Ok – the weekend beckons and time for a new one of these Open Threads for you to complete. I wrote something very similar one week ago and then watched the horrific events unfold in Paris. One week on, the BBC have reverted to the hateful but predictable mantra that Islam is the victim and that we can only defeat it by ..doing nothing. Anyway, the floor is yours….
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We are being lied to again. I have been listening to the weather bulletins again today, and tonight I heard the forecast was for lows of 1 degree in England, 0 in Scotland and minus 1 in N. Ireland. Well, MINUS 5 is now happening just outside Penrith in the North of England. What a sham! In fact most of Northern Britain is now well below zero. This isn’t just bad forecasting this is downright deceit.
Hello Sir , funny you should mention it I am in North Hertfordshire just took the dog for a walk it is fffing cold . I guess > minus 5 .It is indeed deceit but it looks like we are going to go into the freezer shortly they can’t bullshit there way out of this one
I’ve just checked inside a well insulated greenhouse here in the deep South (East) and, converted into French for the sake of the young ones, it was 2 degrees C. And I repeat, that is inside, a well insulated, fairly sheltered greenhouse.
Slightly different story here in Somerset. Went out with the dog at 9, wind has dropped therefore it doesn’t feel as cold as it did this afternoon. Temperature bottomed out at 1.5, in the last hour with cloud cover it has risen to 2.1.
It is November!
BBC playing dirty tricks and trying close down the Strictly Spoiler Facebook page.
Yes rather than do the right thing and stop all the pretence of a live Sunday show and actually broadcast a live results show, they would rather close down this chaps Facebook page.
Surely to prevent such a thing being possible a live results show would be the right thing to do?
Only those wishing to know the result would search it out, those prepared to be suckered in by the BBC can wait until Sundays ‘pretend’ show.
I also note that one of the ex-professional dancers has claimed in the Mail that the show is rigged.
It’s fixed anyway!
Bless her cotton Socks, who would believe such a thing?
Sadly about 10 million who lap up the tosh.
Just thinking today about the number of Islamic Jihadi attacks on countries which had a left wing ‘tolerant’ government, and it appears almost as if the Fascists have invited the terrorists to attack the people.
Francoise Hollande is a Socialist, Barak Hussein Obama is left of centre too. No realistic attacks on Britain despite Cameron’s best efforts, none in Hungary, or even Germany perhaps surprisingly but it’s a right of centre Government there too.
It makes you wonder if the real driving factor isn’t the hatred of liberalism which I think many of us too would like to see destroyed.
“The only concrete thing that Mr Cameron wants to change is migrant benefits
… Guess where the EU’s told him to go!” – Nigel
Oh well!
After BBC1 Saturdays Breakfast news, thoughts of Chairman Fanny – Yep Simon Fanshawe
Sunday Morning Live has dredged up Iain Dale and Owen Jones to boot … will it be the Christian BBC sacking/non sacking?
now with a second debate … That they don t want to tell you about
… The plot sickens
While our ‘so called’ patriotic Tory government imposes austerity measures on its own people resulting in food banks, ex soldiers sleeping rough, a shortage of houses, cuts in…. defence, NHS, schools, etc etc, it imports more ‘so called refugees’ – and get this! It sets up a £1bn fund to fight malaria.
It would be far better to spend the money on contraceptives for the third world, so that it can start to feed itself.
Over to you Al Beeb Essexman/troll………………………………
Didn’t you see the BBC Wales headline?
Malaria epidemic RAMPANT in “Teepee Valley”……………Something MUST be done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe putting some clothes on might help – especially at the moment.
Global warming ?
Yep, and causing it too, I am led to believe by some wildlife experts. 10 years ago it was about 9 billion mossies globally breathing out their CO2 while breeding on methane emitting swamps. Methane is, I understand, worse as a ‘GW gas’ compared to CO2. Don’t know what mosquito population figures would be like now because there are increasing attempts to destroy their habitats in various parts of the world, partly because rich people want to live alongside or overlooking water, so-called ‘sea level rise and Climate Change’ notwithstanding.
And if the enviro-mentalists start going on about Climate Change being a present and future danger in your presence, feel free to shut them up by pointing out that Britain has had a malarial problem on and off for a over a millenia, until as recently the end of the 19th century. You may also wish then to suggest to them that global warming and global cooling is nothing new as evidenced by mosquitoes and malaria and observe the spluttering confusion it induces. On the other hand they may try to hit you with a George Monbiot article in a newspaper that they are using as a fly swat. Taking one quick step backwards while talking may be advisable.
BBC troll your having a fucking laugh , I want the BBC cut down for starters & then a subscription service later on . The Evil BBC hate the Conservatives ,as much as the Kippers , but I am afraid, kippering is easy , being a Government is hard.
Essexbabe – how do you intend to vote in the EU referendum?
Do you know yet or are you waiting until Dave tells you?
Most probably , to leave along with most Conservatives I know . But I will wait, to have a look at the “deal” on the table first before I make my final decision , but its about 70% to leave at the moment. Also watching how bad mainland Europe becomes before hand , with illegals , & terrorism , the worse it is then “Yes” , I say time to go . But I don`t need to be a Kipper, or a BBC drone to help me make this decision.
The point is, Essexman, that a majority of Tory voters have been Eurosceptic for years – and now even more so. But your party’s leadership is not. I venture to suggest that Maggie would be wanting out right now, unlike the spineless Cameron and Osborne.
It is not just the party leaders who are spineless. So are many so-called Eurosceptic Tory MPs. They KNOW Cameron is seeking nothing worthwhile from the current negotiations, he has declared his hand and it is virtually empty. So why aren’t there dozens of Tory MPs publicly protesting ?
You have a deep animus against UKIP. But you surely have to admit that without UKIP, there would be no referendum. No chance for us to vote to take our country back. Achieving that is more important than the number of Parliamentary seats UKIP won under the first-past-the-post rules.
Roll on Oldham on 4 December !
To all posting above, ask yourselves who voted Cameron into the Party leadership among MPs? Who had opportunities to remove him as Leader during some of the chaotic periods of his first five years or after a year or two of Coalition government? Who would they want to disadvantage most: Cameron or the Labour & SN parties?
No, there would, of been a referendum anyway, the Labourites & Libs voted down a Private Members bill on it in the last Parliament & Clergy opposed a Government backed referendum, so it didn’t happen.Don’t Panic, we are having one now.
Who on earrth are you trying to kid ? There are multiple examples of Cameron saying he did not want a referendum.. It was only after the UKIP breakthrough in the Euro elections of 2014 (remember they won loads of seats ???) that forced Cameron through gritted teeth to undertake a referendum.
