Ok – the weekend beckons and time for a new one of these Open Threads for you to complete. I wrote something very similar one week ago and then watched the horrific events unfold in Paris. One week on, the BBC have reverted to the hateful but predictable mantra that Islam is the victim and that we can only defeat it by ..doing nothing. Anyway, the floor is yours….
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Re the current event in Mali, they’re releasing people who can recite the “Koran” so noithingtodowithIslamists strike again.
NTDWI™ and
© Very Stupid West
probably not a good time for them to crack this joke then and ask them which issue.
How refreshing to have something positive to say about the BBC for a change. Of course I’m referring to last night’s explosive rant by Andrew Neil. It was absolutely right for him to give such passionate vent to his emotions. Surely the entire country must agree with him in his appraisal of this loathsome, fascist filth? Well, sadly, not everyone. I hear that some (on the left obviously!) are tweeting their “concerns” about Brillo’s comments. And I’ve just heard some pathetic specimen on the radio, an Englishman believe it or not, telling us we should be careful what we say about ISIS in case WE upset THEM!
As far as I’m concerned Neil’s verbal blast was the best thing I’ve heard on the Beeb for decades.
Andrew Neil is one of the only decent broadcasters on the BBC. Most of the others are still looking everywhere for those “far right wingers” in case they say something outside of the BBC’s comfort zone and do something so harsh as triggering them into feeling unsafe.
Yea – definitely a shock. I mentioned this on the QT thread.
I was actually in bed, dozed off with the TV on, thought I was dreaming of a rant on Fox TV, opened my eyes, saw it was Brillo on the BBC. So shocked and amazed, sat up bolt upright, nearly wet the bed, and thought I had died and gone to heaven!
I agree that Andrew Neil’s blast was refreshing to hear on the BBC. I wonder how much longer he will be with us if he continues to voice such non PC views? He is one of very few , perhaps the only , BBC journalist who presents with a complete lack of bias, such that you don’t know what his politics are. However, in one vital respect his blast was mistaken. He said that in 1000 years ISIS will be forgotten but that French culture and French civilisation will still be going strong. In this I fear that he is wrong. If Muslims keep on entering Europe and France at the present rate for a few years, and if those Muslim women already here keep on having children at their current rate which is way higher than European women , Europe will become predominantly Muslim, with all the awful consequences that entails, within a few decades. Then French civilisation and the rest of European civilisation and culture will be forgotten by early next century.
President Hollande is correct, we are at war, but not just with ISIL but with millions of Muslim men and women who are in effect out breeding white Europeans . The future of Europe is unlikely to be white unless something dramatic changes.
Sorry to pour cold water on this Neil-fest, but he does the predictable and ignores the tough bit. Anyone but the most virulent and amoral islamist or nutjob leftist will agree that mass murderers are scum. The difficult bit he didn’t do, and that was to ascribe it to Islam, and suggest the answer, which may involve radical change in mind-set for Europe. We have allowed inhibition of our freedoms through threat of violence become the norm, all thanks to Islam. Yet we still wish to import more of the same. It is complete lunacy, and anytime it is brought up by those unafraid of being smeared by the establishment, the likes of Neil revert to type, and question the motives and ideology of those who would dare speak the truth.
For me, there are those who are brave, and will dare take on a religion that seems to have cast a spell upon our political classes of all hues, so much so that any criticism is totally verboten. Step forward Douglas Murray and Mark Steyn, who, unlike Neil, stood up for freedom of speech by turning up in Copenhagen, under intense security, to support and speak at the tenth anniversary of the Mohamed cartoons. Steyn, particularly, has being doing so for more than ten years, and in his book America Alone he noted quite presciently, given that the mantra from all, including Neil, is that all these acts are nothing to do with Islam..
‘Many of the developed world’s citizens gave no conscious thought to Islam pre-9/11. Now we switch on the news every evening and, though there are many trouble spots around the world, as a general rule it’s easy to make an educated guess at one of the participants: Muslims vs Jews in “Palestine”, Muslims vs Hindus in Kashmir, Muslims vs Christians in Africa, Muslims vs Buddhists in Thailand, Muslims vs Russians in the Caucasus, Muslims vs backpacking tourists in Bali, Muslims vs Danish cartoonists in Scandinavia. The environmentalists may claim to think globally but act locally, but these guys live it. They open up a new front somewhere on the planet with nary a thought.’
Fast forward 10 years and Steyn again gets it spot on
‘Islam already enjoys a unique dispensation in this regard. When a swastika is found on a bathroom stall on an American campus, officialdom does not line up to say that most white people “have nothing to do with racism”. Au contraire: insufficient denunciations of “white privilege” lead to the immediate loss of your job. When a single killer is discovered to have a Confederate flag emblem among his possessions, that’s reason enough to have it removed from all public land within the country, and even to have ancient TV shows that include a motor vehicle with a Confederate flag decal canceled from the rerun channels. But when the Koran and invocations therefrom are found among the possessions of killers in Bamoko, in Tel Aviv, in Paris, in Chattanooga these are just daily 24/7 exceptions that prove the ironclad rule that Muslims “have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism”.
So it is (apparently) unacceptable for western societies to have an honest discussion about, say, mass Muslim immigration and the expansion of ever more self-segregating communities within their borders’
That, Mr. Neil, is the sort of analysis required for those of us who’ve had enough. When you can provide something similar, rather than predictable, facile, meaningless hogwash that Cameron or May would spout, then I’ll cheer.
Excellent summation Logie.
Where does ‘Islamic’ and ‘Islamist’ come from, if not Islam? It really isn’t that difficult, is it?
Simon Heffer would not have got this past the
TorygraphLieborgraph editorial gestapo a fortnight ago.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/12009577/Paris-is-tragic-proof-that-Enoch-Powell-was-right-about-threats-to-our-country.html
The narrative is being ‘nudged’ perhaps?
Yes, and as Heffer points out, Cameron had a Tory wannabe sacked for daring to voice that opinion about Enoch Powell – which tells anyone with a mind all they need to know about Cameron.
Can you imagine the BBC allowing such a view to be broadcast in its stream of continuous cultural Marxism?
Indeed Angryman. I’ve had enough of so-called right-wing outlets and commentators in this country, for with few exceptions they are all infected with the progressive narrative which gives us the madness abroad today. Indeed, on 6th September this year, the very same Simon Heffer penned an article for the Telegraph with the headline ‘It’s Madness Not To Take In More Syrian Refugees’. Presumably, he had no difficulty getting that one past the usual suspects at the once respectable Telegraph, and his subsequent stuff seems to contradict that article, probably the result of recent events. Decent articles are few and far between, and you have to go further afield to find anything that chimes with any sort of rationale or rigorous thought, certainly from a truly conservative perspective.
I have all the time in the world for Andrew Neil, but I did feel my toes curling a bit. His speech reminded me of an address to camera with patriotic music in the background by Hughie Green forty odd years ago. I would prefer taking the piss out of the murdering bastards, and continuing to test the “nothing to do with Islam” trope to destruction.
A couple of days ago on the Today programme they highlighted a report how babies were being born because of inadequacies within hospitals midwife services and lack of monitoring of pregnant women (read vicious Tory Cuts). Their guest was an American sounding woman who had sadly had to deliver her still born baby at full term. She said the baby ‘had looked perfect’. She then explained that she had been monitored and in spite of the baby not growing at a normal rate, the doctors (including a consultant had not intervened). Sarah Montague did a great job with the sympathy but asked no questions about if the baby had not been growing properly might the outcome been the same, or whether delivery might have meant the baby might have been born with serious defects. I am not an obstetrician but the answers to these questions might have some relevance and if the answer is that early intervention would have made a difference and the baby born in good health, tell us. It is too easy to blame everything on lack of money but Gordon spent as though there was no tomorrow and we are still paying the price.
