Well then, the BBC and Labour have been completely wrong footed by Osborne in his Autumn Statement. BOTH have been predicting an apocalypse if the Tax Credit changes and Policing budget cuts were implemented today. The comrades in the BBC seem shattered at Osborne’s unexpected nimble footedness and it fell to John McDonnell to respond and he did. In aces! He produced a copy (His personal copy?) of Mao’s little Red Book and quoted from it. The BBC may approve of this but the rest of the country is in convulsions. Corby and McDonnell are destroying Labour as a serious political opposition and that’s why Osborne keeps moving slightly more to the Left. I wonder if the BBC see this? The Corbynistas are blind to it but comes 2020, I suggest Labour will meltdown and I wonder where THAT will leave its broadcasting arm, the BBC?
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Closed Down, or an irrelevance, by then!
I think there’s a pattern developing; Messrs Cameron and Osborne allow a rumour to emerge about a possible change in government policy that gets all the usual commie suspects agitated and frothing indignation, fully expecting to be able to perform the usual pantomime of left-wing righteousness, only to be held up to ridicule when said changes don’t transpire. If so, it’s a great trick and provides great entertainment. Perhaps in this way our socialists will be wiped off the political stage.
There’s one unpleasant announcement today, by Mr Osborne; he’s giving the sodding bbc more of our money for the World Service. That doesn’t bode well for any changes to the way this awful organisation is funded.
Only for er more “properganda “towards totalitarian states. They might find out that, those said states, are more right wing than the BBC. (the listeners, may, that is)
I’ve just watched the so-called “BBC editors’ verdict”.
Laura Keunssberg looked like she was in pain and gnawing on a piece of wood(CLIMB DOWN, CLIMB DOWN!!), Kamal Ahmed was semi-reasonable but didn’t really know what to say, Robert Preston was slouched in his chair like Dylan from the Magic Roundabout and I have absolutely no idea what he was speaking about.
Like it or loathe it, the Conservatives are wiping the floor with Labour. And the BBC.
And nothing the BBC can do/is doing seems to be helping.
Both are loosing the battle.
Is an Editor’s Verdict anything like an Editor’s Pick on an HYS, namely a filtered piece of narrative that the BBC can get away with because they control the production suite and transmission.
Al Beeb had lined up their usual list of suspects to rip into Osborneo, and got caught in a classic bait and switch. McDonnell was completely out of his depth, and the faces of the liebourites around him were a picture, they were doing anything ( reading their horoscopes, phoning home to see what was for tea, booking a winter break), to avoid being associated with his cack-handed response. Watching Keunssberg and co was a joy as they tried to figure out how the hell Osborneo had finessed the figures. All that hard work in the run-up, setting up Georgie boy for a good kicking and he just body-swerved the whole rat pack. Very annoying.
Thank you DV
However your histogram of historical nastiness, is incorrect and incomplete.
It ignores the exploits of the founder of the ROP, one Disney cartoon character, named Jokehammed, who has between 300,000,000 and 800,000,000 victims, mostly Hindus.
The histogram also ignores the pro-rata victim ratio, where one Pol Pot, not his real name, strange how Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Tito, acted under cuntonyms, has the prime position in both the death proportion count and the celerity of the genocide.
But it nice to observe how the traitors on the left are breeding, true to type, in the Mendelian sense.
Best to respond with a eugenic solution to the problem.
people would “feel absolutely betrayed”
John McDonnell
Yes they do feel betrayed, betrayed by the Labour Party whose raison d’etre was to improve the status of the working class, however defined.
The same Labour Party who imported three million Muslims, and then bribed them with benefits, for their (several) votes.
The greatest example of treason on history, come on Cameron put these traitors on the the gallows, trials optional.
What no police cuts, the whole BBC team were speechless and wrong footed however this morning the main headline on Radio 5 is one of chaos at the treasury and Osborne doing U turns, and we pay for these clowns.
What do you expect from Laura C****berg?
Everyone knows she is a lightweight, given the job because ‘we need to be seen to have women at the top’.