Now Cameron has declared his demands. They hardly add up to a row of beans.- even if he got the lot, which it is already clear is impossible. No change to the Common Agricultural Policy, no change on fisheries (we are allowed to catch only 20% of the fish UK territorial waters letting others especially the Spanish to catch the rest), no reduction in our budget contributions (why are we paying for excellent roads all over the Med when our own road system is atrocious) etc etc etc – and above all, no control of our own borders and no return to the centuries-old tradition that our Parliament is supreme – and our own courts have the final say on what is lawful.
If you can’t agree with this list and you choose to stick to your silly idea of “let’s see what the negotiatiions achieve” you really are in denial about the EU issue.
Yawn , Who is PM , who didn`t get elected , who has one seat ?One MP who may return to the fold once the referendum is over, who is in power , who huffs & puffs , yes we will do this & that, but , they did not get any extra seats , they lost one . I will take you more seriously when you have about 10 to 20 Labour seats under your belt , not ones nicked from people mainly on the same side, as you. But that`s why, apart from Ukip lite MP , you have nothing.
Again – you display your constant animus against UKIP – but you completely fail to deal with the facts that Cameron resisted a referendum for years – and is now failing to seek any worthwhile changes in our relationship with the EU.
You ask “Who is PM?”. Cameron is. And as PM he needs to be held accountable. So to keep it simple – 1. do you deny that Cameron resisted a referendum ? And 2. do you truly believe that Cameron is seeking substantial and worthwhile changes in our relationship with the EU ?
If you believe either of these things, you are in denial – either blind, or deluded.
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks”
I appear to have touched a raw nerve – apologies .
Agree troll is a bit strong, misguided fool would be more apt…;)
The only thing Cameron finds hard is trying to square his EU masters diktats with the more right minded side of his party.
Cameron will return from Europe as Chamberlain did, waving a piece of paper………….
I go with Richard North’s assessment that the deal on offer will be Associate Membership. That will leave the UK still ruled from Brussels but with a lower membership fee and no seat at the top table.
The BBC will help Cameron sell it as “the middle way” between the unacceptable “in” and scary “out”. The BBC will be wall to wall scare stories about the risks of BREXIT and Cameron’s not the heir to Blair for nothing.
No , more lies he has stated, if we don’t get a good deal, he will recommend that we leave & there will be No second referendum if that is so.The fanatical Kippers have to bear in mind, you can still vote No even, if you don’t like the deal on the table, but you have to convince others that you are right. Ranting & raving does your case no good because the people you need to convince, think you are bonkers.You must all calm down, & try to be logical & calm.
“but I am afraid, kippering is easy , being a Government is hard. ”
Well, Farage and UKIP set the agenda and the government follows – three months later.
there is only one person ranting and raving on these posts at the moment , as well as using ‘bad language’.
Basically, I don’t fucking care anymore, I am a one man band Tory on here, you all gang up on me & the Conservatives period. I’ll fight my corner to the death. It’s the Evil BBC, Corbyn & Guardian you should be taking on. If you want to fight a Conservative, then bring it on, I don’t care, & you won’t change my mind, because I know I am RIGHT.
Essexboy, Love your loyalty, but Cammie ” no trousers” is not going to save Essex !
Yeah , & Ghana , where you reside .
Long Post Warning.
The BBC fails to inform the public. The lack of positive journalistic endeavour, of investigation and scrutiny, of dissemination of facts, in favour of political multicultural propaganda is now demeaning the (once good?) name of the BBC on an almost hourly basis.
I’m tempted to twot a tweet with a #STFUandListentoStefan hashtag, but I ain’t a twatterer. But thanks to Stefan Molyneux for doing the work that the BBC ‘journalists’ could do if they gave a flying duck about the people who fund the (over-generous) pension pots of these cultural Marxists to the tune of £4Billion a year. It’s a shame Stefan doesn’t get some of that funding [that’s my plug for crowd funding Stefan]!
Watch the above video if you want to understand some truths about how much it costs in taxpayers money and Middle East refugee lives to massage the self-righteous egotists’ egos that monopolise politics, edukashun, ‘meedya’ and ‘the arts’. Inconvenient truths to the leftist progressive monopolists. Swallow those facts Benelux Cucumberban, Bob Geldoff, Emma Thompson et al. with your #refugeeswelcome! The human cost of the EU inspired and facilitated mass immigration/ refugee relocation plan is not only bad for the displaced people in need, it has no upsides for the peoples of the recipient country. Real people with real lives (and deaths) all to keep the poor impoverished, and the virtue signalling luvvies feeling good about themselves in their gated communities, or private islands, far from Oldham, Rochdale, Tower Hamlets, Leicester, Birmingham, Halifax, Blackburn, Rotherham, Dewsbury, Bradford, Portsmouth……
The EU is failing the peoples of Europe. The LibLabCon governments have failed the British people and given away to foreign powers what was not theirs to give away – our right to govern ourselves, agree our own laws, to protect our borders and the liberties that our forebears carved out for us with their sweat and blood.
Is it not obvious? We need to leave the EU and elect politicians who have common sense, a backbone and a moral compass!
The money used to fund the BBC for 1 year, if it were put to use differently, could cover the costs (for 1 year) of the relocation of 476,000 refugees from the ME to the USA, or the cost of the relocation of 5.73 million people in the Middle East. I guess Cameron, Merkel, Junker and the rest of their socialist federalist bedfellows have other ideas, which will continue to damage our nation, our wallets and our patience.
Time to use democracy:
Vote Leave, Vote UKIP, join UKIP, and get involved in our domestic politics. That’s of course if you give a damn!
Anthony Zurcher, BBC article on Republican Chris Christie, “New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said visitors to the US should be monitored the same way shipping companies like Federal Express track packages.”
Only he didn’t actually say that did he Anthony? It’s not just the BBC as most of the press have gone for the jugular and most sensational slant, but I expect better from the BBC, well no I don’t. As far as I can see Christie actually said,
“At any moment, FedEx can tell you where that package is. It’s on the truck. It’s at the station. It’s on the airplane. Yet we let people come to this country with visas, and the minute they come in, we lose track of them,
We need to have a system that tracks you from the moment you come in, and then when your time is up … however long your visa is, then we go get you. We tap you on the shoulder and say, ‘Excuse me. Thanks for coming. Time to go,’
In contrast this is how Zurcher reports on Hillary
And from the same article
“If she loses, Republicans in Congress and the executive agencies will have free reign to advance their policy agenda.
Healthcare and financial reform passed under Mr Obama will be rolled back. Aging liberal Supreme Court justices could be replaced with young conservatives. Environmental regulations enacted through presidential action will almost certainly be lifted.
For Mrs Clinton the stakes are high. For Democrats, they couldn’t be higher.”
No bias there then, Zurcher needs pulling up on this and reminding that his job is to report the news accurately and without bias, if he doesn’t listen then sack him, there’s probably already a desk waiting at the guardian for him.
The BBC seems to have free rein now to ‘report’ on two tracks, based entirely on corporate agenda and personal prejudices.
