Muslims shoot people at Christmas party….motive? Unknown.
I like the BBC’s reaction to the killing of 14 people in San Bernardino…..of course the BBC makes very limited to no mention of the religion of the killers….however the BBC does have an angle on this….San Bernardino: What makes this shooting different?
The BBC were naturally hoping this would be a white supremacist killing spree and are happy, on finding it is the usual suspects, to distract people’s attention from the probable motives of the killers by linking them to other mass shootings in the US.
So what is so different about this shooting? Is it that the killers were both Muslim, or both wearing tactical clothing, body armour and cameras and had laid explosives….clearly indicating long term planning.
No, that’s not the difference. The difference is that the two killers were married to each other…sweet.
According to Shooting Tracker, a website that tallies gun violence in the US, there have only been eight confirmed cases of mass shootings being carried out by more than one attacker in the past year.
Woman involved
Female involvement is particularly rare, with 98% of mass shootings carried out by a man. This is the first mass shooting in over a year where a woman has been involved.
A bizarre and irrelevant distraction from the real story and the probable real motive and the important facts about the killers’ identity and background.
Good that CAIR has crept into the picture to manage the media image of Muslims….why is no one in the Media mentioning that CAIR is hardly respectable and is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood in America?
As further evidence comes to light perhaps President Obama should now call for the tightening of America’s pipe bomb laws?
According to ITV news, Syed Rizwan Farook had travelled recently to the Middle East and to Pakistan. Looks like some inconvenient truths may emerge in a day or two….requiring further skilful news “management”.
It does not seem to occur to the reporter that the obvious differences is what makes it more likely to be a terrorist attack.
The MSM will literally do anything now to obscure what might be an unpleasant reality.
I suspect it was a pay dispute over the Christmas bonus.
Good one.
For those wondering if “This has nothing to do with Islam”, is the cause of the latest outrage by the RoP.
I’m afraid that “This has nothing to do with Islam” is yesterdays Truth. The Ministry of Truth is working hard to get a new Truth out before the new year.
Watch BBC space for latest.
Isn’t CAIR funded by the Saudis & Qatari’s ?
CAIR has been designated a terrorist organization by the UAE, in an apparent attempt to expose Muslim Brotherhood affiliates operating in Western countries
and this from 2007 when they were unindicted co-conspirators in a terrorism prosecution in the USA regarding funding to Hamas
The BBC have actually used the line “it might have been a workplace dispute that turned violent” on their news 24 coverage.
Oh and the party was a “festive party”.
BBC choosing all the news that’s fit for us to hear, at our own expense.
Doesn’t every family keep an arsenal of assault rifles and pistols, a mountain of munnitions and a copious store of pipe bombs ready, just in case there’s a contretemps at work?
An old boss of mine once gave me a ‘partially met expectations’ on my annual review. So whaddya do? Straight back home to the missus to both get tooled up with miniguns of course. But bugger me, somebody had coincidentally criticized her spelling in her job so she’d already taken out the Abrams and flattened half the city. Said she was too tired for more mayhem and wanted to watch Downton Abbey. Women eh?
And Barry says it just “work place violence” again. No problem he’s asked the FBI to check. Perhaps their H & S Executive = should arrange for an in depth investigation as to why their work colleagues offended them so much that they had to resort to such an extreme reaction.
‘Holiday’ party not a festive or Christmas party.
Yeah but what I found utterly disgusting was how the BBC and the rest of the controlled media were starting their reports this morning with ‘White gunmen…` knowing full well that it was the usual suspects. To be frank, I was surprised that they didn’t churn out the old Right-wing Christian extremist crap.
I’m getting all sorts of verbal abuse over on another forum for daring to draw people’s attention to the fact that the two murderers were Muslim. It’s a video gaming forum and I’m commenting in the ‘off topic’ board. I’m well-used to being bullied, abused and vilified by the crowd there – the entire place is a liberal fascist’s refuge – student types who consider any mention of the word ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islam’ to be a ‘waaaaaycist!’ act.
