Switched on the radio, first thing I heard was Anna Foster (around 07:55) worrying that many people believe the Front National in France will get more support. She didn’t define who those ‘many people’ were of course….let me do it for her….BBC journalists, the Guardian and Muslim agitators. Why is the BBC completely unconcerned about the ‘worries’ of those who might vote for the Front National….the BBC dismisses them as racist Islamophobes who have no reason to be concerned.
Foster had two Muslim women on to tell us what a living hell their lives were due to Islamophobia….Foster described them merely as ‘French women’ when she closed the discussion….which is odd, as the whole point was that they were ‘Muslim’.
Foster wondered if ‘the anger [in France about the terrorist attacks] will be tapped into to improve the lot of immigrants’.
Wasn’t it immigrants who launched this attack?
A curious slant then by the BBC…again it is the ‘immigrants’ who are the victims, French racism the problem driving the immigrants to terrorism.
BBC spin is now out of control. Are the BBC trying to tell us that the 129 victims of the Paris War the other day deserved their fate because they are beastly to muslim invaders? Are they trying to tell us that these “doctors” and “engineers” are only committing these atrocities because they feel marginalised, so we should sympathise with those who apparently support their actions?
Marr just sneered at the Sunday Times for having omitted its banner front page advert in favour of a sober banner headline today. Said something like ‘that’s a rich newspaper for you’.
When will they ever stop this biased onslaught?
Like Bill Clinton and his cigar humidor ideas, Marr saying anything simply calls to mind a seedy creep inexplicably in a position of influence trying to get into a subordinate’s knickers and getting away with it because he was tired after a long day at the office.
That’s a BBC rich talent for you.
Frank Gardner on the Marr monologue and while attempting, not altogether successfully, to avoid looking like Kenneth Williams, made much – as so many do – of Islaam’s rich heritage while others stressed the justification for muslim outrage due to western interference in the ME. All very predictable, highly beeboid and depressing.
But there’s a parallel that seldom if ever gets aired or discussed. If any nation on this earth had more justification for terrorist responses to massive loss of civilian life it would be the Japanese – but unlike most if not all muslim states and countries, they are too intelligent to live in a world driven by revenge and paranoia nor motivated by essentially intolerant and fundamentally anti-democratic beliefs.
If any nation on this earth had more justification for terrorist responses to massive loss of civilian life it would be the Japanese…
The Japanese are in no position to take the moral high ground over loss of life after the atrocities they committed in WW2.
They may be a point to consider in that.
The Japanese put themselves at the wrong end of a military-industrial machine that was only stirred into action by atrocity. And their civilian population paid a terrible price. Along the way a lot of life was wasted from misguided notions of honour in self-defence.
So they actually did learn a lesson, and adapted positively. Hence the Japan of today. And, via a different process, the outward-looking Vietnam of today.
In contrast, the new crop of navel-gazing, backward-looking sky fairy loons handed their backsides in conventional combat over the last several decades seem bent on offing themselves (bar the old rich ones bankrolling the thing) purely to satisfy a brief moment of idiotic , cowardly, selfish nihilism, so their deranged brood mare Mum is proud and mates are jealous, not that they will ever know how much by only ending up a nasty stain on a marketplace or nightclub wall.
And they are too thick to see that eventually, no matter how committed a host may be to non-invasive cures in bearing pain, if the only alternative left is a shared death, cancerous tumours do need to be permanently erased, along with any means for them to redevelop.
Personally I am keener on prevention to cure, along with rubbing toxic multiculturalism over a pale skin to get a virtue signalling tan that seems great until the lesions start to blossom.
Japan seems to have understood better than most who to celebrate differences and work with others, without the need to weaken their cultural integrity in the process.
Guests are welcome, but on notice to conform with the host rather than make demands, or get invited to not let the door hit them on the way out.
My point exactly GW, thank you for understanding it.
We all know the answer to this biased onslaught. In an ideal world the BBC should be told to go fund itself. It is OK if they want to have a biased broadcasting company but they should be open about it and be, like Fox news, self funding, not extorting money from people who don’t hold their views or values. Unfortunately no government in the UK would have the guts to do this.
You have spelt “fund” wrong. The word you are looking for ends with “ck”.
That would actually be a pretty good visual meme to spread around when commenting on TV Licencing on news websites :
I had assumed that gb123 was making that very play on words.
Sponsored by Qatar airlines or Emirates?
1. The BBC have always supported terrorists and violent “protestors” so it’s no surprise they love this sort of extreme evil.
2. However, until politicians name the cause – i.e. extreme islam – these terrorists will continue to attack the innocent in more and more brutal ways and on larger and larger scales until the politicians finally do name it. What these disgusting pigs want is to be noticed for what they are so will get ever more bloodthirsty until the politicians finally tell the truth. Once the politicians have done that, the terrorists can be confronted and dealt with. But until then they will grow in strength and it will get bloodier the longer the elected morons leave it. We can win and we must but they must act NOW!
