The BBC has always tried to downplay the amount of immigration to this country and has been far, far more intent on pushing supposed benefits of immigration than in exposing the problems….going so far as to commission a poll in Romania and Bulgaria to get some figures it could work with and told us that there was ‘No indication of huge Romanian-Bulgarian influx’…..unfortunately not many people believed the BBC’s interpretation of their expensive polling.
Here’s David Keighley at Conservative Woman and here’s the Telegraph.
Seems, once again, the BBC’s critics were right, as today’s figures show, about the level of Romanian immigration…
• New record for net migration figures, ONS says
• Number who migrated to Britain in the year was 636,000
• EU migrants arriving in Britain jumps 42,000 to 265,000
• Romania and Bulgaria arrivals are a main factor in the rise
• Britain is home to 8 million foreign-born for first time
• Romanians registering in Britain triple in just one year
And of course the net migration of foreigners to Britain is much higher than the overall net migration figure when you strip out the British immigrant and emigrant numbers.
How long can this go on for? The BBC never seems to seriously consider that there might just need to be a limit to immigration but then when you have senior BBC reporters such as Mark Easton actually taking part in conferences about immigration, speaking at them not reporting from them, you shouldn’t hold out much hope for any impartial treatment of the subject.
“Further figures revealed the number of overseas nationals registering for National Insurance numbers, or Ninos, rose by a third to 862,000.
The ONS said this was driven by arrivals from Romania and Bulgaria, which rocketed 52 per cent to 206,000 – the same number awarded to all migrants from outside the EU in the same period.
The Nino figures include people who may be coming to Britain for short spells – which the ONS said explained the discrepancy from their migration survey which only measures those coming here for the long-term.”
So 526,000 come short term and need a National Insurance Number? Doesn’t add up does it?
For the BBC, it is unlikely to be seen as a big issue ((c) A. Newsroom magazine vendor).
At this rate there won’t be many British people ‘Romaning’ in the UK 🙂
Sorry that was feckin terrible lol
Yes, that was dreadful Alex.
Now, go and stand in the corner, and think about what you have done.
Don’t bother with that corner Alex, it’s too crowded. There’s no Room-in-‘ere.
Also, worrying about overcrowding is understandable, but we must guard against it becoming some sort of room mania.
I went into my bank today & I was served by a white woman. I thought it was a refreshing change to see a white British person working at the bank, then she opened her mouth. She had a foreign accent, I couldn’t place it but most likely it was East European (Romanian perhaps or Bulgarian?). I thought to myself that being a bank teller isn’t rocket science, so why couldn’t they find a native British person to do the job considering the high unemployment levels?
More to the point, how long has she been here and how did she learn about the job; where was it advertised and were any white Englishmen and women interviewed for the position? I doubt anyone would ever give answers to these questions because to do so would expose the corruption that must exist in the employment market. You see, a proper journalist, which the bbc claims to have in abundance, would be investigating such subjects.
Only 13 000 arrived here , I know that because the Mirror went to Heathrow and found only 5 came in on the stroke of midnight when they were given access .
It sounds like Farage was mistaken (Underestimate)!
I know one thing I fu….g hate being accosted by swarthy types wanting to wash my already clean car (washed by yours truly) every time I pull into my local Sainsburys car park and again at the entrance by shabby Roma gypsy women wanting to flog me a bloody Big Issue.
If these are the benefits of immigration that my leaders keep telling me about they can fuc….g stuff it, I’d rather live in a in poorer country among my own than among this alien scum….
Two years ago, at this time of the year (in LLandeilo – hardly diverse) my wife was accosted by “an enricher” -E Europe – in a Santa costume selling the Big Issue (He’d sussed I was a “bad target”).
When it cost her £3.50 to get away she was not impressed. Her response to my reply is likely to get picked up by the Mods!
I’d rather throw £3.50 down the drain!
She wouldn’t allow me to “intervene” but I think he got the message without me saying a word.
But, but… These are the really important jobs that lazy Britons simply won’t do and which are essential to our dynamic economy. Along with flipping burgers, adding salmonella to kebabs, cleaning London offices for less than the minimal wage etc…
There is very little that a bit of BBC filtered ‘analysis’ cannot respin…
Quite how Mark Easton holds down a salary does intrigue. But then there’s Jon Donnison, Mark Mardell, Jeremy Bowen, Roger Harrabin, Tim Willcox, Orla Guerin, Mishal Husein, Jim Naughtie… Etc… and you realise that whilst the BBC is uniquely funded, most of its high profile staff are cut from the same cloth.