to those of us sounding the warning sirens.
Rest assured Hollande’s actions will not back up his words by any stretch.
Marine Le Pen is watching.
And so are many in the fly over parts of France who, unlike the Parisians, have access to guns with which they can protect themselves.
Paris isn’t France any longer, in the same way that London isn’t England any more. I have a good deal of respect for the ordinary French people who live in the ‘fly over’ parts. I hope their guns are well maintained.
LBC and Sky are reporting a syrian passport being found near the body of a suicide bomber. This seems a bit far fetched to me but hey ,what do I know.
Don’t forget the stories of how easy Syrian passports were to obtain from Jordan.
Any Answers on Radio 4 is devoted to the Paris atrocities. A Turkish woman – now a Christian – says that the problems track back to the way that Islam can be used, citing the fact that all non-Muslims are seen as non-believers – she is instantly contradicted by Anita Anand who puts the tired old argument that the perpetrators are merely psychopaths. But the statements Isis have now put out say that the French are a lesser, immoral breed.
Likewise Anand has been showing a pattern of challenging – or cutting short – any other caller who argues that the atrocities track directly to the religion of Islam. As if it is somehow unfair or illogical to be pointing to the elephant in the room.
Why can’t we have this sort of discussion moderated by people with a secular outlook.
I was disgusted with that too, John. She also allowed another caller to waffle on, repeating himself at least three times, who seemed to suggest that it was a good thing because now we would see what life was like for the “refugees” fleeing Syria. Later in the same program she cut off another woman, who failed to tow the BBC line on migrants.
They start every ‘news’ broadcast with the number of terrorists – sorry militants – killed which to them is the real tragedy.
Earlier someone mentioned the blog post at the Archbishop Cramner site. Yes, it is well worth reading, including what Boris Johnson was saying 10 years ago about Islamist atrocities before he started being politically correct :
Judged purely on its scripture — to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques — it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers.
If Boris comes to his senses, he could yet be the leader we desperately need.
The apologists’ desperate hope that extremist views are held by only a tiny minority of Muslims is dashed by the actual data from opinion polls, conducted not just in Islamic countries, but also in the UK. Please see:

These findings should be considered in the context of the fairly useful definition of extremism given in the UK’s recently-published ‘Counter-Extremism Strategy’:
“Extremism is the vocal or active opposition to our fundamental values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and the mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also regard calls for the death of members of our armed forces as extremist.”
After Paris, we can hardly be cheered by a poll taken earlier year which found that:
40% of Muslims in the UK say it is not the responsibility of Muslims to condemn terrorist acts carried out in the name of Islam.
The other 60% are going to have to go on a heck of a lot of peace marches now …
Astonishing figures – particularly when one considers how reluctant people are to tell the truth to pollsters if they feel they are giving a ‘wrong’ answer.
One of the most stunning findings for me is that:
46% do accept that the Holocaust happened; 23% have never heard of it; and 30% can’t form an opinion on it.
Timing is everything, it would appear:
They might not be keen, as state on state wars really are gloves off jobs… both ways. Droning wedding parties & flattening hospitals in response to taking our nightclubs, errant magazine offices, the odd tube or nightclub may see things up a notch on home turf to a point where jihadi brides find the suitors a bit sparse.
The BBC has reported that the French President stated that the atrocities were organised by IS. And that IS had issued a statement – referring to France’s actions in Syria. As if it is all a military matter.
But in all the acres of the BBC website – why does the BBC not print exactly what IS said, .the statement was fairly brief.
Is it because the statement is one long rant rooted in Islamic belief that the French are “Crusaders” and a wholly immoral crowd ? And that the murderers were doing Allah’s will ?
Here is the text – why do I have to find it on a US website, rather than on the BBC website ? :
Very early on this morning we had one of the BBC’s favourite appeasement regulars, Professor Paul Rogers, (‘Peace Studies’) saying it’s the West’s fault, they are only defending themselves.
Later he was on again saying this time ‘It’s our war in the Middle East coming back to the West’. This was not challenged, the presenters of the programme probably didn’t even notice what he was meaning, so much in line with the BBC’s narrative that such a view is.