The MSM won’t name the enemy, but Charlie Hebdo certainly recognise the problem:
“Terrorism is not the enemy. Terrorism is a mode of operation. Repeating ‘we are at war’ without finding the courage to name our enemies leads nowhere. “
I just don’t think the BBC is very good at reporting attacks like these, their emotions get in the way and yet they think that it is through emotion that they can explain what is happening (think naming a starving child in Africa or a child that appears to have been washed up on a beach). I was watching Hew Edwards in Paris on the news yesterday and the programme went from group to group asking ‘how people felt’, ‘what effect it was going to have’ (probable answer is that nobody knows and may be answerable when anyone has time to reflect) etc. But yesterday (ie the day after the attack, I still wanted to know what had happened – where? how many injured? did the Police think the terrorists had died? etc etc. I wanted facts. In the end I switched off the BBC News, went to the Telegraph web site and under an article, I think headed ‘What we Know’, found out just that.
“I just don’t think the BBC is very good at reporting attacks like these”
The BBC are not very good at reporting anything, they are only interested in Leftist preaching (and excluding every other opinion).
Under BlairBrown’s misrule Al Beeb always used to give greater credence to the touchy freely Crime Survey than to recorded crimes from the police records and trumpeted the ‘results’. The CS was based on a survey of people’s experience of crime rather than real crimes. This experience was, of course, apparently going down in those times whilst real, recorded crime was going up, the latter despite the improvements in home and vehicle security which technology brought in.
Strangely, now that recorded crimes are increasing, Al Beeb publicise the facts. Most odd!!
Erm, moderate muslim…
Very true – there’s just islam. Every member of this cult is our enemy. To those who think that they have muslim friends, if they are truly your friend then they are not muslim and if they are muslim, they are not your friend. Don’t believe me? Read the koran.
We’ll all be voting for Marine le Pen around here, when the time comes…
BBC website names one of the terrorists with an Arab name and describes him as a French citizen of Algerian origin. No reference to the religion of peace. In my view the BBC are just as evil as the terrorists they support.
Simon Heffer writes about this in today’s Sunday Telegraph. He mentions the new novel by Michel Houellebecq, Soumission, and adds,
“M Houellebecq not only reflected in his novel the underlying fear of millions of French people that the culture of their country is being swamped by that of Islam, but also derided the values of mainstream politicians who would rather hand their country over to people who would impose an entirely different culture than have it run by a hard-line French nationalist. (Mme Le Penn)”.
Heffer has changed his tune. He wrote an article on 6th September in the Telegraph stating it would be inhumane NOT to admit more Syrian refugees. It would seem the events of Friday may have brought him to his senses.
What we are now seeing and hearing is the BBC attempting to recover some equilibrium. They are perfectly happy to relay the images and language of “solidarity” because this has become the routine rhetorical spiel of politicians and celebrities after each and every one of these outrages, wherever they occur. This is sprinkled with the usual spin concerning the “extreme right”, a category which seems capable of infinite variety in order to include anyone who might dare to question the easy assumptions of the “liberal left”. Their script remains that all such outrages are the consequence of anti-muslim discrimination, social and economic inequality, Western policy towards the Middle East and Western military engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan. Oh and of course, don’t forget to blame our security agencies for failing to to achieve a 100% success rate.
Is Hollande about to commit ground troops to the fight in Syria in order to pursue his ‘war’ against ISIS ? Will there be a coherent joint EU military and intelligence response ? Will there be unanimous, and very vocal condemnation by British Islamic clerics of the twisted, perverted version of Islam espoused by jihadi groups such as ISIS ? Will the EU introduce effective measures to deal with illegal immigrants and ensure all non-EU citizens are adequately checked when crossing our borders. Will Corbyn work with Cameron to ensure the UK plays an effective role to dismantle the money trail to ISIS, to cut off their recruiting capability in the UK, and ensure through whatever means necessary that we kill or capture those who have committed war and terrorism crimes or who direct them ? Answers on a postcard to W1A.
Gunner, good post. I went on Facebook today and it’s all about the ‘love’ – prayers for Paris, solidarity etc, just like after the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Dig a little deeper, and the attacks were caused, it seems, by terrorism (NOT religion), a small minority who want to cause trouble for everyone else, and of course, white racism and the actions of western governments in the middle east. It seems very few people can equate what happened with unlimited immigration, open borders and western cultural self-hatred. If they dare to voice such an opinion, they are condemned as racist in the strongest terms possible.
Facebook (and Twitter) demonstrate two things perfectly.
The first is how well the Left’s propaganda machine works.
The second is why democracy is not without its flaws.
My Conservative MP told me that his office is bombarded daily with Far Left email propaganda.
If I may I’ll add a third, GC: how younger generations have been brainwashed by the leftist education establishment and the BBC.
I completely agree.
Gunner you only have one thing wrong. A postcard would be too large. As no is the answer to everyone of the questions a postage stamp should do.