Frankly, I’m at the stage now, having suffered previous temporary bans (yes, really!) for being a climate sceptic and calling into question The Holy Consensus, that I’m just commenting there for the shits and giggles. I’m still amazed at the sheer levels of wilful self-delusion and liberal moralising that kicks into gear the moment I write anything that threatens their cosy, self reinforced world view.
I used to get upset, possibly even angry, at the amount of unchecked abuse I receive from that crowd. Now I’m just entertained by it. Honestly, it’s just good fun to hop over there and rattle a few cages by simply offering an opinion they are simply not equipped to deal with. A regular army of doctrinaire little Hitlers – we have our excellent liberal fascist ‘educashun’ system to thank for that!
Best of luck. I am amazed when talking to the under 25s just how ignorant they are. I had to explain the Vietnam war to a couple today. They had never heard of it. The Cuban missile crisis was something completely unknown to them and their knowledge of the last 50 years woeful. As for futher back that was non existent.
These were two with university degress in something ot other but just ignorant. To their credit they were eager to learn.
Our schools are failing our young and by extension all of us.
These students, only probably go back to the year Zero, 1997, when the Evil Blair came to power. There was no history before that date, as reinforced by the Evil BBC.
You seem to be falling foul of SNATs – Sensitive New Age Totalitarians.
Very judgmental about being non-judgmental.
Alan Bloom called it the “Closing of the American Mind” – no need to learn anything about anything except what is politically correct.
Indeed all knowledge (and the attempt to seek the truth) is seen as a threat. The very concept of truth is attacked.
The new bible of the PC is “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” by Robert Fulghum.
From the contents of that book, it is easy to understand the rigid infantile mindset of the PC adherents.
I totally agree Dave S.
My youngster came home the other day, he is aware that i voted for UKIP mainly because I want out of the EU. He told me his class had a mock political vote prior to the recent election in the class. Only two in a class of 14 year olds voted for UKIP because the it was stated in the discussions that UKIP was a racist party. At no stage did the teacher correct this statement. I complained but nothing happened.
I support the idea of teaching children over the age of 11 politics but structured and with truths.
Teachers,lecturers, Chancellors at universities need to be seriously looked at in my view. They poison minds with lies.
“Teachers,lecturers, Chancellors at universities need to be seriously looked at in my view. They poison minds with lies.”
Or try to f**k their under age students, as we know, paedophilia is an accepted practice with the liberal scum, grooming is their game.
People need to educate their kids. A friend at work recently told me that his daughter had the school summer trip to a water park cancelled due to a ‘muzzer only day’!! All because the muzzer girls could protect their modesty.
She asked her dad if this sort of thing happened in his day (he is around 40) he told her straight…no it didn’t, his school hardly had any muzzers. His daughter has seen the light and now knows the truth. Job done.
As for the shooting in the U.S. I can’t believe the lefty media are still trying to blag their way out of it…combat gear, guns, bomb making equipment, mad as they come, erm, just your average 2.2 kids couple, eh?
Obummer was funny, he actually looked as shocked as Hollande did recently? Just how many atrocities do these wankers have to endure before they realize that their warped ideology is destroying the world!!
Hilary Benn’s peroration was all about the contempt that Isil ( whatever name you like) hold for our western values, democracy etc etc. This is all true of course but, many more Muslims hold similar views than just those who are signed up members of Isil. Indeed, as far as I can make out, it is quite a common strand of Islam to hold such views, even though you may never expect to put them into practise. It seems to me that if you do believe that sort of stuff, even if only in a remote’ it was all in the past sort of way’, it will not require a great deal to radicalise you so that you do want to put these anti western views into practise.