That seems the very definition of propaganda backed by censorship.
PS: given Hill’s regal droite di seigneur style of leadership, Tone’s skewed use of a term for democratically elected opponents ranged against her seems appropriate.
Maybe that is why she is reported to be moving away from Her Royal Clintoness?
Johnson and Munchetty on the sofa calmy chatting to an imam.(no ID srry)…
Desperately begging him to tell about increases in Islamophobia.
From the parts I saw he didnt do that…but happily went on to explain what he saw as a ‘silver lining’ in the dark clouds of terrorist attacks.
Because the majority of uk folk are supportive of the poor opressed moslem majority.
The sofa sleuths nod wisely at this superior intellect.
He goes on to explain to an incredulous audience that actually drone strikes are wholely counterproductive, since one terrorist killed recruits 100 more foot soldiers for allah.
So…dont fight back it only makes it worse for you.
The sleuths are bamboozled by this logic… in awe…..
Asking any awkward questions is not possible of course….and so they promise to bring him back later in the show…
Journalists? i shit ’em…
Have to remind him dude …
Nigeria – Islam vs Christians
M.East – Islam vs Jews,(mostly)
India – Islam vs Hindus
Southern Thailand Islam vs Buddhists
So called Islamic “states” Shia vs Sunni
and any Islamic minority/any minority to boot.
Oh! and nearly forgot … Paris, or NY, or London, or Ottawa it’s vs the Infidel
Anyone see a pattern emerging? I mean whats not to like 😀
I ve noticed repeatedly using the word Islamophobia. There is no recognized phobia known as Islamophobia. It is not a medical condition. It is simply a random word of convenience used to stigmatize anyone who is even mildly critical of Islam and it’s followers. It is used to stifle criticism and to portray opponents of certain behaviour as deranged. The term Islamophobe is as meaningless as Naziophobe or Fascistophobe.
Hatred of a repressive and divisive ideology premised on misogyny is the natural response of all fair minded people. It is another weapon in a war to stifle freedom of expression.
Last word … you try ripping up a Koran, at the mosque, or drawing a cartoon
… not a erm “phobia” then is it?
You’re quite right – there is no such thing as ‘Islamophobia’. If a phobia is an irrational fear of something, I see nothing wrong with being afraid of rampant, heavily-armed, homicidal Islam.
‘Islamophobia’ is indeed a trigger word cooked-up by self-congratulatory liberal twats to try and shut up anyone who dares to criticise the RoP. It is a non-word, even though it has now been included in the latest Oxford English Dictionary (presumably under the heading ‘Newspeak’).
‘Islamophobia’ is a concept – an intention to censor and to misinform and misdirect. It is not a real thing; it doesn’t exist and never has. There is no such thing and never will be.
Last Friday Israel lost two people, a father and son, shot and killed by Palestinian terrorists while driving near Jerusalem going to a wedding (their murder was not covered by the international media because of the attacks in Paris at the same time). The wife and children in the car were luckily only injured. Today Israel lost another five people, two were stabbed to death in Tel Aviv by a Palestinian youth and three were killed in a shooting incident at the Etzion junction south of Jerusalem.
It doesn’t add up to the casualties of the spectacular Paris attacks, but altogether in the past month ca. 25 Israelis have been killed mostly in stabbings, shootings and vehicular homicides. On a per capita basis this is the same as the losses in France. Some ignorant and stupid foreigners, including US Secty. of State Kerry and the Swedish FM Waldstrom, and the BBC have attributed the terrorist killings in Israel and even in Paris to the “despair” of the poor Palestinians. What utter nonsense, the settlements or the so-called “occupation” have nothing whatsoever to do with these killings. They derive from the ideology of Islam that motivates Muslims to kill anyone who gets in their way. They are religious thugs, in fact the word “thug” derives from a religious group called the thuggi which killed for ideological reasons.
Many people can speculate on how to deal with this problem. My proposal is taken from the example of Pres. Hollande, as stated in a letter that appeared in The Jerusalem Post on Nov 19:
Pres. Hollande has the right idea, when he states that the attacks in Paris constitute an “act of war” against France, and so he has declared war on the perpetrators, the so-called Islamic State. Likewise the terrorist killings of Israeli civilians in and around Jerusalem in recent months constitute an act of war by Palestinians under the jurisdiction of the Palestine Authority.
As such the Israel Government should declare war on the PA. The advantage of this is that once war is declared then, as M. Hollande has said, we must be “ruthless” in destroying terrorism. Let there be no mistake, it is them or us. All measures must be taken to once and for all destroy this crazy idea that first we Jews have no right to be here and second that terrorism in any form can defeat us.
I propose a full Israeli war against Islamic terrorism.
Jack S. Cohen, Netanya
Ladies and gentlemen, you can’t defeat terrorism by merely being defensive. If it means bombing Ramallah and destroying the Mukata, the PA President’s residence, then so be it. If the French, Americans and Russians can bomb the facilities of IS in Raqqa, then we should do no less with our Palestinian terrorist enemies.
Excellent post magicoat. Thank You.
Just returned from church-my Bible account tells me that Jesus was “arrested by” the Jews…the bishop reads from his lectionary to tell me that Jesus was “handed over to ” the Jews.
There was me thinking Pilate was a Roman kinda guy…
With this serial anti-Semitism( bad enough in John and Matthews Gospels as it is!)-the likes of Justin Welby are right to doubt God…`cos He is about to “hand them over” to Islam…and, without the fight that the good souls of Syria and Iraq put up.
Appalling-yet as long as gays in Utah are boycotting the Mormons, then the BBC are happy…eh Edward Stourton?
Do you believe in “gay rights” was the point…but “do I believe in climate change” is the OTHER Big Issue saz the idiot lanterns of the Left…BBC being “primo ultra virus”?
No to both-I belleve in God, you eejits…that you believe in your own tin household sentiments of bogus science and yuman rites is up to you-but I`m not paying for it!
Stir Up Sunday you folks…get out and watch the anti-Semites sucking up to Islam throughout this land in the next few hours….
Jesus is more than a homeric king-He`s THE judge! God Bless the feats of Jesus the Jew!
Oops-got carried away there.
I WAS going to ask for a considered list of Israelis who`ve been killed in stories that the saps around here need to know-even to pray for, seeing that their blood is on our hands by not backing Israel.
I think of Daniel Pearl…the Fogels… Ilan Halimi…the three lads murdered by Hamas last year as they hitched home from theology studies as I recall.
A decent list from someone who knows better than I would help-compiling a Christian one like Alan Greaves from 2012, but Israelis are more an urgent priority, seeing as we`ll probably never know the names of the Christians who were thrown off Muslim bots as they tried to get ti Italy a few months back.
No enquiry there I notice….never is.
The oafs of today need lists before they care about what Muslims are doing to Gods own chosen.
