Sorry for the technical problems earlier but here is a NEW Open Thread for you! Are you loving the climate hype the BBC is engaging in? How about its desperate attempts to cover up the chaos that IS Labour under Comrade Corbyn? Detail the bias here.
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Could somebody remind me what qualifies Prince Charles to talk at the climate change talks?
Shouldn’t he stick to his areas of expertise such as…err…
Steve, you are being most unfair.
On the BBC, Prince Charles has as much right, and knowledge, to discuss climate change as Emma Thompson, Bianca Jagger and Viviane Westward.
Oddly, those who do not have a right to discuss climate on the BBC are the actual climate experts, Prof Lindzen. Prof Curry, Prof Singer, etal. Cannot think why.
I stand corrected. You are quite right, Prince Charles is the equal of any of the list of celebrity luminaries you state. Thank goodness we have the example of the frugal lifestyles of these people to help us in our quest to reduce deadly carbon emissions. I understand that some of Charles’ Bentleys are capable of up to 14 MPG around town.
You all fail to comprehend that so called scientific ‘qualifications’ led to the rise of Hitler and worse still the abominable UKIP.
Science is not to be trusted until it’s ‘settled science’ by those who know best.
Climate Change is an opportunity for all who love latte and vegetable pie to feel smug and superior to lesser beings who do things that make other things function. How tiresome you all are. 😉
A very valid point. What has science, real science, ever done for anybody? Luckily, we now have the modern scientific method where theories are confirmed by lack of evidence, refusal to debate and mob rule.
And that’s how it should be, Mr Jones.
The world would be a far better and happier place if we could just confine ourselves to the facts as we see them without interruption from those ghastly so-called scientific types who seek to overturn all that we know to be right and settled.
Science can be so tiresome when it tries to get above it’s self.
It could be one of those mindless BBC website questions ” What did science ever do for us ? “
Environmental activists, Journalists with language qualifications and an assortment of left-wing middle-class morons with Arts, Humanities and Media qualifications, as well as Prince Charles are allowed on the BBC.
But now even the corrupt scientists who have been promoted to senior positions in authority, seem to be avoiding the lime light. Joanna Haigh and Mike Lockwood are the only causational climate scientists allowed on the BBC. But then the rest have battened down the hatches and are waiting to retire. Scientists are blaming the environmental activists, the people at the Tyndall Centre and Grantham Institute, for the use of media control over the fluffy minded Journalists and Politicians. For Scientists its safer to be retired, but if you are retired you cannot do much, those still with a job have to think of what would happen if they said what they think, popular French Weathermen included, most of them do not even reply to emails. Free speech is no longer possible for Scientists, Johnny Ball and David Bellamy are an example for those still employed with the BBC. And if the only Parliamentarian/Scientists Peter Lilley and Graham Stringer are unable to defeat the BBC censorship policy, what hope have less powerful scientists against the left-wing journalism of censorship. But then Prince Charles will tell you what 101 percent of scientists think, ying tong iddle i po.
Also, on Sunday, 11pm and 1am, TruTV, Freeview Channel 68: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, one episode could be the Climate Change episode. It concludes that UN adviser Maurice Strong, who has just died, is responsible for guaranteeing the indefinite continuation of this massive rollercoaster of a junket by inviting 40,000 participants to each of these very expensive IPCC Climate junkets.
But Astronomers are coming to the rescue, and there are UKIP, GWPF, Weatheraction and Mensa on our side. We just need a lot of money so that we can leaflet every house in the country with information.
Prince Charles is well known for talking to the trees and as such is as well qualified to talk about climate change as all the other experts. I am sure it will be fascinating to hear what the trees told our future monarch.
On Toady this morning, heard the sports guy trying to belittle the British team’s achievement in winning The Davis Cup, because various other countries’ top players had opted out of representing them.
I wondered if other national broadcasters, when those who represented their country on the world sporting stage, and had achieved a similar victory, would feel it necessary to mention such a thing?
The BBC is anti-British. Ain’t a single shadow of a doubt about it.
In other words, BBC reporters and other staff are anti the people who pay their massive salaries.
The Britain-Bashing Co-Operative. Specialities include:
Anti-British – except when it comes to worshipping at the altar of one David Beckham !
I wonder whether Andy Murray encourages his British team mates with the words “Let’s do this”
Andy Murray: I regret my ‘let’s do this!’ tweet but back Scottish independence
I fail to see why I should admire that miserable sour faced cunt just because he is good at tennis – a game (correct me if I am wrong) which consists of repeatedly hitting balls over a net.
The BBC will love this leftie, apologist drivel –
It is apologist drivel, but one of the comments nails it:
“How does the theory tie in with the wealth of Osama bin Laden? Are we to believe that there is no support for terrorism within the Arab ruling classes of the Gulf? Or, is the driver for all this terror the “semi-slave” class of women and immigrants? I think Mr Picketty speaks from his a****e”
In trying to force-fit the worldwide Islamic jihad into his economic theories, Piketty has deposited more crap than an entire herd of African elephants.
Reminds me od the ‘British’ Muslim family leaving a comfy life in Britain to join the jihad in Syria and the three teenage girls, also ‘British,’ who were drawn to ISIS like iron to a magnet, like thousands of others from Western countries . And of course all the university students and graduates who plan or execute jihad are hardly deprived.
Not to mention that bin Laden was from a wealthy family and that jihadis who salivate at the thought of destroying Israel are rolling in ‘aid’ money from ‘liberal’ lefty Western governments and that the likes of the Saudis and the Qataris play their cunning double game, pretending to be civilised to fool the gullible West while continuing to fund the jihad.
Then of course there is the lifelong indoctrination against the infidels and the promise of the 72 virgins in paradise.
Either Piketty knows nothing about the jihad or he is dishonest to the core.
Educated, well-off, young Muslims in this country are far more likely to support Islamic extremism than poorer ones. The university system imbibes young people with self-loathing, anti-Western, negatives values, devoid of purpose. It is hardly surprising that some Muslims will become as disillusioned as non-Muslim students, but that alienation is more likely to find an outlet in Islamism than in environmentalism, anti-racism, gender activism etc. Poorer Muslims, like less well-off people in general, are far more concerned with making a day-to-day living.
True. Left wingers have infested universities throughout the Western world with their ‘liberal’ virus.
TrueToo, I know from personal experience many years ago that it was almost impossible to get a job in a British University if you were not left wing.
I mean as a lecturer
That I can well believe. I had a number of unpleasant experiences at a South African correspondence ‘university’ in the nineties. The lecturers and professors I crossed swords with were lefties to a man/woman.
I’ve worked in Universities most of my adult life Criteria for promotion and job security is increasingly tied to raising funds And there are funds to be raised from the numerous research funding bodies with links to left wing issues, oppression of muslims, inequality, gender bending, and so on. Tory governments have not even glanced at this. Other criteria involves attracting students from overseas which inevitably means a high recruitment of semi literate students from muslim lands. And for many academics appointments and promotion depends upon research, measured by publications, where there is an increasing outlet for Islamic scholarship. Most subjects have an Islamic content – eg. International law = Sharia, family law= sharia, history, theology, philosophy, politics, all earners for academics willing to sign up for Islamic studies.
You paint a grim picture, but no doubt accurate.
Meanwhile a vehicle with some doctors on board approaches Glasgow Arrivals. But, from which side?
Well, it makes a change from the other idiot theories.
I live in a rural area and I guess for my BBC local news area that there will be many Conservative MPs. Today we were treated at 6.30 to a 10 minute discussion about whether the 5 Labour MPs in the area should vote for action in the upcoming free vote in Parliament. Behind Peter Levy for 10 minutes was a photo of each of the MPs superimposed over the Labour red rose. I am not sure what the subliminal message was but no mention that other parties are available.
That girl, who was shot by the Taliban, & lives in Birmingham now,said, something on F/B about being a Socialist. It was on the newsfeed , but after I read it, something else came up & I forgot about it, but I wondered if anyone else had seen it. BBC & Corbyn will be happy.
I liked the recent piece about some muzzers creating a #I am not malala campaign, I am joining that campaign, any fool who escapes the clutches of one warped ideology only to be seduced by another deserves all they get.