I believe that if you listen carefully to what some politicians are now saying, buried amidst the ROP stuff, there are hints of the beginning of a shift towards being seriously concerned that it isn’t just Muslims fanatics who wish us ill, but that the hatred of the West runs much deeper in Islam than that. We are still a long way from these views being able to be spoken openly, but a shift is happening. Of course our friends at the BBC will immediately leap on any politician who says such things clearly and unambiguously and label them racist, Islamophobic etc etc, attempting to wreck their careers and so the politicos have to tread carefully . Once again the BBC is running the country and wrecking it!
Each terrorist outrage brings us a little closer to the truth being able to be told . What can possibly be done about ‘the truth’ is another matter but the first thing to do when you are in a deep hole is to stop digging. So no more Muslim immigrants would be an essential first step.
Benn also painted a rosy picture of Labour Party history.
Which omitted a large number of skeletons in the disgusting cupboard that is the history of their beloved, treasonous, organisation.
John Stonehouse.
Tom Driberg.
Bob Mellish.
Paul Flowers.
Hope that sets the ball rolling over the biggest Lefty Labour scumbags in modern British history…
Harold Wilson – Soviet Sympathiser.
Denis Healey – Soviet Agent.
Jack Jones – Soviet Agent.
Emanuel Shinwell – Soviet Sympathiser, Israeli Agent?
Blair, Mandelson, Brown, Minibrand, NewLabourGenocidal Traitors.
All dedicated to the destruction of the UK.
Reports in the BBC denying voting irregularities in Olham. By UKIP? No. By Conservatives? No.
By the Muzzie loving bend over tapeworms of the Labour Party? Yes, quelle surprise.
Yes, no mention of fighting Communist totalitarianism. Some media cretin said that Benn père “had a notable record fighting fascism during WWII”. What is always left out is that Benn had no interest in getting involved in the war between British Imperialism and German Fascism as long as the Hitler Stalin pact was observed. The minute Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, Benn, hurried back to Britain from Africa not to defend his”imperialist, colonialist” home country but to help weaken the enemy of the Soviet Union. The leftist useful idiots and earnest fools have no difficulty in glorifying violence when it furthers their ideological idees fixes. The “armed struggle” in Northern Ireland is an “anti-colionialist war” fought by IRA “heroes and martyrs ” defending an “oppressed people”. No wonder the Jihadist “narrative” is so appealing to Corbyn, Abbot, Lucas Livingstone et al.. It’s simply a variation on the “narrative” they’ve used for the last 60 years. The leftists and Jihadists both see the “capitalist” West as the “Great Satan” as do a large number of Christian earnest fools. All three have come to the conclusion that the West is “sinful” and should be replaced or destroyed. The Jihadists by violence, the Leftists by trying to undermine any effective action the West might take to protect itself (bogus peace movements etc.) and the churchy types by moral platitude.
And what of Hilary Benns own party?…don`t they have the same contempt for the USA, for Israel, for the rule of law, for free speech, for competitive markets,our Christian moral compass(yes, it`s a problem as well when you choose to misuse and abuse it) for the English language, for the British(and yes, the English) peoples, for our history, our original rooted culture?
In truth IS and Labour want the same destination, but Labour aren`t clear enough to know that their revolution could never last the consequent generations that followed-and Islam wants THAT fear wiped off the map and at birth-very Einsatzgruppen( and Benns Fascist meme was mentioned to be fair).
Benn could never scare IS, any more than his dappy dad would have.
Cheer up sir.
I find that many of my kids see UKIP as the rebellious option-they`ve had a bellyful of Obama posters and Al Gore-and the brighter, more charismatic ones are subverting and getting ready to “Roar”( to quote Katy Perry!).
One school had the “Head Boy”-who was elected by those the school despises-split vote!-insist that UKIP would get banners in school if the Obama crap wasn`t pulled down at reception-and it happened!
Of course the public sector will now blacklist his and his mates-but they`ll be OK…the revolution will not be televised, knees not bent to Baal etc, etc…
Be of good cheer sir!