You are making the big mistake of assuming the French & Americans are bombing ISIS, when they are not. Even after Hollande declared his phoney war against ISIS, and there were pictures of the bombing raid, they hit nothing at all.
ISIS is the child of the Oil Rich Sunni Muslim States such as Qatar or Saudi, and they have Western politicians in their pockets. Kerry repeats everything the Saudis tell him to, and there’s no way Hollande is going to jeopardise his nice fat payoff when he leaves office.
You can tell all this is true by the success of the Russian operations which have forced ISIS to relocate En Masse to Europe.
All that will happen in the West is that the Fascist oppression will be even greater and the restrictions on freedom of speech even more harshly implemented.
Saudi gets results for its money.
75% of US bombing raids on IS don’t bomb. Plenty of speculation why. Maybe Hollande, Obama, are getting instructions not to bomb.
Do what?
‘U.S. airmen are essentially flying half-blind and, as a result, are returning to base with their bombs still in the bay’
So basically playing Obama roulette to no military end with a bunch of nutters who have a cage and gallon of two star just waiting for any who… don’t return.
Jezza would approve.
I suspect that the Russian aircraft don’t return with bombs….
There is a helpful map on the BBC web-site, provided by the Institute for the Study of War. It shows the approximation of US, Russian (and possible some early French) bombing raids in Syria. It is interesting that they are mostly on the western and northern fringes of ISIS/Daish held territories.
This raises questions that I hope are also in the minds of Cameron, Fallon & our Joint Chiefs:
– Are they not striking into the heart of IS territory because of the risk, ISIS having got their hands on captured SAM defence weaponry or having been supplied by greedily apathetic or even sympathetic arms dealers?
– Are they not striking into the heart of IS territory because of a provisioning (extended supply line) problem?
– Are they not striking into the heart of IS territory because a) there are no significant IS assets to be hit or b) despite Western technology, actually finding IS assets has been difficult in that terrain, or, c) any such raids have a high risk of severe collateral damage to non-combatants and resulting bad publicity & morale?
Finally, would it be better to use money that would be spent dropping bombs & missiles into rocks and sand, merely making smaller rocks and finer particles of sand, on much tighter homeland security?
Will these questions be asked of the Cabinet in Parliament if they propose military action against ISIS/Daish? I certainly hope so. Will they be asked on and by the BBC? I doubt it.
The recent ISIS-inspired attacks in Paris, which the naive may have hoped would awaken the left to the seriousness of the global Islamic threat, have, predictably, had exactly the opposite effect. The West’s mainstream political establishments, faced with yet another stark reminder that many Muslims are eager to engage in a war to the death for Allah, have joined hands in the fight — not to defeat Islamic fanaticism, but to improve the rhetorical efforts to bury any connection between the world’s hordes of jihadists and the faith in whose name they are acting.
Thus today, when the need to name, expose, and combat Islamic radicalism seems more urgent than ever, John Kerry, François Hollande, and our other progressive betters are attempting to banish the word “Islamic” from future public discussion of the threat of radical Is… um, radical stuff. They have determined that we should henceforth refer to the artists formerly known as Islamic State by the name “Daesh.”
This re branding, in traditional propaganda style, has been issued with its own press releases from the Ministry of Truth (i.e., the BBC/mainstream media).
Read more: http://tinyurl.com/neomxu8
Yes. Steptoe’s stand-in has been on Marr explaining how cunning ISIS is and that any effective measure the West could take against them is a subtle trap which we shouldn’t fall into. Marr asks Steptoe’s stand-in whether he is a Churchill or a Chamberlin. Even the BBC’s question is loaded. A more appropriate question would been are you a Chamberlin or a Lord Hawhaw? Chamberlin may have been misguided or playing for time but I don’t think he wanted Hitler to win the war.
People always forget: it was Neville Chamberlain who was PM when war was declared on Germany, not Churchill.
The memory of the unbelievable slaughter and staggering cost of WW1 (10,000,000 total dead, coupled with the destruction of almost all of the gains of the industrial revolution) was what drove many highly placed people in Britain to avoid, if at all possible, a second war with them.
If Lord Halifax had replaced Chamberlain instead of Churchill – there may not even have been British involvement in WW2.
Paris struggles to get back to normal. Nowhere in the article does it mention the I or M word. Do the BBC award prizes for news items which omit news?
Yes. Yes they do.
And they are handed out daily by A. Newsroom Tealady as she does her rounds.
and on the Sunday Radio 4 9am news hour we get another long long bleat about how awful it is for the Muslims of Paris. 40% unemployment among the young and all that.
Nowhere does the BBC allow any opinion to the effect that it has been ruinous to admit millions of people who – on the average – are unskilled, whose children do not on average pursue training and education, who do not integrate to the same extent as other communities. And above all – whose religion includes very violent strains, heavily promoted by the Wahhabism promoted by Saudi money.
I heard yesterday from a sensible Muslim lady that there are ober 60 mosques in London run by Wahhabis. And in the UK generally unemployment among young Muslims is also very high.
The BBC like the rest of the leftie fools has it back to front. Alienation is not predominately caused by the host nations eg France, Belgium, Britain. The alienation STARTS within some of the Muslim communities – whose leaders tell them they are different – and indeed superior – to the host communities.
Deep joy.
Apparently the new Zoolander 2 fillum features Benedict Cummerrbund as a Caitlyn Jenner lookalike.
This is deemed transphobic-and the equivalent of doing an Ali Campbell and pretending to be Al Jolson in blackface.
Might be worth a bit of popcorn purchasing….
As there wasn’t much on TV last night I dug out my Auf Weidersehn Pet DVDs. Initially not a BBC program, I know, although the final three series did end up there
It got me thinking if such a series were made today, just 30 years on how shite it would be. The magnificent seven would have to comprise of one white, one black, one Asian, one homosexual, one pre op transgender, one bisexual and one teetotal, vitimin munching non smoking perma tanned brikky from Essex with nice nails…
There would be zetro banter, as one character would always be offended, the transgender wouldn’t want to sleep in the same hut, and demand his own or a female hut, another one an area for prayer and no booze in the hut as this may also offend, as well as a no smoking ban, that is unless e cigs.
No character would be instantly recognisable from afar as they would all look the same in their corperate hi-viz, hard hats and eye protectors.
Take me back to 1983!
Reckon you`ve got a series there Geoff…and don`t forget the Muslim Mayor of Duisburg who provides their infrastructure project that they work on.
Maybe a council exchange of deradicalising, undercover against Pegida or UKIP.
And no Jews unless they`re plotting a conversion for the country-yes, Jewish world supremacy under that black flag with semitic script…yep.
Heard Kate Adie on Meeting Myself Coming Back-50 mins in, she finally tells us that the medias churnalism and emoting is killing news gathering as she did it….`twas a different time, sepia radio in hindsight.
