Man dies in male prison.
Sad to hear, suicide always is, but the BBC chooses this headline for another reason.
A transgender woman who told her friends she would kill herself if she was sent to a male prison has been found dead in jail. Vicky Thompson, 21, was being held at Armley, Leeds, where she was pronounced dead on Friday. Friends of Thompson, who was born male but had identified as female since her mid-teens, said she had asked to be sent to a female prison.
Well for starters, he could “identify” as a Martian if he wanted, but he was biologically a male. The BBC is to the fore in suggesting that just because someone “identifies” as something then they ARE it! I recall taking part in a BBC discussion about the ludicrous claims from Rachel Dolezal that she “identified” as being Black, when she was white. I felt great hostility for pointing out the simple truth that it doesn’t matter she she thinks, it only matters what she IS. Same in this case. The prison authorities are not to blame.
Desperately sad, as you say.
And suicide does suggest failings in other areas as the mental state of this person clearly not good. It is the ultimate form of make a statement though.
Basically a ‘damned whatever way’ for the authorities and a no-lose for the BBC (quietly sticking their own performance if not record in this regard behind an FoI) and the outrage, ratings out outings brigades.
Hard to see a solution. Keeping offenders out of prison on such a basis would set a bonkers two-track precedent open to abuse.
Sending a biological male into a women’s prison… yes, well, field days all round.
This is the left wing’s perennial ‘find a victim’ storyline, and the bBBC is as usual happy to oblige.
But it could get worse.
They’ll be focussing on the wheelchair-bound BAME transgender community before too long…….
The simple truth is if they hadn’t committed the crime (GBH?), they wouldn’t be inside
It is sad, but no sadder than the other suicides that happen in prisons, young offenders institutes psychiatric hospitals and all over the UK
If you can’t do the time……
No sympathy from the women prisoners who wouldn’t want a male put wi th them , or with the male prisoners who wouldn’t want something like that with them , I’m shocked BBC !
If I identify myself as a BBC reporter , can I use the BBC canteen ?
Does anyone, apart from leftie students and their mimics at the bBBC, really care about ‘transgender issues’?
Do I care – I can’t bear even to think about it.
If I recall correctly a piece I read in the last day or so, this person committed a crime (or crimes – I suspect that it was not a single crime which initiated this problem)for which they were given a 12-month jail sentence only a couple of months ago, but the sentence was suspended dependent on good behaviour. This person then committed at least one further offence, breaking the terms of their suspended sentence, and was therefore incarcerated.
FFS – it’s almost as if they were deliberately trying to create this situation.
Never mind ‘..don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time….’ – that was the warning they got a couple of months ago, and they decided to just go ahead and repeat their actions anyway. Self-inflicted in so many ways, if you ask me.
Seeing as this is a condition recognised in DSM IV and DSM V perhaps David you would inform us all of your medical qualifications, and your papers on this subject?
It is recognised as a medical condition and if it wasn’t for rank ignorance & prejudice you wouldn’t have posted this. If someone had said they had a heart condition and prison would kill them you wouldn’t have posted this. If someone had schizophrenia and said prison would kill them you wouldn’t have posted this.
Tell you the solution David, and I’m sure you’ll be very happy with it. As soon as anyone says they’re trans or Gay then they could be immediately arrested and shot dead.
Fully Muslim compliant ! You do realise you’re supporting the Islamic values you so often complain about ?
You’re backing a very suspect horse by quoting the DSM, Thoughtful. It’s about as reliable a guide as Harper’s – great for a survey of current fashion but of questionable value beyond that.
I have some sympathy with your point about transsexualism and homosexuality but I don’t see that as being the crux of David Vance’s complaint. He was, rightly I suspect, criticising the BBC’s curious notion that self-identfying as something is as good as being it and should be accepted without question.
Try presenting to a psychiatrist as Napoleon Bonaparte and see where that gets you.
Well there’s no one else going to tell you but the one afflicted !
The Social Justice Warriors have for certain used both groups as levels to attack those the oppose (everyone sane) but that does not mean that that those they have chosen are in any way ‘wrong’.
People suffer from body dysmorphia, its not one of the social justice warriors favoured groups, and no one has a go at them even though they self identify by wanting perfectly healthy limbs removed.
What is DSM 4 and the other ?
It’s short for The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and is an American publication revised every now and then to reflect current American thinking about mental conditions. As such it is as much a document revealing social attitudes as it is anything scientific. For example, in past DSMs homosexuality was considered a form of sociopathic personality disturbance. That was until 1974, incidentally.
How things change…
Just one more unwanted **** from the many millions of unwanted, unnecessary, otiose ****s we have in the UK.
Let us hope it turns into an epidemic and millions die of it, starting in Broadcasting House, The Palace of Westminster, Labour HQ, Green HQ, Lib-Dim HQ. Tory HQ. Then spreads to various European centress which I need not list.
Has anyone asked the women prisoners if they want a chick with a dick sent to join them?