Lefty Gurning Murphy was quite angry from his opening sentence, but got even angrier as the Treasury MP just ignored his rudeness and the MP just by-passed, rather than divulge, the Government privileged insider information Murphy was so frustrated at being unable to prise out.
The C4 woman interviewer, Jackie (?) in Telford, was in her element gleaning from the Tax Credit recipients such Government ‘slagging off’, meaningless, statements and noticeably failed to ask any recipient of benefits how much they were receiving from us hard working taxpayers and if they have always been on benefits. Something viewers and those paying these benefits would also be very interested to discover.
In other words we only get the left half of the story from lefties.
An amazing introduction on radio 4 where the shadow chancellors speech was described as exciting becaused he quoted Chairman Mao.
Just shows where the BBC mind set is
He’s a Tory so they hate him, but he’s 100% behind the global warming scam so they love him. On top of that the Sunday Times sting worked because he was being asked to support an invented solar energy company while he was chairman of the energy and climate change committee. The one thing they can’t do is ignore it, because the report is in the Guardian.
Hmmm, I thought that, as per usual, Chloe Tilley would be breathlessly eager on World Have Your Say to present her programme as a shining example of lefty, PeeCee thinking – with irreverent opinions quickly censored.
The setting was Belgium and the subject was the ramifications of the attempt of the Belgians to root out the terrorist cancer in their midst.
Though she did indeed push a clan of the PeeCee peevish on us, prominent in their whingeing about the inconvenience of the rooting out, there was a remarkable shift in emphasis in allowing one Dominique to speak:
From 11:15 minutes in, Tilley asks Dominique whether she thinks the lock-down has been an overreaction. Here’s her forceful reply:
No, I think it’s a good reaction. The only question is why did it take so long… There are areas where there are completely concentrations of Muslim people….
[I nearly fall off my chair as Tilley fails to interrupt her]
…why did it take them so long to find out that they are actually working against the country …
[Still no interruption?!]
These are not behind areas. They have schools, they have everything we have, we’ve given them that. You know we built this country in the first place and they’ve been welcomed. What do they do, they lock themselves up, they build their own little society within ours…
[Finally Chloe Tilley interrupts (talking over Dominique as she tries to continue) and the form the interruption takes is typical BBC]
Lots of people would argue, Dominique, that there are minorities of course that have caused problems, which has been demonstrated by the arrests the police would say, but others would argue that they’ve integrated well, they’ve added to the economy, they’ve created a multicultural Belgium…
Naturally, by “others” Chloe really means the BBC itself, but sticks grimly to the pretence of being impartial. Then she switches quickly to safer ground by bringing in the disgruntled businessman she’d spoken to first.
Still, that was a remarkable little airing of freedom of speech granted to a person who was telling the truth about Muslims.
I finally got to listen to the so called BBC’s story on the diversity of London in the early days. It was really pathetic. Plain propaganda to me, but alas, I know that so many will not recognise it as such. It is depressing when items like this get coverage around the world. Not content with distorting the news of today, they have to go back to our Roman days and try it there.
What did the Romans do for us? They gave us multiculturalism!
Dunno, I always thought the Romans brought great cruelty, barbarism, oppression of minorities, rampaging armies slaughtering their way across vast territories and, er, oh yes of course, good roads and buildings and such.
BBC ‘journalists’ would romanticise hyena shit if they thought it could advance multiculturalism.
Historically, you could argue that the Romans originated (unconsciously, of course) the British cultural cringe, whereby generations of the educated were taught to believe that Roman standards were superior to all others, except Greek – certainly to those of our own barbarian ancestors. This is one of the reasons why we know so much about their past and so little about our own – archaeologists and historians simply didn’t bother to look until relatively recently.
While we Britons might be accused of cultural arrogance, in fact if you scratch the surface, the educated classes had a deep streak of self-perpetuating inferiority in the face of classical learning mixed with the cultural cringe towards the French, which coexisted with it.
You might conclude that the BBC and its fellow travellers on the Left epitomise this inferiority complex today.
I have put in a complaint to the BBC about a minor issue which if I ever get an explanation I will share. Predictably on the 10th day I get the standard BBC email explaining they will need longer. Has anyone here ever had a complaint considered within the ten days?
The ‘Complaints’ website will not even give me a reference no. for a complaint about the World Service, and that speaks volumes about their intention to follow it up. Might have something to do with me not being a UK citizen and therefore not being fleeced by them re the licence tax. But since it’s the World Service they really should have a mechanism for worldwide complaints. Apparently they don’t.
On the other hand, I have had some reaction from individuals by using this address:
Mostly they simply ignore my emails, which definitely get to them since they never bounce back at me, but I have had responses from Peter Horrocks, when he was head of the World Service, Ros Atkins, when he worked for Outside Source, and a few others.
I think quite a good technique is to send the same email to a whole bunch of them at once with the above address and also plonk it on the ‘Complaints’ website.
That might even get their attention.
People who have shrugged off my direct attempts to communicate include:
*Fran Unsworth, erstwhile head of Propaganda by omission of facts the BBC doesn’t like, called ‘Newsgathering’ and now Director of the World Service at a salary that would feed half of Africa
*Lucy Gray and Nuala McGovern from ‘Outside Source’
*Chloe Tilley from ‘World Have Our Say,’ er, I mean Your Say.
thanks TrueToo – I will wait first and see what happens but will bear your advice in mind. It is not a major point I am arguing over (and surprisingly enough) not over bias – I just want to see how they wriggle out of this one.
Robert Peston (the prosodic oddity), like his colleague Laura Kuensberg, can’t seem to grasp the concept of financial discipline either: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-34920769
Good luck at ITV Bob, at least we won’t have to pay your wages.
Or to put it another way, George Osborne is today £23bn better off than he thought in July, and without doing anything at all.
As someone once said ‘The harder I work, the luckier I seem to get’.
Had this been Brown, Peston would be making references to his fiscal discipline and golden rules and even how it’s not really unexpected because he’s abolished boom and bust.
As a so-called ‘public’ broadcaster why doesn’t the disgusting BBC start speaking up for taxpayers by questioning the revolting foreign aid swindle? It’s an utter f******* disgrace!! The BBC love seeing our hard-earned money being blown on childish left-wing fantasies. I loathe the left and their puerile world views. Think of all the elderly war heroes and homeless people that the foreign aid money, yes – OUR MONEY – could help. But what does the homeless war hero see happening across the street? Economic migrants being put up in hotels at our expense.
Strange, I’m currently reading a book called ‘The Loop’ by Nicholas Evans, author of ‘The Horse Whisperer.’
There’s a passage in it where a guy who’s going off to Africa to try to improve the continent has a confrontation with a guy who consider it a waste to get involved.
Africa guy eventually calls the other guy an idiot.
Dunno where Mr Evans himself stands on the issue, but we all know where the BBC stands.
It’s a crime to put others before the people of your own country – and one the BBC commits daily.
Foreign Aid budget promoted and continued by Dhimmi Dave and Gideon. Blair must luvvem.
I prefer, like these politicians, to think in simple economic terms, familial style. Charidee people knock on your door, without any ID, and despite the fact that you and your household are in huge debt, you borrow yet more money in loans, so you can then set up an ad infinitum standing order for said charidee donations, with no reassurance about the recipients of your largesse, simultaneously announcing it ostentatiously and much fanfare to your family members, all contributing, who all know of the collective impecunious state, and think you totally insane.
Yes. This is Conservative policy. Take a bow Dave and Prudent Gideon.
Its about time Dodgy Dave started putting his own people first – Why do we waste so much on Overseas Aid ? ‘Overseas aid budget to increase to £16.3bn by 2020’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-34908612
“about time Dodgy Dave started putting his own people first”
Its simple Taff he won t,
http: //www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/politics/article4623041.ece
His interest is keeping low wages, and a flow of cheap labour, there is no concern for our own nationals, or their livelihoods … only themselves
… oh! and blowing with whatever wind, he can angle to make himself a photo opportunity.
He s a turncoat spiv … that’s it, everything else like all, with these despicable crooks … is lies
Apparently Dave gets angry if those around him start questioning the foreign aid budget and why it is so large, when (the country is supposedly skint) there are so many other more worthy domestic funding issues which need addressing.
I’ve always maintained: Camoron – not a true Conservative, a Blairlite, pro-EU, Saudi lickspittle.
In this Beed article on the spending review it shows the changes for the various departments since 2010. As you would expect nearly all show negative changes, except the foreign aid budget – up 25%.
Something to think about when your local library gets shut and turned into migrant accommodation. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-34790102
The foreign aid budget is the manifestation of our guilt in creating the greatest, most extensive, benign and beneficial empire in world history. Some will look back – in due course, though probably not within my lifetime and certainly not while current ‘social historians’ have influence – to compare it with the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Chinese, Inca, Aztec, Mayan and many others to find that not only was it unique in being based on freedom rather than slavery, it offered the incalculable benefits of a common language, codes of ethics and law, education, railways and civil infrastructure. Worth more than money can buy, but still a wretched achievement, eh?
The only way to get a government that will put the long suffering British people first, in Britain, is to vote UKIP and get a UKIP government. Every, and I mean EVERY other major party puts the British people a long long way down their list of priorities.
You only need to see how the government pissed money up the wall on Kid’s Company to understand the easy-come easy-go way they treat taxpayers’ money.
Foreign Aid is Batmanswelly writ large – extremely large – in the form of the UN and EU. Cameron seems to trust them both with our billions to squander as they wish (and squander is the word). That’s because, just like his support for ‘the battle against climate change’, this is just another form of re-distribution of wealth to third world countries who, surprise surprise, now see a huge annual bung of the West’s ‘wealth’ as their right. The trouble is, it’s not wealth but just more and more borrowing.
Lazy Davey is weakening the checks on Syrian refugees coming into Britain before the scheme has even begun, and yet most of the media aren’t even talking about it.
I highlited this on the back end of the previous thread, those misguided souls who think today is a victory or that Cameron has any desire to renegotiate on the EU are deluded, mind you they ain’t got any opposition.
And yet, I signed the petition to close our borders. I have just received the government’s reply which emphatically assures me that they are carrying out vigorous checks on said immigrants. The following is from the government reply :
“The UK government will not close Britain’s borders. It will ensure access for legitimate travellers and trade whilst operating its borders securely to protect the public from the threat of terrorism.
The UK government has no intention of closing Britain’s borders, as this would create more problems than it would solve. The UK remains ‘open for business’ for legitimate travellers and trade. However, we continue to operate our borders securely and to enforce our immigration laws. This includes carrying out 100% checks on arriving passengers in order to identify any criminal, security and immigration concerns. Given recent events in Paris, Border Force has intensified checks on people, goods and vehicles entering the UK from the near continent and elsewhere, undertaking additional and targeted security checks against passengers and vehicles travelling to France via both maritime and rail ports and a number of airports across the country.”
I have become totally disillusioned by these ‘so called’ UK Petitions.
This was the second one to be circulated and dismissed . See the reply to the earlier one …………………………………….. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/106477
The conclusion I have come to is that MPs hold the arrogant opinion that they ‘know best’ and, like Al Beeb they are not listening and are ignoring the voice of ordinary British People.
A recipe for disaster for then Conservatives – Vote UKIP.
John yes I also signed that. Pretty much as I expected the Government were never going to take this on board. Even Clarkson couldn’t get his job back with the help of a petition. I don’t think many believe that 100% checks are carried out unless the definition of 100% checks is limited.
This is what happens when the BBC tries to cover sport when they have blown the budget on lefty politics.
If anyone can throw any light on the matter I would be keen to hear what the fuck they are on about. It looks like a game of subuteo after a bomb scare. If you would just spend a little less of our licence fee on being biased, pro-lefty, pro-muslim apologist, establishment-bashing, police-bashing, climate change scaremongering liars you might just get back into the real world of sport.
Cutting edge eh?
I read an article in the Telegraph I think that the BBc is was trying to reduce the cost of it’s contract with F1. Apparently Bernie told them no it’s a contract. This being the only sport I watch on BBc as they don’t have Moto Gp or Rallying or any other motor sport. Always nice to watch the “highlights” on half the races two hours after you accidentally read who won on the internet.
Aah. That must be why the Today programme ran a feature about F1 being in crisis. In the BBC’s ubiquitous way it was negative and painted a bleak picture about its future.
Not just biased, there’s a spiteful side to the BBC, one that will knock and take a position against things that it can’t control.
Al Beeb have been “de-prioritising” live coverage of major sporting events for years (e.g. cricket, golf, rugby, F1, horse-racing, football)- but they still have a whole army of scribblers and “pundits” on the payroll who sit around describing stuff we can’t watch on Al Beeb (and taking jolly trips around the universe at our expense). Oh, of course you can also dial back media history to the 1930s and listen to football and cricket on the “wireless”. When it comes to a choice about how Lord Hall Hall and co spend our TV tax they don’t give a stuff about what the punters actually want. As you say, all they care about is their Hampstead dinner party version of left wing socialism ….