Yea I reckon Danny Cohen would have commissioned it, who’s his replacement? I might drop him a line….
….and don`t forget the Muslim Mayor of Duisburg who provides their infrastructure project that they work on.
That would be a mosque, then, complete with transgender toilets, Muslim Gay Society and anything else that keeps the RoP myth alive.
No , more lies he has stated, if we don’t get a good deal, he will recommend that we leave & there will be No second referendum if that is so.The fanatical Kippers have to bear in mind, you can still vote No even, if you don’t like the deal on the table, but you have to convince others that you are right. Ranting & raving does your case no good because the people you need to convince, think you are bonkers.You must all calm down, & try to be logical & calm.
Essex brickies are white & don’t vote Labour , infact most of them are Conservative.
If you are Tory and a Eurosceptic, but continue to support the present government you will be in for a rude awakening.
Vote UKIP instead.
Ha, ha, the Kippers are out of cash, anyone of you sent them a cheque yet?
Essexman you say:
“Ranting & raving does your case no good because the people you need to convince, think you are bonkers.You must all calm down, & try to be logical & calm.”
then in another post you say (without I suspect irony)…
“Ha, ha, the Kippers are out of cash, anyone of you sent them a cheque yet?”
We do share the same enemy and that’s the BBC. Come on every one we should keep on track.
Agreed , but I suspect there a few Al Beeb ‘moles’ trolling on this site . Remember Manon….
The Arch Community Worker expresses doubts concerning God after the Paris massacres. Nothing wrong with that. Doubt has a respectable tradition within Christian teachings. But what he does not doubt is his belief that Islam is a religion of peace and the murderers who shouted Allah Ackibar have ‘distorted their faith’. Nice to be so certain
There is a HYS on his remarks which brings out the usual crowd of the ill informed about religion.
Perhaps the BBC need to appoint a Head of Religious Broadcasting with some knowledge of religion.
I was originally pissed off when I first saw this as He’s the representative of the Church of England. but then I realised it was being reported by AlBeeb. He probably said ” Time for a Crusade against these Devils”
Radio 4 13.20 doing a puff piece for the Labour Party in the Oldham Bye Election. They talk to the Labour candidate mention the things he claims as success as success, and don’t mention the fact that the ‘success’ is already turning to failure and that millions of pounds of unfunded council funds have been spent.
Not strictly about bbbc bias this post so apologies to any of the sticklers out there……….
My question is this………..What has happened to Herr Angela Merkel? The bbbc don’t seem to know or they would have reported it………considering that she is actually responsible for driving and encouraging the mass illegal immigration into europe (nobody was asked to vote about the policy, by the way!) and this is the vehicle that at least two of the murdering scum involved in Paris used to get there. Does Herr Merkel accept this responsibility or is she ‘not available for interview’?
Further to this, it was only Nigel Farage that stated publicly that ISIS were using this illegal immigration vehicle to introduce terrorists into europe before these atrocities occurred…. The bbbc seem to have forgotten this, also
Her name was mumbled on the 11.30pm Saturday BBC (1? 2?) Newspaper Review. Have just watched it on iPlayer because the usual newspaper front pages have been whipped off the web-site, perhaps in order to minimise complaints about how out of focus and unreadable they are. (You would think that Apple might do the decent thing in return for all their free BBC publicity and pay to provide the Beeb with a decent A2 flatbed scanner – a Heidelberg maybe – and the training that would help them to use it properly.)
Apparently, someone has been running the rule over world leaders and one of the Sundays has the results. Obama top, apparently. I find that hard to believe. I suspect that ‘mhhrrels’ approval rating of 29% and her disapproval rating of 29%, if I heard & understood it correctly, may have had something to do with her fanboy on the programme obscuring her name. Shaun Ley, to his credit, did wonder at how someone can have the same approval and disapproval rating. 42% of the German population undecided?
And preparing to vote her out . . . . . ?
Al Beeb are afraid of Nigel Farage -simples.
Al Beeb and Essexman
Nothing personal, but I have to post this in the interest of our country .
Please, If you love Great Britain, vote to get out of the EU.
I told you earlier , I may vote to leave anyhow , Don`t Panic.
Cannot find any mention of the 6 ‘British men’ arrested in Belgium driving three old ambulances on the BBC News website, at least the Mail describes them as Pakistani British.
One has to ask how three old ambulances from the UK have managed to make it to Belgium unchecked, I also thought with our all singing all dancing computerised MOT station,s and camera recognition mileage scams and such were now impossible, yet the vehicle we see in the Mail pictures (Y518WRH) a fourteen year old vehicle has managed to go from 185,000 miles in 2014 back to to 18,000 miles at its MOT this year, as well as being un MOT’d for two months.
One often finds that behind motor crime there lays bigger crimes, I wonder who runs the MOT station in question?
That was a good catch, well done!
This is what worried me when May and others bleat on about the need for yet more money to be chucked at the police and yet more restrictions placed on our individual liberties. The numbskulls can’t even raise questions over a blatant MOT fraud and subsequently untested vehicle. Yet when your granny misses hers by 48 hours…
As so often one wonders, why do they need more laws when they don’t even use the ones they have with any intelligence?
‘the vehicle we see in the Mail pictures (Y518WRH) a fourteen year old vehicle has managed to go from 185,000 miles in 2014 back to to 18,000 miles at its MOT this year, as well as being un MOT’d for two monthsIndeed’
You seem to have managed to do something the UK motor enforcement services are unable to. So a few questions need to be asked, unless they too are above accountability via various exceptions, like the BBC.
I have always wondered why some poor sod doing 66mph along a country lane with nothing around but a rozzer behind a bush gets located within seconds to issue the ticket, as a squad car full of armed responsers decide a clapped out Nissan with no tax, MOT or insurance but lugging 5 burly chaps may be best to allow along its merry way.
It’s the front page lead at the Mail online but there’s still not a word about the ambulance story over at the ‘envy of the world’.
Wasn’t there last week a report that the Hanover football match was canceled due to concerns about an ambulance loaded with explosives?
A more likely explanation which was doing the rounds was that Merkel who intended to visit the match, was informed of a planned massive crowd demonstration against her immigration policy. Now that is worth cancelling the match. As for the ambulance and its ‘alleged’ explosive….. tell me.
Don’t worry, bombing Syria would have put an end to any plans they might have had for Belgium.
Reminds me of that film………Ice Cold in Alex !
UKIP likely to take Oldham I hear, time to rally the troops to ensure we get that 120% postal vote turn out…
The speaker Afzal Khan’s Twitter profile makes interesting reading, security and defence, foreign affairs and budgets, one has to ask who’s, security and defence and who’s budgets? GCC? So many questions.
“Labour MEP for the North West. Vice-Chair, Security & Defence. Foreign Affairs and Budget Committees. Delegations for GCC & South Asia.”
