The BBC’s Graham Satchell is overcome with emotion for the victims of the Paris terror attacks……
I might have had some respect for that if he didn’t work for an organisation that within hours of the Paris attack was trying to excuse the killers’ actions and blame them upon French society itself, and has subsequently kept up a relentless narrative of Muslim victims driven to become ‘radical’ killers by an uncaring France. The BBC seems completely unable to contemplate that these ‘radicals’ might just want to destroy Western society and live in a Muslim state under Sharia law.
Not as if some at the BBC don’t recognise this is a clash of cultures……(H/T Craig at Is the BBC biased?)…
‘Last night’s Newsnight special ended with a dramatic ‘piece to camera’ from Emily Maitlis in Paris:
Well, no expected to see us here back in the same city twice in one year. We were here in January after the Charlie Hebdo attacks and what’s striking is how we tried to to make sense of them then. Was it, we asked, about press freedom? Was it about satire? Was it about causing offence? The answer, in the light of what’s happened here now, is clearly ‘no’. This is a war on all our culture and all our countries. And it almost certainly won’t end here in France. But from all of us here, good night!’
“Once again we’ve seen an outrageous attack to terrorize innocent civlians,” Obama said, adding that it is an “attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share.”
The BBC prefers to pander to the Islamists who use ‘human rights’ groups as fronts for their Islamic supremacist scheming. The BBC is more than ready to ask groups such as ‘Cage’ or MPACUK for their opinions and treat them with a totally unwarranted respect, not challenging anything they say, giving them credibility and authority that then feeds back into their own propaganda making it more high profile and influential.
Here the BBC gives the Islamist IHRC a platform to peddle its anti-terror legislation line, hardly a surprise that the likes of Cage and the IHRC are opposed to such restrictions on Islamist behaviour…Government policy ‘negatively affects’ Muslims
Who is the IHRC’s spokesperson? One Arzu Merali, who says ‘”We have an environment now, where Muslim people feel they are suspected and where life is increasingly difficult. The impact of government policies, in particular those related with security, have really had an impact on silencing Muslims – not from a point of view of just talking about political issues, but even to report anti-Muslim hatred.”
Silencing Muslims? Really? They all seem rather vocal.
Why does the BBC give such people a platform, uncritical and unchallenged, when it is clear that there is a clash between Islamic values and Liberal, democratic ones especially as that same Arzu Merali indicates she has a problem with those ‘universal human rights’ cherished by Obama?…..she thinks Islam is the answer…..
As a human rights activist who sees cultural imperialism in current human rights discourses, I am at ease with the various arguments generated by western academia to deconstruct the problems that surround the (lack of) universality of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, its inherent racism and cultural bias, how it really doesn’t assist the most oppressed peoples of the world and so on….I can tell anyone at a hundred paces what’s wrong with the current human rights regimes – I can not find people who can pose an alternative ethic. As a Muslim I want to scream out loud, that Islam fits that mould.
Islam is the answer but which Islam…this one she suggests, not unlike the one put forward by the Islamic State is it?….
Islam proper – the true and authentic, the most close to the time of the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his companions or family, or the four (or five) major schools of thought or the most sublime tarika and so on and on and on.
When will the BBC start to give these Islamists a much harder time and start to challenge and question their narrative?
At least we have good old Andrew Neil…….shame more aren’t so passionate to defend the ‘enlightenment’ values…..
Maybe he’s making up for shamefully kowtowing to the Islamist Mehdi Hasan.
Brillo is the best they have by a mile. We can expect his sacking sometime soon.
Satchell only ‘broke down’ as he’d just been informed his hotel minibar was not covered by expenses.
Maitlis is right, it is a clash of cultures but one that goes far beyond the black and white of Isis vs the West – it’s there to see in every Muslim country in the world to some degree or another.
Worse, it is here to see in the UK and in a far more insidious form where the Left with their multiculti agenda – which treats all cultures as equal (in fact most as superior to our own) – has campaigned for Islamic customs to gradually get a firmer foothold in our society, screaming ‘racist!’ at anyone who objects. That we have allowed ourselves to get to a position where gender segregation, bigamy and the burka (to name but three) are commonplace, and big populations in our towns and cities can live a parallel existence as if they’ve imported a small chunk of their God-forsaken homeland to live in, with not a murmur of a challenge from the so called ‘liberal’ left (and feminists in particular) let alone any action from government, is bloody terrifying.
20 years ago we could not have contemplated this state of affairs. I shudder to think what things will look like 20 years from now and I genuinely fear for my children and grandchildren.