Which brings me on to Today today (Friday). Of course the Police are going to say that cuts will mean they cannot manage a major incident (I felt like Mandy Rice Davies shouting at the radio). Yet last night the BBC news with Eddie Mair on Radio 4 had agreed with the doctors who were indignant that they should even be asked if they would work on a strike day if there was a major incident. Very much how acceptable on the BBC depends on whether the Labour luvvies agree with their guest.
Sorry about the double post, nothing seemed to happen when I first hit the ‘post comment’ button.
the site has been very slow today in my experience Deborah. Maybe there is just too much bias to report!
The police are useful idiots.
More public sector shills that dispassionate upholders of the law.
Like the Church, the Army and Prison Oficers-these hated oppressors of Moaty, butchers of Blair Peach, hounders of Bin Ladens bumchums and Islamophobic Homophobies…they are only useful to the BBC and the Left as long as they`re embarrassing Tories…The Man as it were.
The Tories are shit, May and Hunt are pondslime-but we democratically elected them…I never had a say in Shami, Frances Crook or Giles Fraser….so they can fup off!
When Toady said d that the Police and the Tories are “typically at loggerheads”…I turned off-it was a “leaked letter”-so if the gobshites won`t put their names to it, they`re craven thieves…only an NHS whistleblower need fear retribution…the police sure don`t(Andrew Mitchell anybody?)
A couple of days ago on the Today programme they highlighted a report how babies were being born because of inadequacies within hospitals midwife services and lack of monitoring of pregnant women (read vicious Tory Cuts). Their guest was an American sounding woman who had sadly had to deliver her still born baby at full term. She said the baby ‘had looked perfect’. She then explained that she had been monitored and in spite of the baby not growing at a normal rate, the doctors (including a consultant had not intervened). Sarah Montague did a great job with the sympathy but asked no questions about if the baby had not been growing properly might the outcome been the same, or whether delivery might have meant the baby might have been born with serious defects. I am not an obstetrician but the answers to these questions might have some relevance and if the answer is that early intervention would have made a difference and the baby born in good health, tell us. It is too easy to blame everything on lack of money but Gordon spent as though there was no tomorrow and we are still paying the price.
Which brings me on to Today today (Friday). Of course the Police are going to say that cuts will mean they cannot manage a major incident (I felt like Mandy Rice Davies shouting at the radio). Yet last night the BBC news with Eddie Mair on Radio 4 had agreed with the doctors who were indignant that they should even be asked if they would work on a strike day if there was a major incident. Very much how acceptable on the BBC depends on whether the Labour luvvies agree with their guest.
Here’s a little poem BBC journalists could learn so they can enlighten their audience whenever they are interviewing anyone. You can discover/uncover such a lot using just these six interogatives.
“I keep six honest serving men,
(They taught me all I knew)
Their names are What and Why and When
and How and Where and Who.”
From the Elephants Child by Rudyard Kipling.
BBC breakfast news this morning with some female Muslim of Yemeni heritage (sporting a poppy to show how British she is) relaying a story of how a woman with a 7 year old child had told her in a shop to “move, terrorist”. In turn she had kindly offered to take the woman for a coffee so they could talk about it.
Cue gasps from the sofa at such an atrocity against a peace loving ROPer.
You know, it sounded to me like a totally made up bullshit tale to fit some kind of narrative……..
But hey, perfect chance to then wheel out a tell MAMA bloke to let us know it’s the Muslims who are the real victims in all of this.
Cue sage nodding from the sofa.
Same old appeasing shit. Same old BBC
Yeah, the people who were massacred in Paris were not the REAL victims.
This is now on the previous thread but I have E-mailed the BBc (as a complaint) asking if this “story has any third person Verification.
Shock horror! Woman in hijab is subjected to “islamophobic abuse”.
I should imagine that during the height of the Blitz, someone walking around the East End wearing a Wehrmacht uniform wouldn’t have been too popular either.
Thanks Lobster,
The weekend always starts better when you can have a good chuckle.
Luftwaffe dear Lobster…Luftwaffe…
Yes Lobster but that was before the BBC became enlightened. ( ie. populated by Left wingers and homosexuals.)
I saw the programme. The same sentiments.
The BBC are not clueless. They are leftists.
On today’s BBC News (Breakfast and the 1 o’clock News), they said those who attacked France got in ‘undetected’, a euphemism for ‘They came in hiding amongst the refugees’
The BBC is not going to like this, unless it is taken as read that the Graun, and Muslims, do not see them as the media’…
Meanwhile, in Mali, ‘men’ are checking whether ‘people’ can recite from bibles to spare them in the name of… nothing to do with Dave.
“British Muslims tell us how their lives have changed due to the demonisation of their religion”…
British Muslims tell us how their lives have changed due to the demons within their religion.
There fixed it.
I wonder is these ignorant, self centred muslims have ever given a single thought to how OUR lives have been affected due to thier shitty ideology?
Did’nt think so.
Well said. After all we were never consulted as to whether we wanted out country ruined by these awful people. So , as there is no democratic mandate for their being here , I consider them all to be illegal immigrants with none of the rights which we British citizens have. The BBC can chew on that one!
“The media have failed us.”
They got that bit right!
Vote UKIP.
Fergul Keane reports that angry white northern middle aged UKIP supporter who complains that his halal Morissons sausage contains no pork is denounced as a racist. We are the real victims says a random “Britain should be in Islam”voter.
It`s all about them.
Always is.
And the BBC feed their grievances as imagined by the Dara RADA taqqiya merchants-who probably mugged a Chelsea pensioner for the poppy they sport(ass needs be).
As Phil said-“Don`t Believe A Word”…and IS are more reliable re truth than the BBC.
Imagine that-the national broadcaster we fund by compulsion is a better measure of truth than the corkscrew double backed liars for Islam that the BBC now turn out to be.
If you were Is, wouldn`t YOU let the BBC continue to leech the nation, provide free propaganda and lie, obscure and dissemble for …well, the smell of serge, the rush of adrenaline and to traipse three steps behind a real man who does drugs, and leaves some under the borrowed burqa.
Well, one little boy in the media has not failed the moslems. Young Owen definitely wins my prize for inarticulate appeasement together with camera shots of violins and scarfs.
‘They are not muslims’, says the woman. She should know, she is wearing a scarf.
That’s the way Owen, show ’em a bit of our humanity, reet lad.
And still the Muslim Council has failed to denounce the attacks.
How about a public statement from them, declaring any Muslim joining IS is no longer a muslim? That would go a long way to changing attitudes
A fatwa from any one of the many imams would be good – they’ve done it for authors, cartoonists and film-makers so shouldn’t be difficult
LOT, here is an early version, from another group of mass murderers.
Used, widely in the USA in the 1950s.
When a member of the Communist Party is asked if they belong to the Communist Party at that moment their membership is suspended.
They may then answer,”truthfully”, in the negative.
Following which there membership is re-instated.
well, it’s good but it’s not the right answer. We have to look again about what we have done. We have welcomed muslims with open arms, changed our schools to accomodate them, built bloody mosques for them, given them thier own news channel (!) and still they want to kill us.
It’s time not just to take stock but to reverse the mistakes we have made thus far.
re Jeff at 12.57 re Andrew Neil on This Week.
I’ve just googled ‘Andrew Neil ISIS’ and happily all the top hits are about his wonderful anti-ISIS tirade last night, which I watched live, open mouthed, but happy.
