The current postal vote system is inevitably going to encourage fraud when here is ethnic block voting, lack of command of English and a culture of corruption imported from South Asia. Yet my guess is that this government will do nothing about it. This is despite the report of the Electoral Commissioner into the corrupt voting in Tower Hamlets.
I heard Nigel trying to get his point across concerning the postal vote, and he was made to appear like a disgruntled loser.
But postal fraud in Oldham was predicted; the media ignored it and the Government did bugger all about it.
See Manchester Evening News Jan 2014
Surely as night follows day, the BBC can be relied upon to ramp up its Islamophobia narrative at any given opportunity, but most particularly after hybrid-workplace incidents
“We’ve had people coming forward and telling us about being avoided in the shopping mall, people refusing to sit next to them on the bus.”
“Then you’ve got the physical aspect with coats and scarves being yanked… In terms of fear it’s increased since Paris”
So how do I report the veiled women who protest on the bus when I try to sit on the only available seat next to them? I’ve had a few get up and stand rather than sit next to a man!!
Someone should do a cartoon based on one of those angry with their lot standing in market with a Semtex waistcoat, screaming ‘Islamaphobes!’ at anyone insensitive enough to leg it.
Not many have come forward to tell anyone about being shot in the back of the head, torched, lobbed off buildings, shredded in Boston streets, hacked in Woolwich, vapourised on London tubes or busses and Thai temples, AK’d on Tunisian beaches, Nairobi Malls, Parisian offices and clubs… because they are either dead, or still in hospital.
It seemed to me that – per the interview friendly conversation between Watson and Humphrys on Today this morning – the BBC and Labour are a bit embarrassed that the apparent fiddling of the Oldham election is rather too . . er . . apparent. Of course, the usual suspects in this kind of exercise can only model their activities on their decades of experience elsewhere. What they don’t realise is that, in the UK, we tend to be a bit more subtle. Accordingly, obvious and egregious but occasional corruption (eg vote rigging in areas of subcontinental settlement) is often exposed but corrosive long-term corruption (eg the supposedly “impartial” BBC, the endemic fraud of the climate change industry etc) is protected by the very institutions which are supposed to expose it.
The BBC is unlikely to be flexed by vote rigging in Oldham. After all, the ‘right’ party won.
It isn’t hard to imagine the scenes down at the ant farm had the result been different and particularly if there had been even the slightest hint of voting fraud behind a UKIP win!
On the issue above of voting and postal votes and corruption thereof. It is of course endemic and widely recognised but I cannot for the life of me understand why the Tories don’t get on top of it. It appears that Turkeys do sometimes vote for Christmas after all.
It’s rarely mentioned but for local council elections you do not even have to be a British citizen to vote. Members of all Commonwealth and European countries get immediate voting rights. Have a look on the back of the local council voting rights leaflets (we get them once a year to confirm who is entitled to vote). Our local council makes them available in many languages.
I wonder if the BBC will cover Jeremy’s speech tonight outside the Finsbury Park Mosque, vigil organised by Stop the War. Don’t forget, hear the Labour leader 6pm tonight.
I wonder if the rabble that turn up will be invited in for tea or coffee and biscuits.
In the unlikely event that they are, will the women be directed to a separate area?
“Stand up to racism and stop the war” – so they are opposing ISIL’s treatment of other than those signed up to the correct branch of the religion of peace, and their way of going about it?
I doubt Farage is expecting the Electoral Commission to do anything, but has decided the time has come to get postal voting fraud talked about in public. Everyone knows it goes on but most are too intimidated to say so out loud. The BBC, in cahoots with Labour and other fraudsters will do its best to shout him down and it’s important they are not allowed to do so.
‘Momentum’ say they will not campaign to get Labour MP’s deselected. I don’t think so, but I hope they are successful and as a fifth column destroy the Labour Party.
I have to admit that I am quite enjoying this infighting aka Militant Tendency in the Labour Party. Labour has never been a party of harmony and cohesion. I think James Callaghan summed them up when he said that ‘leading the Labour Party is impossible’.
Mind you, given we purportedly have an electorate who blindly vote Labour even when they can’t even speak our language as we have witnessed in Oldham, Toer Hamlets and Birmingham recently, forged postal votes, and threaten the electorate to vote for a socialist party, then maybe we might all have, and I emphasise the word ‘have’, to attend a Mosque and rename ourselves Englandistani’s.
>Momentum’ say they will not campaign to get Labour MP’s deselected. I don’t think so, but I hope they are successful and as a fifth column destroy the Labour Party.<
My eyes perked up when I saw this comment, coming as soon as it did to reading the content of this link. What a nasty bunch this lot are! (I agree with your aspiration btw)
“Anti-Islam hate crimes triple in London after Paris attacks”
Only the anonymous author of this BBC article doesn’t know if this is true and neither does the Met.
It may well be true but all we know for sure is that the figures for reported incidents have tripled, and there may well
be a hidden agenda at work in making sure incidents are reported. That’s pure speculation on my part but as I’m
not an internationally renowned brodcaster I can speculate, the BBC however should not be releasing fiction as news.
As a balance how about some anti Hindu,Sikh,Jewish and Christian hate crime figures? No, I thought not.
I have a hunch that if the truth were known it would be the indigenous population that truly felt under threat in this country – and after Paris with some justification!
Oldspeaker. I’m still waiting for the BBc to reply if the muslim woman who is too afraid to go out now as featured 2 weeks ago jackanory was verified by a 3rd party.
BBc breakfast at it’s finest the spear point of the BBc agenda. There are increasing calls for the latest outrage involving a muslim to be called terrorism, as opposed to a work place tiff I assume. Husband and wife (who were?) were in touch with extremists (who are?)
Nigel Farage turns up to the sofa. The sofa sloth goes off on one. Like anyone but labour was going to win in Oldham they could have put up a cup of cold vomit as the candidate and it would have romped home. When Nigel mentions postal vote sofa w***** became even more incandescent before more or less pulling the racist slur. Now a few years ago I stood in a Parish council election against liebour and I was ahead until the postal votes arrived, so from personal experience and other knowledge I’m less impressed by the system.
As an aside, I commented there that postal vote fraud has been apparent for years to anyone who cared to look. Almost immediately, it got 7 down votes to 0 up. It now stands at 45 up, 13 down, 3 hours later. Seems rather strange that in 3 hours more than half the down votes were incurred within seconds of posting.
Don’t forget, BBCMatthewPrice will be doing his live Facebook Q&A on climate change at 1400 GMT. What questions do you have for him? Post them in the comments section below.
Comment early; comment often. I do not think it is/can be modded, but there are a few ‘interesting’ posters who seem to like to not discuss the issues but run interference by discussing other posters. Yes, the chances of this are not about zero.
I believe he is now in Texas having before been in Vanuatu. Where he is, it may be worth asking who he gets from one place to the next.
Just watched the 13:00 BBc news from their reaction you would have thought that Liebour had won the general election, oh no they didn’t did they, not some by-election they were always going to win.
Oh the joy of enrichment, and the warm feeling for the hand wringers knowing we have helped those poor Syrians fleeing from war.
Didn’t take long for the reality to come to the surface did it?
On world at one today (Friday) a lass reporting from the Germany on its decision to support the attacks on ISIL said, and I kid ye not, ‘Germany is traditionally reluctant to take part in overseas conflicts.’
Erm I think she means since the last couple of failures at overseas conflict, doesn’t she?
Also she managed to find a Green MP who said that the reason for the French and Belgian nationals murdering 130 odd folk in Paris was that they came from poor environments. Hmm, well some were from Syria, some were immigrants but becalm citizens. Many Jihadists are very well off (eg those who flew the planes into the Twin towers), and her mindless theory doesn’t explain the murders on every continent in the world by Muslim nutters.
Fortunately the reporter didn’t interrupt the Green starry eyed politician to point out her naivety.
But why broadcast such nonsense? The vote in the Bundestag was overwhelmingly in favour of supporting the allies so there were plenty of grown ups she could have interviewed.
14 Americans were shot dead and another 17 injured at a Christmas party in San Bernadino.
but don t erm “racially profile” eh!
“Middle Eastern men” bringing strange contraptions in and out at all hours of the night?
… What are you, Islamophobic?
Who’s to say it’s not the local distributor for Ahmed the Clock Boy’s amusing new Allahrm Clock?
If you see a man of Middle Eastern appearance bearing a ticking object, say something … and get sued for 15 million bucks?.
Which is why the most lavishly funded government and media on the planet are seriously debating whether
“climate change” leads to “workplace violence”.