Just think what a suicide bomber in the local Hajj would achieve or even a bomb via a drone.If they want a war lets give em one.Intern all muslims and send them back to their homeland.If they can fight us they can fight for their freedom like we had to.Read the teachings and they are no friend of ours.
What else can these idiots do. They’ve brought millions of the enemy within our borders. If they don’t blame racists or right-wingers they would have to take a look in the mirror and their egos would never allow that.
Until we grasp that it’s not Islamism but Islma itself that’s the problem we will get nowhere. Those terrorists were good Muslims doing precisely what the prophet of Islam tells them to do. Other more peacefully inclined Muslims always have difficulty denouncing the murderers because they know that the terrorists are the highest expression of Islam. Good piece on that called Imagine at: http://john-moloney.blogspot.com/2015/11/imagine.html
Those terrorists were good Muslims doing precisely what the prophet of Islam tells them to do…
And indeed what he did himself (first Jihad refers).
The BBC/Left blame Western aggression and imperialism. They ‘forget’ that ‘9/11’ happened two years before the Iraq invasion.
And the BBC/Left ‘forget’ the large number of Islamic attacks against the West prior to 9/11. Paris Metro bombings anyone? Committed by an Islamic militant group in 1995.
On July 25, 1995, a gas bottle exploded in the Saint-Michel station of line B of the RER (Paris regional train network), killing eight and wounding 80.
On August 17, a bomb at the Arc de Triomphe wounded 17 people. On August 26, a huge bomb was found on the railroad tracks of a high-speed rail line near Lyon. On September 3, a bomb malfunctioned in a square in Paris, wounding 4. On September 7, a car bomb at a Jewish school in Lyon wounded 14.
A leader of the group, Khaled Kelkal, was identified through fingerprints left on unexploded bombs. He was killed on September 29 by members of the French EPIGN gendarmerie unit when resisting arrest in hills near Lyon.
Yet the attacks continued. On October 6, a gas bottle exploded in station Maison Blanche of the Paris Métro, wounding 13. On October 17, a gas bottle exploded between the Musée d’Orsay and Saint-Michel – Notre-Dame stations of RER Line C, wounding 29.
Arrests and trials:-
Members of the groups have since been prosecuted for various charges. A number of suspects have fled to the United Kingdom. Extradition proceedings against suspect Rachid Ramda had been ongoing for nearly 10 years, beginning in 1995. Throughout this time, Ramda was detained in London’s Belmarsh Prison. Ramda was extradited to France on December 1, 2005, in connection with the bombings. On October 26, 2007, Ramda was sentenced to life in prison for financing the attacks.
Note how it took 10 years to extradite Ramda to France.
The French say that the Law is made on the streets. We’ll see.
You have to love the BBC’s default position that all bien pensant people would fear any rise in the FN vote. They clearly cannot conceive of any reason why any decent person would consider voting for a party which would ditch the Euro, leave the EU, and fight Islamic terrorism with the full rigour of the state. No-one they know would vote for that, so they simply assume that, since they are decent people (QED), then no decent person would vote for it. They live in their W1A fantasy bubble, and the only way it will ever be pierced is if the last words they hear are “allahu akbar” before a bullet enters their brain, and by then it will be too late.
I am just a middle-of-the-road Tory so I am not a supporter of them, but I fail to see what is ‘far right’ about organisations like Pegida, France’s FN or even the EDL (nearly typed EDF there!).
It doesn’t seem that extreme to come out publicly & voice concerns about the quantity of immigration or even an unwelcome change in an established culture, particularly if the change involves a potential threat to social welbeing. These thoughts are certainly not fascist, to suggest this is lazy & shows a gross misunderstanding of what fascism really means. Risking similar naivety, I would dare suggest that the UAF is the most fascist organisation in Britain. I have similar thoughts regarding Islam because it denies dissent & displays intolerance of other beliefs.
Indeed and in fact the FN seems to have more in common with Old Labour in terms of its economic policies.
What we have here is the far-Left BBC using ‘the Right’ as a synonym for ‘anything we dislike’.
Here’s one I prepared earlier:
Corbyn’s friends at it again.
The left are not just evil, they are completely insane.
Demon, I suspect it is self-hate but I do not see why they should drag the rest of us down into their sewer.
Hope you enjoyed your lie-in this morning Alan:
“Switched on the radio, first thing I heard was Anna Foster (around 07:55).”
Not taking the mickey, just having a laugh, since I really do not know where you find the time to research a lot of your in depth threads. But thanks that you do since we mostly here really enjoy reading them.
No mention of the reaction of the BBC at corporate broadcast editorial integrity level or staff own view Twitter level.
I don’t recall them seeing it as legitimate then. Now?
Do you think that the BBC will show Nigel’s speech, you know, a bit of balance that is sadly lacking right now ?
We’ve had hand-wringing
We’ve had the candles
We’ve had the standard minutes silence.
and here’s something factual, sensible and as it turned out, something prophetic to report. We were warned, the public were warned, something like that ?
Isn’t this interesting news ?
To that last, maybe A. Newsroom Tealady could respond?