I think we need to discuss the nomenclature of our favourite party in order to distinguish the various phases it has been, and will go, through.
Prior to Tony Bliar it was the Labour Party. Post Bliar it became New Labour. Now with comrade Corbyn at the helm (or not as the case may be) is it Labour, Old Labour or New Old Labour? If Benn then takes over does it become New New Labour, Old New Labour or Newer Labour etc etc.
Alternatively, we could adopt the aphorism doing the rounds when Windscale became Sellafield ie ‘New name, same old sh*t’.
I think I have answered my own question.
After Oldham it will have to be called either The Lab-Islamic Party or the Islamic Labour Party, i (Islab for short) indicating its residual supporters.
But when the ROPers increase in numbers they can form their own party, and the handful of MPs – from Bradford, Birmingham etc. – can do deals with the other parties in return for creeping implementation of sharia. That way appeasers like Dave and Teresa can do deals with them.
His multi-millionaire father was Horace Heaton, who was a Director of the company I used to work for Briggs Amasco, part of the Tarmac group. Usual lefty.
He’s on tour now or has just been I did notice him on the sofa a while back when he was being advertised by BBc Breakfast. Funny enough I’m not going to see him.
Love the way in the statement he refers to ‘my senior management role’. Self-important to the bitter end.
Which involved……….what precisely for £180k a year?
I dragged myself in front of the TV last night and half-watched the middle 30 minutes of the BBC 10:00 News. Of course, it was dominated by the “war” debate in the Commons. But really – what a farce! Before the vote we got a group of 10-15 punters – asserted by the BBC to reflect all shades of opinion on the “war” – whose trite and instantly forgettable remarks were treated as the wisdom of the ages by the BBC apparatchiks who fronted this load of tripe. Then on came Langdale praising Benn for his “remarkable” speech. Apparently we haven’t heard such wonderful rhetoric since the last bigmouth capable of putting one word after another spoke in Parliament. Benn sat down to, apparently, tumultuous applause from the assembled parasites. Then a shocked Kuenssberg appeared after the vote to tell the nation that there was a big majority for war (170 majority against a nominal Conservative majority in the Commons of 17) and didn’t Benn do well then!!
So there it was: an hour-long special, telling us no more than we could have learned by seeing the results of the Commons vote at 10:35 on a ticker-tape at the foot of the screen. The only item of “news” was the size of the majority. Needless to say the BBC – desperate to see Labour in a position to win power – bigged up its new favourite, Benn. No-one commented that Benn misdescribed ISIL as “fascists”. Whatever they are, ISIL are not fascists (a sadly devalued insult) – not even red ones like Benn and Corbyn – they’re Moslems. Moreover, they represent the apotheosis of Islam not a deviant form of the religion. FWIW my opinion is that the existential threat to this country is not in Rajja or Damascus but here: in Oldham and Rotherham and a multitude of other towns in the old industrial north (plus, of course, Birmingham and London). Bombing ISIL will get Cameron to the top table with Obama (whose pat on the head for Dave couldn’t be broadcast by the BBC quickly enough this morning) but what will it do for you and me? I know Rod Liddle’s suggestion that we might as well bomb Luton rather than Rajja was meant in jest (I think it was anyway) but IMHO his opinion of the military uselessness and lack of a coherent strategy of adding our 2 – or is it 4 – bombers to the “war” against ISIL is spot on.
The hapless and ineffectual Fairhead is not the person to Chair the BBC Trust. She acts like a Beeb apologist which is not why the role was set up.
Here’s a Yentob scenario- Fairhead bombs on a Today programme interview when asked about the untenable position of Yentob. Fairhead then contacts Hall and tells him to get a move on in dealing with his chum. Hall cooks up a messy compromise with his pal who only relinquishes one job but keeps his two other roles. They assume that a gullible public will be bought off by this. Not the final instalment I hope!
Agree with you on all three points – 1) Yentob was toast weeks ago
2) This is a very good time for the BBC to try and “bury bad news” about the Syrian economic migrants.
3) Yentob should be sharing a cell with Jacqui Smith
I’m lost for words over the news that he will remain with the BBC making programs and still be rewarded with several hundred thousand pounds a year from the taxpayer….just what is it that you have to do to lose your job in the BBC?
To lose your job in the BBC , all you have to do is say something bad about muslims. Anti-semitism, drug-taking, paedophilia is ok. But, I forgot, the worst crime is to say something bad about the BBC itself.
The shameful thing is these Islamist third world bigots receive more protection from the law than those they insult and assault. Politicians and police ignore intimidation, bullying and mass rape, indeed they attempt to silence and imprison those that try to expose these crimes. And, of course, our worthless state broadcaster refuses to report such matters until it absolutely has to and then we are constantly reminded that “Islam is a religion of peace.”
Yeh, course it is…
Amongst all the merriment (wars seem to bring out the gallows humour) I confess to be now a bit (more) worried about the way things are going in this country now that the BBC’s Jugend Wing is joining Labour’s online thugocracy (Take a bow, too, Eddie, Jim, James) in telling folk they know where their kids live and ‘it isn’t helpful’ to disagree with the mob if they know what’s good for them.
First they came for elected representatives, who thought they could speak,
Then they came for those on twitter who thought they could speak,
Then they came for those on FaceBook, who thought they could speak,
Then they modded those on BBC HYS’s, until 5pm, when no one could speak,
Then they expedited those online, whose names they knew because of the new ISP charge to fund the licence fee, to make sure they never could be heard,
And then they came for me, simply for speaking. And there was no one left but them to argue any more.
The San Bernardino suspects left multiple pipe bombs at various locations, probably not another “normal everday” shooting then BBC? Certainly not for the victims and their families anyway.
Looks like a planned terrorist attack. Big challenge for the BBC as to how to spin this. Labout just need to lose Oldham and the BBC’s week will be almost complete !
The story is all a bit fragmented and confusing so far. Muslim man gets upset at Christmas? Party, pops out, collects his wife for a shooting spree (after wife drops baby off somewhere?). Drive off leaving fake pipe bombs in their wake. I’m not a fan of office xmas do’s myself, but that’s a bit of an over-reaction.
Hard for the authorities to put this down as ‘lone wolf workplace violence’ tragedy surely?
And of course the relatives are prodded forward to say ‘ he was a lovely bloke, can’t believe it..’
It was probably the employer’s fault for calling it a Christmas party instead of, say, Winterval Get-together. In the circumstances, any reasonable Muslim might have got angry. Don’t make me angry, Mr McGee. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.
Must say, I was impressed by Mr Benn’s speech to the Commons yesterday. I’ve never had much, if any, truck with his politics, but there’s no denying his speech was both eloquent and powerful.
Of course, the BBC are giddy with glee – they think they’ve found the new Messiah, someone who might actually be able to lead their beloved Labour Party back from the brink of total annihilation. Well, perhaps. Mr Benn has the credentials, the bearing and the intelligence to lead the Labour Party, but are his politics safe enough for the revenant Blairites?
And, most importantly, what does Chukka think of him?
I’m sure someone from the BBC will be along shortly to ‘explain’ it all.
Interesting that Benn has made his move now. A labour long time member told me some months ago that Benn was going to replace Corbyn eventually . Corbyn is not electable and Benn preferred not to stand at that time. Things must be desperate in the party .Good is all I can say after the way they screwed us up over the last however many years.
The BBC are not happy with bombing IS; they want Assad removed. My fear is that Cameron will soon obey his BBC masters and agree. Or maybe this is what he wants and the BBC are preparing the public for him. Cameron and the BBC: two rats that cannot be trusted.
Eight things people get wrong about Syria & air strikes
The BBC whose grasp of fact had a terrorist attack at a Christmas party by a failed integrator and his faithful bride as a workplace event by a US national?
I must say the obsession with various groups, from both sides of the coin, with rushing to pin labels on perps asap can also be silly to the point of unhelpful, but the hoops now being leapt through not to do so if it doesn’t suit, is perverse.
Clearly, if public safety is time critical, information should be as extensive and accurate as possible.
Immediately worrying about how the perps, or a ‘community’ may be viewed later seems lower on the logic totem as a rampage unfolds.
And while wishful reporting will one day deliver the wished-for reaction, creating it when it hasn’t happened yet is beyond irresponsible.