Because what else can you say?
“California man Syed Farook” had a government job with great benefits. His wife was a pharmacist. These is secure, well remunerated middle-class employment … But in the end they preferred killing people.
As I wearily say every time, all the stories are different, and yet they’re all the same. Mr Farook turns out, like almost every other “lone wolf”, to be a known wolf.”
I thought this story has been doing the rounds for a couple of years and has been outed as a hoax before?
It’s interesting to read the comments from the brainwashed Mail readers though “Islam is a religion of peace”, “I’m appalled to see such religious intolerance” [from Angola, not Muslims].
How little we all know about Islam!
Thanks BBC and our fine educashun sistem for helping us understand so much about the true Islam.
Blasting out bagpipe music which has been used for the past six weeks between midnight and 06:00.
To deter the homeless and rough sleeping, which could cause waiting passengers to feel intimidated?
BBC reports … but yesterday on 5dead it was all titters as they held a competition for “appropriate” LOL tunes
to drive the destitute and homeless away?
hmmm … now do we have one to drive the illegal economic immigrants away? 5Dead?
no, why ever not BBC?.
…. sheesh! … thought there was only one Tory HQ
Scoured the lunchtime news on all channels after the closure of one major part of Scottish infrastructure, The Forth Road Bridge, for a month.
You would think for an incident of this magnitude either Krankie or The Fat Controller would have had their face on screen blaming it all on austerity and Tory cuts.
But no.
So we have a 23 hour stand off in Bristol, with armed police surrounding a building, two ambulances and fire engines also in attendance, all services refuse to divulge any information , roads closed…
Go to the BBC Bristol News website for the latest, nothing, nach, just at the very bottom a small link to the story in the Bath local paper? Although they are pleased to tell us that the headbutting transgender ‘person’ who was moved to a womans prison has now left, that’s news?
Arise Sir Ainsley-for services to holiday camp shops for that bloody awful Thai soup noodle thing with Lenny Henrys mug on it
Lord Hugh Scanlon, Sir Alex, Sir Mick and Sir Bob…and now Sir Leonard-what IS it with these radical liberal lefties who keel over and raise their tushes when the Queen walks by with her wand of wonder?
Truly rad-NOT!
The BBC really are pathetic! We knew all along what was behind these disgusting Islamic fascist attacks. And it wasn’t ‘white’ people with a ‘workplace grudge’!
Wasn’t that the dodgy letter writing campaign by Guardian readers to influence the US elections?
Didn’t it backfire spectacularly?…Who organised that I wonder?
Step forward BBC General Director’s son, public school boy, Oxford educated, Ex-editor of the Guardian and now Labour Party Communication director…drum role please…Seumas Milne!
“Step forward BBC General Director’s son, public school boy, Oxford educated, Ex-editor of the Guardian and now Labour Party Communication director…drum role please…Seumas Milne!”
The Left likes to pitch itself as being anti-establishment. Is there any better example of today’s real establishment than this specimen ?
Jim McMahon make the, aherm, “organised postal vote” (wherever did the beeb mean by this?) in a safe seat but the clowns in Oldham voted for faux-cialist Meecher for decades when he was clearly a self serving hypocrite with a dozen buy-to-rents and a second home in the Cotswolds with his own built tennis court. Why would they change?
The battle is in the marginals not safe seats…clearly.
The British public wouldn’t vote for Ed and Ed (who now seem a safe pair of hands…strange isn’t it?). So Corby and his band of 70’s Sparts? Naaaaahhh. This win is a great shovel to help them keep on digging. Let them enjoy their time in the sun. Their elected MP was a Liz Kendall supporter anyway.
If you agree with me or not. Take a look at the French election prediction on the 6th and the 13th from the FT.
The BBC will hate it! You might just love that pie chart…
Corbyn will stay on to see the end of Labour .The win at Oldhamistan finished off Hilarity Benn’s short lived hopes of becoming leader, but Labour is finished. No white working class base and soon the muslims will have their own party. Its goodbye Labour.
The fat lady has sung, even though she has not appeared on the BBC
Its a point I’ve made else where – Labour activists are cock-a-hoop with their ‘landslide victory’ and are even boastful of their moslem block vote – But its not so long ago , at Tower Hamlets, that it bit them in the arse.
How long before the rest of their imported voter stock decide they need Labour less than Labour needs them?
‘This (Oldham) was a surprise result for Labour, but an unexpectedly good one ……….UKIP blames the postal vote and the number of Asian voters who use it. But that’s the system the party is up against’.
Thanks for that Arif. Glad to hear that the BBC’s North West Political Editor (himself of South Asian ethnicity) is pleased with the result and has no problems with “the system”.
Lovely accompanying photo of McMahon surrounded by ‘jubilant supporters’ (fellow Labour Councillors).
Out of the 16 members and deputies of McMahon’s council cabinet, ten are white and six are of South Asian ethnicity. Not a Black, Chinese, Inuit or transgender Romanian amongst the lot of them. Disgraceful. Perhaps David Lammy could write a stiff letter of complaint.
Whilst on Northern subjects, it seems this article has “accidentally” passed the good burghers at AlBeeb by. Maybe they were too busy celebrating the unexpected, rigged result in Oldham to pay much attention to what was happening in a neighbouring city.
Whilst on Northern subjects, it seems this article has “accidentally” passed the good burghers at AlBeeb by. Maybe they were too busy celebrating the unexpected, “totally fair”, result in Oldham to pay much attention to what was happening in a neighbouring city.
They are really going through the book aren’t they. Kiddie fiddling. Financial irregularities. Slum landlords. Postal fraud. Tax avoidance. Honor killing. Genital mutilation. Car insurance scams. Child beating. No go area intolerance. High prison population. Support for terrorism. Wife bashing. Living off benefits. Gay hatred. Antisemitic. Wives treated like property. Racist. Low IQ. Inhumane treatment of animals. Refusal to integrate. Always complaining they are the victim. Finger wagging intolerance. Attacking or killing apostates. Bombers. Turning their own countries into hell holes.
Yet the “real” problem, according to Beeboids and their ilk, is the likelihood of a “backlash” from the native English population, against what they clearly see as acceptable behaviour and something which all right-thinking people should welcome into our country.
“Does anyone remember laughter?”
In the live version of Stairway To Heaven( from “The Song Remains The Same” film 1976)-Robert Plant asked us all this question?
Funnily enough-the same year as Les Dawson appeared on “The Good Old Days”-just seem a rerun of this on BBC4 a few minutes ago.
Just seen this genius in action-and thanks to Les .Leonard and the like who gave us this wondrous parody of a bygone era-I can now remember when the BBC DID give us laughter.
Another age-Plant an unlikely prophet of the death of the BBCs efforts to make a nation laugh.
We`ll never see his like again-nor will we see the BBC ever try to make us all laugh again-as opposed to their demographic of chums and liberal readers in the market for grave robbing Thatchers family for signs of her “evil”.
I heard Farage interviewed on Toady and by Jezza Vine on his show; I thought he got his point across well (despite the short time he had to do so, particularly on Whine’s show) and I especially liked the way he quoted from an article in The Grauniad, re the Pakistani immigrants in Oldham, who can’t speak a word of English yet get to vote in Parliamentary elections.
On a related point – this country’s completely f***ed!
Why doesn’t Essexc***’s mate do something about it? Oh, I remember now, he won’t: because he’s a spineless tw@t who tells us that it will make our country safer to waste billions of pounds in (another) open-ended, counter-Isamic, Middle Eastern war; rather than deal with the (ever increasing) imported and “home grown” anti-British, Muslim rubbish already here, within our own bloody back garden. FFS!
No need for insults, Al Shitill , he is hardly going to order the RAF to bomb Bradford & the North West . can`t really deport them, if they were born here , human rites lawyers would have a field day .
No Essextw@t, I don’t expect him “to bomb Bradford & the North West”; I do, however, expect the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to defend to his utmost; the indigenous subjects of this nation, which he is privileged to lead, from those resident immigrants and their descendants, who would harm them and their country.
What kind of leader is cowed in the defence of their country by Human Rights lawyers? Change the f***ing law then! So what if they were born here? Do you think if we expelled such people from our country, that it would encourage or discourage anti-British elements amongst Muslims resident here?
No matter how much they hate us (and they do really hate us) they love our benefits, a la Anjem with his “Jihad Fund” supported by the social security he receives. I notice how the most vocal Muslim parasites like him, never go anywhere near the Islamic State even though they call incessantly for a world wide Caliphate.
