In a way, I suppose London represents the BBC’s utopian version of society with a population mix totally unlike anywhere else in the UK, and the likes of Tower Hamlets as a jewel in the proverbial multiculti crown. So I suppose items like “DNA study finds London was ethnically diverse from start” is simply reinforcement material to make them feel good.
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Yes, the report from Pallab Ghosh was so gleeful and ‘historian’ Michael Wood was positively wetting himself on PM – ‘what we all love about London is its diversity’. (That’ll be a some people ‘all’). Couldn’t they have found a ‘British’ historian instead to really rub it in?
But why all the merriment, to what purpose?
London was founded by an invader, bringing its slaves, captured workers and soldiers but in what way is that a parallel with a city that has had nearly 2000 years to become typically ‘English’ being systematically ethnically cleansed by moving the aborigines out to the New Towns and replacing them with immigrants?
Let’s celebrate the birth of Belfast as a city as the English conqueror brought in its Scots planters and soldiers! Let’s celebrate the foundation of New Amsterdam as the racist Algonquians were displaced by the diverse European settlers!
So why after 2000 years, do they still speak with West Indian accents ?
As others have pointed out, it is a nonsensical argument. London was founded by invaders as a geographically well sited place to further their aims of conquest. As the Roman empire was ‘diverse’, so was its stronghold in Londinium. That tells us nothing at all about the people of Britain.
Sadly, we have a generation of historians as corrupted as so-called climate ‘scientists’ – both groups willing to subvert objective reality in the service what they want to believe or, more importantly, what they want us to believe.
This is something I noticed long before the Climate Change scam. I heard about a Berber Historian in Algeria who complained about the fact that Berber culture had been stolen by the Arabs, Berber religion had been stolen by Islam and now Berber racial identity has been stolen by Black studies in America, and has now spread into mainstream western history teaching. In York Museum we have multicultural Roman street scenes with more Blacks than you would find in York in the present day, all based on finding Ivory jewellery on a woman buried in York. I found out that the skull was a Caucasian of a type not unusual for a Berber. And now we have a Black Roman Emperor, Septimus Severus, who ruled the Roman Empire from York, from 208 till his death in York of gout on 4th February 211 aged 65. He was born in Leptis Magna of half Italian and half Berber parents. Leptis Magna was a Roman city on the Mediterranean coast in modern day Libya. We know what he looked like because of the Bust’s that have survived, he is obviously not Black. But the fact that the Roman province that he was born in was called Africa at that time, would be the reason Black studies would depict him as Black. But Africa was named after a Berber tribe, and then after the Roman Empire disappeared, Africa eventually came to mean the whole continent of Africa.
London is one of the greatest cities in the world; generates 30% of the UK’s wealth and is an international, multicultural metropolis that works. It attracts the best & most talented people from across the Globe because of that, not despite it.
Sorry you don’t like seeing so many darkies when you come to visit, but you live on an island 300 miles away; if you don’t like London, perhaps you should stay there.
You won’t be missed.
The multiculturalism you seem to be so fond of contributes nothing to this.
You think London “attracts the best & most talented people from across the Globe” because of Brent and Tower Hamlets? It does it in spite of these places, not because of them. I suspect you know this perfectly well.
The joys of multicultural London!
“generates 30% of the UK’s wealth”
No it does not, it produces SFA, except bits of paper, now the electronic version, which purport to show that imaginary value has been created out of thin air, by loveable bankers.
The real result of which is that the UK is insolvent.
“the best & most talented people” who are attracted to London take part in this money grubbing, UK impoverishing “industry”.
The remainder are third world scum.
‘Works? ‘ My ass, only if you’re a Metrosexual liberal hipster tosser or a BBC employee living in a nice leafy suberb.
Ask a real Eastender (not the faux BBC type) or an indigenous type in Tower Hamlets (if you can find one).
“You won’t be missed”
By whom?
Are you by chance bitter that such an apparently unwelcome character amongst your peer group secures invitations from the BBC that you do not?
The notion of telling folk who don’t like places to stay elsewhere is an interesting one. Often that can get people in trouble, especially from the BBC.