And going down google we find ( in order) links to the Daily Mail, Independent, Mirror, Huffington Past, IBTImes, The Sun, and next – amazingly – the Guardian, then the Spectator, the Times, and GQ.
Notice what’s missing? Al-Beeb of course. But then he wasn’t very ‘impartial’.
He’s gonna be on the naughty step for sure.
Jeremy Vine wants to discuss whether Andrew Neil’s rant was appropriate.
Of course it was not appropriate for the BBC to broadcast his rant. It was full of truth about Islam, for a change, and the BBC cannot be seen to be broadcasting the truth, now can it?
Why do they call it a “rant” – it was just some plain speaking, something the BBC sorely lacks most of the time.
Good spot Rob, but it leads only to ‘this episode will be available soon’ at the time of writing.
Not being a Vine show person, not sure if this is some normal iplayer time delay or a useful censorship ploy.
Mr. Neil should tell Mr. Vine that his views are his own, and any further inquiry or discussion is subjection to exemption ‘for the purposes, art and literature’.
That will of course not prevent Mr. Vine applying maximum narrative filter to who this is or is not to be discussed with.
Sack of rats #101
The wheels are in motion. Expect faux outrage at it’s peak by Sunday morning, and Neil moved on to pastures new.
Probably ITV
As we have seen, Jeremy Vine has two left feet……..rather appropriate i guess.
Here’s another vitally important piece of ‘news’ that al Beeb want to share with us: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-34878383
Sometimes the bias is subtle, sometimes it’s sickeningly obvious.
Have they found the moment when people began to see the BBC as the propaganda arm of the public sector left? Have far back does that go?
Two explosions in London over the last 24 hours and not a single peep on the BBC about them.
One outside Baker street station last night, claimed as a ‘controlled explosion’, a second in a Café Nero again described as a controlled explosion, yet witnesses were tweeting that these both went off prior to security forces arriving.
And now another controlled explosion on a ‘suspicious package’ at a Jewish School in Gateshead – unreported yet again by the BBC.
The BBC don’t do news they do (Leftist) narrative and (Leftist) comment.
Muslims don’t like too much multiculturalism, specially when their motive is to make Europe Islamic.
Italian Police: Muslim Migrants Threw Christians Overboard
BBC Radio 2 Steve Wright, Young Comedian of The Year, live….
Diversity rules, half African, half Indian female ‘comedian’ gets a ten minute slot to basically keep telling us about her mixed race in a supposedly comedic way. Her final ‘joke’ : “UKIP gets 3 million votes, phone my Mum to ask her what she’s still doing here…..” funny? nah, but the audience thought it was hilarious…
She’s doing what the BBC often do when relating to the UKIP vote, rounding down, 3 million votes sounds better than very nearly 4 million doesn’t it.
What’s the betting she wins?
Normally I find Steve Wright one of the less offensive BBC presenters, but this is one show I’ll be giving a miss, OFF!
The term “beyond parody” doesn’t really do it justice, does it?
Geoff, you must be a clairvoyant. Well who would have thought it. I don’t know whether to explode with rage or drown in my own piss laughing at the most blatant and obvious bias & rigging. Just like bakeoff it was a foregone conclusion. This ‘comedian’ is about as funny as finding a wart on the end of your cock, still, she’ll go a long way at Al Beeb.
3,881,128 votes, plus me.
Plus a few lost in transit in the Margate area…
The VD programme this morning, was engaged in a religious propaganda blast on behalf of Islam, using three properly attired Muslim women.
Despite the BBC’s odious propaganda on behalf of the most retrograde ideology in human history, I would not wish these leftists what they would get of Islam, if ever Islam became the rule in England.
PS: The way Muslims are behaving in England at the moment, one could get the impression, they already are the rulers.
I can’t see any mention of this on the BBC news website for the Midlands.
It’s not like them to miss something like this ………
Not reported on the BBC
If it had been the other way round, you can bet your bottom dollar we’d never hear the end of it.
Oh … like this?
BBC1 – News
Prime airtime, front and centre 8 10 am … has Fiyaz Mughal from Tell LIES, oops I mean MAMA
With some blown up (sorry) story, with an Islamic girl whose been “frightened to go out”? since
the Paris Islamic massacre … ahh! “Islamofauxbia” you see, lots of airtime, deeply concerned faces all round.
The MCB has gone po faced to give it laughable gravitas, don t know how these beneath contempt creatures
have the nerve
… the Al BBC … they re “all ears” and hypnotised with concern
This story is so full of holes, the girl has a shock of red hair, all the lippy, actually looks more Thai than Arab
… is obviously a real internet activist
Anyway … someone says “move you terrorist?” … and?
How would anyone know? … know she s muslim? … was she wearing a hijab? a burkha? an anti Israel T-shirt?
if she is just a quiet girl erm “Terrified” to go out, because? of Islamofauxbia? to Lidl? ……. patently absurd
because of reading BS on the net? … or Tell MAMA s propaganda?
Beebot … “oooh that’s racist” “you were racially abused”
… NO IT ISN T BBC, and NO SHE WASN T. Islam is NOT a race how many more times BBC
and, anyway, saying terrorist isn t racism.
This again is political strategy to gain “victimhood”, and is deflection from said ideology
no more no less
This is a non story, trumped up by a questionable set up like Tell MAMA with the BBC s full backing
Now a video on this moves to the news pages …
Paris attacks: BBC News – UK Muslims “cry wolf” … oops sorry, I mean “call for solidarity”
Some have already reported an increase in abuse following the attacks, which were claimed by Islamic State (IS). “Reported”? … who to? … Tell MAMA? … must be truth then.
And there`ll be no mention on Sunday tomorrow…or on any so-called religious format on the BBC.
And certainly not for discussion on the BBCs Sunday telly where they discuss the papers and stories from the past week.
BUT-shit as that lot of lying scum for Islam are-I just KNOW there`llbe no mention of this at any bloody church the length and breadth of this land either.
Just yet more “Do They Know Its Xmas” photos from Lesbos…should Muslims be ALLOWED to go there, given what THEY think of gays?
The Church is a self-folding deck chair, it`ll be gone very soon-then maybe the REAL Christianity we need will come.
Boy-I`ve turned into an ecclesiastical Peter Hitchens….last columnist to quote the Bible.
Save-funnily enough-from a grotesque misquote from Iain Lee-if only it`d have been THAT that got him sacked eh?
in Case you missed Brillo
Great stuff !
Superb Mr Neil , tell it as it is !
He should become a politician and join UKIP.
The BBC already had an inquest a phone in so the speedial could get warmed up. on 5Dead
Classic BBC comic timing, at the very time their handwringing about the truth, a van packed with explosives outside the EU. and … Mali Hotel terrorists start
Just listened to the Vile follow up.
Seems this the first time a BBC member of staff has strayed beyond impartial reportage. Uh-huh.
Too much to hope Jezza is on board by propelling it beyond TW obscurity to Middle England’s lazy earholes?
Nice of Piers to be brought on. Have not heard from him for a good few hours. Classy to start with a joke.
That said, I suspect a few heads nodding.
Shame John Oliver did it first, but worth the repeat.
“Can you imagine Cameron saying that?”
No. Cool heads. But, hey, what about a few other high profile pols?
Next up a snotty bag telling ‘us’ how we ‘feel’, after alluding that Andrew went on air pissed. There is a legal term for that.
Blithe, lazy, easy… unhelpful. Who the hell was she? Blithe Bea? Did like the ‘one way or another, presenters let their opinion come through’.
Then , what she calls them is… irrelevant, because she has no idea how to answer the question? So forensic and tough that she actually had zero anything of value to say. Nice one, Mr. Dale.