They should all be got rid of out of the country; especially the British scum who’ve converted to Islam, due to the heightened terrorist threat they pose to the rest of us; there are plenty of Muslim countries for them to choose to go to.
But, of course, Camerloon won’t – he hasn’t the guts. He causes this country to potentially become enmeshed in another war, but this time possibly concluding in conflict with the Russians.
Well done Camerturd! Great stuff!
Is not fraudulent postal voting a criminal offence?
If so, any one in England and Wales can contact the Greater Manchester Police and report a suspected allegation of this offence. It would then have to be investigated. You don’t have to be a direct victim of an alleged offence to report a suspected crime.
Many crimes reported to the police are based upon suspicion of a criminal offence being committed.
The police response may well be that there is no evidence. But you can disagree and refer their ‘lack of investigation’ to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).
For a start, a random sample of postal voters should be spoken to by the police. If they don’t exist, this would indicate postal fraud. Further samples should then be taken. And so on.
Perhaps the majority of peoples who live in England need to adopt and use these new style voting tactics? The BBC appears unconcerned about fraudulent postal voting and has spent years celebrating the remarkable ‘tolerance’ of the English people. Perhaps those with a long history of living in England should celebrate their extraordinary reputation for tolerance by adopting the Biradri/ Baradri ‘brotherhood’ style of voting gifted to them by people from other cultures who have chosen to live in England.
Vigil at the Finsbury Park Mosque attended by Corbyn briefly covered in BBC London and Standard. Someone tried to light a fire there, and the luvvies and lefties are out in solidarity.
Although the arson attack must have been due to climate change this was not mentioned.
“Someone tried to light a fire there” … what?, inside job again?, Insurance fraud?
“hold the presses” eh!
Sharia UK: Another Islamic child rape gang …… member says 13-year-old victim seduced him
“1st defendant to give evidence in the trial of 13 Asian males accused of raping a vulnerable underage schoolgirl told the jury she was a willing partner in their sexual encounters.”
The news showed a can “supposedly” containing petrol. that bloody Mosque could withstand a fucking Panzer division attack. (sorry for swearing but I wish they would all fuck right off).
Just how useless and incompetent is the European Parliament? They have been talking about this crisis for at least 2 years now and still have done nothing about it?
The fences are going up and Europe has been invaded. Merkel has invited more and more so called ‘asylum seekers’ in and now can’t cope. Our ‘so called ‘Prime Minister ‘ is going back on his election promise on curbing migration. He still wants Britain to remain in the EU!
Time to Vote UKIP and get the hell out, before its to late.
And fresh from the BBC News Facebook page:
“Why are the Duchess of Cambridge’s neighbours complaining?”
Haven’t got a clue and couldn’t give a toss.
Perhaps the BBC could provide British licence payers with an explanation as to why they expect them to fund this garbage for the purpose of enabling ‘Tavy Tess, Dsanka Zdvaijevi Jocic, Marjer Silva Coesil and 631 others’ to idly click a ‘like’ button.
Towards the end of tonight’s PM on Radio 4 Eddie Mair announced that there would be no “Previously on PM” because they were going to delight us with a full length interview of great importance. It began with Mair reciting this litany:
Planes crash God laughs
God sent the shooter
Pray for more dead soldiers
God hates fages
God hates Jews
Thank God for breast cancer
Thank God for 9/11
He continued with “Those slogans have all been used by the Westboro Baptist Church”
It continued with an interview with the granddaughter of Fred Phelps (founder) who left the church three years ago. I have no idea what she said as I switched off. I am sure it was a pure coincidence that they suddenly discovered this pre-recorded interview on the day after the Jihadi attack in San Bernadino. A cynic?Moi?
Oh enough already!
Just saw Jon Sopel wandering around the house that those two Muslim murderers vacated before killing 14 “co-workers” in San Bernardino.
We see the usual prayerathon from a local stadium, candles and doe-eyed sad headscarves…we see a manly tear and a cardboard signs we see so often that the BBC must have laminated it and brought it to every bloody “guncrime” site in Europe. It says “why?”…as if the Koran in shot later gives no answers.
The sign though never makes it to abortion clinics when they are shot up though-because then we all KNOW what causes that…white Christian postal workers or Breivik type fascists who read the Mail.
Out come the lawyers-Hispanic?…Muslim?…who knows-but everybody`s shocked I tellsya…who`d have known? CAIR nearby and the Nation Of Islam doubtless too.
Well-don`t need to go too deep online before we all KNOW that this “woman” is named after a Caliphate king in Andalus or such…that there are no photos of her, or evidence of her true identity-the nom de guerre she`s using is Islamic “come on” for the next nuttaz.
Met in Pakistan?…married in Saudi?..or was it vice versa?
But the local Muslim imam tells us that their act is as akin to Islam as Colorado`s was to Christianity…no further questions then, that satisfies me.
And the FBI/local police all talk the Guardian line…”well pretend we didn`t hear that Abdul”..and “we`re wearing shinpads now, so don`t kick us please will ya?”
And Islam gets another victory as we weep over the lost teddies and sad flowers that 14 lives now bring-few less than 130, but no Jim Morrison posters either…and no !Imagine”
AND the Bombadier cafe opened today in Paris again…TAKE THAT Daesh!
(For we can all call them that again, Cameron has stepped up the rhetoric)…Grrr!
Think the likes of Delingpole, Murray nd Steyn have all given us the “six stages of denial ” that Islam brings out of the elite…all ending with “no backlash please, let them try again”…it gets better filmwise.
Al Zarqawis six stages of Caliphate enslavement would appear to be better grounded in fact and precedent-and the craven self abasement whenever Islam places our friends head on our rotten wasted bodies, is included.
Breaking Bad forver-concocting any lies, cocktails or tinctures in the hope we`ll give up and let Islam win…because the BBC get even better stories if they do…and , were I a Muslimmonsta I`d see San Bernardino as a white flag with a post menstrual blob on it for those dishy jihad sharks to slaver over…as if knickers in a childrens home basket fails to inspire.
Where`s Tommy Robinson-and will he stand for Oldham next time FFS?
I wonder if she lived in fear of a sidelong glance on the bus before she slaughtered folk in yet another pre-emptive response from the global lone wolf collective?
Guess we’ll never know, unless the BBC decide to create a back story to understand her motivations, as they do seem often keen to devote much effort to.
“The BBC should stop referring to Islamic State killers as militants, and call them the terrorists they are, say MPs.
The broadcaster has an effective ban on the word terrorist, arguing that its impartiality could be thrown into doubt.”
How about, an effective ban on the words Islamic state, by f-cking Camoron, eh! and the rest of the Westminster clueless, arguing that its denial of reality could be thrown into doubt.
Rumeana Jahangir, BBC News, Manchester, has been employed by the BBC to broadcast the following important message to the mix of white, poorly educated, elderly, backward looking chavs and plebs (aka all those with English ethnicity) that the BBC has decided must be specifically targeted to receive important Beeboid messages:
Thanks Jumeana. We’ve had quite a while to get used to the messages. We’re just left wondering what sort of place you, the BBC, and the rest of those who now control England’s media, land, politics etc want to create. Feel free to share your vision.
Though I do note the longer than usual headline that actually offers all one needs to not bother reading further.
Usually it would be ‘UKIP’s claims of election fraud dismissed’ and a long time before the para in the copy before one finds it’s just a self-serving bit of PR faithfully trotted out by the BBC sisterhood that is not news (c) An Actual Reporter.
George Moonbat turned up spouting climate garbage on “any questions” with ad homs on Piers Corbyn, “the very poor weatherman” to boot
This “Astrophysicist and meteorologist, Piers Corbyn, has a prediction success rate of roughly 85%…better than any of the “man made” climate change activists and proponents in the field of climate science” Piers Corbyn, George?
Sadly we are exporting our jobs to the Far East.
Piers Corbyn , “they closed the British Steel industry to reduce CO2 in Britain and its regrown in India to make more CO2”. Lets get out of the EU and its absurdity.
So you watch the so called BBC newsroom in the background in the so called Breakfast interviews. They all appear to be on the so called internet . So let me get this right they are seeing the real news out there and then taking out the bits that don’t fit their agenda and then reporting that as news on the T.V ? All from the so called pre-eminent news gatherer on the planet. Still Charlie,s hair looks nice again bet his missus can’t get in the bathroom at home. Nice to see Ainsley Harriott knighted for services to Lenny Henry . I liked Lenworth in the black and white minstrel show
I had a good chuckle this morning a Micheal Deacon’s piss take of Stephen Fry, one of AlBeeb’s (and supposedly ours’) national treasures on how to deal with Daesh.