Yes, it’s long been known that she’s not just a feisty young lady who wants girls to be given the opportnity to learn to read and write. She’s a Marxist with an agenda; that’s why the Taliban shot her. But ‘Islamic radicals really hate Marxists as well’ probably doesn’t play well in certain areas, so you don’t get to hear the full story.
As Hadda just pointed out, girl is a self confessed commie..
From wikipedia :
“By 2012, Yousafzai was planning to organise the Malala Education Foundation, which would help poor girls go to school.[43] In July of that year she participated in the national Marxist Summer School, and delivered a message to the 32nd congress of the Pakistani IMT, in which she said, “I am convinced Socialism is the only answer and I urge all comrades to take this struggle to a victorious conclusion. Only this will free us from the chains of bigotry and exploitation.”
Thanks, thats the piece I saw on FB . Very interesting I thought , so she is not all , what she seems.
Could somebody explain how she ended up in the UK?
More importantly, can somebody explain why our Prime Minister and the Tory party lets Al Beeb get away with so much bias for so long ?
Global warming loonery on 5Lies last night. Stephen Nolan interviews Professor Stuart Haszeldine, a climate change specialist from Edinburgh University.
Nolan asks the Prof. “When we consume stuff, what happens?” and “If we do nothing, what will happen?”. The good Professor spells it out in apocalyptic terms.
“There will be a 10 -15 degree increase in temperature over time. There will be a 5 degree increase in average temperatures by the end of this century. London will be like southern Spain, and southern Spain will be like the Sahara desert………” etc etc.
If you can tolerate it, here’s the link. Listen from 44:08 to 45:45 to hear the above nonsense. Listen from 40:40 to 47:14 for all the lunacy, with somebody called Harry Bin, I think, on first.
Here’s a link to the Professor and his many interests
“Who is attending? : Around 40,000 people from all over the world are participating in the two weeks of talking in one form or another.”
The low carbon trains must be packed, can’t imagine anyone flew in.
India gets a lot of stick. 1.7 tonnes C per person, as does China 6.7 tCpp. Maybe the US 17 tCpp and UK 7.1 tCpp shouldn’t be so smug, especially with some pollution effectively outsourced.
The participants include important stakeholders such as:
* Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University,
* Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) ,
* Sjoham Baabaji Mission,
* All India Women’s Conference (AIWC) and the
* International Social Science Council (ISSC) ,
…. all keen to show how noble and caring they are, while racking up the CO2 emissions.
Bearing in mind that China an India have about 40% of the World’s population.
Stuart Haszeldine is geologist involved with the Carbon capture junket. So not a causational Climate scientist, but just another bribed fraudster, in it for the money.
London will be like Southern Spain? Quite like the sound of that – warm sun, cheap beer, plenty of fellow Brits. But I rather suspect it will be more like Sudan, Somalia or Syria. And I’m not talking climate.
Is the BBC bias instinctive or am I getting paranoid?
R4 6pm news financial summary reported FTSE down, DOW down, £ vs $ unchanged, for the £ vs Euro they just gave the rate with no mention of the movement.
I was not surprised to find elsewhere that the £ was up against the Euro, could the BBC just not bear to admit that?
Flex, Well spotted. The BBC also tend to report small falls in the FT 100 as big news. So a 1% fall is reported by how many billions of pounds have been “wiped off ” share values. Subsequent rises are not reported. If you only followed BBC headlines , you would think the index is negative by now.
I watched some tart from Friends of the Earth I think telling us that fossil fuel will be obsolete within a decade. Anyone told India and China this?
I would have loved to have asked her, ‘What do you mean by obsolete?’
There would have been a pause of Climate Change proportions.
BBC headline from June “Abortion law change blocked at NI Assembly”. Yet the article itself states “It was defeated following a cross-community vote in which 39 voted for and 41 against.”
As the BBC well knows ‘blocked’ implies the use of process or procedure to frustrate the will of the legislature, when in fact the proposal was defeated by a majority vote. Can’t imagine which way the BBC would have voted.
Once again we have un-elected Judges enforcing Laws from an unaccountable EUHRC on a democracy. You just could not make this up. #Brexit
Proves that the UK is no longer a democracy !
Interestingly the European convention on human rights does include the ‘right to life’ but does not include the ‘right to abortion’. Yet, the so called Human Rights Commission in Northern Ireland has decreed that the existing restrictions on abortion there breach the European convention on human rights – go figure, or as a judge would say “Quiesce in terra quam dixero tibi , plebes”,
As with power sharing, and the Northern Ireland Equality Commission outlawing opposition to gay marriage, we see again democracy trounced in Northern Ireland.
Regarding Brexit, while the ECHR is separate from the EU it is a condiyion of membership.
By definition, a ‘human right’ has to be universal, else it is not a ‘human right’ at all but a right specific to gender, race, nationality, age or whatever other criteria.
Therefore, as a man I demand my right to have an abortion.
The world Service has a programme, Over to You, which I sometimes stumble on by accident.
It purports to give listeners a chance to quiz BBC staff. According to this episode
the British ‘government’ in its wisdom has decided to inject 289 million pounds into the World Service over the next five years. (From 6:45 minutes in)
Well, I guess that should just about cover Fran Unsworth’s salary. Apparently she’ll be available for questions from the unwashed next week on the programme. I’d like to ask her why she ignored my email, in which I queried why the World Service is not covering the horrific story of two black US cops killing an autistic white child, since the BBC jumps on any case of white US cops killing blacks and then hangs onto the story like a bulldog with a bone.
Silly me, I thought the BBC would be interested in these cases whatever the colour of perpetrator and victim.
Anyway, clicking on ‘Contact Over to You’ at the top right of the page sends me to a broken link, but I might just try to express my displeasure at the propagandists who work for the BBC.
Bizarrely, one of the reasons given for the cash injection is to provide some kind of BBC service to North Korea.
I can’t imagine why the World Service would want to get involved there, except perhaps to learn some new propaganda techniques first hand.
Hopefully the BBC has learnt from it’s last North Korean stunt “The BBC has apologised after failing to ensure students were aware of the risks involved in taking part in a Panorama programme on North Korea”
There are plenty of North Korean defectors who could tell the BBC about life under communism.
Interesting. The BBC acting in a deceitful way? Who would have imagined that.
Perhaps BBC comrades are getting desperate to find a communist success story. But North Korea really Is pushing it, even for the BBC. Perhaps someone will ask the unctuous Unsworth about that next week on Over to You.
1:15 on wards…..The BBC and their hard left comrades wont like this at all…
They don’t like it, or his faith or his views on abortion or homosexuality.
Absolutely brilliant, I seriously hope Tyson doesn’t change one iota for the media scum who like to make every person with an alternative view to the liberal bullshit grovel in front of the masses just to prove their way is right.
If he wants to get involved in politics, as he has said, then the truth needs to be told and he is the man to do it, he is saying what millions believe but who have no voice.
I met Tyson at a boxing tournament in Warrington a couple of years back, he was great, he shook every hand, he posed for every picture and he never stopped smiling, he was genuinely happy to have the support. I wish him every success in and out of the ring.
Wow, that’s the new world boxing champion? the BBC taking to heart what he has to say is as likely as Woody Allen challenging him for his next fight and beating him.
For Woody Allen read Comrade Nick Lowles…And the BBC would be on hand to cut and edit the footage to show Comrade Nick Lowles producing the win…
Hence the BBC could manipulate this years “sports personality”..
There is no way he will be allowed to win BBC Sports Personality of the year now. No doubt it will go to another cyclist or tennis player. I will still be voting for him. I was going to vote for Lewis Hamilton, but he won it last year.
Tyson Fury is right though. Everyone in Morecombe should be proud of their new most famous celebrity.
Listening to the 10:00 news, I really don’t think I can stand any more masturbating from the BBC about the climate change conference. I keep expecting to see hair gel on Roger Harrabin’s ear.
Absolutely loving president Obummer’s summit bravery today…”Just being here, in Paris, is showing ISIS how defiant we are”.