“”The rise, they state, was due to a combination of a strong El Nino and human-induced global warming””.
“2015 is likely to be the hottest year on record, with ocean surface temperatures at the highest level since measurements began. It is probable that the 1C threshold will be crossed””.
This is more nonsense from the ‘psychologist’ Lewandowski, who has been dubbed ‘the king of dodgy climate research’ by Dr John Ray. http://antigreen.blogspot.co.uk/
NASA’s Goddard Institute keep adjusting the numbers until they show it is really, really hot – and past years were really, really cold. You can’t get much more “human induced” than that.
And they also adjust for the 40% of all weather monitoring stations being closed by simply inventing the figures for those stations. Of course, all based on a fundemental belief that the earth is warming, so the figures they invent for stations which no longer exist are baised on the warm side.
That is, of course, in addition to the multiple, post-hoc adjustments made to the records from station readings taken in the past. So when the dedicated volunteers, who gave up their time to trudge out in all weathers to accurately measure temperature, air-pressure and rainfall measurements, double and treble check them, write them down, and send them off to be included in the historic record, NASA must now believe that they were ALL reading their instruments wrong. Why else would NASA GISS, NOAA et al repeatedly adjust earlier temperature readings downwards, and modern ones upwards?
The raw, unadjusted data still exists and is downloadable. From that we see that the earth has NOT warmed as much as the alarmists claim, and we also see that current years are NOT the warmest ever recorded. Such claims are a 100% flat out lie, based on fraudulent manipulation of the historic temperature recordsets.
The “report” from the UN weather body has already been shredded. There were/are so many holes in it especially when you think about all the record low temperatures the world has seen in 2015. Both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere have seen unusually cold temperatures with ice sheets reforming and getting thicker and glaciers kicking off again. In our own country we have had frosts every month this year and plant growers have been complaining how cold it has been too. Scotland has had lying snow all year too. Take out the El Nino sea temperatures and add in the Atlantic temperatures and bingo a net loss of sea temperatures and temperatures overall. Take out Argentinian false records and hey presto, a cooling year. What a joke. The UN will say whatever it wants to say and who will cross examine the content? Not the BBC or any other far left agency that is for sure. I hope those in the North of the country (especially Scotland) will enjoy the increase in global temperatures over the next 11 days! It could be that some snow records will be broken. I do despair, I really do. And all beautifully timed just right for Paris. What a stitch up. What can be done, what can be done?
These are great links. What really strikes are the credentials of the people behind the the science and those behind the science fiction.
You have Richard Lindzen from MIT recognised as one of the World’s top scientific institutions with specialized qualifications in this field against someone like Steve Jones, a glorified Geologist from a nothing institution.
Richard Pinder if you read this then you and MENSA should be motivating leading scientists in the UK and the USA to submit a paper to OFCOM, Culture Media and Sport Committee, BBC, Energy and Climate Change Committee and the Prime Minister disputing this so-called science. There must be someone with a conscience to finance such a program.
This pseudo-science threatens to devastate the West through severe economic and cultural damage.
I am currently reading, on my Kindle: “A Sinister Charade: The Global Warming Hoax.” by Dan Coffman.
It’s basically a novel, but built around the whole global warming shebang, the type of people involved, the chicanery, the lengths to which they’ll go (and the depths to which they’ll sink) in order to promote the scam, the uncovering of E mails, a la “Climategate”, etc., etc.
Although written by an American (and not very well, for my taste), it really sums up the current situation pretty well, and dwells on the fact that the whole business is neither scientific, nor anything to do with the climate.
I shall finish it, if only for the subject matter content.
Updated data from NASA satellite instruments reveal the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since the satellite instruments began measuring the ice caps in 1979. Since the end of 2012, moreover, total polar ice extent has largely remained above the post-1979 average. The updated data contradict one of the most frequently asserted global warming claims – that global warming is causing the polar ice caps to recede.
The timing of the 1979 NASA satellite instrument launch could not have been better for global warming alarmists. The The late 1970s marked the end of a 30-year cooling trend. As a result, the polar ice caps were quite likely more extensive than they had been since at least the 1920s. Nevertheless, this abnormally extensive 1979 polar ice extent would appear to be the “normal” baseline when comparing post-1979 polar ice extent.
Updated NASA satellite data show the polar ice caps remained at approximately their 1979 extent until the middle of the last decade. Beginning in 2005, however, polar ice modestly receded for several years. By 2012, polar sea ice had receded by approximately 10 percent from 1979 measurements. (Total polar ice area – factoring in both sea and land ice – had receded by much less than 10 percent, but alarmists focused on the sea ice loss as “proof” of a global warming crisis.)
A 10-percent decline in polar sea ice is not very remarkable, especially considering the 1979 baseline was abnormally high anyway. Regardless, global warming activists and a compliant news media frequently and vociferously claimed the modest polar ice cap retreat was a sign of impending catastrophe. Al Gore even predicted the Arctic ice cap could completely disappear by 2014.
In late 2012, however, polar ice dramatically rebounded and quickly surpassed the post-1979 average. Ever since, the polar ice caps have been at a greater average extent than the post-1979 mean.
Now, in May 2015, the updated NASA data show polar sea ice is approximately 5 percent above the post-1979 average.
Around the World thousands upon thousands of people collected weather related data and through the Internet post their actual findings from actual data. No adjusted data, just pure data. My weather friends from all over the World are telling me the same thing, over 2015, it has, for the most part been cold, colder than average in many, many countries. So, let us try one of our near neighbours out shall we, one that we hear very little about and a report of 2015 made in the middle of summer for Southern Ireland. http://summerforecast.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/a-cold-wet-miserable-august.html
And to repeat myself again, Dartmoor has had a “Frost Day” every month this year.
No exaggeration …
Evan Davies on Newsnight just said the Chancellor has enjoyed ‘luck on a Napoleonic’ scale because the the treasury receipts will be 27 billion better than expected and this ‘had nothing to do with him.’
Erm …. so the economy has nothing to do with the Chancellor of the Exchequer? Really Evan? So why were you blaming the Tory/Liberal government for the feared triple dip recession? – which actually never arrived.
Once Newsnight is uploaded onto the bbc Iplayer check it for yourself, it is the very first thing he says when introducing the item.
When the economy motored along on a cushion of unsustainable debt, and trillions in fraudulent CDOs etc… under a labour government, which gave knighthoods to the unqualified bankers who (encouraged by the labour chancellor) pushed the economy to breaking point, the BBC thought that the Chancellor was God incarnate. As soon as the debt bubble exploded plunging us into the deepest and longest recession for 60 years (and therefore worse than any of the tory recessions) Then the BBC claims the chancellor had nothing to do with it and it was America’s fault.
Now under a tory administration, if there had been a tripple dip recession, you can bet that the BBC would have put the blame squarely with the chancellor. However, when the economy improves? Suddenly it is all blind luck and nothing to do with the chancellor at all.
In other words, the BBC’s approach to luck vs blame or responsibilty is 180 degrees opposites when a labour government is in power from when a tory one is.
This isn’t the BBC
“Oh good, it’s National Fiddle The Figures And Ignore Real News day…
Cameron Abandons EU Migrant Benefits Cuts, Which Poll Shows Is MOST POPULAR Part Of ‘Renegotiation” https://t.co/diqv5mTR08
“Cameron & Osborne spending more on foreign aid than on the Home Office which includes our Police.
… This is madness.
This Government increasing overseas aid to nearly £40 million per day by end of the Parliament.
… Wrong priorities”
Nigel Farage.
I understand that we give the EU £50 Million a day, Foreign Aid £40 Million a day and Al Beeb an untold sum – that’s a lot of spare money !
What we could do for the UK with that amount ………..
The message from Chicago and Al Beeb is, don’t carry an offensive weapon such as a knife and intimidate people.
Perhaps then , there will be less crime ?
Simple………………….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-34918231
What an awful shocker of a shadow chancellor’s speech – woeful ……….producing Chairman Mao’s little red book in the house of commons must be a new low in British politics and I must say that I didn’t think they could get much lower. It was inappropriately used and it was just to enhance McDonnell’s extreme far left credentials with all of his supporters and from reading the posts above that must include the bbbc……
How can anyone consider liebor even remotely electable now that they are headed by a load of ageing hippies and marxists clearly intent on destroying the State.
It will be really interesting to see where the votes are cast in the coming Oldhamistan local election and then what liebour(and therefore the bbbc) do to explain it all away……
Englands Dreaming, your link is arriving at a spending review article accompanied by a photo of a curled-lip Osborne. This one gets you to the Oldham article (at the moment anyway!):
BBC radio news at six delighted to report that a pressure group called “Migrant Voice” has urged UK goverment to ease restrictions on close relatives of Syrian refugees claiming asylum in UK. According to the “Voice” they should not have to claim asylum in the first European Country they come to. Sounds like another thin end of the wedge.
And so it begins again………….
Dont know why migrants need their own pressure group when they have the BBC !
Now Paris attack news dying down- I expect we can look forward to another incisive pronouncement from Beenadic Cumonpatch. If we are really lucky we may even get a few expletives to show how cwoss he is with all us uncaring wacist bastards!
Supported by an article on the BBC ‘news’ website – Migrant Voice clearly won today’s ‘Free publicity for fellow travellers’ lottery. I particularly enjoyed the quote from the Refugee Council’s chief executive Maurice Wren: “The government should be doing everything in its power to reunite families divided by war, rather than deliberately and permanently separating them.” Yes? Does that include repatriating the ones who are here back to their homelands? That would be a family renunion programme that many could support.
Australia fell for this with Lebanese refugees taking advantage of the (then) family reunion clauses in the Immigration laws. By the time they closed that gate they had to absorb far more than planned. There were about 3500 Lebanese Muslims in Australia in 1971. Just two decades later, the number had increased to more than 25,000.
First post for me, I ve been following you all for a while since becoming aware of my growing disquiet at the BBC output on various subjects. Thanks for the island of sanity and free speech this forum provides.
Here’s a prime example…5 live this morning just before 0700, the discussion opens on Camerons comments proposing inspecting “extra curricular religious teaching” which is taken to mean madrassas.
Spokesman from the Bradford council of Mosques is allowed to burble on about this question being “nothing new since after 7/7”, “mainstream Islam being nothing to do with extremism” and his own position as a mainstream Muslim “tearing his hair out” about the way Islam is misrepresented by the extremists.
His final comment, was along the lines of “well we know that we share many of the same problems as the churches” and he was eagerly thanked by his BBC facilitator.
So Sunday schools are generating suicide bombers, who knew?
Monty on Toady this morning interviewing a lady who had lived through the Cultural Revolution in China, she (Monty) trying to get the interviewee to basically agree that Macdonnell’s use of the Red Book prop in his speech was ok, as it was a long time ago and now we can laugh at these things.
Chinese guest didn’t share that view – her parents having been forced to read it in the labour camp they were slaves in and she being brain washed with it at her primary school.
The Tories must want Corbs and Macdoodle in place for as long as possible – “unelectable” doesn’t even come close; Labour could be wiped out in England and Wales as they were in Scotland with the two beauts they’ve got leading them now.
Spot on Al.
The Tories (and I’m sure they are doing this) want to give Corbyn and McDonnell just enough rope to hang themselves very slowly, let’s say over about 4 years. So they are going quite easy on them. Also if they go in too hard too soon it would be so like hitting an unarmed man some people might actually feel sorry for them .
It’s a slightly dangerous game as if the economy tanks and/or people just get fed up of the Tories, a section of people might ‘vote for change’ and by jove that’s exactly what they would get. Farewell England.
But hopefully, enough sensible people would be around to prevent that.
BBC breakfast at 06:11 reporter June Kelly empathises with a Syrian migrant that he is to be deported from the U.K to Italy where he came from. Ms Kelly looks on despondent as he tell her there is no one in Italy he knows, what a shame. How about sending him back to Syria ?. I thought Jordan ,Turkey and Lebanon were the first safe countries so called Syrian refuges should go
What, exactly, IS the “so called” about the BBC’s “So Called Islamic State”?
Is it the ISLAMIC bit, or the STATE bit?
Why is it not the “So Called People’s Republic of China”?
Or the “So Called Democratic Republic of Congo?”
Or the “So Called Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”?
At best, it’s the Islamic So Called State. Because the entire place is run by the principles in the Koran, but it doesn’t have a Department of the Environment.
I suppose the official answer is that Red China, Doctor Congo and North Korea are all internationally recognised states, whereas IS is not. Yet.
Whilst most of the articles on websites are generally poor, the following one gives a reasonable overview of IS and puts the BBC’s material to shame. It even has the temerity to state that IS is something to do with Islam – a controversial view that has been dismissed by other media outlets as varied as the BBC, Guardian and The Independent. See http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/nine-questions-about-isis-you-were-too-embarrassed-to-ask/ar-BBnpxw8#image=1
The Islamic State cannot ever be officially recognised, as they will never apply to be recognised, because the Islamic State does not recognise the UN. The UN being a human created authority, is completely at odds with Islamic State’s belief that only the laws and jurisdiction of Allah are applicable.
