The BBC is always very concerned about the possibility of the ‘Far Right’ on the march again…the BBC is however quite unconcerned about the Far Left despite the fact that the Far Left has a history as bad if not worse than, say, the National Socialists.
Where were the BBC warnings from history about this?…..
Athens on edge after explosion severely damages buildings
A bomb has exploded outside the headquarters of Greece’s business federation, in the first major attack since Alexis Tsipras assumed power in January.
Police rushed to the scene after two Greek newspapers received warning calls at 3am that a bomb had been placed outside the entrance to the business federation.
Although there was no immediate claim of responsibility, suspicion has been quick to fall on imprisoned anarchists, who recently issued a call to arms in a manifesto posted online.
The proclamation, co-signed by Nikos Romanos, a young anarchist in prison for an armed bank robbery, urged Greeks to ensure a “black December” by taking part in “a month of coordinated actions” against banks, department stores, schools, universities and city halls, “spreading the message of rebellion, [placing] incendiary devices against fascists and bosses”.
“Our proposal is simple,” the manifesto declared. “An action campaign by the name Black December, which will be the detonator for the restart of anarchist insurgency inside and outside the prisons.”
The BBC is unconcerned about the Far Left because they are full of Far Left fascists.
If Greek fascists denying that they are fascists, are fighting Greek fascists who are denying that they are fascists, then that would cause the Greek economy to collapse, and therefore the Euro to collapse. So that would be a good thing for us all, in the long run.
Where is Obama ? Playing Golf ? What a total wanker !
He might be black but he ain’t got no balls!
The BBC really ought to be concerned about the rise of the disingenuously term “far-right.” The Sweden Democrats are running first in the Polls, as are Geert Wilders and Marine Le-Pen. Similar European parties are also on the rise. This political tsunami is unstoppable. Just as King Canute was powerless before the tide so will the Left be poweless before the political tide of their own making. The Hard-Left and their useful idiot liberal allies are trying to destroy native Europeans via mass immigration and multiculturalism. Naturally, the native Europeans don’t wish to be destroyed, hence the rapidly emerging resistance. In a way, this criminal racial and cultural assault on the West has been a good thing. Without it, Europe might have slowly morped into a soft-totalitarian, socialist, virtual dictatorship. When such people hold all the positions of power and influence (as they do) it is very hard to resist the incremental assault, but when there are Muslim terrorists added to the equation along with the stark reality of our declining demographic and their booming demographic, it does tend to sharpen the minds of even the dim. Within a decade at most, Europe will be controlled by the patriotic right, who are no friends of the EU and no friends of the political and media traitor class. I’m not sure the BBC types et al really understand what is coming their way, but coming it is. Just as the Russian bourgeoisie continued to party right up until the Bolshevik mob broke down their front doors, so the all powerful socialist class continue to behave in the exact same way. Party away boys and girls, party away – make the most of your final years in power before you are all prosecuted for crimes against humanity. On a final point, if UKIP want to be part of the European political tsunami, they might just want to start calling out Islam a la Geert Wilders……
Completely agree with the above.
But like late WW2 Germany, and Iraq recently, it’s the Goebbels and Comical Ali propaganda that has to be shut down to kill the brainwashing.
That’s why it has to be bye-bye BBC. Either by it’s funding cut or by force.
In some 10 years time there may be European govts may be on the hard right,some may have Hard left Stasi type East German govts and some may have incredibly Islamic dictatorships.If you substitute Islamism for Communism and Lenin `s claim that the communists took power by the `useful idiots` of the soft left not understanding the comtempt the hard left had for the soft left then it is amazing that so many of todays soft left do not see the comtempt that Hardline Islamists have for them despite the fact that so many hardline Islamic fanatics are anti-Semitic,anti-gay,anti female choice and loathe atheists and er so many of the soft European are either Jewish,Gay,Feminists or Athiests or combinations of each. Lenin started sending the soft left of his day to the labour camps wonder what Shia Law has in store for the soft left if gains power somewhere!
A great writer sums up the BBC perfectly, along with all the other left wing Marxist twats in this world.
“I have often noticed that our Liberals never allow other people to have an opinion of their own, and immediately answer their opponents with abuse, if they do not have recourse to arguments of a still more unpleasant nature.” (Dostoyevsky. 1868)
One suspects not a quote likely to be deployed by the Labour Shadow Chancellor any time soon.
And were he to do so, we should expect two or three attempts at correctly pronouncing Dostoyevsky?
I always understood the the Nazis were left wing, the clue being in the name: National Socialists.
‘The BBC is always very concerned about the possibility of the ‘Far Right’ on the march again…the BBC is however quite unconcerned about the Far Left despite the fact that the Far Left has a history as bad if not worse than, say, the National Socialists.’
The National Socialists were, as their name suggests, leftists, NOT ‘Far Right’. Big, totalitarian government, with plenty of control, increased public expenditure, the consequential huge increase in government debt, tax hikes, government run media, and significant curbs on freedoms. Very Socialist in fact.
The National Socialists, the Nazis? They were socialists, and were allies with fellow socialists around the world till they broke with Stalin. Its a kind of Shia-Sunni break. Each accuses the other of heresy.