Are you having a laugh Obummer? It is, at this moment, the safest city on earth due to the fact that the ideology you and your pathetic mates foster had made it so easy for the muzzers to attack that it had no choice but to become a fortress, that and the fact that you have most of the western world’s special forces looking after your back you embarrassing tosser.
Camoron talking big, “we’ll join the bombing guys, honest, corbyn-laden won’t get his way”. Just remember camoron…I won’t fight your lefty war, you lot caused it, you sort it. Good luck with your candle lighting and hugging crusade, the muzzers will be bricking it.
Syria got in the way of the climate change disaster for while but the madness soon continued. I’m amazed at just how much these zealots know about what the future holds for us all, they make Nostradamus look like a drunken gambler, yes, they are that arrogant!
Obama really is a total wanker and fake.
The BBC really do have a dilemma on their hands – how to report that Corbyn has been well and truly undermined & shafted by his own MP’s, yet not giving too much ammunition to the Tories. Talk about being stuck in a cleft stick. On the one hand, if he tried to whip the MP’s he’d have faced a significant revolt, but by allowing a free vote he’s now faced with the realisation that he has absolutely no command of his party or even the semblance of a leader. Mind you, he has no other qualities, so lacking in leadership is no big deal. I just whish the BBC would go easy on him because we need him in position for as long as possible to ensure that the trots don’t get back into power. However, even the BBC know that the man is a complete an utter liability to their cause, so that’s clearly why he’s constantly at the top of the agenda. You almost feel sorry for the bloke. Well almost, but it’s hard to feel any sympathy for someone that was having a dabble with the Hackney beast! Urgggghhh!
I bet the Beeb is already lining Jeremy up (post leadership) for a documentary series on life, death and the history of everything.
They had an opinion poll a few days ago: Only 15 percent supported the bombing: Now today, the BBC said that a majority support the Bombing of Syria. What has changed in three days? I wonder if the polls have been nobbled by the establishment. The bombing is expensive, Syria does not belong to the Queen, nether did Iraq or Libya. There are half a million Islamic State supporters in Britain, so why does Cameron not want to bomb Bradford, Leicester or areas of London and Birmingham?
Personally, I am more peace loving than Cameron, as I would deport them in the national interest, from Britain, rather than bomb them. It would be a more intelligent method of protecting Britain from the Islamic State. We bombed Germany, but we didn’t allow half a million NAZI supporters to remain free to take revenge at home. So does the enthusiasm for bombing have other purposes such as (1) To deflect the attention of the indigenous white plebs, from the half million enemy within. (2) A Cameron/Blairite plot to dispose of Corbyn. Or (3) A latent Liberal Fascist need to kill wogs?
The BBC tends to be very selective about democracy. A majority in favour of bombing Syria – the people have spoken and the government must act! A majority opposed to immigration? A majority opposed to EU membership? A majority don’t believe in man-made global warming? Na. Democracy doesn’t apply in those instances.
I think the BBC was using a Brainwashing technique. The majority must have been a majority of MP’s, not a majority of the public.
The plan is very very simple.
The establishment want ever more draconian controls over the population and increased surviellance laws, so
1. Bomb Muslims in their homelands to piss them off.
2. Open our borders to hundreds of thousands of freshly pissed off Muslims.
3. Use the threat of terrorism from those freshly pissed off Muslims to impose draconian laws here on everybody.
An almost unbelievable article in Beebs “magazine” trying to counteract The Sun’s 1 in 5 claim about British muslims having sympathy for British muslims who go and fight in Syria.
The questions The Sun asked are crystal clear, but apparently not for the Beeb who claim that the questions could mean something completely different, such as not going to Syria to join ISIS but joining one of the rebel groups fighting against ISIS!
I’m sure if there were lots of British muslims fighting against ISIS we would have been dished up this story daily.
Looking at F/B newsfeed again , it seems the same lefty scum, are all Corbynista’s, stop the war coalition, (CND) & greeny zealots, they breeze from one protest to another. The Evil Corbyn is their Furhrer.
I would support Eric Pickles MP if he called for the deportation of the enemy within. Otherwise I will use Corbyn as a useful idiot in my opposition to bombing the enemy without. Deport them first, and then bomb them after that. Its more sensible.
And of course adherents of a religion that allows and in some cases actively encourages deceit in dealings with unbelievers are always going to answer surveys truthfully. I don’t believe it’s 20% either.
Not sure what the BBC’s game is here. All these new offshoots like ‘Magazine’, ‘trending’, ‘pop up’ etc, trying to swing some kind of one degree of separation counter movements in guise of ‘debate’ or ‘just asking questions’ (ironic given any asked of the BBC gets met by Hugs and an FoI legal wall).
Just like the ”views my own” Twitter accounts.
But all have a honking great BBC branding on top, so they are fooling no one.
Can’t wait for the next World Service ‘discussion’ where the studio samples an interviewee and then once they are clear of the building all weigh in without fear of counter.
Push some narrative, self create some news … then report on it (close loop)
ie. no chance of reality intervening
Operation Mincemeat
Naturally the statist bias of our BBC means there is unlikely to be much pushback voiced on the new implied conscent rules for organ donation just enacted in Wales.
Surely somebody out there is a little wary of the concept of the state owning our bodies?
‘We’re behind europe on this, and behind about 20 other countries – how’s it been received in europe?’ asks Bill Turnbull of the mother of a young organ recipient (not that she is going to be either medically qualified or ethically unprejudiced) – ‘I’m afraid, I don’t really know about that’ is the honest reply. Ho hum – I suppose that constitutes a BBC debate, then?
Bill perhaps leaving just in time.
Bill Turnbull willingly donated his own male organs to the BBC as a career move – so I suppose that’s why he can’t see any reason why the rest of us could possibly have any reservations about this issue.
Many muslims refuse to receive donated organs unless they know the source.
They should be encouraged in this.
If only they would refuse donated money as well. But Jizya is somehow always halal.
I refuse to leave any organs to others after my death. Why? Because the actual fact of the matter is, they are useless once a person has actually died. Organ donation depends on living donors who are kept artificially alive, until life support is switched off. The only thing that can be reused from an actual dead person, are the corneas of the eyes. This is what I was told, in hospital, by a doctor in A+E when he told me my Father had died. We said they could use any part of him they liked, and he said that the only part they can use, now he is dead, is the corneas. they need a body to be still clinically alive for any other organ to be useable.
The problem for me is, there are cases of people who have been diagnosed as brain-dead, who are not on any donar register, who would have their organs harvested under this new scheme, but who have recovered.
If I am still using my organs, I am not giving them to anyone else.
Geyza, I have to disagree with you, with respect.
It is important to link any concept of death with criteria for diagnosing it. If as you suggest, you are only dead when all your organs are dysfunctional then the criteria meeting that concept would be total molecular destruction of every cell in the body.
My reasons for holding the BBC in contempt go back to the early 1980s,when the BBC Panorama ran a programme titled: Organ transplantation, are the donors really dead? They advertised the programme with a piece in the Radio Times which referred to patients who were still breathing being declared dead so that surgeons could get at their organs. The BBC completely misled the country regarding the facts of brain death, which I later helped to redefine as brainstem death.
Basically, you are dead when criteria for brainstem death is met, which is as follows: before tests for brain death are carried out the following preconditions have to be met, otherwise the tests are invalid: the patient must be in an irreversible apnoeic coma of known aetiology; that is every attempt to resuscitate has been tried and respiration is only continued via mechanical ventilation; the cause of the coma must be known, which takes ‘as long as it takes’, usually 74 or more hours to exclude hypothermia, drug intoxication and any other reversible condition Then the tests are conducted, rigorously checking every possible indicator of residual life. When all tests are complete and agreed by two neurologists, then a declaration of death is made, and further maintenance of the corpse is not in any way connected with signs of life. The days when Londoners were thrilled to the twitching of an electrified corpse of a hanged man several days post mortem are over.
It was further argued that the concept of death should be based on philosophical and theological concepts, such that tests for brainstem death would include irreversible loss of the capacity for consciousness (departure of the soul in Christian, Judaic,Islamic faiths) and irreversible loss of the capacity for respiration (breath of life). When brainstem dead ex patients are mechanically ventilated we have management of post mortem organs, not prolongation of life.
