After blaming former prime minister Tony Blair for the 2005 atrocity, Mr Livingstone – who was mayor at the time – told the audience: ‘They did those killings because of our invasion of Iraq.
‘They gave their lives, they said what they believed. They took Londoners’ lives in protest at our invasion of Iraq.’
Why is there outrage at Ken Livingstone’s comments about the 7/7 bombings? This is the narrative that the BBC and mainstream Muslims have been peddling for over a decade…a narrative that has supported and excused Islamist terrorism all that time….this is the narrative that has fed Muslims a line that tells them Muslims are under attack from the West, that Iraq was part of that and that their anger is justifiable about this…the violence is terrible…but…but…but….
There BBC can’t deny its guilt over this having spent the last two weeks excusing the Paris terrorism, starting just hours after the attack…this time adding in more alleged causes of terrorism…. poverty, unemployment, exclusion and alienation, as excuses to mass murder people.
Change the narrative, stop excusing slaughter on our streets.
Curiously Ken seems to have changed his narrative….in 2005 he told us that the 7/7 attackers were cowards out to destroy our free society and that they would fail…though bizarrely Ken thinks the bombers were out to stop immigration to the UK…..
The BBC can or should only report the outrage of others, the fact that lazy Davy and his band of toffs haven;t spoken up speaks volumes.
Again it comes down to who is pulling the strings behind the scenes, and there’s no way the untrammeled greed of the Tories will allow criticism of Islam or Muslims if that involves putting their rich reward on leaving office at risk.
If only it was as simple as greed. This is only one possible and minor explanation and not that convincing. I prefer the clash of civilisations and one that has been coming long before Cameron appeared on the scene.
There is a fault line between Islam and the West. There always has and always will be. We in the Dar al Harb must realise that we are here only on sufference and that until the Dar al Islam covers the whole world there can be no lasting peace.
I’ve copied a tweet from Dan Hodges. I didn’t hear it, but he is saying the BBC Today prog downplayed Livingstone’s disgusting comments;
“Today” bottled it. Didn’t play full Livingstone quote in which he says terrorists “gave their lives”.
Wasn’t 9/11 two years before the Iraq invasion of 2003???
So, what’s the excuse for the 2005 bombings of the London underground?
What about all the many Islamic terrorist bombings and attacks before 9/11?
What about the attempted invasion of Europe in 1683 by the Islamic Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Vienna?
“”The battle marked the historic end of the expansion of the Ottoman Empire into Europe””.
Islam has been a threat to Europe for hundreds of years.
Red Ken wouldn’t want to know about that.
Precisely, Dover Sentry. Supposedly, 7/7 was a “hightened critique” of British foreign policy. But what gives Muslims, still a minority, the right to attempt a veto in this way. If there was a far-right group murdering people in their hundreds, or commiting suicide bombings, because it did not agree with “British immigration policy” would Livingstone be saying they “gave their lives for what they believed”? Clearly not, because Livingstone supports the Jihadist cause and so whatever they do is justified; opposong mass immigration is evi and, therefore, cannot be supported at any level, let alone by violence.
The BBC as usual is proselyting on behalf of Islam.
BBC Breakfast show yesterday, went off to a Madrassa in the north of England, to see what Islam was all about, and what they were teaching children ( 4 years and up). The imam, in the presence of his deputy stated that Islamic values were virtually the same as British values. The BBC lapped it up. The interesting part of the show was the smile on the deputy imam’s face ,as if to say “What idiots. They believe this BS)
The BBC frequently portrays conflicts as the West attacking Muslim countries to further of its own agenda, with the Muslims as victims. It has never used the same approach when running an item on the NATO attack on Serbia in the 1990s. Then NATO bombed and then launched a ground attack against Christian Serbian forces in support of Muslim Kosovans – to the benefit of Muslim Albania. The only time the BBC mentions religion in that conflict is when it reruns reports of the massacres of Muslims. It never mentions the equivalent massacres of Christian.
For the BBC the Muslims have to be portrayed as the victims and the Christians as the aggressors, and when the Western powers support the Muslims that fact must never be mentioned.
So much of it tracks back to the conflict in Yugoslavia. Stupid politicians – and civil servants – in the UK and elsewhere did not recognise that it arose from centuries-old conflict between Islam and the Greek Orthodox people.
The Muslims of Kosovo and elsewhere were allowed to twist our policies towards bombing the shit out of Christians.
And all over the Muslim world they must have been thinking – “Europe is soft, Europe is stupid”
If ever there were people who fought hard against the Jihad invasion of Europe, it has to be the Serbs & Romanians. For this they suffered the wrath of the Turk – continuous massacres. Their children were taken away – little girls for the harem, and boys to be brought up as fanatic Muslim warriors. The Turks realised that when it came to fighting, Europeans were in a class of their own. Hence the feared Janissaries – ex Christian Serbs.
In recent times, the Serbs fought hard against the Nazis, and they paid for this in a Serbian Holocaust.
For their dauntless bravery to defend the West, they were paid by the USA, that well known redoubt of Western civilisation, by being relentlessly bombed, and their state dismembered .
It is not remembered that Germany paid a crucial role in the dismemberment of Yugoslavia. Its support for Croatia, its WWII ally against Serbia, its WWII enemy, was a key factor in the eventual dismemberment of Serbia.
I sincerely hope that justice is not being served cold on Germany. I would hate that Islam profit from Germany’s past mistakes against Jews and Serbs.
Isn’t it the case that the Koran instructs muslims to lie in order to deceive others and advance the cause ?
Taqqiya and Kitman – depending on the circumstances and gullibility of the Western liberal..
Fine points can be ascertained by Googling.
According to the religionofpeace website there have been 27,338 Muslim terrorist attacks since 2001:09:11.
Good site with plenty of ammunition, unfortunately not real ammunition.
That is more than five MURDEROUS ATROCITIES BY MUSLIMS every day.
Five a day, it makes it sound like a health warning, which it is, Islam is bad for your health.
Yet according to the BBC their are daily attacks AGAINST Muslims ! Mind you an ‘attack’ against a Muslim in the view of the BBC can be a disapproving look.