I agree with hugh oxford above though that the BBC use “so-called” for the Islamic bit, whereas I use it for the state bit. There is no doubt whatsoever to anyone who has seen what civil society is like in the Islamic so-called state, that EVERYTHING in ISIS is fundementally and totally and completely Islamic.
TOB. Can’t answer that directly, but this may help.
In America the initials PSB stand for Public Service Broadcasting
In Britain the initials BBC stand for Public Sector Broadcasting
BBC ? not any longer. It should be renamed the BMBC as in British Multicultural Broadcasting Corp, or British Muslim Broadcasting Corp. In my childhood I used to watch Rag, Tag & Bobtail – this sums up the farce which is now the BBC.
At my age I can’t get overexcited at the prospect of climate change, neither do most people in the main, but I do see that concreting over gardens for parking spaces causes excess flooding, yet no-one gives a monkeys about that.
My main concerns for the future, should I no longer be able to live / function independently, is whether I’m lumbered with a non-English speaker to care for me, and hope that I’m not placed in an environment where I’m physically abused, and where hidden cameras have to be placed to watch my care. I really am not kidding about this, and please God I’m years away from this scenario and cross fingers my health remains ok, but isn’t this awful ? that I’m living in a country where I have these fears ?? yet our Governors are bending over backwards to help peoples abroad.
Lanky Ben Thompson asks why the Phillipines economy is growing and in answer the guest BBC far east Lucy Liu-type knows just what the BBC likes to hear – ‘government spending is up 17%’ . Whether that scrumptious cash comes via tax receipts or borrowing is left to our imagination. Mind you, we are told growth is also due to ‘money sent home from Phillipinos working abroad’ – again, music to globalised BBC ears.
So to news of the British Finance Minister – that’s “Chancellor George Osborne” to us mere parochials, ie Licence Payers
And we hear again echoed from yesterday the BBC (Huw Edwards) and the guest TUC Economist’s oddly co-incidental mantra: “He’s Just A Lucky Chancellor” (Gosh, it’s almost as though they worked it out beforehand). I didn’t catch this papershuffler-on-the-left’s name but then he in turn apparently didn’t recognise our Huw “I agree with your BBC correspondent there – Osborn is a lucky Chancellor” Who would have thought it – BBC and Labour sharing soundbites and narrative in lockstep.Who’s briefing who? I won’t listen to BBC 5 Live but penny to a pound Nicky Campbell is saying it too.
Then BBC Business pushes me to the off-switch as we get set up for an interview with ‘America’s 11th most influencial black female tech executive’ – I kid you not. Didn’t we all boycott South Africa for this sort of segregation? Tell us black people out there, does this not feel condescending to you?
Mind you, we are told growth is also due to ‘money sent home from Phillipinos working abroad’ – again, music to globalised BBC ears.
Again, the BBC refusing to put two and two together for its supine, trusting audience because it will drastically undermine one of their favourite narratives – namely that immigrant workers are net contributors to our economy. If they are sending their money back home, how can they possibly be?
BBc Breakfast and they just carry on with the agenda. Never heard of them charity of the day Migrant voice. http://www.migrantvoice.org/ Yes never heard of them either and of course they have no agenda. They tell us we should be more flexible over migrants specifically “Syrian” migrants who are deported so that would be illegal migrants then. A few seconds of digging brings up http://migrantforum.org.uk/nazek-ramadan-woman-of-the-year/ ,Migrant and Refugee Woman of the Year Award surprised the BBc didn’t televise that award.
The roaming sloth is in Bristol apparently green capital of Europe at the moment/ Who knew The climate change agenda item of the day. Roaming sloth makes a meal of banging a post into the ground whilst a small gathering stand around awkwardly. Steph is also out in a train station where we hear about food banks and talks to a 17 year old student who I think was speaking English telling us about tensions between students and teachers because teachers are fearing for their jobs and some other stuff but I couldn’t understand what she was saying. Then to top my day off champagne socialist, failed squaddie and utter **** Billy Bragg.. Apparently he has a book out with his song lyrics..wow, and he’s on tour now whoop whoop.
Without expressing a view on his talent (mainly because I don’t really have one), your post has reminded me about one Jim Davidson, a very popular ‘star’ on BBC in the 90s, subsequently dropped like a stone by the bBBC because of his non-PC ‘jokes’.
The guy put in a lot of free time for the Armed Services over many years.
It’s interesting to compare someone like him with someone like Billy Bragg in terms of talent, popularity, and bBBC recent exposure.
If only Davidson had supported left wing causes, he might still be on the peak time shows.
Agreed Sluff. I see Jim at my golf club, still a great guy and still doing lots for servicemen. But wouldn’t sell his principles to please the BBC latte lovers so no shows
Agree with the comments about Jim Davidson. Met him when I was in the military. Lots of stars are happy to entertain the troops as long as their efforts are recognised and they get treated like royalty when doing so. Not so Mr Davidson. He would happily show up unannounced in any sh*thole the troops were deployed to and accept wherever he was billeted. I don’t think you will ever meet an ex-serviceman with a bad word to say about him.
Another reason the BBC can f*ck off.
Several years ago Jim Davidson had to abandon his show in a local theatre because of continuous loud disruption from twenty or so left-wing activists in the audience.
Presumably they objected to their mobile ‘safe space’ being desecrated.
With vital quality drama of the calibre BBC is uniquely funded to produce (and such as Amazon and the US cannot match, for a voluntary half the amount) this is unlikely to happen here:
” Associated Press, which would have approximately no trouble connecting the dots between government control of artistic and commercial speech and a fictitious TV show about the dangers of totalitarianism if a conservative had made the order, can’t even manage to put this information in the lede of its story?”
Maybe there was no space? Happens a lot here, too.
Thinking of this new BBC/Left narrative of the “Lucky Chancellor” – he’s just a lucky guy, reminds me too much of Mr Iggy Pop
Here comes Lucky Georgie again
Tax on liquor and drugs
He’s got a cash printing machine
He’s gonna do another strip tease
Hey man, where’d you get that wiggle room?
We’ve been hurting since we bought the gimmick
About something called borrowing
Yeah, something called deficit
Well, that’s like hypnotising chickens
Well, I’m just a modern guy
Of course, I’ve had it in the ear before
‘Cause of a lust for government spending
‘Cause of a lust for government spending
They’re worth a million in prizes
With a windmill firm
They fund GCHQ.
Wear a uniform
All on government loan…..
Further to Dave666’s observations above, the “Today” programme sports slot at 8:30 majored on the shortcomings of F1 (uncompetitive, falling audiences, the lure of new improved green Formula E). BBC’s Rob Bonnett snorted in encouragement when septuagenarian guest Max Mosely admitted that he didn’t follow the sport as avidly as he once did. Surely the BBC are preparing the ground for withdrawing from bidding for the broadcasting rights. Evil Tory cuts, ordered to by that ogre Whittingdale, don’t you know!
I thought the same thing, although I believe they’re signed up (jointly with Sky) until 2018.
Having said that they were signed up for sole rights until 2013, but did the dirty and joined with Sky in 2011, losing 50% of the live races and pissing off a lot of licence payers.
IMO F1 can’t afford to lose any more viewers, it needs to be free to air. Its losing viewers internationally, even with a Teutonic team winning all, German viewing figures are dropping like a stone.
Genuine UK F1 fans have lost interest, also with a British champion, one who seems to be more at home mixing it with rappers and the Kardashians than he does in the paddock.
Then we have the lead presenter Susie Perry (?) looks good but brainless and then we have the chosen BBC commentator (name unknown) who knows nowt and has to change his nappy every time a certain individual of Caribbean origin in a silver vehicle appears on screen. Comparisons with late Ayrton Senna Fangio…………………….
Followed by the insufferable Irishman, Eddie Jordan.
I have been following F1 since the 60’s before TV broadcasts and now cannot be bothered. That smarmy old git Eckelstone with his ever so PC, green agenda has destroyed it.
I watch every race live on Sky. The coverage is brilliant and I am happy that I have one less reason to watch the BBC. F1 audiences and ticket sales globally are up this year. Attendance at Silverstone was packed out. If the BBC do lose their part-time and pathetic coverage, I would not even notice.
It against my principles to pay for Sky. Not sure how much it is now, but at the time it was £35 a month to watch the one race that month that wasn’t covered by the BBC. Haven’t followed football since the English game ceased to be that.
The better way I found to stuff the BBC (and Sky) was to pick up a £20 dish from B&Q and point it to Astra 19.2 and watch on RTL from Germany, allied to the 5Live commentary.
I work it out that I’ve not paid Murdoch’s corp £1500!
Agree. Brundle and Croft are a great commentary team. I dread watching the live BBC races because Coulthard and whoever-it-is are so deathly dull and just drone on and on, often completely missing what just happened on track. Eddie Jordan is an arrogant twat and Suzi Perry talks down as if she’s presenting a children’s programme, which is what the pre- and post-race coverage feels like.
I’ve watched some of the Formula E on one of the freeview channels. To be fair although it’s in early days I didn’t view it as competition to F1 despite it’s move to 1.6L turbo engines and a few lacklustre seasons. However the BBc are in contract until 2018. The article was the Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/motorsport/formulaone/12004285/Bernie-Ecclestone-turns-down-BBC-plea-to-renegotiate-F1-contract.html I love the way they describe the BBc as “cash-strapped” they seem to have enough money to commission crap programs we don’t watch in this house and pay out astronomical amounts to certain of its employees.
Formula E? A race that is half the speed of F1 and the electric cars are so crap that they have to swap cars half way through the race. It is a total snorefest. It does nothing to encourage me to change to an electric car.
I am looking forward to hydrogen powered cars though.
Watching the BBC Six News last night one was struck by the narrative paralysis of the BBC apparatchiks despatched into the fray following Osborne’s devastatingly effective Budget Review. It was abundantly clear the BBC had been severely wrong-footed and were flailing helplessly to ‘find the bad news’ in what was a resoundingly up-beat, positive speech from Mr Osborne.
At one point the BBC drone was reduced to summing up the nation’s economic recovery, the Chancellor’s decision to scrap the Tax Credit cuts, no cuts to the police budget, further spending on Defence and the NHS and a rather better future going forward than had been anticipated as a matter of ‘luck’. Nothing to do with good financial management, planning, strategy or politics. Just… ‘luck’.
The BBC: World class journalism.
PS: The BBC deliberately played-down John McDonnell’s catastrophic ‘Mao Moment’ in Parliament yesterday. One can only imagine how relentless and critical the BBC would have been had a Conservative MP produced, say, Mein Kampf, and started quoting the words of a tyrant and murderer in the Mother of all democratic Parliaments.
But no. The BBC made a passing – uncritical – comment and moved very swiftly on.
The Six o’ Clock News ignored the ‘Mao Moment’ completely. It was shown briefly at 10, only after, I suspect, the BBC realised that they could not cover it up any longer, all of the other news outlets all over the disaster.
Kuenssberg’s offering yesterday was appallingly one sided. Some of her language provocative. The question I am left with, particularly after the disclosure that she had been advising Corbyn’s adviser, the alleged Stalinist Milne, is can we trust Kuenssberg to deliver the news with impartiality, honestly and with integrity?
We could look back on the present TV license arrangements fondly . You can “scrap” the Tv license any time you like (by not paying and not watching live TV). You can listen to radio 24 hours a day as no license is required. If the TV license it is added to council tax or other unavoidable tax then that will be the end of that. To be honest I am surprised that the many intelligent contributors to this site have not considered the advantages of weaning themselves off television especially BBC TV (also BBC radio).
The sad thing is that the BBC would only ever allow a recent immigrant to utter such sentiments. Anyone else would instantly be awarded the ‘far-right and racist’ label.
Every news organisation’s output is different and therefore very speculative. They all seem to grasp at the tiniest piece of “possible news” and turn it into ….Breaking News! It all should be taken with a huge pinch of salt, especially when they fall flat on their faces. Yesterday’s analysis by the editorial experts was woeful; it was almost as good as the egg on their faces when the exit poll was announced back in May! And what the hell has happened to Peston. I know he has been through some personal difficulties but that’s no excuse for slouching as if he couldn’t given a damn!
All news is speculative; this is a good site for a better understanding of who is telling the truth! I came across it during the election – made for interesting reading. https://fullfact.org/
Of course BBC ‘Breaking news’ ‘breaks’ only after it has been run through the BBC filter of what is and isn’t news ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) and there is time for, and will fit. Or… not.
Fullfact I treat like wiki. It’s a source to start with, but not rely upon unless incontrovertible.
I suspect Peston is on some very strong medication, hence the bedraggled look, messed-up hair and vacant gaze. What comes out of his mouth sounds no more or less ridiculous that the rest of the tribe.