I’m looking at you, ever-‘helpful’ World Service and Radio 3 Counties.
This is what is currently top of my feed on FaceBook:
Oscar Pistorius · Trending
BBC News is live now.
25 mins · Facebook Mentions · Is the UK safer following #SyriaVote? British jets have already carried out air strikes on IS-held oil fields.
Are they freaking kidding?
That is about as daft a batshit stupid question of their faithful followers as I have ever seen. And there have been some corkers. And by being a ‘question’, they are simply engaging in ‘debate’, so they are OK on the propaganda accusation front.
The UK does not deserve a £4Bpa 5th column in its midst.
In what must count as a triumph of ‘nuanced’ reporting, the BBC manages to get through the entire story without once using the dreaded ‘m-word’. They don’t even mention it once in the ‘drill-down’ piece: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-34993344
Not all. Again, as an OT but related sidebar, Classic FM ‘Global news’ managed to feature POTUS, but he and they only offered that no one knew anything, along with a lot of could be’s, all nothing to do with….
The ‘global’ media and Obama in perfect harmony.
If I had a voodoo doll, it would look just like them.
According to the BBC the police are looking for a motive in the San Bernardino shootings.
The killers were Muslims.
Victims were not Muslims.
That is all the motive a Muslim needs, approved by the Katalogue Of Rubbish And Nonsense.
Corroborated by 1350 years of historical practise.
Sherlock Holmes is not needed to solve this case.
Ban all beards.
As the media seem to be divided as much as the rest of the population the BBC has had to go to great lengths in order to justify such nonsense. In fact as far as Syria where they quote the State national broadcaster, ho um. Plus a few other Islamic representatives from Saudi to London.
As usual the BBC can not tell the truth – vital emphasis and facts have been deliberately removed from their report. The report is completely sanitized to a point where you learn nothing and the story is quickly sliding into obscurity. The mail is not so coy. What a waste of time the BBC is.
Mail online – ‘Devout’ US Muslim and his Saudi wife left their baby at home to storm back to office Christmas party with automatic weapons and slaughter 14 of his colleagues before dying in police shoot-out ”
1 hr · Scott Garriock and his wife, who are from Lincoln, were caught up in June’s terror attacks in Tunisia
‘I’m pleased that they have decided to bomb’ IS targets in Syria
The decision to drop bombs on Syria has not only divided MPs, it’s divided the UK.
It is to be hoped Scott and Mrs. Scott (she who has no name) do not get targeted by BBC Newsbeat’s colleagues at BBC World Service or BBC 3 Counties for harbouring such unhelpful opinions. Or any of their followers of a ‘troublesome priest’ bent, should they lurk within our midst already.
The Party is in a state of civil war, and spies for the Labour Alliance have stolen plans to the Galactic Empire’s Death Star, a heavily armed and armoured space station capable of destroying entire political parties. Rebel leader Princess Angela Rayner is in possession of the plans, but her ship is captured by Imperial forces under the command of the evil Lord Darth Cameron. Before she is captured Angela hides the plans in the memory of a pair of shoes called R2-D2, along with a holographic recording. The droid, accompanied by fellow protocol droid C-3PO, escape from the captured ship to the desert planet Tatooine.
The droids are captured by BBC traders, who sell the pair to moisture farmers Owen and Beru Lars and their nephew, Hilary Bennwalker. While he cleans the R2-D2 Shoes Hilary accidentally triggers the playing of part of Angela’s recording, in which she requests help from Obi-John Prescott. Luke wonders if she is referring to John Prescott, a hermit who lives nearby; then he retires for the evening. The next morning Luke finds the R2-D2 shoes searching for Obi-John, and meets John, who reveals himself to be Obi-John. Obi-John tells Hilary of his days as a Jedi, who were a faction of former galactic peaceniks with supernatural powers derived from an energy field called the Force, and who were conquered by the Empire. Contrary to his uncle’s assertions, Hilary learns that his father fought alongside Obi-John as a Jedi Knight before he was “betrayed and murdered” by Darth Cameron, Obi-John’s former pupil who turned to the dark side of the Force. Obi-Wan then offers Hilary his father’s Hereditary peerage, large inheritance and family estates, but suggests he leaves the library of hard left lunacy alone!
Well it’s about as realistic as the BBC’s over the top search for a Labour leader who might be electable !
Latest news from Oldham, not covered by the BBC. Those wayscist UKIPers are playing Bing Crosby’s White Christmas on the streets of Oldham. Complaints have been made.
The bBBC 6 o’clock ‘news’ has just interviewed Dave Spart ((C)Private Eye), described as an ‘activist’, demonstrating outside Stella Creasey’s Walthamstow Labour headquarters. He said they were fascists because “er, basically, like, er, we’ve got the Tories voting one way, er, and Labour vote the same”. The dim reporter didn’t ask how this equated to fascism or why his view justified violent action against Ms Creasey’s office and staff.
Much space given to the twatter trolls sending death threats and other such niceties to Labour MPs who voted with the government.
They go on to show examples of the abuse including one from a ‘Comrade Grintz’ who says “We need a final solution to purge Blairite scum like @leicesterliz from the labour party Ticktock”
BBC editorial guidelines on “Personal use of Social Networking and other third party websites” refer staff to a guidance document which states:
“…when someone clearly identifies their association with the BBC and/or discusses their work, they are expected to behave appropriately when on the Internet, and in ways that are consistent with the BBC’s editorial values and policies.”
If we forget the statement about objectivity etc which follows – as the BBC does – we have to agree that Comrade Grinz is adhering to BBC guidelines. He is blatantly anti Jew, pro jihadist and has sympathies with the violent extreme left.
From Popbitch:-
So Alan Yentob finally steps
down as Creative Director of
the BBC following the Kids
Company debacle. He maybe
wouldn’t have got himself
into such a mess though if
stories of his organisational
cluelessness were publicised
The BBC undertakes regular
audits of company phones
(cancelling unused handsets,
querying outrageous bills etc)
and a fairly recent audit
showed that Yentob had three
extra BlackBerries and two
extra iPhones to his name.
It turned out that every time
Yentob lost his phone (which
was often) he never actually
got round to telling anyone,
or cancelling them himself.
He just ordered another.
If a Muslim extremist terrorising fascist blows people up or shoots them, or even beheads them it has ‘nothing do with Islam.’ However, if a white, British patriot politely waves a Union Jack and calls for restrictions on immigration, he/she is an evil, racist fascist. Or, if a Christian protests about gay marriage, he/she are subject to violent and intolerant behaviour by the lentil-eating rainbow fascists. Do you know what people, I’m f**king sick of it, you hear me! It’s a f88KING DISGRACE! What’s happened to our once great country?
I won’t be happy until every last stinking pus-brain bag of shit ISIS Jihadi rots in hell!
‘Uncontrolled alien immigration and low white birth rates have created growing non-white percentages in formerly white nations, and will lead to whites becoming a minority if left unchecked. Once that occurs, whites will completely lose political and cultural control in their own societies.’
AlexWell said. Im currently working all over the country ,different places everyday. Your /my opinion is shared by so many people i meet, it makes you realise just how much the rotten bbbc hide/alter the feelings of the people that pay for them. By the way, does anyone have any stats on how many muslims have been sent to prison for non payment of the tellytax?
Also, if a poor peacuful muzzer is subject to ‘whitey racism’ then they are likely to be radicalized and the lefties are very disturbed by it but if a normal everyday person, such as 99% on here, are sick of the constant liberal garbage that we face every single day then they are shocked when such people turn more to the right than the left and they can’t understand why? They just expect us to accept their warped ideology??
An ideology that has allowed the rise of IS, that causes wars, that sponsors paedophilia, that is soft on crime, soft on the cause of crime and soft on punishment, that despises this country and all that it is and has been, that wants to see the white British race destroyed, that thinks we are all raging right wing animals simply for not wanting a mosque on every corner, that despises democracy and that just can’t rest until it has shoved it’s way in every part of our lives and has total control over it.
The left is a very dangerous entity, i’d happily take up arms to destroy every last one of them, the bbc, the guardian, ch 4, the anarchists, corbyn-laden and co, every minority bunch of gobshite bullies who hide behind their political and media protectors, the lot…only then can we get back to some sort of normality and finally get rid of the muzzers.