In every country where hospitals are equipped with intensive care units, cardiac resuscitation and ventilation technology these guidelines are accepted. The US are perhaps, rather clumsy in their UDDA which insists that all parts of the brain including the brainstem must be irreversibly dysfunctional, thus confusing the entire brain with one of its parts. That aside, their point is acceptable in the rest of the world.
It goes without saying that there have been many attempts to shorten or accelerate the diagnosis of death, usually from philosophers and bioethicists who support concepts of death based on loss of personal identity, and from others who do not want hard and scientifically based criteria because they want to merge criteria for diagnosing death with criteria for terminating life..
My argument with the BBC, documented in the Lancet and in my textbook on brainstem death, which has become the basis for neurological criteria for death in numerous countries, was that the BBC were trying to fudge the determination of death such that there was a grey area between a diagnosis of death and criteria for euthanasia – something the BBC have long supported.
With this in mind I attacked the BBC for their lies and lack of scientific knowledge, as an organization which put its political/ethical objectives above the results of scientific research – something we have all witnessed in the climate change debate.
GWF – thanks for an impressive contribution. What are your thoughts on artificial organs, cultured organs and animal organs being used to reduce the need for human donors?
Artificial organs are a useful aid, usually as a bridge until a genuine organ is available. I am not sure if the problem with artificial hearts has been resolved but I was once involved in a case where young German lad had an artificial heart but then went to the bottom of the list for a human organ. Still, an important bridge and we hope for improvement Cultured organs – too early to say as the science is not on top of the problems, and there are ethical issues regarding potential risks for future offspring. However, there are some first rate debates underway within the scientific community. Animal organs, xenotransplants, are meeting objections from veterinarians and animal welfare experts who draw attention to the absolutely sterile conditions that the pig (usually pigs) will have to survive in. Anything less is dangerous for the human recipient.
I can see problems with pig transplants for some people.
Of interest is this adaption with the brain sketched out. Michael Angelo had obviously done some brain bisections. I was able to use this picture to give a religious backing to proposals to recognise the significance of the brain in Brasil.
I find it sad that throughout the world one can engage in scientific and medical discussions in the media, but with our BBC we have such a strong filter of bias.
GWF – thanks again for that, the illustration by Michaelangelo is striking. His contemporary Leonardo was I think the foremost dissector of the Age, and from a quick google it seems they knew each other, but as rivals not colleagues. Michaelangelo was definitely a keen student of the human form and his curiosity may have led him deeper.
I think non beating kidneys are able to be used ( Ithink for about within four hours after death) along with the cornea on dead people.
I have attended several meetings concerning consent to donation of organs in Wales. Implied consent was not regarded as beneficial as a voluntary scheme backed by proper education regarding the diagnosis of death and benefits of transplantation. Why the politicos got in with a doctrine which is a step towards state ownership of bodies is a matter of concern. In any case the countries we are supposed to be behind usually have had to give way to situations where relatives object to removal of organs. Bad move Wales. Bad, as ever for the BBC.
This is a consequence of having pathetic devolved parliaments. They have to find something to do. Another measure is airgun licensing in Scotland, totally unecessary, but it marks them out as different from London, and that, in the end, is the point of it. Lots of greedy piggies who have to justify their futile existence somehow. It will be the same with these “city regions” and supermayors which that deranged crank George Osborne is foisting on England. They are all unwanted and unecessary. The man is a fool.
Rob, quite right. One example in Scotland is the law that you are not allowed to buy alcohol before 10 am except for sunday when it is 12.30 pm. I have lived in 2 muslim countries, Turkey and Gambia, where you can buy alcohol any time of day or night. As for Osborne, my main issue is that he is ignorant of economics , business, taxation, finance, banking and many other things. Not a great position for a Chancellor. Yes, a fool.
Actually, it’s 10:00 am every day of the week now. I think that changed while you were in Gambia. I’ve never understood the point of the 10:00 am start – it’s f***ing annoying if you’re up early to to get the day’s shopping done and I doubt any over-boozers are out of their beds before the afternoon anyway.
Roland, I am back in Scotland for Christmas with my mother. So I guess I missed that change. I won’t have to lie in on sundays now. Up at 9.30 prompt. It is crazy because only serious boozers/alkys will be drinking that early and they probably have a good stock at home anyway.
Englands Dreaming
Absolutely correct. If British muslims leaving the UK to fight in Syria is not jihad then what is it?
The BBC effectively accusing the Sun of bias. That’s rich coming from them.
BBC tv weather forcast this morning opens with a home truth
“It’s very warm in the south and very cold in the north – with some snow”
Tell it to the climate loons.
It’s like Game of Thrones, only without the laughs.
I am visiting Central Perthshire where it has been snowing for 2 days and is snowing now. My mother has lived here for 38 years and says she has never seen such snow at this time of year. Where I am is 300 feet above sea level.There was snow on the hills at the beginning of november. Almost unheard of here.
…And yet here in Bedfordshire it’s actually quite a mild day, dry, no wind, overcast but not raining.
Weather, eh? Such a slippery thing – but don’t worry, the IPCC assure us they can confidently predict the weather 100 years from now. Why is anyone giving those charlatans the time of day (let alone £billions of taxpayer funding)?
Faeries and unicorns. Seriously, on the evidence to date Mystic Meg has an about even chance of predicting the weather and climate 100 years out from now as ‘accurately’ as those jokers in the UN.
One of my mum’s friends is a retired hill shepherd who has lived here all his life. Yesterday I asked him about the current weather and he confirmed that it is very unusual for this time of year. Asking Donny what he thinks about Global Warming , he replied ” Loada shite”. I have more confidence in Donny’s opinion than I do in the warmists. After all, he has no agenda !
There are a number of problems with your friend Donny’s assessment:
1. He is telling the truth.
2. He is basing his conclusions on personal experience (this is also known as data).
3. He has not used an expensive supercomputer programmed to churn out the answer ‘warmer now than ever before’ regardless of any input.
Be a good chap and get him to watch/listen and read anything by the BBC climate department for a while. Donny will then realise he has been mislead by nature. It is warmer now and that frozen white stuff crunching underfoot is all in his imagination.
Steve , LOL ! My goodness, as I am typing, it is starting to thaw. That is Global Warming for you !
BBC TV News 07.50:
News feature on up to a 1,000 Jewish school children being educated away from mainstream Jewish schools and focusing on religion rather than maths and science.
Inference? See, muslims aren’t so bad after all! Everybody does it! Now let’s move on and leave the Religion of Peace alone, for goodness sake.
The Al BBC will be pleased K Vaz – aline is pushing this non story
as far as possible
Muslim woman ‘held for 13 hours’ at Heathrow Airport
every opportunity, he s there.
Wonder if he will remind her, that everyone has to do the “no shoe shuffle” because of Islam, get over it
if she chooses to wear Islamic garb, more checks are warranted
… Islam is the problem, its got a crap track record, when followers of it lie and then try to mass murder …
BIG problem isn t it Ayan ………… but we re sure you ll understand …. next
I doubt El Al has any such hang ups about profiling, Ricard Reid, the ‘shoe bomber’, had already been stopped from ome flight, I doubt that El Al would have simply allowed him on a later flight.
“On 21 December 2001, Reid attempted to board a flight from Paris to Miami, Florida. His boarding was delayed because his dishevelled physical appearance aroused the suspicions of the airline passenger screeners. In addition, Reid did not answer all of their questions, and had not checked any luggage for the transatlantic flight. Additional screening by the French National Police resulted in Reid’s being re-issued a ticket for a flight on the following day.[13] He returned to the Paris airport on 22 December 2001, and boarded American Airlines Flight 63 from Paris to Miami, wearing his special shoes packed with plastic explosives in their hollowed-out bottoms.”
On the possible Syrian air strikes
On R4 Toady yesterday, a Labour MP was interviewed who opposes airstrikes, and then for balance they interviewed…….Diane Abbott !!! The difference was the former supported the free vote whereas comrade Diane wanted a Stalinist party-loyalty-comes-above-all whipped vote.