“It was, as it so often is, Stephen Fry who had the answer.
“There’s only one rule in conflict,” he told his 11.7million followers on Twitter this week, as the Commons vote on air strikes loomed. “Do what your enemy LEAST wants you to do. And here we are stumbling towards what they MOST want us to do.”
I must confess, I tend to shy away from debates about how we should tackle Isil. They make me feel so naive and ill-informed. Because no matter where the debate takes place – the pub, a dinner party, social media – it will be dominated by people who feel able to pronounce, with impressive authority, on What the Terrorists Really Want.
Should we bomb them? “Ah, but that’s exactly what the terrorists want us to do,” one such expert will inform me. “It would give them a tremendous propaganda victory. See how Britain hates Muslims!”
Should we then refrain from bombing them? “Ah, but that’s exactly what the terrorists want us to do,” another such expert will inform me. “It would give them a tremendous propaganda victory. See how weak Britain is!”
Whichever answer they give me, I always listen in humbled admiration. What extraordinary contacts these experts must have, to be able to declare with certainty what the Isil leadership privately thinks about British foreign policy. Too embarrassed to confess that I have never befriended even a junior member of the Isil hierarchy, I keep my mouth bashfully shut.
These people, it’s clear, are dauntingly well-connected. And no one, of course, is more dauntingly well-connected than Stephen Fry. When the celebrated raconteur and television personality holds forth on what the terrorists MOST want Her Majesty’s Government to do, there is no reason to believe that he is speaking from anything other than impeccable first-hand information. Among his friends Mr Fry numbers pre-eminent figures from every sphere, even royalty; so it should hardly come as a surprise to learn that he is also in the confidence of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of 2015’s most talked-about death cult.
How Mr Fry first made the acquaintance of Mr al-Baghdadi, I have been unable to ascertain; possibly the two were introduced at one of London’s exclusive private members’ clubs, or at a Bafta awards ceremony.
Evidently, however, their friendship has deepened to a sufficient degree that Mr al-Baghdadi had no hesitation in confiding to Mr Fry what he most wanted Britain to do. Namely, to drop bombs on his terrorist organisation and its main sources of income.
Since, as those in the know have made clear, both bombing Isil and not bombing Isil are complete non-starters, we are in desperate need of some other way to uphold our national security. Could Mr Fry be persuaded to call in a favour from his friend, by asking him ever so politely not to murder us?
Phew, and here was me worried Botney was being scapegoated.
Clearly not news to BBC Editors of Integrity, but maybe Diane or Sir Lenny could be teased out the Green rooms to opine on old white guys heading each other such largesse?
The FBI call it terrorism – we couldn’t possibly comment. We knew Fiona Bruce’s accountant had been had up – now I read in a newspaper he’s been sent down for a long stretch. BBC News at 10, despite one of Attenborough’s more scary efforts being advertised wall to wall, I sense Fiona the tiger’s claws retract- grrrr!
Nature shows? Rigsby once lamented he’d not been close to nature since last Christmas – now that was the 1970s and that statement – like a fart in an elevator, was wrong on so many levels. You used to tune in and see these two caterpillars on a leaf – next minute don’t look kids they’re getting it on. Now it’s caution : Global Warming, right from the start.
Storm Desmond has turned what used to be the reassuringly measured and calm warm beer and spinsters cycling to church weather forcast into a howling blue-lighted alert warning.
Was that Sopel over there at the scene of the Alamo last night? Like our 5th November, I forget. Oh the humanity, one Allah’s kids is now an orphan – where do I send my donations?
moggiemooFeb 1, 12:31 Weekend 1st February 2025 I’d be interested to know what their approach will be when the only thing preventing them from being beheaded in…
StewGreenFeb 1, 12:30 Weekend 1st February 2025 I happened to search Twitter for Tweets with more than 500 Likes That old tweet was 6 tweets down when…
StewGreenFeb 1, 12:21 Weekend 1st February 2025 Diversity = CONFORMITY In Britain we have diverse media but so often and especially on on-the-hour news we get conformity…
DocmaroonedFeb 1, 12:18 Weekend 1st February 2025 Trump called all this woke DEI correctly. You are banned from driving a car if you have epilepsy. I certainly…
JohnCFeb 1, 11:56 Weekend 1st February 2025 At the BBC, the social engineering agenda is far more important than young girls getting gang-raped or 14-year old boys…
StewGreenFeb 1, 11:54 Weekend 1st February 2025 “Trump says nothing, no leadership from Trump” would run the headlines cos they attack him either way if he says…
StewGreenFeb 1, 11:51 Weekend 1st February 2025 @Eddy i can imagine legitimate reasons for withholding the names of military personnel. eg if the US military is unpopular…
atlas_shruggedFeb 1, 11:31 Weekend 1st February 2025 The little khant should watch this video if he still believes the ‘safe and effective’ bollocks:
JohnCFeb 1, 11:22 Weekend 1st February 2025 The truth will out eventually popeye. Then we will know if it’s more leftist racism protecting BAME or not.
JohnCFeb 1, 11:20 Weekend 1st February 2025 They only care about one thing at the BBC digg : that nobody can prove that what they write is…
The current postal vote system is inevitably going to encourage fraud when here is ethnic block voting, lack of command of English and a culture of corruption imported from South Asia. Yet my guess is that this government will do nothing about it. This is despite the report of the Electoral Commissioner into the corrupt voting in Tower Hamlets.
I heard Nigel trying to get his point across concerning the postal vote, and he was made to appear like a disgruntled loser.
But postal fraud in Oldham was predicted; the media ignored it and the Government did bugger all about it.
See Manchester Evening News Jan 2014
“Coun Jim McMahon, leader of Oldham council, said: “If a member has been elected through fraud they hold no democratic legitimacy.”
Surely as night follows day, the BBC can be relied upon to ramp up its Islamophobia narrative at any given opportunity, but most particularly after hybrid-workplace incidents
“We’ve had people coming forward and telling us about being avoided in the shopping mall, people refusing to sit next to them on the bus.”
“Then you’ve got the physical aspect with coats and scarves being yanked… In terms of fear it’s increased since Paris”
Any chance of a similar story on the BBC of those of another religion with its “home” in the Holy Land?
So how do I report the veiled women who protest on the bus when I try to sit on the only available seat next to them? I’ve had a few get up and stand rather than sit next to a man!!
All the more reason to hold your nose and sit next to them. With a copy of “Busty Babes” under your arm.
If ‘she’ leans over to cop a better look, don’t worry about accusations by moving seat… get off the bus, pronto.
The BBC’s incitement value to the 5th column by acting as ensured PR for grievance-airing is without peer.
People slaughtered around the globe but someone from the cubicle gardens not getting a hug in the street is now a reportable crime.
Someone should do a cartoon based on one of those angry with their lot standing in market with a Semtex waistcoat, screaming ‘Islamaphobes!’ at anyone insensitive enough to leg it.
Not many have come forward to tell anyone about being shot in the back of the head, torched, lobbed off buildings, shredded in Boston streets, hacked in Woolwich, vapourised on London tubes or busses and Thai temples, AK’d on Tunisian beaches, Nairobi Malls, Parisian offices and clubs… because they are either dead, or still in hospital.
Stick that in your pipe bomb, BBC.
It seemed to me that – per the
interviewfriendly conversation between Watson and Humphrys on Today this morning – the BBC and Labour are a bit embarrassed that the apparent fiddling of the Oldham election is rather too . . er . . apparent. Of course, the usual suspects in this kind of exercise can only model their activities on their decades of experience elsewhere. What they don’t realise is that, in the UK, we tend to be a bit more subtle. Accordingly, obvious and egregious but occasional corruption (eg vote rigging in areas of subcontinental settlement) is often exposed but corrosive long-term corruption (eg the supposedly “impartial” BBC, the endemic fraud of the climate change industry etc) is protected by the very institutions which are supposed to expose it.34 likes
The BBC is unlikely to be flexed by vote rigging in Oldham. After all, the ‘right’ party won.
It isn’t hard to imagine the scenes down at the ant farm had the result been different and particularly if there had been even the slightest hint of voting fraud behind a UKIP win!
On the issue above of voting and postal votes and corruption thereof. It is of course endemic and widely recognised but I cannot for the life of me understand why the Tories don’t get on top of it. It appears that Turkeys do sometimes vote for Christmas after all.
It’s rarely mentioned but for local council elections you do not even have to be a British citizen to vote. Members of all Commonwealth and European countries get immediate voting rights. Have a look on the back of the local council voting rights leaflets (we get them once a year to confirm who is entitled to vote). Our local council makes them available in many languages.