John Cleese has said he will never work for the BBC again in an article in the DE. sensible man, he gives his reasons but it is a pity he left it so late !.
I saw this a while ago on television and I had a big argument with a leftist at work about it. His opinion was that women were suppressed in the passed therefore not allowing their talents to flourish. That was a comment by someone who knows sod all about the history of western classical music. I retorted that women had far more encouragement than men in the past as it was seen ladylike to play an instrument rather than a man. A man was expected to follow a more elevated career such as law ,politics ,business or the military. I suppose the BBC will now try to suggest Beethoven is as good as Chaminade or Ravel is as good as Amy Marcy Beech or Brahms is as good as Elisabeth Lutyens. Who are you all saying, absolutely pathetic.
Oh dear. Things go from bad to worse for our Common Purpose chums in the BBC. Net migration into the UK is at an all-time high. What to do? How to report it?
Of course, it’s an abject failure on the part of Call Me Dave (goes without saying), but it’s even worse news for the comrades in Labour and in their broadcasting wing, the BBC. So it’s there, on the front page, but relegated to a small sub-section – not really headlines the BBC want to have to report.
“Oldham has a very large ethnic community – around a quarter of the population have origins in Pakistan or Bangladesh. Most of them are loyal Labour voters.”
I wonder if he realises what he’s said in his hurry to find a reason to link UKIP and “Islamophobia”? He’s basically said that one quarter of the population is imported and can be relied upon to vote for one party. Does he perhaps think that this is something that should be investigated, given which party was responsible for much immigration*, or does this strike him as perfectly normal and nothing that need concern a journalist? Silly question. We all know the answer.
*It has to be said that Call Me Dave hasn’t done much better in that respect, as has been graphically illustrated today, but we need to vote for him anyway because he’s less bad than the only other person who might win. Apparently.
I was unfortunate to catch around thirty seconds of ‘Cuffs’ last night. Some of you wrote about this being a farce, a sitcom not to be taken seriously. You really weren’t kidding, were you? The bit I saw had an ex-colonel type, standing in front of his mansion (just to labour the point he is rich and therefore arrogant and WRONG), with a stopwatch. Apparently he had dialled emergency and asked for the police. Understandably, the two cops who came were not best pleased when they found out there was no emergency – he was timing them to see how long it would take them to get there. The police threatened him with wasting police time, whereupon our arrogant toff blustered ‘How dare you!’ or some other line taken from the Beano circa 1970. That’s as far as I could watch. Now, I don’t know if any of you read articles this week about some of the latest time wasting calls the police get, but the main one I recall was from a woman who complained that her TV had gone on the blink and ‘Eastenders is about to start.’ I know I’m showing the same bias as the bBC here, but I would guess (perhaps incorrectly) that that woman is possibly not a Tory voter. I’d also guess she is not a toff living in a big mansion. It’s as though the bBC cannot leave it alone, and have to belabour you with working class = good, honest, oppressed, expoited and upper class = out of touch, arrogant, etc. It is drama at its novice, sixth form best.
Maybe if it’s a meme to revisit, future episodes could cover the speed at which the team respond to a lady in her car in a ditch, or a growing youth… or by way of contrast the heroism of the Diverse Underwater Literature Litter squad?
“I’m going down now, boss…”
“I’m forever blowing bubbles, lucky bubbles, every day…”
Vital is as vital does. Clearly stuff like 19-2 or Man in the High Castle cannot compete.
I saw one episode and thought it was an Al Beeb satirical comedy but I was wrong and have not watched it since.
I want my licence fee money back . Al Beeb is beyond the pale, get rid of it.
I do wonder if the Neo Cons somewhere deep in a bunker in Washington state somehow managed to get Corbyn and McDonnell into the top tier of Labour here in the UK?
To quote Mao yesterday–and in a way that made no sens to anything that had happened before, as far as I could see-surely means the same as if UKIP quoted Mein Kampf by way of policy…astounding.
These first few months of Labour merely sets the Left in concrete…the Mao stuff and sucking up to jihad John will not stand. Won`t be forgotten.
Corbyn uses emails from John of Baghdad to avoid having to do any work himself at PMQs…and all McDonnell can do is read from a psychopaths memoirs to answer the “austerity crap”.
No wonder the broadsheets are apoplectic-only the BBC think it a jape…and credit to Newsnight for finding Alexei Sayle to advise us that Mao was OK-and Labour are just dandy.
They said he was a comedian though…as Lenny Henry is to race quotas, so Sayle is to class warriors of a certain dotage.
Wasn`t that hostage taking creep in Stockwell a Maoist?…so isn`t McDonnell bigging up child expliotation and slave trafficking in quoting from Maos book.
Tragic that clowns like him think of Maos Little Red Book alone-as they bin the Gideons New Testaments that WILL be needed for the coming Kali Fakes.
I wonder if Teresa and Dave a have seen this video. It calculates the cost in human lives and cash to fight the terrorists. It presents the best arguments one can think of in favour of a massive nuclear strike on Racca followed by similar nuclear strikes wherever these rats are found.
Meanwhile, Dave wants to drop bomgb in the Syrian sands.
Right GC – there’s never a retraction or correction because there is no one that dares enforce it and he knows it.
No one at the BBC will challenge this idiot, except perhaps Andrew Neil if he turned his mind to it, although Neil would be ‘disappeared’ rather than the fireproof and scheming Harrabin.
Conveniently after today’s release of the latest immigration figures there is no UKIP representation on the QT panel tonight, that is of course if the subject is even touched on. Its almost scandalous and absurd that our political system means that an SNP member will appear more than a UKIP member, even though the UKIP vote was triple that of the SNP.
We have three confirmed (far) lefty’s, Hancock who will of course be towing Dave’s liberal line, Kate Andrews who I know little about but she was involved with Mitt Romneys campaign so expect her to be centre right and not to forget the overwhelmingly left biased audience.
No, and lucky for the BBC they are not required to explain, for the purposes of ‘journalism, art and literature’ how they are bent as a nice bob note falling off the Tower of Pisa.
Saw this a while ago on FaceBook, pretty much across all the BBC pages, especially ‘trending’, under the heading ‘300,000 sign petition to save BBC3’ (as noted earlier, the government can be… variable in how these are treated, especially those 30,000 out).
A few commenters did note that they had kind of failed to mention that all things considered, this is pretty pants given the reach of the BBC to stir up support.
I see it has comments. Clearly they feel this is safer ground. Then again, maybe not:
What a shame.
Why not cut all the Asian music channels etc etc ?
Or broadcasting in 32 languages ?
Do those people reading BBC abroad contribute to the license fee ?
I didn’t think so
If the BBC wants to save money, how about closing down The Asian Network ?
For one thing it’s racist, but then having it does allow to BBC to up it’s PC quota so for that reason alone it’s as safe as houses.
Guido reports that Paul Flynn MP (Lab) has warned of a world war between Christians and Muslims. Just as well it’s only a nobody like a Labour MP that said it, and not UKIP’s tealady otherwise it would have been all over the BBC.
Not sure it merits Guido’s award of the OTT, TBF. But I can’t help but wonder what Mr Flynn was doing when his party of choice was busy letting so many of what he sees as potential enemies in.
I realise Guido partly exists just to mock Labour but I’ve known people who have said much the same as Flynn since the 1970s and the first ‘oil crisis’. They certainly don’t agree with his rank cowardice about tackling ISIL but the concept of Islam vs everyone else in the world (and by no means just Christians) is hardly new and shocking.
Islam Vs rest of the world, is merely how Islam has operated for all but 14 of the 1400 years it has existed. Islam has been at war with the non-Islamic world since Mohammed was raping children and cutting his enemies heads off. Jihad is central to Islamic faith.
Instead of spurting out the same old PC shite, why don’t those useless, treacherous sods in Labour, the Guardian and the BBC just accept the fact that there is a rapidly increasing problem in Islam with extremism, intolerance and violence? Whose side are they on?
Given The Sun is not a public sector organisation, one imagines the independent editorial response to MPs meddling may be more robust than that attempted by Lords Hall and Patten and our Rona.
‘Mr Osborne didn’t explicitly promise to rid the country of the deficit completely by this year, although he stated an ‘aim’ to do so, and in his first budget he said that aim would be achieved (based on the forecasts of the time). That didn’t happen.
At the risk of playing semantic games, an aim is not a promise. It’s one thing to set a target and it’s another to pledge that the target will be met.’
Now, which way would the BBC, ever the ones for a nifty dose of semantics, decide to head with this, given it was very much part of their reporting and discussions?
For those of you who were going to watch the replay of the Women’s International played earlier today, at 19:00.
The score was 0-0.
So you can use this, now spare, time to find out about the BBC African footballer award and cast your vote.
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Guru Murthly and Paul Mason on channel 4 news auditioning for future BBC careers. Couple of shites.
I really can’t stand Guru Murthy. He’s far too smug and self important.
Some of his recent tweets have been barking. And hilarious.
He and Jon clearly share more than a briefing moment around the production table.
Spot on. Just like the BBC actually.
Lefty Gurning Murphy was quite angry from his opening sentence, but got even angrier as the Treasury MP just ignored his rudeness and the MP just by-passed, rather than divulge, the Government privileged insider information Murphy was so frustrated at being unable to prise out.
The C4 woman interviewer, Jackie (?) in Telford, was in her element gleaning from the Tax Credit recipients such Government ‘slagging off’, meaningless, statements and noticeably failed to ask any recipient of benefits how much they were receiving from us hard working taxpayers and if they have always been on benefits. Something viewers and those paying these benefits would also be very interested to discover.
In other words we only get the left half of the story from lefties.
I think if people were aware just how much these hand outs are and how much some recipients don’t do to get them they might not be so sympathetic.
An amazing introduction on radio 4 where the shadow chancellors speech was described as exciting becaused he quoted Chairman Mao.
Just shows where the BBC mind set is
I think the BBC will be in two minds on how to play this story: “Tim Yeo loses libel case”.
He’s a Tory so they hate him, but he’s 100% behind the global warming scam so they love him. On top of that the Sunday Times sting worked because he was being asked to support an invented solar energy company while he was chairman of the energy and climate change committee. The one thing they can’t do is ignore it, because the report is in the Guardian.
They can’t ignore it ? Wanna bet on that ?
Yeo faces costs of over £400K. Honestly, how can he get hold of that kind of money ?
It’s OK. It’ll be added to your electricity bill, one way or another.
Hmmm, I thought that, as per usual, Chloe Tilley would be breathlessly eager on World Have Your Say to present her programme as a shining example of lefty, PeeCee thinking – with irreverent opinions quickly censored.
The setting was Belgium and the subject was the ramifications of the attempt of the Belgians to root out the terrorist cancer in their midst.
Though she did indeed push a clan of the PeeCee peevish on us, prominent in their whingeing about the inconvenience of the rooting out, there was a remarkable shift in emphasis in allowing one Dominique to speak:
From 11:15 minutes in, Tilley asks Dominique whether she thinks the lock-down has been an overreaction. Here’s her forceful reply:
No, I think it’s a good reaction. The only question is why did it take so long… There are areas where there are completely concentrations of Muslim people….
[I nearly fall off my chair as Tilley fails to interrupt her]
…why did it take them so long to find out that they are actually working against the country …
[Still no interruption?!]
These are not behind areas. They have schools, they have everything we have, we’ve given them that. You know we built this country in the first place and they’ve been welcomed. What do they do, they lock themselves up, they build their own little society within ours…
[Finally Chloe Tilley interrupts (talking over Dominique as she tries to continue) and the form the interruption takes is typical BBC]
Lots of people would argue, Dominique, that there are minorities of course that have caused problems, which has been demonstrated by the arrests the police would say, but others would argue that they’ve integrated well, they’ve added to the economy, they’ve created a multicultural Belgium…
Naturally, by “others” Chloe really means the BBC itself, but sticks grimly to the pretence of being impartial. Then she switches quickly to safer ground by bringing in the disgruntled businessman she’d spoken to first.
Still, that was a remarkable little airing of freedom of speech granted to a person who was telling the truth about Muslims.
Almost unheard of at the BBC.
“Stephan… what do you think?”
“Sorry, you speaking to me?”
It goes pretty downhill from him too.
The BBC need to get a better set of ‘others’ PDQ.
Fraser and team must be on OT to field the blowback.
I finally got to listen to the so called BBC’s story on the diversity of London in the early days. It was really pathetic. Plain propaganda to me, but alas, I know that so many will not recognise it as such. It is depressing when items like this get coverage around the world. Not content with distorting the news of today, they have to go back to our Roman days and try it there.
What did the Romans do for us? They gave us multiculturalism!
I don’t think even Simon Schama has claimed that.
Dunno, I always thought the Romans brought great cruelty, barbarism, oppression of minorities, rampaging armies slaughtering their way across vast territories and, er, oh yes of course, good roads and buildings and such.
