Sorry for the technical problems earlier but here is a NEW Open Thread for you! Are you loving the climate hype the BBC is engaging in? How about its desperate attempts to cover up the chaos that IS Labour under Comrade Corbyn? Detail the bias here.
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Put your questions to the BBC about Climate Change here:
I’m sure they’re desperate to hear from heretics…. 😉
Want a giggle?
Read the HYS after the following article about Oldham with the snotty Left tearing themselves apart. Lovely.
BBC : Two slips of the tongue within 10 minutes
Dr Freud would have pricked up his ears had he been watching BBC News Channel and their cockamamie world news item called Outside Source this evening
First up: Frank Gardner refers to the supposed western allied arab boots on the ground as “the mythical 70,000… er… I mean, not mythical….” Well, well, Frankie boy, I actually tend to agree with you there – I also do not believe in these so-called moderate (see what I did there?) Syrian anti-Asad forces – but since you, Bowen and the rest of the BBC berks have insisted for years now in this moderate liberal Arab Spring (remember that?) it’s a bit rich for you to suddenly recant now just because silly old Corby says peace and love, man and as always the Quaker wing of the BBC wants to get one over on Cameron. Plus I doubt very much it is BBC news editorial policy for you to be quite so emphatic (hugs x).
Next slip of the lying BBC tongue: Geeky young Ros Atkins seems so taken with Obama’s fairwell to Paris speech that he burbles on about the Climate Change agreement “we hope to get” Really, Ros, you and whose army?
“The BBC understands she was in the early stages of changing her gender.” – otherwise known as a man (of sorts)
“It is the second recent death of a transgender woman in a men’s prison.” – No, if they were women, they would be in a women’s prison.
These individuals were men, by birth and by birth certificate (and presumably meat & 2 veg) hence they were incarcerated in a men’s prison. Why do the BBC repeatedly and incorrectly refer to them as “women”?
Neil, do you wish to live in an authoritarian, which sets down exactly what you can & can’t do & say? If so perhaps you should join the Fascist wing of Nu Labour.
Personally as someone who likes & values freedom I absolutely oppose your tyrant with a passion ! Someone with a family has died, and it’s not for you or anyone else to start casting nasty judgemental names around, just because you fail to understand something and can’t cope with someone acting on their freedom.
Let me tell you how backwards you are. Even Iran can manage to recognise this as a medical condition – so you are amongst such paragons of free thought as North Korea, and Saudi !
It’s a courtesy thing, just let it pass, otherwise you just make yourself look like a bigot & in doing so unfortunately paint all of us with the same brush.
I would not cite Iran in this context. Homosexuals there have the choice of a sex change operation or being hanged from a crane.
OK “Thoughtful” – As convicted criminals, presumably with male genitalia, tell us where they should be incarcerated then? Would it be right to house them in a woman’s prison? Don’t be so ridiculous. When they have undergone FULL gender reassignment they are issued with a new birth certificate reflecting the fact, until then they are men. My post is to point out the politically correct inaccuracy by the BBC, it seems 10 agree with me.
You sound like you would be more t home on the Guardian forums! FUCK YOU.
Legally, unless they have their “new” gender confirmed by a court of law they cannot be incarcerated in a women’s prison.
Spot on Neilw, in both respects of your comment.
Neil. I agree entirely with you, that the BBC should report factually. i.e. not report that an individual is a woman, when he is biologically not. The last two words of your post were, however, unnecessary.
Thoughtful, Neil’s post was not ‘authoritarian’, nor tyrannical, and I am at a loss as to why this matter has raised an obviously strong and emotive response from you. The medical condition you refer to is not at issue in Neil’s post. I agree that this is a sad case for those personally involved.
I may absolutely believe that I am a mongoose. The BBC should not refer to me as a mongoose based on my ‘medical condition’ of believing that I am such.
XY = male
YY = female
What is the complication, Thoughtful?
Angrymanupnorth – the last two words were simply a reaction to being called “backward” and “a bigot” by Thoughtful. That’s precisely the sort of libtard language we come on this forum to fight against.
It makes you wonder what in my original post so obviously touched a nerve.