If one is not mistaken, a new member to welcome to the fold, again a shift worker or insomniac by coincidence.
And in debut, no commentary on BBC issues, but truly impressive note-taking and archiving skills to bring to fore with what our national treasure can often say now vs. before.
I expect the vote rigging crew from Tower Hamlets will be providing advice to the Oldhamistan Labour Party on how to invent thousands of Bangladeshi voters who don’t exist yet somehow always vote Liebour.
I dare say that they aren’t even worried about the result, it’s a forgone conclusion, the Oldham muzzers know what’s good for them. The bbc only make a song and dance when they know a result is in doubt. Could be the first muzzer controlled town in the UK soon.
‘Could be the first muzzer controlled town in the UK soon.’
And then they won’t need the Islamo Labour Party, they can have their own. But that would leave Labour without any base, having dumped the white working class.
Now wouldn’t that be a delicious irony!! Dumped by the very people they exist for, the immigrants the have sold their liebour soul for.
It’ll be when the muzzers do take control of some Northern towns (and due to birth rates they will) that liebour and their lefty scum followers will see the huge error they have made. Lets see if the multi culti utopia is what everyone wants then?
One good result on the cards, let’s hope for another one by the end of the night, but I fear the postal votes of those lovely lefty muslim women will swing it – even if they don’t know they voted!
Analysis is sparse on the BBC page, but then I didn’t even know this vote was coming up! I rather suspect that if the UK votes to leave the EU then Denmark is also likely.
The BBC reporting on the debate that is ‘raging’ on Twitter? How lazy can you get.
Seems like another thinly-disguised excuse for the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation to moralise YET AGAIN about AMERICAN gun laws.
I can’t see mention in the article that the scumbags in question (won’t call them Islamic scumbags just yet) had a stash of weapons and bombs, including IEDs at home with their 6 month-old child. Don’t think gun laws would help you there, BBC, nor anywhere if they really are Islamic scumbags – they’ll get them anyway.
P.S. Dear BBC – where were you on AMERICAN gun laws when Americans were arming the IRA?
Thank you for your request to the BBC of 18 October, seeking the following information under the Freedom of Information Act (‘the Act’) 2000:
Please supply details of all grants made by BBC Children In Need to the charity Kids Company between 1998 to 2015.
The information you have requested is excluded from the Act. ,,,,,,,,,,,
The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and will not be doing so on this occasion.
The dumbed-down bBBC has the full list of MPs voting on yesterday’s Syria motion, arranged in order of their Christian names, or ‘Sir’ or ‘Lady’! I thought it was only kids with stupid teachers who did that, but I know they make up the majority these days.
According to Al Beeb, Liebour may have won the Oldham by-election – (postal voting & fiddling ?) also
Paul Nuttal having problems with Al Beeb’s communications again . Funny how UKIP always have probs with comms and Al Beeb?
On a positive note they have reduced Liebours majority .
Oldhamistan is a foreign country. According to Paul Nuttall UKIP has at least cut the majority in half. I notice that the Liebour MP has a beard. The lengths these Liebour candidates go to get the local Islamic vote.
I’m not sure that Bickley was the right candidate, a local candidate might have been better.
Good news is that Liberals are finished and could lose their deposit.
Not only won, but won hugely. It’s scarcely credibly given the reports of very strong UKIP support in the media only yesterday.
I have no great faith in polls, but the polls did suggest a close-run contest which somehow, miraculously, didn’t appear.
I sincerely hope that in the 2020 General Election there are UN Observers present, as our electoral systems seems no better than that of a banana republic. Cameron had plenty of time to stop this postal voting scam, but as usual he did nothing.
Expect “Triumph for Corbyn” to be trumpeted by the BBC and it’s followers tomorrow.
The 2020 election is over 4 years away, that’s a lot of time for more Mediterranean ferrys and 14 year old fast breeds to organise themselves even more effectively, expect a rise in the Labour vote. I fear 2015 was our last chance, the balance is fast shifting, UN observers or not.
Funnily enough I believe UKIP’s strength is in our membership of the EU. Should the electorate decide to stay in the EU, then UKIP will I believe continue to grow.
However, should we decide to leave, I think -ironically, UKIP will be finished. I would very much like to be wrong though. Our reason for being will be perceived to have gone.
Cameron’s proposals for change in the EU have, as of yesterday been rejected by Merkel. He may now be advised to change track.
We will never leave the EU under the Tories. Labour (and others) are now a comical irrelevance so they don’t matter.
Dave wants us firmly in the EU, as does the majority of his cabinet and a significant proportion of Tory back benchers. There is no realistic way out of the EU. The referendum, if and when it ever comes, will be preceded with a massive propaganda campaign (paid for by the EU, of course) and the compliant public will vote accordingly – or else!
If by some miracle, we eventually vote OUT, then there will surely be some Brussels-authored contingency that renders that decision somehow invalid (there are precedents, of course) and the whole circus will start over again, in maybe 5 years time (during which the claws of the EU will further embrace us).
Unless UKIP forms a government (impossible, as it cannot be allowed and there are forces that will prevent it at any cost) then we are in the EU forever, and ever, and ever…
Found this reaction posted in a newspaper immediately immediately after Oldham By election result from a fed up Ukipper. Why vote Labour?
‘we may as well just give up – labour brought in PC culture ,furthered our integration with the EU , created ISIS and global terrorism , created nationalism , emptied the bank account , put us in debt that we will probably never repay , sold our gold reserve for the lowest price gold has ever been , killed millions of people and displaced millions more , created social division within the nation ,created extreme benefit culture , started the selling off of the NHS ,created so much regulation common sense is dead ………..i could go on and on’
Can someone please offer a job to Faisal Islam away from Sky News – he has all the interviewing skills of a 12 year old – I find him uncomfortable viewing.
The BBC as a matter of habit denigrates Republican candidates for President. One of the current runners, the eminent neurosurgeon Ben Carson from Baltimore is now slipping in the run, but I just found a clip of Carson speaking 2 years ago at a White House meeting which propelled him to fame. Here he is really talking truth to power – watch how Obama turns miserable :
Farage claims the Oldham result is bent! He might well be right.
The Conservative proportion of the vote down by 9.65%, with UKIP up 2.71 % and Labour up 7.49%! By implication that would suggest that a lot of Conservative voters switched to Labour! Pigs might fly!
If Labour cheated then they should, in my opinion, be thrown out of a rerun.
Stinks like a 10 day old kipper. But will there be any investigation? Nothing happened about the boxes vanishing into a 20 minute time-void between the polling stations and the count at Thanet did it?
Somebody is at work here. Robbing us of our democracy. Make no mistake.
On first glance at the Oldham figures, my sense is that the postal vote swung it all. Labour got huge numbers of people to register as postal voters – the immigrant community especially – you can ask for a postal vote right up to a fortnight before polling day. 25 % of Oldham is Pakistani/Bangladeshi, and the strong Labour local machine will have worked to ensure that almost all of them will have registered en bloc for postal voting and voted Labour. Totally outnumbering people who could be bothered to turn out on the day.
It sounds as though a huge proportion of the votes tonight were postal votes. Labour votes. Pakistani/Bangladeshi votes.
2 results. Labour wins. But there will be a deep feeling that the Muslim vote in a Northern town is deciding British politics. And a feeling that the whole postal-voting system brought in by Blair stinks to high heaven.
Consequence – deeper social division.
Oh by the way – San Bernadino was “workplace violence”
High time the postal vote reverted to legitimacy only for the elderly and infirm who could not actually make it to the polling booth. Thanks Blair, once again, for your magnificent gerrymandering of our electoral system.
Or one offs if you are unavoidbly not going to be in the area on election day. Blair even wanted to make it even less controllable by making the voting on-line. I still expect it to happen but at least it hasn’t yet.
Before anyone is granted a postal vote, an official should visit them, check that they exist, and verify their ID. The fact that Labour believe that any corruption in a voting system favours them speaks volumes .
Can’t see how such verification would ultimately make much difference if a kindly family head or community leader offers to assist with the voting process outside of the secret sanctuary of the ballot booth.