To Jason. I recommend a dictionary and suggest you check on the words ‘work’ and ‘wealth’. Also a course on wealth generation wouldn’t go a miss, because if you think London is a net wealth generator rather than a profligate wealth consumer then you are delusional.
Also, your comments regarding ‘Daves not welcome here’ smack of some ‘ism’ or other. Do you want Davids to be ‘sent back’ from London? “No Dogs, No Irish, No Davids”. Well done Jason – you bigot.
London is the former Capital of the UK. Governments have successively given passports to foreigners over a four decade period, and it is now colonised. You may think London is a great place, as many do. I’m English, I go to London only when I have to and as far as I can make out, it isn’t England any more. London is far from self reliant in food, water and energy.
You’ll have to wait a few years to find out how wrong you are, for the power cuts (getting closer), the crime increase (criminals walking into England every day), the poverty (welfare’s gonna collapse and Osborne can’t do squat, no matter how he tries) and the advancing social breakdown. Good luck in London, if that’s where you choose to live, and await the consequences of the enforced enrichment.
Jason makes a stupid comment and it’s used as an excuse once again for every chippy northern imbecile to pop out of the woodwork. Pathetic.
I grew up with this northern crap, and lived with it for far too long.
London is successful in spite of the wrong sort of immigration because, unlike Bradford, Dewsbury, Rotherham etc, it also attracts the right sort. That’s what really grates with you, isn’t it?
Well said Anne, but Essex people prefer them to stay in London. Where I live, is mainly Hideously White, but we all love Priti. She is an asset to Essex.
Pritti Patel is a product of integration not multi-culturalism which is why I rather like her too!
Aborigine Londoner
‘Nail on the head’, integration is a positive force for a stable community , on the other hand
multi-culturalism, which is promoted and promulgated by Al Beeb and our government as ‘the best thing since sliced bread’ is divisive.
“Jason makes a stupid comment”
Jason does little else, he sings from the Marxist hymn-book he was taught at school, and has learnt SFA since, no introspection, no examination, no consideration.
Many contributors here went through the same “educational” experience that Jason did, swimming round like Goldfish fry in a bowl, with that bowl for a universe, fed on Marxist ants eggs and assorted lies and perversions of history, many of them held similar views to Jason, as I once did myself.
The difference is that these BBBC regulars had the open-mindedness to examine their beliefs, and the reliability, truth and authority of what they had been taught.
They discovered that much of the “educational” process had been lies and propaganda, so they changed their views and came here.
Lies and propaganda that are peddled by the BBC et al to the closed minds of adults who are unable or unwilling to think for themselves. Such as yourself.
So, Jason, in a country that has lots and lots of different cultures, all allowed to represent their own narrow interests through their own distinct ‘communities’, where is the culture that binds them all together?
Or are you too busy celebrating gender segregation, bigamy, female genital mutilation, honour killings and the like to even give it a thought?
Jason, before mass immigration transformed London (it hasn’t finished yet……) the city was made up of the rich, middle-class and poor – all working. Today, it is made up of the rich, the middle-class and the welfare-class. The rich are international, the middle class mainly English, and the welfare-class mainly immigrant and descendants of immigrants. The middle-class is shrinking and the welfare-class growing. This cannot end well, for obvious economic reasons. The native English are essentially paying to be colonised – ie, the suicidal, tax-providing Guardian readers of Clapham are funding the expansion of tax-eating Brent, Lambeth, Tower Hamlets etc. It doesn’t take a genius to see where this will end up, but it does expose those who avert their eyes to this ongoing social and economic catastrophe as monumentally stupid or simply not-very-bright victims of relentless propaganda and indoctrination.
I lived in different areas of London, Plumstead, Eltham ,Knightsbridge as a child from three years old to six (my Mother worked as a cook/housekeeper) from 1950 to 1953. I roamed all over the place, the only black people I can remember are those at an embassy near Harrods, plus one black girl at the Woolwich Institute for the homeless, we had just been put on the street again.