Sluff, The Tories have been totally gutless since Maggie was PM.
I wonder if the BBC will cover Jeremy’s speech tonight outside the Finsbury Park Mosque, vigil organised by Stop the War. Don’t forget, hear the Labour leader 6pm tonight.
I wonder if the rabble that turn up will be invited in for tea or coffee and biscuits.
In the unlikely event that they are, will the women be directed to a separate area?
“Stand up to racism and stop the war” – so they are opposing ISIL’s treatment of other than those signed up to the correct branch of the religion of peace, and their way of going about it?
I might attend yet!
The women will probably be corralled around the corner out of sight !
That’s the Left at its very finest – pouring petrol on the fire by stoking Muslims’ completely unjustified sense of victimhood.
They’re no different from when they were the USSR’s allies and active fifth column. Traitors, the lot of them.
Meet beforehand at 5.30 for canapes and a cheeky prosecco. Di and Jezza’s place.
Food for thought.
does any one know what percentage or absolute number of votes were postal?
I’ve been trying to get a figure on that but so far no joy
Nigel is asking the Electoral Commission to investigate. I assume the Tories, Lib Dems and any other parties will do the same. LOL !
Does anyone trust the Electoral Commission? I certainly don’t, the abuse has gone on for years without a flutter.
GCooper, I am clutching at straws. Democracy in the UK is truly dead. RIP
I fear you are right.
I doubt Farage is expecting the Electoral Commission to do anything, but has decided the time has come to get postal voting fraud talked about in public. Everyone knows it goes on but most are too intimidated to say so out loud. The BBC, in cahoots with Labour and other fraudsters will do its best to shout him down and it’s important they are not allowed to do so.
I listened to that James O’Brien on LBC this morning on this subject. He is not good for my blood pressure, it came to the boil on several occasions.
He really despises Nigel Farage and it shows. He can’t even bring himself to pronounce the name correctly. Tosser.
First rule of public broadcasting I’d suggest is to never let your prejudices show.
The Daily Politics is having a ‘debate’ about bombing Syria. I just caught the end of it.
One of the guests is from the Morning Star.
That’s how low the BBC have sunk. Scraping the barrel for ‘Dave Spart’ activists.
One imagines Diane and the rest were still busy on every other BBC Channel
‘Momentum’ say they will not campaign to get Labour MP’s deselected. I don’t think so, but I hope they are successful and as a fifth column destroy the Labour Party.
I have to admit that I am quite enjoying this infighting aka Militant Tendency in the Labour Party. Labour has never been a party of harmony and cohesion. I think James Callaghan summed them up when he said that ‘leading the Labour Party is impossible’.
Mind you, given we purportedly have an electorate who blindly vote Labour even when they can’t even speak our language as we have witnessed in Oldham, Toer Hamlets and Birmingham recently, forged postal votes, and threaten the electorate to vote for a socialist party, then maybe we might all have, and I emphasise the word ‘have’, to attend a Mosque and rename ourselves Englandistani’s.
>Momentum’ say they will not campaign to get Labour MP’s deselected. I don’t think so, but I hope they are successful and as a fifth column destroy the Labour Party.<
My eyes perked up when I saw this comment, coming as soon as it did to reading the content of this link. What a nasty bunch this lot are! (I agree with your aspiration btw)
“Anti-Islam hate crimes triple in London after Paris attacks”
Only the anonymous author of this BBC article doesn’t know if this is true and neither does the Met.
It may well be true but all we know for sure is that the figures for reported incidents have tripled, and there may well
be a hidden agenda at work in making sure incidents are reported. That’s pure speculation on my part but as I’m
not an internationally renowned brodcaster I can speculate, the BBC however should not be releasing fiction as news.
As a balance how about some anti Hindu,Sikh,Jewish and Christian hate crime figures? No, I thought not.
I have a hunch that if the truth were known it would be the indigenous population that truly felt under threat in this country – and after Paris with some justification!
Oldspeaker. I’m still waiting for the BBc to reply if the muslim woman who is too afraid to go out now as featured 2 weeks ago jackanory was verified by a 3rd party.
BBc breakfast at it’s finest the spear point of the BBc agenda. There are increasing calls for the latest outrage involving a muslim to be called terrorism, as opposed to a work place tiff I assume. Husband and wife (who were?) were in touch with extremists (who are?)
Nigel Farage turns up to the sofa. The sofa sloth goes off on one. Like anyone but labour was going to win in Oldham they could have put up a cup of cold vomit as the candidate and it would have romped home. When Nigel mentions postal vote sofa w***** became even more incandescent before more or less pulling the racist slur. Now a few years ago I stood in a Parish council election against liebour and I was ahead until the postal votes arrived, so from personal experience and other knowledge I’m less impressed by the system.
Did anyone notice that Denmark two days ago voted in a referendum against EU cross border ruling?
Little steps, the EU is crumbling before our very eyes.
Just in case you can’t find it anymore, here’s the HYS from this morning that Al Beeb hid away because it wasn’t going their way:
As an aside, I commented there that postal vote fraud has been apparent for years to anyone who cared to look. Almost immediately, it got 7 down votes to 0 up. It now stands at 45 up, 13 down, 3 hours later. Seems rather strange that in 3 hours more than half the down votes were incurred within seconds of posting.
I don’t think you’d have to be Knacker of the Yard to suspect an inside job.
BBC News
December 4 at 12:36pm
Don’t forget, BBCMatthewPrice will be doing his live Facebook Q&A on climate change at 1400 GMT. What questions do you have for him? Post them in the comments section below.
Comment early; comment often. I do not think it is/can be modded, but there are a few ‘interesting’ posters who seem to like to not discuss the issues but run interference by discussing other posters. Yes, the chances of this are not about zero.
I believe he is now in Texas having before been in Vanuatu. Where he is, it may be worth asking who he gets from one place to the next.
Just had a BBC Breaking email:
Cult leader guilty of sex assaults
Man, 75, who ran communist cult in London, guilty of sex assaults, cruelty to a child and false imprisonment
For more details, see the BBC News website
It leads here:
Communist cult leader Aravindan Balakrishnan guilty of sex assaults
Guessing there wasn’t space ((c) A. BBC Editor of Integrity) for the second headline and a few key details in the one linking to it?
Didn’t know those Communist ‘men’ went sarfff of the river.
‘Didn’t know those Communist ‘men’ went sarfff of the river’
More Westward Ho [can one still use this? Ed] to get a short term San Bernardino woman bride?
“75yo Red Culty ITMA WTLM desperate young loon WAVT marriage & fireworks (not necessarily in bed)”
Just watched the 13:00 BBc news from their reaction you would have thought that Liebour had won the general election, oh no they didn’t did they, not some by-election they were always going to win.
Oh the joy of enrichment, and the warm feeling for the hand wringers knowing we have helped those poor Syrians fleeing from war.
Didn’t take long for the reality to come to the surface did it?
Kurdish Iraqi Hassan Jahangeer was linked to a haul of 277,660 cigarettes and 61kg of rolling tobacco, evading duty amounting to £76,841
On world at one today (Friday) a lass reporting from the Germany on its decision to support the attacks on ISIL said, and I kid ye not, ‘Germany is traditionally reluctant to take part in overseas conflicts.’
Erm I think she means since the last couple of failures at overseas conflict, doesn’t she?
Also she managed to find a Green MP who said that the reason for the French and Belgian nationals murdering 130 odd folk in Paris was that they came from poor environments. Hmm, well some were from Syria, some were immigrants but becalm citizens. Many Jihadists are very well off (eg those who flew the planes into the Twin towers), and her mindless theory doesn’t explain the murders on every continent in the world by Muslim nutters.
Fortunately the reporter didn’t interrupt the Green starry eyed politician to point out her naivety.
But why broadcast such nonsense? The vote in the Bundestag was overwhelmingly in favour of supporting the allies so there were plenty of grown ups she could have interviewed.
Does she mean poverty stricken Jihadists like Osama Bin Laden?
14 Americans were shot dead and another 17 injured at a Christmas party in San Bernadino.
but don t erm “racially profile” eh!
“Middle Eastern men” bringing strange contraptions in and out at all hours of the night?
… What are you, Islamophobic?
Who’s to say it’s not the local distributor for Ahmed the Clock Boy’s amusing new Allahrm Clock?
If you see a man of Middle Eastern appearance bearing a ticking object, say something … and get sued for 15 million bucks?.
Which is why the most lavishly funded government and media on the planet are seriously debating whether
“climate change” leads to “workplace violence”.