BBC ‘journalists’ would romanticise hyena shit if they thought it could advance multiculturalism.
Historically, you could argue that the Romans originated (unconsciously, of course) the British cultural cringe, whereby generations of the educated were taught to believe that Roman standards were superior to all others, except Greek – certainly to those of our own barbarian ancestors. This is one of the reasons why we know so much about their past and so little about our own – archaeologists and historians simply didn’t bother to look until relatively recently.
While we Britons might be accused of cultural arrogance, in fact if you scratch the surface, the educated classes had a deep streak of self-perpetuating inferiority in the face of classical learning mixed with the cultural cringe towards the French, which coexisted with it.
You might conclude that the BBC and its fellow travellers on the Left epitomise this inferiority complex today.
Sorry, that’s a bit over my head.
I guess I should acknowledge, along with my other remarks, that Rome was indeed a great civilization.
Built entirely on slavery, as was the Greek civilisation, and violent beyond our comprehension.
“They make a desert and called it peace”.
Tacitus reporting the speech of a British chieftain.
They also gave us the Roman Warming Period….
You won’t hear about that on the BBBC either.
I have put in a complaint to the BBC about a minor issue which if I ever get an explanation I will share. Predictably on the 10th day I get the standard BBC email explaining they will need longer. Has anyone here ever had a complaint considered within the ten days?
The ‘Complaints’ website will not even give me a reference no. for a complaint about the World Service, and that speaks volumes about their intention to follow it up. Might have something to do with me not being a UK citizen and therefore not being fleeced by them re the licence tax. But since it’s the World Service they really should have a mechanism for worldwide complaints. Apparently they don’t.
On the other hand, I have had some reaction from individuals by using this address:
Mostly they simply ignore my emails, which definitely get to them since they never bounce back at me, but I have had responses from Peter Horrocks, when he was head of the World Service, Ros Atkins, when he worked for Outside Source, and a few others.
I think quite a good technique is to send the same email to a whole bunch of them at once with the above address and also plonk it on the ‘Complaints’ website.
That might even get their attention.
People who have shrugged off my direct attempts to communicate include:
*Fran Unsworth, erstwhile head of Propaganda by omission of facts the BBC doesn’t like, called ‘Newsgathering’ and now Director of the World Service at a salary that would feed half of Africa
*Lucy Gray and Nuala McGovern from ‘Outside Source’
*Chloe Tilley from ‘World Have Our Say,’ er, I mean Your Say.
Good luck.
thanks TrueToo – I will wait first and see what happens but will bear your advice in mind. It is not a major point I am arguing over (and surprisingly enough) not over bias – I just want to see how they wriggle out of this one.
I’ll be keen to see any updates.
I believe I have and of course as usual I was wrong.
‘Has anyone here ever had a complaint considered within the ten days’
Yes, several.
When they are utterly nailed and in panic mode.
They then sit on it for months and if pursued say it was addressed in public earlier so no need in person later.
Robert Peston (the prosodic oddity), like his colleague Laura Kuensberg, can’t seem to grasp the concept of financial discipline either:
Good luck at ITV Bob, at least we won’t have to pay your wages.
When does Bob start at ITN , it must be January.
Or to put it another way, George Osborne is today £23bn better off than he thought in July, and without doing anything at all.
As someone once said ‘The harder I work, the luckier I seem to get’.
Had this been Brown, Peston would be making references to his fiscal discipline and golden rules and even how it’s not really unexpected because he’s abolished boom and bust.
As a so-called ‘public’ broadcaster why doesn’t the disgusting BBC start speaking up for taxpayers by questioning the revolting foreign aid swindle? It’s an utter f******* disgrace!! The BBC love seeing our hard-earned money being blown on childish left-wing fantasies. I loathe the left and their puerile world views. Think of all the elderly war heroes and homeless people that the foreign aid money, yes – OUR MONEY – could help. But what does the homeless war hero see happening across the street? Economic migrants being put up in hotels at our expense.
Strange, I’m currently reading a book called ‘The Loop’ by Nicholas Evans, author of ‘The Horse Whisperer.’
There’s a passage in it where a guy who’s going off to Africa to try to improve the continent has a confrontation with a guy who consider it a waste to get involved.
Africa guy eventually calls the other guy an idiot.
Dunno where Mr Evans himself stands on the issue, but we all know where the BBC stands.
It’s a crime to put others before the people of your own country – and one the BBC commits daily.
Foreign Aid budget promoted and continued by Dhimmi Dave and Gideon. Blair must luvvem.
I prefer, like these politicians, to think in simple economic terms, familial style. Charidee people knock on your door, without any ID, and despite the fact that you and your household are in huge debt, you borrow yet more money in loans, so you can then set up an ad infinitum standing order for said charidee donations, with no reassurance about the recipients of your largesse, simultaneously announcing it ostentatiously and much fanfare to your family members, all contributing, who all know of the collective impecunious state, and think you totally insane.
Yes. This is Conservative policy. Take a bow Dave and Prudent Gideon.
Its about time Dodgy Dave started putting his own people first – Why do we waste so much on Overseas Aid ? ‘Overseas aid budget to increase to £16.3bn by 2020’
“about time Dodgy Dave started putting his own people first”
Its simple Taff he won t,
http: //www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/politics/article4623041.ece
His interest is keeping low wages, and a flow of cheap labour, there is no concern for our own nationals, or their livelihoods … only themselves
… oh! and blowing with whatever wind, he can angle to make himself a photo opportunity.
He s a turncoat spiv … that’s it, everything else like all, with these despicable crooks … is lies
Apparently Dave gets angry if those around him start questioning the foreign aid budget and why it is so large, when (the country is supposedly skint) there are so many other more worthy domestic funding issues which need addressing.
I’ve always maintained: Camoron – not a true Conservative, a Blairlite, pro-EU, Saudi lickspittle.
In this Beed article on the spending review it shows the changes for the various departments since 2010. As you would expect nearly all show negative changes, except the foreign aid budget – up 25%.
Something to think about when your local library gets shut and turned into migrant accommodation.
The foreign aid budget is the manifestation of our guilt in creating the greatest, most extensive, benign and beneficial empire in world history. Some will look back – in due course, though probably not within my lifetime and certainly not while current ‘social historians’ have influence – to compare it with the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Chinese, Inca, Aztec, Mayan and many others to find that not only was it unique in being based on freedom rather than slavery, it offered the incalculable benefits of a common language, codes of ethics and law, education, railways and civil infrastructure. Worth more than money can buy, but still a wretched achievement, eh?
The only way to get a government that will put the long suffering British people first, in Britain, is to vote UKIP and get a UKIP government. Every, and I mean EVERY other major party puts the British people a long long way down their list of priorities.
You only need to see how the government pissed money up the wall on Kid’s Company to understand the easy-come easy-go way they treat taxpayers’ money.
Foreign Aid is Batmanswelly writ large – extremely large – in the form of the UN and EU. Cameron seems to trust them both with our billions to squander as they wish (and squander is the word). That’s because, just like his support for ‘the battle against climate change’, this is just another form of re-distribution of wealth to third world countries who, surprise surprise, now see a huge annual bung of the West’s ‘wealth’ as their right. The trouble is, it’s not wealth but just more and more borrowing.
Lazy Davey is weakening the checks on Syrian refugees coming into Britain before the scheme has even begun, and yet most of the media aren’t even talking about it.
A reminder to our PM of his pre election promise ………………………………..
I highlited this on the back end of the previous thread, those misguided souls who think today is a victory or that Cameron has any desire to renegotiate on the EU are deluded, mind you they ain’t got any opposition.
In a fairer and more democratic politcal system 80 UKIP MPs would be making a big difference.
And yet, I signed the petition to close our borders. I have just received the government’s reply which emphatically assures me that they are carrying out vigorous checks on said immigrants. The following is from the government reply :
“The UK government will not close Britain’s borders. It will ensure access for legitimate travellers and trade whilst operating its borders securely to protect the public from the threat of terrorism.
The UK government has no intention of closing Britain’s borders, as this would create more problems than it would solve. The UK remains ‘open for business’ for legitimate travellers and trade. However, we continue to operate our borders securely and to enforce our immigration laws. This includes carrying out 100% checks on arriving passengers in order to identify any criminal, security and immigration concerns. Given recent events in Paris, Border Force has intensified checks on people, goods and vehicles entering the UK from the near continent and elsewhere, undertaking additional and targeted security checks against passengers and vehicles travelling to France via both maritime and rail ports and a number of airports across the country.”
Are you convinced by this rubbish? I’m not.
I have become totally disillusioned by these ‘so called’ UK Petitions.
This was the second one to be circulated and dismissed . See the reply to the earlier one ……………………………………..
The conclusion I have come to is that MPs hold the arrogant opinion that they ‘know best’ and, like Al Beeb they are not listening and are ignoring the voice of ordinary British People.
A recipe for disaster for then Conservatives – Vote UKIP.
They as as much use as a BBC CECUTT process or DPA FoI request.
There may be some small value in who takes part, sees who else takes part and notices who they are all dismissed.
The internet then takes over.
John yes I also signed that. Pretty much as I expected the Government were never going to take this on board. Even Clarkson couldn’t get his job back with the help of a petition. I don’t think many believe that 100% checks are carried out unless the definition of 100% checks is limited.
Where is our resident Al Beeb ‘Tory’ troll on all this ?
This is what happens when the BBC tries to cover sport when they have blown the budget on lefty politics.
If anyone can throw any light on the matter I would be keen to hear what the fuck they are on about. It looks like a game of subuteo after a bomb scare. If you would just spend a little less of our licence fee on being biased, pro-lefty, pro-muslim apologist, establishment-bashing, police-bashing, climate change scaremongering liars you might just get back into the real world of sport.
Cutting edge eh?
I read an article in the Telegraph I think that the BBc is was trying to reduce the cost of it’s contract with F1. Apparently Bernie told them no it’s a contract. This being the only sport I watch on BBc as they don’t have Moto Gp or Rallying or any other motor sport. Always nice to watch the “highlights” on half the races two hours after you accidentally read who won on the internet.
Aah. That must be why the Today programme ran a feature about F1 being in crisis. In the BBC’s ubiquitous way it was negative and painted a bleak picture about its future.
Not just biased, there’s a spiteful side to the BBC, one that will knock and take a position against things that it can’t control.
Al Beeb have been “de-prioritising” live coverage of major sporting events for years (e.g. cricket, golf, rugby, F1, horse-racing, football)- but they still have a whole army of scribblers and “pundits” on the payroll who sit around describing stuff we can’t watch on Al Beeb (and taking jolly trips around the universe at our expense). Oh, of course you can also dial back media history to the 1930s and listen to football and cricket on the “wireless”. When it comes to a choice about how Lord Hall Hall and co spend our TV tax they don’t give a stuff about what the punters actually want. As you say, all they care about is their Hampstead dinner party version of left wing socialism ….
BBC Online News:
“” 2015 likely to be warmest on record, says UN weather body
By Matt McGrath Environment correspondent, BBC News””
“”The rise, they state, was due to a combination of a strong El Nino and human-induced global warming””.
“2015 is likely to be the hottest year on record, with ocean surface temperatures at the highest level since measurements began. It is probable that the 1C threshold will be crossed””.
“This is all bad news for the planet.”
hmm….there’s no science like settled science.
This is more nonsense from the ‘psychologist’ Lewandowski, who has been dubbed ‘the king of dodgy climate research’ by Dr John Ray.
It’ll be the astrologers piping up next.
Apologies. Apparently it’s Lewndowsky, with a ‘y’.
A very appropriate letter under the circumstances.
What happened to the worst winter in 69 years?
I fell into a snowdrift on my way to school and my brother pulled me out. That was 1946 and there’s not been a worse winter since.
But DS it is ” human-induced global warming”.
NASA’s Goddard Institute keep adjusting the numbers until they show it is really, really hot – and past years were really, really cold. You can’t get much more “human induced” than that.
And they also adjust for the 40% of all weather monitoring stations being closed by simply inventing the figures for those stations. Of course, all based on a fundemental belief that the earth is warming, so the figures they invent for stations which no longer exist are baised on the warm side.
That is, of course, in addition to the multiple, post-hoc adjustments made to the records from station readings taken in the past. So when the dedicated volunteers, who gave up their time to trudge out in all weathers to accurately measure temperature, air-pressure and rainfall measurements, double and treble check them, write them down, and send them off to be included in the historic record, NASA must now believe that they were ALL reading their instruments wrong. Why else would NASA GISS, NOAA et al repeatedly adjust earlier temperature readings downwards, and modern ones upwards?
The raw, unadjusted data still exists and is downloadable. From that we see that the earth has NOT warmed as much as the alarmists claim, and we also see that current years are NOT the warmest ever recorded. Such claims are a 100% flat out lie, based on fraudulent manipulation of the historic temperature recordsets.