A visit would establish that and might also provide the chance for checking household numbers. All you then need do is to make spot checks, post election, or sampling as auditors call it.
I think one qualification for voting,including postal voting , is that you should have to pass an oral and written english language test. That should rule out some of the immigrants and a good number of white indigenous Labour supporters . I realise that this should be covered by the “citizenship test ” but I suspect that it has been corrupted as well as the UK voting system. For this and many other reasons, we no longer live in a democracy.
You beat me to it G. When Nigel brings this up he is accused of racism on the BBC breakfast couch. Then they move onto next story breaking news a bomb has gone off in a Cairo nightclub and you actually can see the penny dropping for Nana and that other effeminate twerp on the couch
Considering the huge number of postal votes applied for in Oldham we would have expected to see the town centre deserted and tumbleweed blowing through the streets – but no, it’s a normal Friday morning rush hour as backdrop to Naga Munchetty speaking to Tom Watson and kicking off her interview with something akin to ‘didn’t you do well!’.
It all turned a bit wintery (a phrase borrowed from the BBC weather forcasters meaning bloody cold) when Mr Farage arrived on the red sofa for his interview. The tone and content too – Oh dear, Nigel, you just shouldn’t say such things.
So much of this happening, back in May we had ballot papers being stolen, the strange case of Thanet ballot boxes going invisible for an hour or two, Tower Hamlets. Corruption in a certain untouchable demographic is endemic,j aided and abbeted by political correctness.
What people must realise is that this demographic work together for a common cause, they have infiltrated nearly every institution from charities to political parties to further their ‘goal’. The thicko’s in the Labour party don’t realise they are just being used, useful idiots, watch them bleat when in 2025, postal votes swing it for the Mohammedian Party in Oldham and elsewhere.
If anyone really believes that we stand a chance of exiting Europe, think again, the result has already been decided both by by the EU, postal votes and 16 and 17 year olds, a formidable force…
Geoff, You have said much of what I was going to say. Labour is on borrowed time, with demographic change and continued use of the postal vote, the Mohamidan Party will break with Labour and control the boroughs. A couple of decades of multiculty education in our schools has produced a generation of subservient English voters, riddled with white guilt, who will stand by during the transformation.
Today, its payback time in Oldhamistan The Town Hall will fast track plans for a super mosque and many others; education chiefs will understand community needs, cops will strive harder to protect community relations and stamp out Islamophobia, and there will be grants and awards for Mohamidan activities.
UKIP will never achieve anything resembling a minority party in the UK, and it might not be necessary to employ Cameron’s thugs in the UAF.
As for Brexit – forget it.
Good to see Andrew Neil give Piers Corbyn (brother of Al-Jezza) on This Week last night a chance to put his adamantly climate sceptical views across. Calling ‘man-made climate a nonsense’, Corbyn accused the IPCC, a governmental organisation, of being completely unrelated to science. He stated several times that in his view ‘climate change’ is a fraud and suggested it is now time to ‘have the debate’.
More amazing, still, to see Michael Portillo prepared to out himself as someone who is very wary of the arguments of the pro-CAGW brigade, expressing several concerns about the constant calls to action from climate zealots.
Alan Johnson, of course, merely reiterated the ‘97%’ bollocks – we can’t expect anyone from the left to think for themselves, but at least Corbyn had a chance to inform him that that mythical ‘consensus’ has been disproven time and again.
Neil couldn’t help but to accuse Corbyn of being a ‘denier’ (a great pity), but I suspect he had one eye on his P45 at the time.
The number of Labour ‘yes’ voters in Syria reporting that the leftie Fascists have been bullying Labour MPs and their staff is concerning the BBC so much they’ve run a few articles on it. Odd that because they NEVER report the left wing bullying when it’s being done to people they don’t agree with. In fact they appear to condone it, if not going so far as to actively support it !
Yeah but the Al-Beeb website Trots are still prominently featuring the ‘how did your MP vote’ facility which might equally be labelled ‘ here is a nice easy way for you hard left supporters to identify which MPs to target for some vitriolic abuse’
On Facebook, every BBC page is hailing the Labour victory as either ‘decisive’ or ‘staggering’, a bit like they do terrorist attacks as ‘daring’ or ‘audacious’
ScrobleneFeb 1, 08:59 Weekend 1st February 2025 Didn’t he run the case to allow Rudukabana’s father to stay in the UK all those years ago? That worked…
ScrobleneFeb 1, 08:57 Weekend 1st February 2025 Rachel from stapler supplies mentioned that they’d need more fuel to feed all the aeroplanes landing on the new HR…
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DoublethinkerFeb 1, 08:00 Weekend 1st February 2025 The US Senate hearings are showing that even now the Republican Party isn’t fully behind the Trump MAGA agenda and…
popeyeFeb 1, 07:48 Weekend 1st February 2025 I can’t believe that ALL the names of the Blackhawk crew aren’t known. Only a white Warrant officer named so…
I think we need to discuss the nomenclature of our favourite party in order to distinguish the various phases it has been, and will go, through.
Prior to Tony Bliar it was the Labour Party. Post Bliar it became New Labour. Now with comrade Corbyn at the helm (or not as the case may be) is it Labour, Old Labour or New Old Labour? If Benn then takes over does it become New New Labour, Old New Labour or Newer Labour etc etc.
Alternatively, we could adopt the aphorism doing the rounds when Windscale became Sellafield ie ‘New name, same old sh*t’.
I think I have answered my own question.
‘So Called Labour’ perhaps?
“Labour Or I’ll Nut Yer?”
LOINY. A worthy successor to GOATs
After Oldham it will have to be called either The Lab-Islamic Party or the Islamic Labour Party, i (Islab for short) indicating its residual supporters.
But when the ROPers increase in numbers they can form their own party, and the handful of MPs – from Bradford, Birmingham etc. – can do deals with the other parties in return for creeping implementation of sharia. That way appeasers like Dave and Teresa can do deals with them.
It actually became a Fascist party under Tony BLiar, and the party split into two, between traditionalists and Fascists.
Anyway here’s something to cheer you all up. Just a short clip.
She still scares the crap out of the left.
Steve, yes , their continued hatred of her is a great compliment .
No HYS after the Yentob piece:
How strange. I like this bit:
‘◾Appointed creative director in 2004 to oversee the BBC’s creative strategy.’
Wouldn’t that instantly kill true creativity?
I suppose most of us already know why the wanker Paul Heaton’s shit ‘music’ is played on loop by Al Beeb? But in case you weren’t aware: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Heaton#Politics
There could be no other reason for his nauseating mediocre rabble constantly being pushed by BBC scum producers.
None here, either, sadly.
Yentob seems like an especially repulsive creature even by BBC standards
To be fair he does wear a suit and tie, which is rare by modern beeboid standards.
His multi-millionaire father was Horace Heaton, who was a Director of the company I used to work for Briggs Amasco, part of the Tarmac group. Usual lefty.
He’s on tour now or has just been I did notice him on the sofa a while back when he was being advertised by BBc Breakfast. Funny enough I’m not going to see him.
Love the way in the statement he refers to ‘my senior management role’. Self-important to the bitter end.
Which involved……….what precisely for £180k a year?
I dragged myself in front of the TV last night and half-watched the middle 30 minutes of the BBC 10:00 News. Of course, it was dominated by the “war” debate in the Commons. But really – what a farce! Before the vote we got a group of 10-15 punters – asserted by the BBC to reflect all shades of opinion on the “war” – whose trite and instantly forgettable remarks were treated as the wisdom of the ages by the BBC apparatchiks who fronted this load of tripe. Then on came Langdale praising Benn for his “remarkable” speech. Apparently we haven’t heard such wonderful rhetoric since the last bigmouth capable of putting one word after another spoke in Parliament. Benn sat down to, apparently, tumultuous applause from the assembled parasites. Then a shocked Kuenssberg appeared after the vote to tell the nation that there was a big majority for war (170 majority against a nominal Conservative majority in the Commons of 17) and didn’t Benn do well then!!