My only concern is precedent. Er… Jasmine, you are back on duty! Open season of Nigel now, and not even a slapped wrist.
And finally, of course, the spirit of Woodward and Bernstein as we discover Jezza has one degree of separation listeners who can speak for him?
Indeed he has, carefully passed through the Vile filter first.
There is nothing brave in this except that he might get a severe flouncing off from his producer’s boss.
Essentially he is just saying the same as the rest of the political/media elite, ‘this is nothing to do with Islam’, and he is on safe ground because the only people who would disagree with him are the substantial number of ‘western’ Muslims who approve of jihadis, ‘because you had it coming’.
While we all repeat the ‘nothing to do with Islam’ mantra and lay down figurative flowers and token teddy bears, distracted by the carnage, the ‘real’ Islam is quietly taking away our freedoms and way of life. Islam is and always has been at ideological war with ‘the west’. ISIS and the ‘militants’ are just the flash grenades to distract us while ‘moderate’ Muslims take over.
Andrew Neil is just as much part of the problem as the rest of the media, in fact perhaps worse, because he too distracts us from the essential real problem that Islam is a way of life that considers itself supreme to all others and cannot be reasoned with. If you don’t agree with that you will be enslaved or killed and if you are Muslim, (we all are really), and leave the ‘faith’ you will be killed. That is a ‘mainstream’ opinion, openly expressed on Beyond Belief and other BBC programmes, yet never challenged, (“You cannot be serious!”). How long would any other political/religious group get away with saying the same about other religions or peoples before it was banned.
Welcome to The World of Islam, (one of the world’s ‘great’ religions, says our PM),
Need to write down some of Neil’s words.
“Loser jihadists. Beheadings, crucifixions, amputations, slavery, mass murder, medieval squalor, a death cult barbarity that would shame the Middle Ages.”
“Islamist scumbags” “You will be dust along with a ragbag of Nazis, Fascists, and Stalinists”
Well he obviously won’t be on Question Time, BBC News, or Marr any time soon. Bit surprised the BBC Trust have not yet been forced to distance themselves from these ‘unrepresentative remarks lacking impartiality’
Well done Brillo. MY moment of the week!
At least Andrew Neil has the balls to say what we all know to be true. Maybe he is too big a beast for the BBC to sack him.
Why? He distances IS from European Muslims as if they are two things apart. The problem we face is that there are very many Muslims who support IS in Europe, and we cannot ever know who or how many they are.
This is nothing which hasn’t been heard before and because people are banned from discussing Islam and its teaching on the BBC no one is aware of the nature of this ideology.
The Nazi’s Fascists and Stalinists are still around today, and many of them are working in the media and the public sector. Rather than them being dust they are in positions of power!
I listened to what Andrew Neil said and I agree that it was refreshing to hear a BBC presenter say the things that he did, especially in the way that he delivered them.
I would dispute, however, his conclusion that cities such as Paris and London (as they are now) will still exist in 1000 years, whilst ISIS will have long since been vanquished.
If the U.K. and Western Europe; stopped all immigration tomorrow from Islamic countries, yet their birth rates continued to decline or didn’t increase. The indigenous populations of the U.K. and the other countries of Western Europe will still become minorities within those countries and Muslims shall eventually form the majority of their populations.
A.N. talked of how democracy has always triumphed against those who would overthrow it, yet how will it triumph when increasing Muslim populations within the democracies of the West, will reflect a concomitant increase in their power via the ballot boxes of those selfsame democracies?
Those Western European cities will still exist, but unless measures are undertaken to remove Muslims from the West and to prevent any further immigration from the Middle East and the Third World; then they certainly won’t remain cities of light in the next millennia.
If you need any evidence for this transformation, look at Marseille +60% Muslim; or London +50% non-white. If you had told the inhabitants of those cities 40 years ago that this is what was going to occur, they would have thought you insane: yet here we are.
Bravo to A.N. – but it is the very presence of Islam in the West that is the supreme problem, not that of ISIS in the Middle East.
You are right. In a hundred years’ time, I foresee the Eiffel Tower will be used as a minaret, assuming an airliner hasn’t been flown into it by “militants”.
And the BBC will become the IBC and instead of ‘Multi-culti’ will become ‘uni-culti or die’.
Mali siege. Making people recite the Koran, shouting Allah Ackibar, perhaps it might have something to to do with Islam eh Teresa and BBC?
Says BBC:
‘There is as yet no established link with the attacks in Paris one week ago that killed 130 people’.
Well that’s it then, look elsewhere for the link. It’s those lone wolves again.
I don’t mean to sound unsympathetic but if the bbbc are discovering that there are many muslims out there who are being picked on because they are muslims then
why doesn’t someone suggest that these people ‘FUCK OFF AND GO AND LIVE IN A MUSLIM COUNTRY’ as I heard someone say the other day?
Oh, hang on perhaps they can’t as those countries are all basket cases or actually fighting civil wars…….just an observation
BBC midday news and the journalist embedded with the Syrian family get as far as Serbia , where a policeman plays with a toddler .
The family are happy to see that there are mosques there .
Wouldn’t they see even more in Saudi , Qatar , Iran etc , didn’t they see any in Turkey ? Is a mosque or any other Islamic artefact a sign of peace and prosperity for them ?
The mosque is a magnet, a symbol, a rallying point. It says ‘Here you will be amongst your own’. In any area where a new mosque springs up, a large Muslim population follows. They are like a never-ending procession of Trojan Horses.
The London BBC news are currently telling us that there has been a dramatic increase in “Islamophobic incidents”…whatever that means; perhaps an unpleasant stare, a nasty comment…I take it none of them have been shot, blown up, raped or beheaded.
They interviewed a young female Muslim who told us, “It’s just awful, I don’t feel safe in this country any more.”
I’ve got to tell you something, sweetheart, you ain’t the only one!
Same on bBC scotland tonight, I’m wondering who is under siege here?
I advise storing up on bacon. Theresa will respond by restricting sales of pork products that can be used to intimidate moslems, such as leaving bacon slices in the car parks of mosques, and other uses which will make their lives intolerable.
Leha – Niqab Sturgeon has already told us that freedom of speech will not be tolerated in Scotland.
This woman and the whole SNP exist to divide. They are bent on destroying the successful union of the English and Scots but look forward to co-existing with Islam!
Well, listening to that angry speech it is pretty clear where freedom of speech is going. Do the people who voted SNP really want mass immigration from the Middle East and restrictions on their freedom of expression? Did they know that when they voted for them? Gordon Bennett!
I don’t like Disco. There. I’ve said it. It’s out there on the internet. I can’t retract that but that is how I feel.
But I am not “Discophobic.”
There are many things that I haven’t got much time for or maybe, for many reasons, I am suspicious off. I didn’t have much time for the views of Scott when he was on here. That didn’t mean I was “Scottophobic.”
This “Islamaphobic” label is just the stuff that lazy media types use as a bludgeon for any dissent against the the ROP.
Its a classic left weapon: “Disagree? Well I’ll put you on the back-foot by saying you are a Little Englander/Islamophobe/Daily Mail Reader/ Racist/ Homophobic/Anti-European/Fascist/ Tory/Reactionary/ add your own. Explain that away matey and I’ll not move on and certainly not engage in debate with you…”
“Islamophobe” is a false and corrupt term .
By the way I think the Church of England is badly and weakly led but I am not “Christianophobic”
May I suggested a number of the followers of the the Religion of Peace might be “Christianophobic,” “Hinduphobic” “Sikhophobic” (I could go on with every religion or view that is not their own) which if the media and particularly the BBC is so insistent to use such terms as “Islamophobic” would have more validity and therefore should be used more widely.