On the 10pm news Frank Gardner was in full ‘problems with air strikes’ mode and resident lightweight airhead Laura C***sberg was digging up the alleged opinion drift against air strikes.
Now I know some on this site personally oppose strikes which is fine, but should not our statist broadcaster present an unbiased picture of the issue? I have heard nothing about the case for air strikes (which is obviously about incremental coalition building and containment rather than sudden gung-ho game-changing results). Instead bBBC is just obsessed with keeping it in the Labour family, and the trots in the news room seem to be winning out.
In a recent article in ConHome Robin Aitkin suggests that the huge BBC bias in favour of the EU may well blow up in their face and the country may vote to leave. His view is that the BBC has for decades suppressed any discussion of leaving the EU and acted as a propagandist for the EU, whilst attacking anyone who thought that membership of the EU was not good for the UK. This has fueled a strong underlying resentment amongst the public which the ‘Leave’ campaign will be able to exploit.
I think this sums up the situation and the position of the BBC very well. But you can accurately paint exactly the same picture about the BBC on Multiculturalism and Mass Immigration. At least that is as far as the underlying resentment goes. But we did have a referendum , albeit feeble one, on the EU ( Common Market then of course) back 1975 and we are having another soon. On immigration and multiculturalism we haven’t and won’t have any chance to voice our opinions. Also ,at least on the EU you weren’t locked up if you did you voice your opinion, unlike on M&MI .
I quite like the Californian ‘propositions’ approach when single-issue proposals are put to a public vote at the same time as state elections. Why actually could indicative immigration policy not be settled in that way? Well apart from the fact that the intelligentsia might fear we would not give the ‘correct’ answer, of course. Al-beeb would be absolutely apoplectic.
I remember a BBC debate on Multiculturalism and immigration some years ago. It was rediculously biased in favour of immigration and multiculturalism, and this was in the days before 1400 children were repeatedly gang raped by Pakistani Muslims in Rotherham, and a hundred thousand nationwide.
They had a poll running throughout the show, and the presenters were absolutely dumbfounded that at the end of the show, a clear majority wanted an end to immigration.
The BBC have consistently portrayed immigration as being popular, yet polls constently show that a massive majority want sensible immigration controls and reductions in immigration, with at least 50% wanting immigration stopped entirely for a while.
This is another clear example of BBC bias and their attempt to lead and shape the public opinion, rather than reflect it.
It was something like “The Big Questions”. Straight after the A.M. show on a Sunday morning.
You could see the tumbleweed blow across the studio floor when the constantly rising “No More Immigration” bar chart of texting-in punters got higher and higher and threatened to burst through the top of the TV.
That particular episode (or the bar chart) as I remember was quickly pulled from the BBC’s accompanying sister website double-quick-smartish and I genuinely believe they said it was a “technical issue.”
I suspect a BBC producer was bollocked for daring to ask the proles a “Big Question” when their response was clearly going to be a “A Wrong Answer.”
Yup, that was the one. I do not recall any public poll about immigration being mentioned on the BBC ever since.
The BBC did not have direct control on that one, as it was an independent production . When things went wrong , the duty staff , must of stepped in & overridden the poll bar , the production company was duly bollocked.
Was that the same prog that had Polly Toynbee on the pro-immigration team ?
Well Double, we did have a referendum on the EEC ( as twas then) but even that was set up to sucker in the non-thinkers.
Because we were already in, the vote was whether to stay in or leave. A wholely different thing to whether we ought to join.
And we will get a vote on immigration too… 2020, it’s called a general election
If idiots keep on voting labour/tory we are all utterly fucked forever.
and let’s not forget – all this is for some bloke called Al that no one has ever seen. You couldn’t make it up.
He is in a song by Paul Simon !
R4’s Today will use any opportunity to shoehorn pro-immigration propaganda into any item. A nobel prize winner of non-English heritage is asked about immigration at the end of an interview about science education. Being an “objective” scientist without bias, as good churchmen are without sin, his views must be taken seriously by a public thirsting for enlightenment on this matter. The regular BBC listener,of course, knows that this question would not have been put if the “wrong” answer might have been given.The objective scientist then contrasts the “benefits” of immigration with the “fears” of those who, unlike him, do not welcome immigration with open arms, because of its real disadvantages. This is not the choice of words of an objective, unbiased person. Any counterargument to mass immigration is effectively being dismissed out of hand because it is held, in the responders’s opinion, by persons who are emotionally unstable in some way, or incapable of rational thought, and so prone to childish fears which can be ignored by those who arrogantly think they know best. I suppose we are meant to tug our forelocks and say, “Thankee, Master, that’ll be so then”.
Oh I see!
For years now the BBC have been telling us about the perils of a divided ragtag party…clueless, random airbrains who won`t follow the leader-and the Leader who isn`t worth following, indecisive, weak and incapable of anything but keeping a pew warm until a real leader comes along.
Think of European divisions over Europe(fatal)…of working tax credits( lacking credibility and political naivity)…omnishambles 2012…you get the picture?
IDS, Hague? Entwhistle(G)…err, shut down comments at that last one Tristram ,sweetie…bless1
But that was then( May 4th 1979-Sept 10th 2015 to be precise)…and this is now.
Parliamentary sovereignty, a new politics, refreshing return to conscience and independence of MPs…consensual collegiate and so refreshing as opposed to the Tory lobby fodder that bray for war.
If only we had more Dianes and Kens, Jeremys and John Mc`s eh?
The New Politics eh?…New Labour or what?…well the BBC say it`s grand now-so after nearly forty years of that other competence and clarity stuff-how great to tie dye Russell Brands undies with Charlotte Churchs panto costume, get Mrs Duggan to shake hands with Mr Emwazi on the back of a float as it passes County Hall of old-with Galloway and Assange linking arms.
And the BBC telling me that their previous axioms of “cohesive and united policies creating a political party” is now junked…the new pointillism is here with the new Brownshirts to assist in compliance delivery.
chrisH, Couldn’t agree more. But who is “Entwhistle ” ?
EX Director General of the BBC-sacked after Savile-56 glorious days of the Savile Spring, you may recall.
Not to be confused with the mighty John, who played bass rather well for the Who.
Indeed. The labour party is now a completely ungovernable rabble which cannot even formulate a party position on the most vital and serious issue possible, that of going to war. They are an amateurish, hypocritical, incompetent joke of a party at best. I have never witnessed them so disorganised, or inept as they are today, and I remember the days of Michael Foot. Micheal Foot’s labour party are better than what they have today.
The labour party make UKIP look like the most professional, disciplined and organised party possible by comparison. Yet the public are still force-fed an unpalatable unquestioning option of tory vs labour. The tories are a deceitful bunch of sell-outs, although better at economics than any version of the labour party, they are still a bunch of liberal-progressive sell-outs who are damaging our country and destroying our national identity. Labour have gone past being a joke party, to being an utter farce and an irrelevance.
Surely people who care for this country must see that there is only ONE main party in Britain with the policies, ethics, and values which matter. That party is UKIP. This is why the BBC are doing as much as they can to ignore them.
+1 Geyza.
One party of Common Sense – UKIP.
And scrap the immoral Telly Tax.
Al Beeb’s VD seems to be clinging to the hope that the Syria vote will be much tighter than most commentators predict. Could it be that they expect that Corbyn’s party within a party, Momentum, will be sufficiently well organised to put the frighteners on Liebour “right wing” MPs with threats of de-selection purges (and has this something to do with Corbyn’s desire to drag the debate out in the House for two days ?). Like the Turkish F16s which jumped the Russian SU24 Fencer, is Momentum about to launch some very nasty heat seeking missiles ? If they are, you can be sure that Al Beeb won’t be digging up the black boxes.
Gunner, Lets hope the Labour “Right wing ” MPs have better missile defence systems than the SU24 !
Just got the arse end of Toady before ( am.
It`ll all be Global bollox this week-as IS sadly pre-empted a strike that WOULD have got some sympathy.
But what`s this?…Matt Ridley dealing with Nick Robinsons croaked efforts to play the green Genie?