My kids saw UKIP as the rebellious option…and vote accordingly, now they`re growing up.
One school had a UKIP “Head Boy” who was voted in by a year group sick of Obama and Gore…they`d had a bellyful in every bleedin` subject, and chose to “Roar”( to quote Katy Perry).
He threatened the SLT at the school with open UKIP banners and rosettes if the Obama crap in reception and the art department walls was not removed-he got the victory, but only until he left-but the point was made.
Knees not bent to Baal, revolution not being televised etc…
None of them will be allowed to work in the public sector I bet…but methinks that they`ll not have to-charisma, cojones and Christ will suffice, please God and praise the Lord!
chrisH, “SLT” ? But you make a good point that the Left think that all kids have no minds of their own and can be brainwashed but it is not true of all of them .
The “So-called BBC” News at Ten still desperately painting the San Bernardino attack as mainly a gun control issue (and nothing at all to do with Islam). It’s utterly shocking and astounding. What fools they take us for.
The BBC is, of course, right.
The San Bernadino and Paris killings show that Islam isn’t misogynist but ‘an equal opportunity’ killer-kult, unlike the nasty CofE that fought tooth-and-nail against women priests and bishops.
Bizarre and irrelevant distractions from the BBC? The very idea.
At least Danny Cohen will be thrilled that his sole contribution to BBC reporting standards has made it to balance in the sky fairy nut job psycho killer diversity industry.
I think the Express headline sums up what is missing from the BBC’s pathetic effort:
“‘Devout’ Muslim and Saudi wife kill 14 in massacre – Obama says could be ‘terrorism'”
Alan, it was only a few days ago that someone killed 3 people (including a police officer) and wounded 12 more at a family planning clinic. The BBC were careful not to assume or even report that it was some crazy Christian fundamentalist, even though it was!
Once again, cherry-picking stories to further your argument is leaving you looking biased – exactly the thing you’re campaigning against. You’re letting the side down.
Yeah, the Muslim dickheads killed more people than the Christian dickhead, but I don’t see how that promotes Christianity above Islam.
#1 So why are you adducing the Daily Mail as your “evidence” ?
#2 Why are you still comparing? We have buried this one 8,000,000 time and you failed critics still keep disinterring it.
The New Testament teaching is peace, love thy neighbour, turn the other cheek.
The abortion killer was not behaving like a Christian.
Whereas the Muslims are doing EXACTLY WHAT THE KORAN commands.
Do not bother us with the puerile “argument” again.
Maybe this will Edward.
1. Jesus died on a cross, rose again and has no tomb as a consequence. He had no dreams of rising on a winged horse out of Jerusalem, he killed no people and his close circle of friends and witnesses preferred to be flayed alive, crucified or fed to lions that deny that He had not risen from the tomb. And ten or more generations were willing to suffer the same tortures and hellish deaths before the Empire that crucified Him became Christendom as we know of it today( if we are still allowed to read the books that tell of it).
2. Muhammad heard half-arsed bits of the Gospels and the Torah, gave himself Friday because the other two were taken by the Jews and Christians, created Mecca for a parody of Jerusalem when the Jews rejected his claims, ran amok through the region killing all who opposed his army, married little girls and left chaos for the future Sunni and Shia sects to fight over `til today. His goats(see Mt 25) believed his cock and bull fantasies of Jesus having a body double at the cross, of making clay pigeons come alive and all the rest. Yet they dare to co-opt the Jesus Christ of history as a mere warm up act for Muhammads terrors and ignorance,
3. AND-we can and shall say all this because Muhammad rejected idolatry-of him, as much as of anything else…much as the Jews did as he imagined it, before he lopped off their heads and forced them off their land.
Idolatry is blasphemy-so to associate Muhammads “sanctity” with God HImself is a tenet of islam-but not one they choose to allow the rest of us to use-and we`re too thick, too chicken to fight them over it. The beatification of Muhammad is a new concoction, used to bully the kuffar into compliace and acquiescence…don`t fall for it.