And whilst talking of Scotland, all day I have been hearing about some wintry weather “up North” with a bit of white stuff blowing around etc and all day I’m being told that the minimum temperature is going to be minus 2 degrees. Well, “they” are lying to us again (as “they” always seem to do when it comes to ‘minimum’ temperatures), for, just outside Fort William, a designated Met Office recording station is at 19.15 showing minus 5.3 degrees. Many other stations are now reporting minus 2 degrees so with the hours of darkness still to run for approx’ 12 hours, I’m pretty sure minus 2 degrees will only be an average and not a minimum as has been reported in weather bulletins. Funny how they always get the High temperatures about right but are always way off in the minimum department. I wonder why that would be?
Oh, and if it was you Mr Vine (of the BBC) that sent me the “re-tweet” yesterday concerning the Met Office “severe weather warning” (issued yesterday) concerning snow for today which I had predicted last week (for today), it did give me a chuckle last night. Thank you. 😎
Yes, well done, TOB. I’d made a mental note of your prediction and,. once again, you’ve been proved correct.
As for the Met Office’s reporting, my observation based on careful attention paid to my own area is that it consistently overstates highs and noticeably understates the lows.
Of course, I can’t imagine why.
Cheers GC, and for your information, the weather stations that were showing at or below minus 2 degrees at 19.00 tonight, somehow, despite being automatic reporting stations no longer show any automatic reports. Basically, they have been switched off! You have to laugh don’t you? Got down to minus 7 at one of them before the cleaner pulled the plug out.
Mind you, it would be hard to hide the MINUS 38 degrees in Alaska at the moment. Looks like it might be a record low for November.
To add, has anyone ever stopped to think what would happen to the data sets if those stations in the U.K. (or elsewhere) that were in a position to report “cold” or “cooling” temperatures were “switched off” leaving only the ones which historically recorded “warm” or “warming” temperatures working?
We all know mate. Was talking to the missus on the way to Tesco saying the only thing that will wake people up in this country will be loss of power. The minute they can’t play with their phones and watch propoganda on the T.V. the shit will hit the fan. Only then will they start to question the managerial skills of our Conservative government and find them seriously lacking. I pay my taxes for defence and energy they seem to be erring on both
Now be fair. The energy mess we are in may not be being solved by the Tories who are, I agree, a shower, but it was very definitely caused by Miliband and Labour.
Apart from a couple of Conservative MPs, they ALL voted for Ed Miliband’s Climate Change Act, which will close down Britain if taken to its logical conclusion. You do recall the Heir to Blair taking a trip to the Arctic Circle to be pulled on a sled by huskies don’t you? It’s all to show how much he cares.
Already being done OB.
Large numbers of stations were closed years ago in Russia particularly and temperatures are ‘extrapolated’ and ‘homogenized’ for these regions instead. (i.e made-up)
When the made-up numbers don’t look scary enough they resort to fiddling.
Me too I always look out for your weather gems and parrot them to everyone who will listen. Spot on as always lets see how long they can keep them lights on with their windmills as we head into a long winter. I bet they aren’t that confident. Russian planes flying with impunity around the good old U.K. . He is good that Putin never before has the West looked so weak
This is the state of the do-gooding liberals in the public sector, and why our society is doomed to fail.
How on earth did we end up with the genetic runts of the litter lecturing us?
Israel spy Pollard freed by US after 30 years in prison
This being the BBC the following information vital to understanding the story is missing:
1) Pollard was persuaded to convict himself in a plea bargain that would have protected his wife from prison. The judge rejected the plea bargain. Had Pollard simply refused to answer any questions he probably would have not been convicted of espionage. BTW that was his right under the 5th Amendment ‘shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself’ provision.
2) He was the only American ever given a life sentence for spying for an ally. His thirty years served was longer than spies for enemy states.
3) In revelations from Edward Snowden it was shown that America also spies on its allies. Even before Snowden there were allegations that America spies on Israel were published The arrest of Yosef Amit for spying on Israel for America has received much less coverage than Pollard.
“It is difficult for me to conceive of a greater harm to national security than that caused by the defendant in view of the breadth, the critical importance to the U.S., and the high sensitivity of the information he sold to Israel.”
“In so doing, he both damaged and destroyed policies and national assets which have taken many years, great effort and enormous national resources to secure.”
“Pollard…has stated his hope that he will yet be able to immigrate to Israel…it clearly indicates that his loyalty to Israel transcends his loyalty to the United States. Nor, apparently, does any residual loyalty to the United States persuade him that he should protect U.S. national defense information at all.”
Casper W. Weinberger, Secretary of Defense – declassified statement to the court during Pollard’s trial.
The backlash faced by Muslims in the UK following the Paris attacks.
On the Sky News web site, the lead example is a Muslim who went into work the day after the attacks and his colleagues joked that he must be a bomber because he is a Muslim. Can you imagine the horror?
On the Guardian website the lead example is a Muslim who gave a bus passenger £5 to help him with his fare and the driver and passenger looked at him in a surprised manner. Shameful isn’t it?
How can we indigenous brits live with ourselves whilst such shameful crimes of hate and Islamophobia such as these exist?
Oh, if only we could aspire to the Muslim way of turning the other cheek to any slight.
Yes its absolutely disgusting the way Muslims have been targeted in The West having their daughters gang raped and if their family complain they get threatened with arrest. Being slaughtered on their way to work. Being made to recite the Bible and if they can’t then butchered. Having their schools raided and their children sold into slavery. Oh wait!
Just reading about the antics of Red Adair and him being commissioned to extinguish the oil fires of Kuwait. He obviously didn’t like Muslims and I doubt the US government would allow him to do this today.
“The Kuwaiti government played up over his demand for an aircraft full of whiskey (“Do they want their fires out, or not?”), and he never got the 4,000 pigs he had requested to detonate the mines which Saddam was supposed to have strewn across the oilfields.”
Extract from the Independent by Jon Stone written 2 days ago about government advice on what to do in a Paris style attack.
Can someone translate for me as this is not in English.
“Officers may point guns at you, treat your firmly, question you, be unable to distinguish you from the attacker.”
Either a misquote, shoddy journalism, proof reading or basic insanity. Since it is the Independent I assume its is a 12 year old Journalist from Lapland. Nobody is treating my firmly under any circumstances!
Friday is, of course, HIGNFY night and with the reportedly fragrant Mrs Coren-Mitchell in the chair, and Jacob Rees-Mogg bravely allowing the usual four-on-one verbal beating up to happen yet again, Mrs Loather and I settled down to watch. I lasted 7 minutes before removing a large and smelly poo from the cat’s litter tray seemed a far more attractive and better use of my time.
I flicked on just in time to see the “hilarious” Paul Merton haranguing Rees-Mogg over the amount of Corporation Tax paid by Google, Facebook et al.
Such an inspired and original line of “comedy” naturally drew tumultuous applause from the politically balanced audience.
“That Merton”, thought I, “is truly a comedic legend”.
Then I flicked over to the shopping channel for a bit of entertainment.
I’m afraid I haven’t been watching BBC of late. It’s too much like immersing your head in a bucket of pus. On Sky some reporter is telling us that Parisians are resisting ISIS by eating, drinking, and generally enjoying life. I couldn’t help thinking that that was the way Parisians chose to resist the Nazis during WWII. Rather than joining the Resistance that is. Am I being too harsh?
Apparently only 1% of the French population became involved in the Resistance, so your line of thought may be correct, ID.
Recruitment shot up to 50% in May 1945.
Dodgy war stories are not unusual mind you. Every 25 stone slob within 25 miles of Hereford is ex SAS.
