Why did Miliband lose the election? Possibly because he didn’t have the right man on side…Nick Robinson for instance, unfortunately put out of action during the election by ill health.
Robinson, starting on the Today programme tomorrow, was a young Conservative but that might have been hard to ascertain if you listened to his BBC outpourings which, to me at least, seemed to lean towards favouring Labour.
It seems I’m not alone in that conclusion. In the Sunday Times Lynn Barber says ‘It seems to me blindingly obvious from his book that he was much fonder of Ed Miliband than of David Cameron’.
Also….’At one point someone offers Robinson the job of top Labour spin doctor, which they would hardly have done if they didn’t believe he was on their side.’
Robinson replied to this suggestion…’The person who offered it to me certainly thought that I was, not necessarily on their side, but willing to help their side.’
A young Conservative gone native inside the Bubble.
Of course, he would not have got the ‘Today’ job had he been even microscopically right of centre. But, there again, Cameron is not right of centre.
“Cameron is not right of centre”.
To be fair to him he is to the right of Corbyn (probably).
To be fair he’s not alone . Ken Clarke , Heseltine , Theresa (nasty party ) May , Patton , Essex Man , Osbourne would help the Labour Party well before a conservative party like UKIP .
Er ,I have never voted Labour or Lib Dem , I have only voted Conservative . & in 97 ,Referendum Party . Ukip will never form a government , that`s the facts , & your can huff & puff all you like .The SNP threat in future elections, will ensure that.
That’s defeatest, HTF are things aver going to change with that attitude? ‘I know lets vote for more of the same…” Your attitude is the same as my sister’s who genuinely thinks the Tories are Tories.
I will hold my hand up and say I voted Liberal in 1992, living in Bath I voted to out Patton.
Geoff, your comments reveal you to be an intelligent person, please tell me you didn’t vote for Paddy (I’m a deceitful lying pro unchecked borders fool) Pantsdown.
Shame on you in 1992.
Still, in those wonderful words of Abraham Lincoln
‘To accept one’s ignorance is a great step towards an education.’
Paddy was Yeovil, stupidly I voted for Don Foster in Bath, you know the guy who was against peerages yet has just accepted one…
Sorry Geoff,quite right. I was not clear, I meant Paddy as in leader of the Liberal Party. -He who stands in the middle of the road gets run over!
I understand your position Essexman, but by not voting for UKIP you are stating that you are happy with status quo. I’m sure you’re not. UKIP will continue to grow, I am quite looking forward to forthcoming the by election in Oldham.
This really will be the pro unchecked immigrant party (Labour) versus the checking of immigrants (UKIP).
This is the platform from which UKIP must use as its chief strategy.Voting for UKIP should be a no brainer but you never know!
Mind you, remember the AlBeeb will be supporting Labour-as always.
So would you prefer UKIP or Labour as the official opposition ?
That’s directed to Essexman .
Remember, Conservatives are pro unchecked borders.
I thought all of us here are to search out anti right bias in the BBC, the Tories suffer as much from this as do UKIP.
Very good point CranbrookPhil.
A genuine question to Essexman – did you see a couple of posts the other day in your name accusing all on here as fascists? I didn’t think it was your style, neither did others. If it wasn’t you it would appear the Beebs have managed to impersonate people on here again.
Presumably you have yet to reach your majority and the post above is the limit of your debating skills?
You presume wrong Flawedlogic, Cameron during his time in office has done little or nothing thus far in clipping the wings of the Albeeb’s progressive liberalism,this in my book makes him complicit to the brainwashing perpetrated by our ‘beloved’ national broadcaster. He is a progressive liberal as far as I am concerned.
The Oldham by-election will clearly involve the migration crisis, along with membership of the EU with which is intrinsically linked. The Labour Party will use tax credits but only to attack the Tories. Ukip felt that welfare cuts are necessary but should be introduced over a longer period to cushion the blow. The deficit is clearly the economic concern for the Tories but they can’t be that concerned as they give 11 billion pounds away in a protected overseas aid budget.
The BBC may even support the Tories in their attempt to split the UKIP vote.
I would be interested to hear your opinions Flawedlogic or is your logic indeed flawed.
Mr Wronged , we are not in Schengen , so our borders ARE controlled , they do exit checks now too , no Conservatives ,except for old Heathites would ever want us to have open borders. Yes they should be more secure , especially round the Channel Tunnel , & elsewhere , but NO conservative wants open borders , I think you are just making things up for effect . IMHO , Schengen is finished anyway . I would not trust Comrade Corbyn , he would have all Syria here tomorrow .
Essexman, you have defended the indefensible very well, I applaud you.
However, the last time i looked we are members of the EU. Members of the EU have access to our borders, that includes immigrants entering Europe. No CRB checks, no monitoring,etc
Do I really need to expand on this? There is no argument.
The Tories got elected on a pro EU commitment. Cameron is pro EU. Vote Tory vote open borders.
UKIP aren’t perfect but they at least propose having a degree of genuine selective border control similar to the Australian model, we select only the brightest and the best.
Our borders are controlled !!??
So Cameron kept his promise to limit the numbers of people coming here did he ?
Our borders are barely patrolled, let alone controlled!
GC, LOL ! Sad but true !
600,000 people rolled up in Britain last year. As EU nationals they all have the same right to live here and use the welfare state that we do. The NHS and other aspects of the welfare state were built up over generations by the hard work and taxes of British people; there was never any expectation that they were for the benefit of Romanian gypsies and their extended families. Free movement of people is one area that the EU will never agree to curtail, and if we do not like it, we have to face the fact and leave.
I think you have it in a nutshell Rob in Cheshire.
In simple terms if we cannot have a say and the final decision in the selection process of who comes to live, work or retire here then leaving the EU would appear unavoidable.