The BBC makes a lot of noise about Muslims being victims of ‘Islamophobia’, most such ‘attacks’ actually being online, will the BBC be making as much noise about a far worse persecution…the ethnic cleansing of Christians…by Muslims…this being the BBC that not long ago told us that Christians were thriving in the Middle East and enjoying life to the full in Gaza?….
From Breitbart:
EuroParliament Prez: Christians ‘Not Safe In Our Continent’
In a high-level meeting on religious persecution in Brussels, the President of the European Parliament (EP) said that Europe cannot afford to continue ignoring the fate of Christians, who are “clearly the most persecuted group” in the world.
In Wednesday’s meeting, EP President Martin Schulz said that the persecution of Christians is “undervalued” and does not receive enough attention, which has also meant that it “hasn’t been properly addressed.”
Schulz’s concerns were echoed by EP Vice President Antonio Tajani, who warned that Europe sometimes “falls into the temptation of thinking we can ignore this task,” referring to the protection Christians throughout the world who suffer persecution.
Speakers cited the work of Open Doors, a human rights organization that monitors the persecution of Christians, noting that 150 million Christians worldwide suffer torture, rape and arbitrary imprisonment. Christians in Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Pakistan, North Korea and Nigeria are among those hardest hit.
The Open Doors report for 2015 found that “Islamic extremism is by far the most significant persecution engine” of Christians in the world today and that “40 of the 50 countries on the World Watch List are affected by this kind of persecution.”
“The West must break the silence on the persecution of Christians in the world,” said Tajani, and Europe must promote “a model of society in opposition to religious radicalism and brutal and criminal projects, such as creating an Islamic caliphate in Iraq and Syria and then extending its tentacles into to Libya.”
“It should shake us up,” said Schulz, “that on our continent, Christians are not safe.”
When was the last time the BBC did a report on Christianaphobia? Christians are being bullied up and down the land and persecuted by Muslim extremists across the globe, but silence from the BBC, Hopeless and Hate, United With Fascism, Liebour and SWP (Socialist Wollybrain Party).
It is a feature of BBC coverage of ISIS activities that the victims of the oppressors include Kurds, women, gays and Yazidis yet Christians are rarely mentioned.
Indeed this omission is also general in all the media, and was noticeable in Hilary Benns speech last night.
Christians appear to be persecuted yet forgotten, subject to a genocide that is denied by the US government among others.
Aid to the Church in Need have produced a recent report on this important subject of our times.
The link is to a video produced by the same charity.
Alan, Muslims have a history of persecution of everyone, including other “Muslims” since Mohammed was alive.
In a c19 Chinese internecine war the stated aim of one Islamic group was to kill all Buddhists.
Hindus have been persecuted for over 1000 years. The number of Hindus killed by Muslims, because they were Hindus, is unknown, the highest estimate I have seen in print is 800 million.
Jews and Christians have been persecuted by Muslims since the creation of “Islam”.
I could not care less if Muslims are the targets of abuse, they bloody well deserve it.
I do not believe reports of “moderate” Muslims, ISIS are genuine Muslims carrying out the demands of Allah. The “moderates” will do as the real Muslims ask.
That the EU is now showing concern, real or otherwise, for Christians is highly ironic. Muslims have been imported into Europe by lefties because genuine Europeans, whites, will not vote for the suicidal policies of the Marxists. “Not safe in our continent”, a joke, it is the sick traitors in the EU who have been trying, with some success, to make Europe every ones continent for decades.
The real problem I have is Muslims or Europhiles? Which to get rid of first?
Good post apart from the Muslim imports – Muslims have been imported to ‘boost’ the economy. If it weren’t for immigration, our economy would decline rapidly.
Ah Edward, I was wondering if your head had been removed by a member of the ROP.
“If it weren’t for immigration, our economy would decline rapidly.” [sic]
Total bollox, as the statistics demonstrate, 80% of female Muslims and 50% Muslims are on benefits,
some contribution!
Viewers of Crimewatch will know that their “most wanted” are 90% black, Asian, East European or
other dregs of the planet from elsewhere. The same non-Europeans who occupy most of our prison cells.
Which explains why you, Edward, have zero positive responses as of now.
How is the planet Zog these days?
My impression is that, of non-European immigrants, the most honest and hard-working would be Indians and Chinese and some other minorities. The most dishonest and laziest would be muslims. But that is just an impression.
Sorry “Male” disappeared in translation.
Are you sure the BBC propaganda on the benefit to the economy does not actually carefully refer to those coming from the EU.
The logical conclusion you may draw is that we only need a million or two more and all our economic problems will be solved!
When the “Auf Wiederhesen Pet” construction workers went over to Germany I’m sure they made a major net contribution, but when the situation changed they returned home.
Those who did not and married and had children and grew old will have been a net drain in the medium and longer term. Short term gain, long term pain.
“Muslims have been imported to ‘boost’ the economy”
Wrong, wrong WRONG!
Immigration of hard working people from multiple cultures does have a positive impact on our economy. MUSLIMS do not, because imported Muslims are mostly unemployed.
I fully believe in multiculturalism, but with TWO massive provisos.
One. Any culture which is dedicated to the subjugation and/or elimination of ALL other cultures should NOT be welcome. Appeasing such a culture and embracing them within all other cultures, will only lead to the eventual eradication of all other cultures and the imposition of a singular totalitarian monoculture.
Two. OUR native British traditional culture, heritage and customs MUST be protected.