True, she was quite attractively made up and provided good late night eye candy for those that like that sort of thing (which clearly by definition (and hypocritically for the Guardianistas) the bBBC want to exploit), but substance? Gravitas? Impartiality? Intelligent journalism? Errr no. She was like a rabbit trapped in the headlights, unable to think and struggling as to what to say given that Osbourne had proved so unpredictable. So the headline is now U turn and, the ultimate bBBC irony, he’s not cutting fast enough!
“she was quite attractively made up and provided good late night eye candy”
Laura K? Are you sure?
Everything is relative.
Emily Meritless currently trying to get her young production team to see the merits of an expose of sexist ageism in TV, but a dark figure ‘observing’ in the corner of the room making them less than enthused.
LK `s voice is enough to need a full mouth gag , & replaced by Stephen Hawking`s voice .
Some people are on the pitch – they think its all over for Labour …. … It is Mao
Nice 🙂
Guido piles it on …
‘Who to believe? The Chinese Labour camp internee or John McDonnell?’
Tricky for the BBC. Their record of what happens in green rooms and who gets believed and what then happens is ‘interesting’ (in a Chinese sense).
Maybe they’ll ban John from the building?
Luckily, not all Labour’s finest representatives of the people are stark, raving… oh…
Be interesting to see if the national broadcaster of the United Kingdom continues with its mission to stir up as much grief as it can amongst the population, from their bunker, in complement.
wonder if the said MP is in favour of renewing the Nuclear Deterrent, because he’s just made a very good case for it……if inadvertently
I was keeping an open mind on Corbyn & McDonnell, especially as the BBC have been taking very definite positions on both, swinging from against to cautious optimism & in favour and then back to against or hostile even.
Little Red Book apart, McDonnell did himself and his Leader no good at all, in my view, yesterday. His tone, after the Tory bleating and the U-turn from Osborne, was intellectually pathetic. It was boorish, thuggish, small-minded, lower-case socialism in the face of some real Socialism from Osborne. He made Ed Balls look AND SOUND good. He did not demonstrate in my hearing, a real economic or budgetary grasp of the task before Chancellor & Nation and thus demonstrated his own inadequacy.
The Little Red Book stunt was probably ill-advised for a first major speech as Shadow Chancellor. It needed to be produced with grace and humour, both apparently absent, at the right time. I do not think his first Autumn Statement was the right time. It will now forever be highlighted by the media, whether Labour supporting or not.
It is McDonnell’s only public achievement, thus far. It may be the best all he manages before he gets pushed out.
He will have to do incredibly well from now on to erase the memory of it.
‘He will have to do incredibly well from now on to erase the memory of it’
Looking below, seems the BBC may be well ahead of you.
Maybe… there was not enough room?
I went to BBC Parliament on iplayer thinking I ought to see McDonnell’s response (and I suppose Osborne’s statement itself) – they are not there. I will have to keep searching.
You’re right. Well of course you are Deborah. You wrote it. Sorry. Only thing from yesterday is PMQs.
Obviously they don’t want mere licence fee payers to be able to see the bBBC’s bezzie mates in parliament looking and performing like tossers.
Found this link at order-order
A must read not only as an explanation of current Labour front bench but also exposes BBC connection to hard left.
dontblameme….Good spot about Seamus Milne father’s BBC biased militancy. The other treasonous, traitorous BBC connection of course is the Guardian:
Quote from your link:
Alasdair Milne was forced out by the BBC board and its chairman Marmaduke Hussey in 1987 in large part, as Jean Seaton recounts in her authorised history Pinkoes and Traitors: The BBC and the Nation 1974-1987 (Profile, £30), for a perception of left-wing bias and more specifically his handling of “Maggie’s Militant Tendency”, an episode of Panorama made by Michael Cockerell alleging far-right involvement in the Conservative Party. The programme’s claims fell apart, specifically the notion that there was an attempt to infiltrate the party by far-right elements analogous to the organised infiltration of Labour by the Militant Tendency. The BBC was sued for libel over the programme by three MPs named in it — their action partly funded by the billionaire Jimmy Goldsmith — and the BBC eventually made an out-of-court settlement of nearly £1 million, according to Seaton.