The “report” from the UN weather body has already been shredded. There were/are so many holes in it especially when you think about all the record low temperatures the world has seen in 2015. Both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere have seen unusually cold temperatures with ice sheets reforming and getting thicker and glaciers kicking off again. In our own country we have had frosts every month this year and plant growers have been complaining how cold it has been too. Scotland has had lying snow all year too. Take out the El Nino sea temperatures and add in the Atlantic temperatures and bingo a net loss of sea temperatures and temperatures overall. Take out Argentinian false records and hey presto, a cooling year. What a joke. The UN will say whatever it wants to say and who will cross examine the content? Not the BBC or any other far left agency that is for sure. I hope those in the North of the country (especially Scotland) will enjoy the increase in global temperatures over the next 11 days! It could be that some snow records will be broken. I do despair, I really do. And all beautifully timed just right for Paris. What a stitch up. What can be done, what can be done?
We need more articles like this in the MSM. It is the most incisive precis of climate science that I have ever read. Enjoy.
Please find a rational view of things unlike anything the BBC provide its subscribers with:
These are great links. What really strikes are the credentials of the people behind the the science and those behind the science fiction.
You have Richard Lindzen from MIT recognised as one of the World’s top scientific institutions with specialized qualifications in this field against someone like Steve Jones, a glorified Geologist from a nothing institution.
Richard Pinder if you read this then you and MENSA should be motivating leading scientists in the UK and the USA to submit a paper to OFCOM, Culture Media and Sport Committee, BBC, Energy and Climate Change Committee and the Prime Minister disputing this so-called science. There must be someone with a conscience to finance such a program.
This pseudo-science threatens to devastate the West through severe economic and cultural damage.
I am currently reading, on my Kindle: “A Sinister Charade: The Global Warming Hoax.” by Dan Coffman.
It’s basically a novel, but built around the whole global warming shebang, the type of people involved, the chicanery, the lengths to which they’ll go (and the depths to which they’ll sink) in order to promote the scam, the uncovering of E mails, a la “Climategate”, etc., etc.
Although written by an American (and not very well, for my taste), it really sums up the current situation pretty well, and dwells on the fact that the whole business is neither scientific, nor anything to do with the climate.
I shall finish it, if only for the subject matter content.
Updated data from NASA satellite instruments reveal the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since the satellite instruments began measuring the ice caps in 1979. Since the end of 2012, moreover, total polar ice extent has largely remained above the post-1979 average. The updated data contradict one of the most frequently asserted global warming claims – that global warming is causing the polar ice caps to recede.
The timing of the 1979 NASA satellite instrument launch could not have been better for global warming alarmists. The The late 1970s marked the end of a 30-year cooling trend. As a result, the polar ice caps were quite likely more extensive than they had been since at least the 1920s. Nevertheless, this abnormally extensive 1979 polar ice extent would appear to be the “normal” baseline when comparing post-1979 polar ice extent.
Updated NASA satellite data show the polar ice caps remained at approximately their 1979 extent until the middle of the last decade. Beginning in 2005, however, polar ice modestly receded for several years. By 2012, polar sea ice had receded by approximately 10 percent from 1979 measurements. (Total polar ice area – factoring in both sea and land ice – had receded by much less than 10 percent, but alarmists focused on the sea ice loss as “proof” of a global warming crisis.)
A 10-percent decline in polar sea ice is not very remarkable, especially considering the 1979 baseline was abnormally high anyway. Regardless, global warming activists and a compliant news media frequently and vociferously claimed the modest polar ice cap retreat was a sign of impending catastrophe. Al Gore even predicted the Arctic ice cap could completely disappear by 2014.
In late 2012, however, polar ice dramatically rebounded and quickly surpassed the post-1979 average. Ever since, the polar ice caps have been at a greater average extent than the post-1979 mean.
Now, in May 2015, the updated NASA data show polar sea ice is approximately 5 percent above the post-1979 average.
Nice find Thoughtful. Thank goodness for the internet and an inquiring mind.
Around the World thousands upon thousands of people collected weather related data and through the Internet post their actual findings from actual data. No adjusted data, just pure data. My weather friends from all over the World are telling me the same thing, over 2015, it has, for the most part been cold, colder than average in many, many countries. So, let us try one of our near neighbours out shall we, one that we hear very little about and a report of 2015 made in the middle of summer for Southern Ireland.
And to repeat myself again, Dartmoor has had a “Frost Day” every month this year.
Hi OB – here’s another one from the “MSM Experts Say” Dept.
I’ve just ordered a new lifejacket and dry suit.
No exaggeration …
Evan Davies on Newsnight just said the Chancellor has enjoyed ‘luck on a Napoleonic’ scale because the the treasury receipts will be 27 billion better than expected and this ‘had nothing to do with him.’
Erm …. so the economy has nothing to do with the Chancellor of the Exchequer? Really Evan? So why were you blaming the Tory/Liberal government for the feared triple dip recession? – which actually never arrived.
Once Newsnight is uploaded onto the bbc Iplayer check it for yourself, it is the very first thing he says when introducing the item.
Someone should tell him there’s no such thing as luck- luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
When the economy motored along on a cushion of unsustainable debt, and trillions in fraudulent CDOs etc… under a labour government, which gave knighthoods to the unqualified bankers who (encouraged by the labour chancellor) pushed the economy to breaking point, the BBC thought that the Chancellor was God incarnate. As soon as the debt bubble exploded plunging us into the deepest and longest recession for 60 years (and therefore worse than any of the tory recessions) Then the BBC claims the chancellor had nothing to do with it and it was America’s fault.
Now under a tory administration, if there had been a tripple dip recession, you can bet that the BBC would have put the blame squarely with the chancellor. However, when the economy improves? Suddenly it is all blind luck and nothing to do with the chancellor at all.
In other words, the BBC’s approach to luck vs blame or responsibilty is 180 degrees opposites when a labour government is in power from when a tory one is.
‘Luck’ seems to be what the BBC, especially Ian’s pets, are pushing.
And no one is biting.
But the attempt is being logged.
Not everyone works for a service so vital it requires unique compulsion to force fund.
This isn’t the BBC
“Oh good, it’s National Fiddle The Figures And Ignore Real News day…
Cameron Abandons EU Migrant Benefits Cuts, Which Poll Shows Is MOST POPULAR Part Of ‘Renegotiation”
“Cameron & Osborne spending more on foreign aid than on the Home Office which includes our Police.
… This is madness.
This Government increasing overseas aid to nearly £40 million per day by end of the Parliament.
… Wrong priorities”
Nigel Farage.
I understand that we give the EU £50 Million a day, Foreign Aid £40 Million a day and Al Beeb an untold sum – that’s a lot of spare money !
What we could do for the UK with that amount ………..
And all of it borrowed money ‘nogginator’ and at what interest rate?
The message from Chicago and Al Beeb is, don’t carry an offensive weapon such as a knife and intimidate people.
Perhaps then , there will be less crime ?
What an awful shocker of a shadow chancellor’s speech – woeful ……….producing Chairman Mao’s little red book in the house of commons must be a new low in British politics and I must say that I didn’t think they could get much lower. It was inappropriately used and it was just to enhance McDonnell’s extreme far left credentials with all of his supporters and from reading the posts above that must include the bbbc……
How can anyone consider liebor even remotely electable now that they are headed by a load of ageing hippies and marxists clearly intent on destroying the State.
It will be really interesting to see where the votes are cast in the coming Oldhamistan local election and then what liebour(and therefore the bbbc) do to explain it all away……
Beeb article on Oldham
“Oldham is a fundamental test for Labour”
Clearly it is a test they will fail, not too many positives on the articles comments section for Leibour 🙂
Englands Dreaming, your link is arriving at a spending review article accompanied by a photo of a curled-lip Osborne. This one gets you to the Oldham article (at the moment anyway!):
BBC radio news at six delighted to report that a pressure group called “Migrant Voice” has urged UK goverment to ease restrictions on close relatives of Syrian refugees claiming asylum in UK. According to the “Voice” they should not have to claim asylum in the first European Country they come to. Sounds like another thin end of the wedge.
And so it begins again………….
Dont know why migrants need their own pressure group when they have the BBC !
Now Paris attack news dying down- I expect we can look forward to another incisive pronouncement from Beenadic Cumonpatch. If we are really lucky we may even get a few expletives to show how cwoss he is with all us uncaring wacist bastards!
Supported by an article on the BBC ‘news’ website – Migrant Voice clearly won today’s ‘Free publicity for fellow travellers’ lottery. I particularly enjoyed the quote from the Refugee Council’s chief executive Maurice Wren: “The government should be doing everything in its power to reunite families divided by war, rather than deliberately and permanently separating them.” Yes? Does that include repatriating the ones who are here back to their homelands? That would be a family renunion programme that many could support.
Australia fell for this with Lebanese refugees taking advantage of the (then) family reunion clauses in the Immigration laws. By the time they closed that gate they had to absorb far more than planned. There were about 3500 Lebanese Muslims in Australia in 1971. Just two decades later, the number had increased to more than 25,000.
First post for me, I ve been following you all for a while since becoming aware of my growing disquiet at the BBC output on various subjects. Thanks for the island of sanity and free speech this forum provides.
Here’s a prime example…5 live this morning just before 0700, the discussion opens on Camerons comments proposing inspecting “extra curricular religious teaching” which is taken to mean madrassas.
Spokesman from the Bradford council of Mosques is allowed to burble on about this question being “nothing new since after 7/7”, “mainstream Islam being nothing to do with extremism” and his own position as a mainstream Muslim “tearing his hair out” about the way Islam is misrepresented by the extremists.
His final comment, was along the lines of “well we know that we share many of the same problems as the churches” and he was eagerly thanked by his BBC facilitator.
So Sunday schools are generating suicide bombers, who knew?
Someone has not been reading their koran.
Embolden, welcome to posting on this site.
Thanks. I’ll try to keep up to the standard!
It’s like the BBC refuse to accept that there is such a thing as taqiyya
Professional courtesy.
I don’t know how people here can even listen to the BBC anymore first thing in the morning, it would make me too angry.
Actually, 24/7 (in report and/or catch up) I find it pretty much hilarious.
But the joke is wearing thin, Mr. Whittingdale, Mr. Norman.
Monty on Toady this morning interviewing a lady who had lived through the Cultural Revolution in China, she (Monty) trying to get the interviewee to basically agree that Macdonnell’s use of the Red Book prop in his speech was ok, as it was a long time ago and now we can laugh at these things.
Chinese guest didn’t share that view – her parents having been forced to read it in the labour camp they were slaves in and she being brain washed with it at her primary school.
The Tories must want Corbs and Macdoodle in place for as long as possible – “unelectable” doesn’t even come close; Labour could be wiped out in England and Wales as they were in Scotland with the two beauts they’ve got leading them now.
Spot on Al.
The Tories (and I’m sure they are doing this) want to give Corbyn and McDonnell just enough rope to hang themselves very slowly, let’s say over about 4 years. So they are going quite easy on them. Also if they go in too hard too soon it would be so like hitting an unarmed man some people might actually feel sorry for them .
It’s a slightly dangerous game as if the economy tanks and/or people just get fed up of the Tories, a section of people might ‘vote for change’ and by jove that’s exactly what they would get. Farewell England.
But hopefully, enough sensible people would be around to prevent that.
The only sane and viable alternative to the tories is UKIP.
BBC breakfast at 06:11 reporter June Kelly empathises with a Syrian migrant that he is to be deported from the U.K to Italy where he came from. Ms Kelly looks on despondent as he tell her there is no one in Italy he knows, what a shame. How about sending him back to Syria ?. I thought Jordan ,Turkey and Lebanon were the first safe countries so called Syrian refuges should go
What, exactly, IS the “so called” about the BBC’s “So Called Islamic State”?
Is it the ISLAMIC bit, or the STATE bit?
Why is it not the “So Called People’s Republic of China”?
Or the “So Called Democratic Republic of Congo?”
Or the “So Called Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”?
At best, it’s the Islamic So Called State. Because the entire place is run by the principles in the Koran, but it doesn’t have a Department of the Environment.
I suppose the official answer is that Red China, Doctor Congo and North Korea are all internationally recognised states, whereas IS is not. Yet.
Whilst most of the articles on websites are generally poor, the following one gives a reasonable overview of IS and puts the BBC’s material to shame. It even has the temerity to state that IS is something to do with Islam – a controversial view that has been dismissed by other media outlets as varied as the BBC, Guardian and The Independent. See http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/nine-questions-about-isis-you-were-too-embarrassed-to-ask/ar-BBnpxw8#image=1
The Islamic State cannot ever be officially recognised, as they will never apply to be recognised, because the Islamic State does not recognise the UN. The UN being a human created authority, is completely at odds with Islamic State’s belief that only the laws and jurisdiction of Allah are applicable.
I agree with hugh oxford above though that the BBC use “so-called” for the Islamic bit, whereas I use it for the state bit. There is no doubt whatsoever to anyone who has seen what civil society is like in the Islamic so-called state, that EVERYTHING in ISIS is fundementally and totally and completely Islamic.