Because what else can you say?
“California man Syed Farook” had a government job with great benefits. His wife was a pharmacist. These is secure, well remunerated middle-class employment … But in the end they preferred killing people.
As I wearily say every time, all the stories are different, and yet they’re all the same. Mr Farook turns out, like almost every other “lone wolf”, to be a known wolf.”
Wonder how things pan out here in the years to come.
I thought this story has been doing the rounds for a couple of years and has been outed as a hoax before?
It’s interesting to read the comments from the brainwashed Mail readers though “Islam is a religion of peace”, “I’m appalled to see such religious intolerance” [from Angola, not Muslims].
How little we all know about Islam!
Thanks BBC and our fine educashun sistem for helping us understand so much about the true Islam.
Blasting out bagpipe music which has been used for the past six weeks between midnight and 06:00.
To deter the homeless and rough sleeping, which could cause waiting passengers to feel intimidated?
BBC reports … but yesterday on 5dead it was all titters as they held a competition for “appropriate” LOL tunes
to drive the destitute and homeless away?
hmmm … now do we have one to drive the illegal economic immigrants away? 5Dead?
no, why ever not BBC?.
…. sheesh! … thought there was only one Tory HQ
Scoured the lunchtime news on all channels after the closure of one major part of Scottish infrastructure, The Forth Road Bridge, for a month.
You would think for an incident of this magnitude either Krankie or The Fat Controller would have had their face on screen blaming it all on austerity and Tory cuts.
But no.
So we have a 23 hour stand off in Bristol, with armed police surrounding a building, two ambulances and fire engines also in attendance, all services refuse to divulge any information , roads closed…
Go to the BBC Bristol News website for the latest, nothing, nach, just at the very bottom a small link to the story in the Bath local paper? Although they are pleased to tell us that the headbutting transgender ‘person’ who was moved to a womans prison has now left, that’s news?
‘Go to the BBC Bristol News website for the latest, nothing’
No time, or space, likely ((c) I. An. Katz)
However, for all the news that’s BBC to print…
Queen Latifah, Mary J Blige, Ne-Yo, Common… in some pretty crazy costumes.
Like… crazee, daddy-o! It’s a yoof channel, see. Mental.
‘The phony screenshot was a virtual replica of a BBC headline that appeared following the murder of two Israelis’
“Envy of the World, Ma!”
Or should that be… “Envie du monde entier, Maman”?
Love to hear explanations on Dateline London from Gav and the guys for this one.
Quentin Letts R4 prog that had a go at the Met Office breached broadcasting rules !
Views ‘not balanced’ – that is a bit rich coming from BBBC.
Zere vill be no criticism. I wonder if Quentin will join Lord Lawson on the naughty step ?
‘Quentin Letts R4 prog that had a go at the Met Office breached broadcasting rules…’
So much for free speech. This simply confirms the suspicion that the BBC will bend over backwards so as not to offend lefties.
By the way, considering every time I see a photo of Alan Yentob he is on a trendy bicycle, how come he charges the BBC so much in taxi fares?
There was really no doubt this was going to be a Fraser Steele fast-track special.
Best part is, on the stats it puts one in the ‘granted’ column of the complaints vs. the 3,000 they decide they got about right.
A tonic for the troops!
A joy to see ITV and BBC slobbering over “the blacks all look the same” meme!
More BBC-more!
Arise Sir Ainsley-for services to holiday camp shops for that bloody awful Thai soup noodle thing with Lenny Henrys mug on it
Lord Hugh Scanlon, Sir Alex, Sir Mick and Sir Bob…and now Sir Leonard-what IS it with these radical liberal lefties who keel over and raise their tushes when the Queen walks by with her wand of wonder?
Truly rad-NOT!
It took the BBC long enough to admit the true nature of the ‘white gunmen’ in California:
The BBC really are pathetic! We knew all along what was behind these disgusting Islamic fascist attacks. And it wasn’t ‘white’ people with a ‘workplace grudge’!
Someone in BBC breaking News email dept. on the naughty step…
California shooter ‘supported IS’
San Bernardino woman shooter posted online message of support for leader of Islamic State group, US media report
Seems there are either ‘women’ shooting California or someone from San Bernadino shooting women.
Nothing to do with *****ic State then, dash it.
The multiple-way between Barack, Hilary, Dave, Theresa, Angela & Francois will be fascinating when they decide to issue a statement.
And this is what they have opted to run with on FaceBook…
BBC News was live
How should America respond to #SanBernardino? The mass shooting has reignited the debates on gun control and terrorism in the United States.
Not too sure those debates had really subsided, BBC.
Oh, and a US chum has gone a bit Operation Clarke County* and asked me to tell you can go with on how America ‘should’ respond.
*It actually involved close female relatives and beyond Oedipal actions, so I cleaned it up.
“Operation Clark County?”
Wasn’t that the dodgy letter writing campaign by Guardian readers to influence the US elections?
Didn’t it backfire spectacularly?…Who organised that I wonder?
Step forward BBC General Director’s son, public school boy, Oxford educated, Ex-editor of the Guardian and now Labour Party Communication director…drum role please…Seumas Milne!
Well done comrade Seumas!
“Step forward BBC General Director’s son, public school boy, Oxford educated, Ex-editor of the Guardian and now Labour Party Communication director…drum role please…Seumas Milne!”
The Left likes to pitch itself as being anti-establishment. Is there any better example of today’s real establishment than this specimen ?
Cheer up!
The Oldham win means Corbyn stays on as leader.
Jim McMahon make the, aherm, “organised postal vote” (wherever did the beeb mean by this?) in a safe seat but the clowns in Oldham voted for faux-cialist Meecher for decades when he was clearly a self serving hypocrite with a dozen buy-to-rents and a second home in the Cotswolds with his own built tennis court. Why would they change?
The battle is in the marginals not safe seats…clearly.
The British public wouldn’t vote for Ed and Ed (who now seem a safe pair of hands…strange isn’t it?). So Corby and his band of 70’s Sparts? Naaaaahhh. This win is a great shovel to help them keep on digging. Let them enjoy their time in the sun. Their elected MP was a Liz Kendall supporter anyway.
If you agree with me or not. Take a look at the French election prediction on the 6th and the 13th from the FT.
The BBC will hate it! You might just love that pie chart…
Corbyn will stay on to see the end of Labour .The win at Oldhamistan finished off Hilarity Benn’s short lived hopes of becoming leader, but Labour is finished. No white working class base and soon the muslims will have their own party. Its goodbye Labour.
The fat lady has sung, even though she has not appeared on the BBC
Yasmin Alibaba Brown is always singing from the Guardian hymn sheet on the BBC.
Its a point I’ve made else where – Labour activists are cock-a-hoop with their ‘landslide victory’ and are even boastful of their moslem block vote – But its not so long ago , at Tower Hamlets, that it bit them in the arse.
How long before the rest of their imported voter stock decide they need Labour less than Labour needs them?
Arif Ansari, BBC Political editor, North West:
‘This (Oldham) was a surprise result for Labour, but an unexpectedly good one ……….UKIP blames the postal vote and the number of Asian voters who use it. But that’s the system the party is up against’.
Thanks for that Arif. Glad to hear that the BBC’s North West Political Editor (himself of South Asian ethnicity) is pleased with the result and has no problems with “the system”.
Lovely accompanying photo of McMahon surrounded by ‘jubilant supporters’ (fellow Labour Councillors).
Out of the 16 members and deputies of McMahon’s council cabinet, ten are white and six are of South Asian ethnicity. Not a Black, Chinese, Inuit or transgender Romanian amongst the lot of them. Disgraceful. Perhaps David Lammy could write a stiff letter of complaint.
It may have surprised Labour and the pundit classes, but few others I know had much doubt.
Seems they need to pretend this to support all the ‘totally amazeballs’ headlines posts every other Beeboid ran earlier.
Whilst on Northern subjects, it seems this article has “accidentally” passed the good burghers at AlBeeb by. Maybe they were too busy celebrating the unexpected, rigged result in Oldham to pay much attention to what was happening in a neighbouring city.
No prizes for guessing the origins of the perps….
Whilst on Northern subjects, it seems this article has “accidentally” passed the good burghers at AlBeeb by. Maybe they were too busy celebrating the unexpected, “totally fair”, result in Oldham to pay much attention to what was happening in a neighbouring city.
No prizes for guessing the origins of the perps….
They are really going through the book aren’t they. Kiddie fiddling. Financial irregularities. Slum landlords. Postal fraud. Tax avoidance. Honor killing. Genital mutilation. Car insurance scams. Child beating. No go area intolerance. High prison population. Support for terrorism. Wife bashing. Living off benefits. Gay hatred. Antisemitic. Wives treated like property. Racist. Low IQ. Inhumane treatment of animals. Refusal to integrate. Always complaining they are the victim. Finger wagging intolerance. Attacking or killing apostates. Bombers. Turning their own countries into hell holes.
Yet the “real” problem, according to Beeboids and their ilk, is the likelihood of a “backlash” from the native English population, against what they clearly see as acceptable behaviour and something which all right-thinking people should welcome into our country.
Can’t you just feel the enrichment………………?
What was that I heard on the news about an elderly Maoist leading some cult that enslaved female followers into worshipping the Dear Leader as a God?
I’m glad you made it clear that it was a cult, a perversion of true Maoism, which we all know is the ideology of peace.
How interesting to hear on “the Now Show” that Tyson Fury won’t be allowed to win BBC sports personality of the year because of his un PC views !
That’s surprising as Fury is one of the oppressed “Traveller” minority. Shame on AlBeeb. Oh wait, he’s white and a born again Christian…..
“Does anyone remember laughter?”
In the live version of Stairway To Heaven( from “The Song Remains The Same” film 1976)-Robert Plant asked us all this question?
Funnily enough-the same year as Les Dawson appeared on “The Good Old Days”-just seem a rerun of this on BBC4 a few minutes ago.
Just seen this genius in action-and thanks to Les .Leonard and the like who gave us this wondrous parody of a bygone era-I can now remember when the BBC DID give us laughter.
Another age-Plant an unlikely prophet of the death of the BBCs efforts to make a nation laugh.
We`ll never see his like again-nor will we see the BBC ever try to make us all laugh again-as opposed to their demographic of chums and liberal readers in the market for grave robbing Thatchers family for signs of her “evil”.
I heard Farage interviewed on Toady and by Jezza Vine on his show; I thought he got his point across well (despite the short time he had to do so, particularly on Whine’s show) and I especially liked the way he quoted from an article in The Grauniad, re the Pakistani immigrants in Oldham, who can’t speak a word of English yet get to vote in Parliamentary elections.
On a related point – this country’s completely f***ed!
Why doesn’t Essexc***’s mate do something about it? Oh, I remember now, he won’t: because he’s a spineless tw@t who tells us that it will make our country safer to waste billions of pounds in (another) open-ended, counter-Isamic, Middle Eastern war; rather than deal with the (ever increasing) imported and “home grown” anti-British, Muslim rubbish already here, within our own bloody back garden. FFS!
No need for insults, Al Shitill , he is hardly going to order the RAF to bomb Bradford & the North West . can`t really deport them, if they were born here , human rites lawyers would have a field day .
Times change. Revolutions, when they occur, can happen overnight. Never say never.
No Essextw@t, I don’t expect him “to bomb Bradford & the North West”; I do, however, expect the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to defend to his utmost; the indigenous subjects of this nation, which he is privileged to lead, from those resident immigrants and their descendants, who would harm them and their country.
What kind of leader is cowed in the defence of their country by Human Rights lawyers? Change the f***ing law then! So what if they were born here? Do you think if we expelled such people from our country, that it would encourage or discourage anti-British elements amongst Muslims resident here?
No matter how much they hate us (and they do really hate us) they love our benefits, a la Anjem with his “Jihad Fund” supported by the social security he receives. I notice how the most vocal Muslim parasites like him, never go anywhere near the Islamic State even though they call incessantly for a world wide Caliphate.
They should all be got rid of out of the country; especially the British scum who’ve converted to Islam, due to the heightened terrorist threat they pose to the rest of us; there are plenty of Muslim countries for them to choose to go to.
But, of course, Camerloon won’t – he hasn’t the guts. He causes this country to potentially become enmeshed in another war, but this time possibly concluding in conflict with the Russians.
Well done Camerturd! Great stuff!
Is not fraudulent postal voting a criminal offence?
If so, any one in England and Wales can contact the Greater Manchester Police and report a suspected allegation of this offence. It would then have to be investigated. You don’t have to be a direct victim of an alleged offence to report a suspected crime.
Many crimes reported to the police are based upon suspicion of a criminal offence being committed.
The police response may well be that there is no evidence. But you can disagree and refer their ‘lack of investigation’ to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).
For a start, a random sample of postal voters should be spoken to by the police. If they don’t exist, this would indicate postal fraud. Further samples should then be taken. And so on.
Perhaps the majority of peoples who live in England need to adopt and use these new style voting tactics? The BBC appears unconcerned about fraudulent postal voting and has spent years celebrating the remarkable ‘tolerance’ of the English people. Perhaps those with a long history of living in England should celebrate their extraordinary reputation for tolerance by adopting the Biradri/ Baradri ‘brotherhood’ style of voting gifted to them by people from other cultures who have chosen to live in England.
Vigil at the Finsbury Park Mosque attended by Corbyn briefly covered in BBC London and Standard. Someone tried to light a fire there, and the luvvies and lefties are out in solidarity.
Although the arson attack must have been due to climate change this was not mentioned.
“Someone tried to light a fire there” … what?, inside job again?, Insurance fraud?
“hold the presses” eh!
Sharia UK: Another Islamic child rape gang …… member says 13-year-old victim seduced him
“1st defendant to give evidence in the trial of 13 Asian males accused of raping a vulnerable underage schoolgirl told the jury she was a willing partner in their sexual encounters.”
I look forward to similar coverage, and attendance by the Labour Party leader should, God forbid, any similar incident at a synagogue.
The Labour Party is all about equality after all.
Were the attenders marshalled into male and female sections?
The news showed a can “supposedly” containing petrol. that bloody Mosque could withstand a fucking Panzer division attack. (sorry for swearing but I wish they would all fuck right off).
Have the yanks got any “tactical” nukes we can borrow?
Just how useless and incompetent is the European Parliament? They have been talking about this crisis for at least 2 years now and still have done nothing about it?
The fences are going up and Europe has been invaded. Merkel has invited more and more so called ‘asylum seekers’ in and now can’t cope. Our ‘so called ‘Prime Minister ‘ is going back on his election promise on curbing migration. He still wants Britain to remain in the EU!
Time to Vote UKIP and get the hell out, before its to late.
And fresh from the BBC News Facebook page:
“Why are the Duchess of Cambridge’s neighbours complaining?”
Haven’t got a clue and couldn’t give a toss.
Perhaps the BBC could provide British licence payers with an explanation as to why they expect them to fund this garbage for the purpose of enabling ‘Tavy Tess, Dsanka Zdvaijevi Jocic, Marjer Silva Coesil and 631 others’ to idly click a ‘like’ button.
Towards the end of tonight’s PM on Radio 4 Eddie Mair announced that there would be no “Previously on PM” because they were going to delight us with a full length interview of great importance. It began with Mair reciting this litany:
Planes crash God laughs
God sent the shooter
Pray for more dead soldiers
God hates fages
God hates Jews
Thank God for breast cancer
Thank God for 9/11
He continued with “Those slogans have all been used by the Westboro Baptist Church”
It continued with an interview with the granddaughter of Fred Phelps (founder) who left the church three years ago. I have no idea what she said as I switched off. I am sure it was a pure coincidence that they suddenly discovered this pre-recorded interview on the day after the Jihadi attack in San Bernadino. A cynic?Moi?
The BBC does not come out of this well. Maybe they’ll set Radio 3 Counties and BBC World Service on Mr. Letts too.
They are going to need a bigger staff budget.
Speaking of lots and lots of well paid BBC staff not doing anything near making programmes:
W1A really didn’t get near how f***ed up the BBC actually is.
Nice to see A. Newsroom Tealady getting a mention in the top comment.
Oh enough already!
Just saw Jon Sopel wandering around the house that those two Muslim murderers vacated before killing 14 “co-workers” in San Bernardino.
We see the usual prayerathon from a local stadium, candles and doe-eyed sad headscarves…we see a manly tear and a cardboard signs we see so often that the BBC must have laminated it and brought it to every bloody “guncrime” site in Europe. It says “why?”…as if the Koran in shot later gives no answers.
The sign though never makes it to abortion clinics when they are shot up though-because then we all KNOW what causes that…white Christian postal workers or Breivik type fascists who read the Mail.
Out come the lawyers-Hispanic?…Muslim?…who knows-but everybody`s shocked I tellsya…who`d have known? CAIR nearby and the Nation Of Islam doubtless too.
Well-don`t need to go too deep online before we all KNOW that this “woman” is named after a Caliphate king in Andalus or such…that there are no photos of her, or evidence of her true identity-the nom de guerre she`s using is Islamic “come on” for the next nuttaz.
Met in Pakistan?…married in Saudi?..or was it vice versa?
But the local Muslim imam tells us that their act is as akin to Islam as Colorado`s was to Christianity…no further questions then, that satisfies me.
And the FBI/local police all talk the Guardian line…”well pretend we didn`t hear that Abdul”..and “we`re wearing shinpads now, so don`t kick us please will ya?”
And Islam gets another victory as we weep over the lost teddies and sad flowers that 14 lives now bring-few less than 130, but no Jim Morrison posters either…and no !Imagine”
AND the Bombadier cafe opened today in Paris again…TAKE THAT Daesh!
(For we can all call them that again, Cameron has stepped up the rhetoric)…Grrr!
Think the likes of Delingpole, Murray nd Steyn have all given us the “six stages of denial ” that Islam brings out of the elite…all ending with “no backlash please, let them try again”…it gets better filmwise.
Al Zarqawis six stages of Caliphate enslavement would appear to be better grounded in fact and precedent-and the craven self abasement whenever Islam places our friends head on our rotten wasted bodies, is included.
Breaking Bad forver-concocting any lies, cocktails or tinctures in the hope we`ll give up and let Islam win…because the BBC get even better stories if they do…and , were I a Muslimmonsta I`d see San Bernardino as a white flag with a post menstrual blob on it for those dishy jihad sharks to slaver over…as if knickers in a childrens home basket fails to inspire.
Where`s Tommy Robinson-and will he stand for Oldham next time FFS?
I wonder if she lived in fear of a sidelong glance on the bus before she slaughtered folk in yet another pre-emptive response from the global lone wolf collective?
Guess we’ll never know, unless the BBC decide to create a back story to understand her motivations, as they do seem often keen to devote much effort to.
chrisH – great post.
No photographs of the wife. That is most odd. Are there none available or did she always wear a headscarf?
Not to mention one or two (including myself) here!
“The BBC should stop referring to Islamic State killers as militants, and call them the terrorists they are, say MPs.
The broadcaster has an effective ban on the word terrorist, arguing that its impartiality could be thrown into doubt.”
How about, an effective ban on the words Islamic state, by f-cking Camoron, eh! and the rest of the Westminster clueless, arguing that its denial of reality could be thrown into doubt.
Totally OT, but a side article has the term ‘competitive showering’ for two slappers vying for votes on IACGMOOH. Lol.
Rumeana Jahangir, BBC News, Manchester, has been employed by the BBC to broadcast the following important message to the mix of white, poorly educated, elderly, backward looking chavs and plebs (aka all those with English ethnicity) that the BBC has decided must be specifically targeted to receive important Beeboid messages:
“Oldham Asians dismiss UKIP’s claim of election fraud”
Thanks Jumeana. We’ve had quite a while to get used to the messages. We’re just left wondering what sort of place you, the BBC, and the rest of those who now control England’s media, land, politics etc want to create. Feel free to share your vision.
For some reason the name Mandy Rice Davies just popped into my head.
It is rather special, isn’t it?
Though I do note the longer than usual headline that actually offers all one needs to not bother reading further.
Usually it would be ‘UKIP’s claims of election fraud dismissed’ and a long time before the para in the copy before one finds it’s just a self-serving bit of PR faithfully trotted out by the BBC sisterhood that is not news (c) An Actual Reporter.
George Moonbat turned up spouting climate garbage on “any questions” with ad homs on Piers Corbyn, “the very poor weatherman” to boot
This “Astrophysicist and meteorologist, Piers Corbyn, has a prediction success rate of roughly 85%…better than any of the “man made” climate change activists and proponents in the field of climate science” Piers Corbyn, George?
‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ comes to mind ……….'s_New_Clothes
Sadly we are exporting our jobs to the Far East.
Piers Corbyn , “they closed the British Steel industry to reduce CO2 in Britain and its regrown in India to make more CO2”. Lets get out of the EU and its absurdity.
The family Xmas get-together must be a hoot.
Who needs wacky xmas jumpers …
Fantastic example of belligerent common sense
… tinged with Brit eccentricity
So you watch the so called BBC newsroom in the background in the so called Breakfast interviews. They all appear to be on the so called internet . So let me get this right they are seeing the real news out there and then taking out the bits that don’t fit their agenda and then reporting that as news on the T.V ? All from the so called pre-eminent news gatherer on the planet. Still Charlie,s hair looks nice again bet his missus can’t get in the bathroom at home. Nice to see Ainsley Harriott knighted for services to Lenny Henry . I liked Lenworth in the black and white minstrel show
Well, I popped in hoping for a review of QT as I don’t watch TV. Read the above, but am not much clearer how it went.
IPlayer awaits a civic contribution to correct any shortfall.
I had a good chuckle this morning a Micheal Deacon’s piss take of Stephen Fry, one of AlBeeb’s (and supposedly ours’) national treasures on how to deal with Daesh.…-Stephen-Fry.html
“It was, as it so often is, Stephen Fry who had the answer.
“There’s only one rule in conflict,” he told his 11.7million followers on Twitter this week, as the Commons vote on air strikes loomed. “Do what your enemy LEAST wants you to do. And here we are stumbling towards what they MOST want us to do.”
I must confess, I tend to shy away from debates about how we should tackle Isil. They make me feel so naive and ill-informed. Because no matter where the debate takes place – the pub, a dinner party, social media – it will be dominated by people who feel able to pronounce, with impressive authority, on What the Terrorists Really Want.
Should we bomb them? “Ah, but that’s exactly what the terrorists want us to do,” one such expert will inform me. “It would give them a tremendous propaganda victory. See how Britain hates Muslims!”
Should we then refrain from bombing them? “Ah, but that’s exactly what the terrorists want us to do,” another such expert will inform me. “It would give them a tremendous propaganda victory. See how weak Britain is!”
Whichever answer they give me, I always listen in humbled admiration. What extraordinary contacts these experts must have, to be able to declare with certainty what the Isil leadership privately thinks about British foreign policy. Too embarrassed to confess that I have never befriended even a junior member of the Isil hierarchy, I keep my mouth bashfully shut.
These people, it’s clear, are dauntingly well-connected. And no one, of course, is more dauntingly well-connected than Stephen Fry. When the celebrated raconteur and television personality holds forth on what the terrorists MOST want Her Majesty’s Government to do, there is no reason to believe that he is speaking from anything other than impeccable first-hand information. Among his friends Mr Fry numbers pre-eminent figures from every sphere, even royalty; so it should hardly come as a surprise to learn that he is also in the confidence of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of 2015’s most talked-about death cult.
How Mr Fry first made the acquaintance of Mr al-Baghdadi, I have been unable to ascertain; possibly the two were introduced at one of London’s exclusive private members’ clubs, or at a Bafta awards ceremony.
Evidently, however, their friendship has deepened to a sufficient degree that Mr al-Baghdadi had no hesitation in confiding to Mr Fry what he most wanted Britain to do. Namely, to drop bombs on his terrorist organisation and its main sources of income.
Since, as those in the know have made clear, both bombing Isil and not bombing Isil are complete non-starters, we are in desperate need of some other way to uphold our national security. Could Mr Fry be persuaded to call in a favour from his friend, by asking him ever so politely not to murder us?
I fear it is our only hope.”
Phew, and here was me worried Botney was being scapegoated.
Clearly not news to BBC Editors of Integrity, but maybe Diane or Sir Lenny could be teased out the Green rooms to opine on old white guys heading each other such largesse?
Taxi for Mr Yentob!
The FBI call it terrorism – we couldn’t possibly comment. We knew Fiona Bruce’s accountant had been had up – now I read in a newspaper he’s been sent down for a long stretch. BBC News at 10, despite one of Attenborough’s more scary efforts being advertised wall to wall, I sense Fiona the tiger’s claws retract- grrrr!
Nature shows? Rigsby once lamented he’d not been close to nature since last Christmas – now that was the 1970s and that statement – like a fart in an elevator, was wrong on so many levels. You used to tune in and see these two caterpillars on a leaf – next minute don’t look kids they’re getting it on. Now it’s caution : Global Warming, right from the start.
Storm Desmond has turned what used to be the reassuringly measured and calm warm beer and spinsters cycling to church weather forcast into a howling blue-lighted alert warning.
Was that Sopel over there at the scene of the Alamo last night? Like our 5th November, I forget. Oh the humanity, one Allah’s kids is now an orphan – where do I send my donations?