The ones who did join the resistance were brave. From today’s DT:
I wonder if the BBC will feature Alix d’Unienville on Last Word?
Wouldn’t dispute that:
Carve Her Name with Pride (1958)
Is our ‘impartial’ Al Beeb and the MSM starving this statesman of the ‘oxygen’ of telling the people of Great Britain the truth?
Watch from about 16:00 mins if you value your nation……………………….
If any of you have been following this one. http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/goldsmiths-diversity-officer-bahar-mustafa-accused-of-bullying-and-harassment-a3119256.html
A search of the name on the BBc news web page came up with zero when I looked.
Bat Ye’or’s book Eurabia Reviewed by Joel Fishman…
Bat Ye’or’s Eurabia represents a highly important contribution to our understanding of the relationship between the Islamic peoples of the Mediterranean Basin and the European states organized in the European Union.
Bat Ye’or advances the interpretation-with considerable documentation-that from 1974, the Arab world entered into an agreement with the EU, led by France. The price which the Arab countries demanded for an assured supply of fuel and presumably protection from terror was that Europe realign its foreign policy in complete support of the Arab cause. Europe should withdraw its support for Israel and work for its destruction; Europe should open its doors to large numbers of immigrants from Islamic lands and accept the new populations without attempting to integrate them culturally; Europe should change its cultural orientation to one which is Islamic and based on the model of the Mediterranean Basin taken as a harmonious economic unit. Bat Ye’or further identifies the two main ideological pillars of Eurabia as: (1) hatred of Israel combined with a strong dose of anti-Semitism, and (2) fierce opposition to the United States and its popular culture.
Bat Ye’or identifies France as the main mover in this project.
The field of Euro-Arab collaboration covered every domain: from economy and policy to immigration. In foreign policy, it backed anti-Americanism, anti-Zionism and Israel’s delegitimization; the promotion of the PLO and Arafat; a Euro-Arab associative diplomacy in international forums; and NGO collaboration. In domestic policy the EAD [Euro-Arab Dialogue] established a close cooperation between Arab and European media television, radio, journalists, publishing houses, academia, cultural centers, school textbooks, student and youth associations, tourism. Church interfaith dialogues were determinant in the development of this policy. Eurabia is therefore this strong Euro-Arab network of associations-a comprehensive symbiosis with cooperation and partnership on policy, economy, demography and culture.
– See more at: http://jcpa.org/article/joel-fishman-on-eurabia-the-euro-arab-axis/#sthash.04jD20Fw.dpuf
Polly Anna Doodle All The Way….
….along with the BBC Breakfast this morning newspaper review featuring happy-clappy Simon Fanshawe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Fanshawe self-confessed ‘Media Tart’.
“The lovely things that have come out…. (of the Parist terrorist atrocities)”
Simon gives us hints about how to explain the attacks to children. Which is fitting because he wants to explain to us Licence Paying kids how it all dates back to something bad ‘we’ did in 1916 and how (of course) it’s not really to do with islam or muslims, get this – it’s now a rivalry between Al-Q and ISIS. Pay attention now he says, the broadsheet big brains will be spelling it out to us shortly.
Soon after Paris I sensed the liberal media were feeling perplexed – but I joked that they would quickly sort out their narrative and normal service would soon be resumed.
So our Simon Fanshawe/BBC review led off with the Guardian (natch) then the Mirror – a quick flash of another paper front page headlining the wonky-interest only ‘Tory bullies’ story (nicely sitting alongside this morning’s BBC reports about childhood bullying (classy).
Health is all about ‘poverty’ we are told. Last time I looked smoking and drinking were expensive hobbies – but if Simon says.. no doubt, that’s what the BBC will do…
And finally,
hedgehogs are in danger – Simon tells us they are ‘falling into water’ and even ‘getting their heads stuck in mayonaise jars’ in fact anything he can think of so long as he avoids the newspaper report’s headline mention of ‘badgers’.
Do you see the parallel between talking about terror but trying to absolve islam and talking about hedgehogs without mentioning the exploding badger population who are busy eating the poor little buggers?
“it’s now a rivalry between Al-Q and ISIS. Pay attention now he says, the broadsheet big brains will be spelling it out to us shortly.” (after they ve listened to him, obviously)
Hmmm Yes … girlfriend, “Nothing to do” etc
… I mean, come on! … to call it Islamic terror?, as if its got anything to do with Muslims (chortle)
… its just soooo last week (bit like Paris)
… Just two gangs posturing to each other … like the dance off at “Funny Girls” (jazz hands!).
I suppose he and Iain Dale have got all the answers?
The BBC eh! … its just garbage isn t it, and of course they re not alone, the political collusion is so great.
“The Daily Mail, consistently one of the worst papers in the Western world, is clearly thrilled as it reports the claims of the family of jihad suicide bomber Hasna Ait Boulahcen, that she was a party girl with no interest in Islam or the Qur’an. These claims are being used not just by the Daily Mail, but by the mainstream media in general, to buttress their longstanding insistence that jihad terror has nothing to do with Islam.
The Daily Mail, however, inadvertently shoots this case in the foot by including the detail that Hasna Alt Boulahcen “only started wearing a Muslim veil a month ago.”
It is safe to assume that the bathtub shot is older than that, and that Hasna Alt Boulahcen started wearing the veil because she either had a change of heart and had forsaken her wild lifestyle for Islam,
or because she was forced to by her family, on pain of honor killing”
R Spencer
Related to the erm “terror mastermind” (shakes head)
Oh! “Her nickname was ‘The Cowgirl’ as she liked to wear big cowboy hats ”
……. but, not anymore
Yehar! ten gallon hat on a two pint head
Lets not touch on the real reason hedgehogs are disappearing, that because of our burgeoning population their habitat is being taken over by endless housing developments on greenfield sites to house the newcomers.
Proud to say I have a family of hogs hibernating under my shed right now.
A neighbour had a little family of hedgehogs living in her garden earlier this year. Killed off by foxes. Found one with just its head bitten off. I considered posing it to Brian May with my compliments.
Sad fact is that the hedgehogs’ major predator is the badger – and the astronomical population increase of the one has led directly to the massive decrease of the other. But don’t tell Brian May or the creators of Countryfile because it would only confuse the issue.
Sorry AsISeeIt, wrote this before reading your earlier post. At least the reality is getting aired – though not, of course, by the Bill Badger Club.
It can’t be true, badgers live off earthworms, Chris Packham said so. I trust him, he’s on the BBC, so there is no way he’d have any sort of agenda.
Yes, badgers are one of the hedgehog’s few natural predators because they know how to open-up the tasty, protein-packed meal without getting hurt.
However, predation almost certainly isn’t why the hedgehog’s numbers are in such decline, because those numbers are falling where badgers don’t make much (if any) impact, for example in urban areas where they were once common.
As I said above, its development. Recently my dog found one motionless in the rain. Looking close to death we took it home, Googled the nearest hog hospital, which was only a couple of miles away, I did my best ambulance driving and got it there still alive.
The kindly woman gave it some sort of injection and put it in a heated cage, she wanted to know where I had found it, it turned out it was the third one she had taken in from the same area that week, the previous pair both died, ours luckily survived, all this years young.
The area which I found it was near a field that the local school, because of rising numbers (immigrants) was extending into. Our thoughtful council had decided to start work in September, just as hogs are looking to hibernate.
Immigration seems to trump everything….
Yes, the irony of the BBC championing both unlimited immigration and ‘the precious natural habitat’ seems completely lost on them.