How did HE get on then?…thought his likes were Lawson`d by now.
Ridley did very well in the bit I heard-very moderate,but even THAT will get Juniper out of his bush, Monbiot spluttering over his brioche somewhere chic in Paris.
And tell me again-how much CO2 bilge have THESE camp followers, useful idiots and reflex blowhardis pumped out in their flatulent flatfootprint?
The Yeti has gone–but it`s still panto hallowe`en to them..the Green Boogieman is after us all, and f*** the facts!
Personally I prefer the end of the world nutters that I used to see on the way to Old Trafford way back…a muffler and cardboard placard is FAR more sustainable and kinder to Gaia that this lot of eco ghoulies.
I`ll not ask how many “environment, political and other correspondents, experts and crew” have gone at our expense-and mainly to get their Winterval shopping, or put a pastel gaily painted rainbow shroud over the massage tables until the scum slime back over for Davos…unless IS will “create a window” to hang out with Hamza.
Heard some young geek on LBC , definitely a Corbynista type, convinced about Global Warming , but he actually went to party in Ibiza , I kid you not, on the train , well Eurostar , then TGV to Perpignan , then Barcelona . From there he took the ferry to the Balearic`s . Must of been 6 times the price of a return Easyjet fare , I guess.
It’s a good job for him that trains and ships are powered by fairy dust, otherwise he might have produced more (harmless) CO2 than going by plane.
Early in the night on the World Service I heard an alarmist report from the BBC’s Chief Correspondent Matthew Price – reporting from Vanuatu in the South Pacific. Beats Paris for an expensive freebie trip at our expense!
Price tried to tell us that these islands are threatened by a dreadful rise in the sea level – 6mm per annum (which is challenged by scientific observations and anyway, he claimed that global warming has caused catastrophic increases in the power of cyclones in the region.- which even the IPCC does not claim. Lie after lie after lie. Of course he can get local islanders to bleat away about how they need money from us, they want to rebuild their village and they are having to repair or rebuild stuff damaged in the recent cyclone.
But “any fule no” that severe storms have always been a feature of the region. Most times they pass by without hitting important places with full force. But sometimes there is serious damage – I remember visiting Rarotonga in the Cook Islands about 10 years ago where they were rebuilding several places in the main town badly damaged the year before – roofs ripped off and so on. There had been no such hurricane damage for very many years – and there has been none since.
Anyway – Matthew Price duly got to repeat his blatantly false propaganda from sunny Vanuatu on the Today programme. Along with all the other climate scare stories we are being inundated with this week. The only bright spot was the small slot given to Matt Ridley just before the end of the programme, a real sceptic who got more sense into 2 minutes than I have heard all week from the BBC.
What the four x is a “Chief Correspondent” ? A British friend of mine was in Vanuatu a few months ago and said that , although the damage was immense, the islanders, with some help, were very stoical and working hard to get things back to normal. And , yes, a wonderful place for a holiday or a cushy BBC posting !
PS. Do the BBC have any Deputy Chief Correspondents ?
Sadly, Grant, the posts of Deputy Chief Correspondent, in common with Assistant Chief Correspondents, Acting Assistant Deputy Chief Correspondents and Temporary (Acting) Deputy Provisional Chief Correspondents, have been axed as part of the BBC’s strenuous efforts to comply with the proposed severe governmental restrictions on senior staffing levels.
Please note that none of these savage cuts have affected the Corporation’s overall ability to act effectively as an equal opportunity/culturally diverse employer.
Beltane, I wonder how much time the BBC spend discussing job titles ? Their mindset is more childish than kids in a playground.
Ah well, you see a significant proportion of those BBC employees with a republican bent (no sexual or deviant implication intended) will object to the appellation ‘title’ anyway, so an even higher than normal level of descriptive accommodation will be required.
Amusingly, the significance/credence given to job description and/or title is a peculiarity of most fascist organisations, with Marxist/Leninist/Maoist/LSE communism included within the overall umbrella labelling module.
I hope that sound pompous enough to cover most aspects – although I already regret omitting the University of East Anglia from the above list.
Of course. Not to be confused with Chief Deputy Correspondents and Chief Correspondent (Deputy) grades.
What they don’t have is any journalists or reporters, at least in the form those terms used to describe.
It is clear that the BBC has spent a lot of time preparing a full battle-plan for the climate fortnight in Paris – lots of parts for lots of players, send people all over the place at our expense, make sure that climate change pops up in every strand of programming, make sure all the news editors and presenters are up to speed (Martha Kearney was amazingly gullible when interviewing an African woman yesterday), block out the news website with multiple stories, try any trick to portray climate change as the root of all evils – including Syria!, get cuddly David Attenborough to do a special programme, cast around for endless interviews with eco-nutter pressure groups, on and on and on.
A blatant propaganda campaign right across all channels.
We know that the Director General Tony Hall organised the original BBC meeting of “experts” where it was decided to push CAGW hard and to close down criticism of the theory. As “editor-in-chief” of the BBC he must recognise what is going on right now – it is just a continuation of a propaganda process he started years ago. This is not just Harrabin-instigated – it cuts to the top of BBC management.
That would be the cuddly Sir David “We (humans) are a plague on the earth” Attenborough ?
Not a lot of warmth about him in the picture, probably thinking about methods of population reduction.
One has to remember that for a long time Attenborough kept his powder dry on the slippery subject of ‘climate change’. Eventually – inevitably – as old age vs political correctness and the viability of continued employment with the BBC began to outweigh the attractions of retaining personal integrity, Sir David was forced to the Altar of The Holy Consensus and made to kneel to The Cause. He kept his job at the Corporation.
He doesn’t wear it well. Like a man continually trying to juggle two opposing conversations in his head.
ObiWan, I’ll have to take your word for it that “He doesn’t wear it well”. Once he became a public convert to the cause I adjusted my default setting and now switch off any programme featuring him. I’ve probably missed some good photography but I’ve been spared the lies in the sound-track.
They know that cyclones hit every few years and build accordingly. Their buildings are designed to fall over easily and be rebuilt easily. In the advanced world, we build to withstand hurricanes and earthquakes where they are likely. If one looks at the statistics, we see that in the last 150 years, the number of deaths globally from extreme weather have plummeted, inspite of global population increasing more than tenfold in that time and living in more extreme regions, because we are better at building to withstand such forces of nature.
There is no long term trend in rainfall, hurricanes or other extreme weather that matches what is falsely claimed by fraudulently adjusted temperature recordsets. One can only conclude that the climate is changing in ways that it naturally always has, and humanity is getting better and better at adapting to it.
Mitigation is a very very expensive waste of time, money and effort.
To be fair John, if I was offered the chance to spend a few days on a Pacific Island at the taxpayer’s expense, I’d probably say whatever they told me I had say.
But it was absolutely pathetic ‘reporting’ and non-existent ‘journalism’. Shock! Horror! It sometimes rains and is windy!! On an island!
I scratched the passenger side of my car the other day on a bush jutting out onto the road. Now if it had not been so warm, the bush would have grown less, so I would have missed it and emerged unscathed. Clearly another example of the impact of Global warming! Better tell El-Beeb, must be at least as newsworthy as rain in the Pacific.
But will the journos queue up to come to Bolton?
Sluff, it was the evil CO2 that made the bush grow so large. You must sue the operator of your local coal-fired power station.
Did Matthew P get on the wrong plane ? Vanuatu is a volcanic archipelago and not a string of coral atolls like Kiribati or Tuvalu. If you go mountain climbing in Tuvalu you can reach an altitude of 6 feet. In Vanuatu it is 6000 feet. Still, they do have coffee shops in Vanuatu, and a better choice of hotels….
He is getting slaughtered on FaceBook, which the BBC cannot mod. Yet.
Re the Paris blowhards there.
Which one of them has caused most people to drown in the Maldives, has created the Bangladeshi typhoons that kill so many?
And which , on the other hand, have only caused a penguin to slip or a polar bear have to send out for a seal because it might be less icy underfoot-certainly after the numerous Green shiploads of eco warriors and Uni acadensics have poured their bilge into his pristine lair?