What is there British about the so called British Broadcasting Corporation?
TOB. Can’t answer that directly, but this may help.
In America the initials PSB stand for Public Service Broadcasting
In Britain the initials BBC stand for Public Sector Broadcasting
BBC ? not any longer. It should be renamed the BMBC as in British Multicultural Broadcasting Corp, or British Muslim Broadcasting Corp. In my childhood I used to watch Rag, Tag & Bobtail – this sums up the farce which is now the BBC.
At my age I can’t get overexcited at the prospect of climate change, neither do most people in the main, but I do see that concreting over gardens for parking spaces causes excess flooding, yet no-one gives a monkeys about that.
My main concerns for the future, should I no longer be able to live / function independently, is whether I’m lumbered with a non-English speaker to care for me, and hope that I’m not placed in an environment where I’m physically abused, and where hidden cameras have to be placed to watch my care. I really am not kidding about this, and please God I’m years away from this scenario and cross fingers my health remains ok, but isn’t this awful ? that I’m living in a country where I have these fears ?? yet our Governors are bending over backwards to help peoples abroad.
The nationality of the people who pay for it, under threat of imprisonment for not paying for it?
So-called journalists
So-called impartiality
So-called children’s entertainers
So-called British
So-called news
I’ve just turned off BBC Business News
Lanky Ben Thompson asks why the Phillipines economy is growing and in answer the guest BBC far east Lucy Liu-type knows just what the BBC likes to hear – ‘government spending is up 17%’ . Whether that scrumptious cash comes via tax receipts or borrowing is left to our imagination. Mind you, we are told growth is also due to ‘money sent home from Phillipinos working abroad’ – again, music to globalised BBC ears.
So to news of the British Finance Minister – that’s “Chancellor George Osborne” to us mere parochials, ie Licence Payers
And we hear again echoed from yesterday the BBC (Huw Edwards) and the guest TUC Economist’s oddly co-incidental mantra: “He’s Just A Lucky Chancellor” (Gosh, it’s almost as though they worked it out beforehand). I didn’t catch this papershuffler-on-the-left’s name but then he in turn apparently didn’t recognise our Huw “I agree with your BBC correspondent there – Osborn is a lucky Chancellor” Who would have thought it – BBC and Labour sharing soundbites and narrative in lockstep.Who’s briefing who? I won’t listen to BBC 5 Live but penny to a pound Nicky Campbell is saying it too.
Then BBC Business pushes me to the off-switch as we get set up for an interview with ‘America’s 11th most influencial black female tech executive’ – I kid you not. Didn’t we all boycott South Africa for this sort of segregation? Tell us black people out there, does this not feel condescending to you?
‘Ben Thompson asks why the Phillipines economy is growing’
Maybe they are just ‘lucky’?
A case for Laura K if Ian Katz can find the time.
Coal fired power stations are part of the plan, according to a report I heard on Today the other day.
Mind you, we are told growth is also due to ‘money sent home from Phillipinos working abroad’ – again, music to globalised BBC ears.
Again, the BBC refusing to put two and two together for its supine, trusting audience because it will drastically undermine one of their favourite narratives – namely that immigrant workers are net contributors to our economy. If they are sending their money back home, how can they possibly be?
BBc Breakfast and they just carry on with the agenda. Never heard of them charity of the day Migrant voice. http://www.migrantvoice.org/ Yes never heard of them either and of course they have no agenda. They tell us we should be more flexible over migrants specifically “Syrian” migrants who are deported so that would be illegal migrants then. A few seconds of digging brings up http://migrantforum.org.uk/nazek-ramadan-woman-of-the-year/ ,Migrant and Refugee Woman of the Year Award surprised the BBc didn’t televise that award.
The roaming sloth is in Bristol apparently green capital of Europe at the moment/ Who knew The climate change agenda item of the day. Roaming sloth makes a meal of banging a post into the ground whilst a small gathering stand around awkwardly. Steph is also out in a train station where we hear about food banks and talks to a 17 year old student who I think was speaking English telling us about tensions between students and teachers because teachers are fearing for their jobs and some other stuff but I couldn’t understand what she was saying. Then to top my day off champagne socialist, failed squaddie and utter **** Billy Bragg.. Apparently he has a book out with his song lyrics..wow, and he’s on tour now whoop whoop.
Without expressing a view on his talent (mainly because I don’t really have one), your post has reminded me about one Jim Davidson, a very popular ‘star’ on BBC in the 90s, subsequently dropped like a stone by the bBBC because of his non-PC ‘jokes’.
The guy put in a lot of free time for the Armed Services over many years.
It’s interesting to compare someone like him with someone like Billy Bragg in terms of talent, popularity, and bBBC recent exposure.
If only Davidson had supported left wing causes, he might still be on the peak time shows.
Agreed Sluff. I see Jim at my golf club, still a great guy and still doing lots for servicemen. But wouldn’t sell his principles to please the BBC latte lovers so no shows
Agree with the comments about Jim Davidson. Met him when I was in the military. Lots of stars are happy to entertain the troops as long as their efforts are recognised and they get treated like royalty when doing so. Not so Mr Davidson. He would happily show up unannounced in any sh*thole the troops were deployed to and accept wherever he was billeted. I don’t think you will ever meet an ex-serviceman with a bad word to say about him.
Another reason the BBC can f*ck off.
Several years ago Jim Davidson had to abandon his show in a local theatre because of continuous loud disruption from twenty or so left-wing activists in the audience.
Presumably they objected to their mobile ‘safe space’ being desecrated.
The BBC were in shock when he won Celebrity Big Brother. “Davidson? Popular? NOOOOOOOOOO it cannot be true…..”
Personally, I would rather watch any Jim Davidson comedy set than any of the PC dross they parade on so-called comedy panel shows these days.
Ditto: The other working class and funny comedian who does his bit – Lee Hurst.
With vital quality drama of the calibre BBC is uniquely funded to produce (and such as Amazon and the US cannot match, for a voluntary half the amount) this is unlikely to happen here:
” Associated Press, which would have approximately no trouble connecting the dots between government control of artistic and commercial speech and a fictitious TV show about the dangers of totalitarianism if a conservative had made the order, can’t even manage to put this information in the lede of its story?”
Maybe there was no space? Happens a lot here, too.
Thinking of this new BBC/Left narrative of the “Lucky Chancellor” – he’s just a lucky guy, reminds me too much of Mr Iggy Pop
Here comes Lucky Georgie again
Tax on liquor and drugs
He’s got a cash printing machine
He’s gonna do another strip tease
Hey man, where’d you get that wiggle room?
We’ve been hurting since we bought the gimmick
About something called borrowing
Yeah, something called deficit
Well, that’s like hypnotising chickens
Well, I’m just a modern guy
Of course, I’ve had it in the ear before
‘Cause of a lust for government spending
‘Cause of a lust for government spending
They’re worth a million in prizes
With a windmill firm
They fund GCHQ.
Wear a uniform
All on government loan…..
– you get the idea…
Further to Dave666’s observations above, the “Today” programme sports slot at 8:30 majored on the shortcomings of F1 (uncompetitive, falling audiences, the lure of new improved green Formula E). BBC’s Rob Bonnett snorted in encouragement when septuagenarian guest Max Mosely admitted that he didn’t follow the sport as avidly as he once did. Surely the BBC are preparing the ground for withdrawing from bidding for the broadcasting rights. Evil Tory cuts, ordered to by that ogre Whittingdale, don’t you know!
I thought the same thing, although I believe they’re signed up (jointly with Sky) until 2018.
Having said that they were signed up for sole rights until 2013, but did the dirty and joined with Sky in 2011, losing 50% of the live races and pissing off a lot of licence payers.
IMO F1 can’t afford to lose any more viewers, it needs to be free to air. Its losing viewers internationally, even with a Teutonic team winning all, German viewing figures are dropping like a stone.
Genuine UK F1 fans have lost interest, also with a British champion, one who seems to be more at home mixing it with rappers and the Kardashians than he does in the paddock.
Formula E ain’t the answer, its sterile.
Then we have the lead presenter Susie Perry (?) looks good but brainless and then we have the chosen BBC commentator (name unknown) who knows nowt and has to change his nappy every time a certain individual of Caribbean origin in a silver vehicle appears on screen. Comparisons with late Ayrton Senna Fangio…………………….
Followed by the insufferable Irishman, Eddie Jordan.
I have been following F1 since the 60’s before TV broadcasts and now cannot be bothered. That smarmy old git Eckelstone with his ever so PC, green agenda has destroyed it.
I watch every race live on Sky. The coverage is brilliant and I am happy that I have one less reason to watch the BBC. F1 audiences and ticket sales globally are up this year. Attendance at Silverstone was packed out. If the BBC do lose their part-time and pathetic coverage, I would not even notice.
It against my principles to pay for Sky. Not sure how much it is now, but at the time it was £35 a month to watch the one race that month that wasn’t covered by the BBC. Haven’t followed football since the English game ceased to be that.
The better way I found to stuff the BBC (and Sky) was to pick up a £20 dish from B&Q and point it to Astra 19.2 and watch on RTL from Germany, allied to the 5Live commentary.
I work it out that I’ve not paid Murdoch’s corp £1500!
Agree. Brundle and Croft are a great commentary team. I dread watching the live BBC races because Coulthard and whoever-it-is are so deathly dull and just drone on and on, often completely missing what just happened on track. Eddie Jordan is an arrogant twat and Suzi Perry talks down as if she’s presenting a children’s programme, which is what the pre- and post-race coverage feels like.
I’ve watched some of the Formula E on one of the freeview channels. To be fair although it’s in early days I didn’t view it as competition to F1 despite it’s move to 1.6L turbo engines and a few lacklustre seasons. However the BBc are in contract until 2018. The article was the Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/motorsport/formulaone/12004285/Bernie-Ecclestone-turns-down-BBC-plea-to-renegotiate-F1-contract.html I love the way they describe the BBc as “cash-strapped” they seem to have enough money to commission crap programs we don’t watch in this house and pay out astronomical amounts to certain of its employees.
Formula E? A race that is half the speed of F1 and the electric cars are so crap that they have to swap cars half way through the race. It is a total snorefest. It does nothing to encourage me to change to an electric car.
I am looking forward to hydrogen powered cars though.
Watching the BBC Six News last night one was struck by the narrative paralysis of the BBC apparatchiks despatched into the fray following Osborne’s devastatingly effective Budget Review. It was abundantly clear the BBC had been severely wrong-footed and were flailing helplessly to ‘find the bad news’ in what was a resoundingly up-beat, positive speech from Mr Osborne.
At one point the BBC drone was reduced to summing up the nation’s economic recovery, the Chancellor’s decision to scrap the Tax Credit cuts, no cuts to the police budget, further spending on Defence and the NHS and a rather better future going forward than had been anticipated as a matter of ‘luck’. Nothing to do with good financial management, planning, strategy or politics. Just… ‘luck’.
The BBC: World class journalism.
PS: The BBC deliberately played-down John McDonnell’s catastrophic ‘Mao Moment’ in Parliament yesterday. One can only imagine how relentless and critical the BBC would have been had a Conservative MP produced, say, Mein Kampf, and started quoting the words of a tyrant and murderer in the Mother of all democratic Parliaments.
But no. The BBC made a passing – uncritical – comment and moved very swiftly on.
Scrap the license fee NOW.
The Six o’ Clock News ignored the ‘Mao Moment’ completely. It was shown briefly at 10, only after, I suspect, the BBC realised that they could not cover it up any longer, all of the other news outlets all over the disaster.
Kuenssberg’s offering yesterday was appallingly one sided. Some of her language provocative. The question I am left with, particularly after the disclosure that she had been advising Corbyn’s adviser, the alleged Stalinist Milne, is can we trust Kuenssberg to deliver the news with impartiality, honestly and with integrity?
We could look back on the present TV license arrangements fondly . You can “scrap” the Tv license any time you like (by not paying and not watching live TV). You can listen to radio 24 hours a day as no license is required. If the TV license it is added to council tax or other unavoidable tax then that will be the end of that. To be honest I am surprised that the many intelligent contributors to this site have not considered the advantages of weaning themselves off television especially BBC TV (also BBC radio).
With thanks to dontblamemeivotedukip who posted about this yesterday at the end of the start the week thread. I haven’t stopped laughing.
Here’s the link to Twatter –
and here’s the link to the R4 programme, listen from 26:20 to 28:45 mins.
Pure Comedy Gold!
Superb !
CECUTT in crisis mode. Fraser preparing apology as we speak.
The sad thing is that the BBC would only ever allow a recent immigrant to utter such sentiments. Anyone else would instantly be awarded the ‘far-right and racist’ label.
Thanks for posting that, hilarious.
What has happened to Bradford is sickening – one of the mighty Yorkshire industrial powerhouses of the past, now reduced to a fetid, Islamic slum.