The BBC must be dismantled, it is unreformable from within.
Rogers is either a fool, ignorant or a liar. Radical Islam started long before the wars he and his fellow travellers on the far-Left obsess about. Indeed, you might argue that they were a consequence of radical Islam.
“Professor of Peace Studies.” FFS!
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Exactly. Why wasn’t he challenged about 9/11, which came first. Why wasn’t he challenged about the 9/7 bombers some of whom trained in Afghanistan even before 9/11.
Rhetorical questions the answers to which have all become all too mind-numbingly familiar.
The BBC are always quick out of the blocks with their proxy appeasers as first response to these barbaric terrorist crimes. It’s not difficult to imagine a military coup in this country unless politicians and the BBC get a serious grip and stop promoting the multicultural shite that has brought this about and start standing up for western civilisation before it disappears altogether.
The BBC need hauling in over this whole gigantic mess they have played a major role in creating with their Ministry of Truth style coverage of all things Islamic. No, sod it, prosecutions for traitorous crimes against our civilised society is the only way to sort these bastards out once and for all.
The true and overwhelming consequence of multi-culturalism (MC) is fear. Fear, because MC is the seed-bed of sectarianism, and the greatest level of civilisation that can be attained under those circumstances is determined by the most barbaric, the most ruthless, the most hate-filled faction that can gather itself together under the permission that MC gives not to integrate with the host culture. Under those circumstances there can no longer be a host culture, there can be no true democracy because that depends crucially on consent, which MC directly undermines.
The relevance to this site is that, in peddling MC, the BBC undermines the very society which created it. It becomes, wittingly or unwittingly, an agent of bloody revolution and ushers in a species of despotism. It should be stopped, not just limited, as its operation threatens the foundation of our society and culture.
Cannot claim credit for this – posted by Rik in response to a Douglas Murray article in DT.
The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bali Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow Threat Attackers were Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims
Lesson 2(a)
Think of it:
Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
Hindus living with Jews = No Problem
Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem
Confucians living with Baha’is = No Problem
Baha’is living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Baha’is = No Problem
Baha’is living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem
Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem
Lesson 2(b)
Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Baha’is = Problem
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem
Lesson (3a)
**********SO THIS LEADS TO *****************
They’re not happy in Gaza
They’re not happy in Egypt
They’re not happy in Libya
They’re not happy in Morocco
They’re not happy in Iran
They’re not happy in Iraq
They’re not happy in Yemen
They’re not happy in Afghanistan
They’re not happy in Pakistan
They’re not happy in Syria
They’re not happy in Lebanon
They’re not happy in Nigeria
They’re not happy in Kenya
They’re not happy in Sudan
Lesson 3(b)
******** So, where are they happy? **********
They’re happy in Australia
They’re happy in England
They’re happy in Belgium
They’re happy in France
They’re happy in Italy
They’re happy in Germany
They’re happy in Sweden
They’re happy in the USA & Canada
They’re happy in Norway & India
They’re happy in almost every country that is not Islamic! And who do they blame?
Not Islam… Not their leadership… Not themselves, THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE HAPPY IN!!
And they want to change the countries they’re happy in, to be like the
countries they came from where they were unhappy and finally they will get hammered!
Lesson 4
And We just can’t figure out who’s causing the problem.
Perhaps this needs to be forwarded to the ‘So-called’ BBC ???
Fantastic post by Rik (whoever that is) and thanks for reposting it here. That is the situation in a nutshell.
Well, Lesson 2a is not entirely accurate, even today, but the general thrust ought to be obvious to anyone except the willfully blind.
The question the likes of Cameron and their ‘Nothing to do with Islam’ mantra need to ask themselves is this: if it comes to civil war in this country, whose side does he think the vast majority of Muslims will take?
Regards Civil War. I think it’s best got over and done with, while we have the numbers in our favour. Another 10 years and it will be a much harder fight. Another 20 years and we will already have lost.