Those hedgehogs should stop buying mayonnaise. What happened to Nana’s glasses she looked like Dame Edna Everage last week on the sofa. Love to see Simon Fanshawe in a dangerous situation he’d throw his cup cakes at them
I was deeply impressed by the military strategist on R4’s Today programme this morning explaining why we lost WWII.
We are now under Nazi domination because we fell for the cunning trap set for us by Hitler. We were provoked into bombing campaigns and then realising that “nothing could be achieved by bombing alone”, got “bogged down” in a “futile landwar” and occupation and even believed that we could “impose democracy” on a culture unfamiliar with democracy. Of, course, our precipitate action acted as a “recruiting sergeant” and brought Japan into the war, a major blunder..Referring to Nazism and Fascism as “evil” also alienated peace-loving Nazis loyal to Britain. Interring foreign aliens seeking refuge in Britain, just helped to “divide our open and welcoming society” another part of Hitler’s cunning strategem. Another mistake was carpet bombing, killing innocent civilians . We lost the “moral high ground”,. As Col. Blimp warned us “right is always might”. Our defeat was inevitable
ID, you missed out the bit about how defeat was inevitable in 1940 once the entire population of the UK decided to flee to Canada as refugees rather than fight for the future of their country.
Canada was culturally compatible, so obviously not. It would have made much more sense for British people to have arrived en masse in Morocco and claimed asylum there, to enrich the local people with our strange food and odd religious ways.
That’s a slur on their patriotism and burning desire to defeat Nazism. They only went to Canada to train as pilots so that the “Air Show of Britain” could be staged. This was a spectacular success I’m told. Many decades later, Saudis with a similar desire to become pilots also went to flying schools in North America and put on a similar spectacle over New York.
I also forgot members of the Royal Family changing their name back to Battenberg to show solidarity with Britons of German heritage who suffered discrimination because they wore stylish black shirts, an innocent fashion statement, that was taken as supporting extremism. All the problems in Germany are our fault. The unjust Versailles treaty, the crippling reparations and lack of planning for the post-conflict situation caused hyperinflation and the rise of extremism.
Maybe the future defender of all the faiths will change his name to Prince Khalid al Windsori
Don’t give that loon any ideas.
Hayley Turner won’t be back on the BBC she is not playing ball with the sofa all trying to turn the conversation to how difficult it is for women in the man’s World of horse racing and she continues to say if you are good enough you will make it as a top class jockey regardless of gender. Nana , that bloke who nobody knows his name and Mike never got picked for any sports team at school Bushell are left scratching their Beeboid pea brains as this type of answer is not in the manual
Mmmm, I fancy her even more now.
^I tried to edit that when I realised what a sexist pig I looked like. I couldn’t think of the place where they send you for (sex) re-education. I was ‘timed out’. Sorry.
I watched HIGNFY last night and watched some fat ‘comic’ trying his best to slag off Nigel Farage and failed miserably when it was pointed out it was not he who ‘said something stupid last week’. What that something was , was a suggestion that we take in Christian refugees from Syria ‘SHOCK HORROR’. The fact that there is nowhere else for them to go within the Middle East without being persecuted or murdered wasn’t even considered.
Big, fat, thick, champagne socialist. Expect to see a lot more of him on the BBC.
Take in Christian refugees? What a racist suggestion. Whover came up with that should be forced to move to Rotherham and enjoy the enrichment of cultural diversity. And take the talentless unfunny fucks from HIGNFY up there with them.
I see News 24 is worshipping at the feet of Comrade Corbyn , this morning . Corbyn makes fellow socialist, President Hollande look hideously ” Right Wing” , with him “Declaring War ” on Isis , & the” State Of Emergency ” in France. Corbyn is only interested talking to his fellow, students union followers .
Radio 4 is at it again. Every morning next week listeners can tune in to a dramatised account of the plight of ‘a Syrian family’ living in a camp in Lebanon and planning to migrate to the West.
But why? What is the BBC’s reason for broadcasting this programme? Does R4 think its listeners never listen to the news or read newspapers? What can they possibly learn from a fictionalised account that they won’t learn from factual sources? And what possible justification in this time of vicious ‘Tory cuts’ can there be for spending so much money and monopolising this slot every single day of the week?
Of course, the answer is that this is an example of that old, familiar BBC agitprop tactic. Treat your listeners like pre-school children, or illiterate 15th century peasants at a morality play. Make up stories with compelling characters and storylines and warp them around the political message you want them to swallow, unrecognised and untasted – like a poison pill wrapped in a sugar coating.
So, definitely no agenda there. No attempt by the BBC to swing the middle class housewives of Britain over to the same point of view that welcome ISIL terrorists into the country just so that it can feel smug about its precious ‘liberal’ values.
The BBC – the enemy of common sense. Close it down.
They’ve being doing a real story about a Syrian family moving up into North Europe on the midday news .
Yes indeed. That’s the one featuring the 14 year old soundalike who oozes empathy like a squashed pumpkin. She is the genius who was audibly stunned the other week when one of her heroes told her he didn’t have any sympathy with fellow gimmegrants who had perished on the journey.
Of course it didn’t deter our jejune hack who just yesterday was gushing away about ‘her’ family.
It is one of the most vomit inducing, loaded, biased, unforgivable pieces of rank propaganda the BBC has ever produced. And that, as we here all realise, is saying something.
“Radio 4 is at it again. Every morning next week listeners can tune in to a dramatised account of the plight of ‘a Syrian family’ living in a camp in Lebanon and planning to migrate to the West.”
BBC TV 24 Today at 11.45am
Gavin Esler chairs the usual tame left wing group, this time discussing IS.
Regular female speed-dial lefty says ‘Putin the Terrible’ when opening her monologue re Russia’s involvement.
Esler sniggers and nods at her Hampstead dinner party wit… So biased. Putin, the enemy of the left. Free thinking and not curbed by political correctness.
I saw this, too. It was a disgraceful, completely one-sided ‘discussion’, so typical of the myopic BBC hive mind. Estler doubtless thinks of himself as a ‘journalist’ – on this evidence he’s no more than a vapid, insincere moron. ‘Impartiality’? Pull the other one. A tawdry so-called ‘debate’ which amounted to nothing more than a bunch of liberal f*ckwits all agreeing, politely, to agree with each other.
Christ almighty.
BBC Online News:
“”After Paris, a peace song for Europe””
The BBC. Champions of unrestricted muslim immigration. So are the Left.
There you have it. Biased BBC.
(I’ve just written a song called ‘Save Europe. Our Last Chance’. But you won’t hear it on the BBC.
Just been hearing a story from the Newsagent whose a Shia Muslim. Obviously not all Muslims support the Paris attacks especially when a Sunni group are the perpetrators.
He tells me that in Qatar a group of Shia were raising funds to fight ISIS and the Emir thought there were too many for his security to deal with. So he called from help from his Saudi neighbours who kindly responded by sending their army in and slaughtering the Shia.
It hasn’t been reported in the West, but if anyone is under any illusion about Saudi & Qatar’s support for their pet terrorists let them put it aside because the evidence is overwhelming.
There’s no surprise that Shite Muslims would oppose ISIS a creature of Sunni Islam. That is why Hezbollah and other Iranian proxies are in Syria fighting ISIS for Assad It’s nothing to do with moderate Islam. If the Mad Mullahs of Qom issued a fatwah against you, are you confident “moderate” Shites wouldn’t carry it out?
