Antarctic ice is increasing, which, as with the ‘pause’, is a bit of a problem for the BBC’s climate alarmists. Their solution to the ‘pause’ was to ignore the fact that no one has explained what has caused the pause and instead have chosen to claim that it is definitely caused by the ocean suddenly absorbing more heat at a faster rate than it has ever done before….why it should suddenly do this is left unexplained….as is the 30 plus other reasons given by the ‘consensus’ scientists for the pause. The ‘ocean heat sink’ theory is one that of course fits neatly into Harrabin’s own private narrative about climate change.
In a similar vein the BBC pretty much ignores the ice growth in the Antarctic, or claims it is, naturally, due to climate change, global warming.
Not only does the BBC ignore the ice growth it in fact, somewhat dishonestly, claims that the Antarctic is in fact disappearing fast and will contribute to a large rise in sea levels.
This article by the BBC’s Jonathan Amos is a master class is deception and misdirection…..Big Antarctic ice melt scenarios ‘not plausible’
We are told that ‘Scientists say the contribution of a melting Antarctica to sea-level rise this century will be significant and challenging, but that some nightmare scenarios are just not realistic.’
What?!! The BBC playing down climate change! Clever tactic of course, it makes the BBC look more credible and the following narrative they peddle more believable….a narrative which is the same old same old just more carefully shaped to sound less alarmist whilst still trying desperately to alarm the reader.
Amos slots in a lot of phrases intended to lend an air of authority and credibility to his tale…..
‘The latest work, which appears in the journal Nature, was led by Catherine Ritz from the Université Grenoble Alpes, France, and Tamsin Edwards, from the Open University, UK.
It incorporates a lot of real-world physics – knowledge about the shape of the continent’s bedrock and how the ice moves over it.
It is also strongly anchored by the satellite observations that are tracking changes on the continent today.
“With our model we have done some 3,000 simulations,” explained Dr Edwards
Yes, 3,000 simulations….all with the same inputs, the same computer programmes and the same mindset….rubbish in, rubbish out.
Liked this….downplaying the possible sea-level rise at the beginning of the piece…’The most likely outcome is an input of about 10cm to global waters by 2100. But the prospect of a 30cm-or-more contribution – claimed by some previous research – has just a one-in-20 chance.’….only to claim this was a likely scenario at the end….‘”Using the very best satellite measurements as a benchmark, Ritz and colleagues show that there is an outside chance that Antarctica could contribute 30cm to sea levels over the next century – substantially more than was anticipated at the time of the last IPCC report. “So although extreme ice losses are an unlikely prospect, there is no reason to be complacent about the impacts of climate change on our lifestyles,” he told BBC News.’
That ‘outside chance’ is given a lot of prominence by Amos for some reason…..Harrabin has taught him well.
Just more dodgy climate ‘science’ from the BBC.
Take heart – Their claims are getting more and more desperate.
Forgive the overly analytical style I tend to use but it is all complete bollocks isn’t it?.
It’ll all just move on to another scare just waiting to be dusted off in the next decade or so. Enough time for the current major players to quietly move on/retire (in disgrace on occasion)/die etc…
I can’t wait for the Steyn/Mann trial to play out I must say.
However, if it carries on much longer it’ll be on the same time-scale as the above!
Get your facts right! During the last couple of weeks we’ve had the remnants of Hurricane Kate, we’ve had Storm Abigail and we’ve had Storm Barney – all wreaking havoc and distributing evil carbon dioxide vapours over the country… I rest my case.
And Barney blew a tree over in Didcot, Oxfordshire. It was in someone’s front garden. Thought you ought to know.
Now I’m really worried. Scarey!
A tree you say?…….That would be the tipping point then…
Now if they’d pruned it it wouldn’t have happened….off to the Hague Court for them I say along with all the other genocidal deniers.
Just some BBC ‘desperate’ claims :-
Antarctic ice melting.
Religion of Peace.
Corbyn overwhelming mandate.
Ethnics under represented in the Media.
Headlines in the Grauniad “The Ocean Ate My Global Warming”
An undeniable fact is that Mars is warming up. I would like to see the BBC explain how Mars is heating up bearing in mind there are no filthy air polluting Islamophobic homophobic sexist racist right wing Europeans on Mars.
The answer isn’t in the Guardian…it’s in ‘The Sun’ !
There is rather a high concentration of CO2 in the Martian atmosphere mind…..
Must be all the CO2 Curiosity is belching out on a daily basis…evil Americans again…..
Unlike many on this bBBC topic, I do actually think there is something in the global warming story. But what I’d like from the lavishly funded bBBC is just some trustworthy impartial programmes and proper scientific review. I despair of their noddy-style lowbrow coverage and emphasis on tabloid apocalytic worst case scenarios.
In 1980 I was present at a chemistry conference and in a side room was a paper given to an anticipated few people about the possible effects of certain CFCs on the ozone layer. The little room was absolutely packed and the arguments were convincing. Later, ozone depletion was proven by satellite observation and a convincing free radical mechanism put forward as to the cause. We banned a lot of CFCs and now slowly the ozone hole is infilling.
So climate change could be happening and we could be contributing – billions of tonnes of CO2 have got to go somewhere, but the overall picture is messy, there are many vested interests and there is clearly a ‘climate change industry’ sucking up lots of public money. I just wish for some balanced bBBC reporting I could actually trust.
CO2 is a trace gas at 400 parts per million in the Atmosphere.
Man-made CO2 cannot be more than 4 percent of this at 16 parts per million.
99.6 percent of the CO2 is in the Oceans.
I would recommend that you look at the Weatheraction website and try to join Mensa to find the science that proves that cloud albedo changes are the cause of Climate Change. Also you could look at this scientific paper that explains why the hypothesis of CO2 warming is bullshit. (Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009). And then this paper (Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011) which on some websites would go on to explain why this paper proves why CO2 warming must be effectively zero for Earth.
Most scientists still use pen and paper with a calculator. A scientific calculator has more functions, my slide rule is in the loft. If I wanted to impress a BBC moron I could produce computer simulations, but it would take weeks of boring work. In fact the last time I did so. A model of the nearest stars up to 20 light years. I reduced it to 13 light years before giving up.