“”So France will be pitiless in its response to the Islamic State militants,” he said, vowing to “use all means within the law.. on every battleground here and abroad together with our allies””
The BBC quoting some useless French twat called Hollande.
It is not just the Islamic state, every Muslim, everywhere, is an enemy.
Jesus said “love thine enemies”, and look what happened to him.
Treat Muslims as we did the smallpox virus, they are a disease from the stone age.
Little surprise that there is a Belgian connection http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-34815972
Maybe the BBC can figure that one out.
The Cameron and BBC response is emerging via the stooge, Piers Morgan who tweets that the Paris terrorists are not real muslims.
What is reality? Robot muslims, paper muslims, or do we have to point Piers towards Prof Anthony Flew’s account of the Real Scotsman fallacy?
Jim says ‘No Scotsmen put sugar on their porridge’
Bill says ‘But Angus us a Scot and he puts sugar on his porridge’.
To which Jim replies
‘In that case Angus cannot be a real Scot’.
Hence Islam is a religion of peace, and therefore Isis are not real Islamists.
Well, it works for the Prime Minister and President of the US.
Horrific, horrific events and many people posting on Facebook are lost for words.
A website called “Knights Templar International”(it was shared on my Facebook) is reporting that at least one of the attackers was a “refugee” that arrived in Europe just six weeks ago.
I’m waiting for the “Muslim Council of Britain” to unconditionally condemn these attrocities.
The silence will be deafening.
Oh goodness, don’t wait for the MCB to condemn this, your dinner will get very cold.
Meanwhile, Obama reminds us that Climate Change is the world’s greatest threat.
Unlike many on here I suspect, I do actually think climate change is a real threat, whatever the cause. I don’t think it’s solvable by human intervention, and we will just have to ride it out, if we can. I agree with the post above though, there are far more urgent and fast-acting threats against our way of life.
My favourite Tweet from last night..
Ha ha. That’s pretty much spot on.
Climate change is likely to be a threat very soon – but not in the way you are probably thinking…..
A lot of politico/scientits will have a lot of explaining to do.
O/T Question: are we not allowed avatar images here any more. The ‘My Profile’ page doesn’t seem to offer an option to upload one. Shame if not. It really helps when reading all the posts and filtering those who are interesting from the dullards.
Benny, I seem to remember using this.
If you click on the “Help” tab at the top it should guide you through the procedure.
Good Luck!
P.S. – How is Miss Diane ? LOL!
I think we are! Found this for you to use as your avatar:
BBC South Today TV news in full propaganda mode just now 6.45pm, about the Paris murders. They were reporting from an Inter-Faith meeting (naturally) where we are told first by a sweet white haired lady (naturally) ‘that it is even more important now that people come together’, followed immediately by a comment from a black racial equality campaigner (naturally) that ‘these people weren’t muslims, they may have been muslims, but muslims didn’t do it’.
The BBC has no shame, no respect, it just promotes its own agenda relentlessly.
Oh yes. If this sweet white haired lady ‘came together’ with some of our beloved Islamic brothers and sisters, she’d be uttering platitudes as the knife cut across her windpipe. This is what we’re up against – stupid, soft headed fools who think Muslims are ‘nice people but a bit different’. People like these are a bigger menace than the jihadists themselves.
And that’s precisely the point about the BBC. We will not be able to defeat terrorism until we first defeat the enemy within, which does half the terrorists’ work for then.
Exactly so. I have contact with the BBC on a professional basis (don’t worry I’m not one of them) and the hive-mind evident there is truly frightening. That’s how I came across this site, more or less – I thought I couldn’t possibly be the only one who thought they were utterly fucking mad. I thought “my God these people can’t actually be entirely sane with their conformant group-speak and group-think and their jargon-loaded sentences”.
The BBC will never be on the side of the common man, because they are really on another fucking planet.
My great uncle had brief affair with a lady (named after a Northern county) that worked in the ‘radiophonic workshop’ in the 1960s. He said they were all “mad as fucking bats”.