If you really believe in multiculturalism, you will also oppose Islam. Because Multiculturalism will not only survive and thrive without Islam, if it does not confront Islam it will may ultimately be destroyed by Islam.
While Muslims rape, pillage, and murder their way across Britain and Europe
In this continuous drumbeat of Jihad, I’m surprised how patient we have been with Muslims. Its long past time to say “Enough, or else out you go”.
Then we have the media – training us how to respond in a Jihadi attack. In all cases we are supposed to behave like cowering sheep. In essence, submit to the Jihadi ,which is what he wants. Then the police arrive , terrorising the population, as if they are nothing but flotsam in the way, enforcing us to yet again to submit to the tyranny of the police.
The population instead of being proud and free, has now been reduced to the level of cowering sheep, first by the Jihadis, and then the police, fit for nothing but slaughter.
Lastly come the politicians and the media. They praise the police, then castigate the innocent non-Muslim people, preaching to them about the peaceful religion of Islam etc..Their first concern is the police, and then the Muslim community. Forget the sheeple.
While Muslims rape, pillage, and murder their way across Britain and Europe
In this continuous drumbeat of Jihad, I’m surprised how patient we have been with Muslims. Its long past time to say “Enough, or else out you go”.
Then we have the media – training us how to respond in a Jihadi attack. In all cases we are supposed to behave like cowering sheep. In essence, submit to the Jihadi ,which is what he wants. Then the police arrive , terrorising the population, as if they are nothing but flotsam in the way, enforcing us to yet again to submit to the tyranny of the police.
The population instead of being proud and free, has now been reduced to the level of cowering sheep, first by the Jihadis, and then the police, fit for nothing but slaughter.
Lastly come the politicians and the media. They praise the police, then castigate the innocent non-Muslim people, preaching to them about the peaceful religion of Islam etc..Their first concern is the police, and then the Muslim community. Forget the sheeple.
Here’s some religion of peace, love and understanding activists demonstrating their tolerance –
I agree with the views in this article… I’m sick of far-leftie actors preaching their vile apologist garbage. We should deport the scum along with their terrorist idols.
It’s such a shame. Rylance is the best actor of this generation. I’ve seen him over a dozen times and am in awe of his stage presence. I knew he was a lefty but this shows how shallow he is as a human being. If they want to protest “Stop the War” they need to protest at the source, ie the ones who are making the war. What Rylance, Charlotte Mosque, Cummerbund et al need to do is to go into the IS heartlands of Syria and Iraq and call on IS to stop the war, and see how ISIS behave against the Yazidis etc. How soon would they return (if left alive) and be calling for extreme action to be taken against ISIS.
This is the”educational” establishment whose “diversity” officer is Bahar Mustafa, she of the “Kill all White Men” comment, who later received the full force of the law, just like her fellow mass raping paedophile Muslims in Rotherham and elsewhere. She received a telling off.
Dave any chance our missiles could malfunction and not land in Syria but in [fill in your own desired destination here]?
The level of hatred of Christians in so-called civilised Western countries beggars belief. Apparently in the USA, atheists are mounting a campaign to ban organisations such as the Gideons from leaving Bibles in hotel rooms. That may seem trivial compared to the physical violence being done to Christians in most muslim countries ( although hindus need to have a look at their behaviour), but if these haters; who ironically introduced all the ridiculous hate laws; had their way, Christians would be killed here in the UK and the USA. With that kind of mentality it becomes more understandable why they won’t lift a finger to help Christians abroad. Visual evidence of the bbc’s hatred of Christians can be seen in their appointing a muslim as head of religious broadcasting.
So would you be happy if atheists left Darwin’s Origin of Species in every hotel room? Or even Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion?
Yes, and I can think of someone who could set up the appeal for funds to so do.
Based on his posts on here today he has a much of a problem with Christians as many do on here with members of the religion of peace wishing to enlighten others as to its delights by use of the AK47 and other less than pleasant means.
May I say that, as an atheist, I do not feel threatened by christians or people of any other religion, except Islam. If atheists want to attack religion, they should concentrate on Islam. The ones who are attacking christianity are simply cowards.
Grant. I totally agree with what you said. I too am an atheist but feel only threatened by one religion. I’m also against the anti-abortion extremists, who, like the animal rights people, kill people they disagree with, for their hypocrisy.
Demon , well said !
Unlike Mr Trunk, I am unaware of anyone attempting to ban either The Origin of Species or The God Delusion from being placed in hotel bedrooms.
I can personally vouch for the rapid effectiveness of the former in ensuring a good night’s sleep.
Perhaps a Rupert Bear annual would be nice – at least I could try out the origami with the hotel stationery.
Charles Darwin wasn’t an atheist. Not sure why you mentioned Origin of Species: many Christians accept evolution.
If people want to leave Dawkins’ book, they can, but the book is so bad it has been ridiculed by even other atheists. It wouldn’t accomplish much, except maybe show Dawkins for the hack he is to a wider audience.
Xavier, Richard Dawkins a ” hack ” ? Well, no-one could accuse you of that ! LOL !
In Thailand hotel rooms frequently have both the Gideon Bible and a Life of Buddha, donated by the Queen.
As we approach Christmas we can expect a BBC traditional offering. Christians suffer in Bethlehem and leave because of Israel. The last shepherd in Bethlehem will be rounded up to explain how his sheep suffer because of Israel. There is limited hotel space in Bethlehem, as it was on the first Christmas because of Israel. The Palestinian Authority has ordered churches in the Authority to mute Christmas celebrations, because of Israel.
BBC Christmas practically writes itself.