It seems to have been a pipe dream of civil libertarians and totalist constitutionalists since 9/11 that there are sufficient numbers of influecial “moderate” Muslims who will speak out against Islamists. In 2002 Derschewitz writes in “Why Terrorism Works” ” We can try to implement the classic civil liberterian alternative to censorship – more and better speech. Rather than making futile attempts to silence radical imams who declare terror to be a religious duty, we can publicise the contrary statements of moderate Islamic religious leaders who regard the killing of innocent civilians as a violation of the Koran and the Sharia” After 13 years where is the success of this doctrine? But innocent western civilians are kuffar and what the Koran dictates is clear. Why should the faithful believe imams in league with the West, the traditional enemy of Islam? Of course there’s always the fear factor. If the BBC, a supposed bastion of freedom of expression and “our values”, is too scared to broadcast a cartoon of the Prophet, material to an important news story, why would a moderate Muslim, whose attitude to western values is probably ambiguous at best, risk speaking out against his co-religionists.
Personally I would never refer to him as ‘the prophet, as it lend credibility to what I regard as a false religion and a false prophet.
The BBC claim this is a ‘courtesy’ title and doesn’t commit them one way or another.
Nigeria – Islam vs Christians
M.East – Islam vs Jews,(mostly)
India – Islam vs Hindus
Southern Thailand Islam vs Buddhists
So called Islamic “states” Shia vs Sunni
and any Islamic minority/any minority to boot.
Oh! and nearly forgot … Paris, or NY, or London, or Ottawa it’s vs the Infidel
Anyone see a pattern emerging?
I refuse ever to use the term “in the Muslim world” … that s a Muslim narrative, and I pull anyone up in debate using it, as I do … “the prophet”
Actually, I pull anyone up using (so far only one occasion) the term “kaffir” as it is racist.
Reminding them that Islam isn t a race, but is racist and discriminatory, I threw in
“unlike Jewish people who are ” 😀 … went down well if I recall.
Narrowing down what it’s something to do with, certainly.
Maybe not enough for the finely-tuned minds in government and media, but hey.
I see a pattern. Clearly, the rest of the world’s major religions are inherently violent and racist and cannot coexist with the Religion of Peace!
Many thanks to the BBC and its liberal brethren for educating me on this.
One for the ‘see…balance’ tally the BBC stores for when needed.
BBC News via BBC Trending
1 hr ·
A viral video has prompted a soul-searching debate about racism in Taiwan.
Taiwan debates its hidden racism after a British man is abused
Learn More
A bit of daft verbal only train rage in… Taiwan? You poor Gweilo and Ang Moh lotharios, treating the local blossoms a bit better than the average Ah Beng so their affections stray.
Amazing. So… nothing of its like any closer? Ever? (Seem to recall the joys of the last tube home, meeting the eyes of a friendly local skinhead, and being asked ‘Oo, you lookin’ at c**t?’ Very few replies that sprang to mind suggested happy outcomes. If only I had thought of hirsutism. But then, it was a different time).
It’s like there is a less than subtle agenda at play.
‘Others pointed out they themselves had suffered similar abuse or worse in Western countries’
Better yet, a few minutes of free video on YouTube can be snaffled by a #trending moppet in the BBC weekend slow news division, repackaged and propelled to an incident.
The contribution of the BBC to community cohesion is incalculable.
Nice be be among decent people with a loathing for the BBC. I spotted this whilst considering what my first post would be.
Typical of them to miss the main point why there are teacher shortages. I suppose wanting to teach in an area where English is a foreign language, as well as fearing a knife being stuck in you if you look at someone for not moving out of the way down a corridor are inducements enough to abandon that vocation.
Welcome. Can’t claim the first, but am not a fan of the BBC, no.
No amount of money would be enough to pay me to go near many of the state schools that the UK now has, especially in city centres. So I admire any still up for the task, despite the challenges that exist, from thuggish students, entitled parents, PC heads and daft OFCOM rules based on political whims governed by BBC-driven notions of what they want to see, but would never let their own kids go near.
Welcome! Do you speak from experience?
From hedgehogs to climate to education, the BBC will obfuscate on just about anything so long as the truth is obscured…
No I am not a teacher and never was, but I frequently encounter schools and teachers through my work. My observations comparing todays schooling to my own from the early 1970s to the mid 1980s can only be described as beyond comprehension. Words fail me to describe the dumbed down, rude, arrogant, politically correct filled claptrap that is stuffed into both pupils and teachers.
The shortage of teachers?
But I`m a teacher, and can`t get a job.
Reasons are twofold.
1. I`m too expensive and experienced-far better to burn out students or NQTs(Newly Qualified Teachers) …sink or swim-and, of course they`ll sleep at the school and pay for the kids to go to Brussels themselves if they have to.
2. Schools now-as a matter of course-use teaching assistants( and the upgrades called cover supervisors, if there`s a big exam coming;or an important teacher or subject is involved)-instead of experienced supply staff” like me.
I could say that it`s not an issue if the supply teachers get stabbed( Victo in Leeds in June)…or language teachers get murdered in their classrooms( Ann in Leeds last April).
But next time you hear some crap about education mattering-and parents needing to be fined if they bunk off on holiday-so ask the school concerned how they cover staff that are absent…if its their own cheap mums army and dinner nannies with a pencil behind the ear, double your time away…hypocrites.
Ongoing steel industry coverage,
“They blame Chinese dumping of steel on European markets for plummeting prices and high energy costs for making the UK industry uncompetitive.”
High energy costs? Green taxes you mean, once again no mention of why the promised green tax compensation took so long to pay, I’m not sure it has been paid either. One billion pounds a year from green tax on industry straight into the treasury, bit less now that you’ve taxed some of that industry out of existence Dave, and just how much of that tax is going back into enviromental causes? Bet it’s a big round figure.
“the BBC complaints system, a process Byzantine in its complexity and capacity for self-protection. “Its role is to provide reasons and to use every trick in the book to reject complaints, deterring all but the most determined complainants.” Anyone who was sufficiently resolute to negotiate the BBC’s complaints system could find himself still embedded in its layers of bureaucracy a full two years later.”
I read that the BBC is trying to make any questioning of the good of the National Treasure , illegal and subject to heavy fines, with prison terms for repeat offenders . The police objected because they don’t have the manpower to enforce this admirable piece of legislation owing to Tory cuts. The BBC say that this isn’t a problem, provided they are allowed to use their License Fee Gestapo thugs to collect the fines. George Osborne is likely to agree to the proposal provided that for each pound raised in fines half goes to the treasury. When questioned about this on the BBC he said that he couldn’t see there was a problem because no one who complained to the BBC ever got a straight answer out of them, so he didn’t understand what all the fuss was about.
The BBC is never happier that when it only has to pop down the corridor to get its “news item” for their analysis.
Imagine they still claim for the kerosene needed to fuel their f***in segways though-Yentob exists at the BBC only to show the others how to coin it in without doing anything whatsoever.
Hence Andrew Neils story getting “reviewed” on Jeremy Kynes show yesterday on Radio 2.
Neils “outburst ” was ” blithe and lazy” according to “activist and writer” Bea Campbell…and we`d not learn anything from it.
Neils fine list of “reasons to be cheerful” in regard of the French culture and contribution to Western Civilisation was great-I learned a lot of names, and valued his linking them all.
Lest I think that Antoine Des Caunes and Plastic Bertrand are the zenith of the Francophone world.
Bea herself would not learn anything-blithes and lazy reflex love-ins with anybody who riots, kills, despises the US. Israel and Christianity are her default position.
She still mourns Moaty, reckons that the 91 riots weren`t followed through and hates the royals…so sucking up to the aptly-named State of Islamisme is all part of “The Project”.
Pity Vine doesn`t say so though…
Andrew Neil has a house in France , near St Paul de Vence , just north of Antibes /Juan Les Pins . Think he got married there, earlier in the year , so he is well versed in French culture .