Absolutely agreed. I have had professional encounters with them too and that is exactly the impression I’ve formed. The BBC’s ‘creative’ and ‘editorial’ staff are, by and large, at the cutting edge of stupid.
The W1A sitcom was close to the truth but in my opinion didn’t really go far enough.
The evidence supplied to Culture Media and Sport Committee re the Charter Review has been published ( http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/culture-media-and-sport-committee/inquiries/parliament-2015/bbc-charter-review-15-16/publications/ ). Here is excerpt from a former Technical employee to be found at; http://data.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/committeeevidence.svc/evidencedocument/culture-media-and-sport-committee/bbc-charter-review/w
It may have been the case at its foundation, under the leadership of the late Lord Reith, that the BBC was independent, impartial and honest but today considerations of political correctness and social engineering dominate its thinking and editorial policy.
If telling the truth is likely to upset some pressure group then truth goes out of the window. They have become very adept at, without actually telling lies, misleading the public as to the real facts.
This is most evident in news items. The method of interviewing two sides in a particular issue is to interview each side in isolation, thus not allowing the protagonists to challenge each other directly.
For this to work the interviewer must have knowledge of the subject in order to ask pertinent questions; otherwise the interviewees can either lie or accidentally mislead and the interviewer is not aware of this.
When the item is broadcast the majority of viewers will not be in a position to decide which side is correct. Even when a viewer complains about the inaccuracy the Corporation will not broadcast a correction.
Social Engineering
The BBC sees its modern role as being one of social engineering which results in less than adequate staff being appointed.
When interviewing candidates they do not pick the most competent but allow gender and multiculturalism to dominate their choice.
This results in three categories of disaffected groups; those who were best suited and not selected, those who were selected believing that they were only employed because of their gender or ethnicity, and perhaps worst of all those of a particular gender or ethnic origin who did deserve to be selected.
In its desire to employ about equal numbers of men and women and to include ethnic minorities, which is laudable, common sense and fairness have been ignored. The fact that few women apply for engineering jobs is not a justifiable reason to favour them over men in other areas just to make up the numbers.
Historically there were many categories of job which woman and ethnic minorities did not apply for. This was not discrimination by the Corporation but by the applicants themselves. The BBC is right to encourage applications from all sections of society but not to replace one form of discrimination with another, particularly when that impacts upon the quality and objectiveness of its output.
Sorry second link is not working but use the first link and select all and the item quoted is from Ian Corke and Philip Ballabon.
Young Delia of Dr Who theme fame?
Another petition? Its important not to let the liberal inquisition claim to have the consensus view, so sign and distribute
already at 185000
I’ve been thinking about how the BBC hides messages in its reporting depending what it wants its viewers to believe is the reality of the story.
When it reports on violence in Israel a constant refrain is the difference in casualty levels between the Israelis and Palestinians – the implication being that the Israelis are the bad guys because there are so many dead Palestinians compared to the number of dead Israelis. Often the reporter seems to regret the low level of Jewish casualties. As far as I am aware the casualty figures in Paris are 8 dead Muslim terrorists and 127 dead victims. I await a BBC report pointing out that there weren’t enough dead Muslims.
It’s now over 200,000. I have to say I’m not particularly happy with the wording, as stopping ALL immigration simply isn’t feasible in reality and this will be used against it.
I agree. Keep it realistic.
Well, France has closed its borders. This is time of emergency – a major terrorist attack has occurred on Britain’s doorstep. Stopping all immigration is indeed infeasible, but temporarily closing the borders until the country can better protect its points of entry is a completely sound strategy.
I don’t agree with the wording, but I’ve signed it. They need to get the message.
261,000 +
How the left see the solution :– very simply
Please tell me this is a satire newspaper.
Please, for the love of God, it is satire.
If not, I may just jump off the nearest cliff.
I’m afraid it’s not a parody – Salon is that bad and these people are that crazy. Avoid sharp objects for a few hours until the impulse passes.
Sadly no. SALON offers an annual prize the heart that bleeds the most (for the right causes, of course).