For the record, I have no beef with anyone who is transgendered, providing that they don’t try to hit on me. What I do have a problem with though, and I’m sure we’re all agreed, is the endless promotion and ‘normalisation’ of such conditions, when clearly it is not normal. Gays and transgender individuals, just like muslims, are afforded special rights by the BBC, and sadly, society at large. As Andrew Marr pointed out so eloquently, it’s because the BBC is infested with certain groups. It has to stop.
Part of the Left’s ideaology is to support minorities in order to disrupt society. In reality, Leftoids don’t give a flying f about transgenders, gays, muslims, refugees etc. These are just useful tools to achieve an objective. Remember the Left are motivated purely by hate not love.
That’s exactly the case Grant, yet as per usual with Neil and the hard of thinking people as soon as they are challenged they cannot answer the challenge without resorting to abuse.
He has missed the point entirely and missed the purpose of this site. The clue is in the name Biased BBC !
The post I made was in response to his assertion that the BBC accorded the gender female, he and others have decided that it was actually about prison service policy. This is not biased prison service !
None of the points I raised have been addressed and subsequent posters have just continued on a rant about the condition and the reality of it.
And what about XXY or YYY ? That’s the complication !
There are other conditions which render the poor sods born with them to be born between both sexes causing them severe distress – but what the hell! While there’s people like you around to TELL them what they are and force them into what ever box of your convenience you deem fit for them!
How are you going to categorise someone like Jamie Lee Curtis? Born XY with androgen insensitivity syndrome? Tell her she has to live as a man? Refer to her as such? Anul her marriage ? Just because your ‘test’ shows chromosomal masculinity ?
And what about all those born with physical defects? Their Chromosomes show they are all OK so lets take away their wheel chairs & other aids, because there can’t possibly be anything wrong, right?
The fact is, that just because you can’t see a medical condition, and you have some kind of odd baseless moral objection, you’re prepared to say it doesn’t exist rather than help the poor sod suffering from it.
Did you know that this condition is exhibited in all of the animal kingdom, and not just humans for instance? We even know what causes it, and can make it happen in rats. In the Soviet Union they experiments on pregnant mothers to produce both Gay & Transgender offspring.
All I’m suggesting here is that you should have some sympathy rather than going on the attack the instant your presented with something you don’t understand. It wouldn’t take much.
It’s not often I say this about Beeboid Wales – Well done!
I just watched a documentary which actually showed that they can still do investigative journalism (WRT the Liebore hedgemony).
It involves the “West London College” in Cardiff(?) which is run from an unnamed address in (monocultural – at least it was the last time I drove through it) Wembley.
The principle was a certain Dr Khan PhD (Cambs.) and also a visiting Professor, Trinity Col. Cambs. (nothing to do with an atrocious Beeb “comedy”).
This “college” was using a taxi driver to recruit “ethnics” promising to supply them with forged entry documents and qualifications in return for £1,000. This was paid for by fraudulent Student Loan applications + grants (£6,000) paid to the college.
The Libore Administration declined to comment.
Cambridge University and Trinity College had no record of Mr Khan.
I rest my case m’lord. – IPlayer link to follow (if available).
‘Live From Leeds’
Farage on form ! Watch from about 18:56 – not much on Al Beeb about him of late , I wonder why ?
Remember that campaign earlier this year when Al Beeb put out the idea that UKIP were in a leadership crisis? Well, the Corbyn fiasco has come back and bitten them on their fat, corpulent ‘a..e ‘
If Al Beeb were really impartial they would be ripping the Labour party apart.
Quite right taffman.
The media were having ball a few months ago reveling with delight at UKIP’s internal divisions. In comparison “it was just a walk in the park” with what Labour is doing now. They’ve taken a much more jaundiced eye at Labour imploding. Not so much fun now.
Ed Milliband got them here. By being elected, introducing the £3 affiliated member (thanks Ed) and resigning immediately after the election.
I smile wryly and enjoy every new day with Labour. I spent £3 on this happening and am considering sending money to “Momentum” to help the thing along to its final place in to the black bag and finally the landfill of politics.
What goes around comes around. My mum always said that its taken years to truly understand what that means and now I finally do.
Labour is finished.