At my first school Marlborough there were no black or Asian kids.
I went back to work in London from 1967 the overwhelming majority were white even in Brixton where I worked for a time.
It was only from the mid 1970s that number increased across the river in East London where Bangladeshis were given house meant for those who had lived there all there lives and been bombed out during the war.
In the north mill owners brought in Pakistanis to man the mills because the locals didn’t want to work weekends etc. They arrived just as production was moved to Asia but the migrants stayed rather than being made to go back home or follow the work.
From 1967 to 1970 I shared digs in Lee Green with a retired Pakistani Major, a wonderful chap, who warned me ”The ones coming here from Pakistan are not good, I won’t elaborate, but he looked down on them
I actually lived in London and know what I am talking about.
I was born in north London in 1947 and although the family moved to West Germany in 1948 we made a number of trips back to London during the 50s. In the 60s I was in the armed forces not far from London. I can only say that I agree with every word, and to mirror what your Pakistani Major said, I had a conversation with the wife of a Pakistani diplomat whilst working in North Borneo in the mid seventies. She said exactly the same as the major you met.
Oh, and when I was a regular at White Hart Lane in Tottenham you hardly saw a black face in Tottenham or Edmonton.
And where exactly, Jason, are the multiculturals in the City and Canary Wharf? Making coffee and sweeping floors. Pushing down wages, living up to 42 in a one bedroom house and scrounging as much from the state as they can. Ethnic Cleansing is the result as the only traditional Londoners are forced out in favour of your Slum generation and oppressive multi-cultural ideal.
One of the reasons I like Youtube so much is that the camera lies far less than print or radio.
Look at any war time footage in our once great capital, and it will show that London was never multicultural.. unless they all ran away for a period of time. Also the word ‘multiculturalism’ is a relatively new word, why would that be if we always had a ‘multicultural’ society!
M’ Lord I give you London in the 50s as evidence…
Lovely memory from our hidden past. It reminded me of those photos of Afghan women before the Taliban, dressed in western clothes, as today we are told of their lengthy islamic traditions
Multikulturalism, like Orwell’s world of 1984, has been implemented by the destruction of past memories.
The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.
Very emotional film, if only I had a time machine I would throw the key away after I got back there.
When I heard it I thought just another drop in the BBC’s non stop campaign to convert us to multiculturalism. Whilst those of us who reached maturity before the BBC began their assault on Britain and British values, may be resistant to their propaganda and easily see it for what it is, I fear that younger people who have known nothing else other than the BBC’s multiculti ‘crusade’, are being duped into believing that this is a ‘good’ thing and that if they don’t conform they are , take your pick from the following: old fashioned, racist , stupid, ignorant, uncool, selfish, hideously white, standing against the tide of history etc etc.
I’m only 22. It doesn’t take much to call the BBC out on their endless biased bullshit and warped agenda.
You’ve done well to survive the relentless brainwashing then, Xavier, not just from the BBC.
Well done Xavier. I just wish that my own relatives and their friends , who a bit older than you, had as much gumption. Instead they seem incredibly gullible and completely oblivious to the consequences of having a large and rapidly growing population of people who do not share their liberal beliefs on themselves and their children.
We can see how the BBC will use DNA research to propagandise its commitment to multiculturalism. Only partly related to the BBC bias, but I have been involved in a study of bioprospecting, involving pharmaceutical companies who collect complete samples of DNA from indigenous people in Africa. The material changes hands for many millions and there are arguments to be had about proper payment for the donors. That aside, there is political dynamite in DNA research which can either verify or refute claims of political/tribal leaders based on beliefs about their people’s history. Obviously the left regard it as racist to use science to counter historical claims, hence the argument emerging among UN whackoes is that DNA research, like most of western science, is a racist form of capitalist ideology. Refute that. I am awaiting a Guardian reporter followed by the BBC to pick up on this form of capitalist exploitation.
DNA research is, just as you say, an absolute minefield – and one no Leftist is going to want to get anywhere near, unless it is to cherry pick ‘positive’ data. My hunch is that they are going to find fewer and fewer examples of that, so they will resort to the usual tactic – suppressing what doesn’t suit their misguided political faith.