I understand that two extremely cold winters at the end of the 18th Century, decimated the Black population of London. Their suffering inspired a bunch of charity workers to pay the Sierra Leone Company to transport those remaining back to Africa. So the Black population was reduced from 10,000 in 1740 to about 400 in the 1840 census. So a series of very harsh Winters could be beneficial. White people are the descendants of people who just about survived many very extremely harsh winters, winters that Black people would not be able to survive.
That’s why we have white skin, lots of hair and pinched noses to reduce heat loss. Just saying 🙂
“White people are the descendants of people who just about survived many very extremely harsh winters, winters that Black people would not be able to survive.”
This is just nonsense Richard.
The reason more black people died during winter months in the 18th Century was because freed slaves (and black soldiers returning from the American War of Independence) were left in abject poverty. Unable to find employment, most were reduced to begging and sleeping in the street.
The poorest white people would also die of course; it was malnutrition, disease and lack of adequate shelter that killed them – not “unsuitable genetics”.
“The poorest white people would also die of course; it was malnutrition, disease and lack of adequate shelter that killed them – not “unsuitable genetics”.”
Suitable genetics is always an advantage if you want to survive a “lack of adequate shelter”. And as the descendant of a Trawler Skipper, I learned that Hot Hands and Feet are also a factor, especially more so for Norwegians and Russians. So the cold is an obvious factor for the deaths of people in employment. I understand that Chilblains probably evolved as a life saver in extreme situations.
“Suitable genetics is always an advantage if you want to survive a “lack of adequate shelter”. And as the descendant of a Trawler Skipper…”
That’s all very interesting Richard, but nothing at all to do with how many of the poor and destitute would die with an empty belly whilst sleeping in the open on a harsh winter’s night.
There were more black people in that circumstance in the 18th Century; which is why more black people died.
Which part of this are you having trouble with?
On their “live reporting” page http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-34815972 (14:49), the BBC report as “typically hardline” the following Twitter comments from Marine le Pen:
“For the sixth time in 2015, Islamist terrorism has hurt our country. France is crying for its dead and I am crying with it,”
“It is essential France retakes control of its borders, definitively.”
“Fundamentalist Islam must be destroyed, radical mosques closed, radical imams expelled.”
To take these three points in turn:
What is “hardline” about crying for the dead? Curious comment from the BBC about grief in the face of a genuine national tragedy when it so quick to exploit spurious emotion when it serves left-wing causes.
Doesn’t the fact that one of the “militants” was a supposed refugee coming in from Greece underline the need for secure French borders?
Doesn’t the BBC see the need to deal with radical/fundamentalist Islam? (Oh no, of course not – sorry I forgot, Islam is the religion of peace.)
There is a need for deep inquiry into why the BBC is always so anxious to whitewash Islam, while playing up every misdemeanour of Christianity.
The BBC has crossed the line and is now totally out of control. That sort of editorialising is unforgivable. Le Penn’s comments were, if anything, less ‘hard line’ than Hollande’s.
From the BBC’s live propaganda feed:
Yasser Louati, a member of the Collective Against Islamaphobia in France, says the Muslim community is disgusted by Friday’s attacks.
He told BBC Radio 5live Muslims now live in fear of a backlash.
“The reports we are receiving from the ground is that now people are being attacked, mosques are being attacked, death threats are being written all over social media.
“Unfortunately less than a year ago when the attacks were carried out against the newspaper Charlie Hebdo and the Jewish supermarket, we provided the wrong answers.
“We added more division to division and we have put Muslims as if they were somehow responsible or somehow connected. I fear for the Muslim community right now. People are calling us worried whether they should send their children to school or not on Monday.”
Didn’t see that coming, did we?
Nice to see the SNP’s Humza Yousaf, the grandly-titled Scottish Minister for Europe and International Development, much favoured by Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond, stepping out (from BBC report) to support Paris. Before the 2015 election, he did warn us:

“We need to be vigilant.”
But duh, he was talking about “islamophobia” …
If you want to read more about one of the SNP’s most punted performers (“possible future leader”, some say) and the Islamic and financial skeletons in his cupboard, please read: