The past can cast a cold hard light upon the mutterings of today and embarrass those who change their tune in order to press their own agenda.
Last year in the run up to the election we heard a lot about the government’s, the Tories’, intended spending cuts….we were told in alarmist terms of how savage they would be in the second term. We were also treated to faux outrage at the size of the government debt at around £1.4 trillion.
Now Price Waterhouse Cooper had predicted way back in 2009 that the government debt would be £1.4 trillion in 2015….
So no surprise there…..unless you had an agenda that wanted to tell us that the Coalition had run up horrendous debts and this was a ‘shock’.
Curiously back in 2009 the BBC told us the same thing about debt….
The war of words between Labour and the Conservatives about which party is best able to make “nice” versus “nasty” cuts without details from either on exactly what will be cut is still going strong, yet leaves the public none the wiser.
A recent IPSOS/MORI poll found that 50% of people still do not accept that there is a need to cut spending to pay off the national debt, now rising at a giddy £5,656 per second, and set to go on rising until 2014 when it will settle at just under £1.4 trillion.
Not only that but the famous IFS, the goto organ of economic wisdom for the BBC, told us that we had at least 8 years of belt tightening to cope with….
Eight years
An even higher percentage of the electorate are probably unaware that based on current government forecasts, Britain’s is facing not one but “two parliaments of intensifying pain”, as the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) predicted.
The IFS said that for each of the next eight years, a new round of cuts will have to be found to fill the black hole in the nation’s finances – a hole the Treasury estimates amounts to a £90bn shortfall between tax revenues and government spending.
Odd how all that has been forgotten and the recent IFS’s alarmist tales of more savage cuts were taken up by the BBC and presented as if this was all news to them and the cause was either Tory incompetence or a political ideology that meant cuts for the sake of cuts…not the reality as noted by the IFS, and the BBC, back in 2009, under a Labour government, that the cuts were necessary to fill that ‘blackhole in the government’s finances’.
The past is not just history.
The BBC past is not even history Alan.
!984, it has been said many times, was intended to be a warning, not an instruction manual.
The left, continuing their century of conspiracy against this country, in fact against all countries, are beavering away night and day in little cellars and offices in Broadcasting House.
Modifying the English Language to prevent doubleplusungood thinkers being able to intonate any anti-left thoughts.
Using 90% of the total Tippex production falsifying documents.
Using Photoshop etc to falsify photographs and film, more Commissars vanishing.
Using the purportedly impartial BBC and C4 TV for the dissemination of Marxist propaganda and preventing counter arguments and opposing views being expressed.
There is a word for this activity, treason.
Maybe it is time to re-introduce a former practice, outlawry. Then anyone who objects to the behaviour of the leftist scum could take any action they wished against the heirs to the Mass Murdering Marxists of the past, with complete impunity.