So there it was: an hour-long special, telling us no more than we could have learned by seeing the results of the Commons vote at 10:35 on a ticker-tape at the foot of the screen. The only item of “news” was the size of the majority. Needless to say the BBC – desperate to see Labour in a position to win power – bigged up its new favourite, Benn. No-one commented that Benn misdescribed ISIL as “fascists”. Whatever they are, ISIL are not fascists (a sadly devalued insult) – not even red ones like Benn and Corbyn – they’re Moslems. Moreover, they represent the apotheosis of Islam not a deviant form of the religion. FWIW my opinion is that the existential threat to this country is not in Rajja or Damascus but here: in Oldham and Rotherham and a multitude of other towns in the old industrial north (plus, of course, Birmingham and London). Bombing ISIL will get Cameron to the top table with Obama (whose pat on the head for Dave couldn’t be broadcast by the BBC quickly enough this morning) but what will it do for you and me? I know Rod Liddle’s suggestion that we might as well bomb Luton rather than Rajja was meant in jest (I think it was anyway) but IMHO his opinion of the military uselessness and lack of a coherent strategy of adding our 2 – or is it 4 – bombers to the “war” against ISIL is spot on.
The hapless and ineffectual Fairhead is not the person to Chair the BBC Trust. She acts like a Beeb apologist which is not why the role was set up.
Here’s a Yentob scenario- Fairhead bombs on a Today programme interview when asked about the untenable position of Yentob. Fairhead then contacts Hall and tells him to get a move on in dealing with his chum. Hall cooks up a messy compromise with his pal who only relinquishes one job but keeps his two other roles. They assume that a gullible public will be bought off by this. Not the final instalment I hope!
Trying to think of an outing where Rona has not ‘bombed’.
The timing is relevant, I believe this was decided quite a while ago. Released to coincide and be partially hidden with a major event such as Syria.
Good news, now put Yentob in jail where he belongs.
Oo, plot twist.
Yes. Odd that it was announced today.
Syria, Pistorius and Oldham…lets slip this one in. Reinforces why he and the beeb can’t be trusted.
Agree with you on all three points – 1) Yentob was toast weeks ago
2) This is a very good time for the BBC to try and “bury bad news” about the Syrian economic migrants.
3) Yentob should be sharing a cell with Jacqui Smith
I’m lost for words over the news that he will remain with the BBC making programs and still be rewarded with several hundred thousand pounds a year from the taxpayer….just what is it that you have to do to lose your job in the BBC?
To lose your job in the BBC , all you have to do is say something bad about muslims. Anti-semitism, drug-taking, paedophilia is ok. But, I forgot, the worst crime is to say something bad about the BBC itself.
Or deck your producer.
I’m all for an open and fair investigation into what went on here followed by mass sackings if it is what it looks like.
This could be used for educational purposes as well.
The shameful thing is these Islamist third world bigots receive more protection from the law than those they insult and assault. Politicians and police ignore intimidation, bullying and mass rape, indeed they attempt to silence and imprison those that try to expose these crimes. And, of course, our worthless state broadcaster refuses to report such matters until it absolutely has to and then we are constantly reminded that “Islam is a religion of peace.”
Yeh, course it is…
This might be a picture of a Pilates for Tots class…..
Amongst all the merriment (wars seem to bring out the gallows humour) I confess to be now a bit (more) worried about the way things are going in this country now that the BBC’s Jugend Wing is joining Labour’s online thugocracy (Take a bow, too, Eddie, Jim, James) in telling folk they know where their kids live and ‘it isn’t helpful’ to disagree with the mob if they know what’s good for them.
First they came for elected representatives, who thought they could speak,
Then they came for those on twitter who thought they could speak,
Then they came for those on FaceBook, who thought they could speak,
Then they modded those on BBC HYS’s, until 5pm, when no one could speak,
Then they expedited those online, whose names they knew because of the new ISP charge to fund the licence fee, to make sure they never could be heard,
And then they came for me, simply for speaking. And there was no one left but them to argue any more.
The San Bernardino suspects left multiple pipe bombs at various locations, probably not another “normal everday” shooting then BBC? Certainly not for the victims and their families anyway.
Looks like a planned terrorist attack. Big challenge for the BBC as to how to spin this. Labout just need to lose Oldham and the BBC’s week will be almost complete !
The story is all a bit fragmented and confusing so far. Muslim man gets upset at Christmas? Party, pops out, collects his wife for a shooting spree (after wife drops baby off somewhere?). Drive off leaving fake pipe bombs in their wake. I’m not a fan of office xmas do’s myself, but that’s a bit of an over-reaction.
Hard for the authorities to put this down as ‘lone wolf workplace violence’ tragedy surely?
And of course the relatives are prodded forward to say ‘ he was a lovely bloke, can’t believe it..’
It was probably the employer’s fault for calling it a Christmas party instead of, say, Winterval Get-together. In the circumstances, any reasonable Muslim might have got angry. Don’t make me angry, Mr McGee. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.
Must say, I was impressed by Mr Benn’s speech to the Commons yesterday. I’ve never had much, if any, truck with his politics, but there’s no denying his speech was both eloquent and powerful.
Of course, the BBC are giddy with glee – they think they’ve found the new Messiah, someone who might actually be able to lead their beloved Labour Party back from the brink of total annihilation. Well, perhaps. Mr Benn has the credentials, the bearing and the intelligence to lead the Labour Party, but are his politics safe enough for the revenant Blairites?
And, most importantly, what does Chukka think of him?
I’m sure someone from the BBC will be along shortly to ‘explain’ it all.
Interesting that Benn has made his move now. A labour long time member told me some months ago that Benn was going to replace Corbyn eventually . Corbyn is not electable and Benn preferred not to stand at that time. Things must be desperate in the party .Good is all I can say after the way they screwed us up over the last however many years.
The BBC are not happy with bombing IS; they want Assad removed. My fear is that Cameron will soon obey his BBC masters and agree. Or maybe this is what he wants and the BBC are preparing the public for him. Cameron and the BBC: two rats that cannot be trusted.
GWF, If you are right, Putin may have something to say to Cameron !
Now now Cameron lad don’t be a silly little boy.
Dave S, LOL !
‘UK air attack on Islamic State: Syrians the BBC have carefully selected give reactions’
There, fixed that for you, Mr. Harding.
BBC Masters? Cameron answers to Saudi, not the BBC !
If the San Bernadino clinical killings were not a terrorist incident I’m a Dutchman :
All this info is available to the BBC – but they are not headlining it. I wonder why ?
OT…ish, but Classic FM ‘Global News’ (sic) had it 3rd, after JezSez and…. Oscar Losing.
The media in the UK are lower than pondweed.
John, I have been looking at many other news sources. The overwhelming evidence is that it was a planned terrorist attack. Over to you, BBC !
This BBC?
BBC News
What’s fact and what’s fiction?
Eight things people get wrong about Syria & air strikes
The BBC whose grasp of fact had a terrorist attack at a Christmas party by a failed integrator and his faithful bride as a workplace event by a US national?
That BBC?
Sadly the BBC is fact and not fiction
I must say the obsession with various groups, from both sides of the coin, with rushing to pin labels on perps asap can also be silly to the point of unhelpful, but the hoops now being leapt through not to do so if it doesn’t suit, is perverse.
Clearly, if public safety is time critical, information should be as extensive and accurate as possible.
Immediately worrying about how the perps, or a ‘community’ may be viewed later seems lower on the logic totem as a rampage unfolds.
And while wishful reporting will one day deliver the wished-for reaction, creating it when it hasn’t happened yet is beyond irresponsible.
I’m looking at you, ever-‘helpful’ World Service and Radio 3 Counties.
This is what is currently top of my feed on FaceBook:
Oscar Pistorius · Trending
BBC News is live now.
25 mins · Facebook Mentions ·
Is the UK safer following #SyriaVote? British jets have already carried out air strikes on IS-held oil fields.
Are they freaking kidding?
That is about as daft a batshit stupid question of their faithful followers as I have ever seen. And there have been some corkers. And by being a ‘question’, they are simply engaging in ‘debate’, so they are OK on the propaganda accusation front.
The UK does not deserve a £4Bpa 5th column in its midst.
In what must count as a triumph of ‘nuanced’ reporting, the BBC manages to get through the entire story without once using the dreaded ‘m-word’. They don’t even mention it once in the ‘drill-down’ piece: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-34993344
San Bernardino: Police seek motive in mass shooting
It’s news, Jim, but not as we know it.
All the other media are sreaming “muslim” and the BBC are in total denial ! It would be funny if it was not so tragic !
Not all. Again, as an OT but related sidebar, Classic FM ‘Global news’ managed to feature POTUS, but he and they only offered that no one knew anything, along with a lot of could be’s, all nothing to do with….
The ‘global’ media and Obama in perfect harmony.
If I had a voodoo doll, it would look just like them.
According to the BBC the police are looking for a motive in the San Bernardino shootings.
The killers were Muslims.
Victims were not Muslims.
That is all the motive a Muslim needs, approved by the Katalogue Of Rubbish And Nonsense.
Corroborated by 1350 years of historical practise.
Sherlock Holmes is not needed to solve this case.
Ban all beards.
I know this is a bit odd but my dear old mum now sadly deceased always said,
‘never trust a man with a beard, they’ve got something to hide, and I don’t mean their face’
Just for the record I’ve always been clean shaven.
Your dear old mum was beardist. What about Father Christmas?
Always thought there was something a bit sinister about Father Christmas.
Are you still allowed to bounce little children on your knee and chortle?
BBC web site : Syria air strikes: Media scepticism as UK joins campaign
As the media seem to be divided as much as the rest of the population the BBC has had to go to great lengths in order to justify such nonsense. In fact as far as Syria where they quote the State national broadcaster, ho um. Plus a few other Islamic representatives from Saudi to London.
This is propaganda not reporting.
Who gives a F what the media thinks ! Who the hell are these unelected morons ?
Does being elected mean you are not a moron?
Latest shooting in the USA, notice the BBC are not too interested in it…..no dead blacks…muslim killers…say no more.
And they are not even interested in disabled people , suddenly !
As usual the BBC can not tell the truth – vital emphasis and facts have been deliberately removed from their report. The report is completely sanitized to a point where you learn nothing and the story is quickly sliding into obscurity. The mail is not so coy. What a waste of time the BBC is.
BBC headline – “San Bernardino: Police seek motive in mass shooting”
Mail online – ‘Devout’ US Muslim and his Saudi wife left their baby at home to storm back to office Christmas party with automatic weapons and slaughter 14 of his colleagues before dying in police shoot-out ”
Getting more difficult for the BBC to spin this one !
Again on FaceBook, ‘for balance’:
1 hr ·
Scott Garriock and his wife, who are from Lincoln, were caught up in June’s terror attacks in Tunisia
‘I’m pleased that they have decided to bomb’ IS targets in Syria
The decision to drop bombs on Syria has not only divided MPs, it’s divided the UK.
It is to be hoped Scott and Mrs. Scott (she who has no name) do not get targeted by BBC Newsbeat’s colleagues at BBC World Service or BBC 3 Counties for harbouring such unhelpful opinions. Or any of their followers of a ‘troublesome priest’ bent, should they lurk within our midst already.
Grim evening, again. Marginally lighter ‘other news’:
‘As with many things Yentob, there are loose ends here’
BBC insider for ‘if it walks like a crock, talks like a crock… it is a crock’?
‘Creep’ and the BBC do seem frequent bedfellows.
‘The BBC gets squeamish about some ‘talent’ appearing in ads, and not others’
The phrase being smuggled for is ‘double standards’. What the BBC deems ‘unique’.
Sad Wars – A New Hope Arises.
The Party is in a state of civil war, and spies for the Labour Alliance have stolen plans to the Galactic Empire’s Death Star, a heavily armed and armoured space station capable of destroying entire political parties. Rebel leader Princess Angela Rayner is in possession of the plans, but her ship is captured by Imperial forces under the command of the evil Lord Darth Cameron. Before she is captured Angela hides the plans in the memory of a pair of shoes called R2-D2, along with a holographic recording. The droid, accompanied by fellow protocol droid C-3PO, escape from the captured ship to the desert planet Tatooine.
The droids are captured by BBC traders, who sell the pair to moisture farmers Owen and Beru Lars and their nephew, Hilary Bennwalker. While he cleans the R2-D2 Shoes Hilary accidentally triggers the playing of part of Angela’s recording, in which she requests help from Obi-John Prescott. Luke wonders if she is referring to John Prescott, a hermit who lives nearby; then he retires for the evening. The next morning Luke finds the R2-D2 shoes searching for Obi-John, and meets John, who reveals himself to be Obi-John. Obi-John tells Hilary of his days as a Jedi, who were a faction of former galactic peaceniks with supernatural powers derived from an energy field called the Force, and who were conquered by the Empire. Contrary to his uncle’s assertions, Hilary learns that his father fought alongside Obi-John as a Jedi Knight before he was “betrayed and murdered” by Darth Cameron, Obi-John’s former pupil who turned to the dark side of the Force. Obi-Wan then offers Hilary his father’s Hereditary peerage, large inheritance and family estates, but suggests he leaves the library of hard left lunacy alone!
Well it’s about as realistic as the BBC’s over the top search for a Labour leader who might be electable !
^ ^ ^ Very good, Thoughtful.
To be continued, I hope?
Latest news from Oldham, not covered by the BBC. Those wayscist UKIPers are playing Bing Crosby’s White Christmas on the streets of Oldham. Complaints have been made.
The bBBC 6 o’clock ‘news’ has just interviewed Dave Spart ((C)Private Eye), described as an ‘activist’, demonstrating outside Stella Creasey’s Walthamstow Labour headquarters. He said they were fascists because “er, basically, like, er, we’ve got the Tories voting one way, er, and Labour vote the same”. The dim reporter didn’t ask how this equated to fascism or why his view justified violent action against Ms Creasey’s office and staff.
It’s what we pay our TV-tax for.
presumably because Labour ARE Fascists and she didn’t want it explained to the people ?
The BBC shoots itself in the foot yet again.
“Labour row over social media abuse following Syria vote”
Much space given to the twatter trolls sending death threats and other such niceties to Labour MPs who voted with the government.
They go on to show examples of the abuse including one from a ‘Comrade Grintz’ who says “We need a final solution to purge Blairite scum like @leicesterliz from the labour party Ticktock”
But what’s this: https://twitter.com/darrengrintz?lang=en-gb
Whoops a beardy jihadist spewing bile by the bucket load who just happens to be employed by the BBC as a cameraman.
Of course the BBC will see nothing wrong in employing this freak and claim that the views expressed on his twatter account are his and not the BBC.
BBC Watch are now onto the BBC’s very own jihadist.
“GRINTZ”…..Looks awfully similar as a parody to the BBC cameraman..
Tweets by SophiaGRINTZ
Ginger tosser.
No friends.
Thanks TPO
BBC editorial guidelines on “Personal use of Social Networking and other third party websites” refer staff to a guidance document which states:
“…when someone clearly identifies their association with the BBC and/or discusses their work, they are expected to behave appropriately when on the Internet, and in ways that are consistent with the BBC’s editorial values and policies.”
If we forget the statement about objectivity etc which follows – as the BBC does – we have to agree that Comrade Grinz is adhering to BBC guidelines. He is blatantly anti Jew, pro jihadist and has sympathies with the violent extreme left.
He can’t be for real, can he?
From Popbitch:-
So Alan Yentob finally steps
down as Creative Director of
the BBC following the Kids
Company debacle. He maybe
wouldn’t have got himself
into such a mess though if
stories of his organisational
cluelessness were publicised
The BBC undertakes regular
audits of company phones
(cancelling unused handsets,
querying outrageous bills etc)
and a fairly recent audit
showed that Yentob had three
extra BlackBerries and two
extra iPhones to his name.
It turned out that every time
Yentob lost his phone (which
was often) he never actually
got round to telling anyone,
or cancelling them himself.
He just ordered another.
If a Muslim extremist terrorising fascist blows people up or shoots them, or even beheads them it has ‘nothing do with Islam.’ However, if a white, British patriot politely waves a Union Jack and calls for restrictions on immigration, he/she is an evil, racist fascist. Or, if a Christian protests about gay marriage, he/she are subject to violent and intolerant behaviour by the lentil-eating rainbow fascists. Do you know what people, I’m f**king sick of it, you hear me! It’s a f88KING DISGRACE! What’s happened to our once great country?
I won’t be happy until every last stinking pus-brain bag of shit ISIS Jihadi rots in hell!
‘Uncontrolled alien immigration and low white birth rates have created growing non-white percentages in formerly white nations, and will lead to whites becoming a minority if left unchecked. Once that occurs, whites will completely lose political and cultural control in their own societies.’
AlexWell said. Im currently working all over the country ,different places everyday. Your /my opinion is shared by so many people i meet, it makes you realise just how much the rotten bbbc hide/alter the feelings of the people that pay for them. By the way, does anyone have any stats on how many muslims have been sent to prison for non payment of the tellytax?
Also, if a poor peacuful muzzer is subject to ‘whitey racism’ then they are likely to be radicalized and the lefties are very disturbed by it but if a normal everyday person, such as 99% on here, are sick of the constant liberal garbage that we face every single day then they are shocked when such people turn more to the right than the left and they can’t understand why? They just expect us to accept their warped ideology??
An ideology that has allowed the rise of IS, that causes wars, that sponsors paedophilia, that is soft on crime, soft on the cause of crime and soft on punishment, that despises this country and all that it is and has been, that wants to see the white British race destroyed, that thinks we are all raging right wing animals simply for not wanting a mosque on every corner, that despises democracy and that just can’t rest until it has shoved it’s way in every part of our lives and has total control over it.
The left is a very dangerous entity, i’d happily take up arms to destroy every last one of them, the bbc, the guardian, ch 4, the anarchists, corbyn-laden and co, every minority bunch of gobshite bullies who hide behind their political and media protectors, the lot…only then can we get back to some sort of normality and finally get rid of the muzzers.
“that thinks we are all raging right wing animals simply for not wanting a mosque on every corner”
It’s not “simply” that though is it Glen…
July 6, 2015 at 7:56 pm,
“I hate the pakistani race, they are the rats of the human race“
If one is not mistaken, a new member to welcome to the fold, again a shift worker or insomniac by coincidence.
And in debut, no commentary on BBC issues, but truly impressive note-taking and archiving skills to bring to fore with what our national treasure can often say now vs. before.
A name that reflects his IQ.
Or the amount of respect he has at BBC towers.
As far as I am aware bbbc have completely ignored the Oldhamistan west election…….
Can anyone enlighten me as to why?
Today, they’re not allowed to make comment about the Oldham by election (only make reference to) until the polls close a ten o clock…
By then of course the postal vote from Bangladesh will have been weighed, and they can claim the Corbynistas victorious..
I expect the vote rigging crew from Tower Hamlets will be providing advice to the Oldhamistan Labour Party on how to invent thousands of Bangladeshi voters who don’t exist yet somehow always vote Liebour.
I dare say that they aren’t even worried about the result, it’s a forgone conclusion, the Oldham muzzers know what’s good for them. The bbc only make a song and dance when they know a result is in doubt. Could be the first muzzer controlled town in the UK soon.
‘Could be the first muzzer controlled town in the UK soon.’
And then they won’t need the Islamo Labour Party, they can have their own. But that would leave Labour without any base, having dumped the white working class.
Now wouldn’t that be a delicious irony!! Dumped by the very people they exist for, the immigrants the have sold their liebour soul for.
It’ll be when the muzzers do take control of some Northern towns (and due to birth rates they will) that liebour and their lefty scum followers will see the huge error they have made. Lets see if the multi culti utopia is what everyone wants then?
One good result on the cards, let’s hope for another one by the end of the night, but I fear the postal votes of those lovely lefty muslim women will swing it – even if they don’t know they voted!
Denmark ‘votes No’ on EU rules – exit polls 1 hour ago
Analysis is sparse on the BBC page, but then I didn’t even know this vote was coming up! I rather suspect that if the UK votes to leave the EU then Denmark is also likely.
The BBC reporting on the debate that is ‘raging’ on Twitter? How lazy can you get.
Seems like another thinly-disguised excuse for the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation to moralise YET AGAIN about AMERICAN gun laws.
I can’t see mention in the article that the scumbags in question (won’t call them Islamic scumbags just yet) had a stash of weapons and bombs, including IEDs at home with their 6 month-old child. Don’t think gun laws would help you there, BBC, nor anywhere if they really are Islamic scumbags – they’ll get them anyway.
P.S. Dear BBC – where were you on AMERICAN gun laws when Americans were arming the IRA?
BBC attacking Christians again:
After a mass shooting, politicians ‘shamed’ for offering prayers
I’m dying to see this on the BBC.
(Tip-off LOL!!)
Lobster – that is the finest headline these shores have ever seen. Priceless!!
Priceless !
Spotted this elsewhere. Apologies it has already been posted here:
Surprise Surprise – FROM BBC:
Click to access RFI20151747%20Response.pdf
Thank you for your request to the BBC of 18 October, seeking the following information under the Freedom of Information Act (‘the Act’) 2000:
Please supply details of all grants made by BBC Children In Need to the charity Kids Company between 1998 to 2015.
The information you have requested is excluded from the Act. ,,,,,,,,,,,
The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and will not be doing so on this occasion.
The dumbed-down bBBC has the full list of MPs voting on yesterday’s Syria motion, arranged in order of their Christian names, or ‘Sir’ or ‘Lady’! I thought it was only kids with stupid teachers who did that, but I know they make up the majority these days.
It is probably because of the ladies with ‘slave’ (married) names. These can’t be given precedence over their individuality.
According to Al Beeb, Liebour may have won the Oldham by-election – (postal voting & fiddling ?) also
Paul Nuttal having problems with Al Beeb’s communications again . Funny how UKIP always have probs with comms and Al Beeb?
On a positive note they have reduced Liebours majority .
Oldhamistan is a foreign country. According to Paul Nuttall UKIP has at least cut the majority in half. I notice that the Liebour MP has a beard. The lengths these Liebour candidates go to get the local Islamic vote.
I’m not sure that Bickley was the right candidate, a local candidate might have been better.
Good news is that Liberals are finished and could lose their deposit.
Bingo !
Liebour have won – would you believe it ? (sarcastically)
Not only won, but won hugely. It’s scarcely credibly given the reports of very strong UKIP support in the media only yesterday.
I have no great faith in polls, but the polls did suggest a close-run contest which somehow, miraculously, didn’t appear.
I sincerely hope that in the 2020 General Election there are UN Observers present, as our electoral systems seems no better than that of a banana republic. Cameron had plenty of time to stop this postal voting scam, but as usual he did nothing.
Expect “Triumph for Corbyn” to be trumpeted by the BBC and it’s followers tomorrow.
The 2020 election is over 4 years away, that’s a lot of time for more Mediterranean ferrys and 14 year old fast breeds to organise themselves even more effectively, expect a rise in the Labour vote. I fear 2015 was our last chance, the balance is fast shifting, UN observers or not.
Indeed Geoff. What was the expression “rubbing our noses in diversity”?
What was not said was “stitching up the vote in favour of the Labour party by importing millions of useless benefits dependants”.
Funnily enough I believe UKIP’s strength is in our membership of the EU. Should the electorate decide to stay in the EU, then UKIP will I believe continue to grow.
However, should we decide to leave, I think -ironically, UKIP will be finished. I would very much like to be wrong though. Our reason for being will be perceived to have gone.
Cameron’s proposals for change in the EU have, as of yesterday been rejected by Merkel. He may now be advised to change track.
We will never leave the EU under the Tories. Labour (and others) are now a comical irrelevance so they don’t matter.
Dave wants us firmly in the EU, as does the majority of his cabinet and a significant proportion of Tory back benchers. There is no realistic way out of the EU. The referendum, if and when it ever comes, will be preceded with a massive propaganda campaign (paid for by the EU, of course) and the compliant public will vote accordingly – or else!
If by some miracle, we eventually vote OUT, then there will surely be some Brussels-authored contingency that renders that decision somehow invalid (there are precedents, of course) and the whole circus will start over again, in maybe 5 years time (during which the claws of the EU will further embrace us).
Unless UKIP forms a government (impossible, as it cannot be allowed and there are forces that will prevent it at any cost) then we are in the EU forever, and ever, and ever…
Found this reaction posted in a newspaper immediately immediately after Oldham By election result from a fed up Ukipper. Why vote Labour?
‘we may as well just give up – labour brought in PC culture ,furthered our integration with the EU , created ISIS and global terrorism , created nationalism , emptied the bank account , put us in debt that we will probably never repay , sold our gold reserve for the lowest price gold has ever been , killed millions of people and displaced millions more , created social division within the nation ,created extreme benefit culture , started the selling off of the NHS ,created so much regulation common sense is dead ………..i could go on and on’
Can someone please offer a job to Faisal Islam away from Sky News – he has all the interviewing skills of a 12 year old – I find him uncomfortable viewing.
Oohh Racist! You’re right though – he’s an annoying bell end of magnificent proportions.
The BBC as a matter of habit denigrates Republican candidates for President. One of the current runners, the eminent neurosurgeon Ben Carson from Baltimore is now slipping in the run, but I just found a clip of Carson speaking 2 years ago at a White House meeting which propelled him to fame. Here he is really talking truth to power – watch how Obama turns miserable :
A palate cleanser. More real belief in the greatness of America than Obama has ever shown.
plus Carson is a real black American -from slave stock, born in poverty. Not a “black” man with a white mother and a Kenyan father.
Don’t forget the communist grandparents.
Ralph & Huey?
A man after my own heart. I’m really starting to like that guy. Will the Americans be so stupid as to turn their backs on him?
Thanks for putting that up, John.
I like the cut of his jib. He’s a good stand-up act if nothing else.
Farage claims the Oldham result is bent! He might well be right.
The Conservative proportion of the vote down by 9.65%, with UKIP up 2.71 % and Labour up 7.49%! By implication that would suggest that a lot of Conservative voters switched to Labour! Pigs might fly!
If Labour cheated then they should, in my opinion, be thrown out of a rerun.
Stinks like a 10 day old kipper. But will there be any investigation? Nothing happened about the boxes vanishing into a 20 minute time-void between the polling stations and the count at Thanet did it?
Somebody is at work here. Robbing us of our democracy. Make no mistake.
On first glance at the Oldham figures, my sense is that the postal vote swung it all. Labour got huge numbers of people to register as postal voters – the immigrant community especially – you can ask for a postal vote right up to a fortnight before polling day. 25 % of Oldham is Pakistani/Bangladeshi, and the strong Labour local machine will have worked to ensure that almost all of them will have registered en bloc for postal voting and voted Labour. Totally outnumbering people who could be bothered to turn out on the day.
It sounds as though a huge proportion of the votes tonight were postal votes. Labour votes. Pakistani/Bangladeshi votes.
2 results. Labour wins. But there will be a deep feeling that the Muslim vote in a Northern town is deciding British politics. And a feeling that the whole postal-voting system brought in by Blair stinks to high heaven.
Consequence – deeper social division.
Oh by the way – San Bernadino was “workplace violence”
High time the postal vote reverted to legitimacy only for the elderly and infirm who could not actually make it to the polling booth. Thanks Blair, once again, for your magnificent gerrymandering of our electoral system.
Or one offs if you are unavoidbly not going to be in the area on election day. Blair even wanted to make it even less controllable by making the voting on-line. I still expect it to happen but at least it hasn’t yet.
Before anyone is granted a postal vote, an official should visit them, check that they exist, and verify their ID. The fact that Labour believe that any corruption in a voting system favours them speaks volumes .
Can’t see how such verification would ultimately make much difference if a kindly family head or community leader offers to assist with the voting process outside of the secret sanctuary of the ballot booth.
If you cannot read or write in English I am sure the helpful community leaders will fill the postal vote in for you.
A visit would establish that and might also provide the chance for checking household numbers. All you then need do is to make spot checks, post election, or sampling as auditors call it.
I think one qualification for voting,including postal voting , is that you should have to pass an oral and written english language test. That should rule out some of the immigrants and a good number of white indigenous Labour supporters . I realise that this should be covered by the “citizenship test ” but I suspect that it has been corrupted as well as the UK voting system. For this and many other reasons, we no longer live in a democracy.
You beat me to it G. When Nigel brings this up he is accused of racism on the BBC breakfast couch. Then they move onto next story breaking news a bomb has gone off in a Cairo nightclub and you actually can see the penny dropping for Nana and that other effeminate twerp on the couch
Considering the huge number of postal votes applied for in Oldham we would have expected to see the town centre deserted and tumbleweed blowing through the streets – but no, it’s a normal Friday morning rush hour as backdrop to Naga Munchetty speaking to Tom Watson and kicking off her interview with something akin to ‘didn’t you do well!’.
It all turned a bit wintery (a phrase borrowed from the BBC weather forcasters meaning bloody cold) when Mr Farage arrived on the red sofa for his interview. The tone and content too – Oh dear, Nigel, you just shouldn’t say such things.
So much of this happening, back in May we had ballot papers being stolen, the strange case of Thanet ballot boxes going invisible for an hour or two, Tower Hamlets. Corruption in a certain untouchable demographic is endemic,j aided and abbeted by political correctness.
What people must realise is that this demographic work together for a common cause, they have infiltrated nearly every institution from charities to political parties to further their ‘goal’. The thicko’s in the Labour party don’t realise they are just being used, useful idiots, watch them bleat when in 2025, postal votes swing it for the Mohammedian Party in Oldham and elsewhere.
If anyone really believes that we stand a chance of exiting Europe, think again, the result has already been decided both by by the EU, postal votes and 16 and 17 year olds, a formidable force…
Geoff, You have said much of what I was going to say. Labour is on borrowed time, with demographic change and continued use of the postal vote, the Mohamidan Party will break with Labour and control the boroughs. A couple of decades of multiculty education in our schools has produced a generation of subservient English voters, riddled with white guilt, who will stand by during the transformation.
Today, its payback time in Oldhamistan The Town Hall will fast track plans for a super mosque and many others; education chiefs will understand community needs, cops will strive harder to protect community relations and stamp out Islamophobia, and there will be grants and awards for Mohamidan activities.
UKIP will never achieve anything resembling a minority party in the UK, and it might not be necessary to employ Cameron’s thugs in the UAF.
As for Brexit – forget it.
Good to see Andrew Neil give Piers Corbyn (brother of Al-Jezza) on This Week last night a chance to put his adamantly climate sceptical views across. Calling ‘man-made climate a nonsense’, Corbyn accused the IPCC, a governmental organisation, of being completely unrelated to science. He stated several times that in his view ‘climate change’ is a fraud and suggested it is now time to ‘have the debate’.
More amazing, still, to see Michael Portillo prepared to out himself as someone who is very wary of the arguments of the pro-CAGW brigade, expressing several concerns about the constant calls to action from climate zealots.
Alan Johnson, of course, merely reiterated the ‘97%’ bollocks – we can’t expect anyone from the left to think for themselves, but at least Corbyn had a chance to inform him that that mythical ‘consensus’ has been disproven time and again.
Neil couldn’t help but to accuse Corbyn of being a ‘denier’ (a great pity), but I suspect he had one eye on his P45 at the time.
Ah the man with the multi coloured swopshop (and that’s just his shirt and tie :-D)
BBC1 – This Week, 6m 20 seconds
This is a goodie back from 2009
Future political wonks might as well shift focus away from white-van-man, mondeo-man and mumsnet-mum
With such enormous numbers of postal votes at stake in modern Britain the interest will now surely have to be on bed-ridden-betty and easyjet-man
Alternatively we could all get realistic and see the future lies with pakistani-gone-postal
Biter bitten ?
The number of Labour ‘yes’ voters in Syria reporting that the leftie Fascists have been bullying Labour MPs and their staff is concerning the BBC so much they’ve run a few articles on it. Odd that because they NEVER report the left wing bullying when it’s being done to people they don’t agree with. In fact they appear to condone it, if not going so far as to actively support it !
Yeah but the Al-Beeb website Trots are still prominently featuring the ‘how did your MP vote’ facility which might equally be labelled ‘ here is a nice easy way for you hard left supporters to identify which MPs to target for some vitriolic abuse’
On Facebook, every BBC page is hailing the Labour victory as either ‘decisive’ or ‘staggering’, a bit like they do terrorist attacks as ‘daring’ or ‘audacious’