The BBC have just broadcast a load of Taqqiya from local Labour Muzzies who are claiming that UKIP literature has directly led to two attacks on satans postboxes. Funny but there haven’t been any reports in the local press from this victim claiming section of the populace so it’s certainly falsehood, but this does make you realise just how much of Liebours support comes from the Muslims.
Cue several thousand dodgy postal votes which lazy Davey still hasn’t got around to sorting !
“… but this does make you realise just how much of Liebours support comes from the Muslims.”
And which was precisely why Labour imported them. It was the biggest act of gerrymandering in history.
True, but they are infiltrating every political party, in many council wards in ‘some’ parts of the country all the candidates have been of that persuasion.
Tories are now on 100 to 1 for Oldham, LibDems and Greens on 200 to 1, UKIP odds have narrowed from 8 to 1 down to 5 or 7 to 2 in about 10 days. Maybe Essexman is secretly canvassing up there at weekends for UKIP ? – his powers of persuasion are blinding !
No , If you win good luck , I believe , there are a lot of Mossies in Oldham , many more votes, than than voters .
The Labour Party as a name, is itself an oxymoron. It is against the working people.
Why doesn’t it change its name to reflect whom it really represents, The Non Labour party or The Immigrants Party or The Idealist Sixth Form Party, The Political Correctness party, The Anti Free Speech Party, The Benefits Party, The Anti British Party,etc!!
Did I hear that right?
Lindsey German-well known Lefty hater and Islamic appeaser in her “Stop the War” crap-as chaired by Chairman Corbyn-gets shouted at, and heckled briefly as she got the last word on “Any Questions”.
No wonder they rolled the tired old show up at that point-yes, the probably had run out of time, but I sene our heckler is somewhere in Kent having his house turned into a migrant flophouse, until her reflects on what he was saying.
Only listened because Nigel Lawson was on it…one of Maggies five-a side team still worth remembering…Tebbit`s the captain-will let you know when I`ve picked the other three.
Mind you-Joseph and Ridley (even when dead) have more intellect and integrity than nearly all the Left and the BBC.
Living in the West Midlands, I shall be interested in how this is reported by the BBC.
The audience look very mixed I notice.
Yes. WAGs, groupies, aspirant brides or just one half of the hall?
They may be giving certain parts of Herefordshire a miss.
Too much to hope the authorities and/or the envy of the world national broadcaster may at least check on any connections?
A chuckle to help warm everyone up: The Big Chill Out box, near top of page, see lines 2 and 3. Just about sums the Indy up nicely, as far as GW/CC is concerned.
You thought the Tory traitors, Camoron and Appeaser May were bad enough?
“Secretary of State John Kerry:
It has nothing to do with Islam; it has everything to do with criminality, with terror, with abuse, with psychopathism – I mean, you name it?.
As my friend Douglas Murray remarked: So long as you don’t name it ‘Islam’.
Quite. Secretary Kerry doesn’t care what you name it as long as you don’t name it “Islam”. Because the not-naming of Islam is more important than the actual naming of whatever it is. Even the qualification that many have been careful to make over the years – of course, most Muslims aren’t terrorists but an awful lot of terrorists unfortunately happen to be Muslim – will no longer suffice
President-in-waiting Hillary Clinton assures us: Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.
So not only is terrorism nothing to do with Islam, but Muslims have “nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism”. She said this a few hours before yet another US citizen was killed by terrorists shouting “Allahu Akbar!” – this time in a mass slaughter at the Radisson Hotel in Bamako, Mali.
Hostages were given a stark choice: if they could recite from the Koran, they would live; if they were incapable of reciting from the Koran, they would die. So whoever these terrorists were – “you name it” – they knew enough about Islam to be able to recognize quotations from the Koran. Yet they can’t be Muslims because … Muslims have “nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism”.
Soooo who does have something to do with terrorism?”
Enough to make you despair, mind you Obama and Kerry can actually say what they want
… nobody cares, nobody listens … they re a shot deal.
Sorry folks Cameron, May, Osborne just as bad, along with the enemedia, and latest in line with
fact denying B/S on the Al BBC?
“Paris attacks caused archbishop to ‘doubt’ presence of God,” BBC
The way the Islamic State distorts Islam “one of the most desperate aspects of our world today”
Archbishop Welby also said IS militants had perverted their faith in order to believe their acts glorified their God”
… (shakes head)
… Don t know where to start?
… you know I just can t be bothered
You cannot argue rationally with insanity. You cannot reason with a madman.
The earth is flat,
the sun goes round the earth,
The moon is made of cheese, and
Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with islam.
Frankly, I don’t know how this narrative is actually capable of existing. Except, in a world that has gone completely insane. There are plenty of examples of utter madness throughout history, which have seen nations, empires and civilizations destroyed by insane leaders. This is just the latest example.
The question is what can we do about it? Our leaders want to kill us off and replace us.
Terrorists !
Who the Beeb forgot to include in their ‘terminology’ when people on this website knew different.
Sept 2015
“A note on terminology: the BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.”
I presume that the penny has dropped by now though
Trump is not a hero of the BBC/Left.
He’s the leading Republican contender.
His waterboarding comments are an ice-breaker at Hampstead dinner-parties…
Bring back?
BBC news reporting on the ‘migrants’ that were part of the terrorist group in Paris.
Asking what do we know about them.
Well I know one thing about them,
they’ve got nothing to do with islam,
It’s got nothing to do with islam
It’s got nothing to do with islam
It’s got nothing to do with islam
It’s got nothing to do with islam
it’s got nothing to do…error at line 1034!
This ‘ nothing to do with Islam’ line from May ,Cameron.Obama, Kerry ,Merkel etc is starting to look like it is counterproductive. Even the people who routinely take little interest in affairs are starting to see it for the absurd lie that it is.
Isis are quite clear as to their motivation and unless you are determind to ignore reality then we must take them at their word.
It is foolish for would be leaders to indulge in such deceptive behaviour as our current ones. Aided and abetted by the media and particularly the BBC/C4.
It is also dangerous.
There are four reasons for politicans saying that this terrorism is ‘nothing to do with Islam’:
1 – They are so deluded that they actually believe this.
2 – They are lying.
3 – They are being paid – directly or indirectly – to say it.
4 – They hold the general public in such contempt that they do not care about the disconnect
None of these reasons are mutually exclusive. But whatever the reason(s), it does not qualify them to be in positions of power.
BBC news
Journalist: “And you say that you didn’t see anything coming, that you never had any suspicion. A slight change six months ago, as you told me.”
Mr Abdeslam: “Yes, a slight change, indeed. But this change wasn’t worrying, not for me, nor for my family. When your brother begins to pray, it’s not necessarily a radicalisation. When your brother tells you he’s stopped drinking, it’s not a radical change. These are people who, for us, just wanted to calm down and show more respect in their practice of religion.”
