For some reason I can’t find a mention of this on the BBC website…
Ken Olisa: The most powerful black man in Britain
He’s the Queen’s escort in London who locked horns with John Bercow and has a library named after him at Cambridge – not bad for a boy who grew up without a loo in Nottingham
You might have thought such an inspiring story from a black role model would be something that the BBC would trumpet. Seems not.
The story did get a mention on 5LiveDrive (about 17:55) when they interviewed Ken Olisa about the Black ‘power list’…..The BBC’s immediate take was that such a list proved there was a glass ceiling in business and society…ie Britain is racist…which is an odd conclusion…a conclusion Olisa himself roundly dismissed telling the BBC that there clearly was no glass ceiling, as the power list showed, opportunities exist for Blacks as much as anyone else, therefore he suggested there was another reason that explains why some black people don’t get into high places…such as because they don’t think they can so they don’t even try….belief that they will fail is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Now where might black people get the idea that they are victims and eternally condemned to the fringes of society? Could it be from organisations like the BBC that peddle a view of life that helps create a sense of victimhood and hopelessness when in reality the opportunities are there for the taking if only people weren’t brainwashed into thinking they are hopeless and helpless by lefty organisations and black grievance agitators with an agenda?
‘Does he think we live in a culture of victimhood?
“Well I think it’s in the interests of a lot of people to get others to feel downtrodden, so that they can claim to come and raise them back up again.” Disaffected minorities seem now to be a majority, but Olisa sees no reason for why this should be.
“This Powerlist, it shows that black people can do everything. There can no longer be an argument that if you can’t get on because you are black. There are lots of other reasons you can’t get on – you’re incompetent, you can’t speak properly, you can’t spell, you don’t get to work on time. But it’s not because you are black.” ‘
Once again the BBC is shown to be an organisation whose ‘do-gooding’ actually does more harm to race relations and the prospects of black people than good… with immigration, Islam and the economy where the BBC line advanced with determined and wilful blindness as to the truth by its employees on each of these subjects has been dangerous and misguided.
All we ever hear from the BBC is the blacks as victims narrative, and support for the ‘Black lives Matter protest which has infected our university campuses. Then, Trump is a racist, Republicans are racists, the Tea Party is racist, all implementing that glass ceiling.
In the real world there are black people getting on with their lives, building successful careers. But you won’t get this from the BBC. Have a look at the FB site of the Black Tea Patriots, Black Conservative sites; they are many and ignored by the racist BBC Trots.
From the Black Conservative movement, not to be mentioned by BBC North American reporters.
I saw a photo of Mr Olisa today, he did look that black to me. Then I read his Nigerian father left his white mother and went back home; so he was brought up by a white mother, now where have I heard that before? Black father gets white woman pregnant and biggers off to leave her to bring up a child with whom he has no connection except as Dame Kelly Holmes puts it ‘a sperm donor’
In this case and with Obama the 50% white genetic make up and the 100% white family upbringing is ignored, brushed aside; that really is racism.
Why does the black community and the BBC so readily ignore everything except skin tone to claim success for someone who is more white than black?
So belief that they will fail, i.e. lack of confidence, is now the latest excuse for the failure of blacks. Blaming racism is now a busted flush, so they have to come up with a new excuse. Can you blame lack of confidence for the failure of so many African states?
As I have posted before and will keep posting, none of the people I know of any non-white shade bear any resemblance to the race hustlers and professional victim-mongers so beloved of the BBC. The most shameless exploiters of black people in this country are to be found in the BBC.