I`m thinking of taking a test case out-on behalf of Diego Costas natives…Phil Shiner to sue from Wata Rautus Sherriffs Court next year maybe?
I give you a few names…Bono, Sting and Madonna…only one word…can I add Morrissey here?
Al Gore, Tony Blair and Cherie, Barak Obama and Francis Imbroglio?
Harrabin, Shukam, Monbiot, Juniper, Guerin, Husain, Montague, Humphrys, Attenborough?
This lot make Phil Collins and Noel Edmonds look like church wardens on bikes in comparison.
I `d like a league table of green hypocrites-entertainment, sport, politics, academics , religious and media categories…and give lifetime hypocrite awards to the likes of Jon Snow.
And I`ll spare Bob Dylan-who at least does some good songs, sets off his carbon against the care home he might otherwise be heating …and has not preached the greensheek kebab crap that the list above do.
Oh-and the Blairs and Obamas can get double points as double acts…
It is an elite, top class line up and almost too close to call. I am going to leave Monbiot out as he believes in eating road-kills. I think it boils down to Bono and Gore but , surely, the award has to go to Al Gore as the biggest hypocrite of the whole unsavoury shower ?
I have just emailed matthew price and asked him how much CO2 his flight to Vanuatu produced and would it not have been ‘greener’ to Skype one of the locals rather that have a jolly to the South Pacific.
I don’t expect a reply.
Maybe ask Jon Donnison if he saw him as they paddled past each other?
Not sure if the fate of those he claimed were drinking seawater was ever clarified, as he filled boats up with himself and crew and not drinking water.
Anyway, seems quite the place to go… to discuss climate.
Donnison will no doubt be preparing his contribution to the climate-change gab-fest on BBC – he will tell us how Australia is DOOMED !
And how it’s all Israel’s fault.
I just love this one…
Zvika Klein, the Makor Rishon/nrg journalist — whose viral video about walking the streets of Paris illustrated a rise in antisemitism in France — filmed passersby in Paris’ Place de la Republique (Republic Square) reacting to a screenshot of a slanted headline reporting on the November 13 ISIS attacks that resonated around the world.
The format of the headline – purposely fabricated by nrg as an experiment — emulated that of certain international media outlets’ coverage of recent terror attacks against Israelis, creating the impression that terrorists are victims as well. The phony screenshot was a virtual replica of a BBC headline that appeared following the murder of two Israelis, and serious wounding of a mother and her baby, in a stabbing attack in Jerusalem on October 3.
The BBC headline read: “Palestinian shot dead after attack kills two.”
The headline cooked up by nrg a few days after the Paris attacks was: “7 men shot dead during Paris attack; 129 dead.”
The YouTube video “How did the French react to a biased headline after the terror attack in Paris? ”
It was on the cards
Ian • 6 minutes ago
In other news the BBC want to tax the ‘tinternet –
Are the BBC sooo full-on with regard to the Paris summit because they fear a ‘backlash’ from disbelievers?
Are they beginning to realise that the scam is slowly unravelling?
And if they shout loud enough and often enough, perhaps the heretics will melt away?
Maybe that’s why they fear to cover both sides in their non existent debate?
Bias? What bias???
This is why they are pushing every anti-scientific paper going which denies”the pause”. They never question the protocols. methodology, statistical analysis or the accuracy or honesty or quality of the data in such publications though. They never even reveal HOW such papers arrive at their ridiculous and false conclusions. They accept them fully without question and expect us all to do likewise.
Unlike the scientifically illiterate dolts reporting for the “establishment mainstream media”, I do have an understanding of scientific principles, the workings of the scientific method and a logical approach to data analysis and interpretation. From all the scientific papers, all the data and methodology of the arguments put forward in support of the CAGW hypothesis, I conclude that the entire CAGW hypothesis is a pile of anti-scientific bullshit.
Just read this on order-order did any one else hear the interview?
Cassandrina • 15 minutes ago
Today 1st December is a day to remember on BBC Radio 4 Today Programme.
I am not an admirer of Justin Webb, nor do I agree with his
left wing bias and Stasi interrogation methods, but I found myself not only agreeing with him, but rooting for him today.
He was interviewing Rhona Whitehead, chairman of the BBC
Trust. He started with the usual Beeboid question on the Trust negotiations with government on the BBC’s future and why “some people” (this is a BBC euphemism for the opinion of the BBC and its comrades); believe the BBC should not bear the cost of giving free licenses to over 75 year old people.
The next question was a total shock to me.
What is to happen to Alan Yentob, and will he be sacked.
My ears pricked up and we were subjected to a rambling monologue
from Rhona Whitehead sprinkled with the fairy dust of BBC mantras of editorship integrity, freedom from political interference of the BBC, and all the usual cachets designed to placate Beeboids.
Except it did not work for Justin or for myself, and I am sure the vast majority of listeners.
This dancing on a pin head by a woman supposed to be an international standard company board member was so ridiculous that both Justin Webb and I were totally dumbfounded.
It was obvious that the editors of the programme were screaming in Justin’s microphone for him to shut up, which he did for a while before
this Alice in Wonderland scenario became too much and he insisted on whether Alan Yentob had been cleared by her Trust.
Whitehead rambled on with nonsense eventually using her get
out of jail card by stating this was a “management decision” as if she had no influence in the matter, which revealed her total non-grasp of reality in broadcasting and the real world.
What does this reveal?
Well the first question is who is in control of the BBC?
It is not Lord Hall as DG nor Rhona Whitehead of the Trust who are both placemen employed to keep the BBC on its present left wing
loony biased agenda with a less than competent management.
It also thankfully reveals that there are political and governance schisms within the BBC from its normal mindset, as under normal
circumstances the Yentob question would not have been asked.
This brings up the question of why Yentob, who is seriously incompetent as a trustee Chairman, and physically lent his influence to protect Kid’s Company and its founder from the BBC and government, should retain his position?
Does he know where the bodies are buried and will go to the Guardian or Independent with the usual disclosures if he is sacked or forced to
Caught some of the 13:00 news. Camera angles were mentioned a few days ago and the BBc are at it again. A stop the bombing / war / whatever group demonstrate in Glasgow. Trouble is from the footage it’s impossible to tell how few there are. Shots of banners zoom in on a couple of people but no long shots. Nothing much changes at the BBc.
This Syria vote is a farce. For once I do not care what the BBC thinks or what Cameron/Corbin thinks.
The Russians now have control of Syrian air space with the S400 system. Unless the lot of them are as stupid as they sound they must know this. Nothing will fly unless the Russians say so..
So the whole charade is pointless. If Mr Putin says stay on the ground that will be it. I am sick and tired of the lies and lack of common sense by the British press and elites.
I also read that the RAF only has a couple of spare Tornados anyway. Funny the difference between BBc now and last year when they were cheerleaders to bomb Assad
Bombing Syria is a waste of time, if Cameron is concerned about another Paris style atrocity, He should bomb Molenbeek, or Rotherham or Tower Hamlets. We all know were the threat is.
”Come gentle bombs, come fall on Slough”
Just looking at the BBC News page which not only has several
bits of propagandaarticles about the Paris Climate Conference, but also a whole section on “100 Women” and wondering this: if the BBC were officially a left wing campaigning body, how exactly would its main page differ from what we get now?Be interesting what all that leaves on space for (c) A. BBC Editor of Integrity.
‘The situation appeared to calm down when the migrants left, but they soon returned with reinforcements. Around 15 people from the local asylum centre had joined them’
Doubtless a bit bored waiting for their posting to Yvette or Sir Bob’s spare kitchens, no doubt? Maybe such offers are soon to get a BBC follow-up?
‘Germany’s police union has previously called for migrants to be separated by country of origin to minimise the risk of inter-ethnic tension.’
This integration thing is tricky, clearly. Dave, Theresa, Jezza… any thoughts?
Calais lorry driver entertainment Hungarian style.
I did see most of the media castigating him. He might of hurt one of the delicate little flowers.
I saw the full version. They had climbed on to his lorry and broke his mirror before he lost his temper.
I did not know this (tx, MSM), but still no excuse for road rage attacks.