I had a bookmark for a BBC 2 program that was involved in identifying descendants of Vikings in the UK using DNA. The results were not what the BBC wanted to hear. They found that 90% of ethnic Britons were directly descended from the first hunter gatherers that arrived after the Ice Age 35k years ago before the North Sea was formed and cut off GB from mainland Europe.
An interesting example was that of skeleton found in the Cheddar Caves. Carbon dated at 9k years old. DNA revealed many of this persons descendants still lived locally.
When I saw this last evening I went to the link but the BBC have pulled it. How convenient.
G.W.F. November 24, 2015 at 9:30 am
This remind me of the Kennewick Man issue in the US:
The remains were claimed by several Native American tribes as one of their own under laws which support the traditional view that America’s first settlers were the ancestors of current Native American. Science is not allowed to contradict this view. However, the DNA evidence suggest that Kennewick Man was descended from other Asian peoples who arrived in the Americas earlier than previously thought:
“I believe these Asian coastal migrations were the first,” said Owsley. “Then you’ve got a later wave of the people who give rise to Indians as we know them today.”
Thanks for the link John. Been following the Kennewick saga for years, but missed the Smithsonian report, a fascinating read.
There a parallels between Kennewick Man and Cheddar Man that I commented on below. Both have thrown perceived notions on their heads.
TPO, there’s some good stuff on Youtube about this. I only discovered this story a few days ago. A parallel with this attitude would be giving Creationists’ Biblical Chronology precedence over scientific evidence about how old the Earth really is! What a bizarre contradiction.
Well the BBC must be crapping themselves at the news that their Glorious London, showcase of racial and ethnic multiculturalism wants to vote to leave the EU.
I find the BBC’s insistence in dragging up this hoary old chestnut at the drop of hat somewhat tedious. But then that’s the BBC for you.
I find it equally tedious in constantly having to point out to BBC drones the example of Cheddar Man.
I’m not going to go into all of it, having done so on a number of occasions on this blog in the past 12 years.
Here is a link:
A very brief summation is that a man met a violent death in Cheddar Gorge over 9,100 years ago and his remains placed in Gough’s cave. It was excavated in 1903. In 1996 a DNA experiment was undertaken and local school children who lived within a five mile radius took park including the school history teacher, Adrian Targett. It was established through mitochondrial DNA that Mr. Targett was a direct descendent of Cheddar man. Two of the children had indirect links to Cheddar Man
I have no doubt that a majority of the UK population would be able to trace their ancestry back to that time if the means were available and that a large proportion never really travelled that far from their ancestral home.
Anyone interested should look up Haplogroup U5 a grouping of mitochondrial Haplogroup DNA.
So 2 out of 20,000 made London cosmopolitan? I think we should wait until the other 19996 bones have been profiled before we give in to Jason and al-Beeb’s mantra.
Jason and Scott would make perfect bedfellows . Where is Scott these days?
I think I finally worked out why I am so opposed to multi-culturalism yet I am married to an immigrant! It was my use of the word cosmopolitan and my reply to Essexman that helped. I have absolutely no opposition to immigration providing it is controlled and there is integration. The London I live in now is frightening. It was refreshing that the Government has finally won their case that immigrants must speak English before coming to UK. I hope to God it is British English but I guess the damned inept IELTS test will be used which actively discriminates against British English speakers!
Multiculturalism is a term made up by the left to mask failure – an admission that the integration of vast numbers of people from areas of the world, whose beliefs and way of life are frequently at odds with Western values, is an impossibility. It is neither a philosophy nor an idea.
To use a few scraps of Roman era DNA to arrive at a dubious conclusion is using one fantasy to describe another.
Al Beeb at its best, blatant and transparent propaganda.
Immediate post 2nd World War Britain.
1. Capital Punishment
2. Corporal Punishment
3. National Service
4. Grammar and Secondary Modern Schools
5. No multiculturalism
A near perfect society 7th heaven.
….And then came the Windrush.