‘When your brother begins to pray, it’s not necessarily a radicalization’
Could he put it clearer. Muslims who pray, and follow an islamic lifestyle do not need radicalizing. His actions were not radical. He was adhering to his religion. He was following it to the letter.
‘…just wanted to calm down and show more respect in their practice of religion’
So he stopped drinking, and living a probably partial western lifestyle, and showed more respect to his religion by commiting the mass murder of infidels.
I don’t see how it can be any clearer to islam terror deniers.
Anyone who could even remotely believe the ‘it has nothing to do with islam’ mantra, could potentially believe absolutely anything that anybody tells them ever. The existence of the loch ness monster is easier to believe for f*ck sake.
I would like to predict that the Al Beeboids will be playing ‘close the stable door’ as they suddenly start to realise that their pro ‘desperate’ refugee immigration propaganda over the last six months is starting to become transparent and wear thin, and that their jobs may be coming to an end.
Watch this space and watch them change their tune.
BBC news
Journalist: “And you say that you didn’t see anything coming, that you never had any suspicion. A slight change six months ago, as you told me.”
Mr Abdeslam: “Yes, a slight change, indeed. But this change wasn’t worrying, not for me, nor for my family. When your brother begins to pray, it’s not necessarily a radicalisation. When your brother tells you he’s stopped drinking, it’s not a radical change. These are people who, for us, just wanted to calm down and show more respect in their practice of religion.”
‘When your brother begins to pray, it’s not necessarily a radicalization’
Could he put it clearer. Muslims who pray, and follow an islamic lifestyle do not need radicalizing. His actions were not radical. He was adhering to his religion. He was following it to the letter.
‘…just wanted to calm down and show more respect in their practice of religion’
So he stopped drinking, and living a probably partial western lifestyle, and showed more respect to his religion by commiting the mass murder of infidels.
I don’t see how it can be any clearer to islam terror deniers.
Anyone who could even remotely believe the ‘it has nothing to do with islam’ mantra, could potentially believe absolutely anything that anybody tells them ever. The existence of the loch ness monster is easier to believe for f*ck sake.
This appears in the Entertainment & Arts category, not NEWS. BBC independence ‘eroded’, says director general
Who is doing the eroding? Tony Hall doesn’t say but he does want the charter period to be extended to 11 years, which would take it out of the electoral cycle and that any changes to the system should only be changed in Parliament with a two thirds majority and a vote by licence fee payers. That effectively puts the BBC out of range of any reform. The BBC can openly lend support to whatever party — Who am I trying to kid? The Labour Party, secure in the knowledge that if that party loses the winning party won’t take revenge. A ⅔ vote is most unlikely and then a simple majority of license holders?
He also wants wants licence fee payers to have a greater say than politicians but he doesn’t say on what. Surely he is aware that overwhelmingly the British people don’t support the BBC on immigration, global warming, EU membership, Islam ………? Presumably he is only implying on boring, technical issues that most license payers will not bother to vote on, anyway.
Going well so far…
Had to love the Graun’s attempt at back-up, which also went a bit awry from the start:
If Lord Hall Hall thinks this droite di seigneur trip will sway anyone he needs better advisers than the Perfect Curve twits he has surrounded himself with.
That use of the word ‘government’ implies that it’s the current lot that are busily eroding away, rather than the previous incumbents who made such an art form of creative news dissemination. Thanks entirely to this once respected and respectable organisation, which now attempts to persuade us that it is being ‘got at’, some now even believe that the Guardian represents mainline thinking. Thus the list of pseudo-literati whose boringly frequent exposure in both the BBC and its house newspaper seems to confirm that their opinions must have value.
In common with all such ‘intelligentsia’ they have never learned to appreciate that intelligence and wisdom are entirely separate gifts.
The wine that comes with added bite I notice this colour piece links directly to You Tube showing a live snake being drowned in a bottle of alcohol. There is no disclaimer that the viewer who follows the link may be distressed by animal cruelty that would be illegal in UK. This is coming from an organisation that refused to publish or even link to the Charlie Hebdo cartoons because they may be offensive.
BBC Culture (click on the image) also links to Stephen Colbert sending up media censorship of art. Is this to say, “Here at the BBC we don’t censor art“?
Interesting that the BBC article doesn’t mention what has done the “erosion”, or what political effect it’s had on the ‘news’ output.
Joan Bakewell : Women demand equality! When do we want it…? Well, not just yet.
This is the regular spot on BBC Breakfast where unelected ‘Campaigners’ are given free rein to bang on about their cause without any difficult questions from Louise Minchin or Bill mincing.
So, the issue is: women will have to wait longer for their state pensions – but although they can’t argue against parity with males older women think it is unfair that the change (excuse the pun) is coming in too quick and they didn’t have enough warning.
‘You wouldn’t believe the stories….’ says the Liverpudlian campaigner joining our BBC-payroll-Joan in this argument. Well, frankly dear, given the BBC’s track record in not bothering to fact-check anything or push back in any way whatever such campaigners say, no sorry, I wouldn’t believe you anymore. The BBC run a strict don’t ask don’t tell policy when it comes to such shroud waving sob stories.
My beef is not specifically against this issue or this group and their particular whine – it is of course against the BBC and their default encouragement of just about any issue – so long as it involves more public spending.
AslSeelt. See below this hasn’t just been sprung it’s been in the offing since 1995 I find it difficult to believe more than a handful of people would not be aware . For one I have been requesting pension forecasts on an annual basis for the last five years even thought at present I have 11.5 years to state retirement, subject to more goal post moving and checking up everywhere I may have had an occ pen.
Was Fallon telling the whole truth? Breakfast this morning sofa sloth reminds the defence secretary that Nimrod MR4A aircraft were cut up in the buy Boeing patrol craft on off on purchase. Strange I don’t remember a huge sofa outcry when that happened despite the impact on long range air sea rescue. As far as I was aware without getting out my reference books despite being over budget and late (like most defence projects) the airframes were all more or less complete. Fallon side steps saying they weren’t in RAF service.
Joan Bakewell & some woman bitchin about “equality” in pensions. Don’t follow the argument woman guest says pension has been snatched away as she expected to get her pension when she was 60. Hang on if I recall the announcement was made back in the 90sto centralise male & female pension ages If memory serves a group of men went to European court. At the time I recall comments being made as to male retirement age dropping to 60 I always said they’d put it to 65 well surprise. Of course since then the timeline has been stretched out I’m currently expecting my pension at 66.5 although that’s subject to change. Sofa guest wants compensation as she has only just been told funny how around seven years ago I had written to my MP with the point that not enough details were in the public domain over the changes. But the information that pension payment ages was out there. So strange how making things equal is unfair to one party.