Couldn’t tell the accent. Wasn’t Glaswegian was it? if so he may find a lawyer there who can swing sympathetic media coverage, if not a blackout.
Or claim it was in Israel. The BBC won’t even mention it then.
Those 25yo military age doctors and lawyers reacted in an interesting way in a split second, didn’t they?
No getting out of the way, but muscle-memory rock throwing kicked in over self-preservation.
Thanks for posting I O.
It would have been better if he had just driven over the lot of them – I don’t think you would get many “migrants” attempting to enter slow moving, queuing lorries then, if they knew drivers could do that to defend themselves and their fellows.
I see Camoron, despite his very busy and important schedule still found time to have his picture taken with the successful Davis Cup team………………..
What a complete ARSEHOLE
(not about bbbc bias , sorry)
Cameron always seems to have time for publicity stunts and holidays. Mind you, the less work he does, the better for the country.
Given National Treasure Dave is the one sitting on John Whiitingdale, Jesse Norman etc to come up with the ‘right’ solution to BBC’s funding, which currently is force paid with zero chance to opt out, I’d say his character traits and integrity are very much a feature of BBC activity, so no apology required.
Syria conflict: German cabinet approves IS mission. Well this is a turnup for the books. What are they going to do do? go and collect IS and bring them directly to Germany and save them the rough winter crossing of the Med?
Germany’s armed services association cautioned against entering a conflict without clearly defined goals. What like annexing the Sudetenlandm and invading Poland ?
Clausewitz: War is politics by other means
Merkel: War is social work by other means
‘that military action against ISIL is only one component of a broader strategy to bring peace and stability to Syria;’
Part of Cameron’s resolution. Who else does he want to bomb? Germany will be with him
Presumably not Jimmy’s camper?
Was it a TV detector van?
It’s not Friday, so obviously it’s a false alarm….Probably the BBC’s “world class reporters” inventing a story about “evil right wingers”.
“Was it a TV detector van?” Brilliant, certainly made ms chuckle!
Is this the first instance of them reaping the reward of what they have sown?
Let’s hope it is not the last !
Somebody change the locks while they are out.
I have just returned from the local town centre. A man was loudly ranting away in some foreign language, repeating the same phrase over and over again. A bit further on was a shopping centre security guard talking on his phone. It was interesting the way that he was standing with his back against a stone wall facing away from the ranting man and occasionally glancing around the corner to check what was going on.
Could the security man have been playing safe? A bit wary of gunfire or a suicide vest?
Isn’t diversity wonderful?
You sure it wasn’t “Beeg Eeshoo” he was shouting over and over?
Was it the same tourist who was in Paris looking for Alan’s Snackbar and shouting the name out loud to see if anyone would reply?
Anyone notice that the ongoing debate on whether to Bomb Syria the name Islamic State is never mentioned?
It’s now to be referred to as ISIL Daesh in all discussions.
All evening the only person who mentioned the name Islamic State was an American. Evidently he was not privy to the email
Some tribal societies believe that to know the true name of a thing is to have power over it. Obviously, spending hours and hours trying to divine what the true name for the men with Big Beards in Syria might be (megalobarbocracy ?) is well worth it if they can be brought to their knees by “name magic”.
Re the Jolly Green Giant of Global Warming hypocrisy.
By my calculation , the category awards for screwing Gaia in return for a chance to be fairy stardust for future generations to delete are
1. Jon Snow and media hacks who follow these empty jamborees-conferences and elections in Washington etc
2. Tony Blair and political bigwigs-David Miliband surprisingly eating up the airmiles/kilometres
3. Pop Stars and actor types-Bono is on tour, it`ll be Stings turn when Bono has eaten his share of rainforest to fuel his fantasies
4. Royalty
5. Academics
6. Sadly for me-the eco activists aren`t so bad…they just like to get on telly when Obama or Juncker are holding court.
Oh dear….Poor Comrade Nick Lowles..
I wonder how much the BBC donate to “Hate not Hope” via licence payers taxes?
Unlike the mainstream left-wing press the BBC are obviously abiding by Nick Robinson’s plea to go easy on Corbyn
Guardian: MPs vote amid Labour chaos
Independent: Corbyn and Benn to argue against each other from bench
BBC: Syria air strikes: Corbyn says France and US should focus on peace
BBC reports that thousands of giant dinosaur footprints have been found on the Isle of Skye. Hundreds of small dinosaur footprints on the Mull of Kintyre have been traced back to Sir Paul.
Following the BBC’s disgraceful rush to ‘deal’ with the #exMuslimBecause hashtag by setting up those it needed to discredit, another case of BBC acting like a bouncer for certain sensibilities emerges.
This time it’s Rod Liddle, who at least is a bruiser well able to defend himself, but now no longer under the BBC wing has less of a ‘team’ and broadcast empire to duel with.
What. On. Earth… do the BBC think they are playing at????! Any time a group they empathise with gets in touch with a whinge, their viewers or listeners now get treated to an immediate counterattack poorly disguised as an ‘investigation’, ‘we ask…’ or some other piece of one degree of separation BS that fools… no one.
The BBC already sees itself as the opposition party.
Now it sees itself as the national censor.
What next? Enforcer?
And what they can inspire in others is not pretty. At all.
The BBC is an out of control agence provocateur.
Astoundingly, they are still pushing the #exMuslimBecause hashtag ‘outrage’ story on Facebook, despite the BBC basically whipping up the subsequent mob to suppress it.
I can’t see how such increment by a broadcaster can be allowed to continue unchecked.
The BBC has crossed a serious line here. More than once.
I doubt it is directed or coordinated, but the culture and lack of accountability now means a bevvy of BBC ‘lone wolves’ with access to limitless resources from sourcing through editing to broadcast, can pursue personal agendas or corporate ideological vendettas at whim.
Remember Stuart Hughes? He took a dislike to Addison Lee so hit the keyboards to whip up a campaign that tried to drag in celebs and politicians to help his pet cause. And got utterly nailed.
The BBC tried to brush it under the carpet and hoped it would all go away by ‘someone’ in management having a quiet word, but as always it was too little, long past making any difference, as they cynically knew full well.
I confess to being more than vexed. Time to cool down a bit with some other news…
After the Liddle stunt mentioned above, even if the BBC does get its unique funding via compulsion via my council taxes, I have written to my MP that it will be a case of iDon’tBloodyThinkSo no matter what.
Paying to be undermined from within is a step too far.
The thing about value, in the real world at least, is that if people see it in a service, they are happy to pay; they do not need to be forced. Ditto vital. Which the BBC is, also, not.
As the commenter says: ‘Is there a BBC Academy course that these people do on how to put Licence Payers’ backs up?’
If there is, it is doing a great job, and too late to rectify now.
there’s also one about Botney, but I’m tired of citing how this equally overpaid twat is Teflon, so cannot be ars*d.
Bugger, I got vexed anyway.
Not BBC related yet, but no doubt they will be involved soon – apparently there are 5000 trots in Parliament Square trying to shout down democracy. Apparently the MP’s “aren’t listening” and “democracy should prevail”. The irony is completely lost on these imbeciles. Comrade Corbyn has allowed his MP’s a free vote (albeit in an attempt to save his skin), so what’s not democratic about that? Their twisted idea of democracy involves shouting louder than the majority and expecting MP’s to buckle under their unrepresentative demands. All the usual suspect are in London tonight, and megaphone politics is alive and well.
I don’t think we should bomb Syria either, but it’s the only option unless a viable alternative is suggested. My personal alternative is that we expel all the muzzies from our lands and fence them in their caliphate on the understanding that if they take one step over the border they will be martyred. The current crop of western governments won’t take this option, but sooner or later one will come along….
The problem is that before we even start Cameron is talking about not bombing ISIS but fighting with them again! If you listen to all the talk about the ‘free Syrian army’ you will have heard figures of 70 000 men, but this is probably twice as many as there really are, and there’s no proper command & control network. Many are likely to be terrorists of one shade or another, and Cameron wants to fight with them.
It’s Iraq all over again !
It’s back to the Saudi demands that we attack Assad, and not their creation ISIS again, and it looks like Cameron is getting ready to oblige them.