No my friend-I`ve given you all you need to know why I say that Christianity is to be promoted above Islam-because the f**in public sector will ALWAYS place a Koran above the Bible…muslims insist on it, the church is past caring about what the messages are in THAT.
Recommend you try looking at the life of the founder of Protestantism Martin Luther who wrote explicit anti-Semitic passages and in his name over his life over a 100000 German peasants were killed
Martin Luther also called The Pope – `The Anti-Christ`
I know 7Clubs-a nasty anti-Semite to his core.
But that says nothing about Jesus does it?…just something about what theologians and clerics at the time would do anything to get their way.
Islam has no Luther-if it did so, then we could take the Koran apart and apply it to our own lives,with no thought of killing those outside the cult.So until it even APPROACHES its rising above its “Stoning Age”…then there`s no point in discussing it.
Jesus was Jewish-the Jews are Gods chosen people, like it or not-and Paul cites their “redemption song” in Romans 9-11…now whether Luther is in heaven or in hell for not noticing this chumk of scripture is between them all up there halfway to paradise.
God Bless Israel-read the red in the Gospels, and see you when you get there.
Heard the ITV News last night tell me that the San Bernadino shoot ups were maybe a result of a hybrid (“their word”) of “terrorism and workplace violence”.
A new one on me-and then I looked at US liberal sites, and the lofty thoughts of Obama as he riffed off from his lazyboy-and saw the selfsame “meme”…the “cooked-up concept”…the “absolution of Islam and the absence of jihad, the quiet removal from the scene”-as if the ghost of Abu Hamza is being ghosted from the dock at the court of public opinion , and being ushered into the BBCs Green Room(Islamic Green naturally) so a new word order can get yet another stab at the OED next year.
I myself wasn`t there at the birth of Islamophobia or xenophobia…or the cosmetic surgery done to “solidarity”, “vulnerable” or ” investment”…but it`s been a joy to see workplace violence conflated with Islam…guessing that Fort Hood was our starter for 14…lives wasted by two Muslims on jihad safari…and the liberal media wipe the dabs, kiss the Koran and blame council staff for enjoying the time that Jesus is commemorated…as opposed to Muhammads “birthday”…or “Winterval”…or the downing of the Lockerbie plane…which the BBC would be gloating over if Sturgeon and Salmond were not in fear of embarrassment.
Rest assured that Lockerbie will be a Eid extension for the coming of Islam to the West in our lifetime…and Valentines Day will be turned into the first time the umma rose in the UK to bother Thatcher with the issue of Rushdies fatwa in 89.
The BBC won`t be here to trumpet all this-but it`s doing plenty good work for Allah..and ITV/Sky seem to be no better.
Thank the Lord for the Internet and its independents…
The media had its collective knickers in a twist. The first report I heard was that there was shooting in a Planned Parenthood clinic. The second report said it was in a facility “one two miles away” from the Planned Parenthood Clinic. There was speculation about far right groups…they were desperate to pin it on white nut cases (preferably Christians). The most amazing report included the phrase “three masked shooters, all of them white”. If they were masked how could you tell?
But now the public is pretty good these days at de-coding this stuff. When I heard Obama talking to CBS (?) soon after I could tell what the truth would turn out to be. He wasn’t in his usual “blame the cops” mode. But I still don’t understand what he meant by his statement about restricting gun sales to people on the no fly list. Seemed such a strange thing to say in this context.
ISIS claims responsibility for California Massacre (Mail), BBC = tumbleweed
Daily Mail
Meanwhile so far at 12.14 today on the BBC website – just tumbleweed……
ISIS claims responsibility for California Massacre
Daily Mail Link should be –
This MUST be headline news on the BBC . Surely they cannot avoid. Albeit that it will be in a voice as if there has been a death in the BBC family. ” The BBC, we love all terrorists “.