Actually just found this “1995 – women’s state pension age to be equalised
Following pressure from Europe, the Conservative Government was forced to announce plans to equalise state pension age for men and women. The timetable was the most relaxed possible and would raise pension age for women to 65 slowly from April 2010 to April 2020.” So this has been around since 1995.
Not BBC-related (yet):
I see that Brian has been busy spreading more climate misinformation over on Sky:
Prince Charles has spoken exclusively to Sky News about his ongoing concerns about climate change, saying he believes there are links to the current refugee crisis and terrorism.
In his only interview ahead of COP21, the UN’s climate summit which opens next Monday, the Prince of Wales suggested that environmental issues may have been one of the root causes of the problems in Syria.
He said: “We’re seeing a classic case of not dealing with the problem, because, I mean, it sounds awful to say, but some of us were saying 20 years ago that if we didn’t tackle these issues, you would see ever greater conflict over scarce resources and ever greater difficulties over drought, and the accumulating effect of climate change, which means that people have to move.
“And, in fact, there’s very good evidence indeed that one of the major reasons for this horror in Syria, funnily enough, was a drought that lasted for about five or six years, which meant that huge numbers of people in the end had to leave the land.”
The BBC are, so far, quiet about this latest ignorant outburst from our dim-witted future King (of Fools). Don’t worry, as soon as the Climate Jamboree kick off proper they’ll doubtless be prostrate before Brian’s undoubted wisdom and insights into the climate-related reasons for the multiple homicides in Paris and Mali just recently.
Beggars belief. But I think that’s rather the point with this buffoon.
Brian? Brian who, ObiWan?
Am a bit surprised on one hand because our royals are said to be really well-informed. I would have thought that HRH would have also known about the religio-geo-political events and influences within Syria and the wider Middle East that have impacted on Syria.
True, there has been a drought, but HRH should also be aware that Syria was not a hick country full of yokel farmers. Also, drought & famine tends to make people migrate to the closest certain water & food, not thousands of miles to an uncertain future. And certainly a Syrian drought doesn’t affect Afghans, Ethiopians, Somalis, Libyans and a host of west and central African countries some of whose populations are Europe bound.
On the other hand, I think he is desperate to have influence and also really desperate to be liked and loved and meet with wide public approval. Saying things like this, sub-consciously are a step in hope to obtain all of that.
The downside is that IF GW & CC do not appear or they reverse or turn out to be benign, maybe helpful even, he and all the elite who have sold their souls to it and ‘the cause’, if they have impoverished a great majority of others in their countries in the meantime, may face a backlash from the people that I prefer not to think about. Instead, I hope sanity will prevail. Current signs, though, are not encouraging.
Owen Bennett-Jones isn’t normally this snarky. So I have to wonder whether the gratuitous and confusing Israel references in Does the West want democracy in the Middle East? might not have been a sub editor’s addition.
“If Middle Eastern governments did what their people wanted, Israel would have a problem”. At first I wondered if OB-J was implying Israel was not part of the Middle East or not arguably the only democracy in the region. Is he saying the (Arab) people of the Middle East want war with Israel and their governments are holding them back?
“The issue was most sharply exposed when Hamas won the election in the Palestinian territories in 2006. Israeli and Western officials all refused to meet their newly elected representatives on the grounds that they wanted the destruction of Israel.” I don’t recall Hamas demanding to speak with Israel. Nor do I recall them denying they want to destroy Israel. Following the elections, the Quartet (the United States, Russia, United Nations, and European Union) made future foreign assistance to the PA conditional upon the future government’s commitment to non-violence, recognition of the state of Israel, and acceptance of previous agreements. Hamas rejected those changes, which led to the Quartet suspending its foreign assistance program and Israel imposing economic sanctions on the Hamas-led administration.
Consistently Hamas has communicated that the only direct contact they want with israel is to accept the surrender and organise the evacuation. How undemocratic of Israel not to facilitate the wishes of the people?
“Within a few months, many of Hamas’s elected representatives were in Israeli prisons.” Many of them were in P.A. prisons. In the 2007 Battle of Gaza Hamas took control of Gaza, while its officials were ousted from government positions in the West Bank”. O B-J seems to be implying that Israel was subverting Palestinian democracy rather than members of Hamas, some of whom happened to be elected, were arrested on terrorism charges.
“What would a post-Assad Syria look like? What would Syrian elections bring? Might Sunni Islamists come to power? How would that suit the West? And Israel?” Is the implication that Israel prefers Assad? To appropriate Henry Kissinger, Israel hopes they all lose
BBC Online News today:-
“Paris attacks: Abdeslam brothers ‘were manipulated, not radicalised'”
“”Mr Abdeslam (brother): They became radicalised. Personally, I wouldn’t use this term. Nowadays, a lot of young people can be easily influenced. I deeply believe that my brothers weren’t radicalised. That’s the reason why we didn’t see anything. I rather feel like my brothers were manipulated.””
“”I hope that this dark story will calm down. Journalists are ringing our bell almost every day to get some information or an interview. It’s heavy, it’s exhausting””.
‘Manipulated’ instead of ‘Radicalised’ will be the new BBC/Left excuse for Islamic Terrorist atrocities. And his brother is playing the victim card already. The poor thing is ‘exhausted’ by the attention from the media.
And not once is Islam mentioned in the article. Strange,that?
BBC. Always sympathetic to Islamic terrorists. Biased.
Apologies to Ray_f who covered this earlier.
After Camoron, Appeaser May, Kerry, Obama, Merkel, Archbishop Welby, the BBC and the enemedia in general.
All prostrating themselves to deny for Islam, adhering to Sharia, covering up for it.
The police, (of course) are desperate try to out do them.
Sharia UK News : London police dive into canal to rescue Qur’ans –
Police dived into an east London canal to retrieve 150. Islamic books – only to discover they had been dumped there deliberately?… you literally couldn t make this sh-t up!.
It is thought a “well meaning” believer had put the books in the Limehouse Cut after … “MISUNDERSTANDING THE RULES” for proper and correct disposal of the Koran.
Anyone who needs to dispose of Islamic texts are “EXPECTED” to put them in water to disintegrate, or to burn them (burn them?, only of course if you are not an infidel, if you are … expect to die) … they should not be simply thrown away
… doing this rather than working to protect the English people from violent Jihad. this madness, or maybe it isn t.
maybe Sharia is the law now? … “appease the crocodile” eh!?
BUT … the Lords prayer? … sorry for the …erm “offence” eh! ban it immediately.
Now I include this because if you put “Lords Prayer” into BBC News, site
you get a link to this story … with a photo of a child in a hijab!
click on to it, you get the story with a photo of a child with her hands in a … well just check it out.
Well Tony Hall thinks the general public should decide on matters of programing and funding rather than the government. I suppose because they are cheesed off that the Tories are not following the toe line like their leftist friends under Comrade Corbyn and what you can fit into a couple of taxis called Liberals, I don’t even know who their leader is ?.