Every news organisation’s output is different and therefore very speculative. They all seem to grasp at the tiniest piece of “possible news” and turn it into ….Breaking News! It all should be taken with a huge pinch of salt, especially when they fall flat on their faces. Yesterday’s analysis by the editorial experts was woeful; it was almost as good as the egg on their faces when the exit poll was announced back in May! And what the hell has happened to Peston. I know he has been through some personal difficulties but that’s no excuse for slouching as if he couldn’t given a damn!
All news is speculative; this is a good site for a better understanding of who is telling the truth! I came across it during the election – made for interesting reading.
Of course BBC ‘Breaking news’ ‘breaks’ only after it has been run through the BBC filter of what is and isn’t news ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) and there is time for, and will fit. Or… not.
Fullfact I treat like wiki. It’s a source to start with, but not rely upon unless incontrovertible.
I suspect Peston is on some very strong medication, hence the bedraggled look, messed-up hair and vacant gaze. What comes out of his mouth sounds no more or less ridiculous that the rest of the tribe.
John Cleese has said he will never work for the BBC again in an article in the DE. sensible man, he gives his reasons but it is a pity he left it so late !.
The despicable bBBC is now using our money to campaign on “wimmin’s issues”. Today, a schoolgirl who lobbied to change the A-level music syllabus after spotting it featured no female composers.
No, me neither.
Her place at the BBC is assured.
I saw this a while ago on television and I had a big argument with a leftist at work about it. His opinion was that women were suppressed in the passed therefore not allowing their talents to flourish. That was a comment by someone who knows sod all about the history of western classical music. I retorted that women had far more encouragement than men in the past as it was seen ladylike to play an instrument rather than a man. A man was expected to follow a more elevated career such as law ,politics ,business or the military. I suppose the BBC will now try to suggest Beethoven is as good as Chaminade or Ravel is as good as Amy Marcy Beech or Brahms is as good as Elisabeth Lutyens. Who are you all saying, absolutely pathetic.
Oh dear. Things go from bad to worse for our Common Purpose chums in the BBC. Net migration into the UK is at an all-time high. What to do? How to report it?
Of course, it’s an abject failure on the part of Call Me Dave (goes without saying), but it’s even worse news for the comrades in Labour and in their broadcasting wing, the BBC. So it’s there, on the front page, but relegated to a small sub-section – not really headlines the BBC want to have to report.
Net migration to UK hits record 336,000, statistics show
Mark Mardell’s article, Oldham is a fundamental test for Labour contains this enlightening paragraph:
“Oldham has a very large ethnic community – around a quarter of the population have origins in Pakistan or Bangladesh. Most of them are loyal Labour voters.”
I wonder if he realises what he’s said in his hurry to find a reason to link UKIP and “Islamophobia”? He’s basically said that one quarter of the population is imported and can be relied upon to vote for one party. Does he perhaps think that this is something that should be investigated, given which party was responsible for much immigration*, or does this strike him as perfectly normal and nothing that need concern a journalist? Silly question. We all know the answer.
*It has to be said that Call Me Dave hasn’t done much better in that respect, as has been graphically illustrated today, but we need to vote for him anyway because he’s less bad than the only other person who might win. Apparently.
I was unfortunate to catch around thirty seconds of ‘Cuffs’ last night. Some of you wrote about this being a farce, a sitcom not to be taken seriously. You really weren’t kidding, were you? The bit I saw had an ex-colonel type, standing in front of his mansion (just to labour the point he is rich and therefore arrogant and WRONG), with a stopwatch. Apparently he had dialled emergency and asked for the police. Understandably, the two cops who came were not best pleased when they found out there was no emergency – he was timing them to see how long it would take them to get there. The police threatened him with wasting police time, whereupon our arrogant toff blustered ‘How dare you!’ or some other line taken from the Beano circa 1970. That’s as far as I could watch. Now, I don’t know if any of you read articles this week about some of the latest time wasting calls the police get, but the main one I recall was from a woman who complained that her TV had gone on the blink and ‘Eastenders is about to start.’ I know I’m showing the same bias as the bBC here, but I would guess (perhaps incorrectly) that that woman is possibly not a Tory voter. I’d also guess she is not a toff living in a big mansion. It’s as though the bBC cannot leave it alone, and have to belabour you with working class = good, honest, oppressed, expoited and upper class = out of touch, arrogant, etc. It is drama at its novice, sixth form best.
Maybe if it’s a meme to revisit, future episodes could cover the speed at which the team respond to a lady in her car in a ditch, or a growing youth… or by way of contrast the heroism of the Diverse Underwater Literature Litter squad?
“I’m going down now, boss…”
“I’m forever blowing bubbles, lucky bubbles, every day…”
Vital is as vital does. Clearly stuff like 19-2 or Man in the High Castle cannot compete.
That said, I did opt to subscribe to the latter.
Not watched it, cuffs, the trailer conveyed it was going to be a pile of dogs***e seems I was right.
I saw one episode and thought it was an Al Beeb satirical comedy but I was wrong and have not watched it since.
I want my licence fee money back . Al Beeb is beyond the pale, get rid of it.
I do wonder if the Neo Cons somewhere deep in a bunker in Washington state somehow managed to get Corbyn and McDonnell into the top tier of Labour here in the UK?
To quote Mao yesterday–and in a way that made no sens to anything that had happened before, as far as I could see-surely means the same as if UKIP quoted Mein Kampf by way of policy…astounding.
These first few months of Labour merely sets the Left in concrete…the Mao stuff and sucking up to jihad John will not stand. Won`t be forgotten.
Corbyn uses emails from John of Baghdad to avoid having to do any work himself at PMQs…and all McDonnell can do is read from a psychopaths memoirs to answer the “austerity crap”.
No wonder the broadsheets are apoplectic-only the BBC think it a jape…and credit to Newsnight for finding Alexei Sayle to advise us that Mao was OK-and Labour are just dandy.
They said he was a comedian though…as Lenny Henry is to race quotas, so Sayle is to class warriors of a certain dotage.
Wasn`t that hostage taking creep in Stockwell a Maoist?…so isn`t McDonnell bigging up child expliotation and slave trafficking in quoting from Maos book.
Tragic that clowns like him think of Maos Little Red Book alone-as they bin the Gideons New Testaments that WILL be needed for the coming Kali Fakes.
I wonder if the BBC has seen this yet?
I wonder if Teresa and Dave a have seen this video. It calculates the cost in human lives and cash to fight the terrorists. It presents the best arguments one can think of in favour of a massive nuclear strike on Racca followed by similar nuclear strikes wherever these rats are found.
Meanwhile, Dave wants to drop bomgb in the Syrian sands.
… whilst providing IS/IL/IS/esh human video extras, as doubtless the poor sods will be required to obey every rule in and out.
Looks like Youtube viewers don’t get to either.
Sorry, Old Goat, what was that a video of?
Harrabin makes another howler, this time regarding Morocco’s solar plant drooled over on R4 Today on Monday.
BBC News Quiz luvvie Hugo Rikfind drops clanger in the Spectator too re:China and Germany coal use.
more here:
Probably less of a howler in Harrabin’s case than a fully conscious decision to continue spinning.
Right GC – there’s never a retraction or correction because there is no one that dares enforce it and he knows it.
No one at the BBC will challenge this idiot, except perhaps Andrew Neil if he turned his mind to it, although Neil would be ‘disappeared’ rather than the fireproof and scheming Harrabin.
What was that phrase again.
“I find out that the more I practise, the luckier I get.”
That was from the great SA golfer, Gary Player, I believe.
So much wisdom in those few words.
Conveniently after today’s release of the latest immigration figures there is no UKIP representation on the QT panel tonight, that is of course if the subject is even touched on. Its almost scandalous and absurd that our political system means that an SNP member will appear more than a UKIP member, even though the UKIP vote was triple that of the SNP.
We have three confirmed (far) lefty’s, Hancock who will of course be towing Dave’s liberal line, Kate Andrews who I know little about but she was involved with Mitt Romneys campaign so expect her to be centre right and not to forget the overwhelmingly left biased audience.
That Wishart is a c*nt.
What’s the betting Matt Forde will be introduced and treated as the jokey ‘independent’ to balance out the other politicians?
Whereas we can of course all guess his true affiliations
So it looks like 3 against 2 – again! As usual!
From wikipedia
‘Matt Forde is a Nottingham-born comedian, impressionist, comedy writer, radio presenter and former political advisor for the Labour Party.’
Quelle surprise.
Labour/comedian/clown all different labels for the same thing. Especially after Steptoe’s stand-in’s performannce yesterday.
No, and lucky for the BBC they are not required to explain, for the purposes of ‘journalism, art and literature’ how they are bent as a nice bob note falling off the Tower of Pisa.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-34932688 Goodbye you won’t be missed.
BBC3’s online-only presence will be used as an argument that anyone with internet connection should be paying for a TV licence.
Yes, I have been thinking along these lines. I think Winterbum will buy it.
I’ve long suspected that was exactly why the i-Player was created.
Not when the viewing figures for it come to light. I suspect they won’t be very large.
Saw this a while ago on FaceBook, pretty much across all the BBC pages, especially ‘trending’, under the heading ‘300,000 sign petition to save BBC3’ (as noted earlier, the government can be… variable in how these are treated, especially those 30,000 out).
A few commenters did note that they had kind of failed to mention that all things considered, this is pretty pants given the reach of the BBC to stir up support.
I see it has comments. Clearly they feel this is safer ground. Then again, maybe not:
What a shame.
Why not cut all the Asian music channels etc etc ?
Or broadcasting in 32 languages ?
Do those people reading BBC abroad contribute to the license fee ?
I didn’t think so
If the BBC wants to save money, how about closing down The Asian Network ?
For one thing it’s racist, but then having it does allow to BBC to up it’s PC quota so for that reason alone it’s as safe as houses.
Defy a bookmark as it still ‘evolves’. For now.
Guido reports that Paul Flynn MP (Lab) has warned of a world war between Christians and Muslims. Just as well it’s only a nobody like a Labour MP that said it, and not UKIP’s tealady otherwise it would have been all over the BBC.
Not sure it merits Guido’s award of the OTT, TBF. But I can’t help but wonder what Mr Flynn was doing when his party of choice was busy letting so many of what he sees as potential enemies in.
I realise Guido partly exists just to mock Labour but I’ve known people who have said much the same as Flynn since the 1970s and the first ‘oil crisis’. They certainly don’t agree with his rank cowardice about tackling ISIL but the concept of Islam vs everyone else in the world (and by no means just Christians) is hardly new and shocking.
Not just, but Labour does seem to provide more material.
Islam Vs rest of the world, is merely how Islam has operated for all but 14 of the 1400 years it has existed. Islam has been at war with the non-Islamic world since Mohammed was raping children and cutting his enemies heads off. Jihad is central to Islamic faith.
And here’s the BBC busted again, this time for its juvenile credulousness in swallowing any amount of guff from the increasingly barking UN:
Maybe they could create a task force to tackle this headed be Danny Cohen and Bahar Mustafa, both currently ‘exploring other options’?
If only one of the options facing Bahar Mustafa could be working out how to face a lengthy jail sentence.
All that shite is going to take a back seat very shortly.
I was so grateful that the Today sports bulletin reported on the British Women’s Curling Team reaching the finals of the World Championships.
Sometimes a good rant at the radio is the only way of getting your heart restarted after a night of beer-induced coma.
oh FFS. Yawn.
Instead of spurting out the same old PC shite, why don’t those useless, treacherous sods in Labour, the Guardian and the BBC just accept the fact that there is a rapidly increasing problem in Islam with extremism, intolerance and violence? Whose side are they on?
Given The Sun is not a public sector organisation, one imagines the independent editorial response to MPs meddling may be more robust than that attempted by Lords Hall and Patten and our Rona.
And accepted as meekly by the Graun when issued?
“Whose side are they on?”
Not ours.
Someone earlier today mentioned Full Fact. I have certain reservations, but it is an interesting source.
‘Mr Osborne didn’t explicitly promise to rid the country of the deficit completely by this year, although he stated an ‘aim’ to do so, and in his first budget he said that aim would be achieved (based on the forecasts of the time). That didn’t happen.
At the risk of playing semantic games, an aim is not a promise. It’s one thing to set a target and it’s another to pledge that the target will be met.’
Now, which way would the BBC, ever the ones for a nifty dose of semantics, decide to head with this, given it was very much part of their reporting and discussions?
For those of you who were going to watch the replay of the Women’s International played earlier today, at 19:00.
The score was 0-0.
So you can use this, now spare, time to find out about the BBC African footballer award and cast your vote.
Naughty BBC delenda est – giving away the England score like that
You’re playing the part of Brian Glover to Likely Lads Rodny Bewes and James Bolam
‘England F….’?
England Feminazis!
I did not believe any one would watch the ‘football’.
Anyway I